001 Bestiarum 5e - Burial Isle (LVL 1-10)

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Liber Obscura 001

“The path to redemption is a treacherous journey walked alone,
each step resonating with the sorrow of a thousand sins."

Lead Designer/Editor-in-Chief: Alexander H. Produced by: Bestiarum Games

Designer/Cartographer: Dorian Pushka

Image Technician: Marina Jukova

his module can be run as a one-shot Adventure Hooks
or as part of a persistent dark fantasy
The adventure starts as the party wakes up on

T campaign using Bestiarum’s Path of

Penitence (PoP) system. Creatures
and items marked with an asterisk (*)
are new. Their information can be
a deserted island after being shipwrecked by a
terrible storm. Decide of the party knew of the
cult activities and came to stop them or
crashed here by chance. You can build the
found at the end of the adventure.
narrative further by starting as the party
prepares for the journey, sets sail, or battles
Tier I. This adventure scales in difficulty
the seething storm!
based on your party’s Average Party Level
(APL). Use the following table to determine
Path of Penitence. If you are running a PoP
the appropriate difficulty for your party. If your
campaign, look to the end of the module for a
party finds the scenario too easy or hard, you
mission briefing and suggestions on crafting
can shift difficulties, even mid adventure!
an immersive dark fantasy experience.


Difficulty APL To start the adventure read this script.

Beginner 1–2
You wake up in a sudden panic, your heart
pounding in your chest. Your throat is
Easy 3–4
parched. Your body covered in bruises. A
layer of coarse sand crusts your face. As you
Medium 5–7 stand on shaking legs, you heave a mass of
seawater from your lungs.
Hard 8 – 10 You remember the sight of the colossal
wave as it crashed into your ship. The sound
of splintering wood as the vessel’s hull was
Starting the Adventure torn apart. The feeling of utter despair as you
A group of cultists have been excavating an were hurled into the cold, black, abyssal
ancient tomb hidden on a deserted island. depths below.
They are harvesting blood from an evil god Steadying yourself, you look around,
entombed within. The blood holds power that finding a rocky island no more than a few
miles long. The shoreline is dotted with
the cultists wish to use in their dark rituals.
jagged reefs and old shipwrecks. High above,
The party must delve into the tomb to stop the
you hear the shrill calls of circling gulls.
cultists. However, the tomb is full of traps,
undead guardians, and restless evils that have
begun to rise because the cult has let the god’s
the corrupted blood seep into the earth.

2 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

Map A: Shipwreck Shore

A2) Drowned Bodies & Crates
Two corpses have washed ashore. Read this
The adventure begins on Shipwreck Shore, script if a PC approaches the area.
represented by Map A.

You find two corpses dressed in rags and

A1) Shipwreck covered in sand. They must have drowned
The party wakes up in this area, near a and washed ashore.
tattered shipwreck. A PC may perform an
Intelligence (Investigation) check to learn
more. A PC may perform an Intelligence
(Investigation) check to learn more.

DC Information Learned
DC Information Learned
5+ The ship is in a very bad condition. It
will never sail again. 10+ The bodies are bloated with signs of
discolored skin. They must have
drowned a few weeks ago.
15+ The wreck looks recent. Only a few
barnacles have attached to the hull
and there is very little bird guano 15+ Ragged scraps covering the bodies
splattered on the deck. It is a few appear to be the shredded remains
weeks old at most. of woolen robes, the type often worn
by cultists.

Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 3

Clues Combined. If the party successfully
You find a viscous pool of burgundy liquid
investigates both the shipwreck and the
soaking into the sand.
drowned bodies with a score of 15 or higher,
they can put the clues together. In this case,
read this script. A PC may perform an Intelligence (Arcana)
check to learn more.

Putting two and two together, you realize the

journey to the island was no less perilous for DC Information Learned
these cultists. Their ship must have been
destroyed by a storm as they approached in 10+ A slow black current eddies beneath
the last few weeks. There are likely more on the liquid’s surface. It must have
the island. Cultists always travel in groups. some magical properties.

15+ The liquid emits a faint evil energy.

Supply Crates
Several crates are strewn about the shore.
20+ The liquid is the corrupted blood of
Most are broken or empty. A PC may spend
an evil god.
five minutes searching them for supplies. Each
time they search, they may roll once on the
following table. After 4 searches, nothing of The blood is dangerous, but it can be used to
value will remain. carefully fill a vial and create a vial of necrotic
d4 Item Discovered Necrotic Blood. The pools of blood deal
necrotic damage to any creature that touches
1 Nothing them.

2 1 empty vial Difficulty Necrotic Damage

3 6d10 sp Beginner 3 (1d6)

4 1 potion of healing Easy 7 (2d6)

Medium 10 (3d6)
A3) Pools of God Blood
Pools of corrupted blood dot the shore. Read Hard 14 (4d6)
this script if a PC approaches one.

4 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

A4) Bone Pile A5) Excavation Entrance
A shield +1 rests on a dense pile of bones. If a Several sets of footprints in the sand lead to a
PC approaches this area, read this script. tunnel entrance made of an old shipwreck.
The tunnel is a narrow earthen passageway
that descends in a winding fashion down
Sheltered from the waves by a rocky outcrop,
below ground.
you find a dense mound of bleached bones.
Atop the bones, untouched by time or tide, a
When the party enters the tunnel proceed to
polished shield gleams dully, reflecting the
dancing light from the cresting waters nearby. the next section of the adventure.

Trap! The party can take the shield but if the

bones are disturbed, undead creatures will
rise and attack. Read this script and place the
enemies nearby.

As you disturb the pile of bones, you hear a

hollow rattling. Withered undead creatures
rise from the ground, turning their sunken
eyes toward you. You have only a second to
prepare yourself!

Difficulty Enemies

Beginner 2 skeletons

Easy 4 skeletons

Medium 2 skeletons
2 risen Scythrians*

Hard 4 risen Scythrians*

Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 5

Map B: Floating Cavern

6 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

B3) Tomb Entrance
A stone bridge connects to an archway
The tunnel descends deep into the earth blocked by a door carved from a single piece
before opening to a floating rock formation in of rock. This is the entrance to the burial
a large cavern. This room holds the entrance tomb. As the party approaches, read this
to the tomb where the cultists have been script. To open the door, they must solve a
harvesting the dark god’s blood. However, to puzzle.
progress further, the party will have to solve a
puzzle to open the tomb door.
A solid stone door blocks your way forward.
The Floating Cavern is represented by Map
Three runes are carved into the door in a
B. Read this script as the party enters.
language you cannot read. On the ground
nearby is the corpse of a cultist. A rusted
You enter the tunnel, following a trail of sword is stabbed in his back and his robes
footprints. The winding passageway descends are soaked in his own blood. Clutched in the
into the earth, reaching deeper and deeper cultist’s hand is a small parchment note.
towards the heart of the island. Half an hour
passes before the narrow tunnel suddenly
opens to a sprawling cavern. Opening the Door
Dim rays of sunlight pierce through a Three large runes are carved into the stone
fissure in the ceiling, illuminating a wondrous door in an ancient language that no one can
sight. A large rock formation floats above a read anymore. The runes must be touched in
bottomless chasm. Bathed in the soft glow, a the order of middle, left, then right. Each rune
small ecosystem has taken root atop the rock. that is touched correctly will begin to glow
Verdant mosses, patches of grass, and even a with a magical blue light.
hardy tree stretches its limbs up towards the
vaulted cavern ceiling. The gentle rush of a
waterfall echoes through the chamber as it
cascades into the mist below.

B1) Entrance Ledge

The party enters the cavern here. An old rope
bridge connects to the floating island. It creaks
and shakes when PCs cross, but it holds.
Wrong Answer. If the wrong rune is touched,
all runes stop glowing and the puzzle resets.
B2) Recent Campsite
Review the hidden alcove in area B4. If any
There is a campfire on the floating rock island. enemies are there, they might attack.
The flame has died but the embers are still
warm. The cult has been here recently.
Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 7
Tomb Door & Cultist Note

8 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

Right Answer. If all runes are touched in the Waking the Guardians. Each time someone
correct order, the door will open. Read this touches the wrong rune on the tomb entrance
script. The passage leads to the next area. door in area B3, a few of the guardians break
out of their sarcophagi and attack to prevent
the intruder from entering the sacred burial
The cavern shudders as the stone door slides
tomb. If twelve guardians have been slain, no
open, revealing a passage fashioned from
more will remain to be awakened.
massive stone blocks. A mechanical grinding
Sunlight Sensitivities. The top of the rock
noise echoes from somewhere within.
island around area B2 is lit by direct sunlight
while the rest of the cavern is only lit by dim
Dead Cultist ambient light.
A dead cultist lies on the ground by the door.
He touched the runes in the incorrect order, B4 AWAKENED GUARDIANS
awakening the undead guardians in the alcove
area B4. The guardian snuck up on him and Difficulty Enemies
ambushed him while he was focusing on
figuring out the puzzle again. Beginner 1 risen Scythrian*
Note. A bloody note in the cultist’s hand
has a passage written in the same language as Easy 1 risen Scythrian*
on the door with a Common translation. It 1 wight
reads “Soul to Enter, Mirror Soul to Escape
Death,” a clue to solve the puzzle door. To Medium 2 risen Scythrians*
open the door, the party must press the runes 1 wraith
that make up the word ‘soul’, as the first line
of the note states. The second line will be Hard 2 risen Scythrians*
useful later. 2 wraiths

B4) Hidden Alcove Opening Tombs. The lids on the twelve

A hidden staircase descends behind a large sarcophagi are heavy. To slide a lid off and
tree at the edge of the floating island. A PC open a coffin, a PC must succeed on a DC 15
can locate the staircase by making a DC 15 Strength check. Inside may be found one of
Wisdom (Perception) check. the enemies that can be awoken by incorrectly
touching the runes on the door in area B3.
Tomb Guardians The enemy should immediately wake up and
The stairs lead to an alcove below the floating attack.
island containing twelve stone sarcophagi.
Each is sealed a slab carved in the likeness of
warriors in repose and contains one resting
undead guardian that protects the tomb.
Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 9
Map C:

The Burial Tomb is represented by Map C.
Read this script as the party enters.
Once the party opens the puzzle door they can
enter the Buried Tomb, an ancient holy site of As you step into the dark passageway, you are
the extinct Scythrian culture. The Scythrians greeted by a gruesome scene. The hallway is
worshiped dark gods which they entombed trapped! The tunnel floor is formed by three
along with their kings and warriors in similar rows of five-foot square flagstone pairs, one
sites filled with traps to keep out pilferers. on the left and one on the right, each marked
Several cultists have already entered the with a rune. To cross, the stones force you to
tomb, though some have died to its traps. The step either on the right or left side thrice
cult has been collecting blood from a buried before reaching the other side safely.
god, hoping to power their dark rituals.

10 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

Buried Tomb

five-foot square flagstone pairs, one on the left

Of the first two flagstones, only the left
and one on the right. Of each pair, one is real
remains. Where the right flagstone should
and safe to stand on, while the other is false
have been is a dead cultist impaled by a
and will crumble when weight is applied to it,
dozen thick metal skewers that jut
dropping anyone on it into a pit trap below.
upwards from a deep pit. His blood is still
To cross safely, the party must step on the
trickling down from his body and dripping
safe flagstone in each of the three rows. A
to the dusty ground below.
cultist who attempted crossing earlier stepped
on the first wrong flagstone already, crumbling
C1 Floor Trap Passage it and falling into the first spike pit. So, the
first safe choice is clear.
A floor trap runs along the entrance of the
tomb. The passage is made of three rows of

Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 11

Wrong Steps. If a PC steps on the wrong
flagstone, it crumbles to dust and the PC falls
into a pit filled with metal spikes below, taking
piercing damage from being impaled. If this
happens, the PC may make a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw to jump five feet in any direction
just before the stone fully crumbles,


Difficulty Piercing Damage

Beginner 5 (1d10)

Easy 11 (2d10)

Safe Flagstones. Each flagstone is carved Medium 16 (3d10)

with a Scythrian rune. The safe ones can be
identified as those which spell ‘soul’, but they Hard 22 (4d10)
are organized in reverse (mirrored) order. The
dead cultist’s note from the doorway puzzle
C2) Saw Trap Passage
hints at this solution stating, ‘mirror soul to
escape death.’ Around a corner is a hallway with a saw trap.
The passage is just five feet wide, forcing all
who pass to brave the traps. Read this passage
when the party approaches the area.

As you delve deeper into the tomb, the

mechanical grinding grows louder. Turning
a corner, you come to another gruesome
scene. Two separate halves of a cultist lie on
the ground, his body bisected by a large
circular saw blade protruding from the wall.
The metal blade clicks and jerks, jammed by
shards of bone and viscera.
On the ground next to the body, in a pool
of blood, is a small wooden chest, a torch
that is still burning, and a parchment scroll.

12 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

Saw Trap Mechanics cultist’s gore is clogging its mechanisms. The
The saw trap consists of two blades. One runs metal blade visibly sticks out of the wall and
along the north wall and the other along the emits a continual mechanical grinding.
south wall. Both saws are wide enough to slice Reactivation. Each time the saw trap is
through the entire passage, so whenever a PC triggered, roll 1d6. On a 1, the south saw re-
attempts to cross the hallway, they will be engages and becomes active. It retreats into
exposed to the danger of both saws. the wall and will be active for all future saw
trap triggers.
Cultist’s Items
Difficulty Slashing Damage On the ground next to the dead cultist are
three useful items. However, each action a PC
Beginner 3 (1d6)
takes in the hallway adds additional time,
triggering the saw trap one more time. As a
Easy 7 (2d6) free action, a PC can safely pick up a single
item while running through the passage.
Medium 10 (3d6) Torch. The first item is a torch that has
burned for a while with 15 minutes of life
Hard 14 (4d6) remaining.
Chest. The second item is a small wooden
chest containing two potions of healing and
Triggering the Trap. When a PC passes
8d10 sp.
through the hallway, both saws are triggered,
Cultist Note. The third item is a Cultist
slicing through the length of the hall if they are
Note which gives a clue as to what the cultists
active. A PC may attempt to dodge the blades
were doing here.
by making a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw for
each active saw.

North Saw (Active). The north blade runs low

to the ground at knee height. It is working
properly, so it is always active. The blade is
retracted into the wall and invisible until the
trap triggers. But a PC may spot a thin,
hidden seam running along the wall revealing
the trap’s presence by making a DC 15
Wisdom (Perception) check.

South Saw (Jammed). The blade along the

south wall runs at waist height. It is currently
jammed and will not active because the
Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 13
C3) Chamber of the God Peering Inside. If a PC successfully
approaches the sarcophagus, they may look
This chamber contains the sarcophagus of the
inside the crack. Read this script.
evil god. Read this script as the party enters.

Fighting your fear, you approach the

In the next chamber you find an enormous
sarcophagus and peer into the crack left by
sarcophagus towering from the floor to
the cultists. Inside, you see an elongated
ceiling. It is made from a smooth bronze
figure adorned in fine robes. It towers well
metal and shaped into curves and ribbed
above you, stretching the length of the coffin.
sections so uniform that no hands nor tools
Four pale arms are folded over its chest. Its
of this world could have made such a thing.
face is hairless and strange, with pallid skin
On the face of the coffin is a carved skull. It is
stretched over a bony skull. The god’s
alien and strange. The cranium is elongated,
otherworldly visage looks both human an
and the jaw filled with rows of flat teeth. The
inhuman, something from a nightmarish
otherworldly design invokes an instinctual
reality or perhaps another time and space.
fear within you, quickening your heartbreak.
You notice a runic inscription carved into
the coffin’s pedestal and see that a section of The Inscription. The puzzle door note does
the casing has been chiseled open at the feet, not contain enough language to translate the
about the size of your palm, from which a
runes on the sarcophagus pedestal. However,
viscous red liquid slowly drips. Several
a comprehend languages spell will reveal it
pickaxes, hammers, and other tools lie on the
say, “Here rests the judge of souls.”
floor nearby. The cultists must have been
hard at work here.
Evil Unleashed
Five minutes after the party inspects the
Inspecting the Sarcophagus interior of the sarcophagus, the evil god will
If a PC attempts to approach within 5 feet of disappear. Read this script.
the sarcophagus, read this script.
A gust of wind blows past you, originating
As you approach the sarcophagus, a primal from the chamber of the dark god. As it
fear suddenly grips you, your mind becomes passes, you hear a voice in your mind, a
clouded and overwhelmed by paranoia. whisper in an ancient tongue, some unknown
phrase of pure evil that makes your hairs
stand on end.
Primal Fear. The approaching PC must make
a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure,
they are frightened of the sarcophagus for the If a PC peers inside the sarcophagus again, a
next 24 hours. They can move towards it but horrible truth is revealed, the god is gone!
cannot approach within 5 feet. Read this this script.

14 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

Roll on the following table for the result. After
Peering inside the sarcophagus, you find only
4 searches, all future searches result in
emptiness. Whatever was once held here has
nothing found.
disappeared. You are horrified to think that
the cultists have unwittingly unleashed some
terrible evil upon the world, some calamity far d4 Search Result
worse than their own nefarious plans.
1 Enemy! (See following table)

C4) Graves of Warriors 2 1d4 baubles worth 10 cp

This area holds piles of mummified Scythrians
soldiers. Their bodies are wrapped in strips of 3 1d4 jewelry pieces worth 10 sp
linen and cloth. They have been laid to rest
here, but some have begun to rise. 4 1d4 gems worth 10 gp

Gas Geysers. The room is filled with geysers

that spew toxic gas into the air, filling the area If the search results in an enemy, the enemy is
with poison. determined according to this table.

Poison Gas. The room is filled with poison

gas geysers. Every 6 seconds, living creatures Difficulty Enemies
in the room must make a DC 10 Constitution
saving throw or take poison damage. Beginner 2 skeletons

Difficulty Poison Damage Easy 1 risen Scythrian*

Beginner 2 (1d4) Medium 2 risen Scythrians*

Easy 5 (2d4) Hard 2 risen Scythrians*

1 wight
Medium 7 (3d4)

Hard 10 (4d4)
C5) Chamber of Kings
This chamber contains ten sarcophagi of
Scythrian kings. A watcher statue watches
Treasures. PCs may search the room for over the room, a symbolic guardian of the
treasure, looking for scattered artifacts or tomb. When the players enter the room, read
cutting open mummy wraps to check for this script.
valuables. Each search takes a PC 6 seconds.
Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 15
Treasures. The PCs may search for treasure
This chamber is lined with rows of human-
by opening the sarcophagi. Each has a heavy
sized sarcophagi, each carved in the likeness
lid that require a DC 15 Strength check to
of a man wearing a crown. Watching over the
open and contains a mummified king adorned
coffins is a statue of a woman with six arms
and four faces. Its lower body is that of a lion, with 4d10 gp worth of jewelry and gemstones.
but its skin is scaled like a snake or a fish. The kings do not rise or attack as the guardian
watcher statue keeps their spirits still.

Guardian Watcher Statue

The watcher statue in the chamber ensures
the undisturbed rest of the kings. It holds a
powerful magical mirror that calms spirits,
destroying any undead in the area. The mirror
also radiates a subtle energy that soothes any
who stare into its surface for a few seconds.
The mirror cannot be removed. Read this
script if a PC inspects the statue.

As you inspect the statue, you feel a restful

calmness in your spirit. Your eyes are drawn
to a large mirror made of polished metal that
the statue holds in its hands. You feel
yourself pulled gently to look into it.

Statue Effects. The watcher statue calms all

lesser undead spirits. Any undead creature of
CR 5 or lower that comes within 30 feet of it
dies immediately.

Mirror Effects. If a creature looks directly

into the mirror, they become momentarily
transfixed by it. The mirror casts the calm
emotions spell on only the viewer, with a DC
of 15. If the spell is cast successfully, it lasts
for one minute.

16 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

C6) Small Alcove You come to a large chamber. At the far end,
A small natural alcove lies along the west wall weak beams of sunlight trickle in from cracks
of area C5. The alcove is filled with poison gas in a shoddy barricade of wooden planks and
geysers. Use the Poison Gas rule from C4. loose stones piled along a section of wall
marred by gouges and cuts, suggesting the
Treasures. PCs may search the alcove for work of pickaxes. There must be a passage to
treasure, looking for scattered jewelry or the surface behind it.
artifacts. Each search takes a PC 6 seconds. As you enter the chamber, you notice
Roll on the following table for the result. After shadows shifting about in the dim light in the
4 searches, all future searches result in corner of your eye. Something is here.
nothing found.
d4 Search Result
Difficulty Enemies
1 Nothing
Beginner 1 risen Scythrian*

2 Nothing
Easy 1 blood of chaos*

3 Nothing
Medium 2 bloods of chaos*

4 1d4 gems worth 50 gp

Hard 1 risen Scythrian*
2 bloods of chaos*
C7) Chamber of the Guardian
This is the final chamber of the tomb. The Destroy the Barricade. At the far end of the
cultists broke through the opposite wall and chamber, a barricade of debris covers the
escaped, after which they boarded up the hole tomb exit. The barricade has an AC of 15 and
with whatever piles of loose lumber, stone, 30 hit points. When it is destroyed, a passage
and other debris they could find, to prevent the is revealed leading back to the surface.
undead horrors of the tomb from chasing after
them. C8) Tunnel to the Beach
Before the party can escape, they must
The tunnel behind the barricade escapes the
contend with some corrupted enemies in this
tomb and leads back to the surface.
room. They can fight or break down the
barrier at the opposite wall to escape. Read
this script when they enter the room.

Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 17

Standard Ending
On the beach, several cultists load barrels of
When the party escapes the tomb, they climb the god’s blood onto a small ship, preparing to
through an earthen tunnel back to a sandy escape the island with their haul. The party
beach, though it should be on a different side has arrived just in time to foil their plans. They
of the island than where they started. On this can escape the island on the cultist’s own ship.
new beach, there should be a serviceable boat Read this script.
for them to escape on.
There are two ending options for this
You emerge from the tomb onto a sun-
adventure, one if you are using the module as
drenched shoreline. At the water’s edge
the PoP starting adventure,
several cultists are busy loading barrels onto
and the other standard
a small ship. It seems you have arrived just in
ending for all other purposes.
time to foil their plans.


Difficulty Enemies

Beginner 3 cultists

Easy 2 cultists
2 thugs

Medium 3 thugs
1 cult fanatic

Hard 4 thugs
2 cult fanatics

PoP Starter Ending

If you are using this module as the
starting adventure for a PoP
campaign, the party has arrived a
moment too late to stop the
cultists. Look at the end of the
module for an alternate ending
and script.

18 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

Blood of Chaos Risen Scythrian
Large monstrosity, chaotic evil Medium undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Armor Class 15 (scale mail)
Hit Points 59 (5d10 + 15) Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.

14 16 16 4 8 8 16 12 14 10 10 10
(+2) (+3) (+3) (-3) (-1) (-1) (+3) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0)

Damage Immunities acid, poison, necrotic Damage Immunities necrotic, poison

Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted, Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9 Languages understands the languages it knew
Languages – in life but can't speak
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Challenge 2 (250 XP)

Corrosive Blood. Whenever this creature takes Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces this
damage, it explodes in a spray of necrotic blood. creature to 0 hit points, it must make a
Every creature within 5 feet must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2 (1d4) necrotic damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or
damage on a failure. from a critical hit. On a success, this creature
drops to 1 hit point instead.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing Multiattack. This creature makes two attacks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Blood Spray. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) damage.
necrotic damage.

Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 19


20 Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle

The Path of Penitence system incorporates
Starting Adventure
all your favorite dark fantasy adventures into
If you are using this module as the starting
an immersive and persistent campaign. Check
adventure in a PoP campaign, it should be the
back with Bestiarum regularly to learn more
party’s first mission for the Crusade. As an
and find new rules and options!
alternate ending the party will escape the
tomb too late to stop the cultists. Read this
Adventure Location alternate ending script to build a bridge to the
This scenario might occur off the southern final starting adventure, Rise of the Jailer.
coast on the Map of the Empire of Azerai.

You emerge onto a sun-drenched shore,

Mission Briefing narrowing in on the cultists. Absent are the
Read this script as the mission briefing. familiar shipwrecks, revealing that you are not
at your initial landing. Several pairs of prints
and a deep gouge run through the sand to
Vozruk the Redeemer summons you to his the lapping waves of the sea.
office, a small yet dignified tent erected in the On the distant horizon, you spot a vessel
Crusade’s military encampment. As you step steadily retreating from the island's grasp. On
inside, the battle-scarred veteran greets you its deck, a group of hooded figures row
with a gruff voice. His keen, hawk-like eyes laboriously away. One figure tends to several
scan you swiftly, evaluating your potential but sizeable wooden barrels, which you guess
keeping any conclusions shrouded within. He must be filled with the evil god’s blood.
unfurls a map, directing your attention to a Urgently surveying your surroundings,
small, nameless island. your eyes alight upon a weathered rowboat—
“My scouts have observed cult activity on a vessel worn and groaning with age, yet still
a small island off the Empire’s southern holding firm. Swiftly, you drag the dilapidated
coast. Your mission is to infiltrate the island craft towards the water's edge, making ready
and put an end to whatever devious plot they to give chase.
are hatching. But be warned. Your approach
will be difficult. The island is protected by
strong currents and frequent storms.” Before starting Rise of the Jailer, make sure to
As you leave the tent, the weight of the advance the party to level 2 and allow them a
mission hangs over you. You are fully aware long rest. In the next installment, the party will
that the fate of the Empire rests upon your investigate the cult’s hideout, an abandoned
shoulders. church hidden in an isolated wood. They must
work quickly to stop the cult from summoning
a horrific demon into the world.

Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 21

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