Literature 10 - Practice Sheet - 10th Board Booster 2.0 2024
Literature 10 - Practice Sheet - 10th Board Booster 2.0 2024
Literature 10 - Practice Sheet - 10th Board Booster 2.0 2024
0 2024
12. What do you learn from the poem ‘Amanda’? 15. Comment, in detail, on the significance of the closing
phrase of the poem- “moves on”.
13. The poem ‘Trees’ appears to be about trees,
environment, deforestation and afforestation. On a
deeper level we discover that Adrienne Rich is
expressing her concern about women and their
emancipation. Elaborate with reference to the poem.
[CBSE Q B, 2020-21]
1. (a) Amanda’s mother is scolding her.
(b) it will cause acne. 7. (a) The word is ‘scarcely.’
(c) she is displeased with her. (b) She was writing long letters.
(d) The word in the passage that refers to (c) The trees are inside the house in the poem.
‘memorize’ is remember. (d) Veranda means a platform with an open front
built on the ground floor of a home.
2. (a) Silence is shown golden using the poetic device
metaphor. By making silence golden the poet is 8. Amanda’s desires herself to be an orphan as she
estimating the worth of silence. For Amanda wants to live a life of her own without any
seeks peace and calmness, which is absent in her disturbance. She feels troubled by her parents.
real life.
(b) The synonym of ‘roaming’ is ‘wandering.’ 9. In the poem, the poet compares the ‘trees’ to ‘newly
(c) Amanda is again taking refuge in her discharged patients’.
imagination. Here, she wishes to be an orphan, Firstly, the trees were enslaved inside the house like
away from her nagging parents. Amanda wants patients in the hospital. Secondly, the trees were
to roam aimlessly in streets and draw patterns exerted like patients, due to the effort that they had
using just her bare feet. to put in order to be freed from the house.
(d) The poet uses metaphors such as ‘orphan’,
‘silence is golden’, and ‘freedom is sweet’. 10. Every part of the confined trees rises in revolt and
struggles hard to free itself. The roots and leaves
3. (a) Amanda is not sulking. She just doesn’t care struggle to come out of the glass. Small twigs
about instructions given to her as she is lost in a become hard due to over work and the long-cramped
world of her own. boughs are trying to break open the roof. So ‘moving
(b) The whole poem revolves around the aspect of out’ is tedious for trees.
how one is presented in a society. Speaker
doesn’t wish to be regarded as a nagging parent 11. Amanda is a nine to ten years old school going girl.
in the society, so Amanda is expected to put up a This fact is known because her parents are trying to
happy face all the time. inculcate good habits in her, but she is very innocent
(c) ‘Moody’ means the same as unstable. and immature.
(d) ‘Alliteration’ has been used in the first line;
words ‘stop and ‘sulking’ start with the same 12. The poem ‘Amanda’ teaches us that children tend to
sound. learn bad habits. Any child can not be taught good
lessons of life in one day. It is natural for a child like
4. (a) The whispers will be silent because the trees will Amanda to seek freedom. Parents who are judging
move outside to the forest. their children every time would do more harm than
(b) The trees are stumbling because they hurry to good. She is corrected every time by her parents. As
move outside after breaking the glass. a result, we witness the miserable failure of parents
(c) The word is ‘Silent’. when Amanda wishes to be an orphan so that she
(d) Simile has been used using ‘like’ for could be free.
13. In her poem ‘The Tree’ poetess Adrienne Rich subtly
5. (a) Little cat feet here represent the silent and careful drives home the message about the importance of
steps of a cat. The way fog comes, resembles the trees. Without trees, the birds would have no place to
steps of a cat. sit, insects would have no place to hide and the sun
(b) Haunches mean hips. would not bury its feet in shadow. The trees do not
(c) The fog looks over the harbour and the city by look attractive indoors. The poetess hereby
sitting on its haunches like a cat. emphasizes that trees need to be kept alive, but
(d) Metaphor is used here. should not be ‘imprisoned’ inside the house as they
look more beautiful and tend to thrive outdoors that
6. (a) The roots work all night so that they can free is where trees belong.
themselves from the walls put around them by On the deeper level, we discover that Adrienne Rich
humans. her concern about women and their emancipation.
(b) The twigs get stiff due to the pressure they apply The liberation of the crushed women is based on the
on the glasses. same theme. In a male-dominated society, women
(c) The word is ‘disengage’. are struggling to come out of the clutches of men to
(d) ‘Simile’ has been used here using ‘like’ for gain freedom. The victorious march of the trees gives
comparison in the line ‘Long-cramped boughs a message of hope that mature can’t be tamed or
shuffling under the roof like newly discharged subdued by the onslaughts and arrogance of man.
14. The poem ‘Fog’ describes the advancement of fog 15. The fog comes hovering and stays for a little period
toward the city and harbour. He says the fog comes of time over the city like a cat that comes silently and
like a cat comes on its little feet. This means the fog sits on its haunches for a short period of time. Like a
advances towards the city very slowly and calmly stalking cat, fog moves on. It disappears silently
just like a cat. It enters our home in an unpredictable unnoticed as the cat is not to be found at the same
manner. place.
Similarly, the zigzag movement of the flowing river The poet highlights the temporariness or the transient
can be compared to the zigzag movement of a snake. nature of the naturally happening fog. It is not there
Just like the river water never flows in a straight to stay for long as it moves to further destinations.
manner in the same way the snake can never walk
straight. Its movement is graceful and beautiful.
Many poets have described the wavy motion of the
snake with that of the wavy water.
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