Mapeh DLL
Mapeh DLL
Mapeh DLL
C. Learning distinguishes monophonic, homophonic, and polyphonic textures distinguishes the sound of a major uses major or minor chords as
Competencies MU6TX-IVc-d-3 chord from a minor chord. accompaniment to simple
(write the LC MU6HA-IVe-f-3 songs WEEKLY TEST
Code) MU6HA-IVg-h-4
II. CONTENT Monophonic and Homophonic Polyphonic Texture Major and Minor Chords Using Major and Minor
Textures Chords as Accompaniment
A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Materials
from LRMDS
A. Reviewing previous You have learned from the
lesson and presenting previous lesson that there are
new lesson different textures used in vocal and
instrumental music.
Monopho Homophonic
nic Polyphonic
B. Establishing a Have you watched a concert, Texture is the thinness or You already know that the distance Do you know how to
purpose for the lesson choir singing or even listening to a thickness of music. It can be between two pitches is called an play the guitar or piano? Have
drum and bugle corps? How many distinguished according to the interval. Intervals can be melodic you seen a musician playing
sounds or voices did you hear? number of voices, or parts, and (in succession) or harmonic guitar or piano? What comes
the relationship between these (simultaneous) as shown below. into your mind when you hear
voices. For example, a thick the word accompaniment?
The many voices or texture contains many “layers”
sounds that you can hear create of sounds. One way of playing
If we add one more note accompaniments is through
different textures in music.
In the previous lesson, we have to the illustration to the harmonic the use of chords.
already discussed the interval above, we now form what
All performers above
monophonic and homophonic is called in music as a Triad or
sing or perform a certain melody.
textures. Each has its own Chord.
The only difference is the texture
of the sound of the music they unique and distinct
characteristics that you can
produce. Some textures are thin, identify right away when you A triad is composed of
others are thick. It depends on listen to a song or music. three notes simultaneously sung or
how many melodies are being played together and with each note
sang or played together. Today, we are going to focus our usually separated by the interval
discussion on the polyphonic 3rd. A triad is written and notated
texture. vertically as shown in Figure 1.
E. Discussing new There are many things around us Direction: Analyze each of the Draw the major chords and minor Each of these major tonic
concepts and that are thick and thin, just like following situations and identify chords below. A scale for each key triads have a counterpart
practicing new skills #2 the clothes we wear. Some are the texture of the music: is given so you will be able to make minor triad known as their
thick and others are thin. The Monophonic, Homophonic, the major and minor chords. Add a relative minor. The relative
sounds of music can also have Polyphonic. Write your answer symbol, which is also found in the minor is grounded on the I-vi
that same quality. This is called on the space provided. scale, to make it a major or a minor relationship of every tonal
texture. Texture in music will ______________1. The chord and the pitches of each note center.
depend on the number of musical Philippine Madrigal Singers of the chord. To simplify things, all Likewise, every minor tonic
sounds put together. performs Si Felimon in a capella notes in the exercises below are triad has a counterpart major
with each voice part singing the natural, but it would not change triad known as their relative
Texture in music refers to the same melody in different keys. their position at all if some notes major. The relative major is
structure of a musical ______________2. The guests were sharp or flat. the 3rd (III major) scale degree
composition showing how many sing all together the Happy triad of every minor key/tonal
sounds or various layers of Birthday in unison without center).
voices are heard at the same accompaniment.
______________3. The choir Look at the illustrations
time. It is the thickness and
sings in unison during the mass below. The first colum shows
thinness of tones that sets
at the cathedral with piano the Major Chords. The
different layers of sounds. It can
accompaniment second column shows the
be described thin or thick. It can
______________4. Angeline had relative minor of the major
be identified in both vocal and
her first major solo concert chords. C Major is I ( tonic) in
instrumental music.
together with an orchestra the key of C, G Major is I
accompanying her. (tonic) in the key of G, and F
Vocal music uses and Major is I (tonic) in the key of
emphasizes the human voice. ______________5. The violin F . A minor is the vi in the
Sometimes instruments are section of the Philharmonic key of C, E minor is the vi in
used, but the voice is the most orchestra plays the melody of the key of G, and D minor is
important part. Vocal music is Pilipinas Kong Mahal while the the vi in the key of F.
the opposite of instrumental other sections of the orchestra In addition,
music, which uses any are playing the accompaniment. having them side by side
combination of instruments, shows that they have different
such as strings, woodwinds, tonalities but they have the
brass, or percussion usually same key signature – in terms
without the human voice. number of sharps and flats.
H. Making Texture is the thinness or Polyphonic texture is created A triad is composed of three notes The major triads are
generalization thickness of music. when use of 2 or more simultaneously sung or played represented by uppercase
and Texture can be identified in both independent melodies are together and with each note Roman numerals: I, Tonic, IV,
abstractions vocal and instrumental music. performed at the same time. usually separated by the interval 3rd Sub Dominant, and V
about the Vocal music uses and emphasizes Partner songs and round songs The chords are written in root Dominant.
lesson the human voice. are examples of music that will position, which is the most basic
Instrumental music uses any create polyphonic texture. way to write a triad. In root The minor triads are
combination of instruments position, the root, which is the note represented by lowercase
usually without the human voice. that names the chord, is the lowest Roman numerals: i (tonic), iv
There are 3 basic kinds of texture note. The third of the chord is (sub-dominant), and v
namely: monophonic, written a third higher than the (dominant).
homophonic, and polyphonic. root, and the fifth of the chord is Each of these major tonic
Monophonic texture is a single written a fifth higher than the root. triads have a counterpart
melodic line without A major chord contains the 1st, minor triad known as their
accompaniment. 3rd, and 5th degree of the major relative minor.
Examples of monophonic texture scale.
in music are solo (voice), solo A minor chord contains the 1st, The relative minor is
(instrumental), a cappella singing flattened 3rd, and 5th degree of grounded on the I-vi
in unison, humming, whistling and the major scale of that note. relationship of every tonal
chanting (or singing chants), solo The difference between a major center.
musical instrument or a group of and minor chord comes down to
different musical instrument one simple change: the 3rd in a The relative major is the 3rd
playing one melody. scale/chord (III major) scale degree triad
Homophonic texture is composed It is important to note that a major of every minor key/tonal
of one particular melody triad has a major 3rd (4 half-steps or center.
supported by harmony or semitones) and the minor triad, a
accompanied by an instrument minor 3rd (3 half-steps or
like guitar or piano playing the semitones) from the root. Each key or tonal center is
chords. comprised of several related
An example of homophony is solo triads that include major and
(vocal or instrumental) with minor chords. These related
accompaniment. triads (both major and minor)
are the ones we usually
see/hear as accompaniment
to songs.
I. Evaluating Scan the QR code to watch the Direction: Carefully read and Distinguish if the sound that you 1. i, iv, and v are the tonic,
learning YouTube video of the song understand each item. Write the will hear is a Major or a Minor subdominant, and
“Magtanim Ay ‘Di Biro”. Using the letter of your answer on a triad/chord. Write M for Major dominant triads. They are
song as a guide, perform the separate sheet of paper. triad and m for minor triad. Write represented by lowercase
activities below applying 1. It refers to the overall quality your answer on a separate sheet of Roman numerals to signify
monophonic and homophonic of a single or several layers of paper. Type the link or scan the QR what kind of tonality?
textures: vocal and instrumental. sound heard at the same time. code to the Youtube video for this
Sing Magtanim Ay ‘Di Biro in a A. texture activity. A. major
cappella B. melody B. minor C.
C. timbre diminished D.
Sing the song while clapping the D. tempo augmented
rhythm of the song 2. Texture in music depends on
the number of musical sounds 2.
You may have family members put together.
who knows how to play guitar or What texture has a single B. D
keyboard. You can politely request melody without Study the triads below. Which
them to play the accompaniment accompaniment? of the following is a D minor
for you while you sing the song. A.Monophonic chord?
C. Polyphonic
Record your 3 performances and B.Homophonic 3. The D minor is the relative
send to your teacher in D.Heterophonic minor of F Major. What
Messenger. 3. What is the texture when are the so-fa syllables that
there is a melody with compose the D minor?
What kind of texture did you accompaniment? A.Polyphonic
observe while doing the activity? B. Monophonic A. mi-so-ti
Encircle your answer. C. Homophonic la-do-mi C. re-fa-la
a. Sing song Thin D.solo do-re-mi
in a cappella / Thick 4. These are two or more
different songs that can be A.
4. The F Major triad is the IV
Monophonic/ sung together. (Sub-dominant) scale
Homophonic B. duet degree of C Major. Which
b. Sing C. ensemble of the following is an F
song while round song Major triad in key of C?
clapping Thin / Thick D. partner song
A. C Major-A minor
C. F
Major- F minor
B. G Major- E minor
D major- G minor
J. Additional activities
for application or
A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who acquired
activities for
who scored
below 80%
Prepared by:
Master Teacher II
Principal I
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