Genesis - Student Workbook

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Foundation Book of the Bible

Mike Mazzalongo

A 50 lesson series that covers all 50 chapters of Genesis. From

creation to the flood and on to Abraham finishing with Joseph in
Egypt. A complete study of the first book in the Bible.
The Foundation

Intro – Series Objectives:


I. Genesis = Origins
1. 8.

2. 9.

3. 10.

4. 11.

5. 12.

6. 13.

7. 14.

II. Genesis and the Bible

Taxonomical classifications of matter
1. Time - 2. Energy - 3. Force - 4. Space - 5. Mass 1735 Gen. 1
Oceans lie in one bed Gen.1:9

Both man and woman possess seed of life 17th century Gen. 3:15 & 22:18

Most seaworthy ship design is 30:5:3 1860 Gen. 6

Infinite number of stars 1940 Gen. 15:5

Certain animals carry diseases harmful to man 16th century Lev. 11

Early diagnosis of leprosy 17th century Lev. 13:1-9

Quarantine for disease control 17th century Lev. 13:45-47

Blood of animals carries disease 17th century Lev. 17:13

Blood necessary for survival of life 19th century Lev. 17:11 / Deut. 12:23

There is a place void of stars in the north 19th century Job 26:7

Earth is held in place by invisible forces 1650 Job 26:7

Air has weight 16th century Job 28:25

Light is a particle (has mass, a photon) 1932 Job 38:19

Radio astronomy (stars give off signals) 1945 Job 38:7

Oceans contain freshwater springs 1920 Job 38:16

Snow has material value 1905, 1966 Job 38:22

Using electricity to carry sound Job 28:35

Arcturus and other stars move through space 19th century Job 38:32
Oceans have natural paths in them -
Matthew Fontaine Murray 1854 Psalm 8:8

Moon gives no light Psalm 28:37

Water cycle 17th century Eccl. 1:7

Dust is important for survival 1935 Isa. 40:12

The earth is round 15th century Isa. 40:22 / Prov. 8:27

Day and night occur simultaneously on earth 15th century Lk. 17:31-34

Earth rotates on axis James 1:17

Authorship and Division
of Genesis

Intro – Review two basic points



I. Authorship
Three main authorship explanations about how Genesis was produced:
1. Group of Writers
“Higher Criticism”

Documentary Hypothesis

2. Moses as the Author

§ Three possibilities



3. Moses as Compiler and Editor

II. Division of Genesis

1. Overview Division

A. God and the world – Genesis 1-11

B. God and His people – Genesis 12-50

2. General Divisions

Divided by generations

10 Generations:

1. Generations of heaven and earth – 1:1-2:4

2. Generations of Adam – 2:4b-5:1

3. Generations of Noah – 5:1-6:9

4. Generations of sons of Noah – 6:9-10:1

5. Generations of Shem – 10:1-11:10

6. Generations of Terah – 11:10-11:27

7. Generations of Isaac – 11:27-25:11

8. Generations of Ishmael – 25:11-25:18

9. Generations of Jacob – 25:19-37:1

10. Generations of the sons of Jacob – Genesis 37:2-Exodus 1:1

The Foundational Verse
of the Bible

Intro – Review of Genesis

1. Inspiration
2. Nature
3. Author
4. Division

I. Foundational Verse – Verse 1

Henry Morris – “Genesis Record”

7 Philosophies refuted by Genesis 1:1

1. Atheism

2. Pantheism

3. Polytheism

4. Materialism

5. Dualism

6. Humanism

7. Evolution
Other philosophies that Genesis 1:1 refutes include:


II. The words in Genesis 1:1





In the beginning

If you were translating Genesis 1:1 into modern scientific English you could say,

“The transcendent Godhead called into

the , , universe.”
Old Earth vs. Young Earth

Intro – Review
Scientists say that the universe is comprised of - -

Genesis 1:1 refutes

I. Age of the Earth

• Old Earth

• Young Earth

1. Old view of earth

Geological Record:
Old Earth Theory Problems:

A. Have to assume contradictory ideas.

- Something comes from
- Matter is
- Time and chance

B. Have to accept conflict between what is proposed and what is observed.

- Geological Record

- Absence of “Links”

2. Young view of earth

§ No philosophical problems

§ No observable contradictions

Young earth model (6,000 – 10,000 years) is supported by:


The Gap Theory
in Creationism

Intro – Review
1. Old earth

A. Theoretical

B. Geological

2. New Earth




I. Gap Theory
Proposes a long time-gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.

Gap Theory:
1. God

2. Satan

3. God

• The main purpose of the Gap Theory was to

Problems with Gap Theory:

1. Scientific
2. Biblical

§ Romans 5:12

§ I Corinthians 15:21

II. Study of Genesis 1:2

“And the earth was…”

“…formless and void…”

“…darkness was on the face (surface) of the deep.”

“The Spirit of God moved over the surface of the waters…”


Transmission of energy in the universe is in the form of “waves”

(Light waves, heat waves, sound waves, etc.).

The Day/Age Theory
of Creation

Intro – Review – Chronology

1. God exists

2. God creates the world.


b. Job 38:4-7

• Hebrews 1:14

• Psalms 104:2-5


GAP Theory

Problems with Gap Theory

I. Day/Age Theory
The Day/Age Theory tries to fit Evolution and Creation into one piece.

Problems with Day/Age Theory

1. Order doesn’t match geological table.
2. Day/Age Theory has before .

3. Grammar supports Days not Ages.


No need to add extra meaning to the word, let it say what it says.

II. Genesis 1:3-5

1. Light (Elements for light) are created.

2. The Tri-One Nature of God revealed.

3. The Day/Night cycle is established.




1. God creates

2. He also creates

3. He energizes

4. He creates the basis for

5. He sets in motion
Day #2 and #3

Intro – Review of angels:




Review Day #1
“YOM” =

I. Day #2 – Genesis 1:6-8

A. Jeremiah 4:25

B. Isaiah 13:10

C. Hebrews 9:24

“Firmament” =

Pre-Flood environment included:

1. Liquid
2. Gaseous
3. Water
4. The water canopy would give the pre-flood world a special environment with special features.
A. It would maintain

B. It would have uniform

C. No rain

D. Proper temperature
E. Canopy would act

F. Modern biomedical research

5. Genesis 7:11

6. These events explain the changes in the weather and ecology of the earth.
o Different

o Wild

o Problems with

o Dry

o Development of

o Shortened

Day #2 =

II. Day #3 – Genesis 1:9-10

There is order in how God divides the elements to form creation:

1. Light from
2. Waters above from

3. Dry land from

III. Lessons from these passages

1. God knows

2. It’s ok to pray

3. Why doubt ?
Day #3 and #4

Intro – Review
Day #1

Day #2

Day #3

I. Day #3 – Continued
Genesis 1:11-13

Genesis mentions three orders of plant life:

A. Vegetation

B. Plants / herbs

C. Trees / fruit trees

Seed and Kind

Fully Mature Creation

II. Day #4

Genesis 1:14-19

How to explain “Light Years”?

Hittites – Genesis 23:10

Features of various “Lights”:

o Sun and Moon light givers

o Sun and Moon emphasized

o Stars locked in place

Heavenly bodies serve various purposes:

A. Day/Night

B. Glorify God – Psalm 19:1-2

C. Define Seasons – Psalm 104:19

D. Give signs to men

o Joshua – Joshua 10:12-13

o Jesus – Matthew 2:1-2

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day #5

Intro – Review

Day #1

Day #2

Day #3

Day #4

I. Day #5

Genesis 1:20-23

Notes on 1:20-23
o Evolution says

o Creation says

o First time the term “life/soul” appears

o Specific animals are mentioned

o Created ready to produce

o God blesses His creation

o Genesis contradicts evolution.

Genesis Evolution
II. Day #6

Genesis 1:24-25

Land animals created.

o Cattle

o Wild beast

o Creeping things


1. Genesis vs. Evolution

2. Dinosaurs and Man

3. No “Survival of the Fittest”

4. All of these creatures have souls or consciousness

Genesis #9 - Review Quiz

1. Genesis is important because it is the book

that contains the of everything.

2. Genesis explains the beginnings of 14 basic things. Name 13 of these.

A. U

B. S S

C. A H

D. L

E. M

F. M

G. E

H. L

I. G

J. C

K. N

L. R

M. C P

3. Match the words:

Genesis Written
Author Genesis 1-11; 12-50
Higher Critic Moses
1500 B.C. Confirms inspiration
Compiler/Editor 4-7 century B.C.
Overview Division Dr. Gluezk
Jesus God

4. Man “forms” or “fashions” but only God .

5. List in order the three first things God created.

6. Circle the correct answer:

A. The earth is how old?

3000 years / 5-10,000 years / 1 million + years

B. Evolutionists believe that the earth is:

billions of years old / fairly young / eternal

C. Geologists can accurately date a fossil to:

65,000 years / 3 million years / any age

D. True or False:
• Something comes from nothing. T F
• Evolutionary theory matches geological fact. T F
• They have found some “missing links.” T F
• Complex forms are universal. T F
• Most “dating” methods point to a young earth. T F
• The Gap Theory says that there are only 24 hours T F
in one “creation” day.
• The “day age” theory says that each day in creation T F
equals an age of evolution.
• God created matter and energized it on the same day. T F
• Elements for light and the dark light cycle were T F
created on the first day.
• The word “YOM” means creation. T F

7. Fill in the blanks.

• The term “heaven” could mean the atmosphere, or God’s throne.
• The “waters above” is a reference to a above the atmosphere.
• On the third day God separated the from the .
• Heavenly bodies have special purposes; name two:

• Unlike fish, birds and animals, vegetation and matter have no .

• Dinosaurs were created at the same time as .

Bonus Question (5 POINTS): Genesis 1:1 has been referred to as the “foundational”
verse in the Bible. Why?
The Creation of Man

Intro – Review
• Creation of
• Creation of

I. Creation of Man – Genesis 1:26-27

A. The Divine Council

Genesis 1:26a

I Peter 1:20

Psalm 110:1; Isaiah 48:16; John 17:24

Info About God

1. God

2. God

3. The creation

Info About Man

1. The term “man”

2. The term “Adam”

3. Adam’s Triune Nature

A. Has a

B. Has

C. Possess
Ecclesiastes 3:21

Ephesians 1:9

II. Man’s Position

Genesis 1:26b

III. The Act of Creation

Genesis 1:27

IV. God’s Charge to Man

Two unknown worlds.

Genesis 1:28-31

1. Only 1 and 1

2. Fill the

3. Subdue and have

4. They ate no

5. God sees that all was

God’s Rest and
Man’s Creation

Intro – Review three acts of creation

• Creation of
• Creation of
• Creation of

I. Day of Rest – 2:1-3

Genesis 2:1

Genesis 2:2

Genesis 2:3

II. Adam’s Perspective

Generational Divisions:

Genesis 1:1 – 2:4

Genesis 2:4 – 5:1

Genesis 5:1 – 6:9

Genesis 6:9 – 10:1

Genesis 10:1 – 11:10

Genesis 11:10 – 11:27

Genesis 11:27 – 25:29

Genesis 25:29 – 37:2

Genesis 37:2 – Exodus 1:1

Genesis 2:4

Genesis 5:1

III. Pre – Sin Environment

Genesis 2:5-6

IV. The Creation of Man – In Detail

Genesis 2:7




God – Like

First and Only

The Moral Choice

Intro – Review – Genesis 1:1-2:7





I. The Garden – 2:8-14

Vs. 8

Vs. 9

Vs. 10-14

II Peter 3:6

II. The Moral Choice – vs. 15-17

• Man is fully equipped.

• An environment where man can co-exist with God.

• The answer is a “Moral” realm.

Vs. 16-17

God’s command does several things:

1. Activates

2. Puts man’s

3. Makes possible

III. Man and the animals – vs. 18-20

Vs. 18


Vs. 19-20

Adam’s review of the animals suggests:

1. He was created

2. He was intelligent

3. He learned:

The Creation of Woman

Intro – Review
1. God initiates

Moral choice gives man:

1. Superiority over
2. Can relate to
3. Freedom to
2. God instructs

3. God leads

I. The Creation of Woman – Genesis 2:21-22

1. The “sleep of Adam”

2. The word “Rib”

3. God forms woman

4. God brings woman to man

II. The Family - Genesis 2:23-25

The first social unit is the family.

Vs. 23

Adam acknowledges that Eve is

Vs. 24

1. Activates a family is made up of

Families are formed when

2. Basic Ingredients

§ Intimacy

§ Exclusivity

§ Longevity

Vs. 25

How did Adam and Eve Marry?

• Knowledge

• Covenant

• Confirmation

They were not ashamed.

The First Appearance of
Satan in the Bible

Intro – The problem of failure and death has been much discussed by philosophers and theologians.

Some answers from human thinking:




Romans 5:12

I. Satan

Genesis 3:1a

Isaiah 14:12-15

Ezekiel 28:12-19

Satan was vs. 13b

Satan was vs. 12-13
Satan was vs. 12-13
Satan served .
Satan was vs. 15
Satan’s sin vs. 15
Satan’s source vs. 17a
Satan tried to Jude 6
Satan’s destruction was vs. 17-19
Satan no longer
II. Satan and the Serpent – 3:1b

Why and how a serpent’s body?

Satan was fallen

Satan is naturally

I John 4:4

Who was doing the talking?


If Satan possessed the snake…

If Satan guided the snake…

Hollywood’s take.
Eve’s 5 Mistakes

Intro – Satan’s first appearance

Two Trees:
A. Tree of
B. Tree of

I. Eve’s 5 Mistakes – Genesis 3:1b-6

Mistake #1 – She .

Genesis 3:2a

Mistake #2 – She .

Genesis 3:4-6a
Satan accuses God of:

Mistake #3 – She .

In considering the offer she was opening herself up for temptation at three levels:

1. Physical

2. Emotional

3. Spiritual

John 2:16
Luke 4:1-12 – Jesus’ temptation was similar.

What should Eve have done?

A. Stand Ephesians 6:11

B. Run Timothy 2:22


Ecclesiastes 9:4

Eve said to herself .

Mistake #4 – She .
Genesis 3:6b

The simple command was “ .”

Mistake #5 – She .
Genesis 3:6c

The 5 stages of temptation.

1. Failure to

2. Compromising

3. Considering

4. Consent

5. Start
The Judgment

Intro – Review – Eve’s 5 Mistakes

Mistake #1 – Failure .

Mistake #2 – Compromising .

Mistake #3 – Considering .

Mistake #4 – to sin.

Mistake #5 – Start .

I. Consequences of Sin

1. - vs. 7a

2. - vs. 7b

3. - vs. 8-10
4. - vs. 11-13

5. - vs. 14-21

A. Satan is Judged – vs. 14-15

Men have .
The seed of woman is .
The seed of Satan is .

B. Eve is Judged – vs. 16

Before sin, would be without pain.

Before sin Adam and Eve enjoyed over creation.

After sin…

God shows His mercy in Judgment.

Paradise Lost

Intro – 5 consequences of sin:


I. Judgment of Man

• Genesis 3:17-19

• Once sin enters the world, God removes His presence and the cycle of deterioration begins.

• This concept of universal deterioration has been scientifically formulated for over 100 years
(Carnot, Clausius, Kelvin, and others)

• It’s called the Second Law of Thermodynamics and states that

• The “cursing” of the ground in Genesis 3:17 is the reverse of

• Better suffering and death than

• The result of the “curse”:

1. Sorrow

2. Pain and Suffering

3. Hard Work

4. Death

Curse on Adam / Curse on Jesus

Isaiah 53:3
Mark 15:17
Luke 22:44
Psalm 22:15

II. Paradise Lost

Genesis 3:20

Adam re-names the woman which will signify:

1. Life

2. Faith

3. Renewal

Genesis 3:21

Genesis 3:22

Genesis 3:23-24

Revelation 2:7
Cain and Abel

Intro – The fall of man - Review

1. The Command

2. The Disobedience

3. The Salvation

I. Murder of Abel

• Adam and Eve believe and respond to God’s promise.

Vs. 1

Vs. 2

• Occupations:
Abel – Shepherd

Cain – Farmer

Genesis 1:29; 2:16; 3:19

• Population Statistics

Vs. 3-5 – Various interpretations:



• Biblical references to Abel:

1. Matthew 23:35

2. Luke 11:49-51

3. Hebrews 11:4

Cain’s reaction

Vs. 6-7 – God warns Cain:

1. Face .

2. Acknowledge .

I John 3:12

3. Deal .

Vs. 8 – What did Cain and Abel argue about?

II. Final Lessons



The Punishment of Cain

Intro – The 4 Angles of the Genesis story.

1. Close-Up

2. Society

3. Seed of Promise

4. War of the “Seeds”

I. Cain’s Judgment – 4:9-15

Vs. 9

Cain’s response

Vs. 10

Vs. 11-12 The consequences of sin in Cain’s life:

a. The land

b. Wandering

Vs. 13
Vs. 14

c. No communion with the Lord

d. The “Mark”

Vs. 15
II. The Way of Cain

Vs. 16
Vs. 17
Vs. 18
Vs. 19 – Lamech
Vs. 20-22




Society’s development through Cain:

A. Urban life

B. Nomadic life

C. Cattle raising

D. Metal working

E. Musical instruments

F. Polygamy

G. Metallic weapons

H. Writing and Art

Vs. 23-24


Seed of Promise

Intro – The 4 Views

1. Close-Up

2. Social

3. Seed of Promise

4. War of the “Seeds”

I. Seed of Promise

1. The story in Genesis now shifts its focus to the image of the “Seed of Promise.”

Vs. 25

Vs. 26

II. Generations of Adam

1. Divisions of Genesis
A. Creation – 1-11
B. Chosen People – 12-50

2. Generational Divisions
A. Generation of and 1:1 – 2:4
B. Generation of 2:4 – 5:1
C. Generation of 5:1 – 6:9
D. Generation of Sons of 6:9 – 10:1
E. Generation of Sons of 10:1 – 11:10
F. Generation of 11:10 – 11:27
G. Generation of 11:27 – 25:29
H. Generation of 25:29 – 37:2
I. Generation of 37:2 – Ex. 1:1
Genesis 5:1a

Vs. 1b-2

Vs. 3-5

Vs. 6-32

Antediluvian Patriarchs

Patriarch Meaning Birth Death

Adam 1
Seth 130
Enosh 235
Cainan 325
Mahlaleel 395
Zared 460
Enoch 622
Methuselah 687
Lamech 874
Noah 1056

FAQs About Patriarchs:

1. Patriarchs

2. Adam

3. Methuselah

4. Lamech

A. God is .

B. God’s plan will .

The Times of Noah

Intro – Review

1. Adam’s Record

2. Noah’s Summary

I. Noah – Genesis 6:1

• Matthew 24:37-39

• Genesis 6:1-4

1. Angels and Women

2. Cain and Seth’s Descendants

3. Cain and Demons

• The condition of the world was wicked

Genesis 6:5-6

• More details about the Antediluvian world:

1. Preoccupation with Luke 17:26-27

2. Satanic Genesis 6:2

3. General Hebrews 11:7
4. Ungodly Jude 14-15
5. Widespread Genesis 6:11-13
Genesis 6:7

Genesis 6:8

Profile of Noah
• Obedient

(Genesis 6:22; 7:5; 7:9; 7:16)

• One (Genesis 7:13)

• Preacher (II Peter 2:5)
• Ministry was a (Hebrews 11:7)
• Master (Ark)
• Offered (Genesis 8:20; 9:20)
• Farmer (Genesis 9:24)
• Considered (Genesis 9:6)

Genesis 6:9-10

Genesis 6:11-13

Summary / Lessons

1. Perseverance NOT

2. We don’t have

3. God can us .
The Building of the Ark

Intro – God’s judgment has been pronounced.

I. The Building of the Ark

Genesis 4:14-16


1. Ark

2. Measurements

3. No Tipping Over

4. 1.4 Million Cubic Feet

5. Multi Storied

6. Construction Materials

7. Windows and Doors

II. God’s Judgment and Promises

Vs. 17

1. God brings .

2. “Flood of Waters”
- Mabbul Mayim
- Kata Clusmos
3. The flood will

Vs. 18



Vs. 19-21

Vs. 22 – Noah enters into a covenant with God.

1. The Ark is a “Type” for the church.
A. One ark
B. Safety in ark
C. One way into ark
D. Alive through water in the ark
E. Ark carries to the next life
F. Only believers in the ark
G. Ark was mocked
H. Ark built by believers
I. God provided for the ark
J. Ark necessary

2. You need to be in and stay in .

Flood Details

Intro – Review
• All invited into the ark
• All invited into the church
• God’s covenant with Noah:

I. God Breaks His Silence – 7:1-10

Vs. 1

God brings the animas to the ark but He Noah to enter.

Vs. 2-3 – Division of animals.

• Clean/Unclean

• Domestic/Wild

Vs. 4-5

Everything would be destroyed

Vs. 6-9


120 Years = 1000 Years

II. The Flood

Vs. 10-11a

Vs. 11b-12

Fountains of the great deep

Windows of heaven
Trigger that caused flood:
• Theological =
• Realistically =
• Naturally =

Vs. 13-16

The flood is a “worldwide” catastrophe.

Vs. 17-18

Vs. 19-20

Vs. 21-23 – The Bible specifically says that everything was destroyed.

Vs. 24

The Flood caused the sedification of bones and vegetation misinterpreted today as “evolution.”


1. God keeps

2. God requires

3. God is
Effects of the Great Flood

Intro – Church/Ark – Judgment/Flood

I. Results of the Flood – 8:1-14

Vs. 1-2

God stopped the flood:

o Caused a great

o Stopped the

o Closed the

Vs. 3 – Water recedes, land appears.

Vs. 4

Vs. 5-12 - In the ark days

- It took the earth months to dry.

Vs. 13-14 – Noah made sure the earth was dry before he opened it.

Physical changes to the earth after a great world-wide flood.

1. Oceans
2. Less
3. Thermal vapor barrier now lessened. What happens next?

4. Rise of mountains, which, in effect, makes much land uninhabitable.

5. Movement of the crust creates greater movement.

6. Fossil records everywhere misinterpreted by translators.

II. God and Noah after the Flood

Vs. 15-19

• Dr. Andrew Woods, “The Center of the Earth”

• Some animals become extinct after the flood.

Vs. 20

Vs. 21-22 – God responds to Noah’s prayer by promising two things:

1. No curse
2. New environment will be able to sustain man

III. Establishment of Human Government – Genesis 9:1-7

Vs. 1-2

Vs. 3-4

No Blood!
• Physically dangerous
• Theologically one didn’t eat blood, he offered to God first.
• Avoid pagan practices.

Vs. 5-6

Death Penalty
• Both Old/New Testament support, encourage its use.
• Encourages mercy for guilty
The Rainbow Covenant

Intro – Review
1. The physical world has changed.

2. The social world has changed.

3. The spiritual world has changed.

Genesis 9:7

Genesis 8:22

I. The Rainbow Covenant – 9:8-29

God makes a covenant with Noah.

Genesis 9:8-10

Genesis 9:11-17

II. Sons of Noah

There are a variety of ways to classify the different “races” in the world.



Here we see the reactions of the three sons:


Similarities between Adam and Noah.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
Genesis 9:24-27

HAM - Ham will have a position of service to his brothers, not slavery

Ham’s Descendants
• Original explorers
• First cultivators
• Developed tools
• Developed weaving
• Discovered medicines
• Invented basic math
• Banking, postal systems
• Paper, ink

Shem’s Descendants
• Semitic peoples – Abraham
• Relationship and knowledge of God

Japheth’s Descendants
• Would be enlarged

• Dwell in tents

• Would be served by Ham

These three are the source of streams of nations, and how each has developed.
A. Semites

B. Jephites

C. Hamites

The Table and the Tower

Intro – Review
Condition of Post-Diluvian world
• Environment

• Society

• Spiritual Promise

Noah’s Prophecies
• Ham

• Shem

• Japheth

I. Table of Nations – Genesis 10

Genesis 10:1-5

Genesis 10:6-20

God’s commands:
1. To
2. To
3. To
Nimrod and Rebellion

Genesis 10:21-32

II. Tower of Babel

Genesis 11:1

Genesis 11:2

Genesis 11:3-4

God’s purpose challenged.

o They want
o They begin

o The new philosophy is

Genesis 11:5-6

Genesis 11:7-9

A smaller circle of reproduction caused

The “miracle” of tongues:




Genesis 11:10-26

Genesis 11:27-32 – Terah’s record ends.

Bonus Material – Ziggurats

Father of a Nation

Intro. – Review
• Japheth
• Ham
• Shem
• Terah begins to record.

- Haran
- Nahor
- Abram

I. Abraham – The Call – 12:1-9

God makes promises to Abram:

• He will become

• He himself will be

• He will bless

• He will

• The entire world will be by .

• The land would

II. Abraham in Egypt – 12:10-20

Vs. 10
The problem:
1. God told him to

2. God promised

3. Egypt was

Vs. 11-13

Vs. 14-16

Vs. 17-20

Pharaoh rebukes Abraham:

o Upset at what Abraham has done.

o His rebuke is harsh because:


1. It’s about not .

2. A promise is a .

3. You can’t a faith that you .

Abraham and Lot

Intro – Review

Origins in Genesis:

Abraham’s calling:

I. Lot’s Choice – Chapter 13

A. Abram’s Return – Genesis 13:1-4

B. Abram’s Decision – Genesis 13:5-13

Vs. 5-7

Vs. 8-13 – Note how Abram solves the problem:

1. Describes

2. Proposes

3. Allows
C. Lot’s Decision

Lot served himself:


D. God Renames His Promise – Genesis 13:14-18

God renews and expands His promise:

1. All can’t

2. Head of nation

E. Abram’s History


1. God will

2. Sin always

3. God’s Word

“We shouldn’t wait for to

our , we should say, “The says
this and I it.”
A ‘Type’ for Christ

Intro – Review Abraham

• Descendant of
• From
• Father was
• Father died in
• Went to
• Told a to Pharaoh
• Nephew was
Promises from God
• Great • Worldwide
• Great
• Multiply
• Bless
• Land
• Protection

I. Northeastern Kings

The War – Genesis 14:1-12

The Rescue – 14:13-16

“Hebrew” meant several things:

A. Beyond

B. Descendants of

C. A moving tribe

Melchizedek – 14:17-20

Vs. 17

Vs. 18
Vs. 19

Vs. 20

• The appearance of Melchizedek

• He is a “type”

• God uses a Billboard Method to preview events and people in the future:
A. He will promise or warn

B. He will send a prophet

C. He will provide a “type”

• Examples of Types:
Ark Promised Land
Sacrifice Elijah

• Melchizedek

Hebrews 7:1-2

Hebrews 7:3

Hebrews 7:4-5

The King of Sodom – Genesis 14:21-24


1. Flee from

2. Destroy not

3. God is a Patient
The Gospel in the
Old Testament

Intro – Review Abraham’s Life

I. The Promise Reviewed – Chapter 15

Vs. 1

First time for:

1. Word of

2. Word as

3. “I AM” passages

4. “Fear not” passages

Comparison of Adam and Abraham:

Adam Abraham

• •
• •
• •

Vs. 2-6

• Believe

• Counted
• Righteousness

• Melchizedek was a for

• Abraham is a for

• God imputed righteousness on Abraham because

• God imputes righteousness upon us because

Vs. 7-21

Features of the vision:






• God also gives a guarantee of our promise.


1. We are saved

2. We continue to be saved

3. We will succeed by
Sarai and Hagar’s Conflict /
Abram and Circumcision

Intro – Abram believed and God it to him as

Key Ideas:
1. Saved because
2. Holy because we
3. Faith is a relationship.

I. Sarai’s Solution – 16:1-4

Vs. 1-4

She fell short of God’s will in two ways:

1. She violated the

2. She took charge of

II. Hagar’s Promise – 16:5-16

Vs. 5-6

Vs. 7-9

Vs. 10-12

Vs. 13-14

• Information on Ishmael

Vs. 15-16
III. Covenant Reviewed – 17:1-8

IV. Covenant Confirmed – 17:9-14

Circumcision represented many things:
A. Sign of Seed

B. Enclosure of God’s will

C. Sign of Faith

D. Sign of Sanctification

V. Name Change – 17:15-27

1. God’s Way

2. Circumcision is a

3. Wait
Lot’s Poor Choices

Intro – We have covered two core ideas:

1. We are saved
2. Faith in God is expressed

- Sign of
- Enclosure
- Sign of
- Signs of

Circumcision and Baptism

Circumcision was a for baptism.

I. The Visit to Abram – 18:1-22

Vs. 12

Vs. 13-15

II. Abram’s Intercession – 18:23-33

1. First time

2. Acknowledges that God is

3. Abram’s prayer
III. Lot at the Gates of Sodom – 19:1-3

Vs. 2-3

Vs. 4-11

Lot offers his own daughters to the mob

Vs. 12-14

Vs. 15-23

Vs. 24-29

What destroyed Sodom could have been:


Vs. 30-38

1. Be

2. Nothing is too

3. Mercy and Justice

4. Don’t
The Source of Islam

Intro – Abraham’s Faith

Lot’s Faith

I. Failure – Genesis 20:1-18

Abraham journeys to the land of the Philistines and meets King Abimelech.

God deals with Abimelech.

1. He inflicts

2. He prevents

3. He reveals

Abimelech deals with Abraham and Sarah.

1. He rebukes

2. He rebukes

3. He gives

II. The Child of Promise – 21:1-34

Vs. 1-8 – The birth of Isaac

Vs. 9-14 – Sarah sends Hagar away

Vs. 15-21 – Hagar’s journey

The religion of Islam (surrender)

1. Cultural source

2. Rivalry

3. Ceremonies

§ Articles of
§ Right
§ Religious
o Mecca

o Sarah and Hagar are

A. Hagar represents
• Descendants
• Justification
• Jerusalem
• Persecute
• Slaves
B. Sarah represents
• Descendants
• Justification
• True Home
• Temple
• Persecution
• Children

Vs. 22-34

1. Never too old

2. Mountain tops lead to

3. His time is not

Abraham’s Test

Intro – Genesis introduces us to two ancient and great cultures and their sources.


I. Test of Faith – Genesis 22:1-2

Twenty years of silence between chapters 21 and 22

Vs. 1-2 – Two important words are used here:

1. Tempted

2. Love

VS. 3-8 – Abraham leaves with Isaac to do what God has asked of him.
Note that Abraham tells the servants that they both will return.
In this statement we see his great faith.

Vs. 9-14 – In these verses we see several “types” that project ahead three important ideas:



Vs. 15-24

II. The Death of Sarah – 23:1-20

III. Lessons for Today

1. Expect

2. Expect

3. Expect
Types in Genesis

Intro – Abraham’s sacrifice of his son, Isaac, provides us with “types” that foreshadow features of the
Christian faith:
1. The Sacrifice:

2. Vicarious:

3. Faith and

The next chapter offers up more types fulfilled in the New Testament

I. Search for a Bride – Genesis 24:1

Finding a wife for Isaac was a critical decision.
Vs. 1-4 – The hand under the thigh.

Vs. 5-9 – The servant is unsure of his mission.

Vs. 6-14 – The servant’s prayer.

Vs. 15-27 – The servant’s prayer answered.

Vs. 28-33 – Rebekah’s family.

Vs. 34-49 – The servant’s request.

The servant as a type for the Holy Spirit.

§ Sent
§ Presence
§ Declares
§ Requires
Vs. 50-61 – The family’s response

The Holy Spirit as type in the Old Testament

§ Immediate decision

§ New Life

§ New Spirit

Vs. 62-67 – Isaac and Rebekah meet and marry.

Isaac and Rebekah as types for Christ and the church.

Isaac/Christ Rebekah/church
• Promised • Marriage planned
• Appeared at certain time • Accomplishes purpose
• Conceived miraculously • Shares glory of Son
• Assigned name • Found by messenger
• Offered as sacrifice • Leaves all
• Obedient unto death • Accompanied by messenger
• Resurrected • United by Son
• Head of people

II. Some Basic Lessons

1. Be

2. Character

3. It’s all about

The Life of Esau and Jacob

Intro – Isaac and Rebekah are “types”

I. The death of Abraham – Genesis 25:1-4

Vs. 1-4

Vs. 5-10 - Abraham dies at 175 years

II. Transition – Genesis 25:11-18

• Ishmael’s Generation

• Isaac’s Record

III. Esau and Jacob – Genesis 26:19-34

Vs. 19-23

Vs. 24-26

Vs. 27-34 Comparing Jacob and Esau

• •
• •
• 29-34________________ •
• •
• •
IV. Isaac vs. the Philistines
Genesis 26:1-5

• God’s appearance to him suggested several things:

1. A warning

2. An encouragement

3. A word of rebuke

Vs. 6-11

Vs. 12-16

Vs. 17-22

Vs. 23-25

Vs. 26-33

Vs. 34-35

1. Be careful

2. You never suffer

3. A promise
The Battle for the Blessing

Intro – Review

I. The Deception – Genesis 27:1-25

Vs. 1-5

• Interesting notes about the blessing.

1. Done in

2. Despite Esau’s unholy behavior

3. Physical blindness =

Vs. 6-17

Vs. 18-29 - Why did God allow this?

• Sometimes it’s a question of a lesson of two evils.

• These situations demonstrate how we need God’s in

every situation.

• In the end the blessing goes to Jacob.

Vs. 30-33

What happens to Isaac:

1. Loves Esau

2. God shows Isaac that

3. Trembling indicates

Vs. 34-40

Vs. 41-46


1. We need

2. Blind Love

3. There is always
Jacob’s Family

Intro – Esau and Jacob are divided because of Jacob’s deception.

I. The Blessing
Genesis 28:1-5

II. Esau’s Reaction

Genesis 28:6-9

III. Jacob’s Ladder

Genesis 28:10-15

Ladder imagery suggests:

1. Movement

2. Angels

3. The Ladder

Genesis 28:16-22

IV. Jacob and Laban

Genesis 29:1-6

Genesis 29:7-12

Genesis 29:13-19

Genesis 29:20-30

V. Jacob’s Sons
Genesis 29:31-35

Genesis 30:1-8


Genesis 30:9-13


Genesis 30:14-21


Genesis 30:22-24


1. God is interested in problems.

2. Giving is part of

3. Roll with the

Jacob Leaves Laban


I. Jacob and Laban’s Arrangement – 30:24-43

Jacob has worked for Laban 20 years



The Arrangement

1. Laban’s Herds

2. Jacob’s Proposal

3. Jacob Proposes



Jacob’s Method

1. Rate of Mating

2. Stronger Animals Mated

II. Jacob’s Departure – Genesis 31

31:17-21 - Jacob departs in haste in fear of Laban.





Jacob’s Rebuke

• Laban’s

• Unfairness

• Jacob had

• God’s



1. Put your life in God’s hands.

2. Don’t let sneak in.

3. Some people don’t

Jacob and Esau – Round 2

Intro - Review

Jacob returns home to face .

I. God’s Protection Revealed


II. Jacob Prepares to Meet Esau


39:9-12 - Jacob’s impossible situation:

• Couldn’t
• Couldn’t
• Going forward meant

Jacob’s desperate prayer:

32:9 - Calls on the true God.





32:13-23 – Jacob begins to demonstrate the intentions of his heart.

III. Jacob Wrestles with God

Wrestling =



Jacob =
Israel =


IV. Jacob Meets Esau



33:12-17 - Jacob declines Esau’s offer for several reasons.




1. If God is , who you?

2. Pray with all your work with all your .

3. Where I am , I am .
On the Run Again

Intro - Review

I. The Rape of Dinah – 34:1-31

The problem of raising children in a pagan society.
Vs. 1-4

Vs. 5-18

Vs. 18-24

The Plot
1. Jacob was not

2. Ruben and Judah

3. The two leaders were

4. No respect for circumcision

Vs. 25-31

II. Jacob’s Renewal – 35:1-29

Vs. 1-4

Renewal of Jacob’s family.

1. Purified

2. Rededicated
3. Redirection

Vs. 5-8

Vs. 9-15 – Promise Renewed

1. Jacob was a

2. Great nations

3. The land

Vs. 16-20

Vs. 21-26

Vs. 27-29

III. Esau’s Descendants – 36:1-43


1. You marry

2. Leadership abhors a

3. Renewal requires continual

The Beginning of the End

Intro – After the rededication of his family, Jacob and his family head back to
their ancestral home.

I. A New Writer – Genesis 37:1-2a

II. Joseph and His Dreams – Genesis 37:2b-11

Vs. 2b-4 – Joseph was Jacob’s favorite.

Vs. 5-8

Vs. 9-11 – Jacob has a similar dream.

III. Joseph Sold into Slavery – vs. 37:12-36

Vs. 12-14

Vs. 15-17
Vs. 18-22 – Sin has no age or culture.

• They don’t want to shed blood because God will require it of them.

Vs. 23-28

Vs. 29-33

Vs. 34-36 – Jacob’s response is total and inconsolable grief.

Term “OFFICER” in Hebrew is “SARIS” which means Eunuch.


1. Be careful how you use your spiritual gifts.

2. We all need refinement.

3. Sometimes you have to stand up for right.

Judah and Tamar

Intro - The narrators take a close up view of Judah through whom

the Messiah would ultimately come.

I. Story of Judah – 38:1-30

Vs. 1-5

Vs. 6-10

• Levitate Regulation:


Bible instruction concerning human sexuality:

• Fidelity – Hebrews 13:4

• Mutual Respect – I Corinthians 7:3-7

• Christian Decency – I Thessalonians 4:4

Vs. 11-12
Vs. 13-19

• Temple Prostitute – Separated one.

• Judah and Tamar

o Judah knew

o He didn’t seek or his for help.

o He allowed his to guide him.

Vs. 20-23

Vs. 24-26

Vs. 27-30


1. Children are influenced by parents.

2. God can cause things to work for good.

3. It’s not who you are, it’s who God you.

Joseph’s Story

Intro - Once Judah’s life and his connection to the fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham is
explained, the narrative begins to tell Joseph’s story.

I. Ancient Egypt
• Pharaoh

• Hyksos

• Israelites lost favor because:

II. Joseph in Potiphar’s House


• A detailed description of Joseph is given.

Vs. 7-10 – Potiphar was an .

• Joseph is naïve

Vs. 11-20

• Joseph was not executed

Vs. 21-23

III. Joseph in Prison


40:5-8 – Joseph had experienced interpreting dreams.

Vs. 9-15 – The butler’s dream.

Vs. 16-19 – The baker’s dream.

Vs. 20-23 – Joseph before Pharaoh.


1. Your boss is .

2. from temptation.

3. God is a .
From Prison to Prince

Intro - Joseph is falsely accused and is in Potiphar’s jail.

I. Pharaoh’s Dream – Genesis 41

Vs. 1-7 – Joseph’s dreams and those he interpreted seem to come in pairs.

Vs. 8-13

II. Joseph and the Pharaoh

Vs. 14-16

Joseph’s 13 years in captivity had taught him patience, restraint and humility.

Vs. 17-24

Vs. 25-32 - 2 dreams represent confirmation

- 7 cows / 7 ears represent years of good and bad.

Vs. 33-36
III. Joseph the Chief Official

Vs. 37-45

o All the signs of power are given to Joseph.

Vs. 46-52

• The lesson for us is that God can restore us in a single moment during our lives, or in the
“Twinkling of and eye” when Jesus returns.

Vs. 53-57


1. We’re on Gods .

2. God the humble and the proud.

3. always comes from God.


Intro - Review Joseph’s journey from prison to prince.

I. First Trip to Egypt

Twenty years has gone by and Jacob’s family is now faced with the famine affecting that region.


Vs. 5-9 – Joseph screens all caravans for two reasons:



Vs. 10-17 – Joseph questions his brothers.

Vs. 18-23 – Joseph keeps one brother as hostage.

Vs. 24-26

Vs. 27-38 – The brothers make an amazing discovery.

II. Second trip to Egypt

43:1-5 – The famine forces the brothers to make a second trip.

Vs. 6-10 – Note some of the changes beginning to take place.

Vs. 11-14 – Israel’s faith is kindled again.

Vs. 15-23

Vs. 24-31 – Joseph reveals himself

Vs. 32-34


1. will find you out.

2. No No .

3. Leaders carry the end.

4. all you can, leave the rest to .

Reunion and

Intro - Joseph sets his plan into motion.

I. Joseph Reveals Himself – 45:1

Joseph tests to see if his brothers have changed.


Vs. 5-8 – Joseph wants to do four things:





II. Joseph sends his brother home


Vs. 16-20

Vs. 21-24 – Joseph provides gifts.

Vs. 25-28

III. Israel in Egypt – 46:1


• Advantages in going to Egypt:


46:8-25 – List of genealogies.


The #7

1. You .

2. God will be when you need .

3. Always search for God’s will before .

God directs us by:

Family Reunion

Intro - Review

I. Jacob and Joseph Meet – 46:28-34

Vs. 46:28-30

Vs. 31-34

Joseph stresses their occupation as shepherds:



II. Jacob and the Pharaoh – 47:1-12

Vs. 47:1-6

Vs. 7-10

Vs. 11-12

III. The Famine Continues – 47:13-26

Vs. 13-21 – The effects of the famine

Vs. 22-26 – Arrangements between the Pharaoh and the people.

IV. Last Days of Jacob – 47:27-31

V. Jacob blesses Joseph’s Sons – 48:1-22

Vs. 1-4

Vs. 5-7 – Firstborn privileges transferred from Ruben to Joseph.




Vs. 8-12

Vs. 13-16

Vs. 17-20

Vs. 21-22


1. God’s ways

2. God can prosper you

3. God chooses for

Jacob’s Prophecies

Intro – The writers describe two significant meetings that take place.



I. Prophecy concerning the tribes – 49:1-27

Jacob gives each son a prophecy concerning their future:

1. Ruben – vs. 3-4

2. Simeon and Levi – vs. 5-7

3. Judah – vs. 8-12

§ Judah’s name means

§ The “scepter” would not pass from Judah until “Shiloh” came.

4. Zebulun and Issachar – vs. 13-15

5. Dan – vs. 16-18

6. Gad, Ashur, Naphtali – vs. 19-21

7. Joseph – vs. 22-26

8. Benjamin – vs. 27
II. Jacob’s Last Words – 49:28-33

III. Jacob’s Burial – Genesis 50:1-21

Vs. 1-3

Vs. 4-9

Vs. 10-14

Vs. 15-21

Joseph reassures his brothers in two ways:


IV. Joseph’s Death – 50:22-26

Vs. 22-23

Vs. 24-26


1. Nothing stops

2. are deceiving.

3. God forgives and forgets

Final Summary

Intro - 50th lesson in this series.

Stats - 1 year

- 1,533 verses

- 4th

- Genesis Record

- 700

- 600

I. Key Lessons

Lesson #1

Genesis helps us make sense of the world.






Some Christians have begun to change their view of Genesis in order

to accommodate new theories.

Lesson #2

A. Generous
B. Thoughtful

C. Merciful

Lesson #3

• Genesis 15:5-6

• In the New Testament, God still requires obedience to demonstrate faith.

This has been a long and in-depth course of study.

We’ve learned that Genesis is a book that…

o Covers

o Reveals

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