Glanville Williams - Learning The Law
Glanville Williams - Learning The Law
Glanville Williams - Learning The Law
Second Impression
Revised 1946
Third Impression 1948
Fourth Edition 1950
Fifth Edition 1953
Sixth Edition 1957
Seventh Edition 1963
Second Impression 1966
Third Impression 1967
Fourth Impression 1968
Eighth Edition 1969
Ninth Edition 1973
Second Impression 1974
Tenth Edition 1978
Eleventh Edition 1982
Second Impression 1984
Third Impression 1986
Fourth Impression 1986
Fifth Impression 1988
Sixth Impression 1990
Seventh Impression 1992
Eighth Impression 1993
Ninth Impression 1994
Tenth Impression 1995
Eleventh Impression 1996
Twelfth Impression 1997
Thirteenth Impression 1998
Fourteenth Impression 1999
Fifteen Impression 2001
Twelfth Edition 2002
Second Impression 2002
Third Impression 2003
Fourth Impression 2004
Published in 2002 by Sweet & Maxwell Limited of100 Avenue Road
London NW3 3PF
and printed in Great Britain by
Ashford Colour Print. Hants
ISBN 0-421-74420-0
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stored in any retrieval system
of any nature without the written permission of the copyright holder and
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Sweet & Maxwell
According to the preface to its first edition, this book was originally
conceived, not as a text book, but as a work intended "to prepare the
beginner for reading text-books'", carrying on, in its own way, the "very
old tradition [of] books for the guidance of law students". That is the
spirit in which I have approached the task of revision and rewriting.
The premise upon which I began to work was that very little radical
change was called for. The book has been a classic precisely because its
wisdom transcends the years. But major changes have taken place in the
legal world since 1982, and as I laboured further I became convinced
that a great deal had to be altered to reflect those developments. Let me
identify just some of the alterations to the social and legal landscape.
Glanville addressed in his first edition an almost entirely male audience.
Of all the ways in which law and its practice may have changed since
the first edition was published in 1945 (and certainly since the most
recent in 1982), the altered position of women may be the most
significant. There are still altogether too few women at the top of the
legal profession (on the bench, in Silk and in senior positions in law
firms), but it is clear that the position of women in the law is entirely
different from what it was when Glanville first wrote. The statistics
show that at least half of the population studying the law is now female.
Account must now be taken of the European dimension—not just the
European Union, which brings employment opportunities in the wake of
the development of a free market for goods and services, but also the
European Convention on Human Rights. These changes have
transformed aspects of the study and practice of United Kingdom law.
Another major change but of a different order is the extent to which the
law is now available in electronic form: law reports and other primary
and secondary legal materials are readily available online. These
developments have made the study of the law a very yet been fully
appreciated. Increasingly, the student has and will have access to the law
through the internet. Acts of Parliament, Bills. Committee Reports; the
materials that would once have required the student to spend hours
(often fruitless ones) in a library are now available at the click of the
mouse, creating problems of "'information overload". Equally,
information about careers, mooting advice, and other aspects of student
life touched upon in this book are readily available using search engines
such as
There have been other changes, too numerous to mention, whose
cumulative effect has been to alter radically the legal world into which
the graduate will emerge. Recruitment, training and employment
practices in both branches of the law have changed enormously, mainly
for the better. When Glanville last wrote, the practice of paying a pupil
master was still a recent memory. Now, the Bar Council has decreed,
persons undertaking pupillage are to be paid an agreed minimum
All of this kaleidoscopic change does not mean, though, that a book such
as learning the Law does not still have an important purpose to serve.
Even though my readers will have ready access to a PC, either at home
or school, in a local library or internet cafe, those sources cannot give
any insight into what it is like to study the law and subsequently to make
a career in the field. A legend is endorsed upon the work: "Guide,
Philosopher and Friend". This edition is written in the belief that law
students and prospective students have ever}' bit as much need of the
guidance that such a mentor might be able to afford as they did when
Glanville first wrote; and the hope that this version goes some way to
providing it. It seems clear that the City is dissatisfied with the inability
of graduates to undertake "research", by which they mean the ability to
use legal materials. In this respect, perhaps, the use of cases and
materials-books has had a bad effect on the acquisition of legal skills,
and statements emanating from the Law Society and the Bar Council re-
emphasize the importance to legal skills of such an ability. The sources
of law have made itself more complex—yet the study and practice of the
law still require the human qualities of knowledge and judgment.
One of GJanville's initial objectives was to address the subject of
examinations: "If examinations are to be a satisfactory test of ability,
it seems to me that the rules of the game ought to be made clear to those
who play it". Chapters 8, 9 and 10 attempt to identify and explain the
ground rules. But it has to be admitted that they are written in the
Cambridge context, and it may be worth checking that the same
understandings prevail in the reader's own place of study.
Gratitude is due to many colleagues (at Cambridge and elsewhere) who
have read drafts and answered queries; my co-author on a different
project (Sir David Eady) has been a never ending source of wisdom and
advice on this one too. Neil Andrews, James Crawford. John Spencer,
Graham Virgo, Catherine Barnard and John Bell read one or more
chapters, saving me from error and encouraging me where necessary to
modify my position. Len Sealy. Cherry Hopkins and John Ford and Jack
Beatson patiently pointed me in the right direction in matters of Tort and
Contract (the usual disclaimers applying). In the Squire Law Library,
David Wills, Peter Zawada and Leslie Dingle have been extremely
helpful and efficient in hunting out material and answering queries.
There are many others from whose wisdom and advice I have benefited
in the course of chance conservation and telephone call. The publishers
have been quietly long suffering, and I thank them for that. I should like
to thank in particular Lorna Williams for her generous encouragement to
me to undertake the work.
I finish writing this edition of Learning the Law with a peculiar
sensation: the book was already well established before I was born. It
was, also, the first law text that I ever bought—the seventh edition,
acquired when I was about to start my legal studies in New Zealand
more years ago than I would care to acknowledge. A sense of privilege
that is generated by Glanville's permission to up-date his classic is,
perhaps, the dominant sentiment. At the same time, I am conscious of
how the legal world has changed; the corresponding need to alter any
book that purports to help the aspirant law student is obvious. The task,
as I have seen it, is to preserve Glanville's brilliant output, at the same
time making the necessary changes. A story circulated that Glanville had
written the first edition of Learning the Law in the space of 48 hours. At
the great risk of spoiling a good story, I ventured to ask him if this were
true, and he replied that it was—he had, of course, collected the material
over may years, but the actual writing had taken him a weekend. In that
respect 1 have failed complete!)' to emulate my predecessor. Whether I
have nevertheless succeeded in accomplishing my objectives. I leave
readers and reviewers to judge.
Caius College
May 2002
Academic research
Amount of supervision and contact with
Size of the dissertation
Finding a topic
Finding materials
The writing process
Electronic research
Periodical literature
Government publications
Command papers
European Union law
Commonwealth law
American material
European law (other than European Union law)
Grammar and style
Practice at the Bar
Finding a pupillage
Pro bono work
Forms of address
Taking silk
Further reading
The bar as a stepping stone
Further reading
Government Legal Service
Local government
Crown Prosecution Service
Civil service: general category
Business management
Legal publishing and court reporting
Applying for jobs—some general advice
The Constitution
Jurisprudence, logic, philosophy and economics .:
But in these nice sharp quillets of the law, Good faith, I am no wiser
than a daw.
—Shakespeare, King Hemy the Sixth, Part 1, II, iv.
This little book aims to help principally those who have decided to study
law—whether in a University or College, or as a professional
From time to time I have been told of some who have read the book
before making the decision, and have been sufficiently attracted by the
taste it has given them of legal studies to make up their minds to
continue. I did not, however, intend to proselytise when I wrote. As you
will see if you look at Chapter 13, there are quite enough people trying
to enter the legal profession without adding to the number. If you are
uncertain about your career there may be strong personal and social
reasons why you should take up something else: entering the world of
commerce or industry, or becoming a technologist or research scientist.
In the foreseeable future there is likely be a much greater shortage of IT
professionals, electronics specialists, good business managers (not
overlooking areas such as banking and management consultancy) and
people who combine linguistic skills with other abilities than there will
be of lawyers. I assume, however, that you have decided to study the law
or that you are giving the possibility serious thought.
On the question whether you should study law throughout your time at
university, or study a different subject with a view to qualifying to
practise law later (assuming, that is, that you have decided that you wish
to practise law), it is difficult to be seen to offer objective advice. The
former course offers a quicker and cheaper route to employment, and the
opportunity to assess for yourself at an early stage whether the law is a
discipline to which you wish to subject yourself. But there are some
legal practitioners (who may themselves have studied something other
than law at university) who would claim that too early a specialisation in
the law can narrow rather than broaden the mind by depriving the
student of the opportunity to be exposed to other disciplines. That is not
a view that I share.1 On the contrary, I would wish to argue that it offers
a chance to acquire both a necessary legal framework and a deeper
understanding of the law. Even if you have only narrowed your
immediate options to obtaining higher education in one of the
humanities, 1 would certainly wish to bring to your notice the attraction
of law as compared with the traditional arts subjects.
Law is the cement of society, and an essential medium of change. Its
study at a university enables you to explore how and why this is so. A
common misunderstanding is that the study of law involves little more
than the rote learning of legal rules. Closer acquaintance will show that
it is far more complex and challenging than that Far better to think of the
law as forming an integral part of a constantly evolving social landscape.
Knowledge of law increases one's understanding of public affairs, as
well as affording some understanding of social values. At a more
practical level; its study promotes accuracy of expression, facility in
argument and skill in interpreting the written word. It is of wider
vocational relevance than most arts subjects. Its practice does, however,
also call for much routine, careful. unexciting work, and it is for you to
decide whether you think you are temperamentally suited to it.
In this book I offer an introduction to English law and its study at
university or college. A word or two about the term English law. The use
of "England" is taken generally to include both England and Wales.
Without at this stage wishing to trouble you with the constitutional
niceties, you should know that the Scottish legal system is in detail very
different from the English. When England, Wales and Scotland are
intended to be referred to as a single entity, the correct term is Great
Britain, and when Northern Ireland is added, it becomes the United
Kingdom. The reason why the law emanating from these islands is
worthy of study is that it is the home of the common law; the place
where a family of law was born, quite different from the civil law that
underlies much German, Italian and French law, very different from
Islamic law. The system of law that was historically developed in the
courts of Westminster spread with the development of the British
Empire throughout much of the western world—to the United States of
America, to the Commonwealth countries of Canada, Australia and New
Zealand, to the African continent and to parts of the far east—India,
Singapore, Malaysia and many more besides. Ideally too, a university
would offer in addition the chance to study at least some of the elements
of these other legal systems—comparative law. But that is to ask a great
deal of the already crowded curriculum, and the ideal is achieved only
Figure 1
The courts with original civil jurisdiction are chiefly the High Court and
county courts. The High Court is divided into three divisions: the
Queen's Bench Division11 (commonly referred to as the Divisional
Court), the Chancery Division, and the Family Division. The first
administers primarily the common law, the second primarily equity.
More will be said about this particular distinction later in the chapter.
The Family Division was created by the Administration of Justice Act
1970 in place of the previous Probate, Divorce and Admiralty
Division—a curious miscellany of jurisdictions (over wills, wives
and wrecks'" was the jocular reference) which were lumped together for
no better reason than they were all founded (to some extent,) on Roman
and canon law. In 1970, wills went to the Chancer}' Division and wrecks
to the Queen's Bench Division. For administrative purposes, the head of
the Divisional Court is the Lord Chief Justice of England, assisted by a
Vice President of the Queen's Bench Division. The Vice-Chancellor
presides in practice over the Chancery Division (technically, the Lord
High Chancellor is the head of Chancer}') and the most senior judge of
the Family Division is known as the President.
A civil trial in the High Court is held before a judge, sometimes called a
puisne (pronounced "puny") judge, generally sitting without a jury. The
judge may sit in London or in one of the other major legal centres.13 In
practice, the sheer volume of work is such that High Court cases are
often taken by deputy High Court judges. By contrast, certain
applications to the High Court are made to the Queen's Bench Division
consisting of a Lord Justice and a judge of the High Court.
Court of Appeal (Civil Division)
There is almost always the possibility of an appeal from (i.e. against) the
decision of a court of trial, providing permission is given by the trial
judge or by the Court of Appeal itself. The part}' who appeals is the
appellant.^ the other is the respondent. For the High Court the
appropriate appellate court is the Court of Appeal (Civil Division). This
may be presided over by one of the following: the Master of the Rolls,
the Lord Chief Justice, one of the Heads of Division of the Court of
Appeal or a Lord Justice of Appeal—there are currently some 35
members of the Court of Appeal who are Lords (or Lady) Justices. The
Court of Appeal generally sits with three members15 but sometimes
with two, and there will be several such courts in action at the same
County courts
Going down the ladder again, the less important civil cases are tried in
the county courts, with appeals to the High Court if permission is given.
If the High Court or county court judge when granting permission
considers the matter to be of sufficient general importance, the case may
be referred directly to the Court of Appeal.
Magistrates' courts
Magistrates also have some civil jurisdiction, chiefly in matrimonial
matters, guardianship, adoption, and child support cases. There are
approximately 700 magistrates' courts (although numbers are declining
as courts are "rationalised"), staffed by over 30,000 lay magistrates and
approximately 100 district judges (magistrates courts). Appeals from
magistrates' courts (by means of what is called a "case stated") go to a
Divisional Court—which in family matters will be composed of judges
of the Family Division.
Together the Crown Court, High Court and Court of Appeal (but for
reasons to be explained, not the House of Lords) make up the Supreme
Court of Judicature. The present High Court, and the Court of Appeal on
its civil side (but not yet criminal) were set up by the Judicature Act
1873. The High Court superseded the old courts of Queen's Bench,
Common Pleas, Exchequer, Chancery, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty,
and a few minor courts. The Court of Appeal superseded the old Court
of Exchequer Chamber and Court of Appeal in Chancery.
Appeals to the House of Lords
When an appeal is taken to the Court of Appeal (either from the High
Court or from a Divisional Court) a further appeal lies (with permission)
to the House of Lords. Why two appeals should be allowed can be
explained only by reference to history. "The institution of one court of
appeal may be considered a reasonable precaution; but two suggest
panic", said A. P. Herbert. It is a panic that pays little regard to the
resources of the parties to the proceedings who must bear the costs.
The Judicature Act 1873, which was passed by a Liberal Government,
would have abolished the appellate jurisdiction of the House of Lords;
but the Conservatives took office before it came into force, and repealed
this provision fearing that the abolition of the Lords as a judicial body
might be the thin end of the wedge leading ultimately to their abolition
as a legislative body.18 Such fears have nothing to do with the question
whether a double appeal is justifiable. From time to time there are
suggestions that we should dispense with our top-heavy system.
Despite its undoubted expense, however, the balance of opinion is
clearly in favour of a further appeal, for a number of reasons. The sheer
volume of work undertaken by the Court of Appeal (particularly the
Criminal Division) is such that it does not have the opportunity for
detached reflection that should characterise the work of a final court.
Both Divisions of the Court of Appeal (i.e. civil and criminal) operate in
several courts simultaneously, giving rise to the rare possibility that the
courts will decide the same point in different directions. Should that
happen, it is open to a later Court of Appeal to choose between the two,
but the decision of a higher court is more definitive. In those
circumstances, with the consent of the parties and on certificate from the
judge, a civil case may go on appeal direct from the High Court to the
House of Lords under the "leap-frogging" procedure introduced by the
Administration of Justice Act 1969. This can happen if the case turns on
the construction of legislation, or is governed by a previous decision of
the Court of Appeal or House of Lords which one of the parties wishes
the House to overturn.
It will have been understood from what has gone before that "the House
of Lords" is an ambiguous expression. It refers (1) to all the peers who
choose to sit as the Upper House of the legislature (Parliament), and also
(2) to a court consisting of the highest level of the judiciary. Originally
the House of Lords was a single body, but a convention (understanding)
developed that only peers with senior judicial experience should decide
appeals. This was finally established in 1844.
In modern terminology it is the "Law Lords" (the Lord Chancellor, the
"Lords of Appeal in Ordinary" and peers who hold or have held high
judicial office such as former Lords Chancellors) who, as the Appellate
Committee of the House of Lords, exercise its judicial function. The
Lords of Appeal in Ordinary (like Lord Millett and Lord Hoffman) are
salaried life peers appointed by the Crown. Generally, this is by way of
promotion from the Court of Appeal, but it is not unknown for a member
of the Bar to be appointed directly to the House. Members of the Court
of Appeal are appointed by promotion from the High Court. The Law
Lords are truly peers, and can take part in debates and vote in the House,
though by custom the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary do so only on legal
matters. The present Master of the Rolls, Lord Phillips, has said that he
will not exercise even that right, taking the view that it is anomalous that
judges should be participating in the legislative process. The "Lords
Justices" of the Court of Appeal, by contrast, are not peers and cannot sit
in Parliament. We refer, for example, to "Lord Justice Sedley", not
"Lord Sedley".
Although, when exercising its appellate jurisdiction, the House of Lords
consists exclusively of the Law Lords, it nevertheless sits in the same
building as the House of Lords when meeting as a limb of the
legislature; but these sittings are in a committee room instead of the
floor of the House itself. The exceptions to this practice occur when the
House is in recess, and when the decisions of the House are being
handed down, when proceedings are conducted in the main chamber of
the House. Since the deliberations of the House (but not the ordinary
courts in England) may be televised, it was possible to broadcast the
announcement of the decisions of the House in the Pinochet case, in
which it was ruled that the former Dictator of Chile could be extradited
to Spain.
Their Lordships do a little play-acting by pretending to be still part of
the legislature. They avoid saying that they are delivering judgments;
instead they speak of their "opinions", or sometimes "speeches"; and
they address their opinions to each other ("my Lords"), not to the parties
and counsel who are probably their most concerned audience. Because
their Lordships are supposed to be speaking in Parliament, the House of
Lords is not part of the Supreme Court of Judicature, even though it is
the supreme tribunal.
The residual links with the legislature are now seen to be problematic,
however, particularly as the House of Lords hears appeals in matters
arising from the Human Rights Act 1998, a statute that gives the courts
the power to declare legislation to be incompatible with the Act. The
most senior of the Law Lords, Lord Bingham, has raised the question
whether, in the light of the Act, the House should become a Supreme
Court, quite separate and apart from the House of Lords.
Courts with criminal jurisdiction
The classification of offences
Next, the trial of criminal cases in England. Crimes are divided into
indictable, summary and offences triable either way. Indictable offences
are the most serious sorts of crimes, triable by judge and jury in the
Crown Court. Summary offences are tried by magistrates in a
magistrates' court. Many crimes, though falling within the class of
indictable offences, can be tried in magistrates' courts if certain
conditions are satisfied; these are the intermediate category of offences
"triable either way", so called because they might be tried in either the
Crown Court or the magistrates' court. At the time of writing, proposals
for an intermediate third tier of court is under official consideration,24
and it is possible that the position just described, and what follows in the
succeeding few pages, will change.
Crown Court
Created by the Courts Act 1971, the Crown Court is now the main '
criminal court. (It has some civil jurisdiction, but only in licensing and
some other minor matters.) Theoretically a single court, it is (like the
High Court and Court of Appeal) in fact manifold, sitting in about 90
A criminal trial in the Crown Court is generally by jury, the exception
being where the court is hearing an appeal from magistrates by way of
rehearing, in which case the judge will be assisted by two lay
magistrates. The court is normally presided over by a circuit judge or
recorder, who controls the trial and directs the jury; but it may also be
constituted with a High Court judge. Notwithstanding their circuit
fudges do not travel a circuit: they are located in one r the six26 circuits
into which the country is divided, although they can take cases outside
their own circuit as occasion demands. High Court judges are generally
presumed to be more able or more experienced than circuit judges; and
the theory is that they therefore try the more serious and difficult cases.
But the time of the High Court judge is precious, so having tried any
case requiring that level of expertise, the more senior judge will leave
lesser cases to be tried by a circuit judge. The old name "recorder"' is
preserved for part-time judges who are given the same jurisdiction as
circuit judges; they continue other occupations such as practice at the
Bar or as solicitors, whereas circuit judges are full time.
The Crown Court sitting in the City of London (off Ludgate Hill) is still
known officially as the Central Criminal Court and colloquially (never
in court) as the Old Bailey (or. more frequent!}", the Bailey). Two of its
judges (of senior circuit judge rank) continue to be called the Recorder
and the Common Serjeant of London.
Some of the centres in which the Crown Court sits are served only by
circuit judges, some are visited from time to time by High Court judges.
"Practice Directions" set out which indictable offences are normally
allocated to a circuit judge and which require a High Court judge."'
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)
Appeal from the Crown Court in criminal cases lies (with leave) to the
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division). This was created in 1966
superseding the Court of Criminal Appeal, which in turn had superseded
the Court for Crown Cases Reserved in 1907. The Court of Appeal
(Criminal Division) sits in practice in five separate courts. One is often
presided over by the Lord Chief Justice, others by a Lord Justice of
Appeal, the remaining members of the court being either two High Court
judges or one such judge and a circuit judge (though a circuit judge may
not hear appeals from decisions of High Court judges). Where the appeal
is against sentence only, it is not uncommon for two judges only to sit.
This court and the Divisional Court occasionally sit in regional centres.
So far as the conviction is concerned, the appeal may be on law or fact,
but only the defendant can appeal—not the Crown.-'' But on sentence,
the Attorney-General can also appeal against unduly lenient sentences.
On a successful appeal against conviction the court will quash"0 the
conviction: but it may substitute a conviction of some other offence of
which the jury could have convicted.
From the Court of Appeal a further appeal lies in important cases (with
leave)"' to the House of Lords. At this stage the appeal is open even to
the prosecutor.
In summary cases, the defendant may appeal to the Crown Court, which
rehears the whole case; there is no jury, but at least two magistrates sit
with the judge or recorder. Or a case ma)' be stated on a point of law for
the decision of a Divisional Court of the Queen's Bench Division and a
further appeal may be taken from the Divisional Court (subject to
restrictions) to the House of Lords.
Reverting to the earlier discussion about the wisdom of a further appeal,
it might be said that, in criminal cases at least, the principle of a second
(qualified) right of appeal is justifiable, if only because the volume of
work confronting the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal is such
that the court is only rarely able to deliver a reserved judgment, and the
consequent pressures are such that it may be doubted whether that court
should be burdened with the role of a final appeal court; but it might also
be admitted that the reputation of the House of Lords in criminal appeals
is not high.
A peculiarity of the appeal by way of case stated is that it is open not
only to the defendant but also to the prosecutor (whereas in trials on
indictment there is no appeal from an acquittal). The Auld Report,
Review of the Criminal Courts of England and Wales (2001) is in favour
of making a number of changes here whose overall effect would be that,
in certain circumstances, it would be possible for the prosecutor to
challenge what is believed to be an unmeritorious acquittal.
The scheme of criminal courts can be represented diagrammatically as
Figure 2
Terminology of criminal procedure
The term indictment itself needs a bit more explanation. Originally an
indictment (pronounced "inditement") was a true bill found by a grand
jury, i.e. a jury for presenting suspected offenders. The trial upon it at
assizes or quarter sessions was by a petty jury. Nowadays the grand jury
is abolished, but we still retain the word "indictment" for the document
commencing criminal proceedings that are to be tried by jury. The
present-day indictment may be defined as a document put before the
Crown Court by anyone, and signed by the clerk of the court. It may
charge different offences in separate counts. Prepositions have come to
be used rather sloppily in criminal materials In good usage, one is
charged, tried, acquitted, convicted, or sentenced on (or upon) an
indictment or count or charge. One is indicted on a charge of theft (or
some other offence) or on two counts of theft. One is indicted or tried
for theft, and the indictment/count/ information/charge is for theft. (An
information is a document making a criminal charge before magistrates.)
We also speak of a count or charge of theft. One is charged (verb) with
theft. One pleads guilty (or not guilty to a count or charge or indictment
of theft, or w theft One is acquitted or convicted (or found guilty) of
Formerly there would have been a preliminary investigation (known as
committal proceedings) of a charge before magistrates; only if the
magistrates concluded that there was sufficient evidence to put the
accused on trial by jury would they have committed the defendant for
trial. But the value of such proceedings has long been doubted and,
increasingly, the committal has become an exercise conducted on paper
rather than in person. In an increasing number of situations, provision is
made for the case to be transferred directly to the Crown Court without
preliminary consideration of the evidence by the magistrates.
A form of indictment for murder is:
The Queen v. AB
charged as follows:
Statement of Offence.
Particulars of Offence.
AB on the……… day of………..murdered JS.
Other courts
European Court of Justice
The House of Lords is no longer the highest court in the United
Kingdom, because the European Court of Justice sitting in Luxembourg
adjudicates upon European Union law, The decisions of the European
Court are binding on British courts by reason of the European
Communities Act 1972. The impact of Community law grows
continually; it is to be seen in company law, trademarks and other
"intellectual property", the law of monopolies, employment law. social
security, customs, and some other economic areas. An English court can
ask the European Court for a ruling on any doubtful question of
Community law.
European Court of Human Rights
Britain is a party to the European Convention on Human Rights (1953).
but until the enactment of the Human Rights Act J998. the United
Kingdom Government had made no provision for the Convention to be
enforced by our courts. On October 2, 2000. the Act came into force,
with the result that United Kingdom courts were required, at a stroke, to
"take account of* the Strasbourg jurisprudence, to interpret legislation
""so far as possible'" in accordance with the terms of the Convention
and. in the event that an interpretation that was inconsistent with the
terms of the Convention was unavoidable, to make a ""declaration of
incompatibility".3" The development is likely to have a profound effect
upon the way in which law approaches fundamental rights, such as the
right to life, freedom from arbitrary-arrest, freedom of speech and
freedom of assembly'. Any person who claims to be aggrieved by a
violation of the provisions of the Convention, and who is not satisfied
with the determinations of the domestic courts, can still complain to the
European Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg. If the decision is in the
affirmative, the Government is under an obligation in international law
to take steps to amend our law or practice accordingly. The Human
Rights Act 1998 should reduce considerably the number of occasions
upon which resort to this court should be necessary, since the British
court should have taken the European jurisprudence into account in the
course of arriving at its own decision.
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council is the final court of appeal
from what remains of the old colonial Empire (with remnants also of its
appellate jurisdiction from the self-governing members of the
Commonwealth). Its composition is much the same as that of the House
of Lords when exercising appellate jurisdiction, though certain
Commonwealth judges (and members of the Court of Appeal, since they
are Privy Councillors) may sit in addition. The Privy Council also hears
appeals from such bodies as the General Medical Council (doctors) and
from comparable bodies regulating dentists, opticians and other health
professionals. More recently, it has been given jurisdiction to deal with
devolution issues arising from the Northern Irish, Scottish and Welsh
devolution arrangements. It meets in a room in Downing Street. Since
justice in Britain is normally administered in public, you can (having
navigated the gates and security arrangements at the entrance to the
street) walk in boldly and listen to its proceedings.
Other courts and tribunals
There are many courts and tribunals of special jurisdiction, chief among
which are the employment tribunals administering various legislation
relating to employment. Appeals lie to the Employment Appeal
Tribunal, with possible further appeals to the Court of Appeal and House
of Lords. Other tribunals include the Social Security Commissioners and
Child Support, the \ AT and Duties Tribunal and the Lands Tribunal
(which deals with such matters as rating appeals and land
compensation). Then there is the Competition Court, which considers
agreements that restrict prices or the conditions of supply goods, and
unfair trading practices; again an appeal lies to the Court of Appeal and
House of Lords.
I am about to consider some elementary matters of English legal
terminology, because it is important that the student should become
familiar with legal language at an early stage. A preliminary word of
explanation. Many lawyers think that the language of the law is opaque
and difficult for the layperson to understand. Efforts have been made to
alter this by changing the terminology, particularly in the course of the
April 1999 reform37 of the system of civil procedure. This has the
drawback for those coming new to the law that they need to be familiar
with both the new language and the old, since they will find that much of
the law that they study will be couched in the language of yesteryear.
The beginner may be pleased to know that the language of the criminal
law has not been subjected to the same sorts of changes.
Civil terminology
Turning to civil proceedings, the terminology generally is that a
claimant** (known as a plaintiff prior to April 1999) sues {i.e. brings an
action against) a defendant. The proceedings if successful (with the
defendant being found liable) result in judgment for the claimant, and
the judgment may order the defendant to pay the claimant damages
(money), to transfer property, to do or not do something (an injunction)
or to fulfil obligations under a contract {specific performance). In
proceedings against the government or certain public authorities, known
as applications for judicial review, whether by means of a mandatory,
prohibiting or quashing order, or otherwise, the parties are also called
claimant40 and defendant respectively. In matrimonial cases in the
Family Division the parties are called petitioner and respondent, the
relief sought concerns dissolution of the marriage and the proceedings
result in a decree of divorce.
Criminal terminology
In English criminal proceedings the terminology is as follows. You have
a prosecutor prosecuting a defendant? the result of the prosecution if
successful is a conviction, and the1 defendant who is found guilty may
be punished by one of a variety of punishments or sentences ranging
from a fine to life imprisonment, including release on probation and
other alternatives to custody, or may be discharged without punishment.
The terminology of the one type of proceedings should never be
transferred to the other. "Criminal action", for example, is a misnomer,
so is "civil offence" (the proper expression is "civil wrong"). One does
not speak of a claimant prosecuting or of the criminal accused being
sued. The common announcement "Trespassers will be prosecuted" has
been called a "wooden lie", for trespass has traditionally been a civil
wrong, not (generally) a crime.
The more important types of civil wrong may be briefly mentioned. One
is the breach of contract. This is easy to understand, and all that the
student needs to know at the outset of his or her studies is that a contract
need not be in a formal document or indeed in any document at all. You
make a contract every time you buy a newspaper or a bus ticket.
Another civil wrong is a tort. This word conveys little meaning to many
outside the legal profession, and its exact definition is a matter of great
difficulty even for the lawyer. However, the general idea of it will
become clear enough if one says that torts include such wrongs,, as
negligence and nuisance, defamation of character, assault, battery, false
imprisonment, trespass to land and interference with goods. It is a civil
wrong independent of contract: that is to say. it gives rise to an action for
damages irrespective of any agreement not to do the act complained of.
Etymologically the word comes to us from the French tort, signifying
any wrong, and itself derived from the Latin tortus, meaning "twisted" or
"wrung", the latter term having the same origin as "wrong".43
Nowadays, however, a ton is not any wrong but only a particular land of
wrong that the law recognises as such, of which examples were given
above.44 The adjective from tort is "tortious": thus one speaks of a
tortious act.
A third civil wrong is a breach of trust. A "trust" is not a mere obligation
of honour, as the word may seem to suggest, but an obligation enforced
by the courts. It occurs where a person, called technically a settlor,
transfers properly (such as land or shares) to another, called a trustee, on
trust for yet another, called a beneficiary. (Actually the same person
may combine two or even all three of these capacities; but this
complication need not be considered here.) Where the trust is created by
will the settlor is also called a testator (the name for anyone who makes
a will); and an alternative name for the beneficiary is cestui que trust, an
elliptical phrase meaning "the person [for] whose [benefit the] trust [was
created]". In this phrase cestui is pronounced "settee" (with the accent on
the first syllable), que is pronounced "kee", and trust as in English.
Grammatically the plural should be cestuis que trust (pronounced like
the singular); but by an understandable mistake it is sometimes written
cestuis que trustent. as if trust were a verb.46 The beginner will perceive
by this time that several law-French words survive in our law from the
time when French was the language of the legal class. In the case of a
charitable trust there need be no definite beneficiary but the property is
held on trust for the public as a whole or for some section of it. Thus the
heritage organisation "National Trust" preserves beautiful places for the
public enjoyment, and there are many trusts for educational and religious
The only other type of civil obligation (it is not thought of as a wrong)
that the beginner need hear about is the restitutionary obligation.
Suppose that I pay you £5, mistakenly thinking that I owe it to you: I can
generally recover it back47 in the law of restitution. You have not
agreed to pay it back and so are not liable to me in contract; but in
justice you ought to pay it back. There are various other heads of unjust
enrichment besides the particular example just given,4S such as the
obligation to repay money paid on a consideration that has totally failed.
Another distinction that needs to be considered is that between public
and private law. Until relatively recently, it was widely believed (or at
any rate conventionally asserted) that the United Kingdom knew no
system of public law regulating the citizen and the state separate from
ordinary private law that governs the relationships between citizen and
citizen. Dicey in his Introduction to the Study of the Constitution (1885)
had insisted that it was a feature of the rule of law itself that it was
undesirable to seek to control the state other than, through the ordinary
law of the land, as developed for private citizens. The development in
the course of the twentieth century of the doctrines of judicial review of
administrative action made this perspective quite unrealistic by the
beginning of the twenty-first century. "Judicial review" refers to a body
of doctrine and legal rules whereby the courts have ensured that
government ministers and other public authorities act within the bounds
of the legal powers conferred upon them by Parliament, and that the)' do
so in accordance with appropriate procedural practices. The result is that
there is undoubtedly a distinctive body of public law, frequently studied
as such in universities, but sometimes also as constitutional and
administrative law.
The distinction between public and private law is not hard and fast, but
the dividing line can sometimes be a crucial one. The remedies of
judicial review are not available against a purely private body,50 for
example, and different procedures are adopted for proceeding against a
public as opposed to a private concern. For a lime, this dichotomy
threatened to return the legal system to the abysmal wrangling portrayed
in Charles Dickens' novel Bleak House.5' The position was rectified by
the House of Lords after a decade of confusion52; now the applicant will
lose only if the chosen course (chosen let it be said by the legal advisers,
since the client will rarely have expertise in these matters) is manifestly
wrong. Similarly, the notion that the -validity of a byelaw could be
challenged only by bringing separate proceedings for judicial review and
not by way of (for example) a defence in a criminal trial was eradicated
by the House of Lords before it could gain too entrenched a foothold.53
Two technical terms of great importance that are likely to puzzle the
novice are "common law'" and "equity".
The law of England may be said to be composed of three great elements:
legislation, common law and equity. To this must be added the direct!}'
applicable law emanating from Europe, which will be explained in
Chapter 3.
The most important kind of legislation is the Act of Parliament
(otherwise called a statute), through which the government of the day
carries into effect its principal policies. This is known as primary
legislation: What is called delegated legislation, like the many
government orders generally known as statutory instruments, has come
to be of great importance as well. About 3,800 such instruments are
promulgated every year, adding detail to the legislative framework
created by the Act of Parliament.
A non-lawyer (or layman) is not likely to experience difficulty in
understanding what constitutes primary legislation. Not so, however,
with common law and equity, which need fuller discussion.
Common law
The phrase "the common law" seems a little bewildering at first, because
it is always used to point a contrast and its precise meaning depends
upon the contrast that is being pointed. An analogy may perhaps make
this clearer. Take the word "layman". In the preceding paragraph the
word was used to mean a person who is not a lawyer. But when we
speak of ecclesiastics and laymen, we mean by "laymen" non-
ecclesiastics. When we speak of doctors and laymen, we mean by
"laymen" non-doctors. "Laymen", in short, are people who do not
belong to the particular profession of which we are speaking. It is
somewhat similar with the common law. Originally this meant the law
that was not local law, that is, the law that was common to the whole of
England. This use may occasionally be encountered, but it is no longer
the usual meaning.
More usually the phrase will signify the law that is not the result of
legislation, that is, the law created by the decisions of the judges and the
custom of the people. Within certain narrow limits, popular custom
creates law, and so (within much wider limits) do the decisions of the
courts, which we call precedents. When the phrase "the common law" is
used in this sense it may even include local law (in the form of local
A third use to which the phrase may be put is to denote the law that is
not equity {i.e. that developed by the old Court of Chancery). In this
sense it may even include statutory modifications of the common law.
though in the previous sense it does not.
Finally, it may mean the law that is not foreign law: in other words, the
law of England, or of other countries (such as America) that have
adopted English law as a starting-point. In this sense it is contrasted with
(say) Roman. Islamic or French law and here it includes the whole of
English law: even local customs legislation and equity.
Ii will thus be seen that the precise shade of meaning in which this
chameleon phrase is used depends upon the particular context, and upon
the contrast that is being made. In contrasting common law with
legislation and equity I am making particular reference to the
distinctions set out in the second and third senses of the phrase.
The term equity is an illustration of the proposition that some words
have a legal meaning very unlike their ordinary one. In ordinary
language "equity" means natural justice: but the beginner must gel that
idea out of mind when dealing with the system that lawyers call equity.
Originally, indeed, this system was inspired by ideas of natural justice,
and that is why it acquired its name; but nowadays equity is no more
(and no less) natural justice than the common law and it is in fact
nothing other than a particular branch of the law of England.
Equity, therefore, is law. Students should not allow themselves to be
confused by the lawyer's habit of contrasting "law" and "'equity for in
this context "law" is simply an abbreviation for the common law. Equity
is law in the sense that it is part of the law of England: it is not law only
in the sense that it is not part of the common law.
The process whereby equity came into being may be briefly described as
follows. In the Middle Ages, the courts of common law failed to give
redress in certain types of case where redress was needed. Disappointed
litigants petitioned the King, who was the "fountain of justice'", for
extraordinary relief and the King, through the Chancellor, eventually set
up a special court, the Court of Chancery, to deal with these petitions.
Eventually the rules applied by the Court of Chancery hardened into law
and became a regular part of the law of the land. The most important
branch of equity is the law of trusts, but equitable remedies such as
specific performance and injunction are also much used.
The student will learn how. in case of conflict or variance between the
rules of common law and the rules of equity, equity came to prevail.
This was by means of what was called a common injunction. Suppose
that A brought an action against B in one of the non-Chancery courts
and. in the view of the Court of Chancery, the action was inequitable.
B's proper course was to apply to the Court of Chancery for an order,
called a common injunction, directed to A and ordering him not to
continue the action. If A defied the injunction the Court of Chancery
would put him in prison for contempt of court. Equity thus worked
"behind the scenes" of the common law action: the common law
principles were theoretically left intact, but by means of this intricate
mechanism they were superseded by equitable rules in all cases of
conflict or variancess The result justified the sarcasm of the critic who
said that in England one court was set up to do injustice and another to
stop it.
This system went on until 1875. when as a result of the Judicature Act
1873 the old courts of common law and the Court of Chancery were
abolished. In their place was established a single Supreme Court of
Judicature, each branch of which had full power to administer both law
and equity. Also, common injunctions were abolished and instead it was
enacted that, in cases of conflict or variance between the rules of equity
and the rules of common law the rules of equity should prevail.
All this is simple to state; what is not so easy to explain to a beginner is
how we remain stuck with the distinction between law and equity.
Lawyers are familiar with the proposition that the Judicature Act,
although it fused the administration of law and equity, did not fuse law
and equity themselves. As one writer put it: "the two streams have met
and now run in the same channel, but their waters do not mix".56 For the
beginner this is a hard saying. "How ..." the student may ask.
"... can one say that law and equity are still different, when they are
administered by the same judges? I can understand that before the
Judicature Act one had to know whether a particular rule was a rule of
law or a rule of equity, because you had to be careful 10 proceed in the
right court to get your rule enforced. But now the choice of court does
not matter. Why, then, should I bother to learn whether a particular rule
is part of the system formerly called the common law or part of the
system formerly called equity? Is anyone the worse lawyer for not
knowing it?"
The student cannot appreciate the full answer to this question until
having studied equity, but I think that a satisfactory preliminary answer
can be given. To start with, it may be admitted that very often the
student's impression is right, and it does not now matter whether a
particular rule is law or equity. But sometimes it does matter. When one
says that a particular rule of modern law (using that term, this time, in its
wide sense) is a rule of equity, one means that it has to be read in the
light of the whole complex of principles developed by the Chancellors.
These principles do not necessarily apply if the rule in question is a rule
of the common law.
To take an illustration: one of these principles developed by the
Chancellors was (and is) to the effect that "he who comes to equity must
come with clean hands. This will apply whenever the claimant is relying
upon an equitable right, but not necessarily when relying on a common
law right. In other words, to say that a particular right is an equitable
right is shorthand for saying that all the subsidiary rules of equity apply
to it including (for instance) the rule that the plaintiff must not have
soiled hands. On the other hand, to say that a particular right is a
common law right is shorthand for saying that it is to be interpreted in a
common law atmosphere leaving out of account such equitable rules as
apply only to equitable rights.
Now, the precise rules as to when a particular remedy is available turn
on whether the claim was at law or in equity in the first place. For
example, the law allows a claimant to follow or trace property into the
hands of a third person in a situation where the claimant is able to point
to the property as being the actual property or proceeds of that property.
If the claim is at common law, the property must be identifiable as the
property that was handed over. If it becomes intermingled with the
property of the person into whose hands it has passed (as where money
is- paid into the recipient's bank account), the tracing remedy is no
longer available at common law. By contrast, equity will allow the
claimant to trace the property into a mixed fund, but only subject to
certain conditions, such as that there was a relationship of trust (a
fiduciary relationship) between the parties in the first place.57 Thus
when a modern textbook draws a distinction between law and equity.
saying that at law the rule is so-and-so but in equity58 it is such-and-
such the author is not indulging in idle verbiage nor yet in mere
historical reminiscence. The distinction has real (if sometimes
unfortunate) consequences. Although the rule is that when law and
equity conflict, equity prevails, there is always the possibility that a
litigant who relies on an equitable rule may for some reason be outside
the limits of that equitable rule; and when this happens the contradictory
common law rule, which may generally seem to be a dead letter,
becomes very much alive.
The above is not the only answer to the question: what is the present
difference between law and equity? But it is probably the only answer
that can be given in general terms without having to state exceptions;
and it is the answer that is most easily apprehended by the beginner.
Common law as made by the judges
When the term "common law'" is used in contrast to statutory law, it
may mean either of two things, though they are closely related. It
generally means the body of law produced by decided cases without the
aid of legislation. Occasionally, however, the invocation of the common
law refers not to previously existing law but to the power of the judges
to create new law under the guise of interpreting it. Nearly all the
common law in the first sense is created by the common law in the
second sense that is to say by the judges in the exercise of their
discretion. How much discretion a judge has to expand the law is a
complex question. Part of the answer to it will appear in Chapter.
A distinction cutting across that between civil and criminal law is that
between substantive and adjectival law. Substantive law lays down
people's rights, duties, liberties and powers. Adjectival law relates to the
enforcement of rights and duties: in particular, it concerns procedure and
evidence. Criminal and civil procedure are different, and so are criminal
and civil evidence.
Notwithstanding its enormous importance the formal study of procedure
is not usually undertaken until quite late On in legal studies, and there is
no need to trouble my readers at this stage with its many intricacies.
What follows is a sketch of the part of civil procedure that the student of
substantive law may find it useful to know. Civil proceedings are
launched with a statement of case (formerly known as the "pleadings"),
written summaries of the bare facts on which each part)' to a civil case
relies. They come after the service of the claim form (formerly called a
"writ"), which commences the action and they are exchanged between
the parties before the trial in order to reveal the apple of discord to the
parties themselves and to the court. In technical language their function
is said to be to settle the "issues'" between the parties. The claimanl"1
must supply particulars of claim, including a concise statement of the
facts on which reliance is placed. Together the claim form and such
particulars comprise the statements of case. It may recite, for example,
that the claimant was on the [blank] day of ["blank] proceeding on foot
down High Street when the defendant so negliently drove his car that he
ran him down, thereby causing him personal injury and damage to his
There will be particulars of negligence (driving too fast, on the wrong
side of the road, without keeping a proper lookout, without giving
warning, and so on—these particulars have become almost common
form in such cases), and particulars of the injury and damage (the latter
called "special damage" to distinguish it from the general damage" that
can be presumed to flow from the injury and so does not have to be
specially pleaded).
Then comes the defendant's defence. The defence may actually embody
a number of defences, perhaps inconsistent with each other. The modern
rules of procedure provide for three main responses by the defendant: a
denial of allegations contained in the claimant's particulars of claim:
requiring the claimant to prove a particular allegation—this response is
appropriate when the defendant is unable to admit or deny the relevant
allegation: or thirdly, an admission of an allegation. In addition a
defendant can apply for the court to "strike out'" a "statement of case
which "discloses no reasonable grounds for ... defending the claim".
This last type of response is appropriate if the claim is not recognised in
law. Two further comments are necessary regarding "striking out". This
power can be used to excise any part of a "statement of case", whether it
be the claimant's allegations or the defence. Secondly, the court itself
can take the initiative to strike out in this way, and so it does not need to
wait for a party to make the application.
After the defence, there may sometimes be a reply (formerly called a
replication) from the claimant. This reply may take any of the three
forms of the defence, traversing the facts in defence, confessing and
avoiding them, or objecting in point of law.
The defence may also be accompanied by a counterclaim (now known,
altogether more prosaically, as a "Part 20 claim") in which the defendant
brings a claim against either one or more of the existing claimants or
against a new party who is to be added as a defendant to the Part 20
It is necessary to take care in drawing up any "statement of case",
because the court may refuse to admit evidence on or to decide matters
that have not been properly pleaded.64 If, for example, an alteration
sought at a late stage amounted to an attempt to introduce a fresh cause
of action that would be barred by the Statute of Limitations as being out
of time for proceedings to commence, the court might have no option
but to disallow the application. Once the statement of case has been
served, the court controls amendment of the pleadings, and being rightly
reluctant to visit the sins of the pleaders upon their clients, will now
allow amendment wherever this occasions no injustice to the other side,
provided that the party amending pays any costs occasioned by the
mistake. Furthermore, the statements of claim can be supplemented in
various ways, such as by putting facts in the witness statements and then
proving those, rather than in the original statements of case. These
powers to allow amendment and supplementation diminish the
importance of the pleadings; but it must be remembered that if counsel
does not ask for an amendment judgment may be given on the
documents as they stand. It must also be pointed out that an appeal court
regards itself as hearing an appeal on the case presented to the lower
court; it will generally refuse to decide a point that was not before die
court below on the facts as pleaded.
Professor R. M. Jackson's Machinery of Justice in England (8th ed.,
1989), is an excellent general description of our courts and their
working, but it is inevitably somewhat dated, and useful (more up-to-
date) additional information is given in Walker and Walker, The English
Legal System (8th ed., 1998), and Smith, Bailey and Gunn, Modern
English Legal System (4th ed., 2002). Martin Partngton's Introduction to
the English Legal System (2000) provides a panoramic perspective.
Penny Darby shire's Eddy and Darby shire on the English Legal System
(7th ed., 2001) does much the same in rather more detail and is very up-
If you have a taste for history, you will derive much pleasure and profit
from J. H. Baker's An Introduction to English Legal History (4th ed.,
2002). A shorter and less ambitious treatment, confined to the history of
the courts, but very readable, is H. G. Hanbury and D. C. M. Yardley,
English Courts of Law (5th ed., 1979). Professor S. F. C. Milsom's
Historical Foundations of the Common Law (2nd ed., 1981) is the best
treatment of the subject, but is probably too difficult for a beginner.
"I hold him not discreet that will sectari rivulos, when he may petere
—Coke, Preface to 4th part of Reports.
The person who wants to become a lawyer, and not merely to pass law
examinations (which is not at all the same thing), must learn to use legal
materials. A complaint met with increasing frequency is that too many
modern (twenty-first century) graduates are unable to conduct
"research'", by which is meant amongst other things that the student has
not been taught (or at any rate has not learnt) how to handle legal
materials. To acquire proficiency in this, the student must get to know
their way about the law library,2 and must acquire the habit of first-hand
work among what lawyers call me sources. It must be said, however,
that much modern legal education overlooks this aspect of the process.
So keen are most lecturers that the student should engage with the
doctrines and principles inherent in the law that they simplify the
process by making available large amounts of pre-digested source
material extracted from cases, statutes, regulations, official publications
and other materials. Students are then left to pick up such lawyerly skills
as finding the relevant materials for themselves as best they can. One of
the purposes of this book is to remedy that deficiency.
The great campaigner for exposure to primary materials at first hand
among teachers of law was Sir Frederick Pollock, affectionately known
to his own generation as "F.P."; no apology is necessary for repeating
his thoughts, since they are difficult to better (though the language in
which they are couched seems aggressively masculine to the modern
"We no longer make and transcribe notes and extracts, with infinite
manual labour, in a huge 'commonplace book', as former generations
compelled to do by the dearth of printed works of reference. But, the law
is a living science, no facilities of publishing and printing ever perfectly
keep pace with it. A student who intends to be a lawyer cannot realise
this too soon. There is no need for him to make voluminous notes
(indeed there is a great deal of vain superstition about lecture notes)3;
but those he does take and use ought to be made by him for himself, and
always verified with the actual authorities at the first opportunity.
Another man's notes may be better in themselves, but they will be worse
for the learner. As for attempts to dispense with first-hand reading and
digesting by printed summaries and other like devices, they are
absolutely to be rejected. No man ever became a lawyer by putting his
trust in such things; and if men can pass examinations by them so much
the worse for the examinations.
Some may think that put a trifle too exuberantly5 but in essentials the
advice is sound. The great disadvantage of confining oneself to
textbooks and lecture notes is that it means taking all one's law at second
hand. The law of England is contained in statutes and judicial decisions;
what the text writer thinks is not, in itself, law. The author may have
misinterpreted the authorities, whereas the reader who goes to the
authorities directly goes to the fountainhead. Besides becoming familiar
with the law reports and statute book, the lawyer-to-be should get to
know the way about the library, together with its apparatus of catalogues
and books of reference, even in days when so much legal material is to
be found electronically. To quote Pollock again:
"Facility in such things may seem a small matter, but much toil may be
wasted and much precious time lost for want of it. To the working
lawyer these things are the very tools of his trade. He depends on them
for that whole region of potential knowledge which must bear a large
proportion to the actual.”
Bui this is preaching; and I do not want to preach, but only to give
practical advice to those who wish to heat- it. Let us therefore pass at
once to:
Near the entrance to the library there will probably be a computer
terminal (or several terminals) giving access to the catalogue of the
contents of the library. In some libraries, this may still be in the form i of
printed volumes or a card index, though these are increasingly rare. Each
entry contains a number of figures or letters or a combination of the two.
This is known as the class mark, and it should be accurately i noted,
since it enables the volume to be traced in the library. You I should
make a point of discovering the system adopted in your library, by
wandering round the shelves. Some classifications use what'' may be
called a decimal system, even though no decimal point' appears. For
example, volumes next to each other on the shelf may i be marked AF 1,
AF 2, AF 22 and AF 7. If you imagine a decimal point before these
numbers you will see that they are not out of order. The system enables
the library staff to insert new sub-groups without altering the main order.
One has to use common sense in consulting a catalogue. Suppose you
want a book by an author called Bowen-Rowlands. You should ' first try
"Bowen", but if it is not there try "Rowlands". Libraries vary in their
treatment of these hyphenated names. Anonymous books -are usually
included in the author catalogues under their titles. Thus, Every Man's
Own Lawyer, by A Banister, will probably be in the: author catalogue
under "Every", though it may be under "Barrister" or "A Barrister" or
"Anonymous". Periodicals may be in the author catalogue either under
their titles or grouped under the general heading of "Periodicals".
Near the catalogues there will probably be works of reference, such as
dictionaries and bibliographies. The law reports, statutes and periodicals
will probably be found in special sections of the library. Usually too
there will be special sections devoted to individual subjects as Roman
law. international law, jurisprudence and legal his Most of the rest of
the library will be taken up with law text-h oks and periodicals. The
texts may be arranged alphabetically under authors, starting (say) with
Abbott on Merchant Ships and ending with (say) louche on Partnership
Accounts. Or they may be classified by subject, and arranged
alphabetically under authors within each subject. Where there is no
subject arrangement, and it is desired to find books relating to a
particular subject, it will usually be necessary to consult the subject
catalogue in the library, or else one of the works mentioned later (p.
209). Periodicals may be arranged alphabetically, or by jurisdiction
(Commonwealth being separated from American, for example) or by
some other set of classification.
During the vacation it may be worthwhile to locate a library near your
home. You should be able to obtain permission to use the library of a
local university or college, or (if you are going to be a solicitor) of the
local Law Society; and the larger public libraries have some law books.
Now to look more closely at the law reports, statutes and periodicals. A
good deal of the material about to be considered is now available in
electronic form, either over the internet (Westlaw, Lexis and Context
Justis, to name but a few of the databases), or in CD-Rom form. When
available, they greatly facilitate access to the material; learning how to
use these tools is one further skill now required of the competent lawyer,
and they will be further discussed in Chapter 12. Even with their advent,
however, the lawyer needs to know the basic structure of the system of
law reports.
The practice of law reporting is at a critical juncture. It was formerly
possible to say that law reports are reports of the more important cases
decided by the superior courts, and that not all cases are reported: only
those of legal interest. The advent of the internet has changed that state
of affairs, since so many law reports, many of them of trivial
significance, are now readily accessible. In order to avoid over-citation
of these unimportant decisions, the courts are anxious to limit the
citation of authorities to those which are "relevant and useful".
The criteria according to which decisions are selected for reporting by
the semi-official reports8 published by the Incorporated Council of Law
Reporting are known as the "Lindiey principles" which were first set out
in 1863, based on a paper prepared by Nathaniel Lindiey (later Master of
the Rolls and Law Lord). He said that care should be taken to exclude (i)
cases which pass without discussion or consideration, and which are
valueless as precedents and (ii) cases which are substantially repetitions
of what is reported already, but to include (i) cases which introduce, or
appear to introduce, a new principle or a new rule; (ii) cases which
materially modify an existing principle or rule; (iii) cases which settle,
or materially tend to settle, a question upon which the law is doubtful:
and (iv) cases which for any reason are peculiarly instructive.
Whilst the Incorporated Council no doubt still adheres to these
principles, other reporters may not, particularly those whose coverage is
specialist, relating to (for example) housing, the environment or road
traffic. Experts in these relatively limited fields may well appreciate the
significance of a decision that has escaped the more general reporter.
The result is that there are many more reported cases than hitherto.
The reports may be divided very roughly into the old and the new. The
old run from the time of Henry VHP to 1865 and the new since that date.
Pre-1865 reports were produced chiefly by private reporters under their
own names (and are known as the '"nominate reports"). Altogether there
were some hundreds of different series, though many of them ran only
for a short time. Most, but not all were reprinted in a series known as the
English Reports (abbreviated E.R.). You are not likely to have to consult
them a great deal in the course of your studies but you should know
about them: they are discussed further below (see p- 42).
In 1865 there commenced the semi-official "Law Reports' (with capital
letters) published by the Incorporated Council of Law reporting
4.t present they are published in four series. There is one for each
Division of the High Court. They are:
*Queen's Bench Division (cited e.g. as [2002] 2 Q.B. 600. mean-ins the
second volume for the year 2002 at p. 600); -
* Chancery Division (cited e.g. as [2002] 1 Ch. 600);
Family Division (cited e.g. as f2002] Fam. 600).
These series contain judgments at first instance in the three Divisions
and they also contain the judgments on appeal to the Court of Appeal. If
a further appeal is taken from the Court of Appeal to the House of Lords,
the decision of the Lords will be reported in a separate series called the
Appeal Cases (cited e.g. as [2002] A.C. 600). The Appeal Cases
volumes also contain cases decided in the Judicial Committee of the
Privy Council.
Originally there were 11 series—roughly speaking, one for each of the
superior courts. After the Law Reports had been running for 10 years,
the Judicature Act 1873 came into force, and this (since it altered the
superior courts) brought about changes in the names of the series and
reduced the 11 series to six. Another change occurred in 1881, when the
Exchequer and Common Pleas Divisions of the High Court were
incorporated in the Queen's Bench Division, with the result that the
corresponding reports were likewise amalgamated reducing the series to
four. A change in the mode of citation was made in 1890, when instead
of quoting the volumes by number the practice was started of referring
to them exclusively by the year. In 1972 the series called Probate
(abbreviated P., and containing cases in the Probate. Divorce and
Admiralty Division) was replaced by a series called Family (containing
cases in the new Family Division). All these changes are shown in
Figure 3 on page 40.
Neutral citation
If you consult a very recent volume of the reports, you will notice that
the judgments have paragraph numberings which continue sequentially
throughout the judgment. This practice was introduced to facilitate the
publication of judgments on the internet and their subsequent
consultation by electronic database users. With effect from January 11,
2001 a form of neutral citation was introduced for both divisions of the
Court of Appeal and this practice was subsequently extended lo the High
Court; these judgments are numbered in the following way:
Court of Appeal
Court of Appeal (Civil Division) [2002] EWCA Civ 1,2,3
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) [2002] EWCA Crim 1,2, 3
High Court
Chancer)' Division EWHC number (Ch)
Patents Court EWHC number (Pat)
Administrative Court EWHC number (Admin)
Commercial Court EWHC number (Comm)
Admiralty Court EWHC number (Admlty)
Technology and Construction EWHC number (TCC)
Family Division EWHC number (Fam)
The number mentioned at the end of each citation is a unique number
assigned by the official shorthand writers to each approved judgment,
and there will be no page numbers in the judgments them-selves.
Williams v. Davies, the tenth numbered judgment of the year in the Civil
Division of the Court of Appeal should now be cited Williams v Davies
[2001] EWCA Civ 10 at [59] (or whatever thus: H uttwit. oaranraph is
being cited).
"In the High Court, the citation would he. for example, [2002] EWHC
123 "(Fam): or [2002] EWHC 124 (QB): or [2002] EWHC 125 (Ch).
Figure 3
The chart just referred to is not quite complete, because it indexes each
of the old reports under one title only, whereas in fact many 0f die old
reports were known under various titles or under various abbreviations
of the title. If you are having difficulty in locating one of the reports,
consult the full chart published by Professional Books. If this is not
available, use the chart in Donald Raistrick, Index of Legal
Abbreviations and Citations (2nd ed., 1993, repr. 1999), supplemented if
necessary by the chart in 7 C.L.J. 261.
These old reports were of uneven quality, at least in the period before
1757, and need to be handled with some care. Of the worst of them
many stories are told. In Slater v. May (1704)16 a case was cited from 4
Modern, then a comparatively recent volume of reports. Upon search of
the roll (that is, the official record of the case) it was found that the
report in 4 Modern had omitted a material fact. Upon this Holt C.J. burst
out: "See the inconveniences of these scambling reports, they will make
us to appear to posterity for a parcel of block¬heads. When another of
the early reporters, Barnardiston, was cited before Lord Lyndhurst the
latter exclaimed: "Barnardiston, Mr. Preston! I fear that is a book of no
great authority; I recollect, in my younger days, it was said of
Barnardislon, that he was accustomed to slumber over his notebook, and
wags in the rear took the opportunity of scribbling nonsense in it.""
Reporters even of the nineteenth century did not always escape judicial
condemnation. The one who got most kicks of all was Espinasse, who
reported Nisi Prius cases between 1793 and 1807. Pollock C.B. said of
him that he heard only half of what went on in court and reported the
other half.18 And Maule J., when a case in Espinasse was referred to,
said with some emphasis that he did not care for Espinasse "or any other
ass".19 ' Denman G.J.'s response when a case from Espinasse was cited
"I am tempted to remark, for the benefit of the profession, that
Espinasse's Reports, in days nearer their own time, when their want of
accuracy was better known than it is now, were never quoted without
doubt and hesitation; and a special reason was often given as an apology
for citing that particular case. Now they are often cited as if counsel
thought them of equal authority with Lord Coke's Reports.”
I relate these tales only to put the researcher on guard when dealing .
with some of the old reports, not to discountenance their use altogether.
It sometimes happens that even poor maligned Espinasse is the only
reporter to give us an important case. Wilkinson v. Coverdale which the
student may perhaps come across in tort or in contract, is an example—
and, as Denman C.J. indicated, he and others like stamp are not
altogether unusable, though usable only with on Also, this sort of
condemnation does not apply by any means all the old reports, many of
which are of outstanding quality. The student wishing to know more
about these old reporters may read Pollock's chapter in the First Book of
Jurisprudence (6th ed., 1929) PP- 292 et seq., or Veeder's article in
(1901) 15 Harvard Law Review 1,109,partly reprinted in 2 Select Essays
in Anglo-American Legal History 123, or C.G. Moran's The Heralds of
the Law (1948). Detailed monographs are J.W. Wallace, The Reporters
(4th ed., 1882) and Sir J.C. Fox, Handbook of English Law Reports
How to find a reference
In your student days you will probably be given clear references to all
the cases you need to read, either in a textbook or by your lecturer.
However, you may sometimes know the name of a case but not its
reference. Or you may have a reference to the case but find that the
report is not on the shelf, so you want a reference to the same case in
another series of reports.
If the case is since 1865, start your hunt with the Law Reports Index,
which, for cases up to 1949, was called the Law Reports Digest. This
gives the references to the case at all its stages through the courts; you
will probably be looking for the reference to the last appeal, so start by
looking at the references at the end of the list. The Index is particularly
useful because it gives references not only to the Law Reports and
Weekly Law Reports, but to the All England Reports, Criminal Appeal
Reports, and a good many other series. (Distinguish between the Table
of Cases Reported and the Table of Cases Judicially Considered.) The
large red index volumes cover a span of years, the latest being the Index
for 1991-2000. Cases thereafter are listed in separate indexes for each
year and then in additional cumulative parts of the current year. For
more recent cases still, look at the cumulative index in the Weekly Law
Reports, starting with the current number (which will tell you when the
previous cumulative index was included). Cases that are too recent even
for the Weekly Law Reports, being published only in some place like
The Times newspaper or the Criminal Law Review, will be noted in the
monthly publication called Current Law?2 The annual volumes of
Current Law in your library may be called Scottish Current Law: this is
the same as the English law version except that it includes Scottish cases
in addition.
Other methods can be used if for any reason this one fails. The All
England Reports Consolidated Tables and Index is useful, but it gives
only the All England Reports. The Current Law Case Citators 1947-
1977 and 1977-1997 cover all cases for the periods specified, and later
cases will be found in the annual volumes and the monthly parts of
Current Law for the current year. For the current year start with the
latest monthly number, which contains a cumulative list to date.
Current Law is helpful, but it does not always give all the reports of the
case. Failing all else, use The Digest (formerly called the English and
Empire Digest), which in any event you will need for the older cases.
The procedure is simple: consult the table of cases at the front of the
annual Cumulative Supplement. This gives a reference to the volume,
subject and case number. Take down the appropriate (green band)
volume from the shelf and look up the case again in the table of cases at
the front of the volume. This will give you the case number within the
subject. The official instructions on how to use The Digest are to be
found at the front of the Cumulative Supplement.
If you are looking up a case in the index to a volume of the Criminal
Appeal Reports, it is worth knowing that the "Table of Cases" is a snare
and delusion: the true table of cases (for the Court of Appeal) is headed
"Appellants and Applicants”, while the table of cases decided in other
courts is idiotically separated from this and concealed overleaf.
Other indexes for the older cases are the index to the English Reports
(cases before 1865) and the index to the All England Law Reports
Reprint (cases before 1935).
Abbreviations: law reports and periodicals
At the beginning of your studies, you will frequently come across
abbreviations that you do not recognise. There are a number of places
where you can look to dispel the puzzlement. Raistrick’s already
mentioned, will decipher the multitudinous abbreviated, names of law
reports, as will D. French. How to Cite Legal Authorities (1996)- If both
of these works are unavailable, you might look in one of the following:
Volume 1 of Halsbury's Laws of England (updating if necessary with the
Current Service): Current Law (both the Monthly Digest and the
Yearbook); the Index Legal Periodicals: "Where to Look for your Law",
reprinted in Osborn's Concise Law Dictionary (9th ed.. 2001). p.
417: Mozley and Whiteley's Law Dictionary. (12th ed.. 2001); Volume
1(1) of the Digest, (formerly English and Empire Digest); Stroud's
Judicial Dictionary (6th ed., 2000). Vol. 1: Civil Procedure. Vol. 1
(known as "the White Book, which is published annually). If you think
that the reference that has you stumped might be from an overseas
jurisdiction, there is a four-volume loose-leaf series, World Dictionary
of Legal Abbreviations.
Scottish decisions
The current Scottish law reports known as Sessions Cases are divided
into three series all bound into one volume for the year: House of Lords
and Privy Council Court of Justiciary and Court of Session. They are
cited as. for example. 2002 S.C. (H.L. or P.C.) 100, 2002 S.C. (J.) 100
and 2002 S.C. 100; note that there are three different page runs in each
volume. Where cases are reported in this series, they should be cited in
preference to reports of the same case in the Scots Law Times (1893-),
which in turn is preferred to the Scottish Criminal Case Reports (SCCR)
or the Scottish Civil Law Reports (SCLR), both of which commenced
publication in the 1980s.
Two references given
Sometimes the reader's reference will contain two page references, thus
"[1892] 1 Q.B. 273, 291" or "[1892] 1 Q.B. 273 at291".24 Here the first
page contains the beginning of the case and the second page the
particular passage (often a pithy statement of principle) to which the real
reference is being made. Beginners have been known to spend many
hours reading a case to which they were referred only for a single
passage in the middle of it. Generally speaking, if a case is quoted for
these limited purposes, there is no need to read the whole of the case. As
the neutral citation mode becomes more widespread, we will have to
become accustomed to the use of square brackets [ ] to denote the
particular paragraphs of the judgment to which attention is being called.
Square and round brackets
The use of square and round brackets surrounding the dates of cases
requires a word of explanation. Compare the following two references:
Stanley v. Powell (1890) 60 L.J.Q.B. 52.
Stanley v. Powell [1891] 1 Q.B. 86.
Why are the dates different, and why the two different sorts of brackets?
To answer the second question first, the custom is to use square brackets
where the date is an indispensable part of the reference to the case,
round brackets where it is not. The report first cited has a volume
number (60), so the date is not necessary to trace the case: the second
report has no volume number, so the date is in square brackets. As to the
first question, the judgment in the case was pronounced in 1890, which
is therefore its true date. But some time elapses before the cases are
reported in the Law Reports, and this case did not get in until 1891,
which is the date in the second reference. Where cases are reported in
the Law Reports it is customary to adopt the date of publication of the
Law Reports version as the date of the case. The reader should be spared
this pedantry; it is explained here simply to save bewilderment.
Electronic Searching
It should be mentioned at this stage that many of the reports that you
will require are available electronically, either as a CD-Rom version or,
more recently, over the internet. Some of these services are available
free. The decisions of the House of Lords, for example, are placed on
the internet within hours of their being livered in the House itself, and
can be viewed at the House of Lords website
( which is in all
likelihood available through your law faculty home You will note when
you consult a judgment of this sort that jacks the editorial additions such
as a headnote and catch words. Other services such as Westlaw, Smith
Bernal and Lexis/Nexis are subscription only sendees, and require a
password. The librarians in your university library will no doubt give
guidance as to which is available and further guidance in their use. Look
out, in particular for the ATHENS Access Management System, through
which a large number of databases (not exclusively legal) can be made
Titles of cases
It is helpful to know certain rules for the naming of cases. Trials on
indictment are in the name of the Queen (as representing the State); thus
a criminal case is generally called Reg. v. [whomever it is]— Reg. being
short for Regina (pronounced "Rejyna"), and v. being short for versus.
When there is a king on the throne, Rex is used instead of Reg. Rex and
Regina both conveniently abbreviate to R., which saves having to
remember which is which. Thus Rex v. Sikes or Reg. v. Sikes may both
be written R. v. Sikes. Some textbooks on criminal law even print
simply Sikes. This last is a convenient usage for the student of criminal
In some types of criminal case the title of the case will not contain Rex
or Reg. before the v., but will contain the name of a private person. This
happens when the case is tried summarily before magistrates (i.e.
justices of the peace); here the name of the actual prosecutor appears
instead of the nominal prosecutor, the Queen. Again, when an appeal
was taken to the House of Lords, the practice was formerly that the
name of an official or private prosecutor, usually the Director of Public
Prosecutions or a government department, was substituted for the word
Reg. Having two names for a case was a nuisance, particularly because
when the appeal was by the defendant the names of the parties became
reversed. Eventually it was decided that as from 1979 criminal cases in
the House of Lords should be reported under the same title as in the
court below.
Civil cases will usually be cited by the names of the parties, thus:
Rylands v. Fletcher. If the Queen (as representing the Crown) is a party
she is, in civil cases, usually called "The Queen", and similarly with the
King, thus: British Coal Corporation v. The King; but R. may also be
In order to make life more difficult for us all, the name of the appellant
is put first when an appeal is taken to the Divisional Court, even though
the appellant was the defendant in the court below; this means that the
names may become reversed. Nattrass, an inspector of weights and
measures, instituted a summary prosecution entitled Nattrass v. Tesco
Supermarkets Ltd; on appeal by the defendant company to the
Divisional Court this became Tesco Supermarkets Ltd v. Nattrass,25 and
the title stayed the same on further appeal by Tesco to the House of
Lords. We need an edict saying that the titles of cases shall never
Pronouncing case names -J
There are peculiar conventions in pronouncing the names of cases.
For example, the criminal case R. v. Sikes is sometimes (though loosely)
referred to thus (pronounced as written), or more correctly as Rex (or
Regina) v. Sikes (again pronounced as written). In court, however, the
proper method of referring to the case is "The King [or The Queen]
against Sikes". In civil cases the "v." coupling the names of the parties is
pronounced "and", both in court and out of it. Thus Smith v. Hughes is
always pronounced (but never written) "Smith and Hughes", and
similarly British Coal Corporation v. The King (which was a civil
proceeding against the Crown) is pronounced with "and". Lawyers
thus write one thing and say another In some cases, as where a will is
being interpreted, the name of the '" case is "In re" (in the matter of)
somebody or something; for instance, |j In re Smith. It is permissible to
shorten this to Re Smith. (Re is pronounced "ree"). Certain applications
to the courts are labelled "Ex M parte": Exp. Smith means "on the
application of Smith", and you will find this version used in the most
recent cases in the Administrative .^ Court, in particular. In probate
cases (that is, cases concerned with the $ proof of a will) the title In
Bonis (i.e. in the goods of) Smith may be met j with in the older reports,
and in Admiralty cases the name of a ship (for if example. The Satanita).
Other possible ways of naming cases need not he considered here, but,
in order to prevent the student from being nuzzled, one oddity may be
mentioned. The House of Lords is often the final court of appeal for
Scotland (and Northern Ireland) as well as England' and a Scots case that
goes to the House of Lords may become important in English as well as
Scots law. Two such important cases are McAUster (or Donoghue) v.
Stevenson26 and Hay (or Bourhill) v. Young. The oddity is the
alternative name in brackets, for which the explanation is as follows. In
Scotland a married woman, though she takes her husband's name, does
not cease for legal purposes to go also by her maiden name. When she
figures in litigation, her maiden name is placed first, and her married
name is given as an alternative afterwards. Nevertheless, the correct
mode of citation, when brevity is desired or when the proceedings are in
the House of Lords,28 is by the married name.29 The two cases above
may, for brevity, be cited as Donoghue v. Stevenson and Bourhill v.
Young, but not as McAlister v. Stevenson or Hay v. Young.
The state of the statute book
In theory there is nothing to prevent the whole of the law being set out
clearly and logically in statutory form. Decided cases would then be
useful only as interpreting the statutes, and important decisions could be
incorporated into the statutes by amendment. In practice, human sloth,
indifference and perversity have combined to keep the statute book in a
state far short of perfection. Statutes are not arranged on a rational plan,
since the same subject may be divided between many statutes and the
same statute may contain bits of several subjects. Statutes are amended
from time to time, so that often the law has to be gathered by reading
two or more statutes side by side. Relief is given when a statute and its
amending Acts are gathered together into a single "consolidating" Act.
This makes for convenience, but even a consolidation statute is unlikely
to state the whole law on the subject with which it deals partly because
there may i well be other statutes bearing on the subject, and partly
because a ' consolidation statute does not attempt to set out the common
law. » The process of setting out both statute law and common law as a ;
single, well-ordered body of law is called codification, but for reasons
that it would not be flattering to examine in detail English lawyers a
were historically hostile (or, at best, indifferent) to this. So far as the
criminal law is concerned, the position is much changed, with the senior
Law Lord (Lord Bingham) taking the lead in calling publicly for the
enactment of a criminal code.
An official on-line Statute Law Database has been promised (although
the date of publication represents an ever-receding horizon)
which will provide an up-to-date text of all statutes. That development,
if it should occur, will make the task of ascertaining the precise state of
the statute book infinitely easier than it is now. It is a great reproach to
the present system that it can be extraordinarily difficult to produce an
up-to-date text of any particular statute, so overladen do they become
with subsequent amendments and repeals.
As a student you will probably have all the extracts from statutes you
need in your textbook or in a book of cases, statutes and materials
specially produced for your subject. If you do need to look up a statute
(and you will certainly have to as a practitioner) read the advice on this
in Chapter 12. In particular, there may be relevant : statutes passed since
your book was written. These can be traced by consulting the
appropriate title in Halsbury's Statutes. If you are luck}' enough to have
access to the Butterworths on-line service, you can short-circuit the
process by going directly to the up-to-date version. Sweet &
Maxwell's on-line service, Westlaw UK , I,
which also contains full text, fully consolidated legislation since 1267.
The citation of statutes
Statutes are cited in three ways: by the short title, which includes the
calendar year (for example, the Fatal Accidents Act 1846,3' by the
regnal year or years and the chapter (for example, 9 & 10 Vict c. 933*),
°r by a compromise of the two (for example, the Fatal Accidents Act
184.6 (c.93)). Two regnal years are given (as in the foresoing example)
when the session.of Parliament in which the statute was passed did not
fall within a single regnal year. The chapter indicates the number of the
statute formerly, the number in the session. It will be seen that "9 & 10
Vict, c.93" means an Act that received the royal assent in the session of
Parliament beginning in the ninth year of Queen Victoria's reign and
concluding in her tenth year, being the ninety-third statute passed in that
session. Since 1962, chapter numbers have referred to the calendar
The parts of a statute
The main body of a statute is divided into sections, and sections may be
divided into subsections. Where there are subsections they comprise the
whole of the section—there is no opening part of the section before the
subsections. A subdivision following an opening part is called a
paragraph. Subsections have a number in brackets while paragraphs
have a letter in brackets.34 Here is an example drawn from the Theft Act
1968, s. 21, which establishes the crime of blackmail. Section 21 opens
immediately with subsection (1).
"(1) A person is guilty of blackmail if, with a view to gain for himself
or another or with intent to cause loss to another, he makes any
unwarranted demand with menaces; and for this purpose a demand with
menaces is unwarranted unless the person making it does so in the belief
(a) that he has reasonable grounds for making the demand; and
(b) that the use of the menaces is a proper means of reinforcing the ;k
You would cite this as subsection (1), and the paragraphs as paragraph
(a) and paragraph (b) respectively, abbreviated in writing as section
l(l)(a). In informal speech lawyers sometimes refer to "section 1,
subsection (1)" as "section 1 sub (1)", and so on. When the Bill is still
before Parliament, the segments are called "clauses" and "sub-clauses".
As a student you are not likely to have much to do with statutory
instruments ("S.I."—formerly known as statutory rules and orders, "S.R.
& O."), though exceptionally you may have to consult them. When
referring to statutory instruments, instead of calling the particular
provisions of the instrument "section" and "subsection" as with statutes,
one calls them "articles" or "rules" and "paragraphs" respectively.
Many statutory instruments are made in order to give effect to |
European Community law. A substantial part of Community law » takes
effect directly on individuals and affects private rights and j duties; this
is true for some provisions of the Treaty of Rome and | for nearly all
regulations made under the Treaty. These regulations are expressly
incorporated into our law by statutory instruments made under the
European Communities Act 1972, but if for any reason a statutory
instrument fails to express part of a regulation that is directly applicable
to citizens of the Community, the regulation itself retains full effect. The
organs of the Community also produce decisions and directives, which
do not generally affect our law directly, but again may be incorporated
into statutory instruments.
Legal periodicals contain articles of great importance for the lawyer and
student. Special mention must be made of the publications that contain
material of general interest, ranging across all subject areas. These are:
the Law Quarterly Review (L.Q.R.), which as its title suggests is
published four times a year; the Modern Law Review (M.L.R.),
published every two months, and the Cambridge Law Journal (C.L.J.),
published three times a year: students .may obtain these journals at
greatly reduced rates, though they should be available in any law library
of even modest ambition. Current Legal Problems (C.L.P.) is another
useful publication, which appears annually. Newer entrants on the scene
are Legal Studies (L.S.) (successor to the Journal of the Society of
Public Teachers of Law) and the Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (O
The legal weeklies, the New Law Journal (N.L.J.), Solicitors' Journal (S
J.) and Justice of the Peace (J.P.N.) are published chiefly for
practitioners; the best coverage is in the New Law Journal, which is
available to students at a reduced rate (though at £70.00 including .
postage it is not exactly cheap). Specialist publications include Public
Law (P.L.), the Criminal Law Review (Crim.L.R.), the Conveyancer
(Conv.), the Journal of Planning and Environment Law (J.P.L.), Family
Law (Fam.Law), the Industrial Law Journal (I.L.J.), and the
International and Comparative Law Quarterly (I.C.L.Q.). Space does not
allow mention of the numerous periodicals published overseas, or of
various others published in the United Kingdom, but you will find them
catalogued in the Index to Legal Periodicals which is itself produced at
regular intervals throughout the year.
The broadsheet newspapers (The Times, Daily Telegraph, The Guardian
and The Independent, each of which has a weekly legal section) are
available to students at reduced prices. Particulars can be obtained from
a newsagent. Further information on the use of a law library will be
given in Chapter 12.
I should not need to remind my readers not to deface library books,
however urgently the text may seem to need correction, emphasis or
comment. It is distracting to have to endure the handiwork of other
Since the year 2000, neither the S series nor the Annex has been
published in paper format, but they are available in CD-ROM format.
and on the websites mentioned below (p. 68).
How to cite legislative Acts The reference to the legislative Act
(whatever it may be) is composed from the following elements:
* the origins of the Act (usually the Commission, but it may be the
* the form of the Act (regulation, directive, decision, etc.);
* an Act number:
* the year of enactment:
* the institutional treaty basis (E.C., Euratom, etc.);
* the date on which the Act was passed.
Whereas regulation references are given with the number first and the
year following, directives and decisions reverse the order. Examples
* Council Regulation (EEC) No. 3820/85 [1985] O.J.L370/1 on the
harmonisation of certain social legislation relating to road transport,
which regulates maximum driving hours and sets minimum rest periods
for drivers of road haulage and passenger transport vehicles.
* Council Directive 93/104/EC [1985] O.J.L307/18 is the so-called
'"working time" Directive, which regulates the maximum number of
permissible working hours and makes provision for a certain minimum
number of weeks' paid holiday.
The O.J. reference given in each case is to the Official Journal the series
and the volume and page numbers.
Citation of court reports
There are two courts, the most important being the European Court of
Official Reports of Cases before the Court, but more generally referred
to as the European Court Reports (E.C.R.), contain the decisions of the
European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance. The reports
are split into two parts, which contain the judgments of each court
respectively. The case citation is now composed as follows:
* case number;
* year;
* name of the parties
* citation indicating where the case is to be found.
Where the judgment is one delivered by the European Court, it is cited
in the following form:
* Case C-106/89 Marleasing SA v. La Comercial Internacionale de
Alimentacion SA [1990] E.C.R. 1-4235.
In the case of a decision of the Court of First Instance, the citation will
* Case T-72/99 Meyer v. Commission of the European Communities
[2000] E.C.R. 11-2521.
Some points to note about the citations: The C in "Case C" indicates that
this is a decision of the Court of Justice itself ("Courts whereas the T
denotes the Court of First Instance ("Tribunal"). The Roman numerals I
and II are volume numbers—again the decisions are split as between the
Court of Justice (I) and the Court of First Instance (II).
Once you know the number of the case in question, it is easy to find by
looking at one of the databases referred to below, and using the
"Numerical access to the case law" section of the database. For very
recent cases, you should go to the website of the Court of Justice itself
The most widely used of the commercial reports are the Common
Market Law Reports and the All England Reports European Cases.
Other publications
Other sources of information about current developments in E.U. law
• Genera/ Report on the Activities of the European Union—annual
• Bulletin of the European Union—which appears monthly;
• Directory of Community Legislation in Force;
• Encyclopaedia of European Union Laws (formerly European
Community Law).
There are a number of specialist journals: the Common Market Law-
Review; European Law Review: European Business Law Review;
European Competition Law Review.
EUROPA ( The main internet site of
the European Union containing 1.5 million pages, affording access to
other official databases, li contains general details of the European
Union, links to the home pages of its institutions (such as the Parliament,
the Council, the Commission and the Court) and its policy.
EUR-Lex Started by the European Union in 1998 as a daily up-date
service at it is intended that this site
should (by 2003) become the first gateway into E.U. documentation.
CELEX This is the official multilingual legal database of the European
Union. It contains the full text of the treaties, and the Official Journal L
series, and the European Court Reports. It is intended to add the C series
progressively in the coming years. CELEX can be accessed through
EUROPA and EUR-Lex (by subscription) and on-line from a number of
commercial publishers such as Justis CELEX.
How is my time better, spent: sitting in the library reading cases in the
reports, or stewing over a textbook or case book in my own room? This
is a question often put by beginners, and it is a hard one to answer. One
can, of course, answer it discreetly by saying—do both. But then the
question is—in what proportion? What is the relative importance of the
two modes of study?
Before answering this question let me remind the reader that when
studying law there is not one aim but two. The primary and most
important aim is to make oneself a lawyer.' The secondary (but also very
important) aim is to pass the law examinations with credit.
Now to a large extent these two aims can be pursued by the same means.
For both purposes one must study cases, either in the original law reports
or in case books. It is through applying oneself to cases that one gets to
understand how legal problems present themselves and how legal
argument is conducted. That understanding is important whether one's
object is to solve examination problems or to give sound opinions on
points of legal practice.
But there is one difference between preparation for practice and
preparation for examinations. For the practising lawyer, having a large
field of what Pollock called potential knowledge is more important than
having a small amount of actual knowledge. What the practitioner needs
is a grasp of general legal principles, a sound knowledge of practice and
procedure, an ability to argue, and a general knowledge of where to find
the relevant law. But it is not essential for the practitioner—though, of
course, it is a great help—to carry much law in the mind.: To shine at
examinations, on the other hand, one must not only know how to argue,
and be able to display a first-hand knowledge of the sources; one must
also be able to recite a considerable number of rules and authorities.
From the examination point of view there is a danger in discursive
reading that is not accompanied by a considerable amount of learning by
Teachers of law regret the amount of memorising that is required but
they have not agreed upon effective counter-measures. Often it seems to
smother constructive thought. Some examination scripts are positively
shocking for the amount of word-perfect memorising that they display,
coupled with lack of individuality. Copies of statutes are allowed to be
used in some law examinations. The result should not be to lower the
standard of the examination but to raise it, for it means that the
examination can be made more starkly a test of intelligence and lawyerly
ability. But some candidates fall prey to the temptation to recite long
passages from the permitted materials, which gives the examiner the
impression that they are insufficiently prepared to answer the question
(even though the passage cited may be largely in point). There is no
reason why case books should not be permitted, or at least lists of names
of cases. In some universities (taking a lead, perhaps from the United
States), some teachers allow their pupils to take into the examination all
material that they have prepared themselves.
But I must not vex present readers with problems of educational reform.
My reason for writing the above was merely to underline the
importance, as matters now stand, of some memory work. Students
whose schooling has consisted of project work and other forms of
continuous assessment might well find that the degree of material that
must be committed to memory is rather daunting. It is distressing when a
student who has worked industriously and read widely fails to achieve a
due place in the examination merely through failure to commit to
memory a due proportion of what has been read. There is another
observation to be made about the learning of law through the medium of
textbooks. It is an observation that everyone accustomed to learning has
already made personally, but it is, perhaps, worth putting on paper for
the sake of those whose acquaintance with this discipline has hitherto
been slight. It is this. The more often a book is read, the easier and
quicker it is to read (which is obvious), and the more it repays the
reading (which is, perhaps, not quite so obvious). When a book on an
unfamiliar subject is read for the first time (including I should suppose it is rather heavy-going, and one seems not to remember very
much of it. The second reading is both easier and more interesting, and
more (but still not much) is remembered. Many people take their
examination at this point. Had they had the perseverance to read through
the book a third, fourth and fifth time, they would have found that each
successive reading came more easily and that the residue left in the mind
each time went up in geometrical progression. While on the subject of
memory work it is worth pointing out that learning by heart is best
performed in short periods distributed over as long a time as possible.
For instance, it is better to devote one hour a day to revision than six
hours at a stretch once a week. By the same token, you can learn the
same amount in less learning time by distributing your learning evenly
over term and vacation than by crowding your learning into the term and
leaving the vacations an academic blank.
"It has been found", says a psychologist, "that when acts of reading and
acts of recall alternate, i.e. when every reading is followed by an attempt
to recall the items, the efficiency of learning and retention is enormously
enhanced."4 This means that learning is best done by reading a
paragraph or page or similar convenient amount, and immediately
reciting the gist of it, and it has been found better to recite aloud than to
perform the recall in the head. If you find that you cannot remember the
passage properly, read it again and then try another recall. The longer
the passage that you set yourself for recall the better; in other words,
read as much at a time as you will be able to reproduce at the next recall.
Heavy footnotes to a book are sometimes distracting, and it is then a
good plan to read the book through a first time without looking at the
It is a mistake to spend valuable time in digesting a textbook on paper,
unless the digest consists of little more than subject headings and names
of cases. Mere transcription from a book that one owns oneself is
certainly folly.
"Many readers I have found unalterably persuaded", wrote Dr Johnson,
"that nothing is certainly remembered but what is transcribed: and they
have therefore passed weeks and months in transferring large quotations
to a commonplace book. Yet, why any part of a book, which can be
consulted at pleasure, should be copied I was never able to discover. The
hand has no closer correspondence with the memory than the eye. The
act of writing itself distracts the thoughts, and what is twice read is
commonly better remembered than what is transcribed.
Some teachers of law do not recommend the use of case books, although
the numbers who adopt such a high-minded line is undoubtedly
dwindling. In their view, the only way to become a proficient lawyer is
to sit down in the library and read cases, not contenting oneself with the
headnote or any other simplified version of the case, but reading through
the whole of the statement of facts and the whole of the judgments.
Faced with such a counsel of perfection the student may well echo from
the heart the words of Doderidge J., written when legal literature was but
a fraction of its present bulk: "Vita brevis est, ars longa, our life is short
and full of calamities, and learning is a long time in getting."6 A teacher
must consider, before giving advice like the above, the amount of time
actually available to a law student for studies. Taking first those at the
universities, their period of residence is only about seven months in the
year, and few can work for more than eight months in the year
altogether. In that time they have to cover four or five subjects. This
means an average of between six and eight weeks for each subject. Into
this alarmingly short space they must fit .attendance, at lectures the
reading of the textbook, wider reading in the library, and revision, as
well as the manifold activities that very properly occupy the
undergraduate outside work. Those studying for professional
examinations, particularly those engaged in office work during the day,
will probably have less rather than more time than undergraduates.
It becomes obvious, then, that time must be carefully managed. Granting
that the student must read cases, it is a permissible economy of time to
buy a good case book for each department of law that is being studied.
Using a case book has two advantages for the learner. First, the case
book saves some of the trouble (beneficial, but time-consuming) of
making one's own notebook of cases. Secondly, it does something to
eliminate immaterial facts, thus helping in the search (again beneficial,
but again time-consuming) for the facts that are legally material.
It should be added that the use of case books by no means dispenses
with the need for reading at least some of the original reports. For one
thing, many of the more important cases in the case book can profitably
be read in full in the law reports, using the case book version only for
revision. Also, there are bound to be many cases that the keen student
will come across and want to read that are not in the case book—among
them, cases decided since the case book went to print. And it should be
remarked that examiners are prone to set papers in which recent cases
figure prominently, if only because they afford such rich material
demonstrating the growth points of the law.
To the student of modest means the high price of law books is
intimidating, but it is false economy to do without basic works. Many
are available at reasonable prices in paperback. Money can usually be
saved by buying secondhand books (often organised by the student Law
Society where you are intending to study), but the beginner who does
this should be careful never to buy anything but a latest edition, and to
make sure that a new edition is not in preparation at the time of
purchase. It can be infuriating to buy in June, only to find when the
course starts in late September or early October that a new edition has
appeared. As a rule of thumb, I would say, be a bit suspicious of any
textbook in its third or fourth year.
The following is a London firm specialising in secondhand and new law
books. An email to (or a phone call) will bring a
quotation. Wildy & Sons Ltd, Lincoln's Inn Archway, Carey Street,
London, WC2A 2JD, tel: 020 7242 5778.
In the Middle Ages lectures were necessary because of the shortage of
books. Now that printing has been with us for some hundreds of years,
that many lecturers provide very comprehensive handouts and that the
internet is developing apace, is there any need to continue the lecture
Perhaps the only comprehensive answer to this complex question is that
it depends upon the particular lecturer and the particular lectures. You
should soon appreciate that not all lecturers are seeking to achieve
precisely the same objectives in the course of a lecture session. If you
start with the assumption that each lecturer is determined to provide you
with a set of perfect notes, with the aid of which you will be equipped to
sail through the examination. you will be sorely disappointed. But
speaking generally, lectures may be said to possess several merits as a
means of instruction. They can quicken interest. To listen to even a
competent lecturer makes a welcome change from the reading of books.
Some lecturers seek to help an audience by giving the "basis and
essentials'" of the subject, elucidating the broad principles and indicating
what is matter of detail. It is possible 10 dwell on the parts of the subject
that experience shows to cause special difficulties. Another point in
favour is that by varying the emphasis the lecturer can be more readily
understood than can the toneless words of a book. Finally the lecturer
can bring textbooks up to date, and in a smallish class can solve
individual difficulties through interaction and discussion.
Taking notes
You will in lime develop your own system of note taking, but there are
some well-established systems, such as the "Cornell'" system for taking
notes and subsequent study. This suggests that you should draw a
vertical line about 2j inches from the left hand edge of the paper, using
the right hand side to "record" the lecture itself, and the left for "recall'"
purposes subsequently. That is. the lecture is captured in general idea
rather than detail and the key ideas can be summarized and reflected
upon later in the recall column.
If the regnal years are not already known and the task of learning them
all seems too great, the student should at least notice the sovereigns
whose reigns commenced at or shortly after the turn of each century.
Knowledge of this, combined with a knowledge of the order of the
sovereigns, will place every sovereign in the proper century. The
sovereigns just referred to are:
Henry I 1100
Henry III 1216
Edward II 1307
Henry V 1413
Henry VIII 1509
James I 1603
Anne 1702
George IV 1820
Edward VII 1901
Not only regnal years but dates in general are often a bugbear to students
of history. The intelligent way to remember dates is to memorise a few
key ones, and then to remember others by working back-wards and
forwards from these. By relating this in the mind, and noticing the
differences in years, the one will become linked to the other, and both
can be recalled together. In time the same date can be related to several
others, so that all important dates become inter-locked in the mind. This
method of memorising helps to build up the sense of historical
perspective, which is the only rational justification for remembering
dates. A useful dictionary is J. Gardiner ed., The Penguin Dictionary of
British History (2000).
"'Zounds! I was never so bethump'd with words."
—Shakespeare, King John, II, i.
A few words may be said about pronunciation. Latin words and phrases
are generally pronounced by lawyers in the same old barbaric way as
they were in the Middle Ages,4 that is to say, as if they were English. C
and g are soft where they would be in English, and the pronunciation of
such syllables as atio in ratio decidendI is also anglicised ("rayshio
deesidendy"). Long vowels are pronounced as in English (the sounds
being those in the names of the vowels).6 Moreover, whether the vowel
is to be pronounced long or short depends more upon English rules than
upon Roman ones.
(1) In words of two syllables, the first vowel is pronounced long even
though it was short in Latin. Examples are bonus, onus, opus, genus
("jeenus"), capias ("caypias"), mens rea ("mens reeah"), modus vivendi.
("mohdus vivendy"), nisi prius ("nysy pryus"), ratio decidendi "rayshyoh
deesidendy"), sine die ("synee dyee"), and vice versa ("vysee"). This
lends point to Mr Punch's translation of pendente lites as "a chandelier".
(2) In words of three or more syllables derived from the Latin, vowels
are generally pronounced short before the penultimate syllable, whether
or not they were short in classical Latin. This is seen in the ordinary
English words codicil, general and genera, ominous and operate.
(Strictly, we should pronounce "economic" and "devolution" in the same
way with a short first vowel, but they have become lengthened by
usage.) It will be seen that the preferable pronunciation of obiter,
according to the rule, is with a short o.
Law-French words are pronounced much as they were in the Middle
Ages; it is a solecism (though not a serious one) to utter them as if they
were modern French. The pronunciation is, indeed, much nearer to
modern English than it is to French. Thus the town crier quite correctly
said "Oy-ez", not "Oy-ay". The following are pronunciations of legal
terms deriving from medieval French.
attorn (-er)
autrefois acquit (oterfoyz, with "acquit and convict" pronounced as
usual in English)
autrefois convict .
detinue (det-)
distress damage feasant (feezant)
emblements (embliments)
formedon ("e" pronounced indeterminately, as in "added")
feme sole (femm)
feme covert (cuvert)
feoffment (feff-)
laches (laytshiz)
lien (lee-en or leen)
mesne (meen)
misfeasance (-feez-)
pur autre vie (pur oter vee)
que (in the phrase "in the que estate" and in cestui que trust: pronounced
seisin (-eez-)
semble (anglicised as written)
venue (accent on the first syllable)
villein (villen)
The old practices whereby lawyers retained the archaic pronunciations
of English words has all but disappeared. The noun "record", for
example, used to be pronounced like the verb, with the stress on the
second syllable and the term for an insured person, "assured,"
had the last syllable pronounced like "red" and stressed. To pronounce
them in this way in the twenty-first century would be to invite a charge
of affectation. Some traces remain however. In pronouncing
"recognisance", some lawyers do not acknowledge the intrusive "g",
though we do in writing, and generally in "cognisance", and
"cognisable". (The "g" comes through latinising the law-French word
Judicial titles
Legal abbreviations are another frequent source of vexation-to a
beginner. The possession of a law dictionary is again a great help, but
something may be said here of the more common abbreviations and
short-cut terms seen in print.
First, as to the titles of judges. "Smith J." means "Mr Justice Smith" (or
Mrs Justice Smith, as the case may be), and when speaking of the judge
in public he or she will be given that full title. Never say "Justice
Smith", which is an Americanism, to be shunned and avoided on this
side of the Atlantic. The plural abbreviation is JJ.: "Smith and Elias JJ.'\
which is read out as "Mrs Justice Smith and Mr Justice Elias". A circuit
judge may be referred to as "Judge Smith".
The following letters placed after the names of the judges have the
following meanings:
B. Baron [of the Exchequer]. A member of the former Court of
Exchequer—not to be con¬fused with Barons who are peers. Plural BB.
Title now obsolete.
C.B. Chief Baron: the head of the former Court of Exchequer. Title
now obsolete.
C.J. (or L.C.J. ) Lord Chief Justice. Head of the Queens Bench Division
and President of the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division).
J.A. Justice of Appeal. Title found between 1875 and 1877, and now
L.C. Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain. Head of the judicial
L.J. Lord Justice or Lady Justice. Member of the Court of Appeal.
Plural L.JJ.: Lords Justices, or where the entire bench consists of
women, Ladies Justices.
M.R. Master of the Rolls. Member (and President) of the Court of
Appeal (Civil Division).
P. President. Head of the Family Division (formerly Probate,
Divorce and Admiralty Division).
V.-C. Vice-Chancellor. In effect head of the Chancery Division.
Do not omit or abbreviate "Lord" before the name of a judge who is a
Law Lord or other peer. Thus you will write "Lord Irvine L.C." not
"Irvine L.C." and similarly "Lord Woolf CJ.". (or "Lord Woolf L.C.J.").
These are read out as "Lord Irvine, Lord Chancellor" and "Lord Woolf,
Chief Justice" (or "Lord Chief Justice"). In the case of Chief Justices
who were not peers, like Rufus Isaacs and (for a time) Sir Thomas
Bingham, the written designation is "Isaacs C.J." (or "L.C.J."), which is
read out as "[Lord] Chief Justice Isaacs", "Kennedy L.J." is read out as
"Lord Justice Kennedy". "Kennedy and Potter LJJ." are "Lords Justices
Kennedy and Potter".13 Lord Phillips M.R. is "Lord Phillips, Master of
the Rolls". Where this last office is not held by a peer the former usage
was that one had to remember the holder's first name when speaking of
him, so "Donald¬son M.R." was "Sir John Donaldson, Master of the
Rolls", and "Brett M.R." was "Sir Baliol Brett, Master of the Rolls".14
But at the present day it would be acceptable to say "Pollock. Master of
the Rolls, and so on. A living judge like Morritt V.-C. should certainly
be referred to as "Sir Andrew Morritt, Vice-Chancellor".
Citations and cross-references
Certain abbreviations and shorthand expressions supply a convenient
mechanism for referring to authorities. A tale is told of the librarian who
received a request form filled in by a reader asking for a supposed book
called "Ibid". Evidently the reader had seen this referred to many times
in footnotes, and thought that it must be an extremely important book,
written perhaps by an eminent Persian. "Ibid." is actually short for
ibidem, meaning "in the same place": it is simply a way of repeating a
reference previously given. Similarly, op. cit. means '"the book (or
work) previously cited", and loc. cit. means "the page previously cited in
the book previously cited". Passim means "everywhere in the book".
Other compendious expressions are per, semble, aiiter (or seats) and
contra. Per general means "statement by": thus "per Lord Milieu"
following a quotation means that the remark quoted is that of Lord
Milieu. Per curiam and per incuriam derive from entirely different Latin
roots, and are not opposites. Per curiam means that the statement is by
the whole court. Per incuriam means that a judge's remark was made by
Semble is law-French for "it seems" or "it seems that" (when the
authority for a proposition is weak or not completely satisfactory:
usually it indicates an obiter dictum). Aiiter and seats mean "otherwise"
and contra refers to an authority contradicting what one has first said.
Thus one can write "Semble the phrase 'carcass or portion of a carcass*
in this statute does not include a sausage—see per Tripe L.J., obiter, in
Sage v. Onions. CA; contra, Ham v. Eggs, Div Ct; aiiter if the sausage
meat is not yet minced". This may not be an elegant style but it does
represent an economy of effoit, which to some minds has a beauty of its
"Mastering the lawless science of our law. That codeless myriad of
precedent, Thai wilderness of single instances, Through which a few, by
wit or fortune led, May beat a pathway out to wealth and fame."
—Tennyson, Aylmer's Field.
English courts are obliged to follow previous decisions within more or
less well-defined limits. This is called the doctrine of precedent. The part
of a case that is said to possess authority is the ratio decidendi, that is to
say, the rule of law upon which the decision is founded. Finding the ratio
decidendi of a case is an important part of the training of a lawyer. It is
not a mechanical process but is an art gradual acquired through practice
and study. One can however give a general description of the techniques
What the doctrine of precedent declares is that cases must be decided the
same way when their material facts are the same. Obviously it does not
require that all the facts should be the same. We know that in the flux of
life all the facts of a case will never recur: but the legally material facts
may recur and it is with these that the doctrine is concerned.
Although there is nothing like universal agreement on the point.2 the
ratio decidendi of a case can be defined as the material facts of the case
plus the decision thereon.3 The same learned writer who advanced this
definition went on to suggest a helpful formula. Suppose that in a certain
case facts A. B and C exist; and suppose that the court finds that facts B
and C are material and fact A immaterial, and then reaches conclusion X
(for example, judgment for the claimant or judgment for the defendant.).
Then the doctrine of precedent enables us to say that in any future case
in which facts B and C exist, or in which facts A and B and C exist, the
conclusion must be X. If in a future case facts A. B. C and D exist, and
fact D is held to be material, the first case will not be a direct authority,
though it may be of value as an analogy.
What facts are legally material? That depends on the particular case, but
take as an illustration a "running down'" action, that is to say, an action
for injuries sustained through the defendant's negligent driving of a
vehicle. The fact that the claimant had red hair and freckles, that her
name was Smith, and that the accident happened on a Friday are
immaterial, for the rule of law upon which the decision proceeds will
apply equally to persons who do not possess these characteristics and to
accidents that happen on other days. On the other hand, the fact that the
defendant drove negligently, and the fact that in consequence the
claimant was injured, are material, and a decision in the claimant's
favour on such facts will be an authority for the proposition that a person
is liable for causing damage through the negligent driving of a vehicle.
The foregoing is a general explanation of the phrase "the ratio decidendi
of a case'*. To get a clearer idea of the way in which a ratio decidendi is
extracted, let us take a decided case and study it in detail. Set out below
is the case of Wilkinson v. Downton where the plaintiff was awarded
damages by a jury for nervous shock, and the trial judge then heard
argument on the question whether the verdict could be upheld in law.
The first part of the judgment, which is all that needs be considered here,
runs as follows.
WRIGHT J.: In this case the defendant, in the execution of what he
seems to have regarded as a practical joke, represented to the plaintiff
that he was charged by her husband with a message to her to the effect
that her husband was smashed up in an accident, and was lying at The
Elms at Leytonstone with both legs broken, and that she was to go at
once in a cab with two pillows to fetch him home. All this was false. The
effect of the statement on the plaintiff was a violent shock to her nervous
system, producing vomiting and other serious and permanent physical
consequences at one time threatening her reason, and entailing weeks of
suffering and incapacity to her as well as expense to her husband for
medical attendance. These consequences were not in any way the result
of previous ill-health or weakness of constitution; nor was there any
evidence of predisposition to nervous shock or any other idiosyncrasy.
In addition to these matters of substance there is a small claim for Is.
I01/2d for the cost of railway fares of persons sent by the plaintiff to
Leyton¬stone in obedience to the pretended message. As to this Is. 10;d.
expended in railway fares on the faith of the defendant's statement, I
think the case is clearly within the decision in Pasley v. Freeman (1798)
3 T.R. 51. The statement was a misrepresentation intended to be acted
on to the damage of the plaintiff.
The real question is as to the £100. the greatest pan of which is given as
compensation for the female plaintiffs illness and suffering. It was
argued for her that she i.s entitled to recover this as being damages
caused by fraud, and therefore within the doctrine established by Pasley
v. Fire¬man and Langridge v. Levy (1837) 2 M. & W. 519. I am not
sure that this would not be an extension of that doctrine, the real ground
of which appears to be that a person who makes a false statement
intended to be acted on must make good the damage naturally resulting
from its being acted on. Here there is no injuria of that kind. I think,
however, that the verdict may be supported upon another ground. The
defendant has, as I assume for the moment, wilfully done an act
calculated to cause physical harm to the plaintiff—that is to say, to
infringe her legal right to personal safety, and has in fact thereby caused
physical harm to her. That proposition without more appears to me to
state a good cause of action, there being no justification alleged for the
act. This wilful injuria is in law malicious, although no malicious
purpose to cause the harm which was caused nor any motive of spite is
imputed to the defendant.
It remains to consider whether the assumptions involved in the
proposition are made out. One question is whether the defendant's act
was so plainly calculated to produce some effect of the kind which was
produced that an intention to produce it ought to be imputed to the
defendant, regard being had to the fact that the effect was produced on a
person proved to be in an ordinary state of health and mind. I think that
it was. It is difficult to imagine that such a statement, made suddenly and
with apparent seriousness, could fail to produce grave effects under the
circumstances upon any but an exceptionally indifferent person, and
therefore an intention to produce such an effect must be imputed, and it
is no answer in law to say that more harm was done than was
anticipated, for that is commonly the case with all wrongs.
The reader will notice that the judge does not cite any authority for his
decision that the £100 is recoverable. The only authorities he cites are
authorities on which he says he prefers not to rely. The reason is that at
the date when the case was decided there was no English authority on
the general question whether it was a ton intentionally to inflict bodily
harm on another. There was, indeed, the very ancient tort of battery,
which is committed when D hits or stabs or shoots P. But Downton
committed no battery upon Mrs. Wilkinson; nor did he assault her by
threatening a battery. Consequently, the case was one "of first
impression", and the judge decided it merely on common-sense
principles. It would be a grave reproach to a civilised system of law if it
did not give a remedy on such facts.
Let us now see how the ratio decidendi is to be extracted. This is done
by finding the material facts. The judge has already done much of the
work for us, because he has omitted from his judgment many of the facts
given in evidence that were obviously irrelevant to the legal issue, for
example, the address at which the plaintiff lived. But the judgment
mentions the address at which the husband was sup-posed to be lying
which also is clearly irrelevant. As a first step in boiling it down we may
say that the essential facts, and the pith of the judgment, were as follows:
The defendant by way of what was meant to be a joke told the plaintiff
that the latter's husband had been smashed up in an accident. The
plaintiff, who had previously been of normal health, suffered a shock
and serious illness. Wright J. held that the defendant was liable, not
perhaps for the tort of deceit but because the defendant had wilfully
done an act calculated to cause physical harm to the plaintiff, and had in
fact caused such harm.
The above would represent the sort of note that an intelligent student
would make of the case. How are we to frame the ratio decidendi. There
are two main possibilities. -
The first would be to take such of the detailed facts as may be deemed to
be material, plus the decision on the facts. This would result in the
following rule: that where the defendant has wilfully told the plaintiff a
lie of a character that is likely (a clearer word than "calculated") to
frighten and so cause physical harm to the plaintiff, and it has in fact
caused such harm, the defendant is liable, in the absence of some ground
of justification.
This ratio omits to specify the particular lie told by the defendant,
because this was immaterial What mattered was not the particular lie as
to the plaintiff's husband's alleged injury but the more general fact of
lying. The particular lie told by the defendant was material only in the
sense that it was the sort of lie that was likely to frighten and cause
physical harm to the plaintiff.
But, it may "be objected, such a ratio would be too narrow, because the
learned judge evidently intended to lay down a wider rule. He did not
confine his judgment to lies, but spoke only of wilfully doing an act
which is calculated' to and does cause physical harm; and this gives us
the true ratio. It was immaterial that the particular form of mischief
perpetrated by the defendant took the form of a verbal lie; it might have
been some other act likely to cause harm, and the legal outcome would
have been the same. This, indeed, is common sense. A person with
Downton's juvenile sense of humour who dresses up as a ghost, or who
puts fireworks under somebody else's chair, would doubtless be placed
in the same legal category as Downton.
Again, the judge did not speak of fright when he formulated the
principle of his decision. He spoke of causing physical harm, which is
much" wider. Oh this principle, an outrageous threat causing suffering is
a tort. In a subsequent case6 which approved Wilkinson v. Downton, the
defendant threatened to arrest arid prosecute the plaintiff, a foreign
maidservant, if she did not give certain information; the defendant knew
that any charge he brought against the young woman would be quite
unfounded, and the young woman became ill with distress. It was held
that she had a good cause of action. Another application of the principle
occurs where the harm operates directly on the plaintiff's body, not
indirectly through the mind as where the defendant blackens a towel
which the plaintiff is about to use, or secretly adds poison to the
plaintiff's drink. Although these situations have not been the subject of
reported decisions, there is no doubt that they would fall under the
principle of Wilkinson v. Downton.
The reader may now be feeling rather puzzled to the meaning of ratio
decidendi. We started off with a possible narrow ratio decidendi of the
case, incorporating the fact of lying and the fact of fright. Then we
passed to a wider ratio, which evidently accords with common sense as
well as with the language of the judgment, in which the facts of lying
and fright have disappeared. How can this be reconciled with our
definition of ratio decidendi as the material facts plus the decision
thereon? Were not the lie and the fright material facts in Wilkinson v.
Downton? If there had been no lie and no fright, and no equivalent facts
in their place, the plaintiff would not have won. What exactly do we
mean by a "material fact"'?
The answer is that we have not been using this expression in a consistent
way and it is necessary to restate the position in more exact language.
What is really involved in finding the ratio decidendi of a case is a
process of abstraction. Abstraction is the mental operation of picking out
certain qualities and relations from the facts of experience. Imagine a
baby in whose household there is a terrier called Caesar. The baby will
be probably learn to refer to the dog as "bow-wow", because “bow-
wow'" is easier to say than "Caesar”. If the child sees another dog he will
guess or be told that this other dog is to be called "bow-wow" as well.
This is an example of one of the baby's earliest feats of abstraction.
Abstraction comes through the perception of similarities between
individual facts, and all language and all thinking depend upon it.
The next point to be noticed is that this process of abstraction may be
carried to progressively higher flights. The individual dog Caesar is. at a
low level of abstraction, a terrier: at a higher level he is a dog; higher
still, a mammal and then an animal and a living thing. In the same way a
man might say that he was born at the Fullerhope Maternity Hospital: in
London: in England: in Europe. All these are "facts", but they are facts
belonging to different levels of abstraction. We are now in a better
position to state the ratio decidendi of a case. The ascertainment of the
ratio decidendi of a case depends upon a process of abstraction from the
totality of facts that occurred in it. The higher the abstraction, the wider
the ratio decidendi. Thus a rule that "it is a tort to tell a lie that is likely
to and does cause fright and consequent physical harm'" is a narrow rule,
belonging to a low level of abstraction from the facts of the particular
case in which it was laid down: leave out the reference to fright, and it
becomes wider: replace "tell a lie by "do any act with intent to affect the
plaintiff in body or mind" and it becomes wider still. It is the last rule
that is the ratio decidendi of Wilkinson v. Downton. We carry on the
process of abstraction until all the particular facts have been eliminated
except the fact of the doing of an act that is intended to affect the
plaintiff adversely and is likely to cause physical harm, and the fact of
the occurrence of such harm.
How do we know when to stop with our abstraction? The answer is:
primarily by reading what the judge says in the judgment, but partly also
by our knowledge of the law in general, and by our common sense and
our feeling for what the law ought to be. It so happens that in the case
we have been considering the learned judge formulates the rule fairly
clearly, but sometimes the rule stated in the judgment incorporates facts
which as a matter of common sense are not essential, and sometimes it
goes to the opposite extreme of being too sweeping—as can be
demonstrated either by the use of common sense or by referring to other
decided cases. The finding of the ratio decidendi is not an automatic
process; it calls for lawyerly skill and knowledge.
Distinguishing Certain general truths implicit in the foregoing discussion
may now be stated more explicitly.
In the first place, a case may have not one but several rationcs decidendi,
of ascending degrees of generality. We have seen two or three possible
rationes in Wilkinson v. Downton. The third was accepted not only
because it was stated by the judge but also because it accorded with
common sense and with other authorities. Sometimes a judge will lay
down a rule that is narrower than is required by common sense, and a
later court may then say that the rule ought to be read more widely, by
abandoning some limitation unnecessarily expressed in it.
Indeed, one such unnecessary limitation can be found in the judgment in
Wilkinson v. Downton. The rule stated by Wright J. refers to a person
who has "wilfully"* done an act calculated to cause physical harm, and
the primary meaning of a "wilful" act is one that is done with the
intention of bringing about a particular consequence.' Downton did not,
perhaps, intend to cause Mrs. Wilkinson a serious illness, but he did
intend to frighten her, and that was sufficient. But as a matter of
common sense, the rule should be extended also to one who is merely
reckless? as to the harm in question (and the word "wilful" is, indeed,
capable of extending to recklessness). If Downton had made the lying
statement to Mrs. Wilkinson in order to persuade her to accompany him
for some secret end of his own, realising that the statement would be
likely to frighten her but not desiring (and therefore not intending) the
fright itself, his liability should be just the same as for a tort of intention.
This was the essential position in the case of the foreign servant referred
to before: what the defendant intended in that case was to put pressure
upon the young woman to make her talk: he must have foreseen the
possibility of causing her great distress, but his mind was directed
towards making her do what he wanted, not towards distress. In analysis,
the case is one of recklessness as to the plaintiff's fright, not one of
intention as to the fright; but the legal liability should be, and is, the
One may argue that there is another unnecessary limitation contained in
the judgment in Wilkinson v. Downton. The judge referred to the fact
that the plaintiff had been in normal health, yet it is not only possible but
probable that the decision would have been just the same even if her
health had previously been poor—for the fact that the plaintiff is in poor
health can be no excuse to a defendant who tells her a cruel lie that
would be likely to cause her physical harm. The fact that the particular
plaintiff had been in good health removed a complication that the judge
might otherwise have had to consider, and for that reason the judge
referred to it; but all the same a later court may, on mature consideration
and when the question arises, decide that the limitation is unnecessary.
Conversely, it sometimes happens that a judge will lay down a rule that
is unnecessarily wide for the decision of the case at hand; a later court
may say that it is too wide, and needs to be cut down.
This point leads on to the second. The phrase "the ratio decidendi of a
case" is slightly ambiguous. It may mean either (1) the rule that the
judge who decided the case intended to lay down and apply to the facts,
or (2) the rule that a later court concedes him to have had the power to
lay down. The last sentence is rather clumsy, but what I mean is this.
Courts do not accord to their predecessors an unlimited power of laying
down wide rules. They are sometimes apt to say, in effect: "Oh yes, we
know that in that case the learned judge purported to lay down such and
such a rule; but that rule was unnecessarily wide for the decision of the
case before him, because, you see, the rule makes no reference to fact A,
which existed in the case, and which we regard as a material fact, and as
a fact that ought to have been introduced into the ratio decidendi".'° One
circumstance that may induce a court to adopt this niggling attitude
towards an earlier decision is the necessity of reconciling that decision
with others. Or again, the court in the earlier case may have enunciated
an unduly wide rule without considering all its possible consequences,
some of which are unjust or inconvenient or otherwise objectionable.
Yet another possibility is that the earlier decision is altogether
unpalatable to the court in the later case, so that the latter court wishes to
interpret it as narrowly as possible.
This process of cutting down the expressed ratio decidendi of a case is
one kind of '"distinguishing". It may be called "restrictive"
distinguishing, to differentiate it from the other kind, genuine or non-
restrictive distinguishing. Non-restrictive distinguishing occurs where a
court accepts the expressed ratio decidendi of the earlier case, and does
not seek to curtail it, but finds that the case before it does not fall within
this ratio decidendi because of some material difference of fact.
Restrictive distinguishing cuts down the expressed ratio decidendi of the
earlier case by treating as material to the earlier decision some fact,
present in the earlier case, which the earlier court regarded as
immaterial," or by introducing a qualification (exception) into the rule
stated by the earlier court.
Wilkinson v. Downton has not been cut down, because the wide
principle has commended itself to later judges.12 If, however, a case
ever arises in which Wright J.'s wide rule is thought to carry the law too
far, the decision can be restrictively distinguished.
This matter of distinguishing has been stressed because it plays a most
important part in legal argument. Suppose that you are conducting a case
in court, and that the other side cites a case against you. You then have
only two alternatives (that is, if you are not prepared to throw your hand
in altogether). One is to submit that the case cited is wrongly decided,
and so should not be followed. This is possible only if the case is not
binding on the court. The other is to "distinguish" it, by suggesting that it
contains or lacks some vital fact that is absent or present in your client's
case. Sometimes you may have the sympathy of the judge in your effort
to distinguish it, even though the distinction you suggest involves
tampering with the expressed ratio decidendi of the precedent case and
even though you have no authority for the suggested distinction. Your
judge may be gravely dissatisfied with the case and yet, owing to our
excessively strict doctrine of precedent, it may be impossible to overrule
it. In such circumstances it is simply human nature to distinguish it if
possible. The judge may, in extreme and unusual circumstances, be apt
to seize on almost any factual difference between this previous case and
the case at hand in order to arrive at a different decision. Some
precedents are continually left on the shelf in this way; as a wag
observed, they become very "distinguished". The limit of the process is
reached when a judge says that the precedent is an authority only "on its
actual facts". For most practical purposes this is equivalent to
announcing that it will never be followed. It is not suggested that this
extreme form of distinguishing is a common occurrence, for generally
judges defer to the decisions of their predecessors both in the letter and
in the spirit, even though they dislike them. 3ut restrictive distinguishing
does happen, and the possibility of its happening makes it of great
importance to the lawyer.
In contrast with the ratio decidendi is the obiter dictum. The latter is a
mere saying 'by the way a chance remark, which is not binding upon
future courts, though it may be respected according to the reputation of
the judge, the eminence of the court, and the circumstances in which it
came to be pronounced. An example would be a rule of law stated
merely by way of analogy or illustration, or a suggested rule upon which
the decision is not finally rested. The reason for not regarding an obiter
dictum as binding is that it was probably made without a full
consideration of the cases on the point, and that, if very broad in its
terms, it was probably made without a full consideration of all the
consequences that may follow from it; alternatively the judge may not
have expressed a concluded opinion.
An example of an obiter dictum occurs in Wilkinson v. Downton when
the learned judge is considering the argument that the plaintiff is entitled
to recover damages for the ton of deceit. At first sight this may seem a
good argument, because the defendant could certainly be said in a
popular sense to have deceived the plaintiff. But it is generally taken to
be essential for the tort of deceit that the defendant should have intended
the plaintiff to have acted on the statement, and that the plaintiff should
have so acted to his detriment, for which detriment he now claims
damages. Mrs. Wilkinson recovered Is. IC1/2d. as damages for deceit,
because this was a sum of money that she had spent in reliance on the
defendant's deceitful statement. But the fact that she became ill was not
an act of reliance upon the statement. It was a spontaneous reaction to
the statement. Consequently, the learned judge preferred not to rest his
judgment upon this ground. He did not positively pronounce against it,
but his words seem to indicate that he thought that as the law now stands
the claim could not properly be based on the tort of deceit. One may say,
therefore, that there is a very tentative dictum against the plaintiff on this
particular issue. But the point was not finally decided, and in any case
was not made the ground of the decision, and so the observations made
upon it were obiter.
There is another kind of obiter dictum, which perhaps is not properly
speaking, an obiter dictum at all, namely a ratio decidendi that in the
view of a subsequent court is unnecessarily wide. It is not an obiter
dictum in the primary meaning of that phrase, because it is constructed
out of the facts of the case and the decision is rested upon it. But, as we
have seen, later courts reserve the right to narrow it down, and in doing
so they frequently attempt to justify themselves by declaring that the
unnecessarily wide statement was obiter. The real justification for the
practice of regarding what is really ratio decidendi as obiter dictum, that
is to say for restrictive distinguishing, is the undesirability of hampering
the growth of English law through the too extensive application of the
doctrine of precedent. A court may restrictively distinguish its own
decisions, or those of a court on the same level, but it will not generally
dare to do this with the decisions of courts superior to it in the hierarchy,
particularly the House of Lords.
It is frequently said that a ruling based upon hypothetical facts is obiter.
This is often true. Thus if the judge says: "I decide for the defendant; but
if the facts had been properly pleaded I should have found for the
plaintiff, the latter part of the statement is obiter. But there is at least one
exception. In the past, when the defendant pleaded an '"objection in
point of law'" (a "demurrer"), legal argument might take place on this
before the trial, and for the purpose of the argument and the decision it
was assumed that all the facts stated in the plaintiff's pleadings were
true. A decision pronounced on such assumed facts is not an obiter
If a "decision would otherwise be a binding authority, it does not lose
that status merely because the point was not argued by counsel (this will
be important only as a way of attacking a decision that is of merely
persuasive authority). But what is called a decision sub silentio is not
binding: a subsequent court is not bound by a proposition of law
assumed by an earlier court that was not the subject of argument before
or consideration by that court. This is so at least, where the case is
obvious, and where the precedent case is that of the same court. The
House of Lords would probably regard its own decision sub silentio as
binding on the Court of Appeal.
A question that frequently vexes the beginner is: how many of the facts
of a case should be remembered, for the purpose of learning the law and
for the purpose of making a good showing in the examination? Ought
the student to try to remember (1) all the facts stated in the report, or (2)
a selection of those facts, or (3) only those facts that are incorporated in
the statement of the ratio decidendi! Take again as an illustration the
case of Wilkinson v. Downton. The three possibilities just referred to are
exemplified by (1) the passage from the judgment on pp. 97-98. above,
(2) the first attempt at condensa tion on p. 98, and (3) the statement of
the ratio decidendi on p. 100. The answer to the question is that both (2)
and (3) should be remembered. (1) is obviously ruled out; it would be a
waste of effort to remember every minor circumstance that may be
stated in the report, such as the fact that Mr. Wilkinson was alleged to be
lying at The Elms at Leytonstone. On the other hand, (3) is as obviously
included, for it is the pith and marrow of the law. About the necessity for
remembering (2) the reader may be inclined to be argumentative. It
could be contended that the student is learning to be a lawyer, not a
chronicler of tragedies, and that if the rules of law are remembered, there
is no need to burden the memory with the facts of cases that as a matter
of history gave rise to those rules.
There are two answers to this objection, the first of interest to
examination candidates only, and the second of wider interest.
The first answer is that examiners are suspicious creatures, and in
particular they are suspicious of "footnote" knowledge. Suppose that in
the examination your only reference to Wilkinson v. Downton is as
follows: "A person is liable in tort if he causes physical injury by an act
intended to affect the plaintiff adversely and likely to cause injury:
Wilkinson v. Downton". The rule is correct and the name of the case is
correct; and you may in fact have satisfied yourself that the rule is
deducible from the case; but the examiner will not know it. For all the
examiner knows, you saw the rule in your textbook and the name of the
case in a footnote. To dispel that suspicion, you must give some
statement of the concrete facts.
The second answer is more important, but we need spend no fur¬ther
time over it because enough has really been said on it already. It is a
mistake to suppose that every case has one and only one fixed and
incontrovertible ratio decidendi. What exactly is the ratio decidendi of a
case is often a matter for much argument. Also, the pick-lock art of
distinguishing depends upon a critical examination of all the facts of the
case that might by any possibility be regarded as material. If, therefore,
there is an) sort of doubt about the correctness of a decision, or about its
limits, as many of the facts as can conceivably be looked upon as
material should be remembered.
There are some cases, however, where nothing more than the simple
ratio decidendi need be remembered, because apart from the facts stated
in the ratio decidendi the case contains no facts except the trivialities of
date, amount, etc. An illustration is Byrne v. Van Tienhoven. The facts
of this case were as follows:
October 1-The defendants in Cardiff by letter offered to sell to the
plaintiffs 1,000 boxes of Hensol Tinplates.
October 11—The plaintiffs received this letter. The plaintiffs wired
to defendants. "Accept thousand Hensols". But,
October 8—The defendants posted a letter revoking their offer,ending
"and we must consider our offer to be cancelled from this
October 20—The plaintiffs received second letter.
It was held that there was a good contract and that the defendants'
revocation of their offer was ineffective.
The reason why the above facts are set out in a case book is to show the
student how the legal question as to revocation of offers is likely to arise
in practice. By digesting the facts and seeing how the problem arises out
of them, the student is preparing to answer examination problems and to
deal with cases in legal practice. But this does not mean that the student
is expected to memorise any of the particular facts of Byrne v. van
Tienhoven. All the facts of this case are immaterial except the fact that
the offerors attempted to revoke their offer by a letter that did not arrive
until after the offerees had accepted; and the ratio decidendi is that such
a revocation is ineffective. If this is grasped, all the rest of the facts can
be forgotten.
The establishment of the ratio decidendi is more complicated when
different members of a composite court express different opinions. The
problem is particularly acute for the House of Lords, where the members
not uncommonly express separate opinions, which may show great
diversity. As a result, their Lordships not infrequently make the law
more uncertain than it was before the appeal. Conscious of this difficulty
the Court of Appeal (particularly the Criminal Division) tends to deliver
one judgment as being the judgment of the court.
Where the opinions of different judges differ so greatly that there is no
majority for any single view, all that can be done, to ascertain the ratio
decidendi, is to add up the facts regarded as material by any group of
judges whose votes constitute a majority, and to base the ratio on those
facts. The result is to confine the ratio to its narrowest form. For
example, if Lords L and M hold that the material facts are A and B while
Lords N and O hold that they are A, B and C, and Lord P dissents, the
ratio decidendi must require the presence of A, B and C. It seems,
however, that the confusion of opinion may be such that there cannot be
said to be a ratio decidendi. This is so where, of the three majority
Lords, Lord L holds that the material facts are A and B, Lord M holds
that they are A and C, and Lord N holds that they are A and D, while
Lords O and P dissent. It would be wholly artificial to say that the ratio
requires the presence of A, B, C and D. since this is not the view of any
one of the Lords.
Further complications can arise. The minority Lords, O and P, may
agree with Lord L in thinking that if the facts were A and B the
conclusion would be X. but they may hold that there is insufficient
evidence that fact B existed, and for this reason conclude that the answer
in this case is not X. So on the abstract point of law there is a majority of
the House (L, O and P) in favour of L's view. Yet, strictly speaking, the
expressions of opinion by O and P are obiter. All that can be said is that
the joint opinion of L, O and P will carry great weight with lower courts,
even though it is not binding.
More important than the name of the case is the rank of the court in
which it was decided. To mention the court that decided a case is a mark
of awareness of the doctrine of precedent, with its hierarchy of authority.
The rule is that every court binds lower courts18 and that some courts
bind even themselves. Whether a court is "lower" depends not only on
whether an appeal lies from it to the other court but, additionally, on
whether the latter court is inherently higher in rank. Thus a Divisional
Court of the High Court exercising its appellate jurisdiction from
magistrates regards itself as bound by decisions of the Court of Appeal
even though the further appeal in these cases goes not to the Court of
Appeal but direct to the House of Lords. When the appellate court
reverses or overrules a case in the court below, the case so reversed or
overruled loses all authority on the particular point of law upon which it
is reversed. Reversal is when the same case is decided the other way on
appeal; overruling is when a case in a lower court is considered in a
different case taken on appeal, and held to be wrongly decided.
Precedent in the House of Lords
In 1966 the House of Lords declared (departing from its previous
practice) that it would not be bound by its own decisions where too rigid
adherence to precedent may lead to injustice in a particular case and also
unduly restrict the proper development of the law. Their Lordships are
still disinclined to exercise their freedom to treat earlier authorities as
being no more than persuasive,taking the view that the mere fact that a
later panel believes an earlier decision to have been "wrong" is not an
adequate reason to depart from that earlier decision. In R. v. Kansal." for
example, the House declined by a majority of four to one to depart from
a case decided some six months previously, even though they thought,
by a three to two majority, that the previous decision was wrong
("plainly erroneous" as Lord Lloyd put it).
It is probably true to say that the grounds upon which the House will act
are constantly under revision; the Practice Statement itself recognised
"the danger of disturbing retrospectively the basis on which contracts,
settlements of property and fiscal arrangements have been entered into
and also the especial need for certainty in the criminal law". In Kansal,
reference was made to the jurisprudence of the United States Supreme
Court on the subject of departing from its own previous decisions. There
it has been said that if the courts were to eye each issue afresh in every
case, there was a danger that the judiciary will be seen as little different
from the executive and the legislature, and this would be ultimately
damaging to the rule of law. This possibility is even more acute in the
House, since appeal panels in the House usually consist of a membership
of five, whereas in the United States all members of the court sit in all
cases. It would not be at all unlikely, therefore, that differences of view
could arise from one case to the next merely because of a change in the
composition of the court. Lord Hope in the minority in Kansal
considered that not only was the previous decision wrong, but he took
the view that the sooner error was expunged from the system the better.
The House does not need to refer to or rely upon the Practice Statement
to depart from its previous decisions. A recent situation where the power
might have been employed, but was not apparently considered by any of
their Lordships, was in Arthur J.S. Hall v. Simons, where the House
(consisting of a panel of seven) declined to follow Rondel v. Worsley,24
and held that advocates are no longer immune from suit for the negligent
conduct of legal proceedings. This was done without reference to the
Practice Statement, and the decision can be explained on the basis that
the earlier decision was not wrong, but that the circumstances had
changed since that decision to such an extent that it was no longer
appropriate to follow it.
A rare example of the use of the power is to be found in Murphy v.
Brentwood D.C.r5 where the House (of seven members) overruled the
decision in Anns v. Merton.26 The latter decision was much criticised
both by commentators and by members of the House itself in a series of
decisions which did not, however, find it necessary to overrule the
decision. In R. v. National Insurance Commissioner, ex p. Hudson27
their Lordships announced that they would not normally reconsider their
own decisions on the construction of a statute. But in Shivpuri, the
House did precisely that, overruling its own decision in Anderton v.
Ryan29 on the basis that the Law Commission Report preceding the
Criminal Attempts Act 1981 had not been considered on the previous
occasion. Their Lordships have proved to be less inhibited when sitting
as the Privy Council, which is also not bound by its own previous
Court of Appeal
The Court of Appeal generally binds itself, both on the civil and on the
criminal sides. There has been a steady stream of criticism by writers of
this "autolimitation" of the court, at any rate in civil cases, for when a
decision of the Court of Appeal is plainly wrong, it seems absurd that
the parties should be put to the expense of a further appeal to the House
of Lords in order to get it set aside.31 When an appellant ~.perceives
that there is no chance of success in the Court of Appeal because a
precedent stands in the way, it will save money if leave can be obtained
to use the "leapfrogging" procedure referred to earl-ier, and go direct to
the House of Lords.
In certain exceptional cases it is recognised that the Court of Appeal can
refuse to follow one of its own previous decisions. Although the precise
scope of the exceptions is not fully agreed, it is generally thought that
they are mainly as follows.
(1) Where, by inadvertence or otherwise, the court arrives at
inconsistent decisions, a later court must necessarily choose between
them. It is not bound to follow either the earlier or the later.
(2) The court is bound to refuse to follow its earlier decision that has
been overruled by the House of Lords or that cannot stand with a later
decision of the House (i.e., has been impliedly overruled).
(3) It need not follow its own decision given per incuriam (by
oversight), as where a relevant statute was not considered, or was
misconstrued because the court overlooked part of its provisions or
arrived at a conclusion plainly contrary to the intention of the statute as a
whole. In other words it must be clear that the earlier decision was
mistaken and wrong—it is not enough merely that the later court would
have decided the matter differently. Presumably another example would
be where a relevant decision of the House of Lords was not considered.
(4) A special rule applies to the Criminal Division of the Court of
Appeal. The court (in practice sitting as a "full court" of five judges
instead of the usual three) can refuse to follow effect overrule its
own prior decision rendered against the defendant in the precedent case
(or the similar decision of the older courts that this court has
superseded). In practice, however, it almost never does so. The court is
supposed to be bound by its own decisions rendered in favour of the
defendant on a point of substantive law.
In addition to these four main exceptions, the court has shown a
disposition to add to them whenever it feels a strong need to throw off
the authority of its own precedent. So the court has held that it need not
follow its own decision when it was inconsistent with a later
pronouncement of the Privy Council,36 or when it was the decision of a
court of two relating to an interlocutory matter (a point of procedure
arising before trial).37 These pronouncements were not the result of any
logical compulsion; they were merely ways of getting rid of particular
precedents that now irked the court.
For several years Lord Denning M.R. (who was Master of the Rolls
from 1962 until 1982) spoke in the Court of Appeal (Civil Division) in
favour of a general freedom from the court's own past decisions when
they subsequently appeared to be clearly wrong. These expressions of
opinion culminated in Davis-v. Johnson, where the court had to consider
two of its own previous decisions
restrictively interpreting a recent statute passed for the purpose of
protecting a woman who was attacked by the man with whom she was
living, whether or not she was married to him. The restrictive
interpretations had been severely criticised in the press, and the Court of
Appeal, sitting as a court of five, was evidently anxious to disembarrass
itself of them. A bare majority of the court decided that it was free to do
so. Lord Denning gave his accustomed reason that the court was not
bound by its own decisions. Sir George Baker, President of the Family
Division, concurred in the result but assigned a narrower reason:
"The court is not bound to follow a previous decision of its own if
satisfied that that decision was clearly wrong and cannot stand in the
face of the will and intention of Parliament expressed in simple language
in a recent statute passed to remedy a serious mischief or abuse, and
further adherence to the previous decision must lead to injustice in the
particular case and unduly restrict the proper development of the law
with injustice to others."
Judges who make tip exceptions in this way are in effect throwing off
the compulsive force of precedent, and it would be more convenient to
say so. In form, however, the decision of the Court of Appeal merely
adds one more exception to the general rule, though there was no
agreement on its wording. On further appeal, all the Law Lords
expressed the decided opinion that the Court of Appeal was (exceptions
apart) bound by its own decisions. The practical effect of denying the
Court of Appeal the power to correct its own errors is to force a further
appeal to the Lords, with its attendant delay and expense.
When it appears that counsel may wish to ask the Court of Appeal not to
follow its own previous decision on one of these grounds, the court may
be arranged to sit with five or more members (the so-called "full court")
instead of the usual three, though it must be said that this practice is
extremely rare.
The exceptional rules freeing the Court of Appeal from the authority of
its own previous decisions do not operate to free it from the authority of
the House of Lords. Their Lordships take it amiss if the Court of Appeal
announces that a decision of the House was per inciiriam. On one
occasion when the Court of Appeal did this and a further appeal was
taken to the House of Lords, their Lordships expressed strong
disapproval. They regarded the action of the lower court, in the words of
Lord Denning (speaking subsequently in the Court of Appeal), "as a
piece of lese-majeste. The House of Lords never does anything per
inciiriam. For a time thereafter, the position was that if the House
decided a case in ignorance of a previous decision of its own going the
other way, the Court of Appeal would nevertheless regard itself as
bound to follow the later o( the two decisions/1 So the law will remain
uncertain until a litigant who has ample private means or who can call
on the legal aid fund takes the point to the House of Lords for
Attitudes may have softened subsequently: in I.M. Properties v. Cape &
Dalgleish.A2 the Court of Appeal refused to follow the House of Lords
in Westdeutsche Llandesbank Girozensrrale v. Islington LBC^ on the
grounds that an earlier and contradictor}' decision of the House44 had
not been considered and was therefore on the central poini per incuriam.
On this occasion, not only did the House not take exception—it refused
leave to appeal. It appears, therefore, that when there are conflicting
decisions of the House of Lords, and the later judgment has been
delivered without any reference to the former, the Court of Appeal is at
liberty to say that it prefers the earlier reasoning.
Divisional Court
Turning to the- Divisional Court, its decisions are binding precedents for
magistrates* courts in other cases. The Divisional Court used formerly
to be regarded as binding itself.45 In R. r. Greater Manchester Coroner,
ex p. Tal,46 however, it was decided that (as is the case with the High
Court) it was not bound, but would follow the decision of another judge
unless convinced that this was wrong, except that it will presumably
exercise the same freedom in criminal cases as the Court of Appeal.
Presumably the Divisional Court binds judges and recorders when the
latter hear appeals from magistrates" courts, because the Divisional
Court is superior in the hierarchy—as was said before, a further appeal
can be brought from the Crown Court to the Divisional Court.
However, the Divisional Court does not bind Crown Court judges who
try cases with juries.47 The Crown Court is a branch of the Supreme
Court having equal status with the High Court, and therefore with a
Divisional Court of the High Court. It makes no difference that only one
judge sits in the Crown Court while two or more sit in the Divisional
Single judges of the High Court trying civil cases bind inferior courts
(county courts, and magistrates' courts in their civil jurisdiction), but
they do not absolutely bind other High Court judges. One such judge
may refuse to follow another judge, and the result will be a conflict of
authority that will one day have to be settled by the Court of Appeal. In
other words, a High Court judge cannot overrule a judicial colleague, but
can only '"disapprove" the decision and '"not follow" it. Refusal to
follow is. however, rare.
Decisions of courts inferior to the High Court do not bind anybody, not
even themselves. In legal theory decisions of the Judicial Committee of
the Privy Council do not bind English courts, nor even the Judicial
Committee itself. But they have great persuasive authority.
My suggestion is that the student should try to remember when a case
belongs to the House of Lords, the Court of Appeal (or its predecessors
the Court of Exchequer Chamber, the Court of Appeal in Chancery, the
Court for Crown Cases Reserved, and the Court of Criminal Appeal), or
the Privy Council. Since the student cannot be expected to remember
everything, it is usually permissible to forget the exact court that decided
cases of authority inferior to these. Nothing is gained by trying to
distinguish between the three common law courts (King's Bench,
Common Pleas, Exchequer) before 1875, or the various branches of the
High Court today. Also, it should be noted that a particular decision was
simply that of a judge given by way of direction to a jury. Such
decisions are of inferior authority, largely because in a jury trial
questions of law are unlikely to have been fully debated. It is very rare to
report these directions to a jury, though, as Pollock says, "many of the
older ones have become good authority by subsequent approval, and
some of them are the only definite reported authority for points of law
now received as not only settled but elementary".51 It may be added that
directions to a jury have been more important in criminal than in civil
law, because there used to be no appeal from a jury verdict of not guilty,
and thus if on a particular point of law judges were in the habit of
directing the jury in the defendant's favour the appeal court may have
had no opportunity to pronounce upon it. Since 1972 the Attorney-
General may refer an acquittal for the opinion of the appellate courts, but
this does not affect the particular defendant.
A word may be said about international law. In studying this subject the
student will be expected to know the more important decisions of
international and municipal (i.e. national) tribunals. Always distinguish
between the two, for the pronouncement of an international court is
generally more authoritative for other international tribunals on a matter
of international law than that of a merely national body. (But the
decision of a municipal court may be more authoritative for other courts
of the same state).
The good lawyer will often make a mental note of some circumstances
that go to increase or diminish the authority of a case.
Among the circumstances adding to its authority are: the eminence of
the particular judge or judges who decided it; the large number of judges
who took part in it; and the fact that the judgment was a "reserved" one,
i.e. not delivered on the spur of the moment. (This last is indicated in the
report, at the end of the arguments of counsel, by the letters C.A. V., or
words Curia advisari vult.—the court wishes to be advised.) Naturally, a
case is reinforced if it has been frequently followed, or has created
expectations in commercial or proprietary matters. Some say that any
decision of long standing is unlikely to be disturbed53; on the other
hand, it may be hard to persuade a court to depart from its own
precedent established only a few years before, for that would look like
vacillation. So this can be "Catch 22" for a party seeking to challenge a
Among the circumstances detracting from the authority of a case are: the
presence of strong dissenting judgments; the fact that the "majority do
not agree in their reasoning but only in the result; the failure of-counsel
to cite an inconsistent case in argument; the disapproval of the
profession including academic writings; and the fact ' that the case was
taken on appeal and that the appeal went off on another point.
These circumstances have no importance if the case is absolutely
binding on the court before which it is cited and if it is incapable of
being distinguished. But they are of great importance if the case is not
absolutely binding, or if on the facts of the later case it is capable of
being distinguished or extended at the pleasure of the court.
Rules of precedent instruct judges that they are or are not bound to
decide the case before them in a particular way. The rules do not tell the
judge what principles to act upon when the situation is unconstrained by
authority, for example when faced by a precedent in a lower court which
is not binding. The judge then has to choose between notions of justice,
convenience, public policy, morality, analogy, and so on, perhaps taking
into account the opinions of other judges (in American, Canadian,
Australian and Scottish55 cases, for instance) or of writers. The various
considerations may not point in the same direction, but conflict with
each other.
Judges do not generally dwell upon the fact that they make law; but they
no longer hide behind the "fair}' tale" (as Lord Reid once termed it) that
the common law is a miraculous something existing from eternity and
not made by anyone. They would much prefer to put it in terms of the
so-called "declarator}' theory" which recognises that it may be necessary
for the law to change. As Lord Hobhouse put it recently
"The common law develops as circumstances change and the balance of
legal, social, and economic needs changes. New concepts come into
play; new statutes influence the non-statutory law. The strength of the
common law is its ability to develop and evolve. All this carries with it
the inevitable need to recognise that decisions may change. What was
previously thought to be the law is open to challenge and review: if the
challenge is successful, a new statement of the law will take the place of
the old statement."
With increasing frequency, judges do consider (and are constrained by)
such matters as the rights articulated in the Human Rights Act 1998 or
the ideals to be found in international conventions and treaties. One
consequence is that the modern judges more readily consider the
principles on which they should act in deciding whether or not to
introduce a change. But there are clearly permissible limits to their law-
making powers—at the end of the day, they are judges and not
legislators. In the criminal law sphere, for example, the House of Lords
has offered the following guidance to the judges:
One generalisation can be made. The judge has to balance two opposing
needs in the law: the need for stability and certainty and the need for
change. It would obviously be going too far to say that a judge can scrap
or alter any established rule whenever the rule appears objectionable.
The judge, even when free from binding authority, must take account of
people's understanding of what the jaw is—as when they make
contracts, or insure against liability. But not all judicial legislation
defeats expectations. For example, a judgment restricting the area of
liability does not do so (except to the extent that it defeats the
claimant/prosecutor's expectation of succeeding in the particular
proceedings). Again, the law of procedure and evidence does not create
expectations in the ordinary citizen, and the judges are for this reason
more prepared to exercise their creative powers more readily in this
Lawyers are rather prone to assume that what has been decided cannot
be upset. It often happens that a plainly wrong decision is given at first
instance or even by the Court of Appeal, which is followed
unquestioningly for many years because counsel do not advise their
clients to take the point further on appeal. When, eventually, some
counsel is found who has the courage and acumen to take the point, the
precedent is reversed. As the House of Lords has decided that it can
question its own previous decisions, there is hardly any decided point
that cannot be reopened if the arguments against it are strong enough.
On precedent and the judicial function. Michael Zander's The Law-
Making Process (5th ed., 1999), Chaps. 4, 6 and 7 may be warmly
recommended. See also Manchester, Salter, Moodie and Lynch,
Exploring the Law: The Dynamics of Precedent and Statutory
Interpretation (2nd ed., 2000) and J.A. Holland and J.S. Webb, Learning
Legal Rules (4th ed., 1999).
"The golden rule is that there are no golden rules."
—G.B. Shaw, Man and Superman.
Modern pressures upon the syllabus are such that the subject of statutory
interpretation is rarely taught in law schools other than as a small part of
an English Legal System course. But I hope that even that degree of
exposure will persuade you of the importance of this facet of the law. A
practitioner with any pretension to legal learning should certainly know
the lines of argument that may be open on the reading of a statute; the
law reports are full of cases turning on disputed points of statutory
What follows is intended largely to show how the complex business of
extracting precise meanings from an apparently simple set of words is
assisted by certain practices and understandings. It will be seen that
there are certain principles at work, and various presumptions that have
a bearing on the task. Parliament has recently affected the process by
enacting section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1988, which considerably
alters the traditional role of the courts in this respect.3
A few words first about the structure of a statute An Act of Parliament
consists of a number of parts; there is the short title, the long title, the
date of Royal assent, the enacting formula, the sections and subsections,
marginal notes, the citation, the extent (territorial) and the
commencement. In addition you will normally find definition sections.
savings and repeals and (at the end of the Act), the schedules. Not all of
these are of equal significance as indicators of the meaning of the
statute. There is a good deal of ancient learning about the V" matter, but
the essential distinction is that some of these features are the enacting
parts of 'the statutes (which can be considered and amended by
Parliament), whereas the others (the cross-headings, the side-notes or
marginal notes and the punctuation) are regarded as being of less
significance since they do not enact anything. It seems likely, however,
that a court post Pepper v. Hart4 would permit some use to be made of
them if they shed light on the meaning of the Act. Indeed, in Calley v.
Gray, the Court of Appeal acknowledged that it had derived onsiderable
assistance from the explanatory notes by which the statute under
construction "was accompanied when it was first introduced into
Parliament, notwithstanding that the notes specifically state that "they do
not form part of the Bill and have not been endorsed by Parliament".
When Parliament has passed an Act the words of the Act are
authoritative as words. In ordinary life, if someone says something that
you do not understand, you ask for a fuller explanation. This is
impossible with the interpretation of statutes, because only the words of
the Act have passed through the legal machinery of law-making, and
individual Members of Parliament cannot be put into the witness-box to
supplement or interpret what has been formally enacted. Hence the
words of an Act carry a sort of disembodied or dehumanised meaning:
not necessarily the meaning intended by any actual person in particular,
but the meaning that is conventionally attached to such words. The point
must not be pressed too far, since the statute obviously has a broad
purpose (or, to speak more precisely, those who collaborated in framing
and passing the statute had a broad purpose) which is expressed in the
The most important rules6 for the interpretation (otherwise called
construction) of statutes are those suggested by common sense. The
judge may look up the meaning of a word in a dictionary or technical
work: but this ordinary meaning may be controlled by the particular
context. As everyone knows who has translated from a foreign language,
it is no excuse for a bad translation that the meaning chosen was found
in the dictionary; for the document may be its own dictionary, showing
an intention to use words in some special shade of meaning. This rule,
requiring regard to be had to the context, is sometimes expressed in the
Latin maxim noscitur a sociis, which Henry Fielding translated: a word
may be known by the company it keeps. One may look not only at the
rest of the section in which the word appears but at the statute as a
whole, and even at earlier legislation dealing with the same subject-
matter—for it is assumed that when Parliament passed an Act, it
probably had the earlier legislation in mind, and probably intended to
use words with the same meaning as before. Somewhat anomalously,
reference may even be made to later statutes, to see the meaning that
Parliament puts on the same words in a similar context.8 However,
words need not always have a consistent meaning attributed to them: the
context may show that the same word bears two different senses even
when it is repeated in the same section.
Formerly, the rule permitting recourse to earlier statutes was taken to
allow the court to compare the wording of a consolidation Act with the
Acts that it superseded, and to conclude that variation of wording
indicated a change of meaning. But this tended to defeat the object of
consolidation, which was to supersede a jumble of Acts of various dates
by a single statute. Consolidation would be little help if one still had to
look at the old repealed Acts in order to interpret the new one.
Consequently, the rule laid down by the House of Lords is that where in
construing a consolidation Act:
"the actual words are clear and unambiguous it is not permissible to have
recourse to the corresponding provisions in the earlier statute repealed
by the consolidation Act and to treat any difference in their wording as
capable of casting doubt upon what is clear and unambiguous language
in the consolidation Act itself."
In reading a statute, always look for a definition section, assigning
special meanings to some of the words in the statute. Parliamentary
counsel have the inconsiderate habit of not telling you (for example, in a
footnote or marginal note) that a particular word in the section is defined
somewhere else in the statute; you have to ferret out the information for
yourself. In addition to the interpretation section in the statute, the
Interpretation Act 1978 operates as a standing legal dictionary of some
of the most important words used in legislation. This Act declares,
among other things, that the plural includes the singular, and the singular
the plural, unless a contrary intention appears. Also, by virtue of the Act,
if not independently of it, "words importing the feminine gender include
the masculine", and vice versa. These special meanings are duly noticed
in the various annotations of statutes, such as Halsbury's Statutes and
Current Law Statutes, but not in the official versions of the statutes.
When interpreting statutes the courts often announce that they are trying
to discover "the intention of the legislature"." In actual fact, if a court
finds it hard to know whether a particular situation comes within the
words of a statute or not, the probability is the situation was not foreseen
by the legislature, so that the Lords and Members of Parliament would
be just as puzzled by it as the judges are. Here, the "intention of the
legislature" is a fiction.
Because of this difficulty, some deny that the courts are really concerned
with the intention of Parliament.
"In the construction of written documents including statutes, what the
court is concerned to ascertain is, not what the promulgators of the
instruments meant to say, but the meaning of what they have said."
Others, however, think it proper to speak of the intention of Parliament,
in the sense of "the meaning which Parliament must have intended the
words to convey"13. In case of doubt the court has to guess what
meaning Parliament would have picked on if it had thought of the point.
The intention is not actual but hypothetical. There is, of course, a limit to
what a court can do by way of filling out a statute, but to some extent
this is possible.
An illustration is the familiar legal problem of "fringe meaning". The
words we use, though they have a central core of meaning that is
relatively fixed, have a fringe of uncertainty when applied to the
infinitely variable facts of experience. For example, the general notion
of a "building" is clear, but a judge may not find it easy to decide
whether a temporary wooden hut, or a telephone kiosk, or a wall, or a
tent, is a "building". In problems like this, the process of interpretation is
indistinguishable from legislation: the judge is, like it or not, a legislator.
For, if the conclusion is that the wooden hut is a building, this is in effect
adding an interpretation clause to the statute which gives "building" an
extended application; whereas to decide that the hut is not a building,
effectively adds a clause to the statute and gives it a narrower meaning.
The words of the statute, as they stand,, do not give an answer to the
question before the judge; and the question is therefore legislative rather
than interpretative. This simple truth is rarely perceived or admitted:
almost always the judge pretends to get the solution out of the words of
the Act, though confessing in so doing to be guided by its general policy.
The rational approach would be to say candidly that the question, being
legislative, must be settled with the help of the policy implicit in the Act,
or by reference to convenience or social requirements or generally
accepted principles of fairness
This kind of "interpretation" may be .legally and socially sound although
it reaches results that would surprise the lexicographer. Thus it has
actually been held that murder can be an "accident". The word
"accident" was being interpreted in the context of the Workmen's
Compensation Act 1906, and the result of the decision was that the
widow of the deceased workman was entitled to compensation from the
employer, because the murder in question arose out of and in the course
of the employment. The court admitted that it was giving an unusual
meaning to the word, for "an historian who described the end of Rizzio
by saying that he met with a fatal accident in Holyrood Palace
would*.".. fairly be charged with a misleading statement of fact".
Similarly, Farwell LJ. remarked that one would not in ordinary parlance
say that Desdemona died by accident, because "the horror of the crime
dominates the imagination and compels the expression of the situation in
terms related to the crime and the criminal alone." Yet, if one looks at
the situation from the point of view of the victim, it is an accident, in the
sense that it was not expected or intended by the victim himself. In
preferring this wider meaning of the term "accident'" the court looked to
the general purpose of the Act.
Granted that words have a certain elasticity of meaning, the general rule
remains that the judges regard themselves as bound by the words of a
statute when these words clearly govern the situation before the court.
The words must be applied with nothing added and nothing taken away.
More precisely, the general principle is that the court can neither extend
the statute to a case not within its terms though perhaps within its
purpose nor curtail it by leaving out a case that the statute literally
includes, though it should not have. Lord Diplock expressed the
argument in favour of judicial self-restraint as follows:
"At a time when more and more cases involve the application of
legislation which gives effect to policies that are the subject of bitter
public and parliamentary controversy, it cannot be too strongly
emphasised that the British constitution, though largely unwritten, is
firmly based upon the separation of powers: Parliament makes the laws,
the judiciary interpret them. When Parliament legislates to remedy what
the majority of its members at the time perceive to be a defect or a
lacuna in the existing law (whether it be the written law enacted by
existing statutes or the unwritten common law as it has been expounded
by the judges in decided cases), the role of the judiciary is confined to
ascertaining from the words that Parliament has approved as expressing
its intention what that intention was, and to giving effect to it. Where the
meaning of the statutory words is plain and unambiguous it is not for the
judges to invent fancied ambiguities as an excuse for failing to give
effect to its plain meaning because they themselves consider that the
consequences of doing so would be inexpedient, or even unjust or
immoral. In controversial matters such as are involved in industrial
relations there is room for differences of opinion as to what is expedient,
what is just and what is morally justifiable. Under our constitution it is
Parliament's opinion on these matters that is paramount."
Lord Diplock went on to say that the principle applies even though
there is reason to think that if Parliament had foreseen the situation
before the court it would have modified the words it used: "If this be the
case it is for Parliament, not for the judiciary, to decide whether any
changes should be made to the law as stated in the Acts."
According to this, courts should not use the alternative principles of
construction17 when the statute is "plain and unambiguous". They can
decline to apply the literal rule if the statute is ambiguous, but must not
"invent fancied ambiguities" in order to do so.
It is, nevertheless, difficult to reconcile the literal rule with the "context"
rule. We understand the meaning of words from their context, and in
ordinary life the context includes not only other words used at the same
time but the whole human or social situation in which .the words are
used. Professor Zander gives the example of parents asking a
childminder to keep the children amused by teaching them a card game.
In the parents' absence the childminder teaches the children to play strip
poker. There is no doubt that strip poker is a card game, but equally no
doubt that it was not the sort of card game intended by the instructions
given. One knows this not from anything the parents have said but from
customary ideas as to the proper behaviour and upbringing of children.
On its face, the literal rule seems to forbid this common-sense approach
to statutory interpretation.
The literal rule has often been criticised by writers. Blindly applied, it is
a rule against using intelligence in understanding language. Anyone who
in ordinary life interpreted words literally, being indifferent to what the
speaker or writer meant, would be regarded as a pedant, a mischief-
maker or an eccentric.
Applying the rule also occasions difficulty. What is a real ambiguity,
and what is a fancied ambiguity? Consider the following case decided by
the House of Lords on the construction of the Factories Act. This Act'8
required dangerous parts of machines to be constantly fenced while they
were in motion. A workman repairing a machine removed the fence and
turned the machine by hand in order to do the job. Unfortunately he
crushed his finger. Whether the employers were in breach of the statute
and liable in damages for breach of statutory duty depended on whether
the machine was "in motion" at the time of the accident! In the primary
or literal sense of the words it was; but since the machine was not
working under power and was only in temporary motion for necessary
adjustment, the House of Lords chose to give the words the secondary
meaning of "mechanical propulsion". Since the machine was not being
mechanically propelled it was not in motion, and the employers were not
This was a decision of the House of Lords 25 years before the
pronouncement of Lord Diplock previously quoted, and no doubt has
been cast upon it. Is the provision in the Factories Act ambiguous or
not? "Motion" primarily means movement; the machine was in
movement, and therefore, in the ordinary meaning of the phrase," was in
motion. The reason why the House of Lords cut down the meaning of
the phrase must have been because the House did not believe that
Parliament intended to cover the particular situation. According to Lord
Diplock it is improper to do this if the meaning of the statute is plain. So
the decision in the Factories Act case was justifiable only if the Act was
regarded as not plain. But in what way was it not plain? "In motion" is
on its face a perfectly plain phrase.
Was not the reason why the House thought it not plain that their
Lordships believed that Parliament did not have this situation in mind
and would have cut down the wording if it had? Yet it seems that
according to Lord Diplock such reasoning is merely the invention of a
fancied ambiguity, which is no reason for denying the "plain" meaning
of a statute.
One practical reason for the literal rule is that judges have no wish to be
accused of making political judgments at variance with the purpose of
Parliament when it passed the Act. This fear is sometimes
understandable, but not all statutes divide Parliament on party lines.
Other reasons advanced for the literal rule may be briefly answered
"Many statutes are passed by political bargaining and snap judgments of
expediency; the courts can rarely be sure that Parliament would have
altered the wording if it had foreseen the situation." This may be true,
but is it any reason why the courts should not do justice as best they can
leaving it to Parliament to intervene again if the decision does not meet
with Parliament's approval? "If courts habitually rewrote statutes in
order to effect supposed Improvements, this might cause statutes to
become more complex in order to exclude judicial rewriting in a way
"that was politically unacceptable." This supposes that the court
misjudges what Parliament would wish it to do, whereas in fact the
decision may win general approval. A court that tries to decide as
Parliament would have wished is more likely to be right than a court that
follows the-words believing it was not what Parliament intended.
"People are entitled to follow statutes as they are; they should not have
to speculate as to Parliament's intention." This is a strong reason against
the extensive construction of prohibitory (criminal) legislation, but is
less persuasive in other cases. "If the courts undertook to rewrite statutes
this would tend to foment litigation, because it would encourage people
who objected to the legislation to try their luck with the courts." To
suggest that the courts will ever completely rewrite a statute is a great
exaggeration; and even judges who accept the literal rule in words will
depart from it when the circumstances press them hard enough.
Lord Diplock says that there may be differences of opinion as to what is
expedient, just and moral, and that Parliament's opinion on these
questions is paramount. This is obviously true, once Parliament's
opinion is established. It is also true that Parliament's opinion is
ascertained primarily from the words it has used. Nevertheless, the facts
of the case may be such as to raise serious doubts whether Parliament
intended its words to apply. The decision by a court that. a particular
situation was not intended to come within the ambit of a statute, though
within its words in what may be their most obvious meaning, does not
deny the supremacy of Parliament, for if Parliament disagrees with the
decision it can pass another Act dealing specifically with the type of
case. However, the hard truth is that Parliament generally pays little
attention to the working of the law. It is not merely that Parliament fails
to keep old law under continuous revision; it loses interest in its new
creations as soon as they are on the statute book.
As can be seen from the illustration just given, the task of interpreting
statutes gives judges the chance of expressing their own opinions as to
social policy; and, inevitably, their opinions do not always command
universal assent. However, the judges are on fairly safe ground if they
apply the '"mischief" rule, otherwise known as the rule in Heydon's
Case. This bids them to look at the common law (i.e. the legal position;
before the Act. and the mischief that the statute was intended to reined}"
the Act is then to be construed in such a way as to suppress the mischief
and advance the remedy. This approach to the reading of statutes is an
early example of what is now commonly referred to as a " purposive"
approach, which goes rather wider than merely ascertaining the
mischief. Lord Nicholls explains:
"Nowadays, the courts look at external aids for more than merely
identifying the mischief the statute is intended to cure. In adopting a
purposive approach to the interpretation of statutory language, courts
seek to identify and give effect to the purpose of the legislation. To the
extent that extraneous material assists in identifying the purpose of the
legislation, it is a useful tool."
So stated, the purposive approach is rather wider than the mischief rule,
since it does not suppose (as the older rule does) that all statutes are
passed for the purpose of remedying a mischief, as opposed to
promoting some social good or purpose. In recent years, the purposive
approach has supplanted both the literal rule and the mischief rule as the
proper approach to the ascertainment of Parliament's will.
The rule in Pepper v. Hart
The practical utility of the rule depends to some extent upon the means
that the courts are entitled to employ in order to ascertain what mischief
the Act was intended to remedy. A true historical investigation would
take account of press agitation, party conferences, government
pronouncements, and debates in Parliament. Until comparatively
recently, all of these were ignored as the result o{ a rule excluding
evidence of the political history of a statute. The exclusionary rule was
justified by the burden that would otherwise be placed upon legal
advisers (and the resulting costs to their clients) and the uncertainty that
would be introduced into the law if such historical materials had to be
consulted. In practice, therefore, the judge generally gathered the object
of a statute merely from perusal of its language, in the light of his
knowledge of the previous law and general knowledge of social
conditions. However, in Pepper (Inspector of Taxes) v. Hart.1' it was
held that in certain limited situations and for certain limited purposes,
Hansard (i.e. the Parliamentary record) can be consulted for the purposes
of ascertaining the intention of the legislature. The precise limits is
which this may be done are somewhat unclear, and remain hotly
contested.28 According to Lord Oliver, this is permissible "only where
the expression of the legislative intention is genuinely ambiguous or
obscure or where a literal or prima facie construction leads to a manifest
absurdity and where the difficulty can be resolved by a clear statement
to the matter in issue". The conditions for consulting legislative history
were summarised in the headnote as follows:
(a) legislation is ambiguous or obscure or leads to an absurdity;
(b) the material relied upon consists of one or more statements by a
Minister or other promoter of the Bill together . . .with such other
Parliamentary material as is necessary to understand such statements and
their effect;
(c) the statements relied upon are clear.
Exactly how these conditions should apply in any particular case is,
however, still a matter of some controversy. In R. v. Secretary of State
for the Environment, Transport and the Regions, ex p. Spath Holme
Ltd,30 two members of the House (Lords Nicholls and Cooked dissented
on the use to which Hansard might be put. Section 31 of the Landlord
and Tenant Act 1985 gave the Minister a power to make rent restriction
orders. The grounds upon which the Minister could rely in making such
an order were unclear, but might have included either or both (i) the
desirability of reflecting equities between landlords and tenants and/or
(ii) the need to control inflation. The majority (Lords Bingham, Hope
and Hutton) took the view that two of the thresholds set by Lord
Browne-Wilkinson in Pepper v. Hart, namely paragraphs (a) and (b) had
not been met and that reference to Hansard was therefore impermissible
to resolve the dilemma. The minority took the view that they could
consult various parliamentary statements, but decided that they were
inconclusive of the issue and concluded (with the majority) that the
Minister was free to use both criteria.
Under the purposive approach, it is still necessary to answer the
question: when is a provision ambiguous? Lord Cooke in his speech said
that "a provision is ambiguous if reasonably open on orthodox rules of
construction to more than one meaning", and concluded that the section
under consideration fell within that ambit. He took the view that there
are cases in which the court can in the end derive real help from
Hansard, even if it is not necessarily decisive help. If the answer is not
"decisive" one way or the other as to Parliament's meaning, it shows that
the court has a real choice to make.
Another difficulty is that the statements to be relied upon must be
"clear". But the question arises: how do you know whether they are clear
until you have looked at them? Lord Mackay dissented in Pepper v.
Hart. His objections were the practical and pragmatic ones, concerned as
they were with the availability (or rather the unavailability) of the
background materials, and the costs of undertaking research into them.
In other words, it is still necessary for legal advisers to undertake all the
research work the avoidance of which is behind the majority approach in
the Spath Holme decision even in order to know whether or not what has
been said is "clear".
More recently still, a far more restrictive approach to the use of
legislative history has been suggested. It has been argued that the only
purpose for which such material should be consulted would be to
prevent a government or minister from denying before the courts what
he or she had asserted before Parliament. Whilst it is true that this was
what happened in Pepper v. Hart itself, Lord Hope's view is a minority
Many statutes are the result of recommendations made by the Royal
Commissions and departmental committees. Can the reports of these
commissions and committees be looked at as an aid to construction? The
short answer is that they can be consulted for trie same purposes and to
the same extent as Hansard itself. And they can still be consulted to
show the mischief against which the Act was directed. A nice example
of the use of such a report for these purposes is to be found in the
prosecution for "making off without payment", Allen? The question was
whether a person who left without paying a bill could be convicted in the
absence of proof that he or she intended never to pay. The Theft Act
1978 was silent on the point, but the Thirteenth Report of the Criminal
Law Revision Committee made it clear that such an intention must be
proved. The Court- of Appeal refused to consult the Report, : taking the
view that it was not permitted to consult, but arrived at the "correct"
conclusion unaided. The House of Lords did look at the Report and
reinforced its own conclusions about the mischief at which the section
was aimed. It may be expected that the practice of referring to these
reports will extend itself in the future, because they often supply the best
commentary upon the wording of an Act.33
As the Factories Act case illustrates, the courts sometimes allow
themselves to construe a statute in such a way as to produce a reasonable
result, even though this involves departing from the prima facie meaning
of the words. The rule that a statute may be construed to avoid absurdity
is conveniently called the "golden rule". It is by no means unlimited, and
seems to apply only in three types of case.
In its first application, the golden rule allows the court to prefer a
sensible meaning to an absurd meaning, where both are linguistically
possible. It does not matter that the absurd meaning is the more natural
and obvious meaning of the words. Lord Reid:
- % "Where a statutory provision on one interpretation brings about a
startling and inequitable result, this may lead the court to seek another
possible interpretation which will do better justice."
On another occasion Lord Reid put the point more strongly.
"It is only where the words are absolutely incapable of a construction
which will accord with the apparent intention of the provision and will
avoid a wholly unreasonable result that the words of the enactment must
This application of the golden rule does not contradict the literal rule,
provided that the absurdity of the particular proposed application of the
statute is conceded to be a reason for finding an ambiguity in it. If one
accepts the golden rule, this involves rejecting Lord Diplock's opinion
that the inexpediency, injustice or immorality of the proposed
application of the statute cannot in itself be a reason for finding an
ambiguity in the statute. According to the golden rule it can be a
powerful motivating force leading the court to detect such an ambiguity.
It is frequently said that the question of absurdity cannot influence a
decision in any type of case except the one just stated. Nevertheless, the
courts sometimes act on a second principle, stated by Cross as follows:
"The judge may read in words which he considers to be necessarily
implied by words which are already in the statute, and he has a limited
power to add to, alter or ignore statutory words in order to prevent a
provision from being unintelligible or absurd or totally unreasonable,
unworkable or totally irreconcilable with the rest of the Statute."
Acting on this principle judges have occasionally corrected a statute that
foolishly said "and" when it meant "or", or that foolishly said "or" when
it meant "and". However, the argument must be very strong to induce
the court to meddle with a statute.38 Instances occur where the courts
feel obliged to construe a statute in a way that they themselves
acknowledge creates outrageous injustice.
In interpreting statutes, various presumptions may be applied, all of
which are of a negative or restrictive character. They are the background
of legal principles against which the Act is viewed, and in the light of
which Parliament is assumed to have legislated, without being expected
to express them. Some embody traditional notions of justice, such as the
rule that a statute is presumed not to be retrospective (except in
procedural matters). Others reflect what was almost certainly the
intention of Parliament, as that an Act applies only to the United
Kingdom unless the contrary is expressed. The most controversial
presumptions are those enshrining the values of a capitalist society—the
presumption against interference with vested rights, the presumption
against the taking of property without compensation, and the
presumption against interference with contract. The last of these now has
few followers, but the first two still "retain vitality, Even so, the judges
are hampered by the thought that they must not run counter to political
trends, for example by implying a right io full compensation for the
appropriation of property when a legislature • (acting for reasons of
wealth redistribution) did not in terms provide • for such compensation.
The traditional presumption upon which a clear consensus still exists is
that against interference with personal liberty.
Presumptions may be regarded as instances of the proposition that the
duty of judges goes beyond the automatic enforcement of the dictates of
Parliament. The judges' function is also to do justice in accordance with
certain settled principles of law in a free society; and they are entitled to
assume that Parliament does not intend to subvert these principles,
unless there is a clear statement that it does. For this reason, the courts
apply the rule that when Parliament has conferred a judicial or quasi-
judicial power upon a person, that power must be exercised in
accordance with the rules of natural justice. When Parliament creates a
new crime, this is presumed to be subject to certain defences at common
law. such as self-defence and duress, and also (very frequently) to the
requirement of a state of mind (intention, knowledge or
recklessness).These are judge-made principles required by our ideas of
justice and grafted on the statute by "implication" although there may be
no words in the statute to suggest them.
The common law provides quite an armoury of such principles, and new
applications can be found for them by a bold judge. A striking example
is Re Sigsworth.40 Under legislation (in force then and now) a child has
certain rights of succession on the death of the parent intestate. For the
purpose of his decision in Re Sigs-worth, the trial judge assumed it to
have been proved that the deceased, Mary Ann Sigsworth, had been
murdered by her son: and the question was whether the son was entitled
to her estate as "issue" under the Act. The learned judge held not for
the reason that no one is entitled to profit from his own wrong. The
decision was rendered somewhat easier by the fact that a similar
conclusion had already been arrived at in the law of wills: a murderer
cannot take under the victim's will. Long before that— least as early as
1775—the courts had laid down the general principle of law that a
person cannot bring an action based on his own wrong {ex turpi causa
nun oritur actio).4' In Re Sigsworth, the iudse applied this principle to
the interpretation of the intestacy statute which made no mention of it.
Even statutes may be read as subject to certain fundamental principles of
justice which are to be discovered in the common law.
Incidentally. Re Sigsworth is enough to disprove the oft-repeated
assertion that "where the words of an Act of Parliament are clear there is
no room for applying any principles of interpretation". This proposition
may have a useful application in limiting some of the more pedantic
canons of interpretation, but it does not exclude the application of a
presumption or certain common-sense principles. Although Re
Sigsworth was only the decision of a judge at first instance, it has been
approved by the Court of Appeal and extended to other statutes raising a
similar question.43 One can therefore say that the courts retain the
power to read statutes in the light of general principles, the only question
being whether the particular court will be able to find or invent a general
principle that will enable it to give a sensible effect to the statute. Much
will depend on the legal knowledge and ingenuity of counsel and the
court, as well as on the readiness of the court to take a liberal view.
A liberal interpretation to prevent the statute operating upon an
accidental inclusion may sometimes be comparatively easy, as it was in
Re Sigsworth. Although the courts have not expressly said so, it may be
more difficult to do anything in the situation where Parliament has left
out something germane. To extend a statute to a regrettably omitted case
looks too much like legislation. Even so, it is possible for a court to
interpret a statute as covering what looks at first sight as an omission if it
can find or invent some plausible general principle of interpretation, an
exercise that may call for a little ingenuity.
Consider, for example. Adler v. George." The Official Secrets Act 1920.
s. 3. prohibits persons "in the vicinity of" any prohibited place from
impeding sentries. The defendant impeded a sentry when he was inside a
prohibited place. The argument for the defence was that the defendant,
being inside, was not "in the vicinity of" the place. which meant outside.
The court rejected the argument, holding that the statute was to be read
as if it were "in or in the vicinity of". Obviously, the case was stronger
than the one actually provided for. so it could be regarded as a fortiori.45
Just as the greater includes the less, so a provision for the marginal case
must include the central case. Adler r. George shows that statutes may
be read not only against the background of notions of justice and settled
legal principle (which lend to limit their operation] but also against the
background of notions of ordinary common sense (which may extend
their operation).
There is a long-standing presumption that Acts of Parliament are not
intended to derogate from the requirements of international law. When
interpreting legislation, therefore, the courts presume that Parliament
must have intended to act in accordance with international obligations.
For many years, the European Convention on Human Rights was treated
as no more than an aid to construction of this kind, although one that
assumed increasing significance after a right of individual petition to the
European Court of Human Rights was accorded in 1966. Technically,
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is a treaty of the
same status as the European Convention before incorporation. But its
provisions are only rarely noted, even though binding on us as a matter
of international law.
Section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 provides that, "So far as it is
possible to do so, primary legislation and subordinate legislation must be
read and given effect in a way which is compatible with Convention
rights". If the court is unable to achieve a reading of the statute in
conformity with the Convention rights, it may then grant a "declaration
of incompatibility' whose effect is that the law must be changed
subsequently in order to make it consistent with Convention rights. It
will be clear that, at a stroke, Parliament has thereby rendered relevant to
the interpretation process many considerations that would otherwise
have been irrelevant, or of doubtful standing, and at the same time
introduced a fundamentally new approach to the task of interpretation.
The section has been considered on numerous occasions in the year or so
since it came into force on October 2, 2000. Its potential to make a
difference to the outcome of a dispute can be illustrated by a decision
such as Offen,where the Court of Appeal was concerned with section 2
of the Crime (Sentences) Act 1997. This measure obliged a sentencing
judge to impose a life sentence for the commission of a second "serious
offence" (the so-called "two strikes and you are out" policy) unless there
were "exceptional circumstances". Before the implementation of section
3, the court had adopted an interpretation that might have involved
committing a person to prison for life even though that person might not
have posed an on-going danger to the public. The legislation could
therefore operate in a way that was offensive to the requirement that
measures should be proportionate as required by Article 5 of the
European Convention. In Offen however, the court read a limitation into
the Act such that there could be said to be "exceptional circumstances"
in cases where the offender posed no significant risk. This
interpretation was said to give effect to the intention of Parliament. It
would do so however, in a more just, less arbitrary and more
proportionate manner. Section 2 of the 3997 Act will still mean that a
judge is obliged to pass a life sentence in accordance with its terms
unless, in all the circumstances, the offender poses no significant risk to
the public. Similarly, in R. v. Lamberty the House of Lords held that,
although in its usual significance, section 28 of the Misuse of Drugs Act
1971 imposed a legal burden of persuasion upon the defendant to a
criminal charge, this was inconsistent with Article 6(2) of the
Convention. Section 3 of the Act could be used to alter the language of
section 28 in such a way as to make it compatible with the Convention,
so that only an evidential burden was imposed.
There is no doubt, then, that the section has an enormous potential to
change the way in which statutes are to be approached when Convention
rights are at stake. The approach to section 3 has been the subject of
(admittedly obiter) guidance in the Court of Appeal in Poplar Housing
Association v. Donoghue,4* which, because of its importance merits
citation in full:
"It is difficult to overestimate the importance of section 3. It applies to
legislation passed both before and after the Human Rights Act 1998
came into force. Subject to the section not requiring the court to go
beyond that which is possible, it is mandatory in its terms. In the case of
legislation predating the Human Rights Act 1998 where the legislation
.would otherwise conflict with the Convention, section 3 requires the
court to now interpret legislation in a manner which it would not have
done before the Human Rights Act 1998 came into force. When the
court interprets legislation usually its primary task is to identify the
intention of Parliament. Now, when section 3 applies, the courts have to
adjust their traditional role in relation to interpretation so as to give
effect to the direction contained in section 3. It is as though legislation
which predates the Human Rights Act 1998 and conflicts with the
Convention has to be treated as being subsequently amended to
incorporate the language of section 3. However, the following points,
which are probably self-evident, should be noted.
(a) Unless the legislation would otherwise be in breach of the
Convention section 3 can be ignored (so courts should always first
ascertain whether, absent section 3. there would be any breach of the
(b) If the court has to rely on section 3 it should limit the extent of the
modified meaning to that which is necessary to achieve compatibility.
(c) Section 3 does not entitle die court to legislate (its task is still one
of interpretation, but interpretation in accordance with the direction
contained in section 3)."
It is at least arguable that the line between interpretation and legislation
was overstepped by the House of Lords itself in R. v. A (No. 2)49 where
the protection afforded to rape victims in court was the subject of
consideration. Parliament had enacted legislation (section 41 of the
Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999) setting out with some
precision the circumstances in which a judge might give leave to permit
the questioning of a victim. The ban apparently prevented the defendant
from adducing evidence or asking questions as to his own previous
relationship with the complainant, even in a case where the defence was
that the complainant had consented. Four members of the House agreed
that, according to the ordinary canons of construction, the statute would
indeed have that result which meant that a court would be unable to hear
evidence that might be highly relevant to the defence. The majority in
the House were clear that section 3 permitted (or even required) the
court to take into account Article 6 of the European Convention
guaranteeing a fair trial whatever violence this might do to the language
of section 41. Lord Hope was in a minority. He disagreed about the
potential relevance of the evidence (the mere fact that the complainant
might have consented on previous occasions is no evidence that she
consented on the occasion giving rise to the charge), and took the line
that Parliament did indeed intend that a defendant should not have been
permitted to ask the disputed questions. Section 3 "does not entitle the
judges to act as legislators".
Section 3 therefore creates tension between judges as interpreters and
judges as quasi-legislators. Two points are perhaps in order. Section 3
obliges the judges to find a compatible interpretation "so far as it is
possible to do so". The meaning of the words that Parliament has used
must set some limits to what is "possible" in any particular case. The
approach of the majority in A "enables the courts to nullify the effect of
statutory provisions"50 and it may be doubted whether that is the
purpose of section 3. Rather, if the courts are forced to a conclusion that
it is simply not possible to find an interpretation that protects one of the
enshrined rights, then it has the power to make (under section 4 of the
Human Rights Act 1998) a "declaration of incompatibility" leaving
Parliament to set the matter right.
It is hoped that these few words are perhaps sufficient to enable the
student to understand something of the issues that are involved in the
interpretation of statutes.
For an enlargement upon the theme of interpretation, see Michael
Zander. The Law-Making Process (5th ed., 1999), Chap. 3. A fuller
account of the technical rules will be found in J. Bell and G. Engle eds,
Cross, Statutory Interpretation (3rd ed., 1995). The practitioner's work is
F.A.R. Bennion, Statutory Interpretation (3rd ed., 1997, supplement
1999). The same author has written Understanding Common Law
Legislation (2001). See also Professor J. Bell, "Sources of Law" in P.
Birks ed., English Private Law (2000), Chap. 1; Manchester, Salter.
Moodie and Lynch, Exploring the Law: The Dynamics of Precedent and
Statutory Interpretation (2nd ed., 2000).
"I scarce think it is harder to resolve very difficult cases in law, than it is
to direct a young gentleman what course he should take to enable
himself so to do."
—Sir Roger North", On the Study of the Laws.1
[Since much of the value of this chapter must depend upon the concrete
illustrations it gives, I have been forced to assume the reader's
knowledge of a certain amount of elementary law. You should postpone
reading it until you have made a start with the study of a case-law
subject like constitutional and administrative law, criminal law, contract
or tort.]
It is not easy even for an intelligent candidate in the heat of the
examination to show the calm judgment that answering a problem
question requires. It is, therefore, most important to train oneself in
problem answering well in advance. In doing this, the student will not
merely be preparing in the best possible way for the examination: this
practice will also be developing the mind as a working instrument and
preparation for later legal life. The technique of solving academic
problems is almost the same as the technique of writing a legal opinion
upon a practical point. The chief difference is that in practical problems
the material facts often lie buried in a much larger mass of immaterial
detail, while the examination problem contains comparatively little
beyond the material facts.
If the student is studying under a tutor or supervisor, an adequate
number of problems should be supplied in the course of study, often
taken from previous papers. If they are not so provided, it will be
necessary to look at copies of past examination papers. It is also
necessary to consult the syllabus of the course being studied, because
that will set the parameters within which the examiners should be setting
the examination. This should tell you both what is examinable—
sometimes in fairly general terms—and more importantly what is not to
be expected. The syllabus may well say, for example, that you are not
expected in criminal law to have a detailed knowledge of particular
offences (some specified offences excepted) other than are necessary to
illustrate the application of general principles, and in the law of tort that
wrongs such as passing-off and other forms of unfair competition,
interference with goods, abuse of legal, process and so forth are not
required to be considered.
Perhaps the most important piece of advice with problems, as with all
examination questions, is to read every word of the problem. Almost
every word has been put in for a purpose and needs to be commented
upon. In the law of contract, for instance, the word "orally" or "verbally"
or "on the telephone", in describing the formation of a contract for the
sale of land, will invite discussion of section 40 of the Law of Property
Act 1925, and quite probably section 2 of the Law of Property
(Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1989. Even if you are of the opinion that
a fact stated in the problem is immaterial,2 you should not (in general)
pass it by in silence but should express your opinion that it is immaterial,
and, if possible, give reasons. However, there is no need to deal in this
way with an argument that, if raised, would not receive a moment's
serious consideration.
A common query on the part of the novice upon reading an examination
problem is: how could such facts ever be proved? The teacher's answer
is that the student must assume this proof. (Actually, it is surprising how
facts often can be proved in practice that at first sight seem to be
unprovable if the defendant is prepared to contradict them. But in any
case the student is not concerned with this question.)" The student
should not assume facts contrary to those stated in the
2 It would be poor examination practice on the part of an examiner to
include an immaterial fact; but even examiners are not perfect.
Where the law is doubtful, a categorical statement that the rule is one
way or the other will earn few, if any, marks. This is particularly
important in answering problems. If the answer to the problem is
doubtful, say so. and then suggest what the answer ought to be. It is a
mistake to simulate confidence where you have no certain knowledge.
After discussing a problem full of "moot'" points, try' to avoid the weak
conclusion that "A is perhaps liable". Your conclusion may be that if the
facts are so-and-so, he is liable; if they are such and such, he is not. Or,
if the court follows Smith v. Jones, then A will be liable, but if it follows
Robinson v. Edwards, which is to be preferred for reasons previously
given, then A will not be liable.
A problem may be set on a statute as well as on a case. If you do not
have the statute with you, you must then recall the words of the statute
as best you can, apply them to the problem and, as in all problems, look
for the "catch". Here is an illustration from constitutional law:
Aikenhead J., a judge of the High Court, is convicted of driving under
the influence of drink. Can he be dismissed from judicial office, and if
so by whom?
The attitude of students towards a problem like this varies. Some, though
knowing the terms of the Act of Settlement, or of the similar statute now
in force, steer clear of the problem because they are afraid of it. Others
write down simply:
"By the Act of Settlement 1701, 'Judges' Commissions [shall] be made
quamdiu se bene gesserint, but upon the Address of both Houses of
Parlia¬ment it may be lawful to remove them'. Aikenhead J. can be
removed under this provision."
This is not a bad answer and would be given a pass mark. Had the
candidate added that dismissal was actually effected by the Crown this
might have risen to a second class. To obtain a first class, one needs to
do a little thinking. Aikenhead J. was appointed "during good
behaviour". He has been convicted of crime, and we shall assume for the
moment that he has not behaved himself within the meaning of these
words. Clearly he can be dismissed if both Houses present an Address to
that effect. But can he not, in this case, be dismissed even without an
Address? What the examiner is evidently after is the correct
interpretation of the words of the Act of Settlement, or rather of the Act
now in force replacing the Act of Settlement. Do these words mean that
judges can be dismissed by the Crown only upon an Address of both
Houses (with a direction to the Houses that they are not to present an
Address unless the judge has misbehaved himself)?
Or do the words mean that judges can be dismissed by the Crown either
if they have not behaved themselves (for example, been convicted of
crime) or on an Address of both Houses? In other words, are the Houses
the sole judges of the correctness of the judges' behaviour, or not? The
second interpretation can be arrived at by reading the provision in two
parts: (1) judges' commissions are to be made for as long as they behave
themselves, implying that if they misbehave they may be dismissed by
the Crown; (2) they may be removed by the Crown on an Address of
both Houses, even though they have not misbehaved themselves. The
first interpretation can be arrived at by reading the provision as a whole
(judges are appointed during good behaviour, and the two Houses are
the sole judges of bad behaviour).
A good lawyer, who reads carefully, ponders meanings and is pre-pared
to discuss difficulties, might be able to see this point in the problem
without having read anything upon it. When one studies the literature
one finds that, surprising as it may seem, the weight of legal opinion is
in favour of the second view; and it is not even clear what is the proper
legal means that the Crown should use to establish misbehaviour before
dismissing a judge.15 A further question that arises (and that might be
perceived on the face of this problem) is whether dismissal by the
Crown can only be for misbehaviour in office or whether it can be for an
offence not related to judicial office or affecting judicial ability.
If the latter, can it be for any offence or only for a serious one, and is the
offence in trie problem sufficiently serious? In practice the Crown would
now be unlikely to dismiss a judge without an Address, and it would be
for the two Houses to decide whether the misbehaviour justified
dismissal. This example shows how it is possible to display the qualities
of a good lawyer without knowing much law.
Here is another problem in constitutional law to reinforce the point.
At a time of national emergency, a statute is passed giving power to
make Orders in Council for the public safety and defence of the realm.
Would it be a valid objection to an Order made under this statute that it
imposes a tax?
The type of answer to be expected from the Painful Plodder would be as
"A statute similar in terms to that in the problem was DORA, passed in
the First World War. By Regulations under this statute the Food
Controller was empowered to regulate dealings in any article. Under
these powers the Food Controller ordered that no milk should be sold
within certain counties except under licence. In Au.-Gen. v. Wilts
United Dairies (1922) the question arose whether the Food Controller
was entitled to charge for the granting of a licence under this Order. It
was held by the H.L. that he was not. This case was approved by the
Court of Appeal in Congreve v. Home Office [1976J in connection with
the power to levy an additional charge for a television licence. The
answer to the question is therefore -'Yes'."
This answer exhibits a common defect: it cites a case without explaining
the legal principle involved in it, i.e. the legal ground on which the case
was decided. Plodder says that in An.-Gen. v. Wilts U.D.11 it was held
that the Food Controller could not charge for the licence. This is true,
but we need to know why. The facts of the case contained three
elements: (1) DORA, giving power to make Regulations for the public
safety and defence of the realm; (2) the "daughter'' Regulations made
under DORA allowing the Food Controller to regulate dealings in an)'
article; and (3) the Food Controller's Order ("granddaughter" of DORA)
that no milk should be sold without licence, coupled with the grant of a
licence on condition of receiving payment. Now the decision was that
the money promised by the dairy company could not be recovered by the
Crown, for the reason that (a) any prerogative power to tax had been
taken away by the Bill of Rights 1689, and that (b) as for the statutory
powers of DORA, the Regulations under which the Food Controller was
acting did not on their wording enable him to impose a tax. The
Regulations enabled him to regulate dealings in an article, but regulation
of dealings is one thing, taxing another. Order (3) was therefore ultra
vires1* the Regulations (2). Had the candidate understood these reasons
it would at once have been apparent that the decision in An.-Gen. v.
Wilts U.D. did not conclude the question asked. All that the case decided
was that the Food Controller was acting outside the Regulations since
the Regulations did not give the power to tax. The question whether a
Regulation that expressly gave the power to tax would itself be ultra
vires DORA was not decided. Now here is the answer of a candidate
who may be called the Discernins Dilettante. Such a person knows
virtually nothing about the Bill of Rights or the decision in Att.-Gen. v.
Wilts U.D., but addresses the question and employs intelligence.
"It may be that the Order is intra vires19 the statute. The statute gives
power to make Orders for the public safety and defence of the realm: in
other words for the waging of war. Obviously you cannot wage war
without taxing. Money, it is said, makes the sinews of war.
To" this it may be objected that although it is necessary to lax in order to
v/aae war, it is not necessary for the Executive to tax without a statute.
Parliament is still in being; why not leave taxation to Parliament?
A valid reply to this objection would be that it is a political objection w
the passing of a statute worded in this wide way, not a legal objection to
the validity of the Order, if a statute worded so widely has been passed.
If the objection were legally valid it could be used to defeat almost all
Orders made under this statute, which would be absurd. Suppose that
under this defence statute the Government makes an Order
requisitioning land for anti-aircraft missile sites. It would obviously be
no valid objection to such an Order that the Order is not necessary for
public safety because Parliament could have passed it. The object of the
defence statute is to delegate to the Executive what in peacetime would
be the function of Parliament. Surely the question whether Parliament
could have passed the particular legislation is logically irrelevant to the
question whether the legislation is for the public safety and defence of
the realm.
However, it seems unlikely that a court would take the view that is being
expressed here. The English tradition that it is for Parliament to do the
taxing is so deep-seated that the court would probably assert a legal
presumption, as a matter of statute interpretation, that powers of taxation
are not included in a statutory delegation of power unless clear words
are used and that a general formula like that in the statute stated in the
question is not sufficient."
Or, as Atkin L.J. (as he then was) put it in Att.-Gen. v. Wilts U.D. in the
Court of Appeal, and as the very able candidate might wish to
paraphrase, "in view of the historic struggle of the legislature to secure
for itself the sole power to levy money upon the subject, its complete
success in that struggle, the elaborate means adopted by the
representative House to control the amount, the conditions and the
purpose of the levy, the circumstances would be remarkable indeed
which would induce the court to believe that the legislature had
sacrificed all the well-known checks and precautions, and, not in express
words, but merely by implication, had entrusted a Minister of the Crown
with undefined and unlimited powers of imposing charges upon the
subject for purposes connected with his department".
The point is reinforced by Congreve where the Court of Appeal assumed
that Art.-Gen. v. Wilts U.D. was an authority on the application of the
Bill of Rights. The really good student would have been able to show,
therefore, that Wilts U.D. was relevant to but not decisive of the
question set. Discussion of more recent authorities in which the courts
have restated the proposition that it is for Parliament to do the taxing (as
in the cases where it was held that local authorities have no authority to
charge for housing in the absence of express authority such as R. v.
Richmond upon Thames LBC, ex p. Watson22 and R. r. North and East
Devon Health Authority, ex p. CougfdarP3) round out the answer in a
way that makes it first class.
When answering a problem, never preface your answer with a general
disquisition on the area of law relating to the problem. Start straight
away to answer the problem. Problems are set chiefly to test your ability
to apply the law you know, and the examiner will speedily tire of
reading an account of the law that is not brought into direct relation to
the problem. Where the problem contains several persons say A and B as
possible claimants and C and D as possible defendants, the best course is
to begin your answer by writing down the heading: A v. C. When you
have dealt with this, write (say) B v. C. referring back to your previous,
answer for any points that do not need to be repeated. Then you will deal
with A v. D and B v. D.
The advice to plunge into the specific problem, on the model of
counsel's opinion, applies even where the problem is divided into several
parts, all of which are on the same general area of law. For instance,
suppose that in criminal law a question consists of a chain of short
problems on insanity numbered (i), (ii), (iii), etc.
It is not advisable to preface the answer with a discussion of
McNaghten's Case 24 even though McNaghtens Case is relevant to ach
of the numbered problems. The examiner is impatient to see u answering
the problems. You should therefore write the figure (i) at the very
beginning of your answer, and begin to tackle problem (i) In the course
of doing so you can, of course, set out and discuss McNa°hten's Case.
When you come to (ii), (iii) and the rest, it will be easy enough to put a
back reference, if necessary, to your previous discussion of the case.
Although a problem is not an invitation to launch out into a general
disquisition on the area of law on which the problem is set. it is
important in working out the problem to state all the rules of law that are
really relevant to it. A frequent blemish upon an otherwise good answer
is that the relevant rule of law is not expressly stated but is left to be
implied from the candidate's conclusion. Much the better practice is first
to stale the rule of law and then to apply it to the facts. Do not write: "D
is liable on the contract because he did not communicate his revocation
of his offer". It is better style to write: An uncommunicated revocation
of an offer is ineffective. Here D's revocation did not come to the notice
of the offeree, so the offeree's acceptance of the offer was valid, and D is
liable on the contract".
Sometimes, the examiner asks: "can B sue A?" This formula, very
common in law examinations, means: Can B sue A successfully?
Examinees sometimes answer it by saying: "B can sue A but he will
fail". This displays the writer's common sense but also his lack of
knowledge of legal phraseology. It is true that there is virtually no
restriction upon the bringing of actions: for instance, I can at this
moment sue the Prime Minister for assault— though I shall fail in the
action. But when a lawyer asserts that A can sue B, what he means is
that A can sue B successfully; if he meant the words to be taken literally,
they would not have been worth the uttering.
For much the same reason, you should never write a sentence like: "B
can argue that... but the argument will fail," or "B has committed such-
and-such a crime, but he has a good defence." The proper way to put the
last sentence would be to say: "If B is charged with such-and-such a
crime, there would be a good defence."
When a problem is based on a rule, for example, the rule in Derry v.
Peek or Rylands v. Fletcher, it is usually advisable to state the whole
rule in a sentence or two, even though some parts of the rule are not
material to the problem. No further details should be given of parts of
the rule that are not material.
Where the problem turns on an exception to a rule (for example, an
exception to the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher), there is usually no need to
state any exceptions other than the one that is relevant.
Questions are frequently divided into two or more parts, and this
division raises difficulties of its own for the inexpert candidate.
Sometimes the problem begins with a common opening part before
branching out into its subdivisions. The following is an example:
A writes to B offering to sell him a horse Phineas for £1.000.
(i) B posts a letter accepting, but misdirects it and in consequence it is a
week late in being delivered to A. Meanwhile A has sold Phineas to C.
(ii) B, after posting a letter of acceptance to A, sends A a fax cancelling
"my letter now in the post". The fax is delivered to A before B's letter.
It should be obvious that in this type of problem (i) and (ii) are
alternative possibilities, to be dealt with separately; (ii) is not meant to
follow upon and include the facts of (i). Candidates sometimes suppose
that this is all a single problem, to be disposed of in a single breath.
Another mistake that can be made with this particular problem is to
suppose that the opening sentence is itself a question, inviting a general
disquisition on the legal nature of an offer. Since you are clearly told
that A has made an offer, this would be superfluous.
A different type of two-part problem is one in which the second part
commences: "Would it make any difference to your answer if……..
?"This means that the second part of the question is the same as the first
part, except for the variation expressly stated. An illustration is as
(i) A is firing with an air gun in the garden at a target on a tree. The shot
glances off the tree and hits A's gardener, B. Can B sue A?
(ii) Would your answer be different if the shot had been fired by A's
daughter, C?
Most students assume that (ii) is a question as to the liability of C.
Clearly on its wording the question is the same as in (i) namely, as to the
liability of A.
Sometimes a problem is so worded as to involve two successive
questions, but the second question logically arises only if the first is
answered in a certain way. Suppose that the student has answered the
first question in the other way: what is to be done about the second? The
answer is that the question should be attempted, and for the purpose of
answering the second part of the question the candidate should state that
the question is being answered on the assumption that the answer to the
first part may be incorrect. An example from the law of contract:
Pickwick, who manufactures cricket bats, affixed a signboard on the
boundary of the field belonging to the Dingley Dell Cricket Club, stating
that if any batsman hit the signboard with a batted ball during the course
of a match Pickwick would pay him the sum of £500. Bothers hit the
board whilst batting in a match between Dingley Dell and Muggleton,
and afterwards orally requested Pickwick to pay £500 to Mrs. Jingle, to
whom Bothers was indebted for board and lodging. Mrs. Jingle demands
payment of the £500 from Pickwick but is refused. Discuss the rights of
the parties.
This problem involves two issues: (i) whether there is a contract between
Pickwick and Bothers, resulting in a debt owed by Pickwick to Bothers;
and (ii) whether Bothers has validly assigned the debt to Mrs. Jingle.
Issue (i) turns on the difficult distinction between consideration and the
performance of a condition precedent to a gratuitous promise, or if you
like on the equally difficult question of intent to judge would direct the
jury, and state whether a verdict of guilty would be likely to be upheld or
upset on appeal. It is at these points in a jury trial that the legal opinion
is important: a lawyer is not directly concerned with the work of the
When several crimes appear to emerge from the facts of a problem, it is
best to start your answer with the gravest crime that seems clearly to
have been committed. For it would be absurd to open your answer by
considering some summary offence of which the defendant is guilty, and
then to wind up with the conclusion that he has also committed, say,
The murder should come first, and the lesser offence as a rather casual
postscript. If the defendant is clearly guilty of a crime like wounding
with intent, and only doubtfully guilty of murder, it is sensible to start
with the clear crime before coming to the doubtful one. Problems in
criminal law often start with an inchoate crime—conspiracy, attempt or
incitement. Even though the problem shows that the full crime was
consummated, the culprits may be convicted of attempt or incitement, so
that it may be relevant to mention these crimes—though normally, the
indictment would be for the completed crime, not for a mere attempt or
incitement. If you mention the possibility of a conspiracy charge, it
would be wise to add that the addition of conspiracy counts when the
crime is consummated must be specially justified. As for incitement, if
the crime is actually committed the inciter becomes an accessory to it. In
other words, the difference between (i) incitement and (ii) being a
participant in a crime as one who has counselled or procured it is that in
(i) the main crime has not been (or need not have been) committed by
the person so incited, and in (ii) it has.
As in criminal law, look for all the possible torts that may have been
committed, and consider whether their essentials have been satisfied.
Draw into your net all possible defendants, and then turn round and
consider all the possible defences open on the facts given.
"He that knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep—wake him."
This chapter is chiefly concerned with the answering of questions other
than problems, though some of the remarks apply also to the answering
of problems! Like the last chapter it is not meant for hasty consumption
immediately before the fray. The wise student will, well in advance of
the examination itself, look at the examination papers for the past few
years, and, whether compelled to or not, will write out the answers to
some questions (even though only in brief note form) in order to gain
practice in self-expression. Past examination .papers will also show the
probable lay-out of the paper that the examiner will be expected to
follow, and the amount of time likely to be allowed for each question.
You should also have access to the regulations according to which the
form and conduct of the examination is settled, and the syllabus
according to which the examiner is expected to conform. You may even
have access to the examiner's report from the previous year or years.
Remember, though, that the examiner (and the syllabus) may change
from one year to the next, and that questions actually asked may reflect
legal change that has occurred since previous papers. "Question
spotting"—the practice of revising only selected parts of the syllabus in
the hope that these are the area’s most likely to be examined—is an
examination strategy that carries serious risks.
If your question is expressly divided into several sub-questions answer
each sub-question separately; and if the sub-questions are numbered (i,
ii, iii) or lettered {a, b, c) number or letter them in the same way in your
answer. A question may be divided into parts even though numbers or
letters are not used. For instance, the question,
Summarise the provisions of, and the changes introduced by, the Unfair
Contract Terms Act 1977, Part 1 and subsequent statutory modifications.
invites an answer in two parts: (1) the provisions of the Act; (2) its
impact on the previous law. It would be wise to write your answer under
these two headings (though there would be no objection to applying the
double answer to the Act section by section). Always model your answer
to conform to the question: do not, for instance, on this particular
question adopt the chronological order of (1) the pre-Act law. and (2) the
Act. The reason is that if the examiner is reading your script quickly
(and there may be hundreds of scripts to mark) it will cause the reader to
be puzzled by your departure from the order of the question. Besides, the
question may well have been set like that with the object of seeing
whether your mind is sufficiently adaptable to vary the order of what
you have learnt.
In answering a question you should, of course, give as much detail as
you can within the limits of the question. It is sometimes possible to
answer a question literally in a couple of sentences, but this will not
always impress the examiner. The extreme example of this kind of
answer is the story told by Mark Twain, in his Life on the Mis¬sissippi,
of his piloting lesson.
"Presently Mr. Bixby turned on me and said: 'What is the name of the
first point above New Orleans?
I was gratified to be able to answer promptly, and I did. I said I
Not many candidates would attempt this frankness in the examination
room, but they often do suppose that an accurate answer directed to the
very words of the question is all that is required. This is frequently a
mistake. For instance, in the law of contract the question,
What is the difference between void and voidable contracts?
ould be accurately answered by stating that a void contract is an
apparent contract that is in truth no contract at all, while a voidable
contract is a contract that is capable of being avoided at the option of
one party. This, though correct, would not score many marks. It is an
accurate statement of the difference of definition between void and
voidable contracts, but it says nothing of their different effects. The
candidate should, therefore, add, as a minimum, a discussion of such
cases as Cundy v. Lindsay Lewis v. Averay and Hudson v. Shogun
Finance Ltd in order to illustrate the effect of each kind of contract (or
apparent contract) upon third-party rights. To put this advice generally,
if you are asked to distinguish between two legal concepts or
institutions, you should give not only the difference of definition but
also the difference of legal effect. It need hardly be added that the
examiner always wants reasons and authorities for the answer, even
though a question does not expressly ask for them.
To say that a question should be answered fully is not to say that
irrelevant matter should be introduced into the answer. Questions are
often worded to cover only a fragment of a particular subject; in that
case the examiner does not want the whole of it.
This question of relevancy is often the examinee's greatest headache.
Sometimes, it may be necessary to interpret a badly worded question,
with no hope of redress if the guess as to the examiner's meaning should
turn out to be wrong. My advice is this. If the question is reasonably
clear do not wander outside it. If there is a doubt as to its meaning, the
question will usually have at least a central kernel of meaning that is
relatively clear. Answer this to begin with. Then, as to the doubtful
"shell" of the question, if you still have time to write on the question,
you should expressly point out the doubt in your mind as to what you are
being asked, and proceed to write on the doubtful part of the question for
the rest of the allotted time. If, on the other hand, you have no time left
for the doubtful part of the question, declare your doubt whether the
question was intended to have any further scope, and leave it there. The
fact that you have been able to spend your whole time on the core of the
question is itself some indication that the question was not intended to
have any wider scope.
For instance suppose that a question in the law of contract is:
Where both parties are equally in the wrong, the claim of the defendant
is the stronger. Discuss.
Clearly this invites a discussion of the general rule preventing recovery
of money paid or property transferred under an illegal contract, and this
rule, with its exceptions and quasi-exceptions, should therefore be
discussed first. The problem then arises: does the question cover also the
general rule against suing for damages for breach of an illegal contract?
However you decide this conundrum, you should state your decision in
the answer. If you rule this second topic out of order, and the examiner
wished it to be included, the examiner will at least see that you have had
the point present in your mind, and will probably also be brought to see
that the question was at fault in its wording. In any case, the proper
limits of time for the question should not be exceeded. If in doubt
whether a particular matter is relevant, a good test is to ask yourself
whether, if the examiner had wished you to discuss it, it would have
been natural to have framed an extra question upon it. If it would not,
you are safe to proceed to answer it within the scope of your present
Once the limits of the question are settled, do not canter beyond them.
The examiner cannot give credit for irrelevancy, because that would be
unfair to others who have answered only the question that they were
asked. There is, however, a clever way in which matters otherwise
irrelevant may be lightly introduced. This is by the method of
comparison. For instance, if in public law you are directed to write about
the status of "proportionality" as a ground for judicial review of
administrative action, a discussion of judicial review generally would be
out of order. But a comparison with the other grounds of review
(irrationality, illegality and procedural impropriety) would be
admissible, and credit would be given for it.
Many students begin an answer with a prologue. Cut it out. In particular,
do not start with the historical background if you are not asked for it,
unless, you have some special reason for doing this—and if so, state the
reason. Sometimes the historical background makes the law more
intelligible, or supports one interpretation of the law rather than another.
But if you are asked the history of the action of assumpsit, do not begin
with a paragraph on the medieval precursors of assumpsit—debt, detinue
and account If the question had wanted these it would have said so. If
you are asked to discuss, say, Norden-felt's v. Maxim Nordenfelt Guns
& Ammunition Co. Ltd, begin by setting out the facts and decision—do
not start in the Middle Ages. Having stated the case you may
legitimately put it into its historical setting in order to show what
advance it made on the previous law; and you may also indicate the
trend of development that it started. But all this depends on the time you
have left after giving your attention to the centre of the question.
Students (particularly advanced students) are frequently vexed by doubts
as to the amount of detail that they should put into their answer. The best
advice is: aim at concentrating all your intelligence on the specific
question, and bring in your knowledge only so far as it is relevant. If you
show that you are a master of the relevant knowledge the examiner will
readily give you credit for knowing the rest of the subject. An example
would be the question;
The monarchy is an historical anachronism. Discuss.,
This is not an invitation to give the whole history of the monarchy: the
question is whether the monarchy is an historical anachronism. Are there
any features of the modern monarchy that can be explained only as
historical survivals, which are out of place in modern society, or has the
monarchy been so adapted that it is a truly modern institution?
Again, should you assume that your examiner is an ignoramus and
explain everything, or can you assume that the examiner is a lawyer (and
very probably, you will know which lawyer, since it will frequently be
the lecturer, or one of them) so that a hint is sufficient? The answer lies
somewhere between these two extremes. On the one hand, the examiner
wants to be told nothing that is irrelevant to the question. On the other
hand, examiners are suspicious of "nutshell knowledge" and "footnote
knowledge" (i.e. the bald statement of a proposition followed by the title
of a case), and will want as full an explanation of everything that is
relevant as is possible in the time allowed. More specifically, the
following rules may be laid down.
(1) if a legal concept is mentioned in the question, do not attempt a full
explanation of it unless explanation is requested or necessitated by the
question. For instance, on a question involving the law of wagers, there
is generally no need to discuss what is a wager. Had the examiner
wanted such a discussion this would have been asked for in a separate
part of the question. On the other hand, a question in the form of a
quotation with a request for discussion normally requires an explanation
of everything in the quotation. Thus the question, "How far is the
continuing existence of the royal prerogative compatible with
parliamentary sovereignty?" demands an explanation of the royal
prerogative as well as of parliamentary sovereignty, and an explanation
of the difficulties that are posed for the former by the latter.
(2) If the legal concept is not mentioned in the question but is first
introduced by the candidate in the answer, it should be explained. Take,
for instance, the question: When will the right to avoid a voidable
contract be lost? It is not enough, in the course of answering this
question to mention that the right will be lost if restitutio in integrum
(restoration to the original position) ceases to be possible. You must not
assume that the examiner knows what restoration to the original position
entails. Say what it means, and when such restitutio ceases to be
Another example.
How has the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty been accommodated
within the Human Rights Act 1998?
This does not invite a discussion of the basic principles of sovereignty;
still less is it an invitation to write a general essay on parliamentary
sovereignty. It is a question on the difficulties presented by the doctrine
of parliamentary sovereignty that faced the framers of the Human Rights
It may seem unnecessary to add: if given a choice, do not attempt to
answer a question that you do not understand (unless, of course, your
plight is such that there is no other you can do instead). This may seem
obvious advice, but it is often ignored. The following, taken from a
constitutional law paper, is a good example of the "wrapped-up"
Much of the structure of the Constitution is now mere form; it is
tolerated only because in practice its form is no indication of the way it
functions. Comment.
What does this question mean? If it conveys no clear meaning to you,
avoid it. If you attempt to answer it and miss the point, the examiner
may not be able to give you any marks, because you will not have
answered the question. Actually the question is on our old friends, the
conventions of the constitution. It is an invitation to enumerate the
conventions and to contrast them with the law. Once the meaning is
penetrated, the writing of the answer is easy.
Some textbooks state a proposition of law and follow it by a case in
small type in a separate paragraph. Do not adopt this practice. It is a
good teaching method, but you are not teaching the examiner the law:
you are showing that you can use authorities like a lawyer. Therefore,
introduce cases into your answer in literary form.
Remember that the citation of cases is not an end in itself; it is a means
to the establishing of legal principle. For this reason you should try to
avoid making your written work look like a mere bundle of cases. As a
matter of style, an essay that sets out the principle involved in the case
before mentioning the case is preferable to one that merely blurts out
one case after another without introduction. Here are two answers to the
same examination question in constitutional law: both are made out of
the same raw material, but observe how much more intelligible the
second is than the first.
Question: To what extent is Act of State a defence in respect of acts
done on behalf of the British Government which would otherwise be
torts? Answer I: In Buron v.Denman5 the defendant, a British naval
commander, had set fire to Spanish slave barracoons on the coast of
Africa (not British soil), and his act was ratified by the Crown. It was
held that the aggrieved Spaniard, being a foreigner, had no action in
England. Act of State being a defence.
In Walker v. Baircf the defendant, again a British naval officer, had
trespassed upon the plaintiff's lobster fishery in Newfoundland. In doing
so he acted under the orders of the Crown. The Privy Council held that
Act of State was no defence, the reason evidently being that the plaintiff
was a British subject and that the act was done on British soil. A similar
conclusion was reached in Nissan v. Art.-Gen.,& where the plaintiff was
a British subject and the act was done in the Republic of Cyprus.
In Johnstone v. Pedlar the plaintiff was an alien resident in England.
His property was seized by the police with the ratification of the Crown.
The House of Lords held that Act of State was no defence.
The foregoing answer sets out the authorities but it does not clearly
extract the principles from them.
Answer 2: Act of State is a good defence where the tort was committed
by a State servant against a foreigner outside British soil, and the act was
authorised or ratified10 by the Crown. In Buron v. Denman all these
conditions were satisfied. The facts were that a British naval commander
fired Spanish slave barracoons on the coast of Africa (not British soil),
and his act was ratified by the Crown. The defence availed. The law has,
however, been thrown into doubt by the decision of the House of Lords
in Nissan v. Att.-Gen… According to Lord Wilberforce, Acts of State
are confined to
"Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared: for the greatest
fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer."
—C.C. Col ton, Lacon.
Previous chapters gave advice that you can act on when practising
writing answers before the examination. Those chapters also have advice
as to the best ways of answering examination questions, and if you have
time, I suggest that you read them. Now some words of wisdom as to
revision1 and the event itself.
You may find it helps to form a '"revision syndicate" with two or three
friends. Each member revises a different portion of the syllabus. and
there is a meeting at which each teaches the others. The process of
interchange helps to fix the memory for both sides. You should also, in
the weeks running up to the examination, produce some timed answers,
using papers from previous years and allowing yourself only as much
time as the examination will itself permit. But remember in the
examination room itself that the question being set this year is not the
same as the question that was in last year's paper. Candidates too readily
fall into the trap of reproducing an answer that would have been perfect
for last year (or, perhaps, an essay produced in the course of the year)
rather than addressing the question in this year's paper.
Some students suffer from excessive anxiety, which produces
sleeplessness which in turn aggravates the anxiety. If you know from
experience that you are the over-anxious type you must confront the fact
and take steps to alleviate it. Allot a fixed ration of time for revision, the
rest of the day being spent in exercise and other forms of recreation.
Another way of reducing end-of-session flap (if you are reading this
section of the book early enough in the year) is to spread the task of
learning over the whole year. Spend some time each week revising the
week's material. If your examination starts at 9 a.m.. make sure that you
are physically attuned to that time by keeping regular hours and rising
sufficiently early for at least a week before.
Before starting to write, read through the whole of the examination
paper and jot down in the margin or on a piece of scrap paper if that has
been provided, the names of claimants (or criminal defendants) in any-
relevant cases you remember, statutes and any other details that are
likely to elude you when you come to write out the question. You thus
give your memory two chances of recalling the elusive details. Also, if
during the examination you think of any fresh authorities that you do not
propose to incorporate at once in your script, make a similar note of
them. Some candidates leave the examination room complaining that at
one stage the}' remembered a case, but later forgot to cite it. The
practice suggested above should obviate this. Most candidates find it
useful to make a quick sketch plan of the answer, but you are advised
not to spend too long on doing this, since it necessarily consumes lime
more usefully devoted to answering the question itself. Any student who
has worked conscientiously for the examination will be bound to
discover that he or she will know far more than can be reflected in the
course of the standard three hour examination, and far more than the
examiner is able to test. The difficulty in the examination room is to
select the relev-ant material from this memory store.
The most important general piece of advice on examinations is that
every question in the paper that the student is expected to and can
answer should be answered. A candidate should not spend the entire
time on only a few of the questions. There is nothing more tedious for
the teacher than to hear one of the best students saying, after the
examination: "Oh. I did very- well, but I only had time to answer half
the paper". In nearly all examinations the scripts are not judged simply
on the questions that the student has answered, where the script is
incomplete because the candidate has not attempted the requisite number
of questions. On the contrary, the total possible marks are divided
equally among all the questions, and no answer can earn more than the
maximum allotted marks for that question.
The result is that a student may have answered half the paper in a r
worthy of a Law Lord, and yet obtain a third class or fail other because
the other half has not been answered. Another point to be remembered in
this connection is that an examiner is much more willing to give the first
50 per cent of marks on a question , trie second 50 per cent, and full
marks are practically never given A candidate may, therefore, get 50 per
cent on the whole paper f all the questions are moderately well
answered, whereas 50 percent will not be awarded if the candidate
answers half the questions almost perfectly. For the good student,
therefore, there is nothing more important in examination technique than
dividing up the available time as equally as may be between all the
The same remark applies to questions containing two or more distinct
parts. Here the examiner will probably have divided up the possible
marks among the component parts, and an answer to one part be it ever
so brilliant, can earn only the appropriate total for that part. It is,
therefore, most important to search for all the possible angles to a
question, and this involves reading the question with meticulous care.
Pay particular attention to the rubric, making absolutely sure of what it is
that you are being asked to do—it should go without saying (but I fear
that it does not) that if a divided question is set in either/ or mode, the
candidate should not attempt both parts of the question. Equally, if a
divided question requires the candidates to attempt both parts, no marks
can be given if the candidate does part one. but neglects the second half
of the question: read the paper, read the paper, READ THE PAPER.
Most law examinations give a certain choice of questions, and most
involve a choice as between essay questions and problems (or some-
times the paper will require a candidate to attempt a mixture of the two).
It used to be said that the essay questions ("book work" as they were
somewhat disparagingly termed) were set for the weaker students, but I
doubt that the modern university lecturer would accept this. A well-
directed essay question can be quite as testing as the best-laid problem.
That said, there are differences between the two, and some students find
(after practice throughout the year) that they prefer attempting the one
rather than the other. Sometimes questions of enormous width are found
in the paper. If a first class student l attempts them, he or she may find
that the answer required is so long that it will throw the whole script out
of balance.
Where a choice is given between problems and essay questions, two
reasons are given as to why the better candidate should prefer , the
problems. First, they are usually shorter to answer, and so save time.
Secondly, an examiner tends to be grudging in giving marks for essay
questions, which generally may not require so much intelligence in the
answering. A good answer to a problem, on the other hand, at once
evokes admiration.
There is, it is true, a certain danger in problems, for if the point of the
problem is completely missed the result may be catastrophe. But a good
student should be able to sense whether the answer is getting the point of
the problem or not. If the problem appears "pointless", the candidate had
better exercise choice elsewhere in the paper.
Perhaps I should add a corrective to the foregoing paragraph. I said that
if the point of a problem is completely missed the result may be
catastrophe. This is true, but on the other hand it must be said that to
give the wrong answer to a problem is not necessarily to miss the point
of it. If the point is seen and well argued, the fact that the I examiner
does not agree with your conclusion will not seriously affect your marks.
In legal matters there is usually a certain room for difference of opinion,
and even though there be positive authority against your view, the
examiner is anxious not so much to test the details of your knowledge as
to assess your ability to argue in a lawyer-like way. A safe course to
adopt if in any doubt is to present the argument for both sides—to turn
yourself successively into counsel for the claimant (prosecutor), counsel
for the defendant, and finally the judge. If then the examiner disagrees
with your judgment, it will hardly matter because you will have
presented (even though i you have also rejected) the argument for the
alternative point of view.
A question frequently asked by law students is as to remembering names
of cases.2 The questioner realises, of course, that there is an ;
expectation that cases are to be read and quoted, where relevant, in
answers; but is the poor candidate expected to behave as though learning
the telephone directory?
The first and most important reply to the question is this: never refrain
from referring to a case in the examination merely because have
forgotten its name. The name is the least important part of the case. Most
important is the rule of law contained in the case; next important are the
facts; even the name of the court that decided the case is of more legal
value than the proper names of the parties. If the name of the case is
imperfectly remembered the approximate name can be given with a
question mark in brackets; thus, Deny v. Peek" might be rendered as
"Perry v. Deek(?)Or the cases can be referred to by the name of the
claimant if that only is remembered, for example, "Derry's case". Or the
name of only the defendant may be given—though in this case it is
desirable to make it plain that the name is that of the defendant, for
example, "in an action against one Peek", or "in ... v. Peek". Or the case
can be identified by reference to some salient fact, for example, "in the
case concerning the tramway company's power to use steam". Even if
both name and facts are forgotten, the student can at least indicate that
there is authority for the proposition by saying, "in one case it was held
But although the name is the least important part of the case, it is not
altogether without importance. For the immediate purpose of the
examination a script in which cases are referred to by name has naturally
a more "finished" appearance than one that merely refers to "cases" in
the air. Remember too that it is good practice to underline the names of
cases, so that the examiner can see at a glance that you are on the right
track in your answer. In your professional life (if, indeed, you intend to
make the law your profession), you will find that a memory of the names
of leading cases will be of help. If you are turning up a point of law in a
practitioner's book, and happen to remember a case bearing upon it, you
will usually find that, by tracing the case through the index of cases, you
will come upon that portion of law in the book more quickly than by any
other method.
In order, then, to lay the foundation of a sound legal knowledge, the
student should make some effort to remember the names of the
outstanding cases. Many of these, the most important, will be acquired
simply through pondering over and discussing the cases themselves. For
the rest, the amount of energy that is put into the memorising of their
names must be left to the individual. Certainly no more than a very small
part of the student's time should be devoted to this task, and too much
should not be attempted. Some students find it useful to compile a wall
chart of cases (with an identificatory tag in brackets following the
name), which they ruminate upon over the' breakfast marmalade. Or a
short recital of the cases can be recorded on tape. Another suggestion is
to tabulate the cases on postcards, carrying a selection of them in the
pocket and revising them from time to time at odd moments.
The precise date of a case need not be committed to memory, but if it is
a very old case the century to which it belongs may be mentioned, for
extreme old age sometimes weakens its authority. And it may be
important to say that a case was decided before the passing of a
particular statute.
Some people write atrociously. If you feel apprehensive on this, give a
page of your notes to a friend and ask which letters or words in your
handwriting give difficulty in reading. You may be penalised if your
handwriting is not legible to a examiner (who may be pictured working
long into the night under the pressure of a marking deadline). If your
handwriting gives difficulty, you may not be given the benefit of the
examiner's generosity if, even after several attempts at re-reading your
efforts, they remain indecipherable. Make a special effort to improve the
appearance of what you write.
Some people cannot spell and do not care about it, knowing that they
can for most of the time rely increasingly on automatic spell-checkers.
But if you want to make a good impression on examiners, prospective
employers4 or clients, the mastery of our unreasonable orthography is a
necessity. Test yourself with the following passage, which contains
misspelt words taken from examination scripts. Some of the words are
correctly spelt. Others incorrectly. Pick out the words that you think are
misspelt and write your own version. Compare your effort with the key
at the end of this section.
The Homocide Act does not effect this problem, for the Act has not
superceded the common law on the point. The question that occurs here
is whether responsibility is diminished because there is a Likelihood that
the provokation would have lead a reasonable person to loose self-
control and inflict this grievious harm. The effect of provocation in cases
of this catagory is always difficult to gauge. An analagus case is Brown,
where something like these facts occurred. The acussed alledged that he
could not foresee the harm he would do, and proceeded to argue that
since he acted inadvertently, he did not conimitt the offence. The
prosecution tried to rebutt this defence by offering evidence of a
statement made by the defendant to the police in which he inferred that
he wanted to get rid of the person he attacked. After legal argument the
confession was ajudged to be admissable. The defendent appealed,
argueing that he had been lead to make the statement by being promised
bail, and had been misled by being falsely told that a companion had
confessed; but the judgment of the court was against this. On the
principle question in the case, the concensus of the judges was that the
authorities against the existance of the defence were irresistable, but
perhaps this payed too little regard to the paralell rule for the priviledge
of self-defence. I believe it would be indefensable to assert that the court
leant it's authority to the test of reasonableness. In any case, it is ...
permissable to observe that one cannot regard the same problem as
occuring here. As to the wife, she is now treated seperately from her
husband, and her responsability is independant ot his. Her ommission
to help the victim definately does not mean that she abetts the crime, or
is an accessary to it. In the absense of other facts, she is not guilty."
The proper spelling is "homicide". The word comes from the Latin
homo (stem, homin, a man, or rather a human being of either sex,
cidium, killing. Contrast the word homosexual, where the prefix comes
from the Greek homos, meaning "the same"; a homosexual is a person
who is sexually attracted within his or her own sex. Classically, the first
o in both words was short, but both are sometimes lengthened in
Effect is wrongly used in the first sentence of the passage. The Homicide
Act can affect (have an influence or bearing upon) a problem, or it can
effect (bring about) a result. But we would not speak of "effecting." a
problem. If these two words bother you, try to remember that affect is
always a verb (something affects something else), while effect is nearly
always a noun "the effect of X was disastrous").
The rule for verbs ending in the sound-er such as offer, prefer, occur, is
to double the r for the -ed and -ing endings if the accent is on the -er
syllable, but not otherwise. Thus prefer, occur, transfer, make preferred,
preferring, occurred, occurring, transferred, transferring, but offer makes
offered, offering.
The spelling of words derived from appeal is confusing. Whereas
appellant and appellate have two Ls. appealed, appealing are like scaled,
sealing, peeled, peeling, and have only one. The "seed'* words are also
troublesome. Some are spelt "cede" as in accede, concede, precede,
intercede, recede. Others are spelt "ceed": exceed, proceed, succeed. So
you must write preceding, proceeding: yet procedure is so spelt.
Supersede is exceptional, being derived not from cedere but from sedere.
and means to "sit upon"': remember this, and you will remember the
The word consensu (agreement) is spelt with an s because it is derived in
the same way as consent, from the Latin sentire to feel (Census is spelt
with a c at the beginning because it is derived from the Latin censerc. to
rate.) To express the sound ee. the rule is: / before e. except after c. So:
achieve, believe, grievous: but deceive, receive.
The word foresee takes an e in the middle, but you can write either forgo
or forego:' Judgment is spelt correctly in the above test, but an
alternative spelling is judgement. The rule generally followed in
dictionaries is that mute e is dropped before suffixes beginning with a
vowel (for example, deplorable, desirable, likable, movable, notably.
ratable, sizable, unusable, milage, suing), but not before suffixes
beginning with a consonant (statement). Statutes do not altogether
follow the former rule: "rateable value" is an established statutory
spelling. Mine e is generally retained after soft c or g (for example.
unenforceable, changeable): so judgement should really be the preferred
spelling though judgment is far more commonly encountered. English
has no clear rule on the -cm and -am endings, but the former is the
commoner. All you can do is to notice the spelling when you read. One
special peculiarity: the adjectives dependent and independent take an c
in the final syllable, but the noun dependant (meaning one who is
dependent on another for subsistence) takes an a. The difference of
spelling in the endings of appellant, respondent, derives from Latin.
But "foregoing" in the sense of "preceding" must lie so spelt.
The word inferred in the passage is correctly spell but wrongly used. The
correct word in the context is implied. Inference is what Sherlock
Holmes did: one fact is deduced from others. A person may imply
something in what he or she says, without actually expressing it.'
Implication is an indirect way of conveying one's own meaning;
inference is a process of discovering a fact outside oneself. Dr. Watson
implies what he or she means, and Sherlock Holmes infers what Dr.
Watson means. It is nonsense to speak of a person inferring what he
himself means.
Mote that criteria, data and dicta are plural words: the singulars are
criterion, datum and dictum. Say "this dictum", not "'this dicta". Treating
data as singular (as people are coming to do) makes it difficult to speak
clearly of "this particular datum*' as opposed to "the rest of the data".
Although not referred to in the passage, a common error is the mixing-
up of "it's" and "its". To avoid this, it is helpful to remember that "it's" as
a statement of fact ("It's a nice day") is the contraction of two words ("it
is"), so necessitating an apostrophe (a la "don't", "can't", etc.) whilst "its"
as a statement of possession ("the dog is in its basket"') is only one word.
Key to spelling test Homicide affect superseded occurs diminished
likelihood provocation led lose grievous effect category ("gauge" is
correct] analogous occurred accused alleged foresee ["proceeded" is
correct] inadvertently commit ["offence" is correct] rebut offering
argument adjudged admissible defendant ["appealed" is correct] .arguing
led misled principal consensus existence irresistible paid parallel
privilege believe indefensible lent its permissible occurring separately
responsibility independent omission definitely abets accessory absence.
Abbreviations of technical words and expressions should be used onh'
very sparingly in an examination. Where the examiner indulges in the
fancy of using fictitious names, you are perfectly entitled to abbreviate
them to the initial letter—unless two parties in the same
' There is also legal implication, where one statement is deemed by law
to include another (whatever the person making the statement may have
meant). A contract of sale, for example, contains certain terms implied
by law, even though the parties knew nothing about them.
There is a story of a party of tourists who stood by the Porters' Lodge at
King's College, Cambridge. One of them pointed north and said: "That's
the chapel". They turned round and another pointed south. "No, that's the
chapel". "No", said a third, pointing west, that's the chapel". "Anyway",
they said, as they turned to go, "we've seen the chapel". Many
examination scripts are guided by the same philosophy. The candidate
will start with one version of the law and then gradually veer round to a
contradictor}' version—thus making sure that the right rule is there
somewhere, even though the candidate cannot pick it out. Perhaps the
candidate hopes by this means to get the best of both worlds; actually, of
course, if you engage in such a practice, you get the worst. If you find
yourself changing your mind in the course of an answer, either cross out
what you have written and start afresh, or, if there is no time for that, say
frankly that you have changed your mind. You must show not only that
you have seen the chapel, but that you can identify it.
"In my youth, said his father. 1 took to the law. And argued each case
with my wife: And the muscular strength which ii gave to my jaw Has
lasted the rest of my life."
—Lewis Carroll. Alice in Wonderland
MOOTS are legal problems in the form of imaginary cases, which are
argued by two student "counsel" (a leader and a junior) on each side,
with a "bench"" of '"judges"' (more usually, perhaps, only one judge)
representing the Court of Appeal or sometimes the House of Lords.
Much stress is laid by educationalists on literacy and numeracy, but we
hear Utile about the importance of being articulate. Foot¬ballers practise
passing and shooting: pianists, singers and clowns also practise
assiduously. Why is it supposed that speaking comes naturally and needs
no effort or concentration? Fluency and clear enunciation are
particularly important for the lawyer, when our forensic practice is
largely oral. Although you will be given training in this at the
professional stage, there is no reason why you should not participate in
the activities of public speaking well before then. Taking part in moots
will help you in these respects, and also give you experience in the art of
persuasion, and of putting a case succinctly and intelligibly. Mooting not
only gives you practice in court procedure but help to develop the
aplomb that every advocate should possess.
In some universities and colleges, mooting may be a formal part of the
curriculum, although the arrangement of the moots is usually the
responsibility of the students' law society (which may well have a
mooting officer on the executive committee). A law teacher or practising
lawyer can usually be persuaded to assist by setting the moot and
presiding on the "bench". In the unlikely event that no one else arranging
them, organise one yourself.1 There are also nationally organised moots,
such as the Weekly Law Reports Mooting Competition arranged by the
Incorporated Council of Law Reporting, and the Observer newspaper,
and a rather more specialist competition, the Jessup International Law
Moot Court Competition. Your student law society should have the
details of these, and quite possibly several others.
The precise details of the conduct of the moot might vary somewhat; the
organiser of your moot should let you have well in advance details of the
rules according to which the contest will be held. Typically though, the
proceedings will be conducted as follows. The moot should ideally have
two separate points for argument, one for each of the two pairs of
counsel. Counsel should notify opposing counsel of the main
propositions and of all the authorities on which they rely. This mirrors
practice in the superior courts, and has the merit of identifying the issues
somewhat more precisely in advance. A copy should also be made
available for the judge, since it will save time that might be spent in
transcribing your argument. If possible, the volumes containing the
reports of cases to be cited should be produced at the moot. The
Master/Mistress of Moots or other organiser should be informed of the
authorities to be cited, in order that arrangements may be made for such
reports as are available to be brought to the courtroom. If this is not
possible it is not uncommon for the mooters to prepare in advance both a
list of the authorities to be cited, and photocopies of the judgments upon
which it is intended to rely, including if necessary a copy for the judge—
particularly if the moot is being conducted in a place where there is not
ready access to the law reports themselves.
Since the moot is attended by an audience it is important to confine the
proceedings to a reasonable length. Between half an hour and 40
minutes for each side (to be divided between leader and junior as they
think fit) is enough time.
The presiding "judge" begins by referring to the case (he need not read it
out if copies have been made available to the audience); then he says. "I
call upon Mr./Miss X" (the leading counsel for the appellant, who sits
upon the judge's left—that is to say, what the judge sees as his left).
Junior counsel for the appellant is then invited t0 address the court,
followed by the two counsel for the respondent (or Crown). The
appellant is supposed to have a right of reply, but this may have to be
sacrificed if it has grown too late. Alternatively, the speaking order can
be: leading counsel for the appellant; both counsel for the respondent;
junior counsel for the appellant (who thus has the " last word).
Both counsel and judges follow the punctilios of court procedure and
conduct, and a few words may be said on these. Counsel rise to their feet
when addressing or being addressed by the court. If y0ur opponent
interrupts, resume your seat. If you have occasion to refer to your
colleague, you refer to your "learned junior" or "learned leader", as the
case may be, and your opponent is "my learned friend", or occasionally,
informally, "my friend" (not "the opposition"). "It has been argued on
the other side that" is permissible.
Do not interrupt anyone if this can possibly be avoided. If you must
interrupt, do so as gently and courteously as possible. Beginners
sometimes get confused between the two polite ways of addressing a
judge—"my Lord" and "your Lordship". The difference is that "my
Lord" is the mode of addressing a judge in the vocative case, i.e. as a
polite way of drawing the attention of the judge to yourself and what you
are about to say, while "your Lordship" is the mode of referring to the
judge in the course of a sentence, i.e. as a polite substitute for "you".-
The formula for opening a case is: "May it please your lordship(s), I am
appearing with Mr./Miss for the plaintiff (prosecution) (appellant), and
my learned friends Mr. — and Miss — are for the defendant
(respondent)(Crown). The claim (charge) is ...". Other counsel will begin
by saying: "May it please your lordship(s)". Female judges are addressed
as "my Lady", "your Ladyship".
In referring to the Queen as prosecutor in the course of a case one.
speaks not of "the Queen" but "the Crown".
The most common breach of etiquette committed by the enthusiastic
beginner when arguing a moot case is the expression of a personal
opinion on the merits of the case being presented. Counsel may submit
and "suggest" strongly, and may state propositions of law and fact, but
should not express a personal "belief" or "opinion". It regarded as being
disrespectful to the Bench to say: "My Lords, my opinion the law is so-
and-so", still more to say: "My Lords, my opinion this man is innocent".
As an advocate you are paid to present your client's case, not to offer a
sincere opinion on how you would decide if you were the judge. It is
only by maintaining this rule that the advocate can be kept free from any
possible charge of hypocrisy.
You (and the judge) may find it useful if you have prepared a skeleton
argument in advance, to hand to the court. Begin your address to the
court by stating quite briefly what you wish to show. Enumerate the
points to be made, and state what part of the argument is being left to
your junior (if you are acting as leader). This will enable the court, if it
so wishes, to express particular interest in one point, in which case you
should of course respond by devoting your¬self-chiefly to it. Take any
hint the court drops: if the presiding judge indicates that as at present
advised the court is with you on a particular matter, leave it alone—do
not insist upon reading out your argument merely because you have
come prepared upon it. State your main point as impressively as you
can. After stating it, pause to give time for it to sink in. Speak slowly,
and get as soon as possible to the core of your case. Your time is much
more limited than it would be in a real case, and you cannot afford to
waste it; on the other hand, it is no use gabbling what you have to say,
for then it will not be understood. Establish eye contact with the judge,
and make sure that you can be heard. Do not read out your argument if
you can possibly avoid it, but in any case do not mumble into your
notes. While you must consistently keep your voice at a level at which it
can be easily heard, you should try to put expression into it, avoiding a
dull monotone. If you permit yourself a joke in arguing a moot you
should not make jokes in court, at least until you are sufficiently
experienced to know when one is allowable.
When citing cases the reference should always be given; and it should be
pronounced in full, not in abbreviated form. For instance, [1944] A.C.
200 is, "reported in the Appeal Cases for 1944 at page two hundred",
and 2 B. & Aid. 6 is: "in the second volume of Barne-wall and
Alderson's Reports at page six". If the judge is not familiar with them, or
if the judge asks you to do so. the facts of cases should be summarised,
unless the case is relied upon only for an obiter dictum. Usually it is
sufficient to read the headnote and the passage you want; but if the case
is an important pan of your argument you would, in court, read what you
consider the essential facts in full. When you read an authority, do so
slowly, with proper periods and emphasis.
Refer to judges by their full full and proper titles (see pp. 92-94). Citing
cases, though usually a necessary part of the moot, tends to take a long
time and to be boring for the audience. Try. therefore, to pick out the
cases that are most apt for your argument, and rely on them. In
professional practice it is the duty of the advocate to call the attention of
the court to all decisions that are in an}' way against the submissions
made: but this may not be possible in moot conditions. It is not a bad
plan to have a positive rule that not more than, say six cases shall be
cited on each side. The object of a moot is to provide practice in
developing an argument, and while the reading out of decided cases is
often the necessary foundation of an argument, it should not constitute
the whole of it. Remember that your primary object as an advocate is to
persuade: the citing of cases is only a means to this end.
Just as you should not overload your argument with cases, you should
not load it with too many separate points of law. "Mooty" as the case
may be, it is unlikely that there are many good points to be made for
your side. All first-class advocates concentrate on what they consider to
be their good points; they do not run the risk of alienating judge's
affections by producing obviously bad ones. If you must indifferent
points to good ones, at least put the good ones first.
A frequent fault is to read out passages from textbooks as though
represented the last word on the law. Although, textbooks and treatises
are not taboo in court, they should be used sparingly and cautiously.
What the judge principally wants to hear about are the relevant cases
(and. of course,, statutes). It is always desirable, at least in the superior
courts. to refer the court to the cases cited by the writer for the
As will have appeared previously, judges do not take kindly to
abbreviations in speech. Always use the official longhand. The Royal
Air Force, for example, should be so referred to, and not simply as "the
All moot court judges may and should give counsel a hot time by
interjecting questions and objections to the argument presented. (In this
the\f will not behave quite like real judges, who interrupt only
occasionally.) The objection need not represent the judge's real opinion:
this is done in order to see how the student counsel responds.6 If you are
counsel and recognise that the judge's objection is valid, concede the
point gracefully by saying, "I am obliged to your Lordship". If you think
you have an argument, stand up for yourself and say, "with great respect,
my Lord", and so on. It does not matter how convinced or dogmatic the
judge appears to be: keep at your point as long as you think you have
some hope of success and the judge is still willing to listen to you.
When you think that the judge has got your point, do not go on repeating
it. If you have presented your case to the best of your ability, and the
judge is evidently unconvinced, accept defeat and sit down. All this
advice applies equally to argument in real cases. If the judge intimates
that you should take a certain course, say, "if your Lordship pleases".
The judge may have tried to throw you with an interruption partly
because you were reading your argument in a monotonous way. In
answering the judge you will have had to abandon your notes. Try to
continue your argument without them, referring to them only in order to
read out an authority.
In a moot, you should keep punctiliously to your allotted time. In real
life you will not have this limitation, but it will still be important not to
ramble and repeat yourself.
After counsel have concluded their arguments the presiding judge may
invite members of the audience to express their opinions upon the legal
problem as amici curiae. The members of the court may then confer, and
may deliver their judgments in turn. If there are two student members on
the bench they may be asked to deliver their judgments before the senior
member. (My own opinion is that, owing to the pressure of time, it is
best if the senior member alone gives the judgment without consulting
the other members. The main function of the other members of the court
is to assist in putting possible objections to counsel.)
The organiser of a moot should consider its timing. Half an hour is the
minimum for each side; so if the moot starts at 8.30 p.m., and if three
judges each take 10 minutes to give judgment, it is 10 p.m. even if not a
minute has been lost—and this does not allow time for the presiding
judge to invite the audience to comment before judgment is given. It
would be much better to hold the moot, say, between 2 and 5 p.m. The
presence of an audience is relatively unimportant. Far better have many
moots with a small or even no audience than one moot 'with a large
audience. The moot competition provides a further element of rivalry. At
the close of a moot the judge or judges declare which counsel or side
performed best; he, she or they then go on to the next round.
Almost all of us can, if we wish, add to the attractiveness of our speech.
You will not be at ease speaking in court if you are conscious of defects
in this respect. For all who have to speak regularly, money is well spent
on lessons in elocution (speech training)7; but some blemishes can be
cured by self-help. Many experienced speakers mar their conversations
as well as their orations with a profusion of "um"s and "er"s which
distract attention. Other bad habits are using "I mean" and "you know".
The simplest way to cure these defects— which probably exist in your,
own speech, although you are unaware of them—is to record your
conversation with some other person on a serious subject in which you
are both interested, and then listen to • critically- Probably you will be
surprised at the imperfections in ', ur own expression. Only by means of
a tape-recorder can you hear yourself as others hear you. Try to
eliminate all the "filled pauses your speech: moments of silence are
usually far more impressive than meaningless noises poor, slurred
speech is another common defect. As a Spanish observer caustically
wrote: "To learn English you must begin by thrusting the jaw forward,
almost clenching the teeth, and practically immobilising the lips" (Jose
Ortega y Gasset). As things are going, the clarity and music of our
language will remain only in the BBC sound archives. Good diction can
still be heard occasionally, particularly on Radio 3, so that no one who
aspires to self-improvement need lack exemplars; yet many people are
content to mumble and fumble their words. If your speech suffers from
this defect, your teachers are unlikely to tell you of it. They have not the
time (or expertise) for speech training, and are perhaps afraid to
embarrass you, and by criticising your speech to add to your shyness in
discussion. (They may themselves have fallen victims to the cult of
mediocrity in articulation, as though slovenly speech is a way of
expressing radical views.) Lawyers, above almost all others, should be
able to express themselves clearly and pleasantly. Do you open your lips
properly when speaking, or do you try to talk like a ventriloquist? (If
you took singing lessons the first instruction would be to open your
mouth, and the same applies to speech.)
Do you need to turn your volume control up? Quite a number of the
people you speak to will be getting on in years and have lost their
sharpness of hearing. Some people not only fail to speak up but talk with
their hands wandering to cover their mouths.
Listen to that tape-recording again. Do you make distinct sounds for
each of the vowels, or do you use pretty well one indeterminate noise for
the whole lot? What I am aiming against is the indistinct mutter; it is not
a question of regional idiom, which is often charming. Your aim should
be to speak clearly and without affectation. Record a good speaker on
the radio, play back a sentence and then record your own utterance of
the same sentence. Compare. Repeat the effort until you feel that your
own speech is as clear as the one you have recorded—and, if possible, as
musical! Do not be afraid to mouth your words. And speak deliberately,
not fast.
It is an excellent tiling to take part in debates. The skills involved in
addressing a jury are common to the skills involved in public speaking.
Here are a few hints for speech-making of any kind.
Plan your speech under a number of points so that it has a definite
structure. Write it out in full, reflect on it overnight and polish it the next
day. Then summarise the main headings on a small card or cards about
the size of a postcard. Include in the card any figures, quotations, names,
key phrases or other material which you wish to state exactly. Read
through the full speech several times, preferably aloud and preferably
into a tape-recorder, but do not try to memorise it word for word. You
will probably not succeed in being word-perfect and there is danger in
reciting a memorised speech either of appearing unnatural or of
forgetting a complete section or even coming to a dead halt. If you play
back a recording of the rehearsal, consider whether you spoke at' the
right pace, and particularly whether you made an impressive pause at the
right moment. When on your feet before the audience, have the outline
card or cards in your hand and, with this aid, speak naturally in the way
you have planned.
The commonest fault among inexperienced speakers (and even many
experienced ones) is to speak too fast. All good advocates speak with
great deliberation and force. Tell yourself before you begin that you are
going to speak slowly, and keep reminding yourself to do so. Don't hide
behind any furniture if you can help it. and don't fold your arms or fiddle
with your ears, your spectacles, or anything else. Look at the audience as
you speak, and turn to different sections of them. You may use your
hands to emphasise points— not in too exaggerated a way, but
sufficiently to show that you are putting your whole being into it. When
you are not using your hands in this manner, keep them at your sides.
Don't sidle around; keep your feet still. If you make a joke, pause before
the punch line—and let the audience know that humour is about to
enliven the proceedings by enjoying it yourself beforehand.
If you are nervous, console yourself with the thought that the initially
nervous speaker often performs far better than the stolid individual with
no nerves. And remember that the audience are on your side. They want
to be engrossed by your speech; they want the occation to be a success.
They are not there to criticise you, unless you force the criticism on
Ask a friend to observe your performance and to report to you on the
ruthless candour. Ask particularly whether you have any irritating
mannerisms: scratching yourself, flicking your hair, pulling 'our clothes,
waving your arms unduly, or swaying hypnotically.
A mock trial differs from a moot in that it is a mock jury-trial, with jury
and witnesses, not an argument on law. The proceedings may be
somewhat humorous: witnesses may dress themselves up, and court and
counsel wear robes (if procurable). The audience may consist of non-
lawyers, who, of course, come simply to be entertained. Since the trial is
unrehearsed, it requires a high standard of forensic ability on the part of
the student "counsel"; and the proceedings should either be leavened by
humour or present an intellectual problem of the "whodunit" type.
There are two ways in which the "case" may be got up. It may have been
enacted beforehand by the witnesses, so that they testify to what they
have actually witnessed; alternatively, the organiser of the mock trial
ma)' simply have given to each witness a statement of his evidence,
which he or she is expected to remember. The former method requires
some effort, but it makes the case more realistic when it comes to cross-
examination, and it enables the preliminary proceedings, including the
interviewing of witnesses and briefing of counsel, to be done by student
"solicitors". The actual trial is, of course, a valuable experience for
budding advocates who take part in it as counsel.
It is a good plan to set the scene of the case (for example, the murder) in
some place known to the audience (such as the college or law school).
Alternatively, the case can be modelled upon an actual case in one of the
Trials Series (below, p. 271). Try to depart from your model trial just
sufficiently to prevent counsel using the same speeches and the same
questions to witnesses. Keep the number of witnesses down to five or
six. See that the legal participants have attended real trials in order to
learn how things are done; the clerk of the court in particular should
know what the job involves. If you are at all doubtful about the success
of the evening, do not advertise the event outside your law society.
As another diversion from the serious business of moots, the students'
law society may like to try one evening the game of "Alibi" The
gathering divides into groups of four, each group being composed of two
prosecuting counsel and two defendants. It is assumed that the two
defendants have committed some crime at a slated time—say between
10 and 11 p.m. last Wednesday—and have set up an alibi. They go out
of the room for not more than 10 minutes in order to prepare their story-
They then return, one at a time, for cross-examination by the prosecuting
counsel. Counsel's aim is to break down the alibi by asking unexpected
questions and so getting contradictor)' answers from the two defendants.
After the two cross-examinations, lasting perhaps 10 or 15 minutes in
all, the two counsel put their heads together for a minute, and then one
of them addresses the rest of the gathering, who have acted as jury, and
submits that the alibi has been broken down because of this and that
discrepancy. The jury signifies their verdict by a show of hands, the
opinion of the majority being taken. A master of ceremonies is needed to
dispatch successive pairs of defendants out of the room, in order to keep
the game going continuously. Would-be lawyers will find this game not
at all a bad test of their powers of advocacy. No training for would-be
defendants is intended.
A somewhat similar game is called "False Evidence'. Three masked
"defendants" are interrogated on their day-to-day lives by two counsel.
One of these defendants has assumed a completely false name and
occupation, and it is the task for the jury to decide which. Each
defendant must submit to counsel a week in advance a couple of
hundred words containing a life summary, and this enables counsel to
prepare their questions. Each defendant calls a witness who has also
submitted a statement with the facts of his or her life, particularly where
that life crosses that of the defendant. In the case of the innocent parties
they must have known each other for at least two years. The witness is
not in court during the interrogation of the defendant, and counsel try to
shake the evidence and establish discrepancies between the defendant
and the witness. Each defendant and witness are given a limited time—
say 15 minutes altogether—in the box. The judge sums up briefly to the
jury, who consider and announce their verdict. The imposter then
declares himself, and it is interesting to see if die judicial process has
succeeded in ascertaining the truth of the matter. It may be mentioned
that the written statements do not contain sufficiently specific
information to enable counsel to identify who the person is. Two or three
trials may be held on the same evening.
Yet another variant is "Third Degree". One member of the party is
selected as the defendant: who is told the outline of an alibi defence and
has to fill in the details impromptu under questioning. For example, the
defendant may be told that the alibi relates to a period between 2 and 5
p.m. last Thursday, when she left the house after lunch and took a train
to a named neighbouring town and visited a friend in time for tea. The
defendant on being told this alibi must immediately amplify it under
questioning, and can be "gonged" for undue hesitation in answering or
for any vagueness in answering (she must not say "I think so" or "that is
probably what I would have done"). She can also be gonged for self-
contradiction. The object of the rest of the company, who ask questions
for 15 minutes, is to establish a self-contradiction. Leading questions
may be asked: for example, if the defendant says that she was not
carrying a raincoat, she can later be asked whether the host put her
raincoat on a peg in the hall or somewhere else? If the defendant is
gonged, or runs for the allotted time without mishap, another outline
alibi can immedi¬ately be supplied to another volunteer defendant. A
beauty of this game is that it can be played by two players only, and it
may help you to bring out unsuspected ability as an implacable
Books on advocacy are referred to in Chapter 13. For the procedure at a
mock trial, consult any book on criminal or civil procedure. "Counsel"
should make themselves acquainted not only with this procedure but
with the main rules of evidence, for example, those relating to leading
T. Kaye and L. Townley, Blackstone's Book of Moots (1996); G. Watt
and J. Snape, Cavendish Guide to Mooting (2000); P. Dobson and B.
Fitzpatrick eds, The Observer Book of Moots (1986).
"First there's the Bible And then the Koran.
Odgers on Libel,
Pope's Essay on Man."
—Mostyn T. Pigeon, The Hundred Best Books
George the second is reputed to have said that lawyers do not know
much more law than other people but they know better where to find it.
The observation if anything even more true today as the sources of the
law become more and more diverse and it is still an essential part of
legal learning that the student to know how and where to find the
relevant law.
The expression “legal research as used in the title of this chapter has two
rather different senses. It can be used to refer to a task of ascertaining the
precise state of the law on a particular point. All lawyers need to be able
to do this but the skill is of particular importance to practicing lawyer,
whether barrister or solicitor. Thus the joint statement of the bar and the
Law Society on the foundations of legal knowledge which come into
force in September 2001 , says that
“…… The criteria for legal Research are; The ability to analyse a
problem invoving a question of law and through research to provide a
solution to it. This involves the ability
I. to identify and find relevant legal sources and materials.
ii. to extract essential points from those legal sources and materials
iii. to apply the law to the facts so as to produce satisfactory answers to
the questions posed and
iv. to communicate the reasons for those answers making use of legal
sources and materials.”
But "legal research" also denotes the son of work undertaken by lawyers
(often but not exclusively academic lawyers) who wish to explore at
greater length some of the implications of the state of the law, the end
product of which is then made publicly available in the form of books
(whether they be treatises, textbooks, or more encyclopedic works) or
periodical articles and notes. Here, the task is not so much ascertaining
the state of the law (although that can be the purpose of the exercise) but
to explore some particular facet of the legal phenomenon that is being
placed under the legal microscope—to -analyse, criticise, sift and
synthesise" as Professor Birks has put it' This chapter is written to help
the reader lo a more intimate knowledge of the law library and the on-
line resources, and also to guide the first steps of the research worker.
Whatever you write, remember that one of the prime qualities of a
lawyer is* accuracy. All your quotations must be verbatim: all your
citations must follow accepted forms2: all your statutes must be checked
to make sure that they have not been amended or repealed; and if there
be any doubt, your cases must be checked to make sure that they have
not been reversed, overruled, or questioned.
Many of the tasks described in this chapter can now be undertaken at the
computer. The speed of change in this area is astonishing bringing with
it the danger of "information overload". Much officially produced
information is published electronically, and is available (often free) by
using the internet. A great deal of information is available by
subscription only. Your library should have a detailed list of what is
available to you on this basis, and should be able to let you have the
relevant passwords and identifiers to enable you to have access to it.
Some further guidance as to electronic research is given later in the
Having sung the praises of the internet, let me utter some words of
warning; it will assist your searching considerably if you are familiar
with the structure and general contents of the database that you are
using; if you know that what you are looking for is a statute rather than a
law report, etc. The second point is that not everything that is useful is
necessarily on the internet. Much of the periodical literature, not to say
the books and works of exegesis are available only in paper form. Old-
fashioned it may be, but you risk overlooking sources of real importance
if you suppose that all your research can be undertaken without entering
the portals of the library and prowling the shelves.
The principal type of legal research that most practising lawyers need to
carry out is into the law relating to a case that they have on hand. The
experienced practitioner carries a mental list of the names of the best
works on the subjects with which he or she usually deals, and the sooner
the student gets to know some of-them the better. The criminal lawyer's
bible is called Archbold's Criminal Pleading and Practice, which
appears annually, and is available on-line on Westlaw UK, or on
CD-ROM as part of Sweet & Maxwell's Crime Desktop. Sweet and
Maxwell's Common Law Librar}' series has major works on Contract
(Chitty), Tort (Clerk and Lindsell), on Libel and Slander (Gatley),
Phipson on Evidence and so forth. These works are regularly updated by
way of supplements. There are also many encyclopedias such as
Butterworths Competition Law Service, and Planning Law Service, or
Sweet and Maxwell's Agency Law. Increasingly, works like this are
being made available electronically, either in CD-Rom format, or over
the internet.
Halsbury's Laws of England
Supposing, however, you are asked to investigate a point of law, and
there is apparently no such ready reference available. A convenient place
in which to start looking is frequently Halsbwys Laws of England. If you
know that your subject is in these volumes of the 4th edition, go straight
to the volume and use the index at the end (there is a separate index for
each title). When you have found the page, check the latest Cumulative
Supplement, which is arranged alphabetically under the titles. There are
Annual Abridgments of authorities since 1974, containing the headnotes
of cases and summaries of legislation etc., arranged according to the
titles of the main work. Also a Current Service Binder for the latest
information. If you do not know where your subject is located, use the
Index volumes 55-56. That is the traditional way of doing things. But if
you happen to have access t0 Westlaw UK ( or
Butterworths LexisNexis Direct, you will find that much the same
process can be undertaken
on-line-If the question is one of common law. much assistance can be
from The Digest (formerly English and Empire Digest). This digests
practically every reported case, and is well arranged and well indexed. A
valuable aid to the interpretation of legal expressions is Words and
Phrases Legally Defined. This is a collection of words and phrases in
statutes which have been interpreted by -the judges, together with
statutory definitions of terms and definitions-advanced by legal writers.
Another excellent work of the same type is Stroud's Judicial Dictionary
(6th ed., 2000), updated annually and available in a CD-Rom formal.
Treatises and other legal works
Often Halsbury will give the answer without further trouble, but if
further detail is needed it may be necessary to turn to a specialised
treatise. There are various ways of finding out what is available. You
could, for example, consult D. Raistrick, Lawyers' Law Books: a
practical index to legal literature (3rd ed., 1997). An American
counterpart is Law Books in Print (8th ed., 1997) (five volumes), which
covers books in English published throughout the world. An alternative
would be to go on-line to die catalogue of a library, possibly one of the
major "copyright libraries" such as the Squire in Cambridge
(, the Bodleian in Oxford
( or the Institute of Advanced Legal
Studies ( You could use which is a consortium of a number of United Kingdom
university libraries, though for the task in hand this might be a case of
Very recent books can be found in the catalogues produced by legal
publishers such as Butterworths and Sweet and Maxwell, and which are
widely accessible on-line either directly, or, for example, via the
Cambridge Law Faculty website ( section on legal
5. Current Statutes
These six loose-leaf volumes contain the (annotated) statutes that have
been enacted since the main volume and re-issue were published.
5. Cumulative supplement
This is a single bound volume, issued annually, which details changes
affecting the information given in the main volumes and the Current
Statutes service. It becomes increasingly out of date as the year
7. Noter-up
A loose-leaf binder which performs a service similar to the Cumulat¬ive
Supplement. Parts are issued monthly, containing the most recent
detailed developments.
8. Destination tables: guide to the consolidation of legislation since
A useful feature of Halsbury is the "Destination Table". When a series of
statutes is consolidated, the statute will frequently contain a table, which
enables the provisions of the Act to be traced back to earlier legislation.
This is a collection of such tables since 1957.
Performing a Halsbury search
To take an example, suppose that you wish to find whether there have
been any later annotations to a statute printed in Halsbury t such as the
Public Order Act 1986, s. 4. The Table of Statutes and Consolidated
Index will tell you that the statute is to be found in Volume 12 at page
947. When you go to section 4 (which is a page or two after the section
begins, at page 952), you will see that it now contains a section 4A.
Once you know the volume and page of your statute in the main work
(or in the Continuation Volumes), it only takes a few minutes to find the
annotations in the Cumulative Supplement and Current Statutes service.
If you follow this process through for the Public Order Act, you will find
that there has been a further amendment by the Crime and Disorder Act
1998, s. 31 which provides that the penalty is enhanced where the
offence is racially aggravated. If then you were to go the Noter-up
service you will find that again there is reference to the criminal Justice
and Police Act 201, s. 42, which gives the police the power to direct a
person to desist from harassing in his home or dwelling. Take this book
into the library and follow the above routine for yourself.
Halsbury’s Statues are available online. But if we were to conduct the
same search electronically you would not be given the useful annotation
to be found in the Cummulative Supplement and the Noter –up In short
whilst the service is extremely useful for giving you an accurate text of
the statue itself, it does not alert you to important related developments.
Annotated commentaries to the statutes
Current Law Statutes
If you need to know a bit more than the state of statue book i.e the up to
date text of the statue you may find that the statute since 1947 are better
consulted in the annual volumes of current law statues Annotated than in
the official annual edition. This is issued in monthly parts which are
subsequently published in series of volumes for the year, Most of the
Acts come with a commentary explaining the genesis of the legislation,
identifying preliminary reports that gave rise to and showing precisely
when it was considered in Parliament at the various stages of legislative
process. This is therefore a very good place to start if you need to know
for example why the legislation was necessary what it was seeking to
Butterworths Annotated Legislation Service
A somewhat similar service to the Current Law Statutes. First published
in 1939 (as Butterworths Emergency Legislation Service), this series
selectively annotated important Acts, and they were numbered
sequentially throughout the series. Since the middle of the 1990s,
however, the practice of numbering has ceased, and the books (still
nominally part of the Annotated Legislation Service) are published
individually as stand-alone text books.
Checking legislative history
Apart from using Halsbury there are two other methods of checking the
legislative history of a statute.
(1) By using the cumulative Current Law Citator. which is published
annually: this can be brought up to date with the Statute Citator in
Current Law Statutes. The series started in 1947. and there have been a
number of volumes since then. The volumes contain a table of the effect
the statutes have on earlier legislation. These give only amendments and
repeals since 1947 (the year when Current Law began), which is
satisfactory if your main statute was passed after 1947, but otherwise
not. It may be mentioned that the Statute Citator in Current Law Statutes
includes statutory instruments issued under rule-making powers, cases
decided on the construction of statutes, and legal literature dealing with
statutes, as well as all statutes of any year that are affected by legislation
during the years covered.
(2) The other method is to use the official work called Chronological
Table of Statutes. This will show amendments and repeals up to the date
of last publication; more recent changes are listed in an annual
publication entitled Annotations to the Acts.
A very convenient source for some statutes is the Local Government
Library, which publishes statutes and statutory instruments on certain
topics in loose-leaf form with annotations and indexes. The subjects
covered are: Health and Safety at Work; Highways; Housing; Planning;
Compulsory Purchase and Compensation; Public Health; and Road
Traffic. There are also the British Tax Encyelopedia, the Encyclopedia
of Value Added Tax; the Industrial Relations Encyclopedia, and the
Encyclopedia of Social Security Law. Criminal statutes can conveniently
be consulted in Archbold or Stones Justices' Manual.
Nearly all government orders made under statute are now generically
called statutory instruments.3 They are cited by title, date and number,
for example, the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Amendment) (Wales) (No.
12) Order 2001 S.I. 2001 No. 3706.
The following is the table of citation drawn up by Parliamentary Counsel
and approved by the Editor of the Revised Statutes.
Instrument First division Second division Third division
Statue Section Subsection Paragraph
Bill Clause Subsection Paragraph
Order in Council, Or Article Paragraph Sub- paragraph
Regulations Regulation Pragraph Sub-paragraph
Rules Rules Pragraph Sub-paragraph
Schedules paragraph Sub-paragraph (None)
Since the beginning of 1987, the full text of all published statutory
instruments has been available on-line ( If
your particular statutory instrument is comparatively recent, therefore, it
can be consulted on-line with no difficulty provided that you know its
date and number.
If you wish to consult a paper version, such instruments can generally
best be looked up in Halsbury's Statutory Instruments. The Consolidated
Index is arranged alphabetically by subject, with a supplementary
alphabetical index at the end. There is also a loose-leaf Service binder,
which contains an annual supplement, monthly news sheets, and a
chronological list of the instruments. The work is regularly up-dated by
an Additional Texts binder.
An alternative source is the Stationer)' Office volumes. Orders in force
in 1948 were reprinted under subject titles in a series of bluebound
volumes, continued in annual volumes (there are several to the year).
There is an Index to Government Orders that were in force on pecember
31, 1991, arranged alphabetically under subject-headings, and continued
by annual volumes. A Table of Government Orders 1661-1990 lists all
orders, distinguishing between those repealed and those in force.
Continuation volumes called List of Statutory Instruments are published
annually, with monthly and daily Lists of Statutory Instruments in
Sweet & Maxwell's West/aw UK and Butterworths on-line services can
save you from much of die drudgery involved in searching these
voluminous archives to ensure that the version that you are using has not
been amended, but the same warnings as were offered earlier in
connection with the statutes must be reiterated here—make sure that you
also check the official sources.
When the courts were disinclined to take much notice of arguments and
ideas that were to be found in the exegetical literature, the ordinary
practitioner did not normally need to dig much deeper than was required
to ascertain the state of the law. But the courts are now much more
receptive to such literature, particularly perhaps material with a
comparative perspective. Furthermore, since the decision in Pepper v.
Hart4 permitted the use of background materials as part of the search for
legislative intent, the practitioner needs to know how to find and use
official information. It is also part of the purpose of this chapter to assist
the student who wishes to research more deeply. For these purposes, the
internet has made an extraordinary change, and in a remarkably short
time. If anything, the problem now is that there is altogether too much
material available, and the difficulty for the scholar/researcher is how to
manage such a potentially huge flow of information. Before plunging in
with the mouse, therefore, it is important to acquaint yourself at the
outset with what is available, both on paper and electronically, using
either P.A. Thomas and J. Knowles, How to Use a Law Library' (4th ed.,
2001) or P. Clinch's Using a Law Library (2nd ed., 2001). A couple of
hours' study of either of these will prove to be time exceedingly well
spent, and what follows is no more than a taster of what it is possible to
Many undergraduate courses now include a research element, which
involves the preparation of a dissertation upon some legal question.
Masters courses frequently do so, and the M.Phil or Ph.D is likely to be
largely dissertation oriented. The purpose of this section is to provide
some tips on undertaking this kind of research, which is rather different
from the sort of exercise that is envisaged in Chapter 2.
Amount of supervision and contact with supervisor
At the outset, you should establish how much assistance you are likely to
be given by your tutor or supervisor. How much advice will you be
given as to the choice of topic? What reading guidance will be offered?
Will your adviser be able to read drafts?
Size of the dissertation
The number of words that you are permitted to submit has a
considerable bearing on how you go about undertaking the task of
researching and producing the dissertation. As you will all too soon
discover, 5,000 words does not really permit you to say a great deal. A
word of general warning to those who are preparing a shortish
dissertation as part of a degree requirement. Take care not to allow your
time to be taken over by the project. It is altogether too easy to permit
such an exercise to consume a quite disproportionate amount of your
study time to the detriment of your other studies.
Finding a topic
If the topic is not one that the lecturer provides, you will have to
undertake the selection task for yourself. You may well have
encountered a question in the course of previous studies that has excited
your interest. The breadth of the topic will necessarily depend on the
length of the project, and the degree to which you are expected to be
innovative in your coverage. What you may find is that, having
identified a particular area in which you wished to work, it becomes
necessary to narrow the topic down to a manageable size. You may still
be able to use much of the preliminary material and work by showing it
as the context in which your particular investigation occurred.
Finding materials
Do not underestimate the sheer amount of material that may exist on
your chosen topic. In addition to the primary sources (statutes and the
case law), it is entirely likely that the subject that is of interest to you
may also have been the subject of study by another author.
It is quite important to record details of what archives you have visited
in the course of your searches, and to compile a bibliography as you go.
The writing process
Sketch headings as soon as you can. You may well find, as your reading
continues, that the material will need to be re-arranged to accommodate
your research findings. Use headings and cross-headings liberally, so
that you can readily identify for yourself where you have dealt with a
particular point (and the computer will help you to keep track of these if
you use an automated table of contents facility). If you are using a
computer, it is absolutely vital that you back up your work on a very
regular basis. Since you will probably be expected to conform to a
system of citation, you should both find out what it is. and try to make a
point of using it as you write, so as to save yourself a good deal of last-
minute work.5 The Cambridge Law Journal publishes its own directions
as to house style and references which, being entirely conventional you
might like to consult and copy. You will find it at the back of each
annual bound volume or November loose part.
Make sure that you know when, and in what format (i.e. are you
expected to have it bound, or will it suffice in a ring-binder?) your
research paper must be filed with the authorities. There will almost
certainly be some penalty for late submission, and there, is no point in
incurring this unnecessarily. Leave yourself time at the end f0r checking,
and for adding the final details (often very finicky ones) such as the
bibliography, the table of cases and statutes, and so forth.
Make sure that you understand the difference between referring to and
borrowing from the work of other scholars (which is permitted—
expected even) and plagiarism, which involves using the work of
another without acknowledging your sources. The latter is universally
regarded as a very serious offence in academic circles.
Electronic research
Before you begin, you should become familiar with general search
techniques, such as the use of Boolean operators and wild cards. For
information about these, see
search/boolean_searches.htm. There are various ways to get a start:
(1) Books on using the internet for legal research which frequently
contain useful internet addresses. See Penelope Lawrence, Law on the
Internet: a Practical Guide (2000); N. Holmes and D. Venables,
Researching the Legal Web (2nd ed., 1999). In truth, the pace at which
materials are becoming available on-line is such that a book (including
this one) is likely to be out of date even as it goes through the process of
(2) Using general search engines. I particularly like
It is astonishing how quickly a few well-chosen words or phrases typed
into the search box will produce leads and otherwise elusive internet
(3) Law faculty home pages. Your own university or college is quite
likely to have a homepage with relevant links, but you can use, in
addition, others publicly available such as the Cambridge Law Faculty
website ( and the Lawlinks page maintained by
Sarah Carter ( lawlinks). From these, it is simple
to go to such links as the judgments of the House of Lords, which appear
almost immediately on the home page of the House, at
1833-69 1 to 4222
1870-99 C.l toC.9550
1900-18 Cd.l toCd.9239
1919-56 Cmd.l toCmd. 9889
1956-85 Cmnd.l consecutively
1986 to date Cm.l consecutively
European Union law
L. Carpenter and K. Hodgson, Legal Research and the Law of the
European Communities (1997) is a good place to start, and see also
Chapter 3 above.
Commonwealth law
jvluch good work can be done by comparing legal development in fhe
various common law countries. Part II of the Manual of Legal Citations,
referred to before, explains the mode of citation of Commonwealth
material. For Australian law, good starting points are the legal Research
Manual (2000) by A.D. Mitchell and Tania Voon, Researching
Australian Law by the Research Staff, School of Law. Deakin
University or R. Watt's Concise Legal Research (3rd ed., 1995). So far
as the electronic material is concerned, a great deal of material can be
secured through and S. Dayall . has written Your
Guide to Electronic Legal Research (Butterworths. Sydney, 2000).
For Canada, M.H. Kerr, Legal Research: Step by Step (1998): J.R.
Castel and O.K. Latchman. The Practical Guide to Canadian Legal
Research (2nd ed., 1996). D.T. MacElleven and M.J. McGuire, Legal
Research Handbook (4th ed.. 1998) M.J. Iosipescu and M.E. Detur-bide
eds. Legal Writing and Research Manual (5th ed.,. 2000). Online, you
should go to which provides guidance on
doing legal research in Canada.
American material
Turning to American material, the Middle Temple possesses an
excellent collection of American reports, and a certain number of
American textbooks. The libraries of the Inns of Court have a duplicated
list showing which American reports are in which libraries. The Middle
Temple has the American equivalent of Halsbury the Corpus Juris
Secundum. Copies of the American Restatement are fairly common. The
Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, already mentioned, is also has a
substantial library of American law. Useful guides to American law
reports and digests are Jackobstein and Mersky, Fundamentals of Legal
Research (6th ed., 1994); J. Zich and G. McCann eds, The lawyer's
research companion: A concise guide to the sources (1998): R.C.
Berring, Finding the Law (1995) and T.M. Fines, American Legal
Systems: a Resource and Reference Guide (1997). There are various
annual surveys such as the Annual Survey of American Law and the
Annual Survey of South African Law.
European law (other than European Union law)
An excellent work that contains an invaluable list of sources for
countries within Europe (from Albania to the former Yugoslavia) is J.
Winterton and E. Moys eds, Guides to Information Sources in Law (2nd
ed., 1997); see also C. Dadomo and S. Farran, The French Legal System
(2nd ed., 1996); and Guide to International Legal Research (3rd ed.,
There is a Directory of British and Irish Law Libraries (6th ed., 1998), P.
Fothergill ed. Many of the libraries mentioned in it (and indeed the
libraries referred to above) are private, and non-members of the bodies
to which they belong must obtain permission to use them.
Grammar and style
Those who are troubled by questions of style and grammar would be
well advised to consult Sir Ernest Gowers, Complete Plain Words (3rd
ed., 1987), J Whitcut and S. Greenbaum eds. R.W. Burchfield, The New
Fowler's Modern English Usage (revd. 3rd ed., 2001) is the modern
version of an established classic. Another useful guide is J. Whitcut's
edition of Eric Partridge's Pocket Guide to English Usage: a Guide to
Good English (2001).
"No wind makes for him that hath no intended port to sail unto."
A career in law offers excellent long-term prospects: but the
employment scene is a rapidly changing one. It tends to follow the ups
and downs of the economy, and to a lesser extent the fluctuations of
fashion. The public perception of lawyers as "fat cats" living high at
public expense means that the legal profession is from time to time the
subject of scrutiny1 if not downright political attack. The profession is
seen to be crowded, especially when the economic cycle is experiencing
a recession, and therefore competitive and tough. The law is as difficult
for beginners (except perhaps those of exceptional ability) as other
professions are; many give up and leave it each year. If you have a
career open to you in another business you may be well advised to enter
it; and in that case there is no point in obtaining a professional
qualification, particularly in view of the expense that you will incur in
the process. If you have specialised in law in your university or college,
the knowledge and skills that you have acquired will give you a useful
background in many walks of life. If you are reading this book before
starting on your higher studies, the present chapter may dissuade you
from studying law at all, or at least from specialising in it. A more
general course in business studies, which includes some law, may be
better for your career.2
These pages are written mostly for those who think they may wish to
become qualified as a lawyer. An initial choice must be made between
the Bar and the solicitor's profession; a choice that has to be exercised at
a time when the aspirant will probably know little of the implications of
the choice, or of his or her own potentialities. It would be sensible if we
had a common system of training for the two sides of the profession, so
that the choice could be postponed until the last; but (with the exception
of those who take the Common Professional Examination as part of the
transition to law by those without a law degree) this has not been done.
There is also, it must be said, pressure from the City firms in particular
to snap up the best people, and this creates a pressure upon students who
are thinking of a career in such circles to make their minds up earlier
rather than later. It is, nevertheless, becoming increasingly easy for a
solicitor to transfer to the Bar and vice versa,3 and the development of
the hybrid "solicitor advocate" may eventually make that process even
easier." It is also easier than it has ever been to obtain sound advice and
some experience of what life is like in either side of the profession.
Quite apart from the help that is available in university careers advisory
services, careers fairs and informal contacts, mini-pupillages and
vacation placements in law firms also offer the student the chance to
sample life in the respective parts of the profession, and all students
should certainly be encouraged to seek these opportunities during the
first or second summer vacation of study. I say this with some
reservations. Despite what the Law Society rules as to recruitment might
say, they also offer law firms the chance to make preliminary
assessments of potential employees, so they are not to be undertaken
lightly. All of this means, however, that the student is under pressure
from the outset to make life-altering choices, and that cannot be wholly
for the good. I would advise you to acquire at the outset a copy of
Chambers and Partners, A Guide to the Legal Profession: Student
Edition published annually. Over 450 pages long, it is remarkably
useful, the contents pages containing items such as "Leading firms, the
true picture", advice on interview techniques, an A to Z of law firms and
chambers and much more. Thereafter, a willingness to spend some time
on the internet5 should enable the aspirant to get a very good idea of
what is or might be on offer, and what is required to be done by way of
preparation and training.
Barristers6 are specialist consultants and advocates, and until the
"solicitor advocate" was born, they were given exclusive rights of
audience in the superior courts. It is one of the great and continuing
strengths of the Bar that this historical arrangement has created a class of
specialists whose services are available to all solicitors. The solicitor is
able to advise the client as to the most appropriate person to deal with a
particular legal problem.
There are severe discouragements to new entrants for practice at the Bar.
First, you will need an approved degree7 (not necessarily a law degree,
though that gives you the advantage of providing you with examination
exemptions). Then you will have to pass the Bar Vocational Course
(BVC) at one of the validated institutions. If you have an approved
degree but not in law, you will first need to study for a year and pass the
Common Professional Examination (CPE) or a postgraduate diploma in
law, though this is rather rarer, at an approved institution. If you intend
to practise, you will need to be taken on in chambers,8 under the
guidance of a junior banister. This is called pupillage, and the junior
barrister (i.e. barrister who has not taken silk, and who may be in reality
a quite senior "junior") is termed the "pupil supervisor" though he or she
will often still be referred to as "pupil master/mistress". Arranging it
may present a problem (to be considered further shortly). But the finish
of pupillage is likely to be only the beginning of your real difficulty:
getting a "tenancy"—a permanent place in chambers—is another real
hurdle: "No room in the Inns".
The practising barrister is a member of a. group who share a set of
chambers. The decision on whether or not to offer pupillage is now
generally taken on the vote of the members of its pupillage committee
and the pupil masters. A set of chambers in London is likely to have
many more pupils than it has available tenancies. The situation hasarisen
largely because of recent large recruitments to the Bar, and there is a
reluctance (for perfectly understandable reasons—the Bar does not wish
to place itself in a position where it can be accused of running a closed
shop) amongst those providers of the BVC to be at all selective as to
those whom they will admit. Consequently, many of those who complete
the BVC either decide to do something else, or become "squatters"—
unhappy beginners who, having no local habitation, are gravely
handicapped in building up a practice. They live in hope of persuading
some set of chambers to take them on. Women and members of ethnic
minorities have unquestionably in the past experienced particular
difficulty, and for all the attempts that have been made to eliminate
discrimination, may still do so.9 Even though considerable effort has
been made by the Bar Council10 and the Inns of Court to smooth the
paths of those wishing to approach the Bar, you should think long and
hard before deciding to join that unhappy throng.
It is not all doom and gloom. The traditional but constricting attachment
of the Bar to the Temple and Gray's and Lincoln's Inn, and the
reluctance of established practitioners to colonise new chambers have
disappeared in recent years. The chances of the entrant may be enhanced
as new chambers are opened by conversion from residences in the
Temple, or in Gray's Inn, or outside the ancient purlieus of the law. It is
also becoming common for sets of chambers
The position outside London, attached to one of the seven circuits into
which the country is divided, may afford better opportunities. The
number available may be fewer, but if you obtain pupillage in provincial
chambers, and perform satisfactorily, you are likely to be offered a
place.13 This is a strong reason for starting in chambers other than in
London, especially as the provincial Bar is now as good as London,
apart from specialist chambers.14 Another argument in favour of the
provinces is that the steady decentralisation of justice from London
naturally increases the importance of the provincial Bar. We may well
be moving towards a situation in which all trials are held in the area in
which they arise, and London retains special importance chiefly as the
centre of appellate courts. Solicitors in the north and west will no longer
brief London barristers except in matters in which such barristers profess
particular expertise. Unless provincial Bars are then strong enough to
cope with the demand for advocacy, this will pass more and more to the
Then there is the question of finance. Local authorities have long since
ceased to fund the early stages of practice at the Bar, and during ; the
first six months of pupillage the fledgling barrister is not allowed to
accept briefs. But many chambers, particularly the commercial sets, now
offer substantial (up to £35,000) awards.15 Increasingly, the Inns of
Court offer attractive scholarships to particularly well-qualified
candidates. You can contact them via the internet, and approach the
Student Officer for advice. The atmosphere that prevailed in former
times, when a fee was charged for pupillage, has completely evaporated;
indeed, compulsory funding of pupillage k to be introduced for pupils
commencing on or after December 3j 2002, chambers being required to
make an award of not less than £5,000 in the first six months and an
award or guaranteed receipts of not less than £5.000 for the second six.
Whether this development will diminish the supply of available
pupillages (particularly in areas such as the criminal law and family law)
remains to be seen. During the second six months paid work is a
possibility, but until at least a year after the end of pupillage the
fledgling banister will probably have to live on the good will of a bank
manager or other lender, or the income of parents or spouse or partner.
In addition to living expenses, there will be professional expenses,
including rent of chambers (although these are not paid by pupils),
clerk's commission. travel, etc. The sum remaining from fees will be
subject to further deductions for income tax and national insurance. Fees
can take months or even years to come in. and quite a proportion are
never recovered. In specialist chambers the time that must elapse before
making a living is longer. These points are made, not to discourage the
eager, but to illustrate some of the professional shoals that must be
navigated (or at least thought about) at the outset.
As to the volume of work available, crime is still a growth industry
(though legal aid for criminal work is being increasingly squeezed by a
parsimonious Treasury), and the constantly increasing complexity of
many parts of the law (such as has been engendered by the passing of
the Human Rights Act 1998) inevitably creates a demand for skilled
legal advice. The enlargement of the powers and pretensions of
government gives administrative law great and still growing practical
importance, while tax law creates continual problems for business and
Owing to legal changes, young barristers can no longer earn easy money
on undefended divorces, which are now done by solicitors.
Forms of address
A few remarks on addressing your colleagues and the judiciary.
Although it is not so long also that members of the Bar addressed one
another by surnames, this practice has more or less died out. Even now,
however, barristers do not customarily address one another as Mr.
Mrs or Ms X. and the use of first names (and within chambers very
probably nicknames too) becomes permissible after short acquaintance.
High Court judges and circuit judges are addressed by barristers out
of court as "Judge" (not "Judge Smith"), a Law Lord as "Lord Smith",
and other judges as "Lord Chancellor", "Lord Chief Justice" (or "Lord
Chief X"), "Lord Justice". "Master of the Rolls", "President", "Vice-
Chancellor", "Common Sergeant", and "Recorder". These conventions
are followed both in speech and in correspondence.25 Members of the
public, on the other hand, would speak to a judge as they would to any
other knight or peer—Sir John, or Lord Smith. (All judges of the High
Court and Court of Appeal are knights, if they are not peers.) In court,
address all judges from the High Court upwards (including both
circuit judges and recorders when acting as High Court judges, and
including also all judges sitting at the Central Criminal Court) as "my
Lord/Lady". Otherwise, circuit judges and recorders and company court
and bankruptcy registrars are called "your Honour".26 Masters are called
"Master", magistrates are called "Sir/Madam" (or "your Worship"), and
all other judicial officers (like registrars) are called "Sir/Madam".
Taking silk
Even if you succeed in building up a good practice as a junior your
troubles will not be at an end, because at that point in your career you
will have to decide whether to apply for silk. These expressions need a
word of explanation. A "junior" means any barrister who has not taken
silk; and some highly successful barristers (especially on the Chancer)'
side) remain juniors all their lives. "Taking silk" means obtaining the
right to wear a silk gown by becoming a Queen's Counsel (Q.C.) or (to
use the language of lawyers) a "leader". Whereas a junior does both
advocacy and the preliminary paper work, a leader's work is mainly in
advocacy (apart from the giving of oral and written opinions, an activity
common to both grades).
Until comparatively recently, one of the less defensible anomalies of
practice at the Bar was that the grant of silk was entirely in the discretion
of a political officer, the Lord Chancellor; but he canvasses the views of
various legal eminences including the heads of the judicial divisions.
Only about a quarter of the applicants survive the rigorous screening and
obtain silk. Complaints about the system by the Law Society and others
were such that the Lord Chancellor requested a report on the judicial
appointments process and the appointment of Q.C.s.28 The system has
perhaps become a more transparent one as a result of changes
recommended, but the result of this restrictive attitude to the grant of silk
is not only that there are a number of highly qualified people who suffer
disappointment year after year, but also that successful leaders are in
short supply, and consequently are able to charge such high fees, that the
cost of fighting an important case in the High Court is excessive. One
day the whole silk system may be reconsidered.
Anyway, the position now is that if you do not take silk at the right
moment, it may mean that you have to continue working much too hard
for your time of life; on the other hand some barristers who take silk
repent it, for they find too late that their services in the more expensive
class of advocacy are not in demand. Once you have taken silk there is
no going back to a junior's practice. It seems a perverse arrangement to
add this hazard to a profession that is already too full of risks for our
comfortable age.
Further reading
On your BVC, you will doubtlessly be given reading guidance on the
arts of the advocate. Some of the works to which reference may be made
include Noel Shaw, Effective Advocacy (1996); Peter Murphy,
Evidence & Advocacy (5th ed.,1998); Avrom Sherr, Advocacy (1993);
Keith Evans, Advocacy in court: a beginner's guide (1995); Keith Evans,
The language of advocacy: what to say and how to say it in the courts-
of the English-speaking peoples (1998); Michael Hyam, Advocacy
Skills (4th ed.,1999); Ann Bevitt and Lisa Stanton, Criminal advocacy: a
practical guide (1997).
A lively book of advice which all young barristers should read is Henry
Cecil's Brief to Counsel (3rd ed.,-1982). On the critical side, see C.P.
Harvey's frank and entertaining little book The Advocate's Devil (1958).
Older books on advocacy include Leo Page, First Steps in Advocacy
(2nd ed., 1963); also: Sir M. Hilbery, Duty and Art in Advocacy (1946);
LE. Singleton, Conduct at the Bar (3rd ed., 1946); FJ . Wrottesley,
Letters to a Young Barrister (1930) and The Examination of Witnesses
(3rd ed., 1961); Parry, The Seven Lamps of Advocacy (1923); Lord
Macmillan. Law and Other Things (1937), pp. 171 et seq., 200 et seq.;
J.H. Munkman, The Technique of Advocacy (2nd ed., 1991) Richard Du
Cann, The Art of the Advocate (1993). Some notion of the nature and
difficulty of cross-examination may be derived from E.W. Fordham's
Notable Cross-Examinations (1950). Finally, the travelling lawyer will
be helped by Andrew Goodman's annual The Court Guide telling you
how to reach the various courts and where to eat30 when you are
appearing at them.
In addition to the barristers in practice, a considerable number have used
the Bar as a stepping stone leading them on to other things. There is, in
fact, a glittering array of dignified and sometimes very lucrative offices
open to members of the Bar. I shall proceed to describe some of them,
prefacing the list only with the warning that for the more attractive of
them there is, of course, considerable competition.
For the brilliantly successful and the politically fortunate there are the
offices of Lord Chancellor, Attorney-General and Solicitor-General.
There are about 160 superior judgeships, the latter carrying very
comfortable stipends, plus pensions. As consolation alternatives there
are many pensionable posts as circuit judges (in February 2001. there
were 573 such), recorders (1344), chairmen of one of a large number of
tribunals, district judges (magistrates' courts)—formerly stipendiary
magistrates (97 as at May 2001), official referees, bankruptcy and
company court registrars, a President of the Appeals Service Agency,
and posts as ombudsmen working within the structure of the newly
created Financial Ombudsman Service.
Among miscellaneous posts are certain parliamentary and Court of
Protection appointments, and offices as Registrar of Companies, Masters
and Registrars of the Supreme Court, and Clerk of the Crown Court. A
list of many of the offices referred to in this paragraph, and others, will
be found in the Law Courts and Offices section of the annual publication
Whittaker's Almanack. Other legal posts in government are discussed
later in the chapter.
Many private concerns also employ a legal staff of barristers and
solicitors "in-house". It is difficult to find figures, but it has been
estimated by the Higher Education Careers Service Unit that barristers
thus employed probably number about 2.500 working in both the public
and private sectors. Many banks, for instance, have executor and trustee
departments. The work involves the legal processes of obtaining probate
of wills and the winding-up of a deceased person's affairs so that the
wishes expressed in those wills ma}' be carried out. This entails such
transactions as the settlement of business contracts, the purchase and
sale of stocks and shares, house property and lands, and provision for
beneficiaries under wills and other trust instruments. It may mean
managing an estate worth several millions of pounds.
Then there are the legal departments of transport undertakings and big
insurance companies, which deal principally with claims for damages,
and the legal departments of large businesses. The legal adviser helps to
negotiate the firm's contracts (and may have to travel all over the world
in order to do so), keeps it right on matters of company law and
employment law assists with takeovers, etc., and may, on a voider front,
advise on what is proper conduct within a system of self-regulation
adopted within the industry by means of a Code of practice. For all these
purposes it is necessary not only to be a good lawyer but to have
business acumen and an intimate knowledge of the problems of the trade
or industry in question. All the big newspapers employ a legal staff to
read proofs in order to minimise the risk of libel actions or contempt
proceedings, and also to watch the interests of the newspaper generally.
Salaries are substantial; a survey for the year 1999 found that the I -
head of Legal" ranged in London from £50,000 to £190,000 with a
median of £99,000 (regional median being £73.000) whereas the
equivalent figures for a person who is 8-10 years' qualified were j
£34,000, £92,000, £65,000 and £49.000 respectively. Many of these
posts cany fringe benefits such as a company car. pension scheme, free
medical insurance, and assistance with house purchase.
Appointments available are not confined to those requiring professional
qualifications or a knowledge of law; men and women not |
uncommonly read for the Bar or for an external University degree after
appointment. But naturally a person who already has these
qualifications starts with an advantage. After taking the Bar examination
you may obtain employment in the legal department of a commercial
firm under the aegis of an employed barrister as a "commercial pupil",
and this will give you three months' exemption from pupillage if you
afterwards decide to take up practice at the Bar. Unless you are very
strongly attracted to private practice you would be well advised to
prefer one of these careers in salaried employment.
The life of a successful solicitor is rather different from that of the
barrister: the work of a practising solicitor is very disparate—it may
range from work in one of the "magic circle" of huge City firms to fairly
general, private client work in the High Street or to predominantly legal
aid work. It is therefore more difficult to generalise about life in this
branch of the profession. Although the solicitor may have assistant
solicitors, legal executives and paralegals to do some of the work, there
is none of the camaraderie of the Bar and the exhilaration of forensic
battle in the exalted courts. But many solicitors are as affluent as their
opposite numbers at the Bar, and they have worked quite as hard and
under comparable stress to that experienced by any barrister to achieve
their wealth. As between beginners of the same ability, there is better
assurance of reasonable success in the solicitors' branch. Certainly,, the
salaries for newly qualified solicitors are now such as to make senior
partners blench.32 . Not all solicitors have large incomes: a survey
conducted by The Lawyer magazine in September 2001 showed that the
average income of Assistant Solicitors in regional law firms who are
eight years' qualified would not exceed £50,000, and since that is an
average many would be earning a good deal less than that. .
The type of work done by a solicitor varies enormously from one
practice to another. As in the United States, English law practices are
now distinctively structured. A few very large, affluent international
City firms have adapted themselves to act as the agents and advisers of
commerce and industry; they have modern offices with every aid and
convenience, and the partners and assistants specialise intensively. They
may be asked, for example, to draft and help negotiate important
commercial contracts of all kinds. These firms almost invariably have
overseas branches, sometimes as a result of merger with (particularly) a
French or German firm. They have been joined relatively recently by
American firms, some by way of merger, but some also in competition.
The apparently glamorous lifestyle led by many working in these large
institutions is not to everyone's taste, in spite of the rewards offered.
Trainees (and assistant solicitors and, for that matter the partners) are
expected to work at the beck and call of clients, frequently international
clients whose requirements can be very demanding. Particularly at the
early stages of the career, the work can be rather routine but physically
exhausting nevertheless. Anxiety about making progress in one's career,
and balancing that against the possibilities of a satisfactory social and
family life can lead to stress and burn-out. A person thinking about
undertaking work in this sort of establishment must decide whether he or
she is prepared to make the sacrifices that such a demanding career
choice necessarily entails. That said, a training in such a place will leave
its subject in excellent standing should he or she decide to go elsewhere
following qualification. There are also some large non-London firms in
cities such as Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester which undertake a
large variety of commercial work.
Next come medium-sized firms with about 50 partners, mainly in
London specialising in some particular field of commerce or industry
such as shipping, insurance, intellectual property, IT law, media law or
property development, and other smaller but still highly-specialised
In the High Street, the solicitor is involved in domestic and commercial
conveyancing (investigating title to land, preparing contracts of sale and
conveyances, advising on rent reviews), obtaining probate of wills, and
frequently acting as executor and trustee. The work entails meeting
clients, advising them generally on their legal position, and writing
letters. A solicitor pilots company promoters through the legal
technicalities of forming companies, and litigation though some firms
prefer not to do the last if they can help it. On difficult questions, the
opinion of counsel may be sought, and the solicitor also prepares briefs
for counsel in legal proceedings in which counsel are employed.
The qualities required of a country-town solicitor appear clearly enough
from the foregoing description of the work involved. These include an
ability to interview all types of client in order to ascertain the nature of
the problem, a knowledge of human nature and practical wisdom.
Naturally the practitioner needs a working knowledge of property and
company law and the law of procedure; and the better the knowledge,
the better the lawyer. It is a great mistake to suppose that a solicitor can
get along without having mastered the legal topics which form the staple
of the business. However, the finer points can with relative safety be left
to repose in the books of reference.
It is solicitors, not barristers, who conduct much the greater number of
cases in the lower courts county courts and magistrates' courts. What I
have written in relation to barristers as advocates applies equally to
solicitors. However, even with the advent of the solicitor advocate, a
solicitor is unlikely to be able to concentrate on advocacy as a barrister
can. There is too much interviewing and paperwork, and advocacy is
generally confined to the comparativelv small cases.
The continuing spate of new legislation imposes a great strain upon the
smaller firm. One client will have a problem under some recent Act
relating to divorce or maintenance; another will need advice on setting
up a business, capital gains tax, or some aspect of employment law
(which, increasingly, requires considerable acquaintance with the law
emanating from Brussels), or VAT, or company law, or agricultural
tenancies. Another client will be enraged by a refusal of planning
permission, or the threat of a motorway through the garden. A
constitutional upheaval such as that effected by the Human Rights Act
1998 potentially affects all of these areas of practice. Each of these
subjects involves a highly intricate body of law and it is not to be
expected that any one person or even three or four can keep abreast of
developments in them all. There is a danger that solicitors (sole
practitioners) may fail to give adequate advice, and this is not because of
any immediate fault on their part but because they are operating in units
that are too small.
Competent solicitors are a blessing to their clients and a necessity for the
economic life of the country. Unfortunately, firms have had to face
discouraging difficulties in recent years. They have been hit by sharply
rising expenses, while corresponding rises in income have proved
difficult to establish as successive governments have made changes in
the distribution of legal aid. To take but one example, criminal legal aid
work is now franchised, and the franchisees are required to meet very
high standards of administrative and other provision before they will be
licensed to carry on the work. At the same time, principals are required
to confer the benefits of the various employment protection laws upon
their own employees, whilst they themselves are deprived of any such
security, and must pay the special tax for self-employed people
masquerading as national insurance, in addition to the insurance
premiums needed to provide for retirement or illness. Solicitors also
complain of the expense of the practising certificate, the contribution to
the compensation fund to recompense defrauded clients, the professional
negligence indemnity premium, and the contribution to the Law Society
advertisements for the profession. These disbursements may not worry
the senior partner in a large firm, but they fall heavily upon the less well-
recompensed. Those of my readers who are already in training will
know the technicalities of becoming a solicitor, and I can therefore
address myself to those who have not yet secured a training contract.
The ; law graduate who has gained full exemption proceeds at once to
the I Legal Practice Course (LPC): this requires attendance for nine
months at one of the law schools recognised by the Law Society33 for
this purpose. As with the Bar, local authority grants for maintentance
have been virtually abolished which means that, for this branch of the
profession also debt is staring the aspirant in the face. It is worth
checking with your local authority to see whether it is one of the
exceptions that is still prepared to help. Some firms having j offered a
training contract will also sponsor students on the Common Professional
Examination (CPE),, though they will expect in return I that the period
of the training contract will be honoured. ' As is the case with those
going to" the Bar. a non-graduate.- or a i graduate (law or otherwise)
who has not obtained full exemption | because one or more of the "core"
subjects3'1 is not contained in the I degree, is required to take the CPE
before the LPC; and this again i needs a year's attendance at a law
Finding a suitable firm for training contracts can present problems.
There is no system of open competition, and there is no obligation to
advertise vacancies for training contracts: the grant of a training
contract is a highly competitive process. That said, however, the
majority of firms are only too happy to advertise themselves; the
entrance to any law school is these days littered with give-away
literature, sponsored by law firms seeking to recruit. Keep any eye out
for special student supplements of Lawyer, the Law Society's ,
Gazette and Lex. Chambers and Partners' annual publication A Guide
to the Legal Profession: Student Edition is a mine of useful practical
information about such matters as the size of firms, numbers of I
trainees to which they offer places and areas of work undertaken. !
Advice may be obtained from the Law Society or the teaching staff of
your law school and your university careers service. There is a Training
Contract Handbook published by Globe Business Publishing in
association with the Trainee Solicitors Group. Under Law Society
regulations the trainee solicitor must be paid a minimum salary (from
August 2000, the figure is £12,000 (£13,600 in London) with a
recommended salary of between £13,000 and £14,600. Some firms,
particularly in London, pay considerably more than this. The Law
Society has implemented a requirement that the trainee should receive
proper training in at least three areas of practice (from a non-exhaustive
total of 21 ranging alphabetically from banking to wills and probate, and
even more widely as to subject-matter). There is a standard form training
contract which before signing you should read carefully to ensure that it
contains the points about which you have agreed in preliminary
discussions. In the course of the period covered by the training contract,
you must also take and complete the Professional Skills Course (either
full-time as a fast track course over 12 consecutive days, or part-time).
Some- of the bigger firms offer this course in-house, but if not, separate
arrangements must be made, the firm being obliged to give paid leave to
attend, as well as paying the fees for the course itself.
Let me now assume that you are being considered by a prospective
employer and are having your first interview. A number of important
issues need to be addressed, though some of them may be best resolved
by informal means, such as discussion with a trainee already with the
firm or in the many informal contacts that are offered in vacation
placements, or in the recruitment literature distributed by the firm. How
often can you expect to sit in with your principal or another solicitor?
Will you be expected to do your own word-processing or will the office
provide that service? What courts will you be able to attend? How wide
will be the experience you will receive in the firm? Before the new
regulations were introduced it was found that most prospective solicitors
gained some practical experience of registered and unregistered
conveyancing, landlord and tenant, matrimonial causes, probate and
succession, family law, criminal law, accident claims, litigation
generally and briefing counsel. Most of them never had experience of
town and country planning, administration of trusts, company law,
partnership law, tax planning, book-keeping and accounts, commercial
law, or (doubtless) advocacy. The law has become so complex that it
cannot be expected that the solicitor will be proficient in everything, and
the trend is towards the large firm with specialised partners. All the
same, it is important that the trainee should have as broad a knowledge
base as possible, particularly if uncertain about which field is likely to
offer the best opening or is the most congenial to the individual's
For this reason, an all-round practice may give better training than a
specialised one—but it may be well worth taking a training contract in a
specialised firm if you are assured that they are looking out for a bright
young person like yourself to be a partner. Large firms generally move
their proteges around from one department to another—a very
satisfactory arrangement.
What about holidays and paid sickness leave? Will you be- paid while
attending an examination course? What is the attitude of the firm to
permitting you to qualify as a solicitor advocate? Can you attend any
practical exercises or advocacy training courses provided for trainee
The arrangements for becoming a partner vary considerably from one
firm to another. In the past, the new entrant was required, in effect, to
buy into the partnership, buying out a leaving partner's interest, and it
was not unheard of for a person not to be able to afford to become a
partner. Those days are long gone, promotion to the top being now a
matter of merit and hard graft (however that may be measured). Getting
a partnership is not easy, and the new partner who cannot provide capital
is inevitably burdened with some form of payment for a share of the
business. One practice is to establish a retirement benefit scheme,
whereby the younger partners, instead of paying an initial sum as their
share of capital, contribute to the pensions of the senior partners as they
go. Another plan is for the new partners to be admitted merely on
undertaking to contribute their share of the partnership capital, and this
may either be raised by borrowing from a bank or insurance
company (with periodic repayments) or be left to be paid over a period
of years by deduction from their share of the profits. Either way, the new
recruit's earnings are greatly reduced.
Instead of going into private practice, or after some years of practice, the
solicitor may decide to seek an appointment elsewhere. Within the
judicial system solicitors are eligible to apply for high judicial office,
and are appointed as masters and registrars of the Chancery Division,
taxing masters, the Official Solicitor, bankruptcy registrars, district
registrars of the High Court, registrars of county courts, district judges
(magistrates' courts), recorders (and, by way of promotion, circuit
judges), magistrates' clerks, and as various kinds of clerk in the Supreme
Court, the last with opportunities of promotion. Current vacancies both
in private practice (for legal executives, assistants and partners) and in
outside appointments are listed on-line by the Law Society Recruitment
service via the Law Society website, but are perhaps more reliably found
in the weekly legal sections of the broadsheet newspapers and
professional journals such as the Law Society Gazette, the New Law
Journal, and The Lawyer. A number of recruitment agencies specialise
exclusively in legal appointments.
Solicitors may be appointed to positions in industry, and remarks made
previously in relation to barristers apply equally to solicitors. Most legal
departments in industry do the work that would ordinarily be entrusted
to a solicitor; sometimes it is largely confined to routine conveyancing
and the drawing of contracts but a much wider field may be touched,
including the formation of subsidiary companies, company finance,
insurance and employers' liability,-patents, trademarks—there is, in fact,
hard!)' any limit to the economic activities upon which a large
corporation may engage. In addition, all concerns need advice on
employment law. and health and safety matters. Some corporations
entrust their routine legal work to outside solicitors, but have legal
advisers whose task is to give advice at high level within the industry:
these advisers organise the legal work which is to be executed by the
outside solicitors—perhaps in many countries. The position of legal
adviser to a large and growing industry can be of high importance and
Training contracts in industry are not really the best preparation for
private practice, and unless you have a fairly fixed intention to make
your career in industry or commerce you may find it difficult to settle
down even for only two or three years in the atmosphere of a company's
legal department.
Another possibility worth considering is taking a training contract with
the clerk of a magistrates court with a view to this type of appointment.
Solicitors are frequently appointed not only in the legal departments but
in the secretarial departments of large concerns (public limited
companies are required by law to appoint a company secretary whose
function is to ensure corporate compliance with the law; similar
appointments are made in other public and private
organisations). A person who intends to go for a secretarial department
would perhaps be better advised to obtain a secretarial rather than a legal
qualification36 (to have both would, of course, be best of all). To these
possibilities must be added miscellaneous positions, not capable of
concise description, in building societies, insurance companies and so
A highly specialised profession, open to barristers and solicitors (and
indeed to those who are neither) is that of Parliamentary Agent, whose
work lies in promoting and opposing Private Bills. They are required to
satisfy the Speaker of their expertise in Private Bill pro¬cedure.37
Further reading
Information on the technical details of becoming a solicitor can be
obtained from the Law Society's website, The
Society address is Law Society's Hall, Chancery Lane, London WC2A
1PL. N. Laver', Blackstone's Guide to Becoming a Solicitor
(2000) also contains much useful information.
Fictionalised accounts of the work of a solicitor will be found in the
various books by Julian Prescott, such as Both Sides of the Case (1958),
and in an entertaining story by John Malcolm entitled Let's Make it
Legal (1966). Other useful hints are given in H.O. Locke's Advice to a
Young Solicitor (1946) and CD. Wickenden's The Modern Family
Solicitor (1975). In addition to the books on advocacy previously given,
there is Sir David Napley's The Technique of Persuasion (2nd ed., 1975)
and FJ.O. Coddington's Advice on Advo¬cacy to Solicitors (2nd ed.,
1974). Sir Thomas Lund has written a Guide to the Professional Conduct
and Etiquette of Solicitors (1960). Words of wisdom for both solicitor
and client on the lottery of litigation are contained in Michael Rosser,
Going to Court? Second Thoughts (1980).
"A lawyer without history or literature is a mechanic, a mere working
mason: if he possesses some knowledge of these, he may venture to call
himself an architect."
—Scott. Guy Mannering.
No one wants to read law all the time; but-some of the hours not spent
on serious legal reading may be devoted with profit and pleasure to
lighter literature touching upon the law, and to works that set the
background in which the lawyer lives.1 The following, which is hardly
more than a list, may be of assistance not merely to the begin¬ner at law
but to the practitioner in leisure moments. What is offered is a collection
of titles that may come the reader's way at intervals during life, and that
are worth reading if they do. Not all the books included are in print.
Dickens started life as (among other things) a lawyer's clerk and court
reporter, and most of his novels contain legal characters or legal
references. The famous trial scene in Picbvick Papers (written when the
author was only 24) shows the working of the system of advocacy in a
common law court at its worst. We have moved far since those days, not
least because, since 1851, the parties to the proceedings have been
allowed to testify on their own behalf. Students of the reports may like
to know that Dickens's Mr. Justice Stareleigh was modelled upon the
real Mr. Justice Gaselee, while Serjeant Buzfuz was Serjeant Bompas.
Even more engrossing for the lawyer is the description of the appallingly
inefficient proceedings of the Court of Chancery in Bleak House. Space
forbids extended discussion of Dickens's works, but a good commentary
is Sir William Holdsworth's Charles Dickens as a Legal Historian (1929)
An earlier writer, Henry Fielding, must occupy a special place in the
esteem of the lawyer and the law-abiding citizen, for it was he who, with
his blind half-brother, sitting as London magistrates, founded the Bow
Street Runners, the ancestors of our present professional police.4 Most
of his novels were written when, for want of any other source of income,
he was practising at the Bar; but his Tom Jones deserves to be read for
its own sake, and not merely for the incidental legal allusion. Thackeray
entered the Middle Temple (though he did not get much further), and his
experience there is pictured in Chapter 29 of Pendennis. To legal writers
of the nineteenth century belongs the credit of inventing the detective
novel. Wilkie Collins, a nominal barrister, was author of The Moonstone
(1860), which is widely considered to have been the first example of this
genre. Galsworthy's Forsyte Saga has a solicitor as one of the principal
characters, a libel action conducted on somewhat irregular lines, and a
will that neglects the Thellusson Act.8 Someone brought the latter
mistake to the author's attention, and in the sequel, entitled On Forsyte
Change, the point is admitted but ingeniously evaded.0
Outside the field of English law there are the works of Sir Walter Scott
and Honore de Balzac—both lawyers, and both prolific in legal allusion.
Scott combined novel writing with the practice of a busy Scottish
advocate and judicial duties. His more boyish romances do not appeal to
all: but the reader may like to know that two novels with a strong legal
flavour are Guy Mannering and Redgauntlet. Scott's best novel, The
Heart of Midlothian, is also set against a legal background, and most of
the main story is historically authentic. Students of Scots law will find
instruction in Sir Walter Scott and Scots Law, by David Marshall
(1932). R.L. Stevenson became qualified as a Scottish advocate, though
he never practised. His unfinished Weir of Hermiston gives an arresting
picture of a coarse and cruel Scottish judge, Lord Braxfield (in the story
called Lord Hermiston).10
It is not only the lawyers, real or nominal, who have written novels with
a legal angle. Trollope is best known for his descriptions of
ecclesiastical life in the Barchester series; but lawyers will remember
him for his account of their own profession in Orley Farm.]' Emily
Bronte's Wuthering Heights shows an accurate knowledge of the law of
entails 50 years before her own time.12 George Eliot's Felix Holt has an
ambitious legal plot turning on a base fee—though the legal reader will
want to know why the owner in possession of a base fee, with constant
legal advice, did not take steps to bar the remainder.
Modern novelists deserve a paragraph to themselves. The American
thrillers of Scott Turow14 and John Grisham15 exploit a rich seam of
public interest in courtroom pyrotechnics, lawyers turned detective and
"innocent" clients. Many of these works have been turned into hugely
successful films. The legal worlds that these characters inhabit are very
different from that found on the other side of the Atlantic, and there is
not really any British equivalent, though lawyers currently writing
detective novels include Dexter Dias, Frances Fyfield and Caro Fraser.
In a somewhat different genre stands John Mortimer Q.C.'S creation
Rumpole, who appears in numerous works (translated on to television
subsequently; the actor Leo McKern, wig askew-being almost instantly
recognisable world-wide as the face of the Old Bailey).
Judge Gordon Clark wrote detective novels under the pseudonym of
"Cyril Hare", and the plot of several of them turns on a point of law.
Thus his Tragedy at Law involves an obscure subsection (now repealed)
of an Act of 19.34; it is of interest for its detail of contemporary circuit
life. When the Wind Blows was inspired by a bad old (and long-
repealed) rule of the" law of marriage. All these novels were reprinted as
Penguins, and have subsequently been re-issued by House of Stratus
Press as recently as 2001. Another former county court judge, H.C.
Leon, wrote under the pen-name of "Henry Cecil". A favourite is his
first book Full Circle: but he wrote many other humorous best-sellers
about judges and lawyers, including Brothers in Law which was made
into a film. These works too have been reprinted recently (2001) by
House of Stratus Press.
From the many biographies of lawyers one should perhaps put first the
lives of two great reformers: C.H.S. Fifoot's Lord Mansfield (1936) and
Mary L. Mack's Jeremy Bentham (1962, Vol. I). The achievement of Sir
Samuel Romilly can best be read in Sir Leon Radzinowicz's monumental
History of English Criminal Law, Vol. 1, Part V. Romilly and Bentham
figure, with Beccaria, in Coleman Phillipson's Three Criminal Law
Reformers (1923). Mention may also be made of Lord Birkenhead's
Fourteen English Judges (1926), and Catherine Drinker Bowen's
biography of Coke CJ. called The Lion and the Throne (1957). No fewer
than three books have been written about James Fitzjames Stephen,
essayist, criminal law reformer and opponent of John Stuart Mill: K.J.M.
Smith, James Fitzjames Stephen: Portrait of a Victorian Rationalist
(1988); J.A. Coliaco, James Fitzjames Stephen and the Crisis of
Victorian Thought (1983) and J. Hostettler, Politics and Law in the Life
of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (1995). G. Lewis has written biographies
of Lord Atkin (1999) and Lord Hailsham (1997). A more general survey
is A.W.B. Simpson ed., Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law
(1984) which affords thumb-nail sketches of the lead¬ing personalities
of the law.
The interest in these works is largely historical, and many readers will be
more attracted by biographies of successful lawyers living nearer to our
own time. The apex of success is traditionally the Wool¬sack, and the
careers of those who have reached it are given by R.E.V. Heuston in
scholarly detail in* his Lives of the Lord Chan¬cellors 1885-1940
(1964). Lord Elwyn-Jones, In My Time (1983) provides his own account
of life leading to and ia that office. How¬ever, the way lawyers function
is of more importance than their bio¬graphical details, and a fascinating
insfghl into the House of Lords in action is given by Robert Stevens in
his Law and Politics: The House of Lords as a Judicial Body 1800-1976
(1979) and the same author's work, The Independence of the Judiciary:
the view From the Lord Chancellor's Office (1993). Alan Patterson for
his study The Law Lords (1982) persuaded members of the House to
reflect upon the way in which the House performs its judicial functions.
Edward Marjoribanks's Life of Sir Edward Marshal! Hall (1929)16 may
be recommended for its portrayal of the last of the flamboyant
advocates, and the same writer's Life of Lord Carson (1932) is fit to take
its place among the best biographies.17 Derek Walker-Smith's Lord
Reading and his Cases (1934) and H. Montgomery Hyde's Norman
Birkett (1964 and republished by Penguin in 1989) are also worth
reading. John Campbell's F.E. Smith (1983) affords an insight into the
life of the colourful politician/lawyer Lord Birkenhead. E. Heward's
Lord Denning: A Biography (1997) gives an account of that remarkable
man's long life and career, as does Iris Freeman, Lord Denning: A Life
There is a plethora of autobiography, though they are perhaps rather less
common now than half a century ago. The late Lord Justice MacKinnon,
in his book On Circuit (1940), said that most books of legal
reminiscence are bad: and he named only two exceptions, in which I
hesitate to follow him.1'' Glanville Williams' list of the best legal
autobiographies included one by a successful advocate of the last
century, one by a judge who made his name on the criminal side, and
one by a country solicitor. The first of these is Some Experiences of a
Barrister's Life., by William Ballantine (1882)—better known as
Sergeant Ballantine Experiences. Its gossipy pages are crowded with
Victorian personalities who are still alive to students of the law reports.
Baliantine was retained on behalf of Orton, the false claimant in the
Tichbornc case, and his book gives shrewd advice on advocacy.
Two generations on comes Sir Travers Humphreys (Humphreys J.j.
Criminal Days (1946). This is an autobiography full of good stories,
with reflections upon the criminal law. Reginald Hine's Confessions of
an Un-Common Attorney (1945) is a revelation of the interest that can
be won from life by a country solicitor who observes his fellow
creatures and is an antiquarian and litterateur to boot. Lord Denning's
The Family Story (1981)2" is the personal testament of our best-known,
most popular, most idiosyncratic, most energetic, and in some ways
most reform-minded judge. Sir Neville Faulks, No Mitigating
Circumstances (1977) and A Law Unto Myself (1978.) is another former
judge of the Court of Appeal who has put pen to paper, as is Sir Robin
Dunn, Sword and Wig: Memoirs of a Lord Justice (1993). E. Crowther.
Last in the List: The Life and Times of an English Barrister (1988) tells
the legal story from the perspective of a Metropolitan Magistrate. Two
Attorneys-General have also recounted their experiences: P. Rawlinson.
A Price too High (1989) and Hartley Shawcross, Life Sentence (1995).
Not one of these is a "must" book, though each is good in its own class.
Solicitors have not been tempted to be forthcoming about their
experiences to quite the same extent as former members of the Bar. D.
Napley, Not Without Prejudice (1982) is an exception, as is P. Carter-
Ruck, Memoirs of a Libel Lawyer (1990) and Lord Goodman, solicitor
to the great and the good, published Tell Them I am on My Way (1993).
A barrister still in practice,
G. Robertson Q.C. recounts some of the cases in which he has been
involved in The Justice Game (1998).
Finally, it is convenient to mention here the remarkable Pollock-Holmes
Letters (2 vols.. 1942). the correspondence of two men who became the
doyens of English and American law carried on over a period of 58
years. This may well be read with Mark de Wolfe Howe's two-volume
biography, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes (1957. 1963) supplemented
by G.E. White, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes: Law and the Inner Self
(] 993) for the later years of Holmes' life.
li will not have escaped your attention that the list just given is
exclusively concerned with male subjects. This reflects the subject-
matter of this book, which has an almost exclusively male history; the
changes that have occurred in the last 30 years or so are not yet reflected
in legal literature. There are books and articles about women and the law
that are (painfully slowly) beginning to address the imbalance. Helena
Kennedy's Eve Was Framed: Women and British Justice (1993) and
Clare McGlynn's The Woman Lawyer: making the difference (1998) are
two important contributions, and the article by Lady Justice Hale.
'"Equality and the Judiciary: Why Should We Want More Women
Judges?" [2001] P.L. 489 makes a persuasive case. There is an irony in
the byline—its author is described as "A Lord Justice of Appeal'*. Lady
Justice Hale is one of 43 biographies to be found in R.M. Salokar and
M.L. Volcansek eds. Women in Law: a bio-bibliographical sourcebook
The historian, the devotee of detective fiction, the student of advocacy,
and the novelist in search of a plot, should not ignore the very full
collection of trials that may be found in some libraries. Cases of
historical interest are reported at length in the 34 volumes of Howell's
State Trials, such, for example, as Coke's virulent prosecution of Sir
Walter Raleigh (Vol. 2, p.l). A selection from these trials was published
in three volumes by J.W. Willis-Bund. Other series are Newgate
Calendars, the Notable British Trials Series, the Famous Trials Series,
and the Old Bailey Trials Series; with the exception of the first-
mentioned, these give a full transcript of the cases, so that each step in
the evidence can be studied. There are also occasional publications, such
as The Trial of Lady Chatterley (R. v. Penguin Books Lid), edited by
C.H. Rolph (1961) and Ludovic Kennedy's The Trial of Steven Ward
(1964). Accounts of libel trials by those who have participated include
A. Raphael. My Learned Friends (1989) and Alan Watkins. A Slight
Case of Libel (1990). Professor Richard Evans. Lying about Hitler
(2001) is an account, by one of the expert witnesses, of the proceedings
in a notorious Holocaust Denial libel action.
Perhaps the most remarkable of the nineteenth century causes celebres
was that of The Tichhome Claimant; Douglas Woodruffe's book under
that title is noteworthy. Illustrations of the technique of famous
advocates are given in Edgar Lustganen's Defender's Triumph (1951).
There is also an inexpensive series of Famous Trials in Penguins, each
volume containing condensed accounts of a number of trials. Andrew
Rose's Stinie: Murder on the Common (1985) and Scandal at the Savoy
(1991) evoke the past in a vivid way, and M. Friedland's The Trials of
Israel Lipski (1993) offers a fascinating look at immigrant life in the
East End of London. A.W.B. Simpson's gruesomely titled Cannibalism
and the Common Law (1986) fills in the background to one of the best
known of all English criminal cases, R. v. Dudley and Stephens.2*
As a matter of interest it may be recorded that R. L. Stevenson's
Kidnapped is based in part on the famous Appin murder case, R. v.
Stewart (1752) 19 Howell's State Trials 1. This is itself the subject of a
study by Sir William MacArthur in The Appin Murder. (1960). The
Annesley Case, retold in the Notable English Trials Series (a series that
later became Notable British Trials), supplied material for parts of three
novels."2 Another novelist who used these Trials was Nathaniel
It would be possible to compile an anthology of essays bearing upon the
law, beginning with Bacon's essay ''Of Judicature", and passing through
Selden's Table Talk, Lamb's "Old Benchers of the Inner Temple'",-"1
Bagehot's "Lord Brougham" M Hazlitt's portrait of Eldon,26 and several
by Maitland. to modern examples such as John Buchan's "The Judicial
Temperament" (in his Homilies and Recreations), Lord Justice
MacKinnon's Murder in the Temple (1935), Theo. Mathew's For
Lawyers and Others (1937) and Lord Macmilian's Law and Other
Things (1937). Lord Bingham's work. The Business of Judging (2000)
is-a series of witty and thoughtful essays by the Senior Law Lord who
has also been the Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chief Justice.
Some of the best legal essays are to be found in no other place than the
law reports, in the judgments of such men as Mansfield, Bowen,
Macnaghten and Sumner. The speech of Lord Macnaghten in Gluckstein
v. Barnes [19001 A.C. 240 at 255 is a brilliant example of pungent wft.
which was thought worth}' of inclusion in the Oxford Book of English
Prose; and Atkin L.J.'s judgment in Balfour v. Balf¬our [ 1919] 2 K.B.
571 also deserves honourable mention, as does the same judge's (by now
Lord Atkin) brave dissent in Liversidge v. Anderson [1946] 2 A.C. 206,
which is a speech that every student should read. The dissent of Fletcher
Moulton L.J. in the Court of Appeal in Scott v. Scott [1912] P. 262 is
quite astonishing for the quality of the prose in which it is couched.27
Mr Louis Blom-Cooper has published his own selections of best legal
wriling under the titles The Law as Literature (1961) and The Language
of the Law (1965), as has B. Harris, The Literature of the Law (1998),
who includes a number of very recent judgments in his selection.
Collections of anecdotes are usually poor things, but exceptions are Sir
Robert Megarry's Miscellany-at-Law (1955), and A Second Mis-cellany-
at-Law (1973), both including many specimens of judicial wit and
wisdom. The best book of humorous reminiscence comes from Ireland:
it is Maurice Healey's The Old Minister Circuit (1939, reprinted by
Wildy and Co. in 2001). Irish-born Sir James Comyn has produced a
series of anecdotal books, under such titles as Watching Brief (1993)
and Summing it Up (1991). W.S. Gilbert's libretto to Trial by Jury is a
joy to read: but then. Gilbert was by training a lawyer! The Complete
Forensic Fables by "O" (Sir Theobald Mathew] (reprinted by Wildy and
Co.. 1999; is well-known. Sir Alan Herbert's even more famous
Misleading Cases are collected together under the title Uncommon Law
(1935) with its sequels Cocld's Last Case (1952) and Bardot, M. P.'.'
(1964) reprinted as More Uncommon Law (1982). David Pannick's
books Judges (1987) and Advocates (1992) contain much that will
amuse, and Michael Gilbert's Oxford Book of Legal Anecdotes (1986)
also escapes the general condemna¬tion expressed at the beginning of
this section.
The number of legal references in Shakespeare has given rise to much
argument as to whether he might have been a trained lawyer. The thesis
in favour28 would be more attractive if the internal evidence had not
also been used to assign him to a number of other walks in life.
The bard play-writing in his room.
The bard a humble clerk.
The bard, a lawyer, parson, groom.
The bard, deer-stalking after dark.
The bard a tradesman—and a Jew—
The bard a botanist—a beak—
The bard a skilled musician, too—
A sheriff and a surgeon, eke!29
In fact, modern research has shown that there are as man)' references to
legal concepts among the lesser Elizabethan dramatists as in
Shakespeare, and that there is no reason to suppose that Shakespeare
possessed any unusual knowledge. Much the best discussion of the plays
from the legal point of view is G.W. Keeton. Shakespeare's Legal and
Political Background (1967). See also the very learned study by
Professor O. Hood Phillips, Shakespeare and the Lawyers (1972), and
Professor Ian Ward's Shakespeare and the Legal Imagination (1999). It
need hardly be added that, as an)' commentator will allow, the plays
themselves are worth a shelf-full of commentaries; commentaries are for
those who know the plays. There is endless-fascination in picking out
the legal allusions in Shakespeare without the help of commentaries.
Among later dramatists, three of Galsworthy's plays have a direct
interest for lawyers: The Silver Box, Justice and Loyalties, the last
involving a strict application of professional etiquette. A performance of
Justice was witnessed in 1911 by Mr. Winston Churchill, then Home
Secretary, and he was so moved by it that he made a long-overdue
reform in prison administration by drastically curtailing the period of
solitary confinement.3' It is of interest to note that Galsworthy was
called to the Bar in 1890; but he never practised. Terence Rattigan's
work. The Winslow Boy (the tale of a young boy falsely accused of
stealing at school) has recently enjoyed a renaissance as a film
(screenplay by David Mamet, and available on video). B. Clark's Whose
Life is it Anyway? is a moving depiction of a person forced to seek legal
permission to terminate his own life, which explores the legal and
ethical difficulties that surround that predicament.
Should your taste run to the cinema (and in some cases, the films below
are available on video or DVD), I can recommend 12 Angry Men (1957)
in which one juror gradually persuades the others to put aside prejudice
and their own preoccupations and consider the evidence against a young
coloured man charged with capital murder: incidentally, jurors in
England are forbidden under pain of contempt of court from revealing
the secrets of the jury room, but in his excellent book The Juryman's
Tale (1999) Trevor Grove skillfully skirts this law to tell of his
experiences as a juror at the Old Bailey. Other films regarded as classics
include Inherit the Wind (1960); Anatomy of a Murder (1959); To Kill a
Mockingbird (1962); Witness for the Prosecution (1957) (though I
suspect that some of the detail was legally inauthentic even when it was
first produced); A Civil Action (1998); Touch of Evil (1958); The
Crucible (1996). These are all essentially works of dramatic fiction.
Other works are based, to a greater or lesser extent, on factual events,
such as The Biko Inquest (1984). Let Him Have It (1991) is a recreation
of the trial of Craig and Bentley that took place in the 1950s, one of
whom (Bentley) was hanged for murder. He was eventually (1998)
given a posthumous pardon, and his conviction was quashed by the
Court of Appeal. But the law of complicity that underlies the original
verdict is probably still good law. Dance with a Stranger (1985) recounts
the ordeal of the last woman hanged in England, Ruth Ellis, whose plea
of provocation was rejected by the court on the basis of what I believe to
have been a misunderstanding of the law, namely that an intention to kill
is inconsistent with the plea of provocation. Public disquiet at her
treatment fuelled the anti-capital punishment movement leading to; the
abolition of the death penalty by the Homicide Act 1957. Judgment at
Nuremburg (1961) is not a full-scale account of the trials, but focuses on
one judge and one particular defendant. The Accused; (1988, starring
Jodie Foster) is based upon an event that occurred in America, in which
a young woman was raped in a public bar, in full view of the customers,
some of whom participated in the rape whilst others encouraged. It
affords a graphic illustration of the liability of onlookers for criminal
wrongdoing. If you are on the lookout for legal authenticity, as you
should be, you are advised to stay well clear of In the Name of the
Father (1993), which purports to be an account of the miscarriage of
justice suffered by the "Guildford Four", but which Marcel Berlins, legal
correspondent of The Guardian, has described as "the most ludicrous
and wildly inaccurate ever seen on a cinema screen".
Legal histories are generally outside the scope of this chapter, but three
are so clearly entitled to rank as literature that mention may be made of
them. They are Maine's Ancient Law (which should be read in Pollock's
edition), Maitland's Constitutional Histoty, and Holmes's The Common
Law. E.S. Turner, Roads to Ruin (1966) is an entertaining history of the
lamentations that greeted attempts to pass obvious reforms.
Lawyers and the Courts, by Brian Abel-Smith and Roben Stevens
(1967), covers the engrossing history of the legal profession to the year
1965, omitting none of our blemishes and indeed giving a general
picture of selfishness, chicanery and corruption. This and its companion
volume, In Search of Justice (1968), should diminish our professional
self-esteem. But the last work should not be read without the
counterblast from E.J. Cohn in his review in (1969) 32 M.L.R.336
Every lawyer will take delight in Sir Alan Herbert's The Ayes Have It
(1937)—an account of the passage of the Matrimonial Causes Act—and
The Point of Parliament (1946). If you feel that your knowledge of the
working of government is deficient, read E. Barendt's An Introduction to
Constitutional Law (1998) which is available in paperback. The
Constitution of the United Kingdom has altered with astonishing rapidity
of late, a process charted in J. Jowell and D. Oliver eds, The Changing
Constitution (4th ed., 2000). Anthony King's Does the United Kingdom
Still Have a Constitution? (2001) is a stimulating read, as is the work of
two very senior judges, Lord Nolan and Sir Stephen Sedley, The Making
and Remaking of the British Constitution (1997).
Selection becomes more difficult when one turns to the theoretical
treatment of the law. Much has been written on this, but not of a
character to appeal to the general reader. There is an annual series of
lectures, the "Hamlyn" Lectures, whose purpose is to introduce the lay
reader to selected aspects of English Law. Freedom, Law and Justice by
the Rt Hon. Lord Justice Sedley should be read by anybody who
supposes that the senior judiciary consists of those whose views are
entirely conservative and backward-looking. A simple and readable
account of juridical thinking is Lon L. Fuller's Anatomy of the Law
(Pelican). Judge Jerome Frank's Law and the Modern Mind (1930 but
reprinted 1951) is a pungent and provocative book, with which may be
coupled Thurman Arnold's The Folklore of Capitalism (1937). A classic
by a great American judge is Cardozo's Nature of the Judicial Process
(1921).31 All four of these books are American. Sir Carleton Allen's
Law in the Making (7th ed., 1964) and Julius Stone's Legal System and
Lawyers' Reasonings are heavier going, but ever}' lawyer should read
them. More introductory are J. Wald-ron's The Law (1990). A.W.B.
Simpson, An Invitation to Law (1988). Tony Honore, About Law: An
Introduction (1995), P. Atiyah, Law and Modern Society (2nd ed., 1995)
and Lloyd's Introduction to Jurisprudence (Sweet & Maxwell), the latest
edition of which was published in 2001.
From time to time judges and even Law Lords tell us that logic is not
compulsive in legal reasoning. In this they merely betray a lack of
understanding of what logic is. A good simple account is Anthony
Flew's Thinking about Thinking (Fontana, 1975). Other popular
expositions of practical logic are R.H. Thouless's Straight and Crooked
Thinking (1930, later published in paperback) and E.R. Emmet's The
Use of Reason (1960), Chap. 9.
Nineteenth-century Liberalism and economic laissez-faire have moulded
the outlook of lawyers more than they themselves realise. In their
application to constitutional law the classic is Dicey's Law of the
Constitution (10th ed. by E.C.S. Wade, 1961); on the wider aspects there
is the same writer's Law and Opinion in England during the Nineteenth
Century (reissued as a paperback in 1962). A continuation volume, Law
and Opinion in England in the 20th Century, was produced by a group
effort under the editorship of Morris Ginsberg in 1959. For some time, it
has been the fashion to decry Dicey's Rule of Law as well as Adam
Smith's economics: before finally subscribing to the current opinion the
student should read Professor Hayek's defence of these doctrines in his
book The Constitution of Liberty (1960), followed by his important
trilogy on law, Legislation and Liberty (-1973). This is an attack upon
Socialism, written by a distinguished economist but employing chiefly
political arguments which all can understand, whether they agree with
them or not. T.R.S. Allah's work has done much to restore the belief in
the importance of the rule of law, but his two books Law, Liberty and
Justice (1993) and Constitutional Justice: a Liberal Theory of the Rule of
Law (2001) are not particularly easy reading. Lord Robbins's powerful
dissent from Hayek can be read in his Politics and Econom¬ics (1963).
We must not leave the philosophy of Liberalism without mentioning J.S.
Mill's famous essay "On Liberty".32 This is not only a classic but one
that can still be read with keen enjoyment. H.L.A. Hart's Law, Liberty
and Morality is in the same tradition, but should be read in conjunction
with Patrick (Lord Devlin's) counterblast, The Enforcement of Morals.
Essential reading for the modern jurist must include Ronald Dworkin's
Taking Rights Seriously (1977); A Matter of Principle (1985); Law's
Empire (1986): Freedom's Law (1996).