Real Estate Synopsis
Real Estate Synopsis
Real Estate Synopsis
“Real Estate”
<student name> anmol
<Branch> cse
Applications of PHP
ER Diagram
Characteristics of PHP:-
• Readable – Being able to easily read code is vital. Don’t ever assume you
will be the only developer to ever read and maintain your code. I can’t
think of a single project for the exception of my blog that I have been the
only one who worked on it. Readable code has meaningful variables; good
comments that help describe what’s going on. However, good variables
and comments doesn’t necessarily mean your code is readable.
• Modular – I hear this word tossed around a lot when talking about
programming. However, what really is modular? I like to define it as being
able to take a part of your code and use it elsewhere with the least amount of
• Relevant – While I hear a lot about Modular code, I don’t hear a lot about
relevant code. While people might consider relevant in the modular or
organized characteristic, I find it helps me to separate this out. Relevant to
me means that code is where it belongs. Its easy to have code blur together
and have purposes mixed. Relevant code means the grouping of code
belongs together.
• Efficient – What good is code if it is slow, doesn’t scale, and will have to be
re-written? Is being efficient is just following a handful of rules and
• Documented – Code that isn’t well documented will be a time drain. I know
many developers who think keeping up documentation slows the
development process down.
• However, without that documentation, the overall development process will
suffer. Bringing new developers up to speed, maintenance, even just general
development will be slowed down by “figuring stuff out.” Documentation is
also more than just having a “wiki” or using comments.
• Longevous – The definition is to live a long life. There are two parts to
having longevous code. First of all, when you’ve programmed or maintained
some code, ask yourself. “How long will this last? Will this solution work
well over time?” Then, the second part which I think is almost never asked:
“when the time comes, how easily can I extend, or replace this code?” To
often programmers “dig ruts” so-to-speak in projects. They code an aspect of
a project that locks them into a situation that is extremely difficult to code
out of.
• Secure – All of the time spent on development can be for nothing if it isn’t
secure. Security in web development is a must. It doesn’t matter the size of
the website, large or small, eventually someone will try to break it. Someone
will try to compromise it. The consequences vary, from an annoyance, to
destroying the entire business. Making your application secure is a skill all
developers need.
• Safe – While some people think of this as the same as secure, for me safe
PHP code means it handles errors correctly. Great PHP code handles errors
correctly. If a PHP class fails, it should handle the error properly. It should
also throw errors correctly when needed. If code is safe, I know that it will
behave as it should, and properly let me know when it is not.
Applications of PHP:-
Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL offers web developers a
mixture of theoretical and practical information on creating web database
applications. Using PHP, and MySQL, two open source technologies that are often
combined to develop web applications, the book offers detailed information on
designing relational databases and on web application architecture, both of which
will be useful to readers who have never dealt with these issues before. The book
also introduces Hugh and Dave's Online Wines, a complete (but fictional) online
retail site that allows users to browse, search a database, add items to a shopping
cart, manage their membership, and purchase wines. Using this site as an example,
the book shows you how to implement searching and browsing, store user data,
validate user input, manage transactions, and maintain security.
• Introduction of HTML.
The success of any running project primarily depends upon Hardware and
Software in its compilation. The hardware used in the machine should be such that
it supports the software that is to be mounted for assembling the project. This
project deals with the hardware and software which is available reading and easy
on each and every machine given to the user.
2. Framework 3.5
Scope of the Website
1. At home.
Problem statement
The main problem was that if one wants to sell his property, he first needs to
contact or visit number of brokers and tell them the whole details about that, same
if someone needs to buy some property he also contacts brokers and tell them
specifications of their needs, the brokers then acts as intermediate and make the
work done by charging their amount. Same in the case of rent the property.
Another is that customer whether wants to buy or rent has to visit the site to see the
property which is quite a cumbersome task. Through this project it is tried to
Make this thing easy by selling buying and rent the property while sitting at their
own places and getting the contacts of the brokers through the site and one can
upload or see the site images on the website.
USER-END:- This module is for users where they register themselves and post
advertisement with the permission of the administrator. Here user can also check out for
various property sites they want to buy or sell or give on rent.
ADMINISTRATOR-END:- This modules is for administrator where all the users and
property are managed and verified . Removal of the site after it is sell or purchased
2) User End