LIQUID C2 Report

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The Evolving
Cyber Security
Landscape in Africa.
Cyber-attacks, hacking, data loss:
Decision-makers across South Africa,
Kenya and Zambia share their cyber
security concerns.

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022



Executive summary.................................................................................................4
Introduction................................................................................................................. 6
Cyber security trends in Africa.......................................................................... 7
Methodology and objectives............................................................................ 10
Methodology........................................................................................................... 10
The research objectives..................................................................................... 13
Core issues.................................................................................................................. 14
Perceptions: threat and risk.............................................................................. 16
The remote risk........................................................................................................ 20
Securing the cloud................................................................................................ 24
The sophistication equation........................................................................... 27
Cyber security investment................................................................................ 28
In conclusion.............................................................................................................. 31
The Liquid C2 perspective..................................................................................33
Essential areas of focus....................................................................................... 34
Endpoint detection and managed services.......................................... 34
The protection of data....................................................................................... 34
Email remains a priority.................................................................................... 34
Cyber security investment...............................................................................35
Security by intent and design..........................................................................35
Executive summary

Throughout 2022, Liquid C2, a business of Liquid Intelligent

Technologies, a pan-African technology group with extensive
cloud and cyber security expertise, collated its research, analysis
and findings around Africa’s evolving cyber security threat.
These findings, gleaned from discussions with decision-makers across South Africa,
Kenya and Zambia, highlight a landscape fraught with complexity, increasingly
challenging threat actors, and a sharp increase in organisational awareness.

In the past, cyber security has battled to gain traction and visibility at the
boardroom table. Considered a grudge purchase with a hint of hysteria, it was
relegated to a box-ticking exercise with limited resources that impacted efficiency.
Today, the picture is very different. Decision-makers have become increasingly
focused on risk mitigation strategies, cyber security investments and robust policies
designed to ensure that their organisations don’t fall victim to a threat that’s
become both virulent and sophisticated. The research found that there has been
a significant change in how decision-makers perceive cyber security and how it
has become one of the organisation’s top priorities, with Kenya showing the most
marked shift in awareness overall.

This shift has been driven by the radical

change in working frameworks from
in-office to online during the pandemic to
a hybrid approach that’s gained traction
over the past two years. An increasingly
dispersed workforce has put immense
pressure on cyber security teams.

From ensuring the protection of one environment for hundreds of employees

in the office, they are now tasked with protecting hundreds of environments
scattered across different countries, geographies, time zones and regions.

Most of those surveyed in South Africa are in a hybrid stage; Kenya has a
significantly smaller percentage of companies adopting a hybrid model, while most
are either fully remote or in the office, and Zambia has little to no remote working.

4 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


One of the primary threats cited by decision-makers around remote and hybrid
working was authorised use – the concern that the person accessing the device
or the company resources is not a family member or someone misusing company-
owned resources. There are concerns around managing this challenge alongside
malicious code from harmful websites and lost or stolen devices. Companies are
therefore focusing on security solutions that help them manage these challenges
more effectively, such as endpoint protection, firewalls, and backups. Two-factor
authentication has increased while staff awareness and training remain low.

Hacking is the leading concern for

companies in South Africa, with Kenya
and Zambia, showing an increase in their
concerns around this threat, while email
attacks and social engineering attacks
are still perceived as two of the biggest
ongoing threats.

“Software compromise due to

vulnerability exploits, theft
of company information,
and non-compliance are
no longer cited as the issues
that would have the biggest
impact on a business in the
event of a cyber security
breach in 2023, a significant
change from 2022. This
could be because companies
believe that the measures
they’ve put in place are
enough to mitigate or
reduce these threats”

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 5

Password compromise is a rising concern in South Africa and Kenya. At the
same time, Zambia is concerned about social engineering attacks, and all three
countries have shown increased awareness around the risks presented by SMS
attacks. However, this remains a low priority overall.

All three countries emphasised that loss of reputation, financial impact and
business disruption were their primary concerns around a successful attack.
What is interesting is that all countries showed a marked increase in their belief
that they have done more to embed security than in the past - they are aware that
more attacks are on the horizon but feel that their cyber security posture has been
enhanced accordingly. However, as security is a moving target, most companies
have continued investing in cyber security solutions that consistently improve their
security posture. Business continuity and partnering with cyber security service
providers remain a high priority in South Africa and Kenya but low in Zambia

The changing benchmarks of cyber

security, the increased sophistication of
attacks, costs and the ongoing talent
shortage are the key factors driving the
move towards outsourcing cyber security
to third-party security service providers.

Regarding cloud investment, Microsoft remains the dominant cloud-based

platform in use across all three countries. However, South Africa has the highest
adoption, while Google is gaining traction in Kenya and Zambia, with smaller
companies looking to adopt this platform in South Africa. This is driven by cost and
accessibility, and perceptions around security.

This report digs into these threads and trends to examine the
threats, challenges, perceptions and methodologies adopted by
South Africa, Kenya and Zambia as they manage the evolving
cyber security threat on the continent.
It highlights the areas of significant risk, provides insight into the impact of
cybercrime, and focuses on what companies can do to protect their assets, systems,
employees and information in 2023 and beyond.

6 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022



Since Liquid C2 published its first Cyber Security and Data Protection in Africa
report in 2016, there have been radical changes in both workstyle and security
threats. It was a different world, one that the COVID-19 pandemic and the dramatic
evolution of digital platforms, services and solutions had not fundamentally
reshaped. In Africa, the additional layers of complexity introduced by political
uncertainty, economic variability, ageing infrastructure and poverty continue to
influence how organisations operate and invest in the future.

Within this context, this report looks at some of the key trends that have emerged
over the past six years in Africa, specifically with regard to cyber security and cloud
services investments and strategies. Interviewing decision-makers and

IT professionals across South Africa, Africa and Zambia, the report sifts through
the data to reveal an increasingly aware and sophisticated landscape plagued by
inconsistencies and socio-economic challenges. The sample profile across all three
countries primarily came from banking and finance, education, manufacturing,
mining and quarrying, construction, communication, wholesale and retail trade.

The focus of the research in this

report is to establish how this evolving
threat landscape has changed how
organisations approach their security
and the main concerns that decision-
makers have around these cyber security
threats to the business.

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 7

It unpacks the perceived impact of a breach, the most significant cyber security
threats, how prevalent they have become, and what solutions and services
companies rely on to manage and mitigate them. In addition, it looks at how
remote and hybrid working influence cyber security strategies, what impact
working from home (WFH) has had on the organisation, and how WFH has
changed the type of threat actor and the threats themselves.

The analysis within this report looks at how

companies leverage cloud-based services
and their evolution alongside the cyber
security landscape. It also details how
decision-makers feel about using cloud
services within this challenging landscape,
what their primary security concerns are, and
what impact these concerns have when it
comes to their cloud adoption strategies.

The report unpacks how it has become critical for

companies to understand how security intertwines with
digital transformation and adoption strategies. Cost and
talent are two key issues that affect how organisations
approach their cloud and security investments. The cyber
security skills gap continues to inhibit the organisation’s
ability to access skilled talent, not only in terms of finding
the talent but also affording it. Experienced cyber security
professionals are hard to find and expensive to retain. This
cost factor is carried over into how companies approach
their security spend per employee and select cloud
services. Companies are looking for solutions to remain
competitive and agile without compromising their cyber
security resilience and capability.

8 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


Cyber security trends in Africa

Over the past three years, the Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report has analysed the key
concerns and challenges facing organisations regarding the cyber security threat
and revealed how attitudes and approaches have changed alongside increasingly
voracious cybercrime methodologies and attacks. Perhaps the most interesting
trend is the radical drop in how companies perceive their security measures.

A more confident stance

Organisations have regularly placed ‘inadequate security measures as one

of their most prominent cyber security concerns, but in 2022 this dropped

In 2021 and 2020, hacking, email and data protection were the dominant
concern, with most citing that it was important to put measures in place to
protect data and systems. This dip in concern is aligned with the fact that
companies have put measures in place to combat cybercrime and their
belief that these mitigations are significantly reducing the risks. This belief
is echoed in the shift in perception around what impact a cyber security
breach would have on the business – on the whole. Organisations are less
concerned about business disruption, loss of data, and damage to reputation
than in the past.

Interestingly, while organisations feel confident in their security mitigation

processes and investments, they have highlighted a growing concern
around email attacks, data breaches and malware. This is a conflicting
perception – on the one hand, companies know that the threats have
become more sophisticated and capable, but on the other, they believe
they’ve done enough to protect against them. The reason for this conflict is
that they feel they have done more to support security than in the past but
are aware that there remain threats that they should be concerned about
that may yet result in significant business impact in the future.

However, the key trend here is a markedly increased focus on risk mitigation
and security investment that aligns with the emerging second trend.

Security has become a boardroom priority

Another thread that has emerged over the past year is around the
perception of a cyber security threat. In the past, cyber security has been
relegated to IT and reluctantly allocated budget as a grudge purchase forced
on the organisation by hype. Now, companies recognise the severity of the
threat – as reflected in the increased investment into security solutions and
systems – and are putting far more controls in place.

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 9

Over the past three years, there has been a significant increase in how they
approach their investment into cyber security controls, the types of threats
that could have the most impact on the business, and the evolving nature
of the cybercrime landscape as a whole. Email, phishing, spam, data theft,
data leakage, data breaches, ransomware, and malware have gained traction
as the most significant concerns facing organisations and has driven an
increased focus on investing in security services and solutions that will
reliably mitigate these concerns.

Decision-makers are also paying more attention to security and IT teams,

particularly when it comes to the evolving nature of the threat landscape.
On one side, those responsible for cyber security are concerned with how
cybercriminals and their methods are constantly evolving and innovating
– the attacks are intelligent, sophisticated and leverage next-generation
technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence (AI). This puts
immense pressure on security to stay ahead of the threats, a pressure that’s
only growing in light of legislative and regulatory requirements increases.

Regulatory pressures are changing business approaches

While regulation and legislation differ significantly across the three regions
surveyed in the report, it remains a growing challenge. Companies must
comply with regulatory expectations and ensure their security protocols
and parameters align with local and global expectations. This drives cyber
security awareness across the organisation – from the C-Suite to security
teams and employee security training.

Skills have become a priority

Human error remains a substantial contributing factor to security breaches.
The so-called human firewall is often the weakest point in the organisation’s
defences due to poor training and awareness. This was a trend driven
by a lack of internal awareness and executive commitment and is now
undergoing a significant shift. Employee awareness and training are rising,
with many companies investing in cyber security programmes designed to
simulate the most prevalent attacks.

This is perhaps one of the most important trends to emerge over the past
three years, as employee awareness remains one of the most effective
preventative measures. Leaders must stay focused on embedding security
training and understanding within the organisation, as this is one of the
most effective approaches to reducing the risk of a successful attack and
potentially impacting the organisation’s security posture.

On the other side of the skills development coin is the trend that hasn’t gone
away – cyber security talent. This challenge has worsened as the shortage
of skilled security personnel continues to impact the business and its ability
to hire and retain cyber security professionals. This has led to a marked shift
from in-house security teams to third-party security service provision as
companies look to provisioned teams to fill the gaps.

10 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


Cyber security is now seen as an enabler

The impact of cyber security is felt across any organisation of any size. A
successful attack can bring down Goliath as easily as David. This makes the
investment into a robust and capable security posture as much an enabler as
an expense. It allows companies to expand their digital foundations, explore
new markets and opportunities, and build customer relationships with
confidence. This, perhaps more than anything in the Age of Information, is
critical to business longevity.

Moving forward…

Organisations need to remain vigilant. Cyber security threat actors are

intelligent and capable, their engineers committed to the profits generated
from extortion, fraud and data theft, which means they are constantly
evolving their approaches to overcome next-generation security measures.
As a result, companies cannot afford to rest on their laurels – they must
evolve alongside the cyber threat and consistently invest in the right tools,
training, and service providers.

Managed security services (MSS) remain a trusted and capable resource

for organisations looking to embed security throughout the business. In
addition to providing the business with access to extensive expertise and
skilled security talent, these companies help organisations effectively bypass
the risk of outdated security or unexpected vulnerabilities by remaining
ahead of the threats, understanding the trends and providing constant

“Cyber security is an enabler

for the business. If you
understand the threats and the
risks you’re facing, then you’re
already ahead of the game. And
remember, if your business is
hacked or compromised, this
will impact how customers
perceive you and the amount
of trust they give you. You can
operate confidently if you’re
compliant, committed, and

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 11

Methodology and objectives

In the third edition of the Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report, the research delved into
the most pressing technology and cyber security issues facing South Africa, Kenya
and Zambia organisations.


The sample comprised IT and Cyber Security decision-makers across multiple

industries and sectors, and all respondents were identified as leaders in their
respective industries and sectors. To participate in the survey, respondents had
to be a decision-maker around cyber security issues, work in the research and
development (R&D) department, and play a significant role in cyber security
planning and investments.

The sample size for 2022 was:

70 40 29
South Africa Kenya Zambia

In South Africa and Kenya, the methodology for this study was to interview
respondents on a research panel and have agreed to participate in research panels
on an ongoing basis. In Zambia, the respondents were interviewed over the phone
from a list provided by Liquid.

Respondent roles:

36% 64%

I am a decision-maker on I am involved in all decisions

cyber security issues and around cyber security issues and
work in IT work in IT

12 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


Company size:

South Africa

38% 41% 36% 38% 36%
25% 23%

101 - 250 staff members 251 - 500 staff members 500+ staff members


45% 41%
39% 38%
18% 20%

51 - 100 staff members 101 - 150 staff members 150+ staff members



51 - 100 staff members 101 - 150 staff members 150+ staff members

2020 2021 2022

Total Sample n=139 | (2021, n=141 / 2020, n=109)

South Africa Kenya Zambia

n=70 (2021, n=70 / 2020, n=69) n=40 (2021, n=41 / n=29 (New country in
2020, n=40) 2022)

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 13

Industry Sector:

The sample profile predominantly lay across the following sectors:

Banking and Finance Education

Communication Mining and Quarrying

(inc. FMCG) Construction

In addition, it included respondents from wholesale and retail trade; transport

and storage; electricity, gas and water; motor trade and repair services; tourism;
agriculture; and betting and gaming.

14 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


The Research Objectives

The primary research objectives of this report were to establish:

The primary concerns that decision-makers have around the cyber

security threats to the business;

The biggest impact a breach could have on the organisation;

The most significant cyber security threats to the business;

If there has been increased cyber security threats and/or data breaches;

What cyber security controls, safeguards and services organisations use.

The research also undertook to unpack the cyber security perceptions around
remote working. To this end, it focused on:

Degree of concern about cyber security breaches as a result of working

from home (WFH).

Breaches that the organisation may have had as a result of WFH.

Types of breaches that are perceived to be a result of WFH.

Interventions put in place to prevent WFH cyber security breaches.

Cloud remains a priority investment for organisations, particularly in light of its

ability to enable business productivity and growth. To this end, the report also
focused on:

What cloud-based services were organisations using?

What security concerns do organisations have around cloud-based


Understanding the key elements of their cloud adoption strategies.

In addition, the report looked at the following key issues and trends:

The cyber security skills accessed by the organisation.

What frameworks had been put in place to improve cyber security


The percentage of IT budgets allocated to cyber security.

The claimed budget spend per employee.

Demographics of the organisation, including size, industry, sector and

respondent level.

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 15

Core issues
The survey results across the different research
objectives found critical issues across the board.
The most significant of these are:

Think hacking and unauthorised access are the
biggest cyber security concerns for the business

South African organisations perceive that the biggest
impact of a cyber security breach is on finance.

Kenyan organisations perceive that the biggest
impact of a cyber security breach is reputation.

Think email attacks, including phishing and spam,
are the biggest cyber security threats.

Zambian organisations perceive that the biggest impact
of a cyber security breach is towards business disruption.

Think the most concerning business risk is the
illegal company or client information access.

Believe that cyber security threats have
increased over the past year.

16 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


Have experienced increased data breaches.

Have experienced increased data breaches from
remote and hybrid working.

Have implemented advanced endpoint
protection to mitigate the cyberthreat for
remote and hybrid working.

Are considering business continuity services.

Have appointed cyber security staff or signed up
with a cyber security team over the past year.

Have a digital adoption strategy and roadmap
for the next two years.

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 17

Perceptions: threat and risk

The report found that organisations perceived Hacking

hacking and gaining unauthorised access as the has seen a
leading concern around cyber security. significant
This is followed by cyber-attacks, illegal access to information, increase,
and data loss, including exfiltration or leakage. Hacking has particularly
remained a concern over time but has seen a significant
increase, particularly in South Africa and Kenya, where it has
in South
almost doubled over the past year from 41% in 2021 to 72% in Africa and
2022. It’s the top risk cited by Zambia (62%), but it isn’t given Kenya, where
as much weight as the other two countries, likely due to South it has almost
Africa and Kenya being further down the road in developing
their cyber security safeguards and understanding. Zambia doubled to
also puts cyber-attacks at the bottom of its perceived risks, 72%.
while South Africa and Kenya have it in second place.

Hacking and gaining unauthorised access

to the organisation’s information systems... 68%
Cyber-attacks (Ransomware, other 43%
Malware, Phishing etc) 47%

Theft of confidential information


Illegal access to confidential information

Data loss including data exfiltration 20%
or leakage 30%

Inadequate safety/ security 53%

protection of data 20%

Although worded slightly differently in 2022, a

dramatic drop in companies saying they have
inadequate measures, indicating a increased
protection being in place.

South Africa seeing a drop from 53% to 27%

from 2021 to 2022, and Kenya 61% to 12%.

2021 (n=141) 2022 (n=139)

18 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


Email attacks that include phishing and spam have

increased to 74%.

However, perhaps the most startling result is that there has been a drastic drop in
how companies perceive their data’s safety, security and protection. For example,
in 2021, 53% felt that their protection measures were inadequate, but in 2022 this
dropped by 33%, with only 20% citing this as a concern.

Overall, most countries feel that the most significant impact a cyber security breach
would have on the business is financial. Still, South Africa prioritised this at 21%
compared with Kenya prioritising damage to reputation (20%) and Zambia prioritising
business disruption (30%). Across all three countries, financial impact, damage to
reputation and loss of important company information were the top three concerns.
Reputational damage remains a significant concern across all countries, and when it
comes to the most significant cyber security threats to the business, there have been
significant changes in perception compared to 2020 and 2021.

Email attacks that include phishing and spam have increased to 74% compared
with 67% in the previous years, while data breaches that include data extortion, data
leakage and data disclosure have risen to 61% compared with 2021’s 59%. In third
position, malware has risen from an average of 49% to 52%.

Financial impact of a Cyber Security breach 26%

Damage to the reputation/credibility of the 17%
company due to Cyber Security breach 15%
Loss of important company information/ 18%
individuals working in the company 14%

Disclosure of vital company information 17%

to someone outside the business 13%
Business disruption 14%

2021 (n=141) 2022 (n=139)

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 19

Companies are far more concerned about
malware, email and data breaches than ever
before; this is reflected in how different countries
are affected by cyber threats.
South Africa, for example, continues to have the highest
incidence of targeted ransomware and business email
attacks of any African country, according to Interpol’s African
Cyberthreat Assessment Report 2021, and this is reflected in
the research.

Email attacks, including Phishing, SPAM 67%

Data breach or data breach, e.g., data 59%

extortion, data leakage, data disclosure 61%
Malware, including Ransomware 50%
Password compromise 32%

Web application & Web-based attacks, 51%

e.g., defacing of public 47%
facing website

Identity Theft
Confidential information stored in public 53%
Cloud services
Insider threats 20%

Social engineering 41%

attacks 28%
Lack of remote working security 27%
Vulnerability exploitation, e.g., unpatched 34%
or out of date software
Shadow IT, e.g., use of unsanctioned 22%
applications 16%

Supply Chain exploitation 17%


Total sample 2020 Total sample 2021 Total sample 2022

20 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


The illegal access to and theft of company and

The loss of company
client information remains the most concerning
business risk in the event of a cyber security and client data has
breach (60%), although this has dropped risen to second
significantly from 2021 (76%). The loss of company place at 50%,
and client data has risen to second place at 50%,
while financial loss remains relatively steady at
while financial loss
50%. Interestingly, business disruption, the theft remains relatively
of client or company information and reputational steady at 50%.
damage have dropped dramatically compared
with previous years.

Illegal access to company/client 76%


Loss of company/client data

Financial loss

Leakage of personal information

Theft of company/client information

Business disruption


Reputational damage

2021 (n=141) 2022 (n=139)

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 21

This is reflected in the perception of
Perception of
cyber security threats. Across South
Africa (77%), Kenya (82%) and Zambia Security Threats:
(62%), decision-makers believe that
cyber security threats have increased
over the past year, with email, data 77%
breaches and malware cited as the South Africa
most pervasive.

Unfortunately, the perceptions are

aligned with reality, with a significant 82%
number of companies having Kenya
experienced an increase in data
breaches. The overall total of

companies that have had a breach 62%

in the past year is 58% which is Zambia
aggregated from South Africa (56%),
Kenya (90%) and Zambia (17%).

Have there been data breaches

The Remote Risk in the last year?

Of course, remote and hybrid

working have played no small role
in the threat landscape. Security is
spread thin across multiple locations,
employees remain the weakest
security link, and unexpected 58%
vulnerabilities put the business at
risk. The research reflects these
challenges, with 61% of companies
citing remote and hybrid working
as the direct cause of a successful
breach or as the leading risk factor
when mitigating the security threat.

Across all three countries, around

43% operate a hybrid model, 14% are
remote, and 43% are in the office.
The most significant risk comes 42% No
from email, which has become
increasingly sophisticated and more
pervasive thanks to WFH and hybrid
working frameworks. The primary
concern with email is how people
work and use their devices and

22 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


Email attacks, including Phishing, SPAM 67%

Password compromise 48%

Data breach and data theft, e.g. data

extortion, data leakage, data disclosure

Malicious code infections when visiting

know bad Web sites 40%

Unauthorised use, e.g. family members

misusing company owned resources

Social engineering attacks 31%

Malware, including Ransomware 31%

Confidential information stored

in public Cloud services

Identity Theft 29%

Lost and stolen laptops 29%

Vulnerability exploitation, e.g. unpatched

or out of date software

Shadow IT, e.g. use of

unsanctioned applications

Organisational information not

backed-up frequently

Other 2%

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 23

To mitigate the threat, 72% of companies have implemented advanced endpoint
protection with data backup (51%) and secure VPN and remote access (44%),
coming in at second and third place, respectively. There has also been a marked
increase in two-factor authentication, email content filtering, malware detection,
and web content filtering since 2021.

Advanced endpoint threat protection, 69%

e.g., firewall, HIPS, malware, etc 72%
Data backup 51%
Secure VPN & Remote Access
Two-factor authentication

Email content filtering & malware

Web content filtering 23%
& malware 38%
Disk Encryption or File 33%
Encryption 35%
Endpoint Detection & Response / Managed 36%
Detection & Response (EDR/MDR) 34%

Data loss prevention (DLP) 23%

Continuous staff 34%
awareness training 32%
Configuration Management & Baselining 27%
Network Access Control & 28%
Device Profiling, Zero Trust 23%
Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) 23%

Vulnerability Management
Patch Management
Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)

Total sample 2021 (n=86) Total sample 2022 (n=79)

24 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


Companies are paying attention to the security controls and safeguards they need
to put in place to mitigate the threats, but there needs to be more of a focus on
data protection. Solutions such as web application firewalls and penetration testing
should become more of a focus alongside endpoint detection and response in the
form of managed detection and response that ensures constant event monitoring
and visibility into the security environment.

It has become critical that organisations have the tools and platforms to rapidly
identify and address these threats and engage with managed security services
providers that can shift their security approach from a reactive stance to a proactive
one. This is a need that organisations have identified, with 64% prioritising
partnering with a cyber security operating centre and investing in cyber security
services that enable their ability to work offsite (56%).

Insurance 69% 12% 20% Low

for Zambia at

Ability to
work offsite 56% 16% 28%

Business consideration
continuity 83% 6%11% across all 3
services countries

Partner with CSOC Low

(Cyber Security 64% 8% 28% consideration
operating centres) for Zambia at
31%, compared
to South Africa
(74%) and
Yes No Maybe Kenya (70%)

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 25

Securing the cloud

Cloud remains an important digital transformation and investment pillar for the
African organisation. It is also linked to some of the most prevalent types of

cybercrime currently affecting these organisations and their perceptions of these

crimes. For example, email is linked to how people work and their use of cloud-
based platforms, while companies in South Africa are more concerned with data
breaches, those in Kenya are primarily worried about managing user access to

Microsoft remains the most popular cloud-based service in use by organisations in

Africa at 78% - an increase on 2020 (75%) but the same as in 2021 (78%). However,
Google has seen a significant increase at 53%, and online file-sharing platforms
such as Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox have dropped from 75% in 2021 to
61% in 2022. Google is used primarily by small to medium-sized companies in South
Africa but across all sized companies, including enterprises, in Kenya and Zambia.

Cloud remains an
important digital
and investment
pillar for the African

26 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


Type of cloud-based services being used

Total South Africa

2020 2021 2022 2020 2021 2022

Sample 77 129 139 45 69 70

Microsoft Office 365 75% 78% 78% 84% 77% 89%

Online file sharing

services (OneDrive,
Dropbox, Google Drive)
68% 75% 61% 67% 75% 71%

Online meetings
(Teams, Zoom, Skype) 77% 81% 60% 80% 80% 61%

Google 54%

Microsoft Azure /
AWS, etc 37% 35% 29% 41%

Kenya Zambia
2020 2021 2022 2022
Sample 45 69 70 29

Microsoft Office 365 63% 85% 72% 62%

Movements of 8% or
more are noted for
Online file sharing
services (OneDrive,
South Africa
Dropbox, Google Drive)
69% 69% 52% 48%

Movements of 12% or
Online meetings
more are noted for
(Teams, Zoom, Skype) 72% 82% 60% 55% Kenya

Google 62% 34%

Microsoft Azure /
AWS, etc 44% 28% 31%

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 27

Overall, 65% of companies have a digital adoption strategy or roadmap, with South
Africa in the lead at 70%, followed by Kenya (68%) and Zambia (52%), showing that
there is a clear sense of purpose when it comes to planning cloud investment for
the future.

The key elements of cloud adoption strategy across all three countries are primarily
focused on security (60%), with this percentage broken down into data security
(29%), hacking (4%) and network security (2%). The remaining 50% was balanced
across strategic cloud investment for business (14%) and cloud services (22%). The
latter saw most countries looking to develop a universal cloud system (9%), optimise
cloud (5%) and migrate to a new cloud solution (3%).

However, the concern is that the average spend on staff training is low at 15%,
which indicates that there is not enough emphasis on the behavioural and people
element of cyber security. According to respondents, staff training is the investment
that delivers the least return on investment (ROI) at only 4% – a concern in light of
how people are most often the weakest link in any security strategy.

Some of the key elements that companies perceived to deliver the most ROI were:

7% 7%
Data protection Firewall protection

4% 4%
Two-factor authentication or Antivirus protection
multi-factor authentication

As highlighted above, the concerns that dominate cloud-based services are

primarily managing user access to information, data leakage loss and recovery, and
visibility and control of data. These concerns align with the changing world of work
and the growing reliance on cloud-based services and solutions.

The top three security concerns around cloud-based services were:

62% Managing user access to information

61% Data leakage loss and recovery

48% Visibility and control of data stored

28 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


The Sophistication Equation

While several key trends emerged within this report and over the past three years,
the golden thread that runs through 2022 and into 2023 is the perception of
sophistication. All respondents highlighted that they had advanced significantly
in their cloud and digital strategies and cyber security capabilities. In 2022, 58% of
companies felt that their digital platforms and strategies were sophisticated with

advanced security and services, compared with 21% in 2019. In fact, most were in the
early stages in 2019 (44%) compared with only 14% today, and this has led most to
believe that they are more sophisticated and have more protection.

Companies were asked what best described their digital journey in 2019, and what best
describes their digital journey now in 2022.

South Africa Kenya Zambia

adopter 44% 44% 45% 41%
(e.g. basic
website) 14% 16% 12% 14%

Mid stage
(e.g. more
35% 36% 32% 38%
website, online
shopping (not
28% 24% 28% 38%
able to bulk order,
remote work)

(e.g. very
21% 20% 22% 21%
website, advanced
58% 60% 60% 48%
online shopping,
advanced security)

Stage in digital 2019 2019 2019

journey( 2019)
2022 2022 2022

Companies believe they are making significant progress in their

adoption of strategies to combat cyber threats

While it is true that companies are making significant progress in adopting

strategies to combat cyber security threats, it is crucial for them to acknowledge
that criminals are even more sophisticated. Therefore, it is essential that
organisations continue to invest in cyber security strategies, systems and
methodologies that allow them to stay ahead of the complex threat landscape and
mitigate the ever-evolving risks.

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 29

“Africa is a continent
of approximately 1.24
Cyber security investment
billion people, yet
it is estimated that
The current landscape is complex. Organisations
are facing tight economic conditions with a rising there are only 7,000
cost of living, economic volatility, socio-political
complexity, and ongoing limitations around
certified security
talent and resources. The latter is a key issue – the professionals or one
continent lacks the talent and resources required
to deal with cyber security threats. According for every 177,000
to the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, the
continent faces a growing 100,000-person gap in
certified cyber security professionals. However, this
number may disguise the true magnitude of the Assessing Cyber security Policy
problem as there is no readily available data on the Effectiveness in Africa via a
level of investment made by African governments Cyber security Liability Index.
into cyber security.

With this picture in mind, the report examined how organisations invest in their
cyber security personnel and systems. When asked if they had appointed cyber
security staff members or signed up with a cyber security team in the past year,
68% said yes, and 32% said no. Kenya had the highest yes percentage at 82%,
followed by South Africa (63%) and Zambia (62%).

Of the 32% who said no, the top reasons behind this decision were:

Financial difficulties and constraints prevent them

from doing so. This was the highest in South Africa.
20% and;
Already outsourcing.

Already have well-equipped systems.

14% and;

Have said it has not been necessary.

9% Have an internal
skillset. 7% Adequate

30 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


The concern for countries like South Africa, where financial strain limits cyber
security investment, is that they are under intense pressure to perform to ever-
higher security expectations with increasingly lower budgets and limited expertise
when accompanied by the growing talent shortage.

The percentage of the IT budget allocated to cyber security saw significant shifts
over the past three years. In 2020, companies that had allocated more than 15% of
their IT budget to managing cyber security sat at 25%. This increased to 30% in

2021 and then dropped to 18% in 2022. In the category of companies that dedicate
11-15% of their IT budget to cyber security, the investments have remained relatively
the same from 2020 (29%), 2021 (31%) and 2022 (33%). Across all three countries, this
is the most common range of IT spend towards security, with the remainder split
fairly evenly across the 6-10% and 15% ranges.

The minimum spend should sit at 15%, possibly even up to 20%, in light of how
severe the threat landscape is right now and how costly the fall-out is in the event
of a successful attack.

Total South Africa Kenya Zambia

0% 1% 2%

17% 20% 10%

Up to 5%
13% 10% 12%
20% 17% 20%

28% 23% 35%

6-10% 25% 31% 24%
24% 30% 18%

29% 29% 30%

11-15% 31% 33% 27%
33% 33% 32%

25% 25% 25%

More 14%
30% 26% 37%
15% 18% 14% 28%

2020 2021 2022

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 31

When it comes to the claimed budget spent per employee on managing cyber
security, the average spend in South Africa in 2022 was more than R250 per
employee per month – a significant increase of 31% over 19% in 2021 and 10% in
2020. In Kenya, the large banking and finance, communication, agriculture and
manufacturing sectors showed a measurable increase in this spend of 20% in 2022
compared with 10% in 2021, averaging at $50 or more per employee per month.

Zambia, however, had 48% of companies respond with ‘don’t know’ and only 14%
with $15-$50 per employee per month.

The respondents cited their use of the following industry frameworks:


NIST Cyber Security
ISO 27001



Center for Internet SWIFT Customer Security

Security Programme

South Africa Kenya Zambia

32 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


In conclusion

There has been a significant decrease in inadequate safety, security and protection of
data in 2022, with a majority of organisations moving much further down the digital
adoption road. There is a marked increase in awareness and the implementation
of cyber security measures post the global pandemic. However, nearly two in three
companies experienced a data breach in the past year, and the most significant
threat remains hacking across all three countries, even more in Kenya. This is closely
followed by unauthorised access and cyber-attacks, with companies concerned about
confidential information being stolen or accessed, particularly in Kenya and Zambia.

South African and Kenyan companies are still worried about the financial and
reputational impact of an attack, while Zambia is primarily concerned with the
disruption to the business. As hybrid working continues to gain traction and adoption,
the biggest threats to the business are seen as coming through email, making it
imperative that companies focus on protection and security in the hybrid environment.
Given the limited attention paid to training and education, this is one of the critical
factors that companies should be paying attention to moving forward, along with
password protection on laptops and regular reminders to staff members.

Cyber security teams are in place at around two-thirds of companies, but there remain
challenges around costs, particularly in South Africa. Approximately 7% of companies
say they outsource to ensure they have the necessary skills, but the cost and allocated
budget are issues. This is reflected in how the budget for cyber security as a percentage
of IT spending hasn’t changed since 2021.

The Zambian market appears not as advanced as South Africa and Kenya, which could
be either a result of low awareness or fewer threats. On the other hand, Kenya appears
to be the most aware, as 90% of respondents had a data breach in the past year.

As hybrid working continues to gain traction and

adoption, the biggest threats to the business
are seen as coming through email, making it
imperative that companies focus on protection
and security in the hybrid environment.

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 33

South Africa

Companies in the region cite hacking and gaining unauthorised access to

information systems and assets as the biggest threats, with the financial impact
of a breach the most serious concern. South Africa favours the hybrid model of
working with in-office employees, only having seen a 3% increase from 2021.


Kenyan respondents feel illegal access to information is a great concern and

perceive the single biggest impact to be damage to reputation and the company’s
credibility in the event of a breach. Kenyan companies seem to be migrating back
to 100% in-office work, with an increase from 34% in 2021 to 50% in 2022. This is
perhaps influenced by the fact that Kenya has seen a rise in data breaches, with
four in five respondents having experienced one in the past year. Some Kenyan
companies have traded Microsoft Office 365 (down 13% year-on-year) for Google,
which is now 62%.


Companies in the region cite data loss, including data exfiltration or leakage, as a
concern and put business disruption as their most considerable perceived fall- out
at 31%, which is higher in comparison to the 12% average across all countries.

Although Zambia recorded the lowest threats compared to other countries, 62% say
the threats have increased in the past year. Interestingly, Zambia does not support
a solely remote working model, with 55% being in the office and 45% following a
hybrid model.

34 Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022


The Liquid C2 perspective

Cyber security attacks are more virulent, sophisticated and frequent today than
ever before. This makes it even more challenging for companies to defend against
them and makes it critical for cyber security to remain at the heart of every
business conversation. The report revealed a landscape where companies prioritise
security but remain constrained by limited access to talent and budgets. This is
why it has become vital for organisations to collaborate with trusted third-party
managed security services providers (MSSPs) to reinforce and refine their security
postures while remaining aligned with budgets and spend.

“Perhaps the biggest

concern emerging
from this report is that
companies are saying
that they’ve put a lot
more cyber security
controls in place.”
Meaning they are not as
concerned because the threats
are evolving at a faster rate
than security systems, and
companies cannot afford to get

Liquid C2 Cyber Security Report 2022 35

Essential areas of focus

Endpoint detection and managed services

Companies should invest in solutions such as endpoint detection and response

(EDR) or leverage EDR services provided by a reliable MSSP to help minimise
and mitigate hacking and malware threats. Liquid offers MDR services 24/7/365,
ensuring companies have rigorous visibility into their environments and what’s

happening within them. We provide organisations with the transparency they need
to remain in control of their security while rapidly identifying possible threats and
addressing them at speed. With our services, organisations shift from a reactive
stance to a proactive one – making decisions based on situational awareness and
leveraging tools such as penetration testing to consistently catch and address
vulnerabilities and areas of weakness.

The protection of data

There is far too little focus on the protection of data across all companies, with
limited visibility into who has access to the data, the location of the data, those
accessing it, and the protection of this data across multiple devices and platforms.
There are ongoing concerns around the physical theft of laptops, whether the data
is encrypted or adequately stored, and who now has access to privileged

corporate information. This makes it essential to implement controls that empower

companies to fully realise the potential of their cloud investments and hybrid
working environments.

Leveraging the Liquid C2 MSSP bouquet of services, companies gain access to

solutions that allow for robust digital rights management, encryption tools, and
tokenisation tools to be implemented intelligently throughout the ecosystem. Key
in terms of data is access control, and so we ensure that systems, applications and
databases have native capabilities enabled and that the proper access controls
are put in place. This includes identity and access management, data situational
awareness, and how the data is shared, managed and stored.

Email remains a priority

Email is still a concern, and it should be. The first line of defence should be email
protection – nobody should receive an email until it has gone through the proper
filtering and checks to mitigate the risks of phishing, spam and malware, among
others. Regardless of the organisation, email should flow through rigorous checks
and balances before it reaches the end user. Liquid can C2 it that your business has
all the right measures in place – ensuring that you have multi-layer protection and
robust threat controls to ensure that email remains an asset, not a risk.

As ransomware, a threat that still uses email as one of its primary distribution
mechanisms remains a high threat, Liquid offers Bullwall RansomCare – a solution
that picks up when the ransomware encryption is initiated and stops it from
continuing. This limits the impact of the ransomware attack and significantly
reduces the threat and any potential damage.

36 Liquid Cyber Security Report 2023


Cyber security investment

Cyber security should be high on the agenda of the organisation. The risks are
evolving, and their sophistication is increasing. This is further complicated by the
rise of compliance across legislative and regulatory requirements worldwide. In
addition, organisations need to pay attention to user awareness and training to
mitigate the serious risk of user error – no matter how sophisticated the system
or advanced the controls, human error is a huge contributing factor to security

Security awareness campaigns are essential, as is skills development. Liquid

provides organisations with phishing simulations as part of a cohesive cyber
security awareness campaign that allows for ongoing training and awareness.

Another area that requires a change is the levels of cyber security investment. The
survey found that the majority of companies have their investment sitting in the 11-
15% bracket, but the reality is that they should be spending at least 20% on average
to ensure that their cyber security posture is robust enough to handle the threats. It
is a concern – companies need to find a balance between their IT spend for growth
and their cyber security spend for protection. Liquid can provide organisations with
customised security management and controls that blend seamlessly with cloud
investment strategies and remote or hybrid working frameworks.

Our skillsets and broad range of expertise ensure that any skills gaps within the
organisation are easily overcome. We provide the tools and services required to
deftly manage cloud systems, data protection, email, and more. Our capabilities
across Microsoft, Google and multiple other cloud platforms mean that you don’t
need to invest into in-house talent, as we can help you integrate and secure your
digital investments with ease.

Security by intent and design

Liquid aligns with security by design principles to ensure the development of a

resilient and relevant cyber security framework. We help you to build a minimum
attack surface area using approaches such as Zero Trust, securing default settings,
hardening the underlying infrastructure, applying the principle of least privilege,
establishing defences in-depth, and implementing fail securely, among many other

We collaborate with intent - we know that there are multiple factors to consider
and that each business is unique. So we create a cyber security framework and
posture that delivers reliable protection against cyber security threats, cyber-
attacks, data loss, data breaches and more.

Liquid Cyber Security Report 2023 37

Find out how Liquid can deliver cyber security that
meets your expectations and your needs here:





38 Cyber Security White Paper

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