Geography Guide III
Geography Guide III
Geography Guide III
5. Why might a family suddenly leave their home in the middle of the night?
- Conflict or Violence: Escaping from immediate danger due to armed conflict, civil
unrest, or violence in the community.
- Persecution: Fleeing persecution based on factors such as political beliefs, ethnicity,
religion, or membership in a particular social group.
- Natural Disasters: Evacuating in response to sudden and severe natural disasters
such as floods, earthquakes, or wildfires.
- Forced Evictions: Being forcibly displaced due to government actions, land disputes,
or other forms of eviction.
- Security Threats: Responding to direct threats to the family's safety, such as targeted
attacks or harassment.
- Humanitarian Crises: Leaving due to severe humanitarian crises, such as food
shortages, epidemics, or other life-threatening conditions.
11. What are the typical reasons that drive people to migrate?
- Some people move in search of work or economic opportunity, to join family, or to
13. Who are internally displaced persons and what challenges do they face?
- According to the Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, internally displaced
persons (also known as "IDPs") are "persons or groups of persons who have been
forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or places of habitual residence, in
particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situations of
generalized violence, violations of human rights or natural or human-made disasters,
and who have not crossed an internationally recognized border."
15. What was the “Remain in Mexico” program and its implications?
- In January 2019, the USA approved a program called Remain in Mexico in
collaboration with the Mexican government, under the Migrant Protection Program.
The program means that non-Mexicans trying to enter the USA, or who are found
within the USA illegally, are sent back to Mexico to wait for immigration hearings in a
US court.
18. What was the estimated number of forcibly displaced people globally by the end of
- By the end of 2019, there were an estimated 79.5 million forcibly displaced people
21. What are the long term impacts of hosting refugees on a community?
- The long-term impacts of hosting refugees on a community can include cultural
enrichment, economic contributions, but also potential strains on resources and
infrastructure, as well as social integration challenges.
23. What are some negative impacts of large refugee populations on host
- Large refugee populations in host communities can strain resources, lead to
competition for jobs and housing, and sometimes create social tensions or cultural
24. What was the Bracero Program and its impact on migration?
- The Bracero Program was a U.S.-Mexico labor agreement from 1942 to 1964,
allowing Mexican temporary workers (braceros) to address labor shortages in U.S.
agriculture. While it provided economic opportunities, it also led to exploitation and
challenges for workers, shaping patterns of migration and influencing immigration
Stefano Pérez, Sebastian Gonzalez, David Loera, Alfonso Lozada, Jose Andres Gonzalez,
Juan Moreno, Eitel Elizondo
25. What were Operations Hold the Line and Gatekeeper, and their outcomes?
- Operations Hold the Line and Gatekeeper were U.S. border enforcement strategies
in 1990s focusing on increasing personnel and technology at the U.S.-Mexico border.
Hold the Line centered on El Paso, while Gatekeeper focused on San Diego. Both
aimed to deter illegal immigration. Their outcomes include reduced crossings in the
targeted areas but also shifting migration patterns to more dangerous routes.
26. What are the ethical considerations in dealing with migration and asylum seeking?
- Ethical considerations in migration and asylum seeking include ensuring human
rights, providing fair and humane treatment, avoiding discrimination, addressing root
causes of displacement, and promoting international cooperation for effective
27. What are the implications of the “Remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers?
- The "Remain in Mexico" policy, officially known as the Migrant Protection Protocols
(MPP), required asylum seekers to stay in Mexico while their claims were processed
in the U.S. This policy had implications for safety concerns, limited access to legal
representation, and challenges in presenting their cases, raising human rights and
humanitarian concerns.
29. What role does the international community play in resolving refugee crises?
- The international community plays a crucial role in resolving refugee crises by
providing humanitarian aid, supporting host countries, facilitating diplomatic efforts to
address root causes, advocating for human rights, and coordinating efforts through
organizations like the UNHCR. Collaboration and solidarity are essential in
addressing the complex challenges of forced displacement.
30. How do climate change and economic hardship influence migration patterns?
- Climate change and economic hardship can influence migration patterns by
impacting livelihoods, increasing resource scarcity, and creating conditions that force
people to seek better opportunities elsewhere. These factors contribute to both
internal and international migration as individuals and communities adapt to changing
environmental and economic conditions.
33. What are the legal and ethical obligations of countries towards refugees and
asylum seekers?
- Non-Refoulement: The principle of non-refoulement prohibits the return of individuals
to a country where they may face persecution or harm.
- Access to Asylum Procedures: Countries should provide a fair and efficient process
for individuals to seek asylum, ensuring access to legal representation and a proper
evaluation of their claims.
- Human Rights: Respect for the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers,
including the right to life, liberty, and security, is crucial.
- Basic Needs: Providing access to essential needs such as shelter, food, and
healthcare is an ethical obligation to ensure the well-being of displaced individuals.
- Non-Discrimination: Treating refugees and asylum seekers without discrimination,
irrespective of their race, religion, nationality, or other characteristics, is a
fundamental ethical principle.
- Integration: Facilitating integration or providing a durable solution, such as
resettlement, for those unable to return to their home countries is part of the ethical
- International Cooperation: Collaborating with the international community and
organizations to address the root causes of displacement and find comprehensive
solutions is an obligation.
34. How do refugee and migrant issues shape political discourse and policy?
- Refugee and migrant issues shape political discourse and policy by influencing
discussions on border control, national security, humanitarian aid, and immigration
reform. These issues often become central topics in political debates, affecting public
opinion and shaping the direction of policies. Political discourse may include debates
on border security measures, asylum procedures, integration policies, and the
economic impact of migration. The complexity of these issues can lead to diverse
perspectives and policy approaches, with decisions often reflecting a balance
between humanitarian concerns, national interests, and public sentiment.
35. What are the long term economic impacts of hosting refugees, based on studies?
- Studies on the long-term economic impacts of hosting refugees suggest mixed
results. While some research indicates that refugees can contribute to the economy
by filling labor market gaps, starting businesses, and fostering innovation, other
studies highlight potential short-term strains on resources and public services.
Stefano Pérez, Sebastian Gonzalez, David Loera, Alfonso Lozada, Jose Andres Gonzalez,
Juan Moreno, Eitel Elizondo
36. How do refugee and asylum policies vary across different countries?
- Recognition Criteria: Countries have different standards for granting refugee status,
and the criteria may vary in terms of persecution grounds and eligibility.
- Asylum Procedures: The processes for seeking asylum, including the application and
decision-making procedures, differ among countries. Some may have expedited
processes, while others are more thorough.
- Resettlement Programs: Countries vary in their willingness and capacity to
participate in international resettlement programs, offering a new home to refugees
who cannot safely return to their countries of origin.
- Humanitarian Aid: The level of humanitarian aid provided to asylum seekers and
refugees varies, affecting their living conditions and access to basic needs.
- Integration Policies: Host countries differ in their approaches to integrating refugees
into society, including language programs, employment assistance, and social
- Detention Policies: Some countries may detain asylum seekers, while others have
alternatives to detention or community-based approaches.
- Temporary Protection: Some countries provide temporary protection status to
refugees, allowing them to stay for a specific period without permanent settlement
- Family Reunification: Policies regarding the reunification of refugee families can vary,
impacting the ability of separated family members to be reunited.
37. What are the health impacts on communities near refugee populated areas?
- Strain on Healthcare Systems: The increased demand for healthcare services in
refugee-hosting communities can strain local healthcare infrastructure, potentially
leading to longer wait times and reduced access for both refugees and host
- Disease Transmission: Overcrowded living conditions and inadequate sanitation in
refugee settlements may contribute to the spread of infectious diseases, posing
health risks to both refugees and surrounding communities.
- Mental Health Challenges: The presence of refugees, especially in protracted
situations, can contribute to mental health challenges in both refugee and host
communities. Trauma, stress, and the disruption of social structures may affect the
well-being of individuals.
- Resource Competition: Competition for limited resources such as water, food, and
employment opportunities may arise, potentially creating tensions and affecting the
overall health of the communities.
- Increased Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases: Lifestyle changes and limited
access to healthcare facilities can contribute to an increased risk of
non-communicable diseases among both refugees and host populations.
- Environmental Impact: Large refugee settlements may exert pressure on local
ecosystems, affecting environmental health and potentially leading to ecological
Stefano Pérez, Sebastian Gonzalez, David Loera, Alfonso Lozada, Jose Andres Gonzalez,
Juan Moreno, Eitel Elizondo
38. How do refugee and asylum issues intersect with human rights concerns?
- Refugee and asylum issues intersect with human rights concerns through the
protection of individuals fleeing persecution, respect for the right to seek asylum, and
adherence to principles such as non-refoulement. Ensuring fair asylum processes,
preventing discrimination, and providing humane treatment align with broader human
rights principles.
39. What are some successful strategies for integrating refugees into host
- Successful strategies for integrating refugees into host communities include
language programs, employment assistance, cultural orientation, community
engagement initiatives, and policies that promote social inclusion. Collaborative
efforts involving local communities, government agencies, and non-profit
organizations contribute to effective integration and positive outcomes for both
refugees and host populations.
40. How does the international community address the issue of statelessness?
- Legal Frameworks: International conventions, such as the 1954 Convention relating
to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of
Statelessness, provide legal frameworks and standards for preventing and reducing
- Advocacy and Awareness: International organizations, NGOs, and governments
engage in advocacy and awareness campaigns to highlight the issue of
statelessness and encourage actions to address it.
- National Legislation: Many countries enact or amend domestic legislation to grant
nationality to stateless individuals and prevent new cases of statelessness.
- Capacity Building: International organizations work with governments to build
capacity in birth registration systems and citizenship determination procedures to
prevent and reduce statelessness.
- Access to Education and Health Services: Efforts are made to ensure that stateless
individuals have access to education, healthcare, and other essential services,
promoting their inclusion in society.
- Research and Data Collection: International organizations conduct research and
collect data on statelessness to better understand the scope of the issue and develop
targeted solutions.
- Statelessness Determination Procedures: Some countries establish specific
procedures to identify and provide documentation to stateless individuals, facilitating
their access to rights and services.
41. What are the challenges and potential solutions for countries with limited
resources in dealing with refugee crises?
- Strain on Resources: Limited resources can be overwhelmed by the sudden influx of
refugees, affecting access to basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare.
- Economic Impact: The additional demand on local economies can lead to
competition for jobs and resources, potentially exacerbating economic challenges for
both refugees and host communities.
Stefano Pérez, Sebastian Gonzalez, David Loera, Alfonso Lozada, Jose Andres Gonzalez,
Juan Moreno, Eitel Elizondo
- Social Tensions: Limited resources may contribute to social tensions between
refugees and host populations, especially if there is perceived competition for scarce
- Inadequate Infrastructure: Limited infrastructure may struggle to accommodate the
needs of both refugees and host communities, impacting services like education,
healthcare, and sanitation.
- International Aid and Support: Increased financial and material support from the
international community can help countries with limited resources manage the
immediate needs of refugees.
- Regional Cooperation: Collaborative efforts with neighboring countries and
international organizations can distribute the burden and share resources more
- Capacity Building: Investing in local infrastructure, healthcare, and education
systems can enhance a country's capacity to support both refugees and host
- Inclusive Policies: Implementing policies that foster social cohesion and inclusivity
can mitigate tensions and promote positive interactions between refugees and host
- Empowering Refugees: Providing opportunities for refugees to contribute to the local
economy through employment and entrepreneurship can benefit both communities.