Brooks Quimby Debate Council Resignation Letter
Brooks Quimby Debate Council Resignation Letter
Brooks Quimby Debate Council Resignation Letter
our elected responsibility to maintain the operations and integrity of this Debate Council. In the
fulfillment of this responsibility over the past year, we have found that the current Director of Debate,
Professor Sammi Rippetoe, is actively obstructing the team’s ability to maintain an inclusive culture and
compete. No previous members of the BQDC have attended practice this semester and we believe that the
current situation is unsustainable. Thus, we have sought to produce this letter to express our concerns in
As the BQDC, we have made great strides in recent years to create a positive team culture that
welcomes any Bates student interested in joining. Throughout post-covid reconstruction, many measures
have been taken to strive for inclusivity, diversity, and respect.
The BQDC prides itself on being welcoming to everyone. Over the course of the previous semester,
however, the Director of Debate has not acted according to these standards nor those outlined in Bates’
Equity & Inclusion Policy. We have observed and overheard many instances of harmful, disparaging, or
discriminatory actions and have felt their effects:
● Reading personal emails from other members of the BQDC and students in her classes to senior
members of the team, gossiping about them, and referring to the students as “cringe” and
● Telling members of the team that she wished other students would drop out of the BQDC or her
classes without any legitimate concerns.
● Fostering a toxic culture among first years by publically making demeaning comments about
them. For example, by referring to a novice debater as “gross” to another novice debater.
● Making disparaging remarks about the body odor of a South Asian debater to the rest of the team
when they left the room.
● Mishandling conversations surrounding equity complaints and creating an uncomfortable and
unprofessional environment for relevant parties.
● Forcing students to justify her selection decisions to other students and share personal information
that would not have been comfortable sharing otherwise.
In the past, the BQDC competed in both American Parliamentary Debate and British
Parliamentary Debate with the Director of Debate and BQDC student president jointly determining which
debaters to send to tournaments with limited availability based on clear criteria such as interest,
competitive success, and previous experience. This year, the new Director of Debate made important
decisions arbitrarily without input from the team.
● Rejecting the use of external trials and choosing which students to send to Oxford and Worlds
based on vague criteria. This includes selecting and rejecting certain students without ever
watching some of them debate or being involved in the coaching process.
● Spending a disproportionate amount of the teams’ budget by booking a 6 day trip to Oxford for a
2 day tournament and bringing her husband using BQDC funds who did not coach or judge.
Tickets were booked for 6 days without student input and professors' concerns about missed
classes were dismissed. Neither the director nor her husband were present at the tournament other
than the opening announcements and the end of one round.
● Incorrectly telling students traveling to Worlds that they did not need to apply for Visas to enter
● Canceling the team’s 50 year history of participating in American Parliamentary Debate (APDA)
in the middle of the season without soliciting any student input, despite high participation.
● Significantly curtailing the teams participation in all student run tournaments (such as Harvard,
Yale, Princeton, Oxford, and Worlds) and refocusing the team to competing in the YAATLY
Online Debate League, a comparatively less competitive and less prestigious online division.
● Failing to fulfill her other coaching duties, including staying in her office for the majority of
team practices or judging very few internal practice rounds for the entirety of the fall semester.
● Failing to fulfill her own guarantee to meet with the board and individual students about the
upcoming semester despite promising to do so several times and refusing to respond to emails
regarding such meetings.
Despite the best efforts of the team to (re-) establish a working relationship with the Director of
Debate through the Rhetoric Department and members of the administration, no progress has been made.
Instead, in a meeting held with the Rhetorics department and some members of the board, the team’s
concerns were repeatedly dismissed with comments such as “is your issue with Sammi or with the fact
you have less power than last year?” and asking students to define the word “respect.” Due to later
conversations, we believe the contents of this meeting were disclosed to the Director of Debate despite its
confidential nature.
We have exhausted each and every option afforded to us by the existing Brooks Quimby Debate
Council structure to raise and address these objections. The former president and another member have
already resigned. We see no possible alternative besides to follow them and also resign from the team
with immediate effect. We call upon Bates to listen to its students, resolve this situation, and enforce its
own equity and inclusion policies so BQDC can remain a home for future generations of debaters.