Financial Result 190124
Financial Result 190124
Financial Result 190124
Dear Sirs,
Sub: Consolidated and Standalone Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and nine
months ended December 31, 2023
In continuation of our letter dated January 12, 2024 and pursuant to Regulation 33 and other
applicable provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations,
2015, we attach the Unaudited Financial Results (Consolidated and Standalone) for the quarter
and nine months ended December 31, 2023, along with Independent Auditor's Review Report
The said Financial Results were duly reviewed and recommended by the Audit Committee and
approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, at their respective meetings held today.
The meeting commenced at 5:00 p.m. Please note that the Financial Results were approved by
the Board at 6:00 p.m. and the Board Meeting is continuing for consideration of other agenda
Thanking you
Yours faithfully,
Savithri Parekh
Company Secretary and
Compliance Officer
Encl.: as above
Copy to:
Luxembourg Stock Exchange Singapore Exchange Limited
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Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP Chaturvedi & Shah LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
One International Center 912, Tulsiani Chambers
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Senapati Bapat Marg Mumbai - 400021
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Independent Auditor's Review Report on the Quarterly and Year to Date Unaudited
Consolidated Financial Results of Reliance Industries Limited pursuant to the Regulations
33 and 52 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulation 2015, as
Review Report
To The Board of Directors
Reliance Industries Limited
2. This Statement, which is the responsibility of the Parent's Management and approved by
the Parent's Board of Directors, has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and
measurement principles laid down in the Indian Accounting Standard 34 " Interim Financial
Reporting" ("Ind AS 34"), prescribed under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 as
amended, read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles
generally accepted in India and in compliance with Regulations 33 and 52 of the Listing
Regulations. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Statement based on our
3. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review
Engagements (SRE) 2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the
Independent Auditor of the Entity", issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI). This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate
assurance as to whether the statement is free of material misstatement. A review of interim
financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of Parent's personnel
responsible for financial and accounting matters and applying analytical and other review
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with Standards on Auditing specified under Section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013
and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of
all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express
an audit opinion.
We also perfonned procedures in accordanrn with the Circular No. CJR/CFD/CMD I/44/
2019 dated 29th March, 2019 issued by the Securities and Exchange Board oflndia under
Regulation 33(8) of the Listing Regulations, to the extent applicable.
List of Suhsidiaries:
7-India Convenience Retail Limited; Aaidea Solutions Limited; Accops Systems Private
Limited; Actoserba Active Wholesale Limited; Addverb Technologies BV; Addvcrb
Technologies Limited; Addverb Technologies Plc Limited; Addverb Technologies Pty
Limited; Addverb Technologies USA Inc.; Adventure Marketing Private Limited;
AETNl8 Media Private Limited; Amante Exports (Private) Limilcd; Amante India
Limited; Amante Lanka (Private) Limited; Asteria Aerospace Limited; Bhadohi DEN
Entertainment Private Limited; Bismi Connect Private Limited; Rismi Hypemrnrt Private
Limited; Catwalk Worldwide Private Limited; Channels India Network Private Limited;
Chennai Cable Vision Network Private Limited; Colorful Media Private Limited;
Colosceum Media Private Limited; Columbus Centre Corporation (Cayman); Columbus
Centre Holding Company LLC; Cover Story Clothing Limited; Cover Story Clothii1g UK
Limited; Crystalline Silica And Mining Limited; C-Square Info-Solutions Limited; Dadha
Pharma Distribution Limited; DEN Ambcy Cable Networks Private Limited; Den
Broadband Limited; Den Budaun Cable Network Private Limited; Den Discovery Digital
Networks Private Limited; Den Enjoy Cable Networks Private Limited; Den Enjoy
Navaratan Network Private Limited; Den F K Cable TV Network Private Limited; Den
Fateh Marketing Private Limited; Den Kashi Cable Network Limited; Den Malayalam
Telenet Privalc Limited; Den Mod Max Cable Network Private Limited; Den Nashik City
Cable Network Private Limited; Den Networks Limited; Den Premium Multilink Cable
Network Private Limited; Den Rajkol City Communication Private Limited; Den Satellite
Cable TV Network Limited; Den Saya Channel Network Limited; Den Supreme Satellite
Vision Private Limited; Den-Manoranjan Satellite Private Limited; Digital Media
Distribution Trust; Digital 18 Media Limited; Drashti Cable Network Limited; Dronagiri
Bokadvira East Infra Limited; Dronagiri Bokadvira North Infra Limited; Dronagiri
Bokadvira South Infra Limited; Dronagiri Bokadvira West Infra Limited; Dronagiri Dongri
East Infra Limited; Dronagiri Dongri Nmih Infra Limited; Dronagiri Dongri South Infra
Limited; Dronagiri Dongri West Infra Limited; Dronagiri Funde East Infra Limited;
Dronagiri Funde North Infra Limited; Dronagiri Funde South Infra Limited; Dronagiri
Fundc West Tnfra Limited; Dronagiri N avghar East Infra Lim itcd; Dronagiri Navghar North
First Infra Limited; Dronagiri Navghar North Infra Limited; Dronagiri Navghar North
Second Infra Limited; Dronagiri Navghar South First Infra Limited; Dronagiri Navghar
South Infra Limited; Dronagiri Navghar South Second Infra Limited; Dronagiri Navghar
West Infra Limited; Dronagiri Pagote East Infra Limited; Dronagiri Pagote North First
Infra Limited; Dronagiri Pagote North Infra Limited; Dronagiri Pagote North Second Infra
Limited; Dronagiri Pagote South First Infra Limited; Dronagiri Pagote South Infra Limited;
Dronagiri Pagote West Infra Limited; Dronagiri ranje East Infra Limited; Dronagiri Panje
No11h Infra Limited; Dronagiri Panje South Infra Limited; Dronagiri Panje West Infra
Limited; Limited; Elite Cable Network Private Limited; Eminent Cable
Network Private Limited; Enercent Technologies Private Limited; Etcmalia Media Private
Limited; Ethane Coral LLC; Ethane Diamond LLC; Ethane Jade LLC; Faradion Limited;
Faradion UG; Foodhall Franchises Limited; Future Lifestyles Franchisee Limited;
Futuristic Media and Entertainment Limited; Galaxy Den Media & Entertainment Private
Limited; Genesis Colors Limited; Genesis La Mode Private Limited; GLB Rody Care
Private Limited; GLF Lifestyle Brands Private Limited; GML India Fashion Private
Limited; Grab A Grub Services Limited; Greycells 18 Media Limited; Hamleys
(Franchising) Limited; Hamleys Asia Limited; Hamleys of London Limited; Hamleys Toys
(Ireland) Limited; Hathway Bhawani Cablctel & Datacom Limited; Hathway Cable and
Datacom Limited; Hathway Digital Limited; Hathway Kokan Crystal Cable Network
Limited; Hathway Mantra Cable & Datacom Limited; Hathway Nashik Cable Network
Private Limited; Hathway Bhaskar CCN Multi Entertainment Private Limited; ICD
Columbus Centre Hotel LLC; Independent Media Trust; TndiaCast Media Distribution
Private Limited; IndiaCast UK Limited; IndiaCast US Limited; lndiavidual Learning
Limited; lndiawin Sports Middle East Limited; India Mumbai Indians (Pty) Ltd; Indiawin
Sports Private Limited; lndiawin Sports USA Inc; Infomedia Press Limited; Intelligent
Supply Chain Infrastructure Management Private Limited$; Jntimi India Limited; TPCO
Holdings LLP; IW Columbus Centre LLC; Jaisuryas Retail Ventures Limited; Jio Cable
and Broadband Holdings Private Limited; Jio Content Distribution Holdings Private
Limited; Jio Digital Distribution Holdings Private Limited; Jio Estonia OU; Jio Futuristic
Digital Holdings Private Limited; Jio Haptik Technologies Limited; Jio Internet
Distribution Holdings Private Limited; Jio Limited; Jio Media Limited; Jio Platforms
Limited; Jio Satellite Communications Limited;; Jio Television Distribution Holdings
Private Limited; Jio Things Limited; Just Dial Limited; Kalamboli East Infra Limited;
Kalamboli North First Infra Limited; Kalamboli North Infra Limited; Kalamboli North
Second Infra Limited; Kalamboli NortJ1 Third Infra Limited; Kalamboli South First Infra
Limited; Kalamboli South Infra Limited; Kalamboli West Infra Limited; Kalanikethan
Fashions Limited; Kalanikethan Silks Limited; Kishna Den Cable Networks Private
Limited; Kutch New Energy Projects Limited; Libra Cable Network Limited; Lithium
Werks China Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; Lithium Werks Technology B. V.; Lotus Chocolate
Company Limited; M Entertainments Private Limited; Mahadev Den Cable Network
Limited; Mahavir Den Entertainment Private Limited; Mansion Cable Network Private
Limited; Mayuri Kumkum Limited; Medial8 Distribution Services Limited; Meerut Cable
Network Private Limited; Mesindus Ventures Limited; Metro Cash and Carry India Private
Limited; Mimosa Networks Inc; Mimosa Networks Bilisim Teknolojileri Limited Sirketi;
Mindex 1 Limited; Model Economic Township Limited; Moneycontrol Dot Com India
Limited; MYJD Private Limited; Netmeds Healthcare Limited ; Network! 8 Media &
Investments Limited; Network I 8 Media Trust; New York Hotel LLC; NextGen Fast
Fashion Limited; New Emerging World of Journalism Limited; Nilgiris Stores Limited;
Now Floats Technologies Limited; Purple Panda Fashions Limited; Radiant Satellite (India)
Private Limited; Radisys B.V.; Radisys Canada Inc.; Radisys Cayman Limited; Radisys
Convedia (Ireland) Limited; Radisys Corporation; Radisys GmbH; Radisys India Limited;
Radisys International LLC; Radisys International Singapore Pte. Ltd.; Radisys Spain
S.L.U.; Radisys Systems Equipment Trading (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.; Radisys Technologies
(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd.; Radisys UK Limited; RB Holdings Private Limited; RB Media
Holdings Private Limited; RB Mcdiasoft Private Limited; RBML Solutions India Limited;
REC Americas LLC; REC ScanModule Sweden AB; REC Solar (Japan) Co., Ltd.; REC
Solar EMEA GmbH; REC Solar France SAS; REC Solar Holdings AS; REC Solar Norway
AS; REC Solar Pte. Ltd.; REC Systems (Thailand) Co., Ltd.; REC Trading (Shanghai) Co.,
Ltd.; REC US Holdings, Inc.; Rccron (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.; Reliance 4IR Realty
Development Limited; Reliance A&T Fashions Private Limited; Reliance Abu Sandeep
Private Limited; Reliance AK-OK Fashions Limited; Reliance Ambit Trade Private
Limited; Reliance Beauty & Personal Care Limited; Reliance Bhutan Limited; Reliance
Bio Energy Limited; Reliance BP Mobility Limited; Reliance Brands Holding UK Limited;
Reliance Brands Limited; Reliance Brands Luxury Fashion Private Limited; Reliance
Carbon Fibre Cylinder Limited; Reliance Chemicals and Materials Limited; Reliance
Clothing India Limited; Reliance Commercial Dealers Limited; Reliance Comtrade Private
Limited; Reliance Consumer Products Limited; Reliance Content Distribution Limited;
Reliance CorJo ·ate 1T Park Limited; Reliance Digital Health Limited; Reliance Digital
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Health USA Tnc.; Reliance Terra Tech Holding LLC; Reliance Eagleford Upstream Holding
LP; Reliance Eagleford Upstream LLC; Reliance Electrolyser Manufacturing Limited;
Reliance Eminent Trading & Commercial Private Limited; Reliance Ethane Holding Pte
Limited; Reliance Ethane Pipeline Limited; Reliance Exploration & Production DMCC;
Reliance Finance and Investments USA LLC; Reliance GAS Lifestyle India Private
LimiLcd; Reliance Gas Pipelines Limited; Reliance Global Energy Services (Singapore)
Pte. Limited; Reliance Global Energy Services Limited; Reliance Global Project Services
Ptc Limited; Reliance Global Project Services UK Limited; Reliance Green Hydrogen And
Green Chemicals Limited; Reliance Hydrogen Electrolysis Limited; Reliance Hydrogen
Fuel Cell Limited; Reliance Industries (Middle East) DMCC; Reliance Innovative Building
Solutions Private Limited; Reliance lnternalional Limited; Reliance Jio Global Resources,
LLC; Reliance Jio lnfocomm Limited; Reliance Jio Infocomm Pte. Ltd.; Reliance Jio
lnfocomm UK Limited; Reliance Jio Tnfocomm USA, Inc.; Reliance .Tio Media Limited;
Reliance Lifestyle ProducLs Private Limited; Reliance Lithium Werks B. V.; Reliance
Lithium Werks USA LLC; Reliance Logistics and Warehouse Holdings Limited; Reliance
Luxe Beauty Limited (fonnerly known as Arvind Beauty Brands Retail Limited); Reliance
Mappedu Multi Modal Logistics Park Limited; Reliance Marcellus LLC; Reliance
NeuComm LLC; Reliance New Energy Carbon Fibre Cylinder Limited; Reliance New
Energy Hydrogen Electrolysis Limited; Reliance New Energy Hydrogen Fuel Cell Limited;
Reliance New Energy Battery Storage Limited; Reliance New Energy Limited; Reliance
New Energy Power Electronics Limited; Reliance New Energy Storage Limited; Reliance
New Power Electronics Limited; Reliance New Solar Energy Limited; Reliance Petro
Marketing Limited; Reliance Petro Materials Limited; Reliance Polyester Limited;
Reliance Power Electronics Limited; Reliance Progressive Traders Private Limited;
Reliance Projects & Property Management Services Limited; Reliance Prolific
Commercial Private Limited; Reliance Prolific Traders Private Limited; Reliance Rahul
Mishra Fashion Private Limited; Reliance Retail and Fashion Lifestyle Limited; Reliance
Retail Limited; Reliance Retail Ventures Limited; Reliance Ritu Kumar Private Limited;
Reliance Sibur Elastomers Private Limited; ; Reliance SOU Limited; Reliance Strategic
Business Ventures Limited; Reliance Syngas Limited; Reliance UbiTek LLC; Reliance
Universal Traders Private Limited; Reliance Vantage Retail Limited; Reliance Ventures
Limited; Reliance-GrandOptical Private Limited; Reverie Language Technologies
Limited; RTL USA, lnc.; RISE Worldwide Limited; Ritu Kumar M.E. (FZE); Reliance
Brands Eyewear Private Limited (frnm erly known as Rod Retai I Private Limited); Roptonal
Limited; Rose Entertainment Private Limited; RP Chemicals (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.; RRB
Mediasoft Private Limited; Saavn LLC Holdings ; ; Saavn Media Limited; SankhyaSutra
Labs Limited; Sensehawk Inc; Sensehawk India Private Limited; Sensehawk MEA
Limited; Shopsense Retail Technologies Limited; Shri Kannan Departmental Store
Limited; skyTran Inc.; Soubhagya Confectionery Private Limited; Srishti Den Networks
Limited; Stoke Park Limited; Strand Life Sciences Private Limited; Surajya Services
Limited; Surela Investment And Trading Limited; Tesseract Imaging Limited; The lndian
Film Combine Private Limited; Thodupu7,ha Retail Private Limited; Tira Beauty Limited;
Tresara Health Limited; TVl 8 Broadcast Limited; Ulwe East Infra Limited; Ulwe North
Infra Limited; Ulwe South Infra Limited; Ulwe Waterfront East Infra Limited; Ulwe
Waterfront North Infra Limiled; Ulwe Waterfront South Infra Limited; Ulwe Waterfront
West Infra Limited; Ulwe West Infra Limited; Urban Ladder Home Decor Solutions
Limited; V - Retail Private Limited; VasyERP Solutions Private Limited; VBS Digital
Distribution Network Limited; Vcngara Retail Private Limited; Viacom 18 Media (UK)
Limited; Viacom 18 Media Private Limited; Viacom 18 US Inc.; Vitalic Health Lim ited;
Watermark Jnfratech Private Limited; Web] 8 Digital Services Limited.
$ Ceased to be a subsidiary during the period.
List of Associates:
Big Tree Entertainment DMCC; Big Tree Entertainment Lanka Private Limited; Big Tree
Entertainment Private Limited; Big Tree Ente1tainment Singapore PTE. Limited; Big Tree
Sport & Recreational Events Tickets Selling L.L.C; BookmyShow Live Private Limited;
Bookmyshow SDN. BHD.; BookmyShow Venues Management Private Limited; Clayfin
Technologies Private Limited; DEN ABC Cable Network Ambamath Private Limited;
DEN ADN Network Private Limited; DEN New Broad Communication Private Limited;
Den Satellite Network Private Limited; DL GTPL Broadband Private Limited; DL GTPL
Cabnet Private Limited; Dunzo Digital Private Limited; Dunzo Merchant Services Private
Limited; Dunzo Wholesale Private Limited; Dyulok Technologies Private Limited; Eenadu
Television Private Limited; Circle E Retail Private Limited; Esterlina Solar - Proyecto
Cinco, S .L.; Esterlina Solar - Proyccto Cuatro, S. L .; Esterlina Solar - Proyecto Dos, S.L.;
Esterlina Solar - Proyecto Nueve, S.L.; Eslerlina Solar - Proyecto Ocho, S.L.; Esterlina
Solar - Proyecto Seis, S.L.; Estcrl ina Solar - Proyecto Siete, S.L.; Esterlina Solar -
Proyecto Trcs, S.L.; Esterlina Solar- Proyccto Uno, S.L.; Esterlina Solar Engineers Private
Limited; Fantain Sports Private Limited; Foodfesta Wellcare Private Limited; Future!0l
Design Private Limited; Gaurav Overseas Private Limited; GCO Solar Pty. Ltd.; GenNext
Ventures Investment Advisers LLP; GTPL Abhilash Communication Private Limited;
GTPL Bansidhar Tele link Private Limited; GTPL Bariya Television Network; G TPL Bawa
Cable; GTPL Broadband Private Limited; GTPL Crazy Network; GTPL Dahod Television
Network Private Limited; GTPL DCPL Private Limited; GTPL Hathway Limited; GTPL
Insight Channel Network Private Limited; GTPL Jay Santoshima Network Private Limited;
GTPL Jaydeep Cable; GTPL Junagadh Network Private Limited; GTPL Jyoti Cable; GTPL
Kaizen Jnfonet Private Limited; GTPL KCBPL Broad Band Private Limited; GTPL
Khambhat Cable Network; GTPL Khusboo Video Channel; GTPL Kolkata Cable & Broad
Band Pariseva Limited; GTPL Leo Vision; GTPL Link Network Private Limited; GTPL
Lucky Video Cable; GTPL Ma Bhagawati Entertainment Services; GTPL Narmada Cable
Services; GTPL Narmada Cyberzonc Private Limited; GTPL Parshwa Cable Network
Private Limited; GTPL Parth World Vision; GTPL Rajwadi Network Private Limited;
GTPL Sai World Channel; GTPL Shiv Cable Network;. GTPL Shreenathji
Communication; GTPL SK Network Private Limited; GTPL SK Vision; GTPL SMC
Network Private Limited; GTPL Solanki Cable Network Private Limited; GTPL Sorath
Telelink Private Limited; GTPL Swastik Communication; GTPL Tridev Cable Network;
GTPL V & S Cable Private Limited; GTPL Vision Services Private Limited; GTPL Vraj
Cable; GTPL VVC Network Private Limited; GTPL World View Cable; GTPL World
Vision; GTPL Zigma Vision Private Limited; Gujarat Chemical Port Limited; Hathway
VCN Cablenet Private Limited; Indian Vaccines Corporation Limited; Ixora Holdings
Limited; Konark IP Dossiers Private T,imited; Metro Cast Network India Private Limited;
MM Styles Private Limited; Neolync India Private Limited; Neolync Solutions Private
Limited; Nexwafe Gmbh; NWJ 8 HSN Holdings PLC; Omnia Toys India Private Limited;
Pan Cable Services Private Limited; Peppo Technologies Private Limited; Popclub Vision
Tech Private Limited; PT Big Tree Entertainment Indonesia; Reliance Europe Limited;
Reliance Industrial Infrastructure Limited; Ritu Kumar Fashion (LLC); SpaceBound Web
Labs Private Limited; Sterling and Wilson (Thailand) Limited; Sterling and Wilson
Engineering (Pty) Ltd.; Sterling and Wilson International LLP; Sterling and Wilson
International Solar FZCO; Sterling and Wilson Kazakhstan, LLP; Sterling and Wilson
Middle East Solar Energy LLC; Sterling and Wilson Renewable Energy Limited; Sterling
and Wilson Renewable Energy Spain S.L.; Sterling And Wilson Renewable Energy Nigeria
Limited; Sterling and Wilson Saudi Arabia Limited; Sterling and Wilson Singapore Pte
Ltd; Sterling and Wilson Solar Australia Pty. Ltd.; Sterling and Wilson Solar LLC; Sterling
and Wilson Solar Solutions Inc.; Sterling and Wilson Solar Solutions, LLC; Sterling and
Wilson Solar Spain, S.L.; Sterling Wilson-SPCPL-Chint Moroccan Venture; Townscript
PTE. Ltd, Singapore; Townscript USA, Inc.; TribeVibe Entertainment Private Limited;
Two Platforms Inc.; Vadodara Enviro Channel Limited.
5. Based on our review conducted and procedures performed as stated in paragraph 3 above
and based on the consideration of the review reports of the other auditors referred to in
paragraph 6 below, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the
accompanying Statement, prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement
principles laid down in the aforesaid Indian Accounting Standard ("Ind AS") specified
under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 as amended, read with relevant rules issued
thereunder and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, has not disclosed
the information required to be disclosed in terms of the Listing Regulations, including the
manner in which it is ln be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement
c. 55 subsidiaries, which have not been reviewed by us, whose unaudited interim
standalone/consolidated financial results/financial information reflect total
revenues of Rs. 102,733 crore and Rs. 292,056 crore for the quarter and nine
months ended 31'1 December, 2023 respectively, total net profit after tax of Rs.
2,564 crore and Rs. 7,112 crore for the quarter and nine months ended 3 Lst
December, 2023 respectively, and total comprehensive income of Rs. 2,9 LO crore
and Rs. 8,148 crore for the quarter and nine months ended 31·'1 December, 2023
respectively, as considered in the Statement which have been reviewed by other
d. 70 associates and 8 joint ventures, which have not been reviewed by us, whose
unaudited interim standalone/consolidated financial results/financial information
reflect Group's share of profit after tax of Rs. 90 crore and Rs. 171 crore for the
quarter and nine months ended 31 ' 1 December, 2023 respectively, and total
comprehensive income of Rs. 87 crore and Rs. 183 crore for the quarter and nine
months 31 st December, 2023 respectively, as considered in the Statement which
have been reviewed by other auditors.
b. 44 associates and 35 joint ventures, whose unaudited interim standalone/
consolidated financial results/financial infonnation reflect Group's share of profit
after tax of Rs. 44 crore and Rs. 85 crore for the quarter and nine months ended 31 st
Decemhcr, 2023 respectively, and total comprehensive income of Rs. 44 crore and
Rs. 85 crore for the quarter and nine months ended 31 '' December, 2023
respectively, as considered in the Statement.
Our conclusion on the Statement is not modified in respect of our reliance on the unaudited
interim standalone/consolidated financial results/financial information certified by the
For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP For Chaturvedi & Shah LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm's Registration No. l 17366W/W-J00018 Firm's Registration No.
Name of the Company: Reliance Industries Limited
Registered Office: 3rd Floor, Maker Chambers IV, 222, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021
(i in crore, excect cer share data and ratios
Year Ended
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
Particulars (Audited)
31 Dec'23 30 Sep'23 31 Dec'22 31 Dec'23 31 Dec'22 31 Mar'23
Value of Sales & Services (Revenue) 248,160 255,996 240,532 735,288 735,907 974,864
Less: GST Recovered 20,190 21,040 20,367 61,531 60,861 83,553
Revenue from Operations 227,970 234,956 220,165 673,757 675,046 891,311
Other Income 3,869 3,841 3,146 11,523 8,859 11,734
Total Income 231,839 238,797 223,311 685,280 683,905 903,045
Cost of Materials Consumed 98,949 101,619 98,730 296,377 346,210 450,241
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade 57,898 50,786 47,599 147,056 130,728 168,505
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-in-
(9,345) 304 (748) (11,554) (25,557) (30,263)
Proqress and Stock-in-Trade
Excise Dutv 2,884 3,070 3,428 9,226 10,045 13,476
Employee Benefits Expense 6,313 5,947 6,261 18,861 18,408 24,872
Finance Costs 5,789 5,731 5,201 17,357 13,752 19,571
Depreciation / Amortisation and Depletion Expense 12,903 12,585 10,183 37,263 28,851 40,303
Other Expenses 30,615 32,262 29,886 94,074 91.406 122,318
Total Excenses 206,006 212,304 200,540 608,660 613,B43 809,023
Profit Before Share of Profit I (Loss} of Associates and
25,833 26,493 22,771 76,620 70,062 94,022
Joint Ventures and Tax
Share of Profit/ (Loss) of Associates and Joint Ventures 153 58 131 287 3 24
Profit Before Tax from Continuing Operations 25,986 26,551 22,902 76,907 70,065 94,046
Tax Expenses
Current Tax 3,079 3,499 2,655 9,970 9,167 8,398
Deferred Tax 3,266 3,174 2,541 9,160 8.455 11,978
Profit from Continuing Operations 19,641 19,878 17,706 57,777 52,443 73,670
Profit from Discontinued Operations (Net of Tax) . - 100 - 318 418
Profit for the Period 19,641 19,B7B 17,806 57,777 52,761 74,088
Other Comprehensive Income
ContinuinA Operations
I Items that will not be reclassified to Profit or Loss 288 192 (149) 1,091 207 (39)
Income tax relating to items that will not be 19 (121) {26) (13)
II (25) (17)
reclassified to Profit or Loss
Ill Items that will be reclassified to Profit or Loss 212 (1,765) (1,876) (462) (10,453) (9,503)
Income tax relating to items that will be 459 319 158 1,915 1,829
IV {25)
reclassified to Profit or Loss
Total Other Comprehensive Income I (Loss) from (8,357)
450 (1,131) (1,687) 666 (7,726)
Continuing Operations (Net of Tax)
Discontinued Operations
Items that will not be reclassified to Profit or Loss
I (Net of Tax)
- - 6,195 - (3,195) (11,101)
Items that will be reclassified to Profit or Loss (Net
- - (27) - (39) 15
Total Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) from . - 6,168 - (3,234) (11,086)
Discontinued Operations (Net of Tax)
Total Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) (Net of 4,481 666 (11,591) (1 B,812)
450 (1,131)
Total Comprehensive Income for the Period 20,091 18,747 22,287 58,443 41,170 55,276
Page I of 16
(~ in crore, except per share data and ratios
Year Ended
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
Particulars (Audited)
31 Dec'23 30 Sep'23 31 Dec'22 31 Dec'23 31 Dec'22 31 Mar'23
Net Profit attributable to:
a) I Owners of the Company 17,265 17,394 15,792 50,670 47,403 66,702
b) I Non-Controlling Interest 2,376 2.484 2,014 7,107 5,358 7,386
Other Comprehensive Income attributable to:
a) I Owners of the Company 465 (1,143) 4,479 663 (11,556) {18,783)
b) I Non-Controlling Interest (15) 12 2 3 (35) (29)
Total Comprehensive Income attributable to:
a) I Owners of the Company 17,730 16,251 20,271 51,333 35,847 47,919
b) I Non-Controlling Interest 2,361 2,496 2,016 7,110 5,323 7,357
Earnings per equity share (Face Value off 10/-) (Not
Annualised for the quarter/nine months ended)
Continuing Operations
(a.1) I Basic (in ~) 25.52 25.71 23.19 74.90 69.60 97.97
(b.1) I Diluted (in r) 25.52 25.71 23.19 74.90 69.60 97.97
Discontinued Operations
(a.1) I Basic (in '{) - - 0.15 - 0.47 0.62
(b.1) I Diluted (in ~) - - 0.15 - 0.47 0.62
Continuing and Discontinued Operations
(a.1) I Basic (in t) 25.52 25.71 23.34 74.90 70.07 98.59
(b.1) I Diluted (in ~) 25.52 25.71 23.34 74.90 70.07 98.59
Paid up Equity Share Capital (Equity Shares of face value
6,766 6,766 6,766 6,766 6,766 6,766
of~ 10/- each)
Other Equity excluding Revaluation Reserve 709,106
Capital Redemption Reserve/Debenture Redemption
2,358 2,358 2,269 2,358 2,269 2,358
Net Worth (includin!.l Retained Earnings) 724,838 704,032 686,440 724,838 686,440 668,880
a) Debt Service Coveraqe Ratio 2.97 1.66 2.49 1.95 2.67 2.35
b) Interest Service Coverage Ratio 5.49 5.63 5.40 5.43 6.09 5.81
c) Debt Equity Ratio 0.40 0.39 0.38 0.40 0.38 0.44
d) Current Ratio 1.21 1.16 0.95 1.21 0.95 1.07
e) Long term debt to working capital 2.41 2.89 5.96 2.41 5.96 2.97
f) Bad debts to Account receivable ratio - - - - - -
q) Current liability ratio 0.46 0.47 0.50 0.46 0.50 0.51
h) Total debts to total assets 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.20
i) Debtors turnover$ 28.06 32.25 36.71 31.49 39.08 37.43
j) Inventory turnover$ 5.50 5.99 6.13 5.47 7,28 6.98
k) Operating margin (%) 11.2 11.1 10.4 11.3 10.2 10.5
I) Net profit margin(%)' 7.9 7,8 7,4 7.9 7.2 7.6
s Ratios for the quarter/nine months have been annualised
• Includes Profit from discontinued operations
- -
Registered Office: Corporate Communications Telephone (1 9 I 22) 2278 5000
Maker Chambers IV Maker Chambers IV Telefa.-..: (+91 22) 2278 5185
3rd Floor, 222. Narirnan Point 9th Floor. Nariman Point Internet \\ 1111 .ril.corn; invcstor.rdatio11s@ril.co111
Mumbai 400 021. India Mumbai 400 021. India CTN L 1711 0MH 1973PLC0 19786
Page 2 of 16
1. The figures for the corresponding previous period have been regrouped/ reclassified wherever
necessary, to make them comparable.
2. Total Non-Convertible Debentures of the Group outstanding (before netting off prepaid finance
charges and Fair Valuation Impact) as on December 31, 2023 are~ 38,326 crore out of which,
Secured Non-Convertible Debentures are< 22,000 crore.
During the period April 2023 to December 2023, the Group redeemed Listed Secured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to < 1,566 crore (PPD Series 12), Listed Secured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to~ 1,531 crore (PPD Series 13), , Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to ~ 3,405 crore (PPD Series K1), Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to < 4,500 crore (PPD Series K2), Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to< 2,340 crore (PPD Series M1), Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to < 550 crore (PPD Series M2), Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to~ 3,600 crore (PPD Series N) and Listed Secured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to< 1,000 crore (PPD Series 8).
Further, during the quarter, the Group issued Listed Secured Non-Convertible Debentures
amounting to< 20,000 crore (PPD Series P) in two tranches on private placement basis.
Page 3 of 16
3. Formulae for computation of ratios are as follows -
Sr. Ratios Formulae
Page 4 of 16
4. The Audit Committee has reviewed, and the Board of Directors has approved the above results
and its release at their respective meetings held on January 19, 2024. The Statutory Auditors
of the Company have carried out Limited Review of the aforesaid results.
Registered Office: Corporate Communications Telephone (+91 22) 227& 5000
Maker Chambers IV Maker Chambers IV Telefax (+91 22) 2278 5185
3rd Floor, 222, Nariman Point 9th Floor, Nariman Point Internet ww\\ .ril.~·om; investor.rel::it ions@r i
Mumbai 400 021, India Mumbai 400 021, India CIN L17110MH1973PLC019786
Page 5 of 16
/~ in crore
Quarter Ended Year Ended
Nine Months Ended
Sr. Particulars (Audited)
31 Dec'23 30 Sep'23 31 Dec'22 31 Dec'23 31 Dec'22 31 Mar'23
Segment Value of Sales and Services
1 (Revenue)
- Oil to Chemicals (O2C) 141,096 147,988 144,630 422,115 466,016 594,650
- Oil and Gas 6,719 6,620 4,474 17,971 11,952 16,508
- Retail 83,040 77,163 67,629 230,165 191,119 260,394
- Digital Services 33,463 32,657 30,344 98,197 88,416 119,791
- others 12,476 19,114 19,371 49,417 55,415 88.455
Gross Value of Sales and Services 276,794 283,542 266,448 817,865 812,918 1,079,798
Less: Inter Segment Transfers 28,634 27,546 25,916 82,577 77,011 104,934
Value of Sales & Services 248,160 255,996 240,532 735,288 735,907 974,864
Less: GST Recovered 20,190 21,040 20,367 61,531 60.861 83,553
Revenue from Operations 227,970 234,956 220,165 673,757 675,046 891,311
• Segment results (EBITDA and EBIT) include Interest Income/Other Income pertaining to the respective segments.
Page 6 of 16
(~ in crore)
Sr. Year Ended
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
No Particulars (Audited)
31 Dec'23 30 Sep'23 31 Dec'22 31 Dec'23 31 Dec'22 31 Mar'23
4 Segment Assets
- Oil to Chemicals (O2C) 407,945 405,010 373,455 407,945 373,455 385,504
- Oil and Gas 37,799 37,988 37,268 37,799 37,268 37,812
- Retail 186,619 185,986 153,188 186,619 153,188 168,314
- Digital Services 551,410 547,127 487,255 551,410 487,255 506,238
- Financial Services - - 104,066 - 104,066 -
- Others 249,597 236,699 212,940 249,597 212,940 217,133
- Unallocated 288,229 269,405 296,795 288,229 296)95 292,430
Total Segment Assets 1,721,599 1,682,215 1,664,967 1,721,599 1,664,967 1,607,431
5 Segment Liabilities
- Oil to Chemicals (O2C) 106,831 103,775 49.753 106,831 49,753 55,757
- Oil and Gas 5,939 6,827 5,856 5,939 5,856 6,042
- Retail 68,710 73,530 63,125 68,710 63,125 68,221
- Digital Services 243,894 247,563 210,821 243,894 210,821 221,920
- Financial Services - - 33 - 33 .
- others 30,482 32,975 33,671 30,482 33,671 43,364
- Unallocated 1,265,743 1,217,545 1,301,708 1,265,743 1,301,708 1,212,127
Total Segment Liabilities 1,721,599 1,682,215 1,664,967 1,721,599 1,664,967 1,607,431
Page 7 of 16
Notes to Segment Information (Consolidated) for the Quarter and Nine Months Ended
31 st December 2023
As per Indian Accounting Standard 108 'Operating Segments', the Company has reported 'Segment
Information', as described below:
a) The Oil to Chemicals business includes Refining, Petrochemicals, fuel retailing through
Reliance BP Mobility Limited, aviation fuel and bulk wholesale marketing. It includes
breadth of portfolio spanning transportation fuels, polymers, polyesters and elastomers.
The deep and unique integration of O2C business includes world-class assets comprising
Refinery Off-Gas Cracker, Aromatics, Gasification, multi-feed and gas crackers along
with downstream manufacturing facilities, logistics and supply-chain infrastructure.
b) The Oil and Gas segment includes exploration, development, production of crude oil and
natural gas.
c) The Retail segment includes consumer retail and range of related services.
e) Other business segments which are not separately reportable have been grouped under
Page 8 of 16
Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP Chaturvedi & Shah LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
One International Center 912, Tulsiani Chambers
Tower 3, 27th-32nd Floor 212 Nariman Point
Senapati Bapat Marg Mumbai-400021
Elphinstone Road (West) Maharashtra, India
Mumbai - 400013
Maharashtra, India
Independent Auditor's Review Report on the Quarterly and Year to date Unaudited
Standalone Financial Results of Reliance Industries Limited ("the Company") pursuant to
the Regulations 33 and 52 of the SEBJ (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulation 2015, as amended
Review report
To the Board of Directors
Reliance Industries Limited
2. This Statement, which is the responsibility of the Company's Management and approved
by the Company's Board of Directors, has been prepared in accordance with the recognition
and measurement principles laid down in the Indian Accounting Standard 34, "Interim
Financial Rep011ing" ("Ind AS 34") prescribed under section 133 of the Companies Act,
2013 as amended, read with relevant ru Jes issued thereunder and other accounting
principles generally accepted in India and in compliance with Regulations 33 and 52 of the
Lisling Reglllations. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on the Statement based
on our review.
3. We conducted our review of the Statement in accordance with the Standard on Review
Engagements (SRE) 2410 'Review of Interim Financial Tnfonnation Perfom1ed by the
Independent Auditor of the Entity' issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants oflndia
(TCAI). This standard requires that we plan and perfonn the review to obtain moderate
assurance as to whether the Statement is free from material misstatement. A review of
interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of the Company's
personnel responsible for financial and accounting matters and applying analytical and
other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with Standards on Auditing specified under section 143(10) of'thc Companies
Act, 2013 and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would becomt:
aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion.
Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP Chaturvedi & Shah LLP
4. Based on our review conducted as stated in paragraph 3 above, nothing has come to our
attention that causes us to believe that lhc accompanying Statement, prepared in accordance
with the recognition and measurement principles laid down in the aforesaid Indian
Accounting Standard ("Ind AS") specified under section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013
as amended, read with relevant rules issued thereunder and other accounting principles
generally accepted in India, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in
terms of Regulations 33 and 52 of the Listing Regulations, including the manner in which
it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.
For Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP For Chaturvedi & Shah LLP
Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants
Firm's Registration No. 117366W/W-J 00018 Firm's Registration No. 10
(I~ 1. MUM
"l'i ..' -
.-1,t-/J A
{' in crore, except per share data and ratios)
Year Ended
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
Particulars (Audited)
31 Dec'23 30 Sep'23 31 Dec'22 31 Dec'23 31 Dec'22 31 Mar'23
Value of Sales & Services (Revenue) 136,083 147,345 134,799 415,650 437,565 578,088
Less: GST Recovered 5,504 6,895 5,522 18,722 17,847 25,265
Revenue from Operations 130,579 140,450 129,277 396,928 419,718 552,823
Other Income 2,969 2,934 2,579 8,631 8,444 11,149
Total Income 133,548 143,384 131,856 405,559 428,162 563,972
Cost of Materials Consumed 94,021 99,429 90,147 280,159 309,877 3,99,644
Purchases of Stock-in-Trade 3,789 3,695 2,382 10,106 7,166 9,974
Changes in Inventories of Finished Goods, Work-in-
(3,280) (2,183) 2,456 (5,884) {5,566) (5,862)
Progress and Stock-in-Trade
Excise Duty 2,884 3,070 3,428 9,226 10,045 13,476
Employee Benefits Expense 1,862 1,884 1,430 5,861 4,248 6,265
Finance Costs 2,982 3,239 3,349 9,817 8,881 12,6_33
Depreciation I Amortisation and Depletion Expense 4,567 4,384 2,529 12,834 7,388 11167
Other Expenses 13,745 15,364 14,535 43,218 46,311 62,557
Total Expenses 120,570 128,882 120,256 365,337 388,350 509,854
Profit Before Tax from Continuing Operations 12,978 14,502 11,600 40,222 39,812 54,118
Tax Expenses
Current Tax 2,487 2,575 2,036 7,710 6,988 6,186
Deferred Tax 567 719 1,301 1,753 3,583 4,930
Profit From Continuing Operations 9,924 11,208 8,263 30,759 29,241 43,002
Profit From Discontinued Operations (Net ofTaxl - - 110 - 1,143 1,188
Profit for the Period 9,924 11,208 8,373 30,759 30,384 44,190
Other Comprehensive Income
Continuing Operations
I Items that will not be reclassified to Profit or Loss (40) (26) (31) (23} (30) 9
Income tax relating to items that will not be
II 11 6 6 6 5 (3)
reclassified to Profit or Loss
Ill Items that will be reclassified to Profit or Loss 229 (1,813) (1,992) (545) (10,579) (9,949)
Income tax relating to items that will be
IV (41) 456 331 154 1,878 1,803
reclassified to Profit or Loss
Total Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) from
159 (1,377) (1,686) (408) (8,726) (8,140)
Continuing Operations (Net of Tax)
Discontinued Operations
Items that will be reclassified to Profit or Loss (Net
ofTax) - . (27) - (39) 15
Total Other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) from
Discontinued Operations (Net ofTax)
. . (27) - (39) 15
Total other Comprehensive Income/ (Loss) (Net of
159 (1,377) (1,713) (408) (8,765) (8,125)
Total Comprehensive Income for the Period 10,083 9,831 6,660 30,351 21,619 36,065
Earnings per equity share (Face Value of if 10/-) (Not
Annualised for the quarter/nine months ended}
Continuing Operations
(a.1) Basic (in~) 14.67 16,56 12.22 45.46 43,22 63-56
{b.1) Diluted (in ~) 14.67 16.56 12.22 45.46 43.22 63.56
Discontinued Operations
{a.1) Basic (in~) - 0,16 - 1-69 U6
(b, 1) Diluted (in ~) - - 0.16 - 1-69 1.76
Continuing and Discontinued Operations
(a-1) Basic (int) 14.67 16.56 12.38 45.46 44,91 65.32
(b, 1) Diluted (in ~) 14,67 16-56 12-38 45.46 44.91 65.32
- -
Registered Office; Corporate Communications Telephone ( ~91 22) 2278 5000
Maker Chambers IV Maker Chamber~ IV Telefax (+91 22) 2278 5 I 85
3rd r:Joor. 222. Nariman Point 9th Floor. Nariman Point Internet ww,\ .ril.rn111;
Mumbai 400 021_ India Mumbai 400 021. lndia CIN LJ 711 0MHl 973f'LCOl9786
Page 9 of 16
(~ in crore, except per share data and ratios
Year Ended
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
Particulars (Audited)
31 Dec'23 30 Sep'23 31 Dec'22 31 Dec'23 31 Dec'22 31 Mar'23
Paid up Equity Share Capital (Equity Shares of face value
6.766 6,766 6.766 6,766 6,766 6,766
of~ 10/- each)
Other Equity excluding Revaluation Reserve 472,312
Capital Redemption Reserve/Debenture Redemption
1,683 1,683 1,683 1,683 1,683 1,683
Net Worth (including Retained Earnings) 457,070 447,143 442,071 457,070 442,071 432,382
a) Debt Service Coverage Ratio 3.17 1.67 1.60 1.57 1.87 2.03
bl Interest Service Coverage Ratio 5.35 5.48 4.46 5.10 5.48 5.28
c) Debt Equity Ratio 0.42 0.38 0.44 0.42 0.44 0.45
d) Current Ratio 1.27 1.20 0.93 1.27 0.93 1.13
el Lon(! term debt to workiriq capital 2.36 2.81 6.62 2.36 6.62 2.30
n Bad debts to Account receivable ratio - - - - - -
g) Current liability ratio 0.51 0.54 0.59 0.51 0.59 0.61
h) Total debts to total assets 0.22 0.20 0.24 0.22 0.24 0.23
il Debtors turnover 3 21.31 21.26 30.79 25.63 34.96 30.00
il Inventory turnovers 6.38 7.18 8.92 6.58 10.68 10.49
kl Operating mar(Jin (%) 9.5 10.0 9.2 10.0 9.2 9.6
I) Net Profit maroin (%)* 7.3 7.6 6.2 7.4 6.9 7.6
s Ratios for the quarter/nine months have been annualised.
* Includes Profit from discontinued operations.
Page JO of 16
1. The figures for the corresponding previous period have been regrouped/ reclassified wherever
necessary, to make them comparable.
2. Total Non-Convertible Debentures of the Company outstanding (before netting off prepaid
finance charges and Fair Valuation Impact) as on December 31, 2023 are< 33,326 crore out of
which, Secured Non-Convertible Debentures are < 22,000 crore.
During the period April 2023 to December 2023, the Company redeemed Listed Secured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to t 1,566 crore (PPD Series 12), Listed Secured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to < 1,531 crore (PP D Series 13), Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to< 3,405 crore (PPD Series K1), Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to t 4,500 crore (PPD Series K2), Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to< 2,340 crore (PPD Series M1), Listed Unsecured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to < 550 crore (PPD Series M2), Listed Unsecured Non-
convertible Debentures amounting to< 3,600 crore (PPD Series N) and Listed Secured Non-
Convertible Debentures amounting to< 1,000 crore (PPD Series 8).
Further, during the quarter, the Company issued Listed Secured Non-Convertible Debentures
amounting to~ 20,000 crore (PPD Series P) in two tranches on private placement basis.
Page 11 of I 6
3. Formulae for computation of ratios are as follows -
Registered Office: Corporate Communication~ Telephone (+91 22) 2278 5000
Maker Chambers IV Maker Chambers IV Telefax (+91 22) 2278 5185
3rd Floor, 222. Nariman Point 9th Floer, Nariman Point Internet www; invcstor.relotionsl@r il.co111
Mumbai 400 021, India Mumbai 400 021, India CIN ll71 JOMl!l973PLCOI9786
!'age 12 of 16
4. The Audit Committee has reviewed, and the Board of Directors has approved the above results
and its release at their respective meetings held on January 19, 2024. The Statutory Auditors
of the Company have carried out Limited Review of the aforesaid results.
Page 13 of 16
(~ in crore)
Sr. Year Ended
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
No. Particulars (Audited)
31 Dec'23 30 Sep'23 31 Dec'22 31 Dec'23 31 Dec'22 31 Mar'23
Segment Value of Sales and Services
- Oil to Chemicals (O2C) 124,431 129,812 129,349 374,051 423,117 544,929
- Oil and Gas 6,708 6,606 4,464 17,934 11,921 16,463
- Retail 20 19 22 58 66 85
- Digital Services 325 587 470 1,681 1,167 1,992
- Others 4,722 10,429 620 22,386 1,575 15,192
Gross Value of Sales and Services 136,206 147,453 134,925 416,110 437,846 578,661
Less: Inter Segment Transfers 123 108 126 460 281 573
Value of Sales & Services 136,083 147,345 134,799 415,650 437,565 578,088
Less: GST Recovered 5,504 6,895 5,522 18,722 17,847 25,265
Revenue from Operations 130,579 140,450 129,277 396,928 419,718 552,823
2 Segment Results (EBITDA)
- Oil to Chemicals (O2C)* 11,069 14,013 12,109 38,235 41,681 56,499
- Oil and Gas 5,778 4,774 3,799 14,597 9,671 13,507
- Retail 13 11 13 36 35 45
- Digital Services 184 370 301 1,081 706 1,273
- Others 1,575 1,247 71 3,986 102 1,331
Total Segment Profit before Interest, 18,619 20,415 16,293 57,935 52,195 72,655
Tax and Depreciation, Amortisation
and Depletion
* Segment results (EBITDA and EBIT) include Interest Income/Other Income pertaining to the respective segments.
Page 14 of 16
(~ in crore
Sr. Particulars Year Ended
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended
No. (Audited)
31 Dec'23 30 $ep'23 31 Dec'22 31 Dec'23 31 Dec'22 31 Mar'23
4 Segment Assets
- Oil to Chemicals (O2C) 329,403 341,621 314,176 329,403 314,176 322,489
- Oil and Gas 41,114 41,320 40,299 41,114 40,299 40,924
- Retail 18,046 18,059 18,052 18,046 18,052 18,040
- Digital Services 66,786 67,565 66,161 66,786 66,161 66,892
- Financial Services - - 20,346 - 20,346 -
- Others 164,127 153,497 127,501 164,127 127,501 144,900
- Unallocated 324,938 305,416 324,903 324,938 324,903 329,415
Total Segment Assets 944,414 927,478 911,438 944,414 911,438 922,660
5 Segment Liabilities
- Oil to Chemicals (O2C) 73,649 73,741 43,599 73,649 43,599 36,005
- Oil and Gas 5,388 6,283 5,266 5,388 5,266 5,448
- Retail 10 11 10 10 10 10
- Digital Services 1,231 1,831 736 1,231 736 1,013
- Others 17,011 19,856 22,398 17,011 22,398 33,472
- Unallocated 847,125 825,756 839,429 847,125 839,429 846,712
Total Segment Liabilities 944,414 927,478 911.438 944,414 911,438 922,660
Mumbai 400 021. India Mumbai 400 021. India ClN L1711 0MH \ 973PLC0I 9786
Page 15 of 16
Notes to Segment Information (Standalone) for the Quarter and Nine Months Ended
31 st December, 2023
As per Indian Accounting Standard 108 'Operating Segments', the Company has reported 'Segment
Information', as described below:
a) The Oil to Chemicals business includes Refining, petrochemicals, aviation fuel and bulk
wholesale marketing. It includes breadth of portfolio spanning transportation fuels, polymers,
polyesters and elastomers. The deep and unique integration of O2C business includes world-
class assets comprising Refinery Off-Gas Cracker, Aromatics, multi-feed and gas crackers
along with downstream manufacturing facilities, logistics and supply-chain infrastructure.
b) The Oil and Gas segment includes exploration, development, production of crude oil and
natural gas.
c) The Retail segment includes consumer retail & its range of related services and investment
in retail business.
d) The Digital Services segment includes provision of a range of digital services and investment
in digital business.
e) All other business segments have been grouped under the Others segment.
f) Other investments/ assets/ liabilities, long term resources raised by the Company, business
trade financing liabilities managed by the centralised treasury function and related income/
expense are considered under Unallocated.
Chairman & Managing Director
Page 16 of 16