Pernkopf Vol. 1 - Djvu

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Eduard Pemkopf

Atlas of

Topographical and Applied

Human Anatomy

Edited by

Helmut Femer, M.D.

University of Vienna

Translated from German by

Harry Monsen, Ph.D.

University of Chicago

Volume I
Head and Neck

2nd Revised Edition

231 full color and 108 black and white illustrations


Urban & Schwarzenberg Baltimore-Munich

W. B. Saunders Company Philadelphia

Table of Contents

The Head
The Skull


Points for skeletal measurements . 1

External aspect of head, from behind. 2

Adult skull, from the right side . 3

Adult skull, from front . 4

Adult skull, from behind . 5

Base of skull, from the inside . 6

Calvaria, from above .

Skull with muscle attachments, from front. 8

Skull with muscle attachments, from the side . 9

Base of skull, from below. 10

Base of skull with muscle attachments . 11

Skull, midsagittal section (left half) . 12

Skull, midsagittal section (left half) with muscle attachments . 13

Skull, posteroanterior roentgenogram. 14

Skull, right lateral roentgenogram . 15

Paranasal sinuses I, posteroanterior roentgenogram . 16

Paranasal sinuses II, posterior roentgenogram . 17

Paranasal sinuses III, axial roentgenogram . 18

Head, arterial pattern (semischematic) . 19

Head, venous pattern (semischematic) . 20

Head, nerve pattern (semischematic) . 21

Head, lymphatic pattern (semischematic) . 22

External carotid angiography . 23

Diploic veins, lateral roentgenogram. 24

Diploic veins of the calvaria. 25

Newborn skull, from right side . 26

Newborn skull, from above . 27

Skull of an aged edentulous individual. 28

Brain and Meninges

Dura mater in situ, from the side. 29

Brain with the arachnoid membrane, from the side . 30

Dura mater in situ, from above . 31

Brain surface in situ, from above. 52

Brain surface in situ, from the side . 53

Insula, exposed in situ . 54


Lateral ventricle in situ, from the side . 35

Left lateral ventricle. 36

Brain stem and falx cerebri in situ, lateral view . 37

Frontal lobes in situ, from front. 38

Olfactory bulb and tract in situ, from front . 39

Optic nerve and chiasm, from front . 40

Suprasellar hypophyseal region, arteries and nerves, from front . 41

Lateral ventricle, horizontal section through telencephalon in situ . 42

Choroid layer of prosencephalon and tentorium in situ .. 43

Lateral ventricle in situ, from above . 44

Lateral ventricle in situ, from above . 45

Ba>al ganglia and cerebellum in situ, from above . 46

Brain stem and basal ganglia in situ, from above . 47

Head, median section. 48

He^d. horizontal section at the level of the external occipital protuberance . 49

Occipital region, blood vessels and nerves. 50

Dura mater and dural sinuses in situ, from behind . 51

Arachnoid and dural sinuses in situ, from behind . 52

Brain surface and cerebellomedullary cistern in situ, from behind . 53

Cerebellum and roof of the fourth ventricle in situ, from behind. 54

Rhomboid fossa in situ, from behind . 55

Brain stem and cervical cord in situ, from behind . 56

Dura mater, on the base of the skull . 57

Brain with arteries and cisterns in situ, from below. 58

Brain with arteries and nerves in situ, from below. 59

Cerebral arterial circle, inferior surface of brain, in situ . 60

Left hemisphere, arteries. 61

Cerebrum, medial surface, arteries . 62

Upper brainstem, arteries . 63

Anteroposterior carotid angiogram . 64

Basal vein and great cerebral vein. 65

Internal cerebral veins and tributaries . 66

Head. venous trunks and dural sinuses, semischematic . 67

Anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries in situ,

horizontal section through the brain. 68

Foramina on base of skull with contents, from inside . 69

Dura mater and dural sinuses in situ, from inside . 70

Arteries of the brain, relationship to base of skull. 71

Base of skull and paranasal sinuses. 72

Basal vein (of Rosenthal) and its tributaries . 73

Lateral carotid angiography . 74

Fronto-occipital vertebral angiography. 75

Lateral vertebral angiography . 76

Superficial veins of brain, lateral phlebogram . 77

Trigeminal nerve, intracranial portion in situ, and arterial circle . 78 min a! cave (of Meckel) and trigeminal cistern, multi-level sections through

the base of the skull . 79

FiKxaliier%^ai>dmiipaiiic cavity, base of skull from inside . 80

Se —: t-t c ca m : - bio yd \ essels and nerves . 81

IMJr rwrruM with vessels and nerves . 82

Zjt zc arc ac;a:r”: :cg: a . S3

■ lil.if iabove . 84

Tentorial notch, from above . 85

Arachnoid and subarachnoid space on the base of the brain . 86

Arachnoid and subarachnoid space, median section (semischematic) . 87

Arachnoid, subarachnoid space and cisterns of the brain, lateral view

(semischematic) .... 88

Surface of cerebral hemispheres after removal of the meninges, from above . 89

Cerebral hemispheres after removal of leptomeninx, from above . 90

Cerebrum after removal of leptomeninx, from below . 91

Cerebrum, midsagittal section . 92

Cerebrum, horizontal section viewed from below .. 93

Basal ganglia of the brain, third ventricle, lamina quadrigemina, and cerebellum,

from above . 94

Brain stem with associated structures, from below . 95

Medulla oblongata, rhomboid fossa, and cerebellar peduncles after removal

of cerebellum, dorsal view. 96

Medulla oblongata, pons, mesencephalon, and diencephalon, from below. 97

Rhombencephalon and mesencephalon, seen from right side. 98

Brain stem and cerebellum, from right side, dissection . 99

Medulla oblongata, cross section at level of decussation of medial lemniscus . 100

Medulla oblongata, cross section through lower third of olive. 101

Medulla oblongata, cross section at the level of the lateral recess of the fourth
ventricle .... 102

Pons, cross section through the facial and abducens nuclei . 103

Midbrain, cross section through the superior colliculi . 104

Pons, cross section at the level of the trigeminal nerve . 105

Brain stem, cross section through the inferior colliculi . 106

Caudate and lentiform nuclei, model of the basal ganglia, lateral view. 107

Basal ganglia, lateral view, model. 108

Cerebrum, cross section through the region of the anterior horns. 109

Brain, frontal section through the anterior commissure. 110

Brain, frontal section through the boundary between the anterior horn and central

of the lateral ventricle . Ill

Brain, frontal section through the third ventricle . 112

Brain, frontal section through the third ventricle . 113

Cerebellar tracts and basal ganglia, fiber preparation . 114

Radiations of corpus callosum, dissection . 115

Optic pathway, dissection . 116

Ansa peduncularis and anterior commissure, dissection . 117

Fornix and hippocampus, from the side . 118

Fornix and dentate gyrus, from below . 119

Pyramidal tract, dissection . 120

Corona radiata and internal capsule, dissection . 121

Superior sagittal sinus and lateral lacunae, frontal section. 122

Head of a three-week-old child, median section . 123

Association tracts of the left hemisphere, lateral view, dissection. 124

Ventricular system, cast. 125

Temporal lobe, frontal section . 126

Lateral ventricle, third ventricle, corpus callosum, fornix, and hypothalamus,

frontal section at the level of the mammillary bodies . 127

Brain stem, midsagittal section . 128

Ventricular system and its topographical relationships within the brain and

the bony skull, semischematic . 129

Anteroposterior ventriculogram . 130

Lateral ventriculogram . 131


Neurocranium in situ, frontal section at the level of the epiphysis and

the superior colliculi. 132

Brodmans cvtoarchitectonic cortial areas. 133

Cytoarchitectonic cortical areas of v. Economo and Koskinas . 134

Brain stem and cranial nerves, their relationship to base of skull . 135

The Face Region

Mimic musculature, superficial vessels and nerves of face, from front . 136

Mimic musculature, from skeletal side. 137

Face and scalp, superficial blood vessels and nerves, side view . 138

Face region, parotid gland and retromandibular fossa, blood vessels and nerves,
lateral view 139

Retromandibular fossa and facial nerve... 140

Retromandibular fossa and jaw joint, vessels, nerves, and muscles of the deep face
region . . 141

Infratemporal and retromandibular fossae . 142

Deep face region, lateral view after resection of the ramus of the mandible. 143

Infratemporal, retromandibular, and submandibular fossae after removal

of the right half of the mandible . 144

The Visceral Compartments of the Head

Nose and Paranasal Sinuses

Mucosal spaces of the head visceral tract, from front, semischematic. 145

Facial skeleton, retrobulbar frontal section . 146

Facial skeleton, frontal section through mouth and nose regions . 147

Nose and paranasal sinuses, frontal section through the bones . 148

Nose and paranasal sinuses, frontal section showing mucosal relationships . 149

Paranasal sinuses, on the skeleton, lateral view. 150

Paranasal sinuses, on the skeleton, medial view . 151

Nasal septum, arteries, and nerves . 152

Head, median section with blood vessels, nerves, and muscles . 153
Parapharyngeal vessels, nerves, and muscles at the base of the skull, from behind .

Pterygopalatine fossa, parapharyngeal space, nasal cavity, blood vessels and


medial view . 155

Oral Cavity and Teeth

Vessels and nerves of the oral cavity, from front . 156

Sublingual region and pharynx, musculature, lateral view. 157

Muscles of mastication and oral cavity with muscles, from behind . 158

Floor of mouth, tongue, vessels, and nerves, cross section at the level of

the occlusal plane . 159

Lingual, sublingual, and submandibular regions, frontal section . 160

Submandibular and retromandibular regions, transverse section. 161

Salivary glands, from front . 162

Salivary glands, lateral view . 163

Salivary glands, medial view . 164

Roof of mouth, mucosal innervation . 165


Floor of oral cavity, mucosal innervation. 166

Oral cavity, cross section through the facial skeleton at the level of the occlusal
plane . 167

Jaw and deep face region, arteries and nerves, from right side. 168

Jaw and deep face region, veins and lymphatics, from right side . 169

Peripheral taste conduction (semischematic) . 170

Upper and lower sets of teeth . 171

Dental root, transverse section through the alveolar process . 172

Deciduous teeth of a 4- to 5-year-old child . 173

Deciduous and early permanent teeth of 6-year-old child. 174

Rows of deciduous and permanent teeth on the right side, vestibular view . 175

Rows of deciduous and permanent teeth on the right side, oral view . 176

Roentgenogram of incisors and canines of upper and lower jaws in a

2 1 / 2 -year-oldchild . 177

Roentgenogram of deciduous molars and developing first permanent molar in a

2^-year-old child . 178

Roentgenogram of permanent teeth, upper jaw . 179

Roentgenogram of permanent teeth, lower jaw . 180

Ear and Vestibular Apparatus

Bony framework of the ear and vestibular apparatus . 181

Middle ear cavity, projected on lateral surface of skull. 182

Bony labyrinth, vestibulocochlear, and facial nerves in situ in the petrosal bone .

Membranous labyrinth with vessels and nerves, schematic representation . 184

Ear, horizontal section at level of vestibular window . 185

Mastoid air cells and antrum . 186

Mastoid antrum with ear and opened facial canal . 187

Mastoid antrum with ear and opened sigmoid sinus . 188

Bony labyrinth (cast), posteromedial view . 189

Bony labyrinth (cast), anterolateral view. 190

Bony labyrinth (cast), from above . 191

Fundus of internal acoustic meatus. 192

Petrosal bone, frontal section . 193

Middle ear, frontal section. 194

Middle ear, medial wall . 195

Middle ear, lateral wall . 196

Auditory ossicles, disarticulated. 197

Auditory ossicles, medial view . 198

Auditory ossicles, from above. 199

Ear drum, shown translucent, lateral view. 200

Ear drum with arteries . 201

Ear drum, otoscopic view . 202

External ear . 203

Eye and Orbit

Orbital region, exterior of eye. 204

Orbital region, inverted upper lid . 205

Lacrimal ducts . 206

Ocular bulb, muscles from above, schematic. 207

Ocular bulb, muscles from front . 208

Eye and nose region, superficial layer . 209

E>e and nose region, deeper layer . 210

Eye and nose region, deep layer . 211

Ocular bulb in situ, from front. 212

Orbit with contents, sagittal section . 213

Orbit with contents and pterygopalatine fossa . 214

Orbital contents from above after removal of orbital roof. 215

Orbital contents from above after removal of orbital roof, exposure of cavernous
sinus .... 216
Orbital contents from above after removal of orbital roof and opening the

superior orbital fissure . 217

Orbital contents from above, branches of the ophthalmic division of trigeminal

nerve 218

Ocular bulb, blood vessels, schematic . 219

Ocular bulb, exposure of vascular tunic . 220

Ocular bulb, pattern of blood vessels in middle layer . 221

Ocular bulb, horizontal section. 222

Optic nerve, cross section . 223

Optic papilla, horizontal section . 224

Anterior part of bulb, horizontal section . 225

Ocular bulb, from front . 226

Anterior portion of bulb, seen from inside. 227

Fundus of the living eye, ophthalmoscopic view . 228

Anterior half of eye, from behind . 229

Lens and suspensory apparatus, from front. 230


Skeleton, Musculature, and Visceral Compartments

Skeleton, of head and neck, from front . 231

Skeleton of head and neck, from the side. 232

Skeleton of head and neck, from behind . 233

Exterior of neck with skeleton and viscera drawn in. 234

Craniovertebral joints, from behind. 235

Craniovertebral joints, frontal section, dorsal view of cut surface. 236

Craniovertebral joints, transverse section at the level of atlas (viewed from

above). 237

Craniovertebral joints, median section with ligaments . 238

Head and neck skeleton, midsagittal section . 239

Upper cervical vertebral column, anteroposterior roentgenogram through mouth . 240

Adult cervical vertebral column, lateral roentgenogram . 241

Neck musculature, from front . 242

Neck musculature, from the side. 243

Pre and paravertebral neck musculature, from front . 244

Intrinsic muscles of posterior neck (schematic), seen from behind .245

Back of neck, deep muscles, bloodvessels, and nerves. 246

Neck, crosssection at the level of the 7th cervical vertebra. 247

Neck, cross section at the level of the 5th cervical vertebra . 248

Neck, cross section at the level of atlas . 149

Head-neck region, cross section at the level of oropharynx. 250

Head-neck region, cross section at the level of nasopharynx. 251

Head-neck region, cross section through the oropharyngeal fold. 252

Neck, cross section at the level of the 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae . 253

\ isceral and neural compartments of the neck, median section . 254

Neck and facial skeleton, midsagittal section . 255

Neck musculature, medial view . 2^6

Neck and adjoining head region, midsagittal section without the spinal cord . 257

Mucosal innervation in head and neck regions, median section . 258

Topography of Neck Region

Superficial layers of the neck with platysma . 259

Superficial layers of the neck after removal of platysma. 260

Superficial fasciae of the neck ... 261

Parotid compartment and related structures . 262

Retromandibular fossa . 263

Submandibular triangle . 264

Submandibular triangle and retromandibular fossa . 265

Submandibular triangle and retromandibular fossa . 266

Submandibular triangle and retromandibular fossa . 267

Carotid triangle . 268

Carotid and submandibular triangles . 269

Neck, arteries and nerves, from the side. 270

Neck, veins, lymph vessels, and lymph nodes, from the side . 271

Median neck region and carotid triangle . 272

Sternocleidomastoid region and cervical fascia. 273

Anterior neck region . 274

Thoracic inlet with pleural cupula. 275

Thoracic inlet with pleural cupula, multilevel sections . 276

Thyroid region, from front . 277

Thyroid region and thoracic inlet, from front . 278

Thoracic inlet and deep neck region after removal of the manubrium of sternum

as well as the 1st and 2nd ribs. 279

Neurovascular bundles of deep neck region, left side . 280

Neck, transverse section through the isthmus of the thyroid gland and the

7th cervical vertebra. 281

Posterior triangle of neck. 282

Posterior triangle of neck. 283

Posterior triangle of neck. 284

Posterior triangle of neck, deep layer. 285

Posterior triangle of neck, thoracic inlet, and axilla . 286

Posterior neck region, neurovascular bundle . 287

Posterior neck region, opened vertebral canal, from behind . 288

Suboccipital region, superficial layers . 289

Suboccipital region, intrinsic back musculature . 290

Suboccipital region, deep layer. 291

v_ —?


Vertebral Canal and Spinal Cord

Cervical vertebral canal, extradural structures . 292

Cervical vertebral canal, cross section . 293

Cerv ical vertebral canal, arachnoid sac and adjacent structures . 294

Cervical vetebral canal, median section. 295

Cervical spinal cord and spinal nerves in situ, from behind (schematic) . 296

Vertebral canal and cranial fossa without dura, opened from behind . 297

Cerebello-medullary cistern, roentgenogram (air filled). 298

Pharynx and Pharyngeal Region

Pharynx and neurovascular bundle, from behind, with some of the fasciae . 299

Pharvnx and neurovascular bundle, from behind, with the internal jugular veins .

Pharynx, opened from behind. 301

Muscles of pharynx and palate, from behind . 302

Pharynx and facial skeleton, median section . 303

Parapharyngeal structures, medial view . 304

Auditory tube and related structures . 305

Parapharyngeal region, from behind . 306

Deep face region and pterygoid region . 307

Cervical neurovascular stalk (lateral) and branching of mandibular nerve . 308

Cervical neurovascular stalk (lateral) with lateral pharyngeal wall. 309

Cervical neurovascular stalk (lateral) with sublingual region . 310

Oral cavity, from front, and arteries of the palatine tonsils . 311

Pharynx and facial skeleton (midsagittal plane) with tubal and sublingual regions .

Larynx and pharynx, mucosa and tonsils (semischematic). 313

Laryngeal entrance and portions of pharynx (semischematic) . 314

Pharyngeal musculature and part of the piriform recess. 315

Back side of larynx and root of tongue with nerves and vessels . 316

Submandibular region and larynx, lateral view. 317

Submandibular region and larynx without lamina of thyroid cartilage, lateral

view .318

Laryngeal musculature, from behind . 319

Laryngeal musculature, obliquely from behind . 320

Laryngeal musculature of opened larynx, from inside . 321

Larynx, from behind . 322

Larynx, from the side . 323

Larynx, median section . 324

Larynx and root of tongue, median section . 325

Larynx, frontal section. 326

Larynx and pharynx, cross section at level of ventricular fold . 327

Larynx and pharynx, cross section at level of vocal fold . 328

Rima glottidis and larvngoscopic view . 329

Neck, cross section at level of glottis. 330

Joints of laryngeal cartilages, semischematic. 331

Rima glottidis. cartilage, and musculature in various functional states. 332

Laryngeal muscles and their actions, semischematic . 333

Larynx, lateral roentgenogram . 334

Alimentary and respiratory tracts in median section, semischematic . 335

Larynx, anteroposterior tomogram during pronounciation of the vowel “U”.336

Larynx, anteroposterior tomogram during normal respiration . 337

Larynx, anteroposterior tomogram during deep respiration . 338

Digestive and respiratory tracts during eating and breathing, semischematic . 339


The first edition of this atlas which appeared in

1963/64 in German, English, Italian and
Japanese was received with great enthusiasm
because of its high quality from scientific and
technical viewpoints.

With a view toward the needs of the surgical

specialties this edition represents a continuing
effort to complement the illustrative material
from the original drawings by Pernkopf and his
collaborating artists with new color plates as
well as new roentgenograms which reflect new
techniques and requirements in modern
medicine. To this end, Dr. Lothar Wicke of
Vienna has supplied most of the roentgen¬
ograms. The formulation of new short and pre¬
cise captions was an important prerequisite for
translation into other languages. From a tech¬
nical viewpoint, the editor and publisher have
gone to the trouble of making further im¬
provements, such as significantly decreasing

the number of reference lines on the color

plates in order to improve “readability/* re¬
producing two-page drawings, which were se¬
verely impaired by the center crease, in a re¬
duced single-page format, and reorienting the
horizontally wide plates so as to conform to the
vertical configuration of the page wherever
this was possible without impairment of qual¬
ity, etc.

The nomenclature used is based on Nomina

Anatomica (Oxford, Paris, New York, Wies¬
baden) with a few exceptions where the term
did not seem acceptable to the editor (e.g.
Esophagus instead of Oesophagus). For
anatomical structures not listed in the Nomina
the Latin names used by Pernkopf were emp¬

Fall 1979

Helmut Ferner

The Head

The Skull


Ti biale

S phyrion





Sty I ion


Dactyl ion





lliospinale ant.
Symphysion (sup
Symphysion (inf




Gnat hi on









- lliospinale post.


Fig. 1. Skeleton of the human body viewed from the front and from the left side.
The more im¬
portant points for skeletal measurements are indicated.


Acromion (tip of shoulder): Flat, lateral projection of the

scapular spine overhanging the shoulder joint; origin of
the trapezius and deltoid muscles.

Acropodion: The most distant soft part of the big toe.

Bregma (named by Aristotle): Point of junction of the

coronal and sagittal sutures; craniometric point.

Cervicale: Anthropol., somatometric point; spine of the

seventh cervical vertebra.

Dactylion: The most distal point on the middle finger of a

hanging limb. Corresponding points on the remaining
fingers are designated dactylion I, II, IV or V.

Glabella (L., small bald spot): 1) Anat., slightly curved

part of the frontal bone between the superciliary arches,
deep to an area of hairless skin. 2) Anthropol., an eleva¬
tion on the forehead above the root of the nose between
the eyebrows; a point above the nasofrontal suture
between the superciliary arches.

Gnathion: The most prominent point in the median plane

on the lower margin of the mandible.

Gonion: 1) Anat., the angle of the mandible. 2) An¬

thropol., the lowest, most posterior and externally lo¬
cated point on the angle of the mandible; a craniometric
point at the intersection of a line along the inferior bor¬
der of the body of the mandible with that along the
posterior border of the ramus.

Iliocrista: The farthest laterally projecting point on the

iliac crest.

Iliospinale anterius: The most downward projecting point

of the anterior superior iliac spine; an osteometric

Iliospinale posterius: The most backward projecting point

of the posterior superior iliac spine; an osteometric

Infrathoracale: The most lateral point on the lower margin

of the bony thorax (here, the tip of the eleventh rib).

Inion: The point of the external occipital protuberance; a

cephalometric and craniometric point.

Lambda: Anthropol., a point at the intersection of the

sagittal and lambdoid sutures.

Lumbale: The tip of the spinous process of L5; a

somatometric point.

Mesosternale: Point of intersection of a line connecting the

fourth sternocostal joints with the median plane; a
somatometric point.

Nasion (nasale): Point of intersection of the nasofrontal

suture with the median plane; a craniometric point.

Omphalion (navel point): Central point of the umbilicus in

the median plane; a somatometric point.

Opisthocranion: Most prominent point on the posterior

aspect of the skull in the median plane used for measur¬
ing the greatest longitudinal diameter of the cranium.

Orbitale: Lowermost point on the inferior margin of the


Phalangion: Somatometric point on the dorsal aspect of

the proximal surface of the metacarpophalangeal joint.

Porion: Craniometric point in the center of the upper

margin of porus acusticus ext. “Skin-porion” at the cor¬
responding site in the living.

Promontorium: More or less prominent anterior projec¬

tion of the upper edge of the first sacral vertebra, form¬
ing an angle with L5 (up to 90 degrees).

Prosthion (upper alveolar point): Point of the most down¬

ward projecting alveolar process in the midline between
the upper medial incisors.

Pternion: The farthest dorsally projecting (somatometric)

point on the calcaneus of a weight-bearing foot.

Radiale: The highest (somatometric) point on the upper

edge of the head of the radius (with the arm hanging by
the side and the palm facing medially).

Sphyrion: Tip of the medial malleolus when standing.

Sty lion: Tip of the styloid process of the radius with the
arm hanging.

Supracristale: Highest point on the iliac crest in the lateral


Suprasternale (upper sternal point): Somatometric point

in the jugular notch of sternum, in the median plane.

Symphysion (superior, interior): Somatometric point in

the midline on the upper and lower borders of the sym¬
physis, respectively.

Thelion (mamelon, mamillary point): Midpoint of the

nipple; somatometric point (except in women with pen¬
dulous breasts).

Tibiale: Highest point on the proximal joint surface of the

tibia in erect posture.

Trochanterion: Highest and most lateral point on the

greater trochanter.
Tuberale: Lowest point on the downward projecting is¬
chial tuberosity.

Vertex (crown): In erect posture, the highest point on the

skull in the midline.

Xyphion: Suture between the body of sternum and the

ziphoid process in the midline.

Zygion: The most lateral point on the zygomatic bone

(zygomatic arch).

Fig. 1

Vertex pilorum x

Sufura occipitomastoidea

Foramen mastoideum

Atlas (Proc. transv.

Atlas (Arcus post)

Foramen parietale

— Os parietale

Os occipitale (Squama sup.)

Protuberantia occip. ext.
Linea nuchae sup.

occip. ext.

nuchae inf.

Incisura mastoidea, Proc. mast.

Foramen occip. magnum,

Os occipitale (Squama inf.)

Sutura sagittal is -

Vortex pilorum
Sutura lambdoidea

Sutura parietosquamosa

Sutura parietomastoidea

+ = Pressure point for

La = Lambda

N. occipitalis major

Ob = Obelion

I—VI = 1.-6. Cervical vertebrae

O. cr = Opisthocranion

As = Asterion

Op = Opisthion

Eu = Euryon

V = Vertex

I = Inion

Fig. 2. External aspect of the male head viewed from behind, superimposed on the
skeletal parts.

Planum, Tuber parietale,


Sutura squamosa

Porus acusf. ext.,

Crista supramastoidea,
Sutura squamomastoidea

Fissura tympanomastoidea, Os tempor. (Proc. mastoideus),

Pars tympanica

Proc. retroarticularis
Processus styloideus
Proc. condylaris, Incisura mandib.

Mandibula (Proc. coronoideus)

Angulus mandibulae, Tuberositas masseterica

Linea obi

Foramen menfale

Sutura lambdoidea
(parietooccipital is)

Foramen mast.,
Sutura parietomastoid.

Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris,
Foramen infraorbitale

nasalis ant.

v Arcus zygomaticus,

Sutura temporozygomatica

Sutura corona I is,

Os pariet. (Angulus sphenoidalis)

Sutura sphenoparietal is,

sphenofrontal is,
■Sutura frontozygomatica,

Os frontale (Proc. zygomaticus)

Os frontale (Pars nasalis)

- Os frontale (Pars orbitalis)

— Os lacrimale

~ Os ethmoidale,
Lamina orbitalis
Fossa sacci lacrim.,
Sutura nasomaxillaris
a 3 , 84 = Squama occipitalis

= Os temporale, Pars mastoidea

b 2 = Os temporale, Pars squamosa
c 3 = Os sphenoidale, Ala major
d = Os parietale
fx = Squama frontalis
g = Maxilla (Corpus)
gi = Maxilla, Processus frontalis
gs = Maxilla, Processus alveolaris
h = Mandibula (Corpus)

h 3 = Mandibula (Ramus)
h 2 = Mandibula, Processus alveolaris
i = Os zygomaticum
ix = Os zygomaticum, Processus

1 2 = Os zygomaticum, Processus


1 3 = Os zygomaticum, Processus

j = Os nasale

Fig. 3. Right side of an adult skull. The bones of the neurocranium and the
visceral cranium are
shown in different colors; visceral cranium: blue, violet and green.


Sutura coronal is

Tuber frontale

Margo, Incisura supraorbitalis

Canalis opticus
Fissura orbital is sup.

^ Sutura sphenofrontal is

Sutura frontozygomatica

Sutura sphenozygomatica,
Foramen zygomatico orbitale
__ Fissura orbitalis inf.

s Sutura temporozygomatica
Margo infraorbitalis
Foramen infraorbitale, Fossa canma
Os ethmoidale, Concha nasalis media
Concha nasalis inf.

Angulus mandibulae

Foramen mentale

Sutura frontonasal is, internasal is

Os ethmoidale (Lamina perpendicularis) —

Linea obliqua

Protuberantia mentalis,
Tuberculum mentale —

Arcus superciliaris, Proc. zygomaticus

Sutura sphenosquamosa

Os sphenoidale (Ala minor)

Os ethmoidale (Lamina orbitalis)

Fossa sacci lacrimal is

(Crista lacrim. ant. et post.)

Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris /

Spina nasalis ant., Sutura intermaxillaris

Key to Figs. 4 and 5

a 3 = Lower part of squama occipitalis

84 = Upper part of squama occipitalis

b x = Os temporale, Pars petrosa

b >2 = Os temporale, Squama

C 3 = Os sphenoidale, Ala major

d = Os parietale

f t = Os frontale, Squama

f 2 = Os frontale, Pars orbitalis

f 3 = Os frontale, Pars nasalis
g = Maxilla (Corpus)
gi = Maxilla, Proc. frontalis
g 2 = Maxilla, Proc. zygomaticus
gs = Maxilla, Proc. alveolaris
g 4 = Maxilla, Processus palatinus
h = Mandibula (Corpus)

h a = Mandibula (Ramus)
h 2 = Mandibula, Proc. alveolaris
i = Os zygomaticum
i x = Proc. temporalis

1 2 = Proc. frontalis, Os zygomaticum

1 3 = Proc. maxillaris, Os zygomaticum

j = Os nasale

k = Os lacrimale

Tuber parietale

Sutura parietomastoidea

Os temporale (Squama) —

Sutura occipitomastoidea,
Foramen mast.

Sutura palatina mediana, For.

— Squama occipitalis

” Linea nuchae suprema

" Protuberantia et crista occip. ext.,

Linea nuchae superior

Linea nuchae inf., Planum nuchale

'•'Proc. mastoideus

Incisura mastoidea

Condylus occipitalis

" Tuber retromolare

Foramen mandibulae, Lingula

Processus pterygoideus
(Lamina medialis)

Angulus mandib., Tuberositas pterygoidea

N Fovea sublingualis, Sulcus mylohyoideus
Fossa digastrica, Spina mentalis

Sutura sagittalis, Foramen parietale

Sutura lambdoidea,

Os parietale (Angulus occip.)

Processus styloideus

Processus pterygoideus (Lamina lateralis,

Maxilla (Processus alveolaris)

Concha nasalis inferior /
Os palatinum (Lamina horizontalis),
Processus pyramidalis

Fig. 4. (Top) Adult skull from the front (neurocranium: yellow, orange and red;

cranium: blue, violet and green).

Fig. 5. (Bottom) Adult skull seen from behind.

Os frontale (Pars

Tuberculum sellae, Sulcus n. optici

Planum orbitale, Fossacranii ant., Sulci

Os sphenoidale (Ala minor), Fissura orbit, sup.

Proc. clinoideus ant
Foramen rotundum
Foramen ovale

Fossa cranii media, Sulci arteriarum,

Foramen spinosum

Pars petrosa

Pars petrosa (Margo sup.),

Sulcus petrosussup.,

Pyramis (Facies post.), Porus acusticus int.

Sutura squamosa -

Sulcus sigmoideus,

Foramen mastoideum

Foramen jugulare

Sutura parietomastoidea

Sutura occipitomastoidea

Foramen occipitale magnum, Fossavermiana

Sulcus transversus

Protuberantia occipitalis int.

Sinus frontalis ^ Crista galli, Foramen caecum

Sutura frontoethmoidalis

Planum sphenoideum, Limbus sphenoideus,

a sphenoethmoidea

Sutura sphenofrontal is, Canalis opticus

Fossa hypophyseos, Os sphen. (Sulcus caroticus)

Sutura sphenoparietal is et coronalis

Foramen lacerum,

Processus clinoideus post.

Canalis caroticus (Apertura int.),

Fissura sphenopetrosa

Sutura sphenosquamalis,

Sutura squamalis

Pyramis (Facies ant.),

Eminentia arcuata,

Hiatus canalis n. facialis

Sutura squamosa
Teg men tympani
Fossa cranii post.,

Aquaeductus vestibuli (Apertura ext.)

Canalis n. hypoglossi, Tuberculum jugulare

'-Os occipitale, Fossa cerebellaris

Clivus, Synchondrosis sphenooccipitalis,

Fissura petrooccipitalis (Sulcus petrosus inf.)

Crista occipitalis int.

Key to Figs. 6 and 7

aj = Os occipitale, Pars basilaris

a 2 = Os occipitale, Pars lateralis

a 3 = Os occipitale

84 = Squama occipitalis

= Os temporale, Pars petrosa

t >2 = Os temporale, Squama
q = Os sphenoidale
C 2 = Os sphenoidale

(Os basisphenoideum), Corpus

C 3 = Os sphenoidale, Ala major

c 4 = Os sphenoidale, Ala minor
d = Os parietale
fi = Squama frontalis
f 2 = Os frontale, Pars orbitalis
j = Os nasale

Sutura internasalis \

Tuber frontale \

Os frontale (Processus zygomaticus)

Os zygomaticum (Processus temporalis)

Os temporale (Processus zygomaticus) _

Linea temporalis inf. -

Linec temporalis sup.

Foramen parietale

Sutura lambdoidea

Sutura frontozygomatica

Arcus zygomaticus,

Sutura temporozygomatica

Sutura coronalis

- Sutura sagittalis

Tuber parietale

Fig. 6. (Top) Base of skull seen from the inside.

Fig. 7. (Bottom) Adult human skull seen from above (calvaria, skullcap).

N I. buccinator

M. orbic. oculi (Pars palpebr

M. obliquus sup

N. nasociHaris,

N. oculomotorius, N. abducens

M. levator palpebr.

/VI. temporalis^^

N. lacrimalis,
V. ophthalmica sup.

Anulus tendineus commun

—— N. frontalis, N. trochlearis

M. zygomaticus min.

M masseter

A., N. infraorbit.,
Foramen infraorbit.

M. levator labii sup.

M. temporalis y

M. levator anguli oris /

M. masseter /

N. ethmoidalis ant. et post.

A., R. nasal is ext. \

M. corrugator

A., N. infratrochlean's

V., N. supratrochlearis

A., V., N. supraorbital is (Ramus med.)

A., V., N. supraorbital is

(Ramus lat.),

N. opticus, A. ophthalmica

M. rectus lat _

" Anulus tendineus comrhunis,

V ophthalmica inf.
— M. levator labii
sup. alaeque nasi

"" A., Rr. zygomaticofaciales

M. nasal is (Pars transversa et alaris)

N 1. orbicularis oris

" A.,V.,N. mentalis

Platysma (

M. depressor anguli oris \

M. depressor labii inf.

x M. mentalis

M. orbicul. oculi
(Pars lacrimalis)""

M. obliquus inf.-—

M. zygomaticus maj. —

M. orbicularis oris (Origo nasal is)

(M. depressor septi )

/VI. orbicularis oris

A = Os frontale

D = Os zygomaticum

G = Maxilla

B = Os temporale

E = Os ethmoidale (Lamina orbitalis)

H = Os nasale

C = Os sphenoidale
F = Os lacrimale

I = Mandibula

Fig. 8. The skull from the front. On the right, areas of muscle attachments are
encircled in
brown. On the left, blood vessels and nerves are indicated where they pass through

M. temporalis,
V. emissaria pariet .n

/ A., V., N. supraorbit.

M. occipital is-
M. trapezius--

M. semispinalis capitis

M. splenius capitis
V. emissaria

M. rectus capitis post, min/

A/1. obliquus capitis sup.

M. rectus capitis post. maj.

A/1. longissimus capitis, R. auricularis (X)

M. digastr. (Venter post.)

A/1. sternocleidomastoideus
A/1. styloglossus, A/l. stylohyoideus

M. masseter
A/I. pterygoideus lat.

M. zygomaticomandib.

M. temporalis
M. buccinator
/VI. masseter, A., R. alveolar is sup., post, et med.

M. procerus,

A., R. nasalis ext.

- M. levator labii
sup. alaeque nasi

-M. obliquus inf.

— M. levator labii sup.

M. zygomaticus maj.,

A., R. zygomaticofacialis

~~ M. levator anguli oris

— nasalis (Pars alaris
et transversa)

M. orbicularis oris,
(Origo nasalis)

(7VI. depressor septi)

M. orbic. oris,

(Origo maxillaris)

M. orbic. oris,

(Origo mandib.)

M. mental is

M. depressor labii inf.,

A., N. mentalis

x M. depressor anguli oris

M. zygomaticus min., A., N. infraorbit, platysma

A., N. ethmoid, ant., M. orbicularis oculi

(Pars lacrim. et palpebr.)

/ N. supratrochlearis

A., N. infratrochlearis,
A/1, corrugator supercilii

A = Os frontale
B = Os parietale
C = Os sphenoidale
D — Os temporale

E = Os occiptale
F = Os zygomaticum
G = Mandibula
H = Maxilla

I = Os ethmoid.

(Lamina orbitalis)
K = Os lacrimale
L = Os nasale

Fig. 9. Lateral view of skull. Areas of muscle attachments are encircled in brown.

Foramen incisivum.
Fissura orbital is inf.

Sutura palatina mediana et transversa

Foramen palat. majus et minus

Os front., (Proc. zygom.)

Sutura frontozygomatica

Foramen sphenopalatinum,
Crista infratemporal is ^

Os sphenoidale (Ala major),

Os palatinum (Proc. pyramidalis)
Fissura pterygomaxillaris_
Processus pterygoideus
(Lamina lat.) —
Processus pterygoideus
(Lamina medialis)
Fossa mandibularis,
Tuberculum articulare
Os tempo rale, Pars tympanica
Processus styloideus


Foramen stylomastoideum

Canalicus cochleae (Apertura ext.)

Foramen occipitale magnum,

Crista occip. ext., Canal is n. hypoglossi ^

Sutura parietomastoidea ^

Sutura lambdoidea

Linea nuchae inf. ^

Linea nuchae sup. /

Protuberantia occipit. ext. (Inion)


Porus acusticus ext.

Incisura mastoidea
art. occipitalis
. mastoideus, Foramen jugul.

Hamulus pterygoideus
/ Foramen ovale

^ Os zygomaticum (Proc. temp.)

Sutura sphenoparietal is

Os temp. (Proc. zygom.),

Lingula mandib.

^ Foramen condyloideum,
Fissura petrooccipitalis

lacerum, Tuberc. pharyngeum,

Fissura sphenopetrosa

Foramen spinosum,
Canalis musculotubarius

Canalis caroticus (Apertura ext.),

Crista tymp.

a = Os parietale
a x = Os occipitale, Pars basilaris
a 2 = Os occipitale, Pars lateralis
a 3 = Unterschuppe des Os occipitale
84 = Oberschuppe des Os occipitale
b x = Os temporale, Pars petrosa
t»2 = Os temporale, Pars squamosa
C2 = Os sphenoidale (Basisphenoid)

C3 = Os sphenoidale, Ala major

d = Os parietale

(Angulus mastoideus et sphenoideus)

fi = Os frontale, Squama
g2 = Maxilla, Processus zygomaticus
g? = Maxilla, Processus alveolaris
g* = Maxilla, Processus palatinus
h = Mandibula, Corpus
^ = Mandibula, Ramus, Angulus
i = Os zygomaticum
j = Os nasale
m = Vomer

n = Os palatinum, Lamina horizontalis

Fig. 10. The bony base of the skull from below. The right half of the mandible has
been removed.

A., N. incisivus, Canalis incisivus

M. levator labii sup.

M. zygomaticus major
M. buccinator

A/I. zygomaticomandib.

(M. tempor.)

Sulcus hamuli pteryg..

Raphe pterygomandib.
M. pterygoideus I at.
(Caput infratemp.)

M. pterygoideus med.

M. tensor veli

Fibrocartilago basalis,
M. levator veli palat.

M. longus capitis,
A/1. rectus capitis ant.

A/1, rectus capitis lat.

M. longissimus capitis

M. digastricus
(Venter post.)

/VI. splenius capitis


M. obliquus capitis
M. rectus capitis post, major —

M. rectus capitis post, minor

M. semispinalis capitis —
A/I. trapezius

M. occipitalis

M. masseter

Foram. palat. majus et minora, Aa. palatinae,

Nn. palatini major et minor

^ Aa., Nn. nasales post.

(For. sphenopalat.),

Os palatinum (Proc. pyramidal is)

Rr. pharyngei,

Canalis palatinovaginalis

N. mylohyoideus,
A., N. alveolaris inf.

N. mandibularis,

For. ovale (Rete ven.)

A. carotis int., N. petrosus prof.

Sinus petr. inf., IX, X, XI

N. hypoglossus, Canalis hypoglossi (Rete ven.)

N A. vertebralis, Radix spinalis XI,

V. emissaria condylaris

N Medulla spinalis, A. spin. post.

N. petrosus minor,
Canaliculus innominatus
A., V. meningea media,
Ram. men. (V 3 ),

N. tens. tymp.

A. tymp. ant., Chordatymp.

(Fissura petrotympanica)

carotis int.,

Plexus carot. int. (nerv.)

facialis, A. stylomast.,
R. auricularis X

^V. jugularis int. (Bulbus),

A. meningea post.,

N. tympanicus (Canalic. tymp.)

a = Area vertebronuchalis (nuchalis)

P = Area vertebralis
y = Area pharyngea

6 = Area vasorum et nervorum

s = Area infratemporalis

£ = Area articularis

y] = Area auditiva (acustica)

ft = Area parapharyngea

a! = Os occipitale, Basis
a 2 = Os occipitale, Pars lateralis

a 3 = Os occipitale, Squama
bx = Proc. mastoideus
c = Os sphenoidale, Corpus
C3 = Os sphenoidale, Ala major
C5 = Processus pterygoideus
f = Os frontale

g4 = Maxilla, Processus palatinus

h = Mandibula, Corpus
hx = Mandibula, Ramus
m = Vomer

n x = Os palatinum, Lamina

Fig. 11. The base of the cranium and its areas of muscle attachments seen from
below. The right
half of the mandible has been removed. On the right side, the areas of muscle
origins are encircled
in brown; other basal cranial areas (see key) are outlined in green. On the left,
vessels and nerves
are indicated where they pass through foramina.

Sutura coronalis

Sutura sphenoparietal is,

Canal is n. optici

Os sphen. (Ala minor),

Sut. sphenofront.

Sinus frontalis

Os frontale (Pars nasalis)

Os front. (Spina nasalis),
Sutura frontonasalis

— Os nasale

. — - Maxilla (Processus frontalis)

- Concha inf.

- Apertura piriformis

- — Spina nasalis ant.

Maxilla, Processus alveolaris

Sutura squamosa

Sinus sphenoidalis,
Fossa hypoph.,
Dorsum sellae

Fovea submandibularis, Linea

mylohyoidea, Fovea sublingualis

Spina (M. genioglossus

et geniohyoideus),
Fossa digastrica





For us acust. int.,

Crista pyramidis,
Fiss. petrooccipit.

Sulcus sigmoideus,
Sutura occipitomastoidea,

Sulcus transv. —

Foramen jugulare ""

Proc. mast., Condylus occip.,

Canalis n. hypoglossi

Mandibula (Incisura et Ramus)

Proc. pteryg. (Lamina lat.)

Foramen mandib., Lingula, Sulcus mylohyoideus

Angulus mandib., Tuberositas pterygoidea

Proc. pterygoideus (Lamina med.) ^

Trigonum retromolare

Os palatinum (Proc. pyramidalis)

aj = Os occipitale, Pars basilaris

a 2 = Os occipitale, Pars lateralis

% = Squama occipitalis

bj = Os temporale, Pars petrosa

bs = Os temporale, Pars squamosa

q = Os sphenoidale (Os praesphenoideum)

q = Os sphenoidale (Os basisphenoideum)

q = Os sphenoidale, Ala major

c 4 = Os sphenoidale, Ala minor

d = Os parietale

q = Os ethmoidale, Lamina cribrosa

e2 = Os ethmoidale, Lamina perpendicularis
f a = Os frontale, Squama
f 2 = Os frontale, Pars orbitalis
g = Maxilla, Corpus
g* = Maxilla, Processus palatinus
h = Mandibula, Corpus
^ = Mandibula, Ramus
h 2 = Mandibula, Pars alveolaris
m = Vomer

n x = Os palatinum, Lamina horizontalis

Fig. 12. Adult skull, midsagittal section (left half).

A., R. meningeus ant.

— " Sinus sphenoidalis

A., R. nasal is ext.

A., V., N. incisivus

Sinus frontalis

M. pterygoid, med.

V. emissaria mastoid.

/ / 1 I

N. facialis, / / / I

N. vestibulocochlearis, A. labyrinthi j j j

V. jugular is int., A. meningea post. / I


N. vagus, N. accessorius l / /

I I i

N. glossopharyngeus I /


N. hypoglossus (Rete venosum), j

A. comitans XII (Var.), M. pterygoid, lat. /

A/I. temporalis

A/|. pterygoid, med. \

A.,V., N. alveolaris inf.,

Raphe pterygomandib.

A., V. meningoorbitalis

N. opticus, A. ophthalmica
" A.,N. palatinus maj.,
M. tensor veli palatini

M. mylohyoideus

M. geniohyoid et genioglossus

— M. digastricus (Venter ant.)

N. mylohyoid., M. buccinator

A = Mandibula, Corpus
A 1 = Mandibula, Ramus
B = Maxilla
C = Os palatinum
D = Vomer

E = Os ethmoid.,

Lamina perpendiculars
F = Os nasale
G = Os frontale
H = Os parietale

I = Os sphenoidale
K = Pars petrosa
L = Os temp., Pars squamosa
M = Os occipitale, Pars basilaris
N = Squama occipitalis

Fig. 13. Skull in median section (left half). Areas of muscle attachments are
encircled in brown;
vessels and nerves are indicated where they pass through foramina.

Foveolae granulares ^

Sutura sagitfalis v

Os pariefale v S ' N
Crista frontalis ^

Sutura lambdoidea x
x n n

Septum sinuum front. x

x \

Cavum nasi (Paries sup.) N N

Proc. alae min. \ \

X \ N

Planum sphenoideum V \ x

\ \

Orbita (Paries sup.) x


S/'nus sphenoid.

Os sphen. (Ala minor) N

Cellulae ethm. x

Fissura orbit, sup.

sphenoparietal is

Impressiones gyrorum
Margo aditus
ad orb itarn

Crista lacrimalis ant.

Fossa temporalis

Foramen rotundum
Sinus sphenoidalis

Fossa cranii
media (Basis)

Septum nasi osseum

Fossa mandibularis
Mandibula (Caput)
Tuberculum articulare
Processus coronoideus "


Sinus maxi I laris ""

Cellulae mastoideae ^ ^

Planum nuchale

Fossa occipitalis
Recessus "

alveolaris sinus ^ "

maxillaris ^ ^

Crista zygomatico- '' ✓


Concha nasal is inf. '

A-leafus ^
nas/ inf. s'

Articul. '

atlantoaxialis /

Dens ax/s

Dentes praemolares

_ Mandibula (Ramus)

__ Atlas (Proc.

__ Dent. mol.
et praemol. (Max.)

_ Foramen mand.

_- Dentes incisivi (Mand.)

_ Canal is mand ibulae

- Mandibula (Angulus)

Dens molaris mand.

Mandibula (Margo)

Os parietale
- ^ (Lamina ext.)

^ Squama frontalis
^ Os pariet. (Lamina int)
z Sutura coronalis
/ S/nus frontalis
y Crista galli

/ Limbus sphenoideus
' y Fossa cranii ant.

/ (Paries lat.)

/Orbita (Paries medialis)

/ /

Concha nasal is

/ / / med/a

/ Cr/sta pyram. sup.

' Linea innominata

/ Os front. (Proz. zygomat.

/ /

y y y Corum nasi (Paries lat.)

/ /

' Eminentia arcuafa

' / Os zygomaticum
s’ (Proc. frontosphenoideus)

Crista nasalis


y Condylus occipitalis

z Cavum nasi (Paries inf.)

Articul. atlantooccipitalis

„ Ax/s


Dentes incisivi (Maxilla)

-Vert, cervic. IV

Fig. 14. Posteroanterior roentgenogram of skull

(from Clementschitsch).

Sutura coronal is

Sulcus sphenoparietal is J
Planum sphenoideum, \

Juga cerebralia * \ N \
Impressiones gyrorum \\\

Fossa cranii media (Paries ant.) k \\\^

Orbita (Paries sup.) \\ \

Os frontale (Lamina int.),\\ s \ \

\ v\ \\ >

Sinus maxill. (Paries post.)

Os ethmoidale (Labyrinthus) s
\ \ \\\ V
iv \ \\\ 1
Sinus maxillaris. \ \ \\ >

\ \ \

v \ \

Lamina cribriformis I \\ \ \

\W 1

Os zygomaticum (Proc. front.) v \ \ \

Sinus frontalis^ \\

Margo aditus ad orbitam .J

Os zygomat. (Facies temporalis )J

Margo orbit. I at. *j|
S/nus max. (Paries sup.) v
Ossa nasalia ^\

Orbita (Paries inf.).^

Concha inf. J

Maxilla (Processus frontalis)

Margo infraorbitalis

Maxilla (Facies temporalis) ...

Sinus maxill. (Recessus ant.) L^

Mandibula (Proc. coronoideus)

Sinus maxill. (Paries ant.)

Processus pterygoideus __

Cr/sta zygomaticoalveoL

Sinus maxill. (Paries inf.)

Spina nasal is ant.

Maxilla (Proc. alveolaris

Palatum durum—-
Spatium periodontale 1
Dens serotinus (Maxilla)

Dentes incisivi (Maxilla)-'

Dentes molares (Maxilla j"

Dentes incisivi (Mandibula)-

Dentes molares (Mandibula)--""

Mandibula (Corpus)

(Substantia compacta)

tr Mandibula „

(Substantia spongiosa)~"(

Mandibula (Margo inf.)--

Os hyoideum (Corpus)-

Os parietale

(Lamina ext.)

— Diploe
hOs parietale
(Lamina int.)

Os parietale
Canales diploid
'Sinus sphen.

Ala minor (Proc.

Limbus sphenoid
Sinus sphen.

CFossa hypophyses
^Dorsum sellae

jh'Fossa pterygopal

.<1 "Squama tempore

-"Os sphenoid. (Co
Pyramis (Crista :

-4" Facies infratemp


lirPy ram ides

Processus ptery^
| (Facies sphenom
Sutura lambdoidt

'Tuberculum art'n

—-Porus acusticus e
-?'Sulcus transversL
„J-Os occipit.

(Pars basilaris)
--Os occipitale
occipitalis int.

— -Pyramis (Facies

Cellulae mastoid
Fossa occipitalis
Mandibula (Capi

Planum nuchale
Processus mastoi
Incisura mandibi
Lumen pharyngis

(Tuberculum ant



Radix linguae
Mandibula (Angu

- Vert, cervic. Ill
Phar. (Paries pos
J- Epiglottis
Os hyoideum

: (Cornu majus)

Fig. 15. Lateral roentgenogram of adult human skull

(from Clementschitsch).
Sinus frontalis sin.

Septum sinuum frontalium

Jugum sphenoid., Sulcus chiasmatis

Septum nasi osseum

Concha nasalis inferior

Crista galli

Cellulae ethmoidales

Linea innominata
Os ethmoidale (Lamina orbitalis)
Pars petrosa (Margo superior)

Concha nasalis media

Sinus m axil laris

Palatum durum

Fig. 16. Posteroanterior roentgenogram of paranasal sinuses I

(L. Wicke, Vienna).
Sinus frontalis

Septum sinuum frontalium

Meatus nasi

Sinus maxi I laris

Sinus max. (Recessus alveolaris)

Sinus sphenoidalis

Cellulae ethmoidales

Tegmen sinus max.

Linea innominata

Canalis infraorbitalis

Arcus zygomaticus

Sinus maxillaris (Paries lat.)

Pars petrosa (Margo sup.)

Sinus max. (Paries lat.)

Orbita (Paries lat.)

Os sphen. (Ala major)


Septum sinuum sphen.

Sinus sphenoidalis
Fig. 17. (Top) Paranasal sinuses II; head is tilted back with mouth open (L. Wicke,
Fig. 18. (Bottom) Paranasal sinuses III, axial view (L. Wicke, Vienna).


Rr. alveolar, (dentales) inf.

1 =

Aa. nasales post.

v =

A. meningea media (R. ant.)

A. profunda linguae

(A. sphenopalatina)

w =

A. meningea media (R. post.)

A. palatina ascendens

m =

A. alveolaris sup. post.

X =

A. infraorbitalis

A. pharyngea ascendens

n =

A. alveolaris sup. ant.

y =

A. zygomatico-orbitalis

A. alveolaris inf.

o =

A. zygomaticofacialis

z =

A. ethmoidea ant.
A. buccalis

P =

Aa. temporales prof.

(meningea ant.)

A. transversa faciei

q =

A. meningea (duralis) media

o. H. =

Horizontal line

A. palatina descendens

r =

A. temporalis media

(supraorbital margine)

A. maxillaris (Pars mandibularis,

s =

A. ophthalmica

V, =

Vertical line (middle

pterygoidea et pterygopalatina)

t =

A. zygomaticotemporalis

of zygomatic arch)

A. masseterica

u =

A. nasofrontalis

v a -

Vertikal line (posterior

A. auricularis prof.
margin of mastoid)

A. supraorbital is

A. supratrochlearis

A. temp, superfic.
(Ram. pariet.) —

A. temp, superfic.
(Ram. front.)

-A. angularis.

A. meningea post. (A. phar. asc.

A. carotis ext.
A. vertebralis

A. pharyngea asc. __

A. carotis int. -

A. carotis comm. (Bulbus

A. dorsalis nasi

A. nasal is ext.

A. auricularis post.
A. stylomastoidea

A. vertebralis

A. infraorbitalis

- A. thyroidea sup.
A. palatina

^^-A. labial is inf.

-A. menfalis
- A. alveolaris inf.

— A. facialis
—A. lingual is
""-A. submental is
-A. carotis ext.

A. tempor. superfic.

A. occipitalis

Rami alveglares
(dent.) sup.

A. labialis sup.

Fig. 19. Semischematic representation of the large arteries of the head. Kronlein’s
points I and II are anterior and
posterior trepanation sites for ligation of the middle meningeal artery.

Sinus sagittal is sup. x

V. emissaria parietal is -

V. supraorbital is

V. supratrochlearis

Confluens sinuum,
Sinus transv. ^
Sinus sigmoideus

V. emissaria mastoidea

V. facialis comm . —— "

V. jugularis ext.

V. jugularis int.

V. angular is

Vv. alveolares
(dentales) inf.

' V. labialis inf.

Sinus sigmoideus,

V. emissaria condyloidea -

V. occipitalis-

V. jugularis int., Bui bus sup. '

V. auricul. post
V. occipitalis —

V. cervical is prof. ——

V. pharyngea ascendens-

V. retromandibular is—""


V. nasalis ext.

Vv. alveolares sup.

(dental es)

- V. labialis sup.

- V. mentalis
- V. facialis

-V. submentalis

Vv. palatinae asc.

V. comitans n. hypoglossi

■ V. thyroidea

a = V. alveolaris inf.

b = V. maxillaris

c = V. masseterica

d = Plexus ven. pterygoideus

e = V. buccalis

fi = Vv. alveolares sup. post.

f 2 = Vv. alveolares sup. ant.

g = V.palatinadesc., Vv. nasalespost.

h = V. infraorbitalis

i = V. meningea media
j = Sinus petrosus inf.
k = Rete foraminis ovalis
1 = V. ophthalmica inf.
m = V. ophthalmica sup.
n = V. diploica temporalis ant.
o = V. nasofrontalis
p = Sinus cavemosus

q = V. diploica temporalis media

r = V. temporalis superfic.
s = Sinus petrosus sup.
t = V. diploica temporalis post,
u = V. diploica front,
v = V. diploica occipitalis
w = Sinus rectus
x = Sinus sagittalis inf.

Fig. 20. The large veins of the head and their branches (semischematic). Deep veins
and dural sinuses normally obscured

by bone are projected on the bony skull.

N. supraorbit. (R. lat.)

— Ansa cervic. (R. sup.), R. thyrohyoid. (XII)

"- — Ansa cervicalis (prof.)

Ansa cervicalis superfic.

Plexus iympanicus --
N. meatus acust. ext. (V 3 )—

R. auricular is (X) —
N. auricularis post. —

Ganglion sup. (IX)

N. tympanicus, Ganglion sup. (X)

Truncus n. facialis ^

R. comm. N. facial. - N. auriculotemp.

R. comm. VII-IX

N. cervicalis descend, sup/


N. cervicalis descend, inf.

N. supraorbit. (R. med.)

N. supratrochlearis
N. ethmoid, ant. (Rr. nasales)
N. infratrochlearis
N. zygomaticus
R. nasal is ext. (Vi)

N. infraorbitalis

R. zygomaticofacial is

Rr. alveolares sup. ant.

_-N. infraorbit.

(Pes anserinus minor)

R. comm. N. facial. -
s N. infraorbit.

— — - Plexus dentalis sup.

Plexus dentalis inf.

N. mentalis
" (Rr. labiates inf.)

N. sublingualis

N. auriculotemp. ^

Chorda tympani

a = N. supraorbitalis
b = N. nasociliaris,

N. ethmoidalis ant.
c = N. lacrimalis
d = R. zygomaticotemporalis
e = Rr. nasales post. sup.
f = Nn. palatini
g = N. canalis pterygoidei
h = Nn. masticatorii
i = N. lingualis, Chorda tympani
j = N. alveolaris inf.
k = Rr. temporales et
zygomatici (VII)

1, m = Rr. buccales (VII)

n = R. margin mandib. (VII)

o = R. colli (VII)
p = N. mylohyoideus
r = Rr. alveolares sup. post,
s = N. incisivus (V 2 )
a = Ganglion ciliare
(3 = Ganglion pterygopalatinum
y = Ganglion oticum
6 = Ganglion submandib.

Q = N. cervic. I (R. ventr.)

Q = N. cervic. II (R. ventr.)

Q = N. cervic. Ill (R. ventr.)

III = N. oculomotorius

IV = N. trochlearis
V = N. trigeminus,

Ganglion semilunare
(trigeminale), Portio motoria
V x = N. ophthalmicus
V 2 = N. maxillaris
V 3 = N. mandibularis
VI = N. abducens
VII = N. intermedius (XIII),

Gangl. geniculi
IX = N. glossopharyngeus,

Gangl. inferius

X = N. vagus, Ganglion inferius

XI = N. accessorius (R. ext.)

XII = N. hypoglossus

Fig. 21. The nerves of the head (semischematic).

Inferior, anterior efferent lymph

vessels from palatine tonsil
Posterior, superior drainage
(of tonsils)
Parotid lymph nodes
Buccal lymph node

Deep drainage from teeth of upper jaw

Lymph vessels along infraorbital a.

g = Posterior orbital drainage

h = Lymph vessels along maxillary a.
i = Preauricular lymph nodes
j = Retroauricular lymph tract
k = Middle temporal lymph channel along
the superfic. temporal a.

1 = Anterior temporal lymph channel

along the zygomaticoorbital a.
m = Posterior facial lymph tract

Nodi lymphat. retroauriculares ""

- Tractus lymphat.

Nodi lymphat. subauriculares

Tractus lymphat.
dentium ext.

Nodi lymph, retromandibulares


Nodi lymph, cervicales prof. sup.

Truncus lymphat. jugularis — ___

Tractus lymphat.
orbit, ant.

Vasa lymphat.
nasi ext.

Tractus lymph,
facialis ant.

Tract, lymph,
dentium int.
Nodi lymph,
submandib. medii

Nodi lymphat.
submandibulares ant.

Tractus lymphat.

occipit. ~~

Nodi lymphat.


lymphat. anguli

Nodi lymphat.
submandibulares post.

•A Nodi lymphat. submentales

Fig. 22. Lymph channels of the head and associated lymph nodes (schematic). Deep
vessels are indicated by
broken lines. Lymph vessels of the tongue, pharynx and so forth are not included.

Fig. 24. (Right, top) Lateral roentgenogram of diploic veins.

Fig. 25. (Right, bottom) Diploic veins of the skullcap prepared by removing the
outer table of the calvaria

(from Sobotta/Becher).

Sutura sagittalis

V. diplocia occipitalis
VV. diploicae temporales
anteriores et posteriores

V. diploica frontalis

•" Tuber frontale

Os sphenoidale (Ala major)

Sutura lambdoidea

posterolateral is

Os temporale



Proc. mastoid.

Fissura tympanomastoidea, Anulus tympanicus' j

Tuberculum retroarticulare, Arcus zygomaticus ^

Tuber parietale

z Sutura coronalis

Fonticulus anterolateral is (sphenoidalis)



Os occipitale,


Sutura sagittalis,
Ossa frontalia

Tuber frontale

— Fonticulus

— Fonticulus



Fig. 26. (Top) Skull of a newborn seen from the right.

Fig. 27. (Bottom) Skull of a newborn seen from above.

Fig. 28. Skull of an aged edentulous individual (one half normal size)

Brain and Meninges

Dura mater (Regio sulci cerebri

A. meningea media,

A. meningo orbitalis,
Os sphenoidale
(Ala minor),
Sutura sphenofront.

Polus froni., Galea aponeurolica

Sinus frontalis, Os frontale



Dura mater,
Polus occipit.,
M. occipitalis

Sutura coronalis, Calvaria

Lacuna lat., Granulationes arachnoideaJes

Lobus frontalis

Dura mater, Polus temp.'

A., V. meningea



(R. front.)

lat. cum v. meningea media communicans

Granulationes arachnoideales
Os parietale (Diploe)

Dura mater, Os. pariet.

(Tabula ext. et int.)

M. temporalis, Corpus adiposum (Spatii interfasc. temp.), Arcus zygomaticus A., V.

meningea media (R. pariet.), Dura mater, Lobus temporalis

Fig. 29. Lateral exposure of the dural covering of the brain with the middle
meningeal artery and veins.

Polus frontalis, Dura

V. cerebri sup. (front

A. meningoorbitalis,
Sinus sphenoparietalis v

A., V. meningea media

V. cerebri media (superfic.)

Fossa lat. cerebri (Cisterna), Cyrus temp., Dura mater

V. cerebri inf., V. anastomotica inf.

Sinus sagitt. sup.

^ V. anastomotica superior

Vv. cerebri sup. pariet.

Vv. cerebri su
pariet. et occ/;

V. cerebri sup.

Granulationes aracpnoidales, Lacuna lat.-

Cyrus front.

Polus occip

Sinus transversus,
Tentorium cerebelli (Inse

Cerebellum (Facies inf.)

Sinus sigmoideus

Fig. 30. Left cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, in situ, covered by the arachnoid
Granul. arachn.

Lacunae lat. —

Sinus sagitt. sup.

Granulationes arachnoideales, Lacuna lat

A. meningea media
(Ram. ant.), Vv. comitantes

Lacunae lat. ^

Lacuna lat., Granul.

Ostium venae cerebri

—■ Sinus sagitt. sup., Confluens sinuum

Dura mater encephali -

A. meningea media
(Ram. post.)

Granul. arachn.

Dura mater (Sutura lambdoidea) ""

Fig. 31. Surface of dura mater from above after removal of the skullcap by means of
a circular saw cut. Superior

sagittal sinus and lateral lacunae are opened.

A. callosomarginalis (Rr. frontales) „

Vv. cerebri sup.

Lacunae lat.

A. cerebri post. (Ram. occipitalis)

fr &

Arachnoidea encephali ^

Vv. cerebri sup.

Sulcus interparietal is

A. cerebri ant. (Rami parietales)

Sulcus parietooccipitalis

A. cerebri post. (Rr. occipit. med.)

/Sulcus frontalis sup.

Icus frontalis inf.

jA. cerebri med. (Rami front.), Arachnoidea

cerebri lat. (Ram. front.)

(Ramus asc. fiss. cerebri lat.)

A. cerebri media,

(Ramus front.)

V. cerebri media


cerebri lat.

. occip.)

V. anast.
" A. cerebri med.
(A. angularis)

^A. cer. med.,

(Ram. parietalis)

Sulcus postcentralis

A. cerebri ant.

Sulcus centralis

V. anastomotica

__ A. cerebri med.
(R. pariet. ant.)

V. cerebri inf.

A. cer. med.
(Ram. certialis)



sagittal is sup.

a =
b =
c =
d =
e =
f =

Gyrus frontalis sup.

Gyrus frontalis med.
Gyrus frontalis inf.
Pars triangularis 1
Pars opercularis /
Gyrus praecentralis

Gyrus frontalis inf.

g = Gyrus postcentralis
h = Lobulus pariet. sup.
i = Lobulus pariet. inf.
k = Gyrus supramarginalis
1 = Gyrus angularis
m = Gyri occipitales sup.
n = Gyri occipitales lat.

Fig. 32. Exposure of the brain from above. The arachnoid has been removed from the
right hemisphere to
demonstrate blood vessels; the arachnoid is intact on the left side.

cerebri inf.

. cerebri sup.

A. cerebri post.
(Rr. occipit.)

Sinus transversus,
. cerebelli inf.,

A. cerebelli sup.

Cerebellum (Facies inf.)

V. cerebri sup.

A. cerebri med. (Rr. front, et

V. cerebri media superfic., A. cerebri med. (Rr.

V. anastomotica, A. cerebri med. (Rr. pariet. et temp.)

^ Sinus sigmoideus,

A. cerebelli inf. ant.

V. cerebri sup., V. anastomotica sup.,

A. cerebri med. (R. cortic.)

V. cerebri sup., A. cerebri ant.

A. cerebri ant. (Rr. front.)

. cerebri sup.

A. cerebri ant.

(R. front.),
V. cerebri sup.

a = Gyrus front, inf.,


Pars orbit.

d 2

b = Gyrus front, inf.,

d 3

Pars triangularis

e i

c = Gyrus front, inf.,


Pars opercularis

Gyrus front, inf. g

Gyrus front, med. h

Gyrus front, sup. j, k

Gyrus praecentralis li

Gyrus postcentralis 1 2

Lobulus pariet. sup. 1 3

Gyrus supramarginalis
Gyrus angularis
Gyri occipitales
Gyrus temporalis sup.
Gyrus temporalis med.
Gyrus temporalis inf.

Fig. 33. Lateral exposure of the brain. In the exposed area the arachnoid has been
removed completely so that the
left hemispheres of the cerebrum and cerebellum and their blood vessels may be

A. cerebri
Limen insulae,
Rr. insulares

Gyri insulae longi et breves, Sulcus circularis

Lobus temp. (Subst. alba), Dura mater

Gyrus temp, inf., Pars petrosa, (Margo sup.)

Gyri occipitales
lat., Arachnoidea

Lobus occip.
(Substantia alba), Fal
cerebelli (Varietat)
Vv. cerebri inf.

Sinus transversus,

Vv. cerebellares inf.,

Cerebellum (Facies inf)

Gyrus praecentralis

Sinus sagittalis sup.

Gyrus postcentralis

V. cerebri sup,

Gyrus frontalis med.

Lobus front. (Subst. alba)
(Centrum semiovale),

ri occipitales

V. cerebri media,
Rr. insulares,
Sulcus circularis

Sinus sigmoideus

' Vena cerebri sup.

^ Lobulus parietalis sup.

Gyrus angularis

,Sulcus temporalis

Fig. 34. Exposure of the insula by parasagittal section and removal of the

V. cerebri sup.

Ventric. lot. (Cornu j

Calcar avis

Sinus transversus,
Tentorium cerebelli,
V. cerebri inferior

Sinus sagittal is sup., V. cerebri sup.

V. cerebri sup.,
Arachnoidea encephali

Capsula interna
(Crus anterius),
Ventriculus lat.
(Cornu anterius),
Lobus frontalis
(Substantia alba)

Lobus temporalis,

A. meningea media,
Sinus sphenoparietal is —



Lobus occipit. (Substc


Lobus occipitalis,



Eminentia collateralis
Capsula int.

(Pars retrolentic.),

Plexus choroideus ventric. lat.,

Cornu inferius

Lobulus semilunaris inferior

Ventriculus lateralis, Capsula interna

(Crus posterius),

Nucleus lentiformis

Corpus callosum,
Ventriculus lat.
(Plexus choroideus),
Nucleus caudatus

Lobulus semilunaris superior,

Cerebellum (Fissura horizont.)
N Sinus sigmoideus

A. cerebri media

Pes hippocampi, Corpus amygdaloideum, Lobus temporalis (Substantia alba), Pars

petrosa (Margo sup.)
Capsula interna (Pars sublentiformis) Nucleus caudatus (Cauda)

Key for Fig. 36

1 = Capsula int. (Crus ant.), Caput

nuclei caudati, Ventric. lat.

(Cornu ant.)

2 = Plexus choroideus ventric. lat.,

V. choroidea

3 = Capsula int. (Crus post.),

V. thalamostriata (= V. fronto-
parietalis int.)

4 = Taenia fornicis, Taenia choroidea

5 = Stria terminalis, Lamina affixa

6 = Crus fornicis

7 = Tapetum

8 = Calcar avis

9 = Trigonum et Eminentia


10 = Taenia fornicis

11 = Fissura choroidea, Fimbria


12 = Pes hippocampi, Plexus

choroideus, A. choroidea ant.

13 = Velum Aebianum

14 = Cauda nuclei caudati

Hippocampus cum diagitationitous

15 = Corpus amygdaloideum, Capsula

interna (Pars sublentiformis)

16 = Nucleus lentiformis, Commissura

ant., A. cerebri media

17 = Polus lobi temporalis

Fig. 35. (Top) Lateral exposure of the brain. The lateral ventricle has been
Fig. 36. (Bottom) Left lateral ventricle, basal ganglia and internal capsule.

Os sphenoidale (Ala minor),

Sinus sphenoparietalis

V. basal i

A. carotis interna, N. opticus

Sinus petrosus sup., A. cerebelli sup., N.

N. trigeminus, V. —-— , ,

! i

N. glossopharyngeus, N. vestibulocochlearis, N. facialis, N. intermedius Sinus


Bulbus et Tractus ol factorius,

Gyrus rectus

callosum, A. pericallosa sinistra

Vv. cere
Tentori l
Sinus trans
Arachnoid e
Pia mater c

A. cerebri post., Coi

inferior, Trigonum

Falx cerebelli

Pia mater cerebelli

N Taenia ventriculi quarti, Recessus later

ventriculi IV

Tonsilla cerebelli, Dura mater, Arachnoidec

Medulla oblongata, A. cerebelli inf. post.

Falx cerebri, Sinus sagittalis

A. cerebri ant., A. pericallosa dextra

A. callosomarginalis, A. cerebri anterior

Nucleus caudatus, Capsula interna

Cornu anterius, Putamen,

Rr. striati, Commissura anterior

N. oculomotorius, A. cerebri media,

Gyri orbitales

Tapet'um, A. pericallosa dextra

A. cerebri posterior, V. base

A. choroidea ant., Tractus <

Vv. cerebri sup.

Plexus choroideus
lat., V. choroidea,
Corpus callosum <

Crus fornicii

a = Lingula cerebelli, e

Velum medullare ant. f

b = Ala lobuli centralis g a

c = Culmen g 2

d = Declive h

Arbor vitae cerebelli

i =

Folium vermis

j =

Tuber vermis

Pyramis vermis

k =


1 =


Pedunculus cerebellaris medius,

Pedunculus cerebellaris inf.
Pedunculus cerebellaris superior

Fig. 37. Lateral exposure of the brain. The left hemisphere is almost completely

A. meningea
(R. ant)

Arteria et Vena cerebri

med. (Rami)

Sinus frontalis

Dura, Arachnoidea

Sinus sag iff. sup., Lacunae lat.

Granulationes arachn. —
A. cerebri ant (Rami corticales)

Vv. cerebri sup.

A. cerebri ant.
(R. front)

' Granulationes

Dura mater

a = Gyrus frontalis sup.

b = Gyrus frontalis med.
c = Gyrus frontalis inf.

Fig. 38. View of telencephalon from the front. Skullcap has been removed back to
the coronal suture.

Fissura longitudinalis cerebri

Sulcus front, sup., A. cerebri med. (Ram. cort


Sulcus lat.

Tractus olfactorius, Arachnoidea

Dura mater
Crista galli, Falx cerebri, A. meningea ant. Bulbus olfactorius


Sulcus front, inf.,

A. cerebri m.

(R. cort.)

Sinus sagitt. sup., Lacunae lat.

A. cerebri ant. (Rami centrales),

Vv. cerebri int., Genu corp. call.

a = Gyrus frontalis sup

Ci = Pars triangularis of Gyrus

d = Gyri orbitales

b = Gyrus frontalis med.

front, inf.

e = Gyrus rectus

c = Gyrus frontalis inf.

C 2 = Pars orbitalis of Gyrus

f = Gyrus cinguli

front, inf.

Fig. 39. View of the olfactory bulb and tract and the genu of corpus callosum.
Parts of both fron¬
tal lobes have been removed, leaving falx cerebri intact.

Tr actus

Falx cerebri (Crista galli, Insertio)



A. cerebri ant., A. communicans ant.

N. opticus

Falx cerebri, Sinus sagittalis sup.

A. cerebri ant. (Rami centrales)

A. cerebri ant. (Rami

centrales), Vv. cerebri int.

N. opticus

Hypophysis, Pendunculus

Corpus callosum (Genu), Stria longitud. lat.

Corpus callosum (Rostrum), Gyrus paraterminalis

Spatium subdurale
Dura mater

Lamina terminal is

Bulbus olfactorius, Dura mater

Fig. 40. View of brain from the front. By further removal of portions of the
frontal lobes and falx
cerebri, the region of sella turcica with vessels and nerves is exposed. Note the
relationship of the

anterior cerebral arteries to the optic nerve.

Capsula interna,
Nucleus lentiformis

Septum pellucidum (Cavum)

callosum (Rostrum)
Lamina terminalis, Gyrus paraterminal is

Lobus parietalis

A. cerebri lat.

A. carotis ini.,
A. ophthalm.

. opticus

Diaphragma sellae

A. cerebri ant. (Rami centrales)

Corpus callosum

Nucleus caudatus (Caput),

Ventric. lat. (Cornu ant.)

A. communicans

Hypophysis, Crista galli, Sinus frontalis

A. hypophyseos sup.

(A. carotis int.), Chiasma opticum

Fig. 41. Arteries and nerves of the suprasellar hypophyseal region; branching
internal carotid
artery. The upper surface of the hypophysis and the infundibulum are visible.
Frontal section of
the hemispheres at the level of the optic chiasm.

Polus frontalis
V. cerebri int.

Corp. call. (Truncus), Striae transversae

Stria longit. lat.

A. pericallosa
(Rami cortic. front, et pariet.)

Stria longitud. medialis,

A. cerebri ant.


Dura mater

Sulcus lat.

V. anastomotica

Gyrus parietal is

A. cerebri ant.

Corp. callosum (Genu)

Ventric. lat. (Cornu ant.)

^Nucleus caudatus (Caput)

Nucleus caudatus (Corpus),

Stria terminalis, Plex. chor.

Nucleus caud. (Cauda)

Sinus sagitt. inf.,

Incisura tentorii

avis, Fibrae splenii

Corp. callosum (Splenium)

Gyrus occipitalis

A. cerebri post., Falx cerebri

Sinus sagittal, sup. --


v Sulcus calcarinus

A. cerebri media
(R. cortic.)

Cerebrum (Substantia alba)

A. cerebri ant.,
V. cerebri int.

V. choroidea,



a = Gyrus frontalis sup.

e = Gyrus angularis

h = Cuneus

b = Gyrus praecentralis

f = Gyri occipitales lat.

i = Isthmus gyri fornicati (G. cinguli)

c = Gyrus postcentralis
d = Gyrus supramarginalis

g = Gyri occipitales sup.

k = Gyrus cinguli

Fig. 42. The top part of telencephalon has been removed by a horizontal section
above corpus callosum. The right
lateral ventricle (anterior horn, central part, posterior horn) is opened.

Falx cerebri, A. cerebri ant.

choroidea ant.,
Vv. cerebri inf.
Plexus choroideus
ventric. lat.

Vv. cerebri inf.

A. cerebelli sup., Spatium subdurale,

Arachnoidea /

Sinus rectus, Falx cerebr/

Corpus callosum (Genu)

Septum pellucidum (Cavum)

Ventric. lat. (Cornu ant.),

V. Septi pellucidi

Foramen interventriculare,
Nucleus caudatus (Caput)

Taenia fornicis,

Thalamus (Lamina affixa)

Columna fornicis

Sinus sphenoparietal is

Plexus choroideus
ventric. lat.,

V. cerebri int.,

Ventric. lat. (Cornu inf.)

Sinus petrosus sup.

Corpus pineale,
V. cerebri magna,
R. choroideus post.

Tentorium cerebelli"

Fimbria hippocampi,
R. choroideus post.,
Glomus choroideum

Sinus rectus

A. cerebri post., Rr. choroidei post.,

V. basalis

Sinus transversus

Sinus tentorii (V. cerebelli sup.)

Nucleus lend form is, V. choroidea\

A. cerebri med.

A. meningea med.,

Sinus sphenopariet.

V. thalamostriata

R. choroideus post.

Pes hippocampi

A. cerebri post.,
Aa. choroideae,
Rr. choroidei ant.,
V. choroidea ant.

Fig. 43. View of brain from above. Demonstration of tela choroidea of the
forebrain; the veins of the tela are
shown on the right. The entire choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles has been
preserved on both sides. The right
half of the pineal gland is seen in its leptomeningeal bed. The right transverse
sinus has been opened in the region of

the tentorium.
Dura mater

/ A. cerebri ant.

— — Nucleus lentiformis

^ Arachnoidea, Spatium subdurale

Cornu ant.

^Corpus callosum (Genu)

^ Plexus choroideus
ventric. fat., A.
choroidea ant.,

V. choroidea

Calcar avis

x Glomus choroideum

V. cerebri magna, A. cerebelli sup.,

Dura et Archnoidea

N Hippocampus , Crus fornicis

Ventric. lat. (Cornu post.) x

Falx cerebri, Sinus rectus ^

Falx cerebri

Fossa lat. cerebri (Cisterna),

Sulcus lat. cerebri x
A. cerebri med.,
Sulcus lat

Capsula interna,
Hippocampus ^

^Cavum et V. septi pellucidi

Nucleus caudatus (Caput)

^ Corpus fornicis, Foramen


Plexus choroid.

ventr. lat., Cornu inf.

Eminentia collateralise

Commissura fornicis, Corpus callosum (Splenium)

r. %cdkL si

V. terminal is, Sinus

sphenoparietal is, A. meningea

Thalamus (Lamina affixa)

Fig. 44. View of the brain from above. Corpus callosum has been removed by a series
of frontal and sagittal sec¬
tions so that the body of fornix and the hippocampal commissure are brought into
view in the center; on the sides,
the inferior horn and the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle may be seen.
Septum pellucidum has been cut

horizontally so as to open cavum septi pellucidi.

Falx cerebri, Arachnoidea

Thalamus (Lamina affixa),

Corpus fornicis

Taenia choroidea,
Taenia fornicis

Plexus chor.
cornus inf.

Hippocampus —

Taenia fimbriae "

Gyrus dentatus,'
Fissura choroidea

Crus fornicis, Fimbria fornicis

A. cerebri ant dextr., Corp. call. (Genu)

Cavum et Vena septi pellucidi, Ventric. lat. (Co

Nucleus caudatus, Caput

Eminentia collat

Cornu post.

Calcar avis

\ Fissura calcarina, A. cerebri post.

(Ramus medial.)

V. cerebri magna, Arachnoidea

A. cerebri media ,

A.cerebri media (Rami

Commissura fornicis, Crus fornicis

Sinus rectus, A. cerebri post. (Ramus med.)

Foramen interventric., Sulcus

terminalis, Venae cerebri int. (R

V. choroidea, Capsula int.,

/ Nucleus lentif.

Pes hippocampi, Cornu inf.

Plexus choroideus ventrii

/ lat. (Glomus chor.), A.
choroidea ant., Hippocai

Fig. 45. Horizontal section through brain and skull above the thalamus.
Demonstration of the cavities of the

lateral ventricles.

Plexus choroideus
ventriculi lat.

Hippocampus, Fimbria
hippocampi, Gyrus
par ah ippocampal is

A. cerebri post, s

■ Sinus petrosus sup.

V. cerebri magna,
A. choroidea
Sinus occipitalis

Septum pellucidum, V. septi pellucidi

Columnae fornicis

Foramen interventriculare,
V. terminalis

A. cerebri media (R. cortical is),

Sinus sphenoparietal is

Aa. choroideae post.

/ (A. cerebri post.),

V. cerebri interna

Taenia choroidea,
Adhaesio interthalamica

Pes hippocampi

Corpus pineale,
Trigonum habenulae,

A. cerebri post.,
V. basal is

Vv. cerebri inferiores

Aa. cerebelli sup.,

Cerebellum (Facies superior),

Lobulus quadrangularis,
Lobulus semilunaris sup.

X Vv. cerebelli sup.

Vs> Confluens sinuum

Aa. cerebelli sup., N. trochlear is /

Sinus transversus, Tentorium cerebelli /

Facies superior cerebelli

Arachnoidea encephali, Culmen ef Declive vermis
, V. cerebri ant., Falx cerebri,
Arachnoidea encephali

Corpus callosum (Genu),

Cavum septi pellucidi ^

Cornu anterius

Fig. 46. The brain viewed from above. The tentorium has been removed bilaterally
posterior to a frontal section
through the occipital lobe, preserving the transverse sinus. On the left side, the
arachnoid over cerebellum is intact;
on the right, it has been removed so that blood vessels on the upper surface of
cerebellum may be seen.

Taenia that ami,

Commissura posterior
Recessus pineal is

Hippocampus, Gyrus
par ah ippocampal i s,
Cornu inferius,V. petrosa

Falx cerebri

Columnae fornicis,
Commissura anterior,
Ventriculus III, Nucleus caudatus ^

A. meningea media,
Sinus sphenoparietal is n

A. meningea anterior
Nn. olfactorii

, V. cerebri ant.

Corpus callosum (Cenu),

' Fossa cranii anterior

A. cerebri posterior

V. petrosa

N. trigeminus -

^ N. facialis, N. vesti-

A. labyrinthi

N. glossopharyngeus,
N. vagus, N. accessor

Corpus pineale
V. cerebri interna

V. cerebri magna,
N. trochlearis, Lamina tecti
(Colliculus inf.)

Radices cerebrates (XI),

Pedunculus cerebellaris medius,

Velum medullare anterius, ✓

Sulcus medianus

Sinus petrosus sup.,

Tentorium cerebelli,
Sinus transversus,

Vv. cerebri inferiores

A. cerebelli sup.

Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.,

V. basal is

Fossa cranii posterior,

Radices spinates (XI), A. vertebral is

Bulbus et Tractus olfactorius
V. septi pellucidi, Cavum septi pellucidi

Ventriculus lat. (Cornu anterius),

Nucleus caudatus (Caput),
A. cerebri media,
Os sphenoidale (Ala minor)

Thalamus, Tuberculum anterius .

Taenia choroidea,
Adhaesio interthalamicp,

V. cerebri media superfic.

' Rr. striati

Thalamus (Lamina affixa),

Capsula interna, Nucleus lentiform

Fossa cranii media

Fossa rhomboidea, Colliculus facialis,

Ventr. IV (Striae medullares), N. spinalis I

A. cerebelli inferior posterior

Medulla oblongata

Obex, Ventriculus quartus (Taenia),

Nucleus gracilis (Tuberculum)

^Falx cerebelli. Confluens sinuum, Sinus occipitalis,

Vv. cerebelli sup. et inf.

Fig. 47. The brain stem (truncus cerebri) in situ. Intracranial course of cranial
nerves. Relationships of the

brain stem to the cranial fossae.

Chiasma opticum,
Cisterna chiasmatis

Corpus pineale,
V. cerebri magna

Recessus opticus, Adhaesio interthalarnica

Cavum septi pellucidi, Taenia fornicis i \
Commissura ant., Fornix, Foramen interventriculare
Corpus callosum, Pia mater encephali ^


Corpus mamillare, Cisterna interpeduncularis


Vv. cerebri sup.. Sinus sagittal is sup.

Ventr. Ill (Lamina tectoria), Vv. cerebri int.

Recessus pinea/is, Taenia thalami

Vena cerebri magna, Sinus sagitt. inf.

Arachnoidea encephali,
Hemisphaerium dext.

Falx cerebri, Sinus sagitt. sup.


Sinus rectus

Lamina tecti

Limen nasi

nasal is inf.

M. genioglossus
M. geniohyoideus
M. mylohyoideus-
_ Falx cerebelli
" Ventriculus IV, Taenia
A. basilaris,

Plexus chorioideus ventric. IV

A. vertebral is dext., Nucl. olivaris

Apertura mediana et Taenia (Ventriculus

Cisterna cerebellomedullaris,

Arachnoidea cerebelli
Canalis centralis, Pia mater spinalis
Lig. apicis dentis, Membrana tectoria

Lig. cruciforme atlantis,

Lig. transversum atlantis

Lig. nuchae

Dura mater spinalis,

Arachnoidea spinalis

Articulatio atlantoaxialis
(ant. et post.)

Lig. interspinale
*** Lig. longitudinale post.

^ Discus intervertebral is
Arcus palatopharyngeus

Lig. longitudinale ant,

Recessus infundibuli

nasalis sup.

pontis —

Torus levatorius, Tuba auditiva (Ostium pharyngeum) /

Lig. hyoepiglotticum, Epiglottis (Corpus adiposum) /

Membrana thyrohyoidea

a = Os frontale
b = Os parietale
c = Os occipitale
d = Os sphenoidale
e = Os ethmoidale
f = Os nasale
g = Cartilago nasi lateralis

h = Maxilla
i = Os palatinum
k = Mandibula
1 = Os hyoideum
m = Epiglottis
n = Cartilago thyreoidea
o = Cartilago cricoidea

S. fr.

S. sph

T. pa
T. ph


Sinus frontalis
Sinus sphenoidalis
Tonsilla palatina
Tonsilla pharyngea

Lingula cerebelli
Lobus centralis

3 = Culmen

4 = Declive

5 = Folium vermis

6 = Tuber vermis

7 = Pyramis vermis

8 = Uvula vermis

9 = Nodulus
Fig. 48. Median section through the head. The cut edges of the leptomeninges are
red. The cut surfaces of the tela
choroidea, as well as the choroid plexus, are indicated in green.

Protuberantiaoccip. int.
Sinus sagittalis sup.

Fissura orbit, sup

Fascia temporalis, Periosteum *

Sinus rectus, Falx cerebri

Sutura lambdoidea

N Centrum semiovale,
Lobus parietalis

Sutura internasal is
Os nasale

Cavum nasi

Maxilla (Processus frontalis)

Os lacrimale x

M. orbic. oculi

Cavum nasi -

0. ethm. (Lamina orbitalis) -

M. temporalis,
Sutura sphenozygomatica
' Sutura nasomaxil/aris

A., V. angularis, Spina nasal is ossis front.

Saccus lacrimalis, Canaliculus lacrimalis inf.
/M. lacrimalis

Camera oculi ant.

Tarsus inf., Saccus conjunctivae

Bulbus oculi,

Capsula bulbi

— M. obliquus inf.

A. meningea media (Ram. ant.)

Sinus cavernosus,

A. carotis int., N. abducens

Hypophysis, Dura -

Lam. quad rig., N. trochl.,

V. basalis,
Cisterna ambiens -

Tentorium cerebelli _
Sutura squamosa - —

Centrum semiovale,
Lobus temp.

^A. tempor. superfic.

Cartilago auriculae

A., V. meningea media,

Periosteum, Dura,

Arachnoidea cerebri et cerebelli

M. rectus med. et lat.,

Orbita (Corpus adiposum)

Anulus tendineus communis,

Fissura orbit, sup.

Pedunculus cerebri (Basis), III,

A. basilaris, Plexus basilaris,
Cisterna interped.

Nucleus ruber,
Substant. nigra

Red = neurocranium
Green = visceral cranium
a 4 = Squama occipitalis
b 2 = Squama temporalis
q = Praesphenoid
q = Basisphenoid (Dorsum sellae)
q = Os sphenoidale, Ala major

d = Os parietale

e 2 = Os ethmoidale, Lamina orbitalis

63 = Os ethmoidale. Lamina mediana

i = Os zygomaticum

Cb = Cerebellum
C. sph = Concha sphenoidalis
F. h = Fossa hypophyseos

H. = Cellulae ethm. post.

H. 1 = Lobus occip.

M. = Mesencephalon
S. = Septum sinus sphenoid.
Sch. 1 = Lobus temp.

S. sph = Sinus sphenoidalis

V = Cellulae ethm. ant.

Fig. 49. Horizontal section through the head at the level of the external occipital
protuberance. On the left, the
skeleton with muscles; on the right, mucosal membranes and the contents of cranial
A., V., N. auricularis post.
(VII), Nodi lymphat.

Nodus lymphat occipitalis, V. cervic. subcut.

;cia cervic. (Lam. superfic.), N. cutaneus cervicis

Fascia nuchae, V. cervic. subcut,

N. transversus colli

N. occipitalis minor., Nodi

lymphatici occipitalis

A., V. occipitalis, N. occipitalis

major, Nodus lymphat. occipit

A., V. occipitalis, Arcus tendineus

Lig. auriculare post., N. occipit. min.

(Rr. auricvlares)

N. auricularis
posterior (VII)

A., V. auricularis post., N.

auricularis magnus

N. occipitalis minor,
V. occipitalis

V. azygos nuchae

N. auricularis magnus, V. jugularis ext

N. transversus colli, Nodus lymphatic,

cervic. sup.

N. accessorius

Nn. supraclaviculares

V. cervicalis subcut., N. cutaneus cervicis

Fig. 50. Blood vessels and nerves of posterior head region and upper neck.

Granulationes arachnoideales, V. emissaria pariet.

Sinus occipit.,
Sinus marginalis

^ A. vertebralis, R. muscularis

/ \

/ '

l N. suboccipit., Atlas (Arcus post.)

N. cervic. II, Ganglion spinale, R. ventr., R. dors. (= N. occipit. maj.)

Dura mater (Regio sutur. lambd.)

A., V. meningea media

Sinus transversus v

A. meningea
post., V. emis¬
saria mastoid.

V. occipitalis -

_V. emissaria condylaris

V. cervic. prof.

V. intervertebral is l

Dura mater spinalis (Regio for. occip. magni),

Plexus ven. vertebr. int., Sinus margin.

^Sinus sagittalis sup.

A. vertebr.
(Plexus ven.) ""

V. cervicalis prof.---

Dura mater spinalis, Plexus ven. vertebr. int.

Fig. 51. Dura mater and the dural sinuses of the posterior head region

Arachnoidea cerebri

Sinus transversus
-Dura mater

— Tonsilla cerebelli

Foramen parietale

Granulationes arachnoideales,
Lacuna lat.

Confluens sinuum

Falx cerebelli ^


Uvula vermis

Sinus sagittalis sup.

A. vertebralis

I ^

j Dura mater spinalis

A. vertebralis, Ram. muscularis,

Anastom.: Ram. dors. I et II

Cisternae cerebellomedullaris

Arachnoidea spinalis

Fig. 52. Parietal and occipital lobes with cerebellum and medulla oblongata exposed
from behind.
The dura mater has been removed except for those portions immediately adjacent to
the falx cerebri, the
tentorium and the falx cerebelli. All portions of the brain are enclosed by the
intact arachnoid layer.

A. cerebri media
(Rami corticales)

Sinus sagittalis sup., Granulationes arachnoideales, Lacuna

Dura mater


y » \*-i (iff I^LU/COy,

A. cerebri post
(Rr. occipitales
med. et inf.)

A. spinalis post.

Confluens sinuum

Tonsil la cerebelli
cum Pia
cerebelli (Facies

Ganglion spinale I cum radice

spinali XI,

A. cerebelli inf. post.

Sinus fransversus

Vv. cerebelli inf.

A. cerebelli
inf. post.

Radix spinalis XI,

Ligam. denticulatum

N. cervic. II (Radix dorsalis) (Fila radicularia) /

V. spinalis ext.

a = Sulcus intraparietalis
b = Sulcus parietooccipitalis
c = Sulci occipit. sup.
d = Sulci occipit. lat.
e = Sulcus occip. transv.
f = Fissura horizontalis cerebelli
g = Pyramis, Uvula
h = Lobulus semilunaris sup.
i = Lobulus semilunaris inf.

j, k = Lobulus biventer
1 = Tonsilla cerebelli
m = Lobulus pariet. sup.
n = Lobulus pariet. inf.

(Gyrus supramarg.)
o = Gyrus angularis
p, q = Gyri occipitales lat.
r = Polus occipitalis

Fig. 53. Telencephalon, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and upper cervical cord seen
from behind. The

cerebellomedullary cistern has been opened.


Radices craniales

\ N. cervicalis II

^ Dura (Vagina radicularisf

V. spinalis post. *

Radices spinales XI

A. cerebelli inf. post

Confluens sinuum, Sinus occipitalis


Pyramis vermis

Uvula vermis

Vv. cerebelli inf., Sinus transv.

1 ^ Lobulus biventer

Nodulus vermis

Ventric. IV (Tela choroidea),

Apertura mediana,^
Ventriculus IV (Taenia)

cerebelli inf. post., ^

N. vagus

Lobulus semilunaris sup.

Lobulus semilunaris inf.
z Vv. cerebelli inf

Velum medullare inferius

^ Plexus chor. ventric. IV,
Apertura lat.

N. accessorius,
Ligam. denticul.

N. cervic. I,

A. vertebralis

= Cut surface after removal of the tonsil

Velum medullare ant., Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.

Pedunculus cerebell. medius et inferior

Lobulus biventer

Striae medullares, Ventric. IV (Recessus lat

Lobulus semilunaris sup.
Lobulus semilunaris inf
^ Lobulus biventer

Pedunculus flocculi

A. vertebralis, Plexus venosus,

N. cervicalis I, Ganglion spin. I,
Radix spin. XI

Confluens sinuum

Eminentia medialis,
Colliculus facialis

Fossa rhomb. (Fovea inf.)

Pyramis vermis
Uvula vermis
Nodulus vermis

Ventriculus IV (Taenia)^

Arachnoidea spinalis

N. cervicalis I,
A. spinalis post.

N. cervicalis II (Radix post.)


Fig. 54. (Top) Exposure of the under surface of cerebellum, the roof of the fourth
ventricle and the medulla ob¬
longata with associated vessels and nerves, from behind.

Fig. 55 (Bottom) View as in Fig. 54, but the choroid layer of the fourth ventricle
has been removed so that the

ventricle and the outline of the rhomboid fossa may be seen.

N. trochlearis,

V. basalis,
Trigonum lemnisci,
Brachium colliculi inf. N
A. cerebelli sup.

Colliculus facialis,
Sulcus medianus,
Striae meduHares

V. cerebelli sup.,

/ Sinus tr a ns vers us

— N. glosso-

N. vagus,

A. cerebelli inf

N. accessorius
(Radices cerebr.
et spin.)

N. hypoglossus

N. cervicalis I

\ Nucleus gracilis (Tuberc.), Nucl. cuneatus (Tuberc.)

Ventriculus IV (Taenia) Obex, Trigonum n. vagi (Ala cinerea)

A. spinalis post

Plexus choroideus ventric. lat.

r Sinus sagittalis sup.

V. cerebri magna, Sinus rectus , R. pericallosus

Corpus callosum (Splenium)
Corpus pineale, V. basalis

Colliculus sup. et inf.,

Vv. cerebelli sup.

A. cerebelli sup. (Rami)


N. facialis,

/ N. vestibulocochlearis,
A. labyrinthi

Sinus sigmoideus

V. petrosa, N. trigeminus, /
Porus acusticus int.,
Canal, cochl. (Apertura ext.)

A. cerebelli inf. post. /

Lig. denticulatum, A. vertebralis, N. hypoglossus

Falx cerebri, Arachnoidea

V. cerebri int. sin

V. cerebri inf., Tentorium,

A. cerebrii post.

Lig. denticulatum

a = Lobulus parietalis sup.

b, b x = Lobulus parietalis inf.
c = Gyrus temporalis med.
d = Gyrus temporalis inf.
e = Praecuneus

fi = Gyrus cinguli
f 2 = Gyrus parahippocampalis
g = Gyrus occipitotemp. med.
h = Gyrus occipitotemp. lat.
i = Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.
j = Pedunculus cerebellaris med.
k = Pedunculus cerebellaris inf.

1 = Velum medullare ant.

Fig. 56. Exposure of the brain stem and the upper cervical cord from behind.
Cerebellum has been
removed at the level of its peduncles. View into the subtentorial space and the
rhomboid fossa.

Chiasma opticum, Dura mater

N. opticus (Dura mater)

A. carotis int., Dura mater

^ N. abducens

Septum nasi (Tunica mucosa), Nn. olfactorii med.

M. obliquus sup., M. rectus med. \

Dura mater

N. trochlearis \

N. oculomotor. (R. inf.), M. rectus inf. \

N. opticus, A. ophthalmica

N. maxillaris, Ganglion pterygo-

palat., N. canalis pterygoid.

Clivus (Dura mater),

Plexus basilaris\
Foram. caec. (Dura mater)

I Cavum nasi (Tunica mucosa), Nn. olfactorii lat.

A., N. ethmoidalis ant, A. meningea ant.

/ A., N. ethmoid post.

M. rectus sup., M. levator palpebr. sup., N. frontalis

N. nasociliaris, N. oculomotorius (R. sup.)

N. abducens

M. rectus lat., N. lacrimalis

Os sphenoidale (Ala minor)

A. carotis int.,
Dura mater,
Apex pyramid is

A. meningea
med. (R. ant.)

N. mandib.,
A. meningea med.

Sinus petros. inf.,


N. petrosus major,
A. carotis int.,
Plexus carot. int ,
Fenestra vestibuli



V. jugularis int.,
N. glossopharyng.,
A. meningea post.

N. facialis^
N. accessorius (R. ext.

N. hypoglossus

N. vagus, Tuberculum jugulare, Dura

(N. vagus et N. hypoglossus)

A. vertebralis

Endorhachis (Periosteum int.), Articulatio


A. vertebralis, Vertebra III (Fac. art. inf.)

Lig. denticulatum

N. ophthalmicus

N. maxillaris

Dura mater, Ganglion semilunare

' (trigem.)

N. mandibularis

N. accessorius (R. ext.)

Dura mater cerebelli, Sinus sigmoideus

V. emissaria condylaris, N. hypoglossus

N A. vertebralis, N. hypoglossus, V. comitans

XII, N. cervicalis

Ganglion spinale n. cervic. II

N. cervic. Ill (R. ventr. et dors.)

^ N. cervic. Ill (Ganglion spinale)

Plexus ven. vertebralis int, Vagina duralis

Plexus ven. vertebr. int., Spatium epidurale

Cavum subarachnoidale

Sinus cavernosus, N. abducens

N. vestibulocochlearis,
N. facialis

Sinus petrosus inf.,

N. glossopharyngeus

Bulbus v. jugularis sup.

Dura mater

Ganglion sup., Sinus sigmoideus

Number code as in Fig. 58.

Fig. 57. Exposure of the dura mater at the base of the skull.

Bulbus olfoctorius, Nn. olfactorii (septales et conchales)

Tractus olfact.

Falx cerebri, Dura mater

N. ophthalmicus

Lamina termin. (Cisterna)

Sinus sphenoparietalis,

A. meningea media \

Cisterna chiasmatis

VII, VIII, N. intermedius,

A. labyrinthi '

XI (Ram. ext.), Sinus transv. —

Gyrus tempor.

N. abducens,
Cist, ambiens,
V. petrosa

Cisterna pontis,
■ A. b as Haris,

A. vertebra I is

N. vagus (Ganglion sup.) —

* Cerebellum (Facies inf.)


N. hypoglossus

^ Vertebra cerv. Ill (Foramen transversarium)

\ Vertebra cervic. Ill (Facies artic. inf.)

N. opticus, A. ophthalmica,
A. carotis int ., VI
N. oculomot.

Lobus frontalis

Fissura longitudinalis cerebri

N. maxillaris

N. mandibularis,
Portio minor (Radix motoria),

Granulat. arachn. Vs -

VI, N. trigem. (Cisterna),

Fissura cerebri lat. (Cisterni
V. cerebri media

Hypophysis, Lobus ant.

^ etpost., Cisterna

— N. trochlearis

N. cervicalis I, A. vertebr., Atlas

A. vertebralis, N. cervicalis II

N. hypoglossus, Canalis n. hypogl.

N. cervicalis III (Gangl. spinale)

Dura mater

Arachnoidea spinalis

0 = Condylus occipitalis II = Axis, Corpus

I = Atlas, Massa lat.; left: Arcus post. Ill = Proc. transversus vertebrae cervic.

Fig. 58. Anterior, inferior view of the brain and the cervical cord with an intact
arachnoid mem¬
brane. The basal cisterns. Note the passage of the cranial nerves through the
funnel-like exten¬
sions of the arachnoid, and the trigeminal cistern that forms an outpocketing
toward the semilu¬
nar ganglion.

Polus frontalis. Arachnoidea

A. cerebri ant., Vv. cerebri sup.

N. opticus ,
V. cerebri media, Sulcus rhinalis

Hypophysis (Lobus ant. et post.),

A. carotis int., N. oculomot. ^

A. communicans post., N. trochl.,

^ A. choroidea ant.

A. basilaris, Rami ad pontem,

Ganglion semilunare (trigem.)^

A. cerebri post.
(Ramus corticalis)

A. cere belli inf. ant.,

N. abducens, V. petrosa '''v.

V. petrosa, N. trigeminus,
^ A. cerebelli sup.,

Sulcus collateralis

VII, VIII, N. intermedius

V. cerebri inf.,
Sulcus temp. inf.

Plexus choroideus

ventric. IV, Apertura /at,_

N. glossophar.

Tentorium, A. cerebri post.

~ (R. lot.)

Fissura posterolateralis
cerebelli, XI (R. ext.)

Facies inf. cerebelli,

Vv. cerebelli inf.
N. vagus

Pyramis, A. vertebra I is *

N. cerv. I (Fila radicul.), A. spinalis post.

N. cerv. II (Radix ventr.) A., V. spinalis ant.''

X Arachnoidea spinalis

Dura mater spin.

Bulbus olfactorius

A. cerebri ant., A. commun. ant.,

Chi asm a optic urn ^

Tractus olfact., A. cerebri med. (Rami)

Trigonum olfact., Stria olfact.

A. cerebri media (Rami temp.)

Sinus sigmoideus,
A. cerebelli sup.

^ Radix cerebralis XI,

A. cerebelli inf. post., XII

Plexus ven. vertebralis

Radix spinalis XI, A. vertebr.

N. cerv. Ill (Radix ventr.), Ganglion spinale, V. intervertebralis ^

a = Gyrus rectus
b = Gyri and Sulci orbitales
c = gyrus parakippocampalis

Gyrus occipitotemporalis Iat.

Gyrus temporalis inf.

Lobulus quadrangularis sup. and inf.


h = Lobulus semilunaris inf.

j = Lobulus biventer
k = pyramid
1 = Pons

Fig. 59. View of brain from the base of the skull. The arachnoid has been removed
and the basal cisterns have been
opened so that vessels and nerves at the base of the brain can be seen.

Infundibulum, A. commun. post.,

(Rr. centrales),
N. oculomotorius

A., V. cerebri med.

A. cerebri med. (Rr. centrales)

Substantia perf. ant.

N. trochlear is,
A. cerebelli sup.

_ A. communicans post.

N. trigeminus, A. basilaris _

—- A. choroidea ant.

A. cerebri ant
Bulbus olfactorius

N. opticus, A. ophthalmica

A. communicans ant.

A. carotis interna

A. cerebri post.,
V. basalis

v. anastomotica mf.,
A. cerebri post. (Ran


N. glossopharyngeus
(Ganglion sup.), N. vagus
(Ganglion sup.)

\ N. accessorius (R. int. et ext.)

V. cerebelli inf.

\ T. Ihvt&e, tf5b~

\ V. cerebri inf., A. cerebri post. (R. occipit.)

A. cerebri ant.,

/ Trigonum et Tractus olfact.

V. petrosa,
A. cerebelli inf. ant., —
N. abducens

N. facialis, N. intermedius,
Plexus choroid, ventric. IV

Vv. cerebelli inf

Medulla oblongata ^

(Oliva et Pyramis)

A. vertebralis, N, hypoglossus

Radix spinalis (XI), Cerebellum

a = Gyrus rectus

e = Gyrus temporalis inf.

b = Gyri orbitales

f = Gyrus occipitotemporalis med.

c = Gyrus hippocampi


d = Gyrus occipitotemporalis lat.

g = Pyramis vermis


Fig. 60. The basal surface of the brain with blood vessels. The cerebral arterial

A. rolandica

A. triangularis

A. callosomarginalis


A. praerolandica

A. cerebri ant. (Ramus parietalis)

A. cerebri post.

(R. temporalis et. R. occipitalis)

^■A. temporalis media

A. cerebri ant. —

A. frontopolaris —

A. ophthalmica
A. communicans post.'

A. cerebri post.

A. cerebelli sup. X
A. carotis interna
A. cerebelli inf. ant.

A. vertebralis dextra

A. gyri angularis

Violet = A. cerebri ant.

Red = A. cerebri media

Orange = A. cerebri post.

1 = Carotissiphon

Pedunculus cerebri
Ventriculus II (Tela choroidea)

A. cerebri anterior dextra

Gyrus cinguli

Corpus callosum •—

A. callosomarginalis ^

Columna fornicis

A. cerebri anterior

A. communicans ant 0 p t j cus

A. communicans posterior ^

N. oculomotorius /

A. cerebri posterior '

A. cerebelli superior j
N. trochlearis

A. basilaris

A. cerebelli inferior anterior' /

A. vertebralis sinistra
A. cerebelli inferior posterior '

/ Corpus pineale

V. cerebri interna

Sulcus parietooccipitalis

V. cerebri magna (Galeni)

A. cerebri posterior,
Sulcus calcarinus
A. spinalis posterior /

A. spinalis anterior



/ A. septi Corpus callos

/ pellucid! (Truncus)

Commissura post

A. cerebri posterior

cerebri (Sylvii)



Arteria cerebri
ant. dextra

Arteria cerebri
ant. sinistra

A. frontopolaris

V. cerebri int.


V. cerebri interna
Corpus fornicis

Fornix, Corpus




A. cere



media sinistra


Fig. 63. Arteries of the human upper brainstem, in particular those of the basal
ganglia. Medial view of left hemisphere.
Note the origin of 10-20 central perforating arteries from the middle cerebral
artery and their entrance into the post¬
erior perforated substance (injection preparation by H. Ferner and W. Trost).

Fig. 61. (Left, top) Lateral view of the arteries of the left hemisphere. Injection
preparation. The brain is depicted
as translucent so that a direct comparison may be made with an arteriogram. The
terminal branches of the anterior
and posterior cerebral arteries curve around the borders of the hemisphere to
continue onto the convex surface
(after Ferner/Kautzky in: Handbuch der Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-
New York, 1959).

Fig. 62. (Left, bottom) Arteries on the medial aspect of the cerebrum (right
hemisphere) and the surface of cere¬
bellum. Left hemisphere has been removed. Medial view (after Sobotta/Becher).

Pulvinar thalami

V. cerebri interna dextra

Fig. 64. (Top) Right anteroposterior carotid angiogram. Note the T-shaped branching
at the end of the carotid siphon with
the anterior cerebral a. going medially and the middle cerebral a., laterally. The
terminal branches of the ant. cerebral a.
curve around the border of the hemisphere to continue on the convex surface.

Fig. 65. (Bottom) Vena basalis (of Rosenthal) and Vena cerebri magna (of Galen)
[after Toldt/Hochstetter].

~ V. cerebri magna

V. basal is ^

■ Vv. frontales int. sin.

(Vv. septi pellucidi)

V. frontalis int

_— V. choroidea

V. choroidea

- V. cerebri int.

V. occipiloparietalis

int. sin. "

V. occipitoparietalis

V. frontoparietalis int.
(Rami frontales)—

V. frontoparietalis int. - —

V. frontoparietalis int.
(Rami parietales)
Fig. 66. The internal cerebral veins and their tributaries; left: typical, right:

Foramen interventriculare (Regio)

V. jugularis int.

W. cerebri superiores

Sinus sigmoideus

Y V. jugularis superior

V. facialis''

V. retromandibularis

V. cerebri int.

V. emissaria

Sinus sagittalis sup.

- V. cerebri magna

V. ophthalmica sup.

Sinus sphenoparietal is

V. angularis ^

Sinus cavernosus ~~
V. infraorbitalis —

— V. basalis

-— Sinus rectus

— Confluens sinuum

— V. emissaria mastoidea

V. occipitalis

Plexus venosus ^
(Foramen ovale)

Plexus pterygoideus '

V. thalamostriata (terminalis)

Sinus sagittalis inf.

* = also called Labbee’s vein

Fig. 67. Venous trunks of the head, and dural sinuses with anastomoses between the
venous networks.
The dural sinuses and veins obscured by bone are drawn on a translucent skull
(after Ferner/Kautzky in: Handbuch
der Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1959).

V. septi pellucidi

V. terminalis .__

V. cerebri interna sin.

_„ A. cerebri ant sin. et dextra

/ A. cerebri media dextra

A. choroidea ant.

Prosencephalon (Tela chor.)

Plexus choroideus

— V. choroidea

Rami chor. post.

^ V. cerebri magna

A. cerebri post, dextra

Sinus sagitt. inferior

Tentorium cerebelli

Falx cerebri

Sinus sagittal is sup.

Fig. 68. Horizontal section of the brain with the branching and distribution of the
anterior, middle and posterior cerebral

arteries. Location and course of the deep cerebral veins.

A. spinalis post.

N. lacrimalis, V. ophthal. sup.,

A. meningoorbitalis.

Fiss. orbit, sup.

•"'N. trochlearis, N. frontalis

N. oculomot., N. abducens,
N. nasociHaris

(V 3 ), For. spin.,

N. petrosus minor

N. petrosus
major, Hiatus
canal is fac.,

N. petr. minor,
A. tymp. sup.

^ Porus acust. int.,

N. facialis, N. vestibulo¬
cochlear is, A. labyrinthi
S N. glossophar.,

N. vagus, N. access.,

A. meningea post.

v. emissaria mastoidea

V. jugul. int. (Bulbus sup.),

V. emissaria condylaris

'A. carotis int., Plex. (nerv.) caroticus inf.

N. petr. major, For. lacerum

N. hypoglossus, Canalis hypoglossi (Rete venosum

A. vertebralis
Radix spinalis XI

Fossa cranii ant., Planum sphenoid.

Tuberculum sellae, Limbus sphen

Pars petrosa
(Margo sup.)
Facies ant. et post.,
Aquaeductus vestibuli

N. opticus, A. ophthalmica
— N. maxillaris

N. mandibularis,

Rete ven.,

A. meningea accessoria

0. sphenoidale, (Ala minor)

Proc. din. ant.

Os occipitale (Fossa cerebellaris),

Sulcus sigmoideus,
Sulcus transversus —

A. spinalis ant.

V. spinalis post.

— Sinus frontalis

Sulcus caroticus,
Dorsum sellae,
Fibrocartilago basalis,
Synch, sphenopetrosa

Synchondrosis spheno-
occipit. et petrooccipit.,
Canalis caroticus
(Apertura int.)-^.

Nn. olfactorii, A. ethmoidea ant.,

Foramen caecum

, N. ethmoideus ant.

a = Fossa cranii ant.

p! = Fossa hypophysialis
p 2 = Fossa cranii media
y = Fossa cranii post.
a x = Os occipitale, Pars basilaris
a 2 = Os occipitale, Pars lateralis

a 3 = Os occipitale, Squama
a 4 = Os occipitale, Squama
bj = Os temporale, Pars petrosa
b 2 = Os temporale, Squama
Ct = Os praesphenoideum
C 2 = Os basisphenoideum

C 3 = Os sphenoidale, Ala major

c 4 = Os sphenoidale, Ala minor
d = Os parietale
f-t = Squama frontalis
f 2 = Os frontale, Pars orbitalis

Fig. 69. Base of the cranium seen from the inside. The three cranial fossae are
separated by
green lines; on the right, vessels and nerves are indicated where they pass through

N. opticus, Diaphragma sellae, Hypophysis, Foramen


N. oculomotorius, A. carotis int.,

Pars petrosa (Apex)

N. trochlear is

A. mening. med.,

R. front, et pariet.,

R. meningeus (V 2 , V 3 ) ^

^ N. trigeminus,
Sinus petrosus sup.

N. intermedius,
N. vestibulo-
cochlearis, N.
facialis, Sinus
petrosus inf.

^ Confluens sinuum, Sinus occipit., Sinus sagittal, sup.

Tentorium cerebelli,
Saccus endolym'phaticus
Plexus basilaris, R. tentorii (VJ/

N. hypoglossus

Medulla spinalis, Falx cerebelli, A. meningea post., R. mening.

Bulbus et Tractus olfactorius

A. carotis int., A. ophthalmica,

Sinus intercavernosi

/N. trochlearis, N. oculomotorius

cerebri med.

inus cavernosus, A. carotis int.,

Sinus sphenopariet.

N. glossopharyngeus,

N. vagus, N. accessorius

v Sinus sigmoideus, Sinus


Radix spinalis (XI), A. vertebralis,

Lig. denticulatum, Sinus occipitalis

x" Falx cerebri, A. meningea ant., Sinus front.

Fig. 70. Base of skull from the inside. Dural vessels and nerves (on left side);
opened dural

sinuses (on right side).

Rami frontales
A. cerebri ant.

A. cerebri ant. sin.

A. cerebri media.

A. communicans post.

N. oculomotorius __

A. cerebri post _

A. vertebral is --— —

A. spinalis ant.

A. cerebri post. ^
(Ramus temporalis) '

A. cerebri post. (Ramus occipitalis) ^

A. communicans ant.

— A. cerebri media

_A. choroidea ant.

"■A. cerebri post.

■ A. cerebelli sup.

' A. labyrinthi

A. cerebelli inf. post.

/->-/// M\)

Fig. 71. The arteries of the brain and the cerebral arterial circle (of Willis) and
their topographi¬
cal relationship to the base of the skull and tentorium. The left hemisphere has
been removed,
and only portions of the occipital and temporal lobes remain on the right. The
basal artery and the
tentorial notch. The right posterior cerebral artery arises from the internal
carotid artery (fre¬
quent variation) (drawn by K. Endtresser from an illustration in Ferner/Kautzky in:
der Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin—Heidelberg—New York, 1959).

Canal is opticus,
clinoideus ant.,
Fissura orbit, sup.

Sinus sphenoidalis dext.

Processus clinoideus post.,

Foramen rotundum

Foramen caecum, Sinus frontalis (Septum)

Sinus frontalis (Apertura dextr.)

ethmoidales ant. sin.

Cellulae ethmoidales ant.


' ethmoidales post.

Cellulae ethmoidales post. sin.

Sinus sphenoidalis sin.

Crista galli, Lamina cribrosa

Sinus frontalis sin. .

Lamina cribrosa \

Fossa hypophyseos
Dorsum sellae, Foramen ovale

Fig. 72. The paranasal sinuses shown in different colors, viewed from above. On the
left side the
sinuses are projected on the bone (transparent) of the skull base. On the right,
the cavity and
floor of the sinuses have been brought into view by partial removal of the
overlying bone.

Vv. cerebri mediae superficiales

V. cerebri anterior v.

V. cerebri media profunda

V. interpeduncuiaris

V. temporalis interna -

V. basal is -

V. cerebri magna^^

A. cerebri anterior

A. cerebri media

A. carotis interna
___ Hypophysis, Pars

— A. cerebri

— Plexus choroideus
(Cornu inferius)

n Corpora

Fig. 73. The basal vein on the inferior surface of the brain with its anastomoses
and tributaries.
Part of the drainage pattern of the basal vein is in the form of a circulus venosus
in the region of
the chiasm, formed by connections between the anterior cerebral, the middle (deep)
cerebral and
the interpeduncular veins. The vein that drains the deep portion of the inferior
horn (left side of
the picture) is called the “internal temporal vein.” Note also the superficial
middle cerebral vein
(drawn by K. Endtresser from an illustration in Ferner/Kautzky in: Handbuch der
gie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1959).

A. cerebri ant.

___ A. carotis int.

A. cerebri media
(Ramus parietalis U

A. cerebri media /
(Rami temporales) (descendentes)

Branches of the anterior cerebral artery curving around

the medial margin of the hemisphere.

A. cerebri media
(Rr. frontales)

A. callosomarginalis
Fig. 74. (Top) Normal internal carotid arteriogram, lateral view
(R. Kautzky, Div. of Neurosurgery, University of Hamburg).

Fig. 75. (Bottom) Frontooccipital vertebral arteriogram

(R. Kautzky, Div. of Neurosurgery, University of Hamburg).

Ramus parietooccipitalis


anastomoiica sup.

Vv. cerebri superiores

\S inus sigmoideus

Sinus petrosus sup.

V. cerebri int.

Sinus sagittalis inf.

Sinus sagittalis sup.

Vena cerebri magna

Sinus rectus

V. basal is

Fig. 76. (Top) Normal vertebral arteriogram, lateral view (from Kautzky/Ziilch in:
neurochirurgische Rontgendiagnostik, Berlin—Heidelberg—New York, 1955).

Fig. 77. (Bottom) Late phlebogram, lateral view (from Kautzky/Ziilch in:
Rontgendiagnostik, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1955).
A. cerebri post

Tractus opticus

N. trochlearis


Pedunculus cerebri


A. cerebelli sup. -&

N. trigem. (Radix motoria) —

V. petrosa

Sinus petrosus sup.

N. mandibularis

A. meningea

A. choroidea ant.

A. carotis int.

Nervus opticus

A. carotis int.

Sinus petrosus sup.

N. trigem. (Radix sensoria),

N. trigem. (Cisterna)



Fig. 78. Lateral view of the midbrain and the cerebral arterial circle after
elevation of the tem¬
poral lobe. By reflecting back a portion of the tentorium and opening the dural
trigeminal pocket,
it is possible to see the rostral end of pons, the right brachium pontis with the
root of the trigemi¬
nal nerve (portio major and minor) and also the relationship of the trigeminal root
to the semilu¬
nar ganglion. By opening the dural trigeminal pocket, the superior petrosal sinus
is transected be¬
cause of its course over the trigeminal nerve. The superior petrosal sinus
receives, immediately
posterior to the trigeminal nerve, a vein from the cerebellum (petrosal v.) into
which opens the
basal vein from the front (frequent variation). The petrosal vein runs between the
sensory and
motor roots of the trigeminal nerve. The anterior cerebral artery is seen
originating above the
chiasm (drawn by K. Endtresser from an illustration in Ferner/Kautzky, in: Handbuch
Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1959).



N. glossopharyngeus, Canaliculus cochleae (Apertura ext)

Septum durae, Foramen

N. vagus, N.

Ganglion semilunare (trigem.)


facialis- intermedius, N. vestibulocochlearis

Sinus petrosus sup., Arachnoidea
I Dura

/ N. trigeminus

/ Cavum subarachnoidale (Cisterna trigem.)

A. carotis interna, Plexus

caroticus int., Canalis caroticus

N. mandibularis, Rete ven.

(Foramen ovale),
Ganglion oticum

Tuba auditiva


Os occipitale (Pars basilar is), M. longus capitis


N. accessorius
(Radix spinalis),
N. hypoglossus

Atlas (Arcus post.)


N. cervic. II (Radix ventr. et dors.)

Atlas, Lig. transversum atlantis

A. vertebral is.
Lig. denticulatum

cervic. I (Radix ventr. et dors.) —

Fig. 79. Section through the base of the skull showing the left cavum trigeminale
el s cavity) and the trigeminal cistern. The plane of this section is left
parasagittal in the area
of the vertebral canal, then becomes oblique pointing laterally, and near Meckel’s
cavity is
at right angle to the axis of the pyramid.

N. mandibularis

Pars petrosa (Facies ant.), N. petrosus major

Ganglion semilunare (trigeminale)

Tuba auditiva (Isthmus), A. meningea media, A. tympanica sup., N. petrosus minor

N. vagus '

XI, Radices craniales et spinales

Septum durale (IX et X) I I |

N. vestibularis I I

Meatus acust. int. (Fundus), Crista transversa, N. facialis, N. intermedius I

N. ampul laris post., Saccus endolymphaticus

N. maxillaris
N. ophthalmicus

A. carotis int., Plica petroclinoidea ant.

Chorda tympani,
A. tymp. ant.

N. oculomotorius -

Recessus epitympan

N. trigeminus
(Radix sensoria)

Articulatio incudomc

N. hypoglossus ■


M. tensor tympani, Ganglion geniculi VII, N. facialis

| Tuba auditiva (Pars ossea)

M. tens. tymp. (Tendo), Ligam. fundiforme

Sinus cavernosus,
Sinus petrosus sup.,
N. trochlearis,
Plica petroclinoidea post.

^ Caput mallei, Ligarr

mallei sup.
si. trigeminus (Radix motoria),
N. abducens-

Crus breve incudis,

Ligam. incudis post
Aditus ad antrum

N. cochlearis,
A. labyrinthi, Dura

Cellulae mastoideae

N. glossopharyngeus

Canalis semicircular

Canalis semicircularis post,

semicircul. ant. et post., Crus osseum commune

Canalis semicircularis ant.

Cellulae mast. (Paries medialis)

Sinus sigmoideus

Fig. 80. Area of the semilunar ganglion (of Gasser) and the geniculate ganglion of
the facial nerve.
View into the tympanic cavity after removal of tegmen tympani.

Hypophysis, Diaphragma sellae

Sinus intercavernosus ant.

' N. opticus, A. ophthalmica

A. carotis int. - —
Sinus intercav. post. -

Plica petroclinoidea post.

Sinus petrosus sup.,

Impressio trigemini

Plexus basilaris, N. abducens "

Sinus basilaris

N. hypoglossus

\l. oculomot.

f. trochlearis

N. trigeminus (P.

N. maxillaris

N. vagus

N. accessorius,Sinus petrosus inf.

A. vertebral is

Os sphen. (Ala m
V. meningoorbital

N. ophthalmicus
N. trig. (Pars mo to
Ganglion semilum
. meningea media

N. abducens, A. cc
Sinus cavern.
onticulus abduc.,
inus petrosus sup.

J. vestibulocochlea
\. labyrinthi

N. glossopharyng

i. tympanica sup.,
J. petrosus minor

I. petrosus major

Fig. 81. Blood vessels and nerves in the middle portion of the skull base,
particularly in the region of

sella turcica.

N. petrosus minor Dura, N. trigeminus (Arachnoidea), N. oculomot.

Tuba audifiva, N. fens, tymp., A. fymp, sup.

N. pefrosus major

N. trig. (Pars motoria)

Cellulae mast. post.

N. petrosus minor, R. comm, ad VII et ad n. petr. maj.

Gangl. geniculi VII

Nn. caroticotymp., M. tensor tymp.

M. tens. tymp. (Tendo), Proc. cochleariformis

j Sinus sphen., Plexus venosus pteryg.

f |

| N. opticus, A. carotis int., Vv. cerebri mediae

N. infraorbitalis, Ggl. pterygopalatinum,

Nn. pterygopalatini

N. frontalis, N. lacrimalis

Ggl . ciliare, Radix oculomotoria,

A. centralis retinae

| A. ophthalmica, N. nasociliaris,
Ram. comm, cum r. nasociliari
v/. opticus, Vagina duralis

Stapes, Membrana stapedis

Canal is semicirc. ant. I

Cana/is semicirc. lat. j |

Cellulae mast, retrolabyrinth. I | j

vii | | | I

At, N. stapedius J I j

Plexus tympanicus,
Ramus art. et nerv. ad
fenestram cochleae et j

N. facialis, Chorda j
tympani, A. tymp. post. /
Ram. auricularis (X),j
R. comm, cum
r. auriculari n. vagi

Ramus digastricus (VII), A. stylomast.'

/ /

/ /

// /
/ 7
1 7
/ 7
/ 1

/ / I
/ / I

/ / I
Ram. commun. cum plexu tympanico ‘ j j /
A. tympanica inf., N. tympanicus 1 J j
V. jugularis int., A. occipitalis 1 j

Gangl. inf. IX, A. carotis int., Plexus (nerv.) carot. int.'

Sinus maxillaris

Gangl. oticum, A. meningea accessoria,

\ N. sphenoideus int.

\ M. pterygoideus med.

M. tensor veli palatini, N. tens, veli palatini,

N. pteryg. med.

M. levator veli palat., A. pharyngea asc. (Rr. tubales)

Ram. comm, cum n. auriculotemp. et cum chorda tymp.

Plexus tympan., Tunica mucosa tymp.

Rami pharyngei IX, X

A. pharyngea ascendens
N. laryngeus sup.

Gangl. inf. X, Rr. comm, cum XII I

Gangl. cervicale sup. (Truncus symp.)

V (1, 2, 3) =

Ganglion semilunare (trigeminale),

IX = N. glossopharyngeus

N. ophthalmicus, maxillaris,

X = N. vagus


XI = N. accessorius, R. ext.


N. facialis

XII = N. hypoglossus
Fig. 82. Lateral view of vessels and nerves of the right middle ear, on the medial
wall of the tympanic cavity and
in adjoining areas in front and behind. Structures in the middle cranial and
infratemporal fossae; exposure of the
cervical neurovascular bundle. Lateral view of the opened facial canal, the
anterior and lateral semicircular ca¬
nals and the musculotubal canal. The auditory part of the skull has been cut in an
oblique-sagittal plane extending
medially from the eardrum, so that the stirrup remains in contact with the medial
wall of the tympanic cavity.

Recessus sphaericus (sacculi), Crista vestibuli

Canalis spiralis cochleae, VII, Ganglion geniculi

Cochlea, N. petrosus major

A. carotis int., Plexus ven. et nerv. car. int., Lamina

spiralis ossea, Seal a tympani, Scala vestibuli

I Sinus petrosus sup., A. carotis int., IV, Sinus cavernosus

A, carotis int., N. abducens

III., Plexus caroticus int.

II., A. carotis int.

A. carot. int. (Genu), N. ophthalm.

Anulus tendineus comm., N. frontalis

N. lacrimalis

Ganglion ciliare, N. lacrimalis

Lamina spiralis ossea, Fenestra cochleae (Specillum)

Vestibulum \

j I

Canalis semicircul. ant. (Ampulla), Cellula mast, retrolab.

N. facialis, Canalis semicircul. lat.

(Ampulla), Specillum
N I. stapedius cum nervo et art.,

Cellulae mast, mediae

Sinus sigmoideus, Cellulae

mastoideae sup.

VII., Chorda tympani,

A. tympanicapost., /

Cell. mast. inf. I

Nervus vagus, Ram. auricularis

M. digastric., Ram. communicans cum

plexu tympanico

XL, A. occip., V. jugul. int.

A. stylomast., XII
Ganglion sup. X, N. sinus carotid

Truncus symp., Ggl. cervic. sup.

N. laryngeus sup

Gang/, pterygopalat., Nn. pterygopalatini

A. maxi Haris, Nn. palatini, A. palat. desc., Os maxillare

' A. et N. canalis pterygoidei, Proc. pteryg. (Lam. med.)

Fibrocartilago basal is, N. petrosus prof., M. longus capitis,

Fascia praevertebralis
! N. tympanicus, A. tympanica inf.
Ganglion inf. IX, A. pharyngea asc.

N. maxillaris, Foramen
rotundum, Fissura orbitalis inf.

Rami pharyngei (IX, X, Truncus symp.)

Fig. 83. Vertical section through the petrosal bone along the axis of the pyramid.
Opened inner
ear, facial canal, mastoid air cells, carotid canal, superior orbital fissure and
foramen rotundum.
Course of the internal carotid artery through the petrosal bone.

Falx cerebri,

Os sphenoidale (Planum)

N. opticus, A. ophtalmica

Cisterna chiasmatis

Massa intermedia,
Taenia thalami,
Taenia chor., V. terminalis

A. cerebri media
A. cerebri ant.

Tentorium, N. trochlearis *

Epiphysis, V. cerebri int., A. cerebri post. >

' Thalamus, Taenia choroidea,

Lamina affixa

' Commissura post.

Arachnoidea ^

N. opticus, Pia mater

A. communicans ant.,
Commissura ant.,
Ventr. Ill,
A. et V. cerebri media,

' A. carotis int.,

A. hypophys. sup.

t Tractus olfactorius, Os sphenoidale, Limbus

Ala minor, Tractus olfact., Trig.

III. (Plica

petroclinoidea post.)

IV. (Plica

petroclinoidea ant.)

A. cerebri post.

Chiasma nerv. optic.,

Lamina terminalis,
Recessus opticus
Tentorium cerebelli (Margo),
A. cerebelli sup.

Recessus infundibuli (Ventric. Ill),

Hypothalamus, Tractus opticus

A. communicans post.,
Dorsum sellae

A. communicans ant., N. opticus


A. cerebri media

A. cerebri ant.,
Rami centrales ant.,
Subst. perf. ant.

A. communicans post.

(Basis), Subst. nigra,
Nucleus ruber

Aquaeductus cerebri,

Lam. quadrig. (Colliculus inf.)

Fossa interpeduncularis,
A. basilaris, Rami centrales,
Subst. perforata post.

A. cerebelli post.,
Tentorium cerebelli (Margo)

Vermts cerebelli

centralis et Culmen)

Falx cerebri,

Sinus rectus,

Lobulus quadrangularis
Fig. 84. (Top) Region of the optic chiasm, diencephalon from above, anterior and
middle cranial fossae.

Fig. 85. (Bottom) Cross section of mesencephalon viewed through the tentorial notch
from above. Region of optic

chiasm, cerebral arterial circle.


Bulbus olfactorius

Lamina terminalis (Cisterna)

Cisterna chiasmatis

N. opticus, Foramen a. carotis int.

Fossa lat. cerebri (Cisterna)

— N. oculomotorius r

Cisterna interpeduncularis ,
N. trochl.

N. abducens

N. trigeminus (Cisterna)


Cist, cerebellomedullaris (Regio)

A. basilaris,

Cisterna pontis (Regio) -

Cisterna ambiens (Regio),

V. petrosa

Cisterna pontis (Regio) —

^ IX, X, XI

Aa. vertebrates —

Cavum subarachnoideale,
Radix spinalis XI

Fig. 86. The arachnoid and subarachnoid space on the inferior aspect of the brain.
Note the openings for

passage of blood vessels and cranial nerves.

Commissura post., Recessus pineal is

Recessus suprapinealis,
Corp. callosum (Cisterna)

Plexus choroideus ventr. Ill, Fornix

Falx cerebri, Sinus sagitt. sup.

Prosencephalon (Tela choroidea), Os pariet. (Diploe)

/ Foveola granularis

Cavum subarachnoideale,
Facies medialis N

Granulationes arachnoideales

Ventriculus tertius,
Foramen interventriculare -

Recessus opticus

Cisterna chi asm at is


Cisterna interpeduncularis, Recessus infundibuli

V. cerebri magna, Corpus pineale, Aquaeductus cerebri
A. basilaris, Cist, pontis

Ventriculus quartus
' Sinus sagittalis inf.

Sinus rectus

Commissura ant.

^ Arbor vitae

Plexus chor. ventric. IV, Apertura mediana

Cisterna cerebellomedullaris

Canal is centralis

Cavum subarachnoideale, Facies convexa

Granulationes arachnoideales

Fossa lat. cerebri (Cisterna) '


Fissura transversa cerebri

(cerebro cerebellaris)

Cist, cerebellomedullaris (Regio)

Cisterna pontis (Regio)

IX, X, XI'

Fig. 87. (Top) The arachnoid and the subarachnoid space; particularly the cisterns,
in median section
(semischematic). Fluid-filled spaces are colored blue. Blood vessels are included
only where they have a

specific relationship to the cisterns.

Fig. 88. (Bottom) Lateral view of the arachnoid, the subarachnoid space and the
cisterns of the brain

(semischematic). Fluid-filled spaces are colored blue.

Falx cerebri

Fig. 89. Superior surface of the cerebral hemisphere after removal of the meninges.
Only falx
cerebri remains in the longitudinal cerebral fissure. Note, by comparing with Fig.
90, the
individual differences in the development of the convolutions and sulci. The
identification of a
person based on this pattern would be just as accurate as using a fingerprint

(prepared by Vieder).

r .. ^ Pol us frontalis

Gyrus frontalis superior .

\ i

' \ / Fissura longitudinalis cerebri

\ ' /

/Sulcus frontalis superior

Sulcus frontalis inferior

/Sulcus praecentralis

Gyrus praecentralis

Sulcus lateralis

Gyrus supra-

Sulcus frontalis superior

v Lobus

^ r . .. .. \ frontal is,''

Gyrus frontalis meatus \ '

Sulcus temporalis

Gyrus angularis ^

Sulcus centralis

x Sulcus centralis

Sulcus postcentralis

Sulcus intraparietalis

Lobulus parietalis inferior

Lobulus parietalis superior


Polus occipitalis

Gyrus postcentralis


Sulcus parietooccipital is

Fig. 90. Cerebral hemisphere after removal of the leptomeninges. Seen from above

(from Sobotta/Becher).

Chiasma opticum

Polus frontalis

Fissura longitudinalis cerebri

Gyrus rectus

Sulcus olfactorius

Sulci orbitales

Trigonum olfactorium

Corpus mamillare

Uncus gyri

'' parahippocampalis

Sulcus temporalis
„ '' inferior

^ Crus cerebri






Polus temporalis

Fossa lateralis

cerebri X N

temporalis x



Gyrus occipito¬
temporal. lateral.

Gyrus para¬

Gyri orbitales

Substantia perforata
anterior '

Sulcus ^

Sulcus occipito-



Aquaeductus cerebri

Colliculus superior
Isthmus gyri cinguli
\ Gyrus occipitotemporal is medialis

Gyrus cinguli
Corpus callosum (Splenium)

Cuneus ' , \

Polus occipitalis \

Sulcus parietooccipitalis

Fig. 91. The cerebral hemisphere after removal of the leptomeninges. Seen from
below. The brain stem and cere¬
bellum have been removed by a section through the midbrain. The red nucleus is seen
bilaterally under substantia
nigra on the cut surface of the midbrain (from Sobotta/Becher).

Praecuneus Columna fornicis

Sulcus subparietolis

Sulcus parieto-

Corpus callos
.s'"' (Sptenium)

Gyrus cinguli (1sti


Sulcus centralis Su)cus c(ngu(/

Corpus callosum (Sulcus)

Sulcus cinguli

Corpus callosum (Truncus)

Lobulus paracentralis

Gyrus frontalis
Sulcus cinguli"



Pol us

Gyrus occipitotemporal is medialis

J Gyrus temporalis inferior
Sulcus occipitotemporal is
Gyrus fasciolaris Gyrus occipitotemporal is lateralis
Gyrus parahippocampal is

Polus temporalis

Polus frontalis'

Corpus callosum (Genu)

Septum pellucidum'

Corpus callosum

Sulcus parolfactorius anterior


Commissura anterior


Gyrus parahippocampalis Q fus f orn j c j s

Fig. 92. Right cerebral hemisphere. The brain has been cut in the median plane, and
the brain stem and cerebellum
have been removed by an oblique section through the diencephalon. View of the
medial and inferior surfaces of the

hemisphere (from Sobotta/Becher).

Vena thalamostriata

Ventr. lat. (Cornu ant.)

Nucleus caudatus (Caput)

Caps. int. (Crus ant.)

Caps. int. (Genu)

Necleus lentiformis (Putamen)


Caps. int. (Crus post.) ^

Crus fornicis

Radiatio optica

Ventr. lat. (Cornu post.)

Calcar avis


N Nucleus caudatus (Cauda)

V. cerebri int.

Forceps major

Fissura longitudinalis cerebri

I ICorpus callosum (Genu)

Cavum septi pellucidi


Septum pellucidum

. septi pellucidi

^Columnae fornicis

Foramen interventriculare

Gyri insulae

Ventr. Ill (Tela choroidea)

\ Sulcus calcarinus

Corpus callosum (Splenium)

Fig. 93. Horizontal section through the brain, seen from below.

Corpus callosum (Genu)

Cavum septi pellucidi

Lamina septi pellucidi


Commissura inferior

Pulvinar thalami

Colliculus superior
Corpus pineale
Columnae fornicis

Ventriculus tertius



caudatus (Caput)

Thalamus (Tuberculum

Stria terminalis,
V. thalamostriata

Lamina affixa

Nucleus caudatus, ,
Stria terminalis '

Thalamus, Stria medullaris

Colliculus inferior '

Hemisphaerium cerebelli

Vermis cerebelli

Fig. 94. Basal ganglia of the brain (thalamus and caudate nucleus), third
ventricle, lamina quadrigemina and cere¬
bellum seen from above. The columns of the fornix, the chorid lamina of the third
ventricle and the temporal and
occipital lobes of the hemisphere have been removed. The lamina affixa, which here
is the extremely thin wall of the
telencephalon, lies on the thalamus and is shown in yellow (from Sobotta/Becher).

Lamina terminalis

I Tuber cinereum
Fissura ! i Bulbus
longitudi- 1 I olfactorius
nalis cerebri i j / Tractus
Medulla spinalis


Corpus mamillare

Pedunculus corporis


n. oculo¬
motor ii

Chiasma opticum

Fossa inter-

x Substantia per¬
forata anterior
Plexus choroi-
/deus, Ventriculus
(Cornu inferius)

Pes hippo¬

Foramen caecum

Funiculus lateralis,
Medulla oblongata



Striae olfactoriae

Limen insulae

Fossa lateralis
/ cerebri


perforata posterior

Fibrae pontis

Pons /

Sulcus basilaris

N. trochlearis

N. trigeminus

N. intermedius

N. vestibulo¬
cochlear is

N. facialis
Flocculus cerebelli
Plexus choroideus,
Ventriculus IV
(Apertura lat.)

N. glossopharyngeus

v N. vagus
> N. hypoglossus

N. accessorius

Medulla oblongata

Decussatio pyramidum
Fig. 95. Brain stem and associated structures of the brain seen from below:
diencephalon, midbrain, pons, medulla
oblongata (bulb). The temporal poles have been removed. The cranial nerves are
retained on the left side and re¬
moved on the right. Slightly larger than natural size (from Sobotta/Becher).

Recessus suprapinealis
Brachium colliculi sup.

Corpus geniculatum mediale

Brachium colliculi inf.

Frenulum veli medullaris ant

Corpus geniculatum lat.

Colliculi inf.

Sulcus medianus post., Fasciculus gracilis

Commissura post., Taenia thalami

/ Pulvinar thalami

Corpus pineale
Colliculi sup.

Pedunculus cerebell. sup

Pedunculus cerebell. medius

Sulcus limitans, Colliculus facialis

Ventric. IV (Recessus lat.),

Pedunculus cerebell. inf. (Corpus restiforme)'"

Taenia ventric. IV, Fovea inf.-

N. hypoglossus (Trigonum) Sulcus medianus

Obex, Calamus scriptorius—

— Fovea sup.

-- Eminentia medialis

Area vestibularis, Striae medullares

- Alacinerea

- Funiculus seperans
Area postrema

Nucleus caudatus (Tuberculum)

Clava (Nucleus gracilis, Tuberc.)

- Sulcus lateralis post.

- Fasciculus cuneatus, Sulcus intermedius post,

r. TkztZtSF

Velum medullare ant., N. trochlearis

Nervus opticus

Area olfactoria, Substant. perforata ant

Corpus mamillare

Fossa interpeduncularis, Substantia

Tractus opticus

Pedunculus cerebri, Sulcus basilaris

Tractus opticus (Radix

Tractus opticus (Radix med.)

Corpus geniculatum laterale —
Foramen caecum, Pons
Pedunculus cerebell. medius

N. facialis •"

Pyramis medullae oblongatae

N. hypoglossus
Sulcus lateralis ant.
Fissura mediana ant.
Fasciculus lateralis

N. cervicalis I (Radix dorsalis)

N. cervicalis II (Radix ventralis)

N. spinalis II (Radix ventralis)

Stria olfactoria medialis

Stria olfactoria intermedia
- Stria olfactoria lateralis

Commissura ant.

Tuber cinereum

N. oculomotorius

N. trochlearis
N. abducens

N. trigeminus

N. glossopharyngeus
. vagus

N. accessorius (Radix cranialis)

N. accessorius (Radix spinalis)

N. facialis
N. intermedius
N. vestibulocochlearis

Decussatio pyramidum

Fig. 96. (Top) Dorsal view of medulla oblongata, rhomboid fossa, cerebellar
peduncles and lamina

tecti after removal of cerebellum.

Fig. 97 . (Bottom) Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain and diencephalon (brain stem)

seen from below.

Colliculi sup., Recessus suprapineal is'

Corpus pineale, Pulvinar thalami

Corpus geniculatum mediate

Colliculi inf. —
Frenulum veli medullaris ant.

Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.

N. trigeminus (Portio motor, et sensor.)

—' Pedunculus cerebri

N. trochlearis, Trigonum lemnisci

Fossa rhomboidea, Sulcus medianus

Pedunculus cerebell. inf. -

Taenia ventriculi IV, Striae medullares --

N. hypoglossus, Trigonum _

Nucleus cuneatus (Tuberc.), Ala cinerea --

Clava, Obex --

N. spinalis I (Radix dorsalis) —

Sulcus medianus post. -
Sulcus intermedius post. --
N. spinalis II (Radix dorsalis) -

— N. accessorius (Radix spinalis)

N. cervic II (Radix ventralis)

- Pedunculus cerebellaris medius, N. abducens

N. facialis - intermedius
- N. vestibulocochlearis

Ventriculus IV (Recessus lat.), N. glossopharyngeus

N. vagus
" N. hypoglossus

N. accessorius (Radix cranialis)

Tuberculum cinereum, Sulcus lateralis ant.
N. cervic. I (Radix ventralis)

Corpus pineale
Colliculus sup. ~-

Lemniscus lateralis, Colliculus inf.

Pedunculus cerebell. sup.,

Tractus spinocerebellaris ant.

Nucleus dentatus —

Tractus spino
cerebellaris post.

Pedunculus cerebell. inf.''

N. cochleariss‘

Tractus spinotectal is
Pons, N. trigeminus
N. vestibularis
N. facialis


Tractus centralis

Lemniscus medial is

Pedunculus cerebri

Corpus geniculatum laterale


Fig. 98. (Top) Rhombencephalon and midbrain viewed from right side.

Fig. 99. (Bottom) Dissection of brain stem and cerebellum, from right side.
Demonstration of lemnisci and cerebellar tracts.

Fig. 100. (Right, top) Cross section of medulla oblongata at the level of the
lemniscal decussation.
Fig. 101. (Right, bottom) Cross section through medulla oblongata in the lower
third of the olive showing nuclei

and tracts.

Nucleus gracilis

Tractus solitarius, Nucleus tractus solitarii

Fasciculus gracilis

lemniscorum -

tractus spin., N.
trigeminus ^
Canal is

N. accessorius,

Nucleus —




Fissura mediana ant.

Fasciculi pyramidales (Tr. corticospinalis)

Nucleus cuneatus

Fasciculus cuneatus

Tractus spinalis, N. trigeminus

N. accessorius
Tractus spino-
cerebellaris post.

' Fibrae arcuatae


rubrospinal is
" Tractus spinocere-
bellaris ant.

Tractus tectospinal is

Fasciculus longitudi-
\ nalis medialis

Tractus spinothalamicus
et spinotectalis

N. hypoglossus

Fibrae arcuatae externae ant.

N. vagus (parasymp.), Nucl. dors. N. hypoglossus, Nucleus

—N. vagus

Tractus spinocerebellaris po:

Nuclei reticulares lat .—

Nucl. cochlear is ventral is-^

Nucl. tractus spinalis, N. trigeminus -

Tractus spinalis n. trigemini

Tractus olivocerebellaris

Nucl. ambiguus (Nucl.

mot. n. vagiy

Nucl. olivaris accessorius latT'

_ Tractus spinocerebellaris an,
— Tractus rubro- et tectospinal i

. Tractus spinotectalis et

Nucl. olivaris accessorius dorsf'

- Tractus rubroolivaris

N. hypoglossus

Tractus corticospinalis (pyramidalis)

\ Fibrae arcuatae ext. ant.

Lemniscus medialis

N. vagus (Ala cinerea), Nucleus

Nucl. vestibul. medialis \
Nucl. vestibularis inf.

Nucleus cochlearis dorsalis \

Tractus solitarius,
Nucleus tractus solitarii

Nucleus cuneatus

Fibrae arcuatae ext. post.

Nucleus olivari/■

Nucleus olivaris (Hilus)

Nuclei arcuati
Nucleus olivaris accessorius medialis ' \

Nuclei reticulares med.



choroidea, Lamina epithelialis, Ventriculus quartus

Taenia ventriculi IV, Plexus choroideus
Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis

Vuc/. tractus
spinalis n.



* ventr. -

Nucleus ambiguus

Nucleus olivaris

Ventriculus IV,



’ Plexus
Ventr. IV
(Apertura lat.)

N. vestibulocochl.

N. glossopharyngeus

\ Tractus rubro- et tectospinal is

Tr. rubroolivaris

Tractus spinotectalis et spinothalamicus

Nuclei arcuati
y Taenia cerebelli

Nucl. vestibul. lat. •

Nucl. cochlearis dors

Plexus choroideus, Ventriculus quartus

\ Nodulus cerebelli

Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis

Pedunculus cerebellaris inf.

(Corpus resti forme)

N. trigeminus,
Tractus spinalis

/Tractus spino¬
cerebellar is ant.

Eminentia medialis
N. hypoglossus, Nucleus N
Nucl. salivat.

N. vagus, Nucl.

Nucl. vestibul. medialis

Nucl. vestibularis inf.

r ractus solitarius,



arcuatae ext. ant.

Lemniscus medialis (Stratum interolivare lemnisci)

Tractus corticospinalis

Nucleus fastigii
Nucleus globosus
Nucleus emboliformis

Nucleus dentatus cerebelli

Nucleus salivatorius sup.

Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis, Ventric. IV

Fasciculus longitudinalis dorsalis

Colliculus facialis,
Striae medullares


\ N. vestibulocochlearis
N. facialis

Tractus rubrospinalis

\ Tractus rubroolivaris
N. abducens

\ Tractus corticospinalis

Lemniscus medialis

tractus solitarii

N. trigeminus,
Nucleus tractus spin.

___ N. trigeminus,
Tractus spinalis

Pedunculus cerebellaris medius

(Brachium pontis)
Nucl. vestibularis sup.

Nucl. vestibularis

vestibularis lat

Nucl. n. abducentis

Nucl. corp. trapezoidei, Nucleus olivaris

Nucleus n. facialis (

Nuclei pontis
Nucleus reticularis tegmenti

Fig. 102. (Top) Cross section through medulla oblongata at the level of the lateral
recess of the fourth ventricle.
Fig. 103. (Bottom) Cross section through pons at the level of the facial and
abducens nuclei.

Corpus pineale

Aquaeductus cerebri, Stratum griseum centrale

Commissure post. \

Colliculus sup. \ v

Nucleus tract, mesenceph., N. trigeminus \

Nucleus interstitialis \ ^

Nucl. accessorius (autonomicus) (Edinger-Westphal) \ \

Nucleus n. oculomotorii
Pulvinar thalami ^

Corpus geniculatum mediate

Corpus ge¬
laterale x
Commissura collie, sup.

/ Nucl. medianus rostr., Nucl. dorsocentralis

/ / Tractus mesencephalicus n. trigemini

/ / / Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis

7 / / Tractus centralis tegmenti

Tractus spinotectal is

Tractus spinothalamicus
/ Brachium colliculi inf.
/ Lemniscus medialis

ycolliculi sup.

Substantia nigra (Z. nigra)'

Substantia nigra (Z.rubra)

Nucleus ruber /

Tractus opticus, Nucleus basalis

Nucleus centralis j (
Nucleus interpeduncul. i
Decussatio tegmenti ventral is

Decussatio tegmenti dorsali :

x ^ Tractus opti
\ (Rad. med.)
N Tractus corticopi
\ (Pars occipitoterr
x Tractus corticospinc

Tractus corticospinal is (Truncu

Tractus corticospinalis (Membrum sup.)

\ Nucleus ruber
\ Tractus corticobulbaris
\ \ Tractus tectospinal is

^ \ Tractus corticopontinus (Pars frontalis)

\ Pes lemnisci superficialis

Radix optica basalis
N. oculomotorius

Corpus mamillare (Pedunculus)

Strata of the superior colliculus:

1 = Stratum zonale

2 = Stratum griseum superficial

3 = Stratum medullare superficial (Stratum opticum)

4 = Stratum griseum medium

5 = Stratum medullare medium (Stratum lemniscale)

6 = Stratum griseum profundum

7 = Stratum medullare profundum

Fig. 104. Cross section of the midbrain through the superior colliculi.

Lingula cerebelli Fasciculus longitudinalis med.

Eminentia med.

Fasciculus longitudinalis dors.

norae cruc/ames


Lingula, Vinculum cerebelli

/ Tractus mesenceph., N. trigeminus
/ / Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.

/ / Tractus rubroolivaris

/ Tractus rubrospinal is


Nucl. mot (N. trigeminus)

Velum medullare ant., Ventriculus quartus

Tegmentum, Nucleus reticularis \
Locus caeruleus \

Nucl. tractus mesencephalic/', N. trigeminus \

Nucl. sens. sup. (N. trige

med i us
pont is)



N. trigeminus

Tractus spinothalamicus
et spinotectalis

Lemniscus medialis

Tractus corticospinal is

Nuclei pontis

Fig. 105. Cross section of pons at the level of the trigeminal nerve.

Nuclei pontis

Fibrae pontis



(Nuclei anuli aquaeducti)

Locus caeruleus \

l l

Nucleus colliculi inf ,x

Corpus parabigeminum \

Commissure collie, inf., Ventriculus IV

| N. trochlearis (Pars ascendens)

Tractus tectospinal is

Brachium colliculi inf.

Tractus spinotectal is

^ Tractus mesencephalicus n. trigemini

- Tractus thalamo- et rubroolivaris

^ Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis
Fasciculus dorsalis
Lemniscus lateralis

- Tractus spinothalamicus
(- tectalis)

Tractus rubrospinal is

__ Lemniscus medialis

cerebell. sup.
tinus (Pars

Nucl. n. trochlearis - _

Nucleus lemnisci
lat. dorsalis-

Raphe, Nucleus
centralis sup.




Tractus corticopontinus (Pars frontalis)

Fig. 106. Cross section of the brain stem at the level of the inferior colliculi.

Nucleus caudatus (Corpus)

(Pontes grisei inter nudeum caudatum et putamen)

Thalamus, Stratum reticulatum

Nucleus lentiformis (Putamen)

Nucleus caudatus

Nucleus caudatus
' (Caput)

Pulvinar thalami,


Pulvinar thalami "

Nucleus caudatus (Sulcus) ^

Corpus geniculatum laterale '

Substantia grisea sub/entiformis

Nucleus lentiformis (Pes) ^

Pontes grisei /

Pontes grisei

Corpus amygd., Proc. auriculariformis

Corpus amygdal.

Canal is commissurae ant.

' Substantia perforata ant.

Corpus amygdaloideum

x Substantia innominata
Corpus amygdaloideum

Stratum reticulatum
(Pars basalis)

(Nucleus lateralis)

Corpus geniculatum
mediate '

Pulvinar thalami "

Thalamus, Stratum reticulatum (Margo ont.)

Pontes grisei \

Nucleus caudatus (Cauda)

Pontes grisei inter nudeum

caud. et putamen

Thalamus, Stratum reticulatum ^

Nucleus caudatus (Corpus)

Corpus geniculatum laterale

r - r %rvtf&.7<}S'r

Substantia nigra, Nucleus caudatus (Cauda) j

Corpus mamillare (Nuch

n x Nucleus caudatus (Colliculus)

Crista grisea
Nucleus subthalamicus

Tuber cinereum


Fig. 107. (Top) Caudate and lentiform nuclei. Lateral view of basal ganglia of
right half of brain after

removal of claustrum. Drawn from a model.

Fig. 108. (Bottom) Lateral view of the basal ganglia drawn from a model. The
lentiform nucleus,
amygdaloid body and anterior perforated substance have removed. Lateral view of
thalamus and cau-

date nucleus.


Septum pellucidum

Nucleus caudatus (Caput)


Capsula interna


^ Fissura longitudinalis cerebri

\ I

Ventric. lat.

Nucleus lent (Putamen)

Capsula extrema

Fasciculus opt.

Capsula externa

(Cornu ant.)

Lobus frontalis

Claustrum /

A. cerebri media

Sulcus lateralis

Chiasm a optic urn


Aa. cerebri anteriores

Lobus temporalis

Fig. 109. Frontal section through the brain (prosencephalon) anterior to the
thalamus, the optic chiasm and
the interventricular foramen. The choroid plexus is not present in the anterior

Cortex cerebri

- Stria longitudinalis

~~ " Fasciculus long it


Corona radiata

Corpus callosum —

— Stria longitudinalis

Capsula externa

Nucleus lentiformis

Nucleus caudatus (Caput), Capsula interna / /

Cornu ant. / /

Cavum septi pellucidi ' /

Septum pellucidum /
Corpus callosum (Rostrum)

Capsula interna
Capsula externa


\ Nucleus lentiformis (Putamen)

Nucleus lentiformis (Globus pallidus)

Nucleus caudatus /

\ Stria ol factoria lateralis

Trigonum olfactorium

Stria olfactoria medialis

Commissura ant

Commissura ant. Nucleus caudatus, Colliculus

longitud. sup.

/ Corona radiata

Stria longitudinalis lat. et med.

Nucleus caudatus. Ventric. lat. (Pars centralis)

Columna fornicis, Ventric. lat. (Pars centralis)

I Nucleus caudatus, Corpus callosum

I Taenia fornicis

Nucleus lentiformis
(Putamen), Capsula .


Nucleus lentiformis, Globus pallidus

Area olfactoria, Stria olfactoria lateralis

Taenia semicircularis, Commissuraunt.

Commissura ant. i
Gyrus paraterminalis

Nucleus lentiformis, Globus pallidus

* ^ - Capsula interna

\ V Area olfactoria

\ Nucleus caudatus (Colliculus),

Commissura ant. (Pars olfactoria)

Stria olfactoria medialis, Taenia semicircularis

Cortex insulae,
Capsula extrema

Claustrum, Capsula

longitud. inf.

- Cortex cerebri

Nucleus lenti¬
formis (Putamen),
Capsula externa

Capsula extrema

Cortex insulae

Fornix, Ventric. lot. (Pars centr.), Plexus choroideus

Corpus callosum, Cingulum


Fasciculus longitud. sup.

Nucleus caudatus,

'' Taenia thalami


Fasciculus longitud. inf.

Nucleus paraventricularis

Chiasma opticum

Area periventricularis, Columna fornicis

Nuclei tuberales l
Commissura supraoptica dorsalis

(Substantia innominata)
\ Nucleus pallidoinfundibularis
Nucleus supraopticus

Taenia thalami,
Nucleus anterior,
Nucleus lateralis thalami

Ventriculus III,
Plexus choroideus

Commissura ant.,
Nucleus lentiformis,
Globus pallidus^

Nucleus lentiformis

Capsula interna,

Nucleus lentiformis,
Globus pallidus

Capsula extrema, Insula

Claustrum, Capsula

Commissura ant.

Fasciculus uncinatus
Claustrum, Capsula

Putamen, Capsula

Fig. 112. Frontal section of the brain through the third ventricle and the central
part of the
lateral ventricle, seen from the front. Cell structure and fiber tracts are drawn
on one half of the


Fig. 110. (Left, top) Frontal section of the brain through the anterior horn of the
lateral ventri¬
cle. Cell structure and fiber tracts are drawn on one half of the section.

Fig. 111. (Left, bottom) Frontal section of the brain through the boundary between
the anterior
horn and the central part of the lateral ventricle, seen from the front. The cut
was conducted so
that the columns of the fornix were sectioned squarely. Cell structure and fiber
tracts are drawn

on one half of the section.

Ventric. Ill (Membrana tectoria), Thalamus (Nucleus med., ventr. et dors.)

Fasciculus longit. inf.

Nucleus lateralis ventralis

um, Nuclei disseminati

Nucleus medialis, Corpus callosum

Thalamus (Nuclei anteriores, mediates et laterales)

Fasciculus longit. sup., Nucleus caudatus

Taenia semicircularis, Nucleus

lateralis dorsalis

Thalamus (Stratum reticulare)

Ventriculus III, Adhaesio


Capsula interna, Nucleus lentiform

(Globus pallidus)

~ Claustrum, Capsula extrema

Hypothalamus, Area inf.

Nucleus lentiformis (Putamen),

^ Capsula externa

Fasciculus uncinatus

Nucleus caudatus
(Cauda), Ventric. lat.
(cornu inf.)

Tractus opticus

. \ Hippocampus

\ \ Ansa lenticularis

' Zona incerta

Pedunculus cerebri

Organon subfornicale, Fissura transversa

Fornix, Nucleus paramedianus

Plexus choroideus

Thalamus (Pars centralis) s.

S ulcus hippocampi "

Tractus mamillothalamicus,
Nucleus mamilloinfundibularis

Commissura supramamillaris,

Corpus mamillare

Nucleus intercalatus hypothalami j

Nucleus hypothalamicus

Ventral nucleus of thalamus

r- P =

Nucleus rostralis principalis,

Nucleus rostralis accessorius,
Nuclei disseminati

dm =

vtl =

Nucleus ventrolateralis

dl =

vtm =

Nucleus ventromedialis

dla =

vm =

Nucleus ventralis medialis

dlb =

Dorsal nucleus of thalamus

Nucleus dorsomedialis.

Nucleus medialis ventr. (Centr. medianum)

Nucleus medialis dors.

Nucleus dorsolateralis
Nucleus lateralis dors.

Nucleus lateralis ventr.

Fig. 113. Frontal section of the brain viewed from the front. The cut was conducted
through the
rostral part of the thalamus, the mamillary bodies and the interthalamic adhesion
of the third
ventricle. Cell structure and fiber tracts are drawn on one half of the section.

Corpus striatum

Corona rad i at a

- Nucleus

(Putamen )

Corpus callosum





\ Corpus amygdaloideum
\ x \ Commissura anterior
\ \ v Nucleus caudatus (Cauda)

\ \ Lemniscus medialis

\ Pedunculus cerebri
Tractus spinotecta/is
N. trigeminus
' Lemniscus lateralis
‘ Tractus spinocerebellaris ant.

Tractus spinocerebellaris post.

dentatus -

Radiatio corp. callosi (Pars parietalis)

Stria medullaris thalami

Pulvinar thalami

Radiatio corp. callosi (Pars temporalis)

Tractus retro fl ex us / Pedunculus cerebri,

Tractus mamillothalamicus

nigra \ Ansa lenticularis

Corpus mamillare


Radiatio corp. callosi

(Pars occipitalis) ^

Radiatio corp. callos

(Pars frontalis)

Commissura ant.
Columna fornicis
X N. opticus

Fig. 114 (Top) Dissection of cerebellar tracts, the medial and lateral lemnisci as
well as the
caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus and amygdaloid body.

Fig. 115. (Bottom) Radiations of corpus callosum to the left hemisphere, medial
view. The an¬
terior commissure, columns of the fornix, mamillothalamic tract, retroflexus and
ansa lenticularis
are also brought into view. In order to expose these structures, portions of the
thalamus were


Stria olfactoria intermedia

Tractus olfactorius

Commissura ant.

cornus inf.)

Chiasma opticum, N. opticus

(Pars tecta columnae)

Corpus amygdaloideum

Radiatio optica
(Genu temporale)

" Radix optica basal is

Corpus geniculatum
laterale et mediate

Ventric. lat. (Cornu post.)

Corpus callosum (Splenium)

Radiatio optica (Genu occipitale)

Stria olfactoria
medial is \
Stria olfactoria

lateralis ^

- Corpus mam iHare

Fossa interpeduncularis,
Pedunculus cerebri

Tractus opticus

Sulcus calcarinus''

Nucleus ruber

Aquaeductus cerebri, ^
Substantia grisea centralis

Fig. 116. Dissection of the optic pathway, the optic radiation in particular.

Bulbus, Tractus olfactorius


Stria olfactoria med.

Area olfactoria, Substantia perforata ant

Corpus amygdaloideum

Fossa interpedunc.,
Substantia perforata post.

Stria olfactoria

Stria olfactoria lat.

Ligam. diagonale

Ansa lenticularis ■)

I Ansa

Pedunculus | peduncularis

that ami inf. )

^ Corpus callosum (Splenium)

Corpus mamillare,

Columna fornicis (Pars tecta)

"Pedunculus cerebri.,
Substantia nigra

v Nucleus ruber,
Aquaeductus cerebri

Fig. 117. Dissection of ansa peduncularis and the anterior commissure, seen from
Adhaesio interthalamica, Sulcus hypothalamicus
Foramen interventriculare, Corpus callosum I
Septum pellucidum

Columna fornicis sin., Corpus callosum (Rostrum) \

Fornix (Corpus), Taenia thalami

Commissura habenularum
I Recessuspinealis, Corpus pineale

Corpus callosum (Splenium)

Fasciculus ma-
Corpus callosum,

(Genu) —

Bulbus, Tractus olfactorius sinS

Tractus olfactorius dext. /

N. opticus

Commissura ant., Area olfactoria (Substantia perforata ant.)

Corpus mamillare sin. /

Pes hippocampi /

N. oculomotorius dext. /

Commissura post., Aquaeductus cerebri

Ventriculus IV, Fastigium

Ventriculus IV, Apertura mediana Canalis centralis

Fig. 118. Lateral view of the left fornix. The hippocampus, the anterior
commissure, the olfac¬
tory bulb and tract on the left side are also shown. The section through the brain
stem was made
in the midline; corpus callosum was cut in a left parasagittal plane.

Bulbus, Tractus olfactorius

Induseum griseum

* 8a

Lamina terminalis

reticularis alba

Corpus callosum
(Facies ventricularis)

Fimbria hippocampi

Corpus fornicis

^ Corpus mamillare,
Columna fornicis



Uncus (pars basialis)

Gyrus dentatus,
Fimbria hippocampi


parahippocampal is

Fornix (Crus),
Commissura fornicis

^ Gyrus dentatus,
Induseum griseum

Corpus callosum

Corpus amygdaloideum

,,Uncusbandchen 1
Fig. 119. Inferior view of right and left fornix and dentate gyrus. The
parahippocampal gyrus
and the basal ganglia have been removed (from a preparation by J. Klingler, Basel).

Sulcus cinguli

^Tractus cortico-
^ spinalis, Sulcus

^ Tr. opticus

_ Pulvinar that ami

Corpus callosum (Genu),

Corpus callosum (Sulcus) /

Area subcallosa

Capsula interna (Fibrae) /

Chiasma opt., Lamina terminal is

Corpus mamillare, Tractus opticus /

Pedunculus cerebri

Oliva, N. vestibulocochlearis

Tractus corticospinalis

N. trigeminus /
Tractus corticospinalis (Pyramis)

— Corpus genicu -
latum laterale,
Sulcus calcarinus

*-> Sulcus

inf., N. trochlear is

Pedunculus cerebellaris medius

a = Gyrus frontalis superior
b = Lobulus paracentralis
c = Gyrus cinguli
d = Praecuneus

e = Cuneus

f = Gyrus occipitotemporalis

g = Uncus gyri parahippocampalis

Fig. 120. Dissection of the corticospinal tract. Portions of pons, the cerebral
peduncles and the
lentiform nucleus were conservatively resected in order to visualize the fibers in
the area of the
internal capsule. Since the precentral gyrus represents the main area of origin of
the pyramidal
tract, all other tracts entering or leaving the internal capsule were removed.

Fibrae arcuatae cerebri

Corpus callosum

Capsula int. (Crus occipitale)


Stratum sagittate

Corona radiata

Bulbus et tractus

Capsula int. (Crus front

Gyrus parahippocampal is

\ Gyrus occipitotemporal is lat.

' Pedunculus cerebri

Sulcus collateralis, Pons

" Capsula int. (Genu)

Ventric. lat. (Cornu inf.)

Trigonum olfactorium

Tractus opticus
Uncus gyri parahippocampal is

Fig. 121. Fiber preparation of corona radiata, medial view. The internal capsule
was exposed by removal of
the caudate nucleus and thalamus (from a preparation by J. Klingler, Basel).

V. diploica


Os parietale (Tabula externa)

V. diploica \

Sinus sagittalis sup., Lamina

periostalis, Dura

Callum capitis

Sutura sagittalis


Spatium subdurale

\ V. cerebri sup., A. corticalis

\ \ Cavum subarachn.

' Arachnoidea
Dura mater
Lacuna lateralis /

Foveola granularis

I Dura (Lamina meningealis)


Ventriculus tertius

Commissura anterior

Corpus callosum, Genu

Chiasma opticum

Hypophysis cerebri

Septum nasi


Sinus sagittalis inferior

Sinus sagittalis sup.

cerebri magna (Galeni)

Falx cerebri

Sinus rectus

— Confluens sinuum

~~ Falx cerebelli

^ Cerebellum, Arbor vitae

Vertebra cervicalis III

' Medulla spinalis


Fig. 122. (Top) Frontal section through the superior sagittal sinus and the lateral

Note the arachnoid granulations.

Fig. 123. (Bottom) Head of a child (three week old) . Median section.

Fibrae arcuatae cerebri

Fasciculus longitudinalis sup.

Fasciculus longitudinalis inf.

Substantia medullaris insulae

Fasciculus uncinatus '

Recessus pineal is
Commissura post.

Canalis centralis

Foramen interventriculare

Ventr. Ill, Adhaesio interthalamica
Recessus suprapineal is

Cornu ant.

Commissura ant.'
Recessus triangularis
Chiasma opticum'

Ventriculus IV (Recessus laterales)

Ventriculus IV (Apertura mediana)

Cornu inf.

Cornu post.

Ventriculus IV

Fig. 124. (Top) Lateral view of the association pathways of the left hemisphere

(from a dissection).

Fig. 125. (Bottom) Cast of the ventricular system seen from the left side.

Of the lateral ventricles only the left one is labeled.



Nucleus lentiformis externa

Capsula interna

Plexus choroideus,
Ventriculus lateralis

Cavum subarachnoideale
Ventriculus lateralis
(Cornu inferius)

Lobus temporalis

Pia mater


Corpus geniculatum
laterale (Nucleus)

Cavum subarachnoideale

Mesencephalon (Substantia

Crus cerebri

Arteria et vena cerebri post (Rami)



/ Taenia choroidea

Cavum subarachnoideale

Alveus hippocampi

Hippocampus (Substantia grisea)

Gyrus dentatus



Corpus callosum (Sulcus)

Fissura longitudinalis cerebri (Pia mater)

Corpus callosum (Truncus)

- Adhaesio interthalamica

- Hypothalamus

Nucleus corporis mamillaris

Thalamus (Stratum zonale)

Tela choroidea
et plexus choroideus ventr. Ill

Nucleus lentiformis (Globus pallidus)

Thalamus (Nucleus lateralis)'"

Tractus opticus

Pedunculus cerebri *

Corpus mamillare

Stria longit. medial.

„ Corpus fornicis

„ Ventriculus lateralis
(Pars centralis)

Nucleus caudatus
V. thalamostriata

Nucleus anterior \
Nucleus lat. /


„ Capsula interna

- Ventriculus III

- Thalamus (Nucleus medialis)

Ventriculus lateralis
(Pars centralis)
Ventric. lat.,
Plexus choroideus

Fig. 126. (Top) Frontal section through the temporal lobe. Boundaries of the
inferior horn of

the lateral ventricle (from Sobotta/Becher).

Fig. 127. (Bottom) Frontal section through the lateral ventricles, the third
ventricle, corpus cal¬
losum, fornix and hypothalamus at the level of the mamillary bodies (from

ICorp. * x
I mamill' ■
1 Fossa inter-
Nerv. Ill

Lamina sept/ p ellucidi Columna fornicis

Commissure anterior 1 ! Foramen interventriculare

, ' ! i Corpus callosum (Truncus)

Lamina terminalis \ -r-p- \ Corpus fornicis

Corpus callosum (Rostrum)

Gyrus para-
terminalis \ f

Corpus callosum (Genu)—^


parolfactorius ^

Sulcus | 3^
parolfactorius ■

!< *

Area sub- .

Lamina terminalis
Recessus opticus
Chiasma opticum '
Infundibulum "
Lobus anterior

Sulcus hypothalamicus

j / / Adhaesio interthalamica

/ / Thalamus

Plexus choroideus ventriculi III

/ Ventriculus III
XC / Commissura posterior
/ /Trigonum habenulae

/ /C' /S/ ' Recessus suprapin

/ Recessus pineal is
/ Aquaeductus cerebri
Corpus pineale
Corpus callosum (Splenium)

^ Lamina tecti
,Velum medullare superius
£ Lingula cerebelli

f , Lobulus centralis
Ventriculus IV
^ Fastigium







- Pedunculus _ r ..

U^us^erior^Zn „ -

Decussatio pedunculorum J / /

cerebellarium puperiorum "_/ /

Pons 4 \ -—' / / s / !

/ «

A ' X /~ /

Fasciculi longitudinales pontis / ' 4-

T I /

Fasciculus longitudinalis medialis

Medulla oblongata

Fossa rhomboidea ^ V s*
Ventriculus IV

fiyri vermis



Uvula Corpus medullare

Nodulus vermis

\ 1 Tuber vermis

' Vermis
Pyramis vermis

f 1 ’

Canalis centralis, I p ^xus choroideus ventriculi IV

Medulla oblongata Medulla spinalis

* = Tuber cinereum

Fig. 128. Median section through the brainstem. Cut surface of the right half. The
walls of the
third and fourth ventricles as well as the cerebral aquaduct are yellow (from
Sutura coronalis Adhaesio interthalamica

Recessus pinealis et suprapinealis

Corpus pineale

Aquaeductus cerebri

Fastigium, Ventriculus IV

^ Ventric. IV (Rec. lat.)

\ \

Cornu inferius

Sella turcica, Hypophysis cerebri

Foramen interventriculare (Monroi)

Cornu anterius

Fissura cerebri lat (Sylvii)^

Recessus opticus et infundibuli

Icus centralis (Rolandi)

Ventric. lat. (Pars centralis)

Fig. 129. The ventricular system and its topographical relationships within the
brain and the
bony skull. Normally the anterior horn does not extend anteriorly beyond the
coronal suture. The
inferior outline of the brainstem as the median contour of the skull base are
identified by simple

lines (preparation by Ferner/Kautzky).

Fig. 130. (Right, top). Anteroposterior ventriculogram.
Fig. 131. (Right, bottom) Lateral ventriculogram.

Septum pellucidum

Ventr. lat.

(Pars centralis)

Ventric. lat.
(Cornu ant)

Ventriculus III

Sinus frontalis

Ventric. lat. (Cornu inf.)

Ventric. lat. (Pars centralis)

Vena cerebri interna

Dura mater

Spatium epidurale

Corpus callosum (Splenium)

^Nucl. caudatus
Pulvinar thalami
Epiphysis cerebri

Fornix (Corpus)

■ Ventric. lat. (Cornu inferius)


A. cerebri posterior
■* A. cerebelli sup.

Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.

Tentorium cerebelli

Cellulae mastoideae

~~~ Nodulus
Sinus sigmoideus

— Vasa occipitalia

-Cisterna cerebellomedullaris

— Medulla oblongata

— Atlas

N. cervicalis II

Sinus sagittal is superior

Falx cerebri

Fig. 132. Frontal section through the brain at the level of the epiphysis and the
superior colliculi.
Incomplete compartmentalization by the three radiating dural septa. Dorsal view of
the section.
The hippocampal gyrus with the posterior cerebral a. lie above the free edge of the
Point compression (preparation by Ferner/Kautzky).

a) Convex surface of the left hemisphere

b) Medial surface of the right hemisphere

Fig. 133. Brodmann’s cytoarchitectonic cortical areas in man.

a) Convex surface

b) Medial surface

111 a = wide cortical layer, agranular,

pyramidal type

oo A = wide cortical layer, agranular,

pyramidal type modified by the
presence of giant cells
E b = medium cortical layer, granular,
pyramidal type

EH ab = transitional pyramidal type

llllll c = granular parietal type
m d = narrow cortical layer, granular type
.\v e = granular type (koniocortex)

Fig. 134. Distribution of five cytoarchitectonic cortical areas

(from v. Economo/Koskinas).
Falx cerebri

Corpus callosum (Genu)


" Mesencephalm

V. cerebri magi




Tuberculurr l


— Confluens sinu

Ligam. denticul.

Dura mater

Tractus olfact.,
N. opticus,
A. carotis int. ,




Radix cerebralis XI

XII., A. vertebralis

Radix spinalis XI

A. cerebri ant
Fig. 135. Brain stem and cranial nerves and their relationship to the base of the
skull. The entire
leptomeningeal course of the 12 cranial nerves is shown (from Ferner/Kautzky, in:
der Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1959).

The Face Region

A. supratrochlearis,

N. supraorbitalis (R. med.)

A., V., N. supraorbitalis

A., N. supraorbitalis (R. lat.),

N. lacrimalis (R. palpebralis)

A., V. facialis,

R. marginalis mandib. (VII)

A. labialis inferior (R. prof)

'A. labialis inferior (R. superfic.)

A., N. mental is (Rr. labial, et mental.)

A. temporalis superfic.
(Anast. cum art.
supraorbit.) -

N. supraorbitalis
(R. lat.) Arcus
palpebralis superior

N. supratrochlearis

A., V. temporalis
superficial is,
Ramus zygomatico¬
facial is (V 2 )

N. infratrochlearis,

A. dorsalis nasi,

N. infraorbit.

(Rr. palpebrales V 2 )

N. nasalis externus -

-N. facialis (Rr. temporales)

-~N. facialis (Rr. zygomatici)

N. buccalis, Corpus adiposum buccae

Rr. zygomatici
temporales (VII)

Rr. buccales

Fascia masseterica,
Gland, parotis (Capsula),
N. auricul. magnus

y A. temporalis superfic.
(Ramus frontalis)

.--A. temporalis superfic.

(Ramus parietal is)

-A., V. angularis
-A., Ram.

zygomaticofacial is (V 2 )
A. temporalis superfic.

-- A., V., N. infraorbital is

(Anastomosis cum n. fac.)

Rr. buccales (VII),

Ductus parotideus, Parotis

, V. labialis superior
A = M. epicranius

(Venter frontalis
m. occipitofrontalis)

A* = Galea aponeurotica
B t = M. orbicularis oculi
(Pars orbitalis)

B 2 = M. orbicularis oculi
(Pars palpebralis)

B 3 = M. corrugator supercilii
C = M. procerus

D = M. temporoparietalis
E t = M. nasalis
(Pars alaris)

E2 = M. nasalis

(Pars transversa)

F = M. levator labii
superioris alaeque

G = M. levator labii

H = M. zygomaticus minor
J = M. zygomaticus major
K = M. orbicularis oris
Kj = Origo nasalis
K 2 = Nodus muscularis
L = M. risorius
M = Platysma
N = M. depressor anguli oris
O = M. depressor
labii inferioris

P = M. mentalis
O = M. masseter
R = M. buccinator
S = M. levator anguli

T = M. temporoparietalis
U = Corpus adiposum

V = Lig. palpebrale
Fig. 136. Mimic musculature, superficial blood vessels, and nerves of the face from

Galea aponeurotica

M. frontalis

M. procerus

M. corrugator supercilii

M. lacrimalis (Horneri)

M. orbicularis

Pars palpebralis

Ductus parotideus '

Nodus muscularis

M. depressor labii inf.

— M. zygomaticus minor et major

M. levator anguli oris

M. risorius

M. levator labii superiors

M. nasalis

M. depressor anguli oris
'M. orbicularis oris

M. mentalis

Fig. 137. The mimic musculature removed as a mask and viewed from the skeletal
side. The right
buccinator muscle has been reflected medially so that its superficial surface may
be seen.

A. tempor. superfic.

(R. front), M. frontalis

N. supra orbit. (Rr. med.) (Vi),

A. supraorbit.

A., N. supratrochl. (V t )

At occipitalis

A., V. occipitalis,
N. occipitalis major

At temporoparietalis, A., V. temp, superfic.

(R. pariet.), N. auriculotemp.

. temporopariet.
Galea aponeurotica

N. supraorbit. (Rr. lat.) (Vi)

A., V. angularts,

M. levator labii sup.

\ At zygomaticus major,
A. labialis sup.

A. labialis inf., M. orbicularis

oris, Rr. buccales (VII)

A., V. facialis,

At depressor anguli oris

M. orbicularis oculi,

R. zygomatico facialis (V 2 ),
A. zygomatico orbital is

A. transversa faciei,
At zygomaticus min.,
Rr. zygomatici (VII)

Arcus tendinous

N. occipit. minor,
N I. sternocleidomast.

A. labialis inf., M. risorius, N. buccalis,

N. mentalis (Rr. cutanei)

N. auric, magn., A., V. auric, post., V. parotidea superfic.

A., V. temp, superfic., N. auriculotemp., M. temporopariet.


Ductus parotideus, Rr. zygomat. et buccales (VII)

Glandulaparotis access., Corpus adiposum buccae
R. margin, mandib. (VII)

Rr. buccales (VII), At masseter, Fascia masset.

Fig. 138. The superficial blood vessels and nerves of the face and scalp from the

Rr. zygomatici (VII), N. infraorbit. (Rami)

A. transversa faciei, Rr. buccales (VII)

V. angularis,

R. buccalis (VII)

N. facialis (Truncus),

A., V.


N. auricul. post.,
A. temp, superfic.
(Rr. auricul.

Fascia retromandib.'

/Parotis access., Ductus parotideus, Fascia temp.

V.jugularis ext.,
N. auricul.

A. mentalis (R. lab.)

Ramus colli (VII ) 1

Tractus angularis, V. retromandib. 1

N. auriculotemp.,
A., V.
Rr. temporales et zygomatici (VII),
A. zygomaticoorbit.

Corpus adiposum buccae,

Rr. buccales (VII),

A. labial, sup.

A. labial, inf. (R. prof.)

R. communicans N. facial. -
bucc. (V 3 )

A. labial, inf. (R. superfic.),

N. facialis (Rami)

' Fascia colli submandib.

V. facialis

R. marginalis mandib., Rr. buccales (VII)

A = M. orbicularis oculi
B = M. levator labii sup.
C = M. zygomaticus min.
D = M. zygomaticus maj.
E = M. risorius

F = M. orbicularis oris
G = M. depressor labii inf.

H = M. depressor anguli oris

J = Platysma

K = M. masseter
L = M. sternocleidomastoid.
M.N = Gl. parotis

O = Cartilago meatus acust. ext.

Fig. 139. Blood vessels and nerves in the lateral face region, in the parotid gland
and the reteromandibular fossa.

Proc. styloideus, Ramus comm,

cum n. auriculotemp.,
A. maxillaris

N. facialis (Truncus) -
Plexus parotideus

A., N. buccalis, Anasl. cum. n.

A., V. tempor. superfic.,

A. temporalis media

A. temp, superfic. (Rr. auriculares),

N. auriculotemporalis

A. transversa faciei,

N. facialis (Rr. zygomatici)

A., N. auricularis post. (VII)

Ductus parotideus,

N. facialis

(Rr. zygomatici et buccales)

.infraorbital is


retromandibularis -

A. carotis ext., Ram.

colli (VII) --

Rami buccales
Ramus marginal is mand. (VII)
V. retromandibularis, Capsula gland.

Aa. labiales inf.

Lamina superfic.,
Fascia cervicalis

Rami temporales (VII),

A. zygomaticoorbital is,
Capsula artic. tempo-
romandib., Ligam.

f Arcus zygomaticus,
Fascia tempor.

V. jugular is externa, N. auricularis

A., V. angularis,
N. facialis
(Rr. buccales)

A = M. orbicularis oculi

B = M. levator labii sup. alaeque nasi

C = M. zygomaticus minor

D = M. zygomaticus major

E = M. risorius

F = M. orbicularis oris

G = M. depressor labii inf.

H = M. despressor anguli oris

J = Platysma
K = M. levator anguli oris
L = M. buccinator, Lymphonodi buccales
M = M. masseter
N = M. temporalis

(Pars zygomaticomandibularis)

O = M. sternocleidomastoideus

Fig. 140. Superficial vessels, nerves, and muscles of the face; parotid removed.
The trunk of the facial nerve has
been exposed where it emerges from the stylomastoid foramen. The buccal fat pad is

Aa., Nn. temporales prof. -

A., V. temporalis media

A., V. temporalis superfic

Capsula artic.
Ligam. laterale
A. tempor. prof., ’

N. massetericus,-
Ligam. sphenomandib.

Rr. anast. n. foe. --

cum n. auricuhtemp.

N. auricularispost.,

A. max'll laris-
N. facialis,

A. stylomastoidea

N. lingualis cum a. com it.'

Ramus colli (VII), A.,

V. auricularis post.

A., N. massetericus

N. mandibularis,
A. alveolaris inf.

__A. zygomaticoorbitalis

A. sphenopalatina, N. maxillaris

' A., V., N. alveolaris sup. post.

A. zygomaticofacial is,

R. zygomaticofacialis (V2)

Raphe pterygomandibularis

A., V. facialis,

Ramus marginalis mand.

Fascia cervic.

(lamina superfic.)

A., V., N. buccal is,

Plexus pterygoideus (ven.)

A.,V., N. infraorbital is
(Anast. cum n. fac.)

A., V. angular is

N. facialis (Rami)

A. labial is sup.
" - A. labialis inf.

A = M. temporalis
B = M. orbicularis oculi
C = M. levator labii sup. alaeque nasi
D = M. zygomaticus minor
E = M. buccinator
F = M. zygomaticus major
G = M. risorius
H = M. depressor anguli oris
J = M. orbicularis oris

K = M. depressor labii inf.

L = Platysma

M = M. masseter

N = M. pterygoideus medialis

Ot = M. pterygoideus lateralis

(Caput pterygoideum)

0 2 = M. pterygoideus lateralis
(Caput infratemporale)

P = Processus styloideus

Fig. 141. Vessels, nerves, and muscles of the deep facial region, the
retromandibular fossa, and the tern-
poromandibular joint.Branches of the facial nerve and the parotid duct have been
cut and reflected for¬
ward. The coronoid process and part of the ramus of the mandible have been removed.

A. labialis superior
A. labialis inferior

mandibulae, Raphe
Fascia colli superficialis
. isthmi faucium (V 3 ), A. comitans n. lingualis
A., V. facialis

A. zygomaticoorbitalis,
A., N. temporalis prof. (V 3 ),
Fascia temporalis'

N. mandibularis (V 3 ),
A., V. temporalis media

A. auricular is prof.,
N. meatus acustici
ext. (V 3 ) '

A. transversa faciei

N. facialis,

A. stylomastoidea

A., V. auricular is

Rami communicantes: /
N. facialis - N. auriculotemp.'

A., V. angular is

Rr. buccales (VII)

Lig. laterale artic.


Discus articularis,
A., V. temporalis
superfic., N. auriculo-~
temporalis (V 3 )

A., N. massetericus —"

A. meningea

N. buccalis (V 3 ), A. maxillaris,
Lig. sphenomandibulare

A., N. mylohyoideus (V 3 )
A., N. alveolar is inferior (V 3 ) j
N. lingualis (V 3 )

y A. N. temporalis profundus CV 3 )

y N. maxillaris(V 2 ),A., V. alveolaris sup. post.,

' N. alveolaris sup. (V 2 ) Plexus pterygoideus
/ A.,R. zygomaticofacialis (V 2 )

y A., V. buccalis, Tuber maxillae

N. infraorbitalis (V 2 )

, Ductus parotideus

A = M. temporalis
B = M. orbicularis oculi
C = M. levator labii superioris
D = M. zygomaticus minor
E = M. buccinator

F = M. zygomaticus major
G = M. risorius
H = M. depressor anguli oris
J = M. orbicularis oris
K = M. depressor labii inferioris
L = Platysma

M = M. masseter
N = M. pterygoideus medialis
Oi = M. pterygoideus lat.

0 2 = M. pterygoideus lat.

P = Processus styloideus

Fig. 142. Blood vessels and nerves in the deep lateral face region
(infratemporal and retromandibular fossae).

A zygomaticoorbital is

N. facialis
(Rr. buccales)

A., V. temporalis superfic.,

N. auriculotemp. (V 3 )
Lig. laterale, Capsulaet
discus articular is v

A. tympanica anterior,
A. auricularis profunda

N. glossopharyngeus,
A. palatina ascendens

/A., N. temporalis profundus (V 3 )

/A., N. massetericus (V 3 )

y ' N. alveolaris superior (V 2 ), A. infraorbitalis

/Ganglion oticum, A. maxillaris,

A. palatina desc.

R. zygomaticofacialis (V 2 )

V., N. alveolaris sup. post. (V 2 )

buccalis (V 3 ), A. alveolaris inf.

" Ramus colli (VII),

Glomus caroticum
~~ ~ A. thyroidea superior

A., N. temporalis profundus (V 3 )

A. temporalis media \

N. mandibularis (V 3 ),
A. tympanica ant.
A. auricularis profunda,
N. meatus acustici ext. (V 3 )

N. auriculotemp. (V 3 ),
A. meningea media

A. transversa faciei,
R. communicans n. facialis
cum n. auriculotemp.

A. carotis externa,
N. glossopharyngeus
N. facialis (Truncus),
A. stylomastoidea
R. digastricus et stylo-
hyoideus (VII), A. occipitalis

A. auricularis post.,
N. accessorius,
N. vagus, N. hypoglossus

N. lingualis (V 3 ), A. carotis
interna,V. jugular is interna

N. vagus, N. mylohyoideus
(V 3 ), A. sternocleidom.

Nodus lymphat. cervic. sup. -

N. auricularis magnus —“

A. occipitalis, Fascia colli

superficial is'
A. lingualis

N. vagus

A., V. angularis

A. labialis sup. et inf.

— ~.N. alveolaris inf. (V 3 ),

Lig. stylohyoideum
~~A., V. facialis

facialis, N. accessorius
— -Glandula submandibularis

__ A., V. submentalis, N. mylohyoide

(R. digastr.)

— N. hypoglossus, V. comitans XII

— - Os hyoideum, N. laryneus
(R. internus)

— R. thyrohyoideus (XII)

'A. infraorbitalis, Rami nervi

infraorbitalis (V 2 ), Ramus
communicans cum n. fac. (Vi)
A = M. temporalis J

B = M. orbicularis oculi K

C = M. levator labii sup. L

D = M. zygomaticus minor M

E = M. buccinator N

F = M. zygomaticus major O

G = M. risorius P

H = M. triangularis Q

Ha = Platysma R

H 2 = M. masseter

= M. orbicularis oris
= M. depressor labii inf.

= M. digastricus
= M. mylohyoideus
= M. stylohyoideus
= M. sternohyoideus
= M. omohyoideus
= M. sternothyroideus
= M. constrictor pharyngis inf.

(M. laryngopharyngeus)

= M. sternocleidomastoideus

T = M. digastricus

U = M. styloglossus

V = M. constrictor pharyngis sup.

W = M. levator veli palatini

X = M. tensor veli palatini

Y = M. pterygoideus med.

Z x = M. pterygoideus lat.

(Caput pterygoideum)

Z 2 = M. pterygoideus lat.
(Caput infratemporale)

Fig. 143. Deep lateral face region after resection of the ramus of the mandible.

A. zygomaticoorbital is

A., N. temporalis profundus (V 3 )

y N. maxi I laris, A., V. sphenopalatina
A., V. alveolar is sup. post.,

N. alveolaris sup. (V 2 )

A., V. buccalis, Ganglion oticum

Fascia temporalis
A. temporalis media
N. auriculotemp.
(V 3 ), A., V. tem¬
poralis superfic.
A., N. massetericus
(V 3 ), A., N. tem¬
poralis prof. (V 3 )

Lig. laterale artic.

Discus articularis

A. meningea media,
Discus articularis

A. auricularis pro¬
funda, N. meatus
acustici externi (V 3 )
A. tympanica ant. '

Rami communican-
tes n. fac. cum. n.
auriculotemp. A., N.

auricularis /
post. (VUY

N. facialis '

V. jugularis int.,

R. communicans ✓

N. hypoglossus ''
N. accessorius,

A. occipitalis

N. vagus, A. carotis ext.

N. auricularis magnus

V. jugularis interna

V. facialis, A. carotis ext., V. retromandib

N. glossopharyngeus, N. vagus,
A. maxi I laris, N. alveolaris inf.,
Fascia pharyngobasilaris

A. carotis int., A. pharyngea asc.,

N. linguafis (V 3 ), Chorda tympani

-- N. infraorbital is (V 2 )

Ductus parotideus,

A., V. angular is

- N. buccalis (V 3 )
, buccales

A. labialis inf.

N. glossopharyngeus,

Raphe pterygomandibularis

N. sublingualis (V 3 ),

Glandula sublingualis,

Plica subling. (Tunica mucosa)

Ductus submandibularis,

A. V. sublingualis

Mandibula (Corpus)

N. hypoglossus, V. comitans XII

Ductus submandibularis, Glandula
submandib., N. lingual is (V 3 )

X A., V. facialis

" Radix dentis

A., N. alveolaris inf. (V 3 ), Lig. stylomandibulare

A. facialis, A. palatina ascendens, IX

A = M. temporalis
B = M. orbicularis oculi
C = M. levator labii sup. alaeque nasi
D = M. zygomaticus minor
E = M. buccinator
F = M. zygomaticus major
G = M. risorius
Hi = M. depressor labii inf.

H 2 = M. depressor anguli oris

H 3 = Platysma

J = M. orbicularis oris
K x = M. geniohyoideus
K 2 = M. genioglossus
L = M. mylohyoideus
M = M. stylohyoideus
N = M. digastricus
O = M. sternocleidomastoideus
P = M. hyoglossus
O = M. styloglossus

R = M. stylopharyngeus
S a = Pars pterygopharyngea

5 2 = Pars buccopharyngea 1

5 3 = Pars mylopharyngea /

5 4 = Pars glossopharyngea
T = M. levator veti palatini
U = M. tensor veli palatini
V = Processus styloideus,

Lig. stylohyoideum

M. constrictor
pharyngis sup.

Fig. 144. Blood vessels and nerves in the infratemporal, retromandibular, and
submandibular fossae
after removal of the right half of the mandible.

Visceral Compartments
of the Head

Nose and Paranasal Sinuses

Sinus front. (Recessus sup.)

^ Sinus front. (Recessus lat.)

" Sinus front. (Recessus nasalis)

Cellulae ethmoidales post.

— Cellulae ethmoidales ant.

Sinus maxill. (Recessus infraorbit.)

~~~ Sinus maxill. (Recessus zygomat.)

- Meatus nasi communis

Sinus maxill. (Recessus alveolaris)

" Vestibulum oris (Fornix sup.)

Vestibulum oris (Fornix inf.)

Meatus nasi sup.

Canaliculus lacrim.

Canaliculus lacrim. inf.-


Infundibulum ethmoidale, Ostium

ductus nasomax. et nasofront. "

Ductus nasolacrimalis

Meatus nasi med.

Meatus nasi inf.

Vestibulum oris

Cavum oris proprium

Fig. 145. Sagittal projection of the visceral compartments of the head seen from
front. The outlines of the oral
and nasal cavities as well as the paranasal sinuses are indicated in different

V. facialis ant.,

R. marginalis
mandib. (VII) -

N. supratrochlearis, N. supraorbit. (R. med.), A. nasofront.

' N. infratrochlearis

j Bulbus olfactorius, Nn. olfact.

i Dura mater cerebri

M. rectus Iat.,
N. abducens

V. ophthalm. inf.,

N. oculomotorius (R. inf.),

R. zygomaticofac. -

N., A.,

V. infraorbitalis ~

A. zygomatico-
/ orbitalis,

N. facialis
(Rr. zygomatici)

Nn. alveol. sup. post.

N. fac. (Rr. buccales),

Ductus parotideus

A., N. sublingualis
A., V., N. alveolar is inf.


Ductus submandib., N. lingualis y

A. lingual is, N. hypoglossus

Nodus lymphat. submand.

N. mylohyoideus

N. opticus, A., V. centralis retinae,

Aa. ciliares post, breves et longae, Nn. ciliares

N. supraorbit., V. ophthalm. sup.

N., A., V. lacrimalis ^


V. palatina

Nn. alveolares
post. sup.

-- parotideus,
parotis access,
buccal is

a = Meatus nasi sup.

b = Meatus nasi med.
c = Meatus nasi inf.
d = Cavum oris proprium
e = Area sublingualis, Plica subling.
f = Vestibulum oris
g = Fornix sup.
h = Fornix inf.
i = Infundibulum ethmoidale

k = Ductus nasomaxill.

1 = Ductus nasofrontalis
m = Mucosa conchae inf.
n = Mucosa conchae inf. et med.
o = Mucosa vestibuli oris
p = Mucosa linguae
r = Gingiva propria
s = Mucosa palati
t = Cavum nasi, Mucosa propria

A = Glandula subling.

B = Glandula submandib.

(Proc. uncinatus)

C = Glandula submandib.

D = Glandulae buccales
E = Corpus adiposum buccae
F = Glandulae palatinae

Fig. 146. Retrobulbar frontal section through the facial skeleton. In the mouth and
nose regions the cut goes

through the second molar. Section viewed from behind.

M. rectus lat.

M. levator palpebr. sup., M. rectus sup.

M. obliauus sup., M. rectus med.

M. rectus inf.

z M. orbitalis, Corpus adiposum

(Spatii infraorbit.)

^ Fascia temporalis, Spatium

interfasciale temp.

~ M. temporalis

— M. zygomaticomandib.
Dens mol. II (Radices) ~

Tunica mucosa linguae - ""

Dens molar. II (Radix)

Musculi linguae

, M. zygomaticomandib.

^ Corpus adiposum buccae

^ M. masseter
^ A/1, buccinator

- M. depressor anguli oris,

A/I. risorius, M. zygomat. maj.

-A/I. hyoglossus, Fascia paralingualis

M. genioglossus


t M. digastricus (Venter ant.),

i 1 Fascia submandib. (cervicalis)

j M. et fascia mylohyoid.

M. geniohyoideus

Black arrows = openings of ethmoidal cells; Gray arrows = openings of frontal and
maxillary sinuses

a = Meatus nasi sup.


Cavum nasi


Spatium submandib.

Os zygomat. (Facies orbit.)

b = Meatus nasi med.


Cavum oris


Vestibulum oris

Foramen zygomatico orbit.

c = Meatus nasi inf.


Cavum oris proprium

Concha nasalis sup.


Maxilla, Sulcus infraorbit.

, a 2 , a 3 = Cellulae ethmoid.


Spatium paralinguale

Concha nasalis med.


Processus zygomat.,


Fissura olfactoria

Concha nasalis inf.

Canaliculi alveol. sup. post.

b 2 ,b 3 = Cellulae ethmoid, ant.


Recessus zygomat.

Processus uncinatus


Maxilla (Processus alveol.

x - x = Lamina orbitalis,

sinus maxill.

Bulla ethmoidalis

et palat.)
Processus uncinatus,

Meatus nasi comm.



Corpus mandibulae

Processus maxillaris


Os ethmoidale


Os hyoideum

conchae inf., Facies


Sinus frontalis

(Lamina perpendicularis)


Mandibula (Proc.

nasalis maxillae
(Recessus orbit.)

Lamina orbitalis


A.b. = Recessus alveol.


Sinus maxillaris

Os frontale (Pars orbit.


Arcus zygomaticus

sinus maxill.

Spatium sublinguale

et processus zygomat.)


Os sphenoidale (Ala major)

Fig. 147. Frontal section of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the nose and mouth
The cut passes through the second molar. Viewed from behind.
a =

Sinus frontalis

1 = Canalis nasolacrimalis

7 = Proc. uncinatus

b =

Cellulae ethmoid, ant.

m = Palatum, Tunica mucosa

8 = Concha nasalis

c =

Meatus nasi medius

1 = Os frontale


d =

Meatus nasi communis

2 = Crista galli

9 = Maxilla

e =


3 = Lamina cribrosa

(Processus palatinus)

f =

Meatus nasi inferior

4 = Os ethmoidale

10 = Vomer

g =

Sinus maxilla

(Lamina conchalis)
11 = Concha nasalis

h =

Meatus nasi superior

5 = Lamina mediana


i =

Bulla ethmoidalis

6 = Concha nasalis media

12 = Os lacrimale

k =

Cellulae ethmoid, post.

13 = Os palatinum

Fig. 148. Frontal sections through the bony framework of the nasal cavity, the
ethmoidal air cells, and the maxillary
sinus. Sections a, b, and c were made through the anterior, middle, and posterior
thirds of the nasal cavity respectively.

Fig. 149. (Middle) Frontal sections through the nasal cavity, the ethmoidal air
cells, and the maxillary sinus showing

mucosal relationships.

Sutura ethmoideomaxill.
Ductus sinus maxill.

Spina nasalis ant.

Sutura frontonasalis „
Sutura frontomaxill.
Sutura frontolacrimalis--
Sutura nasomaxill.
- Sinus front. (Recessus sup.)

Sinus front. (Recessus orbitalis)

1 Sutura frontoethmoidalis,

f Foramen ethmoidale ant. et post.

Canal is opticus

Sutura lacrimomaxill.

Sutura lacrimoethmoidalis " "*

" Fossa pterygopalatina

Fissura pterygomaxill.
Hiatus maxill. access.

" " Torus nasolacrimalis

(Canalis nasolacrimalis)

" Incisura pterigopalatina

Jugaalveolaria -

- Sutura sphenoethmoidal is

Sutura palatomaxill.
et palatoethmoidalis

= posterior superior ethmoidal cells

a 2 = posterior middle ethmoidal cells
a 3 = posterior inferior ethmoidal cells
b 2 = anterior middle ethmoidal cells
b 3 = anterior inferior ethmoidal cells
A.b. = alveolar recess of maxill. sinus
with alveolar juga formed
by roots of the molars

G.b. = palatine recess of maxill. sinus

I.b. = infraorbital recess of maxill. sinus
S.f. = frontal sinus
S.l. = lacrimal sac (opened)

S.m. = nasal wall of maxill. sinus covered

by mucosa

Fig. 150. Lateral view of the air-filled spaces in the region of the nose

(paranasal sinuses).

Crista galli, Lamina cribrosa

0. ethm. (Lamina perpendicularis)

0. ethm. (Lamina cribrosa)

Lamina conchalis \

Sinus sphenoidalis (Apertura)

Os frontale, Sinus frontalis

Maxilla (Proc. frontalis)

Proc. uncinatus
^ Os lacrimale
--Os nasal e

Os sphenoidale, Sinus sphenoidalis —/,

Concha nasal is sup.,

Foramen sphenopalatinum —

Concha nasalis media

Os palatinum (Lam. perpendic.) ''
Proc. pteryg. (Lam. lat.)

Proc. pterygoideus (Lamina medial is),

Hamulus pteryg.

Concha inferior
-- Cartilago nasi lat.

_ Cartil. alaris major

Spina nasalis post.'

Concha nasalis inf.,

0. palat. (Lam. horiz)
Hiatus sinus
max ill.,

Maxilla (Proc. palat.)

" Spina nasalis ant.

Canalis incisivus

''Maxilla (Proc. alveolaris)

Fig. 151. The bony framework of the lateral nasal wall (bones shown in different
colors). The nasal conchae

have been removed. The cut edges are white.

A., R. nasalis ext. (VJ

Vestibulum oris

M. palatopharyngeus

M. azygos uvulae

Bulbus, Tractus olfactorius, Nn. olfactorii, A. ethmoidea ant.

Nn. olfactorii med., A. nasalis post, septi (A. ethm. post.)

Sinus frontalis

"A. meningea ant.

Nn. olfactorii med., Aa. nasales

ant. septi (A. ethm. ant.)

Nn., Aa. nasales post, septi,

Sinus sphenoidalis —

Septum nasi (Rete art.),

Nn. nasales ant. (Septum)

N. nasopalatinus,
A. nasalis post, septi

M. constrictor
pharyngis sup.

(Pars ptery-

" Cartilago septi nasi

' Vestibulum nasi

- N., A. nasopalatina
M. orbicularis oris

Atlas (Arcus

Dens axis

i 'N., A. incisiva

i A. palatina major (R. nasopalatinus)

Palatum durum (Tunica mucosa)

Tonsilla et bursa pharyngea -

M. levator veli palatini,

M. salpingopharyngeus,
Torus tubarius (Cartil ago^
tubae auditivae)

Cartilago alaris

M. uyulae, Aponeurosis palatina Palatum molle, Glandulae mucosae

Fig. 152. Arteries and nerves in the region of the nasal septum (mucosa removed).

Musculature of nasopharynx.
Nn. olfactorii lat.

Ganglion pterygopalatinum

Nn. palatini
I Trac.

N. lingualis, Chorda tympani,

N. alveolaris inf. -

A., N. nasopala

A. carotis ext., Plexus caroticus int .—--

A. occipitalis, N. accessorius —


A., V. pharyngea ascendens ~-

N. glossopharyngeus, A. palatina ascendens -
Ganglion cervicale superius -
R. sinus carotid

N. hypoglossus, A. facialis -

- Caruncula sublingualis, Ductus sublinc

A. sublingualis, Ductus subling. minor,

Duct, submandib.

^ Nn. olfactorii med.

/ A., N. ethmoidalis ant.

(Rami nasales int. lat.)

N. pterygoideus med
N. fensoris veli palai

— N. mylohyoideus, N. lingualis,
Ganglion submandibulare

Plexus pharyngeus (IX, X)

Glomus caroticum

N. laryngeus superior (R. ext. et

int.), A. thyroidea sup.

V. jugularis interna, N. vagus

Truncus sympathicus, A. carotis int., /

N. cardiacus cervical is superior ^

A. dorsalis linguae

A., N. canal is pterygoidei (Rr. pharyngei)

Gangl. oticum, \

, maxillaris, N. petrosus minor, N. fensoris tymp.

\. meningea ^ \ VIII VII

media, N.

Sinus sigmoi-
ieus, V. jugul.

'Bulbus sup.),

R. int. XI __

A. carotis int.,
N. caroticus int.,
N. jugularis

/ N. nasalis ext. (VJ

Aa. et rr. nasales post. sup.
lat. (V 2 ), Concha media (Pie

- A., N. palatinus major, Aa., Nn.

palatini minores

—— Papilla parotidea, Rami buccali

^ A. lingualis

Cl = Clivus

Cr. 1. = Cartilago apicis nasi, Crus lat. P.

E. = epiglottis with hyoepiglottic lig. P. d.

L. d. = Cartilago septodorsalis, Lamina dorsi S.

M. = Mandibula S. f.

Membrana hyothyreoidea

Palatum durum
Glandula submandibularis
Sinus frontalis (Os frontale)

S. 1. = Glandula sublingualis

S. sph. = Sinus sphenoideus (Os sphenoides)

T. b. = auditory tube with tensor and levator

veli palat. m. (origin)

T. 1. = Tonsilla lingualis

a = M. pterygoideus med.
b = pterygoid hamulus with tendon of tensor
veli palat. m.

M. constrictor pharyngis sup. (cut):

c = Pars pterygopharyngea
d = Pars buccopharyngea
e = Pars pterygopharyngea
j = Pars glossopharyngea

f = M. tensor veli palat. (cut)

g = M. bucinatorius
h = M. mylohyoideus
i = M. palatoglossus (cut)
k = M. styloglossus
1 = M. constrictor pharyngis medius

m = M. stylopharyngicus

n = M. pharyngopalat. (cut)
o = M. sternocleidomastoideus
p = m. splenius capitis (insertion)
q = M. biventer (venter mastoid.)
r = Lig. sphenomandibulare
s = M. genioglossus
t = M. orbicularis oris
u = Lig. stylomandibulare

1—XII = cranial nerves

Fig. 153. Median section of the head showing blood vessels, nerves, and muscles.

N. trig. (Radix sensoria), VI

XII, A. comitans n. hypogl., Canalis n. hypogl. (Rete venosum) I

VII, VIII, N. intermedius, Tentorium 1

Tonsilla pharyngea, Recessus pharyngeus,

Torus tubarius, M. pharyngotubalis
j X.XI

! i

i i IX

i i /


I / /

Sinus sigmoideus, Sutura occipitomastoidea

ilago auriculae, Lig.

auriculare post.,
, N. auricularis post.
V.jugul. int., XI, X,
A. carotis int.

issopharyngeus, A. occipitalis

N. alveolaris inf., N. lingual is,

Chorda tympani

M. pterygoideus med., A. palatina asc.,

Nodus lymph, parapharyngeus sup.

M. stylohyoideus, Proc. styloideus, Parotis

(Pars profunda)

Parotis, M. digastricus (Venter posterior)

rotis ext.,/V\. stylopharyngeus, M. constrictor phar. superior

Gangl. inferius(X)

Gangl. cervicale superius,

A. carotis ext., V.jugularis int,

A. carotis int.-, N. laryngeus sup.

x A. facialis
A. carotis communis, Truncus symp.

Tonsilla palatina, Tunica muse. phar.

M . palatopharyngeus, M. uvulae

A., N. palatinus major

M. splenius ca
M. longus cap ,

IX, M. stylopharyngeus

M. stylohyoideus
N. caroticus int.

N I. digastricus,

M. sternocleidomastoideu.

A. carotis ext., M. stylogloss

X, XI, V. jugulari.

M. levator veli palat.,

M. tensor veli palat.,
A. pharyngea asc.

A.palatina asc., Plexus nerv. pharyngeus (IX, X), /VI. bucco- el pterygopharyngeus

M. stylopharyngeus, Ramus m. stylophar. (IX)

Fig. 154. Parapharyngeal vessels, nerves, and muscles at the base of the skull.
Dorsal view of the choanae and the palate.

N. petrosus minor, Nn. muse, gangl. otici,

Canal, carot. (Paries osseus)

N. trochlearis, Dura

mtorium cerebelli,
Sinus petr. sup.
Sinus sigm.

Plexus ven., Plex. caroticus, Tuba auditiva,

N. tens, tymp., M. levator veli palat. \

N. trigeminus (Radix sens, et mot.)

Sinus cavernosus, VI

\ ///

I A. ophthalmica, N. opticus

/ /

J j I Sinus sphenoidalis, Periost. can. opt.

1 j j i Sinus sphen. (Recessus lat.),

1 ‘ i Ramus pharyngeus gangl. pterygopalat.



A. carotis int. in canale carot

\ \ \

VII. VIII. N. intermedium. \ \


A., N. palatinus major

. olfactorii septi

Concha nasalis sup.

N. nasalis post. sup.

N. maxillaris,
Nn. pterygopalat i

Re/e venosum jugulare.

Gangl. sup. (X)

Sinus sigmoideus,
M. sternocleidomast.-

— Concha nasalis i
Aa., Nn. nasales
sup. lat.

— Concha nasalis
(resect a)
Ganglion pterygop

A., N. canal is pte

(= N. petrosus rr
profundus), Cart,
laceri, M. tensor

jugul. int. (Bulbus sup.), A. occipitalis, /

M. digastricus (Venter post.)'

XI (R. ext.), V. jugul. int.

'Aa., Nn. nasale

inf. lat.

Gangl. inf. (X), N. jugularis, A. carotis int.,

N. caroticus int.'

Aa., Nn. palatini,

pteryg. (Lam. mec

XII, Ansa cervic. (Ramus sup.)

A. carotis int. (Bulbus), Gangl. cervic. sup.'

N. laryngeus sup.

Glomus caroticum, R. sinus carotid (IX) -

A. carotis ext., A. phar. ascendens’~"~

A. lingualis, N. hypoglossus'

M. stylohyoideus, N. glossophar., A. facialis etpalatina asc.

\ \ ' N. lingualis

\ ' N. alveolar is inf.,

\ Chorda tympani
A. meningea media,

\ N. auriculotemporal is

A. alveolaris inf., Plexus pterygoideus

(venosus), Proc { styloideus, M. stylo¬
glossus et stylopharyngeus
Ganglion oticum, f'
veli palat., R. comr
n. mandib. (Nn. spi

Palatum molle, At pterygopharyng.

A. maxillaris, Plexus pterygoideus (venosus j

A., N. pterygoideus medial is

Fig. 155. Blood vessels and nerves in the region of the pterygopalatine fossa, the
parapharyngeal spaces, and the lateral wall of the nasal cavity; medial view. The
and pterygoid canals have been opened.

Oral Cavity and Teeth

N. et a. infraorbit. (Rr. labiates sup.)

M. buccinator (Origo)

M. pterygoid, lat., N. buccal is

A., N. palatinus maj., Nn., Aa. palatini min.

1 Aponeurosis palati, M. palatopharyng.

/ i

i | M. tensor veli palatini (Tendo)

N. buccal is
(m. temporal,
perforans)- -

Ductus parotideus,

Rr. zygomatici et
buccales (VII)"""

N. alveolar is inf.'"

M. pterygoid, med."
Rr. isthmi faucium(N. lingual is)'

M. constrictor pharyng. sup.

(Pars mylopharyng.) et

N. lingualis, M. styloglossus '

M. palatoglossus /

A., N. mentalis (Rr. labiates et gingivales inf.)

- Hamulus pterygoid.

- Mandibula (Linea obliqua),

M. masseter

Raphe pterygomandib., M. constrictor

pharyng. sup. (Pars buccopharyng.)



Fig. 156. Vessels and nerves of the oral cavity seen from front. The buccinator
muscle has been
partly removed on the right side in order to expose the deep muscles of mastication
and the
nerves of the infratemporal fossa. The lingual nerve on the right side has been
elevated from its
deep position in the angle between the mylopharyngeal and glossopharyngeal parts of

superior pharyngeal constrictor.

Fissura pterygomaxill. - ■

Proc. pterygoid. (Lamina lat.)

Gingiva -


Hamulus pterygoid. ,
M. tensor veli palatini
Palatum (Tunica

Arcus palatopharyng.,
M. palatoglossus

Plica pterygomandib

Arcus palatoglossus,

M. orbicularis oris -
Frenulum linguae,
Plica fimbriata -

M. longitudinals inf. -

M. genioglossus
At geniohyoideus

At digastricus (Venter ant.) .

At mylohyoid.

At digastricus (Trochlea), At stylohyoid.

At sternohyoideus '

At omohyoid.

N\. thyrohyoid /

Lig. cricothyroideum (conicum)

M. cricothyroideus (Pars recta et obliqua)

Cartilag. cricoidea (Arcus)

M. levator veli palatini

Crista tympanica

pharayngobasi laris


Proc. styloideus
M. constrictor
pharyngis sup.

(Pars pterygophar.)

- M. digastricus
(Venter post.)

Foramen occipitale
-M. constrictor pharyngis sup
(Pars buccophar.)

Raphe pterygomandib.

- "M. styloglossus
"Lig. stylohyoideum
"M. stylopharyngeus
M. constrictor pharyngis sup. (Pars mylophar.), Tonsilla palatina
N\. constrictor pharyngis sup. (Pars glossophar.)

M. constrictor pharyngis med. (Pars chondrophar.)

Trigonum membran. (Paries phar.)

Lig. stylohyoideum

'' Spatium intermusc. (M. mylo- et glossopharyngeus)

" M. hyoglossus

Membrana thyrohyoidea, Corpus adiposum,

M. constrictor pharyngis inf. (Pars thyrophar.)

M. sternothyroideus

M. constrictor pharyngis inf. (Pars thyrophar.)

M. constrictor pharyngis inf. (Pars cricophar.)

- Trigonum Laimeri

-Oesophagus (Stratum musculare Jongitud.)

Foramen ovale, F. spinosum, Sutura sphenosquamosa

Fossa mandib., Tuberculum articul.

Spina o. sphenoid.

Fig. 157. Musculature of the sublingual region and pharynx; lateral view.

M. palatopharyngeus
M. uvulat

Condylus occipit.
Proc. mastoideus

M. digastricus (Venter ant.), M. stylohyoid.

A/1. constrictor pharyngis med. (Pars ceratophar.)

Lig. stylohyoideum '

Linea mylohyoidea, A/I. mylohyoideus

A/I. pterygoid, lat.

Proc. styloideus

Cartilago tubae auditivae,

Membrana pharyngis

M. palatoglossus

— /VI. levator veli palatini

Insisura pterygoalveolaris

Palatum (Aponeurosis), N 1. palatoglossus

Raphe pterygomandib., M. buccinator

A/1, pterygoid, med.

M. hyoglossus

M. geniohyoideus

/VI. genioglossus, Cornu minus

Os hyoideum (Corpus)

A/1, temporalis, Arcus zygomat.

Hamulus pterygoid.
Proc. pterygoideus (Lamina

Raphe pterygomandib.,
M. constrictor pharyngis
sup. (Pars buccophar.)

Mandibula (Caput)
. tensor veli palatini ,!
A/1, pharyngotubarius’

Fig. 158. Musculature and bony framework of the oral cavity seen from behind.

Lig. stylomandibulare, Fascia colli retromandib. N. laryngeus sup.

\ >

At, Arcus palatopharyngeus

Fascia pharyngea, Tunica muse. phar. \

Lingua (Margo lat.), M. styloglossus, N. lingualis (Rami), \

M. longitudinalis inf. \ \

Spatium para-

N. mylohyoideus
M. constrictor pharyngis
sup. (Pars buccophar.),

Fascia pharyngea

A., V.,N.
alveolaris inf.

N. lingualis -
M. masseter, _

Fascia masseterica

M. temporalis (Tendo)

Raphe pterygomandibu
laris N., buccal is

V. facialis, Corpus
adiposum buccae

Glandulae buccales
M. buccinator,
Fascia buccopharyngea

A. facialis

\ A. carotis ini., Gangl. cervic. sup. (symp.)

\ ' X, XII
' 1 i

\ \ i IX, At stylopharyngeus, Lig. stylophar.

Proc. styloideus, At styloglossus

A. carotis ext., V. retromandib., Parol is

^ Ai. pterygoideus med.,

Fascia pteryg.

Tonsilla palatina,

Fascia tonsillaris

Arcus palatoglossus

Ramus mandib.,

Raphe pterygomandibularis

At masseter
Fascia masseterica
Mandibula (Trigonum
retromolare), N. buccalis

At styloglossus
Corpus adiposum buccae
Ai. hyoglossus, N. lingualis

Vestibulum oris (Fornix inf.)

N. hypoglossus, Vena comitans XII,

A. lingualis
Glandula sublingualis,

Ductus submand.

Frenulum linguae, V. apicis ling, dextra

Glandulae labiales

V. apicis linguae (submucosa)

Ai. genioglossus

Ai. orbicularis oris

Plica sublingualis, Ductul. subling. min. (Ostia)

A. sublingualis
Fig. 159. Vessels and nerves in the floor of the oral cavity and the tongue on the
left side. Cross
section through the walls of the oral cavity and the pharynx at the level of the
occlusal plane.

/VI, longitud. inf,, A. prof, linguae

Ductus submandib., V. apicis linguae

Glandula, Plica sublingual.

M. hyoglossus i J

Ductus submandib., N. lingualis* ! [

M. longitud. inf*

‘■Recessus submuscularis

1 /VI. levator scap.,

Fascia colli prof.

1 M. longiss. cervicis
N\. longiss. capitis

M. iliocost. cervicis, Vert cervic. Ill (Proc. artic. sup.)

M. splenius
1 /VI. trapezius

M. buccinator,
Tunica mucosa

N. glossopharyngeus, M. stylophar., A. lingualis

Gang/, cervic. sup.

Vert, cervic. Ill (Proc. uncin.)~
A., V. vertebral is _
N. cervic. Ill (Vagina radic.)-

Plexus ven. vertebr. ext., A. cervic. prof... _

M. multifidus, M. semispin, cervicis _

M. obliquus atlantis
/VI. rectus cap. post, major

Parotis, Capsula
N. facialis (Rami),
V. retromandibul.

A/1, geniog/ossus, N. hypoglossus (Rami)

, N., Glandula sublingualis

N. lingualis (Rami)
depressor anguli oris et labii inf.

N., A. mylohyoidea, Nodus lymph,

submand., /VI. mylohyoideus

Gland, submandib.

Platysma, A., V. facialis

N. lingualis, M. hyoglossus,

Fascia paralingualis

A., V., N. alveolaris inf.,


Gld. submandib. (Proc. uncinatus),

Ductus mandibul.

Platysma ^

Glandula submandib., Fascia submandib.

Pharynx (Tunica mucosa ) s

Pharynx (Tunica muscul.)-.

Spatium retrophar.,
Fascia colli profunda,
Paries pharyng

/VI. masseter, Fascia


M. pteryg. med.

, M. glossopharyng.,

'' Glandulae linguales

M. styloglossus,

Fascia paralingualis,

A. palat. asc.

Lig. stylomandib.,

A. facialis et palat.
asc., Gl. submandib.

M. digastricus,

M. stylohyoideus,
A. carotis ext.,

N. hypoglossus

N. vagus, N. laryng.
sup., A. carotis int.

A. prof. ling.

N. hypoglossus,

V. comitans

N I. genioglossus.

V. jugul. int.,
N. accessorius

■ Axis (Proc. transvers.),

M. scalenus medius

/VI. geniohyoid.
/VI., Fascia
mylohyoidea "

A., N. mylo¬

A., N. alveo¬
lar. inf.




! 1 N. cerv. Ill (Rr. dors.) et IV (Rr. cutanei)

/VI. semispinalis capitis

Fig. 160. (Top, left) Frontal section through the lingual, sublingual, and
submandibular regions.
See Fig. 161 for explanation of the green lines.

Fig. 161. Transverse section through the submandibular and retromandibular regions
on the
right side. The large salivary glands are shown in cross section. The green lines
(a-a, b-b) identify
the levels of the frontal section in Fig. 160 and transverse section above.

Apex linguae, Glandula apicis linguae

Caruncula sublingualis,.
Ductus submandib. (Ostium)

Plica sublingualis,
Glandula sublingualis

Ductus parotideus (Papilla parot.

Glandula parotis access. - ~
Ductus submandib. ~ -

Fascia colli superfic.,

M. digastricus -

'M. mylohyoideus,


M. geniohyoideus, Septum linguae

Parotis .




uncinatus) -

Glandula submandib.,
M. hyoglossus .

Parotis (Proc. retromandib.)-

Fascia colli superfic.,

Septum interglandulare '

Glandulae labiates inf.

' M. geniohyoideus, M. genioglossus

/Ni. digastricus, Glandula sublingualis

- Corpus adiposum buccae

' M. buccinator, Ductus parotideus

.'Ductus submandib.,
M. genioglossus

~ ~ Fascia masseterica,
Angulus mandibulae

"M. hyoglossus

Glandula submandib.

M. mylohyoideus, Raphe mylohyoidea '

Fig. 162. The large salivary glands seen from front and below. The submandibular
fascia and the
capsule of the parotid with the masseteric fascia have been removed; the anterior
belly of the
digastric has been resected; but the “angular tract,” an extension of the
superficial layer of the
cervical fascia, is retained in front of the angle of the mandible.


Ductus subling. min.

Plica sublingualis '

At mylohyoideus i

At digastricus !
Glandula sublingualis I
Glandula submandib. (Proc. uncinatus)
Ductus submandib:
Glandula submandibularis
Fascia submandib.


Ductus parotideus - -

Glandula ling. ant. -



subling. -

Ductus subling.



At masseter,
At buccinator


Fascia colli superfic.

(Tract angul.)

" Fascia colli superFicialis

Fig. 163. Lateral view of the large salivary glands and their ducts. The body of
the left half of the

mandible has been removed.

Parotis (Incisura mandib.)

\ L ig.pterygospinale
! I Proc. pterygoideus (Lam. lat.)

I ! I Proc. pterygoideus (Lam. med.)

Sulcus hamuli

Condylus occipit.'-

Gland, labiates


M. styloglossus et stylopharyngeus'"

Foramen mandib., Sulcus n.

Lig. stylomandib.'

Fascia retromandib.,

A. carotis ext. (Foramen)

M. digastricus (V. post.

AA. stylohyoid.

M. sternocleidomast., Fascia cervic. - /

Lig. stylohyoid. • /

/A. pterygoideus med. •

Lig. stylomandib. 1

fdamulus pterygoid., Raphe pterygomandibularis


Plica sublingual.

(Duct, sublingual,
min., Ostia)

Caruncula sublingual.
Ductus sublingual, maj.

Glandula sublingual.

Ductus submandib.

\ 'Glandula submandib. (Proc. uncinatus)

' M. mylohyoideus
' Glandula submandib.

Lig. sphenomandib.

Parotis (Proc. parapharyng.)

Proc. styloideus

Os hyoideum (Gornu maj.) 1

M. digastr. (Trochlea)

Cornu minus 1

Fascia submandib.

Fig. 164. Medial view of the salivary glands on the left side. The drawing shows
the openings of the ducts of
the salivary glands, the reationship of the submandibular gland with uncinate
process hooking around the
posterior border of the mylohyoid muscle, the course and relationship of the
submandibular duct to the sub¬
lingual gland, and the parapharyngeal process of the parotid which projects forward
from the retromandib¬
ular fossa between the sphenomandibular and stylomandibular ligaments medial to the
medial pterygoid

muscle into the parapharyngeal space.

The field
of the

Nn. alveol. sup. post.

Nn. alveol. sup. ant.

N. infraorbit.

(d. Rr. lab. sup.)

Nn. palatini

Si N. buccalis

N. nasopalatinus

The field
of the

N. alveol. inf.
(Rr. ant.)

N. alveol. inf.
(Rr. post.)

N. buccalis

laa&k N. mentalis
(Rr. lab. inf.)

HSI N. lingualis

Mi N. glossopharyng.

Fig. 165. (Top, left) Sensory fields of mucosal innervation in the roof of the oral
cavity (vestibule and oral cavity
proper) in the regions of the cheeks, upper lip, gingiva, teeth of upper jaw, and
palate. The teeth have been cut
transversely through the necks and the pulp cavities are opened so that the
relationships of the maxillary dental
nerves may be established. Specific areas of innervation by individual nerves are
shown on the right side, and maxi¬
mal areas of distribution and the overlapping fields of innervation are illustrated
on the left side in different colors
(modified from Scharlau, Ergebnisse der Zahnheilkunde, 1929).

Fig. 166. (Top, right) Sensory fields of mucosal innervation in the floor of the
oral cavity (vestibule and oral cavity
proper) in the regions of the cheeks, lower lip, gingiva, teeth of lower jaw, and
tongue. The teeth have been cut
transversely through the necks and the pulp cavities are opened so that the
relationships of the mandibular dental
nerves may also be established. Specific areas of innervation by individual nerves
are shown on the right side, and
maximal areas of distribution and the overlapping fields of innervation are
illustrated on the left side in different
colors (modified from Scharlau, Ergebnisse der Zahnheilkunde, 1929). On the left
side, the sensory taste areas in¬
nervated by n. intermedius (chorda tympani) are indicated by white rings; sensory
taste areas innervated by the

glossopharyngeal nerve are identified by white dots.

Truncus sympathicus

N. vagus, V. jugularis ini.

A. facialis

N. buccalis (Rami)

A., N. mental is (Rr. labiaJes inf.)

A. carofis int., A. pharyngea ascendens, N. laryngeus sup.,

Fascia pharyngea, SpatiUm retropharyngeum,

Fascia colli profunda

N. lingualis
(Rami linguales)

A. apicis
V. submucosa
(Apex linguae)



A. profunda linguae, /
N. lingualis (Ram. anast.
cum. XII), A. lingualis,
Ductus submandib.

Caruncula sublingualis, Ductus submand.,

Ductus sublingualis major, A. sublingualis

/N. hypoglossus

N. g/ossopharyngeus

^ A. carotis ext., V. retromandibular is

A. pal at i ha asc.
(A. facialis)


N. mylohyoideus,

N. mandibularis,

A., V. alveolar is inferior

Raphe pterygomandibu-
laris, Mandibula (Trig,
retromolare), N. lingualis
(Rr. isthmi faucium),

M. temporalis (Tendo),

N. , A., V. masseterica

Ganglion submandib.,
N. lingualis

. sublingualis,
N. hypoglossus,

V. comitans n. XII
N. buccalis, Rami (V 3 )

V. facialis

Gingiva, Papilla interdental is

A., N. sublingualis (Rr. gingivales), Ductus sublingualis minor

A = Dorsum linguae

J = M. constrictor pharyngis sup.

S = Mandibula (Ramus)

B = Pharynx, Paries posterior

K = M. genioglossus

T = M. pterygoideus med.

Q = M. longitudinalis sup.

L = M. hyoglossus

U = Parotis

Q = M. longitudinalis inf.

M = Glandula sublingualis

Ui = Lig. stylomandib.

D = M. styloglossus

M x = Glandula submandibularis

V = Corpus adiposum buccae

E = M. palatoglossus

(Processus uncinatus)

W = M. digastricus (Venter post.)

F = M. palatopharyngeus

N = M. mylohyoideus

X x = M. stylopharyngeus

Fi = Tonsilla palatina

O = M. buccinator

X 2 = M. styloglossus

G = Pars glossopharingea j M Constrictor

P = M. depressor labii inf.

X 3 = M. stylohyoideus

H:i = Pars mylopharingea f pharvneis sup .

Q = M. orbicularis oris

Y = Processus styloideus

H 2 = Pars buccopharyngea J

R = M. masseter

Fig. 167. Cross section through the face at the level of the occlusal plane. The
tongue is deviated to the right;
the sublingual gland has been mobilized from its bed and elevated.

R. zygomaticotemp.

Nn. temporales, N. massetericus

N. mandib., Ganglionpticum, N. pterygoid, med.,

N. tensoris veli palatini, A. maxill. (

N. tensoris tympani, N. petrosus min.

A. meningea med., N. auriculotemp.,

A. tympanica ant., Chorda tympani

A. temporalis superfic., N. auriculotemp.

A. auricul. prof.,

N. meatus acustici ext.

N. maxillaris, Ganglion pterygopalatinum,

Nn. palatini, A. palatina desc.

i N. et a. supraorbit, (R. lat.)

N. supraorbitalis (R. med.)

N. lacrimal is

/N. infratrochlearis, A. angularis

A., R. zygomaticofacialis
Rr. alveolares sup. post.

A., R. nasalis ext.

A., N. infraorbitalis,
Cartilago alaris major

Aa., Rr. alveolares sup. ant.

Plexus dentalis sup.

A., R. labialis

R. dentalis

A., N. buccal is

-R. dentalis
— R. labialis

A., N. auricul. post.,

R. digastricus (VII)''

N. facialis, Rr. commun. /

cum n. auriculotemp. /

N. accessorius (R. ext.) ''

Ganglion cervic. sup.,'

A. pharyngea asc.

Radices plexus cervic. (C 2 , C 3 , C 4 ),

R. communicans cum n. hypogl./

N. vagus, N. laryng. sup., A. occipit. i

Truncus sympathi'cus cervic.

A. carotis int. et ext., Glomus caroticum, R. sinus carotid j

N. hypogl., Ansa cervicalis (Radix sup.)

A., N. mental is
Plexus dentalis inf.

" A. facialis, A. submentalis,

N. lingualis

N. hypoglossus (Rami), A. profunda linguae

\ A., N. alveolar is inf.

' A., N. mylohyoideus

Ganglion submandib., Rr. ganglionares et glandulares


N. hypoglossus, A. lingualis
N. lingualis, Chorda tympani
\ A., N. alveolaris inf.

A. facialis, A. palatina asc.

glossopharyng., Lig. stylohyoid.

Fig. 168. Arteries and nerves of the jaws and the deep region of the face (seen
from the right
side). The ramus of the mandible has been removed with the deep muscles of
mastication; the
wall of the vestibule of the mouth was resected in order to expose the roots of the

V. labial is sup.

V. labialis inf.

V. jugularis int. (Bulbus

V. refromandib.
V. occipitalis

Nodi lymphat. cervicales prof. sup.


N V. labialis inf. -
V. submentalis

V. retromandib.

V. jugularis int,

V. jugularis ext., Nodus lymphat. cervic. sup.

(Angulus mandib.)

Nodi lymphatici submentales

Nodi lymphat. submand. ant. et medii

Nodi lymphat. submandib. post.,

V. facialis, V. alveolar is inf.

V. comitans n. hypogl.

V. pharyngea asc. 1

V. facialis comm.

N W. palatinae asc.

V. profunda linguae

Nodi lymphat. para- et retropharyngei, V. alveolaris inf.

Sinus cavernosus

Vv. temporales prof.

V. meningea med., Plexus pterygoideus

V. maxi I laris

V. temporalis superfic.
V. ophtalmica sup.

V. supraorbit., V. supratrochlearis

:V. ophthalmica - V. angularis

V. opthalmica inf., V. infraorbitalis

V. alveolaris sup. post.,

V. palatina desc.

V. ang\j laris

1-8 = Lymph vessels from the teeth (alveoli) of upper and lower jaws

Fig. 169. Veins and lymphatics of the jaw and deep face region seen from right
side. Lymph ves¬
sels are indicated schematically by plain yellow lines.

V = N. trigeminus
Vi = N. ophthalmicus
V 2 = N. maxillaris
V 3 = N. mandibularis
VII = N. facialis-intermedius
IX = N. glossopharyngeus

1 = taste fibers in glossopharyngeal n.

2 = taste fibers in chorda tympani

of facial n.

3 = taste fibers in lingual n. of

trigeminal n.

4 = N. tympanicus

5 = N. petrosus minor

6 = root of otic ganglion from

mandibular n.

7 = Nn. palatini
8 = N. petrosus major

9 = R. anastomoticus chordae

tympani with ganglion oticum

10 = N. sphenoideus med. (int.)
a = geniculate ganglion of facial n.
b x = inferior (petrosal) ganglion of
glossopharyngeal n.
b 2 = superior ganglion of
glossopharyngeal n.

c = semilunar ganglion of trigeminal n.

d = Ganglion pterygopalatinum
e = Ganglion oticum

A = terminal branches of palatine nn.

B = terminal branches of lingual
n. in ant. gust, field
C = terminal branches of glosso¬
pharyngeal n. in post. gust, field
D = glossoph. fibers entering
solitary tract and nucl.

(gust, nucl.)

E = intermed. fibers entering solitary

tract and nucl. (gust, nucl.)

F = trigeminal fibers entering solitary

tract and nucl. (gust, nucl.)

G = brain stem

Fig. 170. The course of peripheral taste fibers within the branchial nerves
(schematic representation of main and

collateral pathways).

Foramen alveolare

Canaliculi alveolares sup. post.

Septum intraalveolare

I Septum interalveolare

„ Canaliculi alveolares sup. ant.

mol. 1 (Rad. buccodistalis)

D. mol. 1 (Rad. buccomesialis)

„ D. praemol. 1 (Rad. buccalis)

Maxilla (Tuber retromolare), /

Incisura pterygomaxillaris '

Dens incisivus lat.

-- Cavum dentis
Corona dentis

Septum interalveolare

Septum intraalveolare '

Canalis mandibulae •

Canalis mentalis, Foramen mentale

- Canaliculi alveolares ant. inf.

a) Illustration of the upper and lower sets of teeth (1-8), seen from the lateral
(vestibular) side.

D. praemol. 1 (Radix palat.)

Hamulus pterygoideus -

Palatum durum

D. mol. 1 (Rad. palat.), Canalis radicis,

Apex dentis (Foramen)

Tuber retromolare maxillae,

Incisura pterygomaxillaris "
Corona dentis
Cavum dentis

Canalis, Foramen mandibulae


Septum intraalveolare

Apex radicis


Apex radicis

Canaliculi alveolares
inf. ant.

Apex radicis \
Canaliculus alveolaris inf.

Canalis mentalis

b) Illustration of the upper and lower sets of teeth (1-8), seen from the medial
(oral) side.

Fig. 171. One half of the permanent set of teeth with exposure of the entire root
structure (by chiseling off the cor¬
responding parts of the alveolar processes in a macerated specimen). The individual
tooth is sectioned in its long

axis (axial); pulp cavity and root canal have been opened.

Frenulum labii sup., Vestibulum oris, Fornix sup.

D. praemol. 1 (Radix palat.)

D. praemol. 1 (Radix buccalis)

Septum intraalveolare --
Septum interalveolare —
D. mol. 2 (Radix bucc. mesialis) -
D. mol. 2 (Radix buccalis distalis)


D. mol. 2 (Radix palat.) -


- Mucosa buccae

a) Roots of permanent teeth in upper jaw (1-8).

D. mol. 2 (Radix dist.) -

D. mol. 2 (Radix mesialis) ""

Septum intraalveolare -
Septum interalveolare''

^ Area sublingualis (Mucosa)

Vestibulum oris (Fornix inf.)

Frenulum linguae

- Gingiva
"" Gingiva

Mucosa buccae

b) Roots of permanent teeth in lower jaw.

1 = central incisor

2 = lateral incisor

3 = canine tooth

4 = 1st premolar

5 = 2nd premolar
6 = 1st molar

7 = 2nd molar

8 = 3rd molar

Fig. 172. Transverse section through the alveolar processes showing the roots of
the teeth
(horizontal section through the upper and lower jaws).

a) The row of teeth in the upper jaw of a child

(the upper dental arch of deciduous teeth)

a = Intermolar distance between the 2 upper

2nd deciduous molars (45 mm),
measured from the centers of the crown surfaces
b = Intertuberal distance measured behind the
distal surfaces of the 2nd upper
deciduous molars (40 mm)
c = Longitudinal axis of upper dental arch

measured from the medial edge of the medial

(central) incisor to the middle of the
intertuberal line (32 mm)

b) The row of teeth in the lower jaw of a child

(the lower dental arch of deciduous teeth)

a i = Intermolar distance between the 2 lower

2nd deciduous molars (45 mm),
measured from the buccodistal cusps of the
crown surfaces

bi = Intertrigonal distance measured behind the distal

surfaces of the lower 2nd deciduous molars
(40 mm)

c i = Longitudinal axis of lower dental arch measured

from the medial edge of the central incisor
middle of the intertrigonal line

I-V = Deciduous teeth of the

maxilla and mandible
1—7 = Permanent teeth (anlagen)

Fig. 173. (Top) Deciduous teeth of a 4-5 year old child before eruption of the 1st
permanent molar.

Fig i 74. (Bottom) Deciduous teeth and early permanent teeth in a 6 year old child.
The roots of the deciduous
teeth as well as those of the developing permanent teeth (anlagen) have been
exposed in both upper and lower jaws.

Fig. 175

D. praemol. 1 (Radices)
D. mol. 1 (Radix palatinalis)

D. mol. 2 (Radices buccales)

Collum dentis-

Tubercula coronae - -~
Facies masticatoria

Facies contactus —

Corona dentis
(Facies buccal is)''

D. mol. 2 (Radix mesialis et distalis) _

Incisura interradicularis -

- -' Apex radicis dentis

, - - Radix dentis
A Collum

D. inc. 1 (Facies
vestibularis labialis)

„ Margo occlusal is (incisal is)

- D. caninus (Apex coronae)

Facies contactus

-. Tuberculum
(Cuspis) vestibulare,

D. praemol. 1 (Radix)

Fig. 176

D. praemol. 1 (Radix
palatinalis et buccalis)

Apex radicis dentis - - ^

Radix dentis -
Collum " „
Tuberculum . ^

Facies oralis (palatina

I is), Margo incisal is --
D. mol. 1 (Tuberculum
buccale et palatinale)

Crista masticatoria

Fades contactus

Facies masticatoria,

D. praemol. 1 (Radix)

Radix buccomesialis
Radix buccodistalis
Radix pal at. (Apex)

,-D. mol. 2 (Rad. palat.)

„ Cervix (Collum) dentis

coronae dentis

mol. 3 (Corona)

~ Collum dentis
- Incisura interradicularis

' D. mol. 2
et distalis)

Permanent teeth:

= The row of permanent teeth of 1 = Medial incisor

the upper jaw 2 = Lateral incisor

= The row of permanent teeth of 3 = Canine

the lower jaw 4 = 1st premolar

= The row of deciduous teeth of 5 = 2nd premolar

the upper jaw 6 = 1st molar

= The row of deciduous teeth of 7 = 2nd molar

the lower jaw 8 = 3rd molar

x = Carabelli tubercle




Deciduous teeth:
Medial incisor
Lateral incisor
1st premolar
2nd premolar

Fig. 175. Deciduous and permanent teeth of the right side

(seen from the vestibular side).

Fig. 176. Deciduous and permanent teeth of the right side

(seen from the oral side).

The four incisors

The two incisors and the canine

tooth of right side
The canine tooth and the two
premolars of right side

The four incisors

Lower incisors, canine

tooth, and premolars

Premolars, first and second molars

The two premolars and the three molars

of right side

The three molars

5lf' \ 77 ' , (T0P ’ Ieft) Roent g en °g rair > of the incisors and canines of the
upper and lower jaws in a 2Va year old child
The developing permanent teeth may be seen in the jaw (from W. Meyer, in: Die
Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheil-

kunde, Vol. II, Munich-Berlin, 1955).

Fig. 178. (Top, right) Roentgenograms of the deciduous molars and the developing
1st permanent molar in a 2 %
year old child (from W. Meyer, in: Die Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Vol. II,
Munich-Berlin, 1955).

Fig. 179. (Middle) Roentgenograms of permanent teeth. Teeth of upper jaw shown in 4
partial exposures (from
W. Meyer, in: Die Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Vol. II, Munich-Berlin, 1955).

Fig. 180. (Bottom) Roentgenograms of permanent teeth. Teeth of lower jaw shown in 4
partial exposures (from
W. Meyer, in: Die Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Vol. II, Munich-Berlin, 1955).

The Auditory
and Vestibular Apparatus
Red — Meatus acusticus ext.

Green = Cavum tympani, Ossicula auditus

Blue = Auris interna

Fig. 181. (Left) The bony framework of the 3 subdivisions of the ear, depicted as

Fig. 182. (Right) Projection of the tympanic cavity (blue), the mastoid air cells
(red), and the
auditory tube (yellow) on the lateral surface of the skull.

N. petrosus major

Cochlea Foramen spinosum Foramen ovale

N. facialis, N. intermedius
Lingula sphenoidalis i

A. carotis inf. ] |

Dorsum sellae 1 1 1

0. temp. (Pars petrosa)

1 Ganglion geniculi

I I Canalis semicircularis ant.

' Cochlea / / Tegmen tympani



rars cocmeans vin \

Pars vestibularis VIII, A. labyrinthi,

Aquaeductus vestibuli

\ \

\ Canalis semicircularis lat.

\ Canalis semicircularis post.

Saccus endolymphaticus

Canalis semicircularis lat. /

Canalis semicircularis ant.

Canalis semicircularis post.

/ Saccus endolymphaticus
Aquaeductus vestibuli

Fig. 183. The bony labyrinth, the vestibulocochlear nerve, and the facial nerve in
situ in the petrosal bone. Metal cast
of the labyrinth. The top of the pyramid has been chiseled out on both sides.

Ductus utriculosaccularis

Ductus semicircularis post

Ductus semicircularis ant., Ampulla membranacea

Crus membranaceum commune I

R. ampullaris ant., R. utriculi

N. saccularis, Sacculus
i N. utriculo-


Ganglion vestibuli, A. labyrinthi (R. vestibularis)

N. vestibuli V. labyrinthi

Ductus semicircularis lat,

A. labyrinthi cochleae

Saccus endolymphaticus \ ' \ Caecum vestibulare, i

Ductus endolymphaticus \ 1 Ductus reuniens

Vv. canaliculi vestibuli \ y. aquaeductus cochleae

N. ampullaris post., Ampulla membranacea post. Sacculus (Rete art.

i i

| V. spiralis modioli

A. labyrinthi ant. (R. cochleae)

I V. spiralis mod
Ductus cochlearis

N. cochleae, Ganglion spirale


Fig. 184. Schematic representation of the left membranous labyrinth with vessels
and nerves. Posteromedial view.

Seal a vestibuli



Scala tympani

N. octavus
(Pars cochlearis
et vestibularis),
Gang/, spirale

N. ampullae post.

Hiatus semilunaris, Lamina spiralis ossea

Ampulla ossea post.

Basis stapedis, Lig. anulare stapedis, Canalis semicircularis lat.

N. facialis, Canalis n. facialis

Canalis semicircularis post.

Stapes, M. stapedius (Tendo)

Capsula artic. temp.-mand.

Meatus acusticus externus (Osseus et cartilagineus)

Dura mater

Antrum mastoideum
Chorda tympani, Incus
Membrana tympani, Malleus

Fig. 185. Horizontal section through the ear at the level of the vestibular (oval)
window. The cochlea has been cut
axially; the floor of the vestibule and the lateral semicircular canal are
illustrated. The stapes is intact, but the incus

and malleus have been partly removed.

Meatus acust. ext. (Paries post.), Ram. auricul. X, Cartilago meatus acustici

Ligam. auriculare post., M. auricularis past.,

Meatus acust. ext. (Paries membr.)

Tegmen anlri et cellulae mast.

/ A., N. auricularis post.

Aditus ad antrum

Cellulae mast.

Incisura mastoidea (Crista)

(the ridge).''
A., N. auricul. post.
(R. occipit.)

Paries tegmantalis

Antrum mastoideum,
Cellulae mast, antri,
Prominentia canal is
semicircularis lat.

Fossa triangul. (Eminentia)

Cellulae mastoid, mediates


~ Fossa anthelicis,
Eminentia conchae

Cellulae mastoid, post.,

M. splenius capitis

, V., N.

auricularis post, et
rami auricul ares

M. occipitalis ~

Cellula mastoidea (Apex proc. mast.), M. sternocl., N. occipitalis minor

V.jugularis ext., Parotis, Lobulus auriculae

Fig. 186. Preparation of the mastoid air cells and antrum. The mastoid cells have
been opened and partly removed,
and the auricle has been reflected forward. The lateral wall of the mastoid cells
was removed in such a way that no
damage was done to the posterior bony wall of the external acoustic meatus. The
tegmental wall (roof) was barely
touched. The attachments of the sternocleidomastoid and splenius capitis muscles
have been resected.
Paries tegmenta I is

Crista pyramidis __

Incisura mast. (Regio)

Fossa cranii media (Regio)

Canalis semicircularis lat.

N. facialis, Prominentia canalis fac. \ |

| Tegmen tympani

I '

| I Caput mallei, Articul. incudomallearis

Crus breve incudis, Ligam. incudis post., I i

Chorda tympani, Meatus acust. ext. (Paries post.) I |

Umbo (Stria mallearis), Pars tensa, I

Anulus fibrocartilagineus membr. tymp. j

| Prominentia mallearis, Pars flaccida,

j Stratum cutaneum partis osseae meatus

A., V., N. auricularis post.

-Meatus acusticus ext.,


- Cartilago meatus

Fossa cranii post. (Regio)

Sinus sigmoideus (Regio)

Chorda tympani,
A. tymp. post..

Ram. auricularis (X)

Fig. 187. Exposure of the outer components of the right ear through the mastoid
region. The
posterior wall of the external acoustic meatus was removed, and the descending part
of the facial
canal was opened. The mastoid cells were reamed out, and the lateral semicircular
canal was


Canal is semicircul. ant.

Canalis semicircul. post., Crus commune, 0. temp. (Pars petrosa)

Canalis semicircul. lat., N. facialis, Prominentia canalis n. facialis

| Paries tegmenta/is

I Caput mallei (Facies articularis), Proc. cochleariformis

I '
Lamina ossea

_ Glandula parotis (Pars

retromandibularis )

Sinus sigmoideus*'

- 0. temp. (Proc. zygom.)

- Tegmen tympani

stapedis, Umbo (Membr. tymp.),

\ Manubrium mallei, Stria mallearis

Canalis semicirc. post.

(Crus ampullare)'

M. stapedius, N., A. stapedia, Chorda tympani, A. tymp. post.

N. vagus (Ramus auricularis), Ram. comm, cum

r. auricularis (N. vagus)

Promontorium, Fossula fenestrae cochleae

Fig. 188. Exposure of the right outer, middle, and inner ear through the mastoid
region. The
tympanic cavity with the stapes is opened; almost complete removal of the mastoid
cells from the

antrum. The sigmoid sinus is opened.

— Ductus, Canalis semicircularis ant.


Ductus utriculosaccularis
Cochlea (Basis)
Ductus cochlearis

Ductus reuniens , ,

Caecum vestibulare S t

Ductus endolymphaticus

Ductus, Canalis semicircularis lateralis

Ductus, Canalis
semicircularis posterior

Crus membranaceum commune

Canalis semicircularis ant. -

Ampulla ossea lateralis


-- Basis cochleae

Fenestra cochleae

Canalis semicircularis lateralis -

Ampulla ossea anterior

I Recessus ellipticus

Fenestra vestibuli

Recessus sphaericus

Cochlea (Cupula)

' Ampulla ossea posterior

Canalis semicircularis posterior

Fig. 189. (Top) Cast of the right bony labyrinth (the perilymphatic space) in a
posteromedial view. The membran¬
ous labyrinth (the endolymphatic space) is illustrated as transparent.

Fig. 190. (Bottom) Cast of the right bony labyrinth in an anterolateral view.

Ampulla ossea posterior *'

" Canalis semicircu/aris posterior

Cochlea (Canalis cochlearis) - -

t Recessus sphaericus
/ Recessus ellipticus

; Ampulla ossea ant.

Canaliculus vestibuli - -

Canalis semicircularis ant.

Crus osseum commune

Canalis semicircularis lateralis

Area vestibularis

- Crista transversa

Foramen singulare

■ Area vestibularis
saccular is

Area cochleae,
Tractus spiralis

Fig. 191. (Top) Cast of right bony labyrinth seen from above.

Fig. 192. (Bottom) The fundus of the internal acoustic meatus on the right side.
The internal acoustic
meatus of a petrosal bone has been opened from behind.

Ampulla ossea lateralis, Cellulae pneumaticae

Ampulla ossea ant., Apertura vestibularis aquaeductus vestibuli

Crista vestibuli, Area cribriformls utriculoampullaris

N. facialis (Canalis et hiatus canalis)

Canal is semi-
circularis lat.

Canalis semicircularis ant.


^ Hiatus semilu¬
naris, Lamina
spiralis ossea

Ampulla ossea post.

Lamina spiralis secundaria


Canaliculus tympanicus
cochleae, Scala tympani

Crus osseum commune -

„ Area cribriform is

Recessus sphaericus

Canalis semicircularis lat.

(Crus osseum simplex)
Scala tympani
Scala vestibuli

Utriculus (Recessus)

Lamina modioli

Canalis facialis

~ Lamina spiralis
ossea (Hamulus)

Fig. 193. A frontal section through the petrosal part of the right temporal bone
showing the medial wall
of the vestibule. The basal winding of the cochlea was opened so that scala
vestibuli is facing the viewer.

Floor of the cochlear recess.

Ariicul. incudomallearis, Incus

Caput mallei. Lig. mallei sup.

Malleus (Proc. ant.), M. tensor tympani (Tendo)

Ligamentum mallei
laterale, Recessus

Cavum tympani

Meatus acusticus
Membrana tympani
superior (Recessus) ^

Manubrium mallei
Membrana tympani (Pars flaccida)
Membrana tympani (Pars tensa )■"*

Membrana tympani

Fig. 194. Frontal section through the middle ear of the right side with mucosa and
auditory ossicles

M. stapedius

Antrum mastoideum
Basis stapedis, Fenestra vestibuli j
Canalis facialis (Prominentia)

Membrana stapedis

N. petrosus minor
Plexus tympanicus, Fromontorium
M. tensor tympani \

N. petrosus minor, A. tympanica sup.

N. petrosus major, Hiatus canalis facialis

Sinus tympani

0. temp. (Pars

Meatus acusticus

Proc. styloideus

Fenestra cochleae (Fossula)

Canalis carolicus

Tuba auditiva

Fig. 195. Lateral view of the mucosal covering and muscles of the tympanic cavity.
The malleus and incus were removed; the stapes is in situ.

longum incudis

N. facialis, Processus lenticularis incudis

Crus breve incudis, Ligamentum

incudis posterius

Antrum tympanicum

Limbus membranae tympani —

Membranci tympani (Pars

Chorda tympani, Plica mallearis posterior

Membrana tympani posterior (Recessus)

Artie, incudomallearis

Lig. mallei superius

Recessus epithympanicus

Plica mallearis anterior

Membrana tympani anterior (Recessus)

Manubrium mallei, M. tensor tympani (Tendo)
Fig. 196. The lateral wall of the right tympanic cavity. View of the tympanic

the malleus, and the incus.

a) Right malleus from front.

Manubrium mallei


Facies articularis

Collum mallei
^ Proc. ant.

M. tensor tympani

Proc. lat.

b) Right malleus from behind.

Facies articularis

Crus breve

Corpus incud is

Crus longum -

c) Right incus, anterolateral view.

Corpus incudis

Crus breve
- — Crus longum

Proc. lenticularis

Facies articularis

d) Right incus, posteromedial view.

e) Right stapes.

Fig. 197. View of the three auditory ossicles, disarticulated.

Caput mallei

Crus ant.

Articul. incudomallearis

breve incudis

Collum mallei
Malleus (Proc.

Malleus (Proc. ant.)


Crus longum incudis

rticul. incudostapedia

Crus post.

Manubrium mallei


Basis stapedis
Crus ant

Basis stapedis

" Crus breve incudis

Processus lat.

Articul. incudomallearis

Crus longum incudis

Proc. lenticularis
Articul. incudostapedia

Processus ant.

Manubrium mallei

Crus post.

Fig. 198. (Top) The auditory ossicles of the right ear, medial view.

Fig. 199. (Bottom) The three articulated auditory ossicles, seen from above.

Membrana tympani (Pars flaccida)

Plica mallearis anterior,

Chorda tympani

Prominentia mallearis •-

Plica mallearis posterior,

Chorda tympani

Crus longum incudis - -

Stapes - "
Eminentiapyramidalis, M. stapedius /

/ Stria mallearis

— Membrana tympani (Umbo)

''Membrana tympani (Pars tensa)

Arteriae striae mallearis

' Rete arteriosum marginale

N Arteriae radiatae

Fig. 200. (Top) The three auditory ossicles projected on the right eardrum to show
their location, lateral view.

Fig. 201. (Bottom) The eardrum with its arteries.

, Stria mallearis ant.

Pars flaccida (Membr. Shrapnelli), Incisura tympanica

Prominentia mallearis, Malleus (Proc. lat.) »

Lamina vasculosa —

Stria mallearis post. -

Crus longum incudis,

Incisura tympanica'

Stapes '

Meatus acust. int. (Paries post.) -


Fenestra cochleae

f / Anu/us tympanicus (membr.)

' /

Stria mallearis

Membr. tympani (Pars tensa)

Meatus acust. ext. (Paries ant.)

Membr. tympani (Umbo)

" Trigonum lucis

N Anulus tympanicus et tendineus

I = Anterior superior quadrant of eardrum

II = Anterior inferior quadrant of eardrum

III = Posterior inferior quadrant of eardrum

IV — Posterior superior quadrant of eardrum

Fig. 202. Otoscopic view of right eardrum (from von Eicken-Schultz v. Treeck).

Fossa triangularis

Crura anthelicis

Crus helicis, Incisura ant.

(Tuberculum antitragicum)

Porus acusticus externus


Incisura intertragica = Antitragion
Ob.s = Otobasion sup.

Ob.i = Otobasion inf.

Tr = Postauriculare

Tu = Praeauriculare




Tuberculum Darwini

- Helix

— Scapha

- Cymbaconchae

- Anthelix

-- Cavum conchae

— Antitragus

Lobulus auriculae

Fig. 203. Lateral auricular region (external ear).

The surface within the auricle.

The Eye and the Orbit

Palpebra sup. (Pars orbitalis),

Sulcus orbit sup.

Sulcus palpebralis sup. ~

Angulus oculi lat. '

Sulcus palpebralis inf.,

Palpebra inf. (Pars tarsalis)

Palpebra inf. (Pars orbitalis),

Sulcus palpebromalaris

“ Sulcus radicis nasi

■ Arcus interpalpebralis,
Angulus oculi medialis

Palpebra inf. (Pars tarsalis)


s' Palpebra sup.,

Sulcus orbit, sup.

Palpebra sup. (Pars


Punctum lacrimale sup.,


Caruncula lacrimalis--

Punctum lacrimale inf.,

Conjunctiva palpebrae inf.

Margo palpebralis sup.

Conjunctiva palpebrae sup.-,

Glandulae tarsales (Meibomi)

Limbus conjunctivalis (int.)

s Limbus cutaneus (ext.)

x Angulus oculi lat.

Sclera, Conjunctiva bulbi,

Aa. ciliares ant. (Ramuli ciliares)

Punctum lacrimale inferius

Foramen supraorbitale, Septum orbitale

' / M. levator hnlhphrne sub. fTendo)

Canaliculus lacrimalis sup.,

Fornix sacci lacrimalis

Lig. palpebrale mediate

Canaliculus lacrimalis inf.,

Lig. palp. med\

Saccus lacrimalis
Ductus nasolacrimalis

- Glandula lacrimalis (Pars


- Velum lat. (Apon.)

- Glandula lacrimalis
(Pars palpebralis),

Lig. palpebrale laterale

Septum orbitale

Ductus nasolacrimalis (Ostium)

Fig. 204. (Top) External features of right eye region.

Fig. 205. (Middle) External features of the left eye region. The upper lid is
inverted; the lower lid is pulled down.

Fig. 206. (Bottom) The lacrimal apparatus and the tarso-orbital septum (partly
M. obi. sup. (Trochlea) -

M. rectus med. - -

M. rectus inferior --

M. obliquus sup _

M. levator palpebrae

sup. (Origo) — -

Anulus tendineus communis

— M. obliquus inf. (Insertio)

•/VI. rectus sup.

M. rectus laf.

M. rectus sup. (Insertio)

M. rectus I at. (Insertio)

- Trochlea m. obliqui sup.

-M. obliquus sup.

-M. rectus med. (Insertio)

rectus inf. (Insertio)

-M. obliquus inferior (Origo,

Margo infraorbitalis)

Fig. 207. (Top) Schematic view of the muscles of the right eyeball seen from above.
The muscles are drawn partly transparent. Note the deviation of the bulbar axis and
the components of the muscle “pyramid.”
Fig. 208. (Middle) Muscles of the right eyeball seen from front.

N. supraorbitalis (R. med.)

N. supraorbitalis (R. lat.),

N. supraorbitalis
(R. palpebralis sup.)

A., N. nasalis ext. -

Rr. buccales (VII),

Rr. nasales art. angularis

Rr. zygomatici (VII),

A. transversa faciei

N. lacrimalis
(R. palpebr. sup.)

Arcus palpebralis

R. zygomatico-
facialis (V 2 ), R.
art. zyg.-orbit.

A., N. supratrochlearis

N. fac. (R. temporalis),

A. zygomaticoorbitalis

Fascia tempor.,
R. zygomatico-
tempi (V 2 )

N. infratrochl. (R. nasalis),

A. dorsalis nasi, Anastomosis:
N. supra- et infratrochlearis

N. infratrochlearis
(R. palp, inf.),
Anast. art. angularis cum
art. ophthalmica

A., V. angularis

A. infraorbitalis, Anast. N. infraorbital is - N. facialis

Rr. palpebrales inferiores (N. infraorbitalis)

A = M. occipitofrontalis
(Pars frontalis)

Bi = M. orbicularis oculi
(Pars orbitalis)

B 2 = M. orbicularis oculi
(Pars palpebralis)

C = M. zygomaticus major
D = M. zygomaticus minor

E = M. levator labii
sup. alaeque nasi
F = M. levator nasi
Gi = M. nasalis

G 2 = M. nasalis
H = Ligam. palpebr. med.

J = M. procerus
K = M. corrugator supercilii

N. infratrochlearis,
M. corrugator supercilii

A. supraorbitalis, N. supraorbit. (Ram. lat.j,

M. levator palp. sup.

orbitale, Tarsus sup.,

Arcus palp. sup.

A., V. angularis,
N. infra- et supratrochl.
(R. anast.), M. procerus

_-N. lacrimalis (Ram.

palpebr.), A. zygo¬

Caruncula lacrimalis,
M. orbic. oculi

Ligam. palpebr. mediate,

N. infratrochl. (R. palp.) -

--Ligam. palpebr. lat.,

Arcus palp. inf.

- Ram. zygomatico¬
facial is (V 2 )

M. levator labii sup. alaeque nasi,

N. fac. (Ramus)

N. supratrochlearis

A. supratrochlearis, N. supra¬
orbit. (Ram. med.),

A., N. infraorbitalis

Rr. zygomatici (VII)

A., N. nasalis ext.

Cartilago nasi lat.,

A., V. angularis,
N. infraorbit.
(R. palp, inf.)

Cartilago alar is major

'N. infraorbit. (R.

M. zygomaticus-minor
" M. zygomaticus major
palpebr. inf.), M. levator angolioris

Fig. 209. (Top) Vessels, nerves, and muscles in the superficial eye and nose

Fig. 210. (Bottom) Vessels and nerves of the face in the deeper eye and nose
regions after
partial removal of the mimic musculature.

Lig. palpebr. med. (Pars ext.)

Saccus lacrimalis,
Lig. palpebr. med. (Pars int.)

A. palpebral, med. inf.

Cartilago alaris major

N. supraorbit. (R. lat.), (V,),

A. supraorbit., M. levator palpebr. sup.

- Gl. lacrim. (Pars orbitalis)

-A., V. zygomaticoorbit.

JV\. levat. palpebr. sup.


N. lacrim. (V,J

-Gl. lacrim. (Pars palpebr.)

- Lig. palpebrale lat.,

Septum orbitale,

A. palpebr. lat. inf.

Tarsus palpebr. inf.,

Vagina bulbi,

A., R. zygomatico-
facialis (V 2 )

"M. zygomaticus minor

. zygomatici (VII)

zygomaticus major, R. comm.

N. infraorbit. (V 2 )-N. facialis

N. supratrochl. (V ,),
R. comm. N. infratrochl. -
N. supratrochl., Trochlea

N. infratrochlearis,
Anastomosis A.,
V. nasofront. - A., V. angul.,
Canaliculus lacrim. sup.

A., R. nasalis ext. ( V\),

Cartilago nasi lat.

Canaliculus lacrim. inf.,

Lig. palpebr. med. -

A., V. angularis -

M. levator labii sup.

alaeque nasi,
Cartilago nasalis accessor.

M. obliquus sup.

N. supraorbit. (R. med.)

et a. supraorbit.

A., N. infraorbit. (V 2 ),
Corpus adiposum orbitae,
M. obliquus inf.


alaeque nasi (Origo)

oris, R.
^ Tarsus palpebrae sup.

Septum orbitale,

A. palpebr. lat. sup.

Puncta lacrimalia

N. infratrochlearis, A., V. nasofront.

Tarsus sup., M. rectus med.,


Caruncula lacrimalis -

Gl. lacrim. (Pars palpebr.),

M. rectus lat.

Saccus lacrimalis,
M, orbic ocul (Pars lacrimalis)

Tunica conjunctiva
bulbi, M. obliqu. inf.

A., R. nasalis ext. (V ,)■

A., V. angularis,
Cartilago nasi lat

Corpus adiposum orbitae,

A., R. zygomatico-
facialis (V 2 )

Tunica conjunctiva
bulbi, M. rectus inf.

Tunica conjunctiva
palpebr., M. obliqu. inf.


Rr. zygomatici (V

M. obliqu. sup.,

A. supratrochl.,

N. supraorbit. (R. med.),

M. occipitofront. N. supraorbit. 5 e p tum orbitale,

rectus sup.,

Gl. lacrim. (Pars orbitalis)

levat. palpebr. sup.

(Pars lat.), Aponeurosis,

Cartilago alaris major

M. levator labii sup.

alaeque nasi

R. buccalis (VII), M. levator anguli oris

Fornix conjunctivae inf.,

A., N. infraorbit. (V 2 )

Fig. 211. (Top) Blood vessels and nerves of the deep eye region and lateral aspect
of nose

seen from front.

Fig. 212. (Buttom) Ocular bulb in situ, from front. The orbital septum is incised
and the
upper and lower tarsal plates are reflected medially.

Septum orbitale, Corpus adiposum orbitae, Periorbita

Os frontale, Fornix
M. ciliaris, Orbiculus ciliaris
Ora serrata

M. rectus sup. (Tendo)

Choroidea, Spatium perichoroideale

Sclera, Capsula bulbi

N. frontalis, M. levator palpebrae sup. •

N. opticus (Excavatio disci), M. rectus sup.

N. ciliaris long., V. ophthalmica sup.

N. opticus, A. centralis retinae

A. ophthalmica, Dura mater (N. opticus) 1
Arachnoidea et Pia mater (N. opticus) J

Ganglion ciliare j
Anulus tendineus communis '

N. trochlearis, Periorbita

Ramus sup. Ill, Os sphenoidale (Ala minor)

N. oculomotorius
N. lacrimal is v \

Ramus inf. Ill

- M. tarsal is sup.

Glandulae conjunctivales,
Angulus iridocorneal is
M. levator palpebrae sup. (
M. orbicul. oculi

N. maxi I laris

Zonula ciliaris

Sclera, Sclera (Sinus venosus)

M. ciliaris, Glandula tarsalis

Fornix conjunctivae inf., Processus cil

M. rectus inf

M. orbicularis oculi, Septum orbita

N. abducens,
Plexus venosus orbitae

N. nasociliaris,
A. ophthalmica

Camera post, bulbi

Nucleus, Cortex, Capsula lei

M. dilatator pupillae

M. sphincter pupillae,

Margo pupillaris, Camera ant.

M. ciliaris, Glandula ciliaris,
Tarsus palpebrae sup.

M. orbitalis. Ganglion

A. maxi I laris

M. rectus inf., Processus orbit, ossis palat. j

M. rectus inf., Os palat. (Processus orbit.) I

Sinus maxillaris

M. tarsalis inf.


Sclera (Lamina cribrosa),

A. iridis

' Ora serrata

N. infraorbitalis (V 2 ), M. obliquus inf.

Fig. 213. Lateral view of a sagittal section through the orbit with contents.
Gland, lacrimalis,
M. lev. palp.sup (Aponeurosis).

Anastom.: N. zygomaticus-N. lacrimalis

A., V. nasofrontal is
1 N. ciliaris post, longus

A. supratrochlearis
N. frontalis

N. lacrimalis, V. ophthalmica sup.

Sinus frontalis.

A., V., N. supratrochlearis, A

N. supraorbit. (R. medJ^M 1

Trochlea, A/1, obi. sup. (Tendo), |

N. infratrochlearis— J.

R. sup. (Ill)

A. ophthalmica, R. inf. (Ill)

N. abducens, A/I. rectus lat.

N. ophthalmicus

A/I. levator palp. sup. (Aponeurosis)

M. orbic. oculi (Pars palpebr.),

A., N. lacrimalis

N. oculomot. (R. inf.),

R. zyg.-temp. et zyg.-
fac., V. vorticosa
R. inf. (Ill),
M. obliquus inf.,
M. rectus inf. (Tendo)

M. rectus sup

M. levator |

palpebr. superioris I

d /

Ill, Sinus cavernc

- IV

M. rectus \at.~-

- - A. carotis int
N. maxillari

-semilunare (tn
Radix V (Pars t
|- N. mandibula

— Gangl. pteryg<
Nn. pterygopc

- N. temporalis p
Ramus comm.

"cum ramo men

A. meningea ac
Gangl. oticum
N. auriculotempc

' A/I. tensor veli p

N. tens, veli

A. meningea medi
N. alveolaris inf.,
Chorda tympani

N. lingualis

A. sphenop., Nn. pa
N. mylohyoideus

A. maxillaris, N. buccalis

/ /

! Aa., Nn. alveolares sup. post.

^ A. palatinadesc.

Ganglion ciliare, A. centralis retinae,

Aa. ciliares post., V. ophthalmica

Sinus maxillaris, Periorbita'

A., V., N. infraorbitalis

Fig. 214. Contents of left orbit, lateral view. The orbital fat has been removed.
Pterygopalatine fossa with the pterygopalatine ganglion.

N. infratrochlearis, A. dors. nasi\

7*} 53 .
N. supratrochlearis

N. supraorbit. (R. med.), A. supratrochl. ^

A., V., N. supraorbitalis (R. lat.) —

^ A.,N. ethmoidalis ant.,

A. meningea ant.

A. lacrimalis (R. supraorbit.),

Gland, lacrim.

Bulbus olfactorius

N. trochlearis

. N. opticus, A. ophthalmica

N. frontalis _

^ A. carotis int., Ill

A., V. meningea media,

A., V. meningoorbitalis,
Sinus sphenoparietalis,

V. cerebri media _

Diaphragma sellae turc.

- N. nasociliaris,

A., V. nasofrontal is

- A..N. ethmoidalis post.

R. communicans:
N. lacrim. - N. zygoma!.

A., V., N. lacrimalis,

M. rectus lat. —

A = M. levator palp. sup. C = M. obliquus sup.

B = M. rectus sup. D = Sinus frontalis

Dx = Sinus frontalis (Recessus lat.)

E = Cellula ethmoidea post.

M. levator palp, sup., N. supraorbitalis

(R. med. et

Corpus adiposum orbitae,

M. rectus sup. (Vagina fascia I is)

Glandula lacrimalis,
N. lacrim. (Rr. glandulares)

A., V. meningoorbitalis,
R. comm.:
N. lacrimalis— N. zygomat.

A., V. ophthalmica
N. lacrimalis, M. rectus lat

N. supraorbitalis, M. rectus sup. -

N. trochlearis

/ N. supratrochlearis, Trochlea,
' M. obliquus sup. (Tendo)

A. nasofrontalis (A. dorsalis

nasi), N. infratrochlearis

Cellula ethmoidea ant.

A., N., V. ethmoidalis ant.,

A. meningea ant.

N. nasociliaris, A. ophthalmica

Bulbus olfactorius

N. trochlearis, M. obliquus sup.

A., N. ethmoidalis post.,

M. levator palp, sup.,

R. sup. Ill

Anulus tendineus communis,

A. ophthalmica, N. opticus

N. opticus, A. carotis int.

Diaphragma sellae turc.

Sinus sphenoparietalis,
N. ophthalmicus, Ramus meningeus ~

A., V. meningea media,

A., V.

— N. oculomotorius

A., V., N. supratrochlearis

A. nasofrontal is, V. vorticosa,

N. nasociliaris

Sinus cavernosus, VI
Radix trig., Portio sens, et mot.

/ M. obliquus sup. | Trochlea)

/ /

N. oculomot., Ala minor -

N. frontal is -

Anulus tendineus,

N. opticus, A. ophtal.,
Vagina duralis
et arachn. (N. opticus)

N. maxillaris
N. ophthalmicus
N. mandibularis

Ganglion semilunare

A. carotis int.,
Chiasma opticum

- Diaphragma sellae turc.,

Foramen diaphrag.,

A., N. supraorbital is,

Ai. lev. palp, sup., M. rectus

Glandula lacrimal


V. ophthal.

V. vortic., Vv. ciHares post.,

N. lacrim., M. obi. inf. (Tendo)

A., N. ethmoidalis ant.,

A. meningea ant.

- N. ciliaris longus, Aa.

ci Hares post.

N. oculomot. (R. inf.)

A., V. centralis retinae, M. rectus lat.

Ganglion ciliare, V. ophthal. sup.-

N. lacrimalis -

R. inf. Ill, Radix brevis,

A. lacrimali

N. nasociliaris
N. trochlearis

A. ophthalmica,

Gang!, ciliare (Radix longa)

N. oculomotorius
(R. sup.),

M. levator palp , sup.

M. rectus sup.

N. front. (R. med.)

Fig. 217. Orbital contents from above after removal of the roof and opening the
sup. orbital fissure.
The levator palp. sup. has been cut and reflected back.

Fig. 215. (Left, top) View of muscles, nerves, and vessels of the orbit from above
after removal

of the orbital roof.

Fig. 216. (Left, bottom) Orbital contents from above after removal of the orbital
roof. The
nerves in the region of the cavernous sinus. Area of the hypophysis from above.

Sinus frontalis

Trochlea, N. supratrochlearis

A. frontalis lat.

Cellulae ant. sinus ethmoidalis, Tunica mucosa

M. obliquus sup.

V. ophthalmica sup.
A. supratrochlearis
A. ethmoidalis post.

M. rectus med.
M. rectus inf.

M. obliquus sup.
N. nasociliaris
M. levator palpebrae sup.

M. rectus sup.
N. oculomotorius (R. superior)

N. opticus
A. ophthalmica

A. carotis int. dextra, Plexus caroticus int.

N. abducens, Sinus cavernosus*

in. supraorDiians ( r\. meaiausj

N. supraorbitalis (R. lateralis)

M. orbicularis oculi

N. trigeminus (Radix sens.)

N. mandibularis

Radix motoria V

-A. meningea media

Nn. ciliares longi

Nn. ciliares breves
M. rectus lateralis
N. oculomotorius (R. inf.)

A. lacrimalis

N. ophthalmicus

Ganglion trigem inale

Glandula lacrimalis

' M. levator palpebrae sup.

M. rectus sup.

N. frontalis
' N. opticus, A. centralis retinae

V., N. lacrimalis

" Ganglion ciliare, Radix oculomot.

N. opticus
— R. communicans cum n. nasociliari
R. sympathicus ad ganglion ciliare
N. abducens
N. m axillaris
V. ophthalmica sup.

* = Branching sympathetic fibers to the abducens n. from the internal carotid

plexus in the cavernous sinus.

Fig. 218. Right orbit, opened from above. The superior orbital wall and squama of
the frontal bone have been re¬
moved to show the branching of the 1st division of the trigeminal nerve. The
semilunar ganglion and the trigeminal

nerve are elevated.

N. ciliaris, Choroidea "

Pupilla, Cornea (Polus anterior bulbi)

Angulus iridocornealis, Cornea (Rete arter. marginale)

Circuius arter. iridis major, Nn. ciliares

Corpus ciliare, Orbiculus ciliaris


ciliaris post, longa

V. vorticosaetfor.

Radices et bulbus
v. vorticosae,

Vv. ciliares

Sinus venosus sclerae (Canalis Schlemmi),
''Cornea (Rete art. marginale)

Aa., Vv. ciliares ant.

ciliaris ant.

. ciliares et iridicae

N. opticus ''

Aa. ciliares post, breves

A. ciliaris post, brev., N. ciliaris longus et brevis

A. ciliaris post, longa

Fig. 219. (Top) Blood vessels of the bulb; schematic (from Th. Leber).

Fig. 220. (Bottom) Right ocular bulb seen from above. The sclera is reflected,
exposing the vessels

and nerves of the vascular tunic of the bulb.

Circulus art. iridis minor

-A., V. muscularis

Aa., Vv. iridicae

~~ Vena vorticosa
(Radices ant.)

x Vena vorticosa
(Radices post.)

. V. centralis retinae

Circulus art. iridis major

Radix iridis

^Sclera (Sinus venosus)

^,-Cornea (Rete marginale)

A. ciliaris ant.

A., V. conjunctivalis post.

Bulbus v. vortic.

""Vv. vorticosae (Bulbus)

V. vorticosa'

V. vorticosa

A. ciliaris post, longa

— Aa. ciHares post, breves

N. opticus (Circulus vasculosus)

Fig. 221. Blood vessels in the middle layer of the bulb.


Sclera -

Corpus vitreum


/VI. rectus lot. (Tendo)

Ora serrata

Stratum pigmenti


Camera bulbi ant., Iris

M. dilatator pupillae
Margo corneae
M. ci liar is
(Stratum episclerale)

sphincter pupil lae

Retina (Pars iridica)

Camera bulbi post.

venosus sclerae
Processus ciliaris

ci liar is

Capsula bulbi, Vagina

bulbi (Tenoni)

Canalis hyaloideus

Fovea centralis

Spatium intervaginale
Vagina externa n. optici

N. opticus (Excavatio papillae)

Area cribrosa sclerae

N. opticus

Stratum epivaginale

A. centralis retinae

Vagina externa nervi optici (Pura)

" Vagina interna nervi optici (Pia)

Spatia intervaginalia

Fasciculi nervosi

V. centralis retinae


Fig. 222. (Top) Horizontal section through the left bulb. The layers of the bulbar
wall are

indicated by different colors.

Fig. 223. (Bottom) Cross section through the anterior part of the optic nerve.

Epithelium corneae

M. dilatator l
pupil Iae |

(Fibraezonula res'

Fibrae meridionales, I
M. ciliaris i I

1 i

F/'broe radiates, M. ciliaris i

Fibrae circulares, M. ciliaris

Cornea (Substantia propria)

Angulus iridocornealis
Sclera (Sinus venosus)

Ligamentum pectinatum anguli iridocornealis

Tendo centralis

Pars iridica retinae (Stratum pigmenti)

M. sphincter pupillae

Sclera -

Ora serrata —

N Lamina limitans post.

i rid is

j Zonula ciliaris
i ~ S p a tia zonularia
Processus ciHares

N. opticus, Excavatio papillae

A., V. centralis retinae

Area cribrosa sclerae

Fovea centralis

Capsula bulbi,

Spatium circumbulbare

Nervus opticus

-- Stratum pigmenti retinae


Spatia intervaginalia

Vagina externa nervi optici


Vagina interna nervi optici

Fig. 224. (Top) Horizontal section through the optic nerve at its point of entrance
into the bulb.
Fig. 225. (Bottom) Horizontal section through the anterior portion of the bulb.


Margo (Margo)

M. obliquus sup. N

M. rectus sup., Ramulus ciliaris sup.

Pars pupil laris iridis s

M. rectus medial is,

Ramulus ciliaris medialis

M. rectus inf., Ramulus ciliaris inf.

M. rectus lat.,
Ramulus ciliaris lat.
Angulus iridocornealis

Rete arteriosum
marginale corneae

Papilla, Pars pupillaris lentis

obliquus inf.

Iris (Margo pupillaris) ''

Iris (Margo pupillaris)

Iris (Pars ciliaris)

^ Corpus ciliare, Corona ciliaris,

Processus ciliares majores

Orbiculus ciliaris,
Proc. ciliares minores

Iris (Pars pupillaris) •

Iris (Margo pupillaris) '

Iris (Pars ciliaris)

Iris (Facies post.)

Corona ciliaris

Zonula ciliaris


Ora serrata

Retina (Pars optica)

v Choroidea
' Retina (Pars optica)

Fig. 226: m = Center of the anterior lens surface

Fig. 227: m = Center of the posterior corneal surface
Fig. 226. (Top) Ocular bulb from front. The cornea of the left bulb was incised
circularly near the corneal edge and
removed; the anterior chamber of the eye was opened, and the iris was exposed.

Fig. 227. (Bottom) Anterior portion of the bulb seen from the inside.

Macula lutea'

Macula (Margo) s

Fovea centralis

! Papilla nervi optici,

/ Excavatio disci (N. opticus)

(Margo nasalis)

' Granulatio marg. temporalis

Papilla nervi optici, Excavatio disci (N. opticus)

(Margo temporalis)


a = Fovea centralis
a x = Arteriola nasalis retinae sup.
a 2 = Arteriola nasalis retinae inf.
a 3 = Arteriola temporalis sup.
a* = Arteriola temporalis inf.

85 = Arteriolae maculares
% = Arteriola medialis retinae
b = Papilla (Discus) n. optici,
Excavatio papillae
c = midpoint of fundus

(posterior pole of eyeball)

cr — cilioretinal anastomoses
h.M = horizontal meridian
n = nasal aspect of fundus
o = upper aspect of fundus
t = temporal aspect of fundus
u = lower aspect of fundus
v.M = vertical meridian

I = upper nasal quadrant of fundus

II = lower nasal quadrant of fundus
III = upper temporal quadrant of fundus
TV = lower temporal quadrant of fundus

Fig. 228. Fundus of the living eye (ophthalmoscopic view).

Corona ciHaris

Ora serrata

Zonula ci liar is"

Retina (Pars optica)

' Orbiculus ciliaris

Sclera x

Corpus ciliare, Processus
ci Hares majores

Processus ci Hares

Orbiculus ciliaris,
Retina (Pars ciliaris)

Lens (Margo) "

Processus ciliaris major '


Cornea (Margo)

Zonula ciliaris

Lens (Facies ant.)

" (Stella lentis)

Iris (Radix)

Angulus iridocornealis

N - Zonula ciliaris

Lens (Margo)

Cornea \

Fig. 229. (Top) View into the anterior half of the eye from behind after removal of
the vitreous body.

Fig. 230. (Bottom) Lens and suspensory apparatus from front. On the left bulb the
iris was circularly incised near

its root and lifted out so as to expose the lens.

The Neck

Skeleton, Musculature,
and Visceral Compartments

^ Acromion


(Extremitas acrom.)

Foramen infraorbitale ^ ^

Os zygomaticum
Spat, craniovertebr. ^

Lig. stylohyoid.

Mandibula (Ramus)

Crista buccinat., Trig, retromolare

Foramen mentale >.

Cartilago epiglottica v

Cartilag. arytaenoidea (Proc. voc.) x

Lamina cric. .

Vertebra cerv. VI (Tuberc. post.) „

Vertebra cerv. VI (Tuberc. ant.) -

Costa I (Tuberc.) ^
Costa I (Caput) -_

- ' Apertura pirif. (Vomer)

/Proc. mastoid.
- ' Proc. stylohyoid.

-' Crista buccinat.

- Lig. stylohyoid.

' Linea obliqua mandib.

, Mandibula (Angulus)

, - Os hyoid. (Cornu minus)

^ - Os hyoid, (Cornu majus)

Cartilag. thyr. (Cornu sup.)

Cartilag. arytaenoidea (Apex)

Cartilag. thyr. (Cornu inf.)

Arcus cricoideus
/ Cartilago trach. II

Clavicula (Extremitas stern.)

Acromion (Facies artic.)


Proc. coracoideus
s Scapula (Incisura)

K Scapula (Margo sup.)

Scapula (Margo med.)

(Incisura clavic.)

Costa I

Sternum (Incisura jugul.)

Blue = visceral cranium and branchial

skeletal parts

Yellow = neurocranium, axial skeleton,

bodies, and arches of the
cervical vertebrae
Red = ribs and rudiments of ribs

Green = bones of the shoulder girdle

4-7 = transverse processes of cervical
vertebrae 4—7
I-V = 1st through 5th ribs and
corresponding vertebrae;
arrow in costoclavicular space

Fig. 231. Skeleton of head and neck seen from front.

Os tympanicum, Porus acust. ext


Os tempor. (Proc. zygom.)

Foramen mastoid.

^ Fossa mandibularis

Fossa infratemporal is

Mandibula (Incisura)

Mandibula (Linea obliqua)

Spatium craniovertebr.,
Arcus zygom.

Mandibula (Angulus),

Lig. stylomand.

Lig. stylohyoid.

Foramen mentale
Linea mylohyoidea


\ Os hyoideum (Corpus)

Os hyoideum (Cornu)

Cartilago epiglott. (Petiolus)

Prominentia laryngea
Cartilago aryt. (Proc. vocal.)

Cart. cric. (Margo sup.)

Arcus cricoideus

(Angulus sup.)

Scapula (Margo med.)

Processus mastoideus -

Processus styloideus

Atlas (Processus transv .) —

Axis (Processus spinosus)

Os hyoideum (Cornu maj.)

Cart. thyr. (Cornu sup.

Cartilago arytaen.,
Cart. thyr. (Cornu inf.)
Sulcus n. spin.
Tubercul. ant..
Tubercul. post.
Foramen transversarium VI
Processus spin. VII '
Processus transv., Tuberc. costae I

Pars supraclavicul. thoracis


(Extremitas acrom.)


(Extremitas stern.)

(Incisura jug.)


Color code as in Fig. 231

1-7 = bodies of the 7 cervical vertebrae

I-V = ribs and corresponding thoracic vertebrae;
arrow in the costoclavicular space

Fig. 232. Skeleton of the head and neck. Viewed from the right side with the head
turned slightly to the left.
Squame occipitalis

Linea nuchae inf^

Foramina mastoid.

Foramen condyl., Condyl. occipit. ^

Incisura mastoid

Sulcus a. occipit —

Proc. mastoid.^"''

Proc. styloid. -
Atlas (Proc. transv.)"

Lig. sphenomandib., Foramen mandib.- -

Crista buccinat.""

Linea mylohyoid. -

Proc. artic. inf. -

Proc. artic. sup. -

Lamina vertebrae (Cerv. VI )...

S patium interarcuale. Proc.

Articul. sternoclavicul.

Manubrium sterni\

Protuberantia occip. ext.

Crista occip. ext.

Axis (Dens), Foramen occipit.

magnum (Margo ant.)

Axis (Corpus)
/ Proc. mastoid.

Arcus zygom.

Mandibula (Proc. coronoideus)

Crista infrazygom., Proc. pteryg. (Lam. lat.)

Fossa -

Scapula (Spina) '

Trigonum spinae


" Proc.

- Spatium craniovertebr.
Lig. stylomand.
Mandibula (Angulus)

Lig. stylohyoid.

^-Articul. intervertebr.
sProc. transvers.

/ Vert. thor. I (Proc. transvers.)

Costa I (Tuberculum)

Scapula (Angulus sup.)

(Margo sup.)

Articul. acromioclavicul

Linea nuchae suprema

Linea nuchae sup . N

1-7 = spinous processes of the 7 cervical vertebrae

I-V = spinous processes of the upper 4 thoracic vertebrae and
the upper 5 ribs
Fig. 233. Skeleton of the head and neck and the adjoining parts of the thorax.
Dorsal view with

the head bent slightly forward.

Acromion — "

Processus coracoideus —

Linea horizontalis (Frankfurt)

Protuberantia occipitalis externa (Inion)

Processus mastoideus
Processus styloideus
Musculi nuchae

M. sternocleidomastoideus (Margo post.)

Fossa retromandibularis

Tuberculum caroticum
Prominentia cervicalis (Cervicale)

(Processus condylaris)

Mandibula (Angulus)

Fossa submandibularis

Mandibula (Angulus) _

Tuberculum mentale (Gnathion) —

Clavicula (Extremitas sternalis)

Costa prim a

Costa secunda

" (Extremitas acromialis)


(Fossa supraspinata)

Os hyoideum (Corpus) —

Trigonum caroticum

Angulus submentalis

Prominentia laryngea (Pomurn

Cartilago cricoidea (Arcus )__

Isthmus gland, thyr

Linea mediana colli •

Fossa supraclavicularis minor v

M. sternocleidomastoideus (Origo sternalis)^

Clavicula -

1-7 = cervical vertebrae 1-7

I, II = thoracic vertebrae 1 and 2

Fig. 234. Exterior of neck (viewed from the side with skeletal parts and viscera
drawn in). Palp¬
able skeletal landmarks are indicated by o.

M. rectus capitis ant.

Condylus occipitalis, Articul.

atlantooccipital is,
Capsula articularis
M. rectus capitis I at.

Os temporale

M. splenius capitis ^


M. longissimus capitis
M. sternocleidomastoideus

M. digastricus (Venter post.)"

Lig. stylomandibulare

M. pterygoideus med.

^Articul. intervertebral is, Proc. articul. sup. Ill

Membrana tectoria

Lig. flavum

Lig. flavum

x Lig. longitudinale post., Discus intervertebral is

Processus styloideus,
Recessus parastyloideus

(Processus transversus),
Arcus post., Sulcus a.
vertebralis, Massa lot.

Processus styloideus, M. stylohyoideus

Lig. transversum atlantis

(Lig. cruciforme), Dens axis
Articul. atlantoaxialis lat.,
Fovea articularis inf., Atlas

Articul. atlantoaxialis lat. (Capsula),

Lig. atlantoaxiale accessorium

. stylomandibulare

Lig. cruciforme (Fasc. longitud. inf.)

Lig. stylohyoideum

Articul. intervertebralis, Processus articul ares

Lig. alare sin., Membrana

atlantooccipitalis ant.

Foramen jugulare

\ Porus


Dorsum sellae, Clivus

Lig. cruciforme (Fasc. longitud.

sup.), Foramen occipitale

Articul. atlantooccipitalis (Capsula), Sinus

sigmoideus, Condylus occipitalis

Fig. 235. Dorsal view of the craniovertebral joints. The joint capsules are intact
on the right side and opened on the
left side. The tectorial membrane has been removed from the anterior wall of the
vertebral canal so that the proper
ligaments of the craniovertebral joints (cruciform and alar ligaments) may be seen
(drawn by K. Endtresser, 1951).

Os occipitale (Pars basilaris), Clivus v

Lig. cruciforme, Membrana
Lig. apicis den i

A rticul. atlantoaxialis lat.

Articul. atlantoaxialis mediana

" Axis (Corpus)

M. rectus capitis lat

Atlas (Proc. transv.)

Lig. alare

Dura mater

Tuberculum jugulare, N. hypoglossus

N. glossopharyngeus

N. vagus
Sinus sigmoideus

N. accessorius
Condylus occipitalis
Articul. atlantooccipitalis
Atlas (Massa lat.)

Lig. transversum atlantis

Axis (Dens)

Fig. 236. Frontal section through the region of the craniovertebral joints. Dorsal
view of the cut surface.

Axis (Dens)
Atlas (Arcus ant.)

Lig. longitud. ant., Atlas (Tuberc. ant.)

Articul. atlantoaxialis mediana

Lig. alare

Atlas (Proc . transv.

Atlas (Foramen

Lig. transversum at I antis

Atlas (Arcus post.) (Ponticulus)

Lig. cruciforme (Fasc. longitud.)

" Sulcus a. vertebralis

Articul. atlantoaxialis mediana

Membrana tectoria
(Arcus post.)

(Proc. spinosus)

Lig. supraspinale

Fig. 237. Transverse section through the region of the craniovertebral joints at
the level of atlas

(viewed from above).

Lig. longitudinale post.

Articul. intervertebral is (Capsula)


Lig. cruciforme

jZanalis n. hypoglossi

Dura mater

, Membrana tectoria
Bursa apicis dentis

Articul. atlantooccipit. (Capsula)

Foramen occipitale magnum (Margo)

Sulcus a. vertebr., Foramen a. vertebr. et n. cervicalis I

Lig. cruciforme
Lig. longitud. ant.
Foramen intervertebrale

Membrana atlantoaxialis,
Foramen atlantoaxiale


Lig. flavum

- Lig. supraspinale


Clivus "

Articul. atlanto¬
axialis mediana

Axis (Dens)

Articul. atlantoaxialis
mediana, Lig. transv. atlantis

Articul. atlantoaxialis lat.

Membrana atlanto-
occipitalis post.

Septum nuchae

Lig. apicis dentis

Membrana atlanto¬
occipit. ant.

Violet = ligaments

Light blue = synovial membranes of joint

capsules and cavities

Dark blue = surfaces of joint capsules

Brown = articular cartilage
Yellow = flaval ligaments

Fig. 238. Midsagittal section through the region of the craniovertebral joints

(right half).

Os frontale, Sinus frontalis .

Os nasa/e

Crista galli
! Os ethmoidale

Sinus sphenoidalis

Processus pterygoideus (Lamina lat.)

Fossa hypophyseos, Dorsum sellae

I Clivus

Os ethmoidale

Vomer .

Processus pterygoid.
(Lamina med.) ..

Lig. pterygospinale, Spina angular is

Linea obliqua, Incisura mandibularis


S Porus acusticus int.

/ Canaliculus cochleae (Apertura ext.)

/ y Foramen jugulare

y Aquaeductus vestibu/i (Apertura ext.)

Spina nasalis ant. ,

Canal is incisivus.

durum -

Foramen pal at. maj.,

Spina nasalis post.'"

- Sulcus sigmoideus,
Foramen mastoideum

Foramina „ - " fi'lj



Sulcus hamuli, Proces- /

sus pterygoid. (Hamulus)'

Crista buccinatoria, Trigonum retromolare

Sulcus mylohyoid. i /

Os hyoideum

Os hyoideum (Cornu min.)' / /

/ /

Lig. stylohyoid. /

" Articul. intervertebr., Proc. artic. sup. et inf.

- Discus intervertebr.

Clavicula (Extremitas sternalis) -

Sternum (Manubrium) -.

'' Fossasupra-

1-7 = bodies and spinous processes of cervical

vertebrae 1—7

I—III = ribs and associated thoracic vertebrae

Fig. 239. Median section of head and neck skeleton.

Atlas (Massa lat.)

Atlas (Proc. transv.) -

Fovea articularis inf. -

Articulatio atlantoaxialis -

Axis (Corpus)

~ Squama occipitalis

-Mandibula (Proc. muscularis)

"Proc. styloideus

~Dens axis


(Proc. spinosus)

Atlas (Arcus ant.)

Dens axis

Vert. cerv. II (Proc. costotransversarius)

Mandibula (Anguli)

Cavum pharyngis

Os hyoideum.

Os occipitale (Squama)
Atlas (Tuberculum post.)

Vert. cerv. II (Arcus)

Vert. cerv. Ill (Arcus)

Vert. cerv. VII (Proc. artic. sup.)

Cavum tracheae ■

Vert. cerv. VII (Proc. spinosus)

Vert. cerv. VI (Proc. artic. inf.)

1 — atlas 2—7 — bodies of cervical vertebrae i = intervertebral joints

* = Cartilago cricoidea

Fig. 240. (Top) Roentgenogram of cranial end of cervical vertebral column,


view through mouth (L. Wicke, Vienna).

Fig. 241. (Bottom) Roentgenogram of adult cervical vertebral column, lateral view,
head in
normal, standing posture (L. Wicke, Vienna).

M. serratus ant.



M. subclavius, Spat, costoclavicul. j

M. omohyoid. (Venter inf.), Trig, omoclavicul.

Lig. interclavicul., M. sternothyroideus

' 1
/ ' /VI. intercost. ext.

/ l
/ Lacuna scalena post.

Lacuna scalena ant.

M. geniohyoideus

I M. genioglossus

I 1

Cartilago thyroidea

M. styloglossus

Os hyoideum (Corpus), Raphe mylohyoidea

/VI. digastricus (Venter ant.) \

/VI. mylohyoideus
M. stylohyoideus \

M. hyoglossus

M. digastricus (Venter post.) N

M. longiss. capitis .

M. levator scap

M. longus capitis x
Lig. thyrohyoid, lat., M. thyrohyoid. ^
M. omohyoid
M. scalenus med
M. scalenus ant

M. sternocleidomast.
Cavum viscerate cervicale

M. sternocleidomast. (Origo), Fossa supraclavicul s

min., M. scalen. ant.

M. levator scap.
m. omohyoid.
M. trapezius

M. longus capitis
M. sternohyoideus

M. omohyoid. (Venter sup.)

Cartilago cricoidea
- M. scalenus med.

M. sternothyroideus
~ M. scalenus ant.

M. longus colli
scalenus post.

A 1. rectus cap. lat.,

Atlas (Proc. transv.)

- A 1. hyoglossus
/VI. longiss. capitis
/VI. splenius cap.

> M. levator scap.

Blue = branchial musculature Red = ventrolateral (somatic)

Green = muscles of shoulder girdle musculature of neck

Yellow = somatic, dorsal (back)

musculature = intrinsic
muscles of post, neck region
VII = 7 th cervical vertebra

Fig. 242. Musculature of the neck. Front view (neurovascular bundles and viscera
removed). The left shoulder
girdle and associated muscles have been resected so that the suprahyoid tongue
musculature and the infrahyoid
ventrolateral neck muscles and scalene lacunae (anterior and posterior, arrows) may
be seen.


M. constrictor phar. sup.,M. stylogloss., M. stylohyoid.

articul. temporomandibularis

s'M. rectus cap. ant.

M. longus cap., M. long, colli

--7VI. rectus cap. I at.,

atlantooccip. ant.

-- M. stylopharyngeus

M. intercost, int

Lig. stylohyoid.

M. genioglossus '

M. mylohyoid.,

M. geniohyoid.

M. hyoglossus

M. digastricus
Membr. thyrohyoidea

Os hyoideum
. constrictor phar. inf. (Pars thyropharyng.)

M. thyrohyoid.

M. omohyoid. (Venter sup.)

Linea obliqua, Cartil. thyr.

M. sternothyroid.''

/VI. sternocleidomast."
M. sternohyoid.'

Oesophagus, Lacuna scalena ant

M. omohyoid. (Venter inf.) —
Artie, sternoclavic., M. subclav.

Spat, costoclavic., Proc. corac

M. intercost, ext.,
M. semi spinal is capitis

M. splenius capitis

"M. digastricus, Atlas (Proc. transv.)

constrictor pharyrigis medius

(Pars ceratophar.)

x /VI. trapezius
NV1. sternocleidomast.

M. levator scap.

M. scalenus post.

—M. scalenus ant.

M. scalenus med .

— _M. trapezius,

Costa II (Tuberc.)

Lacuna scalena post.

^ Artie, acromioclav.,
M. omohyoideus

Color code as in Fig. 242

Brown line = outline of atlas

Fig. 243. Neck musculature seen from the left side; head bent backward.

Canalis musculotubarius
Canalis caroticus

Apertura ext.
canalis carotid

Canalis n. hypoglossi

Fossa (Foramen) jugul.,

Crista tympanica --
M. rectus cap. lat.,

Proc. styloid. —

/Vi. intercost. ext.

M. longus colli (P. obliqua sup.)

/ Tuberc. caroticum, Angulus scalenovertebr.

Pleura (Cupula)

/VI. scalenus ant.

M. longus colli
(P. obliqua inf.)

y M. scalenus post.

scalenus ant.

Red =

ventrolateral neck musculature

+ = slips of attachments of the oblique

Yellow =

dorsal musculature

parts of longus colli m. on the

1-7 =

cervical vertebrae 1-7

transv. proc. (ant. tubercle)


thoracic vertebrae 1-3 and

O = slips of origin of longus capitis

corresponding ribs

m. on the transv. proc.

+ • =

slips of attachments of the longus

colli m. on the bodies of the vertebrae

(ant. tubercle)

• = slips of origin of the anterior

scalene m. on the transv. proc.
(ant. tubercle)

x = slips of origin of the middle

scalene m. on the transv. process

(post, tubercle)

Fig. 244. Prevertebral and paravertebral neck musculature. The left longus capitis
muscle has been drawn trans¬
parent; on the right side the muscles have been removed from their sites of
attachment so that the smaller cervical
intercostal and intertransverse muscles may be seen. The cupula of the right pleura
is retained.

M. semispin. cerv.
(Margo med.)

M. longissimus

M. semispin. cerv. (Margo lat.)

M. semispin. cerv.

M. iliocost.

M. spinalis cerv
M. splenius cerv.

(Margo med.)

M. obliquus cap. sup. --

M. splen. cap.

M. rectus capitis post. maj.

M. rectus cap. post, min.,

M. semispinalis capitis

M. splenius cap.

M. longiss. cap.'

M. obliquus capitis inf.

M. intertransvers.
M. lonqissimus cap.

- M. semispinalis capitis
(Margo med.)

M. splenius cap.
(Margo medial is)

M. semispinalis capitis
(Margo lat.)

. longiss. cap.

(Margo med. et lat.)

M. interspin. cerv.

M. splenius cap. (Margo lat.)

M. splenius cerv. (Margo lat.)

M. semispinalis capitis (Margo lat.)

__ M. semispin. cerv. (Margo medialis)

- M. longiss. cerv. (Margo lat.)

M. iliocost. cerv. (Margo med. et lat.)

1-IV = spinous and transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae 1-4 and corresponding
1-7 = spinous and transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 1—7

Fig. 245. The intrinsic muscles of posterior neck region (schematic, seen from
behind) toned yellow and outlined
in different colors. The superficial muscles on the right side are drawn
transparent; on the left side only the origins
and/or the insertions are indicated in order to bring into view the underlying
muscles. The directions of pull of the
muscles on the left side are indicated by arrows in appropriate colors.

N. occipitalis major et tertius (Rami cutanei)

M. rectus capitis post, minor

) M. semispinalis capitis

Vena emissaria condyloidea

V. auricul. post.

V. emissaria masfoidea _

- M. splenius capitis

M. longissimus capitis
Processus styloideus, M.

Vv. intervertebrales, Foramen intervertebr. (Rete ven.) _

Plexus ven. a. vertebralis"

V. cervical is prof."'
A. vertebralis, N. cervical is I,
Membr. atlantooccipitalis

M. obliquus capitis mf.

N. occipitalis tertius - -
Plexus ven. a. vertebralis (V. vertebralis) - -

V. cervicalis prof. - -
V. vertebralis - -
Vv. intervertebrales -

V. cervical is prof.

V. intercostalis suprema (R. post.) -

M. semispinalis cervicis - -

M. interspinalis-



M. obliquus
capitis sup.

M. rectus capitis
" post, major

/ Membrana et
foramen atlanto-
occipitale (Ponticulus)

- M. longissimus capitis

M. digastricus

A. occipitalis,

Proc. styloideus

M. rectus capitis I at.

N. suboccipitalis
(R. dors. n. cerv. I)
M. obliquus capitis inf.

"R. comm. n. suboccip. cum nervo occip. maj.

N. cervic. II, Foramen, Membrana

atlantoaxial is

M. intertransversarius (l-ll)

N. cervicalis II, Ramus ventralis

v A. vertebralis

N. occipitalis major, Plexus cervic. dors.

" N. cervic. IV (R. dors.)

- A. cervicalis profunda
~A. vertebralis

N. cervicalis V (R. dors.)

N. cervicalis VI (R. dors.)

M. scalenus medius

N. cervicalis VII (R. dors.)

- A. cervicalis prof.

,M. iliocostal is,

M. longissimus cervicis
A. intercostalis suprema
. post.), N. cervic. VIII

. scalenus post.

N. thoracicus I (R. dors.)

M. intercostalis ext.

intercostalis ext.

Vv. occipitales -

+ = slips of origin of semispinalis capitis

1—7 = spinous and transverse processes

(post, tubercles)
of the 7 cervical vertebrae

I—IT (III) = spinous processes of thoracic

vertebrae 1—3
and corresponding ribs
Fig. 246. The deep muscles, blood vessels, and nerves of the back of the neck.
Arteries and nerves
are shown on the right, nerves on the left. The shoulder girdle and associated
musculature, the
splenius, semispinalis capitis, and longissimus cervicis have been removed.

M. scaler 1 . ant. - -

M. longiss. cerv.-

Fascia colli superficialis *

M. sternohyoid. \

M. sternothyroid.\

M. longus colli \

M. sternocleidomast. n

M. omohyoid. (Venter sup.,


M. scalenus med. etpost.

Costa I (Tuberc.),
Artie, costotransv. I-

/ Fascia cervic. comm.

M. multifidus"

Fascia cervic. (paravertebr.)

M. iliocost. cerv. -
" Spatium cervic. lat.

fascia colli media


/ Fascia colli media

s' Fascia cervic. comm.

Fascia sternocleidomast.

Fascia colli profunda

M. semispin, capitis '

M. levator scap.

M. trapezius'

M. semispin. cerv.

M. rhomboideuss'
M. serratus post.

Artie, intervertebr. (Vertebra

cervic. VII et vert. thor. I)

~ - Fascia nuchae prof. (F. lumbodors.)

Vert. cerv.

VII (Proc. spin.)

Fascia nuchae superfic.

Cart. thyr.

Fascia cervicalis
Cartil. arytaenoidea
Fascia colli superf. et media
Facia cervic. (Lam. superfic.)
S pat. suprastern. ^

vie. j'

Fascia cervic.

Lacuna scalena ant.

Paries pharyngis
Fascia colli media
Spatium cervic. (Rec. submuscul.).

Fascia cervic. (Pars paravert

Proc. transv. V. (Tuberc. ant.)'
Proc. transv. V. (Tuberc. post.)"

Fascia nuchae superf..

Sulc. n. spin., For. transv. V ✓

Vert. cerv. V (Arcusy'

Fascia nuchae prof.

Vert. cerv. IV (Proc. spin.), M. interspin.

Fascia nuchae

Lig. nuchae (supraspin

M. spinalis
M. semispinal. cerv./

t Fascia cervicalis (Lam. superfic. et praetrachealis)

Spat. fibr. praetracheale

Lig am. vocal e, M. aryfaen.

M. sternohyoid.


Spat. fibr. paravisc. •

Nodi lymphat. cerv. prof.

M. longus cap.

M. seal. ant.

M. scalen. med. et post.

M. longus colli
M. iliocost. cervicis
M. longiss. cerv.

Spat. fibr. retrovisc.

N. cervic. V
M. levator scap.

M. longiss. cap.

s M. semispinalis capitis

M. splenius cap. et cerv.

N M. trapezius
1 M. multi fid us

Spat, paralaryng. (submucos.)

- M. sternothyr.

Lam. vise, nervorum et vasorum

M omohyoid.

. longit. colli

Fig. 247. (Top) Cross section through the neck at the level of the 7th cervical

(bones, muscles, and fasciae).

Fig. 248. (Bottom) Cross section through the neck at the level of the 5th cervical

(bones, muscles, and fasciae).

Cartilago septi nasi





Facies infratemp, et tuber maxillae

Sinus maxillaris

Septum nasi (Vomer)

Palatum durum, Sutura palat. transv.,

0. palat. (Lam. horiz.)

Maxilla (Proc. zygomaticus) N

M. pteryg. medialis,
Fascia pteryg.

M. temporalis, Fascia tempor.

M. zygomaticomandib.

(Pars prof.) x
M. masseter, Fascia
M. pterygoideus I at.,

Fascia pteryg

M. zygomaticomandibularis
(Pars superfic.)

M. longus colli, Atlas

(Arcus et tuberc. ant.) -

M. longus capitis -

M. styloglossus -

M. stylohyoideus
M. stylopharyngeus,
Septum stylophar. —

M. rectus capitis ant. -

M. digastricus (Venter post.)
M. rectus capitis lat.

M. longissimus capitis '

M. obliquus capitis inf.

M. sternocleidomast.

M. splenius capitis

M. semispinalis capitis
M. rectus capitis post, major

0. palat., (Lam. perpendicularis)

Canalis pterygopalatinus
s 0. palat. (Proc. pyramidalis)
s' Proc. pteryg. (Lam. med. et lat.)
Mandibula (Ramus)

- Spatium infratemporale

, Fascia colli prof.,

Ligam. longit. ant.

^ Ligam. sphenomandibulare

Mandibula (Ramus, Margo post.)

Jr Articul. atlantoaxialis mediana,

~~Dens axis, Lig. alare

-Proc. styloideus, Recessus parastyloideus

Fascia retromandibularis
Proc. mastoideus (Apex)
s Recessus submuscularis

For. transversarium,

Atlas (Proc. transversus, Massa lat.)

. transv. at/antis,

Artie, atlantoaxialis mediana

Membrana tectoria,

Ligam. cruciforme atl. (Fascic. longit.)

Atlas (Arcus post.)

v Fascia nuchae prof.
rectus capitis post, minor

/VI. trapezius

Fascia nuchae superfic.

Septum nuchae, Atlas (Tuberc. post.)

I = Atlas
II = Dens axis

Fig. 249. Cross section through the neck at the level of the atlas, and through the
facial skeleton immediately
above the floor of the nasal cavity. Viewed from above, showing skeletal parts,
muscles, ligaments, and fasciae.
Arrows: entrance from The retromandibular fossa, in front of the styloid process,
into the craniovertebral space, or

rostrally into the infratemporal space.

Canalis vertebralis

M. orbicularis oristdi


M. zygomaiicus major

Tunica mucosa buccae

(Vestibulum oris)

M. buccinator

Plica pterygomandib.,
Mandibula (Trig, retro mol a re) ^

M. constrictor pharyngis
sup. (Pars buccophar.)

M. temporalis -
M. masseter

Lig. sphenomandib.,
Lingula mandib.

M. pterygoideus medialis
Fascia pharyngea, Spatium
retropharyngeum -

Lig. stylomandibulare ~

Fascia colli prof.,

M. longus capitis et colli - -

M. digastricus (V. post.)

M. rectus capitis ant. ~

M rectus capitis I at. *

N\. sternocleidomastoideus\
M. longissimus capitis
M. obltquus capitis inf.

Membrana atlantoaxialis,

Lig. interspinale -

Fasc/a buccopharyngea

M. palatoglossus,
Arcus palatoglossus

^ Tonsilla palatina, Fascia

, Fascia pharyngea

-M. pharyngopalatinus,
Arcus pharyngopalatinus
_ Spatium interfasciale

- Spatium parapharyngeum

_ Lamina vasorum el
nervorum visceral is
Septum stylopharyngeum, Lig.
stylohyoideum, hA. stylohyoideus,
stylopharyngeus et styloglossus

- Funiculus nerv. et vasorum cervicali

Fascia retromandibularis,
Fossa retromandibularis



Foramen atlantoaxiale in
membrana atlantoaxialis

M. rectus capitis post, major""

M. splenius capitis et cervicis

M. semispinalis capitis

M. trapezius

Fascia nuchae superfic.

s Fascia nuchae prof.

Lig. sup rasp inale (Lig. nuchae)

I = Massa lateralis, Proc. transv. atlantis

II = Dens and proc. spinosus axis

Fig. 250. Cross section through the head and neck region at the level of the dens
of the axis, oropharynx, and the
occlusal plane showing skeletal parts, muscles, ligaments, and fasciae.
Paravisceral and retrovisceral compartments
are white. The infratemporal (interfascial) fossa and the submuscular recess of the
lateral fascial compartments
of the neck are empty. Not included in the drawing are the buccal fat pad, the
contents of the fascially enclosed re¬
tromandibular fossa (parotid gland), the structures in the illustrated
neurovascular sheath (stylopharyngeal sep¬
tum), and the neurovascular bundle that occupies the parastyloid recess.
A. palat. desc., Nn. palat.,
Can. pterygopalat.

' Cartil. alaris major

„ 'A/I. nasal is

levator labii sup., N., A. infraorbit.

M. levator anguli oris

M. zygom. min. et maj.

Nn. alveol. sup., hA. buccin.

M. tensor veli pal.,

N. buccal is

M. lev. veli palatini,

A/I. pterygopharyng.

- Fascia pharyngea

- N. lingualis
N. alveol. inf.,

Lig. sphenomand.

N. glossophar., A. carotis
’ ext., N. hypoglossus
Fascia parot.

A. carot. int.,

Gang/, cerv. sup.

' N. vag., V.jugul. int.

• N. accessor., A. occip.

Concha nas. inf.

Sinus maxill.

Spat, parapharyng.,
N. mandibul.

A. vertebr., N. c ervic. I. (R. ventr.)'

N. cervic. I.

A. vertebr., N. cervic. I. (Radices)-'

N. occip. maj.'

Sulc. a. vertebr., Fovea artic. sup. al

Spat, infratemp. —

A. maxill., Parot is
(Proc. parapharyng.),
Chorda thymp.-
Lam. nerv. et vasorum visce-
ralis, Recessus pharyngeus, -
Cartil. tubae auditivae
Parotis, A. carot. ext.,
V. retromand.

Fig. 251. Cross section through the head and neck region at the level of the
(on the right side the cut was made somewhat more inferior). View of the floor of
the nasal cavity
and the maxillary sinus. Note the anterior extension of the parotid gland toward

parapharyngeal space.
M. orbic. oris, Gland, lab. inf.

A. vertebr.

N N. access. (Rad. spin.)

N. occip. tertius, V. cervic. prof.

Corp. adipos. buccae n

V.jugul. int., N. access.

Fasc. retromand.
Rec. submusc.

buccinat., Gland, bucc.

Plica pterygomand.

N. lingual., Raphe pterygomandib.

alveol. inf., Can. mand.

N. mylohyoid.

Gangl. spin. (N. cerv. II.)

Arcus (M.) palatoglossus

Tonsilla pal.,

M. constrictor pharyngis
sup. (Pars buccophar.)
Cav. parapharyng. sup. N


Lig. sphenomand.,
Spat, infratemp. n n

. stylomand., V. retromand.

A. carot. ext., N. glossopharyngeus

-N. laryng. sup.
~A. carot. int., N. hypoglossus

Gang/, cervic. sup.

Tunica muse, phar., Fascia pharyngea Membr. thyrohyoidea, Nodus lymph.

M. sterno-, omo-, thyrohyoideus

Platysma, Fascia cervic.,

Lam. access.

Plica ventric., Gland, laryngeae, Recessus pirif. phar.

N. thyr. sup.

A. car. int., V.jugul. int., N. vagus

carotis ext.,

Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)

A. carot is inf.

N. vagus, V.jugul. int.,

" Nodi lymph, cerv. prof. sup.

'Gangl. cerv. sup.

N. access.

M. long. cap. ef colli

M. scalen. med., M. intertransv. cerv.

longiss. cap., cerv., iliocost. cerv.

Spat, extradur., Plex. ven. vert. int.

M. sternocleidomast., Fascia

N. auricul. magn.

Spat, retropharyng.,
Fascia cervic. (L. praevert.)

Fascia cervic. paravert.,

Rec. submusc., Plex. cervic.
M. splen. cerv.

M. lev at. scap.

A. vertebr., Gangl. spin.

/V1. splen.

M. semispinalis cap."'

N\. semispin, cerv., Multifidus"

M. trapez ‘

Fig. 252. (Top) Cross section through the head and neck region at the level of the

Fig. 253. (Bottom) Cross section of the neck through the glottis and the 2nd and
3rd cervical vertebrae.

Os nasale

Os ethmoidale (Lamina cribrosa)

Os ethmoidale
(Lamina perpendicul.) "

Spina nasalis ant

Palatum durum

Spina nasalis post.

Mandibula —

Os occipitale (Squama)
Membrana atlantooccipit. post

M. mylohyoid., Fascia mylohyoidea

Lig. interclaviculare, M. sternothyroid. (Origo)

Sternum (Manubrium)

Lig. longitud. post,

Periosteum (Endorhachis)

Lig. longitud. ant

Discus intervertebralis

Violet = ligaments and intervertebral


Black = cut edges of fasciae

and periosteum

Light blue = synovial membranes

of the articular
capsules and bursae
Red = musculature

Fig. 254. Median section through the bony and fascial boundaries of the visceral
and neural compartments of the
neck. The visceral compartment of the neck, the adjoining craniovertebral space,
the oral cavity above, the thoracic

cavity below, and the vertebral canal are empty.


Velum palat.

Choana nasa/is dextra

J Ostium pharyngeum tubae, Plica salpingopalatina
1 j Torus tubarius, Plica salpingopharyngea, Torus levatorius
. j • J Canalis craniopharyng., Hypophysis

Bursa pharyng., Tonsilla pharyngea, Phar. (Pars nasal.)

I Membrana atlanto occipit. ant., Spatium retropharyng., Recessus pharyngeus

Articul. atlanto axialis mediana, Lig. transv. atlantis
Ventric. IV (Tela choroidea)

Arcus palatoglossus ^

Tonsilla palatina,
Foramen caecum

— Ventric. IV (Apertura rm
T 2^—Cisterna cerebellomedullaris

Arcus palatopharyng.-,

Plica pharyngoepiglott.,

Isthmus faucium —


M. genioglossus ,
geniohyoid. ~

T—Falx cerebelli

’"'Membrana atlantooccipit. post.

Septum nuchae

jj'"'- Membrana atlantoaxialis post

____ Tuberculum cuneiforme,

; r. Plica aryepiglottica

X- M. arytaenoideus, Plica interarytaenoid

Pharynx (Pars laryngea)

k-% ..

-L/g. supraspinale

Cavum laryngis

Lig. interspinale

Arcus cricoid. '

Oesophagus "

Xig • longitudinale ai
et post.

M. mylohyoideus

Epiglottis , Tonsilla lingual., Plica, Vallecula glossoepiglott. ;

Cs hyoideum, Bursa subhyoidea,

Membrana thyrohyoidea -~~ J

Bursa subcutanea, Prominentia laryng/

Spatium praeepiglott., Lig. hyo- etthyroepiglott.

Plica ventricul., Vestibulum laryngis '

Ventriculus laryng., Plica vocalis

Isthmus gland, thyroid.

Fascia cervicalis (Lam. superfic.)-
Fascia cervicalis (Lamina praetrachealis) —-

Trachea -

Spatium interfasc. suprastern., V. transv. juguli

Spatium praetracheale, Vv.thyroideae imae


Lig. interclaviculare
V. brachiocephalica sin. m / g*

Thymus /

Arcus aortae, Truncus brachiocephal. X

Trachea (Paries fibrocartilag.)

Trachea (Paries membranaceus)


,X X x'X Fascia cervicalis

X ^X X (Lam. praevertebr.)
X X Spatium retrooesophag.

/ Oesophagus
Spatium oesophagotracheale

, f l ' Dura mater

\ ! i spinalis, Spatium subdurale

1 I Cavum subarachnoideale
’ Medulla spinalis
Spatium epidurale

1-7 = bodies and spinous processes of cervical vertebrae 1-7 I-III = bodies of
thoracic vertebrae 1-3

Fig. 255. Median section through the neck and adjoining head and thoracic regions
with the contents of the fascial
compartments (previsceral space, etc.); right half of the section.

Falx cerebri

1 Ala vomeris

Lig. sphenomandib.

Communicatio: Spatium craniovertebrale - Fossa retromandib.

N. trigem. et n. abduc. (Porus)

Porus acust. int. (VII, N. intermed., VIII)

Membrana atlantooccipitalis ant.

, N. IX, X, XI (Porus)

„ Tentorium

^ Lig. apicis dentis

N. XII (Pori)


Dura mater

M. levator veli palat., M. pterygoid, lot.

M. tensor veli palat.,

M. pterygoid. med.\

Palatum (Aponeurosis),

M. tensor veli palat.

Cart i I ago nasi

Cartilago alaris
major (Crus lat.)

Tunica mucosa

Hamulus pterygoid.,
Raphe pterygomandib

Labium inf.,

M. orbicul. oris.


Lig. stylohyoid., -
M. stylohyoid.

Linea mylohyoidea,

M. mylohyoideus

M. geniglossus

Fascia cervicalis (submandib.)

M. geniohyoid
M. mylohyoideus

Os hyoideum (Cornu min.)

f /

M. hyoglossus/ / .
Membrana thyrohyoidea f /

M. thyrohyoideus /

/ /

M. digastricus j
M. sternohyoideus' /

M. omohyoideus /

Fascia cervicalis (Lamina praetrachealis) ' ,

M. sternothyroideus / ,

^ ,

Fascia cervicalis (Lamina superfic.)'''}

Fascia cervicalis (Lamina praetrachealis)'’

Spatium (interfasciale) suprasternale'''

M. sternocleidomastoid.,


Tuberculum caroticum, Angulus scalenovertebr.

Clavicula (Extremitas sternalis) j

Lig. interclaviculare

M. buccinator-

Lig. stylomandib
^ Falx

Foramen a.
vertebralis et
- n. cervicalis I

--Mlantooccipit. post.
Articulatio atlantoaxialis medi-
ana, Lig. transversum atlantis
Recessus parastyloideus

Lig. nuchae, Lig. supraspinale

longus capitis
N. cervic. V (Porus)

Lig. longitu-
dinale ant.

'' M.

"Lig. longitu-
dinale post.

" Dura mater spinalis
" Discus intervertebralis
,r,. ,ongus colli

M. intercostal is ext.
scalenus med.

M. intercostalis int.
Lacuna scalena post.

M. scalenus ant.

M. omohyoid.

Lacuna scalena ant.

Fascia cervicalis (Lamina praetrachealis)

N. cervic. II (Porus)

Processus styloideus, M.
styloglossus et stylopharyngeus
' s N. cervic. Ill (Porus)

Lig. interspinale
N. cervic. IV (Porus)

C.t = Cartilago tubae

Cl = Clavicula

F = Squama ossis frontalis


H = Os hyoideum


M = Mandibula, Manubrium




N = Os nasale


Os occipitale
Palatum durum
Sinus sphenoidalis
Vertebrae cervicales
Vertebrae thoracicae
1st and 2nd ribs
scalene lacunae

Fig. 256. Neck musculature of the right side seen from the medial aspect after
removal of all viscera and

neurovascular bundles.
Palatum durum —

A/1, orbicu¬
laris oris

A/1, sternothyroid.

Spatium retrooesophageum \
Fascia cervicall's
(Lamina praevertebr.)

x Dura mater spinalis

^ Lig. longitudi-
\ nale post

Lig. longitudinale ant.

Membrana pharyngobasilaris

Porus trigemini

A/1, genioglossus
A/1, orbicularis oris

M. geniohyoideus ■

M. mylohyoideus, Fascia mylohyoid

Os hyoideum, Bursa subhyoid.

Membrana thyrohyoidea
Spatium praeepiglott., Lig. hyo- etthyroepiglott.

Prominentia laryng. (Bursa subcut.)

Cartilago thyroidea
A/1, arytaenoid
Lig. cricothyroid.
Arcus cricoid.

Fascia cervicalis (Lam.

Fascia cervicalis (Lam. superfic.)

Spatium suprasternale

Spatium praetracheale
Lig. interclavicul.

Spatium epidurale

Sternum (Manubrium)


Spatium oesophagotracheale

' Foramen durale (N. abducens)

Porus acusticus int.

Foramen jugulare

Membrana atlanto-
occipit. ant

N. cervic. II (Vagina radicul.)

Membrana tectoria

N. cervic. Ill (Vagina radicul.)

Spatium epidurale

Foramina duralia (N. hypoglossus)

Membrana tectoria,
Lig. apicis dentis

Membrana atlantooccipit post

Foramen durale a. vertebr.

et n. cervic. I

Lig. cruciforme atlantis

Lig. interspin ale

Lig. supraspinale
N. cervic. VIII
(Vagina radicul.)

— N. thoracicus I
(Vagina radicul.)

Fig. 257. Median section through the neck and adjoining head region.

Blue = area of sensory innervation by the nerve of the 1st

branchial arch, the trigeminal n. (V):

1. Light blue: area of sensory innervation by the

ophthalmic division of the trigeminal n. (VI) in the
anterior part of the nasal cavity (frontal sinus).

2. Bluish-gray: area of sensory innervation by the

maxillary division of the trigeminal n. (V2) in the
posterior part of the nasal cavity, in the sphenoid
sinus and the adjacent pharyngeal wall (roof of
pharynx), as well as the (nasal and oral) mucosa of
the palate and the vestibule of the oral cavity. The
area of sensory innervation by the olfactory nerve (I,
smell) is indicated by white dots on the lateral wall of
the nasal cavity (olfactory region).

3. Bluish-green: area of sensory innervation by the

mandibular division of the trigeminal n. (V3) on the
mucosal surface of the body of the tongue in front of
the terminal sulcus, and in the vestibule of the oral
cavity. Within this field the red dots indicate
schematically the sensory innervation for taste sen¬
sation by the chorda tympani (of nervus inter-
medius). (VII = 2nd branchial n.)

Brown = area of sensory innervation by the nerve of the 3rd

branchial arch, the glossopharyngeal n. (IX): The
area of sensory innervation by this nerve (pharyngeal
and lingual branches) in the nasal and oral parts of
the pharynx, partly also on the soft palate, the isth¬
mus of the fauces, and the root of the tongue. The
white dots behind the terminal sulcus in the region of

the circumvallate papillae, the foliate region, and the

adjacent mucosa of the isthmus indicate schemati¬
cally the sensory innervation for taste sensation by
the glossopharyngeal nerve.
= area of innervation by the nerve of the 4th and 6th
branchial arches, the vagus nerve (X):

1. Light green: area of sensory innervation by the

pharyngeal branches and the sup. laryngeal n. (of the
4th branchial nerve) in the upper part of larynx, the
vallecula, and the laryngeal part of pharynx.

2. Dark green: area of sensory innervation by the

pharyngeal branches and the inf. laryngeal n. (of the
6th branchial nerve) in the laryngeal part of pharynx,
the esophagus, the lower part of larynx, and the
trachea. These 2 fields of innervation overlap in the
area of the vocal cords.


Fig. 258. The sensory innervation of the mucosa of the upper gastrointestinal and
respiratory tracts
in the head and neck shown in a median section (right half of section).

Topography of the Neck Regions

Capsula gland, parotis

- V. jugularis ext..

N. transversus colli (R. inf.)

Fascia cervicalis
(Lam. superfic.)

Nodi lymph, subauriculares

V. parotidea subcut.
A. auricularis post.

Fascia cervicalis,
M. sternocleidomastoideus

N. auricularis magnus
N. occipitalis minor

V. jugularis ext.

Fascia cervicalis

N. cutaneus cervicis

Nn. supraclaviculares lat.,

A. cervicalis superfic.

Rete acromiale


Prominentia laryngea

transversus colli, Vv. subcut.


M. sternocleidomast.

Nn. supraclaviculares intermedii

Nn. supraclaviculares med., A. cervicalis superfic.

'Clavicula (Extremi-
tas sternal is)

" Mandibula (Angulus)

- Nodi lymphat. cervicales

superficiales sup.
^ Platysma

N. cutaneus colli
(R. sup.)

A. thyroidea sup. (R. cut.)

Fig. 259. Superficial layers of the neck. The platysma and subcutaneous structures
in the anterior

and posterior triangles.

Glandula parotis

Nodus lymph.

A., V. auricularis post.

V. subcutanea

Nodus lymph, subauricularis ^

Mandibula (Angu/us)

Fascia cervicalis,
Tractus angularis

■ A., V. facialis

Ramus marginal is

Platysma faciei

Fascia cervicalis
(Lam. superfic.)

V. jugularis extern

- Nn. supraclavicu¬
lares med., A. sup
scapul. (R. cut.)
- M. sternocleido-
mastoideus (Orig i

Fascia cervicalis, M. sternocleidomastoideus

N. auricularis magnus

Nodus lymphat. cervicalis superficialis sup.

N. occipitalis minor

V. jugularis externa-

A. sternocleidomastoidea (Rami)
Punctum nervosum (Erb)

Fascia cervicalis, M. trapezius ^

Fascia submandib.

Prominentia laryngea

A. thyroidea sup.

(Ramus thyrohyoideus)

N. transversus colli

Nn. supraclaviculares
lat., A. cervicalis

Fascia cervicalis „

Clavicula /

Nn. supraclaviculares intermedii

N. facialis (R. colli)

Ansa cervicalis superficialis

(N. transversus colli, R. sup.)

A. thyroidea sup. (R. cutaneus)

N. cutaneus colli,

A. cervicalis superficialis -
Fossa venae
jugularis ext. —

Fig. 260. Superficial layers of the neck after removal of the platysma. Dissection
of subcutaneous
structures on the ventrolateral aspect of the cervical fascia as well as the
cervical pole of the parotid

gland in the retromandibular fossa.

Foramen a. el v. facialis


x 0s hyoideum

N Prom in. laryngea

Mandibula (Margo)

Fascia cervicalis,
M. digastricus

Fascia masseterica

Arcus zygoma!.

Lig. temporomandib.
Proc. styloid. (Fossa retromandib.)

Cartilago meatus acust.

Fossa retromand.

Proc. masloideus x
Fascia cervic., Tractus angul. v
Fascia cervicalis

Foramen v. jugul. ant.

Fascia cervic., M. sternocleidomast.

Foramen v. jugul. ext. v

Fascia cervic., Trig, colli lat. (Fossa supraclav. maj.)

Fascia cervic., M. trapez. -

Acromion ..

Fascia deltoidea

Fascia cervic.,
M. omohyoid.

\ Fascia cervic.,
M. sternohyoid.

Fascia cervicalis, Fossa suprastern.,

Linea alba colli

Corpus ad ip. buccae


Fascia pector
(Lam. superf.)

Fascia cervic.,

Fossa supraclav.

Fig. 261. The superficial layer of the cervical fascia. The skin, subcutaneous
tissue, and platysma
have been removed from the face and neck on the right side.

A., V., N. auricularis posterior ^

N. transv. colli (Ramus sup.) —

N. auricularis magnus -
N. occipitalis minor

Rami temporofrontales (VII)


/ Glandula parotis accessoria, Ramus

/ zygomaticus (VII), A. transversa faciei

/ Ductus parotideus

* Ramus zygomaticus (VII)

^ - Rr. bucales (VII)

„ R. colli (VII)

R. marginalis
mandibulae (VII)

- — A. facialis

— V. facialis


—Fascia cerv. (su


V. retromandi-
( = V. facialis

V. jugular is ext.

K Cartilago thyroidea
''A. thyroidea sup. (Rr. cutanei)

^ Fascia cervical is (Lamina super fic.),

M. sternocleidomastoideus

Fascia cervicalis (Pars angularis)

A. carotis ext., Vv. caroticae

externae (fasciam penetr.) -

Nodus lymph, subauricularis -

Nodus lymph, cervicalis

superficialis sup. -

A. sternocleidomastoidea

(R. cut.)"'"'

Punctum nervosum (Erb) ——

V. jugularis ext. (Fascia cervic.,

Lamina superfic. perforans) "

A., V. temporalis superficialis,

N. auriculotemporalis^

Rr. praeauriculares N
Meatus acusticus, Cartilago
N. facialis (Truncus)^

Glandula parotis
' I

\ Nodus lymph. i
\ praeauricularis

Fig. 262. The parotid gland, the retromandibular fossa, the submandibular and
triangles after removal of the skin and platysma. The cutaneous branches of the

plexus emerge at Erb’s point.

the parotid gland but retaining its fascia.

« E













^ d>

^ *n
S c

•S3 ^

5-h <D
03 (Z)

^ C/5

G 0)

.-2 >














Fig. 265. Regional dissection of the submandibular triangle and the submandibular

Fig. 266. Regional dissection of the deep aspects of the submandibular triangle and
the retromandibular fossa, showing the
paralingual structures in the floor of the mouth. The digastric muscle has been
divided; the mylohyoid muscle has been incised
along its raphe and reflected upward. Note the lingual trigone with the exposed
lingual artery.

.> V. tempor. superfic., N. auriculotemp.

Fig. 267. Regional dissection of submandibular triangle and retromandibular fossa

showing paralingual structures
after dividing and retracting the mylohyoid and hyoglossus muscles.

M. digastricus, R. digastricus (VII)

Fig. 268. Regional dissection of structures in the carotid triangle. Exposure of
subfascial structures in the carotid
triangle and in the thyroid triangle (between the omohyoid, the sternothyroid, and
the sternocleidomastoid muscles).

\., V. temp, superfic., N.

A. transv. faciei _

M. masseter, A. max///. __

N. auricul. magnus,

N. facialis (Truncus)

nm.: VII-IX, A. auricul. post

Atlas (Proc. transv.),

M. levat. scapulae (Origo) --

X, XI —

N. hypoglossus —

cipitalis, V.jugul. inf., N. access.

R. comm.: VII - N. auric, magnus

A. carotis int., N. sinus carotid.

Gangl. cervic. sup. (symp.)

Nodi lymph, cervic. prof. sup.

N. cervic. II

N. laryngeus sup.

hypoglossus, A. carotis ext.,

Plexus carot. ext. -

N. card, cervic. sup.,

Truncus symp.

N. cervic. II (R. ventr.)

N. vagus., R. card.
Glomus caroticum
1 cervic. (Radix sup.),

R. card.

M. long us capitis
jlis, Ansa cervic. (Radix inf.) ''

N. transversus colli

Ansa cervic ."

S/. auricul. magnus, V.jugul. ext.

V.jugul. int., Truncus lymph, jugul.

M. long, colli

N. vagus

M. stylopharyngeus, R. styiopharyng. (IX),

' Ligam. stylohyoid.

^ A., V. pharyngea asc.

M. styloglossus, Nodi lymphat ,


A. palatina asc.

A. facialis,

Gland, submand.

N. glossophar.,

Lig. stylohyoideum

A. lingualis,

V. comitans XII

M. digastricus
(Venter ant.)

-M. mylohyoideus

N. hypoglossus, A. ling.
(R. hyoid.), M. hyogloss

Cornu majus o. h., R.

thyrohyoideus (XII)

M. digastricus (V. post.)

A., V., N. laryngeus sup. (R. int.),
Membr. thyrohyoidea
A. thyr. sup., V. facialis,

M. thyrophar.

M. omohyoideus (Venter sup.)

x Wl. sfylohyoideus
M sternohyoideus
Linea obliqua, M. thyrohyoideus
N. laryng. sup. (R. ext.)
cervic. (R. muse.)
S '' W A., V. thyr. sup. (R. post.)

Gland, thyroidea

A. carotis comm., Plexus carot.

Rr.cardiaci sup.

Fascia cervicalis (Lam. superfic.

" M sternothyroideus
V. thyroidea media (access.)
Ansa cervic. (R. muscul.)

M. omohyoideus

Fig. 269. Deep aspect of the anterior cervical triangle. Regional dissection of
vessels and nerves in the carotid and
submandibular triangles, as well as the retromandibular fossa.

-- Nn. cufanei brachii med.

, N. thoracicus longus
N. cut. antebrachii med.

N. fhoracodorsalis

A. temp, superfic.,

N. auriculotemp., Rr. praeauricul,

A., R. auricularis post. (VII) '■

N. facialis, R. digastricus, A. stylomastoid. \

A. transversa faciei, Rr. commun.: N. auriculotemp. - Plexus parotid.

" A. angularis
■' A., N. infraorbit.

A. facialis

' mental is


A. occipitalis, N. occipitalis min. -

N. hypoglossus, N. cervic. desc. sup. ( C 1( C 2 )-

N. sinus carotid, Gangl. cervic. sup., /

N. auricularis magnus, A. carotis int. —■*—/

Rr. commun.: C 3 , C A - Truncus sympathicus

N. accessorius
Nn. supraclaviculares

N. transversus colli

N. cervic. desc. inf. (C 3 , C 4 ) __

R. cardiacus sup., R. commun. ad C 4 ,

A. cervicalis asc .._

Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)

Gangl. cervic. med., R. cardiacus med.,

N. phrenicus, A. thyroidea inf.

N. subclavius,

N. phrenicus access. (C 5 ) ^
A. cervic. superfic.,

N. thoracicus longus ^

A., N. suprascapularis

N. dorsalis scap., V|
A. transversa colli (R. desc.)\ M
Fasciculus post., A. subc/avia,

A. transversa coHi^^^$k$M

Fasciculus lat. /fgKil

\ -y , f;

N. subscapular is

N. axillaris \

Ansa cervic. (Rami musculares)

N. radial is

A. axillaris

N. medianus

N. mylohyoid.,

A. submentalis
Arcus n. lingualis

X marginal is mandibulae (VII),

j.h. > K colli (VII), A. palatina asc.

' A. lingualis, N. hypoglossus

R. thyrohyoideus (XII),

A. lingualis (R. hyoideus)

N. laryng. sup. (R. int.), A. laryngea sup.

„N. transversus colli (R. comm.),

A. carotis ext., Glomus caroticum

/ "A. thyroid, sup., N. laryng. sup. (R. ext.)

j? Ansa cervicalis prof.

r— A., N. vertebralis

I— Truncus thyrocervical is

\ —Ansa subclavia, A. subclavia, Gangl. cervic. inf.

■ — Gangl. thorac. I, A. thoracica int.

— N. recurrens, R. cardiacus inf. (X)

N. musculocutaneus
N. ulnar is

Nn. thoracici ant., Fasciculus med.

N. intercostobrachialis II

A = M. scalenus medius
B = M. scalenus ant.

C = M. scalenus post. = Cartilago thyroidea

E = M. sternohyoideus
F ± = M. sternothyroideus
F 2 = M. thyrohyoideus
G = M. omohyoideus (Venter sup.) = Glandula thyroidea

H a = M. digastricus (Venter ant.)

H 2 = M. digastricus (Venter post.)

J = M. mylohyoideus
J.e = M. intercostalis ext.

K = M. stylohyoideus
L = M. hyoglossus
M = M. styloglossus = Manubrium sterni
O.h = Os hyoideum





M. thyropharyngeus
Processus styloideus
ventral ramus of
1st—8th cervical nerves
ventral ramus of
1st thoracic nerve
1st and 2nd ribs

Fig. 270. Arteries and nerves of the neck, from the right side. The shoulder
girdle, the sternocleidomas¬
toid, and the posterior neck muscles have been removed.
Truncus lymphat. subclav., V. subclavia, Nodi lymphat. i

transversa faciei


Nodi lymphat.

submandib. medii

Sinus transversus

V. laryngea sup., V.jugul int.

Nodi lymphat. cervic. prof. inf.


—V. transversa colli

Sinus cavernosus
Nodi lymphat. parotidei


Nodi lymphat. praec

Sinus petrosus sup

Nodi lymphat. occipitales

V. nasofrontalis

Nodi lymphat. cervic.

prof. sup. (jugulares)

. comitans XII

V. cervicalis subcutanea
V. jugularis ant.

V.jugularis ext., Truncus lymphat. jugul.

V. colli mediana

Ductus lymphat. dext. (influens), Angul. venos.,

Bulbus valvul. v. jugul. int.

brachiocephalica dextra

Foramen mastoid., Nodi lymphat.


Sinus sigmoideus, Nodi lymphat. subauricul.,

V. auricul. post

. submentalis,
Nodi lymphat.
submandib. ant.

V. cervicalis
Nodi lymphat. cervic. prof,
inf. (supraclavicul.)

V. suprascapularis

V. retromandib.

Nodus lymphat. cervic. sup.,

V. facialis comm.

Nodi lymphat. submentales

Nodi lymphat. submandib. post.

A = M. scalenus med.

F =

B = M. scalenus ant.

G =

C = M. scalenus post. =
D = M. omohyoideus (Venter sup.)

Hi =

E = M. sternohyoid.

h 2 =

J =

M. sternothyroid.

K = M. stylohyoid.

M. thyrohyoid.

L = M. hyoglossus

Glandula thyroid.

M = M. styloglossus

M. digastricus (Venter ant.) = Manubrium sterni

M. digastricus (Venter post.)

l.,2R = 1st and 2nd ribs

M. mylohyoid.

Fig. 271. Veins, lymph vessels, and lymph nodes of the neck, seen from the right
after removal of the
shoulder girdle, the sternocleidomastoid, and the posterior neck muscles. The
direction of lymph flow

is schematically indicated by yellow arrows.

Gland, submandib., Fascia submandib.

M. sternocleidomast. (Origo sternal is) ''

M. omohyoideus, M. thyrophar., Membr.

M. sternohyoideus, V. colli mediana

Membr. thyrohyoidea, M. sternohyoideus

A. thyr. sup. (R. cricothyr.), N. lar. sup. (R. e

Prominentia laryngea
, A. thyr. sup.,

Ansa cervic. (R. sternohyoideus)

Lig. cricothyr., R. cricothyr.,

Nodus lymph, praelaryngeus

Arcus cart, cric., M. cricothyroid 6

^ R. marg. su
"(R. commu

' Isthmus gland

V. thyr.

M. sternothyroic
"M. sternocleidomasi
V. thyroidea ima

Arcus venosus juguli

Lig. interclaviculare

A., V. thyr. sup., N. laryngeus sup. (R. ext.)

V. jugul. ant.\

jgul. ext., Nod. lymph, cervic.

superfic. sup., Parotis s

V. jugular is ext.

>a cervic. (R. sternothyr.)*

M. sternothyroideus
. sternohyoideus (Inscriptiones tend.) ' ”

A. thyroidea sup

:ervic. (Radix sup.).

i. carotis communis,

V. jugul. int., Nodus

lymph, cervic. prof

I. ext., Nodus lymph,

cervic. prof

so cervic. (Radix inf.)

(prof .),.

nd. thyr. (Polus sup.)

Trig, thyr.,

and. thyr. (capsula fibrosa)-^

M. digastricus

A., V., N. laryngeus sup. (R. int.),

M. digastr. (Tendo)

/R. thyrohyoideus (XII),

M. thyrohyoideus

' Os hyoideum

Fascia cervic. (Lam. superfic.)

1. omohyoideus (V. sup.),

V. subcut.

V. comm, cum V. jugul. ant.,

Nn. supraclav. med.'

Fig. 272. Blood vesels, nerves, and muscles in the midline of the neck and in the
carotid triangle
(superficial). Laryngeal cartilages and thyroid gland.

Promin. laryngea

M. sternocleidomast.

Fascia cervic. (Lamina superfic.), M. omohyoideus j

A. suprascapularis (R. cut.)

Arcus ven. jug. /

\ M. sternocleidomast (Origo clav.)
Nn. supraclav. med., A. suprascap. (R. cut.)

\ Fascia cervicalis (Lam. superfic.)

M. sternocleidomast. (Origo stern.)


Fascia cervicalis (Lam. superfic.)

N. access., A. sternocleidomast.

V. facialis

Nn. supraclav. lat.

N. transversu
M. sternocleidomast.

N. auricul. magnus

V. jug. ext.

M. sternocleidomast.

Nn. supraclav. intermedii

Nn. supraclav. lat.

A. thyr. sup. (R. cut.)

Fascia cervic. (Lamina superfic., Fascia sternocleidomast.)

N. transversus colli

V. jugul. ant.

Fig. 273. Sternocleidomastoid region. Exposure of the infrahyoid area of the

anterior neck region

showing both laminae of the cervical fascia.

Membrana thyrohyoidea

Glandulaparotis ^

Fascia cervic.

A. suprascapularis
M. sternocleidomast. (Origo sternalis)

jugul. sterni

Fascia cervic. (Lam. superfic.)

facialis (R. colli), V. retromandib., V. jugul. ext —

N. transversus colli (R. comm.)

N. auricul. magn.

V. jugul. ext., A. thyroid, sup. (R. cut.) ---

N. fransv. colli ^


V. jugul. ext.-^

A/1. sternocleidomast.

(Origo clavicul.) "

upraclavicul. intermedii

Prominentia laryngea
Fascia colli propria, V. colli mediana

,N. auricul. magn.

A/1. sternocleidomast.

Fascia cervicalis, A. thyr. (R. cut.)

. A/1, sternohyoid.

^ N. fransv. colli
V. jugul. ext.

,M. sternothyroid.


Nn. supraclavicul. med.

Nn. sup r aclavicul. intermedii

Fig. 274. Superficial dissection of the ventrolateral aspects of the neck and the
suprasternal fossa.
The suprasternal space (interfascial) has been opened.





IH « o
o « *
— > 3

E fc E

cd O CTJ

— -£
2 00
~ I

C 43 C
(U V U
> >





B 6 <*
u u J

Fie. 275. Tonography of the superior thoracic aperture, the cunula of the pleura,
and the scalenovertebral triangle.



d &





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’-T 5-1

CL 4-*


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13 <N

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d o
O i3
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43 _


o .a
d ’>

£ S

<33 o
d a>

^ 4->

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•§ o

•2* <3

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3 (3

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B 3

3 43

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d M

5-1 A T

33 T3
c/3 .33
<n <»





P 3
73 — 1
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cd 43 *

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3 .33
cd &

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3 'j?

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<3 WVJ

d B

c/> 73



. 43

.2? -S






a <3
43 ^

4—' 4—*

73 43
S too
cd *CJ

S 2

A. thyroidea sup.

C 4 , N. laryng. sup. (R. ext.) \

A., V. thyroidea sup.

\ Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)

Ansa subclavia, A.,

V. cerv. superfic.,
N. dorsalis scapulae

N. vagus, R. cardiacus sup.

N. phrenicus, Lig. cricothyroideum

Anastom. vasorum thyroid, sup. et inf. \

Aa. cervic. ascend., \

V. thyroid, media \

N. cardiacus
cervic. sup.,
A. verlebralis,
A. transversa colli

V. jugul. int. (bulbus

valvularis), A.
articulat. /
sternoclav ./

N. recurrens (Origo), R. cardiac, medius j

Nodi lymph, supraclav., V. vertebralis dext., R. card. inf.

■A. thyroid, inf.

A., V. suprascap.,
N. subclavius

R. card, sup.,
Trunc. thyrocervic.,
Trunc. lymph, jugul.

A., V. verlebralis,
Ductus thoracicus,
Angulus venosus

(Virchow), A.
transversa colli

, V. subclavia
(Pars cervical is)

A. thorac.
int. dextra ^

V. jugul. ext., Trunc.

lymph, subclavius, N.


Ansa subclavia,
Trunc. lymph,

„A. thorac. int. sin.,

N. phren., Trunc.
lymph, broncho-
mediast. ant.

R. cardiacus sup., V. brachiocephal. sin.

recur rens sin., Nodi lymph, paratracheales

R. nerv. m. omohyoid.

V. jugul. int., Ansa cervic. (Radix inf)

R. cricothyroideus, N. vagus,
' Trunc. lymph, jugul.

Aa. cerv. ascend., Ansa cerv.

/ /
/ V. jugul. ext., Ansa cervic. (Ramus muse.
' (N\. omohyoid.)

A., V. cervic. superfic.

Vv. thyroid, imae, Trachea

Os hyoideum

E = M. thyrohyoid.

J = M. omohyoid. (V. inf.)

N = M.

intercost. ext.

M. omohyoid. (V. sup.)

F = M. sternothyroid.

K = M. trapezius

O = M.

pect. major

M. sternohyoid.

G = M. cricothyroid.

L = M. subclavius

P = M.

scalen. ant.

Membr. thyrohyoidea

H = Isthmus gland, thyr.

M = M. intercost. int.

Q = M.
R = M.

levator scap.
scalen. med.

Fig. 277. Blood vessels and nerves in the lower neck region, particularly in the
area of the thyroid gland, the
superior thoracic aperture, the scalene lacunae, and the so-called venous angle.
Note the topography of the
cupula of the pleura in the superior thoracic aperture. Both clavicles have been
Lig. cricothyroldeum, A. thyr. sup. (R. cricothyr.), N. laryngeus sup. (R. ext.) N.
laryngeus sup. (Ram. int.), A. thyroidea sup.

A., V., N. intercostal is II

Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)


N. phrenizus, V. thyr. sup.

cervic. (Radix inf.)

, A a. cervicales asc.

V.jugul. ext., N. accessorius

Nodi lymphat. cervic. prof, inf., A.,

. cervic. super fic., Plexus brachial is

N. laryng. sup. (R. int.)

A. carotis communis (Bifurcatio), A. thyr, sup.

Vasa thyroidea, Vv. thyroideae imae,

Isthmus gl. thyr.,

Ramus card, medius, A. vertebralis s

N. phrenicus, V. thyr. media,

Nodi lymph. jugul. s

Ansa subclavia, Aa. cervic. asc.

A., V. cervic. superfic.

N. thoracicus

A. transversa colli

Tr uncus thyrocervical is

A.,V. suprascapul ..
Ramus cardiacus sup.,
A. artic. sternoclav

Cupula pleurae,
N. recurrens

V. jugularis ext.

V. vertebralis,


Pleura parietalis,
M. transversus
thoracis (Origo)

A., V. thoracica int

Ramus trapezius
(A. cervic. superfic.)

A., V. suprascapularis

A. subclavia, Ansa

Truncus lymph,

Truncus broncho-
mediastinalis ant.,

Nodi lymph,
N. recurrens. Nodi
lymphat. paratracheales

N. phrenicus, V.
brachiocephalica sin.,
A. pericardia-

Truncus broncho-
mediast. sin. ant., A.,
V., N. intercostalis I
Thymus, A., V.
thymica sup.
N. phrenicus, A.,
V. articul. sternoclavic

V. cava

Arcus aortae, Pericar¬

dium, V. thymica sup

A., V. vertebralis,

Nodus lymphat. Virchow

Ductus thoracicus,
A. thyroidea inf.

A., V. transversa colli

Vasa thorac. int., Ductus

lymphaticus, Nodi
lymph, intercost. ant.

" A., V. thoracica int.

A = M. laryngopharyng.

B = M. omohyoid. (V. sup.)

C = M. sternohyoid.

D = M. thyrohyoid.

E = M. sternothyroid.

F = M. cricothyroid.

G = M. sternocleidomast.
H = M. subclavius

J = M. intercost. int.
K = M. intercost. ext.
L = M. pect. major
M = M. scalen. ant.

N = M. scalen. med.

O = M. levator scap.
P = M. trapezius
Q = Membr. thyrohyoidea
l.,2. = 1 .,2. Costae

Fig. 278. The sternocleidomastoid region, vessels, and nerves in the area of the
superior thoracic aperture.
Dissection of the thyroid gland, the cupula of the pleura, the large vessels, and
nerves, and demonstration of
continuity with structures in the mediastinum by partial resection of the 1 st and
2nd ribs as well as the manub¬
rium of sternum.

A., V. trans-
versa colli -

A. thyr. inf.,
Ansa subclavia

Ramus card, medius,

Truncus broncho-
mediast. ant. sin.

A., V. suprascapul.,
N. subclavius

Nodi lymph,
paratrach., A. subclavia

R. card, sup., A.
artic. sternoclav.

A. thorac. int., A., V.,

N. intercost. I

A. thorac. int.
V.jugul. ext

A. articul. sternoclav.
Aorta desc., V.
hemiazygos accessoria

Vasa thyroidea, Truncus lymph, jugul

V. thyr. media, Aa. cervic. ascend

A., V. cervic. superfic.

(Rami ascend.)

N. thoracicus
longus, A., V.

R. cricothyr. (A. thyr. sup.), Ganglion cervic. medium, N. card, cervic. sup.

A. thyr. sup., N. laryngeus sup. (R. int.)

N. vagus, Aa. cervic. asc.

A. carotis comm., V.jugul. int.

Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.), V. thyr. sup.

A. thorac. int.,
ant. dext.

N. vagus, N.
recurrens sin.

"" Ligam. art. (Botalli),

R. card. inf.

" Paraganglion supracardiale

l Gangl. cardiacum (Wrisbergi), A. pulmonalis

N Vasa lymph, cordis, V. brachiocephal. sin.

A. carotis comm., V.jugul. int.

V. jugul. ext.

N. phrenicus

N. card, cervic. medius, R.

comm, ad n. recurrentem.
Ansa cervic., Radix inf.

/A. thyr. inf., R. card. sup.

/ Gangl. cervic. inf., Ansa subclavia,

I A., V. cervic. superfic.

Nodus lymph. Virchow,

N. card, cervic.
medius, A.,

V. vertebralis

, Ductus thorac.
(influens), N.
recur rens, A.,
V. suprascap.

N. card, cervic. sup.

N. vagus, R.
card, medius,
Vv. thyr.

V. vertebralis,
Nodus lymph .,
mediast. ant.

N. phrenicus, A.

V. thoracica int., N.
card, cervic. inf., R.
card. inf. (X)

V. brachioceph.

N. phrenicus,
N. phren. access. (C 5 )

V. cava sup., A., /

V., N. intercost. II /

i /
A., V. thy mica sup. j

Aorta asc., Plexus card, (aorticus) superfic., Pericardium

Ligam. cricothyr., N. lar. sup. (R. ext.)

A., V. thyr. sup. >

A. carotis comm. (Bifurcatio), N. lar. sup. (R. ext.)

C 4 , N. phrenicus

Sternum (Corpus)

A = M. thyrohyoideus
B = M. omohyoideus
(Venter sup.)

C = M. sternohyoideus
D = Membrana thyrohyoidea
E = M. thyrohyoideus

F = M. sternothyroideus
G = M. cricothyroideus
H = Isthmus glandulae

J = M. scalenus ant.

K = M. omohyoideus
L = M. trapezius
M = M. intercostalis int.

N = Pleura costovertebralis
O = M. pectoralis minor

P = M. pectoralis major
Q = M. subclavius
R = Pulmo dexter
S = M. scalenus medius
T = M. levator scapulae
I, II = Costa prima, secunda

Fig. 279. Topography of the superior thoracic aperture and the deep neck region
after removal of the manubrium
of sternum, and resection of the sternal ends of the 1st and 2nd ribs. The arch of
the aorta.
Os hyoideum

A. n. laryngea (-us) sup.,

membrana thyrohyoidea

A., v. thyroidea sup., m. thyroideus —

Gland, thyroidea, lobus pyramidalis -

Gland, thyroidea, lobus sin.

A. n. laryngea (-us) inf., Oesophagus —

Gland, parathyroidea inf. sin.

Trachea —

V. thyroidea ima

N. laryngeus recurrens. (Rr. oesophagei) —

Truncus brachiocephalicus

V. brachiocephalica

Arcus aortae, N. laryngeus recurrens sin . ^

Aorta ascendens

A. carotis ext.

A. carotis int., N. hypoglossus (R. descendens)

— — V. jugularis int.

- Sinus caroticus

— M. constrictor pharyngis inferior

A/I. sternocleidomastoideus

_A. carotis communis,

N. vagus, V. jugularis int.

A. thyroidea inf.

3 ._ plexus brachialis

Rr., Nn. cardiaci cervicles

- Gangl. cervicothoracicum

Trunci symp., Ansa subclavia

——Ductus thoracicus,
A. transversa colli

"^V. subclavia, Costa I

A. subclavia sinistra

Pulmo sinister

Fig. 280. Neurovascular structures of the deep neck region; opening of the thoracic
duct into the venous angle

(angulus venosus). Anterolateral view.

Plexus ven. vertebral, ext.

N. thoracicus longus,
Lacuna scalena post.
N. cervic. VI (R. ventr.)

N. cervic. VIII (R. dors

. accessorius

i i ;

N. cervic. VIII (R. dors.) ' J

| I

Ganglion, N. spin. VIII, Foramen intervertebrale i

Septum interradiculare

Spatium extradurale, Plexus ven. vertebral, int., Endorhachis

\ Dura mater spin., Arachnoidea
Cavum subarachn., N. cervic. VIII (Radix dors.)

N. cervic. VII (R. ven


Oesophagus, Spatium oesophagotracheale k

Spatium retrooesophag.

V.jugul. ant.

Lam. vasorum et nerv. visceral is

Isthmus, Vv. thyroid, imae, Spatium praetracheale

/ Capsula propria glandulae thyr.

Fascia thyroidea (Fascia cervic., Lam. med.)

-Gland, parathyroid, inf., N. recurrens, A. thyr. inf.

thyroidea, Spatium parathyroid.

Funiculus nerv. et vasorum c

Gang!, cervic. inf., N. card, cervic. sup.,

A., V. vertebralis, Ductus thoracicus

Nodi lymph, cervic. prof, inf., N. phrenicus

N. cervic. VIII (R. ventr.)

N. cervic. VII (R. ventr.)

N. cervic. VI (R. ventr.)

V.jugul. ext.

Ansa cervic. (R. muse.)

-A. carotis comm., N. vagus, R. card, s

V.jugul. int., Truncus lymph, jugul.

Fig. 281. Transverse section through the neck at the level of the isthmus of the
thyroid gland and
the 7th cervical vertebra. Illustration of the viscera, the cervical neurovascular
bundles, and the
perivisceral compartments in cross section. The cut edges of the fasciae are black.

Nodi lymphat. cervic.

prof., R. rnuscul. N

Punct. nerv. (Erb)

R. cutan., V. cervical, subcut.

Fascia cervicalis (Lamina media)

Fascia cervicalis
(Lam. superfic.)

Truncus jug., Nodus

lymphat. cervic. prof.

A., V. suprascapul.
(R. cutan.)
Angulus venosus

N. occipit. minor

Fascia cervicalis^

N. accessorius . \

M. levator scapulae \

M. trapezius, Fascia cervicalis, F. nuchae superf.

M. trapezium

A., V. cervical, superf~.

V. auric, post.

N. auricul. magn.

V. retromandib. (Anastom. cum v.jugul. ext.)

N. auricul. magnus
V. facialis

. jugul. ext.

ft. transversus
/colli (R. sup.)

.jugul. ant.

A., V. cervical, superfic.

Truncus subclav.,

Nn. supraclavicul. med.

A., V., N. suprascapul.

M. omohyoid.
(Venter inf.), Clavicula

Nn. supraclavicul. intermedii

Nodi lymphat. cervic.

prof., Plexus brachial is "

Nn. supraclavicul. lat.

N. transversus
colli (R. inf.)


Fascia cervicalis
(Lamina media)

Fascia cervicalis (Lam. media)

"N. phrenicus

M. omohyoideus (Tendo)
R. omohyoid.

Fascia cervicalis
(Lamina superfic.)

V.jugul. ext. (influens)''

V. jugul. int. (Bulbus valv.)'

Fig. 282. Blood vessels and nerves in the lateral neck region, particularly in the
supraclavicular area.
The lateral cervical fascial compartment has been opened.
Fig. 283. Blood vessels, nerves, and muscles in the posterior triangle of the neck.

The brachial plexus and subclavian artery are seen in the space between the
anterior and middle scalenes.

Nodi lymphat. retroauricul.. V. auricularis post, subcut., Ramus a. auricul. post.

Nod/ lymphat. subauriculares ParotiSi w . pa „tideae superflc.

\ . . . . ■ - - /

Fig. 284. Ventrolateral aspect of the neck after removal of skin and platysma
showing nerves and blood vessels in the supraclavicular
region. The fascial compartment between the middle and superficial laminae of the
cervical fascia has been opened by reflecting the latter.

Trunc. sympath., Glomus caroticum

V. jugul. int.

Rr. trapezii (Plexus cervical.)

Nn. supraclavicul. lat.

N. dorsalis scapulae
Nn. supraclavicul. intermedii
N. suprascapul., Clavicula, V. transversa colli
Vv. jugul. ext., A., V. cervical, superf., N. thoracicus longus

Angulus venosus, Truncus lymph, jugul., A. transversa colli

A., V. suprascapul., N. subclavius I

Ansa cervic. (R. sternohyoideus), Aa. cervic. ascend., Vv. thyroid, med.

Vv. thyroid, imae, Arcus ven. jug (

i V. jugul. ant.
Glandula thyroidea, A., V. thyroid inf.

N. vagus, R. card, med., A. subclavia

Nn. supraclavicul. med., V. jugul. int. (Bulbus inf.)

N. phrenicus

Nn. supraclavicul.

Anastomosis : N. facialis-N. glossopharyng., A. auricul. post.

A., V. tempor. superf., N. auriculotemporalis \

auricul. magnus (R. ant.), A. occipitalis, Nodi lymph, cervic. prof.

N. auricul. magnus (R. post.)

N. access. (R. sternocleidomast.)

Lig. stylohyoideum, N. hypoglossus,

R. thyroid. (XII)

A. carotis ext., N. laryngeus sup. i

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus)

N. accessor. (Radices)

N. glossopharyng., A. carotis int., N. laryng. sup.

N. caroticus ext., A. carotis ext., V. retromandib.

/A. pharyngea ascend., A. sternocleidomast.

/ M. styloglossus

A., V. facialis, Glandula submandib.

!V\. sternocleidomastoideus "

Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.),
Ganglion cervic. sup.

N. occipit. minor
N. auricul. magnus

N. transversus colli

M. omohyoideus

V. jugul. ant.

. Ansa cervicalis (prof.), A. carotis comm

A. thyroidea sup.

N. cardiac, cervic. sup.

Ganglion cervic. med., N. vagus (R. c

sup.), A. thyr. sup. (R. cricothyroid.)

Fig. 285. Deep structures on the lateral aspect of the neck. Dissection of the
sternocleidomastoid region and the
infrahyoid area of the anterior neck region. Demonstration of the continuity of
structures in the sternocleidomas¬
toid region with those in the lateral neck region, and in the carotid and
retromandibular fossae, after partial resec¬
tion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the infrahyoid and posterior group of
suprahyoid muscles. The upper
cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus are reflected laterally and fixed by

Nn. cardiaci cervic. sup.

Truncus sympathicus

Rr. communicantes ad nerv. cervic. IV, V

A., V. thyroidea sup.,

N. laryngeus sup. (R. int. et R. ext.)

• racodorsalis,
ph. axillares
:ostobrach. II

N. cardiac,
cervic. inf. et sup
R. cardiac, inf. (X

oracicus longus,^,
V. thoracica lat.

Truncus lymph, subc

Nod. lymph,
Angulus ven. dexter

brachial is

Nn: cutanei
brachii med.

Ganglion cervic. medium,

R. communicans prof.

R. cardiac, medius (X),

N. vertebralis, A. vertebralis

R. cricothyroid.,
'A. thyroid, sup.

Ansa thyroidea trunci symp.,

R. cardiac, sup. (X)

N. cardiac, cervicalis

A. thyroidea inf., Glandule

parathyroidea inf. dextra,
Gl. thyroidea
(lobus dexter)

N. recurrens dext.,

N. cardiac, cervic.
N. cardiacus sup. (R. a

Ansa subclavia,

N. cardiac, sup. (R
Ganglion cervicale


Vv. thyroid, imae

A. cervic. ascend., N. phrenicus

N. vagus Vv. thyroid, med.

N. accessorius

Nodi lymph, cervic. prof, V. jugularis int.

. cervicalis superfic., N. thoracicus longus

A. suprascapularis, N. subclavius,

N. phrenicus accessorius (C 5 )\^

N. suprascapularis
Clavicula, Nn. supraclavicul.

N. thoracodorsalis

\ A. transversa


A. subclavia,
Nn. thoracici ant.''

I. subscapularis v
V. cephalica,
accessoria ^

N. axillaris,
tr. pectorales

rac. supremae

N. cardiacus
med. (Rr. ant.)

Discus artic.

^ sternoclavicul.,
Lig. interclavicu

N. radialis

i imeri post.,

N. ulnaris


Nervi cervic. 3—8 (Rr. ventrales)

Nervus thorac. 1, R. ventralis

Fig. 286. Vessels and nerves in the lower neck region, in the scalenovertebral
trigone, in the superior thoracic
aperture, in the posterior triangle, and in the axilla. The right lobe of the
thyroid gland has been reflected to the left,
and the common carotid a. and int. jugular v. have been separated from each other
so that the deep structures of the
scalenovertebral triangle may be seen: inferior thyroid a., vertebral a. (origin).
The bulb of the int. jugular v. has

been opened in order to show the valves.

Tuberculum pharyngeum

Tuba audiliva, M. levator veil palat. / N. mandibularis,

| carofls 1n h

M. tensor veli palat. i ■ d&m,

A. meningea


Lig. sphenomandibulare,

A. auricul. prof., N. meatus

acust. ext. Discus artic.


A. carotis int., N.
glossopharyngeus, vagus,

accessorius, V.jugul. int

A. maxillaris, N. facialis,

A., N. auricularis post.

A. carotis ext., Lig. stylo-

hyoideum, A. pharyngea ascend

A. occipitalis, N. hypoglossus
Ganglion cervicale sup., A. facialis

A. sternocleidomastoidea
N. laryngeus sup., A. lingualis

Glomus caroticum, N. sinus carotid

A. thyroidea sup., N. cardiacus

Ganglion cervicale mgd.,

Rr. communicantes
Aa. cervicales asc.

N. phrenicus, A.,
V. thoracica int.
cervic. sup., Trunc. symp.
R. cardiacus sup.

M., Fascia temporalis

r A. temporalis superfic.,
N. auriculotemporalis

' Chorda tympani,

A. tympanica ant.

■** Card I ago meatus acust.,

Crista tympanica,

Proc. styloideus

" N. facialis, A. styloma-

stoidea, R. anastomoticus

" N. jugularis et caroticus int.,

A. occipitalis

Ganglion cervicale sup., Ganglion inf.

(X), N. glossopharyngeus
V.jugul. int., N. hypoglossus

' R. communicans, N. accessorius

" N. auricularis magnus

N. occipitalis minor
R. communicans: Ganglion
cervicale sup. - C 3 , C 2
Ansa cervical, superfic.

' N. transversus colli

WM 'Ansa cervic. prof. (Rr. muscul.)

I / Ganglion cervicale medium, Rr. comm.

N. vertebralis, N. accessorius

N. vagus, R. cardiacus med..

A. thyroidea inf., Ansa thyroidea,

N. cardiacus cerv. med.

Ganglion cervicale inf.

(stellatum), N.
cardiacus cerv. inf.,

A., V. vertebralis ^

Ansa subclavia -j

Plexus brachial is ^

Angulus ven.
dexter, N. phren.
access. ( C 5 )

N. recurrens, R.
cardiacus inf.,

Tr. brachiocephal. — •]

N. dorsalis scapulae
/ A. cervicalis asc., N. phrenicus

/ N. thoracicus longus

Ganglion stellatum, R.
communicans Th u 'A., V. vertebr.

Nodi lymphat. cervic.

prof. inf.

A. cervicalis prof.,

A. intercostalis

✓ V. jugularis ext.,

A. transversa colli

■" Ductus thoracicus,

A. cervicalis superfic.
et suprascapul.

- Truncus costocer-
vicalis, V.
jugularis int.

- Ansa subclavia,

A. subclavia

- A. carotis comm,
sin., N. vagus sin.

Vv. thyreoideae imae, N. recurrens sin.

V. brachiocephalica sin., Arcus aortae, Plexus aorticus superfic.

A = M. longus capitis

J = M. sternocleidomastoid.

2-8 = ventral rami of cervical

, B 3 = M. longus colli

K = M. omohyoideus (Venter caud.)

nerves 2—8

C = M. levator scapulae

L = M. biventer (V. mastoid.)

+ = costotransv. proc. of

D = M. scalenus med.

M = M. stylopharyngicus (cut);

7th cervical vertebra

E = M. scalenus ventr.

N = M. styloglossus (cut);

O = 1st rib (neck)

F = M. trapezius

O = M. stylohyoideus (cut);

G = Mm. intercostales

P = Oesophagus (P. thorac.);

H = M. subclavius

0 = Trachea (P. thorac.);

Fig. 287. Cervical and axillary neurovascular bundle from front. Blood vessels and
nerves in the

region of the superior thoracic aperture.

Dorsum sellae
! N abducens

I I N. trigeminus (Portio sens, et mot.)

Dura mater, Tentorium cerebelli

A. vertebralis, N. cervic. I (R. ventr.), M. rectus capitis lat., V. emissaria


Dens axis, Impressio

A., V. occipit., M. obliquus

capitis sup.

N. facialis, N.

A. vertebralis, M. scalenus med.,

N. cervic. II (R. ventr.)

N. accessorius,
Parotis, M. digastricus

N. cervic. Ill (R. ventr.) -

Mandibula (Angulus)

N. glossopharyngeus,
vagus, accessorius
N. hypoglossus

Sinus sigmoideus,
Sulcus a. occipit.

Os occip.,

Artie, atlantooccipit. (Capsula)

Sulcus a. vertebr., Atlas
(Massa lat.), M. rectus cap. ant.

^M. digastricus

Artie, atlantoaxialis lat. (Capsula)

" Mandibula (Angulus), M. pterygoideus

med., Lig. stylomandib.

Capsula artic. intervertebr., Lig. flavum

Ganglion cervic. sup.,

Rr. communicantes - ~

'Membrana tectoria
' Capsula artic. intervertebralis

N. cervic. IV (R. ventr.) -

N. phremeus -

Capsula artic. intervertebr.

A. carotis comm., I
V.jugul. int., N. vagus —

M. scalenus post.
Lig. flavum
sLig. longitud. post.

N. cervic. V (R. dors.)-

N. cervic. VI. (R. dors.), A. cervic. prof.

M. omohyoideus (Tendo intermedius v
M. scalenus medius, N. dors. scap. ^ ^

Fascia cervic. (Lam. superfic.)

M. omohyoideus, Fascia
cervic. (Lam. media)

V. suprascap.,

Spatium (interfasc.)
supraclavicul. ~-

A. suprascap.,

M. subclavius -

Plexus brachia-
lis, A. subclavia^

A. trans-
versa colli

M. scale¬
nus postedI

M. longiss. cervicis, N. cervic. VIII (Rr. dors

, intercost, suprema (Ramus)

jg- Vert. thor. I (Proc. transvers.)

_ M. iliocostalis cervicis

M. semi spinal,
cervicis, M. multifidus


Cl = Clavicula;

Oa = M. obliquus atlantis (cut);

Lc = M. longissimus capitis (cut);

Sc = M. splenius capitis (cut);

St = M. sternocleidomastoideus (cut);

+ • = Slips of attachments of splenius cervicis m. I—VIII = roots (trunks)

• = Slips of origin of levator scapulae m. and ventral rami of the

x = Slips of origin of transversooccipital m. 8 cerv. nerves

O = Slips of origin of longissimus capitis m.

O = Slips of attachments of longissimus cervicis m.

Fig. 288. Cervical vertebral canal opened from behind with the contents removed.
M. trapezius (Fascia)

N. cervic. VIII (R. dors. = R. cut)

N. thorac. I (R. dors. = R. cut.) ''

Vert, thorac. prima, Proc. spinosus

Nn. supraclavicul. lot.,

A. cervic. superf.


V. azygos dorsi (Radices)

M. trapezius (Aponeurosis)

M. trapezius

N. occipit. major, A., V. occipit.


M. occipitalis

M. occipitalis

N. auricul. magn. (R. dors.)


Nodus lymphat. cervic. nuch.

M. splenius capitis

N. cervic. IV (R. dors. = R. cut.)

N. occip. minor
N. transversus colli

N. cut. cervicis, V. cervic. subcut.

A., V. cervic. superf.

N. supraclavicul. lat.

\. cervic. superf. (Rami)

Nodi lymphat. occipit. (subcut.)

Protuber, occip. ext.

/ V. azygos nuchae

Nodus lymphat. retroauricul.

Nodi lymphat. occipitales

M. semispinalis capitis,

N. occip. maj.

M. sternocleidomast.

(Margo tendinis)

M. auricularis post.,

N. auricularis post.

Nodi lymphat. retroauriculares

M. splenius cervicis

N. occipitalis minor
Nodi lymphat. cervicales
profundi (subfasciales)

N. auricularis magnus

N. occipit. Ill (N. cervic. Ill, R. dors) s

VI. auricul. post., N. facialis (R. occip.)
N. retroauricul.), A. auricul. post

V. jugul. externa

N. transversus colli

N. accessorius

N. cut. cervicis,
V. cervic. subcut.


Fig. 289. Superficial layer of the posterior neck and occipital regions. Left:
subcutaneous structures and super¬
ficial lamina of the cervical fascia. Right: superficial muscles and overlying
vessels and nerves, particularly in

the occipital trigone.


1 mus cervicis

I V. azygos dorsi

Lig. supraspinale, Vertebra prom mens

M. serrat. post. sup.

Lig. nuchae

M. trapezius, V. azygos nuchae

M. semispinalis capitis

JL... /

M. semispinalis capitis, A. occipit., N. occip. maj.

N. occipit. maj.

M. auricul. post.

A., V. occipitalis

N. occipitalis III

N. auricularis post.

N. occipitalis min.

Ad. sternocleidomast., N. occipit. m/n.\I

M. splenius capitis, Ramus art. occipitalis,

N. cervic. Ill (Ramus)

M. longissimus capitis

A/l. splenius capitis *J|

N. cervic. IV (R. dors.)"

A/I. levator scap. (Origo)

Ad. splenius cervicis (Origo)

N. occipitalis min.

N. cervic. IV, R. dors.,

Ramus ad m. splenium
_ N. auricul. magn.,

A/l. sternocleidom. (Margo)

- N. accessorius

A/I. iliocostalis cervicis, A. transversa colli (R. ascend.)

N. dors, scapulae

Nn. supraclavicul

A. transv. colli (Var.)

A/l. levator scap. (Insertio)

M. splenius cerv.,

N. cervic. V. et VI (Rami)
M. scalenus med. et po
A. cervic. prof.

* M. longiss. cervicis
M. levator scap.,

A. transv. colli (R.

ascend.), N. dors, see
" Nn. supraclavicul.
N. dors, scap.,

A. transv. colli
(R. desc.)

Scapula (Angulus suf

A. transv. colli (Var.)


N. accessorius

M. trapezius

ap., A. transv. colli (R. desc.), Nodus lymphat.l

\ M. trapezius, N. access. (Ram

\ M. serratus post. sup.

Costa prim a, M. intercost. I

Costa secunda, N. thorac. II (R. dors.)

M. rhomboideus maj.

oCiii (opiiiunj l upiLij i ^

(Ponio med. et lot.) M r h om !HL

M. longissimus capitis

Ad. rhomboideus min.

Fig. 290. Continued dissection of posterior neck region: exposure of the intrinsic
muscles of the posterior neck and
the overlying vessels and nerves after reflection of the superficial muscles (the
trapezius, rhomboid, and post. sup.
serratus muscles), particularly the splenius muscle. On the right side: exposure of
the semispinalis capitis, longis¬
simus capitis and cervicis, and the iliocostalis cervicis muscles after reflection
of the splenius muscle.

A/I. semispin. cap.

N. occipit. tert., M. rectus cap. post. min.

A/1. rectus cap. post, min., N. occipit. i

N. occipit. maj., M. rectus cap. post, maj

M. semispin. cap. (Insertio)

A. vertebr. (Plexus ven.), N. suboccipit.

Membr. atl.-occ. post., V. emissaria condyloidea

M. obliquus capitis inf. \

\ \ -41

A/I. obliqu. capitis sup. v ■ vi M

.. \

M. semispin, cervic.

M. obliqu. cap. sup.

M. rect. cap. post. maj.

M. longiss. cap. s
N. occipit. maj. N
M. splenius cap. s

A/1. spin, cervic. N '

A4. longiss. cervic.

n jKvv

% '

Arcus post, atl., A. vertebr., N. suboccip.

M. splenius capitis

N. cerv. V (R. dors.)

A., V. occipitalis
A. occip.

M. sternocleidomastoideus

N. occip. min

N. auricul. magn., A. cervic. asc

L, _ M. obliqu. capitis inf.

Atlas (Proc. transv.),

M. obliquus cap. sup.

m Membr. atlantoaxialis, N. occip. maj.,

Vertebra cervic. II (Arcus)

- M. digastricus

M. intertransv. cervicis, A., V. vertebr.,

N. cervic. II (R. ventr.)

M. levat. scap.

N. cervic. Ill (R. dors.), M. semispinalis capitis

N. supraclav. lat.

N. cervic. IV (R. dors.), A. cervicalis asc.

A/1. longissimus cap.

N. cervic. V (R. dors.), M. longiss. cerv.

N. cervic. V (R. ventr.), M. semispinalis capitis
N. cervic. VI (R. dors.)

Plexus brachialis

M. multif., N. cervic. VII (R. dors.),

A., V. cervic. prof

N\. trapezius, N. access. (Rami)

A/I. serrat. post. sup. /

M. rhomboideus, N. dors, scap., /

A. transv. colli (R. desc.) J

/ / N. thorac. u / /

/ / (R- dors.) j j

/ / M. semispin, thoracis I

/ / Lig. supraspinalel

/ M. semispin. cerv.

N. thorac. I (R. dors.)

I / m. semispin. cerv. /VI. multifid us 1

/ /VI. semispinalis capitis (Caput originis) ^ semispin, cerv.,

A/I. longiss. cerv. Co$ta p rjma

M. longiss. et
iliocost. cervicis

\ 'A. transversa coi

M. scalenus posterior et med

\ \ \ N. intercost. II (Ramus). M. serratus pos

\ \ “ ' .

M. intercost. ext.

y A/1, intercost. ext. et transversocos t.

M. longiss. cerv., Costa secunda

1—7 = spinous processes of the 7 cervical vertebrae

I—III = spinous processes of the upper 3 thoracic vertebrae

Fig. 291. Deep posterior neck region with blood vessels and nerves. Dissection of
the deep (intrinsic) muscle
layers down to the skeletal level. Left: exposure of the longissimus capitis and
cervicis muscles, and the iliocostalis
cervicis as well as the semispinalis cervicis, and the small muscles of the
suboccipital triangle, after reflection of the
semispinalis capitis. Right: dissection of the deepest layer, the multifidus

The Vertebral Canal

and the Spinal Cord

Sinus occip.

I Sinus transversus


M. serratus post, sup., Fascia supraspinata

M. semispinalis cervicis / 1

Dura mater spinalis, Plexus ven. vertebr. int. (Spatium epidurale) I

Ligg. flava

N. occipit. major, Plexus cerv. post.

N. spin, cervic. Ill (R. dors.) ^

N. occipit. min., M. levator scapulae

N. auricularis magnus

Nn. supraclaviculares

N. accessorius, V. jugul. ext., ,

N. transv. colli

V. emissaria condyloidea

A., V. occipitalis

/ | 1 M. iliocostalis cervicis

j I M. longissimus capitis et cervicis

I M. semispinalis cervicis
A. intercost, suprema (R. dors.)

\ M. levator scap., N. thoracicus long

A. colli (R. desc.), N. dors. scap.

V. condyloidea, V. cervic. prof.

Dura mater cerebri

A. vertebralis, A. vert. (Plexus ven.)

N. spin, cervic. (R. ventr.) \

N. suboccipitalis N

N. spin, cervic. VII (R. dors.)

A. transv. colli (R. ascend.) ^

N. supraclav. lot.,

A. transv. colli \

ransv. colli (R. desc.)

N. dors. scap.

M. splenius capitis

N. spin, cervic. I et II (R. comm. r. d<

M. sternocleidomastoideus

A. cervic. ascend., Ganglion spinale I

Ram. meningeus

M. longissimus capitis

A., V. vertebr., R. spinalis a. vertei

N. occipitalis minor

_ Punctum nerv. plexus cerv. (E

N. accessorius
N. auricularis magnus
Vv. intervertebrales (Rete
__ foraminis intervertebr.), /
prof. (R. spinalis meninge
M. scalenus post., A., V. <

ma, V. jugul. ext.

transv. colli (R. a

ic = M. semispinalis capitis Is = M. levator scapulae

lc = M. longissimus capitis sc = M. splenius cervicis

1-7 left = posterior cut surfaces of the

arches of cervical vertebrae 1—7

2.,8. right = spinal ganglia of

2nd and 8th cervical nerves

I,II = right 1st and 2nd ribs

Fig. 292. Opened cervical part of the vertebral canal and the posterior cranial
fossa from behind. Dissection of ex¬
tradural structures, and the spinal and cranial dura mater. The laminectomy was
performed in such a manner that
the vertebral arches were sawed through behind the articular processes on the left
side, and in front of the same on
the right side. The right intervertebral foramina have been opened so that the
roots and ganglia of the cervical
nerves may be seen. The scalene muscles are retained on both sides, and the
branching of the cervical plexus is

brought into view.

Proc. spinosus

Plexus ven. vertebr. int.

Cavum suborachnoideale

Dura mater spin
Glia marginalise
Pia mater -

Septum arachnoid., V. spin. ext. post.

N. cervic. VI (Radix dors.), A. spin. post. sin.

N. cervic. V (Radix dors.), Vagina radicularis

Articul. intervertebr.

Lig. denticulatum
Proc. artic. inf. -

Ganglion spin., N. cervic. V

N. spinalis V
' N. spinalis V (R. dors.)

Proc. transv.

N. spin. V (R. ventr.)

A. vertebralis, Plexus vem

vertebr. (V. vertebr.)

A. spinalis ant.

Vert, cervic. IV (Corpus)

N. cervic. VI (Radix ventr.) ""

R. mening.

(N. sinuvertebralis)

1 Septum interradiculare

N. cervic. V (Radix ventr.), Vagina radicularis


Thick black line

Fine black line
Light gray

Light gray



spinal dura mater

arachnoid, periosteum
pia mater
marginal glia

white matter of spinal cord,

and nerves
gray matter of the
spinal cord

ligaments and joint capsule

articular cartilage

Fig. 293. Transverse section through the cervical vertebral column and the contents
of the vertebral canal: the spi¬
nal cord and its investing membranes in cross section. Section through the body of
the 4th cervical vertebra; on the
right at the level of the transverse process, on the left somewhat deeper. On the
left side the cut passes through the

enclosed transverse foramen with the vertebral a. and v.

Sinus occipit, Falx cerebelli

Sinus transversus

M. trapeh

A. intercostalis suprema, R. spinalis

\ M. levator scapulae

I M. rhomboideus

A. transv. colli (R. desc.), N. dorsalis scapi

N. thoracicus longus, A., V. cervicalis prof.

V. emissaria condyloidea

A., V. occipitalis ^

M. splenius capitis

>rtebr., Plex. ven., N. cervic. I (R. ventr.)

M. longissimus capitis

M. levator

Nodi lymphat. cervic. prof. sup.

/VI. splenius cervic is -

alenus medius, N. cervic. II (R. ventr.)

Vert. cerv. Ill (Proc. transversus),

Dura mater (Vagina radicul.),-

Arachnoidea (Vagina radicul.)

A/I. longissimus cervicis

cess., Nodi lymphat. cervical, prof

Plexus cervicalis

Vermis cerebelli
Arachnoidea, Hemisphaerium cerebe
A. cerebelli inf. post.


—Cisterna cerebellomedull

Os occipitale

V. cervicalis prof., Vi condylok

M. splenius capitis
A/I. longissimus capitis
Anastom.: Ram. dors. I et II

Arachnoidea spin., Lig. dentici

A/|. levator scapulae

~ M. iliocostalis cervici

/ /

A. transv. colli (R. desc.) /

Plexus brachialis I

A. cervicalis superf., A/I. erector spinae

Dura mater cerebri

A/1, iliocostalis cervicis

A/I. scalenus medius,

cervic. V (Ganglion spinale) ~
A., V. vertebr.,
Foramen transv. VI
A/l. scalenus post.,

A. transv. colli (R. asc.)

thor. I (Proc. artic. sup.)

^ V. emissaria mastoidea

M. sternocleidomastoideus

M. splenius cervicis
Dura mater spin., Plexus ven
- vertebr. int., V. intervertebr.
Foramen intervertebr.

" N. occipit. minor

— M. longissimus cervicis

N. accessorius

N. auricularis ma\
V.jugul. ext.

' M. scalenus med

N. transversus c
" Platysma

Arcus vert, ce
Vet VI

— Nn. supracla

Truncus cc
transv. <
cervic. s

N. occipit. major, A., V. occipit., M. semispinalis capitis

Tonsilla cerebelli, Communicatio: ^

Plexus venosus vertebr. et sinus marginalis \

Plexus vertebr. int., Lig. flavum

1—7 = cut roots of arches of cervical vertebrae 1—7

Fig. 294. Opened cervical vertebral canal and posterior cranial fossa seen from
behind. The arachnoid sac, roots,
and branches of the cervical spinal nerves are exposed by opening the
intervertebral foramina. The internal ver¬
tebral venous plexus and its external connections as well as the vertebral a. are
illustrated. The cervical plexus and

its branches are seen from behind.

Ventriculus IV

Membrana tectoria ventr. IV (Tela chorioid.),

Plexus chorioid. \ j

Velum medull. ant.,

j Lingula cere belli

Folium vermis

sinuum, Sinus rectus

Dura mater

Membrana atlantooccipit. post.

A. basilaris

Falx cerebelli
"" A. cerebelli inf. post.
Tonsil la cerebelli

~ Spatium extradurale, Plexus ven. vertebr. int.


Membrana atlantooccipit.
Lig. apicis dentis '

Decussatio pyramidum,
Septum arachnoid, spin.

Lig. cruciforme "

Membrana tectoria ""
Spatium extradurale (epidurale) ''

Dura mater spin., Spatium subdurale

Cavum subarachnoideale '
Canalis centr.
Lig. transv. at I antis '

Fig. 295. Contents of the cervical vertebral canal and the adjacent portion of the
cranial cavity in a median section.
Cut surfaces of the cervical cord, brainstem, and cerebellum are colored yellow.
The arrow indicates the position of
the needle when doing a cisternal puncture; the tip of the needle is in the
cerebellomedullary cistern and points
approximately toward the median aperture of the 4th ventricle.

Sinus sagitt. sup.

.Sinus transv.

R. dors
— R. ventr.
Ganglion spin.

N. cervic. VIII

+ V\ r\r I /\/nninn rnMirnl 1

Uvula cerebelli, Ventr. IV (Membrana tectoria)

Lobulus biventer

Flocculus, Plexus choroid,

ventr. IV, Apert, lat.

Foramen mastoid.,
Sinus sigmoideus

Proc. mastoideus

N. accessorius (Radix, cerebr.),

Rad. IX etX

N. cervical is II (retroartic.)
N. cervicalis III
A. vertebr.

N. accessorius (Radix spin.)

Tonsi/la cerebelli, Foramen

occip. magnum (Margo)

Lig. denticulat.

N. thorac. I (Radix ventr.) --



Lig. denticulatum,
N. hypoglossus

Ganglion spin, cum rad. n.

accessorii conjunctum

A. vertebr.

Condylus occipit. -

N. accessorius (Radix spin.)

Radix dors. Ill (Fila

Proc. pterygoid.

1-8 red = cervical segments 1-8

1-8 black = cervical nerves 1-8
I-VII = cervical vertebrae 1-7
I,II red = thoracic segments 1 and 2

Fig. 296. The cervical portion of the spinal cord in situ within the vertebral
canal with the associated parts of the
brain, in a sagittal projection, and viewed from behind. The posterior wall of the
vertebral canal and the cranial cav¬
ity are drawn translucent. The dural sac (black) and the arachnoidal sac (blue)
appear as if cut in a frontal plane so
that the spinal cord and the dorsal roots of the cervical nerves and the adjacent
cranial nerves can be seen in this pro¬
jection. The course of the vertebral a. is indicated.
Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.

vertebr.(v. intervertebr.).

\rvic. VII (Radix dors.) £

V. spinalis ext. post.Jh—,

Falx cerebelli, .
Sinus occipitalis —

A., V, occipitalis, M. fm
semispinalis cap. •■-v
Vv. cerebellares inf. _

Vermis cerebelli,


Dura mater -

Pedunculus cerebellaris inf. et medius, Sinus

Arachnoidea — Jl

Membrana tectoria
(Tela choroidea) ventriculi IV

A. cerebellaris inf. post .—|

Apertura mediana ventriculi /V__

(Foramen Magendii)

A., V. occipitalis -

M. splenius capitis —
A/1. longissimus capitis-
A/1. splenius cervicis -
N. cervic. II (R- ventr.) —

N. cervic. II (R. dors.)-

M. levator scapulae —-§*

M. longissimus cervicis —*—

A/1. iliocostalis cervicis --

Irv/c. IV, Vagina radicularis, _

I. et vertebr. (R. spinalis)

A. spinalis post, sin.—4

N. accessorius
Plexus cervicalis

hansv. colli (R. asc.)^ jP

I fA. scalenus post .'

I V. cervicalis prof.
f Proc. articul. sup.,
jmca/is superf.
loter spinalis,"-,
yen. vertebr. int.

’ors. scapulae
,A. transv

Tentorium cerebelli, Crista pyramidis

N. facialis, intermedius, vestibulocochlear

Porus acusticus int., Pars petrosa (Fac. p
Apertura lat. ventriculi IV,

V. emissaria mastoidea

N. glossopharyngeus, vagus,
accessorius (Radix spin, et cerebi

_A. cerebellaris inf. post.,

Ventriculus IV (Taenia)

- N. hypoglossus, A. comitans n. hypogl

Arachnoidea, Sinus marginalis

V. emissaria condyloidea, Dura mater

Ganglion cervic. I cum radice spin,
conjunctum, A. spin, post., Lig. dent
— M. rectus capitis lat., A. occip.,
Atlas (Massa lat.)

A. vertebr., N. cervic. I (R. ventr.)

Parotis, N\. digastricus, N. accessori
V. jugul. int.

N. hypoglossus, R. communicans
r— N. vagus (Ganglion inf), N. laryr

Nodi lymphat. cervicales sup. pr

A. carotis int., V. jugularis. int., /N

- N. occipitalis minor,

A/1, sternocleidomastoideus
N. access.

Truncus sympathicus, Gai

cervicale sup., A/I . scalent
Dura mater, Arachnoidt

_ N. accessorius (Radix

N. auricular is magnus
N. phrenicus, A. cervi
^ Lig. denticulatum,

M. scalenus ant.

A. vertebr., N. vertc
* (Roc

--A., V. cervic. prc

access., Plat)
Plexus brachia,

N. thoracicus

x A. transvers
N. dors, sea
L M. levator sc

* = V. jugul. ext., Nn. supraclavicul., Truncus comm. a. transv. colli and a.

cervic. superfic.
2-8 right = spinal ganglia of cervical nerves 2-8
1-7 left = cut surfaces of the roots of the arches of cervical vertebrae 1-7

Fig. 297. Opened vertebral canal and posterior cranial fossa from behind. The dura
and arachnoid have been re¬
moved in order to show the cervical spinal nerves and their roots, branches, spinal
ganglia, the cervical plexus, the
entire course of the vertebral a. in the neck, and the vertebral venous plexus. The
right hemisphere of the cerebel¬
lum has been removed to show the rhomboid fossa, the crura of cerebellum, and the
arachnoidal course of VII,
VIII, IX, X, and XI.

Atlas (Arcus ant.) Cavum subarachnoideale canal is vert.

1-3 = cervical vertebrae 1-3

Fig. 298. Roentgenogram (lateral, right-left) of the cerebellomedullary cistern

filled with air.
cannula is introduced suboccipitally into the subarachnoid space (direct method).



sub tentorio

medullaris (aer)

Os occipitale



Atlas (Tuber-
culum post.)




Pharynx and the Pharyngeal Region

M. splenius

Sinus sigmoideus

Membrana pharyngobasilaris, Nodus lymph, retropharyng.,

M. constrictor pharyngis sup.
M. longus capitis, Condylus occipit. \

A., V. occipitali$ \ \

M. longissimus capitis /

N. abducens
\ IX, X, XI
\ \ N .trigeminus

\ i Cqnalis n. hypoglossi, N. hypoglossus, Rete venosum

N. vestibulocochlearis,

N. facialis, N. intermedius

M. digastricus

Rr. communicantes:
N. cervic. I et II

M. sternoc/eidomast.,
N. access.

Rr. communicantes: N. cervic. II-

N. hypoglossus etgangl. cervic. sup. -

Rr. pharyngei
(X, IX et trunc. sympath.)

N. accessorius
..J\. occipitalis,
M. digastricus

-N. vagus, V.jugul. int.

—N. hypoglossus

- N. accessorius,

M. sternoc/eidomast.,

A., V. pharyngeaasc.,

N. jugularis,

N. caroticus int.

Fasc. cervic. (Lamina praevertebralis)

Plexus venosus et nervosus pharyngis,

M. constrictor pharyngis med.' '

Os hyOideum (Cornu majus),

Cartilag. thyroid. (Cornu sup.)'

Raphe pharyngis -
M. constrictor pharyngis inf.-
Plexus nerv. pharyngis, Rr. pharyngei

Trigonum Laimeri __

Adventitia pharyngis -J

Oesophagus (Tunica muscul.)


\Ganglion inf. (X)

Ganglion sup. (symp.)

Mandibula (Angulus),

Nodus lymphat.
x A. carotis int., V. jugularis int.
N 'N. laryngeus sup.

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus)


S A. et v. laryng. sup., Rr. pharyngei

\ Cartilag. thyroidea (Cornu sup.)
\N. cardiacus cervic. sup.

~-A. thyroid, sup. (R. post.)

__ A. carotis comm., Truncus sympath.

A. et v. thyroidea inf. (R. pharyng.)

Gland, parathyroid, sup.

_ Gland, thyroidea

Gangl. cervic. med., Ansa thyroidea

-- A., V. thyroidea inf.

\ Gland, parathyroidea inf.

N. recurrens

Fig. 299. Dissection of the posterior pharyngeal wall and the neurovascular bundle
from behind
after removal of the cervical vertebral column.

N. hypoglossus, Rete venosum (XII), A. pharyng. asc.,

Membrana pharyngobasilaris

Raphe pharyngea, R. comm-.

N. accessorius
N. glossopharyng
A. meningeapost., R. mening. X
Gang/, sup. (X), R. medialis XI, \

Bulbus sup. v. jugul. int. '

N. access. (R. lat.) \

Aponeurosis pharyngis, Mm. levaiores pharyng.

A., V. thyroid, sup. (R. post.)

Gland, thyroidea

Glomus caroticum f
M. constrictor pharyngis inf. /
R. cardiac, sup.

Pharynx - Oesophagus '


' Gartilag. thyroid., (Cornu sup.)

N. laryng. sup. (R. ext.)

A. carotis comm., N. cardiac, cervic. sup.,

Plexus nerv. caroticus
V, jugul. int.

s \ Gangl. cervic. medium

x A. carotis comm.

Gangl. cervic. sup.

i Sinus petr. inf., XII (Rete venosum), VIII, VII


| XI, V. jugul. int. (Bulbus sup.)

Sinus petr. inf., V. jugul. int.

A. carot. ext., Rr. pharyngei (symp.)

N. access.

A. occipit., A. pharyng. asc.

Sinus caroticus X
A. facialis ''

A. lingualis X

Truncus symp. X

Os hyoid. (Cornu maj.) /

N. card, cervic. sup.

A. carotis comm., Plexus nervosus

M. constrictor pharyngis med.
Mm. levat. pharyng., Lig. thyrohyoid lat.

Cartil. thyr. (Cornu sup.) /

M. constrictor pharyngis inf.



N. facial.,

A. stylomastoid.

— N. carot. int.,

A. pharyng.
asc., N. jugul.

— Gangl. inf. (X)

■A. occipit.,

M. digastricus
N. glossopharyng.,

R. commun. cum n. vago,

M. constrictor pharyngis

N. accessorius

Spatium parapharyng.

M. stylohyoideus

M. digastricus,

A. occipitalis -

N. hypoglossus —

Gangl. inf. (X)

N. carot. int.

N. jugularis

Vv. pharyng., M. constrictor

pharyngis sup.
N. laryng. sup.

R. pharyng. IX
N. glossopharyng.

R. pharyng. (X), M. stylopharyng.

Gangl. cervic. sup.

Mandibula (Angulus)

Proc. styloid., Lig. stylohyoid.

Rr. pharyngei IX et X

Lig. stylomandib.

N. sinus carotid

V. jugul. int.

V. retromandib.

\ A. carotis ext., M. stylohyoid.

' V 'N. hypoglossus, Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)

v v A. facialis

K A. carotis int., N. laryng. sup.

A. lingualis, Os hyoid. (Cornu maj.)

' A. pharyng. asc., Rr. symp.: Sinus carot. el

plexus carot.

A. thyroid, sup., N. laryng. sup. (R. int.)

Fig. 300. Dissection of pharynx and the neurovascular bundles up to the cranial
base, from behind.
The section passes through the base of the cranium at the level of the jugular
Vessels and nerves of the pharyngeal space.
V. jugularis int.

A. occipitalis

M. pierygopharyng.

Cortilago tubae auditivae, A. sphenopalat. (Rr. pharyngei)

Ganglion oticum, N. tensoris v. palat., A. pharyngeae asc. (R. tubarius)

N. mandib., Foramen ovale

N. hypoglossus, Rete ven. can. n. hypoglossi \

A. meningeapost., V.jugul. int., N. hypoglossus

A. stylomastoidea, Processus styloideus \

Tonsilla et bursa pharyngea

! N. abducens

I N. glossopharyng., vagus, accessorius

I i N. trigeminus

I / / N. acusticus, N. facialis, Porus acusticus int.

i l /

I l I / N. hypoglossus, Canalis n. hypoglossi, Rete ven. XII

I ! I 1 f Sinus sigmoideus, Cartilago tubae

! / Ostium pharyngeum (Tuba auditiva)

i ! /' Membranapharyngobasilaris, M. levator

1 1 1 veli palat., M. constrictor phar. sup.

M. palatopharyng.

A. carotis comm., N. vagus, V.jugul. int.

-Os hyoid. (Cornu maj.)

" Cart. thyr. (Cornu sup.)

Mm. levatores pharyngis

Paries pharyngis

Aponeurosis phar. /

M. pharyngoepiglotticus /
Gland, thyroidea

Plexus ven. pharyngooesophageus^/'


Tunica mucosa

^ Trachea

A. occipitalis
M. splenius -

N. vagus, Ganglion inf.

A. meningea post.

N. pterygoideus medialis
N. caroticus int. - -
N. lingualis,
N. alveolaris inf.

M. digastricus

M. constrictor pharyngis sup.

M. pharyngotubarius '

M. levator ''°>i palatini '

N. facialis,
Foramen stylomast.

Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)

A. carotis comm., Truncus


. sternocleidomastoid.,
N. accessorius

N. hypoglossus, Ggl. cervic.
sup., Rami anast. cum n.
cervic. I et II, A. pharyngea asc. '

A. palatina asc.,

M. tensor veli palat.

N. accessorius, /
M. sternocleidomast. y
Par otis

R. digastricus (VII),
Parotis, A.

-N. accessorius,

A. sternocleidomastoidea
(A. occipit.)

M. digastricus

M. sternocleidomastoideus
V.jugul. int., N. vagus

N. hypoglossus

M. azygos uvulae
(dexter et sinister)

Glandulae mucosae, Velum


Plica aryepiglottica

' Recessus piriformis

Fig. 301. Pharynx opened from behind, showing on the left the muscle layers of the
wall from the inside, as well as the musculature of the soft palate.
Tuberc. pharyngeum, Membrana pharyngobasilaris

Aponeur. palat., Mucosa

Os sphenoidale As

(Spina angularis) gj

Proc. pterygoideus

M. levator veli palat.

Fibrocartilago basalis, Foramen lacerum

Membrana pharyngobasilaris

Canalis caroticus (Apert, ext.)

Ligam. sphenomandib.

M. pterygoideus lat.,

M. temporalis- fj||

M. tensor veli palat., '

M. levator v. palat.-
M. stylohyoideus

M. pterygoideus medial is -

M. stylophar. --
M. styloglossus-

Ligam. stylohyoideum, Ligam.

Hamulus pterygoideus,

M. tensor veli palat.

M. pharyngopalatinus -
M. pterygoideus medialis
M. palatoglossus
Spatium intermusculare

M. uvulae

Radix linguae, Tonsilla lingualis,

Gland, linguales

Ligam. stylohyoideum
Cart. thyr. (Cornu sup.)

•- 0. petros us (Crista tymp.)

" Proc. styloideus

Cartilagotubae audit.,
Recessus phar.

~ Membrana pharyngobasil.

M. pharyngotubarius,
Ostium phar. tubae
M. palatopharyngeus

M. constrictor phar. sup. (Pars glosso-,

mylo-, bucco- et pterygopharyngea)

Mm. levatores phar.

--M. constrictor phar. medius

Cart. thyr. (Cornu inf.) - T \~

Arcus cric. 4

- M. pharyngoepiglotticus

--M. constrictor phar. inf.

Ligam. hyoepiglotticum, Os hyoideum

" Ligam. thyrohyoideum medianum
Tela submucosa phar.

' Ligam. thyroepiglotticum

Ligam. vocale et ventriculare
" Conus elasticus (Lig. cricothyr. medianum)

Cartilago cricoidea

' M. cricoarytaenoideus post.,

Artie, cricoarytaenoidea

Fig. 302. Muscles of the pharynx and palate seen from behind and inside after
removal of the mucosa.

A. et n. canalis pterygoidei (Rr. tubarii et pharyng.)

Cartilago tubae auditivae, Ostium tubae

Tonsilla pharyngea

M. pharyngotubalis (Membrana pharyngobasilaris)

M. levator veil palat., A. palat. asc. (R. palat.) s

M. pterygopharyng. s

M. palatopharyng. v

Tunica mucosa

M. tensor veli palat., Proc.

jC pterygoid. (Lam. med.)

^Tunica mucosa

Glandulae palatinae
.Os pterygoideum (Homulus)
-Tonsilla palat.

L - -Papilla parotidea

jm retropharyng.''

Pharynx (Paries post.)

Tonsilla palat.'

N. glossopharyng., *

A; dorsalis linguae (A. palat. asc.)

Mm. levatores pharyng' ^

N. laryng. sup. (Ramus)'"

M. pharyngoepiglott.

Epiglottis, Plica aryepiglott. :< /

Pharynx (Pars laryngea) /

A/1, glossopalat. j

M. glossopharyng. •

Lig. thyroepiglott.

- M. buccopharyng.

~~M. buccinator

Raphe pterygomandib.

SA A/|. mylopharyng., Rr. isthmi

faucium (N. lingualis)

-N. lingualis, Gangl. submandib.,

Gland, submandib.

M. mylohyoideus

a • ” Caruncula sublingualis,

€ I Ductus sublingualis maj.


1" Gland, sublingualis,

Ductus submandib.

" Ductuli sublinguales min.,

A., N. sublingualis
M. genioglossus
v/VI. geniohyoid.
s > M. mylohyoid.

I N. lingualis, Gland, submandib. (Proc. uncinatus)

N- hypoglossus (V. comitans n. hypogl.)

ngua (Margo lat.) (Regio foliata)

Gland, thyroidea

Fig. 303. Median section through the facial skeleton and pharynx. Left half of the
section. Dissection
of the muscular layer of the pharyngeal wall from the inside, the nerves and
vessels at the base of the
tongue, of the tonsillar region, and in the region of the auditory tube opening.
The halved tongue has

been retracted medially.

N. facialis, A. stylomast.,
A., N. auric, post^

A. occipitalis

N. glossopharyng.,

A. meningeapost. -

N. accessorius (R. lat.) (Gangl. inf.)

A. carotis ext., A. maxillaris,

A. tempor. superfic.

N. hypoglossus

Ganglion cervic. sup., Truncus symp. --

A. pharyngea asc., N. sinus carotid -

A. facialis -

Rami phar., A. lingualis _

Glomus caroticum

N. laryng. sup., A. thyroidea sup.

N. hypoglossus, A. lingualis,
M. hyopharyng

Truncus sympath., N. cardiacus cervic. sup.-

V.jugularis int., N. vagus, A. carotis comm.

M. tensor veli palatini.

N. tensoris v. p.

Proc. pteryg. (Lam. med.),

M. pterygopharyng.

N., A. pterygoidea med.

N. lingualis, Chorda tympani

N. alveolaris inf., N.
mylohyoideus, A. palatina asc.

Raphe pterygomandib.,
Hamulus pterygoid.

M, buccopharyng., N. lingualis
(R. isthmi faucium)

M. , N. mylohyoideus,

N. lingualis

M. mylopharyngeus
A. facialis, Ganglion

N. glossopharyng., A. dorsalis
linguae (A. palatina asc.)

N.,A. sublingualis
M. chondroglossus, A. lingualis

Ductus submandib.,
N. lingualis

N. glossopharyng., Sinus petrosus inf.

N. vagus, Ganglion sup.

N. accessorius (R. int. et ext.) 1

V. jugularis int. (Bulbus sup.), Sinus petrosus » !

inf. (Ostium), Sinus sigmoideus \

N. caroticus int.,

A. pharyng. asc. (R. tubarius)

! N. auriculotemporalis, A. meningea med.

levator veli palatini,

N. tens, tymp.,

A. mening. access.

Cartilago tubae auditivae,

N. petros. min.
Fossa scaphoidea, Ganglion
oticum, M. tensor veli palatini

N. sphenoideus int.

1 = M. styloglossus

2 = M. glossopharyng. (cut)

3 = M. palatoglossus (cut)

4 = M. pharyngopalat. (cut)

5 = M. stylopharyng.

6 = lateral plate of the pterygoid process

7 = Lat. Lamelle of the Proc. pterygoideus

S = M. digastrieus (Venter post.)

9 = M. splenius cap.

10 = M. longissimus cap.

11= M. sternocleidomastoideus

12 = M. buccinator

13 = aponeurosis of the palate

P = Parotis (Proc. parapharyng.)

Sm = Glandula submandibularis
SI = Glandula sublingualis
O = Lig. sphenomandib.
x = Lig. ptervgospinale
+ = Lig. stylomandibulare
+ O = Liu. stvlohyoidcum

Fig. 304. Parapharyngeal structures seen from the medial aspect after removal of
the pharyngeal wall. Dissection
of the cervical neurovascular bundle up to the base of the skull. The infratemporal
region with the branching of the
mandibular nerve, the otic ganglion, the large salivary glands, and the course of
the lingual and glossopharyngeal

nerve, prepared from the medial side.

N., A. auricul.

N. facialis,
A. stylomastoid.

N. masse-
oticum, N.
sphenoid, int.

N. tympanic.,
A. tympanica inf.

R. anastomot.:

N. facialis-
N. glossopharyng _

A. meningea post.

(A. occip.)

N. glossopharyng.,

A. pharyng. asc.

(A. mening. post.) --

Mur de la logette, Meatus acust. (Paries sup.)

Meatus acust. ext. (Pars ossea)

Meatus acust. (Pars cartilag.)

tympani (Um¬
bo), Manubrium

Membrana tympani (Recessus sup.) (Prussak)

Caput mallei, Cavum tympani (Paries sup.)

I Plexus tympanic., Promontorium (A. tympanica inf., N. tympanic.)

J j A. tympanica sup., N. petros. min., Nn. caroticotymp.

i i

j J A. tympan. ant., Chorda tymp., Malleus (Proc. longus)

i i ! M. tensor tymp., Septum can. musculotubarii

! j N. tensoris tymp.

i ill

» j 1 J A. meningea med., access., N. petros. min.

N. mandib. (Portio min.= motor.), Rami masticatorii

N. temporalis

N. alveol. inf.,
N. mylohyoi-

N. lingualis


pharyng. (Tuba audit.)

M. levator
veli pal at.

M. stylohyoid. --

M. sternocleidomastoid.,

N. accessor. (R. lat.) ''

Paries pharyng is (Membrana pharyngobasi laris),

A. pharyng.' asc. (R. tubarius)

V.jugul int., A. occip. s'

N. vagus -/

N. sinus carotid /7
N. glossopharyng.

/ / / M. buccopharyng.

/ / A. palatina asc.
/ M. styloglossus
M. stylopharyng., Lig. stylohyoid.

M. tensor
veli palat.

M. ptery-



Rhaphe ptery-

N. pterygoid.

N. pterygoid,
med., N. ten¬
sor is veli pal.,
M. tensor v. p.

N. buccalis,
A. maxi I laris

1 = Meatus acust. ext. 6 =

2 = Os tympanicum, Crista

tympanica 7 =

3 = Processus styloideus

4 = M. digastricus 8 =

5 = M. sternocleidomast.

border of the med. plate


of the pterygoid process.

lateral plate of the pterygoid



M. buccinator

= artic. tuberc. and base of the

zygomat. proc. of the temporal bone

= origin of the medial pterygoid m.

= isthmus of the auditory tube

= cartilaginous part of the
auditory tube

Fig. 305. Tympanic cavity and auditory tube. Area of the otic ganglion as well as
nerves and blood vessels on the
base of the skull. The external auditory meatus, the tympanic cavity, and the
auditory tube have been opened from
the lateral side. The main branches of the mandibular n. were cut, the optic
ganglion reflected upward, and the

tensor veli palatini m. pulled down.


cervical nerve trunks 1-8


1st and 2nd thoracic nerves


1st rib


2nd rib


cranial nerves V-Xll


2nd thoracic vertebra

M. longissimus cap.

M. splenius cap.

M. digastricus

M. sternocleidomast.



sup. parathyroid gland


inf. parathyroid gland

M. trapezius


M. omohyoideus (Vepter inf.)

M. serratus ant.


M. supraspinatus

M. levator scap.

M. serratus post. sup.



Nodi lymph, retropharyngei

Me, mh. Ml

Mm. constrictores pharyngis

M. erector spinae

Mm. intercostales




M. scalenus ant.

P 2

M. scalenus med.




cupula of pleura

Pu = lung

oP = sup. pole of thyroid gland

R = M. longus cap.

S = M. rectus cap. ant.

Tr = Trachea

1 = Ductus thoracicus

2 = communicating rami from 7th and

8th cervical nerves to inf. cervical

ganglion (vertebral n.);
vertebral a. and n. medial
to these rami

5 =* 1st thoracic ganglion.

Communicating ramus to
1st thoracic n.

6 = communicating ramus to 2nd thoracic n

7 = A. transversa colli (R. descend.)

8 = N. dors, scapulae

9 = Ganglion stellatum (cervicale inf.

and thoracale I)

10 = N. intercostalis I, A. intercostalis

11 = Truncus costocervic., Ansa subclavia

12 = N. thorac. long.

13 = Mi suprascapularis

14 = Plexus brachialis

15 = A. transversa colli

16 = A. thyroidea inf.

17 = Nn. supraclaviculares

Fig. 306. Dissection of cervical viscera and exposure of structures in the

neurovascular bundle in situ from
behind. (The vertebral column has been removed down to the 2nd thoracic vertebra;
the base of the skull was
cut in a frontal plane behind the condyles of the occipital bone, and the left
cervical nerve trunks have been

retracted laterally.

N. jugul., N. caroticus int.

Sinus sigmoideus
N. accessorius (R. lat.) j

Raphe pharyngis,

Membrana pharyngobasilaris

loccipit. (R. mening.)^

R. commun

lervic. I-Gangl. cerv. sup

Rr. communicantes:
:ervic. I et II - N. hypoglr~

Rr. communicantes:
Ganglion cervic. sup. — _
Nn. cervic. II et III

haryng. asc., N. laryng. sup.—

carotis ext., Gang!, cervic sup.,
A. carotis int.

Rr. pharyngei IX et X, A. pharyng.

A. pharyng. asc. et thyroid, sup.

(Rr. pharyngei)
Truncus sympathy
N. cardiacus cervic. sup.,

V. jugul. extr

A. thyroid, sup. (R. post.), Jffj

Ansa cervic. (Radix inf.)

•— A., V. occipitalis
Proc. styloideus, M. stylohyoid.

F—— N. vagus
■— N. caroticus int.

K N. hypoglossus
"* N. glossopharyng.

N. jugularis
Ganglion inf. (X)

Ganglion cervic. sup. (symp.)

Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)

N. accessorius
v N. occipit. min.

A. carotis int., V. jugularis int.,

N. laryng. sup., A. carotis ext.

N. auricul. magn.

N. phrenicus

- - 13

?lion cervic. med. :

r. communic. cum __
n. cervic. V et VI

N. transversus colli

A. carotis comm., R. cardiac.

r*- V. jugularis ext., N. accessc
— A. cervic. asc., R. cardii
Ganglion cervic. me

Srr— 17

‘ 16


6 --

Truncus sympath.

N. vagus

Truncus brachiocephal., N. cardiacus cervic. inf.

Ductus thoracicus, Truncus bronchomediast. post.

N. recurrens

Hamulus pterygoid.,
Raphe pterygomandib.

A. palatina

M. constrictor
pharyngis sup.

A., V., N. temporalis prof.

N. trigeminus, A. maxillaris
A. meningea media

M. levator veli palatini, Membranapharyngobasilaris

Chorda tympani i
N. auriculotemp., A. temp, media
A. tympanica ant.

A., V. temp, superfic., N. auriculotemp.

Rr. praeauriculares
A. auricular is prof.,

N. auriculotemp .'
A., N. infraorbitalis

, A., V.,N. alveolar is sup.

/ A. buccalis, M. tensor veli

/ palatini (Tendo)

A. auricularis

Rr. comm.:

N. facialis
N. auriculotemp.

N. facialis,

A. stylomastoid.

A. auricularis


A. pharynycu. ujl.,

Rr. pharyngei IX et X
N\. stylopharyngeus -
A. carofis ext.,

Ai. styloglossus
N. accessorius
N. mylohyoideus'''

A., N. alveolaris inf.''

Lig. stylomandib.'''

A. carotis int., V.jugularis int.,

N. vagus

N. hypoglossus, A. lingualis ''

A. thyroidea sup., N. laryngeus sup ,

M. stylohyoideus (Insertio)

Ansa cervicalis

' N. laryngeus sup. (R. ext.)

M. omohyoideus
Gland, thyroidea (Polus sup.) -
Ansa cervic. (R. muse.)-
A. carotis comm., N. vagus, V.jugularis int

M. buccinator,
Gland, buccales

A., N. buccalis,
Ductus parotideus
N. lingualis

N. alveol. inf. (R. buccalis)

. depressor anguli oris

"A., V. facialis

'' A. submentalis
Glandula submandib., A. facialis
R. thyrohyoid. (XII), M. thyrohyoid.
Membrana thyrohyoidea

M. sternohyoideus

N. laryngeus sup. (R. inf.)

Fig. 307. Blood vessels and nerves of the deep face region and the neurovascular
bundle of the neck.
Blood vessels and nerves of the pterygoid region are exposed after resection of the
zygomatic arch and the

ramus of the mandible.

M. temporalis, N., A., V. tempor. prof.

N. mandib., A. meningea access.

A., N. massetericus
A. meningea media ’

A. maxill. \ i

' \

Chorda tympani, A. tympanica ant. \ \

A. auricul. prof.
A., V. tempor. superf.,

N. auriculotempor.
N. facialis ,

A. stylomastoid.

O Cartil. meatus

+ Proc. styl.

M. styloglossus, Lig. stylohyoid. -

R. sinus carotid (symp.)
N. sinus carotid (IX),

0. hyoideum (Cornu maj.)

Glomus caroticum
A. lingualis
N. glossopharyng.

A. thyroid, sup., R. omohyoid.

M. constrictor pharyngis med. /

Ansa cervic. prof.<|

A. carotis comm.,

N. vagus, V. jugularis int.

A., V., N. laryng. sup. /

M. constrictor pharyngis inf.

N. infraorbitalis

N ' M. thyrohyoid., R. thyrohyoid. (XII)

' M. omohyoideus
"M. sternohyoideus

M. constrictor phar. sup.,

A. palatina asc.

M. stylopharyng.

/ M. I N. pterygoid. I at.
z N. tensor is veli palatini, Gang!,

R. zygomaticotemp.

Lig. pterygospinale,

N. pterygoid, med.

A., N. alveolaris sup.

• • Arcus zygo-
x Proc. ptery¬
goid. (Lam. lat.)

'A., V.,N.
buccal is.,
M. bucci¬
+ Par otis

"M. tensor ef levator

veli palatini,

M. pterygoid, med.

Raphe pterygomandib.,
Hamulus pteryg.

" N. alveolaris inf., Rr. dent ales

V A. facialis

"N. lingualis, Ganglion submandib.,

Ductus submandib.

At, N. mylohyoid., A. sublingual.

N - N. mentalis

' M. digastricus (V. ant.), A. submental.

A. facialis, Gland, submandib.

hyoglossus, N. hypoglossus

M. stylohyoideus

Rr. pharyng. (IX),

A. pharyng. asc.

A. carotis ext.
N. glossopharyng. -
M. sternocleidomastoid.,
N. access. -

N. hypoglossus --

Fig. 308. Dissection of the cervical neurovascular stalk up to the base of the
Division of the mandibular n. into its branches.

N. mandib.

N. temporalis prof., N. buccalis

A., N. temporalis prof. >

A. meningea access.

M. pharyngotubalis, Chorda tymp. ,

A. meningea media, N. tensoris tympani i ,

A. palatina asc. ' ! ''

Chorda tympani, A. tympanica, Fissura


N. auriculotempor.,

A. auricularis prof.

A. makill.

/ A., N. infraorbital is

A., N. alveolaris sup.

„ Ganglion oticum,

N. pterygoid, lat.

^ N. pterygoideus med.,
N. tensoris veli palat.


mandib. _
A. carotis


N. facialis, A.
A. auricularis-

A. pharyngea asc.

(A. meningea occipit.y

-- C art i I ago


(Paries membr.)

M. pterygo-

M. digastr., M. stylohyoid

Plexus nerv. pharyng

/VI. constrictor phar. sup.---"

M. sternocleidomastoid.,

N. access r-"

A. carotis int.„--
A. pharyngea asc.--"'

A. carotis ext.

M. stylopharyng., .

N. glossopharyng.'

A. facialis ^

Lig. stylohyoideum-'^'

A. palatina asc./'

M. glossopharyng

A. lingualis,''

M. hyopharyng, f
Ansa cervicalis''

N. laryngeus sup. (R. ext.) '' ■

N. laryng. sup. (R. int.), A. laryngea sup., /

Membrana thyrohyoidea /

M. laryngopharyng. /

Ansa cervic. (Ramus muse.)/

V. jugularis int., N. vagus, A. carotis comm. /

Glandula thyroidea (Polus sup.),

M. hyoglossus, N. hypoglossus

M. stylohyoideus, M. digastr

Os pterygoid.


A/I. tensor, veli palat. (Tendo)

M. palatopharyng.

Raphe pterygomandibularis

' /VI. buccinator, N. buccalis

Glandulae mucosae palat.,

N. lingual. (Rr. isthmi faucium)

N. lingual is

V s M. palatoglossus

' M. mylopharyng.

\ ' A., N. alveolaris inf.

s 'Tonsilla palatina, A. dors, linguae (R. tonsill.)

'' A. submentalis
Glandula submandib., A. facialis

' M. mylohyoideus, A., N. mylohyoideus

x M. digastricus (Tendo)

Nn M. styloglossus

M. sternohyoideus

M. omohyoideus
M. thyrohyoid., R. thyrohyoideus n. hypoglossi

Fig. 309. Structures of the neck from the lateral side. The cervical vertebral
column has been removed; the
zygomatic arch and the ramus of the mandible have been cut, the former in front and
in the back, and removed with
the muscles of mastication after disarticulation of the temporomandibular joint.
With maximal depression of the
mandible, access is gained to a large area of the lateral pharyngeal wall.

N. massetericus, Arcus zygomaticus

N. mandib.

N. buccalis

N. facialis (Truncus ) k

. A., N. alveolar,

N. auricular is post., M.

N. infraorbitalis

A. maxillaris ^

Chorda tympani, M. levator

veli palat., A. pharyng. asc

M. sternocleidomastoid.,

N. accessorius (R. ext.)~~--'

N. glossopharyng., R. pharyng.

N. laryng. sup.
N. hypoglossus
A. occipitalis „

Lig. stylohyoid., M. stylopharyng

et styloglossus, A. palatina asc

N. laryng.

N. sinus carotid

Glomus carot.
(Paraganglion carot.).

Os hyoid. (Cornu majus),

A. lingualis, M. hypopharyng. „

M. stylohyoid., M. digastri -

c us, M. hyoglossus __

V. jugul. int .,

N. vagus^

Truncus sympathy

Raphe pterygo-
mandib., Hamu¬
lus pterygoid.,

M. tensor veli
palat. (Tendo)

Periosteum, Mandib.

(Proc. alveolaris), A. facialis

Ganglion submandib.,

M styloglossus,

M. glossopharyng.

N. sublingualis

Glandula sublingual.,

Ductus sublingual, min.

N. lingualis, Ductus submandib.

M. mylohyoid., A. subling. (perforans)

N. alveol. inf., Mandibula

A. maxillaris

I Aa., Nn. tempor. prof.

M. pterygoideus med., N. pterygoid, med.,

! N. tensoris veli palat.

A. carotis comm.,
Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)

A. thyroid, sup.,

Ramus omohyoid.

N. laryngeus sup.'

M. laryngopharyng.

Glandula submandib.,

A. facialis''

iangl. submandib. (R. glandul.), ,

Ductus submandib., Proc.'

uncinat. (Glandula submandib.)

\ /

Glandula thyroidea, M. omohyoid., Trachea t ,

N. hypoglossus /

'R. isthmi faucium,

N. lingualis,
Chorda tymp.

,.M. buccinator

Ductus parotideus

M. glosso- et

A. palat. asc. (Ramus)

"Proc. uncinat.
. geniohyoideus
mental is

A. meningea med., N. mandibul. (R. mening.)

Lig. pterygospinale

N. auriculotempor., A. tempor. superf.

N. meatus acustici ext.

N. mylohyoid.

Fig. 310. Dissection of the right cervical neurovascular bundle. The right half of
the body of the mandible has been
sawed through in a parasagittal plane, freed subperiosteally, and retracted
downward with the mylohyoid m. in or¬
der to expose structures in the sublingual region (anomalous course of the
maxillary a. medial to the mandibular
nerve trunk; the ascending pharyngeal a. arises here from the internal carotid a.).
View of the course and branches

of the maxillary a.

M. masseter

A. palatina asc. (R. tonsillaris)

Uvula, Paries pharyngis

Aponeurosis palatina

A., N. palat. maj.

Aa., Nn. palal. minores


mandibulae, Parotis-


M. zygomatico-

M. levator veli palat.

M. palatopharyngeus

Tunica mucosa

Foramen palat. maj., Foramina palat. min.

Hamulus pterygoid., A/I. tensor, veli palat. (Tendo)

M. buccinator

M. constrictor pharyngis sup.

(Pars buccophar.),
asc.- (R. to ns ill.), Plexus pharyng.

M. masseter

N. lingualis, R. isthmi faucium

N I. constrictor pharyngis sup.

(Pars mylophar.)

M. glossopharyng.

Raphe pterygomandibul.

M. buccinator

Lacuna inter m. mylo- et glossopharyng.

' Tonsillapalatina, M. palatoglossus

Violet = musculature of the palate and the palatine arches

Blue = the sup. pharyngeal constrictor with its
3 parts that are visible here

(buccopharyngeus, mylopharyngeus, and glossopharyngeus),

the muscles of mastication

(masseter and temporal muscles),

and the musculature of the cheek

(buccinator muscle)

Fig. 311. Topographical relationships and blood supply of the palatine tonsil;
dissection of the palatine

musculature from the oral side (semischematic).

M., N. pterygoideus med., Lig. pterygospinale

N. tens, veli palat.. Proc. pterygoid. (Lam. med.) /

Sinus sphenoidalis j

Rete venosum

M. tensor veli palatini (Origo) N

Cartilago tubae auditivae

M. longus capitis, Clivus

M. levator veli palatini (Origo)

M. tensor veli palat.,

M. pterygopharyng.

Aponeurosis palat.,
Palatum molle

Chorda tymp., N. lingualis „

A. pharyngea asc.

(R. tubarius et palatin

Lig. sphenomandib. -

Parotis (Proc.

Lig. stylomandib.

Fascia cervic.
(Lamina praevertebr.)
M. longus colli

Nodi lymph, retrophar.,

A. pharyng. asc.,
Rr. pharyngei

M. styloglossus,

A. palatina asc.-

M. stylopharyng
M. hyopharyng.
pharyngis med.),
N. glosso-
pharyngeus, Lig.


A., N. palatin. maj.


Palatum durum (Margo),

Glandulae palat.,

Tunica mucosa

''A., N. palatin. min.

M. palatopharyng.''

Stratum muse, longit. pharyngis '

M. pharyngoepiglott.''

M. glossopharyng., M. styloglossus '

'M. pterygoid, med.

'M. buccinator,
Papilla parotidea

--- Raphe pterygomandibul.,

M. buccopharyng.,
N. lingualis (R. isthmi faucium)

N. lingualis, M. mylopharyng.

~M. palatoglossus,

A. dors, linguae
(A. palatina asc.)

- Glandula et ganglion

Ductus submandib.,
Ductus sublingual, major

Glandula sublingualis,
Ductuli sublinguales min.
• V. sublingualis

-M. genioglossus
- M. geniohyoideus

‘M. mylohyoideus

M. mylohyoideus

Cartilago cricoidea

A. sublingual., Ductus submandib., N. lingualis

Lig, thyroepiglott., Cartilago thyroidea

N. hypoglossus, V. comitans

1—5 = median section of cervical vertebrae 1—5

Fig. 312. Median section through the facial skeleton and the pharynx. Dissection of
the pharyngeal and palatine
musculature from the inside; vessels and nerves in the tubal and sublingual
- Tonsilla et bursa pharyngea

Recessus pharyngeus

Tonsilla palatina

Tonsilla lingualis

Tonsilla tubaria

Plica pharyngotubalis

Folliculi lymphatici

Tonsilla lingualis

- Tonsilla laryngea

Fig. 313. The distribution of tonsillar tissue in the mucosa of the upper
respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. The
lymphatic rings near the anterior apertures of the pharynx and the lateral columns
in the pharyngeal wall are
colored blue (semischematic). Pharynx and larynx are opened in the posterior

Plica, Incisura interarytaenoidea

Septum oesophagotracheale

Fornix pharyngis, Tonsilla et bursa pharyngea

Basis cranii

N. glossopharyngeus, vagus, accessorius

-Canalis n. hypoglossi, N. hypoglossus

Choana sinistra, Conchae nasales ~~

Plica salpingopalatina —

Velum palatinum (Palatum molle, Uvula) --

' Torus tubarius, Recessus pharyngeus

Tuba auditiva (Ostium pharyngeum),

Eminentia (M. levator)

-Plica salpingopharyngea

Sulcus terminalis linguae,

Papillae circumvallatae


Epiglottis, Pars libera (Fac. laryngea) -

Arcus pharyngopalatinus

Os hyoid. (Prominentia cornus maj.)

' Radix linguae, Tonsilla lingua/is

Cart. thyr. (Prominentia cornus sup.)

Plica aryepiglottica,
Tuberculum cuneiforme et
Plica pharyngoepiglottica,

Vallecula glossoepiglottica dextra

Recessus piriformis, Plica (N. laryngeus sup.)



' N. abducens

N. trigeminus

N. facialis, intermedius,

Pharynx (Paries post.)

Cartilag. cricoidea (Eminentia)

Blue = nasal pharynx (epipharynx)

Violet = oral pharynx (mesopharynx) and isthmus of the fauces

Brown = laryngeal pharynx (hypopharynx)

Green = vestibule of larynx

Fig. 314. Regions of the pharynx and entrance into larynx (aditus). The 3 levels of
pharynx, opened
from behind. The food-conducting channels that run from the isthmus of the fauces,
on both sides of
the epiglottis, over the piriform recess, and then reunite in the esophagus are
indicated by white lines.

Spina angularis, Lig. sphenomandibulare

\ Canaliscaroticus, M. peiropharyngeus
\ • Membrana pharyngo-

\ J \ basilaris, Raphe

\ j \ phar.


Tonsilla pharyngea, Tunica mucosa

j Cartil. tubae auditivae, Tuba auditiva (Ostium pharyngeum)

At pharyngotubarius

I At levator veli palat.

—At levator veli palat.,

At palatopharyngeus

— At pharyngotubarius
~~M. constrictor phar. sup.

\—At azygos uvulae dexter

-At palatopharyngeus,

At constrictor phar.

At stylopharyngeus

Proc. styloideus iB
At pterygoideus lat. ~~

Incisura mandib
At stylohyoideus -
M. pterygopharyngeus — 1

M. pterygoideus medial is -

Ligam. stylomandibulare

M. buccopharyngeus

At styloglossus -'

Ligam. stylohyoideum

At mylopharyngeus, Mandibula '

At styloglossus et stylopharyngeus '

At stylohyoideus, At digastricus

M. glossopharyngeus

M. hyoglossus
Spatium intermusculare
At hyopharyngeus, Os hyoid. (Cornu majus) y y
Ligam. thyrohyoideum lat'

A1. thyropharyngeus ..

„-At pterygoideus lat.

- M. tensor veli palat.,

Proc. pteryg. (Lam. medialis)

‘At glossopharyngeus

r"--At constrictor phar. medius

- At pharyngoepiglotticus
■Membrana thyrohyoidea

— At constrictor phar. inf.

"Aim. levatores phar.

M. aryepiglotticus

At arytaenoideus (Pars transv. et obliqua)

M. cricopharyngeus

Ligam. cricopharyngeum

Trigonum Laimeri.

Oesophagus (Strat. muse, longit.)

- cricoarytaenoideus post.


— Aponeurosis phar.

Oesophagus (Stratum muse, circulare)

Fig. 315. The musculature of the pharynx shown from behind. The right half of the
pharynx has been reflected lat¬
erally. On the left side pharyngeal muscles are seen from the outside; on the right
the pharyngeal and palatine mus¬
cles may be viewed from the inside.

Sulcus termin. linguae, Papillae circumvallatae

Foramen caec., Folliculi linguales

"Oesophagus (Tunica muscularis)

Gland, parathyroidea sup.
N Gland, parathyroidea inf.

Plica glossoepiglott. mediana, Glandulae lingual. N

N. glossopharyngeus (Rr. lingual.), A. lingualis (R. sup .X

N. glossopharyngeus (Rr. tonsil!.), Tunica mucosa v

N. glossopharyngeus - _
A. lingualis- -

Plexus venosus valleculae - - "

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus), M. hypopharyng.

Lig. thyrohyoid, lat., N. laryng. sup. (Rr. lingual.)'

M. glossopalaf.

M. glossopharyng.


' M. hyoglossus

- Lig. stylohyoid.
- M. chondropharyng.

- - Os hyoideum (Cornu majus)

M. palatopharyng.,

M. pharyngoepiglott.

"" M. palatopharyng.

M. stylopharyng., Mm. levatores

pharyngis, Membr. hyothyroidea

" " A., V. laryng. sup., Foramen ihyroideum

" M. arytaen. transv. et obliquus,

Gland, laryng. post.

" Lamina cartilag. thyroideae

M. cricoarytaen. post.

M. cricopharyngeus
Lig. cricopharyngeum

N., A., V. laryng. sup., Cart. thyr. (Cornu sup.)

N. laryng. inf. (R. arytaen.)-"

Plexus ven. submuc. pharyng. ant.-

N. laryng. inf. (R. ant

N. laryng. sup. et inf., (R. communic.), Aponeur.

N. laryng. inf. (R. post.), A. laryng. inf.-'

N. laryng. inf. (Rr. oesophagei) - "

Plexus venosus pharyngooesophag." ’

V. thyroid, access. (media

Tunica mucosa oesophagi''

A., V. thyroid, inf., N. recurr., Gland, parathyr. inf.- -

Fig. 316. Muscles, vessels, and nerves on the back side of the larynx, in the
posterior tongue region, and in the reg¬
ions of the palatine tonsils and the glossoepiglottic valleculae. Pharynx and
esophagus have been opened from be¬
hind so that a posterior entry may be made into the paralaryngeal submucosal space
after removal of the pharyngeal
mucosa (of the piriform recess). The thyroid and parathyroid glands.

Plica fimbriata, Tunica mucosa

A., V., N. sublingualis

Regio folia!a

N. lingualis, Gangl. submandibul

M. styloglossus \

M. palatoglossus

M. glossopharyngeus ^

M. palatopharyngeus

M. mylopharyngeus J

Ligam. stylohyoideum- -
A. palatina asc., Rr. tonsillares (IX) —

N. glossopharyngeus *'

M. stylophar

M. hyophar., V. palat. asc.

N. hypoglossus ■' ’

A. lingualis, V. comitans n. hypogloss.-

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus),

A. lingualis (R. hyoid.)-

Truncus venosus (V. thyr. sup.) -' /

N. laryng. sup. (R. ext.)-' /

N. laryngeus sup. (R. int.), /'

Cartilago triticea'

M. hyopharyngeus-'

A. thyroidea sup..

N. laryng. sup. (Rr. pharyngei)

A. thyr. sup. (R. post.

A., V. laryngeasup.'

N. laryng. sup. (R. ext.) -'

A. thyr. sup. (R. ant.)

A., V. thyr. sup. (R. margin.

M. laryngopharyng. (M. cricopharyng.)

.' V. lingualis (V. apicis linguae)

N. lingualis (Rr. ling.)

- M. long it. inf.

R. commun. n. lingual,
cum n. hypoglosso
A., Vv. linguales

- M. geniogloss. dexter

- N. hypogloss., V. comit. n. h.
A4. hyoglossus
M. hyogloss., A. lingualis

- - - M. geniohyoid, (dexter et sinister)

- M. mylohyoid., Raphe mylohyoidea

Initium oesophagi''
Rr. oesophagei

A. thyr. inf.

V. thyr. inf..-'"

N. recurrens dexter-''
Oesophagus (Lumen) -

" N. hypoglossus (R. thyrohyoid.)

- M. omohyoideus
~~ M. sternothyr.

- - M. sternohyoid.

Bursae subhyoid. (N\. sternohyoid, et m. sternothyr.)

Corpus adip. paralaryngeum

* L/g. thyrohyoid, medium

*' Prominentia laryngea
Cart. thyr. (Cornu sup.)

M. laryngopharyng. (M. thyropharyng.)

- M. thyrohyoid.

“' M. sternothyr.

- A. thyr. sup. (R. cricothyr.)

v - - Lig. coni cum
** M. cricothyr. (P. recta)

' N. laryng. sup. (R. ext.)

M. cricothyr. (P. obliqua)

'' A. thyr. sup. (R. marg. sup.)

' Nodus lymphat. praetrachealis

'• A., N. laryng. inf.

"^.N. recurr. (Rr. trach. et oesophagei),

Nodi lymphat. paratrach.

Fig. 317. Dissection of muscles, vessels, and nerves on the ventrolateral aspect of
larynx and pharynx after re¬
moval of the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles, and resection of the thyroid gland.
Muscles, nerves, and vessels at

the base of the tongue.

N. lingualis (R. terminalis

M. hyoglossus ^
M. longif. linguae inf.

s' N. hypogloss.,

R. anastom. c. n. linguali

Lig. thyroepiglott.

- Appendix ventric. lar.

M. thyroarytaen.

' Cartil. thyroidea

----- M. cricoarytaen. lat.

-- N. laryng. inf. (R. ant.)

— Lig. coni cum

"■ Cart. thyr. (Cornu inf.)

“-/VI. cricothyroid. (Pars obliqua et recta)

- Lig. cricotracheale

Nodi lymph, praetrach.

""N. laryng. inf. (R. ant.)

- N. laryng. inf.

Nodi lymph, paratrach.

v ' Trachea

N. hypoglossus, V. comitans n. h.

N. lingualis, M. styloglossus
Tonsillapalal., M. palatoglossus
/VI. glossopharyng., A. lingualis (R. tonsill.)

Rr. tonsillares (A. palat. asc., N. glossophar .)^

/VI. palatophar. ---

A. palatina asc.

M. constrictor phar. sup. -

Ligam. stylohyoideum -
N. glossophar. -

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus), M. hyophar. -

Tun. muc. valleculae gl. - epigl.

A., V., N. laryngeus sup.,

Ligam. thyrohyoideum lat.

Cart. thyr. (Cornu sup.),

M. laryngophar.

Tunica muc., Rec. piriformis --

M. aryepiglotticus - - -

A. thyroid, inf., N. recurrens "


~' A. sublingual.

-"A. prof, lingual.

-'A. lingualis (R. dorsalis linguae)

/VI. geniogloss.

A., V. lingualis

' Lig. stylohyoid., Cornu minus

- /VI. geniohyoid.

/VI. hyogloss.

•/VI. thyrohyoid., R. thyrohyoid. (XII)

• /VI. mylohyoid.

Lig. hyoepiglott.

---/VI. omohyoid.

— "/VI. sternohyoid.
--Spatium praeepiglott.

— - Epiglottis
Lig. thyrohyoid.

'Glandulae muc. laryng., M. thyroepiglott.

Lam. cartil. thyr. (refl.) -

Cartil. aryt. (Margo lat.) - -

M. arytaenoideus —

V., A. laryng. inf.'

Oesophagus (Strat. muse, longitud.)

N. laryngeus sup. et. inf. (R. anast.),

Lamina cart. cric. (Margo sup.) -

M. laryngopharyngeus
Cartil. arytaen. (Proc. muscul.)-

Aponeurosis pharyngis

M. cricoarytaenoideus post. -
N. laryngeus inf. (Ram. post.) -

/VI. laryngopharyngeus -

N. recurr. (R. tracheal.)

Fig. 318. Deep muscles, vessels, and nerves on the ventrolateral aspect of the
larynx. The thyroid cartilage has
been cut parasagittally and reflected back after freeing it from the underlying
structures without disturbing the
mucosa of the piriform recess and larynx. The hyoglossus m. has been removed in
order to show the course of the
lingual a. and the glossopharyngeal n., as well as the attachment of the stylohyoid
lig. to the lesser horn of the

hyoid bone.


Cartilago cricoidea
Os hyoideum

M. aryepiglotticus



M. arytenoideus

Mm. arytenoidei

M. cricoarytenoideus

Tunica mucosa





Cartilago arytenoidea

Cartilago thyroidea


Lig. hyoepiglotticum





Mm. arytenoidei obliqui

Paries membranaceus tracheae,
Glandulae tracheales

Lig. anulare tracheae

M. arytenoideus

M. cricoarytenoideus post.

Cart, arytenoidea
(Proc. muse.)

Lamina cartilaginis cricoideae

M. cricoarytenoideus

M. aryepiglotticus
M. thyroarytenoideui
obliquus (var.)

. thyroarytenoideus

Lig. cricothyroideum

M. cricoarytenoideus lat.
Facies articul. thyroidea
M. cricothyroideus

Corpus adiposum

Cartilago cuneiformis


Lig. thyrohyoideum
Cartilago triticea ^

Tunica mucosa
(Vallecula epiglottica)
Tuberculum cuneiforme

Plica vestibularis

Plica vocal is

M. vocalis

M. cricothyroideus,

(pars recta)

M. cricoarytenoideus

Lig. cricothyroideum

Os hyoideum
(Cornu majus)

Plica aryepiglottica

" epiglotticum

Cartilago thyroidea
(Cornu sup.)


M. arytenoideus transversus

!— M. arytenoideus obliquus

- Conus elasticus

M. cricoarytenoideus post.

Cartilago thyroidea
(Cornu int.)


Fig. 319. (Top, left) Muscles on the dorsal surface of larynx (from

Fig. 320. (Top, right) Posteroinferior view of laryngeal musculature

(from Sobotta/Becher).

Fig. 321. (Bottom) Larynx opened in the dorsal midline and spread apart by
retractors. The mucosa has been re¬
moved between the vocal fold and the upper edge of the arch of the cricoid
cartilage, and the musculature of the left
side has been dissected from the inside (from Sobotta/Becher).
Margo epiglott.

M. laryngophar.—

M. cricoaryt. post. (Inse

M. c ricoarytaen. post (Origo) /

M. cricophar. (Origo)

Lig. cricopharyng.

Cart trachealis (III)

M. mylohyoideus

-M. geniohyoideus

Lig. hyoepiglotticum,
■" Cart, epiglott.

___ Os hyoideum
(Cornu majus)

Cart, triticea

Lamina cart thyr.,

Foramen thyroideum

Cart corniculata,

Lig. corniculopharyngeum

Cart arytaen. (Fac. post)

Cart thyr. (Cornu inf.)

Lig. ceratocricoideum post

^ Paries membranaceus


M. hyoglossus

M. hyopharyngeus

Spatium paraepiglott.,
Membr. thyrohyoidea

Lig. thyrohyoideum lat.

Cart, epiglottica, Lig. thyroepiglott.^

Mm. levatores phar.

M. arytaenoideus,

M. ary epiglott.

I Cart/7, aryt. (Proc. muse.),

I Lig. cricoarytaen. post.

Cart thyr. (Cornu sup.)

Plica aryepiglottica,
Cart, cuneiformis

i-i g- nyucyigiuLULUUl

Cartil. epiglottica

Membr. thyrohyoidea

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus)

Plica aryepiglottica,
Cartil. cuneiformis

Cartil. triticea

Cartil. thyr. (Cornu sup.)

Cart, corniculata, Ligam.
Lam. cartil. thyr.,
Foramen thyroideum
Cart aryt. (Fac. post.)

M. thyroarytaenoideus (lat.)

M. cricoaryt. lat.
(Proc. muse.)

Cartil. thyr. (Cornu

Lig. cricotracheale
M. cricoarytaen. lat.

Lig. cricotracheale

M. cricothyroideus

Ligg. anularia

Ligg. stylohyoidea

Lig. thyrohyoideum

Spatium praeepiglott.
\ Lig. thyroepiglott.

^ Cartil. thyroidea
\ Ligg. vocalia, Lig. ventric

^ Lig. cricothyroid, (conicur


Cartil. cric. (Arcus)

Conus elasticus, M. vocalis

Cartilago trach.

Cartilago epiglottica

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus) t

Cart triticea

Cart, cuneiformis
Cart, corniculata

Cart. aryt. (Fac. m

Proc. vocalis (Macula flava post.)
Lig. cricoarytaen. post.

Conus elasticus

Lam. cartil.

Trachea (Tunica

/ Lig. stylohyoideum
/ /

ig. hyoepiglott.

Os hyoideum (Corpus)

^ Membr. thyrohyoidea

- Spatium praeepiglott.

Cart, epigl. (Petiolus)

Lig. thyroepiglott.

Membrana quadrangularis,
Lig. ventric. sin.

Cart, thyroidea

'Macula flava ant

\ Lig. vocale sin.

\ Lig. cricothyroid.

Cart, cricoidea
Lig. anulare

x Cart. trachealis
Fig. 322. (Top, left) Larynx seen from behind. The musculature of pharynx and
larynx has been completely re¬
moved from the right side; the origins and isertions of this musculature as well as
the muscles of the hyoid bone have
been retained on the left side (epiglottis is pulled down somewhat).

Fig. 323. (Top, right) Larynx seen from the side. The right greater horn of the
hyoid and the right half of the
thyroid cartilage with the thyrohyoid membrane are removed. The elastic cone with
the vocal lig., the vocalis m.,
and the quadrangular membrane with the ventricular lig. are seen on the right side.

Fig. 324. (Bottom) Median section through larynx. The mucosa has been stripped of
its epithelium.

Lig. hyoepiglott,

Lig. thyroepiglott."

Cart, thyroidea, Macula flava ant

Plica ventricularis, Ventriculus laryngis^

Plica vocalis, Processus vocalis,s

Macula flava post.

Lig. cricothyroideum (conicum)

Arcus cricoid.

Cavum laryngis (Mucosa)

Gl. thyroidea (Isthmus)

Trachea (Lumen)

Lig. anulare —

Lamina cricoidea

M ucosa, Submucosa oesophagi


^ Spatium oesophagotracheale

Os hyoideum (Corpus)—
Bursa subhyoidea,
thyreohyoidea "



Fascia cervic. (Lam. superfic. et media) /

— Epiglottis (Facies laryng.)

Plica aryepiglottica
-Tuberculum cuneiforme
— Tuberculum cornicul.

Plica (Incisura) interarytaenoidea

~ M. arytaenoideus

) Tunica submucosa, Plexus venosus

Vallecula glossoepiglott.,
Radix linguae

— Cartilago epiglott.

Trachea (Paries membranaceus)

Epiglottis (Facies laryng.)

Gl. parathyroidea inf.

Cartilago epiglott.
M. aryepiglott.

Os hyoideum (Cornu maj.)

Appendix ventric. laryng. I


Fascia cervic., M. thyrohyoideus

Lig. et m. vocalis

M. thyroarytaenoid. lat.

M. cricoarytaenoid. Iat.\
M. sternothyroideus
M. thyropharyng., A. thyroidea sup

M. cricothyroideus —

Glandula thyroidea —
Cartilago cricoidea -

Cartilago trach. I •

V. jugul. int., A. carotis comm. —

— Lam. propria (Lig. anulare)

" Appendix ventriculi laryng.

Membrana quadrangul.,
Lig. ventriculare

Rim a vestibuli',
Plica ventricular.

Rim a glottidis, Plica vocalis

Conus elast., Spatium

intramembran. laryngeum

_L/g. cricotracheale, Conus elast.

(Lam. propr. laryng.)

" Trachea

Green = cut edges of the cervical fascia including both laminae

M. thyropharyng.

Mm. levatores pharyngis j

Adventitia pharyngis
Mucosa, M. constrictor inf. pharyngis

'' Rima glottidis

» ' M. arytaenoideus

\ Pharynx (Pars laryngea)

Submucosa pharyngis, Plexus venosus

Lobus pyramidalis
Fascia cervicalis

uriuago inyroiaea

Appendix ventriculi laryngei

Plica vocal is, Rima glottidis

M. sternohyoideus,

M. thyrohyoideus N

7 Plica ventricularis, Glandulae

laryng.,M. ventricularis

Spatium paralaryngeum submucosum, Ram.


Cartilago arytaenoidea


. int. a. et n. laryng. sup.

Macula flava ant.

Rima glottidis (Pars intermembran.)

Lig. vocale

M. constrictor inf.,
Mm. levatores

Lobus pyramidalis gland, thyr.

M. vocal is x

M. thyroarytaenoid. (lat.)

Processus vocalis,

Macula flava post.



Polus sup., Gland, thyr.

(Lobus dexter)

1 Processus muscularis cartil. arytaen.

M. cricoarytaenoideus post.

Rima glottidis (Pars

Conus elast. (Laminae

Mucosa pharyngis
Lamina cricoidea

Fig. 327. (Top) Transverse section through larynx and pharynx at the level of the

fold (cut fascial edges are green).

Fig. 328. (Middle) Transverse section through the larynx and pharynx at the level
of the vocal
fold (cervical fascia investing the infrahyoid muscles is green).

Fig. 325. (Left, top) Midsagittal section through larynx. The figure illustrates
larynx with the
adjoining part of the trachea and the root of the tongue in med. section (right
half of specimen).

Fig. 326. (Left, bottom) Frontal section through the larynx and the 2 lobes of the
thyroid gland
showing the larynx, the 3 compartments of the laryngeal space, and the adjacent
portion of the
trachea. Anterior half of the specimen seen from behind. On the right side, in the
paralaryngeal space, is seen a markedly expanded appendix of the laryngeal

Palatum durum, Rhaphe palat.

Tonsilla lingualis (in speculo) v

Arcus pharyngopalatinus,

Fossa supratonsill.
(Plica semilunar .)"

Arcus glossopalatinus

Tonsilla palatina,
Plica triangul

Plica pterygomandibul.

Uvula, Pharynx (Paries post)

Tonsilla palatina

Dorsum linguae
Plica vocalis

Proc. vocalis

Phar. (Paries


Plica interarytaenoidea
Plica pharyngo-


Plica glosso-epi-
glottica mediana



Plica aryepiglottica
Ventricuius laryngis,
Plica ventricularis

Fig. 329. Laryngoscopic view. With the mouth wide open, protracted tongue, and the
head bent slightly backward,
the mirror has been placed against the soft palate at an angle of approximately 45°
in such a way that the uvula is
completely covered, and the inferior edge of the mirror touches the posterior
pharyngeal wall (illumination “nor¬
mal”). In the mirror the image of the interior of larynx is reversed with anterior
becoming superior, and posterior

becoming inferior.

a) shows the rima glottidis during quiet breathing, triangular in shape, and with
approximately the same appear¬
ance as that seen in a cadaver (intermediate position); b) shows the rima glottidis
during deep inspiration, penta¬
gonal in shape (abduction, respiration position); c) shows rima glottidis
completely closed (adduction, median, or
phonation position); d) shows the aditus of larynx almost completely closed by the
approximation of the small car¬
tilages in the aryepiglottic folds; the epiglottis (free part) is not completely
folded back.

N. cervic. Ill et IV (Rr. dors.) (Rami muscul.)'

Foramen intervertebr. _
(Rete ven.)~

A., Vv. vertebr. -

N. cervic. V (R. ventr.)

- N. cervic. V (R. dors.)

N. dors. scap.
(7VI. levator scap.)

- Nn. supraclaviculares

Septum interradiculare

Plexus ven. vertebr. ext.

Spatium praeviscerale (praelaryng.)

A. laryngea, N. I ary rig. sup., Spatium par alary ng. submuc

Tunica mucosa pharyng., Recessus piriformis
Spatium paraviscerale (paralaryng.)

M. laryngopharyng., Fascia pharyngea

Ansa cervic. prof. (Rami)

A. carot. comm., V.jugul. int., N. vagus

Platysma -

Nodi lymphat. cervic. inf.

N. phrenicus, A. cervic. asc.,

Truncus symp.

Jipatium retroviscerale

_ Lacuna scalena post.

^ Dura mater spin., Cavum
subarachnoid., N. cervic. VI, (Radices),
Lig. denticulat., Arachnoidea

Spatium cervic. lat.

V. colli mediana

Rima glottidis, M., Lig. vocale

Cartil. arytaen., M. arytaenoideus

_ A. thyr. sup., N. laryng. sup.

^ Spatium extradurale, N. Plexus

ven. vertebr. int., Endorhachis

Fig. 330. Transverse section through the neck at the level of the glottis with the
contents of the neural and visceral
compartments. Illustration of the viscera, the cervical neurovascular bundles, and
sheaths in cross section. Plane of
section through the 5th cervical vertebra and the vocal cords. The cut edges of
fasciae, periosteum, and spinal cord
investments are black; those of the neurovascular sheaths are lighter in color.

Membrana thyrohyoidea _

Cartilag. thyr. (Cornu sup.)


Os hyoideum (Corpus)

Lig. hyoepiglott.

Membrana thyrohyoidea

— (Lig. thyrohyoideum

— Petiolus epiglottidis
— Lig. thyroepiglotticum

Cartilago thyroidea
Lig. ventriculare

Lig. vocale

Lig. cricothyroid.

(Lig. conicum)

— Arcus incoideus

Os hyoideum

Lig. thyrohyoideum lat,

Cartilago triticea

Lig. corniculopharyng.

Cartilago cornic
Syndesmosis arycorniculata
Fovea triang., Cartil. arytaenoid. (Apex)
Facies post..

Cartilag. aryt. (Facies med

Lig. cricoarytaenoid. post.

Cartil. aryt. (Processus vocalis)

Conus elast.,
Lamina cricoidea —

Lig. hyothyroid. medianum

Tuberculum thyroid, sup.

— Petiolus epiglott.

Jncisura thyroid, sup.

Apex, Fovea triangul.

Epiglott. (Fac. lingualis)

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus)

Os hyoideum (Cornu minus)

Membrana thyrohyoidea

Crista arcuat.
Fovea oblonga

Cornu inf.

Tuberculum thyroid, inf.,

Linea obliqua (Var.)

ceratocricoid. lat. et ant.

Lig. cricothyroid, (conicum)

\Lamina cart, cricoid., vocalis

Arcus cricoid.

Lig. thyrohyoid, lat.

(Cartilago triticea)

Membrana thyrohyoidea

Cart. thyr.

(Cornu sup.)

Lig. corniculopharyng.

Cartilago corniculata

Lig. thyroepiglott.


Facies post. _

Lig. ventriculare-
Processus vocalis,
Facies med.
Lig. vocale

Capsula articul. cricoarytaen.

Lig. cricoarytaen. post.
Lig. ceratocricoid. post.

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus)

Epiglottis (Facies
Ilaryngea = posterior)

Lig. ceratocricoid. lat.

Lamina cartilag. cricoid.

Art. cricothyr.

Cartil. arytaenoidea (Processus muscul.)

blue = ligaments, quadrangular membrane not shown

Fig. 331. Skeletal framework and ligaments of larynx, a) Medial view of the left
half, b) Viewed
from front (right arytenoid cartilage is seen through the thyroid cartilage), c)
View from behind.

~— Margo epiglottidis

Plica ventricularis

Tuberculum cuneiforme
Tuberculum corniculafum

Cartil. aryt. (Processus voc.), Rima g/ott. (Pars

Plica (Incisura)

Conus elast., Rima glott.

Cartil. arytaen. (Processus muscul.)

\ .

Conus el., Lig. vocale, Rima glottidis \ T

Arytaenoidea cartil. cric. (Facies artic.)

' Apex cartil. cric.

/ Crista arcuata, Fovea triangul.

thyr. (Cornu sup.)

z Rima glottidis (Pars


Trachea (Paries post.)

Plica inlew

Cartil a go
cric., Articul.

(Pars inter¬
cart Hag.)

Arcus cricoid.

Lig. cricothyroid, a Macula flava ant.


Rima glott.

(Pars intermembran.)

Plica vocal is, Rima glott

(Pars intermembran.)

Rima glott. (Pars intercartilag.)__

Apex cart. aryt.

Fovea triangul^
Fovea oblonga

Fig. 332. The shapes of rima glottidis as seen on a skeletal preparation and in the
mirror during resting phase (a),
respiratory phase (b), and phonation (c); (d) rima glottidis when whispering; (e)
rima glottidis in falsetto voice.
A/I. vocal is

M. ceratoglossus

A/1, chondroglossus,

Lig. stylohyoid.

A/1, stylohyoid.

A/I. geniohyoi-

A/I. aryepiglott.

A/I. aryepiglott.

A/1, cricoarytaenoid. I at.

Lig. vocale, M. vocal is


A/1, thyroepiglotticus

M. thyroarytaenoid.

M. my/o-

M. sternohyoid

A/1. omohyoid,


A/1, arytaenoid. obliquus

M. arytaenoid
Cart. aryt. (Proc. muse.}

M. thyrohyoid.

cricoarytaenoid. lat.

A/I. cricothyroid.


M. cricoarytaenoid.

M. arytaenoid. transv.

A/1, cricoarytaenoid. post.

A/1, thyro-
pharyng., /
M. cricopharyng.

A/1, sternothyroid.

M. cricothyroid. (Pars recta)

A/1, cricothyroid. (Pars obliqua)

Blue = the branchial musculature

Red — the ventrolateral, somatic musculature

Fig. 333. Muscles of the larynx and their actions when contracting (arrows).

Os hyoideum (Corpus)

Os hyoideum (Cornu majus)

Pharynx (Pars laryngea)

Aditus laryngis

Cartilago arytaenoidea

" Cartilago cricoidea

"Trachea (Lumen)

1-7 = cervical vertebrae 1-7

Fig. 334. Lateral roentgenogram of the soft structures in the laryngeal and
tracheal regions (from

R. Kraus, Heidelberg).

Light violet



Violet =



oropharynx and isthmus of

the fauces
laryngeal pharynx
upper, or supraglottic
laryngeal space
(vestibule of larynx)
subglottic (infraglottic)

glottis (laryngeal ventricle

with the ventricular and
vocal folds)

The white arrow a-a identifies the course of the upper

alimentary tract; it leads from the oral cavity through the
isthmus and along the trough-like depression of the
piriform recess, and via the oral and laryngeal parts of
larynx into the esophagus. The black arrow b-b indicates
the upper airway; it leads from the nasal cavity through the
nasal and oral parts of pharynx, the aditus of larynx, and
into the trachea. The two arrows cross in the region of the
oropharynx. The remaining arrows c-f indicate the sites
and directions for surgical entry into the respective parts of
the digestive and respiratory tubes from the front: Arrow c
indicates the approach in a subhyoid pharyngotomy in
which the thyrohyoid membrane is incised immediately

under the hyoid bone to gain entrance into the

oropharynx; in this way the larynx can also be inspected
from above. Arrow d indicates the approach in the so-cal¬
led coniotomy in which the cricothyroid lig. is cut trans¬
versely and the subglottic laryngeal space is opened. Ar¬
row e identifies the site for a high tracheotomy; and arrow
f, the approach in a low tracheotomy under the isthmus of
the thyroid gland.

Fig. 335. The various levels of the larynx and pharynx in midsagittal section
(view of the right half of the specimen).

Fig. 336. (Top, left) Tomogram of larynx (A-P) during pronounciation of the vowel
“u” (depth
of field 16 cm) (from R. Kraus, Heidelberg).

Fig. 337. (Top, right) Tomogram of larynx during normal respiration

(from R. Kraus, Heidelberg).

Fig. 338. (Bottom) Tomogram of larynx during deep inspiration

(from Prof. Dr. R. Kraus, Heidelberg).

a) During quiet respiration the airway (white) appears

wide open toward pharynx; the upper and lower parts
of the airway indicate the direction of the air flow dur¬
ing inspiration and expiration.)

b) During the act of swallowing the upper and lower air¬

ways are closed off from the oropharynx by the soft
palate (Passavant’s cushion) and the epiglottis, respec¬
tively; only the digestive tract (black) is open; the
white arrow indicates the direction in which the bolus
moves toward the esophagus.

c) The process of phonation while pronouncing a vowel.

The airway is white and the channel used is cross-
hatched. Although the upper airway can be sealed off
by the soft palate, it must not be totally isolated; the
nasal passages may serve an important function by ad¬
ding a nasal quality to the sound of a vowel. (The soft
palate is elevated the least when the vowel k ‘a” is ex¬

d) The act of sucking (median section of the head and

neck of a newborn). The oral cavity as a suction pump
(indicated in black) is closed off from the pharynx by
means of the soft palate and the root of the tongue; the
airway is open so that breathing may take place during
the act.

e) The intranasal larynx (median section through the

head and neck of a mammal, the horse). The airway
(white, black arrows) as well as the passage of food
(black, white arrows) which is split in the pharynx by
the epiglottis, appear open and passable. The 2 path¬
ways (arrows) cross in the oropharynx where the white
arrow lies to the side of the epiglottis in the channel
provided by the isthmus of the fauces and the piriform

A.R. = oropharynx

O.h. = hyoid bone

S.H. = pharyngeal bursa

P = soft palate


Cl = clivus

P.W. = Passavant’s cushion


E = epiglottis

S.f. = frontal sinus


M = mandible

S.sph. = sphenoid sinus

suction cavity
vocal cavity

cervical vertebrae 1-7

Fig. 339. The craniocervical digestive and respiratory tracts in midsagittal


This condensed index includes only material found in this volume. A complete and
comprehensive index covering both
volumes of this atlas may be obtained separately from the publisher.

Acromion (scapula) 233

Adhesion, interthalamic (also: inter¬
mediate mass) 94

Ampulla, osseous, anterior 190, 193

-lateral 190

-posterior 185, 190

Angle of eye, lateral 204

-medial 204

Ansa cervicalis (Ansa hypoglossi)

268, 285

- subclavia (Ansa of Vieussens) 270,

275, 286

Antiheiix 203
Antitragus 203
Antrum, mastoid 186
Anvil (incus) 185, 194
Aponeurosis, palatine 311
Aqueduct, cerebral

(= Aqueduct of Sylvius) 117

Arachnoid of the brain 30

- of cerebellum 52

- of spinal cord 52, 53, 55, 294

Arch, glossopalatine 329

- pharyngopalatine 314

- venous, jugular 272, 284

Area cribiformis saccularis 193

- subcallosal 92

- vestibular, superior of internal

acoustic meatus 192

- vestibular, inferior of internal

acoustic meatus 192


- angular 136, 140, 141, 210

- alveolar, inferior 307

-superior 307

- anterior communicating, of cere¬

brum 40, 41, 84, 85

- auricular, posterior 186, 259, 262,


- basilar 58, 59, 60, 85

- buccal 308

- carotid, common 285, 300

-external 19, 143, 300

Artery(-ies) carotid, common

-internal 19, 41, 78, 81, 82, 84,

153, 299, 300

- cerebellar, inferior, posterior 53,


-superior 56

- cerebral, anterior 32, 33, 37-47

-middle 32-37

-posterior 32, 33, 84, 85

- cervical, ascending 278

-deep 246, 292

-superficial 259, 282, 284, 286

- ciliary, anterior 221

-posterior, long 221

-short 221

- ethmoidal, anterior 216

- facial 19, 136, 139-142,745, 262,

264,307, 309

- infraorbital 209, 211, 307

- of labyrinth 184

- laryngeal, superior 316

- lingual 159, 266, 270

-deep 267

- masseteric 308

- maxillary (also: internal maxillary

artery) 83, 142, 143,744, 168,
263, 265, 307, 308, 310

- meningeal,middle 19, 29, 78, 155,


- mental 165

- nasofrontal 212

- occipital 50, 82, 138, 144, 270,

289, 305

- ophthalmic 84

- palatine, ascending 155, 265, 267,

307, 311

-greater 311

-lesser 311

- pharyngeal, ascending 305

- pterygoid, medial 304

- of pterygoid canal 155

- of retina, central 217

- spinal, anterior 297

Artery (-ies) spinal, anterior

-posterior 53

- sternocleidomastoid 284, 301

- stylomastoid 82, 305

- subclavian 270, 278, 280, 283,


- sublingual 159, 167

- submental 266, 270

- supraorbital 215

- suprascapular 270, 282, 286

- supratrochlear 210

- temporal, deep 141, 307, 310

-superficial 138, 262, 263

- thoracic, internal 270, 278

-left 277

-right 277

-lateral 286

- thyroid inferior 280, 299

-superior 259, 270, 272, 273,

278, 284, 300, 317

- transverse, of face 262, 265

-of neck 270

- tympanic, posterior 187, 188

- vertebral 51, 52, 270, 296

- zygomaticoorbital 210
Articulation, atlantoaxial, lateral 235

- atlantooccipital 235
Auditory tube (Eustach) 195

Body, amygdaloideum 119

- ciliary 227, 229

- geniculate, lateral 116
-medial 96, 116

- mamillary 91, 95

- pineal 94, 96

Brachium of inferior colliculus (also:

posterior conjunctival brachium)

- of superior colliculus (also: an¬

terior conjunctival brachium) 96


- buccal, of facial nerve 139, 140,

262, 263, 266


- cardiac, cervical (vagus nerve) 280

- digastric, of facial nerve 263, 267

- hyoid, of lingual artery 270

- marginal, mandibular, of facial

nerve 139, 140, 262, 266, 284

- temporal, of facial nerve 139, 140

- temporofrontal, of facial nerve


- thyroid, of hypoglossal nerve 285

- zygomatic, of facial nerve 139,

262, 263, 266

Bridge (Pons) 95
Bulb, olfactory 152
Bundle(s) (also: fascicle)

- longitudinal, inferior 124

-superior 124

Bursa, subhyoid 317

- pharyngeal 313

Canal, mandibular 171

- mental 171

- semicircular, anterior 188

-lateral 187

-posterior 188

Capsule, internal 120, 121

Cartilage of acoustic meatus 186

- cricoid 314

- thyroid 314
Caruncle, lacrimal 205

- sublingual 159
Cavity, tympanic 194
Cells, mastoid 186
Cerebellum 30, 33-35
Chiasm, optic 85, 91
Choanae 314

Chorda tympani nerve 155, 187, 305

Cistern, cerebellomedullary 52, 86

- of chiasma (chiasmatic cistern) 86,


- interpeduncular 86
Cisterna ambiens 86
Clavicle (collar bone) 231
Cochlea 83, 189, 190
Colliculus, inferior 94, 96

- superior 91, 94, 96

Column, fornix 92, 94
Commissure, anterior, of cerebrum


- inferior 94

- posterior 96

Conchae, nasal 314

Condyle, occipital 233
Cone, elastic 321, 324
Confluence of sinuses 53
Conjunctiva, bulbar 205, 212

- palpebral 205
Cornea 226

Corpus callosum 37, 39-48, 56, 62,

63, 87, 91, 92, 93, 94, 109-121,
123, 128, 135

Crest, occipital, external 233

- transverse, of internal acoustic

meatus 192

Crown, ciliary 227, 229

Crus cerebri 91

- of fornix 92

- of helix 203

- of incus, long 196

Cuneus 91, 92

Dens axis (odontoid process of axis)


Disc, ciliary 227, 229

Duct, endolymphatic 189

- Hensen’s (ductus reuniens) 189

- lacrimal 206, 211

- nasolacrimal 206

- parotid 139, 162, 163, 264

-lesser 163

- sublingual,.greater 163

- submandibular 144,759

- thoracic 280

Dura mater of brain 29, 31

Eminence of concha 186

Epiglottis 303
Esophagus 300
Eyelid (palpebrae) 204

Falx of cerebrum 37, 40, 48, 56, 89,

132, 135

Fascia, cervical 259, 261

Fascicle (also:bundle)

- uncinate 124

Fenestrae of cochlea (also: round

window) 83, 193, 195

- of vestibulum (also: oval window)


Fibers, of pons, transverse 95

Fissure of cerebrum, longitudinal 90

Floccule 95
Fold, aryepiglottic 301, 314, 329

- glossoepiglottic, medial 329

- interarytenoid 314

- mallear, anterior 196

-posterior 196

- pharyngoepiglottic 314

- pterygomandibular 329

- salpingopalatine 314

- salpingopharyngeal 314

- ventricular 329

- vocal 329
Follicle, lingual 313
Foramen, condylar 233

- infraorbital 4, 231

- mastoid 232, 233

- mental 4, 231

- palatine, greater 311

-lesser 311

- parietal 52

Fossa of antihelix 186

- of cerebrum, lateral 91

- infratemporal 232

- mandibular 232

- triangular, of auricle 186, 203

Frenum of tongue (frenulum of ton¬
gue) 157, 163


- cervical, medial 285, 287

-superior 153

- cervicothoracic (stellate) 280, 287

- geniculate, of facial nerve 83, 183

- of glossopharyngeal nerve, inferior

82, 83
- otic 82, 155, 304, 305

- pterygopalatine 83, 755

- spinal, of cervical nerves 2-8, 297

- second 51

- spiral, of cochlear nerve 185

- stellate (= ganglion, cer¬


- submandibular 167, 264, 266,

303, 304,308,310

- of sympathetic trunk, cervical, in¬

ferior 275

-middle 275

-cervical, superior 299, 300

- of trigeminal nerve 78, 80, 82

- of vagus nerve, inferior 155, 299,



-superior 155

- vestibular 184
Gingiva 172
Gland, lacrimal 206

- laryngeal, posterior 316

- lingual, anterior 163

- parathyroid, inferior 316

-superior 316

- parotid 139, 162 ,163, 262, 264

-accessory 162 ,163

- sublingual 144, 159, 162, 266

- submandibular 143, 144, 162,

264, 265

Granulations, arachnoidal 29-32

Groove of eyelid, inferior 204

-superior 204

- angular 90

- cingulate 91

- fasciolaris 92

- frontal, middle 90
-superior 90

- occipital 90

- occipitotemporal, lateral 91
-medial 91

- orbital 91

- parahippocampal 91

- precentral 90

- rectus 91

- supramarginal 90

- temporal, inferior 91

Hamulus, pterygoid 164

Head of malleus 187

- of stirrup 188
Helix 203

Hemisphere, cerebellar 53, 94

Hippocampus {Ammons horn) 121
Horn of lateral ventricle, anterior

-inferior 125

-superior 125

- lesser, of hyoid bone 164

Hypophysis 40, 41, 58, 59, 70, 81

Incus 185, 194

Infundibulum cerebri 95
Iris 226

Isthmus of cingulate gyrus 91

- of thyroid gland 279

Lacuna, lateral, of superior sagittal

sinus 29-32, 38, 39
Lamina affixa 94

- of hypothalamus, terminal 119

- of septum pellucidum 94

- spiral, bony 83

- superficial, of cervical fascia 273

- tectal 114
Lemniscus, lateral 114
Lens, crystalline 229, 230
Ligament, alar, of atlas 235

- of anvil (incus), posterior 194

- cricopharyngeal 315, 316

- cruciform, of atlas 235

- denticulate, of spinal cord 294

- flaval 235

- of incus, posterior 196

- longitudinal (vertebral column),

anterior 256

-(vertebral column) posterior

235, 246, 288

- of malleus, lateral 194

-superior 194

- nuchae 256

- pterygospinal 239, 308

- sphenomandibular 233, 239, 302,


- stylohyoid 157, 164, 233, 235,

239, 266, 267, 315

- stylomandibular 153, 233, 235,


- supraspinous 246

- thyrohyoid 242, 243

- thyroid, lateral 315

- transverse, of atlas 235

- vocal 324

Line, nuchal inferior 233

-superior 233
Lobule, paracentral 92

- parietal, inferior 90

-superior 90

Lymph node(s)

-axillary 286

-buccal 22

-cervical, deep, inferior 271

-superficial 271, 284

-occipital 50, 271

-parotid 22, 271

-retroauricular 22, 271

-submandibular, anterior 264

-medial 264

Lymph node(s)

-posterior 266

-superior 264

-tracheal 317

Manubrium of malleus 194 ,196

Mass, intermediate (= adhesion, in¬
terthalamic) 94
Mastoid cells 186

- notch 187

Meatus, auditory, external 186, 194

Medulla oblongata 95
Membrane, stapedial 195

- tectorial 288

- thyroid 315

- tympanic 194, 196


- ary epiglottic 315

- arytenoid 315

-oblique 316
-transverse 316

- auricular, posterior 265

- buccinator 9, 137, 156, 311

- constrictor m. of pharynx, inferior

300, 315

-medial 300, 315

-superior 301, 302, 311

- cricoarytenoid, posterior 315

- cricopharyngeal 315

- cricothyroid 317

- digastric 154, 163, 242, 264

- genioglossus 157, 159, 257

- geniohyoid 157, 158, 162, 242,

256, 257

- glossopharyngeal 311, 315

- hyoglossal 157, 159, 162

- hypopharyngeal 315

- iliocostal, of neck 288, 291

- intercostal, external 243

-internal 243

- interspinal, of neck 246

- laryngopharyngeal 317

- levator, of head 243

- of palatine velum 152, 301, 311,


-of pharynx 300, 301, 315

-of scapula 283

-of upper eyelid 206

- long, of head 244

-of neck 244

- longissimus, of head 290

Muscle(s) longissimus
-of neck 290

- masseter 9, 140, 156, 163

- multifidus 291

- mylohyoid 158, 162, 242, 256

- mylopharyngeal 315

- oblique, of eyeball, inferior 208,


-superior 208

-of head, inferior 245, 246

-superior 245, 246

- omohyoid 242, 243, 282, 307

- orbicular, of eye 136

-of mouth 136

- palatoglossus 156, 311

- palatopharyngeal 152, 154, 156,

301, 302, 315

- pharyngoepiglottic 301, 315

- pharyngopalatine 153, 302

- pterygoid, lateral 302, 315

-medial 153, 156, 158, 302, 304

- pterygopharyngeal 315

- scalene, anterior 242 -244

-middle 242-244, 288

-posterior 242-244, 288, 297

- semispinal, of head 243, 245, 246,


- - of neck 246, 291

- serratus, posterior, superior 290

- splenius, of head 243, 283, 289,


-of neck 283, 289

- salpingopharyngeal 152

- stapedius 188, 195

- sternocleidomastoid 242, 262

- sternohyoid 242, 243

- sternothyroid 242

- straight, of eyeball, inferior 208,


-lateral 208. 226

-medial 208, 226

-superior 208, 226

-of head, anterior 244

-greater posterior 245, 246

-lateral 244

-lesser posterior 246

- styloglossus 156, 157, 242, 267,

304, 315

- stylohyoid 242, 265

- stylopharyngeal 153, 267, 302,



- subclavius 242

- temporalis 9

- tensor, of palatine velum 157, 302

-of tympanic membrane 194 #

- thyroarytenoid 318

- thyropharyngeal 315

- trapezius 242, 243, 283, 289

- of uvula 154, 302


- accessory (eleventh cranial nerve)

82, 95, 144, 155, 282, 284, 294

- alveolar, inferior 142,743, 155,

156, 168, 304, 307, 308

-superior 307

- ampullar, posterior 185

- auricular, great 139, 259, 262,

274, 282, 284, 294

-posterior 144, 186, 262, 263

- auriculotemporal 138, 155, 262,

263, 304, 308,310

- buccal (buccinal) 141, 142, 156,

308, 319

- carotid, internal 153, 155, 299

- cervical, second 51, 53, 55

- cochlear 183

- cutaneous, of neck 259, 284

- ethmoidal, anterior 216

- facial 80, 82, 83, 187, 262, 263,

265, 266

- glossopharyngeal (ninth cranial

nerve) 80, 82, 144, 267, 304, 305

- hypoglossal (twelfth cranial nerve)

82, 95, 155, 159, 167, 168, 265,

266, 267, 299, 317

- infraorbital 141, 209-211, 307

- infratrochlear 209, 210

- intermedial (intermediary) 80, 183

- jugular 155, 299

- lacrimal 210, 217

- laryngeal, recurrent 280

-superior 278, 299, 316

- lingual {— lesser hypoglossal n.)

141, 142,743, 144, 153, 156, 159,
167, 264, 266, 304, 308, 310, 311,

- mandibular 21, 78, 82, 142, 143,

305, 308
- masseteric 141, 305, 308

- maxillary 21, 82, 83


- mental 156

- mylohyoid 141, 142

- nasal, anterior 152

-posterior 152

- nasociliary 217

- occipital, greater 50, 51, 138, 246

-lesser 50, 259, 262, 282, 284,


- oculomotor 80, 81, 217

- olfactory, medial 152

- ophthalmic 82, 83
-superior 217

- optic 37, 40, 41, 57-60, 70, 78,

81, 82, 84-86, 135

- palatine, ascending 267

-greater 156, 311

-lesser 156, 311

- petrosal, deep 155

-greater 83, 155, 183, 195

-lesser 82, 195, 305

- phrenic 275, 279

-accessory 286

- pterygoid, medial 304

- of pterygoid canal 83

- of retina, central 217

- subclavian 286

- sublingual 144, 167, 266, 310

- suboccipital 51, 292

- supraclavicular 285, 292

-intermediate 259, 274, 282

-lateral 259, 282

-medial 282

- supraorbital 209, 210, 215,276

- suprascapular 282

- supratrochlear 209, 210

- temporal, deep 143, 307, 310

- transverse, of neck 259, 262, 263,

273, 282, 284, 294

- trigeminal (fifth cranial nerve) 78,

80, 81, 307

- trochlear 215

- tympanic {Jacobson's nerve) 195

- vagus (tenth cranial nerve) 21, 80,

82, 91,153, 285, 286, 299

- vestibular 183, 184

Notch, mastoid 187
Nucleus, caudate 94, 107

- cuneate 56

- dentate, of cerebellum 114

- gracile 56


- lentiform 35, 36, 93, 107,


- red, of tegmentum 116

- subthalamic ( Luys’ body) 108

Obex 96

Olfactory bulb 39-41

- tract 39-41
Olive, inferior 95
Optic tract 78
Os, hyoid 231, 232, 239, 242, 243

Palate, hard 256, 257

- soft 257
Palpebrae 204
Peduncle, cerebral 95, 97
Platysma 259

Plexus, brachial 280, 283

- carotid 155, 268, 300

-external 268

- cervical 294

- parotid, of facial nerve 140, 265

- pharyngeal 153, 311

- pterygoid 141, 155

- tympanic (Jacobson) 82, 195

- venous, vertebral, internal 51, 292

Pole, frontal, of hemisphere 90

- occipital 90

- temporal 91
Pons 95

Precuneus (quadrate lobe) 92


- coracoid, of scapula 233

- mastoid 232

- pterygoid 239

- styloid 232

- vocal 329

Prominence, mallear 187

Protuberance, occipital, external 233
Pulvinar of thalamus 94, 96
Punctum lacrimale 205
Pupil 226
Pyramid 95

Radiation of corpus callosum 115

Raphe, pharyngeal 300

- pterygomandibular 309, 311

Recess, elliptical, of vestibule 190
- pharyngeal 313, 314

- piriform 301, 314


- spherical, of vestibule 190

- suprapineal 96
Roof of tympanum 188

Sac, endolymphatic 183

- lacrimal 206, 211

Scala tympani 83, 193

- vestibuli 83, 193

Scapula 233
Sclera 205, 220
Septum, interalveolar 171

- intraalveolar 171

- pellucid 92

- carotid 300

- frontal 29, 145, 150

- maxillary 145, 150

- occipital 51

- petrosal, inferior 83
-superior 78

- sagittal superior 30-50, 37-40,


- sigmoid 30, 33-37, 56, 70

- straight 43

- transverse 33-35, 37, 43, 46, 47,

51-54, 56

Space, preepiglottic 318

Squamous part of occipital bone 233
Stirrup (stapes) 82, 185
Stria, medullary, of thalamus 94, 115

- terminalis 94
Substance, black 117

- perforated, anterior 91

-posterior 117

- basilar, of pons 95, 97

- calcarine 91, 92

- central, of cerebrum (Sulcus

Rolandi) 90

- of cingulum 90, 92

- collateral 91, 92

- frontal, inferior 90
-superior 90

- hippocampal 91

- intraparietal 90

- lateral 90

- median 96

- occipitotemporal 91

- olfactory 91

- orbital 91

Sulcus (i)

- parietooccipital 90, 91

- parolfactory, anterior 92

- postcentral 90

- precentral 90

- subparietal 92

- temporal, inferior 91
-superior 90

Surface, superior, of tongue 329

Tentorium of cerebellum 43
Thalamus 94

Tongue, superior surface 329

Tonsil of cerebellum 52, 53

- laryngeal 313

- lingual 313, 314

- palatine 303, 309, 311, 313, 314

- pharyngeal 303
Tract, corticospinal 120

- optic (ophthalmic) 97

- spinocerebellar, anterior 114

-posterior 114

- spinotectal 114
Tragus 203

Triangle of Laimer 299

Trigone (triangle), olfactory 91
Trunk, brachiocephalic 280

- facial nerve 140

- thyrocervical 270, 277

Tube, auditory 314
Tuber cinereum 91, 95, 108
Tubercle, corniculate 314

- cuneiform 314

Umbo of tympanic membrane 188

Uvula of soft palate 311, 314


- accompanying, of hypoglossal
nerve 169, 265

- alveolar, inferior 169

-superior 307

- anastomotic superior 30

- angular 136, 139-141, 210

- auricular, posterior 260, 262, 28

- azygos 289

- brachiocephalic, left 278

-right 279

- buccal 308

- cava, superior 278, 279


- cerebellar, inferior 53
- cerebral, inferior 32—35

- - middle 32-34

-superior 30, 32-35, 37, 38

- cervical, deep 51, 246, 292, 294

-subcutaneous 282

-superficial 282

- emissary, condylar 51, 246, 294

-mastoid 246

- ethmoidal, anterior 216

- facial 20, 67, 136, 139-142, 143,

169, 262, 264, 307

- jugular 277

-anterior 264, 272, 284

- - external 20, 139, 259, 272, 284

-internal 20, 67, 82, 83, 153,

285, 299

- of labyrinth 184

- laryngeal, superior 316


- lingual 159, 167, 266, 267

- maxillary 265

- medial, of neck 274

- meningeal, middle 29

- nasofrontal 211, 212, 271

- occipital 51, 138, 289

- palatine, ascending 265

- retromandibular 67, 169, 262,


- spinal, external, posterior 297

-posterior 53-55

- sublingual 266

- supraorbital 215
- suprascapular 282, 284

- temporal, deep 307

-superficial 138, 262

- thalamostriate 94

- thoracic, internal 278

-lateral 286


- thyroid 272, 278

-inferior 299

-medial 279

-superior 279, 280, 317

- transverse, of face 265

- vertebral 278

- vorticose 217, 221

Velum, palatine 314

Ventricle, fifth (also: cavity of sep¬

tum pellucidum) 94

- fourth, of cerebrum 118

- of larynx 329

- lateral, of cerebrum 121

- third, of cerebrum 94
Vermis, of cerebellum 128
Vestibule of mouth 172

Zonule, ciliary 227, 229

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