AS CDLamb A18

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Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

Application Sheet
Rev. AS-CDLamb-A18

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

Table of Contents
1. Guided Waves and EMAT ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Equipment Options ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1. Instrumentation .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.2. Magnets & Sensors ....................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Accessories ................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Configuration, Setup, and Operation ...................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Innerspec PowerBox H Equipment Configuration ........................................................................... 6
3.1.1. XXL & Large Magnet Placement .............................................................................................. 7
3.2. Setup............................................................................................................................................. 7
3.2.1. Mode Selection........................................................................................................................ 7
3.2.2. Coil, Tuning Module, and Setup File Guide .............................................................................. 8
3.2.3. Large Magnet .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.4. XXL Magnet .......................................................................................................................... 10
3.3. Operation .................................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.1. Axial Scanning Technique ..................................................................................................... 12
3.3.2. Attenuation Mode (Axial Scanning) ........................................................................................ 13
3.3.3. Encoded Line Scans.............................................................................................................. 14
4. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1. General ....................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.1. Problem - Unusual Main Bang Signal..................................................................................... 15
4.1.2. Problem - No Signal Measurement ........................................................................................ 16
4.2. Axial Scanner .............................................................................................................................. 17
4.2.1. Reference Scan..................................................................................................................... 17
5. Manufacturer Recommendations.......................................................................................................... 18
5.1. Wave Mode Characteristics ......................................................................................................... 18
5.2. Wave Mode Selection Factors ..................................................................................................... 18
5.3. Dispersion Curves ....................................................................................................................... 19
5.4. Modes of Operation ..................................................................................................................... 22
5.4.1. Attenuation Mode .................................................................................................................. 22
5.5. Signal Verification ........................................................................................................................ 22
5.6. Gain Setting................................................................................................................................. 23
5.7. Inspection Technique ................................................................................................................... 23

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Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

1. Guided Waves and EMAT

• Guided Wave Testing is a Non-Destructive Testing
technique method that employs ultrasonic stress
waves that propagate along a structure while guided
by its boundaries. Guided waves permit covering
long distances from a single point with a limited
number of sensors, making it very effective for rapid
scanning of pipelines and tanks.
• On relatively thin structures, it is possible to
generate volumetric guided waves that fill up the
material and permit a complete, volumetric
inspection. The most common types of volumetric
waves are Shear Horizontal (SH) and Lamb. This
Application Sheet covers the inspection with EMAT-
generated Lamb waves.
• Lamb waves travel throughout the material with both
vertical and forward motion in an elliptical pattern.
These waves are dispersive by nature, and very
sensitive to thickness variations. They can be
classified in symmetric (a.k.a. longitudinal) and
asymmetric (a.k.a. flexural) modes. The introduction of boundary conditions makes Lamb wave problems inherently
more difficult than the more conventional bulk waves. Unlike the finite number of modes present in a bulk wave
problem, there are an infinite number of modes associated with a given Lamb wave application. That is, a finite body
can support an infinite number of different Lamb wave mode modes.
• Guided waves can be used to cover distances ranging from a few millimeters to tens of meters. The two most
common techniques for in-service inspections with guided waves are Long Range UT (LRUT) and Medium Range UT
(MRUT). This application covers exclusively MRUT:
o LRUT. Used almost exclusively for pipeline inspection in reflection mode to cover long distances (tens of
meters) from a fixed ring of sensors. It normally works with low frequencies (sub-100kHz). Typical detection
capabilities are 10% of cross-sectional wall loss.
o MRUT used in both attenuation and reflection mode to cover shorter distances (0.1-5m). The sensors are
mounted on scanners to inspect long stretches of pipe or tanks. It typically works with frequencies from
100kHz to 1MHz, and can detect small pits (x10 more sensitivity than LRUT).

• Direction of Propagation: Parallel to the entry wall, within the top and bottom walls.
• Sensor Configuration: Pulse-Echo or Pitch-Catch.
• Wave modes: Lamb waves 50kHz to 10MHz.
• Materials Inspected: Ferromagnetic and non-ferromagnetic metals.

• Corrosion detection on materials <1” or 25.4mm thick. Thicker materials can be inspected with a significant
decrease in performance.

EMAT Uniqueness
• Dry and non-contact (up to 2.5mm lift-off depending on frequency and type of application).
• Not affected by surface conditions. Capable of inspecting on rough and through thin coatings.
• Less sensitive to sensor positioning and angle.
• Very good frequency selectivity due to its meander-coil design and tone-burst excitation. This permits greater
versatility in choosing the most appropriate mode for the application.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

2. Equipment Options

2.1. Instrumentation

Innerspec offers two instruments especially designed for this application:

* Innerspec PowerBox H with Innerspec Technologies Open Platform (ITOP) software that supports a variety of different
applications. Hand-Held and battery operated for spot measurements and manual scanning.

For detailed Technical Specifications for this instrument, visit our website or contact Innerspec Technologies.

2.2. Magnets & Sensors

Innerspec offers the MRUT-Lamb scanners with either XXL or Large permanent magnets to generate Lamb waves in the
material being inspected.

XXL (274A0093-M00)

6.5” (165mm)

5.78” (147mm)
5” (127mm)

Large (274A0244)
19” (482.6mm)
(Long Arm Dimension)
3.93” (100mm) 1.65” (42mm)
1.63” (46.5mm)

Figure 1

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

2.3. MRUT Scanners

Innerspec offers customers a variety of manually operated EMAT scanners. These devices can be used as a diagnostic
tool to quickly inspect for defects. These systems are configured to operate in both axial and circumferential
configurations, as need dictates.

Part Number System Name Operation Mode Magnet Options Instrument

800A0163 Hand Held Manual Axial Permanent
PowerBox H
Scanner XXL

800A0243 Hand Held Manual Axial Permanent
PowerBox H
Scanner Large

280A0384 Hand Held Manual Circumferential Permanent
PowerBox H

800A0354 Rail Head Manual Axial Permanent
PowerBox H

800A0355 Lamp Post Manual Circumferential Permanent
PowerBox H

2.4. Accessories

Innerspec Technologies offers a wide variety of sensors and accessories to fit our users’ specific application needs. We
have a catalog filled with sensor fixtures, encoders, signal conditioning boxes and thermocouples all designed to expand
the capability of our EMAT systems. To see a list of all our sensors and accessories please visit our website to view or
download the PDF to your device.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

3. Configuration, Setup, and Operation

3.1. Innerspec PowerBox H Equipment Configuration

Lemo Cable

Tuning Module
Signal Conditioner

Lemo Cable
Lemo Cable


PowerBox H Foam

274A0244 Sensor
274A0093-M00 Sensor

Figure 2

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

3.1.1. XXL & Large Magnet Placement

The magnet must be placed at a height which allows moving the scanner smoothly while making sure that the coil is in
contact with the surface of the part to be inspected. For the XXL magnets, the black lever has two different functions: one
is used to vary the height and the other to engage/disengage the magnet. The first method allows modifying the height of
the magnet in the trolley by rotating the black lever clockwise or counter clockwise. Once the height is selected, pulling
the lever will engage the magnet to the inspection position or disengage when inspection is complete.

3.2. Setup

3.2.1. Mode Selection

Before inspecting in the field, a preliminary study is highly recommended to evaluate the sensitivity of the different
dispositions of the sensors, technique and wave modes on the same type of tube, with flaws of similar characteristics to
the ones that are required to be detected during the inspection. The reference sample should be as similar as possible to
the tube that will be inspected in future steps, taking into account the thickness of the painting layers, state of the surface
or the level of corrosion.

In the absence of a reference tube to evaluate, the following recommendations and mode selection table can be used as
a guide for mode selection. Start by using the A0 mode, as it is easier to induce and to interpret. If it is suspected that the
sensitivity is too low, the inspection could be performed again using a S1 mode at a higher frequency. When using this S1
mode, there is a high chance of detecting the first wrap-around echo and, from that point, having different mode
conversions that make the interpretation more difficult. If, on the contrary, the A0 mode is too unstable, the S0 mode can
be used with a lower frequency, although having less sensitivity.

Surface State Corrosion State Liquid Present Suggested Mode

Good Low No S1/A0

Good Low Yes S0/S1

Good Moderate/High No A0/S0

Good Moderate/High Yes S0/S1

Moderate/Bad Low No A0/S0

Moderate/Bad Low Yes S0/S1

Moderate/Bad Moderate/High No A0/S0

Moderate/Bad Moderate/High Yes S0/S1

Note Regarding Paint: The main effect of the presence of paintings will be the amount of lift-off, which will result in
having a lower signal as you have more lift-off. If the loss of signal is too severe it will be necessary to increase the gain of
the system. By doing this, the noise level and undesired responses could also increase. The main problem with paint is
the consistency of its thickness over the tube, as it will cause a variable lift-off. For this last situation, the S1 mode is not
recommended, and if A0 is too affected by this factor, S0 would be plan B.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

3.2.2. Coil, Tuning Module, and Setup File Guide

The Innerspec MRUT Hand-Held Scanner provides Axial scanning for inspection of pipes and plates using guided

The general setup for Lamb wave inspection includes:

Selection of appropriate mode for the thickness using dispersion curves. Innerspec has developed software that
generates dispersion curves and suggests the most appropriate mode and coil for a particular application (Guided Wave
Analysis Tool or GWAT).
Selection of coil and tuning module based on the wavelength and frequency suggested by GWAT.
Adjustment of the instrument based on the frequency selected and velocity of the particular mode.

In this Application Sheet we have selected coils, sensors and tuning module for thicknesses ranging from 0.08” to 0.5”
(2mm-13mm) for carbon steel. The tuning modules are selected for PN 274A0244 magnet for thicknesses ranging from
0.08” to 0.19” (2mm-5mm). Magnet XXL PN 274A0093-M00 is used for thicknesses ranging from 0.23” to 0.78” (4mm-
20mm). The setup file names have the following information.

Wavelength in Inches
Lamb Wave Mode
Figure 3

For each thickness, the applicable setup files have been generated for A0, S0, and S1 modes. If a mode is not listed for a
thickness, it is either not available or not recommended.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

3.2.3. Large Magnet

The following are the recommended coils, setup files, and tuning modules for pipe thicknesses from 2mm to 8mm.

Each setup can be used in Pitch-Catch (PC) or Pulse-Echo (PE) mode by using the corresponding tuning module.
In Pulse-Echo (PE) mode either transmit or receiver coil may be used, but the tuning module recommendations in
this application sheet are for using the receiver coil. See the Standard Sensors & Accessories catalog for
transmitter coil tuning module recommendations.

thickness Probe 274A0244 Wavelength Wave

Standard Setup File Tuning Module
inch/mm RF Coil Options inch Mode
205C0327 (T) 205T0034 (PC)
0.08 / 2 0.120 A0 CD-A0-T02-0120-865kHz
205C0121 (R) 205T0011 (PE)

205C0339 (T) 205T0050 (PC)

0.200 A0 CD-A0-T03-0200-507kHz
205C0133 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
0.12 / 3
205C0333 (T) 205T0041 (PC)
0.160 S1 CD-S1-T03-0160-1411kHz
205C0127 (R) 205T0007 (PE)

205C0342 (T) 205T0052 (PC)

0.250 A0 CD-A0-T04-0250-405kHz
205C0135 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
0.15 / 4
205C0339 (T) 205T0049 (PC)
0.200 S1 CD-S1-T04-0200-1126kHz
205C0133 (R) 205T0008 (PE)

205C0345 (T) 205T0055 (PC)

0.300 A0 CD-A0-T05-0300-342kHz
205C0139 (R) 205T0013-LF (PE)
0.19 / 5
205C0342 (T) 205T0053 (PC)
0.250 S1 CD-S1-T05-0250-891kHz
205C0136 (R) 205T0008 (PE)

205C0348 (T) 205T0059 (PC)

0.400 A0 CD-A0-T06-0400-251kHz
205C0142 (R) 205T0013-LF (PE)
0.24 / 6
205C0345 (T) 205T0056 (PC)
0.300 S1 CD-S1-T06-0300-743kHz 205T0009 or 205T0010
205C0139 (R)
205C0351 (T) 205T0061 (PC)
0.500 A0 CD-A0-T07-0500-200kHz
205C0145 (R) 205T0013-LF (PE)
0.28 / 7
205C0345 (T) 205T0056 (PC)
0.300 S1 CD-S1-T07-0300-727kHz
205C0139 (R) 205T0009 (PE)

205C0351 (T) 205T0061 (PC)

0.500 A0 CD-A0-T08-0500-210kHz
205C0145 (R) 205T0013-LF (PE)
0.32 / 8
205C0348 (T) 205T0059 (PC)
0.400 S1 CD-S1-T08-0400-560kHz
205C0142 (R) 205T0010 (PE)

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

3.2.4. XXL Magnet

The following are the recommended coils, setup files, and tuning modules for pipe thicknesses from 4mm to 20mm.

Each setup can be used in Pitch-Catch (PC) or Pulse-Echo (PE) mode by using the corresponding tuning module.
In Pulse-Echo (PE) mode either transmit or receiver coil may be used, but the tuning module recommendations in
this application sheet are for using the receiver coil. See the Standard Sensors & Accessories catalog for
transmitter coil tuning module recommendations.

thickness Wave 274A0093-M00 Wavelength

Standard Setup File Tuning Module
inch/mm Mode RF Coil Options inch

205C0378 (T) 205T0156 (PC)

A0 0.250 CD-A0-T04-0250-405kHz
205C0175 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0384 (T) 205T0170 (PC)
0.15/4 S0 0.640 CD-S0-T01-0640-321kHz
205C0181 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0377 (T) 205T0152 (PC)
S1 0.200 CD-S1-T04-0200-1126kHz
205C0174 (R) 205T0006 (PE)
205C0379 (T) 205T0159 (PC)
A0 0.300 CD-A0-T05-0300-342kHz
205C0176 (R) 205T0011-LF (PE)
205C0385 (T) 205T0173 (PC)
0.19/5 S0 0.720 CD-S0-T02-0720-257kHz
205C0182 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0378 (T) 205T0157 (PC)
S1 0.250 CD-S1-T05-0250-891kHz
205C0175 (R) 205T0007 (PE)
205C0381 (T) 205T0162 (PC)
A0 0.400 CD-A0-T06-0400-251kHz
205C0178 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0391 (T) 205T0185 (PC)
0.23/6 S0 0.960 CD-S0-T03-0960-214kHz
205C0188 (R) 205T0009-LF (PE)
205C0378 (T) 205T0157 (PC)
S1 0.250 CD-S1-T06A-0250-866kHz
205C0175 (R) 205T0007 (PE)
205C0382 (T) 205T0164 (PC)
A0 0.520 CD-A0-T07A-0520-187kHz
205C0179 (R) 205T0011-LF (PE)
205C0395 (T) 205T0190 (PC)
0.27/7 S0 1.120 CD-S0-T04-1120-183kHz
205C0192 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0379 (T) 205T0160 (PC)
S1 0.300 CD-S1-T07-0300-727kHz
205C0176 (R) 205T0007 (PE)
205C0382 (T) 205T0164 (PC)
A0 0.520 CD-A0-T08A-0520-194kHz
205C0179 (R) 205T0011-LF (PE)
205C0395 (T) 205T0190 (PC)
0.31/8 S0 1.120 CD-S0-T05-1120-182kHz
205C0192 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0381 (T) 205T0163 (PC)
S1 0.400 CD-S1-T08-0400-560kHz
205C0178 (R) 205T0008 (PE)
205C0384 (T) 205T0168 (PC)
A0 0.640 CD-A0-T09-0640-158kHz
205C0181 (R) 205T0013-LF (PE)
205C0395 (T) 205T0190 (PC)
0.35/9 S0 1.120 CD-S0-T06-1120-180kHz
205C0192 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0381 (T) 205T0163 (PC)
S1 0.400 CD-S1-T09-0400-548kHz
205C0178 (R) 205T0008 (PE)
205C0384 (T) 205T0168 (PC)
A0 0.640 CD-A0-T10-0640-159kHz
205C0181 (R) 205T0013-LF (PE)
205C0395 (T) 205T0190 (PC)
0.39/10 S0 1.120 CD-S0-T07-1120-177kHz
205C0192 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0382 (T) 205T0166 (PC)
S1 0.520 CD-S1-T10-0520-433kHz
205C0179 (R) 205T0006 (PE)

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

thickness Wave 274A0093-M00 Wavelength

Standard Setup File Tuning Module
inch/mm Mode RF Coil Options inch

205C0385 (T) 205T0172 (PC)

A0 0.720 CD-A0-T11-0720-140kHz
205C0182 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0382 (T) 205T0166 (PC)
S1 0.520 CD-S1-T1-0520-426kHz
205C0179 (R) 205T0007 (PE)
205C0385 (T) 205T0172 (PC)
A0 0.720 CD-A0-T12-0720-143kHz
205C0182 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0384 (T) 205T0170 (PC)
S1 0.640 CD-S1-T12-0640-353kHz
205C0181 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0385 (T) 205T0172 (PC)
A0 0.720 CD-A0-T13-0720-145kHz
205C0182 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0384 (T) 205T0170 (PC)
S1 0.640 CD-S1-T13-0640-349kHz
205C0181 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0391 (T) 205T0183 (PC)
A0 0.960 CD-A0-T14-0960-104kHz
205C0188 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0384 (T) 205T0170 (PC)
S1 0.640 CD-S1-T14-0640-343kHz
205C0181 (R) 205T0010-LF (PE)
205C0393 (T) 205T0188 (PC)
A0 1.040 CD-A0-T15-1040-100kHz
205C0190 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0385 (T) 205T0174 (PC)
S1 0.720 CD-S1-T15-0720-308kHz
205C0182 (R) 205T0009-LF (PE)
205C0393 (T) 205T0188 (PC)
A0 1.040 CD-A0-T16-1040-100kHz
205C0190 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0385 (T) 205T0173 (PC)
S1 0.720 CD-S1-T16-0720-279kHz
205C0182 (R) 205T0009-LF (PE)
205C0395 (T) 205T0189 (PC)
A0 1.120 CD-A0-T17-1120-100kHz
205C0192 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0389 (T) 205T0182 (PC)
S1 0.880 CD-S1-T17-0880-255kHz
205C0186 (R) 205T0009-LF (PE)
205C0395 (T) 205T0189 (PC)
A0 1.120 CD-A0-T18-1120-100kHz
205C0192 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0389 (T) 205T0182 (PC)
S1 0.880 CD-S1-T18-0880-253kHz
205C0186 (R) 205T0009-LF (PE)
205C0395 (T) 205T0189 (PC)
A0 1.120 CD-A0-T19-1120-100kHz
205C0192 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0391 (T) 205T0185 (PC)
S1 0.960 CD-S1-T19-0960-232kHz
205C0188 (R) 205T0009-LF (PE)
205C0395 (T) 205T0189 (PC)
A0 1.120 CD-A0-T20-1120-100kHz
205C0192 (R) 205T0012-LF (PE)
205C0391 (T) 205T0185 (PC)
S1 0.960 CD-S1-T20-0960-231kHz
205C0188 (R) 205T0009-LF (PE)

These files are valid for carbon steel only (use GWAT for other materials) and might need to be modified depending on
the environmental conditions of the inspection. The modifications can include:

• Gain adjustments based on material attenuation (wrappings, coatings, liquids…).

• Coincidence filter to reduce random noise (and reduce PRF and speed).
• Average filter to improve signal-to-noise (and reduce PRF and speed).
• Number of cycles. Increase to improve signal strength, and reduce to improve axial resolution.
• Positioning of gates.
• Band-pass filter parameters to improve signal-to-noise.

See the Innerspec PowerBox H Manual for additional details on the operation of the equipment.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

3.3. Operation

For Pitch-Catch (PC) operation both transmitter and receiver coils are needed. To optimize the amplitude and minimize
coil-wear when using the XXL magnets, turn on the system and lower the magnet/s using the cam-adjustment lever until
the coil is firmly pressed on the material and signal amplitude is maximized. Once the sensor is in full contact, slowly raise
the magnet with the lever until the signal is 90% of its maximum. Move the sensor with the scanner to confirm that it can
easily roll back and forth with consistent signal strength.

3.3.1. Axial Scanning Technique

This system uses Lamb Wave Modes with permanent magnets. The guided wave attenuation technique is used to
inspect flat, convex (e.g. pipe ID) or concave surfaces (e.g. pipe OD). In Pitch-Catch configuration, sound is sent between
the transmit and receive sensors (2 paths on pipes). The shortest distance between the transmit and receive sensor is
referred to as the “Near Signal” on the A-Scan. The longer distance around the circumference between the transmit and
receive sensor is referred to as the “Far Signal” on the A-Scan (refer to Figure 5).

It is important to ensure that the diameter of the pipe and the connector arm between the sensors does NOT allow the
Transmit and Receive sensors to be positioned 180° apart. If the sensors are positioned in this way, the signal for both
paths will arrive at the same time on the A-scan and you will not be able to determine which signal is being attenuated.

Figure 4: Axial Scanning Configuration with MRUT-Lamb

As a general rule, sensitivity is high when using the attenuation technique, which can increase the chance of having false
positives, as any factor that is not a flaw, e.g. misalignment of the sensors or variable lift-off, may result in a loss of
amplitude on the received signal. When using two sensors, defects can be masked just below the probes. For this
reason, it is recommended to do two passes with a 45º degree separation between them.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

3.3.2. Attenuation Mode (Axial Scanning)

• Determine the thickness of the material.

• Select corresponding Transmitter and Receiver EMAT coils based on the desired frequency and attach to magnets.
• Place the sensor(s) on the part to be inspected.
• Attach Signal Conditioning Box on top of Innerspec PowerBox H.
• Insert corresponding tuning module in the Signal Conditioning Box.
• Connect Instrument with Signal Conditioning Box and Sensors. Use cable/s 232A0123 for 274A0107 magnet, and
232A0580 for the 274A0244 and other XXL magnet/s.
• Power on Innerspec PowerBox H.
• Press “OPEN”, to load the standard Setup File from the internal memory or from USB memory stick for your
application (see Setup Guide).
• Confirm that “External Signal Conditioning Box” is selected in TX/RX Tab in the setup menus of Innerspec
PowerBox H.
• For One Gate:
o Switch off Gate-1 and leave Gate-2 to monitor the attenuation of the signal received. The maximum
recommended distance for through-transmission configuration is 24” (610 mm). Through-transmission
configuration is useful for inspection of plates where there is only one path from transmitter to receiver.
• For Two Gates:
o Confirm that there is sufficient distance between the transmitter and receiver coils so the received signal is
clearly separated from the initial burst (main bang).
o Adjust Gate-1 (Calibration gate) “Start” and “Range” on the near signal. It is the first signal after the main
bang. Near signal would cover the shortest distance between the transmitter and receiver coils.
o Adjust Gate-2 (Flaw) “Start” and “Range” on the far signal. The far signal would cover the longest distance
between the transmitter and receiver coils.
• The vertical position of Gate 2 on the screen can be adjusted by adjusting the Thres(%) value in the Gates Tab.
• The Setup files do not include Automatic Alarm Thresholds. The thresholds should be set by a qualified inspector after
the material has been properly calibrated with known defects.
• For setting Alarm Thresholds, refer to the PowerBox H Operations Manual.
• Navigate to “Display” and ensure Views are set for “A (50%) +Strip (50%).
• Press Gate and ensure First Strip Curve is set for G1 (Amp) and Second Strip Curve is set for G2 (Amp). For Time-
Of-Flight display the select G1 (TOF) and G2 (TOF)
• Press “MENU” to switch off the menu screen with display maximized to show A-scan and Strip both.
• The operator has the option to select any type of view or combination of views to visualize and record output data. For
Axial Scanning, the A-Scan + Line Scan is the recommended display to easily follow up the variations against the
• You are now ready to inspect.
• Press the “Start/Stop” button to start inspection in manual mode, and move the sensors along the scanning path.
• In Manual Mode, the data will not be position encoded. For position encoded data, the encoder must be connected
with the instrument and probe (when encoder is not integrated).
• For encoder setup, refer to Section 3.3.3 “Encoded Line Scans”.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

Near Signal
Far Signal

Figure 5: Sample Screen Showing Both A-Scan and Strip Chart Data

3.3.3. Encoded Line Scans

• If not already attached, mount encoder to the Large magnet. The Innerspec MRUT XXL Scanner has a built-in
encoder that can be attached to any of the body sections.
• Place sensor with encoder on the part to be inspected.
• Select View to display A Scan + Strip Chart or A scan + B scan.
• Select the appropriate setup for Pitch-Catch operation.
• Select DAQ tab and check “Trigger Source” to “Encoder”.
• Select “Axis1(X/Scan) and edit Start to “0”, Stop to “500” (length of scan in mm) and Pitch to “12” units (assuming the
units selected are mm). The encoder provides a pulse or tick every 0.25 mm, therefore a pitch of 12 implies that each
sample will be taken at 3mm intervals.
• The pitch of the encoder defines the distance between 2 samples or triggers generated by the external encoder. The
user is free to select any desired pitch suitable for the application.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves Encoder Calibration

• The encoder supplied by Innerspec Technologies is calibrated from the factory and no additional calibration is
required. This encoder is designed to provide a pulse tick every 0.235mm.
• For other encoders, follow this procedure:
o Press “0” beside “Set” button and Edit ENCODERS CAL Position to any value (e.g. 200 mm) and start
inspection. Pulsing will start as soon as the encoder starts moving. Confirm that the X-position display in the
status bar is 0.
o Move the encoder by the value chosen (e.g. 200 mm) and press “Set”. The reading below Set should display
0.xx mm/tick (User should know the distance per tick for the type of encoder used). It should not be a zero
value. If value is zero repeat the calibration process.
o Stop pulsing. The encoder is calibrated and is ready to scan. Scanning with Encoder

• Start pulsing and wait for X-position display to go to 0 in the status bar. Normally a message will flash “Wait while
device is preparing for Scan”. After this message the device is ready for scanning.
• Move the sensor and encoder. The A-scan, Strip Chart or B Scan should update as the encoder moves forward.
• On Strip chart mode, moving forward will update new values, reversing the direction will repaint the trace backwards.
This feature is interesting if during scan a part of the sample wasn’t recorded correctly, or to confirm a response from
a certain area. Press stop when finished.
• The x-scan will be reset to 0 and will be treated as a new scan, every time pulsing stops.

4. Troubleshooting

4.1. General

4.1.1. Problem - Unusual Main Bang Signal

A scan as pictured below could indicate that the T/R cable is either not plugged in or malfunctioning, or the signal
conditioning box is not properly seated. Solution

Check all cable connections and ensure signal conditioner box is properly seated.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

4.1.2. Problem - No Signal Measurement

A scan with no main bang or receive signal as shown below could indicate that there is no impedance matching unit
installed or external signal conditioning is not enabled. Solution

Ensure the tuning module in installed and seated properly and that “External Signal Conditioner” is checked on the TX/RX

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

4.2. Axial Scanner

4.2.1. Reference Scan

A complete scan around a defect/target free pipe should look like the one pictured below when using the pitch-catch
attenuation technique. The scan below shows the main bang at the beginning followed by the direct transmission signal
and then the wrap around transmission signal.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

5. Manufacturer Recommendations

5.1. Wave Mode Characteristics

The system is able to excite several points in the modes of the dispersion curves by a combination of coil and frequency.

Based on experience, delimited zones of the dispersion curves are used over three different modes: A0, S0 and S1.
Depending on the thickness of the tube the combination of coil and frequency is selected to excite certain points over these
modes. The table at the annex shows this information.

The main characteristics of these modes are described below:

• A0: the easiest mode to excite obtaining the clearest echoes. The frequency of excitation is not generally very high, so
the sensitivity of this mode is not the best that can be achieved compared to other cases. Due to this, A0 is mainly
used to detect defective areas with medium/large discontinuities. Using this mode welds and welded supports can be
detected by reflections and, if the pipe contains liquids, the signal could be attenuated, but it is the most
recommended mode if the state of the surface of the part is not optimal or if it is generally corroded.

• S1: it generally requires more gain and wave mode A1 is often also present. The frequency of excitation is high, so it
is more sensitive to flaws than other modes, but it is also more affected by lift-off variations or other discontinuities
present in the tube. This mode is suggested when the part shows good surface conditions or does not show general
corrosion, as it will be able to detect defects with high sensitivity, although the interpretation of the results might be
more complex.

• S0: this wave mode uses a very low frequency, and will be considered for the inspection when A0 mode is unstable.
S0 is less affected by welds and possible attenuations that typically affect the A0 mode. On the other hand, as it is
excited at lower frequency, the sensitivity to defects is even lower. It generally has a large dead zone, so when using
one sensor with small diameter tubes the first wrap-around echo might be hidden by this area.

5.2. Wave Mode Selection Factors

The following is a detailed explanation of each of the factors that may affect wave mode selection.

• State of the surface

When the surface of the tube has irregularities, oxides or is eroded, the A0 mode is the recommended wave mode
to work with, as it is less affected by these factors. Due to the high sensitivity of the S1 mode, it is recommended
when inspecting tubes with good and consistent surface conditions.

Mode suggestion based on the state of the surface:

1. Good surface conditions: S1 looking for attenuations or/and reflections.
2. Moderate or bad surface conditions: A0 or S0 looking for attenuations or/and reflections.

• General corrosion state

Working with the attenuation mode, when having general corrosion on the tube there will be an homogeneous
reduction of the signal, showing amplitude variations if the selected wave mode is too sensitive, as S1 mode. To
avoid this behaviour, it is recommended to choose a less sensitive mode, A0 mode, taking into account its detection

Mode suggestion based on the level of general corrosion:

1. Low or almost insignificant: S1 looking for attenuations or/and reflections.
2. Moderate or high: A0 or S0 looking for attenuations or/and reflections.

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

• Existence of painting and its homogeneity

The main effect of the presence of paintings will be the increment of the lift-off, which will result into having a lower
signal. If the loss of signal is too severe it will be necessary to increase the gain of the system. By doing this, the
noise level and undesired responses could be also intensified. However, the main problem of the paintings is the
heterogeneity of its thickness over the tube, as it will cause a variable lift-off. For this last situation, the S1 mode is
not recommended, and if A0 is too affected by this factor, S0 would be plan B.

• Presence of liquids within the tubes

In this scenario, asymmetric modes (A0) are more affected and signal attenuations may appear more frequently.
If this behaviour is detected, it is suggested to use S0 mode (S1 might be too sensitive and also affected by

5.3. Dispersion Curves

The following are the dispersion curves for all the setups in this Application Sheet.

Dispersion Curves for T/R-L-M-0.120x5-1.000 coil Dispersion Curves for T/R-L-M-0.160x5-1.000 coil

Dispersion Curves for T/R-L-M-0.200x4-1.000 coil Dispersion Curves for T/R-L-M-0.250x4-1.000 coil

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

Dispersion Curves for T/R-L-M-0.300x3-1.000 coil Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.250x5-2.000 coil

Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.300x4-2.000 coil Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.400x4-2.000 coil

Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.520x3-2.000 coil Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.640x3-2.000 coil

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.720x2-2.000 coil Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.800x-2.500 coil

Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.880x2-2.500 coil Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-0.960x2-2.800 coil

Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-1.040x2-2.800 coil Dispersion Curves for T/R-ME-M-1.120x2-2.875 coil

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

5.4. Modes of Operation

This guided wave technique for corrosion detection supports one mode of operation:

5.4.1. Attenuation Mode

This mode is used in Pitch-Catch configuration with one transmittal sensor and one receive sensor.

• A transmitter and a receiver are used to track the echoes received in a direct transmission “Near Signal” and wrap
around “Far Signal”.
• Corroded walls cause Time-Of-Flight shifts and decreases in amplitude.
• Time-Of-Flight shifts are caused by velocity changes when traveling through the thinner portion of the pipe.
• Decreases in amplitude are caused by energy loss reflected from corroded areas.

Figure 6: Attenuation of the Signal due to Corrosion and Other Defects

5.5. Signal Verification

As a general rule, it is recommended to use only one sensor during the verification stage. Two sensors placed together
will be used when:

1. The dead zone caused by the main bang is excessively large. Generally, the lower the frequency is the larger the
dead zone will be. When transmitter and receiver are separated this area is decreased.
2. The noise level is too high. Separating transmitter and receiver will minimize the occurrence.

Short Path

Excessively Large Wrap Around Echo Reduced Main Bang Long Path
Main Bang

One Sensor Two Sensors

Figure 7: Attenuation Mode

Corrosion Detection with Guided Waves

5.6. Gain Setting

Gain should be adjusted on a section of the tube considered as non-defective. The amplitude of the wrap-around echo is
required to be adjusted over 90%, without being saturated. If the gain setting is done on a defective area, the effect on the
amplitude of the received echoes may be saturated, which could be misinterpreted that the section inspected is non-
defective. The gain should be readjusted in that zone and the inspection should be repeated.

5.7. Inspection Technique

It is recommended to perform two axial passes with a 45º degree spacing between them working with the attenuation
configuration. If a significant decrease of the signal is detected and repeatable in the same section, it is suggested to
change the scanning technique to a circumferential scan for verification. To verify, increase the gain to try to detect the
reflection from the defect and ensure that the reflection is present in the A and B scans. It is important to emphasize that
a lack of reflection does not imply the absence of a flaw, but a reflection does imply the presence of a discontinuity.


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