Pernkopf Vol. 1 - Djvu
Pernkopf Vol. 1 - Djvu
Pernkopf Vol. 1 - Djvu
Atlas of
Edited by
University of Vienna
Volume I
Head and Neck
Table of Contents
The Head
The Skull
Figs. min a! cave (of Meckel) and trigeminal cistern, multi-level sections through
■ lil.if iabove . 84
Basal ganglia of the brain, third ventricle, lamina quadrigemina, and cerebellum,
from above . 94
Medulla oblongata, cross section at the level of the lateral recess of the fourth
ventricle .... 102
Pons, cross section through the facial and abducens nuclei . 103
Caudate and lentiform nuclei, model of the basal ganglia, lateral view. 107
Cerebrum, cross section through the region of the anterior horns. 109
Brain, frontal section through the boundary between the anterior horn and central
Ventricular system and its topographical relationships within the brain and
Brain stem and cranial nerves, their relationship to base of skull . 135
Mimic musculature, superficial vessels and nerves of face, from front . 136
Face and scalp, superficial blood vessels and nerves, side view . 138
Face region, parotid gland and retromandibular fossa, blood vessels and nerves,
lateral view 139
Retromandibular fossa and jaw joint, vessels, nerves, and muscles of the deep face
region . . 141
Deep face region, lateral view after resection of the ramus of the mandible. 143
Mucosal spaces of the head visceral tract, from front, semischematic. 145
Facial skeleton, frontal section through mouth and nose regions . 147
Nose and paranasal sinuses, frontal section through the bones . 148
Nose and paranasal sinuses, frontal section showing mucosal relationships . 149
Head, median section with blood vessels, nerves, and muscles . 153
Parapharyngeal vessels, nerves, and muscles at the base of the skull, from behind .
Muscles of mastication and oral cavity with muscles, from behind . 158
Floor of mouth, tongue, vessels, and nerves, cross section at the level of
Oral cavity, cross section through the facial skeleton at the level of the occlusal
plane . 167
Jaw and deep face region, arteries and nerves, from right side. 168
Jaw and deep face region, veins and lymphatics, from right side . 169
Rows of deciduous and permanent teeth on the right side, vestibular view . 175
Rows of deciduous and permanent teeth on the right side, oral view . 176
2 1 / 2 -year-oldchild . 177
Bony labyrinth, vestibulocochlear, and facial nerves in situ in the petrosal bone .
Orbital contents from above after removal of orbital roof, exposure of cavernous
sinus .... 216
Orbital contents from above after removal of orbital roof and opening the
Neck, cross section at the level of the 2nd and 3rd cervical vertebrae . 253
Neck, veins, lymph vessels, and lymph nodes, from the side . 271
Thoracic inlet and deep neck region after removal of the manubrium of sternum
Neck, transverse section through the isthmus of the thyroid gland and the
Cerv ical vertebral canal, arachnoid sac and adjacent structures . 294
Cervical spinal cord and spinal nerves in situ, from behind (schematic) . 296
Vertebral canal and cranial fossa without dura, opened from behind . 297
Pharynx and neurovascular bundle, from behind, with some of the fasciae . 299
Pharvnx and neurovascular bundle, from behind, with the internal jugular veins .
Oral cavity, from front, and arteries of the palatine tonsils . 311
Pharynx and facial skeleton (midsagittal plane) with tubal and sublingual regions .
Back side of larynx and root of tongue with nerves and vessels . 316
Digestive and respiratory tracts during eating and breathing, semischematic . 339
Fall 1979
Helmut Ferner
The Head
The Skull
Ti biale
S phyrion
Sty I ion
Dactyl ion
lliospinale ant.
Symphysion (sup
Symphysion (inf
Gnat hi on
- lliospinale post.
Fig. 1. Skeleton of the human body viewed from the front and from the left side.
The more im¬
portant points for skeletal measurements are indicated.
Sty lion: Tip of the styloid process of the radius with the
arm hanging.
Fig. 1
Vertex pilorum x
Sufura occipitomastoidea
Foramen mastoideum
Foramen parietale
— Os parietale
occip. ext.
nuchae inf.
Sutura sagittal is -
Vortex pilorum
Sutura lambdoidea
Sutura parietosquamosa
Sutura parietomastoidea
La = Lambda
N. occipitalis major
Ob = Obelion
O. cr = Opisthocranion
As = Asterion
Op = Opisthion
Eu = Euryon
V = Vertex
I = Inion
Fig. 2. External aspect of the male head viewed from behind, superimposed on the
skeletal parts.
Sutura squamosa
Pars tympanica
Proc. retroarticularis
Processus styloideus
Proc. condylaris, Incisura mandib.
Linea obi
Foramen menfale
Sutura lambdoidea
(parietooccipital is)
Foramen mast.,
Sutura parietomastoid.
Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris,
Foramen infraorbitale
nasalis ant.
v Arcus zygomaticus,
Sutura temporozygomatica
— Os lacrimale
~ Os ethmoidale,
Lamina orbitalis
Fossa sacci lacrim.,
Sutura nasomaxillaris
a 3 , 84 = Squama occipitalis
h 3 = Mandibula (Ramus)
h 2 = Mandibula, Processus alveolaris
i = Os zygomaticum
ix = Os zygomaticum, Processus
1 2 = Os zygomaticum, Processus
1 3 = Os zygomaticum, Processus
j = Os nasale
Fig. 3. Right side of an adult skull. The bones of the neurocranium and the
visceral cranium are
shown in different colors; visceral cranium: blue, violet and green.
Sutura coronal is
Tuber frontale
^ Sutura sphenofrontal is
Sutura frontozygomatica
Sutura sphenozygomatica,
Foramen zygomatico orbitale
__ Fissura orbitalis inf.
s Sutura temporozygomatica
Margo infraorbitalis
Foramen infraorbitale, Fossa canma
Os ethmoidale, Concha nasalis media
Concha nasalis inf.
Angulus mandibulae
Foramen mentale
Linea obliqua
Protuberantia mentalis,
Tuberculum mentale —
Sutura sphenosquamosa
Sutura zygomaticomaxillaris /
d = Os parietale
f t = Os frontale, Squama
h a = Mandibula (Ramus)
h 2 = Mandibula, Proc. alveolaris
i = Os zygomaticum
i x = Proc. temporalis
k = Os lacrimale
Tuber parietale
Sutura parietomastoidea
Os temporale (Squama) —
Sutura occipitomastoidea,
Foramen mast.
— Squama occipitalis
Incisura mastoidea
Condylus occipitalis
Processus pterygoideus
(Lamina medialis)
Sutura lambdoidea,
Processus styloideus
Fig. 4. (Top) Adult skull from the front (neurocranium: yellow, orange and red;
Os frontale (Pars
Foramen spinosum
Pars petrosa
Sulcus petrosussup.,
Sutura squamosa -
Sulcus sigmoideus,
Foramen mastoideum
Foramen jugulare
Sutura parietomastoidea
Sutura occipitomastoidea
Sulcus transversus
Foramen lacerum,
Fissura sphenopetrosa
Sutura sphenosquamalis,
Sutura squamalis
Sutura squamosa
Teg men tympani
Fossa cranii post.,
a 3 = Os occipitale
84 = Squama occipitalis
Sutura internasalis \
Tuber frontale \
Foramen parietale
Sutura lambdoidea
Sutura frontozygomatica
Arcus zygomaticus,
Sutura temporozygomatica
Sutura coronalis
- Sutura sagittalis
Tuber parietale
Fig. 7. (Bottom) Adult human skull seen from above (calvaria, skullcap).
N I. buccinator
N. nasociHaris,
N. oculomotorius, N. abducens
M. levator palpebr.
/VI. temporalis^^
N. lacrimalis,
V. ophthalmica sup.
—— N. frontalis, N. trochlearis
M. zygomaticus min.
M masseter
A., N. infraorbit.,
Foramen infraorbit.
M. temporalis y
M. corrugator
A., N. infratrochlean's
V., N. supratrochlearis
N. opticus, A. ophthalmica
M. rectus lat _
N 1. orbicularis oris
Platysma (
x M. mentalis
M. orbicul. oculi
(Pars lacrimalis)""
M. obliquus inf.-—
M. zygomaticus maj. —
A = Os frontale
D = Os zygomaticum
G = Maxilla
B = Os temporale
H = Os nasale
C = Os sphenoidale
F = Os lacrimale
I = Mandibula
Fig. 8. The skull from the front. On the right, areas of muscle attachments are
encircled in
brown. On the left, blood vessels and nerves are indicated where they pass through
M. temporalis,
V. emissaria pariet .n
M. occipital is-
M. trapezius--
M. semispinalis capitis
M. splenius capitis
V. emissaria
A/1. sternocleidomastoideus
A/1. styloglossus, A/l. stylohyoideus
M. masseter
A/I. pterygoideus lat.
M. zygomaticomandib.
M. temporalis
M. buccinator
/VI. masseter, A., R. alveolar is sup., post, et med.
M. procerus,
- M. levator labii
sup. alaeque nasi
M. zygomaticus maj.,
A., R. zygomaticofacialis
M. orbicularis oris,
(Origo nasalis)
M. orbic. oris,
(Origo maxillaris)
M. orbic. oris,
(Origo mandib.)
M. mental is
A., N. mentalis
/ N. supratrochlearis
A., N. infratrochlearis,
A/1, corrugator supercilii
A = Os frontale
B = Os parietale
C = Os sphenoidale
D — Os temporale
E = Os occiptale
F = Os zygomaticum
G = Mandibula
H = Maxilla
I = Os ethmoid.
(Lamina orbitalis)
K = Os lacrimale
L = Os nasale
Fig. 9. Lateral view of skull. Areas of muscle attachments are encircled in brown.
Foramen incisivum.
Fissura orbital is inf.
Foramen sphenopalatinum,
Crista infratemporal is ^
Foramen stylomastoideum
Sutura parietomastoidea ^
Sutura lambdoidea
Incisura mastoidea
art. occipitalis
. mastoideus, Foramen jugul.
Hamulus pterygoideus
/ Foramen ovale
^ Foramen condyloideum,
Fissura petrooccipitalis
Foramen spinosum,
Canalis musculotubarius
a = Os parietale
a x = Os occipitale, Pars basilaris
a 2 = Os occipitale, Pars lateralis
a 3 = Unterschuppe des Os occipitale
84 = Oberschuppe des Os occipitale
b x = Os temporale, Pars petrosa
t»2 = Os temporale, Pars squamosa
C2 = Os sphenoidale (Basisphenoid)
fi = Os frontale, Squama
g2 = Maxilla, Processus zygomaticus
g? = Maxilla, Processus alveolaris
g* = Maxilla, Processus palatinus
h = Mandibula, Corpus
^ = Mandibula, Ramus, Angulus
i = Os zygomaticum
j = Os nasale
m = Vomer
Fig. 10. The bony base of the skull from below. The right half of the mandible has
been removed.
A/I. zygomaticomandib.
(M. tempor.)
M. pterygoideus med.
M. tensor veli
Fibrocartilago basalis,
M. levator veli palat.
M. longus capitis,
A/1. rectus capitis ant.
M. longissimus capitis
M. digastricus
(Venter post.)
M. obliquus capitis
M. rectus capitis post, major —
M. semispinalis capitis —
A/I. trapezius
M. occipitalis
M. masseter
(For. sphenopalat.),
Rr. pharyngei,
Canalis palatinovaginalis
N. mylohyoideus,
A., N. alveolaris inf.
N. mandibularis,
V. emissaria condylaris
N. petrosus minor,
Canaliculus innominatus
A., V. meningea media,
Ram. men. (V 3 ),
N. tens. tymp.
carotis int.,
facialis, A. stylomast.,
R. auricularis X
A. meningea post.,
P = Area vertebralis
y = Area pharyngea
s = Area infratemporalis
£ = Area articularis
ft = Area parapharyngea
a! = Os occipitale, Basis
a 2 = Os occipitale, Pars lateralis
a 3 = Os occipitale, Squama
bx = Proc. mastoideus
c = Os sphenoidale, Corpus
C3 = Os sphenoidale, Ala major
C5 = Processus pterygoideus
f = Os frontale
n x = Os palatinum, Lamina
Fig. 11. The base of the cranium and its areas of muscle attachments seen from
below. The right
half of the mandible has been removed. On the right side, the areas of muscle
origins are encircled
in brown; other basal cranial areas (see key) are outlined in green. On the left,
vessels and nerves
are indicated where they pass through foramina.
Sutura coronalis
Sut. sphenofront.
Sinus frontalis
— Os nasale
- Concha inf.
- Apertura piriformis
Sutura squamosa
Sinus sphenoidalis,
Fossa hypoph.,
Dorsum sellae
Sulcus sigmoideus,
Sutura occipitomastoidea,
Sulcus transv. —
Foramen jugulare ""
% = Squama occipitalis
d = Os parietale
Sinus frontalis
M. pterygoid, med.
V. emissaria mastoid.
/ / 1 I
N. facialis, / / / I
N. vestibulocochlearis, A. labyrinthi j j j
N. vagus, N. accessorius l / /
I I i
N. glossopharyngeus I /
A/I. temporalis
A., V. meningoorbitalis
N. opticus, A. ophthalmica
" A.,N. palatinus maj.,
M. tensor veli palatini
M. mylohyoideus
M. geniohyoid et genioglossus
N. mylohyoid., M. buccinator
A = Mandibula, Corpus
A 1 = Mandibula, Ramus
B = Maxilla
C = Os palatinum
D = Vomer
E = Os ethmoid.,
Lamina perpendiculars
F = Os nasale
G = Os frontale
H = Os parietale
I = Os sphenoidale
K = Pars petrosa
L = Os temp., Pars squamosa
M = Os occipitale, Pars basilaris
N = Squama occipitalis
Fig. 13. Skull in median section (left half). Areas of muscle attachments are
encircled in brown;
vessels and nerves are indicated where they pass through foramina.
Foveolae granulares ^
Sutura sagitfalis v
Os pariefale v S ' N
Crista frontalis ^
Sutura lambdoidea x
x n n
x \
X \ N
Planum sphenoideum V \ x
\ \
S/'nus sphenoid.
Cellulae ethm. x
sphenoparietal is
Impressiones gyrorum
Margo aditus
ad orb itarn
Fossa temporalis
Foramen rotundum
Sinus sphenoidalis
Fossa cranii
media (Basis)
Planum nuchale
Fossa occipitalis
Recessus "
maxillaris ^ ^
A-leafus ^
nas/ inf. s'
Articul. '
atlantoaxialis /
Dens ax/s
Dentes praemolares
_ Mandibula (Ramus)
__ Atlas (Proc.
__ Dent. mol.
et praemol. (Max.)
_ Foramen mand.
- Mandibula (Angulus)
Os parietale
- ^ (Lamina ext.)
^ Squama frontalis
^ Os pariet. (Lamina int)
z Sutura coronalis
/ S/nus frontalis
y Crista galli
/ Limbus sphenoideus
' y Fossa cranii ant.
/ (Paries lat.)
/ /
Concha nasal is
/ / / med/a
/ /
/ /
' / Os zygomaticum
s’ (Proc. frontosphenoideus)
Crista nasalis
y Condylus occipitalis
„ Ax/s
-Vert, cervic. IV
Sutura coronal is
Sulcus sphenoparietal is J
Planum sphenoideum, \
Juga cerebralia * \ N \
Impressiones gyrorum \\\
\ v\ \\ >
Os ethmoidale (Labyrinthus) s
\ \ \\\ V
iv \ \\\ 1
Sinus maxillaris. \ \ \\ >
\ \ \
v \ \
Lamina cribriformis I \\ \ \
\W 1
Sinus frontalis^ \\
Processus pterygoideus __
Cr/sta zygomaticoalveoL
Palatum durum—-
Spatium periodontale 1
Dens serotinus (Maxilla)
(Substantia compacta)
tr Mandibula „
(Substantia spongiosa)~"(
Os parietale
(Lamina ext.)
— Diploe
hOs parietale
(Lamina int.)
Os parietale
Canales diploid
'Sinus sphen.
Limbus sphenoid
Sinus sphen.
CFossa hypophyses
^Dorsum sellae
jh'Fossa pterygopal
'Tuberculum art'n
—-Porus acusticus e
-?'Sulcus transversL
„J-Os occipit.
(Pars basilaris)
--Os occipitale
occipitalis int.
— -Pyramis (Facies
Cellulae mastoid
Fossa occipitalis
Mandibula (Capi
Planum nuchale
Processus mastoi
Incisura mandibi
Lumen pharyngis
(Tuberculum ant
Radix linguae
Mandibula (Angu
- Vert, cervic. Ill
Phar. (Paries pos
J- Epiglottis
Os hyoideum
: (Cornu majus)
Crista galli
Cellulae ethmoidales
Linea innominata
Os ethmoidale (Lamina orbitalis)
Pars petrosa (Margo superior)
Palatum durum
Meatus nasi
Sinus sphenoidalis
Cellulae ethmoidales
Linea innominata
Canalis infraorbitalis
Arcus zygomaticus
Sinus sphenoidalis
Fig. 17. (Top) Paranasal sinuses II; head is tilted back with mouth open (L. Wicke,
Fig. 18. (Bottom) Paranasal sinuses III, axial view (L. Wicke, Vienna).
1 =
v =
A. profunda linguae
(A. sphenopalatina)
w =
A. palatina ascendens
m =
X =
A. infraorbitalis
A. pharyngea ascendens
n =
y =
A. zygomatico-orbitalis
A. alveolaris inf.
o =
A. zygomaticofacialis
z =
A. ethmoidea ant.
A. buccalis
P =
(meningea ant.)
A. transversa faciei
q =
o. H. =
Horizontal line
A. palatina descendens
r =
A. temporalis media
(supraorbital margine)
s =
A. ophthalmica
V, =
pterygoidea et pterygopalatina)
t =
A. zygomaticotemporalis
of zygomatic arch)
A. masseterica
u =
A. nasofrontalis
v a -
A. auricularis prof.
margin of mastoid)
A. supraorbital is
A. supratrochlearis
A. temp, superfic.
(Ram. pariet.) —
A. temp, superfic.
(Ram. front.)
-A. angularis.
A. carotis ext.
A. vertebralis
A. pharyngea asc. __
A. carotis int. -
A. dorsalis nasi
A. nasal is ext.
A. auricularis post.
A. stylomastoidea
A. vertebralis
A. infraorbitalis
- A. thyroidea sup.
A. palatina
-A. menfalis
- A. alveolaris inf.
— A. facialis
—A. lingual is
""-A. submental is
-A. carotis ext.
A. tempor. superfic.
A. occipitalis
Rami alveglares
(dent.) sup.
A. labialis sup.
Fig. 19. Semischematic representation of the large arteries of the head. Kronlein’s
points I and II are anterior and
posterior trepanation sites for ligation of the middle meningeal artery.
V. emissaria parietal is -
V. supraorbital is
V. supratrochlearis
Confluens sinuum,
Sinus transv. ^
Sinus sigmoideus
V. emissaria mastoidea
V. jugularis ext.
V. jugularis int.
V. angular is
Vv. alveolares
(dentales) inf.
Sinus sigmoideus,
V. emissaria condyloidea -
V. occipitalis-
V. auricul. post
V. occipitalis —
V. cervical is prof. ——
V. pharyngea ascendens-
V. retromandibular is—""
V. nasalis ext.
- V. labialis sup.
- V. mentalis
- V. facialis
-V. submentalis
V. comitans n. hypoglossi
■ V. thyroidea
a = V. alveolaris inf.
b = V. maxillaris
c = V. masseterica
e = V. buccalis
h = V. infraorbitalis
i = V. meningea media
j = Sinus petrosus inf.
k = Rete foraminis ovalis
1 = V. ophthalmica inf.
m = V. ophthalmica sup.
n = V. diploica temporalis ant.
o = V. nasofrontalis
p = Sinus cavemosus
Fig. 20. The large veins of the head and their branches (semischematic). Deep veins
and dural sinuses normally obscured
Plexus iympanicus --
N. meatus acust. ext. (V 3 )—
R. auricular is (X) —
N. auricularis post. —
Truncus n. facialis ^
R. comm. VII-IX
N. supratrochlearis
N. ethmoid, ant. (Rr. nasales)
N. infratrochlearis
N. zygomaticus
R. nasal is ext. (Vi)
N. infraorbitalis
R. zygomaticofacial is
_-N. infraorbit.
R. comm. N. facial. -
s N. infraorbit.
N. mentalis
" (Rr. labiates inf.)
N. sublingualis
N. auriculotemp. ^
Chorda tympani
a = N. supraorbitalis
b = N. nasociliaris,
N. ethmoidalis ant.
c = N. lacrimalis
d = R. zygomaticotemporalis
e = Rr. nasales post. sup.
f = Nn. palatini
g = N. canalis pterygoidei
h = Nn. masticatorii
i = N. lingualis, Chorda tympani
j = N. alveolaris inf.
k = Rr. temporales et
zygomatici (VII)
III = N. oculomotorius
IV = N. trochlearis
V = N. trigeminus,
Ganglion semilunare
(trigeminale), Portio motoria
V x = N. ophthalmicus
V 2 = N. maxillaris
V 3 = N. mandibularis
VI = N. abducens
VII = N. intermedius (XIII),
Gangl. geniculi
IX = N. glossopharyngeus,
Gangl. inferius
XII = N. hypoglossus
- Tractus lymphat.
Tractus lymphat.
dentium ext.
Tractus lymphat.
orbit, ant.
Vasa lymphat.
nasi ext.
Tractus lymph,
facialis ant.
Tract, lymph,
dentium int.
Nodi lymph,
submandib. medii
Nodi lymphat.
submandibulares ant.
Tractus lymphat.
occipit. ~~
Nodi lymphat.
lymphat. anguli
Nodi lymphat.
submandibulares post.
Fig. 22. Lymph channels of the head and associated lymph nodes (schematic). Deep
vessels are indicated by
broken lines. Lymph vessels of the tongue, pharynx and so forth are not included.
Fig. 25. (Right, bottom) Diploic veins of the skullcap prepared by removing the
outer table of the calvaria
(from Sobotta/Becher).
Sutura sagittalis
V. diplocia occipitalis
VV. diploicae temporales
anteriores et posteriores
V. diploica frontalis
Sutura lambdoidea
posterolateral is
Os temporale
Proc. mastoid.
Tuber parietale
z Sutura coronalis
Os occipitale,
Sutura sagittalis,
Ossa frontalia
Tuber frontale
— Fonticulus
— Fonticulus
Fig. 28. Skull of an aged edentulous individual (one half normal size)
A. meningea media,
A. meningo orbitalis,
Os sphenoidale
(Ala minor),
Sutura sphenofront.
Dura mater,
Polus occipit.,
M. occipitalis
Lobus frontalis
A., V. meningea
(R. front.)
Granulationes arachnoideales
Os parietale (Diploe)
Fig. 29. Lateral exposure of the dural covering of the brain with the middle
meningeal artery and veins.
^ V. anastomotica superior
Vv. cerebri su
pariet. et occ/;
V. cerebri sup.
Polus occip
Sinus transversus,
Tentorium cerebelli (Inse
Fig. 30. Left cerebral hemisphere and cerebellum, in situ, covered by the arachnoid
Granul. arachn.
Lacunae lat. —
A. meningea media
(Ram. ant.), Vv. comitantes
Lacunae lat. ^
Ostium venae cerebri
A. meningea media
(Ram. post.)
Granul. arachn.
Fig. 31. Surface of dura mater from above after removal of the skullcap by means of
a circular saw cut. Superior
Lacunae lat.
fr &
Arachnoidea encephali ^
Sulcus interparietal is
Sulcus parietooccipitalis
A. cerebri media,
(Ramus front.)
V. cerebri media
cerebri lat.
. occip.)
V. anast.
" A. cerebri med.
(A. angularis)
Sulcus postcentralis
A. cerebri ant.
Sulcus centralis
V. anastomotica
__ A. cerebri med.
(R. pariet. ant.)
V. cerebri inf.
A. cer. med.
(Ram. certialis)
sagittal is sup.
a =
b =
c =
d =
e =
f =
Fig. 32. Exposure of the brain from above. The arachnoid has been removed from the
right hemisphere to
demonstrate blood vessels; the arachnoid is intact on the left side.
cerebri inf.
. cerebri sup.
A. cerebri post.
(Rr. occipit.)
Sinus transversus,
. cerebelli inf.,
A. cerebelli sup.
V. cerebri sup.
^ Sinus sigmoideus,
. cerebri sup.
A. cerebri ant.
(R. front.),
V. cerebri sup.
Pars orbit.
d 2
d 3
Pars triangularis
e i
Pars opercularis
Gyrus praecentralis li
Gyrus postcentralis 1 2
Gyrus supramarginalis
Gyrus angularis
Gyri occipitales
Gyrus temporalis sup.
Gyrus temporalis med.
Gyrus temporalis inf.
Fig. 33. Lateral exposure of the brain. In the exposed area the arachnoid has been
removed completely so that the
left hemispheres of the cerebrum and cerebellum and their blood vessels may be
A. cerebri
Limen insulae,
Rr. insulares
Gyri occipitales
lat., Arachnoidea
Lobus occip.
(Substantia alba), Fal
cerebelli (Varietat)
Vv. cerebri inf.
Sinus transversus,
Gyrus praecentralis
Gyrus postcentralis
V. cerebri sup,
ri occipitales
V. cerebri media,
Rr. insulares,
Sulcus circularis
Sinus sigmoideus
Gyrus angularis
,Sulcus temporalis
Fig. 34. Exposure of the insula by parasagittal section and removal of the
V. cerebri sup.
Sinus transversus,
Tentorium cerebelli,
V. cerebri inferior
V. cerebri sup.,
Arachnoidea encephali
Capsula interna
(Crus anterius),
Ventriculus lat.
(Cornu anterius),
Lobus frontalis
(Substantia alba)
Lobus temporalis,
A. meningea media,
Sinus sphenoparietal is —
Lobus occipitalis,
Eminentia collateralis
Capsula int.
(Pars retrolentic.),
Nucleus lentiformis
Corpus callosum,
Ventriculus lat.
(Plexus choroideus),
Nucleus caudatus
A. cerebri media
V. choroidea
V. thalamostriata (= V. fronto-
parietalis int.)
6 = Crus fornicis
7 = Tapetum
8 = Calcar avis
9 = Trigonum et Eminentia
10 = Taenia fornicis
13 = Velum Aebianum
Fig. 35. (Top) Lateral exposure of the brain. The lateral ventricle has been
Fig. 36. (Bottom) Left lateral ventricle, basal ganglia and internal capsule.
V. basal i
N. trigeminus, V. —-— , ,
! i
Vv. cere
Tentori l
Sinus trans
Arachnoid e
Pia mater c
Falx cerebelli
Plexus choroideus
lat., V. choroidea,
Corpus callosum <
Crus fornicii
a = Lingula cerebelli, e
c = Culmen g 2
d = Declive h
i =
Folium vermis
j =
Tuber vermis
Pyramis vermis
k =
1 =
Fig. 37. Lateral exposure of the brain. The left hemisphere is almost completely
A. meningea
(R. ant)
Sinus frontalis
Dura, Arachnoidea
Granulationes arachn. —
A. cerebri ant (Rami corticales)
A. cerebri ant.
(R. front)
' Granulationes
Dura mater
Fig. 38. View of telencephalon from the front. Skullcap has been removed back to
the coronal suture.
Sulcus lat.
Dura mater
Crista galli, Falx cerebri, A. meningea ant. Bulbus olfactorius
(R. cort.)
d = Gyri orbitales
front, inf.
e = Gyrus rectus
f = Gyrus cinguli
front, inf.
Fig. 39. View of the olfactory bulb and tract and the genu of corpus callosum.
Parts of both fron¬
tal lobes have been removed, leaving falx cerebri intact.
Tr actus
N. opticus
N. opticus
Hypophysis, Pendunculus
Lamina terminal is
Fig. 40. View of brain from the front. By further removal of portions of the
frontal lobes and falx
cerebri, the region of sella turcica with vessels and nerves is exposed. Note the
relationship of the
Capsula interna,
Nucleus lentiformis
callosum (Rostrum)
Lamina terminalis, Gyrus paraterminal is
Lobus parietalis
A. cerebri lat.
A. carotis ini.,
A. ophthalm.
. opticus
Diaphragma sellae
A. communicans
Fig. 41. Arteries and nerves of the suprasellar hypophyseal region; branching
internal carotid
artery. The upper surface of the hypophysis and the infundibulum are visible.
Frontal section of
the hemispheres at the level of the optic chiasm.
Polus frontalis
V. cerebri int.
A. pericallosa
(Rami cortic. front, et pariet.)
A. cerebri ant.
Dura mater
Sulcus lat.
V. anastomotica
Gyrus parietal is
A. cerebri ant.
Gyrus occipitalis
v Sulcus calcarinus
A. cerebri media
(R. cortic.)
A. cerebri ant.,
V. cerebri int.
V. choroidea,
e = Gyrus angularis
h = Cuneus
b = Gyrus praecentralis
c = Gyrus postcentralis
d = Gyrus supramarginalis
k = Gyrus cinguli
Fig. 42. The top part of telencephalon has been removed by a horizontal section
above corpus callosum. The right
lateral ventricle (anterior horn, central part, posterior horn) is opened.
choroidea ant.,
Vv. cerebri inf.
Plexus choroideus
ventric. lat.
Foramen interventriculare,
Nucleus caudatus (Caput)
Taenia fornicis,
Sinus sphenoparietal is
Plexus choroideus
ventric. lat.,
V. cerebri int.,
Corpus pineale,
V. cerebri magna,
R. choroideus post.
Tentorium cerebelli"
Fimbria hippocampi,
R. choroideus post.,
Glomus choroideum
Sinus rectus
Sinus transversus
A. cerebri med.
A. meningea med.,
Sinus sphenopariet.
V. thalamostriata
R. choroideus post.
Pes hippocampi
A. cerebri post.,
Aa. choroideae,
Rr. choroidei ant.,
V. choroidea ant.
Fig. 43. View of brain from above. Demonstration of tela choroidea of the
forebrain; the veins of the tela are
shown on the right. The entire choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles has been
preserved on both sides. The right
half of the pineal gland is seen in its leptomeningeal bed. The right transverse
sinus has been opened in the region of
the tentorium.
Dura mater
/ A. cerebri ant.
— — Nucleus lentiformis
Cornu ant.
^ Plexus choroideus
ventric. fat., A.
choroidea ant.,
V. choroidea
Calcar avis
x Glomus choroideum
Falx cerebri
Capsula interna,
Hippocampus ^
Plexus choroid.
Eminentia collateralise
r. %cdkL si
Fig. 44. View of the brain from above. Corpus callosum has been removed by a series
of frontal and sagittal sec¬
tions so that the body of fornix and the hippocampal commissure are brought into
view in the center; on the sides,
the inferior horn and the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle may be seen.
Septum pellucidum has been cut
Taenia choroidea,
Taenia fornicis
Plexus chor.
cornus inf.
Hippocampus —
Gyrus dentatus,'
Fissura choroidea
Eminentia collat
Cornu post.
Calcar avis
A. cerebri media ,
A.cerebri media (Rami
Fig. 45. Horizontal section through brain and skull above the thalamus.
Demonstration of the cavities of the
lateral ventricles.
Plexus choroideus
ventriculi lat.
Hippocampus, Fimbria
hippocampi, Gyrus
par ah ippocampal is
A. cerebri post, s
V. cerebri magna,
A. choroidea
Sinus occipitalis
Foramen interventriculare,
V. terminalis
V. cerebri interna
Taenia choroidea,
Adhaesio interthalamica
Pes hippocampi
Corpus pineale,
Trigonum habenulae,
A. cerebri post.,
V. basal is
Cornu anterius
Fig. 46. The brain viewed from above. The tentorium has been removed bilaterally
posterior to a frontal section
through the occipital lobe, preserving the transverse sinus. On the left side, the
arachnoid over cerebellum is intact;
on the right, it has been removed so that blood vessels on the upper surface of
cerebellum may be seen.
Hippocampus, Gyrus
par ah ippocampal i s,
Cornu inferius,V. petrosa
Falx cerebri
Columnae fornicis,
Commissura anterior,
Ventriculus III, Nucleus caudatus ^
A. meningea media,
Sinus sphenoparietal is n
A. meningea anterior
Nn. olfactorii
, V. cerebri ant.
A. cerebri posterior
V. petrosa
N. trigeminus -
^ N. facialis, N. vesti-
A. labyrinthi
N. glossopharyngeus,
N. vagus, N. accessor
Corpus pineale
V. cerebri interna
V. cerebri magna,
N. trochlearis, Lamina tecti
(Colliculus inf.)
A. cerebelli sup.
Taenia choroidea,
Adhaesio interthalamicp,
Medulla oblongata
Fig. 47. The brain stem (truncus cerebri) in situ. Intracranial course of cranial
nerves. Relationships of the
Corpus pineale,
V. cerebri magna
Arachnoidea encephali,
Hemisphaerium dext.
Sinus rectus
Lamina tecti
Limen nasi
nasal is inf.
M. genioglossus
M. geniohyoideus
M. mylohyoideus-
_ Falx cerebelli
" Ventriculus IV, Taenia
A. basilaris,
Cisterna cerebellomedullaris,
Arachnoidea cerebelli
Canalis centralis, Pia mater spinalis
Lig. apicis dentis, Membrana tectoria
Arachnoidea spinalis
Articulatio atlantoaxialis
(ant. et post.)
Lig. interspinale
*** Lig. longitudinale post.
^ Discus intervertebral is
Arcus palatopharyngeus
Recessus infundibuli
nasalis sup.
pontis —
a = Os frontale
b = Os parietale
c = Os occipitale
d = Os sphenoidale
e = Os ethmoidale
f = Os nasale
g = Cartilago nasi lateralis
h = Maxilla
i = Os palatinum
k = Mandibula
1 = Os hyoideum
m = Epiglottis
n = Cartilago thyreoidea
o = Cartilago cricoidea
S. fr.
S. sph
T. pa
T. ph
Sinus frontalis
Sinus sphenoidalis
Tonsilla palatina
Tonsilla pharyngea
Lingula cerebelli
Lobus centralis
3 = Culmen
4 = Declive
5 = Folium vermis
6 = Tuber vermis
7 = Pyramis vermis
8 = Uvula vermis
9 = Nodulus
Fig. 48. Median section through the head. The cut edges of the leptomeninges are
red. The cut surfaces of the tela
choroidea, as well as the choroid plexus, are indicated in green.
Protuberantiaoccip. int.
Sinus sagittalis sup.
Sutura lambdoidea
N Centrum semiovale,
Lobus parietalis
Sutura internasal is
Os nasale
Cavum nasi
Os lacrimale x
M. orbic. oculi
Cavum nasi -
M. temporalis,
Sutura sphenozygomatica
' Sutura nasomaxil/aris
Bulbus oculi,
Capsula bulbi
— M. obliquus inf.
Sinus cavernosus,
Hypophysis, Dura -
V. basalis,
Cisterna ambiens -
Tentorium cerebelli _
Sutura squamosa - —
Centrum semiovale,
Lobus temp.
Cartilago auriculae
Nucleus ruber,
Substant. nigra
Red = neurocranium
Green = visceral cranium
a 4 = Squama occipitalis
b 2 = Squama temporalis
q = Praesphenoid
q = Basisphenoid (Dorsum sellae)
q = Os sphenoidale, Ala major
d = Os parietale
i = Os zygomaticum
Cb = Cerebellum
C. sph = Concha sphenoidalis
F. h = Fossa hypophyseos
H. 1 = Lobus occip.
M. = Mesencephalon
S. = Septum sinus sphenoid.
Sch. 1 = Lobus temp.
Fig. 49. Horizontal section through the head at the level of the external occipital
protuberance. On the left, the
skeleton with muscles; on the right, mucosal membranes and the contents of cranial
A., V., N. auricularis post.
(VII), Nodi lymphat.
N. auricularis
posterior (VII)
N. occipitalis minor,
V. occipitalis
V. azygos nuchae
N. accessorius
Nn. supraclaviculares
Fig. 50. Blood vessels and nerves of posterior head region and upper neck.
Sinus occipit.,
Sinus marginalis
^ A. vertebralis, R. muscularis
/ \
/ '
A. meningea
post., V. emis¬
saria mastoid.
V. occipitalis -
V. intervertebral is l
A. vertebr.
(Plexus ven.) ""
V. cervicalis prof.---
Fig. 51. Dura mater and the dural sinuses of the posterior head region
Arachnoidea cerebri
Sinus transversus
-Dura mater
— Tonsilla cerebelli
Foramen parietale
Granulationes arachnoideales,
Lacuna lat.
Confluens sinuum
Falx cerebelli ^
Uvula vermis
A. vertebralis
I ^
Cisternae cerebellomedullaris
Arachnoidea spinalis
Fig. 52. Parietal and occipital lobes with cerebellum and medulla oblongata exposed
from behind.
The dura mater has been removed except for those portions immediately adjacent to
the falx cerebri, the
tentorium and the falx cerebelli. All portions of the brain are enclosed by the
intact arachnoid layer.
A. cerebri media
(Rami corticales)
Dura mater
A. cerebri post
(Rr. occipitales
med. et inf.)
A. spinalis post.
Confluens sinuum
Tonsil la cerebelli
cum Pia
cerebelli (Facies
Sinus fransversus
A. cerebelli
inf. post.
a = Sulcus intraparietalis
b = Sulcus parietooccipitalis
c = Sulci occipit. sup.
d = Sulci occipit. lat.
e = Sulcus occip. transv.
f = Fissura horizontalis cerebelli
g = Pyramis, Uvula
h = Lobulus semilunaris sup.
i = Lobulus semilunaris inf.
j, k = Lobulus biventer
1 = Tonsilla cerebelli
m = Lobulus pariet. sup.
n = Lobulus pariet. inf.
(Gyrus supramarg.)
o = Gyrus angularis
p, q = Gyri occipitales lat.
r = Polus occipitalis
Fig. 53. Telencephalon, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and upper cervical cord seen
from behind. The
Radices craniales
\ N. cervicalis II
V. spinalis post. *
Radices spinales XI
Pyramis vermis
Uvula vermis
1 ^ Lobulus biventer
Nodulus vermis
Apertura mediana,^
Ventriculus IV (Taenia)
N. vagus
N. accessorius,
Ligam. denticul.
N. cervic. I,
A. vertebralis
Pedunculus flocculi
Confluens sinuum
Eminentia medialis,
Colliculus facialis
Pyramis vermis
Uvula vermis
Nodulus vermis
Ventriculus IV (Taenia)^
Arachnoidea spinalis
N. cervicalis I,
A. spinalis post.
Fig. 54. (Top) Exposure of the under surface of cerebellum, the roof of the fourth
ventricle and the medulla ob¬
longata with associated vessels and nerves, from behind.
Fig. 55 (Bottom) View as in Fig. 54, but the choroid layer of the fourth ventricle
has been removed so that the
N. trochlearis,
V. basalis,
Trigonum lemnisci,
Brachium colliculi inf. N
A. cerebelli sup.
Colliculus facialis,
Sulcus medianus,
Striae meduHares
V. cerebelli sup.,
/ Sinus tr a ns vers us
— N. glosso-
N. vagus,
A. cerebelli inf
N. accessorius
(Radices cerebr.
et spin.)
N. hypoglossus
N. cervicalis I
A. spinalis post
N. facialis,
/ N. vestibulocochlearis,
A. labyrinthi
Sinus sigmoideus
V. petrosa, N. trigeminus, /
Porus acusticus int.,
Canal, cochl. (Apertura ext.)
Lig. denticulatum
fi = Gyrus cinguli
f 2 = Gyrus parahippocampalis
g = Gyrus occipitotemp. med.
h = Gyrus occipitotemp. lat.
i = Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.
j = Pedunculus cerebellaris med.
k = Pedunculus cerebellaris inf.
Fig. 56. Exposure of the brain stem and the upper cervical cord from behind.
Cerebellum has been
removed at the level of its peduncles. View into the subtentorial space and the
rhomboid fossa.
^ N. abducens
Dura mater
N. trochlearis \
N. opticus, A. ophthalmica
Plexus basilaris\
Foram. caec. (Dura mater)
N. abducens
A. carotis int.,
Dura mater,
Apex pyramid is
A. meningea
med. (R. ant.)
N. mandib.,
A. meningea med.
N. petrosus major,
A. carotis int.,
Plexus carot. int ,
Fenestra vestibuli
V. jugularis int.,
N. glossopharyng.,
A. meningea post.
N. facialis^
N. accessorius (R. ext.
N. hypoglossus
A. vertebralis
Lig. denticulatum
N. ophthalmicus
N. maxillaris
N. mandibularis
N. vestibulocochlearis,
N. facialis
N. glossopharyngeus
Fig. 57. Exposure of the dura mater at the base of the skull.
Tractus olfact.
N. ophthalmicus
Sinus sphenoparietalis,
A. meningea media \
Cisterna chiasmatis
N. abducens,
Cist, ambiens,
V. petrosa
Cisterna pontis,
■ A. b as Haris,
A. vertebra I is
N. hypoglossus
N. opticus, A. ophthalmica,
A. carotis int ., VI
N. oculomot.
Lobus frontalis
N. maxillaris
N. mandibularis,
Portio minor (Radix motoria),
Granulat. arachn. Vs -
— N. trochlearis
A. vertebralis, N. cervicalis II
Dura mater
Arachnoidea spinalis
I = Atlas, Massa lat.; left: Arcus post. Ill = Proc. transversus vertebrae cervic.
Fig. 58. Anterior, inferior view of the brain and the cervical cord with an intact
arachnoid mem¬
brane. The basal cisterns. Note the passage of the cranial nerves through the
funnel-like exten¬
sions of the arachnoid, and the trigeminal cistern that forms an outpocketing
toward the semilu¬
nar ganglion.
N. opticus ,
V. cerebri media, Sulcus rhinalis
A. cerebri post.
(Ramus corticalis)
V. petrosa, N. trigeminus,
^ A. cerebelli sup.,
Sulcus collateralis
V. cerebri inf.,
Sulcus temp. inf.
Plexus choroideus
N. glossophar.
Fissura posterolateralis
cerebelli, XI (R. ext.)
Pyramis, A. vertebra I is *
X Arachnoidea spinalis
Bulbus olfactorius
Sinus sigmoideus,
A. cerebelli sup.
a = Gyrus rectus
b = Gyri and Sulci orbitales
c = gyrus parakippocampalis
Fig. 59. View of brain from the base of the skull. The arachnoid has been removed
and the basal cisterns have been
opened so that vessels and nerves at the base of the brain can be seen.
N. trochlear is,
A. cerebelli sup.
_ A. communicans post.
N. trigeminus, A. basilaris _
—- A. choroidea ant.
A. cerebri ant
Bulbus olfactorius
N. opticus, A. ophthalmica
A. communicans ant.
A. carotis interna
A. cerebri post.,
V. basalis
v. anastomotica mf.,
A. cerebri post. (Ran
N. glossopharyngeus
(Ganglion sup.), N. vagus
(Ganglion sup.)
V. cerebelli inf.
\ T. Ihvt&e, tf5b~
A. cerebri ant.,
V. petrosa,
A. cerebelli inf. ant., —
N. abducens
N. facialis, N. intermedius,
Plexus choroid, ventric. IV
Medulla oblongata ^
(Oliva et Pyramis)
A. vertebralis, N, hypoglossus
a = Gyrus rectus
b = Gyri orbitales
c = Gyrus hippocampi
g = Pyramis vermis
Fig. 60. The basal surface of the brain with blood vessels. The cerebral arterial
A. rolandica
A. triangularis
A. callosomarginalis
A. praerolandica
A. cerebri post.
A. cerebri ant. —
A. frontopolaris —
A. ophthalmica
A. communicans post.'
A. cerebri post.
A. cerebelli sup. X
A. carotis interna
A. cerebelli inf. ant.
A. vertebralis dextra
A. gyri angularis
Pedunculus cerebri
Ventriculus II (Tela choroidea)
Gyrus cinguli
Corpus callosum •—
A. callosomarginalis ^
Columna fornicis
A. cerebri anterior
A. communicans posterior ^
N. oculomotorius /
A. cerebelli superior j
N. trochlearis
A. basilaris
A. vertebralis sinistra
A. cerebelli inferior posterior '
/ Corpus pineale
V. cerebri interna
Sulcus parietooccipitalis
A. cerebri posterior,
Sulcus calcarinus
A. spinalis posterior /
A. spinalis anterior
/ pellucid! (Truncus)
Commissura post
A. cerebri posterior
cerebri (Sylvii)
Arteria cerebri
ant. dextra
Arteria cerebri
ant. sinistra
A. frontopolaris
V. cerebri int.
V. cerebri interna
Corpus fornicis
Fornix, Corpus
A. cere
media sinistra
Fig. 63. Arteries of the human upper brainstem, in particular those of the basal
ganglia. Medial view of left hemisphere.
Note the origin of 10-20 central perforating arteries from the middle cerebral
artery and their entrance into the post¬
erior perforated substance (injection preparation by H. Ferner and W. Trost).
Fig. 61. (Left, top) Lateral view of the arteries of the left hemisphere. Injection
preparation. The brain is depicted
as translucent so that a direct comparison may be made with an arteriogram. The
terminal branches of the anterior
and posterior cerebral arteries curve around the borders of the hemisphere to
continue onto the convex surface
(after Ferner/Kautzky in: Handbuch der Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-
New York, 1959).
Fig. 62. (Left, bottom) Arteries on the medial aspect of the cerebrum (right
hemisphere) and the surface of cere¬
bellum. Left hemisphere has been removed. Medial view (after Sobotta/Becher).
Pulvinar thalami
Fig. 65. (Bottom) Vena basalis (of Rosenthal) and Vena cerebri magna (of Galen)
[after Toldt/Hochstetter].
~ V. cerebri magna
V. basal is ^
V. frontalis int
_— V. choroidea
V. choroidea
- V. cerebri int.
V. occipiloparietalis
V. occipitoparietalis
V. frontoparietalis int.
(Rami frontales)—
V. frontoparietalis int. - —
V. frontoparietalis int.
(Rami parietales)
Fig. 66. The internal cerebral veins and their tributaries; left: typical, right:
V. jugularis int.
W. cerebri superiores
Sinus sigmoideus
Y V. jugularis superior
V. facialis''
V. retromandibularis
V. cerebri int.
V. emissaria
- V. cerebri magna
V. ophthalmica sup.
Sinus sphenoparietal is
V. angularis ^
Sinus cavernosus ~~
V. infraorbitalis —
— V. basalis
-— Sinus rectus
— Confluens sinuum
— V. emissaria mastoidea
V. occipitalis
Plexus venosus ^
(Foramen ovale)
V. thalamostriata (terminalis)
Fig. 67. Venous trunks of the head, and dural sinuses with anastomoses between the
venous networks.
The dural sinuses and veins obscured by bone are drawn on a translucent skull
(after Ferner/Kautzky in: Handbuch
der Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1959).
V. septi pellucidi
V. terminalis .__
Plexus choroideus
— V. choroidea
^ V. cerebri magna
Tentorium cerebelli
Falx cerebri
Fig. 68. Horizontal section of the brain with the branching and distribution of the
anterior, middle and posterior cerebral
A. spinalis post.
(V 3 ), For. spin.,
N. petrosus minor
N. petrosus
major, Hiatus
canal is fac.,
N. petr. minor,
A. tymp. sup.
N. facialis, N. vestibulo¬
cochlear is, A. labyrinthi
S N. glossophar.,
N. vagus, N. access.,
A. meningea post.
v. emissaria mastoidea
V. emissaria condylaris
Pars petrosa
(Margo sup.)
Facies ant. et post.,
Aquaeductus vestibuli
N. opticus, A. ophthalmica
— N. maxillaris
N. mandibularis,
Rete ven.,
A. meningea accessoria
A. spinalis ant.
V. spinalis post.
— Sinus frontalis
Sulcus caroticus,
Dorsum sellae,
Fibrocartilago basalis,
Synch, sphenopetrosa
Synchondrosis spheno-
occipit. et petrooccipit.,
Canalis caroticus
(Apertura int.)-^.
, N. ethmoideus ant.
a 3 = Os occipitale, Squama
a 4 = Os occipitale, Squama
bj = Os temporale, Pars petrosa
b 2 = Os temporale, Squama
Ct = Os praesphenoideum
C 2 = Os basisphenoideum
Fig. 69. Base of the cranium seen from the inside. The three cranial fossae are
separated by
green lines; on the right, vessels and nerves are indicated where they pass through
N. trochlear is
A. mening. med.,
R. front, et pariet.,
R. meningeus (V 2 , V 3 ) ^
^ N. trigeminus,
Sinus petrosus sup.
N. intermedius,
N. vestibulo-
cochlearis, N.
facialis, Sinus
petrosus inf.
Tentorium cerebelli,
Saccus endolym'phaticus
Plexus basilaris, R. tentorii (VJ/
N. hypoglossus
cerebri med.
N. glossopharyngeus,
N. vagus, N. accessorius
Fig. 70. Base of skull from the inside. Dural vessels and nerves (on left side);
opened dural
Rami frontales
A. cerebri ant.
A. cerebri media.
A. communicans post.
N. oculomotorius __
A. cerebri post _
A. vertebral is --— —
A. spinalis ant.
A. cerebri post. ^
(Ramus temporalis) '
A. communicans ant.
— A. cerebri media
■ A. cerebelli sup.
' A. labyrinthi
/->-/// M\)
Fig. 71. The arteries of the brain and the cerebral arterial circle (of Willis) and
their topographi¬
cal relationship to the base of the skull and tentorium. The left hemisphere has
been removed,
and only portions of the occipital and temporal lobes remain on the right. The
basal artery and the
tentorial notch. The right posterior cerebral artery arises from the internal
carotid artery (fre¬
quent variation) (drawn by K. Endtresser from an illustration in Ferner/Kautzky in:
der Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin—Heidelberg—New York, 1959).
Canal is opticus,
clinoideus ant.,
Fissura orbit, sup.
ethmoidales ant. sin.
Lamina cribrosa \
Fossa hypophyseos
Dorsum sellae, Foramen ovale
Fig. 72. The paranasal sinuses shown in different colors, viewed from above. On the
left side the
sinuses are projected on the bone (transparent) of the skull base. On the right,
the cavity and
floor of the sinuses have been brought into view by partial removal of the
overlying bone.
V. cerebri anterior v.
V. interpeduncuiaris
V. temporalis interna -
V. basal is -
V. cerebri magna^^
A. cerebri anterior
A. cerebri media
A. carotis interna
___ Hypophysis, Pars
— A. cerebri
— Plexus choroideus
(Cornu inferius)
n Corpora
Fig. 73. The basal vein on the inferior surface of the brain with its anastomoses
and tributaries.
Part of the drainage pattern of the basal vein is in the form of a circulus venosus
in the region of
the chiasm, formed by connections between the anterior cerebral, the middle (deep)
cerebral and
the interpeduncular veins. The vein that drains the deep portion of the inferior
horn (left side of
the picture) is called the “internal temporal vein.” Note also the superficial
middle cerebral vein
(drawn by K. Endtresser from an illustration in Ferner/Kautzky in: Handbuch der
gie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1959).
A. cerebri ant.
A. cerebri media
(Ramus parietalis U
A. cerebri media /
(Rami temporales) (descendentes)
A. cerebri media
(Rr. frontales)
A. callosomarginalis
Fig. 74. (Top) Normal internal carotid arteriogram, lateral view
(R. Kautzky, Div. of Neurosurgery, University of Hamburg).
Ramus parietooccipitalis
anastomoiica sup.
\S inus sigmoideus
V. cerebri int.
Sinus rectus
V. basal is
Fig. 76. (Top) Normal vertebral arteriogram, lateral view (from Kautzky/Ziilch in:
neurochirurgische Rontgendiagnostik, Berlin—Heidelberg—New York, 1955).
Fig. 77. (Bottom) Late phlebogram, lateral view (from Kautzky/Ziilch in:
Rontgendiagnostik, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1955).
A. cerebri post
Tractus opticus
N. trochlearis
Pedunculus cerebri
V. petrosa
N. mandibularis
A. meningea
A. choroidea ant.
A. carotis int.
Nervus opticus
A. carotis int.
Fig. 78. Lateral view of the midbrain and the cerebral arterial circle after
elevation of the tem¬
poral lobe. By reflecting back a portion of the tentorium and opening the dural
trigeminal pocket,
it is possible to see the rostral end of pons, the right brachium pontis with the
root of the trigemi¬
nal nerve (portio major and minor) and also the relationship of the trigeminal root
to the semilu¬
nar ganglion. By opening the dural trigeminal pocket, the superior petrosal sinus
is transected be¬
cause of its course over the trigeminal nerve. The superior petrosal sinus
receives, immediately
posterior to the trigeminal nerve, a vein from the cerebellum (petrosal v.) into
which opens the
basal vein from the front (frequent variation). The petrosal vein runs between the
sensory and
motor roots of the trigeminal nerve. The anterior cerebral artery is seen
originating above the
chiasm (drawn by K. Endtresser from an illustration in Ferner/Kautzky, in: Handbuch
Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1959).
/ N. trigeminus
Tuba auditiva
N. accessorius
(Radix spinalis),
N. hypoglossus
A. vertebral is.
Lig. denticulatum
Fig. 79. Section through the base of the skull showing the left cavum trigeminale
el s cavity) and the trigeminal cistern. The plane of this section is left
parasagittal in the area
of the vertebral canal, then becomes oblique pointing laterally, and near Meckel’s
cavity is
at right angle to the axis of the pyramid.
N. mandibularis
N. vestibularis I I
N. maxillaris
N. ophthalmicus
Chorda tympani,
A. tymp. ant.
N. oculomotorius -
Recessus epitympan
N. trigeminus
(Radix sensoria)
Articulatio incudomc
N. hypoglossus ■
Sinus cavernosus,
Sinus petrosus sup.,
N. trochlearis,
Plica petroclinoidea post.
N. cochlearis,
A. labyrinthi, Dura
Cellulae mastoideae
N. glossopharyngeus
Canalis semicircular
Fig. 80. Area of the semilunar ganglion (of Gasser) and the geniculate ganglion of
the facial nerve.
View into the tympanic cavity after removal of tegmen tympani.
A. carotis int. - —
Sinus intercav. post. -
Sinus basilaris
N. hypoglossus
\l. oculomot.
f. trochlearis
N. trigeminus (P.
N. maxillaris
N. vagus
A. vertebral is
Os sphen. (Ala m
V. meningoorbital
N. ophthalmicus
N. trig. (Pars mo to
Ganglion semilum
. meningea media
N. abducens, A. cc
Sinus cavern.
onticulus abduc.,
inus petrosus sup.
J. vestibulocochlea
\. labyrinthi
N. glossopharyng
i. tympanica sup.,
J. petrosus minor
I. petrosus major
Fig. 81. Blood vessels and nerves in the middle portion of the skull base,
particularly in the region of
sella turcica.
N. pefrosus major
f |
N. frontalis, N. lacrimalis
A. centralis retinae
| A. ophthalmica, N. nasociliaris,
Ram. comm, cum r. nasociliari
v/. opticus, Vagina duralis
vii | | | I
At, N. stapedius J I j
Plexus tympanicus,
Ramus art. et nerv. ad
fenestram cochleae et j
N. facialis, Chorda j
tympani, A. tymp. post. /
Ram. auricularis (X),j
R. comm, cum
r. auriculari n. vagi
/ /
/ /
// /
/ 7
1 7
/ 7
/ 1
/ / I
/ / I
/ / I
Ram. commun. cum plexu tympanico ‘ j j /
A. tympanica inf., N. tympanicus 1 J j
V. jugularis int., A. occipitalis 1 j
Sinus maxillaris
\ M. pterygoideus med.
N. pteryg. med.
A. pharyngea ascendens
N. laryngeus sup.
V (1, 2, 3) =
IX = N. glossopharyngeus
N. ophthalmicus, maxillaris,
X = N. vagus
XI = N. accessorius, R. ext.
N. facialis
XII = N. hypoglossus
Fig. 82. Lateral view of vessels and nerves of the right middle ear, on the medial
wall of the tympanic cavity and
in adjoining areas in front and behind. Structures in the middle cranial and
infratemporal fossae; exposure of the
cervical neurovascular bundle. Lateral view of the opened facial canal, the
anterior and lateral semicircular ca¬
nals and the musculotubal canal. The auditory part of the skull has been cut in an
oblique-sagittal plane extending
medially from the eardrum, so that the stirrup remains in contact with the medial
wall of the tympanic cavity.
Vestibulum \
j I
(Ampulla), Specillum
N I. stapedius cum nervo et art.,
A. tympanicapost., /
A. stylomast., XII
Ganglion sup. X, N. sinus carotid
N. laryngeus sup
Fascia praevertebralis
! N. tympanicus, A. tympanica inf.
Ganglion inf. IX, A. pharyngea asc.
N. maxillaris, Foramen
rotundum, Fissura orbitalis inf.
Fig. 83. Vertical section through the petrosal bone along the axis of the pyramid.
Opened inner
ear, facial canal, mastoid air cells, carotid canal, superior orbital fissure and
foramen rotundum.
Course of the internal carotid artery through the petrosal bone.
Falx cerebri,
Os sphenoidale (Planum)
N. opticus, A. ophtalmica
Cisterna chiasmatis
Massa intermedia,
Taenia thalami,
Taenia chor., V. terminalis
A. cerebri media
A. cerebri ant.
Tentorium, N. trochlearis *
Arachnoidea ^
A. communicans ant.,
Commissura ant.,
Ventr. Ill,
A. et V. cerebri media,
A. hypophys. sup.
III. (Plica
petroclinoidea post.)
IV. (Plica
petroclinoidea ant.)
A. cerebri post.
A. communicans post.,
Dorsum sellae
A. cerebri media
A. cerebri ant.,
Rami centrales ant.,
Subst. perf. ant.
A. communicans post.
(Basis), Subst. nigra,
Nucleus ruber
Aquaeductus cerebri,
Fossa interpeduncularis,
A. basilaris, Rami centrales,
Subst. perforata post.
A. cerebelli post.,
Tentorium cerebelli (Margo)
Vermts cerebelli
centralis et Culmen)
Falx cerebri,
Sinus rectus,
Lobulus quadrangularis
Fig. 84. (Top) Region of the optic chiasm, diencephalon from above, anterior and
middle cranial fossae.
Fig. 85. (Bottom) Cross section of mesencephalon viewed through the tentorial notch
from above. Region of optic
Bulbus olfactorius
Cisterna chiasmatis
— N. oculomotorius r
Cisterna interpeduncularis ,
N. trochl.
N. abducens
N. trigeminus (Cisterna)
A. basilaris,
Aa. vertebrates —
Cavum subarachnoideale,
Radix spinalis XI
Fig. 86. The arachnoid and subarachnoid space on the inferior aspect of the brain.
Note the openings for
Recessus suprapinealis,
Corp. callosum (Cisterna)
Cavum subarachnoideale,
Facies medialis N
Granulationes arachnoideales
Ventriculus tertius,
Foramen interventriculare -
Recessus opticus
Ventriculus quartus
' Sinus sagittalis inf.
Sinus rectus
Commissura ant.
^ Arbor vitae
Canal is centralis
Granulationes arachnoideales
IX, X, XI'
Fig. 87. (Top) The arachnoid and the subarachnoid space; particularly the cisterns,
in median section
(semischematic). Fluid-filled spaces are colored blue. Blood vessels are included
only where they have a
Fig. 88. (Bottom) Lateral view of the arachnoid, the subarachnoid space and the
cisterns of the brain
Fig. 89. Superior surface of the cerebral hemisphere after removal of the meninges.
Only falx
cerebri remains in the longitudinal cerebral fissure. Note, by comparing with Fig.
90, the
individual differences in the development of the convolutions and sulci. The
identification of a
person based on this pattern would be just as accurate as using a fingerprint
(prepared by Vieder).
r .. ^ Pol us frontalis
\ i
\ ' /
Gyrus praecentralis
Sulcus lateralis
Gyrus supra-
^ r . .. .. \ frontal is,''
Sulcus temporalis
Gyrus angularis ^
Sulcus centralis
x Sulcus centralis
Sulcus postcentralis
Sulcus intraparietalis
Polus occipitalis
Gyrus postcentralis
Sulcus parietooccipital is
Fig. 90. Cerebral hemisphere after removal of the leptomeninges. Seen from above
(from Sobotta/Becher).
Chiasma opticum
Polus frontalis
Gyrus rectus
Sulcus olfactorius
Sulci orbitales
Trigonum olfactorium
Corpus mamillare
Uncus gyri
'' parahippocampalis
Sulcus temporalis
„ '' inferior
^ Crus cerebri
Polus temporalis
Fossa lateralis
cerebri X N
temporalis x
Gyrus occipito¬
temporal. lateral.
Gyrus para¬
Gyri orbitales
Substantia perforata
anterior '
Sulcus ^
Sulcus occipito-
Aquaeductus cerebri
Colliculus superior
Isthmus gyri cinguli
\ Gyrus occipitotemporal is medialis
Gyrus cinguli
Corpus callosum (Splenium)
Cuneus ' , \
Polus occipitalis \
Sulcus parietooccipitalis
Fig. 91. The cerebral hemisphere after removal of the leptomeninges. Seen from
below. The brain stem and cere¬
bellum have been removed by a section through the midbrain. The red nucleus is seen
bilaterally under substantia
nigra on the cut surface of the midbrain (from Sobotta/Becher).
Sulcus subparietolis
Sulcus parieto-
Corpus callos
.s'"' (Sptenium)
Sulcus cinguli
Lobulus paracentralis
Gyrus frontalis
Sulcus cinguli"
Pol us
Polus temporalis
Polus frontalis'
Septum pellucidum'
Corpus callosum
Commissura anterior
Fig. 92. Right cerebral hemisphere. The brain has been cut in the median plane, and
the brain stem and cerebellum
have been removed by an oblique section through the diencephalon. View of the
medial and inferior surfaces of the
Vena thalamostriata
Nucleus caudatus (Caput)
Crus fornicis
Radiatio optica
Calcar avis
V. cerebri int.
Forceps major
Septum pellucidum
. septi pellucidi
^Columnae fornicis
Foramen interventriculare
Gyri insulae
\ Sulcus calcarinus
Fig. 93. Horizontal section through the brain, seen from below.
Commissura inferior
Pulvinar thalami
Colliculus superior
Corpus pineale
Columnae fornicis
Ventriculus tertius
caudatus (Caput)
Thalamus (Tuberculum
Stria terminalis,
V. thalamostriata
Lamina affixa
Nucleus caudatus, ,
Stria terminalis '
Hemisphaerium cerebelli
Vermis cerebelli
Fig. 94. Basal ganglia of the brain (thalamus and caudate nucleus), third
ventricle, lamina quadrigemina and cere¬
bellum seen from above. The columns of the fornix, the chorid lamina of the third
ventricle and the temporal and
occipital lobes of the hemisphere have been removed. The lamina affixa, which here
is the extremely thin wall of the
telencephalon, lies on the thalamus and is shown in yellow (from Sobotta/Becher).
Lamina terminalis
I Tuber cinereum
Fissura ! i Bulbus
longitudi- 1 I olfactorius
nalis cerebri i j / Tractus
Medulla spinalis
Corpus mamillare
Pedunculus corporis
n. oculo¬
motor ii
Chiasma opticum
Fossa inter-
x Substantia per¬
forata anterior
Plexus choroi-
/deus, Ventriculus
(Cornu inferius)
Pes hippo¬
Foramen caecum
Funiculus lateralis,
Medulla oblongata
Striae olfactoriae
Limen insulae
Fossa lateralis
/ cerebri
perforata posterior
Fibrae pontis
Pons /
Sulcus basilaris
N. trochlearis
N. trigeminus
N. intermedius
N. vestibulo¬
cochlear is
N. facialis
Flocculus cerebelli
Plexus choroideus,
Ventriculus IV
(Apertura lat.)
N. glossopharyngeus
v N. vagus
> N. hypoglossus
N. accessorius
Medulla oblongata
Decussatio pyramidum
Fig. 95. Brain stem and associated structures of the brain seen from below:
diencephalon, midbrain, pons, medulla
oblongata (bulb). The temporal poles have been removed. The cranial nerves are
retained on the left side and re¬
moved on the right. Slightly larger than natural size (from Sobotta/Becher).
Recessus suprapinealis
Brachium colliculi sup.
/ Pulvinar thalami
Corpus pineale
Colliculi sup.
-- Eminentia medialis
- Alacinerea
- Funiculus seperans
Area postrema
r. TkztZtSF
Nervus opticus
Corpus mamillare
Tractus opticus
N. facialis •"
N. hypoglossus
Sulcus lateralis ant.
Fissura mediana ant.
Fasciculus lateralis
Commissura ant.
Tuber cinereum
N. oculomotorius
N. trochlearis
N. abducens
N. trigeminus
N. glossopharyngeus
. vagus
N. accessorius (Radix cranialis)
N. facialis
N. intermedius
N. vestibulocochlearis
Decussatio pyramidum
Fig. 96. (Top) Dorsal view of medulla oblongata, rhomboid fossa, cerebellar
peduncles and lamina
Fig. 97 . (Bottom) Medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain and diencephalon (brain stem)
Colliculi inf. —
Frenulum veli medullaris ant.
N. hypoglossus, Trigonum _
Clava, Obex --
N. facialis - intermedius
- N. vestibulocochlearis
Corpus pineale
Colliculus sup. ~-
Nucleus dentatus —
Tractus spino
cerebellaris post.
N. cochleariss‘
Tractus spinotectal is
Pons, N. trigeminus
N. vestibularis
N. facialis
Tractus centralis
Lemniscus medial is
Pedunculus cerebri
Fig. 98. (Top) Rhombencephalon and midbrain viewed from right side.
Fig. 99. (Bottom) Dissection of brain stem and cerebellum, from right side.
Demonstration of lemnisci and cerebellar tracts.
Fig. 100. (Right, top) Cross section of medulla oblongata at the level of the
lemniscal decussation.
Fig. 101. (Right, bottom) Cross section through medulla oblongata in the lower
third of the olive showing nuclei
and tracts.
Nucleus gracilis
Fasciculus gracilis
lemniscorum -
tractus spin., N.
trigeminus ^
Canal is
N. accessorius,
Nucleus —
Nucleus cuneatus
Fasciculus cuneatus
N. accessorius
Tractus spino-
cerebellaris post.
rubrospinal is
" Tractus spinocere-
bellaris ant.
Tractus tectospinal is
Fasciculus longitudi-
\ nalis medialis
Tractus spinothalamicus
et spinotectalis
N. hypoglossus
—N. vagus
mot. n. vagiy
. Tractus spinotectalis et
- Tractus rubroolivaris
N. hypoglossus
Tractus solitarius,
Nucleus tractus solitarii
Nucleus cuneatus
Nucleus olivari/■
Nuclei arcuati
Nucleus olivaris accessorius medialis ' \
Vuc/. tractus
spinalis n.
* ventr. -
Nucleus ambiguus
Nucleus olivaris
Ventriculus IV,
’ Plexus
Ventr. IV
(Apertura lat.)
N. vestibulocochl.
N. glossopharyngeus
Nuclei arcuati
y Taenia cerebelli
N. trigeminus,
Tractus spinalis
/Tractus spino¬
cerebellar is ant.
Eminentia medialis
N. hypoglossus, Nucleus N
Nucl. salivat.
N. vagus, Nucl.
r ractus solitarius,
Nucleus fastigii
Nucleus globosus
Nucleus emboliformis
Colliculus facialis,
Striae medullares
\ N. vestibulocochlearis
N. facialis
Tractus rubrospinalis
\ Tractus rubroolivaris
N. abducens
\ Tractus corticospinalis
Lemniscus medialis
tractus solitarii
N. trigeminus,
Nucleus tractus spin.
___ N. trigeminus,
Tractus spinalis
Nucl. vestibularis
vestibularis lat
Nucl. n. abducentis
Nucleus n. facialis (
Nuclei pontis
Nucleus reticularis tegmenti
Fig. 102. (Top) Cross section through medulla oblongata at the level of the lateral
recess of the fourth ventricle.
Fig. 103. (Bottom) Cross section through pons at the level of the facial and
abducens nuclei.
Corpus pineale
Colliculus sup. \ v
Nucleus n. oculomotorii
Pulvinar thalami ^
Corpus ge¬
laterale x
Commissura collie, sup.
Tractus spinotectal is
Tractus spinothalamicus
/ Brachium colliculi inf.
/ Lemniscus medialis
ycolliculi sup.
Nucleus ruber /
Nucleus centralis j (
Nucleus interpeduncul. i
Decussatio tegmenti ventral is
x ^ Tractus opti
\ (Rad. med.)
N Tractus corticopi
\ (Pars occipitoterr
x Tractus corticospinc
1 = Stratum zonale
Fig. 104. Cross section of the midbrain through the superior colliculi.
Eminentia med.
norae cruc/ames
/ / Tractus rubroolivaris
/ Tractus rubrospinal is
med i us
pont is)
N. trigeminus
Tractus spinothalamicus
et spinotectalis
Lemniscus medialis
Tractus corticospinal is
Nuclei pontis
Fig. 105. Cross section of pons at the level of the trigeminal nerve.
Nuclei pontis
Fibrae pontis
l l
Corpus parabigeminum \
Tractus tectospinal is
Tractus spinotectal is
- Tractus spinothalamicus
(- tectalis)
Tractus rubrospinal is
__ Lemniscus medialis
cerebell. sup.
tinus (Pars
Nucl. n. trochlearis - _
Nucleus lemnisci
lat. dorsalis-
Raphe, Nucleus
centralis sup.
Fig. 106. Cross section of the brain stem at the level of the inferior colliculi.
Nucleus caudatus
Nucleus caudatus
' (Caput)
Pulvinar thalami,
Pontes grisei /
Pontes grisei
Corpus amygdal.
Corpus amygdaloideum
x Substantia innominata
Corpus amygdaloideum
Stratum reticulatum
(Pars basalis)
(Nucleus lateralis)
Corpus geniculatum
mediate '
Pontes grisei \
r - r %rvtf&.7<}S'r
Crista grisea
Nucleus subthalamicus
Tuber cinereum
Fig. 107. (Top) Caudate and lentiform nuclei. Lateral view of basal ganglia of
right half of brain after
Fig. 108. (Bottom) Lateral view of the basal ganglia drawn from a model. The
lentiform nucleus,
amygdaloid body and anterior perforated substance have removed. Lateral view of
thalamus and cau-
date nucleus.
Septum pellucidum
Capsula interna
^ Fissura longitudinalis cerebri
\ I
Ventric. lat.
Capsula extrema
Fasciculus opt.
Capsula externa
(Cornu ant.)
Lobus frontalis
Claustrum /
A. cerebri media
Sulcus lateralis
Lobus temporalis
Fig. 109. Frontal section through the brain (prosencephalon) anterior to the
thalamus, the optic chiasm and
the interventricular foramen. The choroid plexus is not present in the anterior
Cortex cerebri
- Stria longitudinalis
Corona radiata
Corpus callosum —
— Stria longitudinalis
Capsula externa
Nucleus lentiformis
Cornu ant. / /
Septum pellucidum /
Corpus callosum (Rostrum)
Capsula interna
Capsula externa
Nucleus caudatus /
longitud. sup.
/ Corona radiata
Nucleus lentiformis
(Putamen), Capsula .
Commissura ant. i
Gyrus paraterminalis
\ V Area olfactoria
Cortex insulae,
Capsula extrema
Claustrum, Capsula
longitud. inf.
- Cortex cerebri
Nucleus lenti¬
formis (Putamen),
Capsula externa
Capsula extrema
Cortex insulae
Nucleus paraventricularis
Chiasma opticum
Nuclei tuberales l
Commissura supraoptica dorsalis
(Substantia innominata)
\ Nucleus pallidoinfundibularis
Nucleus supraopticus
Taenia thalami,
Nucleus anterior,
Nucleus lateralis thalami
Ventriculus III,
Plexus choroideus
Commissura ant.,
Nucleus lentiformis,
Globus pallidus^
Nucleus lentiformis
Capsula interna,
Nucleus lentiformis,
Globus pallidus
Claustrum, Capsula
Commissura ant.
Fasciculus uncinatus
Claustrum, Capsula
Putamen, Capsula
Fig. 112. Frontal section of the brain through the third ventricle and the central
part of the
lateral ventricle, seen from the front. Cell structure and fiber tracts are drawn
on one half of the
Fig. 110. (Left, top) Frontal section of the brain through the anterior horn of the
lateral ventri¬
cle. Cell structure and fiber tracts are drawn on one half of the section.
Fig. 111. (Left, bottom) Frontal section of the brain through the boundary between
the anterior
horn and the central part of the lateral ventricle, seen from the front. The cut
was conducted so
that the columns of the fornix were sectioned squarely. Cell structure and fiber
tracts are drawn
Fasciculus uncinatus
Nucleus caudatus
(Cauda), Ventric. lat.
(cornu inf.)
Tractus opticus
. \ Hippocampus
\ \ Ansa lenticularis
Plexus choroideus
Tractus mamillothalamicus,
Nucleus mamilloinfundibularis
Commissura supramamillaris,
Corpus mamillare
r- P =
dm =
vtl =
Nucleus ventrolateralis
dl =
vtm =
Nucleus ventromedialis
dla =
vm =
dlb =
Nucleus dorsolateralis
Nucleus lateralis dors.
Fig. 113. Frontal section of the brain viewed from the front. The cut was conducted
through the
rostral part of the thalamus, the mamillary bodies and the interthalamic adhesion
of the third
ventricle. Cell structure and fiber tracts are drawn on one half of the section.
Corpus striatum
Corona rad i at a
- Nucleus
(Putamen )
Corpus callosum
\ Corpus amygdaloideum
\ x \ Commissura anterior
\ \ v Nucleus caudatus (Cauda)
\ \ Lemniscus medialis
\ Pedunculus cerebri
Tractus spinotecta/is
N. trigeminus
' Lemniscus lateralis
‘ Tractus spinocerebellaris ant.
dentatus -
Pulvinar thalami
Tractus mamillothalamicus
Corpus mamillare
Commissura ant.
Columna fornicis
X N. opticus
Fig. 114 (Top) Dissection of cerebellar tracts, the medial and lateral lemnisci as
well as the
caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus and amygdaloid body.
Fig. 115. (Bottom) Radiations of corpus callosum to the left hemisphere, medial
view. The an¬
terior commissure, columns of the fornix, mamillothalamic tract, retroflexus and
ansa lenticularis
are also brought into view. In order to expose these structures, portions of the
thalamus were
Tractus olfactorius
Commissura ant.
cornus inf.)
Corpus amygdaloideum
Radiatio optica
(Genu temporale)
Corpus geniculatum
laterale et mediate
Stria olfactoria
medial is \
Stria olfactoria
lateralis ^
Fossa interpeduncularis,
Pedunculus cerebri
Tractus opticus
Sulcus calcarinus''
Nucleus ruber
Aquaeductus cerebri, ^
Substantia grisea centralis
Fig. 116. Dissection of the optic pathway, the optic radiation in particular.
Corpus amygdaloideum
Fossa interpedunc.,
Substantia perforata post.
Stria olfactoria
Ansa lenticularis ■)
I Ansa
Pedunculus | peduncularis
Corpus mamillare,
"Pedunculus cerebri.,
Substantia nigra
v Nucleus ruber,
Aquaeductus cerebri
Fig. 117. Dissection of ansa peduncularis and the anterior commissure, seen from
Adhaesio interthalamica, Sulcus hypothalamicus
Foramen interventriculare, Corpus callosum I
Septum pellucidum
Commissura habenularum
I Recessuspinealis, Corpus pineale
Fasciculus ma-
Corpus callosum,
(Genu) —
N. opticus
Pes hippocampi /
N. oculomotorius dext. /
Ventriculus IV, Fastigium
Fig. 118. Lateral view of the left fornix. The hippocampus, the anterior
commissure, the olfac¬
tory bulb and tract on the left side are also shown. The section through the brain
stem was made
in the midline; corpus callosum was cut in a left parasagittal plane.
* 8a
Lamina terminalis
reticularis alba
Corpus callosum
(Facies ventricularis)
Fimbria hippocampi
Corpus fornicis
^ Corpus mamillare,
Columna fornicis
Gyrus dentatus,
Fimbria hippocampi
parahippocampal is
Fornix (Crus),
Commissura fornicis
^ Gyrus dentatus,
Induseum griseum
Corpus callosum
Corpus amygdaloideum
,,Uncusbandchen 1
Fig. 119. Inferior view of right and left fornix and dentate gyrus. The
parahippocampal gyrus
and the basal ganglia have been removed (from a preparation by J. Klingler, Basel).
Sulcus cinguli
^Tractus cortico-
^ spinalis, Sulcus
^ Tr. opticus
Area subcallosa
Oliva, N. vestibulocochlearis
Tractus corticospinalis
N. trigeminus /
Tractus corticospinalis (Pyramis)
— Corpus genicu -
latum laterale,
Sulcus calcarinus
*-> Sulcus
inf., N. trochlear is
e = Cuneus
f = Gyrus occipitotemporalis
Fig. 120. Dissection of the corticospinal tract. Portions of pons, the cerebral
peduncles and the
lentiform nucleus were conservatively resected in order to visualize the fibers in
the area of the
internal capsule. Since the precentral gyrus represents the main area of origin of
the pyramidal
tract, all other tracts entering or leaving the internal capsule were removed.
Corpus callosum
Stratum sagittate
Corona radiata
Bulbus et tractus
Gyrus parahippocampal is
Trigonum olfactorium
Tractus opticus
Uncus gyri parahippocampal is
Fig. 121. Fiber preparation of corona radiata, medial view. The internal capsule
was exposed by removal of
the caudate nucleus and thalamus (from a preparation by J. Klingler, Basel).
V. diploica
Callum capitis
Sutura sagittalis
Spatium subdurale
\ \ Cavum subarachn.
' Arachnoidea
Dura mater
Lacuna lateralis /
Foveola granularis
Ventriculus tertius
Commissura anterior
Chiasma opticum
Hypophysis cerebri
Septum nasi
Sinus rectus
— Confluens sinuum
~~ Falx cerebelli
Fig. 122. (Top) Frontal section through the superior sagittal sinus and the lateral
Fig. 123. (Bottom) Head of a child (three week old) . Median section.
Recessus pineal is
Commissura post.
Canalis centralis
Foramen interventriculare
Ventr. Ill, Adhaesio interthalamica
Recessus suprapineal is
Cornu ant.
Commissura ant.'
Recessus triangularis
Chiasma opticum'
Cornu inf.
Cornu post.
Ventriculus IV
Fig. 124. (Top) Lateral view of the association pathways of the left hemisphere
(from a dissection).
Fig. 125. (Bottom) Cast of the ventricular system seen from the left side.
Plexus choroideus,
Ventriculus lateralis
Cavum subarachnoideale
Ventriculus lateralis
(Cornu inferius)
Lobus temporalis
Pia mater
Corpus geniculatum
laterale (Nucleus)
Cavum subarachnoideale
Mesencephalon (Substantia
Crus cerebri
/ Taenia choroidea
Cavum subarachnoideale
Alveus hippocampi
- Hypothalamus
Tela choroidea
et plexus choroideus ventr. Ill
Pedunculus cerebri *
Corpus mamillare
„ Corpus fornicis
„ Ventriculus lateralis
(Pars centralis)
Nucleus caudatus
V. thalamostriata
Nucleus anterior \
Nucleus lat. /
„ Capsula interna
- Ventriculus III
Ventriculus lateralis
(Pars centralis)
Ventric. lat.,
Plexus choroideus
Fig. 126. (Top) Frontal section through the temporal lobe. Boundaries of the
inferior horn of
Fig. 127. (Bottom) Frontal section through the lateral ventricles, the third
ventricle, corpus cal¬
losum, fornix and hypothalamus at the level of the mamillary bodies (from
ICorp. * x
I mamill' ■
1 Fossa inter-
Nerv. Ill
Gyrus para-
terminalis \ f
parolfactorius ^
Sulcus | 3^
parolfactorius ■
!< *
Area sub- .
Lamina terminalis
Recessus opticus
Chiasma opticum '
Infundibulum "
Lobus anterior
Sulcus hypothalamicus
j / / Adhaesio interthalamica
/ / Thalamus
/ Recessus pineal is
/ Aquaeductus cerebri
Corpus pineale
Corpus callosum (Splenium)
^ Lamina tecti
,Velum medullare superius
£ Lingula cerebelli
f , Lobulus centralis
Ventriculus IV
^ Fastigium
- Pedunculus _ r ..
U^us^erior^Zn „ -
Decussatio pedunculorum J / /
Pons 4 \ -—' / / s / !
/ «
A ' X /~ /
T I /
Medulla oblongata
Fossa rhomboidea ^ V s*
Ventriculus IV
fiyri vermis
\ 1 Tuber vermis
' Vermis
Pyramis vermis
f 1 ’
* = Tuber cinereum
Fig. 128. Median section through the brainstem. Cut surface of the right half. The
walls of the
third and fourth ventricles as well as the cerebral aquaduct are yellow (from
Sutura coronalis Adhaesio interthalamica
Corpus pineale
Aquaeductus cerebri
Fastigium, Ventriculus IV
\ \
Cornu inferius
Cornu anterius
Fig. 129. The ventricular system and its topographical relationships within the
brain and the
bony skull. Normally the anterior horn does not extend anteriorly beyond the
coronal suture. The
inferior outline of the brainstem as the median contour of the skull base are
identified by simple
Septum pellucidum
Ventr. lat.
(Pars centralis)
Ventric. lat.
(Cornu ant)
Ventriculus III
Sinus frontalis
Dura mater
Spatium epidurale
^Nucl. caudatus
Pulvinar thalami
Epiphysis cerebri
Fornix (Corpus)
A. cerebri posterior
■* A. cerebelli sup.
Cellulae mastoideae
~~~ Nodulus
Sinus sigmoideus
— Vasa occipitalia
-Cisterna cerebellomedullaris
— Medulla oblongata
— Atlas
N. cervicalis II
Falx cerebri
Fig. 132. Frontal section through the brain at the level of the epiphysis and the
superior colliculi.
Incomplete compartmentalization by the three radiating dural septa. Dorsal view of
the section.
The hippocampal gyrus with the posterior cerebral a. lie above the free edge of the
Point compression (preparation by Ferner/Kautzky).
b) Medial surface
Corpus callosum (Genu)
" Mesencephalm
V. cerebri magi
Tuberculurr l
— Confluens sinu
Ligam. denticul.
Dura mater
Tractus olfact.,
N. opticus,
A. carotis int. ,
Radix cerebralis XI
XII., A. vertebralis
Radix spinalis XI
A. cerebri ant
Fig. 135. Brain stem and cranial nerves and their relationship to the base of the
skull. The entire
leptomeningeal course of the 12 cranial nerves is shown (from Ferner/Kautzky, in:
der Neurochirurgie, Vol. 1, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1959).
A. supratrochlearis,
A., V. facialis,
A. temporalis superfic.
(Anast. cum art.
supraorbit.) -
N. supraorbitalis
(R. lat.) Arcus
palpebralis superior
N. supratrochlearis
A., V. temporalis
superficial is,
Ramus zygomatico¬
facial is (V 2 )
N. infratrochlearis,
A. dorsalis nasi,
N. infraorbit.
(Rr. palpebrales V 2 )
N. nasalis externus -
Rr. zygomatici
temporales (VII)
Rr. buccales
Fascia masseterica,
Gland, parotis (Capsula),
N. auricul. magnus
y A. temporalis superfic.
(Ramus frontalis)
-A., V. angularis
-A., Ram.
zygomaticofacial is (V 2 )
A. temporalis superfic.
, V. labialis superior
A = M. epicranius
(Venter frontalis
m. occipitofrontalis)
A* = Galea aponeurotica
B t = M. orbicularis oculi
(Pars orbitalis)
B 2 = M. orbicularis oculi
(Pars palpebralis)
B 3 = M. corrugator supercilii
C = M. procerus
D = M. temporoparietalis
E t = M. nasalis
(Pars alaris)
E2 = M. nasalis
(Pars transversa)
F = M. levator labii
superioris alaeque
G = M. levator labii
H = M. zygomaticus minor
J = M. zygomaticus major
K = M. orbicularis oris
Kj = Origo nasalis
K 2 = Nodus muscularis
L = M. risorius
M = Platysma
N = M. depressor anguli oris
O = M. depressor
labii inferioris
P = M. mentalis
O = M. masseter
R = M. buccinator
S = M. levator anguli
T = M. temporoparietalis
U = Corpus adiposum
V = Lig. palpebrale
Fig. 136. Mimic musculature, superficial blood vessels, and nerves of the face from
Galea aponeurotica
M. frontalis
M. procerus
M. corrugator supercilii
M. lacrimalis (Horneri)
M. orbicularis
Pars palpebralis
Nodus muscularis
M. risorius
M. nasalis
M. depressor anguli oris
'M. orbicularis oris
M. mentalis
Fig. 137. The mimic musculature removed as a mask and viewed from the skeletal
side. The right
buccinator muscle has been reflected medially so that its superficial surface may
be seen.
A. tempor. superfic.
A., N. supratrochl. (V t )
At occipitalis
A., V. occipitalis,
N. occipitalis major
. temporopariet.
Galea aponeurotica
A., V. angularts,
\ At zygomaticus major,
A. labialis sup.
A., V. facialis,
M. orbicularis oculi,
R. zygomatico facialis (V 2 ),
A. zygomatico orbital is
A. transversa faciei,
At zygomaticus min.,
Rr. zygomatici (VII)
Arcus tendinous
N. occipit. minor,
N I. sternocleidomast.
V. angularis,
R. buccalis (VII)
N. facialis (Truncus),
A., V.
N. auricul. post.,
A. temp, superfic.
(Rr. auricul.
Fascia retromandib.'
V.jugularis ext.,
N. auricul.
N. auriculotemp.,
A., V.
Rr. temporales et zygomatici (VII),
A. zygomaticoorbit.
A. labial, sup.
R. communicans N. facial. -
bucc. (V 3 )
V. facialis
A = M. orbicularis oculi
B = M. levator labii sup.
C = M. zygomaticus min.
D = M. zygomaticus maj.
E = M. risorius
F = M. orbicularis oris
G = M. depressor labii inf.
K = M. masseter
L = M. sternocleidomastoid.
M.N = Gl. parotis
Fig. 139. Blood vessels and nerves in the lateral face region, in the parotid gland
and the reteromandibular fossa.
N. facialis (Truncus) -
Plexus parotideus
A. transversa faciei,
Ductus parotideus,
N. facialis
.infraorbital is
retromandibularis -
colli (VII) --
Rami buccales
Ramus marginal is mand. (VII)
V. retromandibularis, Capsula gland.
Lamina superfic.,
Fascia cervicalis
f Arcus zygomaticus,
Fascia tempor.
A., V. angularis,
N. facialis
(Rr. buccales)
A = M. orbicularis oculi
C = M. zygomaticus minor
D = M. zygomaticus major
E = M. risorius
F = M. orbicularis oris
J = Platysma
K = M. levator anguli oris
L = M. buccinator, Lymphonodi buccales
M = M. masseter
N = M. temporalis
(Pars zygomaticomandibularis)
O = M. sternocleidomastoideus
Fig. 140. Superficial vessels, nerves, and muscles of the face; parotid removed.
The trunk of the facial nerve has
been exposed where it emerges from the stylomastoid foramen. The buccal fat pad is
N. massetericus,-
Ligam. sphenomandib.
N. auricularispost.,
A. max'll laris-
N. facialis,
A. stylomastoidea
A., N. massetericus
N. mandibularis,
A. alveolaris inf.
__A. zygomaticoorbitalis
A. sphenopalatina, N. maxillaris
A. zygomaticofacial is,
R. zygomaticofacialis (V2)
Raphe pterygomandibularis
A., V. facialis,
Fascia cervic.
(lamina superfic.)
A., V. angular is
N. facialis (Rami)
A. labial is sup.
" - A. labialis inf.
A = M. temporalis
B = M. orbicularis oculi
C = M. levator labii sup. alaeque nasi
D = M. zygomaticus minor
E = M. buccinator
F = M. zygomaticus major
G = M. risorius
H = M. depressor anguli oris
J = M. orbicularis oris
L = Platysma
M = M. masseter
N = M. pterygoideus medialis
Ot = M. pterygoideus lateralis
(Caput pterygoideum)
0 2 = M. pterygoideus lateralis
(Caput infratemporale)
P = Processus styloideus
Fig. 141. Vessels, nerves, and muscles of the deep facial region, the
retromandibular fossa, and the tern-
poromandibular joint.Branches of the facial nerve and the parotid duct have been
cut and reflected for¬
ward. The coronoid process and part of the ramus of the mandible have been removed.
A. labialis superior
A. labialis inferior
mandibulae, Raphe
Fascia colli superficialis
. isthmi faucium (V 3 ), A. comitans n. lingualis
A., V. facialis
A. zygomaticoorbitalis,
A., N. temporalis prof. (V 3 ),
Fascia temporalis'
N. mandibularis (V 3 ),
A., V. temporalis media
A. auricular is prof.,
N. meatus acustici
ext. (V 3 ) '
A. transversa faciei
N. facialis,
A. stylomastoidea
A., V. auricular is
Rami communicantes: /
N. facialis - N. auriculotemp.'
A., V. angular is
Discus articularis,
A., V. temporalis
superfic., N. auriculo-~
temporalis (V 3 )
A. meningea
N. buccalis (V 3 ), A. maxillaris,
Lig. sphenomandibulare
A., N. mylohyoideus (V 3 )
A., N. alveolar is inferior (V 3 ) j
N. lingualis (V 3 )
y A. N. temporalis profundus CV 3 )
N. infraorbitalis (V 2 )
, Ductus parotideus
A = M. temporalis
B = M. orbicularis oculi
C = M. levator labii superioris
D = M. zygomaticus minor
E = M. buccinator
F = M. zygomaticus major
G = M. risorius
H = M. depressor anguli oris
J = M. orbicularis oris
K = M. depressor labii inferioris
L = Platysma
M = M. masseter
N = M. pterygoideus medialis
Oi = M. pterygoideus lat.
0 2 = M. pterygoideus lat.
P = Processus styloideus
Fig. 142. Blood vessels and nerves in the deep lateral face region
(infratemporal and retromandibular fossae).
A zygomaticoorbital is
N. facialis
(Rr. buccales)
A. tympanica anterior,
A. auricularis profunda
N. glossopharyngeus,
A. palatina ascendens
/A., N. massetericus (V 3 )
A. palatina desc.
R. zygomaticofacialis (V 2 )
N. mandibularis (V 3 ),
A. tympanica ant.
A. auricularis profunda,
N. meatus acustici ext. (V 3 )
N. auriculotemp. (V 3 ),
A. meningea media
A. transversa faciei,
R. communicans n. facialis
cum n. auriculotemp.
A. carotis externa,
N. glossopharyngeus
N. facialis (Truncus),
A. stylomastoidea
R. digastricus et stylo-
hyoideus (VII), A. occipitalis
A. auricularis post.,
N. accessorius,
N. vagus, N. hypoglossus
N. lingualis (V 3 ), A. carotis
interna,V. jugular is interna
N. vagus, N. mylohyoideus
(V 3 ), A. sternocleidom.
N. auricularis magnus —“
N. vagus
A., V. angularis
Lig. stylohyoideum
~~A., V. facialis
facialis, N. accessorius
— -Glandula submandibularis
— - Os hyoideum, N. laryneus
(R. internus)
— R. thyrohyoideus (XII)
B = M. orbicularis oculi K
D = M. zygomaticus minor M
E = M. buccinator N
F = M. zygomaticus major O
G = M. risorius P
H = M. triangularis Q
Ha = Platysma R
H 2 = M. masseter
= M. orbicularis oris
= M. depressor labii inf.
= M. digastricus
= M. mylohyoideus
= M. stylohyoideus
= M. sternohyoideus
= M. omohyoideus
= M. sternothyroideus
= M. constrictor pharyngis inf.
(M. laryngopharyngeus)
= M. sternocleidomastoideus
T = M. digastricus
U = M. styloglossus
Y = M. pterygoideus med.
Z x = M. pterygoideus lat.
(Caput pterygoideum)
Z 2 = M. pterygoideus lat.
(Caput infratemporale)
Fig. 143. Deep lateral face region after resection of the ramus of the mandible.
A. zygomaticoorbital is
N. alveolaris sup. (V 2 )
Fascia temporalis
A. temporalis media
N. auriculotemp.
(V 3 ), A., V. tem¬
poralis superfic.
A., N. massetericus
(V 3 ), A., N. tem¬
poralis prof. (V 3 )
Discus articularis
A. meningea media,
Discus articularis
A. auricularis pro¬
funda, N. meatus
acustici externi (V 3 )
A. tympanica ant. '
Rami communican-
tes n. fac. cum. n.
auriculotemp. A., N.
auricularis /
post. (VUY
N. facialis '
V. jugularis int.,
R. communicans ✓
N. hypoglossus ''
N. accessorius,
A. occipitalis
N. auricularis magnus
V. jugularis interna
N. glossopharyngeus, N. vagus,
A. maxi I laris, N. alveolaris inf.,
Fascia pharyngobasilaris
-- N. infraorbital is (V 2 )
Ductus parotideus,
A., V. angular is
- N. buccalis (V 3 )
, buccales
A. labialis inf.
N. glossopharyngeus,
Raphe pterygomandibularis
N. sublingualis (V 3 ),
Glandula sublingualis,
Ductus submandibularis,
A. V. sublingualis
Mandibula (Corpus)
X A., V. facialis
A = M. temporalis
B = M. orbicularis oculi
C = M. levator labii sup. alaeque nasi
D = M. zygomaticus minor
E = M. buccinator
F = M. zygomaticus major
G = M. risorius
Hi = M. depressor labii inf.
J = M. orbicularis oris
K x = M. geniohyoideus
K 2 = M. genioglossus
L = M. mylohyoideus
M = M. stylohyoideus
N = M. digastricus
O = M. sternocleidomastoideus
P = M. hyoglossus
O = M. styloglossus
R = M. stylopharyngeus
S a = Pars pterygopharyngea
5 2 = Pars buccopharyngea 1
5 3 = Pars mylopharyngea /
5 4 = Pars glossopharyngea
T = M. levator veti palatini
U = M. tensor veli palatini
V = Processus styloideus,
Lig. stylohyoideum
M. constrictor
pharyngis sup.
Fig. 144. Blood vessels and nerves in the infratemporal, retromandibular, and
submandibular fossae
after removal of the right half of the mandible.
Visceral Compartments
of the Head
Canaliculus lacrim.
Ductus nasolacrimalis
Vestibulum oris
V. facialis ant.,
R. marginalis
mandib. (VII) -
' N. infratrochlearis
M. rectus Iat.,
N. abducens
V. ophthalm. inf.,
R. zygomaticofac. -
N., A.,
V. infraorbitalis ~
A. zygomatico-
/ orbitalis,
N. facialis
(Rr. zygomatici)
A., N. sublingualis
A., V., N. alveolar is inf.
V. palatina
Nn. alveolares
post. sup.
-- parotideus,
parotis access,
buccal is
k = Ductus nasomaxill.
1 = Ductus nasofrontalis
m = Mucosa conchae inf.
n = Mucosa conchae inf. et med.
o = Mucosa vestibuli oris
p = Mucosa linguae
r = Gingiva propria
s = Mucosa palati
t = Cavum nasi, Mucosa propria
A = Glandula subling.
B = Glandula submandib.
(Proc. uncinatus)
C = Glandula submandib.
D = Glandulae buccales
E = Corpus adiposum buccae
F = Glandulae palatinae
Fig. 146. Retrobulbar frontal section through the facial skeleton. In the mouth and
nose regions the cut goes
M. rectus lat.
M. rectus inf.
~ M. temporalis
— M. zygomaticomandib.
Dens mol. II (Radices) ~
Musculi linguae
, M. zygomaticomandib.
M. genioglossus
j M. et fascia mylohyoid.
M. geniohyoideus
Black arrows = openings of ethmoidal cells; Gray arrows = openings of frontal and
maxillary sinuses
Cavum nasi
Spatium submandib.
Cavum oris
Vestibulum oris
, a 2 , a 3 = Cellulae ethmoid.
Spatium paralinguale
Processus zygomat.,
Fissura olfactoria
Recessus zygomat.
Processus uncinatus
x - x = Lamina orbitalis,
sinus maxill.
Bulla ethmoidalis
et palat.)
Processus uncinatus,
Corpus mandibulae
Processus maxillaris
Os ethmoidale
Os hyoideum
Sinus frontalis
(Lamina perpendicularis)
Mandibula (Proc.
nasalis maxillae
(Recessus orbit.)
Lamina orbitalis
Sinus maxillaris
Arcus zygomaticus
sinus maxill.
Spatium sublinguale
et processus zygomat.)
Fig. 147. Frontal section of the musculoskeletal apparatus of the nose and mouth
The cut passes through the second molar. Viewed from behind.
a =
Sinus frontalis
1 = Canalis nasolacrimalis
7 = Proc. uncinatus
b =
8 = Concha nasalis
c =
1 = Os frontale
d =
2 = Crista galli
9 = Maxilla
e =
3 = Lamina cribrosa
(Processus palatinus)
f =
4 = Os ethmoidale
10 = Vomer
g =
Sinus maxilla
(Lamina conchalis)
11 = Concha nasalis
h =
5 = Lamina mediana
i =
Bulla ethmoidalis
12 = Os lacrimale
k =
13 = Os palatinum
Fig. 148. Frontal sections through the bony framework of the nasal cavity, the
ethmoidal air cells, and the maxillary
sinus. Sections a, b, and c were made through the anterior, middle, and posterior
thirds of the nasal cavity respectively.
Fig. 149. (Middle) Frontal sections through the nasal cavity, the ethmoidal air
cells, and the maxillary sinus showing
mucosal relationships.
Sutura ethmoideomaxill.
Ductus sinus maxill.
Sutura frontonasalis „
Sutura frontomaxill.
Sutura frontolacrimalis--
Sutura nasomaxill.
- Sinus front. (Recessus sup.)
1 Sutura frontoethmoidalis,
Canal is opticus
Sutura lacrimomaxill.
Jugaalveolaria -
- Sutura sphenoethmoidal is
Sutura palatomaxill.
et palatoethmoidalis
Fig. 150. Lateral view of the air-filled spaces in the region of the nose
(paranasal sinuses).
Lamina conchalis \
Proc. uncinatus
^ Os lacrimale
--Os nasal e
Concha inferior
-- Cartilago nasi lat.
Fig. 151. The bony framework of the lateral nasal wall (bones shown in different
colors). The nasal conchae
Vestibulum oris
M. palatopharyngeus
M. azygos uvulae
Sinus frontalis
N. nasopalatinus,
A. nasalis post, septi
M. constrictor
pharyngis sup.
(Pars ptery-
Atlas (Arcus
Dens axis
i 'N., A. incisiva
Cartilago alaris
Fig. 152. Arteries and nerves in the region of the nasal septum (mucosa removed).
Musculature of nasopharynx.
Nn. olfactorii lat.
Ganglion pterygopalatinum
Nn. palatini
I Trac.
N. alveolaris inf. -
A., N. nasopala
A. occipitalis, N. accessorius —
N. hypoglossus, A. facialis -
N. pterygoideus med
N. fensoris veli palai
— N. mylohyoideus, N. lingualis,
Ganglion submandibulare
Glomus caroticum
A. dorsalis linguae
Gangl. oticum, \
media, N.
Sinus sigmoi-
ieus, V. jugul.
'Bulbus sup.),
R. int. XI __
A. carotis int.,
N. caroticus int.,
N. jugularis
palatini minores
^ A. lingualis
Cl = Clivus
M. = Mandibula S. f.
Membrana hyothyreoidea
Palatum durum
Glandula submandibularis
Sinus frontalis (Os frontale)
S. 1. = Glandula sublingualis
T. 1. = Tonsilla lingualis
a = M. pterygoideus med.
b = pterygoid hamulus with tendon of tensor
veli palat. m.
m = M. stylopharyngicus
n = M. pharyngopalat. (cut)
o = M. sternocleidomastoideus
p = m. splenius capitis (insertion)
q = M. biventer (venter mastoid.)
r = Lig. sphenomandibulare
s = M. genioglossus
t = M. orbicularis oris
u = Lig. stylomandibulare
Fig. 153. Median section of the head showing blood vessels, nerves, and muscles.
! i
i i IX
i i /
I / /
auriculare post.,
, N. auricularis post.
V.jugul. int., XI, X,
A. carotis int.
issopharyngeus, A. occipitalis
Gangl. inferius(X)
M . palatopharyngeus, M. uvulae
M. splenius ca
M. longus cap ,
IX, M. stylopharyngeus
M. stylohyoideus
N. caroticus int.
N I. digastricus,
M. sternocleidomastoideu.
A.palatina asc., Plexus nerv. pharyngeus (IX, X), /VI. bucco- el pterygopharyngeus
Fig. 154. Parapharyngeal vessels, nerves, and muscles at the base of the skull.
Dorsal view of the choanae and the palate.
N. trochlearis, Dura
mtorium cerebelli,
Sinus petr. sup.
Sinus sigm.
Sinus cavernosus, VI
\ ///
I A. ophthalmica, N. opticus
/ /
\ \ \
. olfactorii septi
N. maxillaris,
Nn. pterygopalat i
Sinus sigmoideus,
M. sternocleidomast.-
— Concha nasalis i
Aa., Nn. nasales
sup. lat.
— Concha nasalis
(resect a)
Ganglion pterygop
N. laryngeus sup.
A. lingualis, N. hypoglossus'
\ \ ' N. lingualis
\ Chorda tympani
A. meningea media,
\ N. auriculotemporal is
Fig. 155. Blood vessels and nerves in the region of the pterygopalatine fossa, the
parapharyngeal spaces, and the lateral wall of the nasal cavity; medial view. The
and pterygoid canals have been opened.
/ i
N. buccal is
(m. temporal,
perforans)- -
Ductus parotideus,
Rr. zygomatici et
buccales (VII)"""
N. alveolar is inf.'"
M. pterygoid, med."
Rr. isthmi faucium(N. lingual is)'
(Pars mylopharyng.) et
M. palatoglossus /
- Hamulus pterygoid.
M. masseter
Fig. 156. Vessels and nerves of the oral cavity seen from front. The buccinator
muscle has been
partly removed on the right side in order to expose the deep muscles of mastication
and the
nerves of the infratemporal fossa. The lingual nerve on the right side has been
elevated from its
deep position in the angle between the mylopharyngeal and glossopharyngeal parts of
Fissura pterygomaxill. - ■
Hamulus pterygoid. ,
M. tensor veli palatini
Palatum (Tunica
Arcus palatopharyng.,
M. palatoglossus
Plica pterygomandib
Arcus palatoglossus,
M. orbicularis oris -
Frenulum linguae,
Plica fimbriata -
M. longitudinals inf. -
M. genioglossus
At geniohyoideus
At mylohyoid.
At sternohyoideus '
At omohyoid.
N\. thyrohyoid /
pharayngobasi laris
Proc. styloideus
M. constrictor
pharyngis sup.
(Pars pterygophar.)
- M. digastricus
(Venter post.)
Foramen occipitale
-M. constrictor pharyngis sup
(Pars buccophar.)
Raphe pterygomandib.
- "M. styloglossus
"Lig. stylohyoideum
"M. stylopharyngeus
M. constrictor pharyngis sup. (Pars mylophar.), Tonsilla palatina
N\. constrictor pharyngis sup. (Pars glossophar.)
Lig. stylohyoideum
" M. hyoglossus
M. sternothyroideus
- Trigonum Laimeri
Spina o. sphenoid.
Fig. 157. Musculature of the sublingual region and pharynx; lateral view.
M. palatopharyngeus
M. uvulat
Condylus occipit.
Proc. mastoideus
Proc. styloideus
M. palatoglossus
M. hyoglossus
M. geniohyoideus
Hamulus pterygoid.
Proc. pterygoideus (Lamina
Raphe pterygomandib.,
M. constrictor pharyngis
sup. (Pars buccophar.)
Mandibula (Caput)
. tensor veli palatini ,!
A/1, pharyngotubarius’
Fig. 158. Musculature and bony framework of the oral cavity seen from behind.
\ >
M. longitudinalis inf. \ \
Spatium para-
N. mylohyoideus
M. constrictor pharyngis
sup. (Pars buccophar.),
Fascia pharyngea
A., V.,N.
alveolaris inf.
N. lingualis -
M. masseter, _
Fascia masseterica
M. temporalis (Tendo)
Raphe pterygomandibu
laris N., buccal is
V. facialis, Corpus
adiposum buccae
Glandulae buccales
M. buccinator,
Fascia buccopharyngea
A. facialis
\ ' X, XII
' 1 i
Fascia pteryg.
Tonsilla palatina,
Fascia tonsillaris
Arcus palatoglossus
Ramus mandib.,
Raphe pterygomandibularis
At masseter
Fascia masseterica
Mandibula (Trigonum
retromolare), N. buccalis
At styloglossus
Corpus adiposum buccae
Ai. hyoglossus, N. lingualis
A. lingualis
Glandula sublingualis,
Ductus submand.
Glandulae labiales
Ai. genioglossus
M. longitud. inf*
‘■Recessus submuscularis
1 M. longiss. cervicis
N\. longiss. capitis
M. splenius
1 /VI. trapezius
M. buccinator,
Tunica mucosa
M. obliquus atlantis
/VI. rectus cap. post, major
Parotis, Capsula
N. facialis (Rami),
V. retromandibul.
N. lingualis (Rami)
depressor anguli oris et labii inf.
Gland, submandib.
N. lingualis, M. hyoglossus,
Fascia paralingualis
Platysma ^
M. pteryg. med.
, M. glossopharyng.,
Fascia paralingualis,
A. palat. asc.
Lig. stylomandib.,
A. facialis et palat.
asc., Gl. submandib.
M. digastricus,
M. stylohyoideus,
A. carotis ext.,
N. hypoglossus
N. vagus, N. laryng.
sup., A. carotis int.
A. prof. ling.
N. hypoglossus,
V. comitans
N I. genioglossus.
V. jugul. int.,
N. accessorius
/VI. geniohyoid.
/VI., Fascia
mylohyoidea "
A., N. mylo¬
A., N. alveo¬
lar. inf.
Fig. 160. (Top, left) Frontal section through the lingual, sublingual, and
submandibular regions.
See Fig. 161 for explanation of the green lines.
Fig. 161. Transverse section through the submandibular and retromandibular regions
on the
right side. The large salivary glands are shown in cross section. The green lines
(a-a, b-b) identify
the levels of the frontal section in Fig. 160 and transverse section above.
Caruncula sublingualis,.
Ductus submandib. (Ostium)
Plica sublingualis,
Glandula sublingualis
'M. mylohyoideus,
M. geniohyoideus, Septum linguae
Parotis .
uncinatus) -
Glandula submandib.,
M. hyoglossus .
.'Ductus submandib.,
M. genioglossus
~ ~ Fascia masseterica,
Angulus mandibulae
"M. hyoglossus
Glandula submandib.
At mylohyoideus i
At digastricus !
Glandula sublingualis I
Glandula submandib. (Proc. uncinatus)
Ductus submandib:
Glandula submandibularis
Fascia submandib.
Ductus parotideus - -
subling. -
Ductus subling.
At masseter,
At buccinator
Fig. 163. Lateral view of the large salivary glands and their ducts. The body of
the left half of the
\ L ig.pterygospinale
! I Proc. pterygoideus (Lam. lat.)
Sulcus hamuli
Condylus occipit.'-
Gland, labiates
M. styloglossus et stylopharyngeus'"
Lig. stylomandib.'
Fascia retromandib.,
AA. stylohyoid.
Lig. stylomandib. 1
Plica sublingual.
(Duct, sublingual,
min., Ostia)
Caruncula sublingual.
Ductus sublingual, maj.
Glandula sublingual.
Ductus submandib.
Lig. sphenomandib.
M. digastr. (Trochlea)
Cornu minus 1
Fascia submandib.
Fig. 164. Medial view of the salivary glands on the left side. The drawing shows
the openings of the ducts of
the salivary glands, the reationship of the submandibular gland with uncinate
process hooking around the
posterior border of the mylohyoid muscle, the course and relationship of the
submandibular duct to the sub¬
lingual gland, and the parapharyngeal process of the parotid which projects forward
from the retromandib¬
ular fossa between the sphenomandibular and stylomandibular ligaments medial to the
medial pterygoid
The field
of the
N. infraorbit.
Si N. buccalis
N. nasopalatinus
The field
of the
N. alveol. inf.
(Rr. ant.)
N. alveol. inf.
(Rr. post.)
N. buccalis
laa&k N. mentalis
(Rr. lab. inf.)
HSI N. lingualis
Mi N. glossopharyng.
Fig. 165. (Top, left) Sensory fields of mucosal innervation in the roof of the oral
cavity (vestibule and oral cavity
proper) in the regions of the cheeks, upper lip, gingiva, teeth of upper jaw, and
palate. The teeth have been cut
transversely through the necks and the pulp cavities are opened so that the
relationships of the maxillary dental
nerves may be established. Specific areas of innervation by individual nerves are
shown on the right side, and maxi¬
mal areas of distribution and the overlapping fields of innervation are illustrated
on the left side in different colors
(modified from Scharlau, Ergebnisse der Zahnheilkunde, 1929).
Fig. 166. (Top, right) Sensory fields of mucosal innervation in the floor of the
oral cavity (vestibule and oral cavity
proper) in the regions of the cheeks, lower lip, gingiva, teeth of lower jaw, and
tongue. The teeth have been cut
transversely through the necks and the pulp cavities are opened so that the
relationships of the mandibular dental
nerves may also be established. Specific areas of innervation by individual nerves
are shown on the right side, and
maximal areas of distribution and the overlapping fields of innervation are
illustrated on the left side in different
colors (modified from Scharlau, Ergebnisse der Zahnheilkunde, 1929). On the left
side, the sensory taste areas in¬
nervated by n. intermedius (chorda tympani) are indicated by white rings; sensory
taste areas innervated by the
Truncus sympathicus
A. facialis
N. buccalis (Rami)
N. lingualis
(Rami linguales)
A. apicis
V. submucosa
(Apex linguae)
A. profunda linguae, /
N. lingualis (Ram. anast.
cum. XII), A. lingualis,
Ductus submandib.
/N. hypoglossus
N. g/ossopharyngeus
A. pal at i ha asc.
(A. facialis)
N. mylohyoideus,
N. mandibularis,
Raphe pterygomandibu-
laris, Mandibula (Trig,
retromolare), N. lingualis
(Rr. isthmi faucium),
M. temporalis (Tendo),
N. , A., V. masseterica
Ganglion submandib.,
N. lingualis
. sublingualis,
N. hypoglossus,
V. comitans n. XII
N. buccalis, Rami (V 3 )
V. facialis
A = Dorsum linguae
S = Mandibula (Ramus)
K = M. genioglossus
T = M. pterygoideus med.
Q = M. longitudinalis sup.
L = M. hyoglossus
U = Parotis
Q = M. longitudinalis inf.
M = Glandula sublingualis
Ui = Lig. stylomandib.
D = M. styloglossus
M x = Glandula submandibularis
E = M. palatoglossus
(Processus uncinatus)
F = M. palatopharyngeus
N = M. mylohyoideus
X x = M. stylopharyngeus
Fi = Tonsilla palatina
O = M. buccinator
X 2 = M. styloglossus
X 3 = M. stylohyoideus
Q = M. orbicularis oris
Y = Processus styloideus
H 2 = Pars buccopharyngea J
R = M. masseter
Fig. 167. Cross section through the face at the level of the occlusal plane. The
tongue is deviated to the right;
the sublingual gland has been mobilized from its bed and elevated.
R. zygomaticotemp.
A., N. infraorbitalis,
Cartilago alaris major
R. dentalis
A., N. buccal is
-R. dentalis
— R. labialis
R. digastricus (VII)''
A. pharyngea asc.
A., N. mental is
Plexus dentalis inf.
N. lingualis
N. hypoglossus, A. lingualis
N. lingualis, Chorda tympani
\ A., N. alveolaris inf.
Fig. 168. Arteries and nerves of the jaws and the deep region of the face (seen
from the right
side). The ramus of the mandible has been removed with the deep muscles of
mastication; the
wall of the vestibule of the mouth was resected in order to expose the roots of the
V. labial is sup.
V. labialis inf.
V. refromandib.
V. occipitalis
N V. labialis inf. -
V. submentalis
V. retromandib.
V. jugularis int,
(Angulus mandib.)
V. comitans n. hypogl.
V. pharyngea asc. 1
V. facialis comm.
N W. palatinae asc.
V. profunda linguae
Sinus cavernosus
V. maxi I laris
V. temporalis superfic.
V. ophtalmica sup.
V. supraorbit., V. supratrochlearis
V. palatina desc.
V. ang\j laris
1-8 = Lymph vessels from the teeth (alveoli) of upper and lower jaws
Fig. 169. Veins and lymphatics of the jaw and deep face region seen from right
side. Lymph ves¬
sels are indicated schematically by plain yellow lines.
V = N. trigeminus
Vi = N. ophthalmicus
V 2 = N. maxillaris
V 3 = N. mandibularis
VII = N. facialis-intermedius
IX = N. glossopharyngeus
of facial n.
trigeminal n.
4 = N. tympanicus
5 = N. petrosus minor
mandibular n.
7 = Nn. palatini
8 = N. petrosus major
9 = R. anastomoticus chordae
(gust, nucl.)
G = brain stem
Fig. 170. The course of peripheral taste fibers within the branchial nerves
(schematic representation of main and
collateral pathways).
Foramen alveolare
Septum intraalveolare
I Septum interalveolare
-- Cavum dentis
Corona dentis
Septum interalveolare
Canalis mandibulae •
a) Illustration of the upper and lower sets of teeth (1-8), seen from the lateral
(vestibular) side.
Hamulus pterygoideus -
Palatum durum
Septum intraalveolare
Apex radicis
Apex radicis
Canaliculi alveolares
inf. ant.
Apex radicis \
Canaliculus alveolaris inf.
Canalis mentalis
b) Illustration of the upper and lower sets of teeth (1-8), seen from the medial
(oral) side.
Fig. 171. One half of the permanent set of teeth with exposure of the entire root
structure (by chiseling off the cor¬
responding parts of the alveolar processes in a macerated specimen). The individual
tooth is sectioned in its long
axis (axial); pulp cavity and root canal have been opened.
- Mucosa buccae
Septum intraalveolare -
Septum interalveolare''
Frenulum linguae
- Gingiva
"" Gingiva
Mucosa buccae
1 = central incisor
2 = lateral incisor
3 = canine tooth
4 = 1st premolar
5 = 2nd premolar
6 = 1st molar
7 = 2nd molar
8 = 3rd molar
Fig. 172. Transverse section through the alveolar processes showing the roots of
the teeth
(horizontal section through the upper and lower jaws).
Fig. 173. (Top) Deciduous teeth of a 4-5 year old child before eruption of the 1st
permanent molar.
Fig i 74. (Bottom) Deciduous teeth and early permanent teeth in a 6 year old child.
The roots of the deciduous
teeth as well as those of the developing permanent teeth (anlagen) have been
exposed in both upper and lower jaws.
Fig. 175
D. praemol. 1 (Radices)
D. mol. 1 (Radix palatinalis)
Tubercula coronae - -~
Facies masticatoria
Facies contactus —
Corona dentis
(Facies buccal is)''
D. inc. 1 (Facies
vestibularis labialis)
Facies contactus
-. Tuberculum
(Cuspis) vestibulare,
D. praemol. 1 (Radix)
Fig. 176
D. praemol. 1 (Radix
palatinalis et buccalis)
Radix dentis -
Collum " „
Tuberculum . ^
Crista masticatoria
Fades contactus
Facies masticatoria,
D. praemol. 1 (Radix)
Radix buccomesialis
Radix buccodistalis
Radix pal at. (Apex)
coronae dentis
mol. 3 (Corona)
~ Collum dentis
- Incisura interradicularis
' D. mol. 2
et distalis)
Permanent teeth:
x = Carabelli tubercle
Deciduous teeth:
Medial incisor
Lateral incisor
1st premolar
2nd premolar
5lf' \ 77 ' , (T0P ’ Ieft) Roent g en °g rair > of the incisors and canines of the
upper and lower jaws in a 2Va year old child
The developing permanent teeth may be seen in the jaw (from W. Meyer, in: Die
Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheil-
Fig. 178. (Top, right) Roentgenograms of the deciduous molars and the developing
1st permanent molar in a 2 %
year old child (from W. Meyer, in: Die Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Vol. II,
Munich-Berlin, 1955).
Fig. 179. (Middle) Roentgenograms of permanent teeth. Teeth of upper jaw shown in 4
partial exposures (from
W. Meyer, in: Die Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Vol. II, Munich-Berlin, 1955).
Fig. 180. (Bottom) Roentgenograms of permanent teeth. Teeth of lower jaw shown in 4
partial exposures (from
W. Meyer, in: Die Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, Vol. II, Munich-Berlin, 1955).
The Auditory
and Vestibular Apparatus
Red — Meatus acusticus ext.
Fig. 181. (Left) The bony framework of the 3 subdivisions of the ear, depicted as
Fig. 182. (Right) Projection of the tympanic cavity (blue), the mastoid air cells
(red), and the
auditory tube (yellow) on the lateral surface of the skull.
N. petrosus major
N. facialis, N. intermedius
Lingula sphenoidalis i
A. carotis inf. ] |
Dorsum sellae 1 1 1
1 Ganglion geniculi
\ \
Saccus endolymphaticus
/ Saccus endolymphaticus
Aquaeductus vestibuli
Fig. 183. The bony labyrinth, the vestibulocochlear nerve, and the facial nerve in
situ in the petrosal bone. Metal cast
of the labyrinth. The top of the pyramid has been chiseled out on both sides.
Ductus utriculosaccularis
N. saccularis, Sacculus
i N. utriculo-
N. vestibuli V. labyrinthi
A. labyrinthi cochleae
| V. spiralis modioli
I V. spiralis mod
Ductus cochlearis
Fig. 184. Schematic representation of the left membranous labyrinth with vessels
and nerves. Posteromedial view.
Seal a vestibuli
Scala tympani
N. octavus
(Pars cochlearis
et vestibularis),
Gang/, spirale
N. ampullae post.
Dura mater
Antrum mastoideum
Chorda tympani, Incus
Membrana tympani, Malleus
Fig. 185. Horizontal section through the ear at the level of the vestibular (oval)
window. The cochlea has been cut
axially; the floor of the vestibule and the lateral semicircular canal are
illustrated. The stapes is intact, but the incus
Meatus acust. ext. (Paries post.), Ram. auricul. X, Cartilago meatus acustici
Aditus ad antrum
Cellulae mast.
(the ridge).''
A., N. auricul. post.
(R. occipit.)
Paries tegmantalis
Antrum mastoideum,
Cellulae mast, antri,
Prominentia canal is
semicircularis lat.
~ Fossa anthelicis,
Eminentia conchae
, V., N.
auricularis post, et
rami auricul ares
M. occipitalis ~
Fig. 186. Preparation of the mastoid air cells and antrum. The mastoid cells have
been opened and partly removed,
and the auricle has been reflected forward. The lateral wall of the mastoid cells
was removed in such a way that no
damage was done to the posterior bony wall of the external acoustic meatus. The
tegmental wall (roof) was barely
touched. The attachments of the sternocleidomastoid and splenius capitis muscles
have been resected.
Paries tegmenta I is
Crista pyramidis __
| Tegmen tympani
I '
- Cartilago meatus
Chorda tympani,
A. tymp. post..
Fig. 187. Exposure of the outer components of the right ear through the mastoid
region. The
posterior wall of the external acoustic meatus was removed, and the descending part
of the facial
canal was opened. The mastoid cells were reamed out, and the lateral semicircular
canal was
I '
Lamina ossea
Sinus sigmoideus*'
- Tegmen tympani
Fig. 188. Exposure of the right outer, middle, and inner ear through the mastoid
region. The
tympanic cavity with the stapes is opened; almost complete removal of the mastoid
cells from the
Ductus utriculosaccularis
Cochlea (Basis)
Ductus cochlearis
Ductus reuniens , ,
Caecum vestibulare S t
Ductus endolymphaticus
Ductus, Canalis
semicircularis posterior
-- Basis cochleae
Fenestra cochleae
Fenestra vestibuli
Recessus sphaericus
Cochlea (Cupula)
Fig. 190. (Bottom) Cast of the right bony labyrinth in an anterolateral view.
t Recessus sphaericus
/ Recessus ellipticus
Canaliculus vestibuli - -
Area vestibularis
- Crista transversa
Foramen singulare
■ Area vestibularis
saccular is
Area cochleae,
Tractus spiralis
Fig. 191. (Top) Cast of right bony labyrinth seen from above.
Fig. 192. (Bottom) The fundus of the internal acoustic meatus on the right side.
The internal acoustic
meatus of a petrosal bone has been opened from behind.
Canal is semi-
circularis lat.
^ Hiatus semilu¬
naris, Lamina
spiralis ossea
Canaliculus tympanicus
cochleae, Scala tympani
„ Area cribriform is
Recessus sphaericus
Utriculus (Recessus)
Lamina modioli
Canalis facialis
~ Lamina spiralis
ossea (Hamulus)
Fig. 193. A frontal section through the petrosal part of the right temporal bone
showing the medial wall
of the vestibule. The basal winding of the cochlea was opened so that scala
vestibuli is facing the viewer.
Ligamentum mallei
laterale, Recessus
Cavum tympani
Meatus acusticus
Membrana tympani
superior (Recessus) ^
Manubrium mallei
Membrana tympani (Pars flaccida)
Membrana tympani (Pars tensa )■"*
Membrana tympani
Fig. 194. Frontal section through the middle ear of the right side with mucosa and
auditory ossicles
M. stapedius
Antrum mastoideum
Basis stapedis, Fenestra vestibuli j
Canalis facialis (Prominentia)
Membrana stapedis
N. petrosus minor
Plexus tympanicus, Fromontorium
M. tensor tympani \
Sinus tympani
0. temp. (Pars
Meatus acusticus
Proc. styloideus
Tuba auditiva
Fig. 195. Lateral view of the mucosal covering and muscles of the tympanic cavity.
The malleus and incus were removed; the stapes is in situ.
longum incudis
Antrum tympanicum
Artie, incudomallearis
Recessus epithympanicus
Manubrium mallei
Facies articularis
Collum mallei
^ Proc. ant.
M. tensor tympani
Proc. lat.
Facies articularis
Crus breve
Corpus incud is
Crus longum -
Corpus incudis
Crus breve
- — Crus longum
Proc. lenticularis
Facies articularis
e) Right stapes.
Caput mallei
Crus ant.
Articul. incudomallearis
breve incudis
Collum mallei
Malleus (Proc.
rticul. incudostapedia
Crus post.
Manubrium mallei
Basis stapedis
Crus ant
Basis stapedis
Processus lat.
Articul. incudomallearis
Proc. lenticularis
Articul. incudostapedia
Processus ant.
Manubrium mallei
Crus post.
Fig. 198. (Top) The auditory ossicles of the right ear, medial view.
Fig. 199. (Bottom) The three articulated auditory ossicles, seen from above.
Prominentia mallearis •-
Stapes - "
Eminentiapyramidalis, M. stapedius /
/ Stria mallearis
N Arteriae radiatae
Fig. 200. (Top) The three auditory ossicles projected on the right eardrum to show
their location, lateral view.
Stapes '
Fenestra cochleae
' /
Stria mallearis
Fig. 202. Otoscopic view of right eardrum (from von Eicken-Schultz v. Treeck).
Fossa triangularis
Crura anthelicis
Incisura intertragica = Antitragion
Ob.s = Otobasion sup.
Tr = Postauriculare
Tu = Praeauriculare
Tuberculum Darwini
- Helix
— Scapha
- Cymbaconchae
- Anthelix
-- Cavum conchae
— Antitragus
Lobulus auriculae
■ Arcus interpalpebralis,
Angulus oculi medialis
Caruncula lacrimalis--
Saccus lacrimalis
Ductus nasolacrimalis
- Glandula lacrimalis
(Pars palpebralis),
Septum orbitale
Fig. 205. (Middle) External features of the left eye region. The upper lid is
inverted; the lower lid is pulled down.
Fig. 206. (Bottom) The lacrimal apparatus and the tarso-orbital septum (partly
M. obi. sup. (Trochlea) -
M. rectus med. - -
M. rectus inferior --
M. obliquus sup _
M. levator palpebrae
sup. (Origo) — -
M. rectus laf.
Fig. 207. (Top) Schematic view of the muscles of the right eyeball seen from above.
The muscles are drawn partly transparent. Note the deviation of the bulbar axis and
the components of the muscle “pyramid.”
Fig. 208. (Middle) Muscles of the right eyeball seen from front.
N. supraorbitalis
(R. palpebralis sup.)
N. lacrimalis
(R. palpebr. sup.)
Arcus palpebralis
R. zygomatico-
facialis (V 2 ), R.
art. zyg.-orbit.
A., N. supratrochlearis
Fascia tempor.,
R. zygomatico-
tempi (V 2 )
N. infratrochlearis
(R. palp, inf.),
Anast. art. angularis cum
art. ophthalmica
A., V. angularis
A = M. occipitofrontalis
(Pars frontalis)
Bi = M. orbicularis oculi
(Pars orbitalis)
B 2 = M. orbicularis oculi
(Pars palpebralis)
C = M. zygomaticus major
D = M. zygomaticus minor
E = M. levator labii
sup. alaeque nasi
F = M. levator nasi
Gi = M. nasalis
G 2 = M. nasalis
H = Ligam. palpebr. med.
J = M. procerus
K = M. corrugator supercilii
N. infratrochlearis,
M. corrugator supercilii
A., V. angularis,
N. infra- et supratrochl.
(R. anast.), M. procerus
Caruncula lacrimalis,
M. orbic. oculi
- Ram. zygomatico¬
facial is (V 2 )
N. fac. (Ramus)
N. supratrochlearis
A. supratrochlearis, N. supra¬
orbit. (Ram. med.),
A., N. infraorbitalis
M. zygomaticus-minor
" M. zygomaticus major
palpebr. inf.), M. levator angolioris
Fig. 209. (Top) Vessels, nerves, and muscles in the superficial eye and nose
Fig. 210. (Bottom) Vessels and nerves of the face in the deeper eye and nose
regions after
partial removal of the mimic musculature.
Saccus lacrimalis,
Lig. palpebr. med. (Pars int.)
-A., V. zygomaticoorbit.
N. lacrim. (V,J
A., R. zygomatico-
facialis (V 2 )
N. supratrochl. (V ,),
R. comm. N. infratrochl. -
N. supratrochl., Trochlea
N. infratrochlearis,
Anastomosis A.,
V. nasofront. - A., V. angul.,
Canaliculus lacrim. sup.
A., V. angularis -
M. obliquus sup.
A., N. infraorbit. (V 2 ),
Corpus adiposum orbitae,
M. obliquus inf.
oris, R.
^ Tarsus palpebrae sup.
Septum orbitale,
Puncta lacrimalia
Caruncula lacrimalis -
Saccus lacrimalis,
M, orbic ocul (Pars lacrimalis)
Tunica conjunctiva
bulbi, M. obliqu. inf.
A., V. angularis,
Cartilago nasi lat
Tunica conjunctiva
bulbi, M. rectus inf.
Tunica conjunctiva
palpebr., M. obliqu. inf.
Rr. zygomatici (V
M. obliqu. sup.,
A. supratrochl.,
rectus sup.,
Fig. 211. (Top) Blood vessels and nerves of the deep eye region and lateral aspect
of nose
Fig. 212. (Buttom) Ocular bulb in situ, from front. The orbital septum is incised
and the
upper and lower tarsal plates are reflected medially.
Os frontale, Fornix
M. ciliaris, Orbiculus ciliaris
Ora serrata
Ganglion ciliare j
Anulus tendineus communis '
N. trochlearis, Periorbita
N. oculomotorius
N. lacrimal is v \
- M. tarsal is sup.
Glandulae conjunctivales,
Angulus iridocorneal is
M. levator palpebrae sup. (
M. orbicul. oculi
N. maxi I laris
Zonula ciliaris
M. rectus inf
N. nasociliaris,
A. ophthalmica
M. sphincter pupillae,
M. orbitalis. Ganglion
A. maxi I laris
Sinus maxillaris
M. tarsalis inf.
Fig. 213. Lateral view of a sagittal section through the orbit with contents.
Gland, lacrimalis,
M. lev. palp.sup (Aponeurosis).
A., V. nasofrontal is
1 N. ciliaris post, longus
A. supratrochlearis
N. frontalis
Sinus frontalis.
N. infratrochlearis— J.
R. sup. (Ill)
N. ophthalmicus
M. rectus sup
M. levator |
palpebr. superioris I
d /
- IV
M. rectus \at.~-
- - A. carotis int
N. maxillari
-semilunare (tn
Radix V (Pars t
|- N. mandibula
— Gangl. pteryg<
Nn. pterygopc
- N. temporalis p
Ramus comm.
A. meningea medi
N. alveolaris inf.,
Chorda tympani
N. lingualis
A. sphenop., Nn. pa
N. mylohyoideus
A. maxillaris, N. buccalis
/ /
^ A. palatinadesc.
Fig. 214. Contents of left orbit, lateral view. The orbital fat has been removed.
Pterygopalatine fossa with the pterygopalatine ganglion.
7*} 53 .
N. supratrochlearis
Bulbus olfactorius
N. trochlearis
. N. opticus, A. ophthalmica
N. frontalis _
A., V. meningoorbitalis,
Sinus sphenoparietalis,
V. cerebri media _
Diaphragma sellae turc.
- N. nasociliaris,
A., V. nasofrontal is
R. communicans:
N. lacrim. - N. zygoma!.
M. rectus lat. —
Glandula lacrimalis,
N. lacrim. (Rr. glandulares)
A., V. meningoorbitalis,
R. comm.:
N. lacrimalis— N. zygomat.
A., V. ophthalmica
N. lacrimalis, M. rectus lat
N. trochlearis
/ N. supratrochlearis, Trochlea,
' M. obliquus sup. (Tendo)
N. nasociliaris, A. ophthalmica
Bulbus olfactorius
Diaphragma sellae turc.
Sinus sphenoparietalis,
N. ophthalmicus, Ramus meningeus ~
— N. oculomotorius
Sinus cavernosus, VI
Radix trig., Portio sens, et mot.
/ /
N. frontal is -
Anulus tendineus,
N. opticus, A. ophtal.,
Vagina duralis
et arachn. (N. opticus)
N. maxillaris
N. ophthalmicus
N. mandibularis
Ganglion semilunare
A. carotis int.,
Chiasma opticum
Glandula lacrimal
V. ophthal.
A. lacrimali
N. nasociliaris
N. trochlearis
A. ophthalmica,
N. oculomotorius
(R. sup.),
Fig. 217. Orbital contents from above after removal of the roof and opening the
sup. orbital fissure.
The levator palp. sup. has been cut and reflected back.
Fig. 215. (Left, top) View of muscles, nerves, and vessels of the orbit from above
after removal
Fig. 216. (Left, bottom) Orbital contents from above after removal of the orbital
roof. The
nerves in the region of the cavernous sinus. Area of the hypophysis from above.
Sinus frontalis
Trochlea, N. supratrochlearis
A. frontalis lat.
V. ophthalmica sup.
A. supratrochlearis
A. ethmoidalis post.
M. rectus med.
M. rectus inf.
M. obliquus sup.
N. nasociliaris
M. levator palpebrae sup.
M. rectus sup.
N. oculomotorius (R. superior)
N. opticus
A. ophthalmica
M. orbicularis oculi
N. mandibularis
Radix motoria V
A. lacrimalis
N. ophthalmicus
Glandula lacrimalis
N. frontalis
' N. opticus, A. centralis retinae
V., N. lacrimalis
Fig. 218. Right orbit, opened from above. The superior orbital wall and squama of
the frontal bone have been re¬
moved to show the branching of the 1st division of the trigeminal nerve. The
semilunar ganglion and the trigeminal
V. vorticosaetfor.
Radices et bulbus
v. vorticosae,
Vv. ciliares
Sinus venosus sclerae (Canalis Schlemmi),
''Cornea (Rete art. marginale)
ciliaris ant.
. ciliares et iridicae
N. opticus ''
Fig. 219. (Top) Blood vessels of the bulb; schematic (from Th. Leber).
Fig. 220. (Bottom) Right ocular bulb seen from above. The sclera is reflected,
exposing the vessels
-A., V. muscularis
x Vena vorticosa
(Radices post.)
. V. centralis retinae
A. ciliaris ant.
Bulbus v. vortic.
V. vorticosa'
V. vorticosa
Sclera -
Corpus vitreum
Ora serrata
Stratum pigmenti
M. dilatator pupillae
Margo corneae
M. ci liar is
(Stratum episclerale)
venosus sclerae
Processus ciliaris
ci liar is
Canalis hyaloideus
Fovea centralis
Spatium intervaginale
Vagina externa n. optici
N. opticus
Stratum epivaginale
A. centralis retinae
Spatia intervaginalia
Fasciculi nervosi
V. centralis retinae
Fig. 222. (Top) Horizontal section through the left bulb. The layers of the bulbar
wall are
Fig. 223. (Bottom) Cross section through the anterior part of the optic nerve.
Epithelium corneae
M. dilatator l
pupil Iae |
(Fibraezonula res'
Fibrae meridionales, I
M. ciliaris i I
1 i
Angulus iridocornealis
Sclera (Sinus venosus)
Tendo centralis
Sclera -
Ora serrata —
i rid is
j Zonula ciliaris
i ~ S p a tia zonularia
Processus ciHares
Fovea centralis
Capsula bulbi,
Spatium circumbulbare
Nervus opticus
Spatia intervaginalia
Fig. 224. (Top) Horizontal section through the optic nerve at its point of entrance
into the bulb.
Fig. 225. (Bottom) Horizontal section through the anterior portion of the bulb.
Margo (Margo)
M. obliquus sup. N
M. rectus lat.,
Ramulus ciliaris lat.
Angulus iridocornealis
Rete arteriosum
marginale corneae
Orbiculus ciliaris,
Proc. ciliares minores
Corona ciliaris
Zonula ciliaris
Ora serrata
v Choroidea
' Retina (Pars optica)
Fig. 227. (Bottom) Anterior portion of the bulb seen from the inside.
Macula lutea'
Macula (Margo) s
Fovea centralis
a = Fovea centralis
a x = Arteriola nasalis retinae sup.
a 2 = Arteriola nasalis retinae inf.
a 3 = Arteriola temporalis sup.
a* = Arteriola temporalis inf.
85 = Arteriolae maculares
% = Arteriola medialis retinae
b = Papilla (Discus) n. optici,
Excavatio papillae
c = midpoint of fundus
cr — cilioretinal anastomoses
h.M = horizontal meridian
n = nasal aspect of fundus
o = upper aspect of fundus
t = temporal aspect of fundus
u = lower aspect of fundus
v.M = vertical meridian
Corona ciHaris
Ora serrata
Sclera x
Corpus ciliare, Processus
ci Hares majores
Processus ci Hares
Orbiculus ciliaris,
Retina (Pars ciliaris)
Cornea (Margo)
Zonula ciliaris
Iris (Radix)
Angulus iridocornealis
N - Zonula ciliaris
Lens (Margo)
Cornea \
Fig. 229. (Top) View into the anterior half of the eye from behind after removal of
the vitreous body.
Fig. 230. (Bottom) Lens and suspensory apparatus from front. On the left bulb the
iris was circularly incised near
Skeleton, Musculature,
and Visceral Compartments
^ Acromion
(Extremitas acrom.)
Foramen infraorbitale ^ ^
Os zygomaticum
Spat, craniovertebr. ^
Lig. stylohyoid.
Mandibula (Ramus)
Lamina cric. .
/Proc. mastoid.
- ' Proc. stylohyoid.
- Lig. stylohyoid.
, Mandibula (Angulus)
Arcus cricoideus
/ Cartilago trach. II
Proc. coracoideus
s Scapula (Incisura)
(Incisura clavic.)
Costa I
Foramen mastoid.
^ Fossa mandibularis
Fossa infratemporal is
Mandibula (Incisura)
Spatium craniovertebr.,
Arcus zygom.
Mandibula (Angulus),
Lig. stylomand.
Lig. stylohyoid.
Foramen mentale
Linea mylohyoidea
\ Os hyoideum (Corpus)
Os hyoideum (Cornu)
Prominentia laryngea
Cartilago aryt. (Proc. vocal.)
Arcus cricoideus
(Angulus sup.)
Processus mastoideus -
Processus styloideus
Cartilago arytaen.,
Cart. thyr. (Cornu inf.)
Sulcus n. spin.
Tubercul. ant..
Tubercul. post.
Foramen transversarium VI
Processus spin. VII '
Processus transv., Tuberc. costae I
(Extremitas acrom.)
(Extremitas stern.)
(Incisura jug.)
Fig. 232. Skeleton of the head and neck. Viewed from the right side with the head
turned slightly to the left.
Squame occipitalis
Foramina mastoid.
Sulcus a. occipit —
Proc. mastoid.^"''
Proc. styloid. -
Atlas (Proc. transv.)"
Crista buccinat.""
Linea mylohyoid. -
Articul. sternoclavicul.
Manubrium sterni\
Axis (Corpus)
/ Proc. mastoid.
Arcus zygom.
Fossa -
" Proc.
- Spatium craniovertebr.
Lig. stylomand.
Mandibula (Angulus)
Lig. stylohyoid.
^-Articul. intervertebr.
sProc. transvers.
Costa I (Tuberculum)
(Margo sup.)
Articul. acromioclavicul
Acromion — "
Processus coracoideus —
Processus mastoideus
Processus styloideus
Musculi nuchae
Fossa retromandibularis
Tuberculum caroticum
Prominentia cervicalis (Cervicale)
(Processus condylaris)
Mandibula (Angulus)
Fossa submandibularis
Mandibula (Angulus) _
Costa prim a
Costa secunda
(Fossa supraspinata)
Os hyoideum (Corpus) —
Trigonum caroticum
Angulus submentalis
Fig. 234. Exterior of neck (viewed from the side with skeletal parts and viscera
drawn in). Palp¬
able skeletal landmarks are indicated by o.
atlantooccipital is,
Capsula articularis
M. rectus capitis I at.
Os temporale
M. splenius capitis ^
M. longissimus capitis
M. sternocleidomastoideus
Lig. stylomandibulare
M. pterygoideus med.
Membrana tectoria
Lig. flavum
Lig. flavum
Processus styloideus,
Recessus parastyloideus
(Processus transversus),
Arcus post., Sulcus a.
vertebralis, Massa lot.
. stylomandibulare
Lig. stylohyoideum
Foramen jugulare
\ Porus
Fig. 235. Dorsal view of the craniovertebral joints. The joint capsules are intact
on the right side and opened on the
left side. The tectorial membrane has been removed from the anterior wall of the
vertebral canal so that the proper
ligaments of the craniovertebral joints (cruciform and alar ligaments) may be seen
(drawn by K. Endtresser, 1951).
Lig. alare
Dura mater
N. glossopharyngeus
N. vagus
Sinus sigmoideus
N. accessorius
Condylus occipitalis
Articul. atlantooccipitalis
Atlas (Massa lat.)
Fig. 236. Frontal section through the region of the craniovertebral joints. Dorsal
view of the cut surface.
Axis (Dens)
Atlas (Arcus ant.)
(Proc. spinosus)
Lig. supraspinale
Fig. 237. Transverse section through the region of the craniovertebral joints at
the level of atlas
Lig. cruciforme
jZanalis n. hypoglossi
Dura mater
, Membrana tectoria
Bursa apicis dentis
Lig. cruciforme
Lig. longitud. ant.
Foramen intervertebrale
Membrana atlantoaxialis,
Foramen atlantoaxiale
Lig. flavum
- Lig. supraspinale
Clivus "
Articul. atlanto¬
axialis mediana
Axis (Dens)
Articul. atlantoaxialis
mediana, Lig. transv. atlantis
Membrana atlanto-
occipitalis post.
Septum nuchae
Membrana atlanto¬
occipit. ant.
Violet = ligaments
Fig. 238. Midsagittal section through the region of the craniovertebral joints
(right half).
Os nasa/e
Crista galli
! Os ethmoidale
Sinus sphenoidalis
I Clivus
Os ethmoidale
Vomer .
Processus pterygoid.
(Lamina med.) ..
/ y Foramen jugulare
Canal is incisivus.
durum -
- Sulcus sigmoideus,
Foramen mastoideum
Sulcus mylohyoid. i /
Os hyoideum
Lig. stylohyoid. /
Sternum (Manubrium) -.
'' Fossasupra-
Articulatio atlantoaxialis -
Axis (Corpus)
~ Squama occipitalis
"Proc. styloideus
~Dens axis
(Proc. spinosus)
Cavum pharyngis
Os hyoideum.
Os occipitale (Squama)
Atlas (Tuberculum post.)
Cavum tracheae ■
* = Cartilago cricoidea
Fig. 241. (Bottom) Roentgenogram of adult cervical vertebral column, lateral view,
head in
normal, standing posture (L. Wicke, Vienna).
M. serratus ant.
' 1
/ ' /VI. intercost. ext.
/ l
/ Lacuna scalena post.
M. geniohyoideus
I M. genioglossus
I 1
Cartilago thyroidea
M. styloglossus
/VI. mylohyoideus
M. stylohyoideus \
M. hyoglossus
M. longiss. capitis .
M. levator scap
M. longus capitis x
Lig. thyrohyoid, lat., M. thyrohyoid. ^
M. omohyoid
M. scalenus med
M. scalenus ant
M. sternocleidomast.
Cavum viscerate cervicale
M. levator scap.
m. omohyoid.
M. trapezius
M. longus capitis
M. sternohyoideus
M. sternothyroideus
~ M. scalenus ant.
M. longus colli
scalenus post.
- A 1. hyoglossus
/VI. longiss. capitis
/VI. splenius cap.
Fig. 242. Musculature of the neck. Front view (neurovascular bundles and viscera
removed). The left shoulder
girdle and associated muscles have been resected so that the suprahyoid tongue
musculature and the infrahyoid
ventrolateral neck muscles and scalene lacunae (anterior and posterior, arrows) may
be seen.
articul. temporomandibularis
atlantooccip. ant.
-- M. stylopharyngeus
M. intercost, int
Lig. stylohyoid.
M. genioglossus '
M. mylohyoid.,
M. geniohyoid.
M. hyoglossus
M. digastricus
Membr. thyrohyoidea
Os hyoideum
. constrictor phar. inf. (Pars thyropharyng.)
M. thyrohyoid.
M. sternothyroid.''
/VI. sternocleidomast."
M. sternohyoid.'
M. splenius capitis
x /VI. trapezius
NV1. sternocleidomast.
M. levator scap.
M. scalenus post.
M. scalenus med .
— _M. trapezius,
Costa II (Tuberc.)
^ Artie, acromioclav.,
M. omohyoideus
Fig. 243. Neck musculature seen from the left side; head bent backward.
Canalis musculotubarius
Canalis caroticus
Apertura ext.
canalis carotid
Canalis n. hypoglossi
Crista tympanica --
M. rectus cap. lat.,
Proc. styloid. —
Pleura (Cupula)
M. longus colli
(P. obliqua inf.)
y M. scalenus post.
scalenus ant.
Red =
Yellow =
dorsal musculature
1-7 =
corresponding ribs
(ant. tubercle)
Fig. 244. Prevertebral and paravertebral neck musculature. The left longus capitis
muscle has been drawn trans¬
parent; on the right side the muscles have been removed from their sites of
attachment so that the smaller cervical
intercostal and intertransverse muscles may be seen. The cupula of the right pleura
is retained.
M. semispin. cerv.
(Margo med.)
M. longissimus
M. semispin. cerv.
M. iliocost.
M. spinalis cerv
M. splenius cerv.
(Margo med.)
M. splen. cap.
M. semispinalis capitis
M. splenius cap.
M. longiss. cap.'
M. intertransvers.
M. lonqissimus cap.
- M. semispinalis capitis
(Margo med.)
M. splenius cap.
(Margo medial is)
M. semispinalis capitis
(Margo lat.)
. longiss. cap.
M. interspin. cerv.
Fig. 245. The intrinsic muscles of posterior neck region (schematic, seen from
behind) toned yellow and outlined
in different colors. The superficial muscles on the right side are drawn
transparent; on the left side only the origins
and/or the insertions are indicated in order to bring into view the underlying
muscles. The directions of pull of the
muscles on the left side are indicated by arrows in appropriate colors.
V. auricul. post.
V. emissaria masfoidea _
- M. splenius capitis
M. longissimus capitis
Processus styloideus, M.
V. cervical is prof."'
A. vertebralis, N. cervical is I,
Membr. atlantooccipitalis
N. occipitalis tertius - -
Plexus ven. a. vertebralis (V. vertebralis) - -
V. cervicalis prof. - -
V. vertebralis - -
Vv. intervertebrales -
V. cervical is prof.
M. interspinalis-
M. obliquus
capitis sup.
M. rectus capitis
" post, major
/ Membrana et
foramen atlanto-
occipitale (Ponticulus)
- M. longissimus capitis
M. digastricus
A. occipitalis,
Proc. styloideus
N. suboccipitalis
(R. dors. n. cerv. I)
M. obliquus capitis inf.
M. intertransversarius (l-ll)
M. scalenus medius
- A. cervicalis prof.
M. longissimus cervicis
A. intercostalis suprema
. post.), N. cervic. VIII
. scalenus post.
intercostalis ext.
Vv. occipitales -
M. scaler 1 . ant. - -
M. longiss. cerv.-
M. sternohyoid. \
M. sternothyroid.\
M. longus colli \
M. sternocleidomast. n
M. multifidus"
M. iliocost. cerv. -
" Spatium cervic. lat.
Fascia sternocleidomast.
M. levator scap.
M. trapezius'
M. semispin. cerv.
M. rhomboideuss'
M. serratus post.
Vert. cerv.
Cart. thyr.
Fascia cervicalis
Cartil. arytaenoidea
Fascia colli superf. et media
Facia cervic. (Lam. superfic.)
S pat. suprastern. ^
vie. j'
Fascia cervic.
Paries pharyngis
Fascia colli media
Spatium cervic. (Rec. submuscul.).
Fascia nuchae
M. spinalis
M. semispinal. cerv./
M. sternohyoid.
M. longus cap.
M. seal. ant.
N. cervic. V
M. levator scap.
M. longiss. cap.
s M. semispinalis capitis
N M. trapezius
1 M. multi fid us
- M. sternothyr.
. longit. colli
Fig. 247. (Top) Cross section through the neck at the level of the 7th cervical
Fig. 248. (Bottom) Cross section through the neck at the level of the 5th cervical
Sinus maxillaris
M. pteryg. medialis,
Fascia pteryg.
M. zygomaticomandib.
(Pars prof.) x
M. masseter, Fascia
M. pterygoideus I at.,
Fascia pteryg
M. zygomaticomandibularis
(Pars superfic.)
M. longus capitis -
M. styloglossus -
M. stylohyoideus
M. stylopharyngeus,
Septum stylophar. —
M. sternocleidomast.
M. splenius capitis
M. semispinalis capitis
M. rectus capitis post, major
Canalis pterygopalatinus
s 0. palat. (Proc. pyramidalis)
s' Proc. pteryg. (Lam. med. et lat.)
Mandibula (Ramus)
- Spatium infratemporale
^ Ligam. sphenomandibulare
Fascia retromandibularis
Proc. mastoideus (Apex)
s Recessus submuscularis
For. transversarium,
Membrana tectoria,
/VI. trapezius
I = Atlas
II = Dens axis
Fig. 249. Cross section through the neck at the level of the atlas, and through the
facial skeleton immediately
above the floor of the nasal cavity. Viewed from above, showing skeletal parts,
muscles, ligaments, and fasciae.
Arrows: entrance from The retromandibular fossa, in front of the styloid process,
into the craniovertebral space, or
Canalis vertebralis
M. orbicularis oristdi
M. zygomaiicus major
M. buccinator
Plica pterygomandib.,
Mandibula (Trig, retro mol a re) ^
M. constrictor pharyngis
sup. (Pars buccophar.)
M. temporalis -
M. masseter
Lig. sphenomandib.,
Lingula mandib.
M. pterygoideus medialis
Fascia pharyngea, Spatium
retropharyngeum -
Lig. stylomandibulare ~
N\. sternocleidomastoideus\
M. longissimus capitis
M. obltquus capitis inf.
Membrana atlantoaxialis,
Lig. interspinale -
Fasc/a buccopharyngea
M. palatoglossus,
Arcus palatoglossus
-M. pharyngopalatinus,
Arcus pharyngopalatinus
_ Spatium interfasciale
- Spatium parapharyngeum
_ Lamina vasorum el
nervorum visceral is
Septum stylopharyngeum, Lig.
stylohyoideum, hA. stylohyoideus,
stylopharyngeus et styloglossus
Fascia retromandibularis,
Fossa retromandibularis
Foramen atlantoaxiale in
membrana atlantoaxialis
M. semispinalis capitis
M. trapezius
Fig. 250. Cross section through the head and neck region at the level of the dens
of the axis, oropharynx, and the
occlusal plane showing skeletal parts, muscles, ligaments, and fasciae.
Paravisceral and retrovisceral compartments
are white. The infratemporal (interfascial) fossa and the submuscular recess of the
lateral fascial compartments
of the neck are empty. Not included in the drawing are the buccal fat pad, the
contents of the fascially enclosed re¬
tromandibular fossa (parotid gland), the structures in the illustrated
neurovascular sheath (stylopharyngeal sep¬
tum), and the neurovascular bundle that occupies the parastyloid recess.
A. palat. desc., Nn. palat.,
Can. pterygopalat.
„ 'A/I. nasal is
N. buccal is
- Fascia pharyngea
- N. lingualis
N. alveol. inf.,
Lig. sphenomand.
N. glossophar., A. carotis
’ ext., N. hypoglossus
Fascia parot.
A. carot. int.,
• N. accessor., A. occip.
Spat, parapharyng.,
N. mandibul.
N. cervic. I.
N. occip. maj.'
Spat, infratemp. —
A. maxill., Parot is
(Proc. parapharyng.),
Chorda thymp.-
Lam. nerv. et vasorum visce-
ralis, Recessus pharyngeus, -
Cartil. tubae auditivae
Parotis, A. carot. ext.,
V. retromand.
Fig. 251. Cross section through the head and neck region at the level of the
(on the right side the cut was made somewhat more inferior). View of the floor of
the nasal cavity
and the maxillary sinus. Note the anterior extension of the parotid gland toward
parapharyngeal space.
M. orbic. oris, Gland, lab. inf.
A. vertebr.
Fasc. retromand.
Rec. submusc.
Plica pterygomand.
N. mylohyoid.
M. constrictor pharyngis
sup. (Pars buccophar.)
Cav. parapharyng. sup. N
Lig. sphenomand.,
Spat, infratemp. n n
. stylomand., V. retromand.
Lam. access.
carotis ext.,
A. carot is inf.
N. access.
M. sternocleidomast., Fascia
N. auricul. magn.
Spat, retropharyng.,
Fascia cervic. (L. praevert.)
/V1. splen.
M. semispinalis cap."'
M. trapez ‘
Fig. 252. (Top) Cross section through the head and neck region at the level of the
Fig. 253. (Bottom) Cross section of the neck through the glottis and the 2nd and
3rd cervical vertebrae.
Os nasale
Os ethmoidale
(Lamina perpendicul.) "
Palatum durum
Mandibula —
Os occipitale (Squama)
Membrana atlantooccipit. post
Sternum (Manubrium)
Discus intervertebralis
Fig. 254. Median section through the bony and fascial boundaries of the visceral
and neural compartments of the
neck. The visceral compartment of the neck, the adjoining craniovertebral space,
the oral cavity above, the thoracic
Velum palat.
Arcus palatoglossus ^
Tonsilla palatina,
Foramen caecum
— Ventric. IV (Apertura rm
T 2^—Cisterna cerebellomedullaris
Arcus palatopharyng.-,
Plica pharyngoepiglott.,
Isthmus faucium —
M. genioglossus ,
geniohyoid. ~
T—Falx cerebelli
; r. Plica aryepiglottica
-L/g. supraspinale
Cavum laryngis
Lig. interspinale
Xig • longitudinale ai
et post.
M. mylohyoideus
Trachea -
Lig. interclaviculare
V. brachiocephalica sin. m / g*
Thymus /
/ Oesophagus
Spatium oesophagotracheale
1 I Cavum subarachnoideale
’ Medulla spinalis
Spatium epidurale
1-7 = bodies and spinous processes of cervical vertebrae 1-7 I-III = bodies of
thoracic vertebrae 1-3
Fig. 255. Median section through the neck and adjoining head and thoracic regions
with the contents of the fascial
compartments (previsceral space, etc.); right half of the section.
Falx cerebri
1 Ala vomeris
Lig. sphenomandib.
, N. IX, X, XI (Porus)
„ Tentorium
N. XII (Pori)
Dura mater
M. pterygoid. med.\
Palatum (Aponeurosis),
Tunica mucosa
Hamulus pterygoid.,
Raphe pterygomandib
Labium inf.,
M. orbicul. oris.
Lig. stylohyoid., -
M. stylohyoid.
Linea mylohyoidea,
M. mylohyoideus
M. geniglossus
M. geniohyoid
M. mylohyoideus
f /
M. hyoglossus/ / .
Membrana thyrohyoidea f /
M. thyrohyoideus /
/ /
M. digastricus j
M. sternohyoideus' /
M. omohyoideus /
M. sternothyroideus / ,
^ ,
M. sternocleidomastoid.,
M. buccinator-
Lig. stylomandib
^ Falx
Foramen a.
vertebralis et
- n. cervicalis I
--Mlantooccipit. post.
Articulatio atlantoaxialis medi-
ana, Lig. transversum atlantis
Recessus parastyloideus
longus capitis
N. cervic. V (Porus)
Lig. longitu-
dinale ant.
'' M.
"Lig. longitu-
dinale post.
" Dura mater spinalis
" Discus intervertebralis
,r,. ,ongus colli
M. intercostal is ext.
scalenus med.
M. intercostalis int.
Lacuna scalena post.
M. scalenus ant.
M. omohyoid.
N. cervic. II (Porus)
Processus styloideus, M.
styloglossus et stylopharyngeus
' s N. cervic. Ill (Porus)
Lig. interspinale
N. cervic. IV (Porus)
Cl = Clavicula
H = Os hyoideum
M = Mandibula, Manubrium
N = Os nasale
Os occipitale
Palatum durum
Sinus sphenoidalis
Vertebrae cervicales
Vertebrae thoracicae
1st and 2nd ribs
scalene lacunae
Fig. 256. Neck musculature of the right side seen from the medial aspect after
removal of all viscera and
neurovascular bundles.
Palatum durum —
A/1, orbicu¬
laris oris
A/1, sternothyroid.
Spatium retrooesophageum \
Fascia cervicall's
(Lamina praevertebr.)
^ Lig. longitudi-
\ nale post
Membrana pharyngobasilaris
Porus trigemini
A/1, genioglossus
A/1, orbicularis oris
M. geniohyoideus ■
Membrana thyrohyoidea
Spatium praeepiglott., Lig. hyo- etthyroepiglott.
Cartilago thyroidea
A/1, arytaenoid
Lig. cricothyroid.
Arcus cricoid.
Spatium suprasternale
Spatium praetracheale
Lig. interclavicul.
Spatium epidurale
Sternum (Manubrium)
Spatium oesophagotracheale
Foramen jugulare
Membrana atlanto-
occipit. ant
Membrana tectoria
Spatium epidurale
Membrana tectoria,
Lig. apicis dentis
Lig. supraspinale
N. cervic. VIII
(Vagina radicul.)
— N. thoracicus I
(Vagina radicul.)
Fig. 257. Median section through the neck and adjoining head region.
Fig. 258. The sensory innervation of the mucosa of the upper gastrointestinal and
respiratory tracts
in the head and neck shown in a median section (right half of section).
- V. jugularis ext..
Fascia cervicalis
(Lam. superfic.)
V. parotidea subcut.
A. auricularis post.
Fascia cervicalis,
M. sternocleidomastoideus
N. auricularis magnus
N. occipitalis minor
V. jugularis ext.
Fascia cervicalis
N. cutaneus cervicis
Rete acromiale
Prominentia laryngea
M. sternocleidomast.
'Clavicula (Extremi-
tas sternal is)
N. cutaneus colli
(R. sup.)
Fig. 259. Superficial layers of the neck. The platysma and subcutaneous structures
in the anterior
Glandula parotis
Nodus lymph.
V. subcutanea
Mandibula (Angu/us)
Fascia cervicalis,
Tractus angularis
■ A., V. facialis
Ramus marginal is
Platysma faciei
Fascia cervicalis
(Lam. superfic.)
V. jugularis extern
- Nn. supraclavicu¬
lares med., A. sup
scapul. (R. cut.)
- M. sternocleido-
mastoideus (Orig i
N. occipitalis minor
V. jugularis externa-
A. sternocleidomastoidea (Rami)
Punctum nervosum (Erb)
Fascia submandib.
Prominentia laryngea
A. thyroidea sup.
(Ramus thyrohyoideus)
N. transversus colli
Nn. supraclaviculares
lat., A. cervicalis
Fascia cervicalis „
Clavicula /
N. cutaneus colli,
A. cervicalis superficialis -
Fossa venae
jugularis ext. —
Fig. 260. Superficial layers of the neck after removal of the platysma. Dissection
of subcutaneous
structures on the ventrolateral aspect of the cervical fascia as well as the
cervical pole of the parotid
Foramen a. el v. facialis
x 0s hyoideum
Mandibula (Margo)
Fascia cervicalis,
M. digastricus
Fascia masseterica
Arcus zygoma!.
Lig. temporomandib.
Proc. styloid. (Fossa retromandib.)
Fossa retromand.
Proc. masloideus x
Fascia cervic., Tractus angul. v
Fascia cervicalis
Fascia deltoidea
Fascia cervic.,
M. omohyoid.
\ Fascia cervic.,
M. sternohyoid.
Fascia pector
(Lam. superf.)
Fascia cervic.,
Fossa supraclav.
Fig. 261. The superficial layer of the cervical fascia. The skin, subcutaneous
tissue, and platysma
have been removed from the face and neck on the right side.
/ Ductus parotideus
„ R. colli (VII)
R. marginalis
mandibulae (VII)
- — A. facialis
— V. facialis
V. retromandi-
( = V. facialis
V. jugular is ext.
K Cartilago thyroidea
''A. thyroidea sup. (Rr. cutanei)
superficialis sup. -
A. sternocleidomastoidea
(R. cut.)"'"'
Rr. praeauriculares N
Meatus acusticus, Cartilago
N. facialis (Truncus)^
Glandula parotis
' I
\ Nodus lymph. i
\ praeauricularis
Fig. 262. The parotid gland, the retromandibular fossa, the submandibular and
triangles after removal of the skin and platysma. The cutaneous branches of the
^ d>
^ *n
S c
•S3 ^
5-h <D
03 (Z)
^ C/5
G 0)
.-2 >
Fig. 265. Regional dissection of the submandibular triangle and the submandibular
Fig. 266. Regional dissection of the deep aspects of the submandibular triangle and
the retromandibular fossa, showing the
paralingual structures in the floor of the mouth. The digastric muscle has been
divided; the mylohyoid muscle has been incised
along its raphe and reflected upward. Note the lingual trigone with the exposed
lingual artery.
A. transv. faciei _
M. masseter, A. max///. __
N. auricul. magnus,
N. facialis (Truncus)
X, XI —
N. hypoglossus —
N. cervic. II
N. laryngeus sup.
Truncus symp.
N. vagus., R. card.
Glomus caroticum
1 cervic. (Radix sup.),
R. card.
M. long us capitis
jlis, Ansa cervic. (Radix inf.) ''
N. transversus colli
M. long, colli
N. vagus
A. palatina asc.
A. facialis,
Gland, submand.
N. glossophar.,
Lig. stylohyoideum
A. lingualis,
V. comitans XII
M. digastricus
(Venter ant.)
-M. mylohyoideus
N. hypoglossus, A. ling.
(R. hyoid.), M. hyogloss
M. thyrophar.
Gland, thyroidea
M. omohyoideus
Fig. 269. Deep aspect of the anterior cervical triangle. Regional dissection of
vessels and nerves in the carotid and
submandibular triangles, as well as the retromandibular fossa.
, N. thoracicus longus
N. cut. antebrachii med.
N. fhoracodorsalis
A. temp, superfic.,
A. facialis
' mental is
N. accessorius
Nn. supraclaviculares
N. transversus colli
N. subclavius,
N. phrenicus access. (C 5 ) ^
A. cervic. superfic.,
N. thoracicus longus ^
A., N. suprascapularis
N. dorsalis scap., V|
A. transversa colli (R. desc.)\ M
Fasciculus post., A. subc/avia,
A. transversa coHi^^^$k$M
\ -y , f;
N. subscapular is
N. axillaris \
N. radial is
A. axillaris
N. medianus
N. mylohyoid.,
A. submentalis
Arcus n. lingualis
r— A., N. vertebralis
I— Truncus thyrocervical is
A = M. scalenus medius
B = M. scalenus ant.
C = M. scalenus post.
J = M. mylohyoideus
J.e = M. intercostalis ext.
K = M. stylohyoideus
L = M. hyoglossus
M = M. styloglossus = Manubrium sterni
O.h = Os hyoideum
M. thyropharyngeus
Processus styloideus
ventral ramus of
1st—8th cervical nerves
ventral ramus of
1st thoracic nerve
1st and 2nd ribs
Fig. 270. Arteries and nerves of the neck, from the right side. The shoulder
girdle, the sternocleidomas¬
toid, and the posterior neck muscles have been removed.
Truncus lymphat. subclav., V. subclavia, Nodi lymphat. i
transversa faciei
Nodi lymphat.
submandib. medii
Sinus transversus
Sinus cavernosus
Nodi lymphat. parotidei
V. nasofrontalis
. comitans XII
V. cervicalis subcutanea
V. jugularis ant.
V. colli mediana
brachiocephalica dextra
. submentalis,
Nodi lymphat.
submandib. ant.
V. cervicalis
Nodi lymphat. cervic. prof,
inf. (supraclavicul.)
V. suprascapularis
V. retromandib.
A = M. scalenus med.
F =
B = M. scalenus ant.
G =
C = M. scalenus post. =
D = M. omohyoideus (Venter sup.)
Hi =
E = M. sternohyoid.
h 2 =
J =
M. sternothyroid.
K = M. stylohyoid.
M. thyrohyoid.
L = M. hyoglossus
Glandula thyroid.
M = M. styloglossus
M. mylohyoid.
Fig. 271. Veins, lymph vessels, and lymph nodes of the neck, seen from the right
after removal of the
shoulder girdle, the sternocleidomastoid, and the posterior neck muscles. The
direction of lymph flow
M. sternohyoideus, V. colli mediana
Prominentia laryngea
, A. thyr. sup.,
^ R. marg. su
"(R. commu
M. sternothyroic
"M. sternocleidomasi
V. thyroidea ima
V. jugul. ant.\
V. jugular is ext.
M. sternothyroideus
. sternohyoideus (Inscriptiones tend.) ' ”
A. thyroidea sup
(prof .),.
Trig, thyr.,
M. digastricus
M. thyrohyoideus
' Os hyoideum
V. subcut.
Fig. 272. Blood vesels, nerves, and muscles in the midline of the neck and in the
carotid triangle
(superficial). Laryngeal cartilages and thyroid gland.
Promin. laryngea
M. sternocleidomast.
N. access., A. sternocleidomast.
V. facialis
N. transversu
M. sternocleidomast.
N. auricul. magnus
V. jug. ext.
M. sternocleidomast.
V. jugul. ant.
Glandulaparotis ^
Fascia cervic.
A. suprascapularis
M. sternocleidomast. (Origo sternalis)
jugul. sterni
N. auricul. magn.
V. jugul. ext.-^
A/1. sternocleidomast.
upraclavicul. intermedii
Prominentia laryngea
Fascia colli propria, V. colli mediana
A/1. sternocleidomast.
. A/1, sternohyoid.
^ N. fransv. colli
V. jugul. ext.
,M. sternothyroid.
Fig. 274. Superficial dissection of the ventrolateral aspects of the neck and the
suprasternal fossa.
The suprasternal space (interfascial) has been opened.
IH « o
o « *
— > 3
E fc E
cd O CTJ
— -£
2 00
~ I
C 43 C
(U V U
> >
B 6 <*
u u J
Fie. 275. Tonography of the superior thoracic aperture, the cunula of the pleura,
and the scalenovertebral triangle.
d &
.top +3
*5h M—i
a) O
43 j3
P "tob
O §
bO vh
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( G ^
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a o £
dO H
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^ >
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'— 1 73
<3 <3
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<D .
C/i cd
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8 55
O) <3
<4-1 43
d 4^
cd <3
’-T 5-1
CL 4-*
<3 <3
13 <N
O ja
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CL p
d o
O i3
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£ S
<33 o
d a>
^ 4->
C q - 1
•§ o
•2* <3
v< too
cd 73
3 (3
| 3
B 3
3 43
O p
d M
5-1 A T
33 T3
c/3 .33
<n <»
P 3
73 — 1
S3 <3 w
cd 43 *
2 43
X> .13
2 £
3 .33
cd &
5—( +-»
O 43
43 .JO
3 'j?
/■s <3
(7) L>
8 sS
C3 c/a
3.S J
3 ^ ^
^ rE*
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6 §
<33 3
jj 43
3 .2P
43 43
d &
<3 WVJ
d B
c/> 73
. 43
.2? -S
a <3
43 ^
4—' 4—*
73 43
S too
cd *CJ
S 2
A. thyroidea sup.
V. thyroid, media \
N. cardiacus
cervic. sup.,
A. verlebralis,
A. transversa colli
A., V. suprascap.,
N. subclavius
R. card, sup.,
Trunc. thyrocervic.,
Trunc. lymph, jugul.
A., V. verlebralis,
Ductus thoracicus,
Angulus venosus
(Virchow), A.
transversa colli
, V. subclavia
(Pars cervical is)
A. thorac.
int. dextra ^
Ansa subclavia,
Trunc. lymph,
R. nerv. m. omohyoid.
R. cricothyroideus, N. vagus,
' Trunc. lymph, jugul.
/ /
/ V. jugul. ext., Ansa cervic. (Ramus muse.
' (N\. omohyoid.)
Os hyoideum
E = M. thyrohyoid.
N = M.
intercost. ext.
F = M. sternothyroid.
K = M. trapezius
O = M.
pect. major
M. sternohyoid.
G = M. cricothyroid.
L = M. subclavius
P = M.
scalen. ant.
Membr. thyrohyoidea
M = M. intercost. int.
Q = M.
R = M.
levator scap.
scalen. med.
Fig. 277. Blood vessels and nerves in the lower neck region, particularly in the
area of the thyroid gland, the
superior thoracic aperture, the scalene lacunae, and the so-called venous angle.
Note the topography of the
cupula of the pleura in the superior thoracic aperture. Both clavicles have been
Lig. cricothyroldeum, A. thyr. sup. (R. cricothyr.), N. laryngeus sup. (R. ext.) N.
laryngeus sup. (Ram. int.), A. thyroidea sup.
, A a. cervicales asc.
A. transversa colli
Tr uncus thyrocervical is
A.,V. suprascapul ..
Ramus cardiacus sup.,
A. artic. sternoclav
Cupula pleurae,
N. recurrens
V. jugularis ext.
V. vertebralis,
Pleura parietalis,
M. transversus
thoracis (Origo)
Ramus trapezius
(A. cervic. superfic.)
A., V. suprascapularis
A. subclavia, Ansa
Truncus lymph,
Truncus broncho-
mediastinalis ant.,
Nodi lymph,
N. recurrens. Nodi
lymphat. paratracheales
N. phrenicus, V.
brachiocephalica sin.,
A. pericardia-
Truncus broncho-
mediast. sin. ant., A.,
V., N. intercostalis I
Thymus, A., V.
thymica sup.
N. phrenicus, A.,
V. articul. sternoclavic
V. cava
A., V. vertebralis,
Ductus thoracicus,
A. thyroidea inf.
A = M. laryngopharyng.
D = M. thyrohyoid.
E = M. sternothyroid.
F = M. cricothyroid.
G = M. sternocleidomast.
H = M. subclavius
J = M. intercost. int.
K = M. intercost. ext.
L = M. pect. major
M = M. scalen. ant.
N = M. scalen. med.
O = M. levator scap.
P = M. trapezius
Q = Membr. thyrohyoidea
l.,2. = 1 .,2. Costae
Fig. 278. The sternocleidomastoid region, vessels, and nerves in the area of the
superior thoracic aperture.
Dissection of the thyroid gland, the cupula of the pleura, the large vessels, and
nerves, and demonstration of
continuity with structures in the mediastinum by partial resection of the 1 st and
2nd ribs as well as the manub¬
rium of sternum.
A., V. trans-
versa colli -
A. thyr. inf.,
Ansa subclavia
A., V. suprascapul.,
N. subclavius
Nodi lymph,
paratrach., A. subclavia
R. card, sup., A.
artic. sternoclav.
A. thorac. int.
V.jugul. ext
A. articul. sternoclav.
Aorta desc., V.
hemiazygos accessoria
N. thoracicus
longus, A., V.
R. cricothyr. (A. thyr. sup.), Ganglion cervic. medium, N. card, cervic. sup.
A. thorac. int.,
ant. dext.
N. vagus, N.
recurrens sin.
V. jugul. ext.
N. phrenicus
V. vertebralis
, Ductus thorac.
(influens), N.
recur rens, A.,
V. suprascap.
N. vagus, R.
card, medius,
Vv. thyr.
V. vertebralis,
Nodus lymph .,
mediast. ant.
N. phrenicus, A.
V. thoracica int., N.
card, cervic. inf., R.
card. inf. (X)
V. brachioceph.
N. phrenicus,
N. phren. access. (C 5 )
V., N. intercost. II /
i /
A., V. thy mica sup. j
C 4 , N. phrenicus
Sternum (Corpus)
A = M. thyrohyoideus
B = M. omohyoideus
(Venter sup.)
C = M. sternohyoideus
D = Membrana thyrohyoidea
E = M. thyrohyoideus
F = M. sternothyroideus
G = M. cricothyroideus
H = Isthmus glandulae
J = M. scalenus ant.
K = M. omohyoideus
L = M. trapezius
M = M. intercostalis int.
N = Pleura costovertebralis
O = M. pectoralis minor
P = M. pectoralis major
Q = M. subclavius
R = Pulmo dexter
S = M. scalenus medius
T = M. levator scapulae
I, II = Costa prima, secunda
Fig. 279. Topography of the superior thoracic aperture and the deep neck region
after removal of the manubrium
of sternum, and resection of the sternal ends of the 1st and 2nd ribs. The arch of
the aorta.
Os hyoideum
Trachea —
V. thyroidea ima
Truncus brachiocephalicus
V. brachiocephalica
Aorta ascendens
A. carotis ext.
— — V. jugularis int.
- Sinus caroticus
A. thyroidea inf.
3 ._ plexus brachialis
- Gangl. cervicothoracicum
——Ductus thoracicus,
A. transversa colli
A. subclavia sinistra
Pulmo sinister
Fig. 280. Neurovascular structures of the deep neck region; opening of the thoracic
duct into the venous angle
N. thoracicus longus,
Lacuna scalena post.
N. cervic. VI (R. ventr.)
. accessorius
i i ;
| I
V.jugul. ant.
V.jugul. ext.
Fig. 281. Transverse section through the neck at the level of the isthmus of the
thyroid gland and
the 7th cervical vertebra. Illustration of the viscera, the cervical neurovascular
bundles, and the
perivisceral compartments in cross section. The cut edges of the fasciae are black.
Fascia cervicalis
(Lam. superfic.)
A., V. suprascapul.
(R. cutan.)
Angulus venosus
N. occipit. minor
Fascia cervicalis^
N. accessorius . \
M. levator scapulae \
M. trapezium
V. auric, post.
N. auricul. magn.
N. auricul. magnus
V. facialis
. jugul. ext.
ft. transversus
/colli (R. sup.)
.jugul. ant.
Truncus subclav.,
N. transversus
colli (R. inf.)
Fascia cervicalis
(Lamina media)
M. omohyoideus (Tendo)
R. omohyoid.
Fascia cervicalis
(Lamina superfic.)
Fig. 282. Blood vessels and nerves in the lateral neck region, particularly in the
supraclavicular area.
The lateral cervical fascial compartment has been opened.
Fig. 283. Blood vessels, nerves, and muscles in the posterior triangle of the neck.
The brachial plexus and subclavian artery are seen in the space between the
anterior and middle scalenes.
\ . . . . ■ - - /
Fig. 284. Ventrolateral aspect of the neck after removal of skin and platysma
showing nerves and blood vessels in the supraclavicular
region. The fascial compartment between the middle and superficial laminae of the
cervical fascia has been opened by reflecting the latter.
V. jugul. int.
N. dorsalis scapulae
Nn. supraclavicul. intermedii
N. suprascapul., Clavicula, V. transversa colli
Vv. jugul. ext., A., V. cervical, superf., N. thoracicus longus
Ansa cervic. (R. sternohyoideus), Aa. cervic. ascend., Vv. thyroid, med.
i V. jugul. ant.
Glandula thyroidea, A., V. thyroid inf.
N. phrenicus
Nn. supraclavicul.
N. accessor. (Radices)
/ M. styloglossus
N. occipit. minor
N. auricul. magnus
N. transversus colli
M. omohyoideus
V. jugul. ant.
Fig. 285. Deep structures on the lateral aspect of the neck. Dissection of the
sternocleidomastoid region and the
infrahyoid area of the anterior neck region. Demonstration of the continuity of
structures in the sternocleidomas¬
toid region with those in the lateral neck region, and in the carotid and
retromandibular fossae, after partial resec¬
tion of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the infrahyoid and posterior group of
suprahyoid muscles. The upper
cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus are reflected laterally and fixed by
Truncus sympathicus
N. cardiac,
cervic. inf. et sup
R. cardiac, inf. (X
oracicus longus,^,
V. thoracica lat.
brachial is
Nn: cutanei
brachii med.
N. vertebralis, A. vertebralis
R. cricothyroid.,
'A. thyroid, sup.
N. cardiac, cervicalis
N. recurrens dext.,
N. cardiac, cervic.
N. cardiacus sup. (R. a
Ansa subclavia,
N. cardiac, sup. (R
Ganglion cervicale
Vv. thyroid, imae
N. accessorius
A. suprascapularis, N. subclavius,
N. thoracodorsalis
\ A. transversa
A. subclavia,
Nn. thoracici ant.''
I. subscapularis v
V. cephalica,
accessoria ^
N. axillaris,
tr. pectorales
rac. supremae
N. cardiacus
med. (Rr. ant.)
Discus artic.
^ sternoclavicul.,
Lig. interclavicu
N. radialis
i imeri post.,
N. ulnaris
Fig. 286. Vessels and nerves in the lower neck region, in the scalenovertebral
trigone, in the superior thoracic
aperture, in the posterior triangle, and in the axilla. The right lobe of the
thyroid gland has been reflected to the left,
and the common carotid a. and int. jugular v. have been separated from each other
so that the deep structures of the
scalenovertebral triangle may be seen: inferior thyroid a., vertebral a. (origin).
The bulb of the int. jugular v. has
| carofls 1n h
A. meningea
Lig. sphenomandibulare,
A. carotis int., N.
glossopharyngeus, vagus,
A. maxillaris, N. facialis,
A. occipitalis, N. hypoglossus
Ganglion cervicale sup., A. facialis
A. sternocleidomastoidea
N. laryngeus sup., A. lingualis
N. phrenicus, A.,
V. thoracica int.
cervic. sup., Trunc. symp.
R. cardiacus sup.
r A. temporalis superfic.,
N. auriculotemporalis
A. tympanica ant.
Proc. styloideus
N. occipitalis minor
R. communicans: Ganglion
cervicale sup. - C 3 , C 2
Ansa cervical, superfic.
N. vertebralis, N. accessorius
A., V. vertebralis ^
Ansa subclavia -j
Plexus brachial is ^
Angulus ven.
dexter, N. phren.
access. ( C 5 )
N. recurrens, R.
cardiacus inf.,
Tr. brachiocephal. — •]
N. dorsalis scapulae
/ A. cervicalis asc., N. phrenicus
/ N. thoracicus longus
Ganglion stellatum, R.
communicans Th u 'A., V. vertebr.
A. cervicalis prof.,
A. intercostalis
✓ V. jugularis ext.,
A. transversa colli
A. cervicalis superfic.
et suprascapul.
- Truncus costocer-
vicalis, V.
jugularis int.
- Ansa subclavia,
A. subclavia
- A. carotis comm,
sin., N. vagus sin.
A = M. longus capitis
J = M. sternocleidomastoid.
, B 3 = M. longus colli
nerves 2—8
C = M. levator scapulae
+ = costotransv. proc. of
D = M. scalenus med.
M = M. stylopharyngicus (cut);
E = M. scalenus ventr.
N = M. styloglossus (cut);
F = M. trapezius
O = M. stylohyoideus (cut);
G = Mm. intercostales
H = M. subclavius
Fig. 287. Cervical and axillary neurovascular bundle from front. Blood vessels and
nerves in the
N. facialis, N.
N. accessorius,
Parotis, M. digastricus
N. glossopharyngeus,
vagus, accessorius
N. hypoglossus
Sinus sigmoideus,
Sulcus a. occipit.
Os occip.,
^M. digastricus
Rr. communicantes - ~
'Membrana tectoria
' Capsula artic. intervertebralis
N. phremeus -
A. carotis comm., I
V.jugul. int., N. vagus —
M. scalenus post.
Lig. flavum
sLig. longitud. post.
M. omohyoideus, Fascia
cervic. (Lam. media)
V. suprascap.,
Spatium (interfasc.)
supraclavicul. ~-
A. suprascap.,
M. subclavius -
Plexus brachia-
lis, A. subclavia^
A. trans-
versa colli
M. scale¬
nus postedI
_ M. iliocostalis cervicis
M. semi spinal,
cervicis, M. multifidus
Cl = Clavicula;
St = M. sternocleidomastoideus (cut);
Fig. 288. Cervical vertebral canal opened from behind with the contents removed.
M. trapezius (Fascia)
M. trapezius (Aponeurosis)
M. trapezius
M. occipitalis
M. occipitalis
M. splenius capitis
N. supraclavicul. lat.
/ V. azygos nuchae
M. semispinalis capitis,
N. occip. maj.
M. sternocleidomast.
(Margo tendinis)
M. auricularis post.,
N. auricularis post.
M. splenius cervicis
N. occipitalis minor
Nodi lymphat. cervicales
profundi (subfasciales)
N. auricularis magnus
V. jugul. externa
N. transversus colli
N. accessorius
N. cut. cervicis,
V. cervic. subcut.
Fig. 289. Superficial layer of the posterior neck and occipital regions. Left:
subcutaneous structures and super¬
ficial lamina of the cervical fascia. Right: superficial muscles and overlying
vessels and nerves, particularly in
1 mus cervicis
I V. azygos dorsi
Lig. nuchae
M. semispinalis capitis
JL... /
M. auricul. post.
A., V. occipitalis
N. occipitalis III
N. auricularis post.
N. occipitalis min.
M. longissimus capitis
N. occipitalis min.
Ramus ad m. splenium
_ N. auricul. magn.,
N. dors, scapulae
Nn. supraclavicul
M. splenius cerv.,
N. cervic. V. et VI (Rami)
M. scalenus med. et po
A. cervic. prof.
* M. longiss. cervicis
M. levator scap.,
A. transv. colli
(R. desc.)
N. accessorius
M. trapezius
M. rhomboideus maj.
M. longissimus capitis
\ \ -41
.. \
M. semispin, cervic.
M. longiss. cap. s
N. occipit. maj. N
M. splenius cap. s
n jKvv
% '
A., V. occipitalis
A. occip.
M. sternocleidomastoideus
N. occip. min
- M. digastricus
M. levat. scap.
N. supraclav. lat.
Plexus brachialis
/ / N. thorac. u / /
/ / (R- dors.) j j
/ / M. semispin, thoracis I
/ / Lig. supraspinalel
/ M. semispin. cerv.
M. longiss. et
iliocost. cervicis
\ \ “ ' .
M. intercost. ext.
Fig. 291. Deep posterior neck region with blood vessels and nerves. Dissection of
the deep (intrinsic) muscle
layers down to the skeletal level. Left: exposure of the longissimus capitis and
cervicis muscles, and the iliocostalis
cervicis as well as the semispinalis cervicis, and the small muscles of the
suboccipital triangle, after reflection of the
semispinalis capitis. Right: dissection of the deepest layer, the multifidus
Sinus occip.
I Sinus transversus
M. semispinalis cervicis / 1
Ligg. flava
Nn. supraclaviculares
V. emissaria condyloidea
A., V. occipitalis
/ | 1 M. iliocostalis cervicis
I M. semispinalis cervicis
A. intercost, suprema (R. dors.)
N. suboccipitalis N
N. supraclav. lot.,
A. transv. colli \
N. dors. scap.
M. splenius capitis
M. longissimus capitis
N. occipitalis minor
N. accessorius
N. auricularis magnus
Vv. intervertebrales (Rete
__ foraminis intervertebr.), /
prof. (R. spinalis meninge
M. scalenus post., A., V. <
Fig. 292. Opened cervical part of the vertebral canal and the posterior cranial
fossa from behind. Dissection of ex¬
tradural structures, and the spinal and cranial dura mater. The laminectomy was
performed in such a manner that
the vertebral arches were sawed through behind the articular processes on the left
side, and in front of the same on
the right side. The right intervertebral foramina have been opened so that the
roots and ganglia of the cervical
nerves may be seen. The scalene muscles are retained on both sides, and the
branching of the cervical plexus is
Proc. spinosus
Cavum suborachnoideale
Dura mater spin
Glia marginalise
Pia mater -
Lig. denticulatum
Proc. artic. inf. -
Proc. transv.
A. spinalis ant.
(N. sinuvertebralis)
1 Septum interradiculare
Light gray
Fig. 293. Transverse section through the cervical vertebral column and the contents
of the vertebral canal: the spi¬
nal cord and its investing membranes in cross section. Section through the body of
the 4th cervical vertebra; on the
right at the level of the transverse process, on the left somewhat deeper. On the
left side the cut passes through the
Sinus transversus
M. trapeh
\ M. levator scapulae
I M. rhomboideus
V. emissaria condyloidea
A., V. occipitalis ^
M. splenius capitis
M. longissimus capitis
M. levator
Plexus cervicalis
Vermis cerebelli
Arachnoidea, Hemisphaerium cerebe
A. cerebelli inf. post.
—Cisterna cerebellomedull
Os occipitale
~ M. iliocostalis cervici
/ /
Plexus brachialis I
^ V. emissaria mastoidea
M. sternocleidomastoideus
M. splenius cervicis
Dura mater spin., Plexus ven
- vertebr. int., V. intervertebr.
Foramen intervertebr.
— M. longissimus cervicis
N. accessorius
N. auricularis ma\
V.jugul. ext.
Arcus vert, ce
Vet VI
— Nn. supracla
Truncus cc
transv. <
cervic. s
Fig. 294. Opened cervical vertebral canal and posterior cranial fossa seen from
behind. The arachnoid sac, roots,
and branches of the cervical spinal nerves are exposed by opening the
intervertebral foramina. The internal ver¬
tebral venous plexus and its external connections as well as the vertebral a. are
illustrated. The cervical plexus and
Plexus chorioid. \ j
Folium vermis
Dura mater
A. basilaris
Falx cerebelli
"" A. cerebelli inf. post.
Tonsil la cerebelli
Membrana atlantooccipit.
Lig. apicis dentis '
Decussatio pyramidum,
Septum arachnoid, spin.
Fig. 295. Contents of the cervical vertebral canal and the adjacent portion of the
cranial cavity in a median section.
Cut surfaces of the cervical cord, brainstem, and cerebellum are colored yellow.
The arrow indicates the position of
the needle when doing a cisternal puncture; the tip of the needle is in the
cerebellomedullary cistern and points
approximately toward the median aperture of the 4th ventricle.
.Sinus transv.
R. dors
— R. ventr.
Ganglion spin.
N. cervic. VIII
Lobulus biventer
Foramen mastoid.,
Sinus sigmoideus
Proc. mastoideus
N. cervical is II (retroartic.)
N. cervicalis III
A. vertebr.
Lig. denticulat.
Lig. denticulatum,
N. hypoglossus
A. vertebr.
Condylus occipit. -
Proc. pterygoid.
Fig. 296. The cervical portion of the spinal cord in situ within the vertebral
canal with the associated parts of the
brain, in a sagittal projection, and viewed from behind. The posterior wall of the
vertebral canal and the cranial cav¬
ity are drawn translucent. The dural sac (black) and the arachnoidal sac (blue)
appear as if cut in a frontal plane so
that the spinal cord and the dorsal roots of the cervical nerves and the adjacent
cranial nerves can be seen in this pro¬
jection. The course of the vertebral a. is indicated.
Pedunculus cerebellaris sup.
vertebr.(v. intervertebr.).
Falx cerebelli, .
Sinus occipitalis —
A., V, occipitalis, M. fm
semispinalis cap. •■-v
Vv. cerebellares inf. _
Vermis cerebelli,
Dura mater -
Arachnoidea — Jl
Membrana tectoria
(Tela choroidea) ventriculi IV
A., V. occipitalis -
M. splenius capitis —
A/1. longissimus capitis-
A/1. splenius cervicis -
N. cervic. II (R- ventr.) —
N. accessorius
Plexus cervicalis
I V. cervicalis prof.
f Proc. articul. sup.,
jmca/is superf.
loter spinalis,"-,
yen. vertebr. int.
’ors. scapulae
,A. transv
V. emissaria mastoidea
N. glossopharyngeus, vagus,
accessorius (Radix spin, et cerebi
Ventriculus IV (Taenia)
N. hypoglossus, R. communicans
r— N. vagus (Ganglion inf), N. laryr
A/1, sternocleidomastoideus
N. access.
_ N. accessorius (Radix
N. auricular is magnus
N. phrenicus, A. cervi
^ Lig. denticulatum,
M. scalenus ant.
A. vertebr., N. vertc
* (Roc
N. thoracicus
x A. transvers
N. dors, sea
L M. levator sc
Fig. 297. Opened vertebral canal and posterior cranial fossa from behind. The dura
and arachnoid have been re¬
moved in order to show the cervical spinal nerves and their roots, branches, spinal
ganglia, the cervical plexus, the
entire course of the vertebral a. in the neck, and the vertebral venous plexus. The
right hemisphere of the cerebel¬
lum has been removed to show the rhomboid fossa, the crura of cerebellum, and the
arachnoidal course of VII,
VIII, IX, X, and XI.
sub tentorio
medullaris (aer)
Os occipitale
Atlas (Tuber-
culum post.)
M. splenius
Sinus sigmoideus
A., V. occipitali$ \ \
M. longissimus capitis /
N. abducens
\ IX, X, XI
\ \ N .trigeminus
N. vestibulocochlearis,
N. facialis, N. intermedius
M. digastricus
Rr. communicantes:
N. cervic. I et II
M. sternoc/eidomast.,
N. access.
Rr. pharyngei
(X, IX et trunc. sympath.)
N. accessorius
..J\. occipitalis,
M. digastricus
- N. accessorius,
M. sternoc/eidomast.,
A., V. pharyngeaasc.,
N. jugularis,
N. caroticus int.
Raphe pharyngis -
M. constrictor pharyngis inf.-
Plexus nerv. pharyngis, Rr. pharyngei
Trigonum Laimeri __
Adventitia pharyngis -J
Mandibula (Angulus),
Nodus lymphat.
x A. carotis int., V. jugularis int.
N 'N. laryngeus sup.
_ Gland, thyroidea
Fig. 299. Dissection of the posterior pharyngeal wall and the neurovascular bundle
from behind
after removal of the cervical vertebral column.
N. accessorius
N. glossopharyng
A. meningeapost., R. mening. X
Gang/, sup. (X), R. medialis XI, \
Gland, thyroidea
Glomus caroticum f
M. constrictor pharyngis inf. /
R. cardiac, sup.
N. access.
Sinus caroticus X
A. facialis ''
A. lingualis X
Truncus symp. X
N. facial.,
A. stylomastoid.
— N. carot. int.,
A. pharyng.
asc., N. jugul.
■A. occipit.,
M. digastricus
N. glossopharyng.,
N. accessorius
Spatium parapharyng.
M. stylohyoideus
M. digastricus,
A. occipitalis -
N. hypoglossus —
N. carot. int.
N. jugularis
R. pharyng. IX
N. glossopharyng.
Mandibula (Angulus)
Lig. stylomandib.
N. sinus carotid
V. jugul. int.
V. retromandib.
Fig. 300. Dissection of pharynx and the neurovascular bundles up to the cranial
base, from behind.
The section passes through the base of the cranium at the level of the jugular
Vessels and nerves of the pharyngeal space.
V. jugularis int.
A. occipitalis
M. pierygopharyng.
I i N. trigeminus
i l /
M. palatopharyng.
Aponeurosis phar. /
M. pharyngoepiglotticus /
Gland, thyroidea
Tunica mucosa
^ Trachea
A. occipitalis
M. splenius -
N. pterygoideus medialis
N. caroticus int. - -
N. lingualis,
N. alveolaris inf.
M. digastricus
M. pharyngotubarius '
N. facialis,
Foramen stylomast.
. sternocleidomastoid.,
N. accessorius
N. hypoglossus, Ggl. cervic.
sup., Rami anast. cum n.
cervic. I et II, A. pharyngea asc. '
A. palatina asc.,
N. accessorius, /
M. sternocleidomast. y
Par otis
R. digastricus (VII),
Parotis, A.
-N. accessorius,
A. sternocleidomastoidea
(A. occipit.)
M. digastricus
M. sternocleidomastoideus
V.jugul. int., N. vagus
N. hypoglossus
M. azygos uvulae
(dexter et sinister)
Plica aryepiglottica
Fig. 301. Pharynx opened from behind, showing on the left the muscle layers of the
wall from the inside, as well as the musculature of the soft palate.
Tuberc. pharyngeum, Membrana pharyngobasilaris
Os sphenoidale As
(Spina angularis) gj
Proc. pterygoideus
Membrana pharyngobasilaris
Ligam. sphenomandib.
M. pterygoideus lat.,
M. temporalis- fj||
M. levator v. palat.-
M. stylohyoideus
M. pterygoideus medial is -
M. stylophar. --
M. styloglossus-
Hamulus pterygoideus,
M. pharyngopalatinus -
M. pterygoideus medialis
M. palatoglossus
Spatium intermusculare
M. uvulae
Gland, linguales
Ligam. stylohyoideum
Cart. thyr. (Cornu sup.)
Cartilagotubae audit.,
Recessus phar.
~ Membrana pharyngobasil.
M. pharyngotubarius,
Ostium phar. tubae
M. palatopharyngeus
Arcus cric. 4
- M. pharyngoepiglotticus
Cartilago cricoidea
Fig. 302. Muscles of the pharynx and palate seen from behind and inside after
removal of the mucosa.
Tonsilla pharyngea
M. palatopharyng. v
Tunica mucosa
^Tunica mucosa
Glandulae palatinae
.Os pterygoideum (Homulus)
-Tonsilla palat.
L - -Papilla parotidea
jm retropharyng.''
Tonsilla palat.'
N. glossopharyng., *
A/1, glossopalat. j
M. glossopharyng. •
Lig. thyroepiglott.
- M. buccopharyng.
~~M. buccinator
Raphe pterygomandib.
M. mylohyoideus
a • ” Caruncula sublingualis,
Ductus submandib.
A., N. sublingualis
M. genioglossus
v/VI. geniohyoid.
s > M. mylohyoid.
Gland, thyroidea
Fig. 303. Median section through the facial skeleton and pharynx. Left half of the
section. Dissection
of the muscular layer of the pharyngeal wall from the inside, the nerves and
vessels at the base of the
tongue, of the tonsillar region, and in the region of the auditory tube opening.
The halved tongue has
N. facialis, A. stylomast.,
A., N. auric, post^
A. occipitalis
N. glossopharyng.,
A. meningeapost. -
N. hypoglossus
N. hypoglossus, A. lingualis,
M. hyopharyng
N. tensoris v. p.
Raphe pterygomandib.,
Hamulus pterygoid.
M, buccopharyng., N. lingualis
(R. isthmi faucium)
M. , N. mylohyoideus,
N. lingualis
M. mylopharyngeus
A. facialis, Ganglion
N. glossopharyng., A. dorsalis
linguae (A. palatina asc.)
N.,A. sublingualis
M. chondroglossus, A. lingualis
Ductus submandib.,
N. lingualis
N. caroticus int.,
A. mening. access.
N. sphenoideus int.
1 = M. styloglossus
2 = M. glossopharyng. (cut)
3 = M. palatoglossus (cut)
4 = M. pharyngopalat. (cut)
5 = M. stylopharyng.
9 = M. splenius cap.
10 = M. longissimus cap.
11= M. sternocleidomastoideus
12 = M. buccinator
Fig. 304. Parapharyngeal structures seen from the medial aspect after removal of
the pharyngeal wall. Dissection
of the cervical neurovascular bundle up to the base of the skull. The infratemporal
region with the branching of the
mandibular nerve, the otic ganglion, the large salivary glands, and the course of
the lingual and glossopharyngeal
N. facialis,
A. stylomastoid.
N. masse-
oticum, N.
sphenoid, int.
N. tympanic.,
A. tympanica inf.
R. anastomot.:
N. facialis-
N. glossopharyng _
A. meningea post.
(A. occip.)
N. glossopharyng.,
A. pharyng. asc.
tympani (Um¬
bo), Manubrium
i i
! j N. tensoris tymp.
i ill
N. temporalis
N. alveol. inf.,
N. mylohyoi-
N. lingualis
M. levator
veli pal at.
M. stylohyoid. --
M. sternocleidomastoid.,
N. vagus -/
N. sinus carotid /7
N. glossopharyng.
/ / / M. buccopharyng.
/ / A. palatina asc.
/ M. styloglossus
M. stylopharyng., Lig. stylohyoid.
M. tensor
veli palat.
M. ptery-
Rhaphe ptery-
N. pterygoid.
N. pterygoid,
med., N. ten¬
sor is veli pal.,
M. tensor v. p.
N. buccalis,
A. maxi I laris
2 = Os tympanicum, Crista
tympanica 7 =
3 = Processus styloideus
4 = M. digastricus 8 =
5 = M. sternocleidomast.
M. buccinator
Fig. 305. Tympanic cavity and auditory tube. Area of the otic ganglion as well as
nerves and blood vessels on the
base of the skull. The external auditory meatus, the tympanic cavity, and the
auditory tube have been opened from
the lateral side. The main branches of the mandibular n. were cut, the optic
ganglion reflected upward, and the
1st rib
2nd rib
cranial nerves V-Xll
M. longissimus cap.
M. splenius cap.
M. digastricus
M. sternocleidomast.
M. trapezius
M. serratus ant.
M. supraspinatus
M. levator scap.
Me, mh. Ml
M. erector spinae
Mm. intercostales
M. scalenus ant.
P 2
M. scalenus med.
cupula of pleura
Pu = lung
Tr = Trachea
1 = Ductus thoracicus
Communicating ramus to
1st thoracic n.
8 = N. dors, scapulae
and thoracale I)
10 = N. intercostalis I, A. intercostalis
12 = N. thorac. long.
13 = Mi suprascapularis
14 = Plexus brachialis
15 = A. transversa colli
16 = A. thyroidea inf.
17 = Nn. supraclaviculares
retracted laterally.
Sinus sigmoideus
N. accessorius (R. lat.) j
Raphe pharyngis,
Membrana pharyngobasilaris
R. commun
Rr. communicantes:
:ervic. I et II - N. hypoglr~
Rr. communicantes:
Ganglion cervic. sup. — _
Nn. cervic. II et III
(Rr. pharyngei)
Truncus sympathy
N. cardiacus cervic. sup.,
V. jugul. extr
•— A., V. occipitalis
Proc. styloideus, M. stylohyoid.
F—— N. vagus
■— N. caroticus int.
K N. hypoglossus
"* N. glossopharyng.
N. jugularis
Ganglion inf. (X)
N. accessorius
v N. occipit. min.
N. auricul. magn.
N. phrenicus
- - 13
N. transversus colli
Srr— 17
‘ 16
6 --
Truncus sympath.
N. vagus
Hamulus pterygoid.,
Raphe pterygomandib.
A. palatina
M. constrictor
pharyngis sup.
Rr. praeauriculares
A. auricular is prof.,
N. auriculotemp .'
A., N. infraorbitalis
A. auricularis
Rr. comm.:
N. facialis
N. auriculotemp.
N. facialis,
A. stylomastoid.
A. auricularis
A. pharynycu. ujl.,
Rr. pharyngei IX et X
N\. stylopharyngeus -
A. carofis ext.,
Ai. styloglossus
N. accessorius
N. mylohyoideus'''
Lig. stylomandib.'''
N. vagus
M. stylohyoideus (Insertio)
Ansa cervicalis
M. buccinator,
Gland, buccales
A., N. buccalis,
Ductus parotideus
N. lingualis
'' A. submentalis
Glandula submandib., A. facialis
R. thyrohyoid. (XII), M. thyrohyoid.
Membrana thyrohyoidea
M. sternohyoideus
Fig. 307. Blood vessels and nerves of the deep face region and the neurovascular
bundle of the neck.
Blood vessels and nerves of the pterygoid region are exposed after resection of the
zygomatic arch and the
A., N. massetericus
A. meningea media ’
A. maxill. \ i
' \
A. auricul. prof.
A., V. tempor. superf.,
N. auriculotempor.
N. facialis ,
A. stylomastoid.
O Cartil. meatus
+ Proc. styl.
Glomus caroticum
A. lingualis
N. glossopharyng.
A. carotis comm.,
N. infraorbitalis
' M. omohyoideus
"M. sternohyoideus
M. stylopharyng.
/ M. I N. pterygoid. I at.
z N. tensor is veli palatini, Gang!,
R. zygomaticotemp.
Lig. pterygospinale,
N. pterygoid, med.
• • Arcus zygo-
x Proc. ptery¬
goid. (Lam. lat.)
'A., V.,N.
buccal is.,
M. bucci¬
+ Par otis
M. pterygoid, med.
Raphe pterygomandib.,
Hamulus pteryg.
N - N. mentalis
M. stylohyoideus
A. pharyng. asc.
A. carotis ext.
N. glossopharyng. -
M. sternocleidomastoid.,
N. access. -
N. hypoglossus --
Fig. 308. Dissection of the cervical neurovascular stalk up to the base of the
Division of the mandibular n. into its branches.
N. mandib.
A. meningea access.
N. auriculotempor.,
A. auricularis prof.
A. makill.
/ A., N. infraorbital is
„ Ganglion oticum,
N. pterygoid, lat.
^ N. pterygoideus med.,
N. tensoris veli palat.
mandib. _
A. carotis
N. facialis, A.
A. auricularis-
A. pharyngea asc.
-- C art i I ago
(Paries membr.)
M. pterygo-
M. digastr., M. stylohyoid
M. sternocleidomastoid.,
N. access r-"
A. carotis int.„--
A. pharyngea asc.--"'
A. carotis ext.
M. stylopharyng., .
N. glossopharyng.'
A. facialis ^
Lig. stylohyoideum-'^'
A. palatina asc./'
M. glossopharyng
A. lingualis,''
M. hyopharyng, f
Ansa cervicalis''
Membrana thyrohyoidea /
M. laryngopharyng. /
M. hyoglossus, N. hypoglossus
M. stylohyoideus, M. digastr
Os pterygoid.
M. palatopharyng.
Raphe pterygomandibularis
V s M. palatoglossus
' M. mylopharyng.
'' A. submentalis
Glandula submandib., A. facialis
Nn M. styloglossus
M. sternohyoideus
M. omohyoideus
M. thyrohyoid., R. thyrohyoideus n. hypoglossi
Fig. 309. Structures of the neck from the lateral side. The cervical vertebral
column has been removed; the
zygomatic arch and the ramus of the mandible have been cut, the former in front and
in the back, and removed with
the muscles of mastication after disarticulation of the temporomandibular joint.
With maximal depression of the
mandible, access is gained to a large area of the lateral pharyngeal wall.
N. mandib.
N. buccalis
N. facialis (Truncus ) k
. A., N. alveolar,
N. auricular is post., M.
N. infraorbitalis
A. maxillaris ^
M. sternocleidomastoid.,
N. glossopharyng., R. pharyng.
N. laryng. sup.
N. hypoglossus
A. occipitalis „
N. laryng.
N. sinus carotid
Glomus carot.
(Paraganglion carot.).
A. lingualis, M. hypopharyng. „
M. stylohyoid., M. digastri -
c us, M. hyoglossus __
V. jugul. int .,
N. vagus^
Truncus sympathy
Raphe pterygo-
mandib., Hamu¬
lus pterygoid.,
M. tensor veli
palat. (Tendo)
Periosteum, Mandib.
Ganglion submandib.,
M styloglossus,
M. glossopharyng.
N. sublingualis
Glandula sublingual.,
A. maxillaris
A. carotis comm.,
Ansa cervic. (Radix sup.)
A. thyroid, sup.,
Ramus omohyoid.
N. laryngeus sup.'
M. laryngopharyng.
Glandula submandib.,
A. facialis''
\ /
,.M. buccinator
Ductus parotideus
M. glosso- et
"Proc. uncinat.
. geniohyoideus
mental is
Lig. pterygospinale
N. mylohyoid.
Fig. 310. Dissection of the right cervical neurovascular bundle. The right half of
the body of the mandible has been
sawed through in a parasagittal plane, freed subperiosteally, and retracted
downward with the mylohyoid m. in or¬
der to expose structures in the sublingual region (anomalous course of the
maxillary a. medial to the mandibular
nerve trunk; the ascending pharyngeal a. arises here from the internal carotid a.).
View of the course and branches
of the maxillary a.
M. masseter
Aponeurosis palatina
mandibulae, Parotis-
M. zygomatico-
M. palatopharyngeus
Tunica mucosa
M. buccinator
(Pars buccophar.),
asc.- (R. to ns ill.), Plexus pharyng.
M. masseter
(Pars mylophar.)
M. glossopharyng.
Raphe pterygomandibul.
M. buccinator
(buccinator muscle)
Fig. 311. Topographical relationships and blood supply of the palatine tonsil;
dissection of the palatine
Rete venosum
Aponeurosis palat.,
Palatum molle
A. pharyngea asc.
Lig. sphenomandib. -
Parotis (Proc.
Lig. stylomandib.
Fascia cervic.
(Lamina praevertebr.)
M. longus colli
M. styloglossus,
A. palatina asc.-
M. stylopharyng
M. hyopharyng.
pharyngis med.),
N. glosso-
pharyngeus, Lig.
Tunica mucosa
M. palatopharyng.''
M. pharyngoepiglott.''
'M. buccinator,
Papilla parotidea
M. buccopharyng.,
N. lingualis (R. isthmi faucium)
N. lingualis, M. mylopharyng.
~M. palatoglossus,
A. dors, linguae
(A. palatina asc.)
- Glandula et ganglion
Ductus submandib.,
Ductus sublingual, major
Glandula sublingualis,
Ductuli sublinguales min.
• V. sublingualis
-M. genioglossus
- M. geniohyoideus
‘M. mylohyoideus
M. mylohyoideus
Cartilago cricoidea
N. hypoglossus, V. comitans
Fig. 312. Median section through the facial skeleton and the pharynx. Dissection of
the pharyngeal and palatine
musculature from the inside; vessels and nerves in the tubal and sublingual
- Tonsilla et bursa pharyngea
Recessus pharyngeus
Tonsilla palatina
Tonsilla lingualis
Tonsilla tubaria
Plica pharyngotubalis
Folliculi lymphatici
Tonsilla lingualis
- Tonsilla laryngea
Fig. 313. The distribution of tonsillar tissue in the mucosa of the upper
respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. The
lymphatic rings near the anterior apertures of the pharynx and the lateral columns
in the pharyngeal wall are
colored blue (semischematic). Pharynx and larynx are opened in the posterior
Septum oesophagotracheale
Basis cranii
Plica salpingopalatina —
-Plica salpingopharyngea
Arcus pharyngopalatinus
Plica aryepiglottica,
Tuberculum cuneiforme et
Plica pharyngoepiglottica,
' N. abducens
N. trigeminus
N. facialis, intermedius,
Fig. 314. Regions of the pharynx and entrance into larynx (aditus). The 3 levels of
pharynx, opened
from behind. The food-conducting channels that run from the isthmus of the fauces,
on both sides of
the epiglottis, over the piriform recess, and then reunite in the esophagus are
indicated by white lines.
\ J \ basilaris, Raphe
\ j \ phar.
— At pharyngotubarius
~~M. constrictor phar. sup.
-At palatopharyngeus,
At constrictor phar.
At stylopharyngeus
Proc. styloideus iB
At pterygoideus lat. ~~
Incisura mandib
At stylohyoideus -
M. pterygopharyngeus — 1
M. pterygoideus medial is -
Ligam. stylomandibulare
M. buccopharyngeus
At styloglossus -'
Ligam. stylohyoideum
At stylohyoideus, At digastricus
M. glossopharyngeus
M. hyoglossus
Spatium intermusculare
At hyopharyngeus, Os hyoid. (Cornu majus) y y
Ligam. thyrohyoideum lat'
A1. thyropharyngeus ..
‘At glossopharyngeus
- At pharyngoepiglotticus
■Membrana thyrohyoidea
M. aryepiglotticus
M. cricopharyngeus
Ligam. cricopharyngeum
Trigonum Laimeri.
- cricoarytaenoideus post.
— Aponeurosis phar.
Fig. 315. The musculature of the pharynx shown from behind. The right half of the
pharynx has been reflected lat¬
erally. On the left side pharyngeal muscles are seen from the outside; on the right
the pharyngeal and palatine mus¬
cles may be viewed from the inside.
N. glossopharyngeus - _
A. lingualis- -
M. glossopalaf.
M. glossopharyng.
' M. hyoglossus
- Lig. stylohyoid.
- M. chondropharyng.
M. pharyngoepiglott.
"" M. palatopharyng.
M. cricopharyngeus
Lig. cricopharyngeum
N., A., V. laryng. sup., Cart. thyr. (Cornu sup.)
Fig. 316. Muscles, vessels, and nerves on the back side of the larynx, in the
posterior tongue region, and in the reg¬
ions of the palatine tonsils and the glossoepiglottic valleculae. Pharynx and
esophagus have been opened from be¬
hind so that a posterior entry may be made into the paralaryngeal submucosal space
after removal of the pharyngeal
mucosa (of the piriform recess). The thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Regio folia!a
M. styloglossus \
M. palatoglossus
M. glossopharyngeus ^
M. palatopharyngeus
M. mylopharyngeus J
Ligam. stylohyoideum- -
A. palatina asc., Rr. tonsillares (IX) —
N. glossopharyngeus *'
M. stylophar
N. hypoglossus ■' ’
M. hyopharyngeus-'
A. thyroidea sup..
A., V. laryngeasup.'
R. commun. n. lingual,
cum n. hypoglosso
A., Vv. linguales
- M. geniogloss. dexter
- N. hypogloss., V. comit. n. h.
A4. hyoglossus
M. hyogloss., A. lingualis
Initium oesophagi''
Rr. oesophagei
A. thyr. inf.
V. thyr. inf..-'"
N. recurrens dexter-''
Oesophagus (Lumen) -
- M. omohyoideus
~~ M. sternothyr.
- - M. sternohyoid.
“' M. sternothyr.
Fig. 317. Dissection of muscles, vessels, and nerves on the ventrolateral aspect of
larynx and pharynx after re¬
moval of the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles, and resection of the thyroid gland.
Muscles, nerves, and vessels at
M. hyoglossus ^
M. longif. linguae inf.
s' N. hypogloss.,
R. anastom. c. n. linguali
Lig. thyroepiglott.
M. thyroarytaen.
- N. laryng. inf.
v ' Trachea
N. hypoglossus, V. comitans n. h.
N. lingualis, M. styloglossus
Tonsillapalal., M. palatoglossus
/VI. glossopharyng., A. lingualis (R. tonsill.)
Ligam. stylohyoideum -
N. glossophar. -
M. laryngophar.
~' A. sublingual.
A., V. lingualis
/VI. hyogloss.
• /VI. mylohyoid.
Lig. hyoepiglott.
---/VI. omohyoid.
— "/VI. sternohyoid.
--Spatium praeepiglott.
— - Epiglottis
Lig. thyrohyoid.
M. arytaenoideus —
Aponeurosis pharyngis
M. cricoarytaenoideus post. -
N. laryngeus inf. (Ram. post.) -
/VI. laryngopharyngeus -
Fig. 318. Deep muscles, vessels, and nerves on the ventrolateral aspect of the
larynx. The thyroid cartilage has
been cut parasagittally and reflected back after freeing it from the underlying
structures without disturbing the
mucosa of the piriform recess and larynx. The hyoglossus m. has been removed in
order to show the course of the
lingual a. and the glossopharyngeal n., as well as the attachment of the stylohyoid
lig. to the lesser horn of the
hyoid bone.
Cartilago cricoidea
Os hyoideum
M. aryepiglotticus
M. arytenoideus
Mm. arytenoidei
M. cricoarytenoideus
Tunica mucosa
Cartilago arytenoidea
Cartilago thyroidea
Lig. hyoepiglotticum
M. arytenoideus
M. cricoarytenoideus post.
Cart, arytenoidea
(Proc. muse.)
M. cricoarytenoideus
M. aryepiglotticus
M. thyroarytenoideui
obliquus (var.)
. thyroarytenoideus
Lig. cricothyroideum
M. cricoarytenoideus lat.
Facies articul. thyroidea
M. cricothyroideus
Corpus adiposum
Cartilago cuneiformis
Lig. thyrohyoideum
Cartilago triticea ^
Tunica mucosa
(Vallecula epiglottica)
Tuberculum cuneiforme
Plica vestibularis
Plica vocal is
M. vocalis
M. cricothyroideus,
(pars recta)
M. cricoarytenoideus
Lig. cricothyroideum
Os hyoideum
(Cornu majus)
Plica aryepiglottica
" epiglotticum
Cartilago thyroidea
(Cornu sup.)
M. arytenoideus transversus
!— M. arytenoideus obliquus
- Conus elasticus
M. cricoarytenoideus post.
Cartilago thyroidea
(Cornu int.)
Fig. 319. (Top, left) Muscles on the dorsal surface of larynx (from
Fig. 321. (Bottom) Larynx opened in the dorsal midline and spread apart by
retractors. The mucosa has been re¬
moved between the vocal fold and the upper edge of the arch of the cricoid
cartilage, and the musculature of the left
side has been dissected from the inside (from Sobotta/Becher).
Margo epiglott.
M. laryngophar.—
Lig. cricopharyng.
M. mylohyoideus
-M. geniohyoideus
Lig. hyoepiglotticum,
■" Cart, epiglott.
___ Os hyoideum
(Cornu majus)
Cart, triticea
Cart corniculata,
Lig. corniculopharyngeum
Lig. ceratocricoideum post
^ Paries membranaceus
M. hyoglossus
M. hyopharyngeus
Spatium paraepiglott.,
Membr. thyrohyoidea
M. arytaenoideus,
M. ary epiglott.
Plica aryepiglottica,
Cart, cuneiformis
i-i g- nyucyigiuLULUUl
Cartil. epiglottica
Membr. thyrohyoidea
Plica aryepiglottica,
Cartil. cuneiformis
Cartil. triticea
M. thyroarytaenoideus (lat.)
M. cricoaryt. lat.
(Proc. muse.)
Lig. cricotracheale
M. cricoarytaen. lat.
Lig. cricotracheale
M. cricothyroideus
Ligg. anularia
Ligg. stylohyoidea
Lig. thyrohyoideum
Spatium praeepiglott.
\ Lig. thyroepiglott.
^ Cartil. thyroidea
\ Ligg. vocalia, Lig. ventric
Cartilago trach.
Cartilago epiglottica
Os hyoideum (Cornu majus) t
Cart triticea
Cart, cuneiformis
Cart, corniculata
Conus elasticus
Lam. cartil.
Trachea (Tunica
/ Lig. stylohyoideum
/ /
ig. hyoepiglott.
Os hyoideum (Corpus)
^ Membr. thyrohyoidea
- Spatium praeepiglott.
Lig. thyroepiglott.
Membrana quadrangularis,
Lig. ventric. sin.
Cart, thyroidea
\ Lig. cricothyroid.
Cart, cricoidea
Lig. anulare
x Cart. trachealis
Fig. 322. (Top, left) Larynx seen from behind. The musculature of pharynx and
larynx has been completely re¬
moved from the right side; the origins and isertions of this musculature as well as
the muscles of the hyoid bone have
been retained on the left side (epiglottis is pulled down somewhat).
Fig. 323. (Top, right) Larynx seen from the side. The right greater horn of the
hyoid and the right half of the
thyroid cartilage with the thyrohyoid membrane are removed. The elastic cone with
the vocal lig., the vocalis m.,
and the quadrangular membrane with the ventricular lig. are seen on the right side.
Fig. 324. (Bottom) Median section through larynx. The mucosa has been stripped of
its epithelium.
Lig. hyoepiglott,
Lig. thyroepiglott."
Arcus cricoid.
Trachea (Lumen)
Lig. anulare —
Lamina cricoidea
^ Spatium oesophagotracheale
Os hyoideum (Corpus)—
Bursa subhyoidea,
thyreohyoidea "
Plica aryepiglottica
-Tuberculum cuneiforme
— Tuberculum cornicul.
~ M. arytaenoideus
Vallecula glossoepiglott.,
Radix linguae
— Cartilago epiglott.
Cartilago epiglott.
M. aryepiglott.
Lig. et m. vocalis
M. thyroarytaenoid. lat.
M. cricoarytaenoid. Iat.\
M. sternothyroideus
M. thyropharyng., A. thyroidea sup
M. cricothyroideus —
Glandula thyroidea —
Cartilago cricoidea -
Cartilago trach. I •
Membrana quadrangul.,
Lig. ventriculare
Rim a vestibuli',
Plica ventricular.
" Trachea
M. thyropharyng.
» ' M. arytaenoideus
Lobus pyramidalis
Fascia cervicalis
uriuago inyroiaea
M. sternohyoideus,
M. thyrohyoideus N
Cartilago arytaenoidea
M. constrictor inf.,
Mm. levatores
M. vocal is x
M. thyroarytaenoid. (lat.)
Processus vocalis,
M. cricoarytaenoideus post.
Mucosa pharyngis
Lamina cricoidea
Fig. 327. (Top) Transverse section through larynx and pharynx at the level of the
Fig. 328. (Middle) Transverse section through the larynx and pharynx at the level
of the vocal
fold (cervical fascia investing the infrahyoid muscles is green).
Fig. 325. (Left, top) Midsagittal section through larynx. The figure illustrates
larynx with the
adjoining part of the trachea and the root of the tongue in med. section (right
half of specimen).
Fig. 326. (Left, bottom) Frontal section through the larynx and the 2 lobes of the
thyroid gland
showing the larynx, the 3 compartments of the laryngeal space, and the adjacent
portion of the
trachea. Anterior half of the specimen seen from behind. On the right side, in the
paralaryngeal space, is seen a markedly expanded appendix of the laryngeal
Arcus pharyngopalatinus,
Fossa supratonsill.
(Plica semilunar .)"
Arcus glossopalatinus
Tonsilla palatina,
Plica triangul
Plica pterygomandibul.
Tonsilla palatina
Dorsum linguae
Plica vocalis
Proc. vocalis
Phar. (Paries
Plica interarytaenoidea
Plica pharyngo-
Plica glosso-epi-
glottica mediana
Plica aryepiglottica
Ventricuius laryngis,
Plica ventricularis
Fig. 329. Laryngoscopic view. With the mouth wide open, protracted tongue, and the
head bent slightly backward,
the mirror has been placed against the soft palate at an angle of approximately 45°
in such a way that the uvula is
completely covered, and the inferior edge of the mirror touches the posterior
pharyngeal wall (illumination “nor¬
mal”). In the mirror the image of the interior of larynx is reversed with anterior
becoming superior, and posterior
becoming inferior.
a) shows the rima glottidis during quiet breathing, triangular in shape, and with
approximately the same appear¬
ance as that seen in a cadaver (intermediate position); b) shows the rima glottidis
during deep inspiration, penta¬
gonal in shape (abduction, respiration position); c) shows rima glottidis
completely closed (adduction, median, or
phonation position); d) shows the aditus of larynx almost completely closed by the
approximation of the small car¬
tilages in the aryepiglottic folds; the epiglottis (free part) is not completely
folded back.
Foramen intervertebr. _
(Rete ven.)~
N. dors. scap.
(7VI. levator scap.)
- Nn. supraclaviculares
Septum interradiculare
Platysma -
Truncus symp.
Jipatium retroviscerale
V. colli mediana
Fig. 330. Transverse section through the neck at the level of the glottis with the
contents of the neural and visceral
compartments. Illustration of the viscera, the cervical neurovascular bundles, and
sheaths in cross section. Plane of
section through the 5th cervical vertebra and the vocal cords. The cut edges of
fasciae, periosteum, and spinal cord
investments are black; those of the neurovascular sheaths are lighter in color.
Membrana thyrohyoidea _
Os hyoideum (Corpus)
Lig. hyoepiglott.
Membrana thyrohyoidea
— (Lig. thyrohyoideum
— Petiolus epiglottidis
— Lig. thyroepiglotticum
Cartilago thyroidea
Lig. ventriculare
Lig. vocale
Lig. cricothyroid.
(Lig. conicum)
— Arcus incoideus
Os hyoideum
Lig. corniculopharyng.
Cartilago cornic
Syndesmosis arycorniculata
Fovea triang., Cartil. arytaenoid. (Apex)
Facies post..
Conus elast.,
Lamina cricoidea —
— Petiolus epiglott.
Membrana thyrohyoidea
Crista arcuat.
Fovea oblonga
Cornu inf.
Membrana thyrohyoidea
Cart. thyr.
(Cornu sup.)
Lig. corniculopharyng.
Cartilago corniculata
Lig. thyroepiglott.
Facies post. _
Lig. ventriculare-
Processus vocalis,
Facies med.
Lig. vocale
Epiglottis (Facies
Ilaryngea = posterior)
Art. cricothyr.
Fig. 331. Skeletal framework and ligaments of larynx, a) Medial view of the left
half, b) Viewed
from front (right arytenoid cartilage is seen through the thyroid cartilage), c)
View from behind.
~— Margo epiglottidis
Plica ventricularis
Tuberculum cuneiforme
Tuberculum corniculafum
Plica (Incisura)
\ .
Plica inlew
Cartil a go
cric., Articul.
(Pars inter¬
cart Hag.)
Arcus cricoid.
Rima glott.
(Pars intermembran.)
Fig. 332. The shapes of rima glottidis as seen on a skeletal preparation and in the
mirror during resting phase (a),
respiratory phase (b), and phonation (c); (d) rima glottidis when whispering; (e)
rima glottidis in falsetto voice.
A/I. vocal is
M. ceratoglossus
A/1, chondroglossus,
Lig. stylohyoid.
A/1, stylohyoid.
A/I. geniohyoi-
A/I. aryepiglott.
A/I. aryepiglott.
A/1, thyroepiglotticus
M. thyroarytaenoid.
M. my/o-
M. sternohyoid
A/1. omohyoid,
M. arytaenoid
Cart. aryt. (Proc. muse.}
M. thyrohyoid.
cricoarytaenoid. lat.
A/I. cricothyroid.
M. cricoarytaenoid.
M. arytaenoid. transv.
A/1, thyro-
pharyng., /
M. cricopharyng.
A/1, sternothyroid.
Fig. 333. Muscles of the larynx and their actions when contracting (arrows).
Os hyoideum (Corpus)
Cartilago arytaenoidea
Fig. 334. Lateral roentgenogram of the soft structures in the laryngeal and
tracheal regions (from
R. Kraus, Heidelberg).
Light violet
Violet =
Fig. 335. The various levels of the larynx and pharynx in midsagittal section
(view of the right half of the specimen).
Fig. 336. (Top, left) Tomogram of larynx (A-P) during pronounciation of the vowel
“u” (depth
of field 16 cm) (from R. Kraus, Heidelberg).
A.R. = oropharynx
P = soft palate
Cl = clivus
E = epiglottis
M = mandible
suction cavity
vocal cavity
This condensed index includes only material found in this volume. A complete and
comprehensive index covering both
volumes of this atlas may be obtained separately from the publisher.
-lateral 190
Antiheiix 203
Antitragus 203
Antrum, mastoid 186
Anvil (incus) 185, 194
Aponeurosis, palatine 311
Aqueduct, cerebral
- of cerebellum 52
- pharyngopalatine 314
- subcallosal 92
- buccal 308
-superior 56
-short 221
- of labyrinth 184
- masseteric 308
- mental 165
- nasofrontal 212
- ophthalmic 84
-greater 311
-lesser 311
- supraorbital 215
- supratrochlear 210
-right 277
-lateral 286
- zygomaticoorbital 210
Articulation, atlantoaxial, lateral 235
- atlantooccipital 235
Auditory tube (Eustach) 195
- mamillary 91, 95
- pineal 94, 96
Bridge (Pons) 95
Bulb, olfactory 152
Bundle(s) (also: fascicle)
- pharyngeal 313
- mental 171
-posterior 188
- cricoid 314
- thyroid 314
Caruncle, lacrimal 205
- sublingual 159
Cavity, tympanic 194
Cells, mastoid 186
Cerebellum 30, 33-35
Chiasm, optic 85, 91
Choanae 314
- interpeduncular 86
Cisterna ambiens 86
Clavicle (collar bone) 231
Cochlea 83, 189, 190
Colliculus, inferior 94, 96
- inferior 94
- posterior 96
- palpebral 205
Cornea 226
- of fornix 92
- of helix 203
- nasolacrimal 206
- sublingual,.greater 163
- submandibular 144,759
- thoracic 280
- uncinate 124
Floccule 95
Fold, aryepiglottic 301, 314, 329
- interarytenoid 314
- pharyngoepiglottic 314
- pterygomandibular 329
- salpingopalatine 314
- salpingopharyngeal 314
- ventricular 329
- vocal 329
Follicle, lingual 313
Foramen, condylar 233
- infraorbital 4, 231
- mental 4, 231
- parietal 52
- of cerebrum, lateral 91
- infratemporal 232
- mandibular 232
303, 304,308,310
-middle 275
-superior 155
- vestibular 184
Gingiva 172
Gland, lacrimal 206
-superior 204
- angular 90
- cingulate 91
- fasciolaris 92
- frontal, middle 90
-superior 90
- occipital 90
- occipitotemporal, lateral 91
-medial 91
- orbital 91
- parahippocampal 91
- precentral 90
- rectus 91
- supramarginal 90
- temporal, inferior 91
- of stirrup 188
Helix 203
-inferior 125
-superior 125
- spiral, bony 83
- tectal 114
Lemniscus, lateral 114
Lens, crystalline 229, 230
Ligament, alar, of atlas 235
- flaval 235
- nuchae 256
- supraspinous 246
- vocal 324
-superior 233
Lobule, paracentral 92
- parietal, inferior 90
-superior 90
Lymph node(s)
-axillary 286
-buccal 22
-medial 264
Lymph node(s)
-posterior 266
-superior 264
-tracheal 317
- notch 187
- tectorial 288
- thyroid 315
- arytenoid 315
-oblique 316
-transverse 316
- cricopharyngeal 315
- cricothyroid 317
- hypopharyngeal 315
- laryngopharyngeal 317
- multifidus 291
- mylopharyngeal 315
-superior 208
- pterygopharyngeal 315
- sternothyroid 242
-lateral 244
- subclavius 242
- temporalis 9
- thyroarytenoid 318
- thyropharyngeal 315
-superior 307
- cochlear 183
265, 266
- mental 156
- nasociliary 217
- ophthalmic 82, 83
-superior 217
- of pterygoid canal 83
- subclavian 286
-medial 282
- suprascapular 282
- trochlear 215
- cuneate 56
- gracile 56
Obex 96
- tract 39-41
Olive, inferior 95
Optic tract 78
Os, hyoid 231, 232, 239, 242, 243
- soft 257
Palpebrae 204
Peduncle, cerebral 95, 97
Platysma 259
- cervical 294
- occipital 90
- temporal 91
Pons 95
- mastoid 232
- pterygoid 239
- styloid 232
- vocal 329
- suprapineal 96
Roof of tympanum 188
- intraalveolar 171
- pellucid 92
- carotid 300
- occipital 51
- petrosal, inferior 83
-superior 78
- straight 43
- terminalis 94
Substance, black 117
- perforated, anterior 91
-posterior 117
- calcarine 91, 92
- of cingulum 90, 92
- collateral 91, 92
- frontal, inferior 90
-superior 90
- hippocampal 91
- intraparietal 90
- lateral 90
- median 96
- occipitotemporal 91
- olfactory 91
- orbital 91
Sulcus (i)
- parietooccipital 90, 91
- parolfactory, anterior 92
- postcentral 90
- precentral 90
- subparietal 92
- temporal, inferior 91
-superior 90
Tentorium of cerebellum 43
Thalamus 94
- laryngeal 313
- pharyngeal 303
Tract, corticospinal 120
- optic (ophthalmic) 97
- spinotectal 114
Tragus 203
- cuneiform 314
- accompanying, of hypoglossal
nerve 169, 265
- anastomotic superior 30
- azygos 289
- buccal 308
- cerebellar, inferior 53
- cerebral, inferior 32—35
- - middle 32-34
-superficial 282
- jugular 277
285, 299
- of labyrinth 184
- maxillary 265
- meningeal, middle 29
- sublingual 266
- supraorbital 215
- suprascapular 282, 284
- thalamostriate 94
-inferior 299
-medial 279
- vertebral 278
- of larynx 329
- third, of cerebrum 94
Vermis, of cerebellum 128
Vestibule of mouth 172