Book Termux Commands
Book Termux Commands
Book Termux Commands
Termux is a powerful terminal emulator for Android that provides access to a Linux command
line environment. It allows you to install a variety of Linux packages using the package manager
pkg or apt. Here's a guide that spans from beginner to advanced Termux commands, designed
to help you get acquainted with its capabilities:
Package Management
Text Processing
Version Control
Miscellaneous Commands
Advanced Usage
Beginner Commands
1. Update and Upgrade Packages
This command updates the list of available packages and their versions, then upgrades the
installed packages to their latest versions.
2. Install a Package
Replace [package_name] with the name of the package you want to install. For example, pkg
install python to install Python.
pkg list-installed
4. Uninstall a Package
Intermediate Commands
6. Access Storage
First, grant Termux access to device storage:
After allowing storage permissions, you can navigate to your storage using cd command.
8. Using Git
Advanced Commands
11. Use Vim or Nano as an Editor pkg install vim or pkg install nano Install and
use Vim or Nano text editors for editing files.
12. Cron Jobs
Use crontab to manage cron jobs, scheduling scripts or commands to run at specified
13. Custom Scripts
Write custom shell scripts to automate tasks. Make sure to give them execute
permissions: chmod +x
14. Networking Tools
Install networking tools like nmap for network exploration and security auditing: pkg
install nmap
15. Python Virtual Environments pkg install python python -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate Create and activate Python virtual environments for
project-specific dependencies.
16. Package Creation
Advanced users can create their own packages for Termux by following the packaging
guide provided in the Termux GitHub repositories.
17. SSH Server pkg install openssh sshd Set up an SSH server on your device to
allow remote access.
18. Termux API pkg install termux-api Access device features such as the camera,
GPS, and SMS through command line scripts.
19. Encrypt Files with GPG pkg install gnupg gpg -c file.txt Encrypt files
using GnuPG.
20. Web Development
Install web development tools like nodejs, php, or ruby and use Termux as a portable
web development environment.
This guide covers a broad spectrum of commands and uses, but the possibilities with Termux
are vast. You can explore further by trying out different packages, reading the documentation,
and participating in the Termux community.