Unit 3 Electrochemistry
Unit 3 Electrochemistry
Unit 3 Electrochemistry
cell - Li/I2 cell - Lithium ion batteries. Mechanism of Fuel Cells: Hydrogen-oxygen fuel
Batteries and fuel cells are energy storage and energy generating devices capable of
converting the stored chemical energy to electric energy. These devices utilize controlled
redox chemical reactions while other reactions like corrosion, polarization, adsorption are
kinetically suppressed. The selection of a desired redox reaction involves careful choice of
chemical components along with morphology and structure. In recent years, these areas
emergency lighting, motor ignition, cell phones, computer, i-pods, tablet, cam-corder and so
on. Apart from electronic devices, there has been a surge of interest to develop vehicles that
are either fully electrically driven or partially powered as in hybrid cars in order to focus into
greener and less energy-intensive transportation. The dominance of electric and hybrid cars
have been witnessed in recent Olympics held at London in 2012, where 240 electric and
hybrid cars of BMW mini E series were used as a part of the fleet. The present generation of
hybrid cars uses a combination of internal combustion engine and nickel-metal hydride
battery as in Toyota Prius E and lithium-ion batteries in Fiat 500E series to be commissioned
in 2013. The electric, hybrid cars and trucks are also used widely in land and water
surveillance for military operations. The future hybrid cars have been focused on the
Fuel cells provide an uninterrupted power supply by utilizing a continuous supply of fuel. The
fuel cell came into existence in the middle of the 19th century mainly for space exploration.
The resurgence of fuel cell systems and materials in the last decade led to the growth and
development of energy efficient systems for transportation and high energy density power
A battery is a device which converts chemical energy of the active materials directly to
referred as redox reactions. The spontaneous redox reactions proceed with negative free
energy change resulting the battery to perform work. These reactions occur at specified sites
in the battery, at the anode and cathode. The electrons generated during the red-ox reaction
flows through the external circuit between the anode and cathode. The electroactive species
and the products formed in the reactions are usually solids. A battery consists of large
number of electrochemical cells which are connected either in series or parallel connections
Electrolyte: It is an ionic conductor which acts a medium for transfer of charge as ions
inside the cell between the anode and cathode. Solvents like water, aqueous solution of
acids and alkalis, dissolved salts and organic solvents are widely employed to impart ionic
resistant materials like polypropylene for acid batteries and stainless steel for alkaline
It consists of a zinc rod partially immersed in 1M zinc sulphate (ZnSO 4) solution and
a copper rod partially immersed in 1M copper sulphate (CuSO4) solution. The two solutions
are connected by a salt bridge, which is an inverted U-tube filled with saturated KCl or
NH4NO3 in agar-agar gel as shown in Fig 3.1. The salt bridge provides electrical contact
between two compartments. It helps to maintain electrical neutrality by allowing the migration
of ions. The electrodes are connected where electron flows from zinc to copper as the zinc is
It consists of zinc rod dipped in ZnSO4 and copper rod in CuSO4 solution. The two
solutions are separated by a porous pot. The two solution seep through the pot and contact
with each other. It acts as a salt bridge. The electrode reactions in Daniel cell are as follows,
An electrochemical cell consists of two half cell namely anode and cathode
1. The anode half cell is written on the left side of the salt bridge while the cathode half
Anode Cathode
(LHS) (salt bridge) (RHS)
2. The anode half cell is represented by writing the metal first and the electrolyte. The
M/Mn+ or M;Mn+
3. The cathodic half cell is represented by writing the electrolyte first and then the metal.
Mn+/M or Mn+;M.
4. The electrolyte may be represented either by the whole formula or by its ionic
5. The salt bridge is indicated by two vertical lines (II) separating the half cell.
The arrangement of all the metals in the increasing order of their standard electrode
potential is called an electrochemical series.
12. Sn2+ + 2e– → Sn –0.14
13. Pb2+ + 2e → Pb –0.13
14. Fe 3+
+ 3e → Ca –0.04
15. H+ + e– → ½ H 0.00
16. Cu + 2e → Cu
17. Ag+ + e– → Ag +0.80
18. Pt 4+
+ 4e → Pt +0.86
19. Au+ + e– → Au +1.69
– –
20. 1/2F2 + e → F +2.87
1. Reactivity of metals
The activity of the metal depends on its tendency to lose electrons i.e., tendency to
form cation. This tendency depends on the magnitude of standard reduction potential. The
metal which has high negative value (or smaller positive value) of standard reduction
potential readily loses the electron or electrons and is converted into cation. Such a metal is
said to be chemically active. The chemical reactivity of metals decreases from top to bottom
in the series. The metal higher in the series is more active than the metal lower in the series.
For example,
(a) Alkali metals and alkaline earth metals having high negative values of standard
reduction potentials are chemically active. These react with cold water and evolve hydrogen.
These readily dissolve in acids forming corresponding salts and combine with those
(b) Metals like Fe, Pb, Sn, Ni, Co, etc., which lie a little down in the series do not react with
(c) Metals like Cu, Ag and Au which lie below hydrogen are less reactive and do not evolve
2. Electropositive character of metals
The electropositive character also depends on the tendency to lose electrons. Like reactivity,
the electropositive character of metals decreases from top to bottom in the electrochemical
series. On the basis of standard reduction potential values, metals are divided into three
(a) Strongly electropositive metals: Metals having standard reduction potential near about
– 2.0 volt or more negative like alkali metals, alkaline earth metals are strongly
electropositive in nature.
between 0.0 and about – 2.0 volt are moderately electropositive Al, Zn, Fe, Ni, Co, etc.,
(c) Weakly electropositive: The metals which are below hydrogen and possess positive
values of reduction potentials are weakly electropositive metals. Cu, Hg, Ag, etc., belong to
this group.
To predict whether a given metal will displace another, from its salt solution: A metal
higher in the series will displace the metal from its solution which is lower in the series,
i.e., The metal having low standard reduction potential will displace the metal from its
salt's solution which has higher value of standard reduction potential. A metal higher in
the series has greater tendency to provide electrons to the cations of the metal to be
If the E0cell value is positive then the reaction is feasible and if it is negative the reaction is
not feasible.
Load: External device or component through which battery is discharged
electrons will flow from the anode to the cathode through the external load. The circuit is
complete by the flow of anions and cations to the anode and cathode respectively. The
The discharge characteristics of a battery at constant load is illustrated in Fig 3.4. A flat
discharge curve is highly desirable for a battery. In an ideal condition the cell potential
remains steady with time until the capacity is fully exhausted and falls to a lower level as in
lithium cells. In most other batteries, the voltage decreases gently with time as in alkaline
Ideal mode
Declining mode
the positive electrode is connected to the positive terminal of the external DC power supply
and the negative electrode to the negative terminal of the DC power supply. The flow of the
current and ions are reversed which are shown in Fig 3.5
Capacity: The amount of constant current (I) supplied by a battery for a definite time (t)
Q = I (in A) x t (in h)
Cycle life: The number of times a battery can be charged and discharged before a failure
Power (P): The product of cell voltage (V) and the constant current (I) is known as power
P = V x I.
Power Density ( PD) : The amount of power produced by unit kilogram weight of a battery
Energy Density (ED): The amount of energy (power) obtained for an hour by unit kilogram
weight of a battery (w) is known as energy density. It is expressed in watt hour/kg, Wh/kg.
E = (P x t) /w
Open circuit voltage (OCV): The cell voltage of a fully charged battery is known as open
circuit voltage.
Closed circuit voltage (CCV): The cell voltage of a completely discharged battery, is known
refers to impedance in the electrical circuit. The internal resistance is defined as the ratio of
difference between OCV and CCV to the load. The cell voltage versus current yields a
straight line and the slope of the line gives internal resistance of the battery.
Shelf life: The life time of a battery is known as shelf life. A battery must possess a long
1. Primary Battery: These are non-rechargeable cells in which the cell reaction are not
be regenerated by passing electric current . Eg. Leclanche cell, Zn- HgO cell.
2. Secondary Battery: These are chargeable batteries in which the cell reaction are
3. Reserve Battery /Fuel cell: These are primary cell in which electro-active materials
are supplied continuously either in gaseous or liquid or solid form to produce electric
obtain the desired voltage and current. In a series arrangement, the positive electrode of
each cell is connected to the negative electrode of the adjacent cell as shown in Fig 3.6. The
total emf or voltage of the battery is the sum of the separate voltages. The total current
drawn from the series of cells is same as the current drawn from individual cell. In a battery,
if six cells each with an emf of 2 volts are connected in series will provide an output of 12
In a parallel arrangement, the positive electrodes of the individual cells are connected
together and so as the negative electrodes as represented in the Fig 3.7. The battery voltage
is same as that of individual cell and the total current is the sum of the current supplied by
Fig 3.7 Parallel arrangement of cells in a battery
Lead acid battery was the first practical storage battery invented by Gaston Plante in France,
1859. It is employed for the SLI (Starting-Lighting-Ignition) system for automobiles and farm
vehicles. The name refers to the chemical nature of the electrode (lead) and the electrolyte
(acid) in which the electrodes are immersed. A lead-acid storage battery is shown in the Fig
3.8 The anode in lead-acid battery is lead-antimony (Pb-Sb) grid coated with spongy lead
while the cathode is a paste of lead dioxide,PbO2 pressed into a grid of Pb-Sb. A number of
lead plates and lead dioxide plates are fitted alternatively and are connected in parallel. The
plates are separated from each other by insulators like wood or rubber or glass fibre or a
polymer. The cells are immersed in 21.4% dil. sulphuric acid (H2SO4), corresponds to a
specific gravity of1.26 to 1.28 at 25°C. The entire combination of cells, separator and the
electrolyte are held in polypropylene container. The emf of a lead acid cell is close to 2.1V in
a fully charged state. The energy density for lead acid battery is roughly 44Wh/kg. In the
discharged state, the emf of the cell is 1.78V. The battery is represented as,
Discharging Reactions:
When the storage cell operates as a voltaic cell (i.e for delivering electric current) it is said to
be discharging. The lead electrode loses two electrons to form lead ions (Pb2+) which
combine with sulphate ions (SO42-) to form lead sulphate (PbSO4) at the anode. The
electrons released from the anode flows to the cathode where lead dioxide (PbO2)
undergoes reduction from +4 to +2 oxidation state. The lead ions combines with SO 42- ions
to from PbSO4.
Pb Pb2+ + 2e-
At cathode, PbO2 where the Pb+4 oxidation state gets reduced to Pb+2 ions in the presence
of acid.
The net cell reaction during discharge is the combination of overall anodic and cathodic
Fig 3.8 Lead acid storage battery
During the discharge, both the electrodes are converted to PbSO4 and the specific gravity of
acid decreases due to the formation of water. The emf of each cell is 2.0 volts at 21.4%
H2SO4 at 25°C. Lead cell used in automobiles, is a combination of 6 such cells in series to
form a 12 V battery.
Charging reactions:
When both anode and cathode electrodes become covered with PbSO4, the cell stops to
function as a voltaic cell. In order to recharge the battery, an external current (> 2V) is
supplied through battery by connecting the positive plate electrode to positive terminal of the
external battery and negative plate electrode to negative terminal of the external battery. At
At anode/positive plate, Pb+2SO4 oxidizes to Pb+4O2 with the liberation of electrons. The
reaction is
At cathode/negative plate, Pb+2SO4 accepts the electrons and reduces to Pb0. The reaction
PbSO4(s) + 2e- Pb(s) + SO42-(aq)
During the process, the electrodes are restored to the original state (i.e Pb at the negative
plate and PbO2 at the positive plate of the battery). At the same time the concentration of
acid increases.
During the operation of Lead acid battery in automobiles two aspects are encountered
1. The degree of discharging reaction can be checked by measuring the density of the
fluid (electrolyte) with a hydrometer. During the discharging reactions, the density of
the electrolyte decreases since it is consumed and forms water. The density of fully
has been found by experiments that there is a decrease in voltage for every drop in
decrease in the power output of the battery. Hence the battery becomes apparently
“dead” at cold temperatures and is warmed to room temperature for its normal
2. Lead acid batteries are used in large backup power supplies for telephone and
computer centers, hospitals, grid energy storage, and off-grid household electric
power systems.
3. Large lead–acid batteries are used to power the electric motors in diesel-electric
The nickel–cadmium battery (NiCd battery or NiCad battery) is a type of rechargeable
battery using nickel oxyhydroxide and metallic cadmium as electrodes. The acronym Ni-Cd
is derived from the chemical symbols of nickel (Ni) and cadmium (Cd). The abbreviation
NiCad is a registered trademark of SAFT Corporation although the brand name is commonly
used in all Ni-Cd batteries. The battery is manufactured in the discharged state. The battery
consists of spongy cadmium as negative plate. The positive plate consists of nickel oxide
and hydroxide with flakes of graphite or metallic nickel to increase the conductivity. An
addition of 2% Ba(OH)2 is added to increase the shelf-life of the electrodes. The electrodes
are immersed in an electrolyte of 6M KOH with little LiOH. The addition of LiOH provides an
increased capacity for the battery. In the fully charged state, the emf of the cell is 1.34 to
1.40V and the energy density is 50 Wh/kg. The conventional representation of the cell is
Discharging Reactions:
When the battery delivers electric current to the external circuit it is said to be discharging.
Cadmium at the anode forms Cd+2 ions which interact with hydroxide ions to form
insoluble cadmium hydroxide Cd(OH)2. Nickel hydroxide in +3 oxidation state at the cathode
At anode, Cadmium undergoes oxidation with the loss of electrons to form cadmium ions
Cd Cd2+ + 2e-
The cadmium ions reacts with hydroxyl ions to form cadmium hydroxide Cd(OH)2.
Charging Reactions:
When the anode and the cathode are covered with Cd(OH)2 and Ni(OH)2, the cell stops
delivering current to the circuit. In order to restore the electro-active materials, the battery is
Ni-Cd batteries are manufactured in two basic types 1)pocket-plate cells and 2) sintered
plate cells. Pocket-plate designs are ideal for emergency power supply and in train lighting,
switch gear and engine starting. These cells have long shelf-life (>20 years) without any
maintenance. Sintered plate designs are suited for military applications and have high
1) Pocket-plate cell:
The cells are manufactured in the discharged state with capacity ranging from 10 to 1200Ah.
These cells have moderate energy density in the range of 15-25 Wh/kg. The active material
for positive electrode consists of 80% nickel hydroxide, 2% cobalt hydroxide, 18% graphite
and traces of barium compound. The graphite is present in powder or in flakes form in order
to improve the conductivity while barium and cobalt compounds are used to increase the
cycle life of the battery. The nickel hydroxide is prepared by treating nickel sulphate with
sodium hydroxide. The precipitate, nickel hydroxide is filtered, dried, re-washed to ensure
complete removal of sodium sulphate and finally re-dried. The active material for negative
electrode consists of 78% cadmium hydroxide, 18% iron, 1% nickel and 3%graphite. It is
prepared by dry mixing the iron, nickel, graphite and either cadmium hydroxide or cadmium
The manufacturing procedure for pocket-plate electrodes is shown in the Fig 3.9. The
positive and negative electrodes of pocket-plate Ni-Cd batteries are made of same pocket-
plate design to hold the active materials. The pocket-plates are built of flat pockets of thin
perforated steel strips which holds the active materials. The perforation hole is between 15
to 30%. The steel strips are nickel plated to prevent iron poisoning. The active mass is
pressed into briquettes and are placed into the preshaped strips as powder. The upper and
lower strips are folded together by rollers. A large number of folded strips are interlocked with
each other to form electrode sheets of different thickness. The negative plate is thinner than
the positive plate. Plates of opposite polarity are intermeshed and electrically separated by
insulating rods. The cell is assembled in steel or plastic case and filled with 6M KOH
Fig 3.9 Schematic diagram for the manufacture of pocket plate NICAD battery
2) Sintered-plate:
Sintered-plates are available in various sizes from rectangular plates with capacity 1-
1000Ah; cylindrical cells of 0.1-10Ah and button cells of 0.04 -1.75 Ah. The energy density of
these cells is better than pocket-plate which is above 50 Wh/kg. The electrodes are
manufactured from sintered nickel metal with thickness of 0.5 -1.0 mm, porosity around 80-
85% and a surface area of 0.25-0.50m2/g. The sintered nickel electrode is prepared by
decomposing nickel tetra carbonyl at 600 to 700°C to nickel powder. It is then moulded into
rod shape by compression and heated below its melting point. The active materials are
impregnated into the sintered metal in a series of steps. The sintered metal is dipped into a
solution of nickel or cadmium ions and a vacuum is used to draw the solution into the pores.
The sintered metal containing the solution is chemically treated to cause the ions to
precipitate, nickel as hydroxide and cadmium as mixture of oxide and or hydroxide. The
cycle is repeated several times to obtain high loading of the active materials. The cells are
The advantages of sintered-plate are:
• Ni-Cd batteries are used for portable electronics like camera, flash light and toys.
• Larger Ni-Cd batteries are used for aircraft starting batteries, electric vehicles and
Lithium has dominated the development of high performance primary and secondary
batteries during the last two decades. Lithium metal has been found attractive as an anodic
material due to its light weight, high cell voltage, high electrochemical equivalents and good
conductivity. Lithium batteries came into prominence in the early 1970s in selected military
applications and their usage was limited due to their cell structures, formulations and safety
considerations. Now a days, lithium primary cells and batteries have been designed in a
variety of sizes and configurations with size ranging from less than 5mAh to 10,000Ah;
configurations from small coin, cylindrical to large prismatic cells used for memory backup,
Cells and batteries which use lithium anodes are called lithium cells and batteries
irrespective of the cathode material. The uniqueness of lithium as anode can be attributed to
1. High cell voltage: Lithium cells/batteries have voltages up to 4V, depending on the
cathode. The formal potential of Li+/Li couple is highly negative, -3.01V with
materials produces high cell voltages which reduces the number of cells in a
battery pack.
2. High specific energy and energy density: The energy output of a lithium battery is
200 Wh/Kg much higher than the conventional zinc-carbon battery due to its light
4. Good power density: Lithium batteries are designed to deliver their energy output at
high current.
resistance during discharge) at high current density is typical for many lithium
6. Superior shelf life: Lithium batteries can be stored for long periods even at elevated
7. Aprotic solvent: Lithium reacts vigorously with water releasing hydrogen. The heat
generated may ignite the hydrogen evolved and burns the lithium metal. Hence,
Cathode materials:
Lithium cells/batteries use solid, liquid and gaseous materials as the cathode. The
characteristics of the cathode are its compatibility with the electrolyte, conductive nature, low
cost, non-toxic, non-flammable and easily available. In case of solid cathode materials, the
4. It must be liquid over a broad range of temperature.
5. It must possess low vapour pressure, non-toxic, non-flammable and stable in nature.
The organic solvent commonly used in lithium cells/batteries are acetonitrile, dimethyl
(THF) etc., Lithium salts like perchlorate (LiClO4), bromide (LiBr), aluminum chloride
(LiAlCl4) are the electrolyte solutes used to provide ionic conductivity. The solutes are
soluble in organic solvent and dissociate to form electrolyte solution. The solute forms
stable electrolytic solution which does not react with the active electrode materials.
Lithium anode:
The mechanism for the discharge of lithium anode is the oxidation of lithium to lithium ion
Li Li+ + e-
The electron moves through the external circuit to the cathode where it reduces the
cathodic material. At the same time, Li+ ion which is small in size and mobile in both
Lithium primary cells are classified based on the nature of the cathode material and the
Lithium primary cells are categorized as 1) Lithium soluble cathode cells and 2) lithium solid
cathode cells
Cells which utilize liquid or gaseous cathode materials that dissolves in the electrolyte or the
electrolyte solvent. These cells operate by the formation of passive layer on the lithium
anode resulting from the reaction between lithium and cathodic materials. They are usually
fabricated in cylindrical configuration for low rate energy density and spirally wound structure
Eg: Lithium- sulphur dioxide cells; Lithium- thionyl chloride cells; Lithium- sulphuryl chloride.
Lithium cells which utilize solid materials as the cathode. These cells have the advantage of
not being pressurized and do not have high rate capacity as the soluble cathode. They are
usually fabricated in button, flat and cylindrical shapes used for memory backup, watches,
Lithium cells which use solid materials as the electrolyte. These cells have extremely long
storage life (>20 years) and are capable of discharging at a low rate in µA range. They are
Lithium- thionyl chloride cells are fabricated in various size and design from wafer, coin cells
and cylindrical cells to large prismatic cells. Fig 3.10 represents the cylindrical Li/SOCl2. The
construction of the cell consists of lithium foil as an anode which is lined in the inner walls of
a stainless steel or nickel plated steel can. The cathode is a highly porous cylindrical carbon,
made of Teflon-bonded acetylene black. The cathode occupies most of the cell volume and
incorporates a current collector, metal cylinder in case of larger cells and a pin in smaller
cells. The anode and cathode are separated by a non-woven glass fiber. The electrolyte
These cells have the highest cell voltage of 3.6V and energy density of 350-400Wh/kg. The
low rate cells are used as memory backup and large prismatic cells find its application in
military operations as an emergency backup power source. They are also used in medical
devices such as neuro-simulator, drug delivery system etc.,
Discharging reactions:
Li/SOCl2 cell consists of lithium anode, a porous carbon cathode and a non-aqueous SOCl2:
LiAlCl4 electrolyte. Other electrolyte salts like lithium gallium chloride (LiGaCl4) can also be
used. The SOCl2 is both the electrolyte solvent and the active cathode material. When the
porous carbon is placed in the electrolyte solvent, SOCl2 gets absorbed preferentially onto
At cathode, SOCl2 accepts the electrons and undergoes the following reduction reaction,
The reaction involves two electrons per thionyl chloride molecule. The S and SO2 are initially
soluble in the excess of thionyl chloride electrolyte. During the discharge, there is a
moderate build up of pressure due to the generation of SO2. The LiCl formed precipitates
within the porous carbon black cathode. Sulfur may also precipitate in the cathode at the end
of the discharge which limits the cells capacity. The lithium anode is protected by forming a
protective LiCl film on the anode as soon as it contacts with the electrolyte. This passivating
film contributes to excellent shelf life and causes a voltage delay at the start of the discharge
especially after long standing even at elevated temperatures. To overcome the voltage delay,
special anode treatments and electrolyte additives are used along with Li foil.
Fig 3.10 Cross-section of Lithium - thionyl chloride cell
Lithium Manganese dioxide battery is most widely used primary battery available in various
configurations such as coin, bobbin, spirally-wound, cylindrical and in prismatic designs. The
cross-section of a typical coin-type Li/MnO2 cell is shown in the Fig 3.11. The cathode, MnO2
pellet is placed on the front side of the lithium anode disk. The anode and cathode are
carbonate and 1,2-dimethoxy ethane electrolyte. The cell is crimped-sealed with the can
serving as the positive terminal and the cap as the negative terminal. The cell has high cell
voltage of 3.3 to 3.5 V and specific energy as high as 230 Wh/kg. These batteries are
employed as a long-term memory backup, safety and security devices, cameras and in
Fig 3.11 Cross-section of Lithium Manganese dioxide coin cell.
Discharging reactions:
Li/MnO2 consists of lithium as active anodic material and preheated MnO2 as cathode. The
electrolyte is lithium perchlorate in mixed organic solvents of propylene carbonate and 1,2-
At cathode, Mn+4O2 accepts the electrons and undergoes the following reaction,
Li/LiClO4/ MnO2
The reaction involves one electron transfer per Mn+4O2. MnO2, an intercalation compound is
reduced from tetravalent state to trivalent state producing lithiated manganese dioxide
(LixMnO2) as Li+ ions enters into MnO2 crystal lattice. The formation of LixMnO2 at the end
26 Lithium-Iodine (Li/I)
The only commercial inorganic solid electrolyte is lithium iodine cell. These cells are
formed by contacting the iodine containing cathode directly with the lithium anode. The
chemical reactions between the materials form a thin layer of LiI. The layer serves to
separate the electro-active materials electronically and prevents failure making it suitable
for high reliability. These cells have cell voltage of 2.6V and low energy density of 150-
200Wh/kg. The button type Li-I cells are shown in the Fig 3.12. are made by pressing
iodine cathode and lithium anode layers into a stainless steel cup. The cup is a positive
current collector. A glass to metal feed -through brings the negative terminal to the
exterior. The case is positive terminal and the negative connection is button at the end of
the cell. The design is able to withstand shock, vibration, swelling, leaking and explosion
in the battery.
Discharging reactions:
Li/I cell consists of a lithium anode, the solid electrolyte LiI formed in situ as the discharge
product. The cathode is a mixture of solid iodine and a saturated viscous liquid solution
containing poly-2-vinyl pyridine and iodine. The Li/I battery is regarded as a quasi-solid state
system because of the high viscosity of the polymer containing liquid phase and
preponderance of solid iodine. The viscous liquid imparts plasticity to the cathodic material,
making it to adapt volumetric changes during the cell discharge. The cell reactions are
At cathode, the iodine accepts the electrons and undergoes reduction reaction,
Lithium and iodine are consumed during the discharging reactions and the product LiI
precipitates in the region between the two reactants. The LiI serves as the cell separator,
electrolyte as well as the discharge product. The polyphase cathodic iodine is made
cells, the I2/P2VP is in two-phase, liquid polymer and solid iodine. During discharging
reactions, a layer of LiI formed becomes thicker which increases the resistance of the cells.
At the same time, the iodine content of the cathode decreases during discharging, the
remaining cathodic material changes its phase and becomes hard at depleted state.
Lithium-ion batteries comprised of cells in which lithium intercalation compounds acts as the
positive and negative materials. The lithium ions exchange between the positive and
negative electrodes. They are referred as ‘rocking chair’ batteries as lithium ions moves back
and forth between the electrode materials during the charging and discharging reactions of
the cell. The construction of lithium-ion battery consists of a positive electrode, negative
electrode and an electrolyte. The positive electrode material consists of a metal oxide with a
layered structure such as lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) or metal oxide with a tunnel structure
as lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) adhered to a current collector of aluminium foil. The
negative electrode is a layered graphitic carbon adhered on a copper current collector. The
electroactive materials are adhered to the metal collector by a binder, polyvinylidene fluoride
conductive diluents of carbon black or graphite. The positive and negative electrodes are
Lithium –ion batteries are developed in various designs like wound spiral, cylindrical, wound
prismatic and flat prismatic in small (0.1Ah) to large (100Ah) sizes. These batteries are
applied in consumer electronics such as cell phones, laptops, cameras, camcorders and
military electronics such as radios, mine detectors and thermal weapon sights.
Intercalation process
The active materials in Li-ion batteries are lithium metal oxide as positive electrode and
lithium in an intercalation process where Li+ ions are reversibly removed or inserted into a
‘host’ without any significant structural change to the host. The lithium metal oxide has either
a layered or tunnel structure. The graphitic carbon has a layered structure similar to graphite.
The metal oxide, graphite and other materials act as hosts, incorporating Li+ ions as ‘guests’
which reversibly forms sandwich like structures. When a lithium-ion battery is charged, the
positive material is oxidized and the negative material is reduced. In this process, Li+ ions
are de-intercalated from the positive electrode and intercalated to the negative electrode.
The reverse reaction occurs in the discharging process. As metallic lithium is not used in
these batteries, they are chemically less reactive and offer longer cycle life than lithium
primary cells. The charging and discharging reactions are illustrated graphically. In the Fig
3.13, the layered active materials are shown on metallic current collectors.
Charging reactions:
During charging, Li+ ions are extracted from cathode and are inserted into the anode
together with the oxidation of transition metal (Co+3 to Co+4) at the cathode (positive
At positive electrode,
At negative electrode,
Discharging reactions:
When a cell delivers current to an external circuit, the Li+ ions are shuttled from
negative electrode back to positive electrode with the reduction of transition metal, Co+4 to
At positive electrode,
At negative electrode,
The advantage of lithium-ion battery is high energy density (150Wh/Kg) making them
attractive for weight/volume sensitive applications. They also offer low self-discharge rate,
long cycle life (> 1000 cycles) and broad range of temperature (-20°C to +60° C). The major
disadvantage of these batteries is that they are degraded when discharged <2V and may
vent when overcharged. They permanently lose their capacity at elevated temperatures of
A fuel cell is a galvanic cell which can convert the chemical energy of a fuel into
electrical energy by an electrochemical reaction. The fuel is made to react with an oxidant or
oxidizing agent. Hydrogen is the most commonly used fuel and hydrocarbons like natural
gas, methanol, etc are also used. The oxidant is usually oxygen. A single fuel cell consists of
two electrodes, an anode and a cathode with an electrolyte between them. At the anode,
hydrogen reacts with a catalyst, creating a positively charged ion and a negatively charged
electron. The positively charged ion called proton then passes through the electrolyte, while
the electron travels through a circuit, creating a current. At the cathode, oxygen reacts with
the positively charged ion and electron, forming water and heat. The electrolyte is either a
solid or liquid medium which allows the movement of ions through it, but not the electrons.
This single cell generates about 0.7 volts, which is enough to power a single light bulb.
When these cells are stacked in series the output increases, resulting in fuel cells anywhere
from several watts to multiple megawatts. Usually the anode and the cathode are
impregnated with a catalyst like Pt, Pd, Mg or Ni to enhance the reaction at the electrodes.
• Lifetime is less.
1. Direct fuel cells - the products of the cell reaction are discarded.
2. Indirect fuel cells - the fuel of the cell is obtained from organic fuel.
3. Regenerative fuel cells - the spent reactants are regenerated from the products by using
Fuel cells are further classified into various categories based on,
These cells use an aqueous solution of KOH as electrolyte. These cells are low
temperature fuel cells and also use non noble electro-catalyst metal. Oxygen reduction is
Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell uses hydrogen gas as a fuel and oxygen gas as oxidant.
The cell consists of two electrodes namely anode which is a porous carbon electrode
impregnated with catalyst such as finely divided platinum or palladium and the cathode
which is also a porous carbon electrode impregnated with platinum or silver as catalyst. The
electrolyte is an aqueous solution of KOH. The cell operating temperature is 150 – 2000C
C, Pt or Pd / KOH / C, Pt or Ag
The hydrogen gas fuel is continuously supplied at the anode and oxygen gas is
supplied at the cathode. As the hydrogen gas diffuses through the anode, it is adsorbed on
the electrode surface and reacts with hydroxyl ions to form water and liberate electrons. At
the cathode oxygen diffusing through the electrode is absorbed by the liberated electrons
and reduced to hydroxyl ions. The efficiency of the cell is about 70%. The cell output ranges
from 300 watts (W) to 5 kilowatts (KW). These electrode reactions are given below:
Fig 3.14:H2-O2 fuel cell Applications
• Space applications
• Automotive applications
Note: When methanol is used as a fuel and oxygen as oxidant, the use of alkali as an
electrolyte creates problems. The CO2 produced is absorbed by the electrolyte and the
electrolyte is gradually converted into carbonate. This decreases the cell efficiency because
of the increasing concentration polarization at the electrode surface and the decreasing
SOFCs differ from other fuel cells in many aspects. First, they are composed of
ceramic substances. Second, the cell can operate at high temperatures such as 10000C
which cannot be operated in any other fuel cell. Third, these cells can be configured either
as rolled tubes or as flat plates. These cells are clean, reliable and entirely non- polluting.
There are two porous electrodes which sandwich an electrolyte. Both electrodes (cathode
and anode) and the electrolyte are made of ceramic materials, since the high operating
temperature prevent the use of cheaper metals. Both hydrogen and carbon monoxide serve
as fuels. Common hydrocarbon fuels such as diesel, natural gas, gasoline, alcohol etc can
The anode material is Co-ZrO2 (Zirconia)or Ni-ZrO2cermets and the cathode material is
Sr doped LaMnO3 (Lanthanum manganite) called LSM [La0.8Sr0.2MnO3]. The electrolyte used
in this fuel cell is a solid, nonporous metal oxide powder, usually ZrO2 doped with 8-10 mole
percentage of Y2O3 (Yttria) and denoted as YSZ .The cell operates at 650-10000C. The
anode contains nickel, for better electron conduction and catalysis. The cell may be
represented as,
In this cell operation, the oxygen atoms are reduced on the porous cathode surface
by electrons. These oxide ions diffuse through the electrolyte to the fuel rich and porous
anode, where they react with the fuel (hydrogen) and give off electrons to an external circuit.
A large amount of heat is produced by the electrochemical reaction, which can be used by
an integrated heat management system. The efficiency is about 80-85%. The cell power Advantages
36 Disadvantages
• Highly expensive. Applications
• Start-up time problems could be solved by using super capacitor batteries for the first
The IEMFC uses a proton exchange membrane as its electrolytes and hence these
insulator, but an excellent conductor of hydrogen ions. The polymer membrane provides an
effective barrier against the leakages of gases between the electrodes. The membranes are
very thin and reduce ohmic losses in the electrolyte and thereby producing high current
densities. The membrane is made up of fluorocarbon polymer backbone, like Teflon, in which
sulphonicacid groups are attached. The acid molecules are fixed to the polymer and cannot
leak out but the protons on these acid groups are free to migrate through the membrane.
The anode and cathode are made up of porous carbon electrodes which are impregnated
C, Pt/ PEM / C, Pt
The hydrogen from the fuel gas is supplied at the anode, yielding electrons and
hydrogen ions, which enter the electrolyte. The hydrogen ions pass through the polymer
electrolyte to the cathode, where they are combined catalytically with oxygen and electron to
produce water. Since the cell operates at a temperature less than 1000C, the water is
produced as liquid water and is carried out of the fuel cell by excess oxidant flow. The
efficiency of the cell is about 40-50 % and their outputs generally range from 50 to 250 kW. Advantages
• Life time is more Disadvantages Applications
• Transportation.
• Portable Computers.
Phosphoric Acid fuel cells (PAFC) use concentrated phosphoric acid as the
electrolyte and operate at 160-2200C. The electrodes are made up of carbon paper coated
with a finely-dispersed platinum catalyst. The cell operates effectively only with pure
hydrogen gas as the fuel and its performance will be affected if sulphur compounds and
carbon monoxide are present. At the anode the positively charged hydrogen ions are
liberated which is then migrate to the cathode through the electrolyte. Electrons generated at
the anode travel through an external circuit, providing direct current and return to the
cathode. Hence the electrons, hydrogen ions and oxygen will combine to form water, which
is discharged from the cell. The efficiency of the cell is about 37-42%. The cell output ranges
Fig 3.19: CELL DIAGRAM OF PAFC Advantages
• Phosphoric acid will have low volatile nature above 1500C compared to other acids. Applications
• Hotels.
• Hospitals.
• Office buildings.
temperature of 600-6500C. The efficiency of the cell is about 60-80%. This type of cell uses
either hydrogen or CO as the fuel at the anode. The anode is porous nickel or nickel-
chromium alloy and the cathode is porous nickel oxide (NiO). The electrolyte consists of
40% LiAlO2, 28% K2CO3 and 32% Li2CO3 in the molten state is absorbed in a porous
inorganic matrix. The matrix support material is a mixture of fine particles of r- LiAlO2, coarse
particles of - Al2O3 and fibers of - Al2O3. At the anode, hydrogen reacts with the carbonate
ions to produce water, carbon dioxide and electrons. The electrons travels through an
external circuit creating electricity and return to the cathode. There, oxygen from the air and
carbon dioxide recycled from the anode react with the electrons to form CO 32- ions that
replenish the electrolyte and transfer current through the fuel cell, completing the circuit. Advantage
• Waste heat generated from the cell is recycled to make additional electricity.
• Used as medium to high power range plants for electric utility and industrial
• High temperature limits damage from carbon monoxide poisoning of the cell.
1. Define battery.
21. Compare SOFC and PEMFC.
2. What is NICAD battery? Give its characteristics and charging and discharging reactions.
1. Calculate the theoretical voltage or standard cell potential for the reaction:
= 1.36 - (-0.76)
= 2.12V
Ans: 2.12 V
Zn + Cl2 ZnCl2
Ans: 0.3929 Ah/g.
Current I = 2A
Time t = 2 h
Capacity Q =?
= 2 x 2 = 4 Ah.
Ans: 4 Ah
4. Calculate the power and power density of a battery with 2 kg weight discharging voltage
Current I = 3 A
Voltage V = 2 V
Weight of battery w =2 Kg
Power P=?
Power density P D =?
Power = I X V
=3 x 2 = 6 W
= 6/2 = 3 W/Kg.
5. Calculate the energy, energy density of a battery of 0.5 kg discharging voltage and current
Voltage V = 5 V
Current I = 2 A
Time t = 1 h
weight w = 0.5 Kg
Energy E =?
Energy Density E D = ?
Energy E = V x Ix t
= 5 x 2 x 1 =10 Wh.
Energy Density ED = V X I X t /w
= 10/0.5 = 20 Wh/kg.
Exercise Problems.
1.Calculate the theoretical cell voltage for a lead acid battery with a standard reduction
2. Calculate the capacity of a dry cell discharging 2A for 5h. [Ans = 10 Ah]
3. Calculate the power, power density, energy and energy density of a NiCad battery of
0.75Kg discharging voltage of 1.2 V and current of 3 A for 10 h. [Ans P = 3.6W; PD = 4.8
1. Jain P.C. and Monica Jain, “Engineering Chemistry”, 15th Edition Dhanpat Rai Publishing
Co., 2009.
2. Dara S.S., “Text Book of Engineering Chemistry”, S. Chand & Co, 2008.
3. Sheik Mideen A., “Engineering Chemistry (I & II)”, 13th Edition, Shruthi Publishers, 2010.
4. David Linden and Thomas B Reddy, “Handbook of Batteries”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill,
5. Puri B.R, Sharma L.R and Pathania M.S, "Principles of Physical Chemsitry", Vishal