001 Bestiarum 5e - Burial Isle (LVL 1-10)
001 Bestiarum 5e - Burial Isle (LVL 1-10)
001 Bestiarum 5e - Burial Isle (LVL 1-10)
1 – 10
Lead Designer/Editor-in-Chief: Alexander H. Produced by: Bestiarum Games
Beginner 1–2
You wake up in a sudden panic, your heart
pounding in your chest. Your throat is
Easy 3–4
parched. Your body covered in bruises. A
layer of coarse sand crusts your face. As you
Medium 5–7 stand on shaking legs, you heave a mass of
seawater from your lungs.
Hard 8 – 10 You remember the sight of the colossal
wave as it crashed into your ship. The sound
of splintering wood as the vessel’s hull was
Starting the Adventure torn apart. The feeling of utter despair as you
A group of cultists have been excavating an were hurled into the cold, black, abyssal
ancient tomb hidden on a deserted island. depths below.
They are harvesting blood from an evil god Steadying yourself, you look around,
entombed within. The blood holds power that finding a rocky island no more than a few
miles long. The shoreline is dotted with
the cultists wish to use in their dark rituals.
jagged reefs and old shipwrecks. High above,
The party must delve into the tomb to stop the
you hear the shrill calls of circling gulls.
cultists. However, the tomb is full of traps,
undead guardians, and restless evils that have
begun to rise because the cult has let the god’s
the corrupted blood seep into the earth.
A2) Drowned Bodies & Crates
Two corpses have washed ashore. Read this
The adventure begins on Shipwreck Shore, script if a PC approaches the area.
represented by Map A.
DC Information Learned
DC Information Learned
5+ The ship is in a very bad condition. It
will never sail again. 10+ The bodies are bloated with signs of
discolored skin. They must have
drowned a few weeks ago.
15+ The wreck looks recent. Only a few
barnacles have attached to the hull
and there is very little bird guano 15+ Ragged scraps covering the bodies
splattered on the deck. It is a few appear to be the shredded remains
weeks old at most. of woolen robes, the type often worn
by cultists.
Medium 10 (3d6)
A3) Pools of God Blood
Pools of corrupted blood dot the shore. Read Hard 14 (4d6)
this script if a PC approaches one.
Difficulty Enemies
Beginner 2 skeletons
Easy 4 skeletons
Medium 2 skeletons
2 risen Scythrians*
The Burial Tomb is represented by Map C.
Read this script as the party enters.
Once the party opens the puzzle door they can
enter the Buried Tomb, an ancient holy site of As you step into the dark passageway, you are
the extinct Scythrian culture. The Scythrians greeted by a gruesome scene. The hallway is
worshiped dark gods which they entombed trapped! The tunnel floor is formed by three
along with their kings and warriors in similar rows of five-foot square flagstone pairs, one
sites filled with traps to keep out pilferers. on the left and one on the right, each marked
Several cultists have already entered the with a rune. To cross, the stones force you to
tomb, though some have died to its traps. The step either on the right or left side thrice
cult has been collecting blood from a buried before reaching the other side safely.
god, hoping to power their dark rituals.
Beginner 5 (1d10)
Easy 11 (2d10)
Hard 10 (4d4)
C5) Chamber of Kings
This chamber contains ten sarcophagi of
Scythrian kings. A watcher statue watches
Treasures. PCs may search the room for over the room, a symbolic guardian of the
treasure, looking for scattered artifacts or tomb. When the players enter the room, read
cutting open mummy wraps to check for this script.
valuables. Each search takes a PC 6 seconds.
Liber Obscura 001 – Burial Isle 15
Treasures. The PCs may search for treasure
This chamber is lined with rows of human-
by opening the sarcophagi. Each has a heavy
sized sarcophagi, each carved in the likeness
lid that require a DC 15 Strength check to
of a man wearing a crown. Watching over the
open and contains a mummified king adorned
coffins is a statue of a woman with six arms
and four faces. Its lower body is that of a lion, with 4d10 gp worth of jewelry and gemstones.
but its skin is scaled like a snake or a fish. The kings do not rise or attack as the guardian
watcher statue keeps their spirits still.
2 Nothing
Easy 1 blood of chaos*
3 Nothing
Medium 2 bloods of chaos*
Beginner 3 cultists
Easy 2 cultists
2 thugs
Medium 3 thugs
1 cult fanatic
Hard 4 thugs
2 cult fanatics
14 16 16 4 8 8 16 12 14 10 10 10
(+2) (+3) (+3) (-3) (-1) (-1) (+3) (+1) (+2) (+0) (+0) (+0)
Corrosive Blood. Whenever this creature takes Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces this
damage, it explodes in a spray of necrotic blood. creature to 0 hit points, it must make a
Every creature within 5 feet must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the
Dexterity saving throw, taking 2 (1d4) necrotic damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or
damage on a failure. from a critical hit. On a success, this creature
drops to 1 hit point instead.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing Multiattack. This creature makes two attacks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Blood Spray. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (3d6 + 3) damage.
necrotic damage.