Torre de Enfriamiento
Torre de Enfriamiento
Torre de Enfriamiento
Engineering Data
Schematic 6
Concrete Basin 7
Support 8
Inlet Piping 9
Specifications / Base
Base 10
Thermal Performance 11
Construction 12
Fan Deck and Fan Cylinder 13
Mechanical Equipment 14
Fill 15
Drift Eliminators 15
Hot Water Distribution System 16
Casing and Louvers 16
Access and Safety 16
Cold Water Basin 17
Scope of Work 17
Specifications / Options
Control Options
Control System 18
Basin Heater 19
Variable Speed Drive 19
Vibration Limit Switch 20
Miscellaneous Options
Wood Cold Water Basin 22
PVC Fill Splash Bars 22
Redwood Components 22
Hot Water Basin Covers 23
Air Inlet Screens 23
Watertight Partitions Between Cells 23
FRP Louvers 23
Low Noise Tower 24
Fire Safety Options 24
Series 15 Cooling Tower 4
Since 1922 customers have trusted the Marley brand n Fill and Fan Combinations are mutually
for high quality, dependable products. The principle supportive for maximum thermal performance in
reason for this reputation is our recognition that system configuration.
each component of a cooling tower must perform n Nozzles and Water Distribution systems provide
at its peak—and all work compatibly toward overall uniform fill coverage without excessive contribution
efficiency. to air pressure losses.
n The Geareducer® provides consistently optimum
Accordingly, each performance-related component of fan speeds, and operates reliably in a saturated air/
a Marley cooling tower is designed and manufactured vapor mixture of corrosive nature.
in the context of the overall cooling tower system. n Fan Motors are designed to Marley specifications
for extra demands of cooling tower duty. Motors
n Fan Design is optimized for the static pressure are insulated with extra protection from moisture.
imposition and airflow requirements of the tower.
n Driveshafts are designed to absorb operational
n Fan Cylinders and their associated eased inlets, shock loads, thereby increasing the service life of
augment fan operation. these critical components.
n Lower operating costs. Adjustable pitch fans with n Single-source parts availability. All tower
true airfoil blades and 98% efficient Geareducer components except the electric motors are
drive assure maximum utilization of applied fan designed, manufactured, guaranteed, and
power. Computer optimized fill configurations and stocked by Marley. You always know who to call
low pressure-drop drift eliminators afford maximum for any parts you need. You're also assured that
cooling with minimum power input. Gravity all components of the cooling tower will work
flow water distribution minimizes pump power together, because they were designed to work
requirements. together!
n Lower maintenance costs. Heavy-duty aluminum n Flexible Cooling Capacity. Twenty-four tower
alloy fans, cast-iron Geareducers, and stainless models with capacities to 6720 gpm per fan cell,
steel driveshafts require only periodic maintenance. provide the flexibility to fit almost any job. Greater
Low-maintenance materials are used throughout capacity is available with multiple fan-cells.
the cooling tower. Wide-spaced splash-fill helps n Extremely Low Drift. XCEL® TU drift eliminators
prevent clogging. The fill area is readily accessible really get rid of the costly nuisance of drift spotting
for cleaning. on objects around the tower. The corrosion
n Five-year drivetrain warranty. What other resistance of PVC assures you that you’ll probably
manufacturer will guarantee your tower's never have to replace eliminators for the life of the
mechanical equipment for five full years? You'll tower.
save valuable equipment maintenance dollars. n Longer Service Life. Pressure-treated Douglas
n Proven Performance. SPX Cooling Technologies fir structure and splash-fill bars, FRP fill support
stands by its responsibility for reliable thermal grids, PVC drift eliminators, and all other tower
performance. We designed it. We rate it. We components are designed for years of service.
guarantee it!
Series 15 Cooling Tower 5
The Series 15 is a field-erected, splash fill, crossflow, which will not only accomplish the specified thermal
wood cooling tower, designed to serve all normal performance, but which will include normal operation
cooling water systems—as well as those “dirty water” and maintenance-enhancing accessories and features.
systems which would place the long term operation It will also incorporate those standard materials which
of a film fill tower in jeopardy. The Series 15 is testing and experience has proven to provide best
evolved from the crossflow concept of cooling towers results in normal operating conditions.
pioneered by Marley in 1938, incorporating over 70 Pages 18 through 25 provide some paragraphs
years of design advancements that our customers intended to add those features, components, and
have found valuable. The Series 15 represents the materials that will customize the tower to meet the
current state of the art in this cooling tower category. user's requirements.
This publication not only relates the language to Space does not permit definition and explanation of
use in describing an appropriate Series 15 cooling all of the possible options that can be applied to the
tower—but also defines why certain items and features Series 15. We realize that you, the purchaser, must
are important enough to specify with the intention of be happy with the tower‘s characteristics, and we are
insisting upon compliance by all bidders. The left hand prepared to provide—or provide for—any reasonable
column of pages 10 through 25 provides appropriate enhancement that you are willing to define and
text for the various specification paragraphs, whereas purchase.
the right hand column comments on the meaning of
Your needs will become part of the continuing
the subject matter and explains its value.
evolution of this Marley product line.
Pages 10 through 17 indicate those paragraphs
which will result in the purchase of a cooling tower
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Engineering Data: Schematic 6
The cooling tower must be located at such distance and direction
to avoid the possibility of contaminated tower discharge air
being drawn into building fresh air intake ducts. The purchaser
should obtain the services of a Licensed Professional Engineer or
Registered Architect to certify that the location of the tower is in
compliance with applicable air pollution, fire, and clean air codes.
18' 6"
3" 6 1/4"
Tower Model gpm
Note 1 per cell
L W Fan Diameter
451-201 201-2400 12'-0" 25'-0" 120"
452-201 270-3200 16'-0" 27'-0" 144"
453-201 340-4000 20'-0" 29'-0" 168"
454-201 410-4800 24'-0" 29'-0" 168"
456-201 285-3360 12'-0" 29'-0" 120"
457-201 380-4480 16'-0" 31'-0" 144"
458-201 475-5600 20'-0" 33'-0" 168"
459-201 570-6720 24'-0" 33'-0" 168"
4 A
ll tower installations require a minimum of 4'-0" from the tower
1 T he last number of the model indicates number of cells. Change as
endwall to any vertical obstruction at the tower ladder location.
appropriate for your selection. 5 U
se this bulletin for preliminary layouts only. Do not use for
2 Overall length of the tower is: fan cells × L + 6. Primary engineering construction. Obtain current drawings from your Marley sales
data is per cell. representative.
3 Tower installations with an elevation of 20'-0" or more from top of the
tower fan deck to the grade or roof level require a safety cage on the
tower ladder in accordance with OSHA standards. Safety cage is an
available option.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Engineering Data: Concrete Basin 7
SEE NOTE 7 Section–Flat Slab Basin
Section–Deep Basin
1 U se this bulletin for preliminary layouts only. Do not use for 6 M aintain no less than 2'-0" of clear space at tower endwalls for
construction. Obtain current drawings from your Marley sales construction purposes. Louvered faces must have unobstructed
representative. air supply. If obstructions exist nearby, consult your Marley sales
2 Tower weight is total wet operating weight of tower only excluding representative.
water in concrete basin. 7 Other contractors or purchaser must design, locate, construct,
3 P urchaser to design, construct and furnish concrete basin complete to and furnish sump(s) and overflow(s) to suit requirements. The
suit the general dimensions of current Marley drawings. sump(s) should be designed according to the pump manufacturer’s
4 L ast number of model indicates number of cells. Change as appropriate recommendations. Other design sources: ANSI/HI specifications 1.1-
for your selection. Primary engineering data is per cell. 1.5 for centrifugal pumps, 2.1-2.5 for vertical pumps, and 9.8 for pump
5 All anchor bolts complete with nut and washer will be furnished by intake design.
others. Bolts are to be 5⁄8" diameter with 11⁄2" all thread projection—
partition wall anchor bolts must have 31⁄2" projection.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Engineering Data: Wood Basin 8
A SPACES AT 4' 0" = L
1'-8 7/8"
1'-8 7/8"
8 1/2"
4" MIN.
1 U se this bulletin for preliminary layouts only. Do not use for con- 5 If steel beams are used, they must include 5⁄8" diameter holes to accept
struction. Obtain current drawings from your Marley sales representa- 3
⁄4" diameter anchor bolts provided.
tive. 6 If concrete beams or walls are used, 3⁄4" diameter anchor bolts with 81⁄2"
2 Operating weights include 5" of water in the collection basin. This is projection and 11⁄2" minimum thread must be provided by the contractor
the recommended operating water level. Total collection basin depth is or purchaser. Bolts must be imbedded in the concrete.
1'-13⁄4". 7 Maintain no less than 2'-0" of clear space at tower endwalls for con-
3 Purchaser to design, construct and furnish tower support complete to struction purposes. Louvered faces must have unobstructed air supply.
suit the general dimensions of current Marley drawings. If obstructions exist nearby, consult your Marley sales representative.
4 Last number of model indicates number of cells. Change as appropri- 8 Except for “W” overall of wood basin, all dimensions are to the center-
ate for your selection. Primary engineering data is per cell. line of the anchor bolts.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Engineering Data: Inlet Piping 9
Typical Plan–End Inlet
Section–Distribution System
gpm Dimensions
Tower Model
per cell
451-201 201-2400 10" 8" 6'-0" 12'-0" 9'-01⁄2" 10'-9" 13'-6" 14'-53⁄4"
452-201 270-3200 10" 8" 8'-0" 16'-0" 10'-01⁄2" 11'-9" 14'-6" 14'-53⁄4"
453-201 340-4000 12" 10" 10'-0" 20'-0" 11'-41⁄2" 12'-9" 15'-6" 14'-43⁄4"
454-201 410-4800 12" 10" 12'-0" 24'-0" 11'-41⁄2" 12'-9" 15'-6" 14'-43⁄4"
456-201 285-3360 10" 8" 6'-0" 12'-0" 9'-01⁄2" 12'-9" 15'-6" 14'-53⁄4"
457-201 380-3690 10" 8" 8'-0" 16'-0" 10'-01⁄2" 13'-9" 16'-6" 14'-53⁄4"
457-201 3691-4480 12" 8" 8'-0" 16'-0" 10'-61⁄2" 13'-9" 16'-6" 14'-53⁄4"
458-201 475-5600 12" 10" 10'-0" 20'-0" 11'-41⁄2" 14'-9" 17'-6" 14'-43⁄4"
459-201 570-5300 12" 10" 12'-0" 24'-0" 11'-41⁄2" 14'-9" 17'-6" 14'-43⁄4"
459-201 5301-6720 14" 10" 12'-0" 24'-0" 11'-41⁄2" 14'-9" 17'-6" 14'-43⁄4"
1. Use this bulletin for preliminary layouts only. Do not use for 4. Supports on tower for header and crossover pipe are part of the tower
construction. Obtain current drawings from your Marley sales repre- design. Riser piping must be supported externally.
sentative. 5. Marley piping terminates at the face of a cast iron flat face flange.
2. Pumping head contributed by the tower is static lift “H”. Actual pump- Inlet and bolt circle dimensions conform to class 125 lb. ANSI specifi-
ing head will vary according to tower circulating gpm. Total pumping cations.
head will be furnished at time of proposal. 6. If your application requires a bypass system, recommended location
3. Header should be located opposite fan motor when possible for better is through tower endwall into plenum area. Review of the system by
distribution of tower loads. SPX Cooling Technologies engineering is required.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Base 10
1.0 Base:
1.1 Furnish and install an induced-draft, ■ Your specification base establishes the type, configuration, base material, and
crossflow-type, field-erected, wood- physical limitations of the cooling tower to be quoted. During the planning and
framed, splash fill, industrial-duty cool- layout stages of your project, you will have focused your attention on a cool-
ing tower of _____ cell(s), as shown on ing tower selection that fits your space allotment, and whose power usage is
Plans. The limiting overall dimensions acceptable. Limitations on physical size and total operating horsepower avoid the
of the tower shall be _____ wide, _____ introduction of unforeseen operational and site-related influences. Specifying the
long, and _____ high to the top of the fan number of cells, and the maximum fan hp/cell will work to your advantage.
cylinder. Total operating horsepower of all
fans shall not exceed ____ hp, consisting Crossflow towers are noted for the accessibility and maintainability of all operat-
of ___ @ _____ hp motor(s). Tower shall ing components. The spacious interior provides easy access to fill, drift elimina-
be similar and equal in all respects to tors, all basin accessories—and is one of two primary access ways to the fan,
Marley Model _______. Geareducer®, and other mechanical components.
At the fan deck level, the hot water distribution basins are easily inspected and
cleaned—while the tower is operating, if you wish. The mechanical equipment can
also be readily accessed from this level.
Except for the cold water basin, no counterflow tower component requiring rou-
tine maintenance is as easily accessed. The confined areas that typify counterflow
designs can make difficult work for maintenance personnel!
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Base 11
2.1 The tower shall be capable of cooling ■ Some manufacturers resist the need to guarantee the capability of their offer-
_____ gpm of water from ____ °F to ing because of blanket certification of their product line by the Cooling Tower
_____ °F at a design entering air wet- Institute. However, CTI certification of a tower's thermal performance is insuf-
bulb temperature of _____ °F. The cool- ficient to assure you that the tower will perform satisfactorily in your situation.
ing tower manufacturer shall guarantee Certification is established under relatively controlled conditions, and towers sel-
that the tower supplied will meet the dom operate under such ideal circumstances. They are affected by nearby struc-
specified performance conditions when tures, machinery, enclosures, effluent from other towers, etc. Responsible and
the tower is installed according to knowledgeable bidders will take such site-specific effects into consideration in
plans. If, because of a suspected ther- selecting the tower—but the specifier must insist by the written specification that
mal performance deficiency, the owner the designer/manufacturer guarantee this “real world” performance. Any reluc-
chooses to conduct an on-site thermal tance on the part of the bidder should cause you some concern.
performance test in the presence of the
manufacturer, and under the supervi- 95°
sion of a qualified, disinterested third
party in accordance with CTI (Cooling 90°
Tower Institute) test code
ATC-105 standards during the first year 85°
of operation; and if the tower fails to
3.0 Construction:
3.1 The tower shall be capable of with- ■ The limiting water quality values indicated are those which are acceptable for the
standing water having a pH of 6.5 to normal materials of construction specified. If water of more aggressive qual-
8.0; a chloride content (NaCl) up to ity is anticipated please change hardware material requirement to 300
750 ppm; a sulfate content (SO4 ) up Series stainless steel, as indicated below and following.
to 1200 ppm; a sodium bicarbonate
content (NaHCO3) up to 200 ppm; a
calcium content (CaCO3) up to 800
ppm; oil and grease up to 10 ppm; silica
(SiO2) up to 150 ppm; and design hot
water temperatures up to 120°F.
3.3 All wood components shall be treated ■ See notes on page 23 regarding the use and availability of redwood.
after fabrication with chromated copper
arsenate (CCA) by the full-cell process
to a chemical retention of 0.4 lbs/ft3.
4.1 The fan deck shall act as a working ■ The indicated design values for framing and decking not only give you assurance
platform for maintenance personnel. that the tower can withstand long term operation in a hostile environment—but
It shall be fabricated of no less than that it will accept many years of inspection and maintenance traffic by your oper-
1" thick, 7 ply, exterior grade, treated ating personnel.
Douglas Fir plywood, and shall be
designed for a uniform live load of
40 psf or a concentrated load of 400
5.1 Fan(s) shall be propeller-type, incor- ■ Propeller fans require only half the operating horsepower of blower fans.
porating heavy duty blades of cast They should be readily adjustable to permit compensation for jobsite conditions
aluminum alloy. Blades shall be individu- that may tend to overload the motor. The fans of one manufacturer require the
ally adjustable. Fan(s) shall be driven purchase of special positioners for each increment of fan blade pitch.
through a rightangle, industrial-duty, oil- Standard fan drives of other manufacturers may use V-belts. Considering the size
lubricated, geared speed reducer that of fans involved—and the horsepower applied—this is not good design practice.
requires no oil changes for the first five Geareducer drive is far more reliable and trouble free, and is currently offered as
(5) years of operation. Speed reducers an option by at least two other cooling tower manufacturers.
employing pulleys and belts will not be
6.0 Fill: ■ Splash fill has the longest history of successful use in the cooling tower industry.
Its wide spacing discourages clogging, and its stout construction will withstand
6.1 Fill shall be splash-type, non-clogging. repeated cleaning of deposits associated with the circulating water quality.
Splash bars shall be treated Douglas fir
lath, a minimum of 3⁄8" thick x 1-1⁄2" wide See page 23 for optional PVC splash bars.
x 4'-0" long. They shall be installed in a
horizontal position, perpendicular to the
airflow, supported by fiber-reinforced
polyester (FRP) grids hung from 2"x6"
and 3"x6" top transverse girts on 2'-0"
■ Vertical blade-type eliminators, as well as
7.0 Drift Eliminators: misdirected cellular types cause much of
the fan power to be wasted in turning
7.1 Drift eliminators, installed inboard of the horizontal flow of air vertical for
the fill, shall be cellular type, triple-pass, its exit through the fan cylinder. This
manufactured of PVC. They shall be power is, of course, not available for
removable and replaceable, and shall contribution to thermal performance.
limit drift to 0.010% of the circulating
water flow. The final pass of the elimi- Drift rate varies with design water loading
nators shall direct airflow toward the and air rate, as well as drift eliminator
fan. depth and number of directional chang-
es. The indicated rate of 0.010%
or less is easily achievable without
premium cost. If a lower rate is required, please discuss with your Marley repre-
8.1 The mechanical equipment support/ ■ Gravity-flow distribution basins are a feature of crossflow type towers, resulting
crossover pipe shall deliver water to in operating pump heads of from 10 to 20 feet less than that encountered in
two open hot water basins per cell the pressurized spray systems of counterflow towers. Also, these basins are out
at the fan deck elevation. Water shall where they can be easily inspected—even maintained—while the tower is in opera-
exit these basins to the fill by gravity tion. Spray systems of counterflow towers, sandwiched between the top of the fill
through metering orifice-type polypro- and the drift eliminators, are extremely awkward to access and maintain.
pylene nozzles situated in the basin
floor. Nozzles shall be easily removable
and replaceable.
9.1 Tower endwalls shall be cased with ■ External louvers must be considered mandatory on splash-fill towers. Water that
ribbed FRP panels, lapped and sealed naturally exits the fill on the outboard side will create a swamp outside the tower
to prevent leakage. Tower corners shall unless it is returned to the tower by a well designed set of louvers. To be effec-
be finished with FRP corner rolls. tive, however, the louvers must overlap each other—cover the full vertical face of
the fill—and extend the full length of the tower.
9.2 The air intake faces of the tower shall
be louvered full length, full height. If you prefer FRP louvers, see option on page 23.
Louvers shall be 3⁄4" thick, 5-ply treated
Douglas Fir plywood, supported on no
more than 4'-0" centers. They shall be
designed to withstand an ice or snow
load of 15 psf. Louvers shall be sloped
to shed water inward to the tower, and
shall be “sight-tight” at horizontal view.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Base 17
11.1 The cold water collection basin shall be ■ This basic specification assumes that the tower will be erected over a concrete
of poured-in-place concrete, provided basin at grade level. If the tower is to be installed on an elevated supporting plat-
under the General Contractor's scope form, the plywood cold water collection basin indicated on page 16 should be
of work. The concrete basin design included in the specifications.
shall be based upon certified loads and
dimensions provided by the cooling
tower manufacturer.
12.1 The cooling tower manufacturer shall ■ Please be clear in your specifications
be responsible for the design, fabrica- and inquiry documents regarding the full
tion, and delivery of materials to the scope of work expected. That will help
project site, and for the erection of the assure that your bid comparisons will
tower over supports provided by others. be made on as equal a basis as pos-
Unless otherwise specified, all external sible—and will help to avoid any misun-
piping, pumps, controls, and electrical derstandings during the execution and
wiring will be outside the cooling tower implementation of the contract.
manufacturer's scope of work.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Options 18
Control Options
Control System: ■ If it is your opinion that the control system for the cooling tower should be part of
the tower manufacturer’s responsibility, we are in wholehearted agreement with
5.7: Add the following paragraph in the you. Who better to determine the most efficient mode and manner of a tower’s
Mechanical Equipment section: operation—and to apply a system most compatible with it—than the designer and
Each cell of the cooling tower shall manufacturer of the cooling tower?
be equipped with a UL listed control
system in a NEMA 3R or 4X out-
door enclosure capable of controlling
single-speed or two-speed motors as
required, and designed specifically for
cooling tower applications. The panel
shall include a main fused disconnect
with an external operating handle,
lockable in the off position for safety.
Across-the-line magnetic starters or
solid state soft-start starters as required
shall be controlled with a thermostatic
or solid state temperature controller.
Door mounted selector switches shall
be provided to enable automatic or
manual control and wired for 120VAC
control. Control circuit to be wired out
to terminal blocks for field connection
to a remote vibration switch and for
access to extra 120VAC 50VA control
power, overload trip alarms and remote
temperature control devices. The tem-
perature controller shall be adjustable
for the required cold water temperature.
If a thermostatic controller is used it
shall be mounted on the side of the
tower with the temperature sensing bulb
installed in the cold water basin using a
suspension mounting bracket. If a solid
state temperature controller is used the
controller will be door mounted on the
control panel. The temperature control-
ler will display two temperatures, one
for outgoing water and the other for set
point. Water temperature input shall be
obtained using a three-wire RTD with
dry well in the outlet water piping and
wired back to the solid state tempera-
ture controller in the control panel.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Options 19
Basin Heaters: ■ The basin heater components described at left represent our recommendation for
a reliable automatic system for the prevention of basin freezing.
11.2 Add the following paragraph in the
Cold Water Basin section: Provide a If aggressive operating conditions are anticipated, change “galvanized”
system of electric immersion heaters in paragraph 11.2 to “Series 300 SS”.
and controls for each cell of the tower
to prevent freezing of water in the col- The ambient air temperature that you fill in should be the lowest 1% level of win-
lection basin during periods of shut- ter temperature prevalent at site.
down. The system shall consist of one
or more stainless steel electric immer- Ask for Marley drawing 92-3627.
sion heaters installed in a galvanized
steel heat shield provided in the floor
of the basin. A NEMA 4 enclosure shall
house a magnetic contactor to energize
heaters; a transformer to provide 24 volt
control circuit power; and a solid state
circuit board for temperature and low
water cutoff. A control probe shall be
located in the basin to monitor water
level and temperature. The system shall
be capable of maintaining 40°F water
temperature at an ambient air tempera-
ture of ____ °F.
Variable Speed Drive: ■ Marley VFD drive systems are designed to combine absolute temperature con-
trol with ideal energy management. The cooling tower user selects a cold water
5.7 Add the following paragraphs in the temperature and the drive system will vary the fan speed to maintain that tem-
Mechanical Equipment Section: For perature. Precise temperature control is accomplished with far less stress to the
fan control a complete UL listed vari- mechanical equipment components. The improved energy management provides
able speed drive system in a NEMA 1 fast payback. Indeed, many utilities offer generous rebates for users having
indoor, NEMA 12 indoor or NEMA 3R installed VFD drives.
outdoor enclosure shall be provided.
The VFD shall use PWM technology
with IGBT switching. VFD output
switching signal shall be programmed
to not cause mechanical vibration
issues with backlash in gearbox
teeth or vibration issues associated
with long driveshafts. The VFD shall
be programmed for variable torque
applications and shall catch a fan
spinning in the forward or reverse
direction without tripping. VFD panel
construction shall include a main
disconnect with short circuit and ther-
mal overload protection with external
operating handle, lockable in the off
position for lock-out tag-out safety
procedures. A service switch directly
ahead of the VFD shall be provided
for voltage isolation during VFD main-
tenance. An integrated full voltage
non-reversing bypass starter shall be
furnished allowing fan motor opera-
tion if VFD has failed. The VFD sys-
tem shall receive a speed reference
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Options 20
Vibration Limit Switch: ■ Unless specified otherwise, a Marley V6 mechanical vibration switch will be pro-
vided. The requirement for manual reset assures that the cooling tower will be
5.8 Add the following paragraph in the visited to determine the cause of excessive vibration.
Mechanical Equipment section: A
vibration limit switch in a NEMA 4X
housing shall be installed on the
mechanical equipment support and
wired to the shutdown circuit of the
fan motor starter or VFD. The purpose
of this switch will be to interrupt con-
trol power voltage to a safety circuit
in the event of excessive vibration
causing the starter or VFD equipment
to de-energize the motor. It shall be
adjustable for sensitivity and include
a means to reset the switch.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Options 21
Stairway: ■ Although they are not necessary for routine operation and maintenance, stairways
do provide a safe and comfortable means of access to the top of the tower that
10.3 Replace this paragraph with the follow- is often overlooked in the initial cooling tower purchase.
ing: A 30" wide, column supported, 45°
stairway with 8" rise and run, of treated
Douglas Fir shall be provided at the
tower endwall rising from grade (roof)
to the fan deck elevation. Stair columns
shall be 3"x4". Guardrails shall be
2"x4". The upper guardrail shall have an
eased edge for the protection of operat-
ing personnel. Stairway foundation shall
be by others, designed in accordance
with drawings provided by the cooling
tower manufacturer. The stairway shall
conform to OSHA standards.
■ This option permits freedom of movement for inspection or maintenance within
Plenum Walkway: the tower without the need for wading boots or tower drainage. It also helps pre-
vent maintenance personnel from damaging submerged accessories in the cold
10.1 Add the following to the end of this water basin (such as screens, probes, basin heaters, etc.).
paragraph: Provide a 24" wide walkway
extending from one endwall access door to
the other through the length of the tower.
Walkway shall be constructed of treated
Douglas Fir, and the top of the walkway
shall be above the cold water basin overflow
level. If the cold water basin is deeper than
4'-0", the walkway shall be equipped with
guardrails. ■ Many towers are installed such that the base of the tower is 2'−0" or more above
the roof or grade level. This makes it difficult to get up to the foot of the attached
Ladder Extension: ladder. The ladder extension alleviates this problem. Marley ladder extensions are
available in standard 5'−0" and 11'−0" lengths, and will be field-cut to fit.
10.4 Add the following paragraph in the
Access and Safety section: Provide
a ladder extension for connection to
the foot of the ladder attached to the
tower casing. This extension shall
be long enough to rise from the roof
(grade) level to the base of the tower.
Anchorage and lateral bracing of the
ladder extension shall be by others.
Miscellaneous Options
Wood Cold Water Basin: ■ Marley basins are used to permit the installation of tow-
ers on elevated platforms or foundations. The cross section illustration on page 4
11.1 Replace this paragraph with the fol- shows the relationship of the optional basin, sump and overflow to a typical steel
lowing: Include a cold water collection I-beam support platform.
basin constructed of pressure treated
Douglas Fir plywood. Basin floor shall See illustrations on pages 5 and 10.
be 3⁄4" thick, 5-ply, supported by 6" deep
joists on 2'-0" centers. Basin sides
shall be 1" thick, 7 ply. The basin floor
shall lock into a dado groove in the
basin sides to form a watertight seal. A
depressed, side outlet sump of hot-dip
galvanized steel having a 1⁄4" thick face-
plate drilled for a standard class 125
ASME flange connection will be includ-
ed. An appropriately sized (3" diameter
or larger) galvanized standpipe overflow
shall be provided. The standpipe shall
be removable for flush-out cleaning of
the basin. A float-operated, mechanical
makeup valve shall also be included,
installed adjacent to the endwall access
PVC Fill Splash Bars: ■ Extruded PVC has a smooth, nonporous surface which naturally resists the
adherence of slime, algae, biological growth, and turbidity. It also, of course, has
6.1 Change 2nd sentence to read as a much better fire rating than does wood. PVC splash bars can produce a
follows: Splash bars shall be hollow, different level of thermal performance than wood. Make sure that the
extruded, structural bars of PVC, a mini- model you have selected takes this into account.
mum of 3⁄4" thick x 1-5⁄8" wide x 4'-0"
Redwood Components: ■ Most of the wood components in the tower are available in pressure treated red-
wood. However, redwood lacks the strength of Douglas Fir, which may require
structural modifications of the tower. Please discuss the available redwood
options with your local Marley representative.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Options 23
Watertight Partitions Between ■ In addition to the normal partition function of preventing air bypass (page 12), this
Cells: option allows you to use each partitioned cell of your tower independently. This
is valuable where a single multicell tower is serving several separate systems—or
3.5 Replace the last sentence in this para- where winter operation may require less than full tower capability.
graph with the following: Partitions
shall be 3⁄4" x 5-ply, factory-fabricated,
grooved and splined, treated Douglas
Fir plywood sheets; and shall be full
height, full width of the tower, installed
and sealed watertight to permit sepa-
rate cell operation.
FRP Louvers: ■ This option is not recommended in those northern regions where heavy ice and
snow loads can occur.
9.2 Replace this paragraph with the following:
The air intake faces of the tower shall be
louvered full length, full height. Louvers
shall be corrugated FRP, supported on
no more than 4'-0" centers. They shall be
slip-fit into deep routed slots in the louver
columns. Louvers shall be sloped to shed
water inward to the tower, and shall be
“sight-tight” at horizontal view.
Series 15 Cooling Tower — Specifications: Options 24
Low Noise Tower: ■ Sound produced by a Series 10 tower operating in an unobstructed environ-
ment will meet all but the most restrictive noise limitations—and will react favor-
1.1 Add the following at the end of this para- ably to natural attenuation. Where the tower has been sized to operate within an
graph: The cooling tower shall be quiet enclosure, the enclosure itself will have a damping effect on sound. Sound also
operating, and shall produce an overall declines with distance—by about 5 or 6 dBA each time the distance doubles.
level of sound no higher than ____ dBA at Where noise at a critical point is likely to exceed an acceptable limit, you have
the critical location indicated on the Plans. several options—listed below in ascending order of cost impact:
• Where only a slight reduction in noise will satisfy — and the source of concern
is in a particular direction — merely turning the tower may be the answer. Less
sound emanates from the cased face of the tower than does from the air intake
• In many cases, noise concerns are limited to nighttime, when ambient noise
levels are lower and neighbors are trying to sleep. You can usually resolve these
situations by using two-speed motors in either 1800/900 or 1800/1200 RPM
configuration; and operating the fans at reduced speed without cycling “after
hours”. (The natural nighttime reduction in wet-bulb temperature makes this a
very feasible solution in most areas of the world, but the need to avoid cycling
may cause the cold water temperature to vary significantly.)
• Variable speed drives automatically minimize the tower's noise level during peri-
ods of reduced load and/or reduced ambient without sacrificing the system's
ability to maintain a constant cold water temperature. This is a relatively inexpen-
sive solution, and can pay for itself quickly in reduced energy costs.
• Where noise is a concern at all times (for example, near a hospital), the best
solution is to oversize the tower so it can operate continuously at reduced
(1200 or 900 RPM) motor speed even at the highest design wet-bulb tempera-
ture. Typical sound reductions are 7 dBA at 2⁄3 fan speed or 10 dBA at 1⁄2 fan
speed, but larger reductions are often possible.
• Extreme cases may require inlet and discharge sound attenuator sections;
however, the static pressure loss imposed by attenuators may necessitate an
increase in tower size. This is the least desirable approach because of the sig-
nificant cost impact – and because of the obstruction to normal maintenance
Your Marley representative can help you meet your sound requirements.
Fire Safety Options: ■ Occasionally, critical processes or local codes may require you to install a fire-
protection sprinkler system on a wood tower—or pay higher insurance premiums—
or both. An alternative that could be acceptable to your insurance carrier, and
which you may wish to evaluate, would be to make your Series 10 tower as fire
resistant as possible. This can be done by any or all of the following measures:
• 1⁄4" thick fireproof fiber reinforced cement overlay over the fan deck—and FRC
overlayed distribution basin covers. (Para. 4.1 & page 23)
• 3⁄4" thick plywood partitions both sides of the column line between cells to
achieve a fire rating of at least 30 minutes. (Para. 3.5. & page 23)