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Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Cylindrocladiella

Article in Mycological Progress · November 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s11557-011-0799-1


25 1,195

4 authors:

Lorenzo Lombard Roger Shivas

Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute - Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and … University of Southern Queensland


Chaiwat To-anun Pedro W Crous

Chiang Mai University Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute


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Mycol Progress
DOI 10.1007/s11557-011-0799-1


Phylogeny and taxonomy of the genus Cylindrocladiella

L. Lombard & R. G. Shivas & C. To-Anun & P. W. Crous

Received: 10 June 2011 / Revised: 10 November 2011 / Accepted: 25 November 2011

# The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at

Abstract The genus Cylindrocladiella was established to the 18 new Cylindrocladiella species described in this study
accommodate Cylindrocladium-like fungi that have small, based on morphological and sequence data, several species
cylindrical conidia and aseptate stipe extensions. Contemporary complexes remain unresolved.
taxonomic studies of these fungi have relied on morphology and
to a lesser extent on DNA sequence comparisons of the internal Keywords Cylindrocladiella . Cryptic species . Phylogeny .
transcribed spacer regions (ITS 1, 2 and 5.8S gene) of the Taxonomy
ribosomal RNA and the β-tubulin gene regions. In the present
study, the identity of several Cylindrocladiella isolates collected
over two decades was determined using morphology and phy- Introduction
logenetic inference. A phylogeny constructed for these isolates
employing the β-tubulin, histone H3, ITS, 28S large subunit and The genus Cylindrocladiella was established by Boesewinkel
translation elongation factor 1-alpha gene regions resulted in the (1982) to accommodate five Cylindrocladium-like species
identification of several cryptic species in the genus. In spite of producing small, cylindrical conidia. Cylindrocladiella, which
is based on C. parva, is distinguished from the anamorph state
of Calonectria (0 Cylindrocladium) by its symmetrically
branched conidiophores that can be penicillate and/or subver-
L. Lombard (*) : P. W. Crous
ticillate, producing an asymmetrical bundle of small, cylindri-
CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre,
Uppsalalaan 8, cal, 1-septate conidia (<20 μm in length), aseptate stipe
3584CT Utrecht, The Netherlands extensions, and having Nectricladiella teleomorphs
e-mail: (Boesewinkel 1982, Crous and Wingfield 1993, Schoch et
al. 2000). The Nectricladiella teleomorphs are characterised
R. G. Shivas
Agri-Science Queensland, Ecosciences Precinct, by their perithecia having smooth walls that collapse laterally
Dutton Park, when dry, and brown setae arising from the perithecial wall
4102 Queensland, Australia surface (Schoch et al. 2000).
C. To-Anun
Initially, the generic status of Cylindrocladiella was
Department of Plant Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, strongly contested (Peerally 1991, Sharma and Mohanan
Chiang Mai University, 1991). Morphological evaluations and comparisons by
Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand Crous and Wingfield (1993) and Crous et al. (1994), how-
ever, confirmed the generic status of this genus, which was
P. W. Crous
Microbiology, Department of Biology, Utrecht University, later supported by molecular data (Victor et al. 1998,
Utrecht, The Netherlands Schoch et al. 2000). Victor et al. (1998) used RFLPs, AT-
DNA data and morphological comparisons, to recognise
P. W. Crous
seven species in the genus. This was later supported by
Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR),
Laboratory of Phytopathology, phylogenetic inference of the ITS and partial β-tubulin gene
Wageningen, The Netherlands regions, resulting in the addition of another species to the
Mycol Progress

genus (Schoch et al. 2000). To date, nine species of Toh 2008) for each gene region. Ambiguous regions in the
Cylindrocladiella are recognized, with only two connected alignments were removed manually and both ends of the
to their respective Nectricladiella teleomorph states (Crous sequences were truncated. All sequences obtained were
2002, van Coller et al. 2005). deposited in GenBank with accession numbers listed in
Cylindrocladiella spp. are soil-borne fungi, and are Table 1.
generally regarded as pathogens and/or saprobes of var- Analyses of the DNA sequence data were done using
ious plant hosts and substrates in temperate, sub-tropical PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony, v4.0b10,
and tropical regions worldwide (Crous 2002, van Coller Swofford 2002). Initial neighbour-joining analyses (NJ)
et al. 2005, Scattolin and Montecchio 2007). They have with the uncorrected (“p”), Juke-Cantor and HKY85
been associated with a variety of disease symptoms that substitution models were done using the LSU sequence data
included leaf spots, and rots of roots, stems and cuttings to determine if the Cylindrocladiella isolates used in this study
of agricultural, forestry and horticultural crops (Crous et formed a monophyletic group. Congruency of the sequence
al. 1991, Peerally 1991, Crous and Wingfield 1993, data for each locus were determined using visual inspection of
Victor et al. 1998, Crous 2002, van Coller et al. 2005, the tree topologies of 70% reciprocal NJ bootstrap trees
Scattolin and Montecchio 2007). (Gueidan et al. 2007) determined as described in Lombard et
The aim of this study was to consider the identity of al. (2010c). Thereafter, the combined DNA sequence dataset
several Cylindrocladiella isolates collected over the past was subjected to maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian
two decades from various substrates and regions of the analyses.
world. To achieve this goal, morphological and culture For the MP analysis, the phylogenetic relationships were
characteristics were combined with multigene phylogenetic determined using a heuristic search with 1 000 random
inference for all isolates studied. sequence additions with a tree bisection-reconnection
algorithm and the branch swapping option set on “best
trees” only. All characters were weighted equally and
Material and methods alignment gaps were treated as missing data. Measures
calculated for parsimony included tree length (TL), con-
Isolates sistency index (CI), retention index (RI) and rescaled
consistence index (RC). Branch support was assessed
Isolates and ex-type strains of Cylindrocladiella spp. were using a 1 000 bootstrap replicates.
obtained from various culture collections, isolated from symp- For Bayesian analysis, a Markov Chain Monte Carlo
tomatic plant material and/or baited from soils as described in (MCMC) algorithm was used to generate phylogenetic trees
Crous (2002) and indicated in Table 1. Representative strains with posterior probabilities using MrBayes v3.1.1 (Ronquist
have been maintained in the culture collection of the CBS- and Heulsenbeck 2003). Nucleotide substitution models
KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre (CBS) and the working were determined for each gene using the Akaike
collection of Pedro Crous (CPC). Information Criterion (AIC) in MrModeltest v2.3
(Nylander 2004) and included in the analysis. The DNA
Phylogeny sequence data was subjected to two separate analyses of four
MCMC chains run from random trees for 1,000,000 gener-
Total genomic DNA was extracted from 7–10 day old ations with sampling at every 100 generations. Both runs
single-conidial cultures using the technique described by converged on the same likelihood score and tree topology,
Möller et al. (1992). Partial fragments of the following and therefore the first 1,000 trees were discarded as the
genes and gene regions were amplified using the PCR con- burn-in phase. Posterior probabilities were determined from
ditions and primer sets mentioned in Lombard et al. the remaining trees. All alignments and trees generated in
(2010b): β-tubulin (BTUB), histone H3 (HIS3), internal this study, have been deposited in TreeBASE (http:/www.
transcribed spacers and 5.8 s rDNA (ITS), 28 s large subunit
(LSU) and translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1-α).
The PCR reactions were carried out using a MyCycler™ Taxonomy
thermal cycler (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.) consisting of an
initial step of 95°C for 5 min followed by 40 cycles of 30 s Single-conidial cultures of Cylindrocladiella isolates were
at 95°C, 30 s at 52°C, 1 min at 72°C and ending with a final prepared on synthetic nutrient-poor agar (SNA; Nirenburg
extension step of 7 min at 72°C. 1981) as described in Lombard et al. (2009). In some cases,
Amplicons were sequenced in both directions using the carnation leaf pieces were added to the SNA to promote
same primer sets used for amplification and the consensus sporulation. The gross morphological characteristics were
sequences were aligned using MAFFT v6.611 (Katoh and determined with 30 measurements at × 1,000 magnification
Table 1 Isolates of Cylindrocladiella studied

Species Isolates GenBank Accessions Substrate Country Collector


Mycol Progress

C. australiensis CBS 1295670CPC 17507T JN098747 JN098932 JN100624 JN099222 JN099060 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CBS 1295680CPC 17562 JN098748 JN098931 JN100623 JN099221 JN099059 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. camelliae CPC2340PPRI 39900IMI 346845 AY793471 AY793509 AF220952 JN099249 JN099087 Eucalyptus grandis South Africa P.W. Crous
CPC 237 JN098749 JN098839 JN100573 JN099252 JN099090 Eucalyptus grandis South Africa P.W. Crous
CPC 239 JN098750 JN098838 JN100571 JN099250 JN099088 Eucalyptus grandis South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1148910CPC 277 AY793472 AY793510 AF220953 JN099248 JN099086 Eucalyptus grandis South Africa P.W. Crous
C. clavata CBS 1295630CPC 17591 JN098751 JN098859 JN099096 JN099136 JN098975 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CBS 1295640CPC 17592T JN098752 JN098858 JN099095 JN099135 JN098974 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. cymbiformis CBS 1295530CPC 17393T JN098753 JN098866 JN099103 JN099143 JN098988 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CBS 1295540CPC 17392 JN098754 JN098867 JN099104 JN099144 JN098989 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. elegans CBS 338.920PPRI 40500IMI 346847T AY793474 AY793512 AY793444 JN099201 JN099039 leaf litter South Africa I. Rong
CBS 1108010CPC 525 JN098755 JN098916 JN100609 JN099206 JN099044 leaf litter South Africa P.W. Crous
C. ellipsoidea CBS 1295720CPC 17558 JN098756 JN098943 JN100636 JN099235 JN099073 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CBS 1295730CPC 17560T JN098757 JN098857 JN099094 JN099134 JN098973 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17559 JN098758 JN098942 JN100635 JN099234 JN099072 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17561 JN098759 JN098853 JN099093 JN099133 JN098972 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. hawaiiensis CBS 118704 JN098760 JN098878 JN099115 JN099158 JN098996 soil Hawaii Y. Degawa
CBS 1295690CPC 12272T JN098761 JN098929 JN100621 JN099219 JN099057 soil Hawaii Y. Degawa
C. infestans CBS 1117950ATCC 448160CPC 2380T AF320190 AY793513 AF220955 JN099199 JN099037 Pinus pinea New Zealand H.J. Boesewinkel
CBS 191.500IMI 2993760CPC 2480 AY793475 AY793514 AF220956 JN099198 JN099036 Arenga pinnata Indonesia K.B. Boedijn & J. Reitsma
CBS 192.50 JN098762 JN098882 JN099120 JN099163 JN099001 Theobroma cacoa Indonesia K.B. Boedijn & J. Reitsma
CBS 1144650CPC 1619 JN098763 JN098887 JN099125 JN099170 JN099008 Ecuador M.J. Wingfield
C. kurandica CBS 1295760CPC 17547 JN098764 JN098941 JN100634 JN099233 JN099071 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CBS 1295770CPC 17551T JN098765 JN098953 JN100646 JN099245 JN099083 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17548 JN098766 JN098872 JN099109 JN099149 JN098983 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17549 JN098767 JN098871 JN099108 JN099148 JN098982 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17550 JN098768 JN098870 JN099107 JN099147 JN098981 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17553 JN098769 JN098869 JN099106 JN099146 JN098980 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. lageniformis CBS 340.920PPRI 44490UFV 115T AY793481 AY793520 AF220959 JN099165 JN099003 Eucalyptus sp. Brazil A.C. Alfenas
CBS 1110600CPC 1240 JN098770 JN098918 JN100611 JN099208 JN099046 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1110610CPC 1241 JN098771 JN098913 JN100606 JN099202 JN099040 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1128980CPC 5607 AY725652 AY725699 AY793445 JN099151 JN098990 Vitis vinifera South Africa L. Mostert
C. lageniformis CBS 1128990CPC 5608 AY793476 AY793515 AY793446 JN099183 JN099021 Vitis vinifera South Africa L. Mostert
CBS 1130110CPC 4283 JN098772 JN098903 JN100596 JN099188 JN099026 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1130170CPC 4287 JN098773 JN098884 JN099122 JN099167 JN099005 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
Table 1 (continued)

Species Isolates GenBank Accessions Substrate Country Collector


CBS 1130180CPC 4286 JN098774 JN098904 JN100597 JN099189 JN099027 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1130190CPC 4285 JN098775 JN098905 JN100598 JN099190 JN099028 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CPC 17508 JN098776 JN098837 JN100570 JN099247 JN099085 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17509 JN098777 JN098935 JN100628 JN099227 JN099065 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17522 JN098778 JN098863 JN099100 JN099140 JN098985 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17523 JN098779 JN098948 JN100641 JN099240 JN099078 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17526 JN098780 JN098856 JN099092 JN099132 JN098971 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17527 JN098781 JN098947 JN100640 JN099239 JN099077 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17537 JN098782 JN098946 JN100639 JN099238 JN099076 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17540 JN098783 JN098926 JN100619 JN099217 JN099055 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17599 JN098784 JN098937 JN100630 JN099229 JN099067 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17600 JN098785 JN098938 JN100631 JN099230 JN099068 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 18712 JN098786 JN098842 JN100576 JN099255 JN098957 Rosa sp. USA M. Munster
C. lanceolata CBS 1149500CPC 396 JN098787 JN098898 JN100591 JN099181 JN099019 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1295650CPC 17566 JN098788 JN098939 JN100632 JN099231 JN099069 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CBS 1295660CPC 17567T JN098789 JN098862 JN099099 JN099139 JN098978 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. longiphialidica CBS 1295570CPC 18839T JN098790 JN098851 JN100585 JN099264 JN098966 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
CBS 1295580CPC 18841 JN098791 JN098852 JN100586 JN099265 JN098967 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
C. longistipitata CBS 1129530CPC 4720 JN098792 JN098902 JN100595 JN099187 JN099025 Opisthiolepsis heterophylla Australia C. Pearce & B. Paulus
CBS 1160750CPC 708T AY793506 AY793546 AF220958 JN099155 JN098993 soil China M.J. Wingfield
C. microcylindrica CBS 1117940ATCC 385710CPC 2375T AY793483 AY793523 AY793452 JN099203 JN099041 Echeveria elegans Indonesia C.F. Hill
C. natalensis CBS 1108000CPC 529 JN098793 JN098915 JN100608 JN099205 JN099043 soil South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1149430CPC 456T JN098794 JN098895 JN100588 JN099178 JN099016 Arachis hypogaea South Africa M.J. Wingfield
CBS 1149440CPC 457 JN098795 JN098896 JN100589 JN099179 JN099017 Arachis hypogaea South Africa M.J. Wingfield
CBS 1149450CPC 459 JN098796 JN098897 JN100590 JN099180 JN099018 Arachis hypogaea South Africa M.J. Wingfield
CPC 17395 JN098797 JN098936 JN100629 JN099228 JN099066 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. nederlandica CBS 143.950PD94/1353 JN098798 JN098891 JN099129 JN099175 JN099013 Kalanchoë sp. Netherlands J.W. Veenbaas-Rijks
CBS 146.940PD39/1776 JN098799 JN098889 JN099127 JN099173 JN099011 Rhododendron sp. Netherlands
CBS 152.910PD90/2015T JN098800 JN098910 JN100603 JN099195 JN099033 Pelargonium sp. Netherlands J.W. Veenbaas-Rijks
C. novaezelandica CBS 486.770ATCC 448150CPC 2397T AY793485 AY793525 AF220963 JN099212 JN099050 Rhododendron indicum New Zealand H.J. Boesewinkel
C. parva CBS 1145240ATCC 282720CPC 2370T AY793486 AY793526 AF220964 JN099171 JN099009 Telopea speciosissima New Zealand H.J. Boesewinkel
C. peruviana CBS 1130220CPC 4291 JN098801 JN098906 JN100599 JN099191 JN099029 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1146970CPC 2573 JN098802 JN098886 JN099124 JN099169 JN099007 Vitis vinifera South Africa S. Lambrecht
CBS 1149420CPC 267 JN098803 JN098893 JN100587 JN099177 JN099015 Acacia mearnsii South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1149520CPC 398 JN098804 JN098854 JN100572 JN099251 JN099089 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
Mycol Progress
Table 1 (continued)

Species Isolates GenBank Accessions Substrate Country Collector


Mycol Progress

CBS 1149530CPC 399 JN098805 JN098885 JN099123 JN099168 JN099006 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1160890CPC 6400UFO 200 JN098806 JN098875 JN099112 JN099154 JN098969 Piptadenia sp. Brazil A.O. Carvalho
CBS 1161030CPC 6370UFO 197 JN098807 JN098908 JN100601 JN099193 JN099031 Psidium guajava Brazil A.O. Carvalho
CPC 17517 JN098808 JN098944 JN100637 JN099236 JN099074 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17532 JN098809 JN098855 JN099091 JN099131 JN098970 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17533 JN098810 JN098940 JN100633 JN099232 JN099070 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17534 JN098811 JN098873 JN099110 JN099150 JN098984 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17535 JN098812 JN098945 JN100638 JN099237 JN099075 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17556 JN098813 JN098954 JN100569 JN099246 JN099084 soil Australia P.W. Crous
IMUR 18430CPC 2404T AY793500 AY793540 AF220966 JN099266 JN098968 ants Peru M.P. Herrera
C. pseudocamelliae CBS 1295550CPC 18825T JN098814 JN098843 JN100577 JN099256 JN098958 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
CBS 1295560CPC 18832 JN098815 JN098846 JN100580 JN099259 JN098961 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
CPC 18826 JN098816 JN098844 JN100578 JN099257 JN098959 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
CPC 18836 JN098817 JN098849 JN100583 JN099262 JN098964 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
CPC 18838 JN098818 JN098850 JN100584 JN099263 JN098965 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
C. pseudohawaiiensis CBS 210.940PPRI 44500UFV 125T JN098819 JN098890 JN099128 JN099174 JN099012 Eucalyptus sp. Brazil A.C. Alfenas
CBS 1156100CPC 909 JN098820 JN098901 JN100594 JN099186 JN099024 Madagascar P.W. Crous
C. pseudoinfestans CBS 1145300CPC 2320 JN098821 JN098888 JN099126 JN099172 JN099010 soil Madagascar J.E. Taylor
CBS 1145310CPC 2319T AY793508 AY793548 AF220957 JN099166 JN099004 soil Madagascar J.E. Taylor
C. pseudoparva CBS 1136240CPC 752 JN098822 JN098883 JN099121 JN099164 JN099002 Quercus sp Switzerland L. Petrini
CBS 122594 JN098823 JN098907 JN100600 JN099192 JN099030 Vitis riparia New Zealand K. Paice
CBS 1295600CPC 18149T JN098824 JN098927 JN100620 JN099218 JN099056 soil Netherlands P.W. Crous
CPC 18150 JN098825 JN098864 JN099101 JN099141 JN098986 soil Netherlands P.W. Crous
C. queenslandica CBS 1295740CPC 17568T JN098826 JN098861 JN099098 JN099138 JN098977 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CBS 1295750CPC 17569 JN098827 JN098860 JN099097 JN099137 JN098976 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. stellenboschensis CBS 386.67 JN098828 JN098920 JN100613 JN099210 JN099048 Fragaria sp. Netherlands G.H. Boerema
CBS 1106680CPC 517T JN098829 JN098922 JN100615 JN099213 JN099051 soil South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1156110CPC 4074 JN098830 JN098900 JN100593 JN099185 JN099023 Geum sp. New Zealand P.W. Crous
CBS 1161700CPC 753 JN098831 JN098894 JN099117 JN099160 JN098998 Quercus sp Switzerland L. Petrini
CBS 1295590CPC 15200 JN098832 JN098868 JN099105 JN099145 JN098979 leaf litter Canada P.W. Crous
C. thailandica CBS 1295700CPC 18834 JN098833 JN098847 JN100581 JN099260 JN098962 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
CBS 1295710CPC 18835T JN098834 JN098848 JN100582 JN099261 JN098963 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
CPC 18831 JN098835 JN098845 JN100579 JN099258 JN098960 soil Thailand P.W. Crous
C. variabilis CBS 375.930IMI 317057 JN098836 JN098881 JN099119 JN099162 JN099000 Mangifera indica India P.N. Chowdhry
CBS 1295610CPC 17505T JN098719 JN098950 JN100643 JN099242 JN099080 soil Australia P.W. Crous
Table 1 (continued)

Species Isolates GenBank Accessions Substrate Country Collector


CBS 1295620CPC17506 JN098720 JN098951 JN100644 JN099243 JN099081 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17504 JN098721 JN098949 JN100642 JN099241 JN099079 soil Australia P.W. Crous
CPC 17563 JN098722 JN098933 JN100625 JN099223 JN099061 soil Australia P.W. Crous
C. viticola CBS 1128970CPC 5606T AY793504 AY793544 AY793468 JN099226 JN099064 Vitis vinifera South Africa G.J. van Coller
CBS 1146820IMI 2974700CPC 2509 JN098723 JN098919 JN100612 JN099209 JN099047 Amorphophallus sp. Thailand R. Stevenson
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 139.26 JN098724 JN098912 JN100605 JN099197 JN099035 Netherlands C.J. Buisman
CBS 1149600CPC 375 JN098725 JN098874 JN099111 JN099152 JN098991 Pinus radiata South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1149610CPC 377 JN098726 JN098934 JN100626 JN099224 JN099062 Pinus radiata South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1156870CPC 530 JN098727 JN098909 JN100602 JN099194 JN099032 leaf litter South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1158950CPC 502 JN098728 JN098876 JN099113 JN099156 JN098994 South Africa S. Lambrecht
CPC 374 JN098729 JN098841 JN100575 JN099254 JN098956 Pinus radiata South Africa P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 199.62 JN098730 JN098911 JN100604 JN099196 JN099034 Viburnum sp. Netherlands G.H. Boerema
CBS 1106690CPC 509 JN098731 JN098914 JN100607 JN099204 JN099042 soil South Africa P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 874.680ATCC 163150IMI 299377 JN098732 JN098921 JN100614 JN099211 JN099049 soil Germany W. Gams
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 100283 JN098733 JN098892 JN099130 JN099176 JN099014 twig on ground Japan H.-J. Schroers
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 1109460CPC 970 JN098734 JN098917 JN100610 JN099207 JN099045 P.W. Crous
CBS 1156730CPC 917 AY793502 AY793542 AY793466 JN099153 JN098992 soil South America P.W. Crous
CBS 1156750CPC 968 AY793503 AY793543 AY793467 JN099184 JN099022 soil South America P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 112364 AY793507 AY793547 AY793470 JN099200 JN099038 Archontophoenix purpurea Australia F. Hill
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 1147800CPC 278 JN098735 JN098925 JN100618 JN099216 JN099054 Eucalyptus grandis South Africa P.W. Crous
CBS 1148840CPC 279 JN098736 JN098924 JN100617 JN099215 JN099053 Eucalyptus grandis South Africa P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 1148810CPC 238 JN098737 JN098880 JN099118 JN099161 JN098999 Eucalyptus grandis South Africa P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 1148850CPC 262 JN098738 JN098923 JN100616 JN099214 JN099052 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 1148900CPC 259 JN098739 JN098928 JN100627 JN099225 JN099063 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 1149570CPC 426 JN098740 JN098899 JN100592 JN099182 JN099020 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
CPC 260 JN098741 JN098840 JN100574 JN099253 JN098955 Eucalyptus sp. South Africa P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 1160950CPC 678 JN098742 JN098879 JN099116 JN099159 JN098997 soil South Africa M.J. Wingfield
Cylindrocladiella sp. CBS 122595 JN098743 JN098877 JN099114 JN099157 JN098995 Vitis riparia New Zealand K. Paice
Cylindrocladiella sp. CPC 15198 JN098744 JN098930 JN100622 JN099220 JN099058 soil Canada P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CPC 15199 JN098745 JN098952 JN100645 JN099244 JN099082 soil Canada P.W. Crous
Cylindrocladiella sp. CPC 17603 JN098746 JN098865 JN0990102 JN099142 JN098987 soil Australia P.W. Crous

CBS: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands; CPC: working collection of Pedro Crous housed at CBS; IMI: International Mycological Institute, CABI-Bioscience, Egham,
Bakeham Lane, U.K.; ATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Virginia, U.S.A.; PPRI: Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa.; UFV:
Univeridade Federal de Vicosa, Brazil., BTUB0β-tubulin, HIS30Histone H3, ITS0Internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 and the 5.8S gene of the ribosomal RNA, LSU028S large subunit
RNA, TEF-1α0Translation elongation factor 1-alpha. T Ex-type cultures.
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of the fungal structures mounted in 85% lactic acid. The representing C. viticola (CBS 112897), and a clade
conidial measurements are presented as the 95% confidence (BS0100; PP01.00) containing C. lageniformis (CBS
level with extremes in parentheses. Only the extremes are 340.92) and C. infestans. This clade also consists of
presented for other structures. The colony colours were several well-supported terminal clades that could repre-
determined on 2% w/v malt extract agar (MEA) after sent novel species. The ex-type strain of the anamorph
7 day incubation at 24°C in the dark using the colour charts state of C. infestans (CBS 111795) clustered (BS083;
of Rayner (1970). Descriptions, nomenclature and illustra- PP00.97) separately from the ex-type strain of the pur-
tions were deposited in MycoBank (Crous et al. 2004). ported teleomorph state of this species (CBS 114531,
BS0100; PP00.98), indicating that each ex-type strain
represents a distinct species.
Based on the phylogenetic inference and morphological
Amplicons of approximately 530 bases were determined for observations, numerous Cylindrocladiella isolates included
BTUB, HIS3 and TEF-1α, 500 for ITS, and 850 for LSU. in this study represent novel species. Following the approach
The phylogenetic analysis included 136 ingroup taxa, with of Lombard et al. (2009, 2010a–c) and Crous et al. (2006,
Ca. pauciramosa (CBS 114861) and Ca. brachiatica (CBS 2008, 2009) for other fungal groups, all new species are
123700) as outgroup taxa. The initial NJ analysis of the described in Cylindrocladiella, as this represents the older
LSU sequence data revealed that all the isolates included generic (Boesewinkel 1982), and best established name for
in the study formed a monophyletic clade (results not this group of fungi.
shown). Comparisons of the 70% reciprocal bootstrap NJ Cylindrocladiella australiensis L. Lombard & Crous, sp.
tree topologies of the individual gene regions showed no nov. – MycoBank MB561676, Fig. 2.
conflict and therefore the sequence datasets were combined. Etymology – Named after the country from where it was
The resulting dataset of 2,956 characters, including align- collected, Australia.
ment gaps, consisted of 2,070 constant and 131 parsimony- Cylindrocladiellae infestantis morphologice valde simi-
uninformative characters. Analysis of the 755 parsimony- lis, sed conidiis minoribus, (9–)11–13(–15) × 2–4 μm,
informative characters yielded 1,224 trees (TL0,4486; CI0 distinguitur.
0.308; RI00.843; RC00.260), of which the first tree is Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, pen-
presented (Fig. 1). For the Bayesian analysis, a HKY + I + icillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline.
G model was selected for BTUB and TEF-1α, GTR + I + G Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 2a–e) comprising a stipe,
for HIS3 and LSU, and SYM + I + G for ITS which was a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe
incorporated into the analysis. The Bayesian consensus tree extension and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline,
confirmed both the tree topology and bootstrap support of the smooth, 41–96 × 6–9 μm; stipe extension aseptate,
strict consensus tree obtained with maximum-parsimony. straight, 101–152 μm long, thick-walled with one basal
In the phylogenetic tree (Fig. 1) the Cylindrocladiella septum, terminating in thin-walled, ellipsoidal to fusoid
isolates are divided into two main clades. The first main vesicles (Fig. 2j–l), 6–8 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous
clade [bootstrap support (BS) 098; posterior probability apparatus (Fig. 2f–i) with primary branches aseptate, 13–21×
(PP)00.70] is further divided into two subclades. The first 3–5 μm, secondary branches aseptate, 11–15×3–6 μm,
subclade (BS098; PP00.70) represents C. novaezelandiae each terminal branch producing 2–4 phialides; phialides
(CBS 486.77), C. elegans (CBS 338.92) and other closely cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, 8–17×2–4 μm,
related isolates that could represent novel phylogenetic spe- apex with minute periclinal thickening and collarette.
cies. The second subclade (BS0100; PP00.75) representing Subverticillate conidiophores (Fig. 2m–n) abundant,
C. camelliae (CPC 234; Crous 2002) and C. peruviana comprising of a septate stipe, primary and secondary
(IMUR 1843) also consists of closely related isolates clus- branches terminating in 2–3 phialides; primary branches
tering together in smaller well-supported terminal clades, straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 22–54×2–5 μm, secondary
each representing possible novel species. branches straight, hyaline, aseptate, 21–36 × 4–5 μm;
The second main clade (BS059; PP00.53) is also divid- phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate,
ed into two subclades. In the first subclade (BS082; PP0 19–40×2–4 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening
0.90) representing C. parva (CBS 114524) several isolates and collarette. Conidia (Fig. 2o) cylindrical, rounded at
form well-supported terminal clades, also indicating poten- both ends, straight, 1-septate, (9–)11–13(–15)×2–4 μm
tially new species. The second subclade (BS091; PP0 (av. 0 12×3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the
0.93) further divides into a clade (BS089; PP00.65) base, held in asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime.
Mycol Progress

Fig. 1 One of 1,224 most parsimonious trees obtained from a and Bayesian posterior probability values are indicated at the
heuristic search with 1,000 random additions sequences of the nodes. Thickened lines indicate branches in the strict consensus
combined β-tubulin, histone H3, internal transcribed spacer tree and the consensus tree of the Bayesian analyses. Ex-type
regions 1 and 2 and the 5.8S gene of the ribosomal RNA, 28S strains are indicated in bold and coloured block indicate the novel
large subunit and translation elongation factor-1alpha sequence species described. The tree was rooted to Calonectria brachiatica
alignments of the Cylindrocladiella isolates. Scale bar shows 10 (CBS123700) and Ca. pauciramosa (CBS 114861). Species com-
changes and bootstrap support values (bold) from 1,000 replicates plexes are indicated on the right
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Fig. 1 (continued)
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Fig. 2 Cylindrocladiella australiensis. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides. j–l.
Terminal vesicles. m–n. Subverticillate conidiophores. o. Conidia. A050 μm (apply to b–e, m), F010 μm (apply to g–l, n–o)

Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), from soil, 18 June 2009, P.W. Crous, culture CBS 1295680
cottony, with smooth margins, white, buff yellow (19 d) to CPC 17562.
umber (13i) (reverse); chlamydospores moderate throughout Notes – Cylindrocladiella australiensis can be distinguished
medium, arranged in chains; reaching 90 mm after 7 days on from C. infestans (av. 15×3 μm) by its smaller conidia
MEA at 24°C in the dark. and its terminal vesicle shape. The subverticillate con-
Specimens examined – Australia, Queensland, Daydream idiophores of C. australiensis also form secondary
Island, Whitsundays Island Resort, from soil, 2 Aug. 2009, branches not reported for C. infestans. Unique fixed
P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20596, culture ex-type CBS nucleotides were also identified for C. australiensis for
1295670CPC 17507; Australia, Queensland, Lake Barrine, three loci: BTUB positions 186 (T), 296 (C), 350 (T),
Mycol Progress

381 (C) and 387 (T); HIS3 positions 90 (T) and 387 (T); TEF- aseptate, 6–11×2–4 μm, each terminal branch producing
1α positions 113 (C), 153 (G), 155 (C), 168 (T), 229 (T), 232 2–4 phialides; phialides doliiform to cymbiform, hyaline,
(C), 254 (G), 266 (C), 282 (T), 462 (A) and 468 (C). aseptate, 7–12 × 2–3 μm, apex with minute periclinal
Cylindrocladiella clavata L. Lombard & Crous, sp. nov. – thickening and collarette absent. Subverticillate conidio-
MycoBank MB561674, Fig. 3. phores not observed. Conidia (Fig. 3l) cylindrical,
Etymology – Named after the clavate shape of its rounded at both ends, straight, 1-septate, (10–)13–15(–
vesicles. 16)×2–3 μm (av. 0 14×2 μm), frequently slightly flat-
Cylindrocladiellae variabilis morphologice similis, sed tened at the base, held in asymmetrical clusters by
vesiculis clavatis distinguitur. colourless slime.
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores monomorphic, Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony,
penicillate, mononematous and hyaline. Penicillate con- with undulate margins, white with buff yellow (19 d) centre,
idiophores (Fig. 3a–e) comprising a stipe, a penicillate umber (13i) (reverse); chlamydospores extensive throughout
arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension and a medium arranged in chains; reaching 70 mm after 7 days on
terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 40–86×6– MEA at 24°C in the dark.
10 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 116–170 μm long, Specimen examined – Australia, Queensland, Byron Bay,
thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating in thin-walled, from soil, 17 July 2009, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20597,
elongated, clavate vesicles (Fig. 3f–h), 4–7 μm wide. culture ex-type CBS 129564 0CPC 17592, Australia,
Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 3i–k) with primary Queensland, Byron Bay, from soil, 17 July 2009, P.W.
branches aseptate, 10–23 ×3–8 μm, secondary branches Crous, culture CBS 1295630CPC 17591.

Fig. 3 Cylindrocladiella clavata. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–h. Terminal vesicles. i–k. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches
and phialides. L. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–e), F010 μm (apply to g–l)
Mycol Progress

Notes – This species can be distinguished from other vesicles (Fig. 4j–l), 6–8 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous
species in the genus by its elongated clavate terminal apparatus (Fig. 4f–i) with primary branches aseptate, 12–
vesicles. The conidia are also slightly larger than those of 28×4–6 μm, secondary branches aseptate, 11–19×2–5 μm,
C. lageniformis (av. 12×2 μm). each terminal branch producing 2–4 phialides; phialides
Cylindrocladiella cymbiformis L. Lombard & Crous, sp. cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 11–19×2–5 μm, apex with
nov. – MycoBank MB561666, Fig. 4. minute periclinal thickening and collarette. Subverticillate
Etymology – Named after its phialides, which are cymbi- conidiophores not observed. Conidia (Fig. 4m) cylindrical,
form in shape. rounded at both ends, straight, 1-septate, (15–)16–20(–
Cylindrocladiellae elegantis morphologice valde similis, 22) × (2–)3–5(–6) μm (av. 0 18 × 3 μm), frequently
sed conidis majoribus, (15–)16–20(–22)×(2–)3–5(–6) μm, slightly flattened at the base, held in asymmetrical clus-
distinguitur. ters by colourless slime.
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores monomorphic, Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony,
penicillate, mononematous, hyaline; comprising a stipe, a with undulate margins, white, buff yellow (19 d) (reverse);
penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension chlamydospores sparse throughout medium, arranged in
and a terminal vesicle (Fig. 4a–e); stipe septate, hyaline, chains; reaching 45 mm after 7 days on MEA at 24°C in the
smooth, 44–84×2–4 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, dark.
107–175 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, Specimen examined – Australia, Queensland, Brisbane,
terminating in thin-walled, lageniform to broadly clavate from soil, 11 July 2009, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20598,

Fig. 4 Cylindrocladiella cymbiformis. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides. j–l.
Terminal vesicles. m. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–e), F010 μm (apply to g–m)
Mycol Progress

culture ex-type CBS 129553 0CPC 17393; Australia, Australia, Queensland, Lake Barrine, from soil, 18 June
Queensland, Brisbane, from soil, 11 July 2009, P.W. 2009, P.W. Crous, culture CBS 129572 0CPC 17558;
Crous, culture CBS 1295540CPC 17392. Australia, Queensland, Lake Barrine, from soil, 18 June
Notes – Based on phylogenetic inference, C. cymbiformis 2009, P.W. Crous, culture CPC 17559.
is placed in the C. elegans species complex, and closely Notes – Cylindrocladiella ellipsoidea produces subverti-
related to C. novaezelandiae. Morphologically, this species cillate conidiophores with secondary branches, which has
has larger conidia (av. 18×3 μm) than C. elegans (av. 14.5× not reported been observed for other species in the C.
2 μm) and C. novaezelandiae (av. 14.5× 2 μm) (Crous infestans complex. Furthermore, C. ellipsoidea can also be
2002), and stipe extensions are also much longer. Only distinguished for others in the complex based on their ter-
cymbiform phialides were observed for C. cymbiformis, minal vesicle shape. Unique fixed nucleotides were also
whereas both C. elegans and C. novaezelandiae also pro- identified for C. ellipsoidea for two loci: HIS3 positions
duce doliiform to reniform phialides. Furthermore, no sub- 124 (C), 130 (A), 134 (C), 314 (A) and 349 (A); TEF-1α
verticillate conidiophores were observed for C. cymbiformis, position 210 (indel).
but have been reported for C. elegans. Cylindrocladiella hawaiiensis L. Lombard & Crous, sp.
Cylindrocladiella ellipsoidea L. Lombard & Crous, sp. nov. – MycoBank MB561677, Fig. 6.
nov. – MycoBank MB561681, Fig. 5. Etymology – Named after Hawaii, where this fungus was
Etymology – Named after the characteristic ellipsoid collected.
shape of its vesicles. Cylindrocladiellae infestantis morphologice similis, sed
Cylindrocladiellae infestantis morphologice similis, sed vesiculis clavatis distinguitur.
vesiculis clavatis vel ellipsoideis distiunguitur. Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni-
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni- cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline.
cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline. Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 6a–c) comprising a stipe, a
Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 5a–e) comprising a stipe, a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension
penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 47–
and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 41– 80×5–6 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 80–116 μm
83×6–8 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 77–155 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating in
long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating in thin-walled, clavate vesicles (Fig. 6d–e), 5–7 μm wide.
thin-walled, clavate to ellipsoidal vesicles (Fig. 5j–n), 5– Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 6f–j) with prima-
8 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 5f–i) ry branches aseptate, 11–19×4–5 μm, secondary branches
with primary branches aseptate, 11–20×3–6 μm, secondary aseptate, 8–19×3–4 μm, each terminal branch producing 2–
branches aseptate, 9–12×3–5 μm, each terminal branch 4 phialides; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline,
producing 2–4 phialides; phialides doliiform to cymbiform, aseptate, 8–18×2–3 μm, apex with minute periclinal thicken-
hyaline, aseptate, 9–12×2–4 μm, apex with minute periclinal ing and collarette. Subverticillate conidiophores (Fig. 6k–l)
thickening and collarette. Subverticillate conidiophores abundant, comprising of a septate stipe, and primary branches
(Fig. 5o–p) in moderate numbers, comprising of a sep- terminating in 2–3 phialides; primary branches straight,
tate stipe, primary and secondary branches terminating hyaline, 0–1-septate, 23–38×3–5 μm; phialides cymbiform to
in 2–3 phialides; primary branches straight, hyaline, 0– cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, 19–41×2–4 μm, apex with
1-septate, 23–40 × 3–6 μm, secondary branches rare, minute periclinal thickening and collarette. Conidia
straight, hyaline, aseptate, 16–31×4 μm; phialides cymbiform (Fig. 6m) cylindrical, rounded at both ends, straight, 1-
to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, 27–52×2–4 μm, apex with septate, (10–)12–14×2–4 μm (av. 0 13×3 μm), frequently
minute periclinal thickening and collarette. Conidia (Fig. 5q) slightly flattened at the base, held in asymmetrical clusters by
cylindrical, rounded at both ends, straight, 1-septate, (14–)16– colourless slime.
18(–19)×3–4 μm (av. 0 17×4 μm), frequently slightly Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony,
flattened at the base, held in asymmetrical clusters by with smooth margins, white, buff yellow (19 d) (reverse);
colourless slime. chlamydospores sparse throughout medium, arranged in
Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony, chains; reaching 65 mm after 7 days on MEA at 24°C in the
with smooth to undulate margins, white, buff yellow (19 d) to dark.
umber (13i) (reverse); chlamydospores moderate throughout Specimens examined – Hawaii, from soil, 1 Aug. 2005, Y.
media arranged in chains; reaching 60 mm after 7 days on Degawa, holotype CBS-H20600, culture ex-type CBS
MEA at 24°C in the dark. 1295690CPC 12272; Hawaii, Kaua’i Island, Secret waterfall,
Specimen examined – Australia, Queensland, Lake from soil, 8 Aug. 2005, Y. Degawa, culture CBS 118704.
Barrine, from soil, 18 June 2009, P.W. Crous, holotype Notes – Cylindrocladiella hawaiiensis produces clavate
CBS-H20599, culture ex-type CBS 1295730CPC 17560; terminal vesicles, distinguishing it from C. infestans, which
Mycol Progress

Fig. 5 Cylindrocladiella ellipsoidea. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–c), D020 μm (apply to e,
f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phia- o), F010 μm (apply to g–n, p–q)
lides. j–n. Terminal vesicles. o–p. Subverticillate conidiophores. q.

has cylindrical terminal vesicles. Conidia of C. hawaiiensis (A), 229 (A), 235 (G), 248 (A), 278 (A), 456 (indel), 462 (T)
(av. 0 13×3 μm) are also smaller than those of C. infestans and 469 (A).
(av. 15×3 μm). Unique fixed nucleotides were also identi- Cylindrocladiella kurandica L. Lombard & Crous, sp.
fied for C. hawaiiensis for two loci: BTUB positions 91 (A), nov. – MycoBank MB561683, Fig. 7.
113 (C), 121 (T), 138 (T), 367 (T), 368 (T), 369 (C) and 375 Etymology – Named after the Kuranda, the town where
(G); HIS3 positions 43 (T), 50 (T), 88 (A), 91 (indel), 116 this fungus was collected.
Mycol Progress

Fig. 6 Cylindrocladiella hawaiiensis. a–c. Penicillate conidiophores. d–e. Terminal vesicles. f–j. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore
branches and phialides. k–l. Subverticillate conidiophores. m. Conidia. A020 μm (apply to b, j), D010 μm (apply to e–i, k–m)

Cylindrocladiellae infestantis morphologice valde similis terminal branch producing 2–4 phialides; phialides doliiform
et vix distinguibilis, sed characteribus sequentibus nucleoti- to cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 8–14×2–4 μm, apex with
ditis fixationibus in positionibus diversis [BTUB 97 (T), minute periclinal thickening and collarette. Subverticillate
395 (A) et 482 (T); HIS3 22 (T), 50 (A) et 315 (T); TEF- conidiophores (Fig. 7m–o) in moderate numbers, comprising
1α 107 (C)] genetice distinguitur. of a septate stipe, and primary branches terminating in 2–3
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, pen- phialides; primary branches straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 20–
icillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline. 48×2–4 μm; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline,
Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 7a–e) comprising a stipe, aseptate, 18–35×2–5 μm, apex with minute periclinal
a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe thickening and collarette. Conidia (Fig. 7p) cylindrical,
extension and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, rounded at both ends, straight, 1-septate, (10–)12–14(–
smooth, 54–87 × 5–9 μm; stipe extension aseptate, 16)×2–4 μm (av. 0 13×3 μm), frequently slightly flattened
straight, 153–219 μm long, thick-walled with one basal at the base, held in asymmetrical clusters by colourless
septum, terminating in thin-walled, ellipsoidal to lanceolate slime.
vesicles (Fig. 7j–l), 6–9 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous Culture characteristics – Colonies raised, cottony, with
apparatus (Fig. 7f–i) with primary branches aseptate, 12–24× undulate margins, white with straw (21 d) tint in patches,
3–7 μm, secondary branches aseptate, 8–15×2–4 μm, each umber (13i) (reverse); chlamydospores extensive
Mycol Progress

Fig. 7 Cylindrocladiella kurandica. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f– Scale bars: A050 μm, B020 μm (apply to c–e, m–o), F010 μm (apply
i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides. to g–l, p)
j–l. Terminal vesicles. m–o. Subverticillate conidiophores. p. Conidia.

throughout medium, arranged in chains; reaching 65 mm Queensland, Kuranda, from soil, 13 Aug 2009, P.W. Crous,
after 7 days on MEA at 24°C in the dark. culture CPC 17549.
Specimen examined – Australia, Queensland, Kuranda, Notes – Cylindrocladiella kurandica is difficult to distin-
from soil, 13 Aug 2009, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS- guish from C. longistipitata and other species in the C. infes-
H20601, culture ex-type CBS 129577 0CPC 17551; tans complex, and therefore phylogenetic inference is required
Australia, Queensland, Kuranda, from soil, 13 Aug 2009, for an accurate identification. Cylindrocladiella kurandica can
P.W. Crous, culture CBS 1295760CPC 17547; Australia, be distinguished from other species in the C. infestans
Mycol Progress

complex by different unique fixed nucleotides for three loci: secondary branches aseptate, 7–17×3–6 μm, each terminal
BTUB positions 97 (T), 395 (A) and 482 (T); HIS3 positions branch producing 2–4 phialides; phialides reniform to
22 (T), 50 (A) and 315 (T); TEF-1α position 107 (C). doliiform to cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 7–13 × 2–
Cylindrocladiella lanceolata L. Lombard & Crous, sp. 3 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening and col-
nov. – MycoBank MB561675, Fig. 8. larette absent. Subverticillate conidiophores not observed.
Etymology – Named after the lanceolate shape of its Conidia (Fig. 8l) cylindrical, rounded at both ends, straight,
vesicles. 1-septate, (13–)15–17(–20)×2–3 μm (av. 0 16×3 μm),
Cylindrocladiellae lageniformis morphologice similis, frequently slightly flattened at the base, held in asym-
sed vesiculis lanceolatis distinguitur. metrical clusters by colourless slime.
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores monomorphic, Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony,
penicillate, mononematous and hyaline. Penicillate con- with smooth margins, white, umber (13i) (reverse); chlamy-
idiophores (Fig. 8a–e) comprising a stipe, a penicillate dospores extensive throughout medium, arranged in chains;
arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension and a reaching 55 mm after 7 days on MEA at 24°C in the dark.
terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 31–77× Specimens examined – Australia, Queensland, Brisbane,
5–10 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 76–173 μm from soil, 18 July 2009, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20602,
long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating in culture ex-type CBS 1295660CPC 17567, CBS 1295650
thin-walled, lanceolate vesicles (Fig. 8f–h), 5–7 μm CPC 17566; South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal, Kwambonambi,
wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 8i–k) Mondi Sawmill, from Eucalyptus sp., 1 May 1990, P.W.
with primary branches aseptate, 12–30 × 3–8 μm, Crous, culture CBS 1149500CPC 396.

Fig. 8 Cylindrocladiella lanceolata. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–h. Terminal vesicles. i–k. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore
branches and phialides. L. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–e), F010 μm (apply to g–l)
Mycol Progress

Note – Cylindrocladiella lanceolata can be distinguished Etymology – Named after its characteristically long
from C. lageniformis by its lanceolate terminal vesicles and phialides.
conidium dimensions. Cylindrocladiellae camelliae morphologice valde similis,
Cylindrocladiella longiphialidica L. Lombard & Crous, sed phialidibus conidiophorum subverticillatorum longiori-
sp. nov. – MycoBank MB561669, Fig. 9. bus distinguitur.

Fig. 9 Cylindrocladiella longiphialidica. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides.
j–n. Terminal vesicles. o–q. Subverticillate conidiophores. R. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–e), F010 μm (apply to g–r)
Mycol Progress

Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni- (Fig. 10f–i) with primary branches aseptate, 13–20×3–
cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline. 5 μm, secondary branches aseptate, 9–13×3–5 μm, each
Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 9a–e) comprising a stipe, a terminal branch producing 2–4 phialides; phialides cymbi-
penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension form to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, 10–16×2–4 μm,
and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 43– apex with minute periclinal thickening and collarette.
107 × 6–9 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 114– Subverticillate conidiophores (Fig. 10o–p) in moderate
189 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating numbers, comprising of a septate stipe, and primary
in thin-walled, ellipsoidal to lanceolate vesicles (Fig. 9j–n), 5– branches terminating in 2–3 phialides; primary branches
8 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 9f–i) straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 21–40× 4 μm; phialides
with primary branches aseptate, 11–33×3–7 μm, secondary cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, 18–31×2–
branches aseptate, 9–26×3–5 μm, with each terminal branch 4 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening and col-
producing 2–4 phialides; phialides doliiform to reniform to larette. Conidia (Fig. 10q) cylindrical, rounded at both
cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 8–13×2–4 μm, apex with ends, straight, 1-septate, (12–)14–16(–17)×2–4 μm (av. 0
minute periclinal thickening and collarette. Subverticillate 15×3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the base, held in
conidiophores (Fig. 9o–q) abundant, comprising of a septate asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime.
stipe, and primary branches terminating in 1–3 phialides; Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony,
primary branches straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 28–68×4– with smooth to undulate margins, white, umber (13i) (re-
6 μm; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, verse); chlamydospores extensive throughout medium,
20–79×2–5 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening and arranged in chains; reaching 45 mm after 7 days on
collarette. Conidia (Fig. 9r) cylindrical, rounded at both MEA at 24°C in the dark.
ends, straight, 1-septate, 12–14 × 2–3 μm (av. 0 13× Specimens examined – China, Hong Kong, from soil,
3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the base, held Nov. 1993, M.J. Wingfield, holotype CBS-H20604, culture
in asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime. ex-type CBS 1160750CPC 708; Australia, Queensland,
Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony, Topaz, Atherton Tablelands, from Opisthiolepsis hetero-
with undulate margins, white centre becoming buff yellow phylla, 2 Apr. 2001, C. Pearce & B. Paulus, culture CBS
(19 d) towards the margins, buff yellow (19 d) (reverse); 1129530CPC 4720.
chlamydospores extensive throughout medium, arranged in Notes – Cylindrocladiella longistipitata can be distinguished
chains; reaching 55 mm after 7 days on MEA at 24°C in the from other species in the C. infestans complex by its longer stipe
dark. extension and terminal vesicle morphology. Furthermore, it has
Specimens examined – Thailand, Chiang Mai, from unique fixed nucleotides for three loci: BTUB position 363 (A);
soil, Oct. 2010, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20603, culture HIS3 positions 37 (C) and 400 (T); TEF-1α positions 44 (A)
ex-type CBS 1295570CPC 18839; Thailand, Chiang Mai, and 45 (T).
from soil, Oct. 2010, P.W. Crous culture, CBS 1295580 Cylindrocladiella natalensis L. Lombard & Crous, sp.
CPC 18841. nov. – MycoBank MB561670, Fig. 11.
Notes – Cylindrocladiella longiphialidica is morphologically Etymology – Named after the Province in South Africa
similar to C. nederlandica, C. pseudocamelliae and C. camel- where this fungus was first collected, KwaZulu-Natal.
liae, but can be distinguished from these species by its longer Cylindrocladiellae elegantis morphologice valde similis,
phialides on the subverticillate conidiophores. sed conidiis majoribus, (12–)14–16(–17) × 2–3 μm,
Cylindrocladiella longistipitata L. Lombard & Crous, sp. distinguitur.
nov. – MycoBank MB561679, Fig. 10. Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni-
Etymology – Named after its characteristically long stipe cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline.
extensions on its conidiophores. Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 11a–e) comprising a stipe,
Cylindrocladiellae infestantis morphologice similis, sed a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe exten-
extensionibus stipitis longioribus. sion and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth,
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni- 88–135×5–8 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 82–
cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline. 127 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating
Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 10a–e) comprising a stipe, in thin-walled, ellipsoidal to fusoid vesicles (Fig. 11j–m), 6–
a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe exten- 8 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 11f–i)
sion and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, with primary branches aseptate, 13–29×2–5 μm, secondary
54–80×5–9 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 130– branches aseptate, 8–17×3–4 μm, each terminal branch
216 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating producing 2–4 phialides; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical,
in thin-walled, cylindrical to lanceolate vesicles (Fig. 10j–n), hyaline, aseptate, 9–14×2–3 μm, apex with minute periclinal
5–7 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus thickening and collarette. Subverticillate conidiophores
Mycol Progress

Fig. 10 Cylindrocladiella longistipitata. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides.
j–n. Terminal vesicles. o–p. Subverticillate conidiophores. Q. Conidia. A050 μm (apply to b–e), F010 μm (apply to g–q)

(Fig. 11n–o) in moderate numbers, comprising of a septate Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony,
stipe, and primary branches terminating in 2–3 phialides; with smooth to undulate margins, white, buff yellow (19 d)
primary branches straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 23–39×2– (reverse); chlamydospores sparse throughout medium,
4 μm; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, arranged in chains; reaching 70 mm after 7 days on
19–34×2–4 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening and MEA at 24°C in the dark.
collarette. Conidia (Fig. 11p) cylindrical, rounded at both Specimens examined – South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal,
ends, straight, 1-septate, (12–)14–16(–17)×2–3 μm (av. 0 from Arachis hypogaea, 1 Feb. 1991, M.J. Wingfield,
15×3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the base, held in holotype CBS-H20605, culture ex-type CBS 1149430
asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime. CPC 456, CBS 1149450CPC 459; Australia, Queensland,
Mycol Progress

Fig. 11 Cylindrocladiella natalensis. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides. j–m.
Terminal vesicles. n–o. Subverticillate conidiophores. P. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–e), F010 μm (apply to g–p)

Byron Bay, from soil, 17 July 2009, P.W. Crous, culture CPC Cylindrocladiellae camelliae morphologice valde similis,
17395. sed phialidibus majoribus, 14–30×3–5 μm, distinguitur.
Note – Cylindrocladiella natalensis can be distinguished Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni-
from other species in this genus by its conidium dimensions cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline.
and shape of the terminal vesicle. Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 12a–e) comprising a stipe,
Cylindrocladiella nederlandica L. Lombard & Crous, sp. a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe exten-
nov. – MycoBank MB561667, Fig. 12. sion and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth,
Etymology – Named after the Netherlands, the country 41–124×4–10 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 102–
where this fungus was collected. 158 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum,
Mycol Progress

Fig. 12 Cylindrocladiella nederlandica. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides.
j–n. Terminal vesicles. o–p. Subverticillate conidiophores. Q. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–e), F010 μm (apply to g–q)

terminating in thin-walled, lageniform to ellipsoidal vesicles thickening and collarette. Subverticillate conidiophores
(Fig. 12j–n), 4–9 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous (Fig. 12o–p) abundant, comprising of a septate stipe,
apparatus (Fig. 12f–i) with primary branches aseptate, and primary branches terminating in 1–3 phialides; primary
12–31×3–7 μm, secondary branches aseptate, 8–18×2– branches straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 18–32×3–5 μm;
5 μm, each terminal branch producing 2–4 phialides; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate,
phialides doliiform to reniform to cymbiform, hyaline, 14–30×3–5 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening
aseptate, 8–14 × 2–4 μm, apex with minute periclinal and collarette. Conidia (Fig. 12q) cylindrical, rounded at
Mycol Progress

both ends, straight, 1-septate, (10–)12–14(–15)×2–4 μm (reverse); chlamydospores moderate throughout medium, ar-
(av. 0 13×2 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the ranged in chains; reaching 90 mm after 7 days on MEA
base, held in asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime. at 24°C in the dark.
Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony, Specimens examined – Thailand, Chiang Mai, from
with smooth to undulate margins, white, buff yellow (19 d) to soil, Oct. 2010, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20606,
umber (13i) (reverse); chlamydospores moderate throughout culture ex-type CBS 129555 0CPC 18825; Thailand,
medium, arranged in chains; reaching 55 mm after 7 days on Chiang Mai, from soil, Oct. 2010, P.W. Crous, culture
MEA at 24°C in the dark. CBS 1295560CPC 18832; Thailand, Chiang Mai, from
Specimens examined – The Netherlands, from soil, Oct. 2010, P.W. Crous, culture CPC 18838.
Pelargonium sp., Mar. 1991, J.W. Veenbaas-Rijks, holotype Notes – As with C. nederlandica, C. pseudocamelliae is
CBS-H5129, culture ex-type CBS 152.910PD 90/2015; The morphologically similar to C. camelliae. However, C. pseu-
Netherlands, Aalsmeer, from Kalanchoë sp., Feb. 1995, J.W. docamelliae can be distinguished from both the other spe-
Veenbaas-Rijks, culture CBS 143.95 0PD 94/1353; The cies by its longer stipe extension and the shape of its
Netherlands, stem of Rhododendron, Mar. 1994, culture terminal vesicle.
CBS 146.940PD 39/1776. Cylindrocladiella pseudohawaiiensis L. Lombard &
Notes – Morphologically, isolates of C. nederlandica are Crous, sp. nov. – MycoBank MB561678, Fig. 14.
very similar to C. camelliae, with a slight difference in Etymology – Named after its morphological similarity to
terminal vesicle shape. The phialides on the subverticillate Cylindrocladiella hawaiiensis.
conidiophores of C. nederlandica (14–30×3–5 μm) are Cylindrocladiellae infestantis morphologice valde simi-
larger than those of C. camelliae (15–26 × 2–3.5 μm; lis, sed conidiis minoribus, (11–)12–14(–15) × 2–4 μm,
Crous 2002). distinguitur.
Cylindrocladiella pseudocamelliae L. Lombard & Crous, Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, penicil-
sp. nov. – MycoBank MB561668, Fig. 13. late and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline.
Etymology – Named after its morphological similarity to Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 14a–c) comprising a stipe, a
Cylindrocladiella camelliae. penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension
Cylindrocladiellae camelliae morphologice similis, sed and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 31–62×
vesiculis divergentibus. 5–8 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 70–97 μm
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni- long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating
cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline. in thin-walled, clavate to ellipsoidal vesicles (Fig. 14d–
Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 13a–e) comprising a stipe, f), 6–8 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus
a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe exten- (Fig. 14g–i) with primary branches aseptate, 9–19×3–5 μm,
sion and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, secondary branches aseptate, 9–11×4 μm, each terminal
65–137×6–10 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 106– branch producing 2–4 phialides; phialides cymbiform
188 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, 10–15×2–4 μm, apex with
in thin-walled, ellipsoidal to lageniform to lanceolate vesicles minute periclinal thickening and collarette. Subverticillate
(Fig. 13j–n), 6–10 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous conidiophores (Fig. 14j–k) in moderate numbers, comprising
apparatus (Fig. 13f–i) with primary branches aseptate, of a septate stipe, and primary branches terminating in 2–3
12–27×3–6 μm, secondary branches aseptate, 8–18×2– phialides; primary branches straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 16–
5 μm, each terminal branch producing 2–4 phialides; 40×4 μm; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, asep-
phialides doliiform to reniform to cymbiform, hyaline, tate, 17–28×3–4 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening
aseptate, 10–17×2–3 μm, apex with minute periclinal and collarette. Conidia (Fig. 14l) cylindrical, rounded at both
thickening and collarette. Subverticillate conidiophores ends, straight, 1-septate, (11–)12–14(–15)×2–4 μm (av. 0
(Fig. 13o–p) abundant, comprising of a septate stipe, 13×3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the base, held in
and primary branches terminating in 1–3 phialides; primary asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime.
branches straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 15–32×3–6 μm; Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony,
phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, aseptate, with smooth margins, white, buff yellow (19 d) to umber (13i)
19–31×3–5 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening (reverse); chlamydospores extensive throughout medium,
and collarette. Conidia (Fig. 13q) cylindrical, rounded at arranged in chains; reaching 75 mm after 7 days on
both ends, straight, 1-septate, (9–)11–15(–16)×2–4 μm MEA at 24°C in the dark.
(av. 0 13×3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the Specimens examined – Brazil, Sao Paulo, Aracruz nursery,
base, held in asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime. from Eucalyptus cutting, 1992, A.C. Alfenas, holotype CBS-
Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony, H20607, culture ex-type CBS 210.940PPRI 44500UFV
with smooth margins, white, buff yellow (19 d) to umber (13i) 1250IMI 361579; Madagascar, Isoamala-Beraketa, Mount
Mycol Progress

Fig. 13 Cylindrocladiella pseudocamelliae. a–e. Penicillate conidio- Q. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm, B050 μm (apply to c–e), F010 μm
phores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and (apply to g–q)
phialides. j–n. Terminal vesicles. o–p. Subverticillate conidiophores.

Tolongo, substrate unknown, 7 Mar. 1994, collector shape. Cylindrocladiella pseudohawaiiensis can also be
unknown, culture CBS 1156100CPC 9090Fox 409. distinguished from other species in the C. infestans
Notes – Morphologically C. pseudohawaiiensis is difficult complex by different unique fixed nucleotides for three
to distinguish from C. hawaiiensis, and therefore phylogenetic loci: BTUB positions 127 (A) and 384 (G); HIS3 posi-
inference is required. It can be distinguished from C. infestans tions 23 (C), 29 (C), 33 (A), 77 (G), 283 (indel), 285
by its smaller conidium dimensions and terminal vesicle (C), 288 (A), 314 (T), 349 (T) and 463 (T); TEF-1α
Mycol Progress

Fig. 14 Cylindrocladiella pseudohawaiiensis. a–c. Penicillate conidiophores. d–f. Terminal vesicles. g–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore
branches and phialides. j–k. Subverticillate conidiophores. L. Conidia. A020 μm (apply to b–c), D010 μm (apply to e–l)

positions 153 (T), 244 (T), 288 (T), 289 (A), 290 (T), 5 μm, each terminal branch producing 2–4 phialides;
337 (C), 465 (A), 471 (G), 478 (T) and 482 (G). phialides doliiform to cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 10–
Cylindrocladiella pseudoparva L. Lombard & Crous, sp. 17×2–4 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening and
nov. – MycoBank MB561672, Fig. 15. collarette absent. Subverticillate conidiophores not ob-
Etymology – Named after its morphological similarity to served. Conidia (Fig. 15l) cylindrical, rounded at both
Cylindrocladiella parva. ends, straight, 1-septate, 16–18(–20)×2–4 μm (av. 0 17×
Cylindrocladiellae parvae morphologice valde similis, 3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the base, held in asym-
sed ramis primariis conidiophorum majoribus distinguitur. metrical clusters by colourless slime.
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores monomorphic, Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony,
penicillate, mononematous and hyaline. Penicillate conidio- with smooth margins, white with buff yellow (19 d) centre,
phores (Fig. 15a–e) comprising a stipe, a penicillate umber (13i) (reverse); chlamydospores extensive throughout
arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension and a termi- medium, arranged in chains; reaching 50 mm after 7 days on
nal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 31–86×5–9 μm; MEA at 24°C in the dark.
stipe extension aseptate, straight, 111–164 μm long, Specimens examined – The Netherlands, Apeldoorn,
thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating in Paleis Het Loo, from soil, Apr. 2010, P.W. Crous, holotype
thin-walled, clavate to ellipsoidal to pyriform vesicles CBS-H20608, culture ex-type CBS 1295600CPC 18149;
(Fig. 15f–h), 5–7 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous New Zealand, South Auckland, Karaka, Karaka road, from
apparatus (Fig.15i–k) with primary branches aseptate, Vitis riparia, 16 Apr. 2007, K. Paice, culture CBS 122594;
16–32×3–6 μm, secondary branches aseptate, 8–18×3– Switzerland, Mohlin Canton, Basel, from root of Quercus
Mycol Progress

Fig. 15 Cylindrocladiella pseudoparva. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–h. Terminal vesicles. i–k. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore
branches and phialides. L. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–e), F010 μm (apply to g–l)

sp., 16 Mar. 1994, L. Petrini, culture CBS 1136240CPC Cylindrocladiellae infestantis morphologice valde simi-
752. lis, sed conidiis minoribus, (9–)10.5–13.5(–15)×2–4 μm,
Notes – Cylindrocladiella pseudoparva can be distinguished distinguitur.
from C. parva and C. stellenboschensis by having larger Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni-
primary, and smaller secondary branches. However, phy- cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline.
logenetic inference will be required to accurately identify it. Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 16a–e) comprising a stipe,
Cylindrocladiella pseudoparva differs from other species in a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe exten-
the C. parva complex by unique fixed nucleotides in two loci: sion and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth,
BTUB position 199 (G) and 358 (A); HIS3 position 226 (T), 41–82×6–9 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 117–
302 (A), 372 (T) and 436 (C). 180 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating
Cylindrocladiella queenslandica L. Lombard & Crous, in thin-walled, cylindrical to lanceolate vesicles (Fig. 16j–m),
sp. nov. – MycoBank MB561682, Fig. 16. 5–8 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 16f–
Etymology – Named after Queensland, the state in i) with primary branches aseptate, 13–23×3–7 μm, secondary
Australia from where it was collected. branches aseptate, 9–12×2–4 μm, each terminal branch
Mycol Progress

Fig. 16 Cylindrocladiella queenslandica. a–e. Penicillate conidio- conidiophores. P. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–c), D0
phores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches 20 μm (apply to e, n), F010 μm (apply to g–m, o–p)
and phialides. j–m. Terminal vesicles. n–o. Subverticillate

producing 2–4 phialides; phialides reniform to doliiform to phialides; primary branches straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate, 22–
cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 7–15×2–4 μm, apex with 50×3–4 μm; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline,
minute periclinal thickening and collarette. Subverticillate aseptate, 17–41×2–6 μm, apex with minute periclinal
conidiophores (Fig. 16n–o) in moderate numbers, comprising thickening and collarette. Conidia (Fig. 16p) cylindrical,
of a septate stipe, and primary branches terminating in 2–3 rounded at both ends, straight, 1-septate, (9–)10.5–13.5
Mycol Progress

(–15)× 2–4 μm (av. 0 12× 3 μm), frequently slightly Notes – Cylindrocladiella queenslandica can be distinguished
flattened at the base, held in asymmetrical clusters by from other species in the C. infestans complex based on its
colourless slime. smaller conidia, and unique fixed nucleotides for three loci:
Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony, BTUB position 201 (T); HIS3 positions 110 (G) and 310 (G);
with smooth to undulate margins, white with straw (21 d) tint TEF-1α positions 35 (A) and 455 (T).
in patches, buff yellow (19 d) to umber (13i) (reverse); chla- Cylindrocladiella stellenboschensis L. Lombard &
mydospores moderate throughout medium, arranged in Crous, sp. nov. – MycoBank MB561671, Fig. 17.
chains; reaching 90 mm after 7 days on MEA at 24°C in the Etymology – Named after the town from which this
dark. species was first collected, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Specimen examined – Australia, Queensland, from soil, Cylindrocladiellae parvae morphologice valde similis,
18 June 2009, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20609, culture sed conidiis majoribus, (14–)17–19(–21) × 2–4 μm,
ex-type CBS 1295740CPC 17568; Australia, Queensland, distinguitur.
from soil, 18 June 2009, P.W. Crous, culture CBS 1295750 Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores monomorphic,
CPC 17569. penicillate, mononematous and hyaline. Penicillate

Fig. 17 Cylindrocladiella stellenboschensis a–d. Penicillate conidiophores. e–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and
phialides. j–m. Terminal vesicles. N. Conidia. Scale bars: A050 μm (apply to b–d), E010 μm (apply to f–n)
Mycol Progress

conidiophores (Fig. 17a–c) comprising a stipe, a penicillate branches aseptate, 7–14×2–5 μm, each terminal branch
arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension and a producing 2–4 phialides; phialides reniform to doliiform
terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 37– to cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 8–13×2–4 μm, apex with
65 × 6–9 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 109– minute periclinal thickening and collarette. Subverticillate
169 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating conidiophores (Fig. 18n–p) in moderate numbers, comprising
in thin-walled, clavate to naviculate vesicles (Fig. 17h–j), 5– of a septate stipe, and primary branches terminating in 2–3
7 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 17d–g) phialides; primary branches straight, hyaline, 0–1-septate,
with primary branches aseptate, 13–28×3–5 μm, secondary 40×3 μm; phialides cymbiform to cylindrical, hyaline, asep-
branches aseptate, 10–16×3–6 μm, each terminal branch tate, 19–38×2 μm, apex with minute periclinal thickening and
producing 2–4 phialides; phialides doliiform to cymbiform, collarette. Conidia (Fig. 18q) cylindrical, rounded at both
hyaline, aseptate, 12–21 × 2–4 μm, apex with minute ends, straight, 1-septate, (13–)14–16(–18)×2–4 μm (av. 0
periclinal thickening and collarette. Subverticillate con- 15×3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the base, held in
idiophores not observed. Conidia (Fig. 17k–n) cylindrical, asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime.
rounded at both ends, straight, 1-septate, (14–)17–19(–21)× Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex),
2–4 μm (av. 0 18×3 μm), frequently slightly flattened at the cottony, with smooth margins, white with buff yellow
base, held in asymmetrical clusters by colourless slime. (19 d) centre, umber (13i) (reverse); chlamydospores
Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), cottony, extensive throughout medium, arranged in chains; reach-
with smooth margins, white with straw (21 d) tint in patches, ing 70 mm after 7 days on MEA at 24°C in the dark.
umber (13i) (reverse); chlamydospores extensive throughout Specimens examined – Thailand, Chiang Mai, from soil,
medium, arranged in chains; reaching 60 mm after 7 days on Oct. 2010, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20611, culture
MEA at 24°C in the dark. ex-type CBS 1295710CPC 18835; Chiang Mai, from
Specimens examined – South Africa, Western Cape soil, Oct. 2010, P.W. Crous, CBS 1295700CPC 18834;
Province, Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch Botanical Gardens, Chiang Mai, from soil, Oct. 2010, P.W. Crous, CPC 18831.
from leaf litter, 31 Aug. 1992, P.W. Crous, holotype CBS- Notes – Morphologically, C. thailandica is similar to
H20610, culture ex-type CBS 1106680CPC 517; Canada, C. infestans and C. longistipitata, with the exception
Toronto, Queens Park North, from leaf litter, 24 Apr. 2008, that the stipe extensions are longer than those of C.
P.W. Crous, culture CPC 15200; Switzerland, Therwil infestans but shorter than those of C. longistipitata.
Canton, Basel, from root of Quercus sp., 16 Mar. 1994, L. Cylindrocladiella thailandica can also be distinguished
Petrini, culture CBS 1161700CPC 753. from other species in the C. infestans complex by
Notes – This species can be distinguished from C. parva different unique fixed nucleotides for two loci: BTUB
by its larger conidia and shape of the terminal vesicle. position 160 (G); HIS3 positions 27 (C), 30 (A), 60-63
Furthermore, collarettes are also present on its phialides, (indel), 70 (A) and 117 (A).
whereas these are rare or absent for C. parva. Cylindrocladiella Cylindrocladiella variabilis L. Lombard & Crous, sp.
stellenboschensis differs from other lineages in the C. parva nov. – MycoBank MB561673, Fig. 19.
complex by unique fixed nucleotides in one locus: BTUB posi- Etymology – Named after its highly variable vesicle
tion 112 (A), 162 (G), 172 (A), 268 (C), 352 (T), 361 (C), 366 morphology.
(G), 370 (T), 371 (G), 378 (A), 382 (A), 396 (A) and 495 (C). Cylindrocladiellae lageniformis morphologice similis,
Cylindrocladiella thailandica L. Lombard & Crous, sp. sed vesiculis divergentibus.
nov. – MycoBank MB561680, Fig. 18. Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores monomorphic, pen-
Etymology – Named after the country where it was icillate, mononematous and hyaline. Penicillate conidio-
collected, Thailand. phores (Fig. 19a–e) comprising a stipe, a penicillate
Cylindrocladiellae infestantis morphologice similis, sed arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe extension and a termi-
extensionibus stipitis longioribus, 123–183 μm. nal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, 41–91 × 5–
Teleomorph unknown. Conidiophores dimorphic, peni- 9 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 67–106 μm
cillate and subverticillate, mononematous and hyaline. long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating
Penicillate conidiophores (Fig. 18a–d) comprising a stipe, in thin-walled, clavate to fusoid to ovoid vesicles (Fig. 19j–m),
a penicillate arrangement of fertile branches, a stipe exten- 5–10 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus
sion and a terminal vesicle; stipe septate, hyaline, smooth, (Fig. 19f–i) with primary branches aseptate, 12–23×3–
49–80×5–9 μm; stipe extension aseptate, straight, 123– 7 μm, secondary branches aseptate, 9–14×3–6 μm, each
183 μm long, thick-walled with one basal septum, terminating terminal branch producing 2–4 phialides; phialides doliiform
in thin-walled, cylindrical to lanceolate vesicles (Fig. 18i–m), to cymbiform, hyaline, aseptate, 7–17×2–6 μm, apex with
5–7 μm wide. Penicillate conidiogenous apparatus (Fig. 18e– minute periclinal thickening and collarette absent.
h) with primary branches aseptate, 11–24×4–8 μm, secondary Subverticillate conidiophores not observed. Conidia
Mycol Progress

Fig. 18 Cylindrocladiella thailandica. a–d. Penicillate conidiophores. e–h. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides. i–
m. Terminal vesicles. n–p. Subverticillate conidiophores. Q. Conidia. A050 μm (apply to b–d), F010 μm (apply to e–q)

(Fig. 19n) cylindrical, rounded at both ends, straight, 1- (reverse); chlamydospores extensive throughout medium,
septate, (9–)11–13(–14)×2–3 μm (av. 0 12×3 μm), frequently arranged in chains; reaching 60 mm after 7 days on
slightly flattened at the base, held in asymmetrical clusters by MEA at 24°C in the dark.
colourless slime. Specimens examined – Australia, Queensland, Daydream
Culture characteristics – Colonies raised (convex), island, Whitsundays Island Resort, from soil, 2 Aug. 2009,
cottony, with smooth margins, white, umber (13i) P.W. Crous, holotype CBS-H20612, culture ex-type CBS
Mycol Progress

Fig. 19 Cylindrocladiella variabilis. a–e. Penicillate conidiophores. f–i. Conidiogenous apparatus with conidiophore branches and phialides. j–m.
Terminal vesicles. N. Conidia. Scale bars: A020 μm (apply to b), C050 μm (apply to d), E010 μm (apply to f–n)

1295610CPC 17505, CPC 17504; Australia, Queensland, Etymology – Named after its morphological similarity to
Lake Barrine, from soil, 18 June 2009, P.W. Crous, culture C. infestans.
CBS 1295620CPC 17563. Notes – Cylindrocladiella pseudoinfestans is introduced as
Notes – Cylindrocladiella variabile can be distinguished a new name for N. infestans in the genus Cylindrocladiella.
from C. lageniformis by the high variability of its terminal Nectricladiella infestans was incorrectly linked to its purport-
vesicle shape. This species does not produce subverticillate ed anamorph, C. infestans (Schoch et al. 2000), to which it is
conidiophores, whereas C. lageniformis produces them in morphologically similar. Cylindrocladiella pseudoinfestans
moderate numbers (Crous 2002). can be distinguished from other species in the C. infestans
Cylindrocladiella pseudoinfestans L. Lombard & Crous, complex by different unique fixed nucleotides for three loci:
nom. nov. – MycoBank MB561684 BTUB position 395 (A); HIS3 positions 22 (T), 41 (G), 47
Basionym: Nectricladiella infestans Crous & C.L. (A), 50 (A), 72 (T) and 272 (C); TEF-1α positions 268 (A),
Schoch, Studies in Mycology 45: 55. 2000. 272 (G), 478 (A) and 480 (C).
Mycol Progress

Discussion described here from soil samples collected in Australia.

Cryptic species were not resolved in the C. elegans complex
In this study, several Cylindrocladiella isolates from numer- as the cultures were sterile.
ous hosts and countries collected over the past two decades Past studies have presented evidence of cryptic speciation
were shown to include a number of novel species. These within C. infestans (Victor et al. 1998, Schoch et al. 2000,
species were recognised using phylogenetic inference and, Crous 2002, van Coller et al. 2005). In an attempt to resolve
where possible, supported by morphological features. The taxa in this complex, a large sample of C. infestans senso
taxonomic status of several phylogenetic species identified lato isolates was included in this study. Based on phyloge-
in this study remains unresolved due to either representation netic inference and morphological characterisation, a total of
by only a single isolate (e.g. CBS 116095) or culture sterility 12 cryptic species were identified. Of these, eight were
(e.g. clade containing CBS 115673). Naming these novel described as novel taxa. All eight of these newly named
species in the anamorph genus Cylindrocladiella and not the species may be regarded as phylogenetic species, as mor-
teleomorph genus Nectricladiella follows the “strict priority” phological characters are limited to distinguish them from
option as applied by Gräfenhan et al. (2011), which continued each other. These species are recognised using the genea-
the approach of Lombard et al. (2009, 2010a–c), and Schroers logical concordance phylogenetic species recognition
et al. (2011) of naming fungi in the Hyprocreales with the (GCPSR) criteria (Taylor et al. 2000) based on DNA sequence
oldest generic name, irrespective of its morph typification. data for the five loci used in this study. As has been done for
Consequently, the novel species found in this study were other fungal groups (O’Donnell et al. 2004, Grünig et al.
named in the genus Cylindrocladiella (Boesewinkel 1982) 2008, Pavlic et al. 2009, Lombard et al. 2010b), these species
rather than in the teleomorph genus Nectricladiella (Schoch are chiefly characterised by fixed single nucleotide polymor-
et al. 2000). phisms (SNPs).
Five species complexes could be identified in this study Schoch et al. (2000) described Nectricladiella infestans
based on phylogenetic inference supported by morphologi- as the teleomorph state of C. infestans sensu lato from an
cal characterisation. Although previous authors (Victor et al. isolate collected in Madagascar that produced perithecia in
1998, Schoch et al. 2000, Crous 2002, van Coller et al. culture. With additional sequence data and isolates, van
2005) acknowledged the presence of species complexes in Coller et al. (2005) showed this isolate represented a cryptic
the genus Cylindrocladiella, their sample sizes were small. species distinct from C. infestans senso stricto. This was
In our study, a larger sample size, obtained from various further supported by the phylogenetic inference in this
culture collections, allowed a multi-gene analysis to more study, and based on GCPSR, Nectricladiella infestans has
clearly identify species complexes in Cylindrocladiella. been provided with a new name, C. pseudoinfestans.
The Cylindrocladiella camelliae species complex was Cylindrocladiella clavata, C. lanceolata and C. variabilis
shown to consist of several phylogenetic species, four of are newly described here, closely related to C. lageniformis.
which were described as C. longiphialidica, C. natalensis, They can be distinguished from each other and C. lageni-
C. nederlandica and C. pseudocamelliae. Each of these four formis based on the absence of subverticillate conidio-
new species was distinguished from C. camelliae and each phores, terminal vesicle morphology and conidium
other by the morphology and dimensions of conidia, subver- dimensions. All three of these species, with the exception
ticillate conidiophores and stipe extensions. Geographical dis- of C. lanceolata, are presently only known from soil sam-
tribution of the various species in the C. camelliae complex ples collected in Australia. Cylindrocladiella lanceolata was
reflected the cosmopolitan nature of this group of fungi. also isolated from a diseased Eucalyptus cutting in South
Cylindrocladiella nederlandica and C. natalensis were Africa, adding another Cylindrocladiella species recorded
isolated from diseased plant material, and C. pseudoca- from that country (Crous et al. 1993, Crous et al. 1994,
melliae and C. longiphialidica were only isolated from Crous 2002, van Coller et al. 2005).
soil, and their significance as plant pathogens still needs Phylogenetic inference applied in this study also identi-
to be determined. fied a number of cryptic species within a large sample of C.
Cylindrocladiella cymbiformis is a newly described spe- parva sensu lato isolates. Only two of these cryptic species
cies closely related to both C. novaezelandiae, as well as could be named here, as most isolates were sterile.
novel lineages in the newly identified C. elegans species Cylindrocladiella stellenboschensis and C. pseudoparva
complex. Cylindrocladiella cymbiformis is not a cryptic are difficult to distinguish from each other or from C. parva
species in the C. elegans complex as it can be distinguished by morphology alone. These two species are recognised as
from both C. novaezelandiae and C. elegans by its larger phylogenetic species described according to the GCPSR
conidium dimensions and shorter stipe extensions. All iso- criteria using fixed SNPs.
lates in this study representing the C. elegans complex Isolates of C. peruviana used in this study also included
originated from South Africa, whereas C. cymbiformis is cryptic species that could not be named. As with the C.
Mycol Progress

elegans complex, isolates representing these cryptic species Crous PW, Wingfield MJ, Lennox CL (1994) A comparison of generic
concepts in Calonectria and Nectria with anamorphs in
were sterile and their taxonomy remains unresolved.
Cylindrocladium and Cylindrocladiella. S Afr J Sci 90:485–488
Traditionally, DNA sequence data for the ITS and BTUB Crous PW, Gams W, Stalpers JA, Robert V, Stegehuis G (2004)
gene regions were used to explore the phylogenetic relation- MycoBank: an online initiative to launch mycology into the 21st
ship between Cylindrocladiella spp. (Victor et al. 1998, century. Stud Mycol 50:19–22
Crous PW, Slipper B, Wingfield MJ, Rheeder J, Marasas WFO,
Schoch et al. 2000). Van Coller et al. (2005) introduced
Phillips AJL, Alves A, Burgess T, Barber P, Groenewald JZ
HIS3 sequence data for this group of fungi, increasing the (2006) Phylogenetic lineages in the Botryosphaeriaceae. Stud
gene regions that provide the most valuable information on Mycol 55:235–253
the relationships among Cylindrocladiella spp. Data for Crous PW, Wood AR, Okada G, Groenewald JZ (2008)
Foliicolous microfungi occurring on Encephalartos. Persoonia
these three gene regions have been available only for a small 21:135–146
sample of Cylindrocladiella isolates. This present study has Crous PW, Summerell BA, Carnegie AJ, Wingfield MJ, Groenewald
attempted to address this problem and also introduced par- JZ (2009) Novel species of Mycosphaerellaceae and
tial TEF-1α gene region sequences for all known Teratosphaeriaceae. Persoonia 23:119–146
Gräfenhan T, Schroers H-J, Nirenberg HI, Seifert KA (2011) An
Cylindrocladiella spp. Phylogenetic analysis of the individ-
overview of the taxonomy, phylogeny, and typification of nectria-
ual gene regions showed that the TEF-1α gene region ceous fungi in Cosmospora, Acremonium, Fusarium, Stilbella and
provided the best resolution to distinguish between Volutella. Stud Mycol 68:79–114
Cylindrocladiella spp., followed by BTUB and HIS3. As Grünig CR, Duò A, Sieber TN, Holdenrieder O (2008) Assignment of
species rank to six reproductively isolated cryptic species of the
was found with Calonectria spp. (Lombard et al. 2010b),
Phialocephala fortinii s.l.-Acephala applanata species complex.
the ITS and LSU gene regions provided limited information Mycologia 100:47–67
to distinguish between Cylindrocladiella spp. Gueidan C, Roux C, Lutzoni F (2007) Using multigene phylogeny anal-
Identification of a large number of cryptic species within ysis to assess generic delineation and character evolution in
Verrucariaceae (Verrucariales, Ascomycota). Mycol Res 111:1145–
the genus Cylindrocladiella based on phylogenetic infer- 1168
ence and morphological comparisons, highlights how little Katoh K, Toh H (2008) Recent developments in the MAFFT multiple
attention this group has received in the past. Although sequence alignment program. Brief Bioinform 9:286–298
Cylindrocladiella spp. are generally not regarded as impor- Lombard L, Rodas CA, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ
(2009) Cylindrocladium species associated with dying Pinus cut-
tant plant pathogens, correct identification is essential for
tings. Persoonia 23:41–47
disease control and biosecurity implications. This study has Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ (2010a)
revealed the importance of combining morphological and Multigene phylogeny and mating tests reveal three cryptic
phylogenetic data to understand the taxonomic issues sur- species related to Calonectria pauciramosa. Stud Mycol
rounding this group of fungi.
Lombard L, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ (2010b)
Phylogeny and systematics of the genus Calonectria. Stud
Acknowledgments Prof. dr U. Braun (Martin-Luther-Univ., Halle, Mycol 66:31–69
Germany) is thanked for providing the Latin diagnoses. The authors Lombard L, Zhou XD, Crous PW, Wingfield BD, Wingfield MJ
thank the technical staff, A. van Iperen (cultures), M. Vermaas (pho- (2010c) Calonectria species associated with cutting rot of
tographic plates), for their invaluable assistance. Eucalyptus. Persoonia 24:1–11
Möller EM, Bahnweg G, Sandermann H, Geiger HH (1992) A simple
Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the and efficient protocol for isolation of high molecular weight DNA
Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits from filamentous fungi, fruitbodies, and infected plant tissue.
any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, Nucleic Acids Res 20:6115–6116
provided the original author(s) and source are credited. Nirenburg HI (1981) A simplified method to identify Fusarium spp.
occurring on wheat. Can J Bot 59:1599–1609
Nylander JAA (2004) MrModeltest v. 2. Programme distributed by the
author. Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University
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