Web Version Syllabus 2023-24
Web Version Syllabus 2023-24
Web Version Syllabus 2023-24
Season 2023-24
Stoddart Cup
Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6
This event will be played to club rules with the following excep4ons.
∙ The team without last stone may score a one or more points to win the end. ∙ While
the team with last stone must score a two shots or more to win the end. ∙ Where the
team with last stone secure only a single point, it shall be scored as a ‘blank’ end.
∙ Where last stone advantage is not successfully used and the score results in two
consecu4ve blank ends, the hammer will switch.
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
Alan Russell Basil Baird Graham Wood Sco1 Baird Anne Baird Ewan Barr
Lesley Barr Stewart Barr Subs : Graham Russell
Sat 9th December 2023
Members may only represent one club in any given season and must be
members of the club they represent, Edinburgh Curling Club and ScoHsh
Curling to be eligible to play.
Schedule Match
Schedule Match
Mon 11th Dec 2023 — 6.00pm Mid Calder v Currie & Balerno
District Medal
The club has been drawn against Abdie Curling Club, who play out of Perth Ice
Rink. Abdie will have home ice advantage.
Mid Calder will be required to field two teams, all players must be registered
members of the club and ScoHsh Curling
Date to be arranged
Rink Championship Qualifiers
Prelims, Quarter-Final and Semi Finals will be charged at £72 per team (£18
per person). The final will be Free of Charge
Schedule Match
Sat 9th Dec 2023 — 2.30pm (Final) Winner HRS1 Winner HRS2
All players must be registered members of ScoHsh Curling & their club (you
may only represent one club per season)
The top 6 teams will qualify for the Championship Finals, to be played at
Forfar Indoor Sports from 1st-3rd March 2024.
Any number of players are allowed during Qualifiers, but teams may only use
4 of those players plus 2 subs4tutes in the Finals.
Swan Trophy
The club will put forward two teams at the same 4me. The club with the higher
combined score progresses to the next round.
Ice Fees for the Quarters and Semi Final is £56 per team (£14 each)
All regular players and subs4tutes must be members of Edinburgh Curling Club. All
regular players and subs4tutes must also be members of the club they represent.
Each club must provide two teams of four to play in each round.
The compe44on will be played as a double-rink knock-out, with the number of rounds
determined by the number of clubs that enter.
Each club will receive one hammer in each match. A coin toss is used to determine stone
colour for each club.
The winner of a match is determined by the total shots scored over the two games. In
the event of a 4e, both clubs will nominate one player to play a draw to the bu1on, with
the closest to the bu1on determining the winner. Players may only play their draw shot
on the sheet of ice on which they played.
For the final, an extra end will be played by both teams. If the match is s4ll 4ed, then the
draw shot as detailed above will be used to determine the winner.
Prizes will be awarded to the winners and losers of the final.
The winners will be presented with the Swan Trophy.
Skips are requested to telephone their rinks before each compe44on starts to confirm
their availability. However, if any player is unable to play then the onus is on that player
to find a subs4tute and advise the skip of the name of such subs4tute. Failure to provide
a subs4tute can upset the game for other members.
A subs4tute can play in any posi4on up to and including that of the person for whom they
are subs4tu4ng. When, however, the subs4tute is already allocated and plays in another
team in the league they can only subs4tute as lead irrespec4ve of the posi4on of the
person for whom they are subs4tu4ng.
If a member of a team is late, the game will start with the bell and the team will lose one
shot for each ten minutes late up to three shots maximum.
If a member of a team cannot present a subs4tute for their match, the team will be
permi1ed to play with 3 members. 3 penalty points will be forfeited.
It is the responsibility of the winning skip to ensure the completed card is placed in the
slot at the Midcalder no4ce board.
Scorecards must have date, compe44on and signatures from both skips. Where a score
card is incomplete or incorrectly filled in, the game will be deemed a draw, at the lower