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DATE OF ISSUE 6/11/2019


 TDK Electronics AG. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this publication, enclosures hereto and the
information contained therein without TDK Electronics' prior express consent is prohibited
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1. Fundamentals .......................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Subprograms ........................................................................................................... 4
1.2.1. Material Form .................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2. Core Form ......................................................................................................... 4
1.2.3. Graph Control ................................................................................................... 4
1.2.4. Starting the Program ........................................................................................ 5
1.2.5. Exiting the Program ......................................................................................... 5
2. Fundamentals on Operation ........................................................................................ 5
2.1. Selection of the Material / Core ............................................................................ 5
2.2. Data Point Reader .................................................................................................. 5
2.3. Graph Control .......................................................................................................... 5
2.4. Graph Output ........................................................................................................... 5
2.5. Input Fields............................................................................................................... 5
2.6. Output Fields ........................................................................................................... 5
3. Material Form ................................................................................................................. 5
3.1. Hysteresis Loop....................................................................................................... 5
3.1.1. Procedure .......................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2. Zoom Function .................................................................................................. 6
3.2. Initial Permeability ................................................................................................... 6
3.2.1. Procedure .......................................................................................................... 7
3.2.2. Intermediate Values of μi ................................................................................ 7
3.3. Power Loss .............................................................................................................. 7
3.3.1. Procedure .......................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2. Measured values of PL .................................................................................... 9
3.3.3. Steinmetz coefficients ...................................................................................... 9
3.3.4. Amplitude Permeability .................................................................................. 10
3.3.5. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 10
3.3.6. Intermediate values of μa.............................................................................. 11
3.4. Complex Permeability .......................................................................................... 11
3.4.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 12
3.4.2. Intermediate values of μs’ (f), μs’’ (f), μp’ (f), μp’’ (f), gp(f), tan/μi (f) or
Z_N(f) 13


4. Core Form ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.1. Effective Permeability ........................................................................................... 14
4.1.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 14
4.2. Transferable Power Ptrans..................................................................................... 15
4.2.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 15
4.2.2. Further description of the input fields .......................................................... 16
4.3. Data Overview ....................................................................................................... 17
4.3.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 17
4.3.2. Creating custom core’s data ......................................................................... 17
4.3.3. Core’s assembling (stacking) ....................................................................... 18
4.4. AL-values ............................................................................................................... 18
4.4.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 18
4.5. DC-Bias .................................................................................................................. 19
4.5.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 19
4.5.2. Underlying Formulae 1) :............................................................................... 20
4.6. Third Harmonic Distortion .................................................................................... 20
4.6.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 20
4.6.2. Underlying Formulae: .................................................................................... 21
4.7. Wire Design ........................................................................................................... 22
4.7.1. Procedure ........................................................................................................ 22
4.7.2. Underlying Formulae: .................................................................................... 23
5. Graph Control ............................................................................................................... 25
5.1. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 25
5.2. Graph Layout ......................................................................................................... 26
5.3. Printing a graph ..................................................................................................... 26
5.4. Exporting a graph .................................................................................................. 27
5.4.1. Exporting of graph as file .............................................................................. 27
5.4.2. Copying a graph via the clipboard ............................................................... 27
5.4.3. Exporting data into external file .................................................................... 28
6. Settings ......................................................................................................................... 28
7. Reference List .............................................................................................................. 29


1. Introduction

1.1. Fundamentals
The Magnetic Design Tool provides the convenient access to the material data of the
available TDK ferrite materials and their integration in the process of design in digital form.
The parameters on which the design tool is based, such as hysteresis loop, power loss, initial
permeability, amplitude permeability and complex permeability are formed by the
measurement data of the available TDK ferrite materials. These measurement data can be
represented as a graph and compared to one another.
The graphs created can be printed, or pasted into other Windows applications via the
clipboard. A simple editor lets you take notes relating to the selection process as you are
working with the Magnetic Design Tool.

1.2. Subprograms

1.2.1. Material Form

In dependence of the material selected, this subprogram serves to graphically represent
 a hysteresis loop
 the initial permeability vs. temperature
 the power loss vs. frequency, flux density, temperature and the performance factor
 the amplitude permeability vs. flux density or field strength
 the complex permeability vs. frequency in serial and parallel representation

1.2.2. Core Form

In dependence of the material and core form selected, this subprogram serves to:
 obtain a data overview,
 calculate the AL-value in dependence of the air gap (or vice versa)
 represent the effective permeability over temperature,
 determine the transferable power Ptrans
 calculate third harmonic distortion under circuit conditions
 calculate the appropriate air gap, Al value and the number of turns for a given
permeability drop p [%] , representing the curve of inductance or permeability vs. DC-
 display the ratio of the AC- to DC-resistance vs. frequency.

1.2.3. Graph Control

In the Graph Control window, the representation of the graphs can be defined, the
represented graphs can be printed, and they can be pasted into other Windows applications
via the Clipboard.
This window can be opened from any subprogram supporting graphic representation.


1.2.4. Starting the Program
 Start the program by double-clicking on the MDT icon on the desktop.
The program will be started with a blank editor window opened.

1.2.5. Exiting the Program

 Select the Exit menu item in the File pull-down menu. The program will be terminated.

2. Fundamentals on Operation
The basic operational procedures and the button assignments for the subprograms Material
Properties and Core Calculations are identical. For this reason, they are described globally in
this context.

2.1. Selection of the Material / Core

One can use drop-down menus for selecting the desired material and core form. Only those
materials and core forms can be selected for which the desired representation (calculation) is

2.2. Data Point Reader

Position the mouse pointer on a point of a measured curve on the screen and click on it with
the left mouse button. The corresponding measured value will be displayed in the Data Point
Reader window.

2.3. Graph Control

Clicking on these buttons calls the Graph Control window, in which the representation type of
the graphs can be defined, the graphs displayed can be printed, and in which they can be
made available for other Windows applications via the Clipboard.

2.4. Graph Output

The graphs are output in this window area. By selecting multiple materials and/or core forms,
graphs can be superimposed and thus conveniently compared.

2.5. Input Fields

Data for calculations can be entered in fields underlayed in white. The input is confirmed by
pressing the Return key.

2.6. Output Fields

Output fields are underlayed in grey. They merely serve for displaying the results of
calculations or measured values and cannot be modified.

3. Material Form

3.1. Hysteresis Loop

The program can represent the hysteresis loops at the temperatures of T = 25 °C and T =
100 °C for all available TDK ferrite materials that are included in the data book. For every
point of the graph, a pair of values H, B can be displayed.


3.1.1. Procedure
 Click on the Material Form button in the main window. The Material data window will
be opened.
 Select Hysteresis.
 Select the desired material.
 Select the desired temperature.
The hysteresis loop will be displayed.

Fig. 3-1 – Hysteresis loop

Move mouse cursor on a point of the graph to view the associated pair of values B and H in
the Data Point Reader. If you want to zoom in the graph, click on the graph by left mouse
button and select area to zoom in. If you want to zoom out the graph to default scale, click on
the graph by left mouse button and move the mouse to the left upper corner of the graph. If
you click on the graph by right mouse button, you can move in current scale of the graph.

3.1.2. Zoom Function

To be able to view the hysteresis loop of the ferrites more closely, the program provides a
zoom function (only valid for power materials in this version).
Zoom in - Click into the area of the graph with the left mouse button.
Zoom out - Click into the area of the graph with the right mouse button.

3.2. Initial Permeability

For all available TDK ferrite materials, the initial permeability as a function of the temperature
T can be displayed. For every point of the graph, a pair of values T, μi can be displayed. It is
possible to display multiple curves in one graph. This provides an optimal material


3.2.1. Procedure
 Click on the Material Form button in the main window. The Material data window will
be opened.
 Select μi vs. T.
 Select the desired material.
The initial permeability as a function of the temperature will be displayed.

Fig. 3-2 - Initial permeability

 Click on measuring points in the curve to view the value μi for a specific temperature
in the DataPoint Reader.

3.2.2. Intermediate Values of μi

It is also possible to calculate intermediate values of μi relating to the measuring points
(linear interpolation).
 Enter the temperature T [°C] in the input field and click the yellow “calculate” button.
The value calculated for the selected material will be displayed in the μi output field.

3.3. Power Loss

For all available TDK power materials, the power loss per volume and per mass can be
represented as a function of the temperature T, the frequency f and the flux density B. The
number of measurement data available in the program exceeds the number of data specified
in the data book by far. It is possible to display multiple curves in one graph. This provides an
optimum material comparison.


3.3.1. Procedure
 Click on the Material Form button in the main window. The Material data window will
be opened.
 Select Pv vs. f, B, T.
 Select the desired material.
 Define the parameters that are to be presented on the X- and Y-axes.
 Select the frequency f, the flux density B or the temperature T (depending on the
setting of the X-axis).
Depending on the setting, the power loss will be displayed as a function of T, f or B.

3-3 - Power loss vs. T


Fig. 3-4 - Power loss vs. f
 Click on measuring points to view the associated pair of values in the Data Point

3.3.2. Measured values of PL

The measured power losses for appropriate combinations of temperature, frequency and flux
density can also be displayed.
 Enter the temperature T [°C], the frequency f [kHz] and the flux density B [mT] in the
input fields.
The measured values for the selected material will be displayed in the PL output field.

3.3.3. Steinmetz coefficients

You can see “Steinmetz coefficients” for power materials on the page “Steinmetz
The losses PC in W/set in a soft ferrite core may be expressed as
 
 f   B 
PC  K F * Ve * pv sin *   *  
 f b   Bm 
 f (kHz) is the actual operating frequency and B (mT) the actual operating peak
sinusoidal flux density at an operating temperature Top (°C);


 pvsin is the loss density in kW/m3 at temperature Top(°C), frequency fb (kHz) and peak
sinusoidal flux density Bm (mT);
 Ve (mm3) is the magnetic volume of the core;
  is the Steinmetz exponent for frequency and  the Steinmetz exponent for flux
density for the ferrite material at Top;
 pvsin is measured on standard ring cores;
 KF is a multiplication factor for the particular core shape in use;

Fig. 3-5 Steinmetz coefficients

These coefficients you can simply export to MS Excel by clicking on the button “Export data
into Excel”.

3.3.4. Amplitude Permeability

For all available TDK power materials, the amplitude permeability as a function of the flux
density B or the field strength H can be represented at the temperatures of T = 25 °C and T =
100 °C. For every point of the graph, a pair of values B, μa or H, μa can be displayed. It is
possible to display multiple curves in one graph. This provides an optimum material

3.3.5. Procedure
 Click on the Material Form button in the main window. The Material data window will
be opened.
 Select μa vs. B.


 Select the desired material.
 Select the desired temperature.
 Select the measurand (B, H) that is to be represented on the X-axis.
The amplitude permeability as a function of the flux density B or of the field strength H will be

Fig. 3-6 - Amplitude permeability

 Click on a measuring point in the curve to view the associated pair of values B, μa or
H, μa in the Data Point Reader.

3.3.6. Intermediate values of μa

It is also possible to calculate intermediate values of μa relating to the measuring points. The
measurand you can enter depends on the setting for the X-axis.
 Enter the desired value in the input field (H or B) and click the yellow “calculate”
The value calculated for the selected material will be displayed in the μa output field.

3.4. Complex Permeability

For all available TDK materials, the complex permeability can be represented as a function of
the frequency. You can select one of seven display types μs’ (f), μs’’ (f), μp’ (f), μp’’ (f), gp(f),
tan/μi(f) or Z_N(f). It is possible to display multiple curves in one graph. The different
parameters provide an optimum material comparison for various applications:
 the relative loss factor tan /μ for filter inductors with high Q
 the parallel conductance gp(f), which is directly proportional to the insertion loss, for
broadband transformers


 the normalized impedance Z_N(f) for EMI suppressors
The relationship among the different parameters is given as follows:

3.4.1. Procedure
 Click on the Material Form button in the main window. The Material data window will
be opened.
 Select μ’-μ’’ vs. f .
 Select the desired material.
 Select whether μs’ (f), μs’’ (f), μp’ (f), μp’’ (f), gp(f), tan /μi (f) or Z_N(f) are to be
The graph will be displayed.


Fig. 3-7 - Complex permeability
 Click on measuring points in the curve to view the associated pairs of values in the
Data Point Reader.

3.4.2. Intermediate values of μs’ (f), μs’’ (f), μp’ (f), μp’’ (f), gp(f),
tan/μi (f) or Z_N(f)
 Enter the desired frequency in the input field and click the yellow “calculate” button. μ’
(f), μ’’ (f) and tan /μi will be displayed.


4. Core Form

4.1. Effective Permeability

For all available TDK materials, the core-form-specific μe(T) characteristics based on the
μi(T) material curve (measured on ring cores) can be calculated. This calculation is
performed according to the well-known equation:

It is possible to display multiple curves in one graph. This provides an optimum comparison
(e.g. change of the air gap).

4.1.1. Procedure
 Click on the Core Form button in the main window. The Core data window will be
 Select μe vs. T.
 Select the desired core.
 Specify the core form (optionally: low profile, with hole). Note: Please observe that not
all combinations are valid (e.g. in low profile, only RM cores are available). Values will
not be output if an invalid combination was specified.
 Select the desired material.
 Select the type of representation μe(T) or (μe(T) - μe(T1))/(μe(T).
 Enter the desired air gap in the s field.
The effective permeability as a function of the temperature will be displayed.


Fig. 4-1 - Comparison of the effective permeability using different air gaps.
 Click on points in the curve to view the associated pairs of values T, μe in the Data
Point Reader.

4.2. Transferable Power Ptrans

For all power materials and most cores, the transferable power Ptrans can be determined.

4.2.1. Procedure
 Click on the Core Form button in the main window. The Core data window will be
 Select Ptrans.
 Select the desired core.
 Specify the core form (optionally: low profile, with hole). Note: Please observe that not
all combinations are valid (e.g. in low profile, only RM cores are available). Values will
not be output if an invalid combination was specified.
 Select the desired material.
 Correct for the default thermal resistance Rth value (free-air convection), if a better
figure is known for your application.
 Enter the desired values in the dTCu, dTFe and f input fields.
 Correct for the default copper space factor fCu=0.4 if a better figure is known for your


 If a wire calculation on the selected core type has been performed previously, click
the “get Rac/Rdc” button to consider proximity and skin effects in the Ptrans
 Select the appropriate converter type in the pull down menu.
 Ptrans will be displayed in the output field after pressing the “Calculate” button.

Fig. 4-2 - Transferable power Trans

4.2.2. Further description of the input fields

fCu: copper space factor
dTCu: copper temperature rise [K]
dTFe: ferrite temperature rise [K]
The transferable power Ptrans of transformers can be calculated by the following

The constant C relates to the operation mode which is:

C=1 in push-pull converters
C=0,71 in single-ended converters
C=0,62 in flyback converters 1) .
Further quantities in equation (1) are the switching frequency f, the sweep of flux density B,
the current density S, the winding cross section AN and the effective area Ae.


4.3. Data Overview
For all TDK materials and core shapes, various digital data are represented in the form of a

4.3.1. Procedure
 Click on the Core Form button in the main window.
The Core data window will be opened. Select Input data used for calculations.

Fig. 4-3 - Input data used for calculations

 Select the desired core.
 Specify the core form (optionally: low profile, with hole). Note: Please note that not all
combinations are valid (e.g. in low profile, only RM cores are available). Values will
not be output if an invalid combination was specified.
 Select the desired material.
Here you have 2 possibilities for selecting core:
1. You can use predefined TDK core from installed MS Access database – page
“Default data”.
2. You can define your own core on page “User’s data”.

4.3.2. Creating custom core’s data

Select some core from combo box “Core” and click on the button “Create user data from
selected core” - see fig. 4-4.

Fig. 4-4 Creating of user’s core data


Then you can edit required parameters in “User’s defined data grid”.

4.3.3. Core’s assembling (stacking)

If you want to stack cores at each other, you can enter the count of these cores in field
“Core’s count for assembling”. Default value is 1. The count “n” has following influence on
core’s calculation:
1. Result Ae = n * Ae;
2. Result Amin = n * Amin;
Notice: This core’s assembling has sense only for cores E, U, U+I, R. Then click on button
“Create user data from selected core”. These data will be copied into local file and “Ae” and
“Amin” will be calculated by above mentioned formulas.

4.4. AL-values
For all available TDK materials, the following calculations can be performed using the
 Al as a function of the air gap and vice-versa without taking into account the fringe
 Al as a function of the air gap and vice-versa using the K-factors (only for EE-, EC-,
ER, ETD-, EFD-, EPF-, and ELP-cores in N27, N67, N87)
 The inductance as a function of the Al value and vice-versa

4.4.1. Procedure
 Click on the Core Form button in the main window. The Core data window will be
 Select AL-value


Fig. 4-5 - AL-value
 Select the desired core.
 Specify the core form (optionally: low profile, with hole). Note: Please observe that not
all combinations are valid (e.g. in low profile, only RM cores are available). Values will
not be output if an invalid combination was specified.
 Select the desired material.
 Enter the values for the calculation in the input fields and click the yellow “calculate”
The results will be displayed in the associated output fields.

4.5. DC-Bias
For all available TDK power materials and most core shapes, the reversible permeability can
be calculated as a function of the DC-current as well as of the DC-field with a given Al value.
For this purpose, the temperatures T = 25 °C and T = 100 °C are taken into consideration.
With a given number of turns, the reversible inductance and the magnetic energy can
additionally be calculated.

4.5.1. Procedure
 Click on the DC-Bias button in the main window. The DC-Bias window will be opened.

Fig. 4-6 - DC-Bias

 Select the desired core.


 Specify the core form (optionally: low profile, with hole). Note: Please observe that not
all combinations are valid (e.g. in low profile, only RM cores are available). Values will
not be output if an invalid combination was specified.
 Select the desired material.
 Select the desired temperature (T = 25 °C or T = 100 °C).
 Select the measurands that are to be represented on the X- and Y-axes.
 Enter the desired values for the unbiased inductance L in [mH], the DC-current Idc in
[A] and the roll-off p in[%] in the corresponding input fields.
 Click the yellow “calculate” button. The calculated values will be displayed in the
output fields and a corresponding plot shown.
 If you want to change the Al value and/or number of turns N for new plot data, enter
the new values and press the Return key.
The new resulting unbiased inductance and the graph will be displayed.

4.5.2. Underlying Formulae 1) :

 Click on measurement points in the curve to view the associated measured values in
the DataPoint Reader.

4.6. Third Harmonic Distortion

For a given core and a given material, the calculated ratio of the AC-to DC-resistance vs.
Frequency for sinusoidal current waveforms can be displayed.

4.6.1. Procedure
 Click on the Harmonic Distortion button in the main window.


Fig. 4-7 - Third harmonic distortion
 Select the desired core.
 Specify the core form (optionally: low profile, with hole). Note: Please observe that not
all combinations are valid (e.g. in low profile, only RM cores are available). Values will
not be output if an invalid combination was specified.
 Select the desired material.
 Select the desired input option: turns ratio/inductance/resistances or AL-value/number
of turns/wire diameter
 Enter the desired values in the corresponding input fields. The calculated values will
be displayed in the output fields.

4.6.2. Underlying Formulae:

By using the following equations the third harmonic distortion k3 for the voltage based on
Rayleigh´s hysteresis model can be calculated. The in-circuit distortion k3c follows form
consideration of the impedance conditions.1) ...


4.7. Wire Design
For a given core and a given material, the calculated ratio of the AC-to DC-resistance vs.
Frequency for sinusoidal current waveforms can be displayed.

4.7.1. Procedure
 Click on the Wire Calculation button in the main window.

Fig. 4-8 - Wire design

 Select the desired core.


 Specify the core form (optionally: low profile, with hole). Note: Please observe that not
all combinations are valid (e.g. in low profile, only RM cores are available). Values will
not be output if an invalid combination was specified.
 Select the total number of turns
 Select the number of layers
 Click the yellow “calculate” button
 The graph will be displayed. If the window fill factor fw surpasses 100% a warning
message will be shown.

4.7.2. Underlying Formulae:

By using the following equations the winding copper losses for sinusoidal current can be
estimated. 1) . x stands for the ratio of the wire diameter to the frequency-dependent
penetration depth, m stands for number of layers.

4.8. Impedance Z

4.8.1. Procedure
 Select on the Impedance Z page in the main window.


Fig. 4-9 – Impedance Z
 Select the desired core.
 Select desired material
 Enter required count of turns

4.8.2. Underlying Formulae:

By using the following equations the third harmonic distortion k3 for the voltage based on
Rayleigh´s hysteresis model can be calculated. The in-circuit distortion k3c follows form
consideration of the impedance conditions.1) ...

4.8.3. Ring cores to suppress line interference

With the ever-increasing use of electrical and electronic equipment, it becomes increasingly
important to be able to ensure that all facilities will operate simultaneously in the context of
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) without interfering with each other’s respective
functions. The EMC legislation which came into force at the beginning of 1996 applies to all
electrical and electronic products marketed in the EU, both new and existing ones. So the
latter may have to be modified so that they are neither susceptible to electromagnetic
interference, nor emit spurious radiation. Ferrite cores are ideally suited for this purpose
since they are able to suppress interference over a wide frequency range.
At frequencies above 1 MHz, ferrite rings slipped over a conductor lead to an increase in the
impedance of this conductor. The real component of this impedance absorbs the interference
A ferrite material’s suitability for suppressing interference within a specific frequency
spectrum depends on its magnetic properties, which vary with frequency. Before the right


material can be selected, the impedance lZl must be known as a function of frequency. The
curve of impedance as a function of frequency is characterized by the sharp increase in loss
at resonance frequency.

4.8.4. Measurement results

The measurements shown here were made at room temperature (25 ±2) °C using an HP
4191A RF impedance analyzer with a flux density of B ≤ 1 mT.
The maximum of the impedance curve shifts to lower frequencies as the number of turns
increases; this is due to the capacitive effect of the turns (figure 1, using R 25/15 as an

Figure 4 - 10: Impedance characteristic curve

The impedance curves of different materials are summarized for direct comparison. The
normalized impedance lZln = lZl / N2 x (le /Ae) were used to display material properties
only. The geometry factor was calculated on the basis of the core dimensions.
These normalized impedance curves are guide values, mostly measured using toroidal core
R10 with a number of turns N = 1 (wire diameter 0.7 mm); they may vary slightly, depending
on the geometry.

5. Graph Control

5.1. Introduction
In the „Edit Chart“ form you can print graphs, insert graphs in other Windows applications via
the Clipboard and define the representation of the graph.


Fig. 5-1 – Edit chart form

5.2. Graph Layout

In the windows for controlling the graph layout, you can define the appearance of your graph.
Among other things, you can set the background color, select the axis representation and the
desired value range.
Clicking on „Close“ will close the window.

5.3. Printing a graph


Fig. 5-2 – Printing of graph
 Select printing orientation
 Select printer
 Click on the Print button.
The graph will be printed on the selected printer.

5.4. Exporting a graph

You can export the current graph as a graphics file or copy it to the Clipboard to make it
available for other Windows applications.

5.4.1. Exporting of graph as file

Fig. 5-3 – Graph exporting

 Select the desired data format in the Export window area (Metafile or Bitmap).
 Specify the target by button „Save…“
 Click on the „Save“ button.
The graphics file will be saved.

5.4.2. Copying a graph via the clipboard

Proceed as follows to copy the current graph to the Clipboard to make it available for other
Windows applications:
 Select the desired data format in the Export window area (Metafile or Bitmap).
 Click on the Copy button. The graphics file will be saved.
 Now change to your Windows application (e.g. Word). Position the cursor to the
desired insertion point and select Paste.


The graph will be inserted in your document.

5.4.3. Exporting data into external file

If you want to export data from chart into external file, use following setup (Fig. 5-4):

Fig. 5-4 – Data export

If you want to export data into MS Excel, you must click on button “Export chart’s data to
Excel” (*.xls file). You can also export these data into formats “txt”, ‘html”, “xml”, “”xlsx” and
“ods”. If you want to export data from chart to these formats, just click on arrow on button
“Export chart’s data to Excel” and you will see following menu as fig.5-4. Then select
appropriate format and click on this item and save data.

6. Settings
If you want to change a font of visual controls, select “Settings – Options”. Following form will
be displayed – Fig. 6-1.

Fig. 6-1 – Options

Click on button “Change” and select desired font. The font will be saved on hard disk and this
font will be used during next running of application.


7. Reference List
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