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Al Masud, Abdullah and Hossain, Mohammad Azhar, Determinants of Non Performing Loan (NPL): A Case of an Emerging Economy

(March 16, 2021). Al Masud, A. & Hossain, M. A., (2020). ‘Determinants of Non Performing Loan (NPL): A Case of an Emerging
Economy’, Southeast Business Review, Vol. X, No. 1 & 2, 46-60, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3873654


This is to certify that the thesis titled “Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: The Case of
Ethiopian Commercial Banks”, submitted to Wo llo Univers it y, Department of Manageme nt for
award of Degree of Master of Business Adminis tra tio n (MBA) and is a record of genuine research
work carried out by Hanan Seid,OF
my guidance SS ANDioECONOMICS
and supervis n.
Therefore, I hereby declare OF has
that no part of this thesis MANAGEMENT
been submitted to any other univer s it y
instit ut io n for the award of any degree or diploma.

Advisor’s Name Signature Date

Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: The Case of the
Dr. Girma Tadesse Ethiopian Commercial BanksJanuary 8, 2024

A Thesis Submitted to the Management Department of the College of Business and

Economics of Wollo University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

(Student Id No. 0043/14)


January 2024


I hereby declare that this thesis titled “Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: The Case of
Ethiopian Commercial Banks” has been carried out by me under the guidance and supervis io n of my
Advisor Dr.Girma Tadesse.

The thesis is origina l and has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma to any
univers it y or instit ut io ns.

Re se arche r’s Name Signature Date

Hanan Seid January 8, 2024


Loans and advances form a greater portion of the total assets in banks. These assets generate huge
interest income for banks which to a large extent determine the financial performance of banks.
However, some of these loans usually fall into non-performing status and adversely affect the
performance of banks. In view of the critical role banks play in an economy, it is essential to identify
problems that affect the performance of these institutions. Non-performing loans is one of these
problems. Therefore, a research on determinants of non-performing loans, the case of Ethiopian
Commercial banks was conducted on twelve banks. The research seeks to find out the determinants
of non-performing loans in the Ethiopian commercial banks. Structured questionnaire was used to
collect data for the study from both private and state-owned banks.

The study found that poor credit analysis and unsound lending practices, lack of focused loan
monitoring and follow-up, lenient credit terms and conditions, compromised integrity, and fund
diversion as the major factors that contribute to loan default. Thus, it is suggested that banks should
put in place a vibrant credit process that ensures proper customer selection, robust credit analysis,
proactive monitoring, ethical standards, and prudent application of polices that govern bank loans.

Key words: Non Performing Loans (NPLs); Credit Analysis, Credit Process


I am thankful to all those who, in one way or another, contributed to the successful completion of
this research paper. My heartfelt gratitude goes to my Advisor Dr. Girma Tadesse, C ollege of
Business and Economics, Wo llo University, for his meticulous review of my work as well his
earnest encourage me nt and essential guidance in the course of the research work.
Many thanks also go to the staff and management of the private and state-owned commercial banks,
on which this study has been conducted, for completing the research survey questionnaire and
providing financ ia l data as well as valid qualitat i ve informa t io n in this regard.

Finally, I would lik e to extend my gratitude to the Management Department of the Wo llo Univers it y
in general, and the Graduate Programs Coordinating O ffice in particular, for their understanding and
special support to get us all successful in our endeavors, amid all the challenging situations in our
respective occupations.

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................v
ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS..................................................................................................... vi

1.1. Background of the Study.................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the Problem and Research Questions.....................................................4
1.3. Objectives ........................................................................................................................5
1.4. Significance of the Study.................................................................................................6
.5. Rationale of the Study.....................................................................................................6
1.6. Scope of the Study...........................................................................................................6
1.7. Limitations of the Study..................................................................................................7
1.8. Organization of the Study ...............................................................................................7
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK & REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...............................................8
2.1. Theoretical Framework................................................................................................. 8
2.2. Literature review.........................................................................................................11
2.3. Review of Empirical Evidence.....................................................................................16
2.4. General Lending Procedures and Processing Credit Applications............................19
RESEARCH DESUGN AND METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................23
3.1. Study Area.....................................................................................................................23
3.2. Research Design ...........................................................................................................23
3.3. Study participants/ population parameter/................................................................24
3.4. Types of Data................................................................................................................24
3.5. SampleSize...................................................................................................................24
3.6. Types of Data................................................................................................................25
3.7. Method of Data Collection...........................................................................................25
3.8. Method of Data Analysis and Interpretation..............................................................25
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...........................................................................................................26
4.1. General...........................................................................................................................26
4.2. Profile of Respondents..................................................................................................28
4.3. Factors that Affect Bank Lending..................................................................................30
4.4 Discussion of Findings ...................................................................................................38
4.5 Summary of Results.......................................................................................................43
4 .6. Causes and Effects of NPLs............................................................................................44
4 .7. Effects of NPLs ...............................................................................................................49
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................50
5.1. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................50
5.2. Recommendations..........................................................................................................52

BIBLIOGRAPH............................................................................................................................. -1-
Appendix I. Questionnaire........................................................................................................... II
Appendix II. Banks’ Industry Data............................................................................................... VII
AB Abay Bank
AIB Addis Internat io na l Bank
AIB Awash Internatio na l Bank
BOA Bank of Abyssinia
BIB Berhan Internatio na l Bank
BIB Buna Internatio na l Bank
CBE Commercia l Bank of Ethiopia
CBO Cooperative Bank of O romia
DB Dashen Bank
DBE Developme nt Bank of Ethiopia
DGB Debub Global Bank
LIB Lion Internatio na l Bank
NBE National Bank of Ethiopia
NIB Nib Internatio na l Bank
OIB O romia Internatio na l Bank
UB United Bank
WB Wegagen Bank
ZB Zemen Bank
CAR Capital Adequacy Ratio
FDRE Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
IMF Internatio na l Monetary Fund
KYC Know Your Customer
NPLs Non-performing Loans
RQ Research Questions
SBB Supervisio n of Banking Business


1.1. Backgroundof the Study

It is widely accepted that the quantity or percentage of non-performing loans (NPLs) is often
associated with bank failures and financial crises in both developing and developed countries. In
fact, there is abundant evidence (Fofack , 2005 and Hu, 2006) that the financial/banking crises in
East Asia and Sub-Saharan African countries were preceded by high NPLs. The current global
financial crisis, which originated in the US, was also attributed to the rapid default of sub - prime
loans/mortgages. In view of this reality, it is therefore understandable why much emphasis is placed
on NPLs when examini ng financ ia l vulnerab il it ies.

The issue of non-performing loans (NPLs) has gained increasing attentions in the last few decades.
The immediate consequence of large amount of NPLs in the banking system is bank failure. Many
researches on the cause of bank failures (e.g. Demirguc - K unt 1989, Barr and S iems 1994) found
that asset quality is a statistically significant predictor of insolvency, and that failing banking
instit ut io ns always have high level of NPLs prior to failur e.
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF, 2009), NPL is any loan in which interest and
principal payments are overdue for 90 days or more. On the other hand the Basel Committee1
(2001) puts NPLs as loans left unpaid for a period of 90 days. Therefore, NPLs refer to those as
financ ia l assets from which banks no longer receive interest or installment payments as scheduled.

A financial intermediary is an institution that acts as an intermediary by matching supply and

demand of funds (Beck, 2001). Heffernan (1996) defines banks as intermediaries between depositors
and borrowers in an economy which are distinguished from other types of financial firms by offering
deposit and loan products. Bossone (2001) also argues banks are special intermed iar ies because of

1 Basel committee is a committee of banking supervisory authorities that provides a forum for regular cooperation on
banking supervisory matters. Its objective is to enhance understanding ofkey supervisory issues and improve the
quality of banking supervision worldwide.
Their unique capacity to finance production by lending their own debt to agents willing to accept it
and to use it as money.

C ommercial banks are the dominant financial institutions in most economies (Rose, 1997).
Greuning and Bratanovic (2003), argue that commercial banks play a critical role to emerging
economies where most borrowers have no access to capital markets. Well-functioning commercial
banks accelerate economic growth, while poorly functioning commercial banks are an impediment
to economic progress and aggravate poverty (Barth et.al, 2001; Khan and Senhadji, 2001, as cited in
Richard, 2011).

The traditional role of a bank is lending and loans make up the bulk of their assets (Njanike, 2009).
According to the research by Havrilesky and Boorman (1994), interest on loans contributes
significantly to interest income of commercial banks. Reed and Gill (1989) pointed out that
traditionally 85 percent of commercial banks income is contributed by interest on loans. Lo ans
therefore represent the majority of a bank’s assets (Saunders and Cornett, 2005). Lending is not an
easy task for banks because it creates a big problem which is called NPLs (Chhimpa J, 2002, as cited
in Upal, 2009). Due to the nature of their business, commercial banks expose themselves to the risks
of default from borrowers (Waweru and K alami, 2009).

According to Alton and Hazen (2001) NPLs are those loans which are ninety days or more past due
or no longer accruing interest. Hennie (2003) agrees arguing that NPLs are those loans which are not
generating income. This is further supported by Caprio and K lingebiel (1996 as cited in Fofack,
2005) who define NPLs as those loans which for a relatively long period of time do not generate
income that is, the principal and or interest on these loans have been left unpaid for at least ninety
days. The term “bad loans” as described by Basu (1998) in Fofack (2005) is used interchangeably
with non- performing and impaired loans. Berger and De Young (1997) also consider these types of
loans as “problem loans”. In effect, these would be considered bad or toxic assets on the bank’s
books (Bexley and Nenninger, 2012). According to Berger and De Young (1997), NPLs could be
injur io us to the financ ia l performance of banking instit ut io ns.

According to Kroszner (2002), as cited in Waweru and K alami (2009), NPLs are closely associated
with banking crises. Greenidge and Grosvenor (2010), argue that the magnit ude of NPLs is a key

Element in the initiation and progression of financial and banking crises. Guy (2011) agrees arguing
that NPLs have been widely used as a measure of asset quality among lending institutions and are
often associated with failures and financial crises in both the developed and developing world.
Reinhart and Rogoff (2010) as cited in Louzis et al (2011) point out that non- performing loans can
be used to mark the onset of a banking crisis. Despite ongoing efforts to control bank lending
activities, NPLs are still a major concern for both international and local regulators (Boudriga et al,

They are known as non-performing because the loan ceases to “perform” or generate income for the
bank. According to National Bank of Ethiopia’s Directive No SBB/43/2008 „Asset Classification
and Provisioning‟ Directive,

“Non-performing loan“ means loans or advances whose credit quality has

deteriorated such that full collection of principal and/or interest in accordance with
contractual repayment terms of the loan or advances is due and uncollected for 90
(ninety) consecutive days or more beyond the scheduled payment date or maturity.

C ommercial banks in Ethiopia provide credit facilities and services to various classes of customers.
In the course of their operation, however, they may find themselves with a loan portfolio in which
the risk of the loss is greater than they had anticipated when the loan was made. That is a position
where the risk is greater than the bank would normally be willing to assume. During this time the
loan portfolio will be dominated by NPLs. NPLs or bad loans arise in respect of the loans and
advances which are given by banks to the whole range of different projects including but not
exclusively retail or wholesale, personal or corporate or short, medium or long term projects. NPLs are,
therefore, a very sensitive element of a bank’s operations.

Thus, an efficient and well-functioning financial sector is essential for the development of any
economy, and the achievement of high and sustainable growth. One of the indicators of financial
sectors health is loan qualities. Most unsound financial sectors show high level of NPLs within a

Theoretically there are so many reasons as to why loans fail to perform. The current study focuses
on exploring the bank specific determinants of NPLs.

1.2. Statement of the Problem and Research Questions

The government owned mass med ia as well as the private press have repeatedly reported and
claimed that the three government owned banks were facing serious problems with loan recovery for
a variety of reasons, lack of financial discipline and outright breach-of-contract cases etc.;. Addis
Tribune, in its Vol. No. 279, February 06, 1998 maintained that the magnitude of the total bad debts
of Ethiopia ’s banking system had reached the staggering sum of 3 billio n birr.

An absolute amount of 3.5 b illio n Birr in loans arrears for an economy such as Ethiopia
frightening enough and when the bad debt figure is seen in relative terms, it may drive the faint
hearted to despair if reports of an up to 40 percent bad debts/loans ratio for at least one of the three
state-owned banks and up to 14 percent for either of the private banks were true.
The question, however, is if the rate in the domestic banking system had reached such a frightening
level, „how there has been no major financial crisis in Ethiopia yet‟ is a paradox that triggered the
researcher to take in the study at the outset. Anything above a 5 percent bad debts ratio in other
countries would stir financial panic. It is also worth mentioning the state owned banks presently
claim to mainta in their NPLs to a minimum despite the reported frighte ni ng figures.

Presently there are thirty one commercial banks and one state owned banks operating in Ethiopia.
Surveyed financial data of the banks as at end of September 2012 indicate that the ratio of NPLs for
Zemen Bank (ZB), Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE), Bank of Abyssinia (BOA), Birhan
International Bank (BIB), Wegagen Bank (WB), and O romia International Bank (OIB) stood at 13.1
percent, 9.4 percent, 6.2 percent, 6.1 percent, 5.7 percent, and 5.3 percent, respectively (Appendix
2.1), which in all cases are higher as compared to the international standard of 5 percent. Moreover,
the NPLs positions of ZB, DBE, and BIB as at December 2012, stood at 14 percent, 9.5 percent, and
5.5 percent, showing that the non-performing assets are still high, deserving due attention of the
managements and Board of Directors as well as of the regulatory body, National Bank of Ethiopia
(Appendix 2.2).

Thus, the magnitude of the then existing total bad debts of state owned banks, the prevalence of
NPLs that literally triumph in all banks and deviant observation caught the attention of the
researcher for a thorough examination. The researcher, therefore, believes there are perhaps more
important causes that need to be addressed as the first order of banking business is to identify the
real causes behind the unpaid loans in the banking system. Despite such a prevailing phenomenon of
NPLs in Ethiopia, there is little study that investigates the contributing factors.

There are a good number of studies that examine the factors leading to NPL. However, there is little
empirical study on Ethiopia that has intensively investigated the relationship between bank - specific
factors and NPLs. Thus, the motivation for undertaking this study is to identify the determinants of
NPLs in the case of Ethiopia.

The study is designed to seek answers for the following one major research question and five sub -
research questions.

1. What are the bank specific contributing factors of non-performing loans (NPLs)?

1.1. Is there a relationship between credit assessment and occurrence of NPLs?

1.2. Is there a relationship between credit monitoring and occurrence of NPLs?

1.3. Is there a relationship between collateralized lending and bad debts?

1.4. What is the influence of borrower’s credit culture on occurrences of bad debts?

1.5. Do high lending interest rates entail loans to lead to loan default?

1.3. Objectives of the Study

1.3.1. General Objective

The overall objective of the study is to find out the determinants of NPLs in the case of the Ethiopian

1.3.2. Specific Objectives

With a view to achieve the overall objective stated above, the specific objectives of the study have
been to examine relationships between loan default and factors such as; credit assessment, credit
monitoring, borrowers‟ credit culture and collateralized lending, level interest rates.

1.4. Significanceof the Study

The current study explored the factors contributing to NPLs in the case of Ethiopian Banks. As such,
the study yields great contribution to research and practice. The research contribution is attributed to
the current contribution to the existing body knowledge and research regarding factors influencing
NPLs. Besides providing further evidence to findings of prior studies, the current study has also
identified a few additiona l factors that worth for further research and validat io n.

The other contribution of the current research is in relation to practice. The findings of the current
study would help Ethiopian banks get insight on what it takes to improve their loan qualities and the
central bank (NBE) to examine its policy in banking supervision pertaining to the asset quality banks
shall mainta in.

1.5. Rationale of the Study

The health of commercial banks in Ethiopia often is measured by the National Bank of Ethiopia,
among other things, by the amount of sick loans they have in their books. The Central Bank forces
the banks to put provision against these types of loans in order to protect the public that deposits its
savings with them. It is also argued that the NPLs are one of the major causes of the economic
stagnation problems and if the NPLs keeps increasing and are continuously rolled over, the resources
may be locked up in unprofitable sectors; thus, hindering the economic growth and impairing the
economic effic ie nc y.

1.6. Scope of the Study

This research paper, which is essentially about identifying causes and effects of NPLs both in private
and state-owned bank. This is premised on the fact that the selected commercial banks have been
operating long enough to give the kind of academic insight the study seeks to offer. Besides, these
banks extend credit facilities to almost all major sectors of the economy. Again the nationwide credit
operation of the banks presents an opportunity for a nationa l outlook of the issues under study.

1.7. Limitations of the Study

The limitation of the study lies in collecting complete data of all banks. The number of private
commercial banks has reached thirty one, obtaining complete and reliable data in connection with
bad debts is however, a complex exercise owing to confidentiality of banking business. Even though
the anticipated data are available in the central bank, the effort exerted to obtain the data was a futile
exercise for same ground.

As an alternative, therefore, it was managed to approach majority of the banks through

acquaintances in each case, where data for six consecutive years (Appendix II) were obtained to serve
the purpose. This had the effect to narrow the analysis to some extent.

1.8. Organizationof the Study

The research report is organized into five Chapters. The first Chapter is made up of the background
of the study, the statement of the problem and research questions, significance of the study, scope of
the study, limit at io n of the study and organizat io n of the study.

In Chapter two theoretical foundation and empirical review of the study is presented. This chapter covers
important issues related to the banking literatures, empirical studies, types and natures of credit,
princip les of good lending, and general lending procedures.

Chapter three describes the research methodology. It explains the study area, research design,
population parameter, sampling methods, sample size and methods of data collection and analysis.
Results and discussions are contained in Chapter four together with the survey outcomes. Chapter
five provides conclusio n and recommendat io ns of the study.



.1. Theoretical Framework
2.1.1. The Nature of Non-performing Loans

The recent global financial crisis highlighted the importance of appreciating financial institutions
vulnerabilities in the context of managing credit risk. The key motivation for this paper is to improve
understanding of the determinants of NPLs. However a lot of research papers can be found regarding
the problem or non-performing loan. Many prudential researchers intend to work on NPLs because it
is perceived as the foremost aspect of bank’s surviva l.

The question of loan default is related with none recovery/repayment of loans. When a borrower
cannot repay interest and/or installment on a loan after it has become due, then it is qualified as
default loan or non-performing loan (Chowdhury & Adhikary, 2002). It is known as non-
performing, because the loan ceases to “perform” or generate income for the bank. The default/non-
performing loan is not a “uniclass”, rather a “multiclass” concept. It implies that the default/NPLs
can be classified into three different categories, usually based on the “length of overdue” of the said
loan. These categories are:

i. Substandard – loans overdue for a period of 91 to 180 days

ii. Doubtful – loans overdue for a period of 181 to 360 days

iii. Loss – loans overdue for more than 360 days

The issue of NPLs has gained increasing attentions in the last few decades. The immediate
consequence of large amount of NPLs in the banking system is bank failure. Many researchers on
the cause of banking failure find that asset quality is a statistically significant predictor of insolvency
[e.g Demirguc-kunt 1989, Barr and S iems 1994], and that failing banking institutions always have
high level of NPLs prior to failure.

NPLs can lead to efficiency problem for banking sector. It is found by a number of economists that
failing banks tend to be located far from the most efficient frontier, because banks don’t optimize
their portfolio decisions by lending less than demand. What’s more, there are evidences that even
among banks that do not fail; there is a negative relationship between the non- performing loans and
performance effic ie nc y.

The concept of NPLs has been defined in different literatures. According to Patersson and Wasman
(2004), NPLs are defined as defaulted loans which banks are unable to profit from. They are loans
which cannot be recovered within stipulated time that is governed by the laws of a country.
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF, 2009), a NPL loan is any loan in which interest
and principal payments are more than 90 days overdue; or more than 90 days’ worth of interest has
been refinanced.

NPLs generally refer to loans which for a relatively long period of time do not generate income.
That is, the principal and/or interest on these loans have been left unpaid for at least 90 days (Fofack,
2005). NPLs are further defined as loans, whose flows stream is so uncertain that the bank does not
recognize income until cash is received, and loans those whose interest rate has been lowered on the
maturit y increase because of problem with borrower (Machiraju, Undated).

Machiraju (2001) expresses NPLs as a leading indicator of credit quality. NPLs or bad loans arise in
respect of the loans and advances which are given by banks to the whole range of different projects
including but not exclusively retail or wholesale, personal or corporate or short, medium or long
term projects. NPLs are very sensitive elements of a bank’s operations.

According to Brown, Mallett and Taylor (1993), the losses from bad loans (NPLs) caused by
reducing the capital resource of the bank affects its ability to grow and develop its business and
disclosure of the extent of these losses in its financial statements may lead to a loss of confidence in
the bank’s management and a reduction in its credit ratings. This will in turn increase the bank’s cost
of borrowing in the wholesale market and make it more expensive or more difficult to raise capital.
In extreme cases, it can leads to a loss of deposits, the withdrawal of the bank’s authorization and
ultimate l y insolve nc y (Taylor, 1993). Thus NPL is one of the concrete embodime nt s of credit

which banks take. They have greater imp lic a tio n on the function of the banks as well as the
financ ia l sector development.
Historically, the occurrence of banking crises has often been associated with a massive accumulation
of NPLs which can account for a sizable share of total assets of insolvent banks and financial
institutions, especially during episodes of systemic crises. Deterioration in banks‟ loan quality is one

of the major causes of financial fragility. Past experience shows that a rapid build up of bad loans
plays a crucial role in banking crises (Demirguç ‐ Kunt and Detragiache, 1998, and González ‐
Hermosillo, 1999).

It is apparent that insolvency of banks is costly to the macro economy as such, but this cost can be
increased or decreased by the regulators and the policies they use in resolving the insolvencies. The
faster banks can be resolved before their economic capital turns negative, the smaller are both losses
to depositors and costs to the macro economy (G. Kaufman, 2004). This is why most countries
provide their own rules regarding NPLs and its classifica t io ns.

Under the Ethiopian banking business directive, NPLs are defined as “loans or advances whose
credit quality has deteriorated such that full collection of principal and/or interest in accordance with
the contractual repayment terms of the loan or advances in question (NBE directive, 2008).” It
further provides that:

… Loans or advances with pre-established repayment programs are non-performing

when principal and/or interest is due and uncollected for 90 (ninety) or more
consecutive days beyond the scheduled payment date or maturity (NBE directive,

According to this directive of NBE, in addition to the aforementioned category of non- performing
loans that do not have pre-established repayment program (essentially overdraft loans ) shall be non-
performing when:

(i) The debt exceeds the borrower’s approved limit for 90 (ninety) consecutive days or more;

(ii) The account has been inactive for 90 consecutive days or

(iii) Deposits are insufficient to cover the interest capitalized during 90 consecutive days or

(iv) The account fails to show 20 percent of the approved limit or less debit balance at least
once over 360 days preceding the date of loan review.

According to the Basel rules, if a loan is past due for 90 consecutive days, it will be regarded as non-
performing. The criteria used in Ethiopia n banking business to identify NPLs is a quantitative
criteria based on the number of days passed from loan being due.

2.2. LiteratureReview

The theory of asymmetric information tells us that it may be difficult to distinguish good from bad
borrowers (Auronen, 2003, as cited in Richard, 2011), which may result into adverse selection and
moral hazards problems. The theory explains that in the market, the party that possesses more
information on a specific ite m to be transacted (in this case the borrower) is in a position to negotiate
optimal terms for the transaction than the other party (in this case, the lender) (Auronen, 2003, as
cited in Richard, 2011). The party that knows less about the same specific ite m to be transacted is
therefore in a position of making either right or wrong decision concerning the transaction. Adverse
selection and moral hazards have led to significant accumulation of NPLs in banks (Bester, 1994;
Bofondi and Gobbi, 2003).

Studies show that problem loans are often used as an exogenous variable to explain other banking
outcomes such as bank performance, failures, and bank crises (Boudriga et al., 2009). However,
some studies investigate problem loans as an endogenous variable (Sinkey and Greenwalt, 1991;
Kwan and Eisenbeis, 1997; Salas and Saurina, 2002, as cited in Boudriga et al., 2009). GDP growth,
inflation and interest rates are common macro - economic factors, while size and lending policy are
micro- economic variables (Greenidge and Grosvenor, 2010). These variables are by no means
exhaustive, but they provide a useful framework for monitoring the development of non- performing
loans (Guy, 2011). More recent researches started studying this problem but with particular
reference to both developing countries and emergent economies (Haunerand and Peiris, 2005;
Matthewes et al., 2007, as cited in Maggi and Guida, 2009)

Bercoff et al (2002) examine the fragility of the Argentinean Banking system over the 1993-1996
period; they argue that NPLs are affected by both bank specific factors and macroeconomic factors.

To separate the impact of bank specific and macroeconomic factors, the authors employ survival
analysis. Using a dynamic model and a panel dataset covering the period 1985-1997 to investigate
the determinants of problem loans of Spanish commercial and saving banks, Salas and Saurina
(2002) reveal that real growth in GDP, rapid credit expansion, bank size, capital ratio and market
power explain variatio n in non- performing loans.

Furthermore, Jimenez and Saurina (2005) examine the Spanish banking sector from 1984 to 2003;
they provide evidence that NPLs are determined by GDP growth, high real interest rates and lenient
credit terms. This study attributes the latter to disaster myopia, herd behavior and agency problems
that may entice bank managers to lend excessively during boom periods. Meanwhile, Rajiv and Dhal
(2003) utilized panel regression analysis to report that favorable macroeconomic conditions and
financial factors such as maturity, cost and terms of credit, banks size, and credit orientation impact
significantly on the NPLs of commercia l banks in India.

Babihuga (2007), in an IMF working paper, explores the relationship between several
macroeconomic variables and financial soundness indicators (capital adequacy, profitability, and
asset quality) based on country aggregate data. She explained the cross-country heterogeneity by
differences in interest rates, inflation, and other macroeconomic factors. However, the study does not
consider the impact of industry specific drivers of problem loans.

Most empirical studies examine the influence of the macroeconomic environment on NPLs (Louzis
et al, 2011). Rinaldi and Sanchis-Arellano (2006) analyzed household NPLs for a panel of European
countries and provide empirical evidence that disposable income, unemployment and monetary
conditions have a strong impact on NPLs. Berge and Boye (2007) find that problem loans are highly
sensitive to the real interest rates and unemployment for the N ordic banking system over the period

Lawrence (1995) examines the theoretical literature of life - cycle consumption model and introduces
explicitly the probability of default. This model implies that borrowers with low incomes have
higher rates of default due to increased risk of facing unemployment and being unable to settle their
obligation. Additionally, in equilibrium, banks charge higher interest rates to riskier clients. Rinaldi
and Sanchis-Arellano (2006) extend Lawrence‟s model by assuming that agents borrow in order to
invest in real or financ ia l assets. They argue that the probabilit y of default depends on current

income and the unemployment rate, which is linked to the uncertainty regarding future income and
the lending rates.

Breuer (2006), using Bankscope data, analyzed the impact of legal, p o litical, sociological, economic,
and banking institutions on problem bank loans. Nevertheless, her study suffers from a
representativeness bias due to the fact that Bankscope data on NPLs are only available for a very
limited number of countries and for a few numbers of banks. Other studies focusing on the
macroeconomic determinants of NPLs include that of C ifter et al. (2009), Nkusu (2011) and
Segoviano et al. (2006).

Carey (1998) argues that the state of the economy is the single most important systematic factor
influencing diversified debt portfolio loss rates (Carey, 1998, p. 1382). Q uagliarello (2007) finds that
the business cycle affects NPLs for a large panel of Italian banks over the period 1985–2002.
Furthermore, C ifter et al. (2009) provides empirical evidence for a lagged impact of industrial
production on the number of NPLs in the Turkish financial system over the period 2001–2007. Salas
and Saurina (2002) estimate a significant negative contemporaneous effect of GDP growth on NPLs
and infer the quick transmission of macroeconomic developments to the ability of economic agents
to service their loans (Bangia et al., 2002; Carey, 1998). Nkusu (2011) investigating the
macroeconomic determinants of loan defaults through panel regressions and panel vector
autoregressive models. The author suggests that hike in interest rates result in deterioration of
borrower‟s repayment capacity and hence, cause of increase in NPLs.

There is significant empirical evidence to suggest that local economic conditions explain to some
extent, the variation in NPLs experienced by banks (Keeton and Morris, 1987; Sinkey and
Greenwalt, 1991; Salas and Saurina, 2002; Rajan and Dhal, 2003 as cited in Greenidge and
Grosvenor, 2010). Research conducted in the Caribbean includes that of Khemraj and Pasha (2009),
who examined the determinants of NPLs in Guyana. The empirical results r evealed that with the
exception of the inflation rate and bank size, all other factors have a significant relationship with the
non performing loan ratio (Greenidge and Grosvenor, 2010).

Causes and treatment of NPLs were studied in detail by Bloem and Gorter (2001). They agreed that
“bad loans” may considerably rise due to abrupt changes in interest rates. They discussed various
internat io na l standards and practices on recognizing, valuing and subsequent treatment of NPLs to

Address the issue from view po int of controlling, management and reduction measures. A study
conducted by Espinoza and Prasad (2010) focused on macroeconomic and bank specific factors
influencing NPLs and their effects in the Banking System. After a comprehensive analysis, they
found that higher interest rates increase NPLs but the relationship was not statistically significant.

Salas and Saurina (2002) find a negative relation between bank size and NPLs and argue that bigger
size allows for more diversification opportunities. Hu et al. (2004) and Rajan and Dhal (2003) report
similar empirical evidence. Another strand of literature has focused on the degree of loan
concentration in various sectors, and proposes that vulnerabilities within sectors of high loan
concentration tend to exacerbate the non performing ratio (Herring and Wachter, 1999 as cited in
Guy, 2011). However, Stiroh (2004) does not find evidence of benefits from diversification in the
form of reduced risk, for the US banking system, since non-interest income growth was highly
correlated with net interest income during the 1990s.

The moral hazard of too- big- to- fail banks represents another channel relating to bank-
features with NPLs (Louzis et al, 2011). A policy concern is that too - big- to- fail banks may resort
excessive risk taking since market discipline is not imposed by its creditors who expect government
protection in case of a bank‟s failure (Stern and Feldman, 2004). Consequently, large banks may
increase their leverage too much and extend loans to lower quality borrowers (Louzis et al, 2011).
Boyd and Gertler (1994) argue that in the 1980s the tendency of US large banks towards riskier
portfolios was encouraged by the US government‟s too- big- to- fail policy. On the other hand,
and Malek (2005) examine US banks‟ performance across size classes over the period 1983–2003
and conclude that the evidence for the too- big- to- fail distortions is in no way definite. Hu et
al and Means (1933) in Louzis et al. (2011) argue that dispersed ownership of corporate equity
also to a poorer
show that bankperformance of the related
size is negatively firm asto the incentive of shareholders to monitor the
management weakens. An opposing view is that an efficient capital market imposes discipline on
firm‟s management and therefore dispersed ownership should not have an effect on firm‟s
performance (Fama, 1980 as cited in Louzis et al., 2011). A strand in the empirical literature tests
these contrasting views using loan quality as an indicator of riskine ss but evidence is inconclusive
(Louzis et al, 2011). Iannotta et al. (2007) find a link between higher ownership concentrations and

loan quality using a sample of 181 large banks over the period 1999–2004, thus lending support to
the Berle and Means view.

On the other hand, Laeven and Levine (2009) employ data on 279 banks and find a positive
association between greater cash flow rights of a large owner and risk taking. Furthermore, Shehzad
et al. (2010) present empirical evidence, from a data set comprising 500 banks from 2005 to 2007,
that ownership proxied by three levels of shareholding (10%, 20% and 50%) has a positive impact
on the NPLs ratio when the level of ownership concentration is defined at 10 percent but a negative
impact when the level of level of ownership concentration is defined at 50 percent. Therefore they
suggest that sharing of control may have adverse effects on the quality of loans extended up to a
level, but in cases of a strong controlling owner, bank‟s management becomes more efficient leading
to lower NPLs. Azofra and Santamaria (2011) find that high levels of ownership concentration
benefit both the bank‟s profitability and effic ie nc y for a samp le of Spanish commercia l banks.

Empirically, Novaes and Werlang (1995) report lower performance for state controlled banks in
Brazil and Argentina due to high proportion of problem loans given to government. Micco et al.
(2004), analyze 50,000 financial institutions with different ownership types covering 119 countries.
They conclude that NPLs tend to be higher for banks with state ownership than for other groups. Hu
et al. (2004) use a panel of Taiwanese banks and find a positive correlation between capita l share
owned by the state and the level of non- performing loans. Garcia-Marco and Robles-Fernandez
(2007) investigate the relations hip between risk taking and ownership structure.

They document that commercial banks (mainly private owned) are more exposed to risk than deposit
banks (mainly state owned). More recently Hu et al (2006) analyzed the relationship between NPLs
and ownership structure of commercial banks in Taiwan with a panel dataset covering the period
1996-1999. The study shows that banks with higher government ownership recorded lower NPLs.
Using a pseudo panel-based model for several Sub-Saharan African countries, Fofack (2005) finds
evidence that economic growth, real exchange rate appreciation, the real interest rate, net interest
margins, and inter-bank loans are significant determinants of NPLs in these countries. The author
attributes the strong association between the macroeconomic factors and NPLs to the undiversified
nature of some African economies.

2.3. Reviewof EmpiricalEvidence

2.3.1. Historical Path of Commercial Banking

History of banking in Ethiopia dates back to the year 1905 when the first bank, namely “The Bank of
Abyssinia” which was owned by the then National Bank of Egypt, was established. The bank was closed
for observed inefficiency in its operation in 1931 and replaced by an indigenous bank named Bank of
Ethiopia. The Bank of Ethiopia had operated until 1936 and stopped operation afterwards because of the
Italian invasion (Gidey, 1987).

As Belay Gidey further described after the Italian invasion ended the State Bank of Ethiopia was
established and lasted until 1963 serving dual purposes of acting as a central bank and providing
commercial banking services to the public. In 1963 the central bank of the country under the name
the “National Bank of Ethiopia” was independently established. This period signifies the official
separation and segregation of commercial banking activities from duties of central banking and
dissolution of State Bank of Ethiopia. Foreign banks lik e Banco d‟ N apoli, Banco d‟Roma, Barclays
Bank and others were operating side by side with local commercial banks. The competition was
intense and the Bank of Ethiopia was the first indigenous bank to branch out to overseas to establish
offices in Sudan Khartoum and Djibouti (Gidey, 1987, Pankhurst, 2002, Deguefe‟, 2006).

Overseas banks that had been operating in Ethiopia

Banks Period
Bank of Abyssinia 1905-31
Societe Nationald‟ Ethiopie 1908-28
Banque del Idoche 1915-28
Camapagniedel‟Africaorientale 1915-36
Banca d‟ Italia 1936-41
Banco d‟ Roma 1936-41
Banco Nazionale de lavoro 1936-41
Barclays Bank 1941-43

Source: Belay Gidey (1987)

Even though these historical events and cyclical developments indicate that banking in Ethiopia has
traversed a long historic journey, the sector has yet remained underdeveloped mainly because of
economic and political factors. The modern indigenous banking history of Ethiopia has two phases
of development. The first phase ranges from 1942-1963 and the second phase starts from 1963-1974.
The first phase denotes the earlier times during which the activities of commercial banking and
duties of central banking were not separated and the second phase was the time when the fiscal and
monetary legislatives were put into effect and they also mark the time when the central bank of the
country was established and duties and responsibilities of central banking and commercial banking
were separated (Gidey, 1987, Pankhurst, 2002, Deguefe, 2006).

Before 1974 commercial banks were operating competitively under values and principles of free
market economy. Domestic and overseas banks had been operating with equal access to markets.
However, in 1974, the country changed its economic and political policies and orientations to that of
the command economy.

Despite the symbolic presence of a few private banks prior to the advent of the Derg Regime in
1974, the banking industry in Ethiopia was generally a state domain. On its part, the Derg not only
made banking a state monopoly but also used its services for the advancement of socialism. A sharp
division of labor was created among the three state-owned banks. The C ommercial Bank of Ethiopia
(CBE), by far the oldest and biggest in Ethiopia, specialized in short-term lending to trade and
industry while the Development Bank of Ethiopia (DBE) was made to concentrate on long-term
lending for investment in Agriculture, Industry as well as other sectors of the economy. The Housing
and Savings Bank (now known as the Construction and Business Bank, CBB), as the name indicates,
served the housing sector. Specializat io n is naturally meant non- existe nce of competit io n.

Since the socialist economic policy did not allo w private ownership of banks, all commercial banks
were merged under one state owned commercial bank, the commercial Bank of Ethiopia. The
situation has wiped out competition by creating one single monopolistic commercial bank in the
entire nation with the only objective of serving the government. Generally, both profit and
competition as business motivators and driving forces were avoided from the political and economic
framework of the country (Gidey, 1987, Pankhurst, 2002, Deguefe, 2006).

After nearly two decades of political and economic supremacy of communism, the country has once
again experienced another round of change in its politics and economic policy. The country has
officially reinstituted the free market economy since 1991 G.C where the Transitional government of
Ethiopia (TGE) made rehabilitation of the war-ravaged economy and streamlining through
comprehensive economic and institutio na l reform program its top priorities.

As a result, private investment in banking sector is allowed without any capital limit. This has been
congratulatory news for the banking sector to sprout within short pe riod of time. As a consequence
the first private bank was established in 1996 and a number of others followed suit and entered the
market that has long suffered from deficient financial system in order to reap high profit. This has
been an opportunity for the society to get access to better banking services that results in
improve me nt of capital accumulat io n.

The C ommercial Bank of Ethiopia, the bank that was enjoying monopolistic status for over a decade
has faced new challenges from new comers. Change has become binding to live up to the demand of
the competitive environment. Poor banking services are challenged by customers and customer
defection to competitors has been d aily experience in the banking sector. Striving to improve service
delivery and customer handling has become business vogue of the day in order to survive in the
business, (Gidey, 1987, Pankhurst, 2002, Deguefe, 2006).

All the banks are now regulated by the central bank which is the National Bank of Ethiopia. A
central bank plays the most influential role in a country’s economic and financial development.
Generally, the primary role of a central bank is the same in all countries. It acts as a banker and
financial advisor to the government as the nation’s monetary authority, and is responsib le to the
governme nt for promoting monetary stabilit y in the country.

To improve the stability of the financial system further, a central bank will act as a banker to the
banking and other financial institutions in the country. Consequently, a central b ank can influence
the lending policy of commercial banks and thus their debt recovery. Banking is a highly regulated
industry in Ethiopia for a number of reasons. Some of the reasons include protecting depositors‟
fund, ensuring safety and stabilit y of the banking system, protecting safety of banks (that means to

Limit credit to a single borrower), and limit ing or encouraging a particula r kind of lending because of
expected impact on the economy.

2.4. General Lending Procedures and Processing Credit Applications

Although there is no hard and fast rule about the techniques of lending, it is necessary that defined
procedures have to be followed by the bank to properly address the credit needs of its customers.

General Lending Procedures:

i. Getting started:-this is the first stage in which either the customer will come to the bank
seeking for a loan or the branch manager initiates the customer to take out a loan for his
business because the customer may not always know how to obtain credit from a bank.

ii. Preliminary discussion with the customer:-after the first encounter the request for a loan can
be processed. Then the borrower’s credit worthiness is assessed. The request may not be
processed if it falls outside the domain of the bank’s credit policy. If it is accepted, the
customer completes the bank credit application explaining the relevant details to be
incorporated therein includ i ng the type of collatera l he is able to offer.

iii. Processing the credit application:- if the loan request of a borrower can be processed then
the branch manager or other lending officers shall fo llo w a detailed procedure in the
appraisal of credit request and execution of the necessary documentation. The following
general guideline is to be observed by lending officers of the bank whenever a loan request
is presented to them.

iv. Loan application: the loan application should be in writing stating the following main
points: amount of loan requested, the intended purpose for which the loan is to be used, the
proposed collateral, mode of repayment and possible sources, duration of the loan, direct
and indirect liabilities, the borrower’s contribution to the project, a brief history of the firm
or the borrower and its future plan, and any other information that may assist the lending in
appraising the loan proposal.

v. Documentation:-along with the written loan application, the following and other documents
should be submitted as may be demanded by the bank:-Trade license, registration
certificate, investment certificate from the appropriate ministry or bureau, financial
statements (preferably audited and reflecting the current years position) including cash flow
statement, especially if the borrower runs a sizable business, feasibility study other
documents that may justify the need for the loan as may be required by the bank on the
merit of each applicatio n.

vi. Bank format: - the bank provides formats on which a customer would complete specific,
general and financial information. The bank s hall use its own format on which the borrower
will have to fill in his assets and liabilities especially if the applicant does not have a ready
financ ia l statement or is not able to submit one.

vii. Interview:- after all the documentations are in order, the customer may be called in for
interviews to obtain further information that has not been disclosed in the application or
documents or that were not made clear to the lending officer. A general interview on his/her
business and future plans can provide useful information. It is usually necessary to have
prior preparation on the topics to be discussed and this should be to the point. In the
interview important informa t io n must be skillfully extracted.

viii. Site visits:- if the loan interview indicates that the request for credit sound, a sit visit to the
business for a more detailed assessment is necessary. Site visits are useful for many reasons
mainly to become acquainted with new customers; to review changes that are taking place
when customers have been granted a continuity line of credit; to review such changes when
a significant new loan is to be considered and to assess the manner in which the business is
organized. Important benefits can accrue from regular and informal visits to seize up the
customer, which might reveal his managerial ability at close range. Any diversification of
funds by customer other than for which it was intended should be immediately corrected
upon bank's advice.

ix. Credit Information: - if the borrower or the applicant is new to the bank, it is particularly
necessary to obtain as much informa t io n as possible. Such infor mat io n may usually

Related to his honesty, ability, stability, managerial capacity, operational efficiency,
financial history, etc. The information can be gathered fro m various sources, including
banks, trade partners, suppliers and the lik e. Credit information from bank must be required
at the earliest possible time, while other lending formalities continue to overcome
unnecessary delays in processing the loan applicat io n.

x. Credit Investigation:-when as much relevant and adequate information is obtained, the

credit investigation can be conducted to determine the accuracy and the authenticity of the
statements made during interview and at the time when financial position was declared. One
must also look for information regarding payment habits and the character of the operator of
the business. The Investigation process should be comprehensive and detail sufficiently far
into the past to establish all pertinent facts regarding the applicant and his business. There is
nothing more important than knowing a potential borrower as thoroughly and as fast as
possible before making credit decisions.

xi. Credit analysis:-the next step in the sequence of credit appraisal is conducting credit
analysis of the applicant’s financial condition should be done carefully. Ratios should be
calculated to determine the applicant's liquidity position and ability to repay the debt. The
decision to external credit to the customer should basically depend on such and many other
factors outlined above. The nature of the financial analysis is determined by or depends
upon the specific interest of the analyst. For example, the banker will focus on the liquidity
of the firm if he is considering a short - term loan.

xii. The credit decision:-the final decision as to whether the loan request should be approved or
rejected is reached by comparing the statements made by the applicant with the information
derived through the investigation process and by analyzing various credit factors such as
capacity, capital, collateral, track record for repayments and others. At this point it is
necessary to underline the need for fast processing of credit application sot that credit
decision is given without undue delay. Undue delay in credit processing leads to losing
good borrowers, a situation which must always be avoided. The competitive environment
dictates that priority attention must be given to test processing of credit applicatio ns.

xiii. Formalizing or Execution of the loan documents:-once the loan approved, the terms and
conditions to which the borrower and lender agree should be incorporated in a written
agreement. All documents relative to the transaction should be completed and executed
properly. The loan documents include a loan contract, any mortgage or assignments
required to secure the indebtedness, evidence of adequate insurance coverage and the lik e.
In particular, the branch manager must ensure that mortgage or the collateral has full legal
authority to pledge the collateral offered and the spouse or legal heirs of the borrower, if
legally required must sign the mortgage contract. Failure to fulfill this requirement will
jeopardize the banks right in the event of default and the branch manager will bear full
responsibility of its and other legal requirements if not fulfilled prior to the disbursement of
the loan.

In summary, there are several studies exploring the factors contributing to NPLs. However, there is
no similar study in the context of Ethiopia. As a result, one can’t tell with confidence whether the
factors identified by previous research holds true in the Ethiopian context or not. Thus, a research
undertaken to explore the factors for NPLs in the case of Ethiopian Banks is something that would
help addressing an important research gap.



The purpose of this study is to identify and examine innate factors that determine the occurrence of
NPLs. It is more exploratory and descriptive and tries to measure the relationship between occurrence
of NPLs and some bank specific factors.

3.1. Study Area

Like other business activities, banks strive to make profit and grow. Presently headquarters of all
private commercial banks and state owned banks are located at the capital cit y, Addis Ababa. The
Department that is responsible for provision of loans and advances to individuals and projects is
contained at the Head O ffices of the banks. Therefore, the study was conducted in consultation with
staff involved in credit operations at head offices level and mostly the bank districts using survey
design with structured self-administered questionnaires contacting through the banks outlook system.

3.2. ResearchDesign

In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the research undertakes descriptive and explanatory
approach, using both qualitative and quantitative data. In doing so, the study intends to describe,
compare, contrast and interpret the existing facts and puts the status of NPL in relation to various
variables which helps to understand the issue and lead to causal analysis. Further the research utilizes
a survey as a research method.

Secondary data are obtained from publications of private banks and other financial institutions.
Besides, relevant information is also grasped from various books, research papers, magazines,
newsletters, websites and the lik e. Primary data are collected through questionnaires distributed to
respondents that involve Department Managers and Senior O fficers working on loan processing,
such group involves Loan Officers, Credit Analysts, Credit follow- up and Monitoring officers,
Credit Directors, Relationship Managers and Recovery O fficers were contacted through the banks
outlook system and the bank districts were contacted personally.

3.3. Study Participants

To conduct the survey, out of thirty one commercial banks and one state owned bank, professionals
working in ten private commercial banks and one state owned banks located in Dessie were

Eight of the private commercial banks were in banking operation for more than a decade, while the
remaining two were in the market for less than five years. However, the state-owned bank,
commercia l Bank of Ethiopia was in operation for more than seventy years.

3.4. SamplingMethod

The study is limited to employees that are directly involved in administration of loans at all head
offices level and districts as a sampling frame. Such professionals include, loan officers, credit
analysts, credit directors, relationship managers and recovery & monitor ing officers etc.

In order to simplify the study, convenience sampling has been employed followed by multistage
cluster sampling using preexisting clusters as a sampling frame. Accordingly, the commercial banks
were classified into two clusters as private owned and stated owned banks. Further all positions and
respective tasks were listed involving credit processing, loan provisioning, monitoring and follow-
ups. Furthermore, professionals were classified based on positions held in the structure of credit
department. In doing so each position was considered strata to carryout proportional sampling to
avoid the likelihood of sampling biases.

3.5. SampleSize

A total sample of 80 professionals working in commercial banks related to credit and credit related
operations were selected as part of the study. On average seven professionals were selected from
each private bank, while ten were considered from state-owned bank (CBE).

3.6. Types of Data

Both primary and secondary data are collected and systematically presented and analyzed in this
paper. Primary data are collected through questionnaires distributed to respondents and Secondary
data are obtained from publicat io ns of private banks and other financ ia l instit ut io ns.

Out of thirty one private commercial banks and one of which is state owned bank, ten private
commercial banks and one state-owned bank were selected for the survey. Therefore, those
commercial banks currently operating in Ethiopia are considered as primary sample units to conduct
this research.

3.7. Method of Data Collection

Primary data are collected through questionnaires (Appendix I) distributed to respondents that involve
Department Managers and Senior O fficers working on loan processing. Such group involves Loan
Officers, Credit Analysts, Credit follow- up and Monitoring officers, Credit Directors, Relationship
Managers and Recovery/Monitoring O fficers etc.

Secondary Data are directly gathered from records of each commercial bank under sample study. The
data collected include aggregate loans outstanding balances, NPLs as at the annual closing date, June
30 of each year. For the purpose of comparison the surveyed banks‟ data for the years between 2009
and 2014 has been collected and considered (Appendix II).

3.8. Method of Data Analysis and Interpretation

The data collecting from survey questionnaire were thoroughly be code and check for consistency
and will enter into SPSS version 20 spreadsheet. Descriptive and explanatory statistics was employed
to analyze the data and the results were tested with non-parametric tests of signif ica nce.



In this chapter data analys is results are presented.

4.1 General

A structured questionnaire (Appendix I) was distributed to one hundred employees, loan officers,
credit analysts, credit directors, relationship managers, recovery/monitoring officers and vice
presidents in ten private commercial banks and two state owned banks selected randomly from all
banks that are operational in Ethiopia.

The questionnaire was distributed in person to hundred employees (whose positions are related to
bank lending). Out of 100 questionnaires 92 were completed and collected (see Table 1 below). As a
result, the analysis is made on the valid number of responses. In some incidents analysis and
explanat io n for amounts in the table are given only for most frequented and extreme figure s.

Table 1. Surve y re s pons e rate

Re s ponde nts Size

Sample size 100

Completed and returned questionnaire 92

Re sponse rate 92%

Source: Survey outcome

Table 2. Numbe r of Cre dit De partme nt e mploye e s who actively re s ponde d to the s
tructure d
questionnaire distributed, by banks’ profile.

End of Se pte mbe r 2014

Date of Quantity of No of
S/ Es tablis hme nt Branche s
Banks Questionnaire
N %
Comple te d

State Owned banks

1 Developme nt Bank of Ethiopia 1909 32
2 Commercia l Bank of Ethiopia 1942 17 17% 875
Private Commercial Banks
3 Awash Internatio na l Bank 1994 169
4 Dashen Bank S.C 1995 8 8% 142
5 Bank of Abyssinia S.C 1996 5 5% 111
6 Wegagen Bank S.C 1997 8 8% 100
7 United Bank S.C 1998 6 6% 109
8 NIB Internat io na l Bank S.C 1999 7 7% 93
9 Cooperative Bank of O romia S.C 2004 105
10 Lion Internatio na l Bank S.C 2006 8 8% 68
11 Zemen Bank S.C 2008 5
12 O romia Internatio na l Bank S.C 2008 109
13 Bunna Internatio na l Bank S.C 2009 71
14 Berhan Internatio na l Bank S.C 2009 5 5% 50
15 Abay Bank S.C 2010 7 7% 85
16 Addis Internatio na l Bank S.C 2011 8 8% 44
17 Debub Global Bank S.C 2012 5 5% 19
18 Enat Bank S.C 2013 92 92% 3
19 Questionnaire not returned (non-
response rate) 8 8%
100 100% 2,305
Source: Bankers’ Association (2014), Volume 1; Survey outcome and own computation

4.2 Profile of Respondents

P ro file of the respondents lik e ownership of the banks they work for, banking experience
specific exposure in bank lending and positions held by respondents are presented and subsequently
discussed as follows.
Table 3. Re s ponde nts by Category
Profile Fre que ncy %
Private banks 67 72.8
State owne d banks 25 27.2
Total 92 100.0
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

In terms respondents profile, 72.8 percent of survey respondents are employed in private banks. The
remaining 27.2 percent are employed in two state owned banks. Since the process of administration
of loans and advances both in private and state owned banks is under taken in compliance with the
National Bank of Ethiopia, Banking Supervision Directorate, directives results are comparable and
similar results may not be affected variance in the mix of respondents will not have impact on the

As depicted above, close to three-fourth (about 73 percent) of the respondents belong to the private
banks while slight l y above one-fourth (27 percent) are employees of the state-owned banks.

Table 4. Position of re s ponde nts in their re s pe ctive

Positions Fre que ncy %
Credit Relationship Managers 27 29.3
Credit Analysts 21 22.8
Credit Directors 12 13.0
Recovery/Monitoring O fficers 10 10.9
Auditors 9 9.8
Loan O fficers 6 6.5
Vice President - Operations 1 1.1
Others* 6 6.5
Total 92 100.0
* Others include: Executive assistant to CEO and Board of Directors,
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

As shown in Table 4 above, 27 (29.3 percent) of the respondents were Customer Relationship
Managers while 21 (22.8 percent) were C redit Analysts and 12 (13 percent) were Credit Directors.
The rest of the respondents belonged to other occupations lik e; Monitoring Officers, Auditors (who
are not directly involved in credit operations) Loan O fficers and the lik e.

Table 5. Re s ponde nts e xpe rie nce in the banking

Expe rie nce in Banking Fre que ncy %
Less than one year - -
1 – 5 years 14 15.2
6 – 10 years 27 29.3
11 – 15 years 27 29.3
Above 15 years 18 19.6
Note Stated 6 6.5
Total 92 100.0
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

In terms of banking experience, the absolute majority (about 78 percent) of the respondents reported
to have served the banking industry for more than 5 years, of which close to 50 percent were long -
serving employees, having over 10 years of work experience in the industry. On the other hand,
about 15 percent of the respondents had as short as one to five years of banking experience.

Table 6. Bank lending e xpe rie nce of the re s ponde

Ye ars of Expe rie nce Fre que ncy %
in Loan Proce s s ing
Less than 1 year 8 8.7
1 – 5 years 24 26.1
6 – 10 years 40 43.5
11 – 15 years 10 10.9
Above 15 years 4 4.3
Note Stated 6 6.5
Total 92 100.0
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

In terms of bank lending experience majority (59 percent) of the respondents had more than five
years of experiences particularly in lending (or credit management) activities, of which 15 percent
reported to have acquired more than 10 years of exposure in the area. The fact that such a majority of
the respondents had amp le experience in credit activities is believed to have impacted the
dependability of the data quite positive ly.

4.3 Factors that Affect Bank Lending

Respondents were solicited to express their agreement or disagreement to certain statements dealing with
bank-specific factors affecting occurrences of NPLs. As a result, 77.2 percent of the respondents agreed
to the statement Factors affecting occurrences of NPL are obvious while 12.0 percent were neutral and
4.3 percent disagreed, and 6.5 percent left the question unanswered (Table 7).

Table 7. Factors affecting occurre nce s of NPLs are obvious

Job Occupation Agre e Disagree Ne utral Not Stated

Credit Relationship Managers 18 1 5 3
Credit Analysts 16 1 2 2
Credit Directors 11 1 -
Monitoring/Recovery O fficers 8 1 1 -
Auditors 8 - 1
Loan O fficers 5 - - 1
Vice President - Operations 1 - -
Others 4 1 1
Total 71 4 11 6
% 77.2% 4.3% 12.0% 6.5%
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

In section two of the structured questionnaire, respondents were expected to express specific factors
they think causing NPLs pertaining to the Ethiopian banks. Responses are summarized in the
follow ing Table.

Responses were reflected in various ways. Respondents from each bank may reflect their own
feelings, based on own policy and procedures in administrating credit facilities. The credit operation
process may also take different approaches based on credit culture of each bank. However, expected
responses were obtained from all the twelve surveyed banks. Most of the factors were shared by

Respondents of each bank. Table 8 below reflects common factors that contribute to the occurrence
of NPLs. The fact that a particular factor is shared by the respondent bankers reflects how prevalent
the cause could be in the banking industry as a whole. However, the response calls for further study
to further scrutinize the real causes behind.

Table 8. Factors cons ide re d causing occurre nce s of NPLs in the Ethiopian
Responses in Favor of the Factors
No of
Factors Banks

Absence of wise & sound

lending practice 9 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Borrowers‟ poor business
knowledge/managerial skill 7 √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Character & credit culture of
borrowers 9 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Unavailabil it y of complete
& correct data for analysis 6 √ √ √ √ √ √

Diversion of fund
10 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Economic conditions &
policy 11 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Poor credit risk
analysis/appraisal 12 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Market factors √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Over/under financing
6 √ √ √ √ √ √
Weak/inadequate follow-up
& monitor in g of loans 11 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

According to the Table 8 above, poor credit analysis/appraisal appeared to be the factor shared by
all the surveyed twelve banks,, while factors lik e economic conditions, inadequate follow-up and
monitoring of loans, and diversion of fund were shared by the overwhelming majority of the
respondents in both private and state-owned banks to be the major causes for occurrences of NPLs in
the Ethiopians banks. Moreover, unsound lending practices as well as undesired character and
credit culture of borrowers were considered to be causes of NPLs by most of the respondents.

Further, respondents were also expected to rank factors causing NPLs in the Ethiopian Banks in
order of importance (from 1st/highest to 8th /lowest), as tabulated under Table 9 below.

Table 9. Ranking of factors affecting occurre nce s of NPLs in the Ethiopian banks.

1st 2n d 3rd Sub- 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Factors Total % Total
Rapid Loan growth of banks 4 4 4 12 13.3 9 23 17 8 21 90
High interest rate 5 1 7 13 14.4 10 13 16 13 25 90
Lenient/Lax credit terms 7 7 14 28 32.2 18 15 11 8 7 87
Credit culture/ Orientation 15 16 21 52 56.5 18 9 5 3 5 92
Size of the Bank 1 1 3 5 5.7 4 10 21 27 21 88
Poor monitoring/follow up 26 31 16 73 79.3 12 4 2 - 1 92
Ownership type of bank 4 6 5 15 17.0 3 8 11 12 39 88
Poor risk assessment 48 19 9 76 83.5 3 3 3 3 3 91
Source: Survey and own computation

The survey result indicated that poor risk assessment (83.5 percent), poor monitoring and follow-up
of loans and advances ((79.3 percent), as the top ranking factors causing occurrences of NPLs
followed by credit culture/orientation of borrowers to credit facilities (56.5 percent). The survey
results further reflected that the contribution of such factors as size of bank, rapid loan growth of
banks, high interest rates and ownership type of bank to occurrences of NPLs is quite minimal,
varying from as insigni fica nt as 5 to 13 percent, in the order mentio ned.

The following table (Table 10) shows the relationship between credit assessment and occurrences of
NPLs. About 98.8 percent (mean 4.6, standard deviation 0.52) of respondents agree that poor risk
assessment would lead to loan default while, in conformity to this, 96.5 percent (mean 4.6, standard
deviation 0.60) of the respondents share the o pinion that proper implementation of know your
customer (KYC) principle leads to high loan quality.

On the other hand, 71.6 percent (mean 3.6, standard deviation 0.52) of the sample respondents agree
that good loan processing ensures conducive loan performance, while on the contrary, majority
(58.3 percent) of the respondents do not share the opinion that easily admitted borrowers usually
default. Needless to mentio n that the purpose of this question was to see if simplic it y in customer

Admittance could involve rush into credit decision, without adequate appraisal of the business as
well as the character of the borrower. However, as majority of the respondents reported otherwise,
the possible justification for this is that banks usually recruit high- value potential customers (in most
cases from competitor banks) on the basis of the customers‟ established goodwill and then
process/deliver the loans in a very short period of time (without compromising analytical quality) so
as to show them their excellence in service delivery time. Thus, this finding doesn’t support the
assertion of Brown Bridge (1998) who stated that easily admitted customer’s loan would be
damaged at the early stage.

Table 10. Factors on relation between cre dit assessment and occurre nce s of NPLs
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.
Ea sily admitted borrowers
usually default 10.7 30.9 32.1 22.6 3.6 3.2 1.13
Know your customer (KYC)
policy of banks leads to high
loan quality. 62.8 33.7 2.3 1.2 - 4.6 0.60
Good loan processing ensures
conducive loan performance 18.5 53.1 22.2 5.0 1.3 3.6 0.52
Poor risk assessment would lead
to loan default 59.3 39.5 1.2 - - 4.6 0.52
Source: Survey and own computation

Based on the results one can easily observe that all responsible officers involved in credit
administration have to carry out comprehensive and detailed analysis in order to determine the
prospective borrowers‟ businesses and related merits prior to providing credit facilities. This would
assist the officers and managers to establish, essentially, the extent to which the borrower is able to
service the debt by the income generated from businesses.

Further, the importance of employment of know-your-customer (KYC) principle cannot be

overemphasized. Respondents agree that banks that employ a stout KYC policy would maintain
better loan quality. Such information includes the prospective borrower’s business and financial
manageme nt, organizat io na l setup, credit history or overall track record, and complete profile.

Proper review of documents obtained from applicants, including the information inquiry report is
quite essential so as to ensure the extent to which the information collected is credible. Obviously,
when the loan undertaking is poor, the probabilit y of default is high.

Table 11. Factors on relation between cre dit monitoring and occurre nce s of NPLs
Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.
Strict monitor ing ensures loan
performance. 33.3 60.6 4.8 1.3 0.0 4.2 0.88
Poorly assessed and advanced
loans may perform well if
properly monitored. 3.6 30.1 20.5 39.8 6.0 2.8 1.15
Loan fo llo w up is directly
related to occurrence of NPLs. 13.1 40.4 20.3 21.4 4.8 3.3 1.20
Banks with higher budget for
loan monitor ing have lower
NPLs. 5.9 39.3 33.4 17.8 3.6 3.2 1.06
Source: Survey and own computation

From the above table (Table 11) one can conclude that strict loan monitoring ensures commendable
loan performance as asserted by nearly 94 percent (mean 4.2, standard deviation 0. 88) of the times.
What is more, close to two-third (6.0%+39.8%+20.5%) of the respondents do not agree with the
assertion that loans and advances might perform well if properly monitored despite inadequate
assessment during sanctioning, indicating that loan follow- up can never substitute prudent credit

Additionally, 52.3 percent (39.5+12.8) of the respondents (with mean 3.3, and standard deviation
1.2) agree that occurrence of NPLs is directly related to loan follow-up. Should effective follow- up
of loans and advances be in place good asset quality is maintained. On the other hand, only 45.2
percent agree that banks with higher budget for loan monitoring have lower NPLs while about one -
third of the respondents remain neutral.

Table 12 below shows opinion of respondents regarding the relationship between collateralized loans
and occurrences of NPLs.

Table 12. Factors on relationship between collateralizing loans & occurre nce s of NPLs

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.

Collateralized loans perform w ell 4.7 39.5 24.4 30.2 1.2 3.2 0.96
Collateralizing loans helps protect
loan default 11.6 55.8 14 18.6 0 3.6 0.92
Most of the time non -
collateralized loans default 2.3 23.3 33.9 38.2 2.3 2.8 0.94
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

The survey results indicated that 67.4 percent of the respondents are of the view that collateralizing
loans helps protect loan default, while only 44.2 percent and 25.6 percent agree with the statement
that collateralized loans perform well, and that most of the time non=collateralized loans default.

On the contrary, 74.4 percent (33.9%+38.2%+2.3%) and 55.8 percent (30.2%+24.4%+1.2%) of the
survey respondents disagree or were neutral to the assertion that collateralized loans perform well
and non-collateralized loans usually default, respectively. So the relation between NPLs and
collatera l is neutral in view of the respondents.

With regard to relationship between borrower’ orientation/culture and loan performance (Table 13),
about 91 percent of respondents agree with the assertion that loan performance is related to
orientation/culture of a society. This indicates strong relation between culture/orientation and
occurrences of NPLs.

Table 13. Relationship between borrowe r’s orientation and occurrence of NPLs
Strongly Disagre Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral e Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.
Borrower's orientation/ culture is
related to loan performance 24.1 61.5 12.0 2.4 0.0 3.9 1.00
Default in some areas is ascribed to
the culture of the borrowers‟. 11.9 67.9 15.5 4.8 0.0 3.8 .89
Society's cultural development leads
to good lending performance. 25.6 65.1 7.0 2.3 0.0 4.1 .64
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

Moreover, 85.6 percent of respondents have the opinion that there existed relationship between
borrowers’ culture and loan default. It could also be noted that 79.8 percent of respondents believed
loan default in some areas is ascribed to the culture of the borrowers.

The follow ing table (Table 14) indicates that only 12.8 percent of the respondents agree with while
87.2 percent disregard the assertion that loan with big interest rate tend to turn to NPLs. In other
words, charging big interest rate doesn’t necessarily lead to loan default.

Table 14. Relationship between Cost of Loan and Loan Default

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.
Loan with big interest rate
tend to turn to NPLs. 2.3 10.5 46.5 37.2 3.5 2.8 0.80
Loan price affects loan
performance. 2.8 31.2 35.9 30.1 0 3.0 1.00
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

However, 34 percent of the respondents agree with the statement that loan price affects loan
performance. The average responses to all three factors were close to neutral.

The follow ing table (Table 15) indicates factors related to cost of loan and default.

Table 15. Cre dit Te rms and Loan Performance

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.
Borrowers default because
they don't understand credit
terms well 2.3 25.6 34.3 35.5 2.3 2.9 0.94
Poorly negotiated credit terms
lead to non- performance 10.5 76.7 8.1 4.7 0 3.9 0.61
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

Slight l y above 87 percent of the responses conform to the fact that there is a relationship between
loan default and sincerit y of negotiation in credit terms set by the banks during loan processing. On

The other hand, about 72 percent of the respondents do not agree with the statement that borrowers
default because they don't understand credit terms well.

Table 16 below tabulates the relationship between credit growth and volume/ rat io of NPLs.

Table 16. Relationship of cre dit growth and NPLs

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.
Aggressive lending leads to large
NPLs volume/ ratio 11.7 60.0 13.0 15.3 0.0 3.6 .96
Bank's increased risk appetite is
cause for NPLs 4.8 58.7 18.8 16.5 1.2 3.5 .94
Compromised integrity in lending
leads to loan default 17.8 57.2 17.8 7.2 0.0 3.8 .98
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

Looking at the responses on the relationship between credit growth and occurrences of NPLs, 75
percent of the respondents agreed that compromised integrity in lending leads to loan default, while
nearly 72 percent were of the opinion that aggressive lending leads to occurrences of large NPLs
volume/rate. Similarly, about 64 percent of the respondents believed bank’s increased risk appetite
would cause occurrences of NPLs. The survey results indicate that when banks fo llo w aggressive
lending strategy and experience rapid credit growth they might end up with mounta ino us of NPLs.

Table 17 below is about relations hip between bank size and occurrence of NPLs.

Table 17. Bank s ize and occurrence of NPLs

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.
Having large number of
borrowers causes loan
default 2.3 14.2 30.5 51.8 1.2 2.6 0.87
Loan default rate is directly
related to bank size 1.2 14.0 29.0 51.1 4.7 2.6 0.84
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

The survey responses on the relationship between having large number of borrowers and bank’s size
indicate that neither of them is significant factor for the occurrence of loan default, as only 16.5
percent and 15.2 percent have agreed to the contrary.

Finally, Table 18 below attempts to see if there is a relationship between type of bank ownership and
occurrence of NPLs.

Table 18. Bank owne rs hip type and occurrence of NPLs

Strongly Strongly
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) Std
Factors % % % % % Mean Dev.
Loan default is not related to
banks ownership type
(Private/ State Owned) 20.9 36.0 20.9 20.9 1.3 3.5 1.11
Source: Survey outcome and own computation

The survey results indicate that about 57 percent of the respondents agree that loan default is not
related to banks ownership type. However, 20.9 percent of them remained neutral, while 22.2
percent disagree.

4.4 Discussion of Findings

The general objective of Banks is to deliver efficient and customer focused domestic and
international banking services with the aim of attaining customer satisfaction and fostering
sustainable growth and profitability. All these banks give different kinds of services; among which
credit provision is the major one as it is the core function of commercial banks. It is commonly said
that the successful banker is the successful lender.

With regards to lending, banks give different kinds of loans. These include term loans (short,
medium & long term), over draft facilities, revolving credit, real estate loans, consumer loans,
agricultural loan, import and export loans etc. It is noted that when a bank lends to a customer there
are principles that should be considered; i.e., safety, liquidity, effective utilization of loan proceeds,
profitability and diversification of advances. Even if the procedures of loan processing differ from
one bank to another, in general, lending procedures include: primary disc ussion with the customer,
processing the credit applicatio n, interview, site visit, credit informa t io n, credit invest igat io n,

analysis and credit decision making.

The health of commercial banks often is measured by the amount of sick loans they have in their
books. The regulatory agency in particular requires the banks to put provision against these types of
loans and in order to protect the huge public fund with them. When the amount of provision put
aside by banks is declining, this partly indicate an improvement in their loan collection. On the other
hand, when the provisio n put by banks are increasing, it indicates their NPLs are on the rise.

The following points are drawn as conclusion based on the analysis made on primary and secondary
data and the find ings about problems of NPLs.

As has been stated in chapter one, the study has intended to identify causes behind the unpaid loans
that literally exist in all banks and formulated six specific questions (one major question and five
sub-questions) to help achieve the broad objective to identify determinants of NPLs, including
relationship among credit assessment, credit monitoring, collateralized lending, borrower’s
orientatio n, and credit growth vis- à- vis occurrences of NPLs.

In respect of the factors affecting NPLs, the subjective questions in the survey identified factors such
as poor credit assessment and monitoring, culture/orientation, banks credit terms, aggressive lending,
compromised integr it y, and economic condition attribute to the causes of loan default.

Further, the research questions stated under the „Statement of the Problem and Research Questions‟
(Chapter 1) were formula ted to contribute to meeting the general objective of the research.

Factors are further investigated as follows.

Factors (specific determinants) affecting occurrences of NPLs

The study analyzed each factor that has impact on occurrences of NPLs. Bercoff et al (2002)
indicated that NPLs are affected by both bank specific factors and macroeconomic factors. Focus of
this study being banks specific determinants of NPLs, the findings in light of related literature are

Substantial number of respondents believed that poor credit analysis on the part of lending banks and
unsound lending practices are major causes behind unpaid loans (Table 8). Failure to consider credit

worthiness of borrowers, truck record, proven integrity, applicants‟ management profile etc before
admitting new customers indulge to recruiting borrowers with poor track record, inadequate business
manageme nt, excessively risk venture that would eventually lead to poor credit performance.

Credit assessment and occurrence of NPLs

The survey also indicated that poor risk assessment would lead to loan default. Credit analysis
constitutes the critical phase of bank lending process. Credit facility requests are analyzed by
assessing the five Cs - Character, Capital, Collateral, Capacity and Condition. Thus failing to carry
out proper risk assessment would lead to missing any or all of the mentioned issues, which has the
potential for the occurrences of NPLs (Table 10). N ing (2007) indicated the impact of poor risk
assessment on loan quality.

Furthermore, the survey results indicate the fact that banks pursue strong KYC principle lead to high
loan quality. The fact that banks pursue a loose KYC before admitting a new customer indulge them
to recruiting a borrower with poor track record, inadequate business management, excessively risky
and/or unviable venture that would eventually led to poor credit performance. The results do not
support the statement of Brown Bridge (1998) who stated that easily admitted customer’s loan would
be damaged at the early stage.

Relation between credit monitoring and NPLs

The importance of regular monitoring of loan quality, Agresti et al. (2008) stated that it would help
insure a sound financial system and there by prevent systemic risk that otherwise would lead to loan
default. This survey also confirmed the stated study as 94 percent of the respondents indicated
agreement (Table 11) to the assertion that strict monitoring of loans and advances ensures
performance and poorly assessed and advanced loans may fail to perform well even if properly
monitored. Thus failing to properly monitor loan would lead to loan default.

Since the „know-Your-Customer‟ (KYC) principle needs constant updating, proactive management
of credit risk before serious problems arise is the hallmark of credit monitoring. Its objective is to
verify whether the advanced loan does not deviate from terms and conditions of approval and
utilized for the purpose they were granted. All involved in the credit processing ought to be alert to

sick signals, such as, deterioration in the key financial indicators of the borrowers, lack of
management on the part of management, sluggish periodic loan repayments, frequently bounding
cheques etc.

If loans are not paid as and when due, credit risk is involved on reducing the value of the bank’s
business. In order to continue lending the banks must be able to collect their outstanding loans on
time. Once funds are disbursed the concerned banks cannot afford to rest on their laurels and expect
all payments to come in on the due dates without problem. Hence, in order to minimize the
occurrence of bad loans every effort of follow- up must be carried to the utmost degree and take
timely action when necessary. The survey results also indicated that 52.3 percent of the respondents
agree that occurrence of NPLs is directly related to loan follow - up. Effective loan follow- up need
be in place should good asset qualit y is mainta ined.
Loan follow- up involves confirmation of repayment of currently maturing debts but also continuity
of repayments for loans duration. Under physical follow- up existence and operation of the
borrowers‟ business is ensured. Whether the end use of the borrowed fund is according to the
purpose for which the loan was granted should be ascertained by financial follow - up. To protect the
interest of lending banks, ensure legal recourse is available at all times legal follow- up should be put
into effect. Survey results indicate that banks that incur big cost for loans follow - up would
comparative l y lower NPLs.
Relation between collateralized loans and NPLs

Collateral refers to assets that the Bank holds to mitigate default risk. It is a security that a borrower
gives to a Bank to guarantee repayment of a loan. It depends on the Bank’s policy that all loans shall
be backed by acceptable collateral. It is a second way-out and it should never be a substitute for
credit worthiness, which is the existence of adequate cash flow to repay the loan.

Security is taken to mitigate the bank’s risk in the event of default and is considered a secondary
source of repayment (Koch & MacDonald, 2003). In the banking environment, security is required
among others, to ensure the full commitment of the borrower, to provide protection should the
borrower default from the planned course of action outlined at the time credit is extended, and to
provide insurance should the borrower default.

The survey results indicated that quite majority (67.4 percent) of the respondents are of the view that
collateralizing loans helps protect loan default while, on the other hand, a significant majority (74.4
percent) and (55.8 percent) of the survey respondents disagree or were neutral to the assertion that
collateralize d loans perform well or non-collatera lize d loans usually default, respectively (Table 12).

Impact of Borrowers’ orientation/culture and NPLs

The fact that the respondents who agree with the assertion that: society’s cultural development also
leads to loan performance, the borrowers‟ culture/orientation is related to loans performance, and
default in some areas is ascribed to the culture of the borrowers - constitute over 90.7 percent, 85.6
percent, and 79.8 percent, respectively, indicates existence of strong relationship between each of
these factor and NPLs (Table 13).

Cost of loan and loan default

Study by Sinkey and Greenwalt (1991), Rajan and Dhal (2003), Waweru and K alini (2009), Berger
and DeYoung,(1997), Jimenez and Saurina (2006), Quagliariello,(2007) Pain, 2003, Bikker and Hu,
(2002) indicated that high interest rate charged by banks is associated with loan defaults. This study
fails to support this finding as 87.2 percent of the respondents disagree or remained neutral to the
assertion that loans with big interest rate would turn to default. Majority (67 percent) of the
respondents also expressed disagreement became indifferent to the statements - charging big interest
rate and loan prices affect loan performance (Table 14).

Credit terms and loan performance

Researches indicate that failure to put appropriate credit terms and conditions would lead to loan
default. Rajan and Dhal (2003) who studied the Indian commercial banks found out that terms of
credit determines occurrences of NPLs. Jimenez and Saurina (2005) also stated that NPLs are
determined by lenient credit terms.

Consistent with this, 87.2 percent of the respondents expressed their agreement to the assertion that
poorly negotiated credit terms lead to loan default. However, 72.1 percent of them expressed
disagreement or indifference to the statement that borrowers default because they don’t understand
credit terms well (Table 15)

Relationship between credit growth and NPLs

Salas and Saurina (2002) who studied Spanish banks found out that credit growth is associated with
NPLs. As far as the survey results are concerned, the concentration of respondents who attributed
occurrence of NPLs to: compromised integrity, aggressive lending and banks‟ increased risk appetite
constitute - 75 percent, 72 percent and 64 percent of the sample respondents (Table 16).

Bank size & ownership type and NPL

Studies of Rajan and Dhal (2003), Salas and Saurina (2002), and Berger and De Young (1997)
indicated that banks size have significance on occurrence of NPLs. The survey results, however, did
not support these studies of other countries. About 85 percent and 84 percent of the respondents
express their disagreement to the statements that occurrence of NPLs is attributed to bank size and
number of borrowers respectively (Table 17).

On the other hand, type of ownership of a bank is supposed to impact occurrence NPLs as reported
by majority (56.9 percent) of the respondents, 21 percent remaining neutral (Table 18).

4.5 Summary of Results

The survey was conducted on 92 employees of 12 banks (private and state-owned). The data were
collected using self-administered questionnaire. The feedback yielded a response rate of 92 percent.
About 73 percent of the respondents were from private commercial banks while the remaining 27
percent belong to the state-owned banks.

In terms of experience, 85 percent and 65.2 percent of the respondents had over five years of lending
and banking experience respectively.

In response to sp ecific factors causing occurrences of NPLs, the results indicated that poor credit
analysis was shared by all banks, followed by economic condition, and diversio n of fund.

Regarding ranking factors affecting occurrences of NPLs in Ethiopian banks, poor ris k assessment,
and poor monitoring and follow- up and credit culture/orientation of borrowers were rated to be the
top three critica l factors causing loan default.

Nearly all respondents (98.8 percent) agreed that prudent credit assessment leads to high asset
quality, followed by strict employme nt of KYC principle (79.3 percent).

Around 94 percent of the respondents agreed that strict loan monitoring and follow - up ensures
conducive loan performance and. On the other hand, quite majority of the respondents were of the
opinion that holding collateral backup helps protect loan defaults.

The response on the relation between loan pricing (interest rate) and occurrences of loan default
depicted that 87.2 percent disagree that loans with big interest rate tend to turn to NPLs.

With regard to the impact of culture on occurrence of NPLs, 91 percent and 85.6 percent of the
respondents agree that loan performance depends on orientation/culture of the society and the
borrowers respectively.

Respondents asserted that there is a cause-and-effect relationship between sincerity of negotiation in

credit terms and occurrence of NPLs. Respondents also agreed to the assertion that aggressive
lending, increased risk appetite and compromised integrity lead to loan default. However, results
indicate that factors lik e size and ownership of a bank has no significant impact on occurrences

4.6 Causes and Effects of NPLs

S imila r to any other business enterprises, private banks strive to earn profit. But in the drive
profit banks would face different problems. It is obvious that banks are custodian of others‟ surplus
funds. That is, banks take in money as deposits on which they pay interest and then lend it out to
borrowers who use it to finance trade, investment or consumption. Banks make profit mainly from
the different between the interest they pay on deposits and the interest they receive on loans &
The problem of NPLs is one of the serious problems of banks. N ormally, private banks lend for
short-term commercial purposes, so that they can realize the repayment within short period of time.
However, for many reasons the loans may turn to non-performing assets.

Causes for NPLs can be classified into three classes, namely, factors specific to the borrower, factors
specific to the lender bank and factors specific to the macroeconomic conditions of the country.

4.6.1 Causes Specific to the Borrower

A borrower may default because of either he/she is unable or unwilling to pay. Inability to pay is
related to the financial conditions of the borrower, while unwillingness to pay is mainly related to
the enforcement system which could be a legal or social mechanism. In other words, willingness to
pay depends on the borrowers‟ honesty, which is shaped by the available legal enforcement
mechanis ms and other social features such as spiritua l and religio us norms of the society.

Inability to repay occurs when the borrower’s project to be financed by the loan earns a gross return
less than the principal, and the interest due on the loan. Thus, poor quality project is one factor that
causes loans default. Even if the project is good, if the owner of the project manages it poorly, the
loan received to finance the project may become less productive. This may occur if the owner or the
manager of the project is illiterate and unskilled to manage the project and the loans received in this

Absence of financial statements and/or cash flows of the investment project financed by the loan
create difficulties on planning how much to be earned and hence to repay periodically. Thus, if the
borrower doesn’t have proper accounting and auditing mechanism, it will be difficult for him to
repay his/her periodic repayment timely and properly. In Ethiopia since small firms are not obliged
to prepare their financial statements and audit their performances, this is common fa ctor for

Lack of adequate knowledge (being illiterate or unskilled) on how to use loans granted may lead to
defaulting. In this connection, loan diversion is a problem for such borrowers, because they may
employ the loan for other purposes and the investment project will have low returns that could not
cover the repayment resulting in default.

Insufficient or inexact loan provision may make the project less productive and repayment could be
difficult. Similarly, short period of loan due date makes the periodic repayment so high that the
borrower may face diffic ult ies to repay, thus resulting in default.

High interest rate on the loan makes the total interest repayment to be large compared to the return
obtained from the project and hence, pe riodic repayment will be huge. Loans with due date longer
than a year or so have higher interest rates so that they bear high costs to borrowers. On the other
hand, loans with shorter due date result in high periodic repayment. Thus, borrowers of both the
shorter and longer tenure loans face diffic ult ies, and if unprofitab le they are likely to default.

Provision of new loan when the previous loan fails may sometimes help to generate revenue for the
borrower. Thus, absence of new loan in such cases may aggravate the problem of the borrower that
otherwise could repay the loan.

Some borrowers may default regardless of their financial capabilities. They may default when the
cost (consequence) of default is lower than its benefit. Cost of default involves a number of factors
such as: loss of collateral offered, loss of future access to credit, loss of reputation, loss of status in
community and if the borrower is not of a limited liability (PLC or corporation) then it may also lose
other personal wealth, etc. Irrespective of these, however, some borrowers may have poor personal
qualit ies of dishonesty, fraud, etc, and are unwilling to repay their loans, and become defaulters.

In general, the factors mentioned above are the possible reasons for defaulting (i.e., causes of NPLs),
which are specific to the borrower.

4.6.2 Factors Specific to the Lender Bank

Lender banks need to assess the credit worthiness of their borrowers before they grant loan and need
to monitor and follow- up the effective utilization and repayment of the loan after disbursement.
Thus, credit market is information intensive, and banks need to have much information to effectively
extend their loans and minimize the losses associated with NPLs.

Since most firms are small and have no financial statements, banks face scarcity of information. In
such cases, finding information to evaluate prospective borrowers and their projects, and
encouraging borrowers to willfully repay has significant difficulties. In some cases, it is also difficult
to seize collatera l, resell it or to use legal action to collect bad debts from defaulters.

Due to fear of default banks charge high lending rates to compensate loan losses, which make cost of
borrowing high. When the interest rate is high, the effort on the part of the borrower to make the

project successful decreases resulting in default (NPLs). At higher interest rates low- risk borrowers
would find it almost imp o ssib le to borrow and rather prefer not to seek loans while high -
borrowers would take the loan and gamble the proceeds in a risky venture.
Banks make choices among investments to be financed on the basis of expected return and risk.
Good information is needed in order to make those choices, to monitor borrowers‟ behavior after
lending and to take appropriate corrective actions if it appears that things are not going as planned.
For these matters, banks require reliable data, which in turn depend upon better accounting, auditing
and rules on disclosure of financial information. However, the information system in our country is
poor that banks often use incomplete information for decision- making, where the probability of
default is high.

Scarcity of sk illed and experienced manpower in loan processing results in poor loan quality, which
will turn out to large NPLs. Lack of adequate trainings and continuous updating of the level of staff
competence may create poor credit evaluat io n, monitor ing and recovery.

Excessive dependence on collateral alone would create poor credit allocation. Considering collateral
lending as a loan adequately secured where such a loan has no visible cash flow results in difficulties
of repayment or default.

Similarly, overestimation of the collateral or the fall in its value upon its sale would result in loss of
some income to be covered by the collateral in the event of default. A more se rious problem is lack
of a well-developed second hand markets or saturation of the market for properties pledged as

Desire of acquiring fast profit by the managers of a bank may also result in lending to poor quality
borrower. Competition among the banks to attract borrowers has similar adverse effect of lending to
non- promis ing borrowers.

Concentration of loans of a bank to some specific sectors or industries only are causes of trouble.
When a bank lends excessively to some sectors of the economy, the portfolio diversification
becomes narrow resulting in high occurrence of risk of defaulting.

Lending to affiliated or related parties of the bank such as shareholders, managers or staffs, may
create problems of loan default because proper loan processing procedures may not be strictly

Existence of large volume of deposits compared to the relatively low level of outstanding loans in
the banks urge the banks to lend even to the undesired borrowers or borrowers of poor project
quality. This may lead to high risk of defaulting.

4.6.3 Factors Specific to Macroeconomic Conditions

Banks also suffer from unsound macroeconomic conditions. Unstable prices or substantial variations
in prices may cause problem of loan losses because firms for whom the change in price is
unfavorable will get difficulties to pay their debts. The overall economic performance of the country
will affect banks in their loan provision and collection activities. Inadequate legal system where right
and responsibilities under financial contracts may not be clearly spelled out and enforced would
create large default of loans because foreclosure of pledged collateral may not be affected easily in
absence of strong legal system. Indeed foreclosure is not desirable outcome both for the bank and
the borrower, however, the threat of foreclosure is believed to keep borrowers from willful default
and the same belief would encourage lenders to lend. Lack or weakness of an adequate basis for
drafting and enforcing financial contacts due to poor legal system in the country is believed to
increase the volume of NPLs.

Unfavorable macroeconomic conditions that lead to large - scale failures of enterprises of a country
may create problems to banks. Since most enterprises are interconnected with banks as borrower –
lender relationships, failure of these enterprises in large scale would make them unable to repay their
loans. Similarly, sudden changes in market conditions, interest rates, exchange rates, etc, would
make firms unable to service their loans resulting in large NPLs.

4.7 Effects of NPLs

When a bank holds large volume of NPLs it will suffer from serous liquidity problem. That is, most
of its liquid assets (cash and cash equivalents) tend to be lost. At this time the bank will be unable to
extend further loans for new loan requests. In the meantime earnings to be collected from the

Outstanding loans would be denied. Consequently, the bank loses the principal and the interest
income from NPLs. Recovery of such bad debts requires effective legal system to realize the value
of the collateral security pledged against the loan. Even if it is possible to sell, loss of value upon
sale of the collateral will erode profit of the bank and obvious ly its capital base.

The problem reaches highest stage when the bank becomes unable to meet the day-to-day cash and
deposit withdrawal needs of its customers. Since immediate liquidation of large volume of collateral
assets is very difficult or involve large capital loss, the liquidity problem of the bank may deteriorate
into a solvency problem. The bank is said to be insolvent when its assets value is less than the value
of its liabilities and hence, the value of its capital (net worth) becomes negative. At such times, the
bank cannot expect to pay all of its depositors in full and on time. Losses thus will pass to
depositors, creditors and shareholders of the bank. Such an event is called bank failure.

Bank failures are widely perceived to have greater adverse effects on the economy and thus are
considered more serious than the failure of other types of business firms. Bank failures are viewed to
be more damaging than other failures because of a fear that they may spread throughout the entire
banking system. Thus, the failure of an individual bank is believed to introduce the possibility of
system wide failure and even beyond the banking system to the financial system as a whole and as
such to the domestic macro economy.

Banks are viewed as more vulnerable to failure than other business firms due to many reasons. To
mention some: first, banks have low capital to asset ratio. This high leverage situation gives them
little possibility to absorb losses, and hence they are susceptible to failure. Second, banks have low
cash to asset ratio, which may require the sale of earning assets to meet d eposits withdrawal
obligations. This situation creates high potential for a run, a situation of hurried sales of assets of
non- liquid nature with possibility of large losses to pay off running depositors.

Moreover, banks as operations of the payment mecha nisms are highly interrelated and failure of the
counterparties to honor their obligations in time can cause the payment mechanism to cease. The
chain reaction of such delays or failures of settlement down the line results in contagion. Thus, the
failure of one bank is associated in the public’s mind with the failure of all the banks and the whole
process if not promptly stopped results in a system wide failure in the economy.

To conclude, NPLs can be accumulated due to factors specific to borrowers, lender banks or the
macroeconomic conditions of the economy. The effects of large volume of NPLs have far - reaching
implications from inability to execute the banking operations within a single bank to failure of the
entire banking system and the overall econo my as a whole. However, central banks regulate and
monitor individual banks and take corrective actions if necessary before such serious problems occur
in the system.



5.1. Conclusion

When a bank disburses a loan, the loan may not be collected because of many factors and those
uncollected loans are said to be NPLs or bad loans. All commercial banks render different kinds of
services; among which provision of credit is the major one as bank lending is the core func tion of
commercial banks. It is commonly said that the successful banker is the successful lender. It is also
noted that when a bank lends to a customer there are principles that should be considered in terms of
safety, liquidity, effective utilization of the fund, profitability and diversification of investment and
business. Even if the procedures of loan processing differ from one bank to another, in general, the
procedures include: prior discussion or interviewing the customer, site visits, processing the credit
application, gathering of credit information, detail credit analysis and appraisal, credit decision
making, contact signing, registrat io n of collaterals (is applicable ), and then disbursement .

NPLs are serious problem that need to be accorded careful attention. A loan is identified and
segregated as non-performing depending on the number of days a repayment is delayed or
discontinued. According to National Bank of Ethiopia’s Directive No SBB/43/2008 Asset
Classification and Provisioning Directive, Non-performing means loans or advances whose credit
quality has deteriorated such that full collection of principal and/or interest in accordance with
contractual repayment terms of the loans or advances is due and uncollected for 90 (ninety)
consecutive days or more beyond the scheduled payment date or maturity.

The basic objective of this research has been to identify borrower-, bank- and macroeconomics-
specific determinants of NPLs. On the basis of the broad objective one major research questions and
five sub research questions were developed and dealt with. For the achievement of the objective the
study used survey of employees of banks by employing structured questionnaire.

The study indicated that poor credit analysis on the part of lending banks, unsound lending practices,
failure in loan monitoring and follow-up, borrowers‟ undesired culture, compromised integrity, fund
diversio n, and the lik e are the major causes behind NPLs.

5.2. Recommendations

The resultant effect of a business organization is measured in its monetary achievement /profitability
and efficient management. The greater extent of its success depends on the efficient management of
its financial resources. Thus management of finance in credit area is a very sensitive and complex
issue in the operation of banks where one should be well aware of minimizing risk in the course of
administering loans and advances. As deposits of banks are usually payable on demand or on a short
notice, banks should also limit the time for which loans are granted and ensure that they are repaid
within that period of time.

Lending banks should be aware of the dangers involved in maintaining bad loans in their books of
accounts and make advance preparations as to how disbursed loans should be collected timely.
C ollection plans are not to be initiated after approval or disbursement. It has frequently been said
that a good banker collects a loan at the time of its disbursement; meaning - a loan properly analyzed
and scheduled at the outset is virtually self- servic i ng.

Administration of loans involves the entire process starting from credit application to final
resolution. Therefore, lending banks need to develop and put in place prudent credit processing,
encompassing appropriate exercise of KYC for proper customer selection and assessment of credit
worthiness of borrowers. Robust credit analysis from the point of view of what contribution the loan
will yield to the customer’s business, to the bank’s income/profit as well as to the overall economic
development of the country needs to be accorded earnest concern of the pertinent stakeholders.

In order to mainta in asset qualit y banks should:

 Provide training and development to employees involved in credit operations to enhance the
aptitudes and abilit ie s of every me mber,

 Put in place a clear policy framework and working procedures that effectively address the
issues of KYC,

 Develop and put in place framework for the entire credit management process and set
objectives, standards and parameters to guide credit personnel in the overall credit

 Institute proper loan processing, and essentially prudent analys is and appraisal system,

 Put in place proactive follow- up and monitoring system to monitor loan performance and
check continued viability of operations,

 Develop and implement corporate code of conduct, fraud prevention policy, and proper
check-and-balance in credit decision making processes, and

 Identify early warning signals, if any, and initiate remedial measures thereby averting loss
from possible default,

 Exert effort to develop borrowers‟ culture towards credit, and to shape employees involved
in credit operations towards ensuring integrity, making them free of undesired internal and
external pressures.

 Recommendations for further studies

The study topic at hand requires further research on the root-causes of the major determinants; such
as lack of financial discipline and out-right-breach of contractual agreements from the side of
borrowers; in other words, the business community’s increased risk taking attitudes towards credit;
and more important l y towards unsound or corrupt practices.


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Appendix I




Dear respondent,

Thank you very much for your willingness to take time to respond to this research questionnaire.
The study is being conducted by a postgraduate student at Wo llo University, C ollege of
and Economics, Department of Management, Master of business adminis tra t io n.
It is all about questions pertaining to De te rminants of Non-performing Loans and related
practices in the Ethiopian banks. To this end, it intends to gather information from pertinent bank
employees involved in credit and related activities (i.e. ; credit managers, analysts,
recovery/monitoring officers, risk manage me nt officers, credit committee members .. etc).

The participation is fully on voluntary basis, and your accurate and frank responses are imperative
for the successful accomplis hme nt of the study.

Please be assured that your responses will be treated in a strictly confidential manner, and the
results will be used only for the purpose of this research, presented only at aggregate level without
focusing on individ ua l bank.

K ind ly, therefore, return the questionnaire upon completing each item appropriately.

Thank you in advance.



(Please tick appropriate boxes)

Section One – Background Information

1. Your current position in the Banking industry.

1. Loan Officer 4. Relationship manager
2. Credit analyst 5. Recovery/monitoring officer
3. Credit Director 6. Vice president

Other, Please specify…………………………………………………..................................................................

2. Indicate your experience in the Banking industry.
1. Less than 1 year 4. 11-15 years
2. 1-5 years 5. Above 15 years
3. 6-10 years
3. Indicate your experience in the Banking credit process.
1. Less than 1 year 4. 11-15 years
2. 1-5 years 5. Above 15 years
3. 6-10 years
4. Indicate ownership of the Bank you work for.

1. Private 2. State owned

5 . Determinants of nonperforming loans are obvious.
1. Agree 2. Neutral 3. Disagree

Section Two – Questions on Determinants of Nonperforming loans.
1. What bank specific factors do you think are causing the occurrences of NPLs in
Ethiopian banks? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. What are the effect of non-performing loan on financial performances of commercial



3. What are the bank specific determinate of non-performing loan?-------------------------------


4. What is the problem statement of non-performing loan ?------------------------------------------



5. What are inflation affect non-performing loan?-------------------------------------------------------


6. What is the impact of non-performing loans on profitability?----------------------------------------------------


7. What are the effect of bad loan on banks?--------------------------------------------------------------



8. Please rank the factors that cause occurrences of NPLs in the Ethiopian Banks by Ranking the
factors in order of their importance in contributing to the occurrence of NPLs from 1 – 8
Factors Factor that causes occurrence of NPLs 1=highest ….8=lowest

8.1 Rapid loan growth by banks

8.2 High interest rate

8.3 Lenient credit term

8.4 Credit culture /Orientation

8.5 Size of the bank

8.6 Poormonitoring/follow-up

8.7 Ownership type of bank

8.8 Poorrisk assessment

Other, Please
8.9 specify…….................................................

Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement to the statement pertaining to credit
assessment and the occurrence of NPLs.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Factors Agree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Easily admitted borrowers usually
9.1 default

Know You customer(KYC) Policy of

9.2 banks lead to high Loans quality

Good loan underwriting ensures loan

9.3 performance

Poorrisk assessment would lead to

9.4 loan default

10. Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement to the statements pertaining to
credit monitoring and the occurrences of NPLs.

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
Factors (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Strict monitoring ensures loan

10.1 performance

Poorly assessed and advanced loans may

10.2 perform well if properly monitored

Loan follow up is directly related to

10.3 occurrence of NPLs

Bank with higherbudget forloan

10.4 monitoring has lowerNPLs

11.Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement to the statement pertaining to
collateral and the occurrence of NPLs.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Factors Agree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

11.1 Collateralized loans perform well

Collateralizing loans help protect loan default
Most of the time non collateralized loans are

12. Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement to the statement pertaining to
borrower’s orientation and the occurrence of NPLs.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Factors Agree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Borrower’s orientation/cultureis related to
12.1 loan performance

There is a relationship between loan default

12.2 and borrower’s culture.

Default in some area is ascribed to the culture

12.3 of the borrowers

Society’s cultural development leads to good

12.4 loan performance.

12.5 Loan with big interest rent tend to turn to


12.6 Charging big interest rate leads to loan


12.7 Loan priceaffects loan performance

12..8 Lenient /lax credit term causeloan default

Borrows defaults because they don’t

understand credit terms well

Poorly negotiated credit terns lead to loan non

13. Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement to the statement pertain got credit
monitoring and the occurrence of NPLs.
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Factors Agree Disagree
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Aggressive lending leads to large NPL volume/ratio

Banks whose credit growth is rapid experience huge

1 3.2
NPL level
1 3.3 Bank’s great risk appetite is cause for NPL

Compromised integrityin lending leads to loan

1 3.4 default

1 3.5 Ha ving large no. ofborrowers causesloan default

1 3.6 Loan default rate is directly related to banks


1 3.7 With growth in banks size comes growth on NPL

Loan default is not related banks ownership

1 3.8 type(private/state owned)

14. If you have further comments on the bank specific factors affecting NPLs of the Ethiopian
Banks please use the space provided below:









Thank you once again for your participation.


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