COWI Report-Micro
COWI Report-Micro
COWI Report-Micro
in association with
Parallelvej 2
2800 Kongens Lyngby
TEL +45 56 40 00 00
FAX +45 56 40 99 99
MARCH 2013
1 Introduction 6
2 Objectives 7
3 Project Boundary 8
5 Data Background 14
5.1 Rainfall data 15
5.2 Catchment data 18
5.3 Land use map of existing condition 19
5.4 Land use zoning map for future condition 23
5.5 Soil data 27
5.6 Network data 27
5.7 Infiltration and other inflows 29
5.8 Water level boundary conditions 30
6 Design standards 32
7 LiDAR survey 33
8 Modelling 34
8.1 Hydrological Model 34
8.2 Pipe flow Model 36
8.3 Other utilities 41
9 Model Application 42
9.1 Design 42
10 Production Environment 50
11 References 57
Appendix A Example of staff members 58
USD US Dollars
1 Introduction
This report constitutes the Urban Drainage Design Report for the project
'Update/upgrade of the Hydrologic-Hydraulic Model and New Micro-Drainage
System Model for Greater Colombo Basin'.
The project is carried out by the Consultant consisting of COWI A/S (Denmark)
and Lanka Hydraulic Institute, LHI (Sri Lanka) in corporation with SLLRDC and
CMC in Sri Lanka.
COWI has visited CMC and assisted training the staff during three visits conducted
respectively on the 25th to the 30th June, the 23th to the 29th June and the 21st
September to the 4th October 2012.
2 Objectives
The study is structured along a set of objectives focused on lowering the flood risk
in the Greater Colombo Basin.
COWI has assisted CMC in creating and deploying an urban drainage model based
on Mike Urban software, for the assessment of the urban drainage system. The
assistance has been divided over a set of visits.
COWI's assistance has mainly focused on supporting CMC to become skilled with
the use and application of the Mike Urban software and the process of designing
storm water utilities.
6 Evacuation procedures
For CMC, applying a simulation model for planning of the urban drainage system
is new and the need for support in the initial phases of development is required in
order to meet the above listed objectives.
3 Project Boundary
The storm drainage systems have been divided into two segments. First segment
that defines the primarily larger natural drainage canals termed the "Macro
Drainage System" and a second segment that primarily defines the man-made
channels and conduits forming part of the urban drainage system termed the
"Micro Drainage System".
The definition can be imprecise as parts of the natural canal system have been
upgraded with concrete wall embankments replacing the original natural
The responsible authority for the Macro Drainage System is SLLRDC under the
Ministry of Defence. The responsible authority for the Micro Drainage System is
The project area consists of the greater Colombo basin as shown in Figure 3-1.
The management of the micro systems for greater Colombo basin is divided
between six authorities each covering specific catchments. The location of the
catchment for each of the six authorities is shown in Figure 3-2.
The current study is focused on the micro drainage system that lies within the
jurisdiction of CMC.
However the areas outside CMC's jurisdiction have grown significantly and
especially KOMC's and DLMC's catchments are densely urbanized. The
development of the infrastructure in those areas is also limited and flooding
frequently reported.
The need for capacity building of the surrounding authorities is equally required
and it would be natural to extend the current program to include these authorities
once the current project has obtained sufficient knowledge.
Intervention scheme no. 15, the scheme with the highest priority, has been selected
as the "front-runner" project. COWI and CMC have jointly decided to focus on this
intervention scheme as an example that can be used for work on the other
intervention schemes.
The total construction sum in flood protection over the period is expected to be
30.5 mio USD equivalent to 3,245 mio. LKR. The investment will be funded
through a World Bank loan of 100 m USD to the Government of Sri Lanka. The
loan will also fund upgrade of the Macro-Drainage system as well as the required
data collection.
The design team appeared to be light in resources as the staff was limited to 11
engineers from which 4 engineers were dedicated to modelling. Preferable the staff
members in the design team should be increased from 11 to 15 staff members. The
full study including supervision, support functions and project management should
be between 40-50 engineers.
The 4 staff dedicated to the modelling activity is sufficient, but it is important that
the team can continue with the modelling without being interrupted by preliminary
or detailed design activities. A proposal of an organisation is given under Appendix
A. The proposed organisation must be seen as guidance considering the suggested
time plan.
Below is a description of the model work so far. The intention is that CMC, with
limited assistance during the initial phase, will be able to solely conduct the
required studies.
5 Data Background
The micro drainage model requires a range of input data in order to simulate water
levels and flow in the micro drainage network. The model consists of two
components, a hydrological model that describes the run-off in terms of surface
flow on catchments and a network model that describes the flow of water in the
drainage canals and conduits.
› Rainfall data
› Catchment data
› Soil data
› Network data
› Manholes
The location of the rain gauges and the project area for respectively the macro
drainage system and the micro drainage system is shown in Figure 5-1 below.
under reference Ref. 1 "Heavy rainstorms occur mainly in the Southwest Monsoon
period from May to September and occasionally in the two Inter-monsoon periods
(March-April and October-November) as well".
Rainfall (mm)
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Figure 5-2 Average Monthly Rainfall observed in Colombo (Source: Meteorological Office
in Colombo)
2 yr
5 yr
Rainfall Intensity (mm/h)
10 yr
25 yr
50 yr
100 yr
10 100 1000
Rainfall Duration (min)
Figure 5-3 Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves developed for 1-100 years return period
based on data from Colombo rain gauge (source Ref. 1, Section 11Appendix
Most of the micro-drainage catchments are small in size and the time of
concentration, i.e. the time it takes for surface run-off to flow from the most distant
point on the catchment to the manhole, is short. For most catchments the time of
concentration is in the range of 5-10 minutes.
The IDF relation has been extrapolated to derive a 60 min hyetograph based on 5
min. alternating blocks for the design of the micro-drainage system. The IDF
relation can be expressed as:
I = Intensity [mm/hr]
a,b,c = constants.
Duration [minutes]
The hyetograph is derived for a 10 year return period rainfall, which is the design
frequency for the micro drainage system. The hyetograph for the design rainfall is
shown in Figure 5-4.
Rainfall (mm)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (min)
The total rain depth for the 1 hour rainfall is 103 mm. The provided hyetograph
forms part of the design basis.
The DTM is using the standard Sri Lankan SLD-99 projection. The parameters for
the SLD-99 projection is shown in Table 5-1.
COWI has just completed a LIDAR survey and the data has been processed (see
section 7. The LIDAR survey will provide a better basis for the micro-drainage
COWI recommends to compare the existing DTM with the LIDAR based DTM
prior to importing the DTM data into the model.
This can be done by the ArcGIS spatial analyst software (CMC will receive a
license for the spatial analyst). Larger deviations would indicate where impacts on
the modelling results and update of the network data will be required.
During the current study a LIDAR survey of the Greater Colombo Catchment has
been completed resulting in a more precise DTM (see Section 7). In the 2012
version of Mike Urban catchment delineation can be done automatically using a
DTM so once CMC has received the 2012 version of the software it is
recommended to update the catchment delineation using the new DTM.
For the Intervention Scheme 15, the slope was determined for 3 zones. A flat zone
upstream with 0.2 % slope, an area with steep slope towards Marine Drive with a
slope of 1.0 % and last zone at the coast line with a slope of 0.2 %.
The land use maps were updated to year 2010 by overlaying the 2000 land use data
on a recent 'GeoEye' satellite image provided by the National Water Supply &
Drainage Board. After that the categories in the right column of Table 6.2 were
updated manually. The GeoEye image only covered part of the basin see Figure
The remaining area, not covered by GeoEye, was covered by Google satellite
images which were less good in resolution. However, it was judged that the Google
images were sufficient accurate for the present purpose.
The shape files of the land use maps from year 2000 and year 2010 are provided in
electronic form as part of the Consultant's delivery.
The figure below (Figure 5-6) shows the division of the basin into a number of sub-
basins. These sub-basins are mainly used for providing rainfall-runoff input for the
hydraulic model. However, the sub-catchment unit size is useful to present overall
numbers of land-use characteristics. Figure 5-6 shows the distribution of
catchments which have imperviousness less or larger than 50%. The figure is
overlaid with the extent of flooding during a 40-yr flood event.
An analysis of the data from 2000 and 2010 reveal that there has been an overall
increase in impervious areas. The table below shows the percentage of
imperviousness for each of the sub-catchments, both for the 2000 land use
conditions and for the 2010 condition. Figure 6.7 show in graphical form the
results presented in Table 6.3.
Figure 5-6Greater Colombo Basin with sub-catchments. Imperviousness less and larger than
50% is shown together with a flood map corresponding to a 40 yr return
The percentage of imperviousness in Table 5-3 has been computed based on the
area for each category (roads, buildings, green areas, water bodies) and the
estimated imperviousness as indicated in Table 5-4.
There are impervious surfaces directly connected to the storm water system such as
parking lots, roads and sidewalks, while other impervious surfaces are
disconnected and hence the storm water may flow onto pervious surfaces rather
than flowing into the storm water system. Roofs disconnected from the storm water
system are a typical example. Runoff from the roof may fall onto the lawn rather
than in the storm water system, reducing the impact on the storm water system.
There has not, in this stage of the project, been made a distinction between direct
and indirect imperviousness. Instead percentages of direct imperviousness have
been estimated as per table Table 5-4.
Table 5-3Percentage of impervious area for each sub-catchment in the Colombo Basin
Impervious Land
Land use
use percentage %
Catchment percentage %
Name (2010)
C_01 40,24 42,75
C_02 30,84 44,02
C_03 33,86 51,56
C_04 35,30 38,05
C_05 47,12 49,65
C_06 56,07 57,13
C_07 49,77 54,63
C_08 43,98 57,33
C_09 46,61 47,79
C_10 52,90 55,70
C_11 53,48 50,19
C_12 60,31 55,89
C_13 58,29 61,38
C_14 56,22 73,82
C_15 60,99 74,51
C_16 76,21 82,39
C_17 75,25 68,06
C_18 50,75 60,89
C_19 34,27 48,55
C_20 53,82 61,95
C_21 52,58 58,54
C_22 50,99 53,66
C_23 45,67 48,22
C_24 50,73 60,90
C_25 45,73 53,27
C_26 43,81 51,57
C_27 53,36 58,89
C_28 49,17 52,97
C_29 56,97 62,51
C_30 69,53 79,80
C_31 47,71 55,05
C_32 47,08 52,26
C_33 50,01 52,11
Madiwela 35,55 40,28
Total 44,79 48,24
Table 5-4 Overview of percentage of direct imperviousness for different landuse types
Figure 5-7Percentage of imperviousness for each subcatchment in the basin in year 2000 and
During the model building process the 2010 land use map was not completed.
Therefore the present model includes data from the 2000 land use map instead.
The main parameter from the land use maps which the Urban Drainage model uses
is to determine the Curve Number (See selection of Curve Number Section
11Appendix D).
The following is a suggested way forward on how to use the relevant spatial
information in order to create a future zoning map for urban development. A
simple approach has been adopted and implies the following:
› The development of zoning maps only considers drainage aspects, and aims at
not to worsening the flooding situation in the future.
› A cut-off value for the percentage of imperviousness of 50% has been applied.
The cut-off value is used to determine sub-catchments for which a further
increase in imperviousness (urbanisation) can take place and sub-catchments
where further increase can not take place dependent on the drainage
(represented through flooding) conditions.
The maps shown in Figure 5-8 to Figure 5-9 show the resulting zoning maps using
the above principles using 20% and 0% flooding criteria as examples. It is
recommended that the principles behind the maps are discussed and perhaps
refined further by the responsible authorities.
More precise flood maps can be produced as outcome of the combined micro
drainage and macro drainage modelling activity. It is recommended, once those
flood maps are available, to make influence the planning process, avoiding further
development in zones where the flood risk is high or where flood protection
measures will be expensive.
Figure 5-8 Zoning map showing the areas with allowed increase in
imperviousness (green), and area where increase can not take place (using 20%
flooding criteria).
Figure 5-9 Zoning map showing the areas with allowed increase in
imperviousness (green),and area where increase can not take place (using 0%
flooding criteria).
Figure 5-10 As Figure 5-8 but with 40-year flood inundation map overlaid.
Figure 5-11 As Figure 5-9 but with 40-year flood inundation map overlaid.
The different type of soils maps to hydrological soil groups (HSG) when
determining the curve numbers for the SCS model. Below is an overview of the
HSG and type of soil textures:
Table 5-5 Overview of hydrological soil groups (HSG) and soil textures.
Most of the network data available is based on a detailed survey from 1986-1987.
The survey was conducted by Norplan A/S Norway. The survey data consists of
app. 180 maps and 137 manhole charts covering the drainage area which CMC is
responsible for. These data have been digitalized by CMC which has resulted in a
database of 2600 links and 4000 manholes with data such as invert/ground levels,
diameter etc. During the current study sub-catchments 2, 4 and 5 in Intervention
Scheme 15 was surveyed as well as a few drains along Galle Road. Additionally
As-Built-Drawings are available for some of the areas. Some areas in the
remaining 14 intervention areas were also surveyed in 2012. The data was
processed into the same format as the 1987 data which makes it easy to update the
model with the data. At the time of writing not all of the 2012 data has been
processed and the model is therefore only updated with 2012 data in the
intervention areas Horton Place (open drains) and along Galle Road in the Marine
Drive areas.
During the current study parts of the network outside the intervention areas have
also been surveyed in order to confirm the data from 1987.
The staff at CMC was taught how to update the model with new data so they are
able to do this when the survey data is fully processed. A description of how to
import open drains into the model is given in Appendix B.
However several man holes had not been surveyed and the cover level as well as
the invert level was estimated based on interpolation from neighbouring manholes
or the DTM.
In order to keep track of which data are original and which are estimated values,
the status field of node record was changed when modifications of the data (cover
level, invert level, diameter etc.) were made. In below table (see Table 5-6) the
status field corresponding to a specific modification is listed for nodes.
Table 5-6 Status field and corresponding modification/assumption of the node data.
Many of the pipes in the system do not have information on the dimensions.
Missing pipe diameters are therefore assumed to be equal to the upstream diameter.
If the upstream pipe is rectangular the diameter is assumed to equal the width of
the upstream pipe. If the pipe is already upstream the diameter is assumed to be
300mm. The same assumption was made for rectangular pipes where missing
widths and heights are assumed to be equal to the upstream width and height.
In the dataset of open drains (both 1987 data and 2012 survey data) the cross
sections of the open drains are given for a single point along the drain. In Mike
Urban a cross section should be given for each link in the drain. Therefore it was
assumed that the cross section given for a specific point applies for the whole
upstream link.
Similar for nodes, to keep track of which data are original and which are estimated
values, the status field of link record was changed when modifications of the data
(diameter, height and width) were made. In below table (see Table 5-7) the status
field corresponding to a specific modification is listed for links.
Table 5-7 Status field and corresponding modification/assumption of the link data.
› Kandewatha
› Aluthmawatha Road
Figure 5-12 Foul flow in the storm water network, Intervention Scheme 15.
For a few catchments additional constant inflow was assumed. E.g. for the foul
flow catchments additional flow of 0.002 m3/s was added.
It is worth noticing that it was decided to use the SCS method. Infiltration is
determined based on the curve number.
The boundary conditions of the water level have been set up conservatively. In
intervention area 1-6 the water level intervals are given in the conceptual design
reports. The maximum water level given in these reports are used in the model.
For intervention scheme 15 the outlet water levels has been divided into 3 areas:
outlets to the sea, coastal near outlets and outlets in the canals. For the sea outlets
the water level has been set to 0.80 m, 0.40 m contributing from a high tide level
(spring tide) and 0.40 m estimated to be contributed from a surge. For the outlets
along the river, but close to the coast the water level was given as 1.00 m and
further upstream given as 1.20 m.
More detailed data of the expected water levels will become available once
SLLRDC has finalized the modelling activity of the macro drainage system.
SLLRDC shall deliver time series of water levels for 1/10 year design rain events
to CMC at the outlet locations of the micro drainage model(s).
For 2012-events the water levels can be obtained from SLLRDC, but until these
data are obtained the rest of the outlets are assumed to be free outlets.
Exchange of boundary conditions between the Mike 11 model for the macro
drainage system and the Mike Urban model for the micro drainage system has been
proposed as a possible improvement of the modelling. A detailed description of
this procedure is given in Ref. 3.
6 Design standards
The initial design has been based on the rational formula and Excel spreadsheets.
The following standards have been applied by CMC:
7 LiDAR survey
As mentioned in section 5.2.1 COWI has completed a LIDAR survey during the
current study. The survey was conducted during September - October 2012 of the
area shown in Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1 Area of interest for which the LiDAR survey has been conducted.
Detailed description of planning of the survey and generation of the DTM (Digital
Terrain Model) is given in Appendix C.
8 Modelling
A model with the whole network was set up by CMC under the close guidance of
COWI DK. Furthermore, CMC have worked intensively in parallel, updating and
refining the Marine Drive model. Therefore the modelling activity focused on the
intervention scheme 15 only (the Marine Drive Model) and that part of the network
will later be imported into the model covering the remaining part of the network.
The below section describes mainly the work executed on the Marine Drive Model.
The use of the UHM hydrological model was illustrated by COWI and is described
below. A general update of the whole hydrological model shall be conducted once
the updated LIDAR DTM has been received.
The principle was developed by Mockus (1949). The curve number run-off can be
computed as:
25.4 !
Where CN is the curve number. As can be seen no potential retention (S=0) derives
a CN of 100 and very high potential retention derives low curve numbers.
The curve number can be derived based on a combination of soil type and land use.
The land use is dense urban. The soil type is sandy (coastal sands) as per Figure
11-1 under Appendix D and for the soil type category please refer to Table 5-5,
where the coastal sand is categorized as belonging to hydrological soil type group
A. An overview of curve numbers based on land use and soil types is shown in
Appendix D. The imperviousness is 49%, lower than the 65%. It was chosen to use
a curve number of 75 for the Marine Drive model. By interpolating in Table 11-1
based on the degree of future imperviousness (60% for Marine Drive) derives a
curve number of 74.2, which is rounded up to 75.
The curve number was assumed to reflect the expected urban development in year
The UHM model operates with three different antecedent moisture conditions
(AMC) defining the level of moisture in the ground before rain starts. Level 1
specifies dry conditions, level 2 average moisture conditions and level 3 moist
conditions. As conservative estimate CMC decided to use level 3 for moist
The time lag between the peak in the rain and the peak in the hydrograph is
computed based on the so-called hydraulic length. For the UHM a hydraulic length
is to be specified. The hydraulic length determines the lag-time. The lag-time
specifies the time it takes from the peak in hyetograph to the peak in the
" # 3.28 10& '.(
) 9+ / 1900 . './
Y is the slope in %
A detailed description of the UHM model and how the routing model works can be
found under Ref. 4.
The hydraulic length depends on the size and shape of the catchment. As a "short-
cut" to compute the hydraulic length for the hundreds of catchments a process was
implemented. The process use the process tool available for Model A.
Initially the process tool to compute the time of concentration for Model A is used.
A constant velocity of 0.2 m/s is inserted in the process and the time of
concentration is automatically computed.
At last the hydraulic length is derived and updated by SQL statements in the
database. The procedure is described under Appendix E.
The model was simulated with a 60 s time step and the rainfall chosen was the 10
year design rainfall as described under Section 5.1.
As stated earlier the hydrological model could not be calibrated as there are no
detailed measurements of water level or flow.
Accordingly a calibration and validation process could not take place. Under
section 9.4.2 COWI propose a "flood chaser" team that can be dispatched to
locations where frequent flooding occurs during extreme rain events. Such a team
could provide valuable information that can be used for calibration of the model.
However for intervention 15 the area was visited and it was clear that the channels
were in poor condition. The problems noticed were:
› Sedimentation
› General deterioration
Examples illustrating some of the more severe locations are shown in Figure 8-1
and Figure 8-2.
All the pipes in the intervention scheme 15 consisted of rough concrete only. For
Intervention scheme 15 it was decided to lower the Manning number for rough
concrete to describe the state of the channels, so Mike Urban's default value of 68
m1/3/s was reduced to 60 m1/3/s to reflect the reduced smoothness.
The water level boundaries were set as specified under Section 5.8. The run-off
came as a result from the hydrological model as described in details under Section
The DHIAPP.INI file was updated as the water level quickly went above the height
of the open cross-sections. The change in the DHIAPP.INI file allowed 90 degree
vertical extrapolation of the cross-section ensuring that flooded cross-sections
would not stop the simulations. The required change to the DHIAPP.INI file is
shown in Appendix F.
Simulations were run for a period of 6 hours to ensure that all run-off was
conveyed through the network. No hot-start file was used.
Initially several lines had negative slope and appeared unrealistic when looking at
the profiles. Survey data was investigated and several of the links were updated.
Several simulations were conducted in order to stabilize the model until the model
results looked realistic.
It was decided not to refine the model further. Importing the new LIDAR DTM
would require an update of the model and network and accordingly time devoted to
enhancing the models should be done after the LIDAR DTM has been received and
imported. Furthermore the time did not permit enhancing the model further.
Once the new DTM arrives the following enhancements would be proposed:
› To include the major roads in the system as part of the conveyance system.
During heavy rain the side drains quickly overflows and the water is conveyed
along the streets (see Figure 8-3).
› To describe the inundated areas with basin and weirs. During overflow the
inundated areas are filled and slowly emptied as capacity becomes available to
convey the water downstream. This process can show actual flood levels.
The above mentioned enhancements would make the model better to predict actual
flooding and also be more precise in determining actual flood protection measures.
› Efficiency, i.e. how much did the solution reduce the flooding at the different
› Cost. CMC had estimates for most of the typical pipes and channels used in
Colombo. However other relevant cost was included in the calculation such as
land acquisition, traffic diversion, diversion of existing utilities etc.
The preferred solution for a given sub-catchment was chosen as the solution with
the best score. The process was repeated for each sub-catchment.
The solutions will need to be refined and verified against all design criteria such as
ensuring self cleaning velocities to avoid siltation, ensure designs that can be easily
operated and maintained etc. The applied standards are listed under Section 6.
Furthermore overview of existing utilities does not currently exist in digital format.
This could potentially be a major challenge planning the location of the new storm
water infrastructure as the proposed storm water infrastructure may clash with
other existing or planned utilities.
COWI propose CMC to work closely with other utility departments and entities
such as waste water, water supply, telecom and electrical installations ensuring
clashes are avoided during design stage so necessary diversion of other utilities can
be planned and construction work can go ahead unhindered. Otherwise such
clashed will be discovered in the field and can be a source of significant delays,
construction problems and interruptions in utility services provided to the clients
during implementation.
9 Model Application
Modelling is a new discipline to CMC. The Mike Urban model is a one-
dimensional computational tool for simulations of unsteady flows in pipe networks
with alternating free surface and pressurized flow conditions.
› Mike Flood is more complex to operate and the current organization does not
possess the skill set to operate the model.
The one-dimensional model can be utilised for a wealth of applications and with
further refinements the model would be able to simulate the same physical
processes as Mike Flood.
9.1 Design
CMC previously used Excel spreadsheets and the rational method to design storm
water utilities. Deploying an urban drainage model allow CMC to provide better
design and evaluate the impact from different solutions before implementation.
The current Mike Urban model is suitable for evaluation of designs and flood
protection measures. The performance of the design ideas can be evaluated and the
most efficient solutions can be chosen.
The integration with ArcGIS allows importing GIS layers of land use and sensitive
areas with respect to flooding can be identified.
The new designs can be tested and the impact on the existing and new proposed
network can be fully evaluated.
During COWI's visit examples of how to design the storm water system applying
the Mike Urban model was shown.
CMC is also responsible for Solid Waste Management (SWM). This provides an
opportunity to solve the problem with debris and litter which can be observed from
several sites through cross-department initiatives. Better SWM policies can prevent
the litter from entering the storm water system in the first place. It is expensive to
remove litter from underground systems compared to removing litter at ground
level and it is even cheaper to empty bins than collecting litter from the ground.
With proper SWM policies debris and litter can be reduced.
In general the O&M department should first conduct a major clean up of the storm
water system. Such a major clean up should start from the down stream areas and
move upstream in the system. Removing litter from upstream to downstream could
potentially worsen the problem with flooding downstream.
It is possible to evaluate O&M policies with Mike Urban. COWI propose, once the
major clean up has been conducted and the most urgent needs for the design has
been addressed, to extend the use of the model to the O&M team within CMC.
Well maintained systems have lower resistance. As an example COWI has used
reduced Manning numbers (Rough concrete was reduced from 68 to 60 m1/3/s to
reflect the current state of the system).
This allows the user to visualize the effect of poor maintenance at different
locations. For locations depending on single routes for drainage, blocking or
reduction in the conveyance can have severe impact during extreme rains. Other
may have redundancy and the effect from poor maintenance can be less severe.
The sensitivity analysis can point to locations in the city where the O&M effort
should be intensified.
During extreme rainfall sediments are washed off and end up in the drainage
system. It is important to design so it is self-cleansing, however this may not
always be possible due to topographical constraints. Sediments can build up in the
system and reduce the capacity.
CMC does not have a license to the MOUSE TRAP model. Deploying the MOUSE
TRAP model requires additional expertise and COWI does not recommend to
purchase MOUSE TRAP before the team is fully familiar with Mike Urban.
The changes can be evaluated by the Mike Urban model and the consequences of
proposed urban development can be simulated before it is deployed. This can
ensure, that not only the flood risk of the new development is evaluated, but also
the change in flood risk on surrounding existing buildings and infrastructure.
The model can also point to locations where further development should be
avoided due to the flood risk as developing the required infrastructure would
exceed the value of the proposed development.
The Planning Policy Statement 25 (PPS 25) (See Ref. 2) describes how flood risk
management can be taken into account in the planning process to ensure
sustainable urban development and COWI recommends CMC to study the policies
outlined in PPS 25.
The level of detail may not be deployed over the entire model, but can be limited to
the flooded areas. COWI propose to conduct an initial assessment of flood prone
areas. The assessment can be based purely on the topography (DTM) where local
low points are identified. Once identified the model description is detailed further
around the flood prone zones.
The model should be calibrated to ensure the model predicts the flood levels
It is important the team has synchronized the time, have a GPS device to log the
position, a camera for taking pictures, yard stick to measure flood levels and tape
measure to measure the extend of the flooding. For larger flooded areas it may be
required to have a laser measure.
The data should be documented and actual rainfall data should be collected from
the Department of Meteorology, Colombo.
Based on the collected data the micro drainage model should be calibrated against
the flood levels.
It should be noticed that the rainfall is only represented by a single rain gauge and
variations in rainfall over such a large catchment can be significant. Preferable data
from several extreme rain events should be collected to increase the basis for
It is important to know how the city is impacted when the design criteria are
Flood maps of the city can be produced based on the model results. The maps can
be overlaid with the land use indicating what part of the city that will be impacted
by different severity of rainfall.
An assessment of the existing flood risk can be carried out and sensitive sites to
flood can be located. Relocation of sensitive infrastructure could be initiated based
on the flood maps, so adverse effects of flooding can be prevented.
The model can also be used for evacuation procedures. Extreme rainfall can in
severe cases be life threatening. The civil defence can use the flood model to
simulate the nature of extreme rainfalls and prepare evacuation plans and conduct
drills to reduce loss of life and impacts on property during extreme rain events.
In general COWI focused on training CMC to a level where CMC could create,
calibrate, simulate and design using the model without assistance.
› To update the model with the remaining survey data from 2012. As mentioned
in Section 5.6 some of the 2012 survey data have imported to the model.
› To verify atypical profiles against available data. Atypical profiles may still
occur and if necessary deviations should be updated.
› To reconsider the Mannings number in areas with high density of litter and
sediment etc., see Section 8.2.1.
› To add additional inflow to areas where infiltration and other inflows are
assumed to take place (see Section 5.7).
Some improvements may not be necessary to apply on the whole model but can be
restricted to flood prone areas.
Finally the model should be calibrated to the extent that is possible to ensure the
model predicts the flood levels correctly.
The design hyetograph was derived and used as basis for all simulations as
described in details under Section 5.1.
The UHM hydrological model was fully established and curve numbers were
determined based on a best estimate of land use and soil types. The team could
conduct hydrological simulations and analyze the results.
For the network model profiles were visually inspected and all atypical profiles
were verified against available data (survey data or as-built drawings). Any
deviations were updated. The team was capable of conducting QA checks on the
network using the project check tool in Mike Urban as well as executing queries to
the Mike Urban database.
The network consisted of roads, side drains and conduits. The roads were only
introduced where needed and as artificial cross-sections.
The team conducted simulations with the model and followed a typical
development process as described under Section 10.1.5.
The design process was not fully completed when COWI left Colombo, but it was
clear that the team consisting of Mr. Chandrapale, Mr. Rohana, Mr. Kumara and
Mr. Chalita was capable of completing the design process using the Mike Urban
The need for communication and coordination with road and other utility teams as
well as evaluating the solutions with respect to cost, social and environmental
impacts were fully understood by the team and the communication channels to the
other teams was established.
10 Production Environment
The production environment is important to ensure the teams productivity. The
following aspects are to be considered:
› Quality Assurance
Below is a short overview of the discussions and the decisions taken during
COWI's two weeks visit to CMC in September/October 2012.
CMC must, over time, develop the required processes for a productive working
› Links
› Manholes or structures
› Catchments
Where "66_13_23C" is the quadrant and 2152 is the number generated by Mike
Urban. Typically Mike Urban generates a name "Node_Number", so the "Node"
string is replaced by the quadrant number.
Some of the manholes have been artificially created and interpolated. This is
typically the case when the survey indicates two or three lines meet, but the
connecting manhole has not been surveyed. In this case the manhole is appended
with a 'T', so the name becomes <Quadrant>_<MikeUrban_ID>T, example
For links the name is combined by the from node ID and the to node ID, so the link
name will be:
The catchments are named according to the name of the intervention scheme and
It is important that the name convention is fully maintained. Any deviations must
be resolved.
It could be seen that deviations exist in the larger model. CMC needs to clean up
all the deviations from the decided naming convention.
It was decided to create a file directory structure on the master machine that
reflects different levels of the model.
Furthermore some of the data was global data and would be shared between all the
models. Such data was GIS data, DTM, rainfall data etc. Those data was kept
separate under the root.
Time Series
GIS Data
Global Model
Intervention Scheme 15
Intervention Scheme 15
The above structure will need to be expanded once more models become available.
It could be flood model, O&M model, further sub divisions of catchments etc.
It was also agreed that back-up should be taken regularly and that a backup should
be placed at another location than at the building.
On file level it was decided that the file name of sub-models should reflect the
purpose of the model, the intervention scheme number and the sub catchment
number. Example of filename:
10.1.3 Models
At the current stage it was decided to maintain an existing model and keep the
design models separate.
However once the proposed solutions are locked and the packages are tendered a
model reflecting the future designs is to be maintained in parallel with the existing
model. The existing model will then be updated once the design has been
implemented in the field.
The process requires that it is possible to merge models together. The process of
merging models is described under Appendix G.
Furthermore future models for the purpose of evaluating O&M, flood assessment
or urban planning as described under Section 9 may be added.
It should be pointed out that too many models should be avoided as it will require
extra manpower to maintain the models, so if possible, maintain as few models as
The alternative model can be created as a Child model to the Parent base model.
Such an approach is preferable when changes are relatively few. It is possible to
create children of children. This option will be used as described below.
child model. Here it is better to have the sub-catchment represented as the base
model and let the alternative models be children hereof.
For the Marine Drive sub-catchment the task was divided between two teams and
accordingly two separate Mike Urban models (projects). The first team considered
sub-catchment 1 to 4 and the second team sub-catchment 5 to 7. Two smaller and
separate models were created each reflecting the smaller project areas. However
within each model, each sub-catchment could be considered as a separate scenario.
So e.g. for the first model covering sub-catchment 1 to 4 three alternatives were
tried for sub-catchment 1. The preferred solution was then chosen and a new child
was created for sub-catchment 2 based on the preferred solution from sub-
catchment 1 and so forth. Finally a copy of the model was taken so the process
could later be documented. The preferred child containing all the preferred
solutions were the "set as root", so all the changes done to the model became the
new base model. The principal is shown in Figure 10-1 below.
Once the two teams were fully completed a preferred model could be merged
together. The method for merging the models together is described in Appendix G.
The intention is to finally end up with a preferred proposal for each intervention
scheme that can be handed over to the design team for detailing.
Such problems could be avoided if the team could share the same database.
MikeUrban uses a Geo Database to store data. As standalone versions this is based
on Microsoft access and each database is a personal geodatabase where data cannot
be directly shared. However there is the option to allow a full networked version
where multiple users can connect to the same geo database allowing more users to
share the data and concurrently work on the same model.
Figure 10-2 Possible solution for multi-user environment sharing same database.
At the time of writing a small network had been installed for office. Having a
network allow implementing the above shown solution, where MikeUrban,
together with other ESRI client software can share the same database. In this way
data can be kept centralised and multiple users can work concurrently on the same
COWI and CMC requested to receive a trial version of the ArcGIS server to test if
the solution will indeed be preferred over the existing single user approach.
The solution can have additional perspective as external access to the database
could be provided in the future. This would enable other departments, stakeholders
and authorities to access the data available.
11 References
Ref. 1 Design Rainfall for Greater Colombo Basin, Prof. K.D.W. Nandalal,University
of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, August 2012.
Ref. 2 Planning Policy Statement 25, Development and Flood Risk Practice Guide,
Department for Communities and Local Government, December 2009.
Ref. 3 Report on the Upgrading and Application of the Hydraulic Model, COWI,
October 2012.
Ref. 4 Mouse Runoff Reference Manual, (See Section 5), Unit Hydrograph Surface
Runoff Model (UHM).Mike By DHI, 2012. Danish Hydraulic Inst.
Support team
GIS specialist 1
IT specialist 1
Quantity surveyors 2
Survey team 2
Social specialist 1
Environmental specialist 1
Traffic specialist 1
Total support team 9
Modelling team
Urban drainage experts/Modeling specialists 4
Total Modeling team 4
Design team
Supervision team
Residential Engineer (RE) 1
2) Go to File Import/Export
4) Right-click in the menu to the left choose "Create New Job" Name it
5) Right-click the new job you just created Choose "Create New Table Config."
Name it "CRS_MH"
5a) Right-click the new job you just created Choose "Create New Table
Config." Name it "CRS_Links"
6) Click the new job ("CRS") In Source-tab click (…) double-click "ODBC"
8) Click the new table config. called "CRS_MH" In Basic-tab click (…) in
source field select the sheet with CRS-node data in the excel-file.
9) In the Assignment-tab keep only MUID, Invert level, Ground level, Diameter,
_X and _Y, If 2012-data: Status =3 (imported)
10) Click the new table config. called "Pipes" Do the same as in step (8) only
with pipes instead of nodes in the Assignment-tab keep only MUID, FromNode,
ToNode, Length, TypeNo = 2, CRS ID, If 2012-data: Status=3 (imported).
11) Click "OK" nodes and links of open channels are imported!
13) Choose "Use Advanced" and "Create New Import/Export" Click "Next"
14) Right-click in the menu to the left choose "Create New Job" Name it
15) Right-click the new job you just created Choose "Create New Table
Config." Name it "CRS"
16) Click the new job ("CRS_ID") In Source-tab click (…) double-click
18) Click the new table config. called "CRS" In Basic-tab click (…) in
source field select the sheet with the CRS-node data in the excel-file.
In the field "Source ID" type the name of the CRS-ID as given in the excel-
20) Click OK
21) Open the model in Access and open the table ms_CRSD
25) Check that the right CRS is connected to the correct link.
C.1 Introduction 61
C.1 Introduction
This report is composed as conclusion and documentation for planning of the
project "Colombo LiDAR survey" September - October 2012.
The project involves aerial LiDAR Survey and generation of terrain model of the
Area Of Interest (AOI). The AOI is in total approximately 248 sqkm (Figure 11
Figure 11 Area of interest marked by red line. The image used for this figure is taken from
Google earth.
The aerial LiDAR survey is basis for the production of a Digital Terrain Model
The LiDAR survey has been done in a helicopter Bell Jet Ranger 206B3 with a IGI
LiteMapper 5600.
Figur 1 - Installation of a LiteMapper installed in a Bell Jet Range 206 reg. 4R-DLK photo from
Deccan Aviations facebook
The aerial surveys started and ended at the Colombo airport, Ratmalana.
In order to support to aerial surveys, 3 GPS base station named BIYA, A88 and
A90 was placed in the project area (see figure below). The GPS receivers were set
to collect 1 Hz. The stations are makred with yellow and the Ratmalana is marked
with a blue aircraft
Figur 2- Base stations from survey markred with yellow and the Ratmalana airport marked with
a blue aircraft.
Ms Samantha Wijesundera
› LiDAR aerial survey covering the area of 248 sqkm (priority 1).
› The LiDAR point cloud must have a vertical accuracy of 10 cm RMSE and
was planned for 3,5 pts/m2.
C.1.3 Deliverables
The services include the following deliveries:
› A DTM and DEM of an area of app. 248 km2 covering Greater Colombo
Basin with a horizontal resolution of 1x1 m and a vertical accuracy of < 0.1 m
› The Datum is based on Kandawella, the projection is TM, and data will be
delivered in two different coordinate systems, WGS 84 and SLD99. The data
file formats are ASCII and USGS/DEM.
› All flight trajectories of data capture POS files (IGI format) provided with
aircraft position (easting, northing, elevation), altitude (heading, pitch, roll)
and GPS time recorded at regular intervals of 1 second or less, in ASCII text.
Figur 3 - The image shows the planned 67 flight lines (Image from Google Earth)
Figur 4 - Shows the coverage of the flight lines. Layout Google Earth
Category Plan
Time of scanning 25-28 of September 2012
Helicopter Bell 206 Jet Ranger reg. 4R-DLK
Flying height 1,362 Ft (415m) Above Ground Level (AGL).
Speed 80 knots
Flight lines in project 67
The data acquisition was carried out in cloud and fog free conditions and the result
was satisfactory.
The ground control points (GCPs) used in the project is measured using GPS RTK
fast static system on 4 areas located in the project. Each area contains 20-25 GCPs.
The GCPs were used to verify the vertical accuracy of the LiDAR data.
Figur 5- The picture shows the location of the calibration area and the 4 areas with ground
control points. (image from Google Earth)
Figur 6 - Shows the calibration area in detail. (image from Google Earth)
Figur 7 - The image shows the ground control point area 1 in detail. (image from Google Earth)
Figur 8 - The image shows the ground control point area 2 in detail. (image from Google Earth)
Figur 9 - The image shows the ground control point area 3 in detail. (image from Google Earth)
Figur 10 - The image shows the ground control point area 4 in detail. (image from Google
GPS/INS calculation
The GPS data is processed with the GRAFNAV Software from Trimble. Hereafter
the GPS/INS data was integrated with AERO OFFICE.
[m ]
203 000 203 500 204 000 204 500 205 000 205 500 206 000 206 500 207 000 207 500 208 000 208 500 209 000 209 500 210 000 210 500
north east up
271 000 272 000 273 000 274 000 275 000 276 000 277 000 278 000 279 000
north east up
288 000 289 000 290 000 291 000 292 000 293 000 294 000 295 000
north east up
360 000 361 000 362 000 363 000 364 000 365 000 366 000 367 000
north east up
373 500 374 000 374 500 375 000 375 500 376 000 376 500 377 000 377 500 378 000 378 500 379 000
north east up
446 000 446 500 447 000 447 500 448 000 448 500 449 000 449 500 450 000 450 500 451 000 451 500 452 000 452 500 453 000
north east up
The conclusion is that the GPS/INS calculation has been successful and provides
basis for a good accuracy according to the specifications.
It is checked that the automatically produced DTM meets the quality targets. In
case of faulty classification, e.g. in connection with slopes, woods or bridges, the
data is corrected manually.
It is checked that the data does not contain any serious errors. Serious errors (birds,
skylights, erroneous reflections in water areas) are moved to an error layer and thus
removed from the models (DSM and DTM).
Water areas: Points under the water surface are moved to the error layer.
Skylights: Points surveyed through skylights are moved to the error layer.
Birds: Points very high above terrain are moved to the error layer.
Large temporary objects: Large temporary objects (trains, ships etc.) must be
moved to the error layer. Small temporary objects (cars, trucks etc.) should remain
in DSM layer.
The geometric accuracy was checked by measuring some control points in the area.
A comparison of the control points and laser data can be seen below.
Point cloud
The point cloud consists of up to 4 echo's from each submitted pulse. To visualize
the density of the point cloud only 1 point from each pulse is considered.
The point density - excluding water areas and other parts with low reflection - shall
satisfy the expected point density of 2 points pr. square meter. The point density
varies by scanning angle and actual flight conditions no more than expected. Some
areas have higher density than others - this is due to overlapping flight lines.
C.2.6 Quality
Quality assessment
The final quality of the LiDAR is a complex process. To ensure fulfilment of
the height accuracy of the LiDAR data of 10 cm RMSE (in z) the following
must be observed:
The flying height was 1,362 feet. This low flying height ensured a low impact
on the error from range and orientation measurements.
› Leverarm measurement
The distance between the IMU (scanner unit) and the GPS receiver fixed on
the helicopter was measured with high accuracy.
By comparing these control surfaces with the survey point cloud the difference
calculated stipulates the accuracy of the LiDAR survey. The difference between the
LiDAR data and the ground measurement was expected to be less than 10 cm
RMSE. The control report for the 97 ground control points (GCPs) had a RMSE
value of 7.4 cm.
The data collecting, processing was carried out successfully. The RMSE is within
limit of the expected 10 cm.
Curve Number by
Hydrologic Soil
Average %
Description Group Typical Land Uses
Residential (High
65 77 85 90 92 Apartments, Condos,
Density) Trailer Parks
Strip Commercial,
Commercial 85 89 92 94 95 Shopping Ctrs,
Convenience Stores
4) Press Next
7) Press Next
8) Specify a mean surface velocity to 0.2 m/s and keep the other default values.
8) Press Next
9) Select "Choose between default Curves. This will allow MikeUrban to choose a
relation based on the catchment shape.
11) Press Finish and let Mike Urban process the data.
15) Select records where the time of concentration is less than 4 minutes by
choosing Advance Show Selected
19) Select MOUSE Catchments & Catchment Parameters UHM and verify
the hydraulic length has been recomputed.
; When modelling open channels the model will normally stop if flooding
; Here it can be chosen globally to extrapolate all the cross-sections.
; CRS_EXTRAPOLATION=1 gives no extrapolation, i.e. equal to older MOUSE
versions (<2002)
; CRS_EXTRAPOLATION=2 gives an axtrapolation according to the angle give
; CRS_EXTRAPOLATION_ANGLE=90.0 is the angle between a horizontal level and
the extrapolated CRS
; CRS_EXTRAPOLATION_HEIGHT_FACTOR=3.0 is the maximum height of the
extrapolated CRS given
; as this factor times the maximum height of the CRS
<a Name="Link" />
<a Enabled="True" />
<a Source="msm_Link" />
<a Target="msm_Link" />
<a AdvancedMode="True" />
<a SectionMode="Update" />
<a SourceID="MUID" />
<a TargetID="MUID" />
<C C="MUID = MUID" />
<C C="TypeNo = TypeNo" />
<C C="UpLevel = UpLevel" />
<C C="DwLevel = DwLevel" />
<C C="Length = Length" />
<C C="UpLevel_C = UpLevel_C" />
<C C="DwLevel_C = DwLevel_C" />
<C C="Length_C = Length_C" />
<C C="Slope_C = Slope_C" />
<C C="Diameter = Diameter" />
<C C="Width = Width" />
<C C="Height = Height" />
<C C="CrsID = CrsID" />
<C C="TopographyID = TopographyID" />
<C C="MaxDx = MaxDx" />
<C C="MaterialID = MaterialID" />
<C C="FricTypeNo = FricTypeNo" />
<C C="FricNo = FricNo" />
<C C="Manning = Manning" />
<C C="Rough = Rough" />
<C C="HWCoef = HWCoef" />
<C C="PMApprNo = PMApprNo" />
<C C="NonReturnNo = NonReturnNo" />
<C C="AssetName = AssetName" />
<C C="DataSource = DataSource" />
<C C="Description = Description" />
<C C="NetTypeNo = NetTypeNo" />
<C C="Element_S = Element_S" />
<C C="UpLevel_S = UpLevel_S" />
<C C="DwLevel_S = DwLevel_S" />
<C C="Length_S = Length_S" />
<C C="Diameter_S = Diameter_S" />
<C C="Width_S = Width_S" />
<C C="Height_S = Height_S" />
<C C="CrsID_S = CrsID_S" />
<a Name="Catchment_Geometry" />
<a Enabled="False" />
<a Source="ms_Catchment_Geometry" />
<a Target="ms_Catchment_Geometry" />
<a SectionMode="Update" />
<a SourceID="GID" />
<a TargetID="GID" />
<C C="GID = GID" />
<C C="Sqn = Sqn" />
<C C="X = X" />
<C C="Y = Y" />
<C C="Z = Z" />
<a Name="Catchment_Connection" />
<a Enabled="True" />
<a Source="msm_CatchCon" />
<a Target="msm_CatchCon" />
<a AdvancedMode="True" />
<a SectionMode="Update" />
<a SourceID="MUID" />
<a TargetID="MUID" />
<C C="MUID = MUID" />
<C C="CatchID = CatchID" />
<C C="TypeNo = TypeNo" />
<C C="NodeID = NodeID" />
<C C="LinkID = LinkID" />
<C C="Distance = Distance" />
<C C="Fraction = Fraction" />
<a Name="Catchment_Link" />
<a Enabled="False" />
<a Source="msm_CatchConLink" />
<a Target="msm_CatchConLink" />
<a SectionMode="Update" />
<a SourceID="MUID" />
<a TargetID="MUID" />
<C C="MUID = MUID" />
<C C="CatchConID = CatchConID" />
Select "Load Import/Export config file" and navigate to the xml-file you just
created containing the text in the box above Click "Next" and answer "No" to
the question Click "Finish" and the 2 models will be merged.
• 15 min rainfall data of Colombo for the period from 1981 to 2010 for all the
days with daily total rainfall more than 10 mm. The 15 min data have been
read from the daily charts of a syphon type automatic rainfall recorder
installed at the premises of the Meteorological Office in Colombo
approximately at latitude 6˚54ˊ17˝N and longitude 79˚52ˊ19˝E.
• Daily data collected over the same period in a standard rain gauge installed at
the same location in Colombo.
Catchment description
The Greater Colombo Water Basin comprises some 100 km2 of land around
Colombo. The basin is bordered by the Kelani Ganga in the North, the Weras
Ganga in the South-East and the sea (Indian Ocean) in the West. The layout of the
basin including the Parliament Lake and surrounding storage areas is shown in
Figure 1. The basin slopes from south-east to north-west, with elevations of 10-20
m MSL in the upper reaches to about 1 m MSL downstream. Figure 1 shows
rainfall gauging stations at Colombo, Ratmalana (at latitude 6.82N and longitude
79.88E) and Katunayake (at latitude 7.17N and longitude 79.88E). Only daily data
were available at Ratmalana and Katnayake stations.
The climate of Sri Lanka is classified as tropical monsoon, having a wet season and
a short dry season. The study area is located in the South-Western quarter of the
Island, which is classified as a wet zone. The annual climate is characterized by the
Northeast Monsoon from December through February and the Southwest
Monsoon from May through September. The dry season is brought about by the
Northeast Monsoon and the wet season by the Southwest Monsoon. Heavy
rainstorms occur mainly in the Southwest Monsoon period from May to
The project area is highly urbanized and consists of a considerable amount of built
up areas in towns where runoff is high. The groundwater table is also high in the
area because of the coastal and lake environments hence the soils are less water
Rainfall (mm)
Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Figure 1. Monthly average rainfall in Colombo
Average annual temperature in the project area is in the range of 25.5-27.5°C. The
variation of monthly average temperature is shown in Table 1. These data are
based on the meteorological station in Colombo.
Relative Humidity
Relative humidity data are available for Ratmalana meteorological station, which
is close to the project area. Location of the Ratmalana meteorological station is
shown in Figure 1. Relative humidity is from 66% to 75% during the day-time, and
it varies from 84% to 90% during the night-time. Details are presented in Table 3.
Wind speed
Average maximum wind speed in the study area is in the range of 8-138 km/h
according to the wind data recorded at the Colombo meteorological station
during the period from 1993 to 2008. Figure 2 shows the average maximum wind
speed on monthly basis.
Development of Intensity-Duration-Frequency
Intensity Frequency Relationships
Daily total rainfalls obtained from the gauge recorded 15 minute rainfalls were
compared with the daily rainfall data read in a check gauge (standard rain gauge
observations made
made at 0830 h). Records which deviated by more than 30% were
considered unreliable and eliminated from the study. In this process annual
maximum records of five years (1983, 1987, 1989, 2000 and 2010) had to be
discarded. Those were not included in the annual
annual exceedance series, too. Two
more rainfall records in the annual exceedance series (in 1985 and 2005) were
also discarded as they were unreliable based on the above criteria. Out of the
records that showed deviations, the percentages of data that deviate upto 10%,
10% to 20%, 20% to 30% and more than 30% were found to be, 81%, 7%, 4% and
8%. This shows that the number of rainfall records that have shown considerable
deviations in the total daily rainfalls is very small. Also, in general rainfall records
upto 20% deviation were found to be not affecting the annual maximum rainfalls.
Rainfall for 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, and 240 min were compiled from the 15 min
rainfall data. Annual maximum and annual exceedance data series were extracted
from the validated records. Annual exceedance series refer to Peak Over
Threshold rainfalls by retaining the N largest values, where N is equal to the
number of years in the series. Table 4 provides the annual maximum rainfalls for
the years from 1981 to 2010.
Then the above data were tested for suitability for using in a frequency analysis.
The data screening procedure adopted consisted of following steps.
• Plot the totals according to the chosen time step and note any trends or
• Test the time series for absence of trend with Spearman’s rank-
correlation method
• Apply the F-test for stability of variance and the t-test for stability of mean
to split, non-overlapping, sub-sets of the time series
• Test the series for absence of persistence by computing the first serial
correlation coefficient
Data were plotted for visual examination in order to identify any abrupt changes
in the time series. Annual maximum rainfall series for different durations are
presented in Figure 3. No appreciable trend is noticed from the plot.
300 15 min
30 min
Annual maximum rainfall (mm)
60 min
90 min
100 min
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Testing of high and low outliers was done using the equation 01 02 34 56 and
07 02 34 56 where yH and yL are high and low outlier thresholds in log and 02 is
the mean, n is the sample size, sy is the standard deviation and Kn is the
parameter given in Chow et al (1988).
The thresholds calculated for the period 1981 to 2010 are shown in Table 5.
All the data series except two values in the 180 min and 240 min series were
found to be within these limits. For the 180 min and 240 min durations, the
rainfalls were found to be 222.06 mm and 262.62 mm respectively. Since these
are very marginally more than the threshold level and the comparison of rainfall
records at a gauging station located close to Colombo at Ratmalana, where daily
rainfall totals are known, indicated similar concurrent high rainfalls it was decided
to retain the observed rainfalls in the study.
It is important to make sure that there is no correlation with the order in which
the data have been collected and with an increase or a decrease in the magnitude
of those data. For that Spearman’s rank correlation method was used to verify the
absence of trend at a significance level of 5%. The time series has no trend if
t{v,2.5%} <t1<t{v.97.5%}, where, t1 is the test statistic, v is the degrees of freedom
(Dahmen and Hall, 1990). The results of the calculations are given in Table 6.
All the data series except 180 min series have no trend and are thus stationary.
Though the 180 min data set does not satisfy the condition indicating that the
time series not stationary it was decided to check the data set further to study its
performances in other tests.
The test for stability of variance is done first since instability of the variance
implies that the time series is not stationary and thus not suitable for further use.
The test statistic is the ratio of the variances of two split, non-overlapping, subsets
of the time series (Dahmen and Hall, 1990). The region for test statistic of Ft was
taken as F{V1,V2,2.5%} <Ft <F{V1,V2,97.5%} where, v1=n1-1 (number of degrees of freedom
for the numerator), v2=n2-1 (number of degrees of freedom for the denominator), n1, n2
equals the number of data in each sub set.
Then the t-test for stability of the mean was conducted using the same two subsets. The
test statistic was taken to be bounded as, t {v,2.5%} < tt < t{v,97.5%} where, v=(n1-1)+(n2-
All the data series satisfy the checks and the means and variances are stable.
Therefore, the time series are stationary and could be used in the study.
The serial correlation coefficient verifies the independence of a time series which
in turn helps to ensure that the time series is completely random (Dahmen and Hall,
1990). It is sufficient to compute the first lag serial correlation coefficient for this
purpose and a confidence level of 95% was used in this study. The lag one serial
correlation coefficient, r1 should be within region at 5% level of significance as;
LCL(r) < r1 < UCL(r), where, UCL(r) = {-1,(-1-1.96(n-2)0.5)/(n-1)} and LCL(r) = {(-
1+1.96(n-2)0.5)/(n-1),+1 }
Thus it was decided to use the data series in the study as all the tests were
satisfied satisfactorily.
The Ranked Annual Exceedance Series extracted from the data are given in Table
For the more frequent events of return periods upto 10 years (2, 5 and 10 years)
annual exceedence series was used while for the return periods of 25 years and
above (25, 50 and 100 years) the annual maximum series was used in the
frequency analysis. Use of annual exceedance series for return periods upto 10
years and annual maximum series for higher return periods has been the practice.
The GEV distribution was observed to be the best fitting distribution for both
annual exceedence series and annual maximum series. Please note that many
distributions were tested and GEV was found to be the most suitable distribution.
The tested distributions were GEV, Weibull, Frechet, Gumbel and Figure 4 shows
these distributions with the observed data. Software “Easyfit” was used in the
fitting of probability distributions.
Annual Maximum Rainfall (mm)
30 Data
20 Frechet
10 Weibull
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Gumbel Reduced Variate
Figure 4. Comparison of a few distributions
Then from the best fitted distribution (GEV distribution) rainfall intensities for
different return periods were calculated for all the rainfall durations. Then
corrections for the conversion of fixed/restricted 15 min data to
sliding/unrestricted data were introduced according to the guidelines developed
by Dwyer and Reed (1995). The correction factors used were 1.160, 1.085, 1.026,
1.008 and 1.003 for durations of 15, 30 60, 90 and 120 min rainfall data as
suggested in Dwyer and Reed (1995).
The different duration rainfalls for different return periods after the correction
introduced are given in Table 10. Figure 5 and Figure 6 present the relationships
of rainfall depth with rainfall duration and rainfall depth with return period.
Table 10. Different duration rainfall depths for different return periods (mm)
Duration (min) 2 yr 5 yr 10 yr 25 yr 50 yr 100 yr
15 38.84 45.54 50.78 58.92 63.68 68.17
30 59.10 67.97 74.18 84.01 89.67 94.84
60 79.20 91.83 101.65 117.35 126.15 134.31
90 90.01 105.39 116.57 133.05 147.65 160.62
120 96.48 113.95 127.20 147.18 161.18 175.59
180 102.99 123.51 142.16 179.05 203.90 230.31
240 109.43 135.18 159.04 205.31 243.43 287.15
2 yr
300 5 yr
10 yr
250 25 yr
50 yr
Rainfall (mm)
200 100 yr
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Rainfall duration (min)
Figure 5. Rainfall against rainfall duration
15 min
30 min
60 min
90 min
120 min
Rainfall (mm)
180 min
240 min
1 10 100
Return Period (yr)
Figure 6. Rainfall against return period
These rainfalls were compared with the rainfall depths available in two previous
studies as presented in Table 11. One is the study by Dharmasena and Premasiri
(1990), who used the same raw data set, but for the period limited from 1960 to
1985. In their study Extreme Value Type I (Gumbel) Distribution (EVI) was fitted to
annual maximum rainfall series. The other is by JICA (2003), which used results of
a study reportedly carried out by H.Humphery. H. Humpheys listed all the high
intensity storm rainfall data for 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 minutes from 1921
through 1967. As the report mentions these data have been read directly from
the original daily charts of the automatic rainfall recorder at the Colombo
observatory. Based on these data, probable rainfalls have been estimated for the
given duration and frequencies. The rainfalls were observed to be a little increased
compared to the previous studies, but were very close to them.
Table 11. Comparison of different duration rainfalls derived in this study with
those values in two previous studies
Return Period
Rainfall Duration 2 yr 5 yr 10 yr 25 yr 50 yr 100 yr
15 min Present 38.8 45.5 50.8 58.9 63.6 68.2
D&P 31.8 36.8 39.9 45.0 48.5 51.8
JICA 31.0 36.4 40.0 na na na
30 min Present 59.1 68.0 74.2 84.0 89.7 94.8
D&P 51.3 64.0 71.4 80.0 86.9 94.0
JICA 51.0 62.7 70.5 na na na
60 min Present 79.2 91.8 101.7 117.4 126.2 134.3
D&P 72.9 91.9 102.4 116.3 127.5 138.4
JICA 72.6 90.4 102.1 na na na
90 min Present 90.0 105.4 116.6 133.0 147.7 160.6
D&P 76.4 95.0 105.2 121.2 132.4 143.9
JICA na na na na na na
120 min Present 96.5 114.0 127.2 147.2 161.2 175.6
D&P 79.0 96.0 108.0 124.0 135.9 148.1
JICA na na na na na na
180 min Present 102.9 123.5 142.2 179.1 203.9 230.3
D&P 93.5 118.1 132.1 153.5 168.1 183.7
JICA 79.0 100.3 113.8 na na na
240 min Present 109.4 135.2 159.0 205.3 243.4 287.2
D&P 100.5 127.4 143.2 166.9 183 200.3
JICA na na na na na na
Rainfall intensities calculated from the rainfall depths are given in Table 12.
Table 12. Rainfall intensity at different return periods (sliding data) in mm/h
From Annual Exceedance From Annual Maximum
Series Series
2 yr 5 yr 10 yr 25 yr 50 yr 100 yr
15 155.35 182.15 203.11 235.68 254.73 272.67
30 118.21 135.94 148.35 168.01 179.34 189.67
60 79.20 91.83 101.65 117.35 126.15 134.31
90 60.01 70.26 77.71 88.70 98.43 107.08
120 48.24 56.98 63.60 73.59 80.59 87.79
180 34.33 41.17 47.39 59.68 67.97 76.77
240 27.36 33.80 39.76 51.33 60.86 71.79
These rainfall intensities were compared with the rainfall intensities estimated in
Ranatunga (2000) for Colombo as given in Table 13.
Table 13. Rainfall intensity at different return periods from the study by
Ranatunga (2000) in mm/h
Return period
Duration (min) 2 yr 5 yr 10 yr 25 yr 50 yr 100 yr
15 127.82 150.01 162.81 182.15 198.02 212.00
30 96.33 115.85 126.48 143.14 155.83 167.81
60 65.97 81.19 89.36 102.32 111.60 120.93
90 50.91 63.36 70.13 80.79 88.24 95.94
120 41.79 52.36 58.21 67.31 73.60 80.20
180 31.18 39.36 44.05 51.18 56.04 61.24
240 25.12 31.85 35.81 41.73 45.75 50.08
The differences between the rainfall intensities derived in the present study with
the rainfall intensities estimated by Ranatunga (2000) are shown in Figure 7. The
differences are given as the percentage difference with respect to the previous
2 yr
5 yr
Difference relative to previous
10 yr
estimation (%)
25 yr
50 yr
100 yr
15 30 60 90 120 180 240
Rainfall duration (min)
Figure 7. Difference of rainfall intensities with estimations by Ranatunga (2000)
The IDF curves for the data given in Table 12 are drawn and are presented in
Figure 8.
10 100 1000
Rainfall Duration (min)
For these rainfall intensities best fitting equations were fitted using “shifted
power equation”. The equation fitted for the different return periods is in the
following format.
8 9 :: ; 5 0 9 :: ;5
Where, a, b and c are constants. Table 14 gives a, b, c values for different return
periods. Rainfall duration is in minutes and the rainfall intensities are in mm/h.
Rainfall intensities were determined from the above equation and they are
presented in Table 15.
Figure 9 shows the final IDF curves developed using these results.
Table 15. Different duration rainfall intensities (mm/h) for different return periods
from the fitted shifted power equation
Duration (min) 2 yr 5 yr 10 yr 25 yr 50 yr 100 yr
15 155.49 182.14 202.96 235.86 255.11 273.32
30 117.81 136.01 148.90 167.89 178.33 186.96
60 79.46 91.77 100.63 114.69 123.79 132.47
120 48.24 56.97 64.04 76.43 85.62 95.29
2 yr
5 yr
10 yr
Rainfall Intensity (mm/h)
25 yr
50 yr
100 yr
10 100 1000
Rainfall Duration (min)
Figure 9. IDF Curve developed based on fitted power equation
The available 15 min rainfall data record was used to identify the time distribution
of observed maximum rainfalls. Initially, largest three rainfalls were extracted
from the data record each year. Thus, totally 90 rainfalls were extracted and
analyzed in the study to identify hyetograph shapes.
The selected rainfall events were categorized into 5 levels with respect to rainfall
durations. That is, less than 1 h, 1h to 2h, 2h to 3h, 3h to 4h and more than 4h.
The numbers of rainfall events in each category are shown in Table 16.
Table 16. Number of rainfall event in each category considered in the study
Rainfall duration Number of events
<1h 9
1h – 2h 35
2h – 3h 23
3h – 4h 6
> 4h 17
Total 90
Plots of % cumulative rainfall against % time for the above different duration
rainfalls were drawn to investigate the shape of hydrographs and they are
presented in Figure 10. Approximate average lines are also drawn on the same
1 1
0.9 0 h To 1 h 0.9 1 h To 2 h
0.8 0.8
% Cumulative rainfall
% Cumultive rainfall
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 % Time
% Time
1 1
0.9 2 h to 3 h 0.9 3 h To 4 h
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
% Cumulative rainfall
% Cumulative rainfall
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
% Time 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
% Time
0.9 Over 4 h
% Cumulative rainfall
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
% Time
Figure 10. Plots of % cumulative rainfalls against % time for five different
The average lines are drawn on one plot and presented in Figure 11. However,
please note that the average lines drawn are very subjective.
0h - 1h
1h - 2h
0.8 2h - 3h
0.7 3h - 4h
% Cumulative rainfall
4h <
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
% Time
Figure 11. Rainfall distribution for different duration rainfalls
Shapes of the Design Rainfall hyetographs for these different cases are shown in
the following Figure 12. Rainfall durations are given in the hyetographs. One unit
in the horizontal axis is one tenth of the rainfall duration. Vertical axis shows the
distribution of a unit rainfall.
0.4 0.4
< 1h 0.35
1h - 2h
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0.4 0.4
2h - 3h 0.35
3h - 4h
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
> 4h
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 12. Design rainfall hyetograph shapes for different duration rainfalls
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