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All content following this page was uploaded by Tarek M. Mostafa on 06 July 2018.
On a global scale, the high consumption of electric and electronic equipment (EEE) leads to
mounting volumes of e-waste. The e-waste problem in Egypt is not very well assessed, so a feasibility
study for an e-waste dismantling facility in Cairo is introduced in this research. This feasibility study
aims to provide a guide to set up an economically viable e-waste recycling business by calculating
the main costs and revenues of the recycling system taking into account the environmental standards.
The profit and loss predictions showed that the facility would gain revenues of USD 708,659 after a
5-year of operation.
Keywords: Egypt, E-waste, E-Waste streams, Feasibility study, Recycling facility, WEEE.
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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 02, pp.26-35, June 2018
concerning input of e-waste from different streams, profit and loss scenarios for the planned facility in Cairo
process calculation and downstream options. have been calculated by modifying certain framework
• The complete business plan should give interested conditions.
entrepreneurs the ability to introduce the idea for
getting a loan or investors to get the required 3. Egypt’s E-waste Current situation and
investments and the initial requirements for the Mass Flow
operation phase.
• According to the profit and loss calculation, the According to the Egyptian Central Agency for Public
written business plan should provide information Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), Egypt hosts a
concerning space requirements, and required number population of 92.5 million [9]. More than 43% of the
of employees, equipment, etc. population dwell in urban cities [3]. The population
• Furthermore, this business plan should be designed growth recorded in 2015 is approximately 2.4%. With this
for future schemed projects by utilizing the key growth the use of the electrical and electronic devices
figures of time, prices and costs and adapting regional becomes an essential part of the lifestyle of the society.
framework conditions. Adoption of ICT in Egypt is raised to 97.79 million
The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 mobile phone service subscribers registered by Dec 2016,
covers the used methodology. Section 3 briefly introduces growing at an annual rate of 4.02%, while internet users
the current situation and the e-waste mass flow in Egypt. have reached 30 million as shown in Table 1 [10].
Other indicators show the high penetration of other
The main assumptions for the feasibility study will be
electrical appliances as well. Nearly all (98.8%) Egyptians
covered in Section 4. In section 5, different sources of
have a working television in their home, while 37.9% of
costs and revenues will be covered. The profit and cost
Egyptians have a radio [11]. Furthermore, the local
forecast are shown in section 6. Conclusions are drawn in production of 782,000 air conditioners is recorded in a
section 7. single year, mostly destined to the local market. In 2014
Egypt imported US$12.1bn machines. The Telephones
2. Methodology and mobile sets represent 7.2% of the amount of total
The instant business plan is composed of two main imported machines with US$865mn import value while
the amount of computer imported was $331mn, which was
3.1 % of total imported amounts this category [12].
• A strategic analysis based on the inventories [3]-[5]
Detailed statistics about amounts is mention in [5]. The
and the feasibility study [6]-[8].
present study focuses mainly on Personal Computers
• A calculation of a profit and loss forecast based on
(PCs), Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitors, Liquid Crystal
assumed mass flows and expected revenues and costs Display (LCD) monitors, telephones and mobile phones,
For the business plan, a calculation tool that is as they fall under the scope of the Green Information and
developed within the Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Communications Technology (ICT) Strategy.
network (Task-Force 4 Recycling) in cooperation with Nevertheless, most considerations for initiating a
Center of Excellence Electronics & Environment recycling system can be extended to other appliances.
Subsidiary iPoint-Systems (KERP), The Dismantling- E-waste creators are grouped into households, the
and Recycling-Center (D.R.Z) and Swiss Federal private sector including large, small and medium
Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology enterprises, and the governmental sector. In general, all
(EMPA), has been further developed into an Excel-based consumers followed a behavior of generation and
business plan calculation tool. stockpiling; WEEE is purchased, used, and then
With the business plan calculation tool, it is possible to stockpiled. The stockpile duration ranges from 1 to 2 years
calculate the financial performance for the first five years depending on which group the consumers belong to.
of operation based on the production of wide range of Most of households prefer to sell their demoded EEE to
appliance groups. Furthermore, local relevant cost factors second-hand dealers followed by scrap dealers while the
like average salaries, purchase prices, fuel prices, etc., are remaining household does dispose with municipal waste.
included. Based on the general data provided and Private sector enterprise behavior in disposing of their
considering the chosen modeling parameters (dismantling outdated EEE varies by level. Large enterprises carry
depth and dismantling efficiency), the tool calculates the public auction periodically but not on a regular basis, it is
following results: carried out to avoid accumulating of disposed equipment
• Required staff, investments and equipment; while ensuring they keep up with the most up-to-date new
• Required working hours; equipment in use. Large enterprises especially the ones in
• Expected revenues and operational costs; IT sector disposes the electronic waste with formal WEEE
• An entire profit and loss forecast; recyclers, as WEEE recyclers can provide a certificate of
• Required additional income stream (e.g. through an safe electronic waste disposal, which require to be
Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) financing presented to governmental environmental and tax
mechanism, recycling fees, etc.). inspectors. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
By utilizing the business plan calculation tool, different generally sell their electronic waste by auction or dispose
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Economic Feasibility Study of E-Waste Recycling Facility in Egypt
of it with other waste streams. Governmental sector processes/industries. They also perform primary recycling
disposes of their electronic waste in public auction. of different commodities such as plastics. Moreover, they
Generally, the fate of this electronic equipment when it segregate WEEE parts that are functioning for EEE repair
reaches the end of its useful life is unknown [5]. and maintenance ships. They collect from merchants or
There is no formal legislation to manage and enforce “drop off” points as previously explained. WEEE
WEEE management in Egypt. Electronic waste is majorly recyclers collect from dismantlers the segregated parts
dealt with by the informal sector. After extracting the such as plastic cases, electric boards, glasses, etc. to export
recyclable streams, it is generally either burned or thrown some streams (e.g. Printed Circuit boards (PCB)) and
into landfills/dump sites in slums such as Manshiet Nasser, recycle other streams (e.g. glass) as a feedstock for other
Mokattam or Dewei’a. Over time, harmful emissions start industries, some WEEE recyclers directly collect the raw
to affect the people who are living near those landfills. In WEEE stock from collectors without the need to go
the absence of formal and serious national programs for through dismantlers.
WEEE management, along with the shrinkage cost of The informal recycling system suffers from many
buying new technologies especially mobile phones and issues such as child labor and improper dismantling
personal computers, and the surge in perceptive practices such as hammer smash of CRT displays front
obsolescence according to the modern technologies glass.
acquainted in the market, it is anticipated that more WEEE In the following part the amounts, mass flow and the
will be disposed in such dumpsites/landfills and unknown growth rate of the devices under the scope of this study
destiny. will be covered depending on references [3]-[5], and
According to the report [5] and interview with one of interviews with stakeholders from the Ministry of
the stakeholders in the Ministry of Environment [13], Environment [13] and industry [15].
there are two types of collectors who serve the informal The average lifetime of a mobile phone, telephone set,
sector. The First type is “Merchants”: they collect desktop computer, laptop and PC monitor (CRT and LCD)
electronic waste in bulk, they basically depend on the is 2, 10, 10, 10 and 10 years respectively. In addition, the
auctions carried out by the governmental and private majority of consumers behave average storage of 2 years
sector auctions. There are no settled dates for the auctions; before disposal of the EEE.
they take place whenever there are adequate quantities of Table 2 shows the mass flow of EEE/WEEE based on
WEEE. Merchants exhibit their products in their owned 2015 installed base of tracers. The governmental sector
spaces and trade it with other stakeholders. they usually and enterprise’s obsolete electronic equipment are mostly
do not apply any processes on the collected WEEE, they disposed in auctions. The largest electronic waste
are just dealers who buy and sell WEEE, most of the time generated is by enterprises (amounting ≈58% of total
they trade it to WEEE dismantlers or recyclers. The electronic waste), followed by households (amounting
second type is “Sar’eha (literally mean scavengers) or ≈23% of total electronic waste) and governmental sector
Robabekia men”: they are an organized group of workers. (amounting ≈19% of total electronic waste). The mass
The two words collectively refer to drifters who roam flow is 66,203.8 tons/year. The largest amount of mass
around buying depleted items from people. Meanwhile, flow is generated by the enterprises, followed by
they are peddlers who sell wares to waste buyers who households then governmental sector. Post dismantling of
bargain specific waste items. By end of each working day, tracers, extracted commodities as plastics, iron, etc. are
the Sar’eha/Robabekia workers drop off all the parts and processed and reinstalled in the market as feedstock for
quantities that they collected to specific “drop off” points/ other industries. Currently, only around 1,584.0 tons/year
shops, each “drop off” point/shop has between 10-15 of electronic waste is being collected from the total
Sar’eha/Robabekia workers to deal with. The person in generated electronic waste mass flow, which only
charge of this drop off points/shops reimburses them represents 2.4% of the total generated waste. For the
financially depending on the type and quantity of selected tracers, the stock of equipment/inh. and stock of
collected items. equipment/household is around 8.3 kg and 34.69 kg
The informal dismantlers are the workers who deal with respectively. Meanwhile, the waste mass /year/inh. is
dismantling and segregating the WEEE parts for other around 0.72 kg.
dealers to use for exporting or as a feedstock for other
Indicator Unit Dec. 2015 Nov. 2016 Dec. 2016 Monthly Growth Rate (% ) Annual Growth Rate (% )
Mobile Subscription Million Subscription 94 97 98 - 4
Mobile Penetration * % 107.41 109.45 109.73 1.91 2.32
Internet Users Million Users - - 33.70 - -
Internet Penetration * % - - 41.20 - -
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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 02, pp.26-35, June 2018
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Economic Feasibility Study of E-Waste Recycling Facility in Egypt
Table 4 Assumed purchase prices for the different input Items. Table 5 Assumed basic data concerning staff composition
and working hours.
WEEE Price from Price from Prices Now Prices Now
Stream [8] USD/Unit [8] USD/ton USD/Unit USD/ton Employees Quantity Calculation bases
Mobile 0.96 3200 2.25 7500 General Manager 1
Telephone 0.5 515.4639175 1 1030.927835 per 25 dismantling
Department manager
Desktop PC 5.6 589.4736842 12 1263.157895 1 workers
Laptop PC 3 1071.428571 6 2142.857143 Sales manager 0
CRT Skilled workers 10% of all wokers
2.22 130.5882353 3 176.4705882 Unskilled workers 90% of all wokers
LCD Administrative Staff 10% of total staff
1.2 240 2 400 Security 0
Included in skilled
1 workers
5. Investments, Equipment and Costs Included in unskilled
5.1 Human Resources 1 workers
Non-wage Labor Costs 5%
The dimensioning of the facility concerning human Salaries/a 12
resources is based on the data listed in Table 5. In general, Working hours per week 10
it is assumed that one general manager will be needed to working days per week 6
manage the company. Concerning department managers, Average sick leave per worker 5%
it is assumed that one department manager can coordinate Official Holidays per year 10
up to 25 workers. It is assumed that 10% of all workers Holiday Entitlement per year 2 weeks
are skilled workers and 10% of all required human Working days per year 275
Annual working hours 2750
resources are administrative staff. According to this
information and additional assumptions, the average
working hours per employee was estimated to be almost Table 6 Selected staff composition.
2,750 hours per year. Together with managing and
administrative staff, the facility will need a staff of 86 to Employees Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
97 persons during the initial five years of operation (Table Manager
1 1 1 1 1
6). Salaries listed in Table 7 have to be paid to different Department
3 4 4 4 4
staff levels. Workers and administrative staff get between Manager
USD 155 and USD 180 per month, the salaries for 8 8 8 9 9
department manager and sales manager can be assumed to Unskilled
66 68 70 72 74
be USD 220 per month and USD 500 for the general workers
manager. Based on the selected staff composition (Table Administrative
8 8 8 9 9
7) between USD 177,282 and USD 199,899 per year are Total 86 89 91 95 97
the expenses for staff costs during the first five years of
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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 02, pp.26-35, June 2018
5.2 Infrastructure and Equipment Table 9 Specific space requirements and acquisition costs for
5.2.1 Space infrastructure and equipment.
Table 8 gives an overview of the required spaces for the
whole dismantling facility. These spaces have been Costs Life Required Required Calculation
[USD/unit] span Space [m2 ] Quantity bases
calculated based on the results concerning staff
composition (Table 6) and the specific space requirements WEEE-receiving
25 20 1
total per
that will be mentioned in the following subsection. Costs and sorting area facility
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Economic Feasibility Study of E-Waste Recycling Facility in Egypt
Table 10: Calculation of costs for needed equipment per year [USD/a].
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Required Required Required Required Required
Items Cost [$] Cost [$] Cost [$] Cost [$] Cost [$]
Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity Quantity
Administrative Working
12 -6,000 1 -500 0 1 -500 0 0
Place (PC, table, chair)
Dismantling Working
74 -14,800 2 -400 2 -400 3 -600 2 -400
station (table, chair)
CRT-treatment unit 1 -10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cable stripper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Plastic Shredder 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Truck 2 -20,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Working tools 74 -14,800 76 -15,200 78 -15,600 81 -16,200 83 -16,600
HSE (shoes, helm, gloves,
86 -10,320 89 -10,680 91 -10,920 95 -11,400 97 -11,640
Ventilator 74 -3,700 2 -100 2 -100 3 -150 2 -100
Collection box 250 -12,500 8 -400 8 -400 8 -400 9 -450
Palette 125 -625 4 -20 4 -20 4 -20 4 -20
Scale 1 -1,200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pallet truck (internal
5 -750 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total -94,695 -27,300 -27,440 -29,270 -29,210
– Dismantling and Recycling Centre in Vienna/ Austria
5.3 Purchase Costs and Revenues (40 kWh/m². a). According to prices of USD 0.07 per kWh
According to the assumed input quantities listed in having to be paid for electricity in Egypt, expenses will be
Table 3 and the purchase prices for e-waste devices listed USD 37,000 per year.
in Table 4, the following purchase costs have to be
considered within the business plan (Table 11) [5] [15]. 5.7 Cleaning, Maintenance and Repair (CMR)
The calculation of expected revenues and disposal costs Infrastructure
have been based on the assumptions listed in Table 13 Expenses for cleaning, maintenance and repair (CMR)
[16]-[22]. The main share of revenues comes from the of infrastructure have been calculated using the
commercialization of fractions. According to the expected experiences of the D.R.Z again. 1 USD/m² per year was
input sales, revenues will be almost USD 3,899,334 the specific value used for the calculation, which leads to
during the first year of operation, then grow up to almost expenses of about USD 9000 per year for CMR
USD 4,412,489 after five years of operation (Table 12). infrastructure.
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the largest revenue
source followed by Processors. 5.8 Business Liability Insurance and Tax
Business expenses for liability insurance and taxes have
5.4 Depreciation been estimated to be USD 3000 per year.
5.4.1 Depreciation of Infrastructure
As the estate and building are rented according to the 6. Profit and Loss Forecast
business plan, it is assumed that no depreciation costs for The profit and loss forecast, listed in Table 15 shows
the estate and building are to be accounted for. the expected revenues and costs for the initial five years
of operation. According to the assumed input and
5.4.2 Depreciation of Equipment and Vehicles framework conditions, revenues are fed by the sales of
Depreciation costs (Table 13) within the first five years output fractions. For e-waste input quantities of about
of operation are between USD 13,915 to USD 16,381 2500 t/a, revenues of more than USD 3,800,000 can be
depending on the required equipment and the expected achieved. 70% of these revenues are cut short by purchase
lifespan for each item listed in Table 10. and external transport costs. Operational costs are USD
638,217 in the first year of operation, reduced to USD
5.5 Administration Costs 597,816 after five years of operation. The highest share of
operational costs (54%-59%) has to be spent on
Expenses for administration have been estimated as infrastructural costs. Staff costs are the second highest
listed in Table 14. contributor on the operational costs list, ranging from 27%
up to 33%. Costs for equipment and depreciation are of
5.6 Electricity Costs minor importance compared to other cost factors. The
Expenses for electricity have been based on the specific estimated share of less than 1% of all operational costs for
electricity consumption in the dismantling facility D.R.Z administration can give a rough scale for expenses that
have to be provided for the business administration.
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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 02, pp.26-35, June 2018
Furthermore, administration costs will depend a lot on the the calculated administration costs are travel costs.
need for negotiations with purchasers of output fractions
in neighboring countries and overseas, as almost half of
Appliance Group Year 1 [USD/year] Year 2 [USD/year] Year 3 [USD/year] Year 4 [USD/year] Year 5 [USD/year]
Note: Type of Transport: Local (0-50 km), Regional (50-500km), Overseas Shipment (to a foreign country).
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Economic Feasibility Study of E-Waste Recycling Facility in Egypt
Table 13 Calculation of depreciation costs for equipment [USD/a]. Table 14 Estimated administration costs per year
Depreciation Administration Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Expenses [USD] [USD] [USD] [USD] [USD]
Travel Costs -2500 -2500 -2500 -2500 -2500
Administrative Working Place
-1,200 -125 0 -250 0
(PC, table, chair)
Office Supplies,
Dismantling Working station
-2,960 -100 -133 -300 -400 Postal and Bank -500 -500 -500 -500 -500
(table, chair) Charges
CRT-treatment unit -2,000 0 0 0 0
Cable stripper 0 0 0 0 0 Telecommunicaton/
-300 -300 -300 -300 -300
Plastic Shredder 0 0 0 0 0 Internet
Truck -4,000 0 0 0 0
Working tools 0 0 0 0 0 Consulting Services -500 -500 -500 -500 -500
HSE (shoes, helm, gloves, etc.) 0 0 0 0 0
Marketing and
Ventilator -740 -25 -33 -75 -100 -500 -500 -500 -500 -500
Public Relations
Collection box -2,500 -100 -133 -200 -450
Palette -125 -5 -7 -10 -20
Permissions and
Scale -240 0 0 0 0 -500 -500 -500 -500 -500
Quality Management
Pallet truck (internal transport) -150 0 0 0 0
Total -13,915 -14,270 -14,577 -15,412 -16,382 Total -4800 -4800 -4800 -4800 -4800
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EVERGREEN Joint Journal of Novel Carbon Resource Sciences & Green Asia Strategy, Vol. 05, Issue 02, pp.26-35, June 2018
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