15 03 Hafnermiller
15 03 Hafnermiller
15 03 Hafnermiller
Recent advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), including the development of
various Web 2.0 platforms (O’Reilly, 2005), have contributed to the emergence of new literacy practices
in online contexts. These new practices are characterized by an increased reliance on visual and
hypertextual modes of representation, as well as increased possibilities for interaction and
“communicational action” (Kress, 2003, p. 5). The affordances of new technologies make it possible for
individuals to participate in the production and sharing of digital media and interact with a potentially
global audience, in a way that is largely self-directed (Ito et al., 2008, p. 2). In addition, the new
technologies offer the potential for autonomous language learning, especially in the context of “globalized
online spaces” such as Flickr, YouTube, and FanFiction.net, where it is possible to share and discuss a
range of digital artifacts (Benson & Chik, 2010, p. 63).
Research into these new literacy practices, conducted from the perspective of the “new literacy studies”
(NLS) (Gee, 2008, p. 67), emphasises the need to develop pedagogical strategies that account for “the
burgeoning variety of text forms associated with information and multimedia technologies” (New London
Group, 1996, p. 60). These scholars, working primarily in first language (L1) contexts, point to what they
consider to be problematic differences between traditional literacy education at school and the “everyday
literacies” (Knobel, 1999) which students engage in outside the classroom. They argue that the genres and
practices associated with academic literacy development should more closely parallel the multimodal
literacy practices of students’ everyday lives. Of particular interest to us here is one strand of this
literature, which investigates the ways in which students can make use of digital technology, especially
digital images and video, in order to construct personally meaningful digital stories that reflect the kind of
media which students are exposed to out of class (e.g., Vasudevan, Schultz, & Bateman, 2010). Such
research provides useful insights into issues of pedagogical design for new technologies in second
language contexts.
Although most NLS research has been conducted in L1 contexts, there are a small number of case studies
that focus on second language learning in new media environments (Benson & Chik, 2010; Black, 2005,
2006, 2007; Lam, 2000, 2004, 2006). These studies highlight the potential for such environments to
provide opportunities for self-directed, informal language learning. In this paper, we build upon the
insights of existing research in order to design a technology rich environment that draws upon emerging
literacy practices in order to promote opportunities for language learning. In particular, we evaluate the
potential of such a technological learning environment to foster language learner autonomy. We begin by
reviewing important concepts in autonomy in language learning especially as these relate to new
technologies. Then we describe the implementation of a collaborative student digital video project as part
of a course in English for Science and Technology. Finally, we evaluate the ways in which the
affordances of the associated technological environment allowed the students to take control of their
Autonomy in Language Learning
The concepts behind learner autonomy have been promoted in the literature over the past 30 years and it
is a concept which has attracted interest by language teachers as we have moved toward more
communicative pedagogical approaches which encourage students to participate in their learning more
fully (Miller, 2009). Learner autonomy has been defined as the ability to take control over one’s learning
(Holec, 1988) and is also described as a “capacity for detachment, critical reflection, decision-making,
and independent action” (Little, 1991, p. 4). Learner autonomy, though, can mean different things to
different people (Benson, 2001; Sinclair, 2006), and trying to identify what the ability or capacity of an
autonomous learner is can cause confusion.
Learner autonomy is often mistakenly equated solely with independent out-of-class learning in which
learners are in control of all aspects of their learning process. In this view, an autonomous learner is one
who is intrinsically motivated and learns outside the classroom, alone, and with no need for support from
the teacher. However, learner autonomy can also develop in the structured learning environment of the
classroom and become part of the pedagogical objectives of a language course. When a syllabus is
designed to promote learner autonomy, the focus of the syllabus is clearly on a student-centered approach
(Gardner & Miller, 1999); the teacher is still very much involved in assisting learners with their learning
(Schwienhorst, 2003); the development of learner autonomy can have strong collaborative elements
(Little, 1995); learners can choose to be more or less independent at different points in their learning
process (Dickinson, 1987); and learners can be encouraged to reflect on their learning and ways to
improve it (Little, 1997).
In courses that seek to promote learner autonomy through the use of technology, it can be useful to draw
upon a constructionist view of language learning. A constructionist approach can encourage students “to
learn in a social context and help them to develop an ability to readily create new knowledge, solve new
problems and employ creativity and critical thinking” (Sadik, 2008, p. 488). Such an approach supports
the concepts promoted by collaborative epistemologies and “emphasizes the agency of the learner in the
learning process” (Suthers, 2006, p. 316). Experience is a central notion to constructionist theory as
“knowledge can and can only be generated from experience” (von Glasersfeld, 2000, p. 4). Adopting such
a theoretical approach to course design, the student is viewed as an active agent who brings his or her
unique learning characteristics to the social learning context. Davies and Williamson (1998, p. 10)
maintain that when using a constructionist approach we shift the responsibility for learning onto learners,
which helps to motivate them in their learning processes.
In a classroom-based pedagogical approach that encourages learner autonomy, the teacher creates
opportunities for learners to exercise their capacity for autonomy by providing an environment in which
they can negotiate new roles as learners within the “social context” (Breen, 1986) of the classroom
setting. An example of this approach is the project-based work reported on by writers such as Dam
(1995), and Beckett and Slater (2005). Common threads when using project-based approaches, as
reported in Dam (working with young learners) and Beckett and Slater (working with young adults), are
that: the lessons are not teacher-fronted; the teacher makes use of a range of activities, including learner
diaries, group work, and poster presentations; and students become sensitized to the socialization process
of working collaboratively and adopt different ways of thinking about their language learning. Both Dam
and Beckett and Slater report that their students invested more time and effort into their language learning
and were often proud of the work they had done. By using a project-based approach, new social contexts
for language learning develop in the classroom and there is a shift in roles between teacher and students.
Within this social constructionist view, we align ourselves with Dam’s (1995, p. 1) definition that learner
autonomy “is characterized by a readiness to take charge of one’s own learning in the service of one’s
needs and purposes. This entails a capacity and willingness to act independently and in cooperation with
others, as a socially responsible person.”
The development of the capacity and willingness to act independently is perceived by many as an
important goal in language education. To do this, an appropriate learner-autonomy-based pedagogy, for
example project-based learning, should be adopted. Schwienhorst (2007) maintains that such a learner-
autonomy-based pedagogy supports reflection, interaction, experimentation, and participation of learners,
and that technology can play an important role. However, different technologies have their own particular
affordances and constraints, and as a result support the development of learner autonomy in different
ways. It is therefore necessary to consider the potential benefits of the technological environment we ask
our students to engage with and consider how effective particular technologies might be as a learning
New Technologies and New Literacy Practices in Language Learning
It is often assumed that the use of technology in language teaching and learning fosters learner autonomy
by providing learners with easy access to a range of resources, tools, and environments for out-of-class
learning (Benson, 2001; Motteram, 1997). However, in order to develop an approach to technology
capable of fostering learner autonomy we must recognize that pedagogy and technology are inter-related.
It is necessary to draw on an appropriate student-centered pedagogy, as well as consider the affordances
of particular technological tools for autonomous language learning and how students will utilize these
affordances (Hafner & Candlin, 2007; Schwienhorst, 2007). Case studies into language learners’ informal
out-of-class learning in emerging communicative contexts provide a useful starting point in understanding
these affordances.
Benson and Chik (2010) point out that emerging globalized online spaces provide new opportunities for
language learning to occur autonomously as part of learners’ everyday literacy practices. An early case
study of this kind of autonomous learning is provided by Lam (2000) who describes the way in which a
US-based Hong Kong Chinese teenager (Almon) established a J-pop Web site and made use of a range of
ICTs to interact with online chat mates from all over the world. This self-directed, out-of-class learning
had a significant impact on Almon’s development of English. Lam (p. 476) comments that “whereas
classroom English appeared to contribute to Almon’s sense of exclusion or marginalization (his inability
to speak like a native), which paradoxically contradicts the school’s mandate to prepare students for the
workplace and civic involvement, the English he controlled on the Internet enabled him to develop a
sense of belonging and connectedness to a global English-speaking community.” This and similar case
studies (Black, 2005, 2006, 2007; Lam, 2004, 2006) provide useful insights into the potential for
technology rich environments to provide opportunities for informal, autonomous language learning. In
designing technological learning environments in formal language learning settings, there is much to be
gained by emulating the design of globalized online spaces.
[Digital storytelling] can provide a voice to struggling readers and writers who might not
otherwise find an authentic means of expression. It places the technology in the hands of the
learner, allowing him or her to control its use within objectives that are carefully constructed by
the teacher.
In digital storytelling projects, the use of multimedia technology allows learners to create a multimodal
artifact which, unlike many academic writing tasks, strongly resembles texts that students encounter
through the media as part of their everyday lives. However, some caveats are in order. Language teachers
planning a digital story project must encourage students to focus on the story, not the technology (Kajder
& Swenson, 2004; Ohler, 2006) and focus on issues of language use (Gregori Signes, 2008).
This brief review suggests that digital storytelling projects have a number of features that lend themselves
to the promotion of language learner autonomy. Such projects would provide a social context or learning
environment within which learners are able to interact with one another as well as experiment with a
range of digital video technology in order to create personally meaningful multimodal artifacts.
Furthermore, learners’ ability to use such digital video technology to capture and play back their own
performances as well as the performances of others would facilitate reflection on their language learning.
However, there is as yet little empirical second language education research examining the affordances of
digital storytelling projects to motivate second language learners and foster autonomy in the language
learning classroom. In this paper, we describe and evaluate the implementation of one such digital video
project, focusing on the ways in which the technological learning environment supported autonomy in
language learning. Our investigation is guided by the following research questions: Does the
technological learning environment promote autonomous language learning? If so, how?
evaluate the effectiveness of their team functioning, by completing a short questionnaire on possible
problems (following the procedure suggested by Oakley, Felder, Brent, & Elhajj, 2004). The main
purpose of this last strategy was to raise students’ awareness of potential problems and provide a platform
for discussion of such problems if the need should arise.
Design of the Technological Learning Environment
For the purposes of this paper, we use the term technological learning environment in a broad sense to
include the full range of technological tools and resources used to support the learning process. The
technological learning environment was primarily designed to support students in their project work,
especially the planning, construction, and sharing of the scientific documentaries. The design followed a
modular system, incorporating a range of technological tools, which include: (a) learning management
system for course administration, (b) course Weblog for weekly reflective discussions on coursework, (c)
DV cameras and editing software for video production, (d) resources Web site for support with video
editing software (in the form of screencasts), (e) YouTube channel for sharing the videos created. The
architecture of the technological learning environment can be conceptualized in terms of the stages of the
English for Science project, as illustrated in Figure 1.
in the course Weblog, allowing students to post comments and feedback about the final products. This
online sharing was supplemented by a face-to-face sharing session in class, in which students viewed each
others’ documentaries and provided feedback. The aim of this session was to allow students the
opportunity to showcase their work and celebrate the creation of the documentaries.
The use of technology in the English for Science project was always matched by face-to-face sessions,
designed to provide students with the necessary support and scaffolding. In this sense, the technology was
seamlessly integrated into course procedures and served to extend the learning environment in two
important ways. Firstly, by using digital video, students were able to create a multimodal artifact, drawing
on new (as well as traditional) literacies to incorporate images, movies, music, and audio narration into
their documentaries. Secondly, in using the Internet to research and share their projects, students went
beyond the traditional four walls of the classroom, drawing on authentic online sources to inform their
projects and targeting an authentic, potentially global audience with their scientific documentaries.
Data Sources and Analytical Methods
In order to evaluate the video project innovation, we adopted a qualitative interpretive approach (Davis,
1995; Richards, 2003), aiming to provide a contextually rich account of the learning environment under
investigation. Such an approach is particularly appropriate, we argue, for the evaluation of complex
technological learning environments where numerous factors meet and interact as part of a dynamic
learning ecology (van Lier, 1998): technology, people, processes, social and institutional constraints.
With so many competing factors it is sometimes difficult to isolate contextual variables and establish
clear relationships of cause and effect. A qualitative interpretive approach to evaluation assumes that the
in-depth, “thick” description (Geertz, 1973) of a particular technological learning environment, based on a
variety of data sources, can account for the range of contextual factors and yield insights into the social
behaviour of actors in that environment.
As noted earlier, the participants in this study were drawn from a cohort of 67 university science students
participating in a course in EST. The students were first surveyed through an anonymous questionnaire
(59 responses), with both open and closed items (see Appendix A). This questionnaire was followed up
by semi-structured focus-group interviews (see Appendix B) with approximately one third (21) of the
students. In addition, the majority of students (62) reflected on their language learning in their weekly
comments to the course Weblog.3 As course designers and teachers of the EST course in focus, our
analysis of these primary data sources was also informed by our continuous involvement (over a period of
more than two years) in the research site: weekly lessons with students, ongoing conversations as well as
a formal focus group interview with the program leaders from students’ major subjects (i.e., Applied
Biology, Applied Chemistry, Environmental Science and Management, Mathematics). Such intense and
prolonged engagement is characteristic of a rigorous design in qualitative interpretive research (Miles &
Huberman, 1994, p. 6). Finally, as teachers of this EST course, it is worth noting that standard procedures
of ethical research were followed, with students participating in the evaluation providing informed
consent for the collection of data. The primary data sources are summarized in Table 1.
The analysis of qualitative data collected (i.e., open questionnaire responses, interview transcripts, and
Weblog comments) was carried out by a small team of researchers, all teachers on the EST course. The
data analysis was facilitated by the use of qualitative data analysis software, MaxQDA (Belous, 2010),
allowing for the easy coding, annotation, and retrieval of data (see Weitzman, 2003 for a review of such
software). This software allows researchers to discover patterns in a bottom-up way, by coding important
extracts, or segments, of the data. As the analysis proceeds, researchers can group similar codes in a tree-
like code system in order to establish key emerging themes and relationships among them.
In the present study, the research team met and worked together to code a portion of the data, discussing
the rationale for identifying particular emerging themes and categories. Next, the remaining data were
coded by individuals according to the agreed categories. Finally, the research team met again in order to
review the analysis and suggest refinements to the categories adopted. This process of constant
comparison of codings, categories, and relationships in the data is important to ensure trustworthiness in
qualitative data analysis (see Richards, 2003). Figure 2 shows the complete code system which emerged
from the analysis (due to the volume of data only some of the sub-codes are displayed). After analysis,
there were a total of 1,169 coded segments grouped into 10 primary categories and 52 subcategories.
In this section we consider how the digital video project and associated technological learning
environment appear to have promoted some form of learner autonomy, that is encouraged students to take
responsibility for, monitor, and reflect on their learning. The main themes emerging from the data are:
motivation, authenticity, independent learning, teamwork, peer-teaching, and reflection on learning. For
each theme we describe students’ perceptions of the reported behaviour, as evidenced by extracts from the
questionnaire, focus-group interviews, and Weblog comments. In order to protect the identity of student
participants, students’ names are replaced with pseudonyms, following standard reporting practice in
qualitative inquiry.
The digital video project task appears to have been highly motivational for students. Their comments
show that they found the project to be novel, fun, and challenging. Many of the students commented that
the process of making a video was new to them, and some also observed that it was different to the kind
of traditional academic reading and writing that they were used to:
[The most enjoyable thing about the video project is] to learn to make a video, because such work
is new to me and I find it interesting to learn it. [Questionnaire ID54]
It’s very different than what we’ve done in the past year. We only did presentations and probably
like lab projects. This is very different to us. So, it is challenging but I think it’s at the same time
makes you to be more creative. You can be like add your own creativity into it instead of just
reading and writing. [Focus group, Jane]
Thus, the novelty of the project appears to have caught the imagination of the students. When asked what
they enjoyed about the video project, students commented especially on conducting their experiment, the
video recording process, and sharing their projects, all of which they characterized as a fun process. It
made them laugh and gave them a sense of satisfaction:
[The most enjoyable thing about the video project is] to shoot the video together and share our
video. The process is funny, and we can make friends with many people. When sharing our video,
I do feel that our efforts are worthy. [Questionnaire ID10]
[The most enjoyable thing about the video project is] shooting, we got some funny shots while
taking [video]. It made us laugh. [Questionnaire ID27]
Finally, some students commented that the project presented a special challenge, which they appeared to
respond to in a positive way:
Yeah, I also enjoyed because this is a new kind of learning. So we never met such challenging in
high school, so maybe it was a new approach for us to learn how to apply our knowledge in this -
making a video in this aspect was very special and this is a new challenge and I think it’s
interesting, yeah. [Focus group, Dan]
This last comment must be balanced against the perceptions of some students, that they had encountered
problems using the technology. In some cases it seems that they were rather ambitious and so became
frustrated that their technical abilities limited the quality of their final product, though it should be noted
that all did in fact succeed in producing interesting videos:
I think, uh, we learned how to use the editing software, but I think it is really difficult to use this
software because we haven’t used that software before and so we edited the movie and we face
many technical problems. [Focus group, Mark]
It [the challenging thing] must be making the animation because we don’t want to simply catch
the animation from the video that we can find in YouTube. We just want to create by ourselves but
our technique is really low… And sometimes we cannot transfer what we think into the video to
present to the others… [Focus group, Nancy]
On the whole, students met the challenge of learning new IT skills head on and in most cases reported that
they enjoyed being given the opportunity to develop such skills.
Linked to the above comments on motivation is students’ perception of the digital video project as a
meaningful and authentic task. Several students commented that this kind of task was suitable for “21st
century” students and that the ability to create multimedia presentations could be useful for other courses
and when they entered the job market:
Actually, in this project, I learned many skills besides case studies or content: the technique of
making a video, also as we said before the presentation skills. It also let us become more creative
and I have many other subjects require us to present in the class. And I would like to use more
multimedia in my presentation later on and I think it would be attract my audience. [Focus group,
[The most useful things learned were] the procedures and element to make a documentary. I think
as a 21st university graduates, it’s better if we have some knowledge of multimedia production.
[Questionnaire ID33]
In addition, many (though not all) students envisaged that their work would be viewed by a wide Internet
audience, not only their class teacher. As a result of this perception, students put more effort into the final
version of the video. The students understood that the teacher would assess their work, but it seemed
equally important to showcase their best work to a larger audience of their classmates, friends via social
networks, and the general public who might view their YouTube videos:
Uh, I will consider the teacher will be the first audience because, uh, his documentary is a
homework for me. [Focus group, Colin]
Because, um, a lot of people may [view] it not just our class, classmates, so I would do it, I will
pay more effort to do it and I also will treat the documentary as a real documentary because it’s
just like the documentary done by BBC or some others, although the topic is quite simple or quite
basic… [Focus group, Joyce]
Independent Learning
In constructing their digital videos, students reported two kinds of independent learning: independently
practising and using English, and independently searching for information related to the content of the
video or the use of technological tools. Students commented that the video project “forced” them into
practising their English. For instance, they were engaged in writing a script for the video, and then while
filming, students mentioned that they had to re-take shots many times, thereby practising their oral
English more. Some students described how the requirement to identify volunteers for their experiment
brought them into contact with exchange students, whom they talked to in English. And of course, the
students used English when presenting their ideas on the video:
Taking videos was the most enjoyable aspect because I can work with different people, volunteers
and communicate with them. This action forces me to use English to communicate and it’s
sometimes quite interesting. [Questionnaire ID57]
I also have record many times as I was responsible for the discussion part and [pause] and every
time I record and then I listen to my voice, I just think that my pronunciation, my intonation is not
good enough and I try to record it again and again. [Focus group, Cath]
As well as language practice, students reported being engaged in independent exploration of Internet
resources when doing background research for the scientific documentary. In addition, they also reported
using Internet resources in order to learn how to use the technology needed to construct the digital video.
Although support for the relevant tools was provided through screencasts on a dedicated resources Web
site, students preferred to do their own independent exploration:
That’s [the resource Web site is] one thing, but most of the time we Google it. [Focus group,
I would download some software from the Internet and just read the instruction, how to use it and
try, and trial and error. So this is my way to overcome the technical problem. [Focus group, Dan]
Thus, students intuitively made use of the Internet as a tool for exploratory, just-in-time learning.
Teamwork and Managing the Learning Process
As noted earlier, an important feature of project-based learning is the opportunities it presents for
collaborative learning as part of a team. There were many comments from students relating to this
teamwork aspect of the project, with students describing how they learned to monitor not only their own
learning process, but that of the whole group. Most students felt that it was necessary for one member of
the group to take a leadership role, in order to facilitate time management and to co-ordinate the efforts of
the whole team. In this respect, students emphasized the importance of good communication between
team-mates for effective team functioning:
[As team leader] I have to set up the schedule, the planning and talk to my group mates about the
time we are going to do and before what day we have to finish this task and I have to distribute
the work to them. [Focus group, Dan]
I think, um, the [pause] the regular meeting is very important… and also communication because
if you have any problem and you don’t tell others, so no one can help you to solve it. [Focus
group, Yong]
I can learn how to arrange everything in a limited time and get the work done. It is essential to
have a planning before work so that in case a problem occurs there is still a room and time for
correction and improvement. [Questionnaire ID20]
Students also described how they managed their own and team-mates’ roles on the project. They realized
that the project was too involved and complex for them to do on their own, and as a result most groups
negotiated specialist roles for individuals with particular skills or interests:
From this project, I learned how to know our own strength and weaknesses so that to divide the
job or divide different people into doing different kinds of the assignments… So, um, also, I think
my group have very good teamwork because, uh, for me, I’m working as for editing and Paul, uh,
working as actor and Ralph for researching some information and writing the scripts. So I think
it’s very effective. [Focus group, Vee]
This kind of specialization was restricted to a degree by a course requirement that every member of the
team must present a (roughly equal) portion of the documentary. This requirement was adopted in order
to ensure that all members of the team would practice English presentation skills as part of the project.
Peer Teaching
The collaborative group work project created a social context for learning which provided ample
opportunities for peer teaching, either peer teaching of English or peer teaching of technology skills.
Many of the students said that they turned to their team-mates for help in correcting their English while
preparing the video:
I learned so much from my group mates because for me, my English is not good. But for my
group mate, they have a good, good language, yes, so they help me for, uh, editing this video very
much. [Focus group, Colin]
Furthermore, as students had adopted specialist roles to facilitate the team-work, they sometimes had to
pass on their specialist knowledge, for instance of the English technical terms used in the script, to other
team members responsible for editing the video:
For example, actually the script of the theory part is written by Janet and I’m going to edit it. And
if she don’t explain the words to me, what is the theory about, [then] I must consume so much
time on understanding the script… And so, she helped me out. [Focus group, Nancy]
Peer teaching was also a focus of discussion and feedback when learning to use the technology or finding
suitable content for the video. In several cases students immediately identified someone in their group
who was techno-savvy and who they could rely on to take care of the technical side of the project, or who
could teach them how to do it:
For the technical challenges, I think I’m very lucky because I have Chris to help to us solve all
the problem. [Focus group, Yong]
The problem is that I haven’t made a video before. I have just learn some from my groupmates.
[Questionnaire ID04]
Significantly, peer teaching was not limited to peers in the same group or even peers in the same class.
Some students described how they shared their YouTube videos with friends and how the feedback that
their friends provided in response enabled them to notice problems in their own performances:
The students from the unit course and my friends are also my target audience because the
students will give some comments on the video and my friends can also comment on the video
before the deadline of my assignment so I can correct some mistake. [Focus group, Ian]
Later we also watch the final products many times I think and showed it to my friends.
[Laughing]…and they also pointed out something that I should improve later… like you don’t
need to nod my head all the times. [Focus group, Terry]
Such peer feedback would not have been possible if it were not for the technological affordances of the
digital video, to create a permanent record of the performance capable of being shared through the
Reflection on Learning
Related to the notion of peer feedback are the weekly interactions in the course Weblog, similar to
interactions in an online discussion forum, which provided students with an opportunity to reflect on their
learning. Of particular interest here are students’ responses to the week seven post, where students’
YouTube videos were embedded and shared. The post invited students to comment on each others’
performances. An analysis of student comments shows that they were oriented towards issues of:
language proficiency and presentation, content, and affect (e.g., showing support).
Throughout this video, there isn’t any subtitle. But I think since the pronunciations of narrators
are good most of the time, it doesn’t affect the concept-understanding of the viewers. The
language control is perfect; good English and good usage of certain words and sentences.
[Weblog post, Sai Hee, October 22nd, 2009 at 8:56 pm]
Finally we have finished our filming! I think we all have done well in this project as most of us
have never done this before! Watching the documentaries of other team we can know more about
the inadequacy in our video. For example, Bill’s group does impress me the most! The filming
technique is perfect and the video shows well balanced in both entertainment and academic
aspect. We watch their video with our full attention, just like watching a real TV show! It is a very
amazing and professional documentary! [Weblog post, Mark, October 19th, 2009 at 7:57 pm]
Thus, commenting on the digital videos in the course Weblog allowed students to celebrate their
achievements and reflect, albeit in general terms, on content and use of English in the videos. It is
possible that this evaluation of peers’ digital video projects, mediated as it is by online writing, helps
students to achieve a degree of reflective detachment which would otherwise not be possible (e.g., in the
context of the in-class sharing session).
We were guided in examining the data gathered from the study by the following research questions: Did
the technological learning environment promote autonomous language learning? If so, how?
The students’ reported practices and perceptions illustrate the way in which the technological learning
environment afforded opportunities for autonomous language learning. Students’ comments suggest that
they found the digital video project to be novel, fun, challenging, and meaningful. Their comments also
indicate that they invested heavily in the digital video project and were motivated to take control over
many aspects of their learning: independently practising and using English in the preparation of their
videos, independently exploring the Internet when searching for information, working as a team to
monitor each other’s learning, eliciting and providing peer support for issues of language and content,
utilizing the course Weblog as an online space for reflection on learning. These reports show that the
digital video project and associated technological learning environment provided students with
opportunities to take control of their learning and that students took advantage of these to exercise their
capacities as autonomous learners.
In the context of this digital video project, the exercise of learner autonomy observed can be attributed
both to the pedagogy adopted, and the particular affordances of the technology used. First, the complexity
of the digital video project, as well as the careful way in which it was scaffolded, encouraged students to
cooperate in ways that fostered peer teaching and raised awareness of important aspects of the learning
process, such as time management. The project-based learning methodology allowed us to create a
realistic social context, within which learner autonomy could develop. Second, the use of digital video
provided students with a record of their own spoken performances, which they were able to view and
evaluate immediately. This frequently led students to notice their own weaknesses, motivating them to
practice and improve. By viewing their video, students were able to develop the necessary critical
detachment to reflect effectively on their language learning. In addition, the potential to share the videos
through the Internet both motivated students, and provided them with further opportunities for peer
feedback and support.
In their comments, students emphasized that the technological learning environment afforded the
possibility to write for a real audience, and that this motivated them to put more effort into the
construction of the documentary. Other studies into the use of digital video highlight the importance of
providing learners with the opportunity to select personally meaningful content (e.g., Vasudevan, et al.,
2010). In this study, students were provided with a topic that was intended to reflect the kind of academic
work that they were doing for their major subject, following principles of course design in English for
Specific Purposes. Here, it appears that students perceived meaning in the task because they felt that they
were writing for a real audience in an online space that they were familiar with (i.e., YouTube and the
course Weblog). Indeed, a number of existing studies highlight the motivating potential of writing for an
authentic audience in such spaces (Black, 2005, 2006, 2007; Lam, 2000, 2004, 2006). In spite of this
potential, it is not uncommon in educational settings for teachers to hide students’ work behind a
protective firewall within an institutional intranet or learning management system. Such practices,
understandable as they are, make it impossible for students to interact with a wider audience, and may
therefore bring the meaningfulness of the coursework into question.
In the present study, students were using tools and media which they were familiar with from their own
lives and which, as 21st century digital citizens, they regarded to be important to master. It seems likely
that students perceived the digital video task as useful because they are themselves very aware of the
ways in which communication practices are evolving in the digital age to rely more on multimodal
content. We argue that in light of these developing communication practices, there is a need to rethink the
scope of the language curriculum in order to include the construction of multimodal texts, in the same
way as literacy instructors in L1 contexts (Bull & Kajder, 2004; Kajder & Swenson, 2004; Marquez-
Zenkov & Harmon, 2007). Refocusing the curriculum in this way would help to re-establish its relevance
to students’ literacy practices in informal, out-of-class contexts. The language classroom would become a
place where students learn how to combine digital image and digital video with other semiotic resources
such as written text, in order to effectively convey meaning, on their own terms and through a medium
that makes sense to them.
This study suggests an approach to the design of language courses which aim to foster the development of
language learner autonomy. Our experience shows that a structured learning environment can be designed
to emulate the kind of informal learning opportunities found in learners’ unstructured learning
environments (see Gardner & Miller, 1999, p. 57). The technological learning environment described in
the present study is designed to draw upon the media and tools which students utilize in their
unstructured, out-of-class learning. In the design, we have been assisted by new literacy studies that
describe the affordances of new technologies and globalized online spaces to create out-of-class learning
opportunities. These same studies also point to problematic differences in school literacy practices
compared to students’ everyday literacy practices (e.g., Knobel, 1999). Indeed, the kind of autonomous
language learning that we have described in this paper is only possible if it has the full support of the
institution and its language teachers. First, it requires unfettered access to the Internet, which cannot
necessarily be taken for granted in all educational settings. Second, language teachers must be willing to
adopt a more facilitative role, moving from “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side”. In this, they need
to be supported by the institution, which must redefine language teaching and learning to include the kind
of complex, high-level project-based learning that we have illustrated here.
In this paper, we have described the implementation of a digital video project for language learning, as
used with undergraduate university science students. We have evaluated the digital video project in order
to show the potential of the technological learning environment to provide opportunities for autonomous
language learning. As a case study of one course in one tertiary institution, the study is necessarily an
exploratory one. We do not intend to suggest that the practices reported here are uniform and indeed there
is likely to be some variation in the way that different students approached the digital video project.
Rather, our intention is to highlight the potential of the technological learning environment designed here,
in order to make suggestions for best practice.
The findings of the study show how it is possible to draw upon students’ literacy practices in
unstructured, informal learning contexts in order to design a technological learning environment capable
of fostering learner autonomy in a structured setting. As we have seen, the students in this study took
advantage of the affordances of the technological learning environment in order to exercise high degrees
of autonomy. We argue that students invested in this digital video project because: (a) students were
engaged in a 21st century task utilizing multimodal texts, media, and online environments that were
meaningful to them; and (b) students were able to share their videos through the Internet, engaging an
authentic audience including not only their peers but also their other social networks and the wider
public. Thus, student learning in this project was not confined to the classroom in the traditional way.
Rather, as students shared their videos, the traditional boundaries of the classroom broke down and
learning extended into virtual spaces that were under the control of the learners, not the teachers. We have
now entered a digital age which is characterized by widespread participation in globalized, online spaces
which offer rich opportunities for informal, self-directed learning. The findings of this study suggest that
language educators may draw upon the architecture of such spaces in order to design opportunities for
autonomous learning in formal contexts.
What would you like to change about the video project? Why?
1. This paper draws on research conducted as part of a Teaching Development Project: Oral Presentations
of Academic Projects: Developing Multiliteracies through English for Science. The project is funded by
the Hong Kong University Grants Committee (TDG 6000302, City University of Hong Kong).
2. Examples of supporting teaching material for the English for Science project and examples of the
digital video created by students is documented in greater detail at
3. Examples of students’ Weblog comments can be viewed at http://en2251.edublogs.org.
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