Fish Id Guide
Fish Id Guide
Fish Id Guide
a fish identification guide
Mississippi’s freshwater lakes, rivers, creeks, and ponds are home to an amazingly diverse
fish community. Over 280 species swim in these waters, the vast majority of which are
native, with the remainder being introduced, transplanted, or estuarine or marine species
that commonly enter fresh water.
To help identify your catch, the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks
(MDWFP) provides this fish identification guide to 39 common species. Each species is
displayed in a photograph and has a description of their preferred habitat and food. Of
course, state records for each species are subject to change. For updated information on all
of our state record fish, visit
Our waters provide exciting fishing opportunities for anglers of all ages and experience.
With over 220,000 acres of water and 120,000 miles of streams, anglers have year-around
places to catch a fish. To find access near you, visit
The partnership between our anglers and boaters, state and federal fish and wildlife agen-
cies, and the fishing tackle manufacturing and boating industry is the backbone of Missis-
sippi’s fisheries and boating access programs. The continued operation of our State Fishing
Lakes, fish hatcheries, fish sampling, youth fishing rodeos, and boat ramp construction
projects is tied to the continued success of the Sport Fish Restoration Act. The best part is
these activities and programs are funded entirely by those who enjoy them, making for a
truly “user pays, everyone benefits” system. For more information about fishing licenses
and requirements, visit
The MDWFP is an equal opportunity employer and provider of programs and services. If anyone believes they
have been subjected to discrimination on the basis of political affiliation, race, color, national origin, marital sta-
tus, sex, religion, creed, age, or disability, they may file a complaint alleging discrimination with either the Missis-
sippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, Office of Administrative Services, P.O. Box 451, Jackson, MS
39205-0451, or the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1801 L. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20507
Table of Contents
Other Names including reservoirs, oxbow lakes, and rivers. Like other
White perch, Sac-a-lait, Slab, and Papermouth. members of the sunfish family, white crappie are nest
builders. They produce many eggs, which can cause
Description overpopulation, slow growth, and small sizes in small
White crappie are deep-bodied and silvery in color, lakes and ponds. White crappie spawn from March
ranging from silvery-white on the belly to a silvery-green through May when water temperatures are between
or dark green on the back with possible blue reflections. 58ºF and 65ºF. White crappie can tolerate muddier
There are several dark vertical bars on the sides. Males water than black crappie.
develop dark coloration on the throat and head during
the spring spawning season, which can cause them to be State Record
mistaken for black crappie. White crappie have five or The current state and world record white crappie was
six spines on the dorsal fin, whereas black crappie have caught by Fred Bright from Memphis, Tennessee in
seven or eight spines. White crappie typically weigh 1 1957 from Enid Lake; it weighed 5 pounds 3 ounces,
to 3 pounds, grow to 14 inches or more, and live up to and was 21 inches in length.
10 years.
Fishing Fact
Habits and Habitat Popular baits for white crappie include jigs, small crank
Adults feed on small fish and insects. Crappie prefer baits, and minnows. These fish are often found around
deep water near drop offs and areas of cover. White structures, such as logs, brush piles, and cypress trees.
crappie can be found in many different types of habitats,
Black Crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus)
Magnolia Crappie
Other Names
Blackstripe, Blacknose, Speck, Speckled perch.
The Magnolia crappie is spawned in a fish hatchery and
is a cross between a male black-striped black crappie
and a female white crappie. The eggs are subjected to
several thousand pounds of pressure resulting in the
formation of three sets of chromosomes. The fish are
sterile hybrids unable to reproduce.
State Record
The current state record Magnolia crappie was caught
by Tom Box from Lake Charlie Capps and weighed 3.46
Fishing Fact
Since the Magnolia crappie are sterile, triploid hybrids,
they are suitable for small lakes and ponds.
Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides)
Spotted Bass (Micropterus punctulatus)
Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu)
Redear Sunfish (Lepomis macrolophus)
Other Names discover the crushers they use to crunch up snail and
Chinquapin, Shellcracker, Stump knocker, Government clams shells. Because of their feeding habits, they are
bream, Cherry gill. usually larger than bluegill in the same waters. They
prefer clear quiet waters with abundant vegetation.
Description Spawning occurs in spring and early summer in water
Redear have an elongated body, small mouth, and temperatures near 70ºF. Redear normally only spawn
pointed snout. Redear are dark olive with yellow on their once each year, whereas bluegill may spawn multiple
sides and belly. These fish are identified by a distinctivetimes a year. Redear construct nests close together
red edge (in males) or orange edge (in females) on the when spawning.
gill cover (ear flap). The red margin on the “ear flap” is
where they get their name. Redear usually weigh less State Record
than 1 pound but can weigh over 4 pounds and reach Mississippi’s Rod and Reel record 3.33 pounds, caught
lengths of 14 inches. These fish usually live between five by James K. Martin at Tippah County Lake in 1991.
and six years but can live as long as nine years.
Fishing Fact
Habits and Habitat Fishing on the bottom using natural baits such as
Redear feed on the bottom for snails and clams as well earthworms and grubs is an effective way to fish for
as insects, insect larvae and crustaceans. Reach down redear. They are less likely to take artificial baits than
their mouth into their throat with your pinky and you’ll other sunfish.
Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)
Warmouth (Lepomis gulosus)
Other Names and slow moving vegetated streams. They are found
Bigmouth, Goggle eye, Indian fish, Warmouth bass, near stumps and heavily vegetated areas. They are more
Wide mouth, and Stump knocker. common in dark, acidic, “swampy” waters. Like other
sunfish, warmouth are nest spawners. Males build nests
Description in areas with heavy cover. Spawning takes place between
Warmouth are robust, blotchy sunfish with the upper May and August when water temperatures reach about
jaw extending back behind the pupil. The back of the 70ºF. Many anglers consider the warmouth a popular
warmouth is a dark brown color that will sometimes sport fish. These fish do not appear to overpopulate
have a hint of olive. The sides have vertically striped small waters and do not show signs of stunted growth
bars displaying specks of gold or green; colors are as other sunfish do.
more intense during the breeding season. The belly is a
combination of white, yellow, and orange. Warmouth State Record
can grow up to 11 inches in length. They usually weigh Mississippi’s Rod and Reel record is 1 pound 8 ounces
less than a pound, but can grow larger. caught by Lillian Morris in Black Creek in 1979.
Green Sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus)
Other Names and ponds. Small green sunfish often swim from lakes
Goggle eye, Pool perch, Green perch, and Pond perch. and streams up very shallow, running water after heavy
spring rains to colonize new waters, often showing up
Description in new ponds, giving the impression they were “rained
Green sunfish are shallow-bodied sunfish with a fairly in” or “came in on bird feet”. They may establish a
large mouth. Their back is brownish gray to olive, population early in new ponds and may eat stocked bass
the sides are a lighter green or slate with light blue or and bluegill fingerlings. Green sunfish are often caught
emerald flecks, and the undersides of the head and fishing for other sunfish, but are usually too small to be
body are bright yellow or yellow-orange. Their cheek of much interest.
is marbled with iridescent blue-green markings. Their
average length is 4 inches and they range between 2 to State Record
8 inches in length. The state record is 1.26 pounds, caught by Craig Jones
in 1986.
Habits and Habitat
Green sunfish are able to tolerate a wide range of Fishing Fact
environmental conditions and are found in streams, Green sunfish are commonly used as live bait on
oxbow lakes, reservoirs, and ponds. Green sunfish trotlines, set hooks, and jugs for catfish. Hybrids
nest in shallow water colonies where nests are often between a female green sunfish and a male bluegill
closely packed. Spawning occurs in late spring, when (“hybrid bream”) often are stocked in small ponds as
water temperatures rise above 70°F, and may continue a put-and-take fishery. These hybrids may be fertile,
throughout the summer. Adults feed on insects and despite claims to the contrary, and will back-cross to
small fish. Because of their enormous spawning less desirable hybrids in a few years.
potential, green sunfish often overpopulate small lakes
Longear Sunfish (Lepomis megalotis)
Other Names main food source are insects and small fish. Spawning
Creek perch, Red belly, Big-eared sunfish, Tobacco box, takes place in shallow waters in a period ranging from
and Pumpkinseed. the later portion of spring into the early portion of
summer. Longear are nest spawners with nests located
Description close together.
The top portion of the longear’s body ranges from brown
to olive green. Fins are also an olive green color with State Record
traces of orange and red. Longear sunfish have a red Mississippi’s Rod and Reel record is 0.21 pounds, caught
belly and breast area and blue stripes. Additional colored by Patton Guest in Fresh Water Lake in 2009.
markings are seen on the body. Longear sunfish have a
long gill flap, which is black and edged in white. The Fishing Fact
colors in males will be more brilliant during breeding Longears are usually caught fishing for other sunfish,
and are one of our most beautiful fish. Longear sunfish but most are too small to be of much interest. The
are normally small but can reach lengths of 7 inches. largest longears are found in fertile Delta oxbows. Small
These fish can live up to 6 years. poppers and many different types of bait like crickets
can be used to catch longear.
Habits and Habitat
These fish normally inhabit small streams and creeks
but are also found in reservoirs and oxbow lakes. Their
White Bass (Morone chrysops)
Other Names popular sport fish, can be found in the Mississippi River
Sand bass, Barfish, Stripe, Silver bass, and Striped bass.and oxbow lakes along the river. White bass are native
to large rivers but are also found in reservoirs. They
Description typically move upstream into rivers and streams when
White bass are deep bodied with an arched back and a spawning. Water temperature for spawning is between
lower jaw that projects further than the top jaw. White 62ºF and 68ºF (usually between March and May). Prior
bass are often confused with small striped bass. The to spawning, white bass form large schools and migrate
white bass is a bluish gray on the back with white in the upstream.
belly area, and both of the silvery sides have between
four and seven dark lateral stripes. These fish usually State Record
weigh between 1 and 3 pounds but can reach weights of Mississippi’s Rod and Reel record for the white bass is
7 pounds. White bass typically do not live more than 5 5 pounds 6 ounces, caught by William Mulvhill in the
years. Grenada Reservoir Spillway in 1979.
Striped Bass (Morone saxatilis)
Hybrid Striped Bass (Morone saxitillis X Morone chrysops)
Yellow Bass (Morone mississippiensis)
Other Names These fish mostly live in oxbow lakes and rivers, and are
Rockfish, Streaker, and Yellow belly. also found in areas with abundant aquatic vegetation.
Spawning takes place in April and May in shallow water
Description when water temperatures are between 60ºF and 70ºF.
Yellow bass are laterally compressed, deep bodied fish They tend to overpopulate and stunt in smaller lakes
displaying dark stripes on the sides. These lateral stripes and ponds.
are similar to the white bass, but the stripes on the yellow
bass are darker and broken above the anal fin. Yellow State Record
bass can also be distinguished from white bass by the The Mississippi Rod and Reel record for the yellow bass
absence of a tooth patch on the tongue. Its yellowish is 1.76 pounds and was caught by J. Hopper in 2010 in
sides are the main reason for its name, even though the Pickwick Lake.
sides display dark brown or black lines. These fish can
grow over 2 pounds, but yellow bass are usually small, Fishing Fact
which reduces its popularity as a game fish. Use lures and baits that resemble small insects,
minnows, small shad, small Sunfish, insects and insect
Habits and Habitat larvae. However, minnows are the best bait to use on
The diet of Yellow Bass consists of other fish and insects yellow bass, though they are very effective at catching
and may include shrimp and crabs in coastal areas. other fish as well.
Walleye (Sander vitreus)
Chain/Redfin Pickerel (Esox spp.)
Other Names and streams but prefer lakes with abundant aquatic
Green pike, Duckbilled pike, Black pike, and Jack fish. vegetation. Pickerel spawn in vegetation as the sticky
eggs attach themselves to the plants. Spawning takes place
Description in late winter or early spring when water temperatures
These fish are long and slender with a long mouth and are between about 39ºF and 59ºF. Unlike some species
well-developed teeth. Pickerel have dark brown or pickerel do not guard the eggs after spawning.
green chainlike marks on the sides with a dark back.
The snout is dark, and fins have a dusky coloring to State Record
them. Pickerel can weigh 2 to 10 pounds and can reach The Mississippi Rod and Reel record for Chain Pickerel
lengths of up to 31 inches. They can live up to 9 years in weighs 6.25 pounds was caught in Bay Springs Lake by
the wild with females growing faster and living longer R. Boren in 1986.
than males.
Fishing Fact
Habits and Habitat Pickerel are often caught by anglers using the same
Adults feed mostly on crayfish and small fish like shad, artificial lures offered to largemouth bass.
sunfishes, and shiners. They feed mostly in the early
morning and late evening. They live in clear lakes
Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus)
Flathead Catfish (Pylodictis olivaris)
Black Bullhead (Ameiurus melas)
Other Names varies starting from early spring lasting through the
Small bullhead, Mudcat, Smoothie and Polliwog. summer when water temperatures are 68ºF to about
72ºF. Unlike other fish, the female usually constructs
Description the nests and will guard it first before the male, and
Black bullheads are full-bodied fish having small eyes continues to guard it after spawning takes place. Like
and dark chin barbels. The upper jaw protrudes past the green sunfish, bullheads often colonize new ponds from
lower jaw. A mixture of black, yellow, and brown color existing water bodies and overpopulate and compete
the upper sides and back of these fish while the belly is with bass and bream.
a white color. These fish can reach lengths of over 20
inches and reach weights of 7 pounds or more, though State Record
most fish average less than a pound in weight. Mississippi’s Rod and Reel record is 5.56 pounds, caught
by Harold Alexander in Sunrise Lake in 1988.
Habits and Habitat
Adult black bullheads are bottom feeders, preying Fishing Fact
mostly on crayfish, aquatic insects, and fish. Black Black bullheads are generally not sought after by
bullheads are found in streams, deep pools, and oxbow Mississippi anglers due to their small size, but these
lakes. They are also found in reservoirs but do better in fish can be caught with worms or other natural bait in
smaller water areas. Spawning for the black bullhead streams or small ponds.
Yellow Bullhead (Ameiurus natalis)
Other Names commonly seen in oxbow lakes. These fish prefer clear,
Mudcat, Butter ball, Butter cat, Smoothie, Polliwog, heavily vegetated water. Spawning begins in spring and
Paper skin, and White whisker bullhead. continues through early summer. Both the male and
female will construct the nest with their fins and shovel
Description material out of the next with their snout. Rocks are also
Yellow bullheads are moderately robust fish having a removed with the mouth, and both fish will sit on the
rounded or square caudal fin. The chin area is white, nest facing opposite directions.
including the barbels on the chin. The back and sides
of yellow bullheads are usually yellow to yellow-brown State Record
in color as their name implies. Compared to the brown The Mississippi State Rod and Reel record is 2 pounds
bullhead and the black bullhead, the yellow bullhead 13 ounces, caught by Robert Cason in Mossy Lake in
is usually smaller. These fish can reach weights up to 1974.
6 pounds, but most fish are less than a pound. Yellow
bullheads live up to 6 years. Fishing Fact
Yellow bullheads are usually caught on baits intended
Habits and Habitat for bream or catfish. They are generally considered
Yellow bullheads feed on crayfish, grass shrimp, worms, undesirable to anglers due to their small size, which
aquatic insects, beetles, and fish. Yellow bullheads results from their tendency to overpopulate.
can be found in streams, rivers, and ponds and are
Shortnose Gar (Lepisosteus platostomus)
Other Names shortnose gar prefers quiet back waters of large rivers
Billy gar, Short-billed gar, Stub-nose gar, Duckbilled and oxbow lakes. Shortnose gar spawn in the spring
gar, or Broadnose gar. and early summer (April through June) or when
temperatures are between 66ºF and 74ºF in vegetated
Description shallow water. Shortnose gar eggs, like other gar eggs,
Shortnose gar have elongated bodies with a short, broad are poisonous.
snout and spots on the tail. The underside is lightly
colored with the sides and back of the fish having an State Record
olive green color. Shortnose gar may be distinguished Mississippi’s Rod and Reel record for the shortnose is
from other gar species in that they lack the double row 5.83 pounds, caught by Robert Mills in Enid spillway
of teeth in the upper jaw of the alligator gar, the long in 1999.
snout of the longnose gar, and the spots of the spotted
gar. Shortnose gar are smaller than other gar species Fishing Fact
in Mississippi, and rarely exceed a length of 3 feet or Shortnose gar may be captured by entangling the teeth
5 pounds in weight. These are the smallest of the four in nylon threads or by bowfishing. They are rarely
different gar species, reaching lengths of 2 to 4 feet. fished for intentionally, but are caught accidentally on
baits and lures intended for other fish.
Habits and Habitat
Adults feed primarily on other fish, but also eat insect
larvae and small crawfish, shrimp, and crabs. The
Spotted Gar (Lepisosteus oculatus)
Other Names while staying in deeper water during the day. Spotted
Bill fish, Garfish, and Shortnose gar. gar prefer slow, clear waters of rivers and lakes and will
spawn in shallow water with heavy vegetation and little
Description water flow. Spawning season lasts from April to May.
Spotted gar have elongated bodies with a long, broad
snout and spots on the head, fins, and body. This gar is State Record
a whitish color underneath and olive green on the sides The Mississippi Rod and Reel record for the spotted
and the back. Spotted gar normally weigh between gar is 8.1 pounds, caught by Chuck Herring at the Enid
1 and 5 pounds, but can reach weights of 20 pounds. Lake spillway in 2012.
Spotted gar can reach lengths of over 3 feet. The spotted
gar can live up to 18 years. Fishing Fact
Spotted gar may be captured by entangling the teeth in
Habits and Habitat nylon threads or by bowfishing. They are rarely fished
Adults feed on insect larvae and small crustaceans, but for intentionally, but are caught accidentally on baits
mostly fish. Spotted gar feed in shallow water at night and lures intended for other fish.
Longnose Gar (Lepisosteus osseus)
Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula)
Other Names typically inhabit large river systems, but can also be
Mississippi alligator gar, Great gar, Gator, and Gator gar. found in oxbow lakes, bayous, and estuaries. Alligator
gar have declined precipitously throughout much of
Description their former range and are most common in south
The name reflects the shape of the alligator gar’s head Mississippi.
which resembles an alligator. Alligator gar have a short,
broad snout, and the upper jaw has two rows of large State Record
teeth. These fish have a cylindrical body that is olive- In 2011, the new trophy record alligator gar was caught
brown on the back and on the sides. The belly is lighter with bow and arrow; this gar weighed 234 pounds. In
in color, and dark spots are seen on the fins. The alligator the same year, a commercial fisherman in Lake Chotard
gar is the largest of the gar species. Alligator gar can caught a 327 pound alligator gar in his gill net. It
reach over 9 feet in length and weigh over 300 pounds. measured 8 feet 5 ½ inches long. Mississippi’s Rod and
Reel record is 215 pounds, caught by Earl Stafford in the
Habits and Habitat Mississippi River near Natchez in 2003.
Fish are the main component of the alligator gar’s diet.
Alligator gar may also eat ducks and cormorants. Gar in Fishing Fact
brackish water near the coast prey on blue crabs, mullet, Alligator gar are sometimes targeted on rod-and-reel
and other fish. Spawning occurs in late spring, in and by folks after a true trophy. These fish pull hard, jump
around dense areas of aquatic vegetation. Alligator gar often, and fight all the way to the boat and in it!
Paddlefish (Ploydon spathula)
Bowfin (Amia calva)
Other Names migrate into shallower areas and usually feed at night.
Grinnel, Dog fish, Choupique, Cypress trout, Cypress They spawn in the spring when water temperatures
bass, and Mud fish. are between 64ºF and 78ºF. Males build bowl shaped
nests, which are constructed in shallow, weedy areas.
Description Bowfin are extremely tolerant of poor water quality and
Bowfin have a flattened head with sharp teeth and a can survive in very poor habitats due to their ability to
long, stout body with a long, distinctive dorsal fin. Their breathe air with their swim bladder.
swim bladder, which extends the entire length of the
body, is used as a lung. These fish surface to exhale and State Record
inhale air, replenishing the air in their swimbladder. A Mississippi’s Rod and Reel record is 18 pounds 14
distinctive black spot bordered by orange or yellow is ounces, caught by B. H. Toney at Ross Barnett Reservoir
located just in front of the caudal fin on young bowfin in 1978.
and on most adult males. The back and sides are mottled
olive green turning to a lighter green or a whitish color Fishing Fact
on the belly. All the fins are light green except for Bowfin flesh is of poor quality and is rarely eaten.
the dorsal and caudal fins, which are dark green. The Bowfin eggs, however, are edible and sold worldwide as
green color of males is heightened during the spawning a less expensive substitute for sturgeon caviar. Bowfin
season. Bowfin usually reach weights of 1 to 3 pounds are considered by many anglers to be one of the most
but can weigh over 20 pounds. Bowfin can grow to 25 aggressive fish to hook while fishing. Baits used for
inches in length and live up to 10 years. catching bowfin include nightcrawlers, minnows, frogs,
crayfish, and artificial baits. Bowfin are often confused
Habits and Habitat with the exotic snakehead fish. Bowfin have a small
Bowfin prefer shallow oxbow lakes, sluggish rivers, anal fin located on the belly, but snakeheads have a
and swamps and feed primarily on fish. They also distinctive anal fin that is very long and similar to the
eat crayfish, grass shrimp, frogs, and insects. Bowfin dorsal fin.
Freshwater Drum (Aplodinotus grunniens)
Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Other Names portions of Europe and Asia. They were first introduced
German carp, European carp, Buglemouth bass, or into North America in the late 1880s. Spawning
Carp. occurs in shallow, weedy areas in the spring with water
temperatures between 62ºF and 76ºF. Though common
Description carp have historically been considered a nuisance, a
Common carp are heavy-bodied minnows with barbels growing number of anglers in the United States have
on either side of the upper jaw. Typically, they are developed an interest in carp as a sportfish.
orange, but their color varies from olive green, brassy
green or yellow, golden brown, or even gray on top with State Record
yellowish-white on the belly. Carp measuring 12 to The Mississippi Rod and Reel record is 74 pounds,
25 inches in length and weighing 5 to 25 pounds are caught in 1963 at Pelahatchie Lake by Curtis Wade. This
common. Common carp can weigh over 75 pounds is also the largest carp caught on hook and line in the
and reach lengths of 48 inches. Carp may also live in U.S.
excess of 47 years in ponds. In the wild, their lifespan
usually does not exceed 20 years. Fishing Fact
Carp can be caught using a variety of baits from pet food
Habits and Habitat to dough-balls and canned corn. Carp are very finicky,
Carp feed on the bottom for plant and animal material. hard-to-fool fish that put up a strong fight. Carp are
Carp live in a variety of habitats from deep streams also targeted by bowfishers.
to marshes. Common carp are native to temperate
Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus)
Smallmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus)
Gizzard Shad (Dorosoma cepedianum)
Threadfin Shad (Dorosoma petenense)
Other Names reach approximately 70°F, and may continue into the
Yellowfin shad, Yellowtail, and Shad. summer. Spawning occurs from dawn to shortly after
sunrise and the eggs are released near brush, vegetation
Description or logs where they sink to the bottom and attach to
Threadfin shad are similar to gizzard shad. They have plants and other objects. Natural hybrids with gizzard
a silver-blue back that changes to nearly white on their shad are not uncommon.
sides and belly. All fins have a yellow tint, except the
dorsal fin. A black oval or round spot is located behind State Record
the head. Adults are considerably smaller than gizzard No record exists at this time.
shad adults, rarely exceeding 7 inches in length.
Fishing Fact
Habits and Habitat Because of their smaller size, threadfin shad are often
Threadfin shad are abundant in most of Mississippi’s stocked as supplemental forage for gamefish. Threadfin
rivers, streams, lakes, and reservoirs. They filter feed shad cannot survive water temperatures below 40ºF to
heavily on suitably sized plant and animal material with 45°F. Winter die-offs, especially in shallow lakes and
phytoplankton and algae making up most of the diet. reservoirs, are common.
Spawning begins in late spring when water temperatures
Shovelnose Sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus)
American Eel (Anguilla rostrata)
Other Names under rocks during the day, and venture out only at
Freshwater eel, glass eel, river eel. night to feed. They feed on animal matter such as fish,
crayfish, and insects.
American eel have a slender, snakelike body with very State Record
small scales. A long dorsal fin extends more than two- The state record of 5.06 pounds was caught in the
thirds of the body length and is continuous with the Mississippi River by Mitch McClendon in 1994.
tail; pelvic fins are absent. There are numerous small,
sharp teeth in the jaws. Their back may be olive-green Fishing Fact
to brown, shading to greenish-yellow on the sides, American eels spend most of their lives in freshwater;
and light gray or white on the belly. American eels in however, at some point, adults travel toward the
Mississippi range from 10 to 29 inches in length and Sargasso Sea, a tropical area northeast of Cuba, to
weigh 0.5 pounds. spawn. Spawning occurs during the winter. Eels are
usually caught by anglers fishing for something else.
Habits and Habitat They are very slimy and difficult to handle.
The American eel is widespread throughout Mississippi
and occur in a variety of habitats. They tend to hide
Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella)
Bighead Carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)
Silver Carp (Hypophthalmichthys molotrix)