Jis G3456

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UDC 669.14-462 : 621.




Carbon Steel Pipes for

High Temperature Service

Translated and Published


Japanese Standards Association

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
J I S G*345b 88 4933b08 0048332 8 W .

In the event of any doubt arising,

the original Standard in Japanese is to be final authority.

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
UDC 669.14-462~621.644-977


Carbon Steel Pipes for High G 3456-1988

Temperature Service

1. ScoDe

This Japanese Industrial Standard specifies t h e carbon steel pipes, hereinafter

referred to as t h e tipipesli, mainly used for piping at a temperature over 350°C.

Remarks 1. When previously agreed upon by t h e manufacturer, t h e

purchaser may designate one or all of t h e supplementary
quality requirements Z 2, Z 3 and Z 4 specified in Appendix,
in addition to t h e items specified in this text.

Appendix Z 2: Elevated Temperature Yield Point or Proof

Appendix Z 3: Ultrasonic Examination

Appendix Z 4: Eddy Current Examination

2. The units and numerical values given in { } in this Standard

are based on t h e International System of Units ( S I ) and are
appended f o r informative reference.

Further, t h e traditional units accompanied by numerical

values in this Standard shall be converted to t h e SI units and
numerical values on Jan. 1, 1991.

2. Grade and Symbol

The pipe shall be classified into three grades and their letter symbols shall
be as given in Table 1-1 or Table 1-2.

Table 1-1. Letter Symbol of Grade

(Applicable till t h e end of 1990)

Letter symbol of grade


Applicable Standards: See page 16,

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association
Licensed by Information Handling Services

J I S G*345b 88 m 4933608 0048314 1 I

G 3456-1988

Table 1-2. Letter Symbol of Grade

(Applicable on and a f t e r Jan. 1, 1991)

Letter symbol ( For reference)

of grade Traditional units
STPT 370 STPT 38
STPT 410 STPT 42
STPT 480 STPT 49

3. Chemical Composition
The pipe shall be tested in accordance with 9.1 and t h e resulting adle analysis
values shall conform t o Table 2-1 or Table 2-2.

Table 2- 1. Chemical Composition

(Applicable till t h e end of 1990)

Unit: %

Letter symbol C Si Mn P S
of grade

STPT 38 0.25 max. 0.10 to 0.35 0.30 t o 0.90 0.035 max. 0.035 max.

STPT 42 0.30 max. 0.10 to 0.35 0.30 t o 1.00 0.035 max. 0.035 max.

STPT 49 0.33 max. 0.10 t o 0.35 0.30 t o 1.00 0.035 max. 0.035 max.

Remark: When t h e product analysis is required by t h e purchaser, t h e toler-

ances for t h e above-mentioned values shall conform to Table 2 and
Table 1 specified in JIS G 0321 for seamless steel pipes and electric
resistance welded steel pipes, respectively.

Table 2-2. Chemical Composition

(Applicable on and a f t e r Jan. 1, 1991)

Unit: só

Letter symbol C Si Mn P S
of grade
I I I l I

STPT 370 0.25 max. 0.10 t o 0.35 0.30 t o 0.90 0.035 max. 0.035 max.

STPT 410 10.30 max. 10.10 t o 0.35 I 0.30 to 1.00 10.035 max. 10.035 max.
STPT 480 10.33 max.-I 0.10 t o 0.35 I 0.30 to 1.00 10.035 max. 10.035 max.
Remark: When t h e product analysis is required by t h e purchaser, t h e toler-
ances for t h e above-mentioned values shall conform to Table 2 and
Table 1 specified in J I S G 0321 f o r seamless steel pipes and electric
resistance welded steel pipes, respectively.
COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association
Licensed by Information Handling Services
G 3456-1988

4. Mechanical ProDerties

4.1 Tensile Strength, Yield Point or Proof Stress and Elongation The pipe
shall be tested in accordance with 9.2 and t h e resulting tensile strength, yield point
or proof stress and elongation of t h e pipe shall comply-with Table 3-i or-Table-

Table 3- 1. Mechanical Properties

(Applicable till t h e end of 1990)

Elongation %
Yield point
Tensile or No. l 1 Or
Letter NO. 5 test
symbol of strength proof stress NO. 12 No. 4 test piece
grade kgf/mm 2 kgf/mmz test piece
1N/mm2) {N/mmz)
Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse

S T P T 38 38 13731 min. 22 1216) min. 30 min. 25 min. 28 min. 23 min.

S T P T 42 42 1412) min. 25 I2451 min. 25 min. 20 min. 24 min. 19 min.

STPT 49 49 1481) min. 28 1275) min. 25 min. 20 min. 22 min. 17 min.

Reference Table 1. Calculated Examples of Elongation Applied to No. 12

(Longitudinal) and No. 5 (Transverse) Test Pieces
f o r Pipes under 8 mm in Wall Thickness

Elongation f o r e a c h division of wall thickness %

Letter Over Over Over Over Over Over
symbol S h a p e of Over 6 mm, 5 mm, 4 mm, 3 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm,
of test piece 7 mm, up to u p to up to u p to u p to 'up to
grade up to and and and and and and
8 mm incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl,
7 mm 6 mm 5 mm 4 mm 3 mm 2 mm
No. 12 test piece 30 28 27 26 24 22 21
S T P T 38
No. 5 test piece 25 24 22 20 19 18 16

STPT 42 No. 12 test piece 25 24 22 20 19 18 16

No. 5 test piece 20 18 17 16 14 12 11
COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association
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J I S G*345b 8 8 E 4933b08 004831b 5 0 I

G 3456-1988

Table 3-2. Mechanical Properties

(Applicable on and a f t e r Jan. 1, 199

I Elongation %
Yield point
Letter Tensile or No* l 1 Or
NO. 5 test
strength No. 12 No. 4 test piece
symbol of proof stress piece
grade N/mm2 N/mm test piece

Longitudinal Transverse Longitudinal Transverse

STPT 370 370 min. 215 min. 30 min. 25 min. 28 min. 23 min.

STPT 410 410 min. 245 min. 25 min. 20 min. 24 min. 19 min.

STPT 480 480 min. 275 min. 25 min. 20 min. 22 min. 17 min.

Remarks 1. When t h e tensile test for pipes under 8 mm in wall thickness is carried outwith
No. 12 or No. 5 test piece, the minimum value of elongation shall be obtained
by subtracting 1.5 % from the values of elongation given in Table 3-2 for each
1 mm decrease in wall thickness, and rounding off t h e value to an integer in
compliance with JIS Z 8401. Examples of calculation are given in Reference
Table 2.
2. The value of elongation given in Table 3-2 shall not be applied to t h e pipe
whose outside diameter is under 40 mm. However, the value of elongation
shall be recorded.
3. When a tensile test piece is taken from t h e electric resistance welded steel
pipe, No. 12 or No. 5 test piece shall be taken from t h e portion which does
not involve welded seam.

Reference Table 2. Calculated Examples of Elongation Applied to No. 12

(Longitudinal) and No. 5 (Transverse) Test Pieces
for Pipes under 8 mm in Wall Thickness

(Applicable on and a f t e r Jan. 1, 1991)

Elongation for each division of wall thickness %

Letter Over Over Over Over Over Over
symbol Shape of Over 6 mm, 5 mm, 4 mm, 3 mm, 2 mm, 1 mm,
of test piece 7 mm, up to up to up to up to up to up to
grade up to and and and and and and
8 mm incl. incl. incl. incl. incl. incl.
7 mm 6 mm 5 mm 4 mm 3 mm 2 mm
No. 12 test piece 30 28 27 26 24 22 21
STPT 370
No. 5 test piece 25 24 22 20 19 18 16

STPT 410
STPT 480
No. 12 test piece 25
I 24 I 22 I 20 1 19 I 18 I 16
No. 5 test piece 20 18 17 16 14 12 11

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

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G 3456-1988

4.2 Flattening Resistance The pipe shall be tested in accordance with 9.3 and
t h e pipe shall be free from flaws or cracks on its wall surface.

In this case, t h e distance between t h e flattening plates shall be calculated from

t h e following formula.

H = í l + e )t t

where (Applicable till t h e end of 1990)

H : disrance between flattening plates (mm)

t : wall thickness of pipe (mm)

D : outside diameter of pipe (mm)

e : constant which varies depending on t h e grade of pipe,

. 0.08 f o r STPT 38,

0.07 f o r STPT 42 and STPT 49

where (Applicable on and after Jan. 1, 1991)

H : distance between flattening plates (mm)

t : wall thickness of pipe (mm)

D : outside diameter of pipe (mm)

e : constant which varies depending on t h e grade of pipe,

0.08 f o r STPT 370

0.07 f o r STPT 410 and STPT 480

4.3 Bending Resistance For t h e pipe whose outside diameter is 50 mm or

under, t h e purchaser may specify t h e bending test in lieu of t h e flattening test.
The pipe shall be tested in accordance with 9.4 and its wall surfaces shall be free
from t h e occurrence of flaws or cracks. In this test t h e pipe is bent through 90"
around an inside radius t h a t is 6 times its outside diameter.

However, t h e purchaser may specify t h e bend test of which t h e bent angle is

180" and bending inside radius is 4 times t h e outside diameter.

5. Hvdrostatic Characteristic or Nondestructive Characteristic

The pipe shall be tested in accordance with 9.5 and t h e resulting hydrostatic
characteristic or nondestructive characteristic shall conform to either of t h e
following two. The preference shall be in accordance with t h e designation made
by t h e purchaser or l e f t to t h e discretion of t h e manufacturer.

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
G 3456-1988

5.1-1 Hydrostatic Characteristic (Applicable till t h e end of 1990) When t h e

hydrostatic pressure specified by t h e purchaser or, unless otherwise specified, t h e
values given in Attached Table 1-1 is applied, t h e pipe shall withstand it without
leakage. In this case, t h e purchaser may specify values of pressure lower o r higher
than those given in Attached Table 1-1.

When a hydrostatic pressure test is made in compliance with t h e designation of

t h e purchaser and t h e test pressure exceeds either 200 kgf/cmz (196 bar} or t h e
value P calculated from t h e following formula, t h e test pressure shall be agreed
upon by t h e purchaser and t h e manufacturer, The designated hydrostatic test
pressure shall be graduated in 5 kgf/cm2 (4.9 bar}.

The value P in t h e following formula shall be obtained by computing t o t h e unit

digit and rounding off t o t h e nearest 5 kgflcm2 (4.9 bar}.

where P : test pressure [kgflcrnz { l O - l b a r } ( ' ) ]

t :. wall thickness of pipe (mm)

D : outside diameter of pipe (mm)

s : 60 % of t h e minimum value of yield point or proof stress

specified in Table 3-1 (kgflrnmz {N/mm2))

Note (I) 1 bar = l o 5 Pa

5.1-2 Hydrostatic Characteristic (Applicable on and a f t e r Jan. 1, 1991) When

t h e hydrostatic pressure specified by t h e purchaser or, unless otherwise specified,
t h e values given in Attached Table 1-2 is applied, t h e pipe shall withstand it
without leakage. In this case, t h e purchaser may specify values of pressure lower
or higher than those given in Attached 1-2.
When a hydrostatic pressure test is made in compliance with t h e designation of
t h e purchaser and t h e test pressure exceeds either 20 MPa or t h e value P
calculated from t h e following formula, t h e test pressure shall be agreed upon by
t h e purchaser and t h e manufacturer, The designated hydrostatic test pressure shall
be graduated in 0.5 MPa for under 10 MPa, and in 1 MPa for 10 MPa or over.

The value P in t h e following formula shall be obtained likewise by rounding off

to t h e nearest 0.5 MPa or 1 MPa.
p=- 2 st

where P : test pressure (MPa)

t i wall thickness of pipe (mm)
D : outside diameter of pipe (mm)

s : 60 % of t h e minimum value of yield point or proof stress

specified in Table 3-2 (N/mmz)

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

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G 3456-1988

5.2 Nondestructive Characteristic Either -an ultrasonic examination or a n eddy

current examination shall be made on t h e pipe, and t h e r e shall be no signal greater
than those produced by t h e artificial defects of t h e reference test block which is
t h e division UD of t h e working sensitivity specified in JIS G 0582 or t h e division
EY of t h e working sensitivity specified in JIS G 0583, respectively.
6. Dimensions, Mass and Dimensional Tolerances

6.1 Dimensions and Mass The outside diameter, wall thickness and mass of
t h e pipe shall be as specified in Attached Table 2.

6.2 Dimensional Tolerances The tolerances on outside diameter, wall thickness

and deviation in wall thickness of t h e pipe shall b e as specified Table 4.
In t h e case where t h e pipe length is specified by t h e purchaser, t h e toIerances
on t h e pipe length shall be on t h e plus side.
Table 4. Tolerances on Outside Diameter, Wall Thickness and
Deviation in Wall Thickness

-~ Tolerance on
Tolerances on deviation in
Division Tolerances on outside diameter wall thickness wall thickness

Up to 50 mm: f 0.5 mm
50 mm and over, *.l %
up to 160 mm:
Up to 4 mm: Up to and
Hot finished
160 mm and over,
up to 200 mm:
mm *0.5 mm incl. 20 %
4 mm and over: of wall
steel pipe thickness
200 mm and over: f 0.8 % f 12.5 %
However, for pipes 350 mm and over
in diameter, t h e length of circum-
ference may substitute as a basis for
the tolerances, In this case, t h e
tolerances shaI1 be f 0.5 %.

Cold finished
Up to 40 mm: .* 0.3 mm
seam less 40 mm and over: f 0.8 % Up to 2 mm:
steel pipe
and electric However, for pipes 350 mm and over
*0.2 mm
resistance in diameter, the length of circum- . 2 mm and over:
welded ference may substitute as a basis for I10 %
steel pipe tolerances. In this case, the
tolerances shall be f 0.5 %.

Remarks 1. The deviation in wall thickness means t h e ratio of the difference between
the maximum and the minimum of the measured thickness of a wall in the
same section to the specified wall thickness. This shall not be applied to
pipes under 5.6 mm in wall thickness.
2. When the length of circumference is used as a basis for t h e tolerances,
. either the measured value of t h e length of circumference itself or the
outside diameter derived from the measured value may be used as t h e
criteria. In both cases, the same value f 0.5 % shall be applied as t h e
tolerances. The outside diameter (D) and t h e length of circumference ( I ) .
shall be calculated reversibly from the following formula.
l=n. D
where n = 3.1416
3. In the case where compliance with t h e tolerances on wall thickness in t h e
above table is clearly confirmed in such a local portion as under repairs,
COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Associationtolerances on the outside diameter in t h e above table shall not be applied.
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J I S G x 3 4 5 6 48 4933608 0048320 7 =
G 3456-1988

7. Appearance

The appearance shall be as follows.

(1) The pipe shall be practically straight, and its both ends shall be at right
angles to t h e axes.

(2) The inside and outside surfaces of t h e pipe shall be well-finished, and f r e e
from defects detrimental to practical use.

8. Method of Manufacture
The method of manufacture shall be as follows.

(1)-1 (Applicable till t h e end of 1990) The pipe shall be manufactured from
coarse-grained killed steel by t h e seamless o r electric resistance welding
process. However, t h e pipe of grade STPT 49 shall be manufactured by
t h e seamless process.

(1)-2 (Applicable on and a f t e r Jan. 1, 1991) The pipe shall be manufactured

from coarse-grained killed steel by t h e seamless or electric resistance
welding process. However, t h e pipe of grade STPT 480 shall be
manufactured by t h e seamless process.

(2) The pipe shall be subjected to t h e heat treatment specified in Table 5-1
o r Table 5-2. The heat treatment other than specified in Table 5-1 or
Table 5-2 shall be agreed upon by t h e purchaser and t h e manufacturer.
Table 5-1. Heat Treatment

(Applicable till t h e end of 1990)

Letter Hot finished Cold finished Hot finished Electric resistance

seamless steel seamless steel electric resistance welded steel pipe
of Pipe pipe welded steel pipe other than hot
grade finished

As manufactured. Low tem- As manufactured. bwtem-

perature However, perature
STPT 38 However, low temperature annealed or
low temperature annealed or
STPT 42 annealing or normalized. annealing or normalized.
normalizing may be applied,
may be applied, as necessary.
as necessary.

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

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J I S GS345b 8 8 4933b08 0048323 9

G 3456-1988

Table 5-2. Heat Treatment

(Applicable on and a f t e r Jan. 1, 1991)

Letter Cold finished Hot finished Electric resistance

Hot finished welded s t e e l pipe
symbol seamless s t e e l seamless steel electric resistance
of welded steel pipe o t h e r than hot
grade Pipe Pipe finished
As manufactured. Low tem- As manufactured. Low tem-
However, perature However, perature
STPT 370 low t e m p e r a t u r e annealed or low t e m p e r a t u r e annealed or
STPT 410 annealing or normalized. annealing or normalized.
normalizing normalizing
may be applied, may be applied,
as necessary. a s necessary.
STPT 480

8 (3) When required by t h e purchaser, t h e pipe may be furnished with t h e bevel

end (2).

N o t e (') Unless otherwise specified, t h e shape of t h e bevel end shall

be as shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Shape of Bevel End

24 mm rnax.

t thickness, 22 mm max.

9. Test
9.1 Chemical Analysis

9.1.1 Chemical Analysis General matters about chemical analysis and method
of sampling specimens for analysis shall be in accordance with 3. in JIS G 0303.
9.1.2 Analytical Method The analytical method shall be in accordance with
one of t h e following Standards.
- JIS G 1211 JIS G 1212
JIS G 1213 JIS G 1214
JIS G 1215 JIS G 1253
JIS G 1256 JIS G 1257

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JIS G*345b 8 8 4733608 0048322 O

G 3456-1988

9.2 Tensile Test

9.2.1 Test Piece The test specimen shall be No. 11, No. 12 A, No. 12 B,
No. 12 C, No. 4 or No. 5 test piece specified in J I S Z 2201 and shall be cut off
from t h e end of t h e pipe. In this case, t h e gauge length f o r No. 4 test piece shall
be 50 mm.

9.2.2 Test Method The test method shall be in accordance with J I S Z

224 1.

9.3 Flattening Test

9.3.1 Test Piece A test piece 50 mm or over in length shall be c u t off

from t h e end of a pipe. For t h e pipe whose wall thickness is 15 % o r over of t h e
outside diameter, a C-shape test piece made by removing part of t h e circumference
of a whole test piece may be used.

9.3.2 Test Method The test piece shall be placed between two f l a t plates
at ordinary temperature and flattened by compression until t h e distance between
t h e plates comes t o t h e specified value, and checked for t h e occurrence of flaws
or cracks on its wall surface. An electric resistance welded steel pipe shall be
placed with t h e welded portion a t right angles t o t h e direction of compression as
shown in Fig. 2, and a C-shape test piece shall be placed as shown in Fig. 3,

Fig. 2. Flattening Test Fig. 3. Flattening Test

(for Whole Test Piece) (for C-Shape Test Piece)
Direction of compression Direction of compression

elded portion

9.4 Bending Test

9.4.1 Test Piece An appropriate length shall be cut off from t h e end of
a pipe to be made into a test piece.
9.4.2 Test Method The test piece shall be bent through t h e angle around
a cylinder with an inside radius specified in 4.3 at ordinary temperature, and
checked for t h e occurrence of flaws o r cracks on its wall surface. In t h e case
of an electric resistance welded steel pipe, t h e welded portion shall be placed in
t h e outermost part of .the bent portion.

9.5 Hydrostatic Test or Nondestructive Examination Either t h e hydrostatic

test o r t h e nondestructive examination shall be made in accordance with (i) or ( 2 ) ,

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

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J I S G*345b 88 M 4733b08 0048323 2 M

G 3456-1988

(1) When t h e pipe is subjected to hydrostatic pressure and kept under t h e

specified pressure, it shall withstand t h e pressure without leakage.

(2) The test method of nondestructive examination shall be in accordance

with either JIS G 0582 or JIS G 0583.

1O. Inspection

10.1 Inspection The inspection shall be as follows.

(1) General matters of inspection shall be as specified in JIS G 0303.

(2) The chemical composition, mechanical properties, hydrostatic or

nondestructive characteristic, dimensions and appearance shall conform
to 3., 4., 5., 6. and 7. However, t h e nondestructive examination may be
replaced by appropriate nondestructive examination other than those
specified in 9.5 ( 2 ) when agreed upon by t h e purchaser and t h e

Further, when t h e supplementary quality requirements given in

Appendix are specified by agreement by t h e purchaser and t h e
manufacturer, t h e results of inspection shall conform to t h e relevant
requirements specified in Z 2, Z 3 or Z 4,

(3) Either t h e hydros€atic test o r t h e nondestructive examination shall be

performed for each pipe.

(4) The number of specimens for t h e product analysis shall be agreed upon
by t h e purchaser and t h e manufacturer.

(5) The method of sampling test specimens and t h e number of test pieces f o r
tensile test and flattening test or bending test shall be as follows. From
t h e pipe as manufactured, t a k e one pipe as t h e specimen from each 50
pipes or its fraction of t h e same dimensions ( 3 ) , f o r t h e pipe to be
heat-treated, t a k e one pipe as t h e specimen from each 50 pipes or its
fraction of t h e same dimensions ( 3 ) and of t h e concurrent heat
treatment, and in any case from t h e test specimen t a k e one tensile test
piece. Further, from t h e pipe 50 mm or under in outside diameter, t a k e
one test piece for flattening test or bending test, and from t h e pipe over
50 mm in outside diameter, t a k e one flattening test piece.

Note (3) The %ame dimensions" here means t h e same wall thickness
concurrent with t h e same outside diameter.

10.2 Reinspection The pipe may be retested in accordance with 4.4 in JIS
G 0303 for final acceptance.

11. Marking

Each pipe having passed t h e inspection shall be marked with t h e following

items. However, in t h e case of smaller pipes or on a request from t h e purchaser,
pipes may be bundled together and marked for each bundle by suitable means. In
either case, t h e order of arranging t h e items is not specified.

When approved by t h e purchaser, part of t h e items may be omitted.

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JIS G * 3 4 5 b 88 W 4 9 3 3 6 0 8 0048324 4 W I
G 3456-1988

(1) Letter symbol of grade

(2) Letter symbol indicating t h e manufacturing process ( )
(3) Dimensions (5)

(4) Manufacturer's name or its abbreviation

(5) Letter symbol indicating t h e supplementary quality requirement, Z

Notes ( 4 ) The letter symbol indicating t h e manufacturing process shall be
as follows, provided t h a t t h e dash may be replaced by a blank.
Hot finished seamless steel pipe: -S-H

Cold finished seamless steel pipe: -S-C

Electric resistance welded steel pipe neither hot

finished nor cold finished: -E-G

Hot finished electric resistance welded steel pipe:


Cold finished electric resistance welded steel pipe:

- E-C

(5) The dimensions shall be expressed as follows:

Nominal diameter x nominal wall thickness or

outside diameter x wall thickness
Example: 50 A x Sch 40

12. Report

The manufacturer shall, as a rule, submit to t h e purchaser t h e report on t h e

test results, method of manufacture, ordered dimensions, quantity and work lot
number traceable to t h e manufacturing conditions, etc.
Attached Table 1- 1. Hydrostatic Test Pressure

(Applicable till t h e end of 1990)

Schedule number
Cch 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

Hydrostatic 20 35 50 60 90 120 150 180 200 200

test Pressure (20) {34} (49) (59) (88) (118) {147} (177) (196) (196)

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Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over
0.80 1.60 2.40 3.20 4.00, 4.80 5.60 6.30, 7-10, Over
tlD up to u p to u p t'O up to u p to 'up to u p to up to up to
and and and and and and and and and 7-90
(%I inci. inci. inci. inci. inci. inci. inci. inci. incl. .
1.60 2.40 3.20 4.00 4.80 5.60 6.30 7.10 7.90
Hydrostatic 20 44l 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
test pressure (20) (39) (59) (78) (98) (118) (137) (157) (177) (196)

Attached Table 1-2. Hydrostatic Test Pressure

(Applicable on and after Jan. 1, 1991)

Unit: MPa
Schedule number
10 20 30 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Hydrostatic 2.0 3.5 5.0 6.0 9.0 12 15 18 20 20
test pressure
Remark: For t h e pipe whose dimension is not given in Attached Table 2, t h e hydro-
static test pressure shall be as specified in t h e following t a b l e depending
on t h e division of t h e r a t i o (t/o)of t h e wall thickness to t h e outside
diameter of t h e pipe.

Unit: MPa
Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over Over
0.80 1.60 2.40 3.20 4.00, 4.80 5.60, 6.30, 7.10,
tlD u p to up to up to up to UP to u p to u p to up to up to Over
and and and and and and and and and 7.90
(%I incl. inci. inci. incl. inci. incl. incl. incl. inci.
1.60 2.40 3.20 4.00 4.80 5.60 6.30 7.10 7.90

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J I S G X 3 4 5 b 88 4933608 0 0 4 8 3 2 6 8 W

G 3456-1988





COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
J I S G*345b 88 I4733608
0048327 T I

G 3456-1988

Appendix. Supplementary Quality Requirements

The supplementary quality requirments shall apply only when requested by t h e

purchaser, and shall be executed by t h e manufacturer on t h e designated items.

Z 2 Elevated Temperature Yield Point or Proof Stress The elevated temperature

yield point or proof stress is t h e following.

(1) The value of elevated temperature yield point or proof stress and t h e
testing temperature of t h e pipe shall be agreed upon by t h e purchaser and
t h e manufacturer.

(2) The test piece and t h e test method shall be as specified JIS G 0567.

However, when it is practically difficult to t a k e t h e test piece specified

in JIS G 0567, t h e shape of t h e test piece shall be agreed upon by t h e
purchaser and t h e manufacturer.

(3) The method of sampling t h e test specimens and t h e number of test pieces
shall be as follows. Take one test specimen f o r each lot of t h e same h e a t
charge, and then from one test specimen t a k e one test piece f o r each lot
of t h e same testing temperature.
Z 3 Ultrasonic Examination The ultrasonic examination is t h e following.

(1) The criteria of t h e working sensitivity in t h e ultrasonic examination shall

be t h e division UB or UC specified in JIS G 0582, and t h e r e shall be no
signal greater than those produced by t h e artificial defects of t h e
reference test block.

(2) The test method of t h e ultrasonic examination shall be as specified in JIS

G 0582.

(3) The ultrasonic examination shall be performed for each pipe and t h e results
shall conform t o t h e requirements specified in (1).

Z 4 Eddy Current Examination The eddy current examination is t h e following.

(1) The criteria of t h e working sensitivity in t h e eddy current examination

shall be t h e division EV, EW, or EX specified in JIS G 0583, and t h e r e
shall be no signal greater than' those produced by t h e artificial defects of
t h e reference test block.

(2) The test method of t h e eddy current examination shall be as specified in

JIS G 0583.

(3) The eddy current examination shall be performed for each pipe and t h e
results shall conform to t h e requirements specified in (1).

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

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J I S G*345b 88 4733608 0048328 I I

G 3456-1988

Applicable Standards:

JIS G 0303-General Rules for Inspection of Steel

JIS G 0321-Product Analysis and its Tolerance for Wrought Steel

JIS G 0567-Method of High Temperature Tensile Test for Steels and

Heat-Resisting Alloys

JIS G 0582-Ultrasonic Examination of Steel Pipes and Tubes

JIS G 0583-Eddy Current Examination of Steel Pipes and Tubes

JIS G 1211-Methods for Determination of Carbon in Iron and Steel

JIS G 1212-Methods for Determination of Silicon in Iron and Steel

JIS G 1213-Methods for Determination of Manganese in Iron and Steel

JIS G 1214-Methods for Determination of Phosphorus in Iron and Steel

JIS G 1215-Methods for Determination of Sulfur in Iron and Steel

JIS G 1253-Method for Photoelectric Emission Spectrochemical Analysis of Iron

and Steel

JIS G 1256-Method for X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometric Analysis of Iron and


JIS G 1257-Atomic Absorption Spectrochemical Analysis of Iron and Steel

JIS Z 2201-Test Pieces for Tensile Test for Metallic Materials

JIS Z 2241-Method of Tensile Test for Metallic Materials

JIS Z 8401-Rules for Rounding off of Numerical Values

COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association

Licensed by Information Handling Services
G 3456-1988
Edition 1

Japanese Text

Established by Minister of International T r a d e and Industry

D a t e of Establishment: 1962-03-01

D a t e of Revision: 1988-07-01

D a t e of Public N o t i c e in Official G a z e t t e : 1988-07-04

I n v e s t i g a t e d by: J a p a n e s e Industrial S t a n d a r d s Committee

Divisional Council on Iron a n d Steel

This English translation is published by:

. J a p a n e s e S t a n d a r d s Association
1-24, Akasaka 4, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107 Japan
O JSA, 1989

hinted in Tokyo by
Hohbunsha Co., Ltd.
COPYRIGHT Japanese Standards Association
Licensed by Information Handling Services

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