Mah021 2016
Mah021 2016
Mah021 2016 @skmaircon
Eurovent Certita Certification S.A.S. - 48/50, rue de la victoire - 75009 PARIS FRANCE
R.C.S. PARIS 513 133 637 - NAF 7120B
Manufacturing places
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Legend ............................................... 3 Software ........................................... 12
SKM Air Handling Units (MAH) are designed
Introduction ........................................ 3 MAH with Eurovent Certification ... 13 to a high engineering standard to provide the
Nomenclature .................................... 4 Quick Selection ............................... 14 requirements of ventilation, heating, cooling,
General Features .............................. 5 Motor Data ....................................... 14 de-humidification and air distribution to a
Main Component Features .............. 5 Nominal Capacity Rating ............... 15 conditioned space.
Major Sections & Sub Assemblies .. 7 Fan Performance ............................ 17
Heat Recovery ................................. 11 Dimensional Data ........................... 18 • MAH Series
AHUs for Outdoor Installation ......... 12 Guide Specifications ...................... 22
Accessories and Options ................ 12
• Certified by EUROVENT (Certification No.
05.01.286) according to the standards EN1886
and EN13053
• Certified in accordance with AHRI standard
430 for Fan Performance
• Coil Performance are certified in accordance
with AHRI standard 410.
This series are applicable for indoor
and outdoor installation and are ideal
The following legends are used throughout this manual for large halls, schools, offices, banks,
workshops, laboratories, restaurants, cinemas,
hospitals, departmental stores, mosques and
Amp..............Amperes lbs.................Pounds weight
cfm................Cubic feet per minute l/s..................Litres per second supermarkets, etc.
DBT..............Dry Bulb Temperature LWT..............Leaving Water Temp.
EAT...............Entering Air Tempeature MBh..............1000 Btuh MAH series are available in 25 models to
ESP..............External Static Pressure m/s................Meters per second deliver from 1000 cfm (472 l/s) to 60000 cfm
EWT..............Entering Water Temp. OD................Outside Diameter (28318 l/s)nominal air flow rate against total
FPI................Fins per inch Pa.................Pascals static pressure up to 8.0 inwg (2000 Pa).
fpm...............Feet per minute Ph.................Phase
gpm..............Gallons per minute psig...............pounds per sq.inch SKM AHU are manufactured in a facility
inwg..............inches of Water Gauge rpm...............revolutions per minute registered to ISO 9001:2008 manufacturing
Hz.................Hertz SST...............Saturated Suction Temp. quality standards.
kW................Kilowatts V...................Volts
Units are designed to meet the Indoor Air
kg..................Kilgrams WBT..............Wet Bulb Temperature
Quality requirements as per ASHRAE standard
kPa...............Kilo Pascals
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Modular Air Handling Unit
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
MAH series air handling units are manufactured in modular Pentapost Frame
sections. Units are normally shipped with each section fully
MAH series section casings are constructed of framed modules,
assembled in the factory. The unit is however designed to be
for maximum rigidity and strength.
supplied in knockdown arrangement for quick site assembly,
where shipping or plant room restrictions demand.
Unit frames shall be constructed of either extruded aluminum
profile or hot dip coated galvanized steel profile. (steel penta
post). Both profiles have excellent mechanical characteristics and
Application Flexibility give the unit its rigidity and design flexibility .The cross-section of
profiles is specially designed for this type of application to give
AHU series can be provided with a whole range of standard extra strength to the unit frame and to prevent any buckling or
components, in many different configurations. Units can be deformation. Aluminum Profile frames are assembled together
supplied with a whole range of panel configuration to suit every using strong nylon corners and steel Penta-Post profiles are
application. Different sectional arrangements and fan discharge connected by means of special corner pieces to produce a very
positions are possible depending on the site constraints and rigid assembly.
Both of these constructions give the possibility of completely
dismantling the unit sections and re-assembly at site in case of
Simple connection difficult access.
Units are suitable for both duct connection and free discharge
Conformity with applicable European health and safety standards.
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
88 and thermal conductivity of 0.14 BTU in/(h.ft2.°F) (0.02W/mK)
Panels according to test standard ASTM C 518-56.
Access and fixed panels are made of hot-dip galvanized steel For units with steel pentapost construction, panels are insulated
conforming to JIS-G 3302 and ASTM-A-653. All panels shall be with fiber glass insulation of 2.0 lb/ft3 (32 kg/m3) density and 0.23
one piece double skin [DSU] construction with insulation sealed BTU in/(h.ft2.°F) (0.033W/mK) thermal conductivity, and it shall
between the inner and outer panels. be conformed to HH-1-545B Type 1, SMACNA standard for duct
liners and ASTM-C-423 and NFPA90A and 90B standards for
All fixed panels are bolted or screwed to the frame and provided fire resistance.
with special gasket between panels and frames to ensure air
This bolted construction makes all sections accessible from both
sides. Access panels are provided with quick release fasteners • Rock Wool insulation with density up to 6.875 lb/ft³(110kg/m3).
to facilitate access to all internal components for maintenance
and service. Suitable handles are provided for ease of handling.
Removal of any panels shall not effect on the structural integrity
of the units. Base Frame
63mm thick panels are available only with Aluminum pentapost Since MAH are constructed from pentapost profile, which has
construction and polyurethane insulation. Different sheet inherent rigidity and stability, most sizes of MAH series (up to
thickness, are available upon request. size 25000cfm) do not require structure steel base frame. Sheet
metal frame with holes for vibration mounts are provided on
each side of the unit. For larger units (sizes above 25000cfm),
Options: a steel structure is provided, coated with galvanized primer and
black enamel finish. Structural steel complies in accordance to
• Stainless steel Outer Skin [SOS]. JIS-G-3103SS41 standard.
• Aluminum Outer Skin [AOS].
• Stainless steel Inner Skin [SIS].
• Perforated Inner Skin [PIS]
(Not applicable with foam injection insulation).
Figure 3: Sheet metal Base Frame
• Aluminum Inner Skin [AIS]. (For Models up to 25000 cfm)
MAH units are supplied unpainted in a galvanized finish. Units
are painted only when specified. Painted units are made of
Zinc-coated galvanized steel thoroughly degreased and then
phosphatized before application of an average 60 micron backed
electrostatic polyester dry powder coating in RAL 7032 color
scheme. This finish and coating can pass a 1000-hour, 5% salt
spray testing at 95°F (35°C) and 95% relative humidity as per
ASTM B 117. Specify option [BEP] for painted units. Inner skin
Sheet metal Base Frame Chanel Base Frame
panels for double skin units are supplied in galvanized finish (For Models up to 10000 cfm) (For Models above 10000 cfm)
unless otherwise stated.
• Marine paint which include Zinc-rich epoxy powder coating as • FOR CEILING SUSPENDED UNITS
Sheet metal Base Frame Figure(MODELS
Chanel UPTO
Base Frame
primer coat and polyester powder coating as finish coat.
(For Models up toSTRUCTURAL
10000 cfm) STEEL CHANNEL
(For BE
above10000 cfm)
Double inlet double width centrifugal fans are standard supply in SKM MAH. The impellers can have f
Major Sections & [FAT]
curved Sub Assemblies
or [FADH], backward curved [FRDH] or airfoil profile [FRDA] depending on the requir
[FRDH] is available for sizes above 3200 cfm and [FRDA] is available for sizes above 5000 cfm. F
MAH series is constructed of suitable sized casing module and following sub-assemblies:
curved fans are generally used for low static pressure applications. Backward curved fans can handle hig
pressure system and able to show higher efficiency over a broader range of higher system resistance. A
Fan Section
Fan fan shows higher efficiency, generate low noise level and can handle higher static pressures.
6 The impellers
Double inlet double are keyedfans
width centrifugal to the
are shafts.
standardAll fans are
supply statically
in SKM MAH. and
The dynamically balanced.
impellers can have forward
curved [FAT] or fans use
[FADH], self-aligned
backward curved ball
[FRDH]or pillow block
or airfoil bearings
profile [FRDA] thatdepending
are greased forrequirements.
on the life. Pillow block beari
[FRDH] is available for sizes above 3200 cfm and [FRDA] is available for sizes above 5000 cfm.automatic
provided with re-greasing fittings. Shafts are made of C-40 steel turned by an Forward process. F
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
In order to limit transmission of noise and vibration, the complete
Major Sections & Sub Assemblies fan-motor sub base assembly is mounted on anti-vibration mounts.
Rating and operating characteristics of motors are in accordance
AHU series are constructed of suitable sized casing module and with IEC 60034-1 & IEC 60085.
following sub-assemblies:
Motors can be provided on either right or left hand side facing
the unit from return air side (see Figure 6). Section is sized to
Fan Section accommodate different motor sizes depending on the actual
requirement of airflow and static pressure.
Fan All fans are belt-driven by motors with a set of fixed pitch or
Double inlet double width centrifugal fans are supplied as variable pitch pulleys and matching belts. SKM provides variable
standard in SKM Air Handling Units. Fans used in SKM AHUs pitch pulley with single or double groove systems.
are tested in a registered laboratory in accordance with AMCA
standard 210. All fans are statically and dynamically balanced in
accordance to ISO 1940 and performance data according to DIN
24 166 tolerance class 2. The impellers can have forward curved
[FAT] or [FADH], backward curved [FRDH] or airfoil profiles MOTOR
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Coil Section
Variety of coils including chilled Coil connections can be provided on either right or left hand
water [CCW], direct expansion side facing the unit from return air side (see figure 8). Inlet and
[CDX], and hot water [CHW] are outlet connections are sealed against unit panel by means
available to meet a wide range of specialydesignedrubber flanges. SKM provides sweat
of application requirements. connections for coils as standard.
Standard 410.
Figure 7: Coil with Eliminator
Coils are constructed from seamless copper tubes (3/8” or 5/8” AIR
O.D) and are mechanically expanded into continuous corrugated LEFT HAND SIDE
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Vee Filters [FIPV]: Filters arranged in a vee bank to increase Standard components included with the heater shall be:
the filtration area. Media options are the same as in Panel filters. • 3-pole magnetic contactor per stage
• Primary over temperature protection provided by auto reset
Bag Filter: 21” (534mm) [FIBG1], deep high efficiency bag high limit safety cut outs
filters with synthetic media used as standard in SKM Air Handling • Secondary over temperature protection provided by manual
Units. Bag filters with 30” (762mm) [FIBG2] or 15” (380mm) reset high limit safety cut-out for positive break
[FIBG3] depth are available as an option. A combination of bag • Control fuse breaker
and flat filters are available under code [FIPBG1], [FIPBG2] • Control switch
and [FIPBG3] corresponding to [FIBG1], [FIBG2] and [FIBG3], • Power fuses circuit breaker as per NEC, if total load exceeds
respectively. EN Class: F7 is our standard. Higher EN classes 48 Amps
F8 and F9, available on request. • Factory installed air flow switch
Recommended kW capacity on standard (nominal airflow) rate
Consult SKM for short depth, 4” (100mm) thick extended surface is given in the table. Batteries other than this can be supplied
mini pleat filters [FIP4] equivalent efficiency to bag filter for cases upon request.
where there are restrictions in dimension. Electric heater capacity in kW can be calculated in:
IP system as:
Capacity (kW) = 1.085 x Airflow Rate (cfm) x Air Temperature
Rise (°F)/3412
SI system as:
Capacity (kW) = 1.210 x Airflow Rate (l/s) x Air Temperature
Rise (oC)/1000
Electric Heater
Model Airflow Option-1 Option-2
MAH cfm kW Stage kW Stage
0202 1000 6 1 9 2
Figure 9: Bag Filter Section 0203 1750 9 1 15 2
0204 2500 12 1 24 2
HEPA Filter [FIHP]: Ultra high absolute HEPA (High Efficiency 0303 2917 15 2 24 2
Particulate Air) filter with efficiency in excess of 99% when 0304 4167 18 2 36 2
measured by using DOP (Dioctyle Phthalate) method. HEPA 0305 5417 24 2 48 2
filters in SKM air handling units are in accordance with EN1882 0306 6667 30 2 60 2
standards. 0405 7583 36 2 72 2
0406 9333 48 2 84 4
0407 11083 60 2 84 4
Options 0506 12000 72 2 108 3
0507 14250 72 2 108 3
• Carbon Filter [FICF]. 0508 16500 90 2 144 4
• Differential Air Pressure Switch [DPS]. 0509 18750 90 2 144 4
• Manometers to monitor air pressure drop across filters. SKM 0608 20167 90 2 180 5
0609 22917 120 4 180 5
can provide any of the following types of manometers:
0709 27083 144 4 225 5
• Inclined tube [MAF1]. 0710 30333 180 5 270 5
• Dial-type [MAF2]. 0711 33583 180 5 270 5
• Magnehelic-type [MAF3]. 0811 38750 180 5 270 5
0812 42500 216 6 324 6
0813 46250 216 6 324 6
0914 51330 216 6 324 6
1014 56140 216 6 324 6
Electric Heater Section [CEH] 1114 60950 216 6 324 6
Electric heater batteries are available in a wide range of capacity * Units available in Steel Profile Construction only. Table 1
(kW) and steps as an integral part of MAH units. It consists of
finned-type heating elements constructed from 80/20 nickel Options
chrome resistance wire, which is connected to terminal pins and
centered in stainless steel grade 304L sheath metal tubes by • Thyristorcontroller[SCR]thataccepts0-10VDCinputsignals from
compressed magnesium oxide. The fins are helical; mild steel temperature controllers to achieve accurate proportional control
galvanized and tightly wound around tubular heating elements. over heating
The terminal pins shall be insulated from metal tube by ceramic
bushes. Electric heater elements are in accordance with IEC
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Humidifier Section Dampers
SKM provides both steam and water humidifiers depending SKM air handling units are equipped with multi blade, low
upon requirement. leakage, and heavy duty dampers to control the air flow rate by
introducing resistance to air flow in the system. Dampers are
Steam Humidifiers available with parallel blades and opposed blades. Links are
provided for either manual or motorized operation. The following
Following types of steam humidifier can be supplied: dampers are available:
• Internal Steam Humidifier [HSIG]: This system consists • Full face air intake damper [DFC].
of immersed electrode steam generating cylinders, steam • Fresh, exhaust and return air damper for mixing box and
distribution pipe and necessary controls. Steam generating economizer control.
cylinders are mounted on the AHU within a special enclosure.
The steam distributor passes through the unit casing to The damper frame is constructed from galvanized steel, blades
inject steam in the air stream to reach the required humidity from galvanized steel, shafts from steel, bearing from bronze
conditions. ON/OFF control for humidifier is provided as and linkage and brackets from galvanized steel.
• External Steam Humidifier [HSEG]: This system consists
of steam generating cylinders and steam distribution pipe.
• Aluminium damper blades in airfoil profile [ADBD].
Steam generator is supplied separately and is complete with
• Stainless steel damper blades [SDB].
necessary controls. In this case the humidifier is remote to the
unit. ON/OFF control for humidifier is provided as standard. • Motorized Damper Actuators ON/OFF or modulating.
• With only steam distributor pipe and hoses which will become
connected to the steam main by the installer. Supply of steam Sound Attenuator Section
and all the controls by others.
Sound attenuator can be provided in both supply and return air
side. The standard design is with specially designed vertical
Options splitters consisting of sound absorbing material parallel to the
air stream matching unit cross section. Two different media
depths of 24” (600mm) [SAT1] and 48” (1200mm) [SAT2] are
• Condensate drain pan for humidifier section. available as standard.
• Proportional control based on 0-10 V DC/4-20 mA. A variety of splitter material, thickness, length, spacing and
casing are available in order to satisfy even the most strict sound
attenuation requirements. For quick selection of standard series
SAT attenuators, the following insertion losses (dB) are listed
Water Humidifiers in the table:
SKM air handling units can be equipped with water humidifier Hz 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
section which mainly serves for adiabatic cooling, humidifying SAT1 5 11 11 15 22 29 22 15
and air washing. Water humidifier consists of spray nozzle SAT2 10 20 21 28 42 56 42 27
system, heat exchanger media, tank for collecting spray water
and eliminator section for removing entrained drops of water from Table 2
the air. A pump (not in standard scope of supply) recirculates
water at a rate higher than the evaporation rate. Water tank is
equipped with drain connection, overflow outlet, water feed with Mixing Box Section
float valve and suction connection with screen.
Mixing box [BMX] with fresh
air and return air dampers are
available to mix the outside
• Evaporative Type [HFF]: This type consists of evaporative fresh air with recirculated
flooded fill media. Water is supplied to the top of the evaporative return air. Both the return and
media via a distribution header. The water flows down the fresh air dampers are sized
surface of the media and the warm and dry air passes through to handle 0-100% of the total
the media. It then evaporates a proportion of the water and supply air. Combination of
produces cold, humidified air. The rest of the water assists in mixing box and panel filter
washing the media, and is drained back to the tank. [BMXP] can be provided in
one section, if required. Figure 10: Mixing Box Section
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Exhaust Box Section
• Rotary Heat Recovery System (Thermal Wheel) [RHR]:
Exhaust box [BEX] with exhaust air dampers are available. Heat wheels are revolving cylinders consisting of an air
When used in combination with mixing box having motorized permeable matrix with large interior surface. The matrix is
dampers, it provides excellent economizer control. cooled as cold air is passed through the wheels. This in
return cools the fresh air stream when the cooled rotating
matrix comes in line with the supply air stream. Heat recovery
Return Box Section wheels are available to recover either sensible heat only or
Return air box [BRX] with return air dampers are available. both sensible and latent heat to meet the requirements.
Section length of return air box is similar as mixing box. For
sizes please refer to page 19 for MAH. Heat wheels in SKM air handling units are capable of
recovering both sensible
and latent heat. Heat wheels
Plenum Sections offered are constructed of
Empty plenums can be supplied either for future use or for Aluminium, coated with heat
particular applications like access, end vertical assembly, transfer material (silica gel
end bottom plenum for bottom return air applications and etc. or molecular sieve) which is
Standard sizes are listed in the dimensional data, from page . rotated by an electric motor
at constant speed. The heat
Plenums are available in three different sizes of [PEM1], [PEM2] wheel rotates between the
and [PEM3] depth. Custom sizes to suite a particular requirement fresh and return air streams,
can be supplied as an option. and two fan sections are Figure 12: Energy Recovery Wheel
required; supply and exhaust
fan. Heat wheels are ideal for applications that demand high
percentage of fresh air intake like in research laboratories,
schools and pharmaceutical companies.
Heat Recovery Section
In order to conserve the energy consumption by exchanging • Heat Pipe System [RPR & RPRV/H]: Heat pipe is a simple
energy between the supplies and exhaust air streams, various heat transfer device consisting of two coils, pre-cooling and
types of heat recovery systems can be provided as an integral re-heating, connected together without any moving part in
part of SKM air handling units. These depend upon special between them and containing phase change fluid. According
installation and other requirements like: to the arrangement of the heat pipe coils with respect to
other components, it can be used for either dehumidification
• Run Around Coil System [RRC]: This system comprises of (horseshoe type arrangement) or for heat recovery (vertical/
two coils; one placed in the supply air stream and other in the horizontal arrangement).
exhaust air stream. The coils are to be connected in a closed
loop via piping and circulating pump (supplied by others).
For dehumidification function (horseshoe type arrangement),
Water or glycol is circulated as a heat transfer medium. This
pre-cooling coil is located in the incoming air flow allows the
system shall recover sensible heat only.
evaporator cooling coil to work cooler and condense more
moisture. Re-heat coil located after the evaporator coil,
• Fixed Plate Heat Recovery System [RHP]: Consists of
reheats the supply air and brings about a more comfortable
layers of Aluminum plates, which are separating the exhaust
temperature and relative humidity. This entire function of
and supply air streams. The exhaust air passes through the
humidity reduction is performed while saving energy. Specify
exchanger from end to end and the supply air stream individual
option [RPR] for this type of arrangement.
passages formed by the plates within the exchanger.
The plates separating the two air streams act as the heat For heat recovery function (vertical/horizontal arrangement),
transfer medium. This system recovers sensible heat only. heat pipe coils are installed between the fresh and return air
streams and two fan sections are required; supply and exhaust
fan. Specify option RPRV(H) for this type of arrangement.
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
SKM Visual AHU Software is a powerful tool for the proper technical selection and economic evaluation of Air Handling Units. This
software has a unique 3D visualization and is fully customisable. The program performs technical verification and selection for each
section until the whole unit is completed. In each section, options related to that particular section can be added. The output of Visual
AHU Software is an economic offer including all the technical data, drawing, psychrometric diagram and fan performance curves.
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Casing Strength D1 D1 D1
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Quick Selection
CFM 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 55000 60000 65000 70000
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 30000
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
For Capacities at different air conditions please refer to SKM Computer Selection Software Table 5
For** capacities at different
Units available in Steel air conditions,
Profile Construction only. please refer to SKM Computer Selection Software
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Nominal Capacity
Nominal Capacity Rating
Rating - Heating - Heating Coils
Hot Water Coil
Fin Spacing: 12 fpi (2.1mm) 70°F (21.1°C) On-Coil EDBT
180°F/160°F (82.2°C/71.1°C) EWT/LWT
Model Coil area Airflow Rate Total Capacity Water Flow Rate Water Pressure Drop
MAH ft² m² cfm l/s MBh kW gpm l/s ft.wg kPa
1 30.1 8.8 3.0 0.2 1.5 4.4
202 2.0 0.2 1000 472
2 56.2 16.5 5.6 0.4 2.7 7.9
1 57.8 17.0 5.8 0.4 3.0 8.8
203 3.5 0.3 1750 826
2 102.3 30.0 10.2 0.6 9.8 29.4
1 85.0 24.9 8.5 0.5 6.3 18.7
204 5.0 0.5 2500 1180
2 142.1 41.7 14.2 0.9 4.0 11.9
1 96.4 28.3 9.6 0.6 3.0 8.8
303 5.8 0.5 2917 1377
2 170.5 50.0 17.1 1.1 9.8 29.4
1 141.6 41.5 14.2 0.9 6.3 18.7
304 8.3 0.8 4167 1967
2 236.9 69.4 23.7 1.5 4.0 11.9
1 189.9 55.7 19.0 1.2 12.7 38.0
305 10.8 1.0 5417 2557
2 314.5 92.2 31.4 2.0 7.7 23.1
1 241.1 70.7 24.1 1.5 23.7 70.7
306 13.3 1.2 6667 3146
2 395.1 115.8 39.5 2.5 13.9 41.6
1 245.3 71.9 24.5 1.5 3.4 10.1
405 15.2 1.4 7583 3579
2 414.3 121.4 41.4 2.6 2.0 6.1
1 305.8 89.6 30.6 1.9 4.6 13.7
406 18.7 1.7 9333 4405
2 521.5 152.9 52.2 3.3 2.9 8.6
1 368.0 107.9 36.8 2.3 6.3 18.9
407 22.2 2.1 11083 5231
2 625.0 183.2 62.5 3.9 4.0 12.0
1 393.2 115.3 39.3 2.5 4.6 13.7
506 24.0 2.2 12000 5663
2 670.6 196.5 67.1 4.2 2.9 8.6
1 473.1 138.7 47.3 3.0 6.3 18.9
507 28.5 2.7 14250 6725
2 803.6 235.5 80.4 5.1 4.0 12.0
1 535.3 156.9 53.5 3.4 8.1 24.2
508 31.9 3.0 15938 7522
2 905.0 265.2 90.5 5.7 5.1 15.2
1 641.9 188.1 64.2 4.0 12.2 36.6
509 37.5 3.5 18750 8849
2 1078.8 316.2 107.9 6.8 7.5 22.6
1 654.2 191.8 65.4 4.1 8.1 24.2
608 39.0 3.6 19480 9194
2 1106.1 324.2 110.6 7.0 5.1 15.2
1 784.5 229.9 78.5 4.9 12.2 36.6
609 45.8 4.3 22917 10816
2 1318.5 386.5 131.9 8.3 7.5 22.6
1 927.2 271.8 92.7 5.8 12. 2 36.6
709 54.2 5.0 27083 12782
2 1558.2 456.7 155.8 9.8 7.5 22.6
1 1054.1 309.0 105.4 6.7 16.8 50.3
710 60.7 5.6 30333 14316
2 1764.1 517.1 176.4 11.1 10.2 30.6
1 1184.7 347.2 118.5 7.5 22.8 68.3
711 67.2 6.2 33583 15849
2 1973.5 578.4 197.4 12.5 13.7 40.9
811 77.5 7.2 38750 18288 2 2277.1 667.4 227.7 14.4 13.7 40.9
812 85.0 7.9 42500 20058 2 2523.4 739.6 252.3 15.9 18.0 53.9
813 92.5 8.6 46250 21828 2 2774.5 813.2 277.4 17.5 23.4 69.9
914 102.7 9.5 51330 24226 4 3095.0 906.8 309.5 19.5 26.5 79.4
1014 112.3 10.4 56140 26496 4 3385.0 991.8 338.5 21.4 26.5 79.4
1114 121.9 11.3 60950 28766 4 3675.0 1076.8 367.5 23.2 26.5 79.4
Table 6
For Capacities at different air conditions please refer to SKM Computer Selection Software
For capacities at different air conditions, please refer to SKM Computer Selection Software
** Units available in Steel Profile Construction only.
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Fan Performance
Fan Performance
Total Static Pressure, inwg (Pa)
Model Fan Air Flow Rate
0.5 (125) 1 (250) 1.5 (375) 2 (500) 2.5 (625) 3 (750) 3.5 (875) 4 (1000) 4.5 (1125) 5 (1250)
MAH Type
cfm l/s rpm kW rpm kW rpm kW rpm kW rpm kW rpm kW rpm kW rpm kW rpm kW rpm kW
FAT 749 0.11 1083 0.20 1358 0.31 1593 0.43 1798 0.56 1984 0.70 - - - - - - - -
202 1000 472
FADH - - 1153 0.24 1423 0.37 1643 0.50 1833 0.64 - - - - - - - - - -
FAT 685 0.23 935 0.36 1155 0.52 1349 0.69 1523 0.87 1682 1.07 1827 1.27 1963 1.48 - - - -
203 1750 826
FADH 761 0.25 1028 0.40 1264 0.59 1472 0.80 1659 1.02 1827 1.25 1983 1.50 2127 1.75 2261 2.02 2388 2.29
FAT 783 0.49 972 0.65 1152 0.84 1322 1.03 1482 1.25 1632 1.47 1773 1.71 1907 1.96 - - - -
204 2500 1180
FADH 875 0.51 1079 0.70 1271 0.91 1454 1.15 1625 1.40 1786 1.67 1938 1.96 2081 2.26 2216 2.57 2344 2.89
FAT 610 0.45 799 0.66 980 0.90 1145 1.17 1296 1.47 1434 1.78 - - - - - - - -
303 FADH 2917 1377 582 0.42 789 0.69 974 0.99 1138 1.32 1284 1.68 1417 2.05 1539 2.43 1652 2.82 1757 3.23 1857 3.65
FRDH 1555 0.52 1750 0.71 1925 0.91 2084 1.12 2230 1.33 2366 1.54 2495 1.76 2619 1.99 2738 2.22 2853 2.46
FAT 524 0.64 676 0.91 819 1.24 953 1.61 1076 2.01 1189 2.44 - - - - - - - -
304 FADH 4167 1966 671 0.88 825 1.18 974 1.53 1116 1.91 1250 2.32 1376 2.76 1495 3.22 1608 3.69 1714 4.18 1814 4.69
FRDH 2071 1.14 2216 1.38 2356 1.64 2490 1.91 2616 2.19 2736 2.47 2850 2.76 2959 3.05 3064 3.34 3165 3.64
FAT 595 1.17 718 1.50 835 1.85 948 2.25 1058 2.69 1162 3.15 - - - - - - - -
FADH 485 0.87 629 1.29 766 1.77 893 2.32 1011 2.92 1121 3.55 1222 4.22 1317 4.91 1406 5.63 1491 6.38
305 5417 2556
FRDH 1385 1.09 1517 1.41 1638 1.75 1751 2.10 1856 2.46 1957 2.84 2053 3.23 2144 3.62 2233 4.02 2318 4.44
FRDA 1471 1.08 1607 1.41 1730 1.74 1844 2.09 1951 2.44 2052 2.80 2148 3.17 2240 3.54 2329 3.93 2415 4.32
FAT 461 1.16 581 1.61 692 2.11 794 2.64 889 3.20 978 3.80 1062 4.42 - - - - - -
FADH 536 1.39 654 1.84 770 2.36 883 2.94 991 3.57 1094 4.25 1191 4.97 1284 5.72 1372 6.50 1455 7.31
306 6667 3146
FRDH 1646 1.78 1758 2.16 1864 2.55 1964 2.96 2059 3.39 2149 3.82 2236 4.26 2320 4.71 2401 5.18 2480 5.64
FRDA 1749 1.76 1866 2.15 1975 2.55 2077 2.96 2173 3.37 2264 3.79 2352 4.22 2437 4.66 2518 5.10 2597 5.55
FAT 492 1.56 601 2.06 702 2.59 798 3.17 888 3.77 973 4.40 1054 5.06 - - - - - -
FADH 476 1.45 588 1.97 698 2.60 807 3.34 911 4.17 1009 5.09 1102 6.06 1190 7.10 1273 8.18 1351 9.30
405 7583 3578
FRDH 1336 1.78 1440 2.23 1536 2.68 1627 3.15 1714 3.63 1798 4.13 1879 4.64 1957 5.16 2033 5.69 2107 6.24
FRDA 1421 1.72 1533 2.17 1637 2.63 1733 3.10 1823 3.58 1909 4.07 1991 4.57 2069 5.07 2145 5.59 2218 6.12
FADH 443 1.74 547 2.37 646 3.10 741 3.92 830 4.82 913 5.79 991 6.81 1064 7.88 1133 9.00 1199 10.16
406 FRDH 9333 4404 1186 2.11 1280 2.66 1367 3.21 1449 3.78 1527 4.36 1602 4.95 1675 5.56 1746 6.19 1816 6.83 1883 7.49
FRDA 1273 2.11 1375 2.67 1468 3.23 1555 3.82 1636 4.41 1714 5.01 1788 5.63 1859 6.26 1927 6.90 1993 7.55
FADH 381 1.84 478 2.59 570 3.48 658 4.50 739 5.62 816 6.85 887 8.16 954 9.54 1017 11.00 1076 12.51
407 FRDH 11083 5230 997 2.19 1087 2.83 1170 3.48 1247 4.15 1320 4.85 1390 5.57 1457 6.31 1522 7.07 1585 7.85 1646 8.65
FRDA 1059 2.15 1151 2.75 1236 3.38 1316 4.03 1392 4.71 1465 5.40 1534 6.12 1601 6.86 1666 7.61 1729 8.39
FADH 397 2.20 487 2.98 574 3.89 657 4.92 736 6.06 811 7.30 881 8.63 947 10.03 - - 1069 13.06
506 FRDH 12000 5663 1064 2.63 1149 3.32 1228 4.02 1301 4.74 1371 5.48 1438 6.23 1503 7.01 1565 7.81 - - 1684 9.46
FRDA 1131 2.59 1218 3.24 1299 3.91 1375 4.60 1447 5.31 1517 6.04 1583 6.80 1648 7.57 - - 1771 9.17
FADH 323 2.34 410 3.33 495 4.49 573 5.81 646 7.23 714 8.75 777 10.36 837 12.03 - - 945 15.59
507 FRDH 14250 6725 886 2.76 962 3.54 1032 4.35 1099 5.18 1164 6.05 1226 6.96 1287 7.90 1346 8.87 - - 1460 10.92
FRDA 954 2.78 1035 3.55 1110 4.35 1180 5.18 1247 6.04 1311 6.92 1372 7.84 1431 8.78 - - 1544 10.72
FADH 348 3.28 424 4.33 499 5.55 571 6.92 640 8.41 705 10.01 766 11.70 824 13.47 - - 932 17.22
508 FRDH 16500 7786 1003 3.93 1070 4.83 1134 5.74 1194 6.67 1252 7.63 1309 8.62 1364 9.64 1417 10.69 - - 1521 12.88
FRDA 1080 3.97 1152 4.84 1220 5.74 1284 6.67 1345 7.62 1404 8.60 1461 9.61 1516 10.64 - - 1621 12.76
FADH 376 4.49 443 5.61 509 6.89 575 8.31 639 9.86 700 11.53 759 13.29 815 15.14 - - 920 19.06
509 FRDH 18750 8848 1121 5.43 1182 6.45 1240 7.47 1295 8.51 1348 9.57 1400 10.65 1450 11.75 1500 12.88 - - 1595 15.23
FRDA 1208 5.49 1273 6.47 1334 7.48 1393 8.51 1450 9.56 1504 10.63 1557 11.73 1608 12.85 - - 1707 15.15
FADH 314 3.89 386 5.22 452 6.71 516 8.38 575 10.20 631 12.15 684 14.21 734 16.38 - - - -
608 FRDH 20167 9517 869 4.60 930 5.69 987 6.80 1041 7.93 1093 9.09 1143 10.29 1192 11.53 1240 12.80 - - 1331 15.44
FRDA 928 4.48 994 5.55 1056 6.65 1114 7.79 1170 8.96 1223 10.16 1274 11.40 1324 12.67 - - 1419 15.29
FADH 338 5.28 402 6.73 463 8.32 521 10.06 577 11.95 630 13.97 681 16.12 729 18.37 - - - -
609 FRDH 22917 10815 971 6.38 1026 7.61 1078 8.85 1128 10.11 1175 11.40 1222 12.71 1266 14.06 1310 15.43 - - 1395 18.27
FRDA 1037 6.21 1096 7.41 1153 8.64 1206 9.90 1258 11.19 1307 12.51 1355 13.86 1401 15.24 - - 1490 18.08
FADH 279 5.63 341 7.39 398 9.31 452 11.38 502 13.59 549 15.93 594 18.39 636 20.97 - - 716 26.45
709 FRDH 27083 12780 809 6.72 860 8.20 909 9.69 956 11.22 1002 12.78 1045 14.37 1088 16.01 1130 17.68 - - 1211 21.13
FRDA 825 6.25 882 7.72 934 9.21 985 10.73 1033 12.29 1079 13.89 1124 15.52 1168 17.19 - - 1251 20.64
FADH 234 5.24 293 7.19 350 9.52 403 12.19 453 15.11 500 18.25 543 21.54 584 24.98 - - - -
710 FRDH 30333 14314 648 6.27 700 7.88 749 9.56 796 11.30 840 13.10 883 14.96 925 16.88 965 18.85 - - 1042 22.93
FRDA 662 5.84 717 7.49 768 9.19 817 10.93 863 12.73 907 14.59 950 16.49 991 18.44 - - 1070 22.50
FADH 246 6.68 300 8.71 353 11.10 403 13.83 451 16.84 496 20.07 539 23.50 579 27.08 - - - -
711 FRDH 33583 15848 706 8.10 754 9.86 799 11.69 843 13.57 885 15.51 925 17.51 964 19.56 1002 21.66 - - 1075 26.00
FRDA 721 7.51 772 9.33 820 11.18 865 13.08 908 15.02 950 17.01 990 19.05 1030 21.13 - - 1105 25.44
FADH 207 6.88 259 9.41 308 12.23 355 15.38 399 18.83 440 22.56 480 26.57 517 30.83 - - 586 40.05
811 FRDH 38750 18286 598 8.52 643 10.49 686 12.57 727 14.75 767 17.01 805 19.34 841 21.75 877 24.22 - - 944 29.35
FRDA 687 7.88 741 9.98 791 12.13 838 14.34 883 16.61 927 18.95 969 21.34 1009 23.80 - - 1087 28.88
FADH 218 8.44 267 11.15 313 14.11 358 17.37 400 20.93 441 24.76 479 28.86 516 33.20 - - 585 42.60
812 FRDH 42500 20056 648 10.66 690 12.79 731 15.02 770 17.36 808 19.77 844 22.27 879 24.83 913 27.46 - - 979 32.89
FRDA 744 9.80 795 12.09 843 14.43 888 16.81 931 19.26 973 21.76 1013 24.32 1052 26.93 - - 1127 32.33
FADH 229 10.34 274 13.25 318 16.35 359 19.73 400 23.37 438 27.28 476 31.45 512 35.86 - - 579 45.37
813 FRDH 46250 21825 698 13.31 737 15.60 775 17.99 812 20.48 847 23.04 882 25.69 915 28.40 948 31.17 - - 1010 36.91
FRDA 801 12.17 848 14.65 893 17.17 936 19.74 977 22.35 1016 25.02 1054 27.74 1092 30.51 - - 1163 36.21
FRDH - - 571 13.19 608 16.12 644 19.10 678 22.15 711 25.30 743 28.53 774 31.87 805 35.60 835 39.14
914 51330 24226
FRDA - - 579 12.98 618 15.90 654 18.85 689 21.87 722 24.95 755 28.14 768 31.42 817 34.77 848 38.58
FRDH - - 610 15.96 645 19.15 679 22.36 711 25.64 743 28.99 773 32.41 802 36.25 831 39.87 859 43.58
1014 56140 26496
FRDA - - 619 15.67 655 18.87 690 22.07 723 25.31 754 28.60 785 31.97 814 35.74 844 39.31 872 42.95
FRDH - - 493 14.68 529 18.36 562 21.93 593 25.61 624 29.41 653 33.34 682 37.36 711 41.51 739 45.80
1114 60950 28766
FRDA - - 501 14.65 537 18.12 571 21.67 602 25.28 633 29.02 663 32.87 693 36.85 721 40.94 749 45.18
Table 7
Performance shown at nominal airflow rates. For other airflow rates refer to SKM computer selection.
Performance shown at nominal airflow rates. For other airflow rates refer to SKM computer selection.
kW ratings are fan absorbed power. To get motor power, multiply this kW by 1.20 for kW <10, and by 1.15 for kW > 10.
Units ratings areProfile
with only in Steel fan Construction.
absorbed power. To get motor power, multiply this kW by 1.20 for kW <10, and by 1.15 for kW > 10.
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Dimensional Data - MAH
* L1 L
L L L1 L1
2000 1125 769 751 22.64
66.93 54.13 25.71 18.82 21.93 25.71 22.48 22.40 575
0405 3.94
1700 1375 653 478 557 653 571 569
100 54.13
78.74 54.13 31.18
0406 1375
2000 1375 - - -
792 25.24 25.12
91.54 54.13 33.11 641 638
2325 1375 - - -
78.74 66.93 31.18 28.19 28.15
0506 37.40
2000 1700 - - -
792 716 715
950 29.53
91.54 66.93 31.18
0507 750 22.64
2325 1700 - - -
792 37.40 54.13
101.38 66.93 66.93 39.57 31.54 31.54 950 1375 575
0508 1700 801 801
2575 1700 - - -
116.14 66.93 42.30
2950 1700 - - -
101.38 78.74 39.57
• For fan section with motor location at side, N dimensions vary according to motor kW.
• Overall unit height and width will be same for both Aluminium and Steel pentapost construction.
• Length of each separate sections are provided.
• For unit with heat recovery, contact SKM for dimensions.
• Dimensions are subject to change without any notice for future improvement.
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
Dimensional Data - MAH
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
SKM Modular Air Handling Units [MAH] designed to a high Options
engineering standard to provide the requirements of ventilation, • Panels shall be constructed of Aluminum or stainless steel with
heating, cooling, de-humidification and air distribution to a different sheets thickness.
conditioned space. To meet project requirements, units shall
• Perforated inner skin.
consist of a wide choice of combinations of sections like fan, cooling
(Not applicable with polyurethane foam insulation).
coil, heating coil, humidifier, filter, heat recovery system, sound
attenuator, multi zone, mixing box, return air fan, plenums and etc • Access panels with inspection window.
as indicated on the equipment schedule. Units shall be installed • Hinged access doors with handles and latches.
at site as per Installation Operation & Maintenance Manual. Air • Painting of sheet metal suitable for marine applications.
handling units shall be manufactured in modular sections. Units
normally shipped with each section fully assembled in the factory. • Painting of structural steel frames suitable for marine applications.
The unit shall be however designed to be supplied in knockdown • Units for outdoor installation shall be provided with
arrangement for quick site assembly, where shipping or plant room weatherprooftop cover.
restrictions demand.
• MAH Series: EUROVENT certified (Certification No: 05.01.286 • Polyurethane foam insulation shall be standard for Aluminum
according to the standards EN1886 and EN13053. profile construction.
• For units with Steel pentapost construction, standard insulation
material shall be fiberglass.
Casing & Construction
• Injected Polyurethane foam insulation have density of 2.5 lbs/
• Unit shall be constructed of a complete frame with easily ft³ (40 kg/m³) according to the test standard ASTM D-1622-88
removable panels. and thermal conductivity of 0.14 BTU in/(h.ft2.°F) (0.020W/mK)
• Unit’s frames shall be constructed of either extruded Aluminum according to test standard ASTM C 518-56.
profiles or hot dip coated galvanized steel profile (steel pentapost). • The fiberglass insulation shall conforms to HH-1-545B Type
• Access and fixed panels shall be constructed of hot dipped 1, SMACNA standard for duct liners and ASTM-C-423 and
galvanized steel conforming to JIS-G 3302 and ASTM A653. NFPA90A and 90B standards for fire resistance.
• To prevent insulation erosion into air stream, the unit shall be
provided with double wall panels “Double Skin unit”. Options
• Rock Wool insulation with density upto 6.875 lb/ft³ (110 kg/m³).
• Fixed panels shall be bolted to the frame and removal of access
panels shall not effect on the structural integrity of the unit.
• Unit frame and panels shall be thermal bridge protected to FAN SECTION
minimize the conduction path from the inside of the casing to
the outside. • Fans used in units shall be tested in a registered laboratory in
• Access panels shall be one-piece, double-wall construction with accordance with AMCA standard 210.
insulation sealed between the inner and outer panels. • Double inlet double width centrifugal fans shall be standard
• Access panels shall be provided with quick release fasteners supply in SKM air handling units.
to facilitate access to all internal components for maintenance • The impellers shall be forward curved, backward curved or airfoil
and service. profile depending on the requirements.
• Units casing shall be in galvanized or painted finish as indicated • Forward curved blades shall be made of galvanized steel. Fan
on the equipment schedule. shaft shall be made of carbon steel with corrosion protection
• Painted casing shall be made of hot-dip galvanized steel coating.
sheets. Fabricated steel shall be thoroughly de-greased and • Backward inclined blades shall be made of sheet steel. Fan
then phosphatized before application of an average 60 micron shaft shall be made of carbon steel with corrosion protection
baked electrostatic polyester dry powder coating in RAL 7032 coating.
color scheme. This finish can pass 1000-hour, 5% salt spray
• Backward inclined airfoil blades shall be made of mild steel. Fan
test at 95°F (35°C) and 95% relative humidity (ASTM B 117).
shaft shall be made of carbon steel and polished with protection
• Units up to size 10000cfm shall be provided with painted sheet paint.
metal base frame.
• All fans shall be belt driven, statically and dynamically balanced
• Larger units shall be provided with painted rigid steel structure according to ISO 1940.
base frame.
• Different fan positions shall be available: horizontally top or
• Structural steel shall be in accordance to JIS-G 3103 SS41 bottom, vertically up or down depending on the requirement.
• Fan impeller shall be keyed to fan shaft to prevent slipping.
• All ceiling suspended units shall be provided with painted rigid
• SKM fans use self-aligned ball or pillow block bearings that are
steel structure base frame.
greased for life. Pillow block bearings shall be provided with
re-greasing fittings.
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
• Flexible connection shall be provided between fan discharge and • Supply and return water connections of coil section shall be
casing panel to avoid transmission of vibration to the connecting labeled with “WATER IN” and “WATER OUT”, respectively.
duct. • DX coil section shall be labeled with “LIQUID” and “SUCTION”.
• Fan motors shall be totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC), foot • Coil connections shall be sealed against unit panels by flexible
mounted, 4 poles, IP-55 protected and with Class F insulation. special rubber flanges.
• Motor size and electrical characteristics shall be as indicated • Coil connections shall be sweat type.
on the equipment schedule. • Coils shall be provided with moisture eliminator depending on
• Rating and operating characteristics of motors shall be in the air conditions. Eliminator blades are made of PVC, with
accordance with IEC 60034-1 and IEC60085 standards. shape specially designed to trap water droplets blown off the
• Fan and motor shall be mounted on a common base assembly. coil.
The base assembly is isolated from the outer casing with factory- • The drain pan shall be sloped toward the drain connection to
installed vibration isolators. meet ASHRAE standard 62.
• Fans shall be belt-driven by motors, with a set of fixed pitch or • Cooling coil section shall be provided with insulated drain pan
variable pitch pulleys and matching belts. with MPT drain connection, in order to hold and remove the
condensate formed during dehumidification.
Options • Drain pan shall be made of painted Zinc-coated steel sheet
• Spark proof fans. insulated from outside for maximum protection against sweating
and corrosion.
• Explosion proof motor. Suitable for Zone 1 or Zone 2, Eexd II
BT4. (Zone to be specified by the customer). • Drain pan shall be extended to include coil, headers and U-bends.
Drain connection can be provided on either side or on both
• Variable Speed Drive (frequency inverter).
sides, as required.
• Standby motor (additional) with manual change over.
• Starter Panel Control. Comprising of contactor, overload and Protective Coating on Coils
fuse for fan-motor. (Control to be specified by customer such as
thermostat, start-stop push button, volt-free contact from BMS, Aeris Guard Coil Coat
etc.) • Aeris Guard Coil Coat is a self-etching high performance epoxy
• Stainless steel fan shaft. water based finish.
• Polyglycoat coating on fans. • For single dip coating there was no evidence of corrosion after
exposure to 5% Neutral Salt Spray under AS 2331.32-1980
• Spring vibration isolators for fan sub-frame.
(ASTM B-117) conditions over periods in excess of 3000 hours.
• Plug fans.
• Fan belt guard. Pre- Coated Fins
• Fan with Drain Plug. • The pre-coating is hydrophobic polyurethane.
• Pre coated fins passed a 1000 hr, 5% salt spry test at 95°F
(35°C) temperature and 95 % RH, according to ASTM-B117.
• All coil performance shall be certified in accordance with AHRI • Copper fins.
Standard 410 and tested by compressed air under water to the • Stainless steel drain pan.
pressure of 300 psig (21.09 kg/cm2).
• MPT, FPT or flanged coil connectors.
• All water and direct expansion refrigerant coils shall be provided
• Stainless steel eliminator.
to meet the wide range of application requirements.
• Coils shall be constructed from seamless copper tubes (3/8”
or 5/8” O.D) and are mechanically expanded into continuous
corrugated Aluminum fins to provide continuous compression
bond over the entire finned length for maximum heat transfer • Filters using in SKM air handling units shall be in accordance
rates. with ASHRAE 52.2 and EN779 standards.
• Chilled water and direct expansion coils shall be available in 4, • Hepa filters in SKM air handling units shall be in accordance
6, 8, 10 and 12 rows. with EN1882 standards.
• Coils shall be available in 8, 10 and 12 fpi. • 2” (50mm) panel filters with Aluminum washable media
• All water coils shall be provided with air vents and drain plugs. EN class: G3.
• DX coil shall be provided with distributor. Expansion valve shall • Bag Filter: 21” (534mm) deep high efficiency bag filters with
be provided if specified. synthetic media. EN Class: F7. Higher EN class F8 and F9,
• Coil circuiting shall be counter flow. (Direction of coil water/ available on request.
refrigerant flow shall be counter to direction of unit air flow).
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
• Bag filter with 30” (762mm) or 15” (385mm) depth. steam generating cylinders and steam distribution pipe. Steam
• 2” (50mm) pleated filters, Media: Synthetic. generator is supplied separately and is complete with necessary
• 4” (100mm) thick extended surface mini-pleat filters with controls. In this case the humidifier is remote to the unit. ON/
equivalent efficiency to bag filter. Media: Synthetic. OFF control for humidifier shall be provided as standard.
• Vee filters with Aluminum washable media.
• HEPA filters: Ultra high absolute HEPA filter media shall be 12” • With only steam distributor pipe and hoses which will be
connected to the steam main by the installer. Supply of steam
(300mm) deep with efficiency >99% when measured by using
and all the controls by others.
DOP method.
• Carbon filters.
• Manometers to monitor air pressure drop across filters. Options
• Condensate drain pan for humidifier section
ELECTRIC HEATER SECTION • Proportional control based on 0-10 V DC/4-20 mA
• Electric heater capacity and steps shall be as indicated on the
equipment schedule.
Water Humidifiers
• Electric heater element shall be in accordance with IEC
standards. Water humidifier consist of spray nozzle system, heat exchanger
media, tank for collecting spray water and eliminator section
• Electric heater element shall be constructed from 80/20 nickel
for removing entrained drops of water from the air. A pump re-
chrome resistance wire, which is connected to terminal pins
circulates water at a rate higher than the evaporation rate. Water
and centered in stainless steel grade 304L sheath metal tubes
tank shall be equipped with drain connection, overflow outlet,
by compressed magnesium oxide.
water feed with float valve and suction connection with screen.
Standard components included with the heater shall be supplied :
• 3-pole magnetic contactor per stage.
• Evaporative Type: Water is supplied to the top of the evaporative
• Primary over temperature protection provided by auto reset
media via a distribution header. The water flows down the
high limit safety cut outs.
surface of the media and the warm and dry air passes through
• Secondary over temperature protection provided by manual the media it evaporates a proportion of the water and thus
reset high limit safety cut-out for positive break.
produces cold, humidified air.
• Control fuse breaker.
• Control switch .
• Power fuses circurt breaker as per NEC, if total load exceeds
48 amps. DAMPERS
• Factory installed air flow switch.
• To control the fresh, return and exhaust airflow rates in mixing
• The terminal pins shall be insulated from metal tube by ceramic box, exhaust box, economizer, face & bypass and multi-zone
bushes. sections, units shall be provided with dampers.
• Helical fins mild steel galvanized shall be tightly wounded
around tabular heater elements. • Damper shall be arranged in parallel or opposed blades
• Helical fins stainless steel shall be provided if so specified. configuration.
SKM Air Handling Unit
MAH Series
• This system shall comprise of two coils, one placed in the
• Sound attenuator section shall be sized to meet the sound level
supply air stream and other in the exhaust air stream.
indicated on the equipment schedule.
• The coils shall be connected in a closed loop via piping and
• Sound attenuator section shall be consisting of splitters with circulating pump (supplied by others).
24” (600mm) or 48” (1200mm) in length.
• Outer skin of the splitters shall be constructed of perforated • Water or glycol shall be circulated as a heat transfer medium.
galvanized steel. This system shall recover sensible heat only.
• Outer skin of the splitters shall be constructed of perforated Fixed Plate Heat Recovery System
aluminum or stainless steel if so specified. (Plate Heat Exchanger)
• The insulation material of splitters shall be fiberglass. • Fixed plate heat recovery system shall be built from layers of
Aluminum plates.
• The exhaust air passes through the exchanger from end to end
HEAT RECOVERY SECTION and the supply air stream individual passages formed by the
plates within the exchanger.
• This system shall recover sensible heat only.
To conserve the energy consumption, one of the following heat
recovery systems shall be provided: Heat Pipe System
• Heat pipe shall be consisting of two coils, pre-cooling and re-
Rotary Heat Recovery System (Thermal Wheel) heating, connected together without any moving part in between
them and containing phase change fluid.
• Heat wheels in SKM air handling units shall be capable of • According to the arrangement of the heat pipe coils with respect
recovering both sensible and latent heat. to other components, it shall be used for either dehumidification
(Horse shoe type arrangement), or for heat recovery (Vertical/
• Heat wheels offered shall be constructed of Aluminum, coated Horizontal arrangement).
with heat transfer material (silica gel or molecular sieve) which • For dehumidification function (Horse shoe type arrangement),
evaporator coil shall be installed between the Pre and Re heat
shall rotate by an electric motor at constant speed.
coil of heat pipe.
• The heat wheel rotates between the fresh and return air streams, • For heat recovery function (Vertical arrangement)., heat pipes
coils shall be installed between the fresh and return air streams
and two fan sections shall be required (supply and exhaust fan). and two fan sections shall be required; supply and exhaust fan.
P.O Box: 6004
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 6 514 3333
Fax: +971 6 514 3300
Service Centre
United Arab Emirates
Abu Dhabi Dubai
P.O Box: 27788 P.O Box: 98822
Tel: +971 2 6445223 Tel: +971 4 2940900
Fax: +971 2 6445145 Fax: +971 4 2940029
Email: Email:
Al Ain
Tel: +971 3 7619921 Kuwait
Fax: +971 3 7619941 Dasman
Email: P.O Box: 1215-PC 15463
Tel: +965 2 2492200
Saudi Arabia (Production Facility) Fax: +965 2 2494400
SKM Air Conditioning Factory
Eastern province
AD Dammam Algeria
2nd industrial city Aissat Idir ( EX-ENMA) City
Abqiq main road Hail Street Bldg1, Flat 2, Dar El Beida Algiers
Tel: +966 3 8123332 / 4 / 5 Tel: +213 21 508197
Fax: +966 3 8123337 / +966 3 8123092 Fax: +213 21 508197
Email: Email:
Supersedes # 021/2015A