The Secret of Islam
Henry Bayman
Separation of Powers275
Women’s Rights276
Religion: a Necessity for Democracy?277
Atheism Means Cruelty and Tyranny278
The Tyranny of the Majority and Human Rights281
Organization of the Islamic Community284
Why are Human Beings Equal?286
Democracy in Polytheistic Societies290
Humans in the Bible292
Matter and Spirit294
Humans in Islam294
The Human Being is Holy in Islam295
Ethics and the Democratic Personality299
The Prophet’s Example307
Common Fallacies Regarding the Status of Women308
Historical, Social, and Cultural Influences on Islam312
Political Factors317
Geographical Factors318
About Polygamy319
Views of Western Orientalists322
Family Life325
Love and the Sufis329
Contemporary Societies331
The Spiritual Journey341
The Goal: Becoming a Perfect Human342
Aleph and the Transfinite345
Human Beings and God350
Courtesy, the Golden Thread Between Exoteric and Esoteric351
“Contact” Between Human and Divine355
Some Contemporary Western Parallels359
Law, School, Gnosis, Reality360
Deconstructing the Base Self361
Sufism and Gurdjieff363
Paranormal Powers and Other Distractions Along the Path365
Moderate Intake of Food367
Fusion: The Unitive Vision369
The Knowledge Society, the Contemporary West372
Islamic Civilization, the Other Knowledge Society374
Knowledge in Egyptian Civilization: Thoth, Archetype of
The Corpus Hermeticum382
Later Developments of Hermeticism387
The Final Revelation388
Hermetic Initiation397
The Initiation Ceremonies of Hermeticism400
Trial by Death402
Trials by Fire and Water404
Trial by Passion404
The Conquest, or Opening408
Sufic Interpretation410
On the Trial by Lust412
Spiritual Schools425
The Perfect Master for the Esoteric Path427
The Gifted Disciple429
General Rules434
The Eleven Principles438
Chart of the Spiritual Journey440
Lights, Names, and Perceptions455
Preliminary Notes on Terminology463
1. Self as Tyrant: The Base Self (Impelling Self )467
2. The Critical Self477
3. The Inspired Self480
4. The Serene Self483
5. The Pleased Self485
6. The Pleasing Self485
7. The Perfect, Pure, or Complete Self486
Solving the Riddle of the Universe487
Spacewarps, Timewarps489
Time Travel491
The Flowering of the Perfect Human493
when he was only a year old, and his mother remarried, but died when he
was seven.
He was basically unschooled. He learned to read and write only dur-
ing his military service, in his twenties. But that has to be set against the
fact that he was trained by the greatest Master of them all: Hadji (“Pil-
grim”) Ahmet Kaya Effendi, his master, who was called “Keko” (Kurdish
for “Father”) by his followers.
Ahmet Kayhan settled in Ankara in the 1930s and married Hajar
(March 25, 1937), who remained his wife until his death. His master,
Keko, passed away on May 7, 1944, and was succeeded by Musa Kiazim,
who had been Keko’s fellow disciple during and after the First World
War. With the death of Kiazim Effendi in 1966, Ahmet Kayhan, my
Master, “donned the mantle.”
Up to this time he had taken various odd jobs in Ankara, opened three
shops, finally settling down as a government employee at the State Wa-
terworks, from which he retired for reasons of health. All this he did in
order to support his family. He had four children, two girls and two
boys. They, in turn, have lived to see their grandchildren.
From the sixties onward, Grandpa conducted the activity of enlight-
ening the people. Since he was retired, he was able to devote his full time
to this effort. I once counted forty-seven visitors on an average day, but
in recent years this number increased substantially as more people came
to know him.
The facts of a saint’s life, however, rarely tell us much about who s/he
was. I have related the above only because it is necessary, not because it is
helpful for an appreciation of Effendi.
The Master
aster’’s Teachings
Ahmet Kayhan was a Man of Knowledge, or a Man of Wisdom. With
him there was no distinction between Moslem, Christian, Jew, or Bud-
dhist. He was far beyond drawing distinctions in the ordinary manner.
For him there were only human beings, and to all he counseled the same
teaching: God exists, and God is One. Abide by the Divine Law. Work
for the establishment of peace on Earth, love one another, and devote
yourself to serving your fellow humans. Feel compassion for all crea-
tures, even a fly.
As you can see, his teachings were independent of time, space, or geog-
raphy, and so, truly universal. His pamphlets on world peace—their struc-
ture and important parts were dictated by him—aroused favorable
responses from a former French president, from the Pope, and from
both the then-president and prime minister of Israel. (One of these is
reproduced in Appendix E.) If he had survived longer, his intention would
have been to continue to call all people to peace on Earth. He was against
all weapons of mass destruction. But this was only the beginning of his
comprehensive teaching.
The methods of the Master in teaching his students varied, yet there
were discernible trends. He would not tax a pupil beyond his or her
Formal Organization
The Master had no formal organization to speak of. Although he was
in the Naqshbandi line of descent, there were no dervish convents (takkas),
no ceremonies, no special rituals, and no formalities. The convents were
Although he himself never wrote any books, in keeping with the oral
tradition of the Sufis, Master Kayhan had an excellent command of teach-
ing stories. He also collected volumes of Sufic lore (e.g., teaching-stories,
poetry, and aphorisms) and other works that he considered essential to
an understanding of Islam. Being an accomplished Master, he himself
was not in need of any of these. Rather, they were for the edification of
his students—namely, us. I helped him compile four important Turkish
anthologies: Adam and the Universe (1989), Spirit and Body (1991), I
Found What I was Seeking (1992), and Study in the School of Wisdom
(1994). All were published inTurkish and still remain untranslated, though
the present book constitutes a beginning towards bridging that gap.
Because his talks were not usually recorded and his speech was charac-
terized by brevity, I have had to reconstruct his teachings as I remember
them and, in some cases, I have tried to translate certain concepts/issues
into Western terms using his teaching methods. To summarize his prin-
cipal methods, I would say that they were:
1. ad hoc discussion groups or private conversations in which he an-
swered disciples’ questions, as shown in the Sage and Disciple section
As I began working on the literal translation of Spirit and Body, I felt
challenged by the words “Sufism” and “Islam,” and the conceptions these
give rise to in people’s minds.
“Sufism” has come to be understood in a variety of ways. Properly, it
is the esoteric aspect, the highest expression, of Islam. Yet it cannot be
divorced and considered in isolation from the exoteric aspect: the former
is the content and the latter is the form which contains it.
In the case of the term “Islam,” the word has become associated with
so many connotations that different people using the same term rarely
mean the same thing. One thing is clear: what you understand from the
word is almost certainly not what “Islam” really means. This holds no less
true for many Moslems than for non-Moslems, given the sorry state of
noted that Islam in most cases already contains that truth quite indepen-
dently, and the reference is given only in order to ease the reader’s com-
A Sufi teaching-story told by Rumi beautifully illustrates this point. A
Greek, an Arab, a Turk, and a Persian once came together, and when they
were hungry they pooled their money to buy something to eat. At that
point a difficulty arose, however, because the Greek wanted to buy stafil,
the Arab wanted to buy inab, the Persian wanted angur while the Turk
wanted uzum. They finally began to quarrel, and at that moment a wise
sage passing by interrupted them. “Tell me what you want,” he said, and
taking the money from them, soon came back with some grapes. They
were amazed to see that they all had wanted the same thing. So it is with
human beings everywhere: although we all fundamentally want the same
things, we call them by different names, and in doing so imagine they are
Well, then, here are the grapes.
2. Unification. As will be discussed in this book, Islam is the religion
of unification. At the most immediate level, of course, this refers to the
fact that God is One. Yet there are other dimensions to it. Ideally, Islam
aims to unite science, philosophy, religion, and art—no field of human
knowledge or perception lies outside its ken.The “grand synthesis” which
some have aimed at but failed to achieve because they weren’t looking in
the right place can only be achieved within the purview of Islam.
Mathematics has been called the queen of sciences, and in a similar
vein it may be said that Islam is the crown of religions. The true facets of
all religions—and they all contain truth, even the most unexpected—are
proper subsets of Islam. Hence, in order to help the reader, I have at-
tempted to show parallels with other religions where these exist.
And finally, Islam ideally aims to unite all humanity. I find it unneces-
sary to belabor the importance of this point in the “global village” we
inhabit today.
The Master’s speech and his writing style in the original text are lucid
and conversational, but there is a difficulty in translating some of the
more esoteric ontological concepts into English. Therefore, in order to
add to the understanding and the translation of the concepts discussed
here, efforts were concentrated on the following points:
Translations from the Koran: I have not adhered to any single transla-
tion of the Koran, although the best-known translations have been con-
sulted. As elsewhere, I have not hesitated to sacrifice accuracy for clarity
where called for.
From Turkish, Arabic, and Persian to English: Spirit and Body was in
Turkish, with frequent use of Arabic and Persian words. However, in
order to help the reader, I have—except on a few occasions—tried to use
Arabic equivalents of the Turkish and Persian words scattered through-
out the original text.2
upshot is that even before Moses, the Arabs already possessed a second
name for God of great importance which was adopted by the Hebrews.
The name “Allah” carries within it the power of the presence of God,
so that many Sufis have achieved an experience of God by constantly
calling upon His name. Indeed, “Allah” is the most comprehensive and
Supreme Name of God. Hence, God is almost always referred to by the
name He prefers, Allah, in the original text. In view of the unfamiliarity
of this name to non-Moslem readers, however, the word “God” has been
used in its place to express clearly what we mean, in almost all occasions
except where it is absolutely unavoidable.
Concerning zikr, this refers to the continuous repetition of a religious for-
mula, such as one of God’s names discussed above. This may be done either
vocally (verbally, externally) or silently (mentally, internally). This technical
term has overtones of remembrance, incantation, invocation, and the best
way to describe it, perhaps, is as the repetition of a keyword, “keyword” in
the present case meaning a sacred word or formula assigned by a perfect
master that unlocks the doors of inner space. In order to be consistent, I have
tried to use “invocation” for zikr as far as possible throughout the text.
Salat, which is namaz in Persian, poses a problem in translation that
could not finally be resolved here. Although generally translated as
“Prayer(s)” into English, it is so different from what is ordinarily meant
by the term that an alternative is called for; yet in the end, I had to opt
for retaining this customary form of translation. (Other possibilities are
Active Prayer, Formal Prayer, and Ritual Prayer.) Salat is different from
any other kind of worship. One is tempted to call it “Islamic Yoga” in
order to convey a sense of its nature to the West, but this too falls miser-
ably short of the mark. Ultimately, the only solution may be for the
West to become familiar with these terms, zikr and salat/namaz, and to
use them in the same way—freely and without fear of being grossly mis-
understood—as Yoga and Mantra are now used. In this book, I distin-
guish Islamic Prayer from ordinary supplication by capitalizing the “P”.
over into English. Thus, I have tried to use the form “s/he,” “his or her,”
and “human” rather than “man.”
Editorial and translation comments have been added as footnotes,
within brackets in the main text, or in italics at the beginning and/or end
of a text. Since this is an anthology, with each chapter initially designed
to be self-contained, a certain amount of repetition could not be avoided.3
In part, these repetitions serve the purpose of what would be handled as
hyperlinks on the Internet. Primary sources have been given in the foot-
notes where possible; I have sometimes had recourse to secondary sources.
Why an Anthology?
Being based on the Master’s books, this book naturally inherits their
structure. It is essentially a compendium of works that the Master him-
self referred to in his teachings or excerpts from Western sources that I
consider the equivalent of the Turkish works he used. I have also in-
cluded examples that I myself have constructed to illustrate the methods
the Master used with his disciples. (I have had to create these out of
whole cloth. They are sometimes reconstructed from my memory of a
given teaching and constitute a rough approximation of the style in which
he taught or the subject matter he addressed.) In keeping with the oral
tradition of the Sufis, attribution is only given where the author is a
famous Sufi or poet (other sources are unattributed, part of the shared
body of knowledge, as they are in the teachings.)
Not all selections in the Turkish original lent themselves to translation
with equal ease. Some of them had, therefore, to be omitted entirely.
Others had to be, not just translated, but also adapted to the English
language and Western culture. The Master gave permission to use a selec-
tion of texts from his other publications, which an English-speaking read-
ership would, it was hoped, find to be of the greatest benefit and interest.
This applies not merely to entire texts, but to portions of texts that have
been interspersed throughout the book where required. Hence, many
texts were substantially rewritten, and completely new texts were added
where necessary. The fruit of these efforts was an online book titled The
Meaning of the Four Books.
After that, I prepared another online book, Science, Knowledge, and
Sufism (taking some of the Master’s brief utterances and expanding upon
H. Bayman
Summer 2002
Perhaps one of the most important points that I would like to make in
this book is that Islam (when it incorporates the contributions of Sufism)
is a religion that fully encompasses the whole spectrum of human thought,
from rational scientific thought to intuitive and mystical understandings
of the universe. There is, in Islam, no dichotomy between reason and
faith. As Westerners, we are accustomed to consulting science for answers
about the meaning of life. We often forget that our greatest scientists
have often journeyed back to spiritual explanations upon entering realms
of mystery. As will be shown in this book, Islam is, I venture to say, the
one religion that truly synthesizes rationality and mysticism, the mind
and the heart, social life and interior life in a way that makes it the “crown
of religions,” the Grand Synthesis or metareligion. (Whether or to what
extent this is true should be judged only after the reader finishes the book,
not before.) Because it is chronologically the last of the major religions, it
has recognized earlier contributions and incorporated some of their best
attributes as well. As I see it, Islam heals the split between heart and mind,
so I will begin with a brief foreword on how contemporary society with its
secular bias is in need of the spiritual healing available through Islam.
On the other end of the spectrum, Carl Gustav Jung, the psychologist
who delved deepest into the human unconscious in the twentieth cen-
tury, replied to the question: “Do you now believe in God?” as follows:
“I know. I do not need to believe. I know.” In the face of such testimony,
the efforts of those who strive to deny God are petty and misinformed.
Just how petty is highlighted by Jung’s following remark: “A man can
know less about God than an ant can know of the contents of the British
The same view of God as chief mathematician has been shared by
eminent scientists in the twentieth century. “From the intrinsic evidence
of His creation,” wrote the renowned physicist James Jeans, “the Great
Architect begins to appear as a pure mathematician.” Paul Dirac, the Nobel
Prize-winning quantum physicist and discoverer of antimatter, observed:
“God is a mathematician of a very high order, and He used very advanced
mathematics in constructing the universe.”
The views of all these scientists—and many others—have encouraged
me to write this book. Alfred North Whitehead, the great mathemati-
cian and philosopher, expressed his thoughts as follows: “Religion is the
vision of something which stands beyond, behind, and within, the pass-
ing flux of immediate things; something which is real, and yet waiting to
be realized; something which is a remote possibility, and yet the greatest
of present facts; something that gives meaning to all that passes, yet eludes
apprehension; something whose possession is the final good, and yet
beyond all reach; something which is the ultimate ideal, and the hopeless
On this last point, I would beg to differ with Whitehead. The final
good is not beyond all reach, and the quest is not hopeless. For the mys-
tics, as Josiah Royce said, “are the most thorough going empiricists in the
history of philosophy,” and Sufism represents the summit of mysticism.
And just as there is physical science, there also exists such a thing as “spiri-
tual science.” There exists a religion, moreover, where spirituality and
science—knowledge of the inner world and knowledge of the external
world—do not clash, but complement each other, and that is Islam, the
Grand Synthesis.
that we possess spirits at all. But the spirit is nothing other than that which
animates the body. To say that spirit does not exist in a living being is like
saying that a TV set can work without electricity. Suppose a man born
blind came to you and said: “Eyesight cannot exist, because I have never
experienced its existence.” Would you believe him? In this vein, philoso-
pher David Hume claimed that he had conducted lengthy introspection
and could not find any trace of a human soul. But in order to find some-
thing, one first has to look in the proper place, and in the right way.
Here, a story told often in the Middle East may serve as further anal-
ogy. Nasruddin Hodja (also know as Mullah Nasruddin, the humorous
sage of the Middle East) was once looking for something in the middle
of the street. He was down on all fours, searching. A man who knew him
came by, and asked him what he was looking for. “I’ve lost a key,” the
Hodja replied. So the man began to help him. After a while, though,
unable to find anything, the man asked: “Hodja, where did you say you
dropped the key?” “Down in the basement of my house,” the Hodja said.
The man laughed. “Why, Hodja,” he exclaimed, “in that case we’re
looking in the wrong place. Why aren’t we looking in your basement
instead?” “Ah,” said the Hodja, “it’s too dark in my basement. This is
where the light is.”
If we deny even the existence of the spirit, then we are certainly bound
never to find it. If we believe that a thing does not exist, of course there
is no need even to go looking for it, so the possibility of discovering—or
recovering—it is reduced to zero. Those who haven’t the slightest inkling
of what the spirit is tell us: “Spirit does not exist,” and we believe them.
Those who haven’t the slightest notion about God tell us God does not
exist, and we believe them too. Clearly, if we choose a crow as guide, our
noses are sure never to be free of mud.
Humans are amphibious creatures. We live in the material world with
our body and in the spiritual world with our soul. A person shorn of one
aspect cannot soar, any more than a bird with one wing can fly.
We have starved the heart of nourishment, until it has entered sus-
pended animation, and we have denied sustenance to the spirit, until it
has fallen into a coma. Yet the heart and the spirit, in spite of their apparent
lifelessness, are neither dead nor nonexistent; they await our tender loving
care in order to be revived—they live dormant, waiting for springtime.
If actions and beliefs are in synch with each other, then we can truly
say that a person lives according to the lights of his or her faith. As Rumi,
the mystic, rightly said: “Either appear as you are, or be as you appear to be.”
In this book, I would like to give the reader a glimpse of a faith that,
if implemented correctly, is a foolproof algorithm for success and happi-
ness. If a person applies it properly, that person will succeed. If a nation
applies it correctly, that nation will succeed. Look closely at people and
nations that have been successful, and you will discover that they have
applied a small subset of the precepts of this faith. Look at those that have
failed, and you will find that they have failed to apply those precepts, even,
in some cases, in spite of their claim to profess that very faith.
Untruth can only lead to error. Even those tenets which at first glance
one would regard as metaphysical are true, for metaphysical principles, if
pursued long enough, will lead to concrete outcomes in the physical
By now many of us have experimented with a variety of religions and
philosophies. Some have appealed to us more than others. Yet the com-
prehensive one still eludes us—or rather, we elude it. Many accounts of
Sufism have been published in the West, but without taking into consid-
eration the various cultural differences.
For a long time, our attention in the West has been focused on the
religions and philosophies of the East. We have tried to temper the ex-
treme rationalism, materialism, and mechanism of the West by the equally
arid (because nontheistic) spirituality and asceticism of the East. Herein
lies the crux of the problem. Aware that sitting at one end of the seesaw
has landed us in a fix, we seek salvation by going overboard and trying to
sit on the other end. But the seesaw will then be as unbalanced as it was
originally. From the mind we seek to go over to the heart, yet the heart
by itself is as helpless as the mind in isolation. What is needed is a synthe-
sis—in order to balance the seesaw, we need to go over to the middle, not
to one or the other extreme. We need a system that equally embraces our
materiality and our spirituality; that synthesizes our hearts and our minds—
and even then, without the presence of God the two are still empty.
What we need is a synthesis, like that of hydrogen and oxygen, which
combine to yield water—the sparkling water of life, a substance entirely
different from oxygen or hydrogen taken alone. We need to fuse the best
of the West with the best of the East. Today we have the opportunity to
build on the best of our civilization—to become truly “civilized.” And
geographically as well, the solution between East and West is to be found
in the Middle. As the Koran puts it, “a lamp... kindled from a Blessed
Tree... an olive that is neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil
wellnigh would shine, even if no fire touched it; Light upon Light”
(24:35). And this light, because it belongs to neither, can illuminate both
East and West. Islam is that light.
Rescuing Islam from the Hijackers
Ignorance is the mother of all evils.
How sad that all future historians will date the beginning of the twenty-
first century—not to mention the third millennium—from September
11, 2001. And how sad that we should be forced to deal with those
dreadful events in the context of Islam, a religion that ought to be as far
removed from such vile deeds as day is from night.
In what follows I shall be concerned to show that the modern currents
of so-called Islamism, fundamentalism and neo-fundamentalism (all of
these labels pose semantic problems, but we have to start somewhere) are
products of our times (of modernity and postmodernity). Furthermore,
they are not merely products but offspring, in the sense that they bear the
genetic traits of modernity and postmodernity. Thus, even as they are
reflexive, i.e. arise as apparent reactions to (post)modernity, they also
suffer from the same encumbrances that ail their parents. But at the root
of all these movements is ignorance.
Although Islam does have a social and legal aspect, a material and a public
dimension, it is first of all a matter of private faith, personal observances, and
inner growth.The claim that “in Islam, religion and politics cannot be sepa-
rated” is a huge fallacy that cannot be substantiated from either the Koran or
the Prophet’s Way. Quite the contrary, they cannot be easily combined. In
the Koran, in fact, God tells the Prophet quite explicitly: “You are only a
reminder. You are not one to govern/rule over them” (88:21—22).11
The very concept of a “state” is extra-Koranic. Nor was there any state
apparatus to speak of during the Prophet’s lifetime, that Age of Bliss to
which all fundamentalists yearn to return—which must make of them
political anarchists in theory but totalitarians when it comes to practice,
the same ailment that afflicted the communists. (To add a Sufic touch to
the analysis, these are all modes the Base Self assumes in expressing itself,
regardless of whether it is Marxists or Islamists who are involved.) Politi-
cal structures worthy of being called a “state” developed later on. To com-
pare the Prophet with ordinary political rulers is to radically misinterpret
the office of prophethood. People obeyed the Prophet out of their own
free will, because they were convinced of his authenticity. What the Prophet
accomplished by love and gentle persuasion, the clueless seek to impose
by force, as if coercion could ever substitute for love.
The total neglect of spirituality for the sake of political power and/or
legalism actually serves the Marxist definition by making it come true. It
reduces Islam to a political ideology, and while this may vindicate Marx-
ism, it cuts the very basis of Islam out from under it. Fools rush in where
angels fear to tread, and the attempt to fiddle with the basic parameters
of a religion ends in the resounding failure of those who make the at-
tempt. In the process, a harsh image of Islam has been projected that
actually has nothing to do with the religion as taught by the Prophet,
reflecting only the impoverished vision of its propounders.
Even if we accept that the “Islamists” (advocates of a politicized Is-
lam)12 are trying to come up with a response to the challenge of moder-
nity, they are using the exclusively secularist tools of modernity to do so,
which dooms their efforts from the start. (Nor am I against secularism
per se, because the world is composed of both a material and a spiritual
aspect. It is only when the material is emphasized to the total neglect of
the spiritual that problems arise.)
In the social arena, most people seek guidance from their spiritual
leaders, but they do not want a social straitjacket. What people want
today is an algorithm (a set of instructions to achieve a certain purpose)
that will help them answer the fundamental questions of existence, en-
able their spiritual growth, and guide them through the vicissitudes of
life. This is exactly what Islam is and always has been, and it is precisely
what the Islamists’ version is not.
The SSaint
aint and the Terrorist
In some respects, Islamists are modernists. They share the “single vi-
sion” of modernity, its one-dimensionality, its “my version is true, all
other versions are false” attitude. Whereas postmodernism, like the ac-
tual world, allows for many truths to coexist.
Traditional Islam sought to remake human beings in the image of
God and the Koran. “In the traditional view, reform of society depended
upon reform of the individual, and reform of the individual depended
upon observance of Islam…Individual perfection was always connected
with nearness to God, [i.e. with] actualizing the divine form within each
and every person.”13 The Islamist project, instead, tries to remake the
Koran in the image of the Islamists, who read whatever they like into or
out of the Koran. What cannot be accepted is their totalistic claim that
theirs is the only true reading, when in fact it is patently wrong. Their
failure to see the multidimensional complexity/beauty/mystery of the
world is the result of ignorance, but if we don’t help them disabuse them-
selves of this ignorance, we risk falling into the same pit with them.
The highest goal of Islam is to produce the Perfect Human Being, the
spiritually enlightened individual, who is the dazzling incarnation of di-
vine qualities, in whom all human potentialities have flowered to perfec-
tion. The highest stage of enlightenment is the realization of “unity in
diversity, diversity in unity”—all are One and One is all. God created the
entire universe out of love, giving existence to a dizzying variety of beings.
At the level of mundane truth (referred to as the “realm of Multiplic-
ity” by the Sufis, i.e., the ordinary world in which we find ourselves), no
two things are identical. Physicists have shown that you cannot clone
even a photon—i.e., make an exact copy of a particle of light.14 All creatures
(It should be mentioned in this context that Roy sees bin Laden as an
anti-imperialist. If the fundamentalists earlier seemed to be speaking the
language of Marx, the neo-fundamentalists thus appear to have progressed
to the discourse of Lenin.)19
Anti-Culture, Anti-Civilization
We have said that globalization brings with it a dissemination of the
dominant world culture, i.e., Western culture with a progressively in-
creasing American tinge. Whereas American culture and traditional Islam
are pluralistic, however, the neo-fundamentalists are profoundly nihilis-
tic. Where the “melting pots” of the former welcome all cultures, the
vision of the newcomers tolerates none, including their own. This is a
blatant contradiction in view of the fact that their ideology itself tacitly
incorporates elements of modern culture. Thus, as Roy points out,
Transforming Islam into a mere system of behavior norms, re-
fusing all that concerns culture in favor of an emergent Islamic
code adaptable to any situation, from the Afghan desert to the
American campus, neo-fundamentalism is simultaneously a prod-
uct and an agent of modern deculturization. The Islam of the
Taliban, like Saudi Wahhabism or the radicalism of bin Laden, is
hostile to all that concerns culture, even Islamic culture: from
the destruction of the Prophet’s tomb [attempted in 1925 by]
the Wahhabis to that of the Buddha statues in Bamyan or the
Twin Towers of New York, the refusal of every concept of civili-
zation and culture is again found constantly…22
From people who show such singular disrespect towards their own
Prophet, it is futile to expect courtesy for anyone or anything else. In-
deed, the views of al-Qaeda and the Taliban, in Afghanistan, are also
Moslems are not free to interpret the Koran according to their own
whim. (This is not meant to deny freedom of independent judgment in
ambiguous matters, but rather to affirm that there is no need for it in
unambiguous areas.) They must do so on the basis of the Prophet’s words
and deeds. The Prophet was a well-rounded character, full of wisdom,
tolerance, and love. It is his character and judgment informed by real
presence that is the crucial changing factor. This is what matters. And it is
where any political project founders, for the latter tries to usurp that goal,
to take its place. In its ethical—and most important—dimension, the
sharia is the path that leads to the induction of the Prophet’s noble char-
acter traits in every Moslem, that leads them to emulate and ultimately
exhibit superb conduct. If it does not yield this result, something must
have gone wrong with the process. We have documented evidence of the
Prophet’s behavior with which to judge such self-proclaiming Moslems.
But of course, these days Moslems seem to be as unaware of such facts as
non-Moslems, since ignorance is rampant everywhere.
Further, there is a magisterial tradition reaching back to the beginning
in which those more knowledgeable spent lifetimes in the study and
contemplation of such matters. To disregard this vast resource and to
strike out on one’s own is reckless. This path can only lead to disaster,
because hungry wolves lie in wait for stray sheep. The epigraph above by
the Prophet explains why the ignorant are so hell-bent on trying to de-
stroy his legacy. For, in designing a minimal package, they have undercut
the subtleties of the Koran and jettisoned the baby with the bathwater.
Little do they realize that in doing so, they are destroying Islam itself.
Roy denies the Huntingtonian claim23 that all this has anything to do
with a “clash of civilizations”:
[T]he neo-fundamentalists are simultaneously agents of
deculturization related to globalization, and a consequence of
this globalization. While endeavoring to define a pure religious
identity, exclusive of any cultural influence, they allow the up-
rooted Moslem, the product of globalization, to build an iden-
tity adaptable to all societies, because detached from the idea of
society. The modernity of bin Laden is this hatred of culture and
of history, it is this Islam in kit form, exportable to the desert of
But if the terrorists are anti-modern in the context of trust, how “Is-
lamic” can their influence be regarded as? Because Islam and all authentic
religions place a premium on trust—on trusting others and being trust-
worthy oneself. Even before he became a prophet, Mohammed was
known by his nickname “the Trustworthy.” And the Master always in-
structed us: “Don’t deceive, don’t be deceived.” The Moslem has tradi-
tionally been defined as “That person from whose hands, tongue, and
sexuality other people are safe.”
One of the reasons why America is the most modern nation in the
world is because it is also deeply religious, in certain ways representing
the best aspects of the Judeo-Christian heritage. When they dive-bombed
trust and honesty, then, the terrorists targeted not just modernity but all
three monotheisms, which are at one—and, unsurprisingly, entirely in
accord with modernity—in these respects.
Indeed, a prominent reason why Moslems in many countries have met
the 9/11 attacks with rank disbelief—attributing the events to the CIA,
Mossad, or some similar high-level conspiracy—is because being Moslems
themselves, and knowing what being a Moslem entails, they are absolutely
convinced that such acts cannot be perpetrated by one of their kind. These
go against such deep grains of Moslem sensibility that they have refused to
even consider the possibility, taking refuge in conspiracy theories instead.
Fascism or Democracy?
Eliminate spirituality, substitute politics for that, cut out the Prophet’s
example, erase genuine Islamic culture and civilization—enlivened by
the presence of the Prophet—eradicate love and substitute hate, and where
do you end up? A story of Nasruddin Hodja that is well-known in the
Middle East, a variation on the bed of Procrustes, seems a good analogy
for fundamentalist attempts to transform Islam: Nasruddin saw a hawk
for the first time, but his previous experience of birds had been confined
to sparrows. “You poor bird,” he said, and proceeded to trim off its beak,
talons, and feathers. “That’s better,” said Nasruddin viewing his master-
piece when he was done, “now you look more like a bird.”
In like manner, the self-styled “vanguards” of Islam have succeeded
only in pruning it into a “bird.” If they keep it up, soon nothing much
will be left. The irony is that this is being done by the same people who
sincerely wish to return to the “days of old, days of gold.” In other words,
the people who should be in the forefront in opposing an “Islamic Ref-
ormation” are precisely the ones who are unwittingly carrying it out.
The fundamentally anti-culture stance of the neo-fundamentalists is
reminiscent of the stance of Nazi General Hermann Goering, who was
very fond of the phrase: “When I hear the word ‘culture’ [and hence of fully
developed, cultured, individuals—like the Prophet], I reach for my gun.”25
Here is yet another link to what has been designated as “Islamic fascism.”26
Throughout history, there have been many faces of Islam. Lamenta-
bly, some versions have been less palatable than others. This is why strict
adherence to the Prophet’s example is needed, but it is often other things
to which people “strictly” adhere.
Fortunately, these other forms of Islam are no more than a small mi-
nority: as the Prophet himself said, “My community will never unite on
an error.” Recent research has shown that in the support of democratic
ideals, “there is minimal difference between the Islamic world and the
West.”27 This is another argument against Samuel Huntington’s “clash of
civilizations and/or cultures.” The egalitarianism inherent in Islam even
places the Islamic world ahead of the West in some respects: as the study
concludes, “contrary to Huntington’s thesis, compared with Western so-
cieties, support for democracy was marginally slightly stronger (not weaker)
among those living in Islamic societies.”
If God wills it, such a state in Egypt, with all its weight in the
heart of the Islamic world, could lead the Islamic world in a
jihad against the West. It could also rally the world Muslims
around it. Then history would make a new turn…
[The jihadist] Islamic movement will not triumph against the
world coalition unless it possesses a fundamentalist base in the
heart of the Islamic world.
The establishment of a Muslim state in the heart of the Islamic
world is not an easy goal or an objective that is close at hand. But
it constitutes the hope of the Muslim nation to reinstate its fallen
caliphate and regain its lost glory.…
Liberating the Muslim nation, confronting the enemies of Is-
lam, and launching jihad against them require a Muslim author-
ity, established on a Muslim land, that raises the banner of jihad
and rallies the Muslims around it. Without achieving this goal our
actions will mean nothing more than mere and repeated disturbances
that will not lead to the aspired goal, which is the restoration of the
caliphate and the dismissal of the invaders from the land of Islam.29
This extract distills the essential thought of Zawahiri: one first does
battle in order to establish an Islamic state and reinstate the caliphate,
preferably in Egypt, and then the caliphate wages war against the West.
Since the latter is identified with a world coalition, this in effect means a
jihad against the whole world.
This is just plain wrong. First, because it is immoral according to the
teachings of Islam. In Arabic, ahlaq, which derives from hulq, means
ethics, innate constitution, and character traits. That is, perfect ethics are
synonymous with praiseworthy character traits, which are those of the
Prophet. Now the Prophet (1) never declared jihad against the whole
world, and (2) opted for peace whenever possible. In fact, his invitations
to the Eastern Roman Emperor Heraclius, the Persian Emperor Kavadh
and the Chinese Emperor Taizong all had the purpose of securing peace
on earth. Hence, such an action is Islamically immoral because it does
not square with the example of the Prophet.
The Caliphate
The resurrection of the caliphate is a desire that seems close to the
heart of some Moslems, including Osama bin Laden.30 According to
recent reports, he intends to establish an Islamic empire and caliphate by
destabilizing and toppling the secular regimes in Central Asia.31 (Guess
who the next caliph is going to be?) The goal of al-Qaeda itself is to
“unite all Muslims and to establish a government which follows the rule
of the Caliphs.”32 This is the reason why they are waging war. After the
expulsion of the former Soviet Union from Afghanistan, this is the new
pastime the former mujahideen have found for themselves.
The caliphate was formally abolished in 1924, and sufficient time has
now elapsed that people with a short sense of history regard it in a rosy
hue of nostalgia. But what was the caliphate, actually?
Let us first attempt to understand what the caliphate (as a concept) is
not. It is not the Islamic counterpart of the Papacy, and a Caliph would
not be the equivalent of the Pope. The reason is that there is no clergy in
save even itself. In short, the caliphate died of old age. What would be
gained by exhuming the corpse?
Nowhere among the injunctions of Islam is there a requirement to
create an Islamic superstate. There is no reason—deriving either from the
Koran or the Prophet—that compels a Moslem to work toward such a
This discussion leads to the following conclusion: the issue of the
caliphate is but another attempt to reduce Islam to a political ideology.
The wish to resurrect the caliphate is a case of political powerlust, and a
misplaced one at that. Indeed, the reason why the period of Rightly-
Guided Caliphs ended was because the fifth caliph fell victim to precisely
this temptation of worldly power, in effect replacing the caliphate (based
on appointment by a committee) with monarchy and dynastic rule. (“Ali
invited to Islam,” said the Master, whereas his opponents “invited to the
Base Self [to egoism].”) Modern-day Islamists ought to stop using Islam
as an instrument for their political purposes and start obeying it as the
religion it is instead.
Obtaining state power is not a panacea, a cure-all, as the communists
eventually found out and the mullahs of Iran are discovering. Islam will
be strengthened, not by building an Islamic state or superstate, but by
more diligent faith and practice on the part of its adherents, including
those who fancy they’re serving the religion by politicizing it. This is
simply ignorance, and the first step necessary is to shed ignorance.
From its very beginnings down to the Iranian experiment, the history
of Islam demonstrates that religion and politics do not mix well. When-
ever there has been a close encounter of Islam with politics, Islam has
emerged bruised and battered from that encounter. There is always a
Machiavellian streak to politics and Islam gets obscured by that cyni-
cism.34 The real thrust of Islam must always be ethics: as the Prophet
said, “I came to perfect character traits.” No particular political project is
required by Islam in any way.
There are others besides bin Laden who covet the position of caliph.
As the Master observed, “One [only] becomes Caliph with [outstand-
ing] ethics. Without ethics, one will be Pharaoh.” As a rule, all recent
candidates share the “endearing” characteristic that the less worthy they
are to become caliph, the more fervently they crave that title. If one of
them succeeds, Moslems at some future date may well be forced to adopt
the motto, “History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.”35
These errants would build their caliphate over the corpses of thousands
of innocent victims, including Moslems, their brothers according to Di-
vine Law. How can one expect any good spin-off from the dawn that
follows such a night?
Some Moslems may look at the Pope and long for a comparable high-
profile spiritual leader, but the caliph is not that leader, and everyone is
actually better off without such a leader. We must never forget that the
essence of Islam is direct communion between the individual and God—
there is no need to import a churchlike hierarchy and its political agenda
into a religion where these were banned from the first day.
of the Prophet: “Don’t kill any living thing by burning it alive.” Now
picture not just any living thing but a human being, and not just one
human being but scores of them, being roasted alive in a thousand-de-
gree furnace of jetliner fuel. (See where we’re headed when we omit the
Prophet?) Let’s get this straight once and for all: Islam does not support
terrorism, and terrorists do not represent Islam. Even the very suggestion
is abominable.
Terr orism as N
errorism ihilism
The more extreme extremists become, the further away they move
from the vast majority of “the people of the Middle Way” (ummatan
wasatan). As Gilles Kepel—another astute observer of fundamentalism—
has noted, their very success in committing extremist acts betrays the
way in which they marginalize themselves: their actual failure to rally
widespread support, to offer anything substantial to the masses.
The blatantly nihilistic streak in the events of 9/11 did not escape the
attention of either Moslems or non-Moslems. Muhammad Khatami,
the president of Iran, was one of the first to express it in the clearest
[W]hat we are witnessing in the world today is an active form of
nihilism in social and political realms that threatens the very fab-
ric of human existence...Vicious terrorists who concoct weapons
out of religion are superficial literalists clinging to simplistic ideas.
They are utterly incapable of understanding that, perhaps inad-
vertently, they are turning religion into the handmaiden of the
most decadent ideologies. While terrorists purport to be serving
the cause of religion and accuse all those who disagree with them
of heresy and sacrilege, they are serving the very ideologies they
this categorical failure to discriminate between black and white that frees
us from any obligation to take whatever they may say about Islam—or
indeed anything else—seriously.
and solutions. We should not be surprised when people bring their griev-
ances to our door. Rather, we should try to heal those grievances, to turn
them into gratitude. To care for others is a requirement of Godliness,
whether one be a Christian or a Moslem. Moreover, this is in our own
interest. The rich have a duty to help the poor become educated.
The world out there expects great things, great leadership, from us.
Moreover, I am optimistic: I believe we can rise to this challenge. We
have the power to do it, it all depends on the will and desire for wisdom,
peace, and love. In philosopher Slavoj Zizek’s wise words,
Whenever we encounter such a purely evil Outside, we should
gather the courage to remember the Hegelian lesson: in this pure
Outside, we should recognize the distilled version of our own
Either America will persist in, even amplify, the attitude of “Why
should this happen to us? Things like this don’t happen here,”
leading to more aggression towards the threatening Outside, just
like a paranoiac acting out. Or America will [make] the long-
overdue move from “A thing like this should not happen here!”
to “A thing like this should not happen anywhere!” America’s
“holiday from history” was a fake: America’s peace was bought
by catastrophes going on elsewhere.
Therein resides the true lesson of the bombings: the only way to
ensure that it will not happen here again is to [work to] prevent
it from going on anywhere else. 45
Islam as Love
Especially in light of September 11, 2001, and the political climate
that has ensued (I write this in the summer of 2002), it seems to me that
the Master’s teachings about love are critical to our survival on Earth. As
one of the Master’s disciples so eloquently summarized his teachings about
social justice, “If you love someone, you cannot violate that person’s rights.”
In my opinion Islam can be boiled down to two words: Law and
Love. The first refers to the exoteric rules and observances an adherent
must follow, the second to the spirit that should infuse all our actions.
Although we tend to regard Islam as exoteric and reserve the esoteric
sphere for Sufism, thus calling it by another name, both are part of Is-
lam. Segregating and compartmentalizing the two in the usual fashion
actually serves to perpetuate the misperception that they are two differ-
ent things. Then by a curious invention, some people, not only those
outside the religion, but also within it, reach the erroneous conclusion
that if Sufism stands for spirituality and love, Islam (as the Divine Law)
must be associated with rigidity, vindictiveness, anger, and hate. Nothing
could be further from the truth.
As can be seen, while some humans are by nature more predisposed to
formality and others to mysticism, something within the human consti-
tution shrivels when one side is emphasized to the total exclusion of the
other. Focusing on a dry legalism while neglecting the spiritual, for ex-
ample, results in the kind of distortion of the human psyche being dis-
cussed. So the two aspects of Islam actually balance and complement
each other; that balance is lost when one side is missing.
“My hate is my religion.” Well, in that case your religion is hate and
not Islam, which is love and compassion and moderation and tolerance
and goodwill combined, the very opposite of hate. This mistake of con-
fining Islam solely to the exoteric has got to end if we are to avoid drag-
ging down Islam and everything along with it. When he said “Islam,”
Master Kayhan always meant both the external and the spiritual, and I
submit that we need to adopt the same convention.
There should be no confusion in anyone’s mind: religious identity,
national identity, ethnic identity, and cultural identity are all different
things, although there may be significant overlaps. While an expression
like “the nation of Islam” does exist, this is meant in the sociological
sense of religious community, not in the political sense of nation state. In
terms of culture and civilization, to represent Islam and the West as im-
placable opposites is absurd. Modern Western civilization is based on the
Renaisssance, which took its life-breath from scientific advances in Is-
lamic civilization during its heyday. And being a Moslem in no way
entails being against science, technology, democracy, free markets, or fa-
mous brand-name commodities.
Almost every chapter of the Koran begins with “In the name of God,
the Compassionate, the Merciful.” Why is God compassionate and
would certainly have done so if he had had the character still all too
readily attributed to him in the West. That he did not do so proves in
any case two things, namely a character of absolute integrity, and an au-
thentic message from God; both things—the human qualification and
the divine intervention—are necessarily combined, for the Messenger
must be in conformity with the Message, he must in some manner an-
ticipate it by his character and by his gifts....[T]he absolutely honest,
simple, upright, disinterested, and generous personality of the Prophet—
we speak as a historian and not as a ‘believer’—reveals proportions that
transcend the commonly human.”50
In his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Edward Gibbon stated
that the Koran provides a magnificent witness to the unity of God. In
statements such as the following, he supported not only the Prophet but
also the Koran, God’s miracle:
“It is not the propagation but the permanency of his religion that
deserves our wonder; the same pure and perfect impression which he
engraved at Mecca and Medina is preserved, after the revolutions of twelve
centuries by the Indian, the African, and the Turkish proselytes of the
Koran...The Mahometans have uniformly withstood the temptation of
reducing the object of their faith and devotion to a level with the senses
and imagination of man. ‘I believe in One God and Mahomet is the
Apostle of God’ is the simple and invariable profession of Islam. The
intellectual image of the Deity has never been degraded by any visible
idol; the honors of the prophet have never transgressed the measure of
human virtue; and his living precepts have restrained the gratitude of his
disciples within the bounds of reason and religion.”51
The Christian missionary, Rev. Bosworth Smith, stated: “By a for-
tune absolutely unique in history, Mohammad is a threefold founder—
of a nation, of an empire, and of a religion. The Quran is a book which
is a poem, a code of laws, a book of common prayer, all in one, and is
reverenced by a large section of the human race as a miracle of purity in
style, of wisdom, and of truth. It is the one miracle claimed by
Mohammad—his ‘Standing Miracle,’ he called it; and a miracle indeed
it is.” Of Mohammed he also said, “He was Caesar and Pope in one; but
he was Pope without Pope’s pretensions, Caesar without the legions of
Caesar: without a standing army, without a bodyguard, without a palace,
without a fixed revenue. If ever any man had the right to say that he ruled
by the right divine, it was Mohammad, for he had all the power without
its instruments and without its supports.”52
In his History of Turkey, the famous French author and historian
Lamartine expresses his admiration for the Prophet of God in the fol-
lowing way: “Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror
of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas; the founder of twenty terrestrial
empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Mohammed. As regards all
standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may ask, is
there any man greater than he?”53
The Englishman John Davenport, who emphasized the justice of Is-
lam and was a student of the history of world religions, eloquently testi-
fied to the nonviolent history of Islam (an important history to remember
in view of recent violent incidents associated with so-called Islamic ac-
tors). As Davenport said, “Islam has never interfered with the dogmas of
any faith—never persecuted, never established an inquisition. It offered
its religion, but never enforced it.” Islam has introduced itself to the
world, but has never abased human beings by forcible religious conver-
sion, court trials or the torture of the Inquisition. He continues:
Europe is still further indebted to the Musalmans. For, not to
mention that to the struggles during the Crusades we mainly
owe the abolition of the onerous parts of the feudal system, and
the destruction of those aristocratic despotisms on the ruins of
which arose the proudest bulwark of our liberties, Europe is to
be reminded that she is indebted to the followers of Muhammad,
as the link which connects ancient and modern literature; for the
preservation, during a long reign of Western darkness, of the works
of many of the Greek philosophers; and for the cultivation of
some of the most important branches of science, mathematics,
medicine, etc., which are highly indebted to their labours. Spain,
Cassino, the Salernum were the nurseries of the literature of the
age; and the works of Avicenna, Averroes, Beithar, Abzazel, and
others gave new vigour and direction to the studies of [Western
scientists]....Muhammad himself said that a mind without eru-
dition was like a body without a soul, that ‘glory consists not in
“There is only one religion on earth,” said George Bernard Shaw, “but
there are a hundred versions of it,” and William Blake was of the same
opinion: “All religions are one.” Islam claims to be that archetypal reli-
gion. Many of the prophets mentioned in the Koran are referred to as
“Moslems,” which means that the prophets of earlier religions submitted
to God, the One and the same God, even though the religious precepts
revealed to them were localized rather than universal. Adam, the first
man, was also described as the first prophet, the first to embrace Islam
(translated as “submission to God”).
In time, however, the teachings of the earlier prophets became obso-
lete, because the times and circumstances for which they were valid were
superseded; and also corrupted, because the original teachings were un-
able to survive untampered. As people mistook the manifold attributes
of God for God Himself, they began to call these attributes “gods,” thus
slipping from monotheism into polytheism. Entropy is a cosmic law
ordained by God, and human affairs are not exempt from it. Such de-
generation necessitated the renewal of true religion from time to time, a
reiteration performed by the many prophets.
Finally, God sent the perfect religion that is valid for all mankind as
long as it exists: they are coterminous. He chose Mohammed as the ve-
hicle for conveying this religion. As the Prophet remarked: “I was sent to
complete admirable conduct.” Here is the great contribution of Islam to
spirituality: the recognition that spirituality is dependent on ethics, and
that perfecting one’s ethical conduct leads to a perfect spirituality.
In the view of Moslems, Islam was not different from all the other
true religions, as is evidenced by its acceptance of all earlier prophets,
such as Moses and Jesus; it was merely their most mature, most per-
fected, and streamlined form. For example, just as Christianity was a
continuation and—in certain respects—a consummation of Judaism, Is-
lam is a continuation and consummation of both Judaism and Chris-
tianity. Similarly, it is an extension of and improvement upon Buddhism,
and so on. And although the earlier religions were tribal and local, ad-
dressing a small part of mankind for a restricted period of time, Islam
was intended by God to be truly universal—as valid for an American,
say, of the twenty-first century as it was for the little Arabic community
to which it was revealed fourteen centuries ago. God has made this un-
mistakably clear by the following verse: “Today I have perfected your
religion over you” (5:3).
Although God, having revealed the final and most perfect religion,
has abrogated all earlier manifestations of religious devotion—and in
this sense other religions will not be accepted by God—Moslems recog-
nize that it is part of the divine purpose to maintain diverse religious
Bearing Witness
Entry to the religion of Islam is extremely easy. One need only repeat
the Word of Witnessing (Kalima al-Shahada) or the Word of Unifica-
tion (or Unity) (Kalima at-Tawhid).
The Word of Witnessing is: “I bear witness that there is no god but
God, and that Mohammed is His servant and Messenger.”The Word of
Unification is: “There is no god but God; Mohammed is His Messen-
ger.” Anyone repeating these Words (especially the first) wholeheartedly
and with a sincere belief will enter Islam.
Let us pause for a moment to consider what their recitation entails.
The first part of both formulas is the faith of monotheism: there is
only One True God, the Lord of all Being. In ancient times, people used
to worship stones, trees, and many other deities. They idolized these
objects; that is, they attributed to them properties superior to what they
intrinsically possessed. They projected upon them godlike attributes, and
from this it followed that obeisance was owed these objects. The thesis
of monotheism, on the other hand, was that only the supreme power,
the Creator of the Universe, deserved the unconditional allegiance and
worship of human beings.
Although we may believe that we are very far from such an unsophis-
ticated mentality today, our emancipation and education may have blinded
us to certain facts, and led us to underestimate the power with which the
human psyche tends to deify various kinds of entities. The truth is that
even in this day and age, we tend to invest things with a significance they
do not possess. This deification is all the more insidious because it is
largely subconscious. We may not worship a tree, but we have our own
idols and superstitions that hold comparable sway over our thought pro-
In order to bring to light what is involved here, it is necessary to make
the following definition: anything which a person loves in excess and/or
fears in excess is that person’s god, or idol. (This also includes attribution
of power to that thing.)
When considered in terms of this definition, it will easily be seen that
even the most confirmed atheist might well be, in real life, a polytheist
or idolater.
Love and fear are two basic components of the human psyche. Even if
you believe in One God, if you love or fear something more than Him,
that thing is your god. That is, you are setting up another god, you are
associating a partner, with God. If you do not believe in God, your dei-
fication is all the more total and indefensible.
Looked at in this light, it at once becomes apparent that we all pay
allegiance to various pantheons of idols. The movie star, the rock musi-
cian, the sports figure, or the politician to whom we are overly attached
may all be considered our gods, a fact recognized even in common speech
where such persons are referred to as “idols.”
A man may be so deeply in love with a woman that he “worships” her.
A person who washes and polishes his or her car excessively is, without
realizing it, “deifying” that car. At the very least, s/he is making a fetish
out of it, which is already in the realm of the sacred. Another who has a
great fear of his or her boss, debtor, or local bully, has unconsciously
taken these as idols.
In this sense, almost anything can serve as a deity: money, science, a
work of art, alcohol, political power, sex, oneself, one’s reason, or even
one’s TV set, to name but a few. These are all false gods, however; they
usurp our devotion without being worthy of it.
All this goes to show that if you do not worship the sun, the moon, or
the stars, you are not automatically disqualified from idolatry or poly-
theism. In fact, there are indications that ancient and primitive peoples
understood this broader definition of a god quite well; they were just
more prosaic in their choice of idols.
Now the basic tenet of monotheism in the face of all this is that there
is only one Being worthy of such adoration and fear, who commands
man’s absolute allegiance and respect; and that is the One and only True
God, the Creator of the Universe and everything that is in it.
Another danger is that even though we believe in God, we might
show excessive reverence to something that we fancy will draw us close
to Him. This may be an icon, an object, an angel, or a human being. All
of these have their proper place; it is only when we go too far that we run
the risk of associationism.
We should, in that case, avoid associating anything with God. We
should dissociate Him from and glorify Him above everything else, for
He is so far beyond all finite things, no matter how great, that He simply
does not bear comparison with any of them.
This, then, is the meaning of “There is no god but God,” and from
what has been said it can be seen that it is as valid a claim in our modern
age as it was in ancient times, for it is timeless.
AG lobal F
Global aith with Local A
Faith pplications
Islam is a universal religion: it is not the religion of one nation or race,
but all humanity. Of course, it had to be revealed somewhere on earth,
and this happened to be an Arabic community in the seventh century
A Chur chless F
Churchless aith
There is no church in Islam, no clergy, and no monasticism. Between
a person and God, there stands nothing. Religious scholars may deal
with legal or exoteric matters, and spiritual teachers may give esoteric
instruction; but they are human beings like ourselves, and do not medi-
ate between God and human beings. They do not constitute a clergy. No
one has the right to come between any human being and God or to
exercise power in God’s name. This is the most intensely private of re-
lationships, and since God has, with this religion, made known to human-
ity His requirements concerning the most important things, everyone knows
what to do without the intermediary of a church. One can be clean and
pure and practice one’s faith without a church, for one is accountable to
God, and to God alone, who stands in no need of any other representative.
Closely related to this is the idea that Islam does not sacrifice matter
for spirit, or vice versa. Both are of equal importance. Both are part of
the human makeup, and humans will be crippled if they neglect one side
for the sake of the other. Spiritual advancement does not entail renuncia-
tion of the world, nor do worldly possessions—provided we possess them
and they don’t possess us—preclude spiritual/afterworldly progress. The
two must go together. Extreme asceticism—like all extremes—is not
advocated by Islam, which points to the “Middle Way.”
A Religion of Hope
Islam is a religion of hope. Its stance as regards humans and the uni-
verse is basically optimistic. Original Sin, an ineradicable residue of sin
that is genetically passed on down the generations, does not exist in Is-
lam.59 Furthermore, sin and evil do not have the connotations in Islam
that they possess in other religions. Sin is not a source of irremediable
guilt; it is rather in the nature of faults, errors, or mistakes which may
issue from a human being as a matter of course—provided, of course, it
is not intentional and deliberate. Unmitigated “evil” as the term is under-
stood in the West does not exist in Islam—the closest term to it would
be “ill” (sharr).60 Badness is entirely manageable in Islam. Even the Devil,
who in some religions is powerful enough to rule this world, only has
the power to whisper and suggest treachery to those who heed him; be-
yond this, the Koran teaches that Satan cannot actually compel us to do
Two sayings of the Prophet will serve to clarify the optimistic posi-
tion of Islam. “Every child is born a Moslem; it is only afterwards that
his parents and environment make him the follower of another religion.”
This means that every child is born already saved—not already damned.
It is only actions in later life that may cause the fall of a person, who
comes into this world pure and untainted. (“Born a Moslem” here means
born with Islamic morality and beautiful conduct, rather than any con-
scious acknowledgment of Islamic precepts on the part of the child; i.e.,
Islam is that childlike pureness.)
The Prophet also said, “Suppose you want to plant a tree, and you
know for certain that the End of the World is near (in other words, that
that tree has no chance of growing).Nevertheless, go ahead and plant
that tree.” No matter how bad a situation may appear to be, one is
encouraged to act with hope. God has declared: “My mercy is greater
than My wrath,” and the Prophet has explained: “I was sent as a mercy to
the worlds.” No matter how sinful a person may be and how destitute s/
he may feel as a consequence, the door of sincere repentance and the
resolve not to consciously repeat a sin will most certainly lead to divine
mercy, absolution, and salvation.
AN atural R
Natural eligion
As we can see, Islam is a religion tailored to human needs. It fits Arthur
Koestler’s description of a religion whose essence is “perennial but not
archaic, which provides ethical guidance, teaches the lost art of contem-
plation, and restores contact with the [divine] without requiring reason
to abdicate.” It does not go against the grain, and dovetails with the
natural disposition and requirements of human beings. For this reason, it
is referred to as “the religion of natural disposition.” (It should not, how-
ever, be confused with the historical Deism of Voltaire and Locke, which,
in Pascal’s famous phrase, brings the subject up to “the God of the phi-
losophers,” but cannot take the step to “the God of Abraham.” Philoso-
phy might bring us to God’s doorstep by accepting His existence, but we
need a revealed religion to pass beyond the threshold and learn anything
As in all matters, here, too, the Prophet must stand as the model for
Moslems. Where you’re able to, give advice, help others, show them the
Good. Where you can’t, pray for them and try to help them. Never
argue; only discuss in the most appealing way.
How can one help those who do not share the faith?
People who do not use the revealed Scriptures as a guide have an im-
possible task ahead of them. Instead of picking the fruit from the tree
that has been presented to them, they have chosen to “build the tree”
from scratch! Where can they start? The only certainty is that they will
try to construct their own morality—a system of values to live by.
If you know there is no possibility of their hearts responding to the
Divine, you can at least help them in the following two respects. For
these will go some way in saving them from misery, and will save others
from falling victim to their ignorance.
R eining in One
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1. Forbidden Gain. Whatever you gain by illegitimate means—and
here I mean illegitimate in God’s sight—will sooner or later be a curse on
you for which you must pay. No good will come of it, no matter how
easily or how surreptitiously it is obtained. In the final analysis, illicit
profit is never in one’s own best interest. I’m not just talking about out-
right stealing or embezzlement here. Islam is so strict about this point
that it warns you not to drink a cup of tea or coffee if you visit a person
whose earnings are suspect in your eyes—that cup will be tainted.
Let me make this crystal clear. Suppose you’re flat broke, and you
decide to go over to your friend to borrow some money. Now on your
way, you find that the streets are strewn with thousands of dollars. It’s
there, it’s yours for the taking, you didn’t steal it, and it’s all free!
Under these conditions, you must not take the money. Don’t even touch
the bills. Just wade through them as if they never existed, and continue
on your way to ask your friend for the measly sum you had in mind.
I know that’s a difficult proposition—it sounds exaggerated and
counterintuitive, but you’ll be better off in the end than if you’d done
Don’t eat an illicit morsel, and don’t allow your family (or those under
your care) to swallow one. This does not mean that we’re condemned to
poverty, and that legitimate wealth is ruled out. You can be as rich as you
like, so long as you earn it by honest means.
2. Forbidden Lust. “Do not approach fornication,” says the Koran.
What is meant here is not simply that you should not indulge in illicit
sex, but that you should refrain from even the slightest movement, the
slightest thought, in that direction. (Here’s where Jesus’ figurative ex-
pression: “If your eye offends you, pluck it out” takes on meaning.) Ex-
cept for your lawfully wedded spouse, regard all other human beings as
your brothers or sisters, mothers or fathers, or children (it goes without
saying that this rules out incest).
Sex is probably the strongest impulse in human beings. If handled
unwisely, it is powerful enough to shatter them. In its proper place, it
will lead to worldly and marital happiness. It promises the fulfillment
and contentment of a warm family life. Experimenting with illegitimate
relationships, on the other hand, can only bring on disaster. It can cause
the collapse or destruction of an entire civilization. Fornication, adultery,
and all forms of sexual perversion and depravity put an end to one’s
psychic assets once and for all. It doesn’t make any difference if “two
consenting adults” are involved—this is just an excuse to bypass the hurdle.
There is a God-given trust, a lease, in each human being that must re-
main inviolate and which s/he is forbidden to give to another even by his
or her own consent, unless in proper wedlock with a member of the
opposite sex.
When God created Adam at the dawn of human history, He was en-
gaging in the production of His most marvelous, most complex, crea-
ture. This is well-nigh a sacred act.Thenceforth, He entrusted the creation
of further human beings, the propagation of the race, to us. In other
words, we are participators in God’s creation of each new human being.
This is a tremendous responsibility. And, like it or not, this is the pur-
pose of sex. We may think only about how pleasurable it is, but it is there
for procreation.
Now consider what it takes to obtain a well-formed human being: a
minimum of twenty years of nurture, of tender loving care by both par-
ents. And this is best achieved within a healthy marriage. Sex, therefore,
is a social event. A sexual wrong is a social wrong affecting everybody,
even future generations.
This is compounded in the case of a married couple. Adultery is the
most common cause of marital breakdown. The person found to be
attractive is nothing but a menace to one’s spouse, one’s innocent chil-
dren and, ultimately, to oneself. But this lesson is most often learned the
hard way, because of the refusal to benefit from other people’s experi-
ences. The sanctity of marriage must be preserved.
Now these last two points—forbidden gain and forbidden lust—are
so crucial that they can elevate a person to the heights of sainthood, or
plunge one into the depths of misery. All the techniques of mystics
throughout history served only one purpose: the control of the Self. And
yet, self-control is actually predicated on these two critical points alone:
illicit pecuniary interest and passion. This is true not merely for Mos-
lems, but for everyone. Control these two, and you have no need of all
the other ascetic practices mentioned above. Fail to do so, and none of
them will save you. For the ultimate aim of all asceticism is to tame these
two selfish drives, to keep them within permitted, legitimate limits.
The annihilation of mankind will be the direct or indirect outcome of
failure to hold these two in check. No matter who you are, by reining
them in, you will not merely save yourself, but will also contribute to
the survival of humanity. It is imperative that those “beyond the fold” of
Islam should understand this. The duty of a Moslem, where possible, is
to carefully and intelligently make this known to them.
Ottoman Ethics
In the past, Islamic societies exhibited concern for social and ecologi-
cal issues because this was built into the very fabric of their religion. The
Ottomans, for example, had practices of a resoundingly ecological na-
ture, long before ecology was ever heard of in the West. The quintessence
of ecology was, of course, first expressed by the Koran: “Eat, drink, but
do not waste” (7:31).
As we well know, the earth’s resources will provide enough for every-
one, as long as they are not squandered mindlessly. The “green” choice is
primarily an ethical choice; the science of ecology may tell us that the
destruction of the environment will lead to the destruction of humanity,
but it does not tell us why such self-destruction is wrong or bad.
In accordance with the Islamic precept to “show compassion and tol-
erance towards not merely human beings, but all of God’s creatures,” the
Ottomans saw to it that hungry wolves in the wild were fed carrion. This
not only protected villages from being raided, but prevented the preda-
tor from entering the “endangered species” list because, according to their
conception, “every living being is precious.”The means for this was a
unique institution they called the “foundation.” Thus the Ottomans had
foundations for the preservation of birds, cats, mongrels, wildlife, et al.—
a delicate ecological sensibility informed all their actions. Looking at all
the funds and foundations devoted to the preservation of nature in the
West today, one cannot help but remember their predecessors in a less
ecology-conscious age.
Indeed, Islam teaches us to save even a scorpion in distress, so long as
it does not intimidate us directly. The reason for this is not the ecological
precept that diversity of species leads to more stable ecosystems. It is that
these creatures possess the gift of life, which is worthy of respect in itself.
One of the areas in which Ottoman culture excelled was security against
poverty. What I am about to relate may sound like a fairy tale today, yet
it is the truth, and provides a graphic example of Benedict’s “syphon
system.” The Ottomans had “charity stones,” pillars in the middle of the
street, slightly taller than a human being, on top of which a rich person
might place a donation for the poor. A needy person coming along could
then reach up and collect it. In this way, donor and receiver remained
anonymous to each other, and the dignity of the poor was preserved
from injury. No one was reduced to begging. Since theft was unheard of,
there was no danger that the money entrusted to the mute stones would
vanish. What they accomplished as a matter of course, we cannot even
dream of today. The equivalent in this day and age would be an open
bank account; but can you imagine the deposits not being stolen before
the poor and needy got to them?
The essence of Ottoman ethics was this: treat every human being as if
s/he were a jewel. This means that a person should be handled delicately,
as a being of infinite worth. You will not find this stated in history books,
which seldom do justice to this aspect of Ottoman life, but such was in
fact the ideal, and—more often than not—the practice. And this is the
kind of morality we need today. In an overcrowded world we stand even
more, not less, in need of such conduct.
The Alms-tax
We cannot go into all socially and ecologically oriented Islamic obser-
vances here, but shall consider, in conclusion, that most social form of
worship, the alms-tax institution—the archetype of all syphon systems.
Among the aims of Islam are social justice and the fair distribution of
wealth, and the alms-tax is the primary—though not the only—means
to achieve this goal. Everyone who is rich beyond a certain measure (nisab)
is required to give one-fortieth of their holdings—not just income—to
the poor. This measure is ninety-six grams of gold, or the equivalent
amount in cash (roughly one thousand dollars as of this writing—the
figure fluctuates) and/or valuables, and one must have been in possession
of this amount for at least one year, over and above one’s debts and daily
requirements. Of course, this does not preclude other forms of charity,
such as the “end-of-fast” (fitr) alms given at the end of the month of
Ramadan, or individual handouts or donations.
Let us now take a closer look at what is involved in the alms-tax, and
how it is considered in Islam. The word for alms-tax, zakat, literally
means “cleansing” or “purification.” The implication is that money or
property, even when honestly earned, is unclean; it contains a residue
which makes it “filthy lucre.” It is, if you like, contaminated, almost
radioactive, and unless it is decontaminated it will harm its owner. Now
this impurity can only be cleaned away by giving it to the poor. That
portion of one’s wealth is their rightful property.One’s earnings are then
cleansed, and the “uncleanness” drops away from the money given—but
only if the recipients are poor. If, for instance, a well-to-do person with-
holds, accepts, or takes the alms-tax, it will jeopardize his or her entire
fortune in the sight of God.
In order to understand more clearly what this means, let us return to
Benedict’s syphon system, and compare the social body to the human
body. This is a valid comparison, because human beings living in a soci-
ety are connected to each other by multifarious ties. In our present-day
atomistic societies, which sociologist David Riesman once characterized
as “the lonely crowd,” there is a tendency to compare society with the
molecules in a gas. But that is not a society; that is instead “a bunch of
people living at the same address.”
give it to, but I couldn’t find any poor worthy to receive it. Because
Omar had made everyone rich.”
This provides historical proof that, if the alms-tax were given with
due care, it would put an end to hunger and want. Hard as it may be to
imagine, the alms-tax points the way to nothing less than a peaceful
revolution. The concept of a “negative income tax” to be given to the
poor, entertained some years ago in the United States, shows that mod-
ern social thinking on poverty is finally catching up with the alms-tax,
instituted fourteen centuries ago.
The alms-tax is usually given on a person-to-person basis, although
there have been times in history when it was collected and dispensed by
the state (increasing, if necessary, the customary two-and-a-half percent).
This enhances the probability that the donation will reach the truly needy,
while the inherent “uncleanness” involved makes corruption unlikely in a
country keeping the faith.
A few other sayings of the Prophet will help clarify the status of the
The alms-tax has been made obligatory in order that property be
cleansed and beautified. Whoever does not give the alms-tax has
defiled his property, and is in hellfire in the afterlife. A society
that does not give the alms-tax will be plagued by droughts and
crises. Property for which it is not paid will be ruined on land or
at sea. Whoever pays the alms-tax protects himself from the evil
of his property. After Prayer, the most virtuous worship is the
alms-tax. If a person does not pay it, neither will his Prayer be
It is not simply the dirt of money that is swept away, however: hard-
ness of heart, the contamination of greed and callousness, is removed
from the donor, giving way to feelings of charity and compassion. Like
Charles Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge, the giver undergoes a reform and
conversion. It begins to dawn on the giver that ever-increasing consump-
tion, consumerism, and anthropocentrism are not what being human is
all about.
“Come on, son,” said the sage, “you don’t expect to get anywhere by
yourself, do you? The road is fraught with pitfalls, and no one can make
it on his own. Where did you get this notion: ‘If you meet the Buddha
on the road, kill him’? You can’t make the trip without a guide, and the
founder of a religion is the guide of all guides.”
“Was the Buddha a prophet too, sir?” the disciple asked. He was well-
meaning and polite, but young and a little foolish.
“He’s not mentioned in our Book by name,” said the sage, “so we can’t
say for sure. Legend has it that there have been 124,000 prophets, only a
few of whose names are known. The holy texts would have to be some
kind of phone book if they were to name them all. In any case, the
Buddha is widely recognized as nothing less than a founder of a religious
philosophy, and what applies to him certainly applies to the prophets as
“I had this notion that I could go it alone,” said the disciple. “I don’t
want to get entangled in all this religious stuff. Besides, I want to attain
enlightenment, not the Christian notion of salvation.”
“That’s absurd,” said the sage. “Besides, liberation, salvation, and en-
lightenment all mean the same thing.”
“Probably what is meant when they speak about killing the Buddha,”
observed the disciple, “is that one should stop at nothing when on the
“Perhaps. But it’s still extremely bad form to speak of him in that
The P
“Tell me,” the sage asked, “is there anyone you admire at all?”
The student thought for a moment, and gave the name of a popular
rock star.
“Not that I have anything against rock stars, or indeed against movie
stars or ball players or great politicians,” said the sage, “but you have to
set your sights higher. A good deal higher.”
“You have come to me in search of Truth,” the sage continued. “But I
must warn you that your expectations about Truth will prevent you from
perceiving it. For Truth exists independently of anyone’s perceptions about
it; it is not your truth or my truth, but the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth, as they say.” He smiled.
The student pondered, but only for a few seconds. “Sir,” he said, “hav-
ing come this far, I think it’s my duty to lay aside my preconceptions and
hear you out, at least.”
“Very well,” replied the master. “Truth is One, yet it presents many facets,
like a polished diamond. One facet is science, another philosophy. Art, mu-
sic, literature are all aspects of Truth, and you can probably think of others.
“In all ages,” he continued, “there have been superior human beings
who have enriched the heritage of humanity by their attempts to get
closer to the Truth. Human beings of exceptional genius and discern-
ment, too numerous to be recounted here, are veritable mountain tops
when compared to the common run of humanity.
“Our voyage, or rather yours, must begin with the realization that
there have been people in history who stand in the same relation to these
peaks as they, in turn, stand in relation to the rest of humanity. Superior
human beings had to strive every inch of the way to reach the pinnacle of
a certain facet of Truth. Yet there have been others to whom Truth has
revealed itself, not through one of its facets, but directly. Sometimes
they, too, have striven greatly to achieve this vision. Sometimes it has
come upon them unexpectedly, all of a sudden. In all cases, however, the
vision they received has served the improvement and happiness not merely
of themselves, but hundreds of millions of human beings. These are the
ones I choose to call seed personalities: out of whom great good has grown,
who have galvanized countless people with their presence.
“This is the Age of Technology,” he went on. “Science and technology
are both aspects of Truth, and who can deny the boons they have granted
us? Yet at the same time, emphasizing them to the exclusion of every-
thing else has blinded us to many other things that our ancestors realized
much more clearly than we do today. As a result, everybody is lost—lost,
because we can’t find the golden thread to lead us out of the labyrinth.
You yourself, for instance, are tossed like a piece of driftwood on the
high seas; you feel like a leaf in the wind, being hurled wherever it blows.
A person needs to be anchored in something solid to survive the vicissi-
tudes of life without being fazed by them.”
He got up and removed a dusty tome from a shelf. It was Heroes and
Hero-Worship, dated 1841, by Thomas Carlyle.
“Why don’t you read aloud the passages I indicate to you, and we’ll
take it from there,” he suggested. “I know the language is a bit dated, but
we’ll be well rewarded, you’ll see.” So the student read:
The thing a man does practically lay to heart, and know for cer-
tain, concerning his vital relations to this mysterious Universe,
and his duty and destiny there, that is in all cases the primary
thing for him, and creatively determines all the rest. That is his
religion: or, it may be, his mere scepticism and no-religion: the
manner it is in which he feels himself to be spiritually related to
the Unseen World or No-World: and I say if you tell me what
that is, you tell me to a very great extent what the man is, what
the kind of things he will do is.
Answering of this question is giving us the soul of the history of
the man or nation. The thoughts they had were the parents of
the actions they did: their feelings were parents of their thoughts:
it was the unseen and spiritual in them that determined the out-
ward and actual: their religion, as I say, was the great fact about
“Skip a few pages and read on,” said the sage. The student continued:
In all epochs of the world’s history, we shall find the Great Man
to have been the indispensable saviour of his epoch; the light-
ning, without which the fuel would never have burnt. The His-
tory of the World, I said already, was the Biography of Great
Innumerable men had passed by, across this Universe, with a
dumb vague wonder, such as the very animals may feel; or with a
painful, fruitlessly inquiring wonder, such as men only feel; till
the great Thinker came, the original man, the Seer; whose shaped
spoken Thought awakes the slumbering capability of all into
thought. It is ever the way with the Thinker, the spiritual Hero.
What he says, all men were not far from saying, were longing to
The disciple looked up. “Please don’t think it rude of me,” he said,
“but I’m worried about all the charlatanism, the broken promises, the
shattered dreams.”
“Ah,” said the sage, “Carlyle has the answer to that, too. Don’t imagine
he was uncritical, taking everything without a pinch of salt. Give me the
book.” He turned back a few pages and said, “Read.”
“That’ll be enough,” the sage said, and replaced the book to its shelf.
“Humans are always bound by their nature, society, and culture,” he
resumed. “Animals, too, are bound by their natural needs—and their
social needs, if they happen to be social animals. But there is something
in human beings that strives to transcend the merely animal level of sub-
sistence—to exist, to be; to be not simply an animal, which is what all
animals are doing all the time anyway, but to be a human.Today, living
as we do in such luxury as even the emperors of old never dreamed of,
even today the greatest part of our efforts are geared to the acquisition of
mere creaturely comforts.
“Now in history, there have been singular moments when an indi-
vidual has broken through to another level of being, or that level has
reached out and contacted him or her. As a result s/he has acquired a new
self, has been transformed into a person. S/he breaks the bounds of his or
her specific circumstances, natural and social, and becomes—to a greater
or lesser extent—a universal human, part of a universal community.
“It is a fact, as astounding as it is singular, that all such persons have
testified to a separate reality, a different level of being, even in cases where
they did not speak about God as such.
“This person then feels it an obligation, indeed duty, to inform others
of this discovery. Many recoil in horror and incomprehension; but on a
few open minds s/he makes an impression they will never forget. S/he is
the person they all sat down to supper with for many a night, yet s/he is
not the same person, somehow. For s/he has been transfigured by that
experience, and they have at last seen an example of something they never
expected to see: a Human.
“This person has now become an embodiment of ideas, whether to-
tally new, or venerated or long forgotten. And this embodiment is so
wonderful, so captivating, so lovable, that people who can sense this
difference seek to emulate the principles they see ensconced in every move,
every breath of this person, and by at first pretending, to become, in the
end, like the person they admire. And so, they are attracted to him or her
like iron filings to a magnet.
“That is the kind of person I call a prophet, or, if one is an accom-
plished follower of such, a saint.
“The prophet or saint superimposes on the physical body and the
social dimension of humans an invisible force-field, a subtle envelope, a
new, purified self, within which true human nature might flower. This
envelope is the totality of their teachings. Yet those teachings are none
other than the expression in words of the reality that the prophet em-
bodies in real life. The prophet lives the life, in order that the followers
may know the doctrine; and in order to understand the doctrine, you too
have to live the life. For while the do’s and don’ts may be easy—and they
aren’t always so—not all aspects of the doctrine are readily comprehensible.
“And so, this person acts as a seed for mankind, just as we use cloud-
seeding in order to precipitate rain, or a ‘seed’ brings on the crystalliza-
tion of a saturated chemical solution.”
“But sir,” protested the student, “the people you’re telling me about all
lived in ancient times. They were all shepherds at one time, and most of
them didn’t even know how to read or write. How can such persons be
taken as examples in our day?”
“Too much book-learning is what makes you say that,” replied the
sage drily. “Very well then, consider this: In our digital age, we are fast
approaching the point where, in the future, information may be beamed
directly and instantly into one’s brain. Now suppose that this were in
fact realized, would you consider reading books an inferior or a superior
form of information input?”
“Inferior, of course,” came the reply.
“Exactly. Now what I am talking about is very similar to this.” He
pointed to his head. “The Guarded Tablet is right here,” he said. “If the
Omniscient decided to impart to you a portion of His knowledge, do
you think He would necessarily need the medium of a book? He would
merely unlock a door of the Akashic Records, and that would be that.
The prophets may have been unlettered shepherds, but they had one
great advantage that we don’t—they had God behind them.”
“Moses,” he went on, “was one of the greatest prophets. He lived in
the thirteenth century B.C., and conversed with God so much that he
earned the title: ‘Speaker with God.’ I shall not bore you with the details
of his life, since I assume you know them already. His birth, recovery
from a basket in the Nile, and upbringing under the nose of Pharaoh, his
arch-foe; God’s appearance to him in the burning bush; his contest with
Pharaoh, and the Exodus by which he led his people out of slavery; the
parting of the Red Sea; God’s delivery of manna from heaven; Moses’
meeting with God on Mount Sinai for forty days and nights; the forty
years in the desert before they could enter the Promised Land—all these,
I’m sure, are too well-known to need repetition. Moses is an all-too-
human figure. He is aware of his shortcomings, especially his difficulties
of speech, but that’s another story—and a beautiful one, too,” the sage
added, “remind me to tell you sometime.”
“I will,” said the student.
“Moses is also the pivotal figure in Jewish history. He was more than
a prophet; he was a messenger of God, meaning that he was a lawgiver
and not just a renewer of law earlier revealed. Moses hated injustice, and
may be considered the father of all earthly utopias. He was a giant aque-
duct through which the law and light of God poured into the minds and
hearts of his people. His actions were decisive, his resolve unshakable; yet
at the same time, he had to appear sterner than he was in order to hold
his group together.
“There was nothing Moses loved more than communion with God,
for at bottom he was a devoutly spiritual man. Great historians have
always recognized that humankind sometimes progresses by a giant step,
thanks to the earth-shaking influence of a seed personality. And Moses
was such a man. He effected a revolution of the mind and spirit, and
brought such a perspective on things that old ideas could never be the
same again.
“The duties God charged Moses with were truly gargantuan. He ac-
cepted them reluctantly, but tried with all his might to fulfill the task set
for him. And in his desperate struggle he succeeded, though he never saw
the Promised Land himself. The Torah is quite right to conclude: ‘Never
[before or] since has there arisen a prophet in Israel like Moses, whom
the Lord knew face to face. He was unequaled for all the signs and won-
ders that the Lord sent him to perform in the land of Egypt, against
Pharaoh and his servants and his entire land, and [unmatched] for all the
mighty deeds and all the terrifying displays of power that Moses per-
formed in the sight of all Israel’ (Deuteronomy 34:10-12).”
“He was an imposing figure, all right,” the disciple agreed.
“Yet there is another dimension to the Biblical account that has es-
caped almost everyone,” the sage continued. “The whole chain of events
has by and large been read as history, and nothing more. But when you
look at it from an esoteric angle, the Exodus is also the sacred history of
the individual soul. Pharaoh is the pharaonic, egotistical self that holds
the spirit in slavery. The journey to the Promised Land is precisely what
the Sufis call ‘the journey to the homeland.’ And the trials in between,
the forty years in the desert, are the tribulations that the spirit undergoes
along the way. And so it is with the life of every other prophet—what we
can only grasp intellectually as allegory or metaphor was, for them, real-
ity actually lived.”
“I hadn’t heard of that before,” said the student.
“Let me just tell you this much,” said the sage, “even the fact of Moses’
demise just when his people were about to enter ‘the land of milk and
honey’ has deep esoteric significance.”
The student frowned. “What about Jesus?” he asked.
The sage smiled. “Jesus certainly needs no introduction,” he said. “A
noted historian has observed that Moses was beyond the power of the
human mind to invent, and I think the same thing may be said of Jesus.
Of course, his story has been embellished, because there is a dark tunnel
of about two decades after his death that historians, in spite of all their
efforts, have been powerless to illuminate. Innumerable rumors flour-
ished as a result, some true and some spurious. Yet there had to be a
Jesus, because he complements Moses in so many ways.”
“How so?” asked the disciple.
“Well, Moses is by and large an exoteric figure. Overemphasis on the
purely legal aspect of his teachings had, by Jesus’ time, obscured any
spiritual element they might have possessed originally. Jesus had to come,
“This goes to show that only a mystical, Sufic interpretation will ex-
plain some of Jesus’ sayings. But we can’t all be mystics, so that door will
remain closed to a great majority of people.”
“I’ve never heard of this ‘kenosis leads to enosis’ idea before within Chris-
tianity,” observed the student.
“Probably,” the sage smiled, “this is because Christian theology fo-
cused on the uniqueness of Jesus, rather than the availability of his expe-
rience to all adepts.”
“Does this mean that the Sufis took their doctrine from Christianity,
as some have claimed?” asked the student.
“It means,” corrected the sage, “that Mohammed took what was Jesus’
and completed it, just as Jesus said he would. If we love Jesus enough, we
should take heed of his directions.”
“If you truly understand what that means, you have reached the limits
of what you can learn from Christianity. In Sufism, this is called fana,
the extinction or termination of the little local self. Sufis have compared
the death-rebirth experience of the soul to the birth of Christ. Like the
Virgin Mary, we should give birth to the Jesus, that is, the spirit-child
(tifl al-maana) within ourselves. One can give birth to only one spirit-
child, and only once (monogeneton). Because according to the Prophet,
‘Who dies once, does not die again,’ and according to the Koran, ‘They
won’t taste death, except for the first death…That is the great liberation’
(44:56-57).“That’s also one meaning St. Paul intends when he advises
his readers to ‘clothe yourselves in Christ.’ Unfortunately, almost all these
inner meanings were lost long ago.”
A Question
“Why is it,” asked the sage, “that intelligent people lament ‘the spiri-
tual vacuum that exists all over what once was Christendom’? And what
is the reason for the unsettling, ominous silence that echoes down church
corridors through the centuries?”
“I have no idea,” said the disciple. A shiver ran up his spine.
“Let me put this another way,” said the sage. “Have you read Umberto
“No, but I’ve seen the movie,” replied the disciple, remembering The
Name of the Rose.
“That book ends with the sentence: ‘Once there was a rose. Now,
there is only its name,’” said the sage. “Do you have any idea what this
rose is?”
“It is Jesus,” the sage continued. “And every prophet is a rose. Moses,
Jesus, Mohammed are all roses. The saints in a religion are roses, too, but
lesser roses than its prophet. The reason that we cannot smell the fra-
grance of Jesus is that his term is over. His time is up.”
“How do you mean?” asked the disciple.
“Well, look at it this way. Suppose you’re an American, or an English-
man, or a Frenchman, or a German. We all know that Eisenhower,
Churchill, de Gaulle, and Adenauer were great leaders of these nations.
Now suppose you wanted to write a petition to your president or prime
minister. And suppose you began your letter: ‘Dear Mr. Eisenhower,’ or
‘Dear Mr. Churchill,’ or ‘Dear Monsieur de Gaulle,’ or ‘Dear Herr
Adenauer,’ and sent it off. What do you think would happen?”
The disciple laughed. “I don’t know,” he said. “It’d probably end up in
the wastebasket.”
“Exactly,” said the sage. “And why is that? Because none of these people
are in office any longer. You would have to address your present prime
minister or president in order for your petition to be considered valid.
“Now it’s exactly the same thing with the prophets,” he continued. “If
you remember, Jesus said: ‘I am the way and the life. No one comes unto
the Lord, except by me.’ And well he might, for this statement is true of
all prophets, so long as they are in office. In Abraham’s time, for instance,
can speak about Jesus as a spirit that is holy, which I can readily grant,
one can say the same thing about Mohammed. The point is that each of
them is a holy spirit, not the Holy Ghost.
“There’s another thing,” he continued. “When Jesus appeared to the
disciples later on, he breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the
Holy Spirit’ (John 20:22). This shows that the Holy Spirit either is Jesus’
breath, or is contained in his breath. In either case, the Holy Spirit is
something intangible. Ever hear of a breath that hears and speaks physi-
cally? Only a human being can do those things.
“Further, we can see here that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are both
present simultaneously. But as Jesus himself explains, the Paraclete can
only come in his absence. This proves to us that the Holy Spirit is not
the Paraclete.”
The disciple sighed. “All this theology is making me dizzy,” he ex-
plained. “Can you tell me a bit more about Mohammed? I don’t know
much about him except for his name, and that he founded a religion
called Islam.”
Weakly-Coupled R eligions
“The problem with Moses’ teachings and those of Jesus,” the sage
continued, “was: first, that they still were not universal enough, and sec-
ond, that they were weakly coupled.”
The disciple frowned. “I don’t get it, sir,” he said.
“Well, let’s tackle one at a time. Recall that Moses’ precepts addressed
a small portion of humanity; they were specific to Jews alone. Jesus’
beautiful teachings, on the other hand, were only for adepts of mysticism,
and these too are always in a minority. Yet there had to be a religion for all
humankind: one that would embrace everyone, of whatever temperament,
inclination, or calling in life. This is why the two were not universal enough.
“We now come to the second point. The Church Fathers were well
aware of this difficulty. They knew that Moses’ exoteric teachings left
out spirituality, while the esoteric teachings of Jesus omitted the legal
aspect which is a must in social life. They tried to remedy this situation
by combining the two—which is why you have both the Old Testament
and the New in the Bible.
“Why don’t we go back to Carlyle,” continued the sage, “and see what
he has to say. Could you kindly fetch the book from that shelf again?”
The disciple did so and, at the sage’s direction, began to read:
...A greater number of God’s creatures believe in Mahomet’s word
at this hour than in any other word whatever. Are we to suppose
that it was a miserable piece of spiritual legerdemain, this which
so many creatures of the Almighty have lived by and died by? I,
for my part, cannot form any such supposition.
But of a Great Man, especially of him, I will venture to assert
that it is incredible that he should have been any other than true...I
should say sincerity, a deep, great, genuine sincerity, is the first
characteristic of all men in any way heroic.
Such a man is what we call an original man; he comes to us at
first-hand...Really his utterances, are they not a kind of ‘revela-
tion’—what we must call such for want of some other name? It
is from the heart of the world that he comes, he is a portion of
the primal reality of things.
The man’s words were not false, nor his workings here below...To
kindle the world; the world’s maker had ordered it so...A silent,
great soul; he was one of those who cannot but be in earnest:
whom Nature herself has appointed to be sincere. While others
walk in formulas and hearsays, contented enough to dwell there,
this man could not screen himself in formulas; he was alone with
his own soul and the reality of things.
A Hero, as I repeat, has this first distinction, which, indeed, we
may call first and last, the Alpha and Omega of his whole Hero-
ism. That he looks through the shows of things into things.
Communing with his own heart, in the silence of the moun-
tains; himself silent; open to the ‘small, still voices’; it was a right
natural custom!
The student looked up. “Pardon me, sir,” he said, “but why Carlyle? I
mean, why are we reading Carlyle’s words rather than anyone else’s?”
“Because,” replied the sage, “Carlyle is one of the first Europeans, per-
haps the very first, to recognize the Prophet’s true worth.” He made an
indication with his hand to read on.
The student looked up inquiringly and, at the sage’s nod, restored the
book to its place. “Tell me more about Mohammed,” he said.
The sage smiled.
His Battles
“Take his battles, for instance. Biographers make much of his cam-
paigns because the most facts are recorded about them and because wars
are the stuff which history is made of. Yet these are of secondary impor-
tance, because they were necessary for the survival of the newborn reli-
gion and for the eradication of evil, but not essential for the original
Revelation itself. Just think: the Archangel Gabriel had already come to
Mohammed, God had already revealed His religion, and the Prophet
and his small flock of followers had endured more than a decade of
religious persecution. The Prophet had already experienced his Ascen-
sion, the highest spiritual elevation known to humanity. During all this
time the Prophet tried to spread his religion peacefully. It was only when
it became obvious that his enemies would not suffer him or Islam to
survive that the Prophet emigrated to Medina, drew his sword, and did
not sheath it again until Mecca was conquered. It was both self-defense,
and an attempt to make the world safe for Islam; an attempt which
succeeded against impossible odds, and which was won with a mini-
mum of casualties on both sides. The total of dead did not exceed five
hundred in all his battles put together, and in one was as low as ten.
“One historian has noted that the life of the Prophet is a tale of two cities,
and such is indeed the case. The period of Revelation belonged to Mecca, the
period of consolidation to Medina. If the Prophet had not combated evil
from his base in Medina, Islam could not have survived. But the essence of
Revelation had already been communicated to him in Mecca.The period in
Medina added fresh details, without altering this essence in any way. If the
idolaters had not been so implacably opposed to Mohammed, so bent on
destroying him and his religion, the battles might not have taken place at all.
He was not the warlord that some people make him out to be. He was a
businessman, you know, and he had the highest praise for knowledge and
science—more than any other prophet or religion.”
His Mir
“What about miracles?” the student asked. “All prophets have shown
miracles. Did he do so too?”
“Well, we should first get one thing straight about miracles,” the sage
said. “Miracles are primarily the ‘calling cards’ of God, which tell a cer-
tain people: ‘Here is a person to whom I have entrusted my instructions.
Heed him, and you won’t lose.’ Miracles are performed by God for the
people, not by a prophet himself.
“But in the end, we can’t place much store by miracles, for they are
specific to prophets alone. They can’t be deemed a basis for widespread
emulation, and are not what religion is all about. Religion is moral be-
havior towards every being in the universe, closeness to God, and attain-
ment of this closeness through worship—or techniques—which God
specifies. Hence, not only is it impossible for ordinary people like you
and me to perform miracles or extraordinary psychic feats, but these are
actually a hindrance to religion and spiritual progress, for they keep the
mind focused on the wrong things.
“Now many miracles are recounted about the Prophet, which I leave
you to discover in his biographies. He himself used to say that his only
miracle worthy of note was the Koran—meaning its beauty, profound-
ness, and inviolability.
“The Prophet called the Koran his ‘standing miracle’—that he, un-
schooled to the point of barely being able to write his name, should have
authored the Koran, the masterpiece of all time of Arabic, the most evoca-
tive language in the world, is so unthinkable that its miraculous nature
would be clear to all but the most obstinate. In the Prophet’s case, unlet-
tered meant unfettered—an unfettered mind, a heart unhindered by the
pride that comes from too much book-learning. He was thus a conduit
ready to convey undistorted the pure, pristine Truth of God.”
The sage then proceeded to instruct the student about what Mohammed
said, what he did, and what he was—who he was, based on eyewitness
His Asceticism
“The mountain and the desert,” the sage continued, “are key symbols
in the careers of the greatest prophets. Just as Moses had his forty days on
Mount Sinai with his Lord, and Jesus spent forty days in the desert over-
coming the temptations of Satan, Mohammed’s prophethood was pre-
ceded by long sojourns on the Mountain of Light (Mt. Hira) in a cave
facing a rocky deserted expanse, where Gabriel first announced his mis-
sion to him. He heard the rocks and trees call to him: ‘Messenger of
God,’ which might have been attributed to a mental state, were it not for
the fact that Ali, his cousin, heard them too on occasions when he ac-
companied him. The Prophet was at first deeply frightened by the unex-
pected turn his ascetic practices had taken, but was reassured by a relative
of his first wife, a Christian deeply versed in the Old and New Testa-
ments, who said: ‘The Archangel has come upon him, the greatest nomos
(the Law or Torah) has come to him.’”
His Mor
“What about his morality?” the student asked.
“The Prophet of God was the most generous, the most truthful and
talk gently with his Companions and joke with them. He would love
and fondle children and take them in his arms. All human beings, whether
slaves or free persons, rich or poor, were the same to him. He pleased
everybody. He would visit the sick living on the outskirts of the city. He
would greet people without waiting for them to greet him first. He said:
‘Exchange greetings, so that you may come to love one another.’ He
always smiled at and spoke gently with people. A pleasant smile always
hovered on his lips. If someone came to him while he was at Prayer, he
would cut it short so as not to keep them waiting and inquire about their
“He was very harmonious in his family life. He would not hurt anyone
in his household, and would shower them with tenderness. Love and
gentleness permeated his whole being. He took pity on those in need.
Because he always tried to answer their needs, not much could be found
in his household at any time. He would give to whoever asked for some-
thing. If he didn’t have anything, he would borrow from others to fulfill
someone’s need.
“He was very humble. He ate with his servants and conversed with them.
He would serve guests himself. He always spoke well of others. He was
very tenderhearted towards the poor. He always considered it a duty to
mend their broken hearts. He loved children. His grandchildren would
clamber all over him during Prayer, and he would not say anything. Nor
was his love confined to human beings; it extended to animals and in-
deed, to all beings. He also counseled love for flowers, plants, and trees.
He promised recompense for anyone who watered a parched tree. As a
poet once observed: ‘He went to a school where God was the teacher.
Accept the summary of words: he was human, but higher than the angels.’”
His Trustworthiness
“The Prophet was so absolutely dependable in both word and deed,”
the sage went on, “that he earned the title ‘the Trustworthy’ among his
people long before he received his commission of prophethood. In fact,
in his first public appearance as prophet, he stood on a hill and addressed
his listeners: ‘If I were to tell you that an army is behind this hill, ready to
attack you, would you believe me?’ ‘Yes, we would, for we have never
seen you lie,’ they all replied, and among them were Amr (a.k.a. the
“Once, the Prophet saw a woman call her child: ‘See what I’m going
to give you,’ said she. ‘What are you going to give him?’ he asked. ‘A few
dates,’ she replied. ‘If you weren’t going to give him anything, you would
have been telling a lie,’ he remarked. He taught that one has to be truth-
ful, even to a child or an animal.”
The disciple said nothing, but his demeanor showed that he was im-
His Tolerance
“Was he a tolerant person?” he asked.
“Well, look at it this way,” said the sage. “Noah placed a curse on his
people that resulted in the Flood. Moses did not save Pharaoh when the
Red Sea closed upon him, even though Pharaoh repented, accepted faith
in God, and called for help in his last moments. Even the gentle Jesus
sometimes railed against ‘fools, hypocrites, serpents, generations of vi-
“Contrast this now with the conduct of the Prophet, who went to a
town called Taif to seek help, and was insulted and driven away with
sticks and stones by an angry mob. His adopted son tried to shield him,
but he was nevertheless bloodied all over by stones that struck home. At
that moment the Archangel Gabriel appeared to him, and said: ‘If you so
desire, I will lay waste to this town.’ ‘No,’ came the Prophet’s reply,
‘that’s not what I’ve been sent for.’ And he took refuge in God’s mercy
with a prayer.
“A woman on the side of the enemy once tried to poison him, but he
forgave her. The only thing he found intolerable was high treason in
“And at the Battle of Uhud, when the Prophet’s followers suffered a
temporary defeat, the Prophet’s life was in danger, and he was hit with a
rock that pierced his cheek and knocked out a tooth. Even then, he prayed
to his Lord: ‘Forgive my people, for they do not know.’
“Why, that’s just like Jesus!” the student exclaimed.
“Of course,” said the sage, “but there’s more to come. The woman
Hind and her prosperous husband were sworn enemies of the Prophet.
When Hamza, one of the Prophet’s uncles, slew her uncle and delivered
the deathblow to her father in the first great battle between the Prophet
and his opponents, the fiery Hind swore revenge, promising to eat Hamza’s
liver raw.
“Accordingly she enlisted the help of Savage, an Abyssinian slave and
expert lancer, promising him his freedom and other rewards. At the next
battle, Savage stalked Hamza and, seeing his opportunity, hurled his lance.
Hamza fell, dead. When the battle was over, Savage went over to Hamza’s
body and, on Hind’s instructions, ripped open his belly, cut out his liver,
and brought it to Hind. She took it, bit away a piece, chewed it, swallowed
a morsel in fulfillment of her vow, and spat out the rest. He then led her
to the body, where she cut off his nose, ears, and other parts of his flesh,
telling the women around her to mutilate other bodies.”
The disciple’s revulsion was evident.
“When the Prophet saw the remains of his uncle, he was angry as he
had never been before. And if he had wished to avenge himself for any
wrong, this barbarous act would have been it. Yet when he entered Mecca
in triumph, he asked his enemies, among whom were Hind and Savage:
‘What do you expect of me?’ They replied that they expected mercy of
him. He then spoke to them in words of forgiveness, as Joseph had done
to his brothers long ago in Egypt: ‘Verily, I say, as my brother Joseph
said: “This day you will not be upbraided or reproached. God forgives
you, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful” (12:92). You may go,
you are all free.’ When he saw Savage later on, he asked him to recount
the details, and when he was finished, said: ‘Alas, take your face from me,
don’t let me look upon you again.’ And with these words he set him free.
It was never his way to reward evil with evil.” 72
“How did he treat people who made gross mistakes?” the student
“Well,” said the sage, “consider the following episode: The first mosque
in Medina had no roof. One day there was a great commotion in the
mosque. Everybody was in an uproar. When the Prophet emerged from
his home to investigate, he discovered that an ignorant and boorish fol-
lower had urinated in the mosque. Everyone was furious, and the man
was trying to defend himself on the grounds that the hot sun would
soon dry away the puddle.
“At this juncture we should remember that excrement of any kind is
considered foul in Islam, and that even the tiniest drop of urine must be
washed away from one’s clothes. A saying attributed to the Prophet states:
‘Cleanliness derives from faith.’ Urinating in a place reserved for God
and worship is thus tantamount to sacrilege.
“Far from berating the man, however, the Prophet explained to the
Companions that he didn’t know any better. ‘He doesn’t know,’ he said,
‘and this indicates his need to learn. Teach him, tell him, don’t shout at
him. Make things easy, not difficult.’ Then, according to one account,
the Prophet had some water brought in. He prevented others who wanted
to clean up the mess. ‘This is my task,’ he said. And with his own hands,
he washed the mosque clean without a bad word or complaint.”
“With his own hands,” murmured the disciple.
“On another occasion this same man said to the Prophet: ‘May God
place just you and me in His Paradise, and exclude everyone else.’ ‘What
a pity,’ the Prophet observed, ‘that you’ve confined such limitless mercy
to such a small circle.’”
“How did he tolerate his enemies?”
“One of the archenemies of the Prophet—I’ve mentioned him al-
ready—was the powerful and wealthy ‘Father of Ignorance.’ Everyone
feared him because of his ruthlessness. He thought the Prophet was a
dangerous sorcerer. Once, he chanced upon the Prophet when he was
alone at the Holy Sanctuary in Mecca, and could not resist the chance to
make clear that he, at least, was not overawed. So he proceeded to insult
him with all the abuse he could muster, but the Prophet never said a
word, and just looked at him. When he had heaped on him all the insults
he could think of, he went his way, and the Prophet sadly rose to his feet
and went home.”
His Compassion
“Now the story is told,” continued the master, “that the Father of
Ignorance, in his extreme hatred, once dug a wide manhole in a street
where the Prophet often passed, filled it with filth, covered it with
branches, and proceeded to wait. His idea was that the Prophet would
fall into the hole, emerge covered with dirt and excrement, and thus be
humiliated. When he heard shouts that the Prophet was coming, he rushed
to witness the spectacle; in his excitement tripped, however, and fell into the
very hole he had intended for the Prophet. When the Prophet came upon
him, and saw him standing in the filth in a dazed sort of way, he understood
immediately what had happened. Without a word he reached out his hand,
pulled him out of the slime, cleaned him with his own hands as best he
could, and gave him his cloak to cover himself until he got home, saying
merely: ‘Don’t do it again.’ ‘Falling into a hole (trap) of his own making,’ an
expression famous in the Middle East, derives from this event.
“The Prophet and his Companions had returned to Medina after a
battle with many casualties. The next day, after the morning Prayer and
the funeral Prayer for their dead, the Prophet asked: ‘Suppose after a
battle you are walking through the battlefield, and see a wounded Com-
panion and a wounded enemy soldier not far away. Both are in need of
water, and you have some water with you. Whom would you give it to?’
“The Companions all said they would give it to their friend. Omar,
however, intervened: ‘God and His Messenger know best,’ he said. ‘What
do you suggest?’
“‘I would give half the water to our man and the other half to the
enemy soldier,’ the Prophet replied, ‘no matter how much or how little
water is available.’ The Companions were all surprised at this answer.
‘How can this be?’ they asked.
“The Prophet explained: ‘The situation is different under those cir-
cumstances. The other person is no longer an enemy soldier, but a
wounded, thirsty man, a human being in need. It doesn’t matter if he
gets up and resumes fighting against us afterwards, it is incumbent on us
to share the water between the two.’
“This illustrates the attribute of Compassion, which rules for all be-
ings simply by virtue of the fact that they exist, regardless of anything
else.The Prophet used to tell the story of a whore who gained Paradise be-
cause she saw a dog dying of thirst one day, fashioned a rope out of her dress,
tied her shoe to it, lowered the shoe into a well, and saved the dog with the
water she drew out. He also told a complementary story of a woman who
went to Hell because she was cruel to her cat and starved it to death.”
The disciple shook his head in amazement. “You’re telling me things
I’ve never heard before,” he said. “How come I haven’t heard any of this?”
“Perhaps,” the sage replied gently, “because you haven’t met anyone
who could tell you about them.”
His Mercy
“God addresses his Messenger in the Koran: ‘I did not send you except
as a mercy to the worlds,’ and indeed the Prophet was the most merciful
of men. He himself once remarked: ‘I have been sent as a mercy, not as a
bringer of curses.’
“During one of their encampments, a Companion brought in a fledg-
ling he had caught. One of the parent birds came and threw itself into his
hands. Men’s faces were full of wonder, and the Prophet said: ‘Do you
wonder at this bird? You have taken its young, and it has thrown itself
down in merciful tenderness to its young. Yet I swear by God, your Lord
is more merciful to you than this bird is to its fledgling.’ And he told the
man to put back the young bird where he had found it.
“On another occasion, a snake emerged from the rocks when he was at
Mina. The Companions all fell upon it, but the snake managed to es-
cape. The Prophet, who was watching from a distance, remarked: ‘You’re
now free of its harm, and it is free of yours.’
“A poet had strenuously rejected the new religion and had written
vilifying verses against the Prophet. In return, a warrant was out for his
head. But his brother persuaded him to go to the Prophet and ask for-
giveness, for he would not kill anyone who came to him in repentance.
The poet therefore went to the Prophet and, without revealing who he was,
asked him whether he would receive the poet if he were to bring the repent-
ing poet to the Prophet. When the Prophet said he would, he revealed who
he was, and the Prophet stopped angry Companions from harming him,
saying: ‘He has come in repentance, and is no longer what he used to be.’
“When the Prophet’s little son was dying, he was by his side. As the
child breathed his last, the Prophet took him in his arms, and tears flowed
from his eyes. Since he had forbidden loud wailing after the dead, people
thought that all expression of grief was to be denied, and hence a Com-
panion addressed him: ‘This is what you have forbidden. When Mos-
lems see you weeping, they too will weep.’ The Prophet continued to
weep, and when he could find his voice he said: ‘This I don’t forbid.
These are the promptings of tenderness and mercy, and he who shows no
mercy will receive no mercy...The eye weeps, the heart grieves, nor do we
say anything that would offend the Lord.’
“A man, seeing the Prophet frolic with his little grandsons on his lap,
remarked: ‘I have ten children, yet I haven’t ever kissed one of them.’ The
Prophet, who was an orphan twice over and had lost his closest kin while
only a child, retorted: ‘What can I do if God has removed mercy from
your heart?’”
His Intelligence
“All prophets are gifted with innate genius,” continued the sage, “and
the Prophet was the most accomplished of them all. When he was young,
the tribes of Mecca were repairing the Holy Kaaba (“Cube”),73 but could
not agree among themselves as to which tribe should have the honor of
lifting the Black Stone—the cornerstone—into place. Things were get-
ting out of hand, and they finally decided to appoint the first person
entering the Holy Sanctuary as arbiter between them. This happened to
be Mohammed. When the situation was explained to him, he told them
to place the Black Stone in the center of a large piece of cloth. A represen-
tative of each tribe would hold the cloth on one side, and they would lift
it collectively. When this was done, the future Prophet took the Black
Stone and placed it in its niche himself.”
“Isn’t that clever,” the student thought. Aloud, he said: “Was the
Prophet a man of reason?”
“Certainly,” said the sage. “Common sense played a great part in the
Prophet’s deeds and advice. Once, a Companion came in from outdoors,
and the Prophet asked him what he had done with his camel. ‘I entrusted
it to God,’ the man said, implying that he had left the camel free to
wander. The Prophet disapproved. ‘First tether your camel to a secure
post, then trust in God,’ he said. Obviously, this is meant not just for
camels, but indicates the need to take precautions so that the desired
results may be obtained in any enterprise.”
“What a vast generalization from the simplest of examples,” the stu-
dent marveled. “Such an economy of words to describe a vast domain of
His Lo
Lovv e of Wor
“The Prophet was extremely industrious,” resumed the sage, “and when
on a task he worked harder than anyone else. Such was the case, for
example, when a ditch was being dug for the defense of Medina. During
expeditions the Prophet would gather firewood just like anyone else, in
spite of the fact that his Companions tried to prevent him from doing
menial labor.
“Once, the Prophet and an entourage of Companions were going some-
where. On their way they came upon a man who was sitting on the
ground, doing nothing. The Prophet passed by him without a greeting.
On their way back, they passed by the same man, who by this time had
picked up a stick and was idly drawing figures on the ground. This time
the Prophet greeted him. The people who were with him inquired why
he had not greeted the man the first time around but had done so on the
second. ‘The first time he wasn’t doing anything,’ the Prophet replied.
‘The second time around, at least he was doing something.’”
His Resolve
“At an early stage of his career, the vested interests of Mecca tried to
discourage the Prophet and buy him off. They summoned his beloved
uncle, under whose protection he was, and told him: ‘If it is riches your
nephew is after, we will make him the richest man in Mecca. If it is
power he wants, we will give him leadership. If it is women, he can take
his pick. Anything, so long as he desists from this newfangled religion of
his. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee his safety.’
“When his uncle told him that the rulers of Mecca had sent him a
message, the Prophet was at first overjoyed, thinking that this signified
their acceptance of God’s religion. Imagine the letdown he suffered when
he learned the truth. The worst came, however, when his uncle said: ‘I
cannot safeguard you unless you accept their terms.’
“The Prophet took a few moments to adjust to the blow. Then he
said: ‘Uncle, hear me well, and relate to them exactly what I say. If they
were to put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left, I still
would not turn back from my path.’ Having said this, he stepped out
into the clean night air, and broke down. ‘If you do not protect your
religion, my Lord, what can I do?’ he implored.
“And at that moment, God’s mercy reached out and touched his uncle’s
heart. ‘I cannot leave my nephew to the mercy of these cynics,’ he thought.
He stepped out and assured the Prophet that he would stand by him
through thick or thin. And the two were reunited in tears.”
His Patience
“Once his protecting uncle was dead,” the sage continued after a pause,
“control passed over to another uncle who was inimical—I’ve mentioned
him, ‘the Father of Flame.’ The protection he gave his nephew was a
sham, and the Prophet was subjected to ridicule and humiliation as never
before, which he met with uncommon forbearance. On one occasion
someone passing by leaned over his gate and tossed a piece of putrefying
offal into his cooking-pot. On another, a man threw a sheep’s uterus,
filthy with blood and excrement, over his neck when he was praying in
the courtyard of his house. In response, the Prophet merely picked up
the object on the end of a stick and, standing at his gate, loudly inquired
what kind of protection this was.
“At another time, when the Prophet was coming from the Kaaba, a
man took a handful of filth and threw it in his face and over his head.
When he came home, one of his daughters washed him clean, crying as
she did so. ‘Don’t cry, dear,’ he said; ‘God will protect your father.’”
“What they did was terrible,” said the disciple.
“It certainly was,” the master replied. “The Prophet didn’t fight those
battles for nothing. Besides, I’m not even telling you about how his
followers were persecuted.”
His Temperance
“A relative once came to the Prophet, and asked permission to make
himself a eunuch and spend the rest of his life as a wandering beggar. Al-
though he was married, he had been an ascetic before the revelation of Islam.
“‘Don’t you have a fair example in me?’ asked the Prophet. ‘I associate
with women, I eat meat, I fast, and I break my fast. Whoever makes
himself or other men eunuchs does not belong to my people.’ However,
the Prophet had reason to believe that he was not fully understood, so on
another occasion he asked him the same question, adding: ‘You fast every
day, and keep vigil every night in prayer. Don’t do so. For your eyes have
rights over you, and your body has its rights, and your family have their
rights. So pray, and sleep, and fast, and break your fast.’
“At another time, three Companions were vying with each other. One
claimed that he fasted all the time, the second that he spent the nights
without sleep, and the third said that he did not approach women. When
the Prophet heard this, he said: ‘This is not my way. I fast on some days
and eat on others, I stay awake sometimes but I sleep, too, and I am
married.’ And he added the rejoinder: ‘Beware of excess in your religion.’
Moderation was always his motto.”
His Generosity
“One of the Companions had a camel which was old and weak, and
he could not afford a better one. The Prophet asked him: ‘Will you sell
me this camel of yours?’ He answered: ‘I will give it to you.’ ‘No,’ the
Prophet said, ‘sell it to me.’ He understood from the Prophet’s tone that
he was expected to bargain, so they bargained until the price was raised to
an ounce of gold. When he brought the camel to the Prophet, he was
given a bit more than an ounce, and as he turned to go, the Prophet
called him back. ‘Take your camel,’ he said. ‘It is yours, and please keep
the price you were paid for it.’
“Once, a Bedouin came and asked the Prophet to give him some-
thing. The Prophet did so. A second request was again met. Since the
Prophet had nothing left to give, on the third request he promised he
would give again at his first opportunity. Omar was disturbed by this,
and commented: ‘You shouldn’t trouble yourself so much.’ These words,
however, displeased the Messenger of God. Sensing this, a Companion
rose and said: ‘Give, don’t think that God will make you poor and re-
move His bounty from you.’ ‘This,’ replied the Prophet, ‘is what I’ve
been ordered to do.’ An unbeliever, overwhelmed by the generosity of
the Prophet, once similarly remarked: ‘My people, rush to enter Islam.
Mohammed gives in such a manner that only a person who doesn’t fear
poverty and trusts in God completely can give in this way.’”
His Humility
“The Prophet used to rest on a bare straw mat. Once, a woman brought
him a present, a kind of cushion that was a bit—if not much—more
comfortable. When he saw it, the Prophet instructed his wife to give it
back. ‘If I had wished,’ he said, ‘God would have caused mountains of
gold and silver to walk by my side; but I don’t want it.’ And he once
addressed a man trembling in awe of him: ‘My brother, do not fear me.
Like you, I am a human being, whose mother broke dry bread.’
“Sometimes the Prophet would pray until morning, or stand in Prayer
until his feet were all blisters. Once, he was asked: ‘God has forgiven you
everything. Why do you exert yourself so much?’ He answered: ‘Then
shouldn’t I be a servant of God who gives thanks?’
“On another occasion, he was warning his followers never to be sure
of their fate and always to strive diligently. ‘How about you?’ they asked.
‘For me it’s the same,’ he replied. They were taken aback. ‘How can that
be?’ they asked. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘I am the Messenger of God, and God has
vouchsafed everything to me, yet even I can’t be sure what my end will
“So humble, too,” the student thought to himself.
“It was not his desire to become a ruler. When circumstances forced
him to act as one, he was the epitome of Plato’s ‘philosopher king’ or
Nietzsche’s ‘Caesar with the heart of Christ.’
“Humility and simplicity were the essence of his morality. He used to
tell his Companions: ‘Don’t praise me excessively like Christians have
done with Jesus. I am a servant of God. Just call me God’s servant and
“Once, leaning on his staff, he came upon his Companions. They all
stood up immediately. He didn’t like this, however, and said: ‘Don’t
stand up for me like strangers do who wish to show respect for each
His Companions
“One great advantage Mohammed had over Jesus,” the sage went on
to explain, “was the impeccable nature of his Companions. Some of
Jesus’ disciples betrayed him or deserted him at the critical moment.
Mohammed’s Companions, on the other hand, formed a ‘wall of flesh,’
as it were, whenever their Beloved Prophet was threatened. This is in-
dicative of Divine protection—it points to the intention of Providence
to make sure that the Prophet and his message would survive. One of his
enemies once remarked: ‘No father loves his son as much as his Com-
panions love Mohammed.’ And one of their ambassadors remarked when
he returned to Mecca: ‘I have been sent as envoy to kings—to Caesar and
Chosroes and the Negus74—and I have not seen a king whose men honor
him as much as the Companions of Mohammed honor Mohammed. If
he commands anything, they almost outstrip his word in fulfilling it;
when he performs his ablution, they almost fight to take away its water;
when he speaks, their voices are hushed in his presence; nor will they
look him fully in the face, but lower their eyes in reverence for him.’
“It was his Companions, too, who bore the burden of faithfully re-
cording the Koran and the Prophet’s Way and successfully transmitting
them to later generations, not only in word but in deed. It is for this
reason that he remarked: ‘My Companions are like the fixed stars in the
night sky. Follow any one of them, and you will be rightly guided.’”
The seeker looked despondent. “What you’ve been telling me, sir,” he
protested, “is just too good to be true. How can anyone ever hope to
emulate such an example successfully?”
The sage laughed. “Cheer up, son,” he said. “The burden is light. The
Prophet’s religion is the easiest to perform. There’s nothing in it that an
average adolescent can’t learn or practice. And while the Prophet’s ex-
ample may be unattainable, we’re not all called upon to be him.
“But if you would aspire to approach him, to be like him, then you’re
talking about sainthood. And this has been eased so much nowadays that
only a little sincere effort is enough to accomplish a lot.
“For example, Ibrahim Atham was a sultan, but he had to forsake all
he possessed in order to become a saint. In a later age, Gilani, the great
sage, remarked: ‘Had he lived today, we would have made him a saint in
any case. He wouldn’t have had to renounce his kingdom.’
“The main point in sainthood is self-control. That’s how the Prophet
achieved what he did. His Companions would ask: ‘Don’t you have a
self, an ego?’ And he would answer: ‘Of course I do. As a matter of fact,
mine is greater and worse than any of yours. But I’ve made it surrender to
God’—succeeded, that is, in making it a Moslem.”
The student fidgeted in his seat. “I beg your pardon ever so much, sir,”
he said, “but can’t we possibly do without the God concept? Because I
think that’s what this is all leading up to.”
“I’m afraid we can’t,” was the sage’s reply. “The existence of God is the
central fact about the universe. That’s why almost all religions have em-
phasized it so much. Ultimate, or Absolute, Reality had a reason for
spawning relative, conditioned reality. God created the universe and man
for a purpose, and unless we act in accordance with that purpose, we can
never achieve lasting happiness. We will then be tossed to and fro like
driftwood on the high seas.
“Furthermore, God is Compassionate and All-forgiving, but there is
one thing He won’t forgive: associating partners with Him.75 If He won’t
stand for transgressions against His Unity, think how much worse it
must be to reduce that Unity to zero in one’s mind.
“Let me just quote you a passage from The Upanishads: ‘If you think
you know the truth about Brahman, know that you know little.’”
“‘Truth is One, yet the sages call it by many names.’”
“There’s another thing,” the student said. “I still can’t swallow this bit
about the afterlife and Heaven and Hell.”
“My boy,” said the sage, “it doesn’t matter whether you accept a fact or
not. A fact is a fact, and will make itself known as such in its own due
time. We can only inquire why God created Heaven and Hell. In Sufism
we have a saying: ‘The disciple should always be between hope and fear.’
He will be attracted by hope and repelled by fear, and this will aid his
spiritual ascent. Just as we can’t have electric current without positive and
negative poles, and as we can’t have magnetism without the North and
South poles, so we can’t obtain spiritual evolution without the twin poles
of hope and fear. There’s an adage in English that summarizes things
beautifully: ‘We promise according to our hopes, but perform according
to our fears.’ In other words: no fear, no performance. On the other
hand, fear without hope leads to paralysis and despair, so hope is needed,
It’s all right to dwell on the Blissful Aspect (Beauty) of God, on Love
and Compassion and Mercy, but you’ll watch your step only if you bear
in mind that He has a Wrathful Aspect (Majesty), too. The combination
of the Blissful and the Wrathful makes for Maturity or Perfection. Fear
of God leads us to obey His laws, and obeying His laws inspires love for
God in our hearts. In other words, if God’s commandments are obeyed,
they lead to the love of God. The proper destiny of man takes him from
earth and leads him to Heaven, but if one isn’t careful one can easily find
that one has landed in ‘the other place.’ So care and caution are necessary.
“An uneducated man came to the Prophet of God one day, and the
Prophet assigned him a teacher who would teach him the Koran. They
studied for a long time, until they came to the verses: ‘He who does a
particle of good shall see its recompense, and he who does a particle of
evil shall see its recompense’ (99:7-8). ‘That’s it!’ the man exclaimed.
“That’s all the information I need.’ His teacher was rather taken aback;
they had much more studying to do. So they decided to take the matter
to the Prophet. The man said: ‘I am an illiterate man, and I don’t have
much time for studies. Is it okay if I act by these verses and skip the rest?’
The Prophet confirmed this, and the man went his way.
“That, in a nutshell, is the reason for Heaven and Hell. And the man
was a wise one indeed, for it is the quintessential wisdom of all the prophets
and sages: ‘Whatever you do, you do to yourself.’ ‘As you sow, so shall
you reap,’ and that is why you must ‘do as you would be done by.’ ‘That
is all you know on earth, and all you need to know,’ as Keats might have
put it. But beyond this first and foremost principle, there are also many
other details to be known, and we could never have discovered or fath-
omed them if God hadn’t revealed them to us through the prophets.”
The student scratched his head. “I don’t get it, sir,” he said. “What’s
your angle? I mean, there are so many different versions of Islam today.
Which one do you profess to?”
“My son,” said the sage, “before all the interpretations of Islam; long
before the twelve major dervish orders, the countless sects, the four schools
of law; before Sunnism or Shiism or Sufism or anything else; before,
indeed, the Prophet’s death or even his Emigration to Medina, there was
the pure, crystal-clear teaching of Mohammed. It is that which is impor-
tant above all else, although you shouldn’t deny yourself the develop-
ments of later generations. For they are the fruit of the seed that the
Prophet planted; they make explicit what was latent in his teachings. It is
Mohammedanism, leading a Mohammedan life, that is all-important.
As we have seen, Holy—or Divine—Law (sharia) is formed from: (a)
the Koran and (b) the Way of the Prophet. In his Farewell Pilgrimage
speech, the Prophet said that he was leaving his followers two things to
keep them on the right path: they are the Koran and the Way. As will be
shown here, these are integral parts of a whole—neither is sufficient with-
out the other.
This issue is especially important today because of the many misinter-
pretations of Islam we see around us. These often stem from very limited
and decontextualized readings of the Koran that do not include the
Prophet’s example. Narrow-minded, literalist misreadings such as these
can be especially dangerous and influential (since many Moslems have
not read these things themselves and rely upon others to interpret them).
Law then is not always Holy Law, just presented as such. These misinter-
pretations have affected everything from the daily lives of women and
minorities to societal attitudes toward Western cultures.
The main problem is this: Islam has been misunderstood not only by
the West, but in recent times, also by some people who are Moslems
themselves. Now the West is surely excusable, because after all, Islam is
not widespread here. What is much more difficult to justify and explain
is that people who adhere to a religion should remain ignorant of it. This
does have something to do with the breakdown of traditional Islamic
education in many countries, but the causes cannot be that simple. And
if those who profess Islam don’t know it properly, who is going to ex-
plain it to those who come to it from the outside? It’s bad enough when
outsiders misrepresent Islam, but what are we going to do when Mos-
lems themselves are guilty of the charge?
Traditionally, Holy Law has been regarded as the most exoteric (secu-
lar) aspect of Islam whereas Sufism has been regarded as the most esoteric
(mystical) end of the spectrum. But as the Master taught in his version of
contemplative Islam, we must synthesize all of these aspects of Islam to
make it whole: neither the letter of the Law (sharia) nor its spirit (mysti-
cism) can be complete without the other.
As my Master stressed, ethics must always precede enlightenment. So
it is essential that one learn to restrain or perfect the self, following the
exoteric path (the Five Pillars of Faith, and so on), prior—or parallel—to
embarking upon any further spiritual journey (of the kind traditionally
represented by Sufism).
proviso in mind, the Five Pillars of Islam (to be discussed at length later)
are as follows:
1. Saying the Word of Witnessing. This provides an individual’s entry into
Islam, a few simple words.
2. Performing the five daily Prayers. These are the (pre-)Dawn, Noon,
Afternoon, Evening (Dusk), and Night Prayers. Although we call them
“Prayers,” this does not mean that we open our hands to God and ask
Him for this or that. This is in fact done, but only after the main
course of the Prayer has been performed. We call this “Prayer” in En-
glish only for want of a better word. This involves worshipping God
by reciting certain sections from the Koran while standing, genuflect-
ing, straightening up again, prostrating, and sitting. This cycle is then
repeated, usually in multiples of two. These Prayers are the most im-
portant of a person’s activities as a Moslem.
The five daily Prayers comprise a total of forty cycles, but only half this
number is obligatory. Moreover, although there is a definite time for
each Prayer, obligatory Prayers can be postponed and performed even
when they are overdue—they can be performed together and done in
the evenings, for instance.
While a single cycle can be extended almost indefinitely if desired, the
average time it takes is about a minute. If we add five minutes for the
Ablution with water (which is a prerequisite of Prayer), we end up
with less than half an hour daily for taking time out from our daily
routines, to God, being alone with God in worship and devotion, and
returning to normal life refreshed and replenished.
Now for the question of language. Ideally, the recitations within Prayer
should be in Arabic. This is because of the necessity to recite chapters
from the Koran, which is untranslatable; recitation in any other lan-
guage would be recitation of a translation, not of the Koran itself. Yet,
since we translate the Koran in order to understand it, if we insist on
understanding what we recite in Prayer, there is no obstacle to doing
so (though strict literalists would probably disagree). God understands
all languages, and the first thing He looks at is the honesty of a person’s
intention and the earnestness in his or her heart. He does not judge
The SSix
ix Pillars of F
Pillars aith or the M
Faith oslem
oslem’’s C
Moslem Crreed
The Five Pillars of Islam pertain to actions, but what are the funda-
mental tenets of belief? These, too, have been summarized for conve-
nience, and constitute the Moslem’s Creed:
I believe in God; in His Angels, His Books, and His
Mesengers; in the Day of Judgment; that whatever
destiny befalls us, good and ill, is from God; and in the
Resurrection after Death.
1. Belief in God is self-explanatory: there is One God that has created all
beings, that is beyond all conception and comprehension, even be-
yond the beyond.
2. God’s Angels are nonphysical, sexless, conscious entities that carry out
His orders, maintain the laws of the universe, praise God constantly,
and communicate His messages and commandments to humanity.
3. God’s Books have been revealed by His Angels to His Prophets and
thence, to humankind. They contain knowledge of the divine that is
not easily accessible to human reasoning or experimentation, but which
one nevertheless needs to know and act upon. These comprise a total
of One Hundred Pages, revealed to various prophets at different times,
and the Four Major Books: the Torah revealed to Moses, the Psalms
revealed to David, the Gospel revealed to Jesus, and the Koran re-
vealed to Mohammed.
According to Islamic teaching, the three earlier books each contained a
part of the Koran and its teachings. However, they were not designed
to last, and consequently did not survive in their original form. The
Koran, on the other hand, encompasses everything in the earlier books
and much more besides, and is designed to survive unchanged till the
end of time.
The Koran has concealed some matters that were more clearly expressed
in the earlier books, and has made explicit other things which they
mentioned only covertly. There are several reasons for this. The first is
that the Koran, as mentioned above, abrogates certain aspects of ear-
lier sacred law—for instance, the Islamic Divine Law is easier and more
lenient than Jewish Law. Another reason is that some of the state-
ments in earlier books, while true, can be easily misunderstood, and
wrong action follows upon such misunderstanding. A third reason is
that the Koran lays emphasis on the improvement of right action, and
hence gives further details not available in earlier sources.
4. God’s Messengers are those human beings chosen by God to convey
His messages, orders, and advice to the rest of mankind. Their hon-
esty, veracity, and truthfulness is beyond doubt; otherwise they would
not have been entrusted with such a burden or responsibility. The first
prophet was also the first man, namely Adam, and the last prophet
was Mohammed, to whom True Religion was revealed in its final, its
most mature and complete, form.
Tradition has it that there have been 124,000 prophets, of whom twenty-
eight have been named in the Koran. Since True Religion reached its
peak or zenith with Mohammed, there will be no further prophets.
The difference between a prophet and a messenger in the present con-
text is that a messenger comes with new dispensation, a new version of
Holy Law, whereas a prophet does not; he merely refreshes and reiter-
ates the version of Holy Law revealed by the last messenger preceding
Him. Every messenger is also a prophet, but not every prophet is a
messenger according to this definition. Every prophet bringing a Book
is also a messenger—Moses, for example.
5. The Day of Judgment, or the Last Day, is the day when all human
spirits will be resurrected and gathered together after bodily death;
will be judged according to their good or evil deeds during their life
on earth, and will then be dispatched to their proper destination: Heaven
or Hell. Hence, closely related to this are:
Resurrection after death, which will occur for the judgment of souls.
“This world,” said the Prophet, “is a field to be sown for the next;”
and as we sow, so shall we reap. No good deed is in vain, and no evil
deed is without eventual, inexorable punishment.
Heaven and Hell, which are the final destinations of human beings in the
afterlife. Righteous and virtuous persons will go to Heaven, a place of
blessings, but evil persons will be sent to Hell, where they will receive
punishment. There are Eight Levels of Heaven and Seven Circles of
Hell, according to the degree of virtue or sin a person has accumu-
6. Good and ill destiny from God: Whatever befalls us is either a response
from God to our actions, or a trial from God. God has preordained a
good recompense for good deeds and retribution for evil ones. In ad-
dition there are certain things which we as humans cannot change, try
as we might; but even here it is not an iron law that operates, for we
can pray to God, who in His compassion may grant our prayers. Further,
Having summarized the Six Pillars of Faith in this way, it is next nec-
essary to ask: what does it mean to know these? Supposing we knew
them by heart, would it be of any use if we failed in right action, action
inspired by these principles?
As it says in the Buddhist Dhammapada, “All that we are is the result
of what we have thought.” Our most deeply held beliefs actively shape
our lives and influence our destinies.
Sow a thought, reap an act;
Sow an act, reap a habit;
Sow a habit, reap a character;
Sow a character, reap a destiny.
And therefore:
Sowing a thought reaps a destiny.
So, placing the Six Pillars at the center of our faith should lead to
more than mindless reenactment of the Five Pillars of Religion. Merely
“going through the motions” is a bane that deadens the soul and stultifies
one’s faith.
The Six Pillars of Faith are a precondition for performing the Five
Pillars of Islam. But this is not enough. Suppose you believe in God,
that God exists and is One. Unless you recognize that He sees and hears
whatever you do—that He can read your innermost thoughts—and ad-
just your conduct accordingly, your faith will be of no avail. It is not
Grading of Actions
Actions, or deeds, are graded according to the merit or sin they entail.
Here, the intention behind a deed is as important as the deed itself. The
Each person will be judged in the afterlife according to the grades s/he
has accumulated during his or her lifetime. One good deed and one bad
deed of equal value cancel each other. Of course, God’s Attribute of
Justice (adl) requires that even the finest distinction not be missed in
Judgment, so a grading over one hundred points would be closer to the
truth. These are, however, the main divisions.
This grading system is very similar to that existing in our educational
institutions, and suggests that the whole world is a school—a scene for
our training, testing, and maturation.
On Destiny
The question of predestination has long occupied the minds of hu-
man beings. The philosophical dilemmas one can easily land oneself in
have caused many to turn to atheism. Yet there is no need for this; what
is necessary is to maintain a proper perspective.
People find it difficult to reconcile the horrors we see in the world
with the concept of a loving God. If God is compassionate, the argu-
ment continues, how come He foreordains some to Heaven and others
to Hell?
Obviously, there cannot be responsibility without freedom of choice.
If God had not given humans this freedom, He in His justice would not
hold them accountable. The very fact that a system of rewards and pun-
ishments exists bespeaks our freedom to choose between good and evil.
This freedom is a sine qua non for the fulfillment of the purpose of
existence. Yet it is also a heavy burden. Most of the evils we observe in
the world are a product of wrong choices made by human beings, not
God. It is easier to blame one’s Creator for one’s own misdeeds than to
shoulder responsibility and solve them. But this is to add insult to injury,
and only exacerbates our eventual punishment. To say: “God created me
this way. What can I do? I would have acted good if He had created me
good,” is the worst form of cop-out. God is not responsible for stopping
the evils of this world—we are. For the worst of them are man-made.
Furthermore, God has made us the stewards and custodians of this world,
and it is our duty to take proper care of our planet.
But if God is omniscient and all-powerful, how can He punish our
misdeeds? Aren’t these predetermined by God, too?The Islamic response
is as follows: God has donated a small portion, a fragment, of His will to
each individual human being, which a person is entitled to exercise freely.
This partial or fragmentary will of man can choose to comply with or
oppose the total or universal will of God. If God forced us to make an
ethical choice, only in that case would He and not us be responsible for
it. And in fact, we shall be held accountable only for our free moral
choices and actions, not for the situations we may find ourselves in through
no fault of our own. A moral choice made under adverse circumstances,
however, is of greater merit than the same choice under conditions of ease.
Note here the existence of a very fine, delicate point: the will exercised
by each of us has been loaned to us by God; it is a fragment of God’s own
will. This is a very great responsibility: a human being can, under certain
conditions, influence the fate of millions of human beings for good or
ill. Hence, it is only normal that humans should be held accountable for
its misuse. This also means that we cannot always let events follow their
course. Under certain conditions, moral conduct requires us to intervene.
Islam, need be uttered only once (although it can be, and is, repeated
many times later on). The Pilgrimage is incumbent on us only once in a
lifetime, and then only on those with sufficient means to fulfill it. The
Alms-tax is paid only once a year, by the prosperous to the poor. The
Fasting is confined to the lunar month of Ramadan. Contrast these now
with the Prayer, which is performed five times daily and comprises a
total of forty cycles (raqah), and you will see what a paramount place it
has in the religion of Islam. Indeed, it is the very axis around which Islam
Why is Prayer so central to Islam? And why does it consist, as it does,
of a series of repetitious bodily postures and movements in conjunction
with recitation of sacred formulas, rather than simple supplication to
God like ordinary prayer?
When the Prophet of God was raised to the presence of God in his
Ascension (Miraj: “ladder”), he became closer to God than anyone be-
fore or since. And God, as a gift to the Prophet’s Community of the
Faithful, enjoined the five daily Prayers upon them.
A saying of the Prophet reveals the meaning of Prayer: “Prayer is the
Ascension of the faithful.” Another saying makes clear that “He who has
no Prayer makes no Ascension.” This means that a ladder (“Jacob’s Lad-
der”), an escalator or elevator, has been instituted by God for the faithful
to approach His presence, and this is none other than Prayer. If a believer
performs the Prayer properly and with the care and attention it deserves,
there can be no doubt that s/he will approach God.
That s/he should fail to be conscious of this is immaterial. Matters of
the spirit are by and large hidden from human consciousness and senses.
If the veils were to fall from the believer’s eyes, s/he would actually be
able to witness his or her Ascension in spiritual (as distinct from physical)
space. But it is only at very advanced levels of spiritual progress that this
may become possible.
Two factors can be singled out in the Prayer process: the first being the
bodily postures, and the second the recited formulas. The reason for the
bodily movements is as follows:
A human as a totality possesses two aspects—body and spirit. (We
disregard for the time being a third factor, the self). More precisely, s/he
possesses a physical body, which we all know, and a non-physical, spiritual
body, of which few people are aware. During life on earth, the spiritual
body is connected, engaged, or “coupled” to the physical body.
Hence, the bodily motions in Prayer are intended primarily for the
spiritual body, not for the physical body (although they have an amelio-
rating influence on that as well). By moving the physical body, one actu-
alizes the movement of the spiritual body, which is coupled to it.It is this
motion of the spiritual body that escalates or elevates the spirit, not that
of the physical body directly.
The second component of Prayer as indicated above is the recitation
of certain formulas, mainly verses from the Koran. If the postures and
movements are the form of Prayer, the recitations are its content. These
both aid in concentration and attach “wings,” as it were, to the spirit.
Thus, the humble Prayer rug beneath one’s feet becomes the magic car-
pet or “cosmic treadmill” by which the believer rises towards God.
We shall not go into the details of these formulas here, but confine
ourselves to indicating the repetition of the names of the Lord. Two of
the Almighty’s names are repeated six times in each cycle, which makes a
total of twelve. Since there are forty cycles in a day, this gives four-hun-
dred-and-eighty repetitions.
After the bodily movement part is finished, God’s names are recited in
three lots of thirty-three, or ninety-nine, times in a sitting position dur-
ing each of the Five Prayers. This means that the names of the Lord are
invoked nearly a thousand times a day, even counting only the bare bones
of Prayer and leaving out additional recitations. This is none other than
the invocation or remembrance (zikr) of God. These invocations help to
concentrate the attention on God and aid the believer’s Ascension in
spiritual (not physical!) space.
All the prophets from Adam to Mohammed, the last prophet, have
been bestowed with Prayer. Bowing down to the ground (prostration)
was common to all, whereas the respective Divine Laws and worship
were different. But they all came with the command to Prayer, and ex-
plained its details to their respective communities.
The Koran mentions that the following prophets and communities
were given the instruction of prostration: David (38:24), the Children of
Israel (7:161), the Virgin Mary (18:107), and those of previous genera-
tions (19:59). Explicit mention is made of the following prophets in the
Koran as having been ordered to perform the Prayer: Moses (10:87, 20:10),
Abraham (14:40), Ishmael (19:57), Loqman (31:17), Jesus (19:32), and
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (21:73).
Since all prophets have told their faithful to perform the Prayer, how
come we don’t come across Prayer or some form of it in the observances
of other religions? The truth is that we do, but we encounter only their
remnants. Prayer is the royal road to God, but it is also hard work. At
one point or other, the religious communities of the past fell by the
wayside and abandoned the performance of their Prayer. This is one of
the reasons why Islam had to be revealed, in order to make Prayer perma-
nent. Yet we can still find traces of ancient versions of Prayer in some
observances of the Hindus, in the prostrations of Tibetan Buddhists, in
the Asanas of Yoga, and in the practices of far-eastern religious philoso-
phies such as T’ai Chi Ch’uan in China.
Furthermore, close inspection of the Bible reveals that aspects of Prayer
can be found there as well, even though it may no longer be practiced
regularly. Indications of this are present both in the Old Testament and
the New. Worship, prayer, and bowing down to the ground are men-
tioned also in the Torah, revealed to Moses (Genesis 24:52; Exodus 33:10,
34:8), in the Psalms of David (5:7, 95:6, 138:2), and the Old Testament
in general (1 Kings 18:42; Nehemiah 8:6, 9:3; Daniel 6:10, 8:18, 10:9;
Ezra 9:5; 2 Chronicles 7:3).
Special attention should be drawn here to 1 Kings 18:42. The form of
prostration here prescribed for the prophet Elijah, so similar to the Is-
lamic prostration, was continued within the Judaic tradition by the
Merkabah (“Throne” or “Chariot”) mystics between the second and tenth
centuries A.D. That is why they speak of a descent to the Chariot, the
latter term designating the posture of prostration. Drawings of postures
in the ancient Judaic prayer ritual, published by Rabbi Hayim Donin,
leave no doubt whatsoever that it was almost identical to Moslem Prayer.
The standing, genuflection, and prostration postures are there for all to
see.77 For the various references to prostration (bowing down to the
ground) in the New Testament, one may cite Matthew 26:39, Mark
14:35, and Luke 22:41 as examples.
Moslems perform the Prayer by facing Mecca (more precisely, the
Cube or Kaabah) as the focal point (qiblah). It is interesting to find the
same concept in the Old Testament, where people worshiped by facing
All the saints, the Friends of God, have found a path to God only in
performing the Prayer. They have been able to approach the Throne of
the Almighty only in this way.Hence, no one who fails to do the Prayer
should lay claim to sainthood, and such a person should deceive and
mislead neither him-/herself nor anyone else. (As for prayers that are
simply recited, those considered most important by the Master are given
in Appendix B.)
In this chapter, we have examined Holy Law and how it is comprised
of two integral aspects, the Koran and the Way of the Prophet. We have
also considered the exoteric practices of Islam, the Five Pillars (or ac-
tions)—with an in-depth consideration of Prayer—and the Six Pillars of
The Secret of Love at the Heart of Islam
(As I hope this book will make clear, reducing Islam to a list of
sins and “shalt nots,” enforced by religious police, makes a mock-
ery of it. Misguided approaches extant today strip Islam of every-
thing but a skeletal and decontextualized interpretation of the
code of law so that it does not reflect true Islam at all.
These actions clearly controvert the clear and unfailing messages
about love that are at the heart of Islam. Holy Law is essential to
Islam, but Law is at its core the directive to control the Base Self
and to seek communion with God. It cannot be repeated too
frequently that there is no coercion in Islam—these matters are
between the individual and his or her God.
This chapter was one of the Master’s favorite handouts. It con-
nects the exoteric/legal aspect of Islam with the esoteric/mystical/
Sufi concept of love, via the ethical bridge of conscience. Islam is
the religion of ethics. Two keys unlock the door of the heart, en-
abling the fountain of love to bubble therein: Worship, which is
the expression of devotion to God, and Courtesy (adab) or noble
conduct towards all beings. Love and superior conduct then
mutually reinforce each other in an ever-expanding spiral.
Islam reaches out towards society with Divine Law on one hand,
and reaches inward towards the individual’s heart with love on
the other. When love informs all our relationships with others,
that is real ethics, while Law is simply the codification of ethical
principles in a social contract. Thus, it is seen that Law, Conscience,
and Love are intimately related, in the same way that justice,
ethics, and spirituality are extensions of one another. Their un-
derlying fundamental unity has rarely been better expressed.
This is Unification (tawhid) at its highest conceptual level.)
The SSecr
ecret That is Law
As I have already mentioned, Law is a delicate balance between rights
and duties, between liberties and limitations. The duty of one person is
nothing but the right of another, and the limitation of one is the free-
dom of another. Absolute freedom cannot exist, and if it could, then
law, and hence justice, would not exist. It is as if freedom were in short
supply and had to be apportioned equally. For the increase of one’s free-
dom occurs only at the expense of another’s, and if justice is not distrib-
uted equally, that is injustice. Hence we have equality before the law, and
equality before human law is based on equality before God’s Law, since
all people are equal before God.
Because Law is based on conscience and ultimately on love, what is
lawful in Islam is that which is informed by love. To put this is a little
differently, the only action which is free of blame is that which is based
It is due to this fact that where Law is concerned, no one can act
according to his or her whim. God has forbidden this. For His com-
mand is not whim, but the very yardstick by which all things are to be
measured. The human heart is His holy dwelling-place which He has
reserved for Himself. S/he who breaks a heart will suffer, even if the poor
person doesn’t understand why.79
In reality, man is the representative of God and His viceregent over
creation. As such, human beings are burdened with the utmost legal re-
sponsibility and obligation. A human being is responsible for all things
living and nonliving, from the stone s/he steps on to the bird in the sky.
This is why the People of God say: “The requirement of honesty is to
consider one another,” and they do not show negligence in serving this
God has graced humans above all other beings and placed the others
under human care. If a mishap occurs, however, this is due to us. If man
becomes corrupt, everything becomes corrupt. If humans are polluted,
all nature is polluted. Hence the present state of nature can stand as a
mirror to our internal state. We should know that this is so and touch
everything with “In the name of God” on our lips, replacing it with these
same words. We should never forget whilst using something that it pos-
sesses spirit. We should treat it in the same way as we treat and care for a
part of our own body. Then the Koranic statement: “You are pleased
with God and He is pleased with you” (89:28) becomes reality—that is,
you will be pleased with Him and He will be pleased with you. This is
the answer that heals (makes whole).
The SSecr
ecr et That is Conscience
Law is derived from conscience. Without conscience, there would be
no consideration of others and no respect for their rights. In fact, not
even the existence of such rights would be recognized. Conscience re-
quires the implicit presupposition that “the other” is, at some basic level,
the same as or at least not different from the self. This leads to an unex-
pected conclusion, that the so-called “positive sciences” are, in fact, co-
vertly normative. Behaviorist psychology, for example, by taking the other
and his inner world as an unknown, by treating the other as a “black box”
that can be judged only on the basis of exhibited behavior, reduces people
The SSecr
ecret That IIss Lo
ecret Lovv e
Love is the real source of an individual’s feelings of compassion and
kindness, the sublime synthesis of his or her finest and most delicate
feelings of conscience. Since the sway of conscience has purified the heart,
purging it of all things, good and bad alike, God installs His throne of
manifestation in that heart. Thus love of God engulfs one’s being, and
that person becomes pure love. Then everything loves one, and one loves
And so, that person becomes invested with God’s attributes and friend-
ship, harmony and welfare, and joins His Chosen People. Henceforth,
one’s place in both worlds is Paradise and one’s station, comfort and
This is a three-stage process: (1) Righteousness, diligent observation
of the Law, enabling (2) the conscience to flower—and the full maturity
of conscience is (3) love. But what happens once one becomes, as it were,
an incarnation of love? Does one shed the Law and conscience as if they
were autumn leaves?
On the contrary, the Law and conscience find their fullest, most ma-
ture, manifestation in a person who has become pure love. Rote Imita-
tion becomes Realization. He or she no longer acts out of blind obedience
to the letter of the Law, but in full knowledge and consciousness of why
the Law prescribes or prohibits a certain thing. The clumsy, mechanical,
sometimes jarring and disturbing implementation of the Divine Law
gives way to a smooth, harmonious flow—the grace of love. Such people
are a guiding light to all beings lucky enough to come within their sphere.
Such a person is called a saint, or a “friend of God,” and has become
identified with pure love. The motto of the friend of God is “I, if I be
lifted up, will lift up all mankind with me.” The saints are the channels
or vehicles by which God’s love, compassion, and mercy reach the world.
Indeed in ages when there are many saints of high realization, there are
fewer wars, plagues, and calamities—the world is a “closer” place to Para-
dise. In ages when they are few and far between, these channels of access
to grace are “clogged,” as it were, and the situation is reversed. Look
around you and, with this measure in hand, you will be able to judge
what kind of times we live in.
As for the seven circles of Hell, the following are the traits that open
their gates:
1. Pride.
2. Covetousness.
3. Envy.
4. Discord.
5. Backbiting.
6. Lust.
7. Anger.
All the evil traits and manners in the world are, in turn, contained in
these. No matter what or who one is or how true one may appear to be,
these are the characteristics that lie close to a person’s heart if he or she
does not acknowledge goodness, beauty, and truth. It makes no differ-
ence if one never raises one’s head from prostration. Being human and
being a Moslem are both possible only by relying on Truth.80 Islam can-
not be attained by following the lead of one’s caprice, by being carried
away by one’s ego, by exhibitionism, or by fishing for other people’s
praise. One will then have opened the gates of the seven Hells, pride,
rebellion, and downfall.
Note, however, that there are eight Heavens as opposed to only seven
Hells. This is because God Almighty has said: “My Mercy encompasses
(is greater than) My Wrath.” Indeed in Islam, “In the Name of God, the
Compassionate, the Merciful” precedes everything. No matter how great
one’s sins, they are swept away in a torrent of Divine Compassion and
Mercy, provided one resolves to rectify one’s ways in accordance with the
Law. The opportunity for absolution is always there, and never far away.
For the secret of religion is love.
This chapter revealed how Love is actually embedded in the spirit of
the Holy Law, and how observance of the Law means trying to develop
the Eight Heavens (agreeable traits) and to avoid the Seven Hells (evil
traits) of Islam. The following chapter now describes the Koran and how
it helps the individual seeker to “open” to or attain higher consciousness,
once he or she has fully understood its more literal or exoteric aspects and
is ready to access the more esoteric readings of the Koran.
The Music of the Koran
(This chapter reveals the beauty of the Koran and its many lay-
ered meanings, from literal to mystical. It introduces the idea
that the Koran can lead us to awaken to the harmony and unity
that underlies the world, which in turn leads to the path of
bliss—to be outlined in later chapters on Islam and Sufism.)
The Fractur
Fractur ed M
ractured irr
Mirr or
In our age, we are faced with an “atomization of consciousness:” the
world, or rather our mental mirror of it, has exploded into smithereens,
and the result is a ruination that belies the magnificence, the infinite
interrelatedness, of the universe which is its object. In our effort to un-
derstand the world, we have divided and subdivided it ad infinitum into
disjointed categories having little or no relationship with each other. As
Yeats prophetically declared at the beginning of this century, in lines well-
worn precisely because they are so succinct:
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world.
This project of making our worldview whole is called “Unification”
(tawhid) in Islam. At the simplest level, of course, Unification means the
recognition that “God is One.” But on a deeper, subtler level, it means
that the rigid compartmentalization we impose on the world is a mental
construct of our own. The gridwork of latitudes and longitudes, for
example, is useful for navigating our globe; but they are invisible when
we look at the Earth from space, for the simple reason that they don’t
exist in reality. The seamless structure of the planet is echoed in the
interconnectedness of the universe. Quantum physics has unwittingly
taken a step toward rediscovering the “great chain of being” positing count-
less links, which used to be appreciated in the West; the discovery of
“nonlocality” and “entanglement” in recent years has lent strength to the
view that seemingly unrelated parts of the world are, in fact, connected.
Before the discovery of nonlocality, gravitation was recognized as such
a connecting medium in physics, and it still retains the advantage of
being effective on the everyday and macrocosmic levels, rather than only
on the quantum level. In the field of ecology, Barry Commoner framed
one of the basic principles of ecology as: “Everything is connected to
everything else.” If a fire breaks out in the Amazon forests, for example,
everybody everywhere suffers, even though they might not realize it. In
recent years the science of chaos has not only revealed order masquerad-
ing as apparent randomness, it has also shown that intuitively negligible
quantities or perturbations can have counterintuitive consequences out
of all proportion to their own scale. Sensitive dependence on initial con-
ditions can have unforeseen consequences in seemingly unrelated loca-
tions. Thus, our sciences have reached a sophistication and sensitivity
where previously unnoticed correlations, connections, and correspondences
are now beginning to be recognized. Here, the poet Francis Thompson
has summarized this idea beautifully:
Thus, we find that our science has caught up with our art, in an unex-
pected vindication of Keats: “Truth is beauty, and beauty truth.” This is
the deeper meaning of Unification: that the three cardinal principles,
truth, beauty, and goodness, are ultimately one, that they are but aspects
of the One Ultimate Reality, the Ground of all being. And this is the
vision that we have to recapture if we are to escape schizoid grief: that the
only atom in the universe—a-tom in the sense of “indivisible”—is the
universe itself, that it is a joyous celebration of infinite Unity and exist-
ence, rather than a hell of irreconcilable, broken fragments. This world
which we presently inhabit is the chaos, the world apparently ruled by
chance in which few things make sense. Our task is to transform it into
cosmos (an ordered universe) by purifying our consciousness and integrat-
ing the world, discovering the infinite interrelatedness of phenomena
with God at the helm, in the end realizing that the world is, and in fact
was, a cosmos all along.
Let us recapitulate. The universe is a seamless unity, but we do not
ordinarily perceive it that way. From childhood onwards, humans begin
to inhabit a world of multiplicity. On this multiplicity, which is already
a “given,” we next superimpose the artificial abstractions and divisions of
analytical thinking. In other words, whereas our objective should be to
move towards unity, we move a further step towards fragmentation.
This is not to deny the utility of analytical thought. But it should be
counterbalanced by a synthesis. We should integrate what we have previ-
ously differentiated.
The following analogy may be helpful: ordinarily, we look at the world
through a pair of glasses. Even if our vision is twenty-twenty, our spectacles
still have smooth glass in place of lenses. Now imagine that the glass or
lenses has multiple fractures, but is still held in place (say by a transparent
plastic coating). When we look at the world through these glasses, we see
borders, separations, reflections, even multiple images of the same ob-
ject, that do not exist in reality. Analytical thought can be compared to
Suppose now that we take off the broken glasses. We will now be able
to view the world without an obstacle. Yet we still cannot perceive the
Truth, the seamless unity. As the great mystical poet William Blake said:
“If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to
man as it is, infinite.” The fact that we do not ordinarily perceive the
world in this way implies that a sensory/noetic “filtering” is taking place.
Aldous Huxley took this cue from Blake to suggest in The Doors of Per-
ception that the sense organs and the mind act as a “reducing valve.” So
how can we regain a full, complete view of reality?
Islamic Sufism suggests that this is possible by Unification. We must
bear witness to the unity of God, unify the universe, and unify our selves.
It further suggests that these three are connected. Picture the universe we
live in as a horizontal axis. This is the universe as we perceive it in our
ordinary, everyday self. But there are other levels of selfhood that are
possible, which can best be pictured as ordered along a vertical axis.
Now to every state or level of the self there corresponds a different
state of consciousness, which yields a different state of reality to our
perception. Hence, Islamic Sufism suggests that the key to “cleansing the
doors of perception” actually lies in self-purification, by which the “lad-
der of unification” is climbed until one perceives the clear light of Unity,
of Truth, at the summit. This process begins with exoteric practices such
as Prayer, so that one learns to conquer the Base Self before exploring
more esoteric practices (to be discussed in the last section of this book).
Truth, B eauty
eauty,, G
Beauty oodness
“God is beautiful,” goes a Tradition, “He loves beauty.” Truth (Haqq),
Beauty (Jamal), and the Good (Birr) are divine names and attributes of
God in Islam. Hence knowledge or science, which deals with truth; aes-
thetics, which concerns itself with beauty; and ethics, or moral philoso-
phy, must complement and complete each other, since they reflect different
facets of the same Unity.
The ancient Greeks, despite their polytheism, came very close to this
insight. In Greek thought, goodness and beauty were identical. They
expressed this by a hybrid term, “good-beautiful” (kalokagathia) (and
Keats took the above quotation identifying truth and beauty from a
Grecian urn). Plato also spoke of the unity of goodness and beauty. The
concept has proved remarkably persistent in Western philosophy, right
down to Wittgenstein, who in his Tractatus speaks of ethics and aesthet-
ics as on 7e. And while Kant wishes to distinguish between knowledge,
ethics, and aesthetics, a close inspection of his three Critiques reveals that
he considered ethics and aesthetics one in principle, and they further unite
with knowledge at an apex.
Quantum physicist and Nobel Prizewinner Paul A. M. Dirac com-
bined truth with beauty in his epigraph: “A physical law must possess
mathematical beauty.” “God is a mathematician of a very high order,” he
wrote, “and He used very advanced mathematics in constructing the uni-
verse.” Dirac was able to predict the existence of antimatter by relying on
considerations of symmetry, a prime ingredient of beauty (mathematical
or otherwise).81 It was on this basis that he asserted: “A theory with math-
ematical beauty is more likely to be correct than an ugly one that fits
some experimental data.”82 Here we stand at the interface between scien-
tific truth and artistic sensibility, where the simplicity and elegance of a
scientific theory take precedence over cumbersome explanatory devices—
just as Kepler’s elliptical orbits disposed of the inelegant theory of epi-
cycles. It is for this reason that the Koran declares: “You do not see any
imperfection in the creation of the Compassionate. Return your gaze; do
you see any fissure? Look again and again; your gaze comes back to you,
dazzled and tired” (67:3-4). In other words, if at first you don’t succeed
in discerning this perfection, look again, revise your theories, and finally
you will perceive pure magnificence.
there that, in logical words, can express the effect music has on
us? A kind of inarticulate unfathomable speech, which leads us
to the edge of the Infinite and lets us for moments gaze into that!
All deep things are Song...See deep enough, and you see musi-
cally; the heart of Nature being everywhere music, if you can
only reach it.
Seen in this light, the recitation of the Koran is music, “a mystic un-
fathomable song.” If the universe is the “music of the spheres,” then so is
the Koran, which deciphers the mysterious universe to human compre-
hension. It is not, however, any song; the intonations and cadences of the
Koran are all its own.
While the Koran is cast in the form of beauty, its contents are good-
ness and truth. As it declares itself: “There is no doubt in this book”
(2:2); “It is an advice to the whole world, to those who wish to go straight”
(81:27-28); and “This is a book that discriminates between truth and
falsehood” (86:13-14). It takes the various strands of wisdom of all tra-
ditions—whether ancient or modern—and, consummately completing
them, weaves them together in a rich tapestry that cannot be improved
When we scrutinize the key concepts of the Koran, we find that it
identifies goodness with beauty. In Arabic, words deriving from the root
HSN (such as husn, ihsan, and hasan) all have this dual meaning, “good-
beautiful.” A good deed inherently appeals to the sense of beauty in hu-
man beings. Conversely, bad is identified with ugly, and is repulsive.
Why should this be so? Because human nature is inherently good, al-
though it does have a propensity for badness as well.
Thus, the moral or ethical distinctions of the Koran are simultaneously
aesthetic distinctions. The beauty intended here, however, is spiritual beauty
more than physical beauty, and points to the fact that courtesy (adab)
and sublime moral conduct, which are beauteous in themselves, lead to
beauty of spirit in the person who practices them. In Koranic terms,
again, “good” is that which is balanced, while “bad” or “ill” is indicative
of imbalance. Justice (adl) is explained directly in terms of balance. Cru-
elty or oppression (zulm), squandering (israf), being spoiled by excessive
affluence (itraf), and illicit sex (fahsha) all have the meaning of imbalance
“In the name of God...” The Naming precedes almost all the chapters of
the Koran. The main text of the chapter is ended by saying “Amen” (“so
be it”).
God is the Lord of all. Compassion is for those who control their
selves, and Mercy, or a higher elevation, belongs to those who actively do
good works.
All the thanks, or praise, of all beings that may originate in the form
of words or deeds belong to the Lord of the universe, “the Lord of all the
worlds.” From this we understand that God has created more than one
world, and each human being is a separate world. When a human being
begins to wonder: “Who am I? Where did I come from, and where am I
being led? For surely my coming and going occur outside my own voli-
tion,” that person has attained the base level of being human. S/he is then
faced with the proposition: “Seek your origin,” and this search begins by
giving thanks.
There are three kinds of thanksgiving: giving thanks in the language of
human beings, in the language of the spirit, and in the language of the
Lord. Giving thanks in the language of human beings is the thanks of the
ordinary person. This is to thank God for His blessings. A person is to
acknowledge a gift of God, and to use that gift in the proper way. Giving
thanks in the language of the spirit is the thanks of the Elect. It is done
with the heart. The person’s condition is trained and his or her conduct is
purified. Thanksgiving in the language of the Lord is the thanks of the
Wise. The Folk of Love give thanks, and are enabled to the light of
unveiling by it. The Folk of Knowledge give thanks, and are enabled to
witness God’s visage.
In short, thanksgiving is to praise the Lord, to exalt Him. This is why
both the beginning and the end of life is praise. No one can know or give
the praise that God is worthy of. Hence, all salvation is from God. Thanks
and praise are due to God alone, who creates and saves His creatures by
His Essence, Attributes, and Actions. He is the Lord of the Worlds; He
trains the hearts of the Faithful with patience and sincerity, with loyalty
and perseverance.
He is the Lord of the Worlds; He trains bodies by bringing gifts into
He is the Lord of the Worlds; He trains souls by displaying His gener-
The beginning of all creation is the Light of Mohammed, which is the
Universal Intellect, and the world is its explication and unfolding.
The Compassionate, the Merciful.
God is the Master of “the Day of Religion,” the Judgment Day. The
Judgment Day is the Gathering of souls, the Last Judgment, and their
Dispersal to Heaven and Hell. It is the day when the purposes and struggles
of people are evaluated. It is the day when the wise gaze upon the Noble
Face of their Lord, when the doers of good works find their reward, and
when oppressors meet their retribution.
The small licenses we are allowed in this world are removed on that
day. That day only the owner of the Station of Praise—the recipient of
the decree: “My Lord will give you of His bounty, and you will be
pleased”—namely, the Prophet Mohammed, will have full authority.
Next is the verse that proclaims the independence and joy of the spirit,
and indicates worship and the request for help:
You alone we worship, and you alone we ask for help.
The person who recites this is saying, in effect: “Dear Lord, we beg
you for every help, and we worship you with the strength you give us.
Our worship is not of our own. Power and strength belong to you. You
have helped us, and we have worshiped you with that help. We look to
you for grace, and do not trust in our own deeds. We neither trust our
works nor ask for reward; we only worship you. We wish you to grant
bountifully. We have stripped ourselves of every purpose, interest, and
relationship. Help us in this condition; we beg for the continuation of
this state. We worship you by your command and beg for help by your
leave. Everything is temporary, only you are permanent.”
As this prayer implies, there are four ways to worship God: with de-
sire, with fear, with shame, and with love. The best kind of worship is
that done with love. Unification occurs through the operation of this
verse, for it unites humans with God. Asking for aid can only occur
when one has reconciled oneself with the presence of God’s Prophet (i.e.,
acknowledged him as such), for no one goes unto the Lord except by
him (or, if one has lived during the reign of previous prophets, by their
Guide us along your Straight Path.
The Straight Path is that which God has set down for human beings.
It consists of obeying His commandments. If one follows that path, one
is sure to attain bliss by the shortest possible route. So the person who
prays continues: “Dear Lord, guide us to the Right Way with your aid.
Give us guidance to whatever is your plan for us. We beg you to present
us with the path that leads to the Summit of your Unity.”
The path of those whom you have blessed.
In other words: “That path is the road of the Prophet, the Martyrs,
the Righteous, and the Perfect. It is the station of knowing you, of beau-
tiful courtesy. You have given these of your Grace.”
Not of those who incur your wrath, nor of those who go
That is: “We beg not to be of those who earn your wrath, who persist
in error, who remain stuck in rote Imitation and cannot attain Realiza-
tion, who are driven from the gate of servanthood, who are misguided,
progress without deserving it, or show fake psychic feats.”
What is it then that we are awakened or opened to by this chapter?
The rest of the Koran—the miracle of God, the Book in which nothing
is neglected (6:38) and which is a guidance and a healing (41:44). And to
a proper conscious understanding of the workings of the cosmos itself:
God as the Compassionate and the Most Merciful. We attain a state
whereby we are healed and not separate from that healing, remembering
Him who continually remembers us.
God is the healer of all wounds, the mender of all schisms of the
spirit. In order to achieve Unification we must apply to Him alone, us-
ing the way He has revealed to us through the Prophet. If we do so, there
can be no doubt that we will receive salvation, no matter how “lost” we
may be, for “well able is He to save.” The broken mirror of our minds
and our psyches can be mended—but only if we remember God again.
This chapter revealed how the Koran subtly heals us, allowing us to
attain bliss by becoming individually unified (our perception cleansed),
able to recognize the beauty and unity that underlies the world. The
following chapter now asks the question whether Islam is in need of
Reformation in view of recent historical zealotry and events that have
been described as “Islamic.”
Should There Be A “Reformation” in Islam?
(In this chapter, we will consider the question as to whether
Islam as a religion might need reform, or whether it is the be-
havior of Moslems that stands in need of reform. The most im-
portant distinction to be made here is that between Islam and
“Islamists” (for there is a great distinction). The chapter was writ-
ten at a time when the Taliban, etc. were still extant; the reader
is referred to the Prologue for an updated treatment. Its message
is still relevant, however. Other important points to be covered
in this chapter are that: the letter of Islamic Holy Law cannot be
considered apart from its spirit (even though some have tried),
the Way of the Prophet and the Koran must always be consid-
ered together, and repressive cruelty and terrorism have no place
in Islam.) 83
As the twenty-first century begins, Moslems all over the world would
seem to be sliding into aberrant behavior, causing concern to the world
and distress to their friends. If we take the “representatives” of Islam around
the world, we find that their actions are frequently at variance with the
teachings they supposedly uphold. Consider the following facts (and these
are but a few examples):
vying with human beings in the service of God and in serving one’s reli-
gion. If you do good, give thanks to God; if you do bad, repent to
Him.” (Emphasis added.) One look at these words is enough to con-
vince us that there is a great discrepancy between them and the actions
listed above. Obviously, “something is rotten in the kingdom,” but what?
Who, or what, needs to be changed?
Religion is a social institution of primary importance. As times and
societies change, it is natural to expect changes in their institutions as
well. Thus the question arises as to whether the religion of Islam can be
changed to adapt to changing circumstances, and if so, how. Many people
think that the wide-reaching changes in society resulting from scientific
and technological advances, especially in the twentieth century, call for a
reform or revision in established religions. In this connection, it is sug-
gested that Islam should undergo a “Reformation” similar to that which
occurred in Christianity in the sixteenth century. The intention of this
chapter is to investigate the question of “Reform in Islam.”
The Koran
For something to need reform, it must first be deformed. There has,
however, been no distortion in the basic principles of Islam. This is espe-
cially true of the Koran, the source of those principles, which has re-
mained unaltered for fourteen centuries. Not one word has been changed,
as anyone can verify by checking the latest copies against the earliest ones.
What has not happened, though, is a renewal of the understanding of
Islam in keeping with contemporary realities. The perennial principles of
faith, worship, and ethics need to be refreshed in each age using a con-
temporary idiom that will keep them ever young and fertile. What is
necessary is not to reform, but to rephrase—not to change the principles,
but render them comprehensible to our age. Meanwhile, there are Mos-
lems who give the impression of being mired in the Middle Ages, and
that impression is then generalized to the community as a whole.
As the last scripture revealed to humankind, the Koran distills the
essence of earlier religious texts, including the Old and New Testaments—
a fact that cannot be appreciated without actually reading it. In present-
ing this final, timeless Revelation to humanity, it was God’s intention
not to leave any loose ends. He also wished to bequeath to humanity a
religion that would, from that point onwards, suffice to meet all its
religious needs. Accordingly He revealed the Koran, which is preserved
in the form it was intended and is the most well-preserved book in history.
The Koran contains everything that God wished to convey to human-
ity for the rest of time. For those who can decipher it, it contains every-
thing of importance that humanity needs for salvation. It is a book free
of contradictions.86 This is why there have been no heterodoxies or her-
esies within Islam proper—in fact, it is not only an orthodoxy but, as
such commentators as Hans Küng and Malise Ruthven have noted, also
an “orthopraxy” (right action or practice).
At the same time, it should be recognized that the Koran, being the
last and most sophisticated of holy texts, is not always an easy text to
understand. Side by side with simple statements, it contains expressions
which make it more akin to a textbook in advanced calculus than a pri-
mary-school book. That it can be easily read in Arabic or another lan-
guage obscures its difficulties, and gives the deceptive appearance of
simplicity. Also, various religious observances are mentioned only briefly
therein. With the Book, therefore, there also had to be the Man—the
Prophet—who would both convey the Revelation, and would, in word
and deed, exemplify the kind of human being (homo religiosus and, be-
yond that, homo perfectus) desired by God. Left standing alone, the more
difficult parts of the Koran would have lent themselves to a variety of
interpretations. (They still do, but not to the point of engendering
schisms.) As mentioned earlier, the exemplar of the Prophet was neces-
sary to show how the Koran should be lived out in real life. And indeed,
when asked about the morality of the Prophet, his wife Aisha replied:
“His morality was the Koran.” In addressing the Prophet, God adds the
rejoinder in the Koran: “Verily you are upon a mighty morality.”
The P
Prrophet of God
When pronouncing on religious matters, Mohammed never spoke on
his own. Hence, the scholars of Islam have distinguished between “Rev-
elation that is recited”—written Revelation, meaning the Koran—and
“Revelation that is not recited,” or the pronouncements and actions of
the Prophet. The two complete and complement each other. The exten-
sive body of knowledge covering the sayings and actions of the Prophet,
as well as those of his close followers, the saints, delivers the Koran from
being interpreted by everyone in his or her own way, which could lead to
individualism, anarchy, and even nihilism.
As a prophet, Mohammed provided the knowledge needed by human
beings to shape their course through life. When the Prophet’s example is
followed, every Moslem knows how to live correctly, how best to meet
each situation, what action is suited to which occasion.
In his daily life, Mohammed took great pains to instruct people how
to live. He explained the relations between man and wife, between em-
ployer and employee, how to preserve health, how to educate children,
how to make a living, how to prevent poverty and suffering, how to
wage war even though war itself is undesirable,87 and how to restore
peace at the earliest opportunity. Mohammed gave much practical infor-
mation, and his spiritual advice was clear and perennial enough to be
applied in any age—including our day.
Such a person, who would act as a role model for humanity in the
future, had perforce to live in the very thick of life. He not only had to
establish and defend the new Revelation, but in addition had to live as an
ordinary person among other people—eating, drinking, marrying, hav-
ing children and grandchildren, fighting wars of self-defense, engaging in
commerce, acting as a leader, and so on. In doing all these, he had to
demonstrate to his followers and to future generations how, exactly, a
pious person should behave, or is expected to behave by God, under
these widely varying conditions. This truly gargantuan task could be en-
trusted by God only to a person capable of bearing such a tremendous
weight and carrying out the mission successfully.
Most of all, anyone should be able to imitate such a person, and this
imitation should end in salvation and liberation. Following his example
should lead to success and happiness both in this world and the next. To
withdraw from the world is neither desirable, nor possible; that kind of
solution just wouldn’t work. A role model for humanity has to be some-
one who is acquainted with worldly life, who wholeheartedly accepts life
on earth. Only a person who has survived to an old age, who has lived
and experienced the world, who has married,88 and had a profession,
could be a model of how to live for the vast majority of human beings.
Here we come to the crux of the matter. How can such a life be recon-
ciled with spirituality, sanctity, and true piety? Is such a thing even pos-
sible? Can a human being both live a secular life, and yet still achieve true
sainthood? The answer given by the life of Mohammed to all these ques-
tions is a resounding Yes. Islam stands as proof that the saintly life does
not require that one become a hermit, an ascetic, or a recluse. Human
beings do many other things besides walking about, talking wisely, and
doing nothing at all.
Such a person as Mohammed, then, can be a model, a solution, and
an answer. In other words, true spirituality does not require a life dedi-
cated entirely to the spirit, to the exclusion of the physical world and
daily life. To be “in the world, but not of it” is the motto of the Moslem
saint, or Sufi. This is not to say that such a life would be easy. But it was
made easy by God for humanity, as exemplified in the life of Mohammed.
Spiritual life wedded to material life makes for the well-rounded human
being whose entire range of potentials is actualized. The Prophet was
such an exemplar, with an optimum blend of the secular and the spiritual.
In a religion intended for all human beings, we should be careful to
distinguish between what is universal and what is merely local. As I men-
tioned earlier, the fact that the Prophet spoke and prayed in Arabic doesn’t
mean we have to do so, too. Just because he lived in a naturally polyga-
mous society doesn’t mean that every man has to take several wives. That
the Prophet rode on a camel need no more detain us from driving a car
than the fact that Jesus rode on an ass. If Mohammed had lived in this
day and age, we may be sure that he would have worn a suit and tie and
used the amenities of modern technology.89
Once such quirks of local custom, culture, geography, and history are
weeded out, we are left with a template, a program, of how the pious
human being should behave. For example, the Prophet did mend his
own clothing, eat with his servants, and play with his children and grand-
children, and these actions are to be emulated. Mohammed, who lived
in a comparatively recent age, is the first and only prophet for whom
definite historical data are available. When we examine the Prophet’s life
in detail, we find that its hallmark is courtesy towards, and compassion for,
all beings. He was the quintessential gentleman, even toward his enemies.
He was always kind and considerate to his wives. Even when he became
the uncontested leader of the fledgling Islamic community, he combined
“sageliness within and kingliness without”—he was, to use Nietzsche’s
words, “Caesar with the heart of Christ.”
The basis of any religion is revelation and its transmission. Revelation
is also the source of all laws of nature and of science. Hence, revelation
and reason—as described by religion—cannot be opposed to each other,
but are partners. The Prophet himself has stated: “He Who has no reason
has no religion, either.” In Islam, reason and revelation (or transmission)
cannot conflict with each other. This is true right from the ground level
of daily life, all the way up to the loftiest heights of spirituality and
mysticism.If there is an apparent contradiction between the two, either
reason is in error, or revelation has been improperly understood. The
Koran and the Prophet’s Way form an internally self-consistent, noncon-
tradictory body of doctrine. As I will reiterate throughout this book, no
institution is needed to pronounce orthodoxy in Islam.
There are no “mysteries” in Islam. Since there is no Original Sin, nei-
ther are there Sacraments to cure one’s spiritual ills or achieve immortal-
ity; worship and good works take care of everything. Thus, the need for
a religious institution that administers sacraments is obviated. The indi-
vidual soul is not sacrificed to collectivism, and it becomes possible to
obtain an individual religious experience of God.
Every principle of Islam is in accordance with reason and logic.This
entirely rational attitude, however, does not lead to the loss of mysticism
or access to the higher reaches of the human personality. Instead, it leads
to a rational and reasonable approach at every step of our spiritual ascent.
No one is driven to make a choice between faith and reason, or to a
decision that will torment his or her conscience.
Islam satisfies both the emotions and the intellect. The human spirit is
addressed, but the appeal is to reason, which is highly valued. Islam does
not consist only of reason, however, for it would then be a rational phi-
losophy and nothing more. As a result, a positive faith and an enlight-
ened intellect are prized as guards against fanaticism. “Strip yourself of
bigotry and selfishness, leave aside bias and egotism, then love God,” is
Islam’s advice. It also claims that “It is not enough to know, it is necessary
to think,” and calls us to “see that which is”—to recognize Reality.
The only unforgiveable error in Islam is to worship finite creatures
(other humans, idols, and so on). Divine Grace can forgive all other sins.
Islam is entirely free of this mistake, and replaces it with the faith in One
God. “One” here means ThatWhich There is No Other, the One with-
out a Second, the All-Encompassing. God is an illimitable Living Pres-
ence, not an abstraction or an idol. He loves human beings, His servants,
that s/he is evolved from the animals, that the afterlife and eternity are
mere fairy tales, will never think about paying his or her debts to society
and humanity, for s/he will say: “Life and fulfillment consist in my abil-
ity to satisfy the desires and drives of my self.” Only the belief in an
ultimate Judgment can restrain human beings from committing the worst
they are capable of. Without faith, there is no basis for preferring altru-
ism over egotism or self-sacrifice over self-promotion. In its absence, the
greatest geniuses, the best economists, the most powerful security bro-
kers will be powerless to curb the ego’s desires or the resulting cries of
despair. Civilizations built upon the passions of the Base Self will be torn
apart by those same passions.
While Islam tries to prevent this on the one hand, it also advises us to
heal wounds mutually by administering to one another, rather than in-
juring others and increasing the present ills and sorrows of society. Since
this will eliminate despair, it will also put an end to suicide and insanity,
and peace and contentment will reign.
Faith in Action
Faith is hidden in the heart; only God can know of it. But if such
abstract faith were enough, God would have spared us the trouble of
religious rules requiring worship and right action. To declare that religion
is a matter for conscience without harvesting its concrete fruits would be
a vacuous claim and a waste of time. “Faith without works is naught,”
and if the works are there, one may be reasonably assured of God’s grace—
though this shouldn’t lead to self-congratulation, vanity, or pride, which
could yield terrible results. Surrender to God becomes explicit in surren-
der to His commands and prohibitions. Hence, faith must be fortified
with deeds; theory should be complemented by practice.
Attitude to Nonbeliev
Nonbeliev ers
What of those who, in spite of everything, refuse to believe? “You are
only a warner,” God advises Mohammed in the Koran, “Tell them: ‘To
you, your religion; to me, mine.’” This means that unbelievers should be
left alone, not converted by force. The use of violence in observing Islam
is prohibited by the Koran itself: “There is no compulsion in [the Is-
lamic] religion” (2:256).
Faith then is a matter for individual conscience. Hence, freedom of
religion is guaranteed right from its very inception. Even those who do
not belong to “the People of the Book” (possessing holy texts of earlier
revelation, such as Jews and Christians) cannot be compelled to obey the
rules of the Koran.
Who can deny that humanity is in need of peace? Why does it prove
so elusive? How come minds capable of devising ways to dive to the
bottom of the sea, probe the farthest reaches of space, and cause mass
destruction in an instant, fail miserably when it comes to creating peace?
Only a religion that satisfies the whole spectrum of human possibilities
can do this, but nobody is knocking at its door.
The very name “Islam” is derived from “peace.” The peace of heart
granted by this religion is such that all the material treasures of the world
mean less than a mosquito’s wing to the spiritually mature. Ideally, the
Moslem is a person at peace with God, with himself, with fellow human
beings, with nature, and with the cosmos.
Unfortunately, there are those who would capitalize on the peaceful inten-
tions of others. Although Islam counsels peace, it does not advise flight when
the only answer is combat. “If you want peace, prepare for war,” the old
adage goes. When provoked in the extreme or defending themselves, Islam
advises that human beings have no recourse but to engage in battle.
The Arabic word jihad, which is usually mistranslated as “holy war,”
actually means “struggle” in the way of God: struggle with one’s posses-
sions and oneself, i.e., against one’s Base Self. The age of conquests is
now closed, for weapons of mass destruction will cause the decimation
of innocents and threaten the very existence of the human race. My Mas-
ter was of the opinion that henceforth, one should fight with the pen,
not with the sword. He thus indirectly implied that verses dealing with
war in the Koran are now “deactivated,” and can only be interpreted in
terms of struggle as described above. Today, real valor resides in the ability
to conquer people’s hearts—with the pen and with sublime truths, not
with weapons, massacres, or bloodshed.
uxuryy and Ecolog
Islam counsels a streamlined life, free of troubles, pretensions, and
excess baggage. This saves us from wasting time on unnecessary things,
and leads to a peaceful and comfortable life. Religion directs us to a
balanced living and to right livelihood. Just as it prohibits laziness and
insufficient work, it also cautions against doing work harmful to others.
No matter how much work it involves, an ostentatious and luxurious
life cannot be maintained solely on the work of one person. A lifestyle
that ceaselessly excites the appetites of the Base Self must in some way or
other involve the exploitation of others, because a single person’s earnings
smile at someone you meet along the road is also charity.” Any act of
giving, ultimately of one’s very self, is hallowed.
Hypocrisy, jealousy, and lying are among the worst evils. Eliminate
these, and the Almighty will spread Heaven beneath your feet. Bigotry is
condemned, because this religion is opposed to the weakness, ignorance,
and imitation of evil that are the basis of fanaticism. It is only in relation
to God that weakness is proper. The Prophet is reported to have said,
“He who knows his self knows his Lord”—i.e., whoever knows that he
is weak and inconsequential before his Lord of infinite power will efface
himself, and when that is done, the attributes of the Lord are manifested.
In other words, knowledge of one’s self leads to the Knowledge of God,
or Gnosis.93
Islam proclaims Gnosis (God-knowledge) as the reason for creation.
Sufism and mysticism are built into the religion and—barring extreme
manifestations—are an integral part of it. Ultimately, Gnosis leads to the
overflow of happiness. It is the cause of peace with one’s conscience. It is
the legacy of Islam, and the essence of being human.
Gnosis represents the pinnacle of knowledge for humans, because God
is the loftiest Being capable of being known. God desires us to “contem-
plate His loftiness.” All pleasures other than the pleasure of knowing
God are temporary. The purpose in this life is to reach God, and Gnosis
is closeness to God or certainty of God. To this end, in addition to the
external world, man’s inner (spiritual) states must be studied. A constellation
of sacred images helps to organize unconscious psychic contents in the
most beneficial way. At the same time, idolatry is avoided by the exclu-
sion of icons and the emphasis on worship of only One God. Islam is
radically iconoclastic; the veneration of saints takes the form of deep
respect only, not worship.
The stations of wisdom begin with the realization that the universe as
macrocosmos is mirrored in the human being, the microcosmos. Two
sayings from Sufic Islam are “whatever is in the universe exists in man”
and “the cosmos is a big man, man is a small universe.” The essence of
existence is hidden in us. Man is the essence of the universe, as the Heart
is the essence of the human body. This Heart, the essence of essences, is
the House of the Lord, the place God looks upon. S/he who comes to
the last station of wisdom, the highest level of selfhood, becomes a sage,
a Perfect Human.
The human, according to Islam, is the bearer of God’s trust. For this
reason, the honor of humans cannot be desecrated. The Koran tells us
that the human being is the deputy of God on earth—the viceregent of
God’s Attributes, and the steward of the heavens and the earth, of all
existence. As it is said, “There are so many signs, so many truths to draw
lessons from in the earth and the heavens, yet [some people] pass them
all by.”
Knowledge of God starts with faith in God, with the belief that there
is something to be known to begin with: God, who is present with His
Being (before the Beginning and after the End), encompassing through
His Attributes, known via His Names, manifest in His Actions, and
apparent through His works. Faith is attendant upon Gnosis, which, as
the true purpose of existence, is superior to worship and obeying God’s
commandments. Unless Knowledge of God is aimed at, nothing much
will come from the rote repetition of worship and obedience to God out
of habit, although these are in themselves sufficient to secure salvation in
the afterlife. Faith is then only the prelude to experience.
This religion defines the liberation of every person as the harmonious
development of his or her potentials. It is every person’s duty to foster
this development, to “tend his or her own garden.” We sow in this life in
order that we may reap both in this life and in the next. One who sows
ignorance cannot reap the fruit of Gnosis, of wisdom. As it is said, “Hu-
manity exists, not for consumption, but for honest work and earnings,
and for elevation,” and “True exaltation is not possible as long as virtue is
not preferred over self-interest.”
Repayment of Evil
As discussed earlier in the section on “Peace,” Islam counsels us that we
have the right to demand just retribution for an evil. It allows us to
“repay enmity to the same extent.” The admonition to “turn the other
cheek” is not recommended, because this is just not realistic. At the same
time, however, Islam advises us that whoever possesses a higher morality
should repay evil with good: “The punishment for a wrong is repayment
Islam counsels us to be gentle as far as possible. In the Koran, it is
related that God sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh, advising them to
“speak gently” with him. God knew, of course, that Pharaoh would not
accept Moses’ message, yet He advised them to treat even this arch-foe of
The Prophet said, “Cleanliness (not just material but also spiritual
cleanliness) derives from faith (Godliness),” a sentiment echoed in other
religions and cultures. Not only is bodily cleanness necessary, but sins are
defined as spiritual dirt in need of cleansing in accordance with the pre-
cepts of the Koran (which distinguish right from wrong and discrimi-
nate between good and bad). For instance, doing good with the ulterior
motive of obtaining a favor is considered to be a “dirty” act.
Anything capable of inflicting harm, not merely on others but on the
tiniest creature, is branded “forbidden” in Islam. Whatever harms your
body, your religion, and your good manners is prohibited. Together with
all other things detrimental to the wellbeing of anyone—to one’s body,
religion, and courtesy—Islam has forbidden gambling, alcohol, and for-
This chapter explained that it is not Islam but Moslems who are in
need of reform, illustrating that properly interpreted and followed, Is-
lam is consistent with compassionate, rational, and democratic principles
rooted in the highly ethical and caring life of each individual practitioner.
The next chapter will ask whether Islam and democracy are compatible,
given the many non-democratic Moslem nations in the world today.
Islam and Democracy
The intention of this chapter is to investigate the connections and rela-
tionships between Islam and democracy. As I have described earlier, re-
cent times have seen a profusion of views being aired labeling Islam as
“totalitarian” or “totalistic.”The existence of few democracies94 among
the fifty-seven Islamic nations in the world is advanced as proof in sup-
port of this thesis. It has therefore become a necessity to analyze the
extent to which Islam is compatible with democracy.
It should first and foremost be indicated that the lack of democracy in
many Islamic countries is due, not to Islam, but to other factors. First of
all, this lack is related to security and anarchy. No government can give in
to anarchy or allow it to be victorious. Second, the political regimes in
Islamic countries have as little to do with Islam as the military junta in
Burma (Myanmar) has to do with Buddhism, or Hitler’s Germany had
to do with Christianity. Although the great majority of Islamic nations
today are police states under occupation by their own armies, the reason
for this is not religion, and certainly not Islam. Rather, it is the result of
various internal and (more often) external factors of a social, political,
and economic nature, such as a colonial past, oil, money, and power
politics. It would be unjust to put the blame which is their due on Islam.
Turkey is, so far, fortunate in being independent enough of these factors
to be able to preserve its democracy whilst remaining an Islamic country.
But our purpose here is not to present an analysis of the conditions
that render democracy unfeasible in Islamic nations. Rather, we intend to
investigate how favorable and proximate Islam itself is to democracy.
And we wish to take this research deeper than has been done hitherto.
Those who claim that Islam lacks a democratic structure sometimes
point out that the history of Islam is strewn with sultanates, empires,
and kingdoms, not with democracies. But, in the contemporary world,
democracy has a history of only about two hundred years. The demo-
cratic nations of Europe were, until recently, kingdoms themselves, and
some are still ruled by constitutional monarchies. As for the dictator-
ships of the recent past, to which the term “totalitarian” is eminently
more applicable, some of these converted to democracy in 1945, while
others have done so only recently. In history, on the other hand, democ-
racy has been seen in no land and religion with the exception of ancient
name of God (i.e., a clerical class) lay claim to rulership. But this is pre-
cluded by the Prophetic saying cited above. We thus see that neither the
history of Islam, nor the present state of Islamic countries, and certainly
not the example of Iran, can shed light on the relationship between Islam
and democracy.
In the Koran, verses dealing with shura (translated as both council or
counsel) occur in two places. The first of these is: “Counsel among your-
selves in your tasks” (3:159), and the second is: “They carry out their
tasks by counseling [or: councils] among themselves” (42:38). It should
also be pointed out that the second verse is important enough to justify
naming the chapter it occurs in as “Council.”
The meaning of shura is “assembly, gathering, consultation.”
Mashwarah (consultation, council) and mushawir (consultant) are de-
rived from the same Arabic root. Thus, it has been emphasized that con-
sultation is a good thing in the most general sense. This is illustrated by
the Prophet’s life, who always consulted his compatriots before reaching
a decision. Applying this to the political sphere, the rule of parliament
and public vote and, more generally, democracy, is implicitly approved
by Islam. The greatest council and counsel are nationwide elections in
which the entire community participates. In the history of Islam, of course,
“council” has seldom meant polling the people. The first Caliphs were,
for example, chosen by “consultative committees” composed of a few
members. In later times, rulers availed themselves of councils formed by
specialists. This is an approach that survives today in democratic countries
in the form of various commissions, reducing the possibility of error in the
decision of a single person reached on the basis of incomplete knowledge.
Holy Law
People have laws in order to regulate social affairs: i.e., relationships
between individuals. If human beings were angels, there would be no
need for laws, because everybody would act in an ideal fashion anyway.
Since this is not the case, however, we have, not simply law, but law
foundation for a legal code. It is estimated that the verses in the Koran
dealing with legal matters number between two hundred and four hun-
dred (the estimate varies according to the specialist and the assumptions
and definitions s/he works from). Even the simplest society cannot be
ruled by so few injunctions; in modern, complex societies, thousands of
regulations are required. For this reason, the rules of the Holy Law have
in every age been framed by Islamic legislators. The Koran and the Way
only describe the broad outlines. The details are left to the legists. Not
only is there no obstacle to deriving specific principles suitable to a cer-
tain time and place from general, universal ones, there is also a necessity.
For a choice that is appropriate in one situation may not be so in another.
It is also true, on the other hand, that not everything can be changed.
Regulations may change with time, but there are rules that don’t. If we
compare religious Law to a tree, the verses of the Koran are its roots,
authentic Traditions (of the Prophet) are its trunk, the Four Schools of
Law are its main branches, and sundry regulations are its leaves. This tree
can always sprout new branches and leaves, but to attack its roots and its
trunk is tantamount to slaughtering it. Otherwise, permission has al-
ready been given in the Koran for deriving (istinbat) new rules (4:83).
Even in seemingly ironclad situations, legists and jurists traditionally
enjoyed considerable latitude in interpreting scripture. A similar situa-
tion exists in Christianity. For example, Jesus said, “You shall not steal”
(Matthew 19:18), and “If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut
them off” 95 (Matthew 18:8, Mark 9:43, 45). In this particular respect,
what the Bible says is not much different from the Koran. This is com-
ing from the greatest authority for a Christian, yet how many Christians
have actually cut off their hands? This is because the verse can lend itself
to different interpretations. As Joseph Schacht, the well-known Western
authority on Islamic law, has pointed out, the sanctions of the Koran “are
essentially moral and only incidentally penal.” 96 In the Koran, the verse
that prescribes cutting off a hand for stealing (5:38) is immediately fol-
lowed by: “But if the thief repents after the crime and amends his or her
conduct, God turns to them in forgiveness” (5:39). This has allowed the
exercise of lenience throughout the history of traditional Islam.
Some Koranic injunctions that appear more objectionable today were
not always applied with indiscriminate brutality. Justice demands fair
Ruthven also draws attention to the fact that the “divine right” of
kings, prevalent in the West, has no place in Islam. In the face of this
right to rule, which can be traced to the Christian Church, it was neces-
sary to develop the concept of the “natural rights” of the individual, and
Western politics and law reached its present state from such origins. In
Islam, on the other hand, there never was such a problem to begin with.
All this proves that The Holy Law has seen a restricted application in
Islamic societies and was buttressed by many external factors. This is the
result of situations met with in real life. For this reason, it would be
totally incorrect to view the Holy Law as a seamless monolith that gov-
erns society down to the tiniest detail and oppresses it with an iron fist.
Far from being the state’s instrument of repression, the Holy Law is an
institution that has been adopted and developed by civil society indepen-
dently of, and sometimes even in opposition to, the state.
As for the enforcement of the Holy Law by some present-day police
states in a bitterly cruel way, this stems from their desire to render them-
selves partially palatable by appearing “Islamic” in the eyes of their sub-
ject peoples. Their coercion and cruelty has nothing to do with the Holy
Law, which has been applied leniently throughout most of Islam’s four-
teen centuries, but is due to their individual constitutions and legal codes.
These are not the Holy Law itself, but barbarian interpretations and
monstrous caricatures thereof. When one looks at the so-called “Islamic”
present-day police states, indiscriminately chopping off hands right and
left, one has to remember that hand severance was unheard of in the
Ottoman Empire, extending over twenty million square kilometers and
millions of people, in all six hundred years of its rule.Claims to the con-
trary notwithstanding, it can be flatly stated that no Islamic state exists in
the world today. Islam itself is by no means responsible for aberrations
such as cruelty, mass murder, terrorism, suicide bombings, and so on.
Is IIslam
slam IItself
tself Totalitarian?
The answer to this question is, of course, No, even though there are
many repressive regimes associated with it in our minds. A totalitarian
regime is not merely one of bloodstained oppression—it is one that gives
all the rights to the state, and no liberties to the individual:
1. It attempts to restructure a whole society according to a certain ideol-
ogy or system of beliefs, and aims to control even the thoughts of
2. It liquidates all individuals who do not belong to, are opposed to, or
are at variance with it.
example, s/he does only him- or herself harm. S/he may be gently
reminded, but cannot be coerced. It is only when the rights of another
are infringed that the Holy Law—like, indeed, all laws—comes into
question. What is said here applies, of course, to places and situations
where the Holy Law is properly in effect, which is to say almost no-
where in the world today.
2. There have always been people who would not be persuaded by Islam.
The true nature of a system or regime emerges in how it deals with the
dissidents and minorities under its rule. Islam has passed this test with
flying colors until the present age, when increasingly inane things have
begun to be perpetrated in its name. Every right has been granted and
respect shown to people belonging to other religions. A minor proof
of this is the gratitude and celebration of the Jews, five hundred years
after they escaped from the tortures of the Inquisition into the arms of
the Ottoman Empire in 1492.
Indeed, as mentioned earlier, there have been periods in history when the
Ottoman Empire was the sole superpower in the world. If the Otto-
mans had pursued a policy of Islamization or extermination in those
days, there would have been no religion other than Islam in the world
In Islam, everyone is the servant of God. A person who has properly
understood Islam knows that to dominate and coerce another is to
elevate oneself to the status of a god, a most unacceptable form of
behavior. The rules of law—not the commands of individuals—are
the basis in Islam, and the requirements of Law are carried out, for no
society can function without the proper application of law. As evi-
denced by the Ottoman code of laws, even the Sultans were bound by
the law and subject to it.
Wherever there has been arbitrary rule, this has not occurred because of
Islam but in spite of it. On the other hand, Islamic law permits the
coexistence of other legal systems alongside it, as is seen, for example,
in the last period of the Ottomans. All of which leads us to another
point: some people are currently in search of a religion, or
“metareligion,” that accepts all religions and tolerates them. Islam is an
ideal candidate: it accepts all religions “of the Book” that have gone
before it, venerates their prophets, and views them with tolerance.
Hence, the metareligion eagerly sought by some already exists, and
goes by the name of “Islam.”
In other words, Islam places on the ruler as a legal duty the recognition
of rights won by people in the West only after long struggle. Although
historical practice has been at variance with this, that is not the fault of
Islam. Democracy can survive only when it is secured by laws, just as
Islam requires.
Separation of Powers
This line of inquiry leads us naturally to the issue of religion and state
(not “church and state” since, as I have mentioned more than once, there
is no church in Islam). In contemporary democracies, the principle of
“separation of powers” has been introduced as a counterbalance against
the possibility that power could become concentrated in a few hands.
These three estates are the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary.
A similar separation is also found in Islam. Long before Montesquieu
introduced the separation of powers in the West, the Caliph Haroun al-
Rasheed applied it by separating the judiciary and appointing Abu Yousseff
as its head. In classical Islam, executive power was in the hands of the
caliph or sultan. Legislation belonged to the ulama, or “learned doc-
tors”—over whom presided, in the case of the Ottomans, the “Sheikh of
Islam.” As for the judiciary, it was in the hands of the qadis, or “judges,”
represented by a chief judge. Although the principle of “separation of
powers” is not explicitly stated, the practice conforms to or is close to it.
For example, a sultan could not easily fire the Sheikh of Islam, yet the
latter had the power to depose a sultan. Thus, historically, the caliphate
(now obsolete) did not have the kind of power now being proposed by
some of its present-day advocates.
omen’’s Rights
Before leaving this discussion of Holy Law, it will be well to touch very
briefly on the subject of women’s rights (to be discussed at greater length
in the next chapter). Suffice it to say here that contrary to widespread
opinion in the West, women have enjoyed more rights in Islamic than in
are things which religion prevents them from doing and forbids them to
dare.” 109
Here, Tocqueville criticizes those who attack religion in the name of
Despotism may be able to do without faith, but freedom can-
not. Religion is much more needed in the republic they advocate
than in the monarchy they attack, and in democratic republics
most of all. How can society escape destruction if, when politi-
cal ties are relaxed, moral ties are not tightened?110
Saying: “Religion having lost its sway over men’s souls, the clearest
line dividing good from ill has been obliterated; everything in the moral
world seems uncertain,”111 Tocqueville points out that the loss of reli-
gion will lead to the loss of freedom.112
Atheism M eans C
Means Crruelty and Tyranny
But Tocqueville was not the only genius living in the nineteenth cen-
tury to perceive certain truths. Two other men of genius were able to
foresee the social catastrophes of the twentieth century: the Russian nov-
elist Fyodor Dostoyevsky and the German philosopher, Friedrich
Nietzsche. But why was Tocqueville right? Because, in the final analysis,
God is the source of all ethics. It is God who commands human beings:
“Do this, this is right,” or: “Don’t do that, that is wrong.” But that is not
all. God is also the sole enforcer of ethics. For God has also said: “If you
do this, I will reward you; if you do that, I will punish you.” Where there
is no belief in God, fear of God also evaporates. Thus, both the defini-
tion (or delimitation) of ethics and its sanction are removed. This means
that if belief in God ceases to exist, so does the basis of ethics and moral-
ity, and humanity is set adrift on a sea of moral relativity. And once
morality is out of the way, humans lose all their human attributes, be-
coming an animal and even a monster. With the removal of ethics from
society, not only does the crime rate begin to climb, but the nature of
crime itself becomes increasingly savage. In short, once a person has taken
leave of God, humanity takes leave of that person.
Why ar
aree Human B
Human eings E
Beings qual?
Up to this point, we have seen that religion is a necessity, even a sine
qua non, for democracy, that atheism leads to sociopolitical disaster, and
that Islam as a religion accommodates democracy. Normally, this would
be the point to bid the reader farewell. The really significant part, how-
ever, still remains to be said. From this point of view, what has been said
above is merely a prelude to or infrastructure for what follows.
Democracy is based on the equality of all citizens. Where the equality
of human beings and their votes do not hold, there democracy cannot be
said to exist.
Many things have been said about equality throughout history. Rather
than add to or reiterate these arguments, it is better to state the end result
and continue from there. Since we find human beings to be grossly un-
equal and different in nature rather than equal, right down to their fin-
gerprints, what is meant by “equality” is equality before the law. This is
the sense in which the term is used in the French Declaration of Human
Rights of 1789, which championed the formula: “Liberty, equality, fra-
ternity.” In earlier times, the Greeks expressed equality before the law by
a single word, isonomia.
Now this brings us to the basic question that needs to be asked: why
are human beings equal at all, whether before the law or not? Why is the
basic assertion of oppression, racism, and slavery, “I am superior to you,”
invalid? From what root do all the social and political ideas lying at the
base of democracy derive their strength?
The Univ
Univ ersal D
niversal eclar
Declar ation of H
eclaration uman Rights
The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,117
which was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 and lies at the basis of
such legal documents as the Helsinki Final Accords, is as follows:
1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.”
The Declaration continues with the generalizations “everyone” and
“no one,” which go on to the end:
“3. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the security of person.”
The Declar
Declaration of IIndependence
eclaration ndependence
The French Declaration was inspired by the Virginia Bill of Rights.
This in turn finds its root in the American Declaration of Independence
of 1776. The very first sentence of the main text of the Declaration of
Independence reads:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain un-
alienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pur-
suit of Happiness.
Now it is not by any means self-evident that all men are created equal.
We have grown accustomed to accepting this a priori without question-
ing it. But if you ask a racist, for example, s/he will think that the notion:
“I am superior to him/her” 118 is equally, if not more, self-evident. S/he
may even say: “Are you blind? What can be more obvious than the differ-
ence in our skin colors?” To put it in more general terms, how are we to
explain to a discriminator that all human beings are equal, are even one,
beyond superficial differences such as size, weight, color, and so on? What
is to be our foundation?
But mention is also made here of a “Creator.” The American Declara-
tion of Independence gives expression not merely to “faith” and the “sa-
cred,” but states that there is a Creator, that human beings have been
brought into existence by Him, and that their rights have been given to
them by their Creator.
It can be seen that as one probes deeper into the past, things become
both clearer and more interesting. The final recourse of human rights in
the Declaration of Independence is the Creator. Words have taken a long
and winding route, finally ending up in the domain of religion.
Can support be found, then, for equality in terms of basic rights and
freedoms in religions? Robert A. Dahl, one of the leading exponents of
democratic theory in our day and Professor Emeritus at Yale University,
puts it this way:
Yet democracy might, like Plato’s republic, be little more
than a philosophical fantasy were it not for the persistent
and widespread influence of the belief that human
beings are intrinsically equal in a fundamental way—or
at any rate some substantial group of human beings are.
Historically, the idea of intrinsic equality gained much of
its strength, particularly in Europe and the English-
speaking countries, from the common doctrine of Judaism
and Christianity (shared also by Islam) that we are
equally God’s children [or servants]. Indeed it was exactly
on this belief that Locke grounded his assertion of the
natural equality of all persons in a state of nature.119
priests. The Church has the authority to speak in the name of God and
to excommunicate. It thus possesses absolute authority over a person’s
afterlife (and, in ages when religious faith was strong, also over his or her
life in this world). According to Christian belief, “outside the Church
there is no salvation.” Because of fundamental differences in viewpoint,
various denominations have developed in Christianity, each with its own
On the other hand, there is no clerical class and no Church in Islam:
we have already had occasion to remark that it is a churchless faith. In
Islam, all human beings are equal before God. As is pointed out in the
Farewell Sermon, “Superiority lies only in fearing God and in doing
good deeds.”
Humans in IIslam
The principle of the Torah given above recurs in Islam in two Tradi-
tions of the Prophet: 1. “God created man in His own image,” and 2.
“God created man in the image of the Compassionate.” The Compassionate
is one of the attributes of God. Since the Essence of God cannot have a
form, it is plausible that man should be created in accordance with one
of God’s attributes.
Both Judaism and Christianity accept that the human has a spirit. Not
much information can be found, however, in their sacred books regard-
ing this spirit. How God gave life to the first human is described in the
Torah as follows: “The Lord God formed man [Adam] from the dust of
the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” (Genesis,
There is nothing more here than that human beings were given life. It
is stated that the first human has been given life, just like plants and
animals. There is nothing that distinguishes humans from them. Simi-
larly, in another book of the Old Testament (of which the Torah com-
prises only the first five books), it is stated that upon death: “The breath
returns to the Lord who gave it” (Ecclesiastes, 12:7), which is synony-
mous with the Koranic verses to the effect: “We come from God, and we
shall return to Him.”
These statements save human beings from the status of a dead lump
of clay and raise them to the level of animals and plants, but do not take
them any further. Each human is a living being, and God gives him/her
life or takes it back. In Sufic terms, this has brought the discussion to the
level of the Animal Spirit, but not the Human Spirit.
The H uman B
Human eing is H
Being oly in IIslam
Holy slam
In his words quoted above, Chesterton indicated that the origin of
humanity was divine, and he could find only this when he sought a basis
for democracy. For Chesterton, as a Christian, the meaning of this divine
origin is that God created Adam and Eve and that all human beings
descended from them. If we do not accept that humanity has descended
from a common ancestor, we can find no basis for declaring the frater-
nity of humankind. Suppose, for example, that humanity had two an-
cestors, which did not in turn have a common progenitor. In such a case,
humanity would continue forever as two separate races or classes. (This is
one of the dangers inherent in Darwinian theories of evolution.) This
means that the principle of “liberty, equality, fraternity,” which is the
This verse is repeated in three places in the Koran (15:29, 32:9, 38:72).
The spirit that vitalizes Man is God’s Own Spirit which He has breathed
into the human. This is why God has ordered the angels to bow to the
ground (prostrate themselves) before Adam (2:34). There is therefore a
spark, a breath of God’s Spirit, in every person. The Human Spirit de-
rives directly from the Spirit of God, and this is why all human beings are
sacred.And because each human being has this spirit, human beings are
equal in holiness. It is important to note, however, that most emphati-
cally, definitely, and certainly, human beings are not God.Rather, they
bear within themselves a spark that is sacred, a trust that is divine.
The second great foundation of democracy—the proposition that there
is more good than bad in human beings, that this good surfaces if the
will of the people is allowed free expression125—now follows as a matter
of course. For according to Islam, human nature is originally good—in
light of the above considerations, it cannot be otherwise. This is why
“the voice of the people is the voice of God” (vox populi, vox Dei).
It can be seen that equality in form has been transcended here, and
equality in spirit has been reached. Not only image (form) but also es-
sence (content) has found its place. In other words, it is not possible to
discriminate between people not only in terms of matter and form, but
also of spirit and content. This is why the Koran states: “Killing another
[unjustly] is like killing the whole of humanity, and saving a human
being is like saving all mankind. We have indicated this in their Book to
the Children of Israel” (5:32). Or, as it is expressed in Judaism,
He who saves one man
Saves the world entire.
This verse, in turn, recurs four times in the Koran (4:1, 6:98, 7:189,
39:6). Interpreted from the Sufic (esoteric) point of view, this means
that all human beings are one. If interpreted exoterically, in the sense that
all men derive from Adam, it means that all human beings are brothers
and sisters. And as a matter of fact, the Prophet implicitly alludes to
human brotherhood in his Farewell Sermon: “Human beings, you are all
descended from one father. You are all the Children of Adam.” It is stated
elsewhere in the same sermon that: “A Moslem is the brother of another
Moslem, and so all Moslems are brethren, one of another.” The only
difference between the brother-and-sisterhood of humanity and that of
Moslems is that the former is articulated covertly and the latter, overtly.
And the only reason for this covert expression is that a non-Moslem,
because s/he may be unaware of this fraternity, may tend to act in ways
that do not take it into account.
We therefore see that human beings are divine, and in spite of all dif-
ferences in external appearance, their essence is the same. That is why they
are equals of each other, that is why they have equal rights, why liberty is
their right, and why they are brethren. Here is where the foundation of
democracy has been laid. Indeed, another of the Prophet’s Traditions
states: “All humans are equal, like the teeth of a comb.” Note that this
saying is all-inclusive—for instance, it includes women as well.
The West, where democracy saw the light of day, realized that such
was the state of affairs. But this truth was not expressed with such blinding
clarity in our traditions and holy books. The most that could be achieved
was to say, with Chesterton, that humankind was descended from Adam.
On the other hand, the flight from the negative aspects of Christianity
became an escape from religion in general, and precluded in-depth study
of the situation. Thus, as we have seen, the true source of democracy,
equality, freedom, and fraternity lies in these explicit verses of the Koran.
The following prayer (distributed by my Master) is none other than
the prayer of democratic ethics, of the democratic personality. To the
extent that these ideals are approximated, both our lives and the lives of
those around us are enriched, enlightened, and infused with value and
meaning. An oasis appears in the middle of the desert. If everyone adopts
this morality, peace, contentment, and happiness will belong to every-
one. And that is when the true flower of democracy will reach full bloom.
Dear God, grant that we may sow peace wherever we go. Let us be
reconcilers and unifiers, not sowers of dissent. Allow us to dissemi-
nate love where there is hate, forgiveness where there is injury,
faith where there is doubt, hope where there is despair, light where
there is darkness, and joy where there is sorrow. Grant that we may
become in mercy like the sun, in generosity like the rain, in humil-
ity like the earth, in hiding the shames of others like the night; and
in bestowing favors on everyone without discrimination, like all
These ideas associated with democracy take us one step further, for it
now becomes possible to view democracy not as an end in itself, but as a
means to something greater. Contemporary democracy provides the in-
stitutions, the basis, conducive to the best development of the human
personality. It is here that Islam can provide a guiding light, for the aim
of Islamic Sufism is precisely to cultivate development of the Self to
stages where higher forms of thinking, ethics, and behavior are possible.
Lewis Mumford, that astute social critic and one of the most incisive
minds of the twentieth century, recognized that the transformation of
social institutions without the re-education of human beings would not
be sufficient to establish a happier society. “In rejecting a twofold change,
inner and outer,” he said, the proponents of lasting, significant social
change “overlooked the organic connection between personality and com-
munity, between the individual and the collective form. They sought to
transform the institutions of society...and create a high order of social
existence without bothering to develop and discipline a higher type of
self. ” 126
But what if democracy does not take its inspiration from Islam—
what then?
1. A multitude of parties will sow enmity between brother and sister,
father and son, and will prevent the oneness of humankind for the
sake of negligible differences.
2. The triad of government, businessmen, and banks will unite for ille-
gitimate profits.
3. Politicians, the media (press, radio, TV, computer networks), and the
merchants of passion will fan the fires of illicit sex.
4. Behavior in accordance with the Four Holy Books (the Torah, the
Psalms, the Gospel, and the Koran) will disappear.
is precisely what will happen, unless democracy takes its further inspira-
tion from Islam.
In this chapter we have seen that Islam, as a religion, is eminently
suitable for democratic rule, even though only a few Moslem countries
presently have democratic governments. The basis of democracy, the as-
sertion that all human beings are equal, can be derived directly from the
Koran, and is also justified by it. What remains is for Moslems to de-
velop their own native theories of democracy, should they wish to do so.
The present chapter has also reviewed the idea that Islam’s lack of a church
hierarchy (which can lead to theocracy) makes it highly democratic, that
the history of Islamic civilization (especially the Ottoman Empire) is one
of great tolerance, and that democracy is itself a new form of govern-
ment that has rarely been realized historically anywhere in the world.
The next chapter will consider the issue of women’s status in Islam,
taking into consideration the history of women in Islam, especially the
Prophet’s example, as well as the contemporary failings of absolutist Is-
lamic groups that have mistreated women.
Women in Islam
(This chapter will consider the issue of women and Islam, taking
into consideration the history of how women have been treated
in Islam—beginning with the Prophet’s own dealings with
women—in order to clarify some of the misunderstandings in
the West and elsewhere about women’s status in Moslem coun-
tries. It will also provide a critique of the failings of Islamic groups
that have allowed and encouraged violence against and the so-
cial repression of women in direct contradiction of the Prophet’s
teachings. This is one of the main areas where ignorance about
true Islam manifests itself, even among its adherents.)
Men are one half of an apple; women are the other half.
According to Islam, the Way of God, the mode in which God has cho-
sen to manifest Himself, is revealed to us through the workings of na-
ture. And these workings are often displayed in the form of
complementary opposites. Day and night, light and dark, high and low,
long and short, and positive and negative are just a few examples. In
Chinese philosophy the multitude of opposites was summarized in the
polarity of yin and yang, the first symbolizing the dark, passive, and “female”
aspect and the second, the light, active, and “male” aspect of things. It is
even said that the universe comes into being through opposites, for a
thing cannot be manifested without its opposite. Light, for example, can
only be distinguished against a background of darkness, and so on. This
reciprocity extends from the macrocosmos down to the microcosmos,
where quantum physicist Niels Bohr has shown that the wave and par-
ticle models of nature consummate each other in his famous Principle of
It is noteworthy that polarity in nature does not always imply symme-
try in every respect. For example, the proton and the electron—the building
blocks of the universe—are complementary in charge, yet the proton is
almost two thousand times as massive as the electron. A similar dispro-
portion exists between the female ovum and the male sperm, the latter
being minute in comparison with the former. Where sexual reproduc-
tion is concerned, nature abounds in examples of asymmetry in size, as
evidenced in the queen bee and smaller male bees, or the large female
black widow spider and her small male counterpart.
When we come to human beings, we find that man and woman are
almost identical to one another except for certain biological differences.
It makes no sense to speak about sex in the case of the soul itself; the self
is unitary and asexual. Yet the biological differences are there, and they
are too deeply rooted and obvious to be dismissed, e.g., a male cannot
bear or breast-feed a child no matter how hard he tries.
Rather than trying to accomplish the impossible and eradicate bio-
logical differences, then, what we should do is to take men and women
as they are and give them their rights. The biological, psychological, and
social needs of a woman are different from those of a man.128 If these
needs are not taken into account, we would be violating the rights of one
side or the other.
Islam has laid down the rights of both man and woman without disre-
garding the differences peculiar to each. Care should be taken, however,
to avoid entangling what is specifically Islamic with other, extraneous
influences. If we wish to learn the truth, we need to research the matter
more thoroughly.
The history of Islam is, by and large, the history of the failure of so-
called “Islamic” nations to live up to the high ideals of Islam, as much as
4. Environmental factors.
The P
ophet’’s E xample
Once we attempt to unearth the specifically Islamic element under-
neath these various influences on the teachings about women, we find
that the only thing to do is to go back to the original example, that of the
Prophet himself. We have to supplement the written Koran with the
concrete example of the “Speaking Koran” (the Prophet), who consti-
tutes the only true role model for Moslems.
The Prophet was the archetypal family man, doing household chores,
even mending his own clothes and shoes when necessary. That is the
model, not only for Moslems but for all men, that Islam aspires to. And
it is not just a model, but a challenge for us all.
“The best among you,” remarked the Prophet, “are those who treat
women well.” One of his wives, in a heated discussion, once struck the
Prophet with her hand. Her mother saw this and chided her, saying:
“Daughter, what are you doing? Do you realize who this is?” The Mes-
senger of God, however, intervened and said: “No, no, don’t say any-
thing to her. My blessed wives are all like this. Don’t say anything against
any of them.”
On another occasion, he and another wife were having a heated dis-
cussion. At one point, she began yelling at him. When her father, who
had overheard, raised the subject with her, she replied simply that all the
Prophet’s wives enjoyed similar liberties with him.
It cannot be emphasized enough that among all his wives, the Prophet
never, ever struck any of his wives or children, not even once. He never
raised his voice against them, nor said a bad word, even when they quar-
reled with him.
“I have been made,” said the Prophet, “to love three things in your
world: women, perfume, and Prayer, the light of my eyes.” This Tradi-
tion not only highlights the spiritual nature of the Prophet; it also draws
attention to the intrinsic sweetness of the three items, and in associating
women with Prayer, draws attention to the sacred nature of women and
of marriage, which is the only approved way for relations between the
Common Fallacies R
Fallacies egar
Regar ding the SStatus
egarding tatus of Women
We have already noted that the Koran has frequently been read im-
properly, and without reference to the Prophet’s example. This is espe-
cially true of the verses dealing with the status of women. What has
happened is that meanings have been read into them which actually are
not there. An attempt will be made here to demonstrate this by discuss-
ing a few examples: the most common fallacies.
Fallacy 1: Men ar
Men aree the masters and women ar
aree their slaves
The Koran reads: “… men are the overseers of women” (4:34), that is,
men are the supporters and protectors of women and children. It must
be understood that this was revealed in a patriarchal society where women
had practically no rights at all, so that it is protective of women and
women’s rights. Barring outright slander, there is no way that one can
Fallacy 2: Men ar
Men aree superior to women
The verse so interpreted reads: “… men have a degree over women”
(2:228). Although it is true that on the average, men have a slight edge
over women in terms of physical strength, needless to say, this excludes a
broad range of exceptions, and is true only in a statistical sense. 129 The
same verse notes that “some are better than others,” but does not assign
gender to this latter expression. Indeed, as we all know, there are untold
numbers of women who are superior to men in knowledge, in work,
even in physical strength.
Fallacy 3: Men ar
Men aree per mitted to beat women
The verse used to excuse the physical abuse of women is: “Admonish
[or: reason with] women whom you fear may be rebellious. [If this is not
enough] depart from their beds. [If this doesn’t work either] slap them.
If they then obey you, don’t search for a way against them” (4:34).
The word “slap” above derives from the Arabic root DRB and is usually
translated as “beat.” Now it so happens that words derived from the
same DRB root occur fifty-eight times in the Koran, and nowhere else is it
used (or translated) in this sense. Of the many other meanings assigned
to it, a few are: to set out (on the road), to shroud (in darkness), to strike
(an example), to mint (a coin), to publish (a book), to cover (concerning
ladies’ dresses), to dispatch, to throw, to raise (something set down), and
so on.
It can thus be seen that “beat” is by no means the obvious translation
of such a word. Assuming, however, that there is a grain of truth in the
interpreters’ view, it has been rendered here by “slap,” for as we shall see
below, the sayings of the Prophet, as well as his example which we saw
above, strongly militate against the use of violence where women are
even if a sister earns her living and a brother does not. Further, this is only
one of the injunctions regulating inheritance, and hence one among a
host of legal cases.
wait until the last third of the twentieth century. God’s instruction to the
Prophet to accept the allegiance of women (60:12) has been interpreted
by Moslems as the right to vote; in the U.S., women could not vote
until 1920. Today, at the end of the twentieth century, universal suffrage
still does not exist in Switzerland. In Germany, a woman could not hold
a bank account until 1958, in France until 1965. The true emancipation
of women in Europe is the matter of a scant fifty years.
Now it may come as something of a surprise that women were granted
all these rights, explicitly or implicitly, not today, not yesterday, but one
thousand four hundred years ago with the emergence of Islam.Mohammed,
the Messenger of God, effected the elevation of womankind, not in an
age of emancipation, but at a time when woman did not count for any-
thing at all. He put an end to female infanticide. Above all, Islam intro-
duced the treatment of woman as a person; much later, in the Middle
Ages, Europeans would be debating whether a woman has a soul and
should be considered human or not. The greatness of this achievement
has to be measured not against what humanity has accomplished today
after millennia of struggle, but in its own historical context. Moreover,
as we shall see below, women still lack those very same rights given by
Mohammed even in this day.
Certain measures which may at first glance look like restrictions actu-
ally worked to the woman’s benefit. It may be difficult for us, living as
we do at the pinnacle of civilization, to assess what a giant leap this was in
comparison with what preceded it. For example, in transactions dealing
with commercial debt having a maturity period, a second female witness
might be called in, but this relieved the first from the burden of having
to face singly the responsibility of remembering complicated numerical
details. A woman might receive less of a share in inheritance, but this was
balanced by the fact that the male heir was responsible for supporting
her. Thus, in many cases, she lost a pittance but gained lifelong security
in return. Giving her an equal share might have resulted in male protest
and the removal of this privilege altogether. Moreover, this happens to
be only a particular case in Islamic law—there are many other cases where
she receives a greater or even an equal share. Further, a woman didn’t have
to take care of anyone else and was totally free to dispense with her money
as she liked. She didn’t (and doesn’t) have to spend a penny for her livelihood
even if she had wealth of her own; her husband had (and has) to take care
of her. She doesn’t have to breast-feed the baby or do household chores if
she doesn’t want to; the husband has to find a foster-mother in one case,
and a servant in the other. She cannot be married off by her parents to a
man she doesn’t want—as long as one abides by Islam, that is.
We can see that regulations which at first appear to be detrimental to
women were actually meant, and worked, for their benefit as protective
measures (“positive discrimination” of the kind now being discarded by
women in the West). In the early days of Islam, furthermore, women
were accorded much more freedom than was forthcoming later on—
they could accompany their menfolk in war, act as nurses, engage in
commerce and trade, and so on. Karen Armstrong, the author of an
important biography about Mohammed, merely tells the truth when
she observes: “Women were not crushed by Islam, as people tend to
imagine in the West.” 130
As time passed, however, old social habits—atavisms from the Age of
Ignorance—began to reassert themselves. Also, as Islam spread to other
lands and other cultures, it was forced to assimilate the mores and norms
of those regions as well. Some of these, the religion could tame; there was
too much sociocultural resistance against taming others. What justifica-
tion can be found within Islam, for example, for the clitoridectomies
performed in North Africa? None whatsoever. The result was that, over
the course of the centuries, elements foreign to Islam with its protection
of women became blended into the mixture. The interaction of Islam
with each new culture of course led to altogether different results.
Take, for example, the case of the veil. The veil existed in the Middle
East prior to Islam, e.g., the Virgin Mary is depicted wearing a veil in the
early churches. Apparently, it first began as a measure to ensure protec-
tion from the male tendency to exploit and molest women. Therefore,
legislation for covering was not intended to oppress women, but rather
to counter the lack of self-control of men with respect to women (as we
know, sexual harassment, to say nothing of rape, is a worldwide problem
even in our day).
The Prophet’s wives and women were enjoined in the Koran (24:30-
31) to cover themselves in a general sense as an aspect of modesty. Origi-
nally, only the Prophet’s wives were required to veil themselves; this was
their exclusive privilege. In time, the veil became a status symbol and
fashionable among other women as well. As Armstrong remarks, “Is-
lamic culture was strongly egalitarian and it seemed incongruous that the
Prophet’s wives should be distinguished and honored in this way. Thus
many of the Muslim women who first took the veil saw it as a symbol of
power and influence, not as a badge of male oppression.” 131 It was only
later on that the veil became a sign of female seclusion in a patriarchal
society, and was transformed from an emblem of superiority into its
exact opposite.
There is also another dimension to this. For example, the headscarf is
worn by Catholic nuns, and in their case it is revered as a sign of holiness.
There is no reason why Islamic usage of the headscarf should not be
accorded similar respect.
The sayings, or “Traditions,” of the Prophet have also undergone a
process of “socialization” or “acculturation.” It is known that spurious
Traditions were invented at various times, and in a culture with a certain
attitude towards women these inventions would tend to be correspond-
ingly biased. However, collectors of Traditions have made painstaking
efforts to separate spurious Traditions from authentic ones. Since the
Prophet himself indicated that false Traditions would be invented in his
name, one should be very careful in handling sayings that go against the
general tendency of Islam, which can be summarized as respect for women,
within an overall spirit of tolerance, compassion, and mercy.
Political Factors
Without doubt, rulers exert an influence over the societies they rule.
This influence extends to the laws of a society, and the religious law of
Islam—the Holy Law, which is comprised of Koranic rulings, the say-
ings and example of the Prophet, derivations based on analogy, and the
consensus of scholars—has not been exempt from it. Rulers have found
it expedient to reinterpret religious law according to their own lights.
Take the case of Saudi Arabia, where the restrictions on women are
more severe than in other Islamic countries (they cannot drive a car, for
instance). Saudi law also requires that anyone bringing narcotics into the
country be decapitated, and the Saudis claim that this practice is firmly
based on the Holy Law. (Recall at this point that the Saudis are mostly
Wahhabis who go for the strictest interpretation.) Yet there are other
Islamic lands where this is not the case, for the simple reason that narcot-
ics as such didn’t exist at the time when Islam was revealed. How then
could the Holy Law have ruled beheading as punishment for a narcotic
offense? It is not the attempt to draw analogies from precedents that is at
error here, but rather that rulers have passed laws of their own and called
these “the Holy Law.” Besides, every severe Koranic ruling is followed by
a verse that absolves the repentant, emphasizes God’s Compassion and
Mercy, and exhorts human beings to emulate these qualities. This is a
clear case where Islam is used as a front to cover up other intentions,
which are mainly aimed at keeping a specific society under political con-
trol. And women, too, have received an unequal share in this process.
Geographical Factors
When you throw a stone into a still pond, you are bound to get ripples.
At least some of the repercussions in the Middle East appear to be caused
by comparatively recent developments.
Without engaging in any value judgments, I would like to draw atten-
tion to an objective fact which has too often been overlooked: namely,
that the presence of Israel has modified response patterns in the Middle
East. This seems to be a part of Middle-Eastern reactions to the more
general ascendancy of the West. People’s attitudes appear to be modu-
lated by “the Western challenge,” and the result has been reinforcement
and retrenchment within an overall defensive stance. Just as liberties are
curtailed under extraordinary circumstances, Middle-Eastern nations, in-
timidated by continual encroachments against what they regard as their
geographical and cultural territory, have overreacted with puritanism, and
women’s status has been adversely affected as a result.
About Polygamy
It is important to recognize that during the Prophet’s life, polygamy
was not only socially accepted, it was a mark of distinction in ancient
society. According to the Bible, for example, David had a harem (2 Samuel
5.13), Abraham, Jacob (Genesis 32.22), and Elkanah (1 Samuel 1.2)
each had two wives, and Esau had several (Genesis 28.9). Solomon had
The important thing is that the Prophet was legally married to all his
wives, even to slave girls with whom he was presented. In Islam, not
multiple marriages but illicit sex—pre- or extramarital fornication and
adultery—is immoral. Islam limited the number of female consorts to
four (but recommended one), and this with the proviso that all were
brought under the protective umbrella of legal marriage. On the other
hand, the right for a woman to divorce a man was granted from the start:
when Umaima wished to divorce the Prophet she did so, receiving gifts
during the split.
Given that this was a society with a tradition of allowing an unlimited
number of wives, polygamy could not be eradicated immediately. The
Koran, however, curtailed this number and said: “You can take up to four
wives, but only if you can treat them all equally” (4:3), adding the rejoinder:
“You cannot treat them all equally” (4:129). Thus, the Koran recognizes
polygamy but paves the way for monogamy.
As far as sexual satisfaction is concerned, one spouse is enough. Yet
there have always been sexually overactive men in all societies who could
not control their egotistical drives and who have had carnal relationships
with more than one woman. Rather than leave such types to wallow in
the sin of fornication and adultery, and in order to secure legal marital
rights for their consorts, the Koran did not ban polygamy entirely. The
verses quoted above, however, indicate where its true preference lies.
If the Koran allows a man with several wives (polygyny), why not a
woman with several husbands (polyandry)? This is one of the cases where
asymmetry in nature asserts itself. If a man has several wives, the parents
of any offspring are immediately identified. The father is known, the
mother is known, and hence it is immediately obvious who is respon-
sible for a child.134 If, however, a woman has sexual relations with more
than one man, the mother is known but the father is not. Therefore, it is
not certain who will take responsibility for the child other than its
mother—in the end, no one might. But this is practically the same situ-
ation as that found in prostitution, and social rights cannot be properly
established for women and children under polyandry.
Vie ws of Western O
iews rientalists
The West has had a long-standing interest in the Islamic religion, and
has studied it at great length. Scholars who specialize in this field are
known as orientalists. Of course, there have been biased persons among
them; but there have been fair ones too, and even in the case of the most
biased, professional integrity has at times caused them to acknowledge
the truth. Let us now see what a series of Western orientalists and histo-
rians have to say concerning the treatment of women in Islam:
Sir Hamilton A.R. Gibb: “That [Mohammed’s] reforms enhanced the
status of women in general by contrast with the anarchy of pre-Islamic
Arabia is universally admitted. …critics have tended to overlook the al-
most unfailing patience which he displayed even under provocation and the
gentleness with which he attended to the griefs of all sorts of women and
comforted them, even at times to the extent of revising his legislation.”
Alfred Guillaume: “…it is laid down that wives are to be treated with
kindness and strict impartiality; if a man cannot treat all alike he should
keep to one. The husband pays the woman a dowry at the time of mar-
riage, and the money or property so allotted remains her own.”
Stanley Lane-Poole: No great lawmaker has ever made such significant
changes as Mohammed did on the subject of women. Rulings concern-
ing women have been outlined in the Koran in great detail. This is the
point at which Mohammed’s greatest reforms have occurred. Although
these reforms may appear insignificant to a European, they are actually
tremendous. The restriction placed on polygamy, the recommendation
of monogamy, the introduction of degrees of prohibition in place of the
appalling collectivism and intermixing of Arab marriages, the limitations
on divorce, the duty of a husband to take care of his ex-wife for a certain
period even after they are divorced, the severe rulings to ensure her liveli-
hood, the introduction of the novelty that women are legal heirs—even
if at half the rate of men—so that children may be properly looked after,
and the ability of a widow to receive her dead husband’s inheritance—all
these constitute a programme of far-reaching reforms.
Will Durant: Mohammed put an end to female infanticide. In court
cases and financial matters, he made woman the equal of man. A woman
can enter every legal profession; she can keep her earnings for herself; she
can inherit money and property, and use her fortune as she desires.
Mohammed removed the Arab custom by which women passed from
father to son as part of the inheritance.
Laura Veccia Vaglieri: Even though woman has risen to a high social
status in Europe, she has not, at least until recently, attained in many
countries the independence and liberty enjoyed by a Moslem woman in
the face of the law. In reality, the woman in Islam possesses the right to
share in inheritance, even if to an extent less than her brothers; the right
to marry according to her own choice and not to tolerate the ill treat-
ment of a brutish husband; but further, the rights to receive dowry pay-
ment from her husband, to have her needs met by her husband even if
she is rich, and to be absolutely independent in the disposal of her inher-
ited property.
Gaudefroy-Demombynes: The rulings of the Koran, which are amaz-
ingly in favor of woman, provide her, even if theoretically, with a status
Family Life
“We created you [both man and woman] from a single soul” (4:1),
says the Koran. This verse points to the basically unitary and nonpolar
nature of the soul, or self; it is asexual, and man and woman are not
merely equal, but identical in this respect. As far as the Koran is con-
cerned, the only inequality worthy of note is that based on closeness to
God, which has nothing to do with maleness or femaleness, wealth or
poverty, race, nationality, or prominence: “Surely the noblest among you
in the sight of God is the most Godfearing of you” (49:13). Another
way to read this verse would be: “The only superiority in God’s sight
consists in preserving oneself from evil.”
“There is no monkery in Islam,” said the Prophet. This and the fact
that he was married indicate that spirituality and raising a family are not
mutually contradictory or exclusive of each other. Spirituality does not
require celibacy. An ordinary householder can enjoy sex and raise chil-
dren without forfeiting true spirituality. In other words, spirituality and
family life can and should be combined. Men and women, says the Ko-
ran, are garments of one another: “They are a garment for you and you
are a garment to them” (2:187). It also says that God “has created spouses
for you among yourselves so that you may dwell in tranquility with
them, and He has planted love and mercy between you. In that are signs
for people who reflect” (30:21).
Men and women are often mentioned in the same breath in the Ko-
ran, emphasizing their equality in all but a very few respects. Here, for
instance, is a beautiful verse from the Koran (33:35), in Arthur J. Arberry’s
superb interpretation:135
Men and women who have surrendered [i.e., are Moslems],
believing men and women,
obedient men and women,
truthful men and women,
enduring men and women,
humble men and women,
men and women who give in charity,
men who fast and women who fast,
men and women who guard their private parts,
men and women who remember God oft—
for them God has prepared forgiveness
and a mighty wage.
continuity and stability. Most of all, man and woman are co-workers
with God in the production of new human beings. The creation of a
new human is not a task to be taken lightly. It requires a minimum of
twenty years of careful nurture in a warm, loving family environment;
otherwise the task can easily end in an abomination which can jeopardize
not merely the family, but society itself. Therefore, having and raising
children is a matter of the utmost gravity. “Free sex” (or sex outside of
marriage) devalues children, and thus humanity.
When sex, which is nature’s way of reproducing the species, is di-
vorced from its true intent and made to serve human pleasure exclusively,
that is when things begin to go wrong. Hence, it is illicit sex—adultery,
fornication, and the like—that Islam is against. Since it has no concep-
tion of original sin, sex in itself (within marriage) is not a defiling act, nor
is womankind held responsible for the fall of humans as in the story of
Adam and Eve, and hence is not viewed as despicable. Women are con-
sidered holy in Islam.
In ecology, nature responds to violations of its balance by trying to
eliminate the cause. In the field of forbidden sexual relationships, vene-
real disease is nature’s way of kicking back. Again, the only way to pro-
tect oneself is to engage in a healthy marital relationship—which is all
that Islam is advocating.
Islam is not alone in condemning extramarital sex. Sages of every time
and clime have recognized the necessity of marriage for a balanced, clean,
and healthy life. When, for example, Theano, the wife of Pythagoras and
also his spiritual successor, was asked how much time is necessary for a
woman to become pure after engaging in a sexual act with a man, she
replied: “If it is with her husband, she is pure immediately; if it is with
another, she never is pure.” Of course, this holds true for the man as well.
Women in Islam have an important role in the education of society.
They are not simply the instructors of their children, nor teachers in
primary school, but guides that train people at every age. The first prece-
dent for this was the Prophet’s wife Aisha, followed by his other wives,
who gave instruction to everyone in religious matters.
Contemporary Societies
Esmé Wynne-Tyson has put our modern predicament in a nutshell,
arguing that involvement in the world should not lead to the loss of
women’s essential qualities:
It is quite certain that if woman continues to regard unceasing
materialistic labour as a proof of progress, she will not only be
unable to share [increased] leisure but will have no time to civi-
lize—even when she is capable of it—either her husband or chil-
dren. Moreover, by such blind acquiescence to the plans of our
modern Pharaohs to turn the world into a large State-termitary,
she is rapidly losing her soul, or divinity… : her sense of spiritu-
ality, her natural response to beauty, her innate womanliness most
perfectly expressed in selfless maternal love.137
Finally, we have to consider whether, or to what extent, women’s present
status is part of a much deeper problem. Is their predicament the disease
itself, or only one of its symptoms? The last few centuries have witnessed
the progressive “desacralization” of humanity—the withering away of
the Sacred, the disenchantment of the world, its “ungottierung” or “un-
Godification” as expressed in German.
Yet if the divine exists within human beings, they are, by this very act,
turning their backs on their center, their source. When the connection
between the heart and the mind is severed, the heart ceases to inform the
actions of the mind. It is replaced by the ego—the egotistical self (nafs),
as the Sufis call it—which then commandeers the mind to fulfill its
every whim. Hence, what we observe today are the results of the ego
unleashed: global exploitation, the dehumanization of humanity, view-
ing each other (and hence, women) as objects rather than God’s subjects;
the devastation of nature; mass culture and commodity markets exploit-
ing the basest in human desires, the reduction of human beings to their
lowest common denominator as “consumers,” and nothing more.
It is precisely here that Islam vouchsafes a fuller meaning for human-
ity. It reiterates the truth, first expressed by Jesus, that “man does not live
by bread alone,” that humans were meant for higher things. Now that
we have reached the zenith of material affluence, it calls on us to comple-
ment these riches with spiritual wealth, in order that the full meaning of
“civilization” may be realized.
The essence of Islamic law is protection.And the Moslem, as defined
by the Prophet, is “a person whose hands, sexuality, and tongue do not
harm others.” The aim of this protection is for people to become fully
human—both by being safe from the injury of others, and by not injur-
ing them—and thus to realize God’s purpose in creating human beings
on earth.
This chapter reviewed the ways in which Western media have
mischaracterized the relationship between Islam and women, especially
The Esoteric Path:
Introduction to Sufism
back to the days of the Prophet, when the esoteric had not yet been
segregated from the exoteric and given a separate name, when the two
constituted a seamless whole. As one of the early Sufis remarked, “For-
merly, Sufism was a reality without a name.”
The way to accomplish this combination is to follow Sufic principles
without omitting the well-known observances, because although Islam
is highly rational, it considers the mystical path (historically associated
with Sufism) an integral aspect of the religion. More explicitly, in Islam
rationality and mysticism are not mutually exclusive.141 The philosophy
of Ibn Arabi, a Sufi, still commands respect among today’s intellectuals.
Because the exoteric path is in full view, it tends to be considered the
whole of Islam (even by many Moslems). But as great as its emphasis on
knowledge is, Islamic culture has always valued wisdom—the mystical/
contemplative/spiritual component—more highly. Both the heart and
mind are integral to this path and when they are properly balanced, the
misinterpretations of militant extremism and related branches can be
seen for the false paths they are. The goal of the Islamic path (shared with
many other religions) is direct connection with God and in this sense,
Love is the core of Islam. The world-famous poetry of Rumi, of Saadi
and Hafiz (both of Shiraz), are but a drop in the ocean of love that is
Islamic spirituality.
In this section, I will elaborate upon the Sufic path (which I first in-
troduced in my book, The Station of No Station). As I mentioned earlier,
Sufis are properly followers of the Middle Way (combining the inner
and outer path) and as such, represent the path of true Islam. (One should
be wary of pseudo “Sufis” who dismiss or disregard the exoteric path of
external rules and behavior.) The outer pilgrimage to Mecca, for example,
prefigures the inner journey to the heart. As the Grand Saint Abdulqader
Gilani says, “Gnosis is attained by uncovering the dark veil of the Base
Self from the mirror of the heart, and by purifying the heart.” (Gilani,
The Mystery of Mysteries.)
The mystical portion of Islam must always be preceded or accompa-
nied by study and implementation of the Koran and the Way—they
form the strong foundation and establish the self-control and moral char-
acter needed to contain the more mystical theories and practices described
here. Salutary moral conduct is an absolute prerequisite to further spiritual
The SSpiritual
piritual JJourney
The Spiritual Journey is the journey of a disciple or aspirant (murid)
to God, Who is the Truth or Absolute Reality. The person who has
embarked on this journey (thuluq) is called the Wayfarer or Seeker (thaliq).
For the person wishing to make this journey, the first and by far the
most important prerequisite is a guide. Hence, the first thing to be done
is to find a wise and mature Teacher or Master (murshid: Enlightener).
To start off on this journey without a guide is like climbing a strange
mountain at night without a light. One cannot see where s/he is going or
where to step. There is no telling where a poisonous snake might bite
him or her or where s/he will be attacked by a predatory beast. An un-
bridgeable chasm will yawn under him or her at the least expected mo-
ment. Without help, it is almost impossible to survive such a journey
The wise teacher, on the other hand, has already performed the jour-
ney and survived. Further, he has seen and is thoroughly familiar with all
the pitfalls and dangers of the route. He guides his disciple along the path
with ease, and sees to it that s/he reaches the Summit of Unification safe
and sound.
If you ask: “Where, in this day and age, is such a person to be found?”
the fact is that although rare, such people exist in every age. Needless to
say, fake gurus abound. As Niyazi Misri said, “Don’t follow every teacher,
he will lead your path astray.” But it cannot be denied that true masters
also exist, as I myself discovered in my own Master’s presence.
The G oal: B
Goal: ecoming a P
Becoming er
Per fect H
erfect uman
It may be appropriate at the outset to give some indication of what
the goal of the journey is. Put simply, it is nothing less than the total
(The seeker in Islam, one who has entered a more mystical path,
is attempting to transform the self through love, to become what
is called the Perfect Human. The reward of this path is a vision
that is indescribable, though the Latin American writer Jorge
Luis Borges attempted it in his short story “The Aleph.” This
transformative vision of love—a state called “Attainment,” among
other things, by the Sufis—is made possible by opening one’s heart,
controlling one’s Base Self, and losing one’s ego.)
This, of course, is not the first time this overwhelming concept has
been described. One is reminded of the gypsy madam’s crystal ball, and
Borges himself mentions the mirror of Alexander, the mirror of Merlin,
“the septuple goblet of Kai Josru.” By this route we are led back into
Persian mythology, and to the crystal wineglass of Jem (or Jemshid).
According to legend, Jem was the inventor of wine, and his wineglass
was capable of displaying to view all eternity and infinity at once. Ac-
cording to a variant form, the goblet is made of a mixture of seven met-
als. It is known as jaam-i jem (rhymes with “john-a gem,” substituting
an “m” for the “n”). Let us trace the story of the wineglass through
Fariduddin Attar, the Sufi poet, who deals with it in The Book of the
According to Attar, the Persian king Kai Khosru somehow came into
possession of Jem’s Wineglass, and was watching the secrets of the seven
climes, and the courses of the seven stars (note the repetition of the number
seven). “There was nothing, whether good or bad,” continues Attar, “that
remained hidden from him. He wanted to see the Cup of Jem, to watch
the entire universe in it.” And so he did, but by and by he came to a
curious realization: although he could see everything in the universe
through the goblet, he could not see the goblet itself therein. As he was
pondering this mystery, an inscription appeared in the goblet. It said:
“How can you see us in us? We have passed away entirely from our-
selves. Whatever you see, is not us. You can see everything through us,
but it is impossible to see us in between.”
Reading these words, the king understands that his kingdom itself is
naught, and renounces his crown and his throne. He enters a cave with
the goblet. There, he draws Jem’s Wineglass to his bosom, takes refuge in
the Fortress of Nonbeing, dons the Cloak of Invisibility and is lost for-
ever from human cognition.
Such is the story. Now for the interpretation from a Sufic perspective:
“Know,” says the great Persian Sufi poet Sanai in his Food for Seekers,
“know that the cup of Jem is your heart. If you want to see the cosmos,
it is possible to see all things in that heart. The eye of the head sees bodies
composed of the elements; only the Eye of the Heart can see what is
hidden. First open the Eye of your Heart, watch everything afterwards.”
The Wineglass, then, is a symbol for the heart of the Islamic mystic,
the Sufi. As René Guénon has shown, the cave is also a metaphor of the
heart. Hence, we should search for the Aleph, not on the nineteenth step
of a cellar staircase, but in our own hearts. Nevertheless, the staircase,
implying spiritual elevation or “Ascension,” has its own significance. In
classical Islamic cosmology, the number of worlds created by God is
eighteen (or eighteen thousand, a thousand subuniverses to each uni-
verse); nineteen points beyond them all, and was considered a sacred
number in the ancient Near East. The sevenfold nature of the goblet
derives from the fact that only after the spiritual journey through the
Seven Stages of Selfhood is finished does the heart “become” the Wine-
glass—that is, it displays the entire universe to view.
For this to happen, however, the Sufi must first experience the trans-
formation, or transmutation, of the self (the crude, raw self ) to Self: he
or she must be lost to this world. Not only must the world be unable to
find him, but he himself must be unable to find himself (or her herself ),
having found God. One cannot find God without losing one’s self, one’s
individual selfhood. “Jane Smith” cannot find God without first dissolv-
ing and losing Jane Smith (the Fortress of Nonbeing). Hence, when Jane
Smith rests in Witnessing (Observation), she beholds God’s infinite
beauty; she experiences the incredible fullness—effulgence—of God. In
that moment, she is invisible, she is nowhere to be found, she cannot be
seen—which is the actual meaning of the Cloak of Invisibility.
The greatest obstacle to the clear perception of God is your own indi-
viduality (or ego). Get rid of it, and you will see what was always already
there to begin with! Moreover, when you look into your heart, you will
see the universe and everything that is in it—which, of course, is easier
said than done.
So why don’t we see anything, let alone the universe, when we look
into our hearts? It is because our hearts have become clouded over with
concerns other than God. Think of a glass full of murky water. It is
impossible to see anything in it. Or if the glass itself has become opaque,
one cannot see whether there is any liquid in it or not. But if you purify
your heart—of everything other than God, that is—it will become crys-
tal clear, and will contain the divine water of life. Then, like a crystal ball,
it will reveal what is on the other side. Because God’s unmanifest Essence
cannot be seen in the observable universe, it is through His Attributes—
which manifest themselves as the cosmos—that He becomes known.
But why a wineglass, exactly? Because “wine,” in Sufism—but espe-
cially in Persian Sufism—is the symbol of divine love, the love of God.
This love is heady; it makes your head spin. Like ordinary wine, it makes
you drunk, but it is worlds apart from ordinary wine. It is wine divine; it
is the ambrosia of God, to which nothing can be compared.143 Hence,
ordinary wine can only be a simile for it, and an immeasurably inad-
equate one at that. The wineglass, in that case, is a metaphor for the pure
heart full of the love of God.
our time wisely, productively—but humans and God differ in how this
is to be done. Humans, knowing little, not knowing where we have
come from nor where we are going, try to act in accordance with his own
limited preconceptions. God, knowing why He created the universe,
knowing why and to what purpose He created us, has an infinitely better
knowledge of what we should do, and why. It is in our own best self-
interest to heed the counsel of God. We are fortunate indeed that God,
the Lord of the Worlds, should have bothered at all to guide humanity
every now and then. We are even luckier to possess a foolproof method
revealed by God leading to felicity. Not heeding it is tantamount to self-
condemnation. Life is short, and we shall not have this opportunity for-
ever. It is better to act wisely now than to make the wrong choice and
regret it in the end.
Seeking the Wineglass is not for the timid, the lazy, or the faint of
heart. Just as not everyone can become an Einstein or Mozart, neither can
everyone become a saint or a Friend of God. Nevertheless, even a small
step in the right direction helps. Even if you cannot achieve total libera-
tion, if you have taken one step closer to salvation.
Here we encounter a problem. Historically, the path of the solitary
saint has been quite different and much more exacting than that of the
ordinary person, resulting in extreme asceticism, monkery, and monastic
retreat. Nevertheless, it stands to reason that there must exist a path that
leads to the desired endpoint. In other words, the path should be the
same, and the difference should be one of degree, not of direction. If you
and I set out to climb a mountain, and you make it to the top, I should
be able to get there too if only I follow in your footsteps—but I may not
be resourceful or diligent enough to do so. Yet I should still end up
higher than I was before.
This is what the methods of Islam address. Islam is, by and large, for
the ordinary person, yet the ordinary person, if s/he really applies him- or
herself to it, can become a mystic or saint merely by practicing its meth-
ods with greater intensity (but not necessarily greater quantity—a healthy
balance is all-important). The path itself is not different. Paradise is a way
station on the road that leads to God, it does not lie at the end of a
different road. Hence, however much you invest your energy, so shall
you reap.
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Betw een
Exoteric and Esoteric
Perhaps because Islam has had a bad press lately, there is a tendency to
dissociate Sufism from Islam, and to treat it as an entirely separate entity.
Some works on Sufism, for example, scarcely make any reference to
Islam. Unfortunately, this is misleading. Islam as a religion does not de-
serve the derisive treatment it receives in the media, especially since it is at
one with the media in condemning wrong action, even if such action
comes from its own adherents. As I said earlier, where terrorism (unjust
murder of innocents) begins, Islam ends.
As also mentioned earlier, Islam comprises an exoteric and an esoteric
aspect. The exoteric aspect, composed of exterior rules and regulations, a
code of moral conduct and psychophysical practices, is called the Divine
Law (sharia).144 The esoteric side, which deals with the interiority, the
spiritual aspect of human life, is called Sufism. Properly, Islam is the Law
plus Sufism, the exoteric plus the esoteric. However, because its esotericism
is accessed with difficulty while its exotericism is in full display, there is a
tendency to equate Islam with the exoteric Law alone, a terminological
In fact, the Law and Sufism—or exoteric Islam and Sufism—are re-
lated to each other as body and soul are related. Without Sufism, the
Law alone would be a lifeless corpse. Without the Law, Sufism would be
a disembodied spirit—a ghost. It is the combination of both that trans-
forms them into a living, breathing entity.
It is well-known that those who have faith and do good works will be
rewarded in the afterlife, and unbelievers who do ill will be punished.
But this is not all. A golden thread that leads beyond this simple Heaven-
Hell dualism is woven into the very fabric of the Koran. This thread is
for the Elect, for those who are not satisfied with mere gardens of Paradise
and aspire to greater things. Although all human beings will be subject to
judgment, the Elect can, by individual struggle, attain nobler goals.
But it must be added at once: how best may we serve the deeper meaning
of the Koran? By being as faithful as possible to its exoteric meaning. For
the literal meaning is the shell, the wrapping, that protects the soft kernel
inside. The two are related to each other as form and content are related;
both are indispensable.
Therefore, one cannot have Sufism without the Law. The Divine Law
provides the foundation upon which rises the superstructure of Sufism.
Pull out the base from underneath, and the whole edifice would col-
lapse. The moral and ethical principles, the external observations, are
essential if any true spiritual progress is to be achieved. If, for example,
the spiritual development of a person disregards the rights of others, if it
throws moral conduct to the winds, the result will be a journey into
narcissism, a horizontal inflation of the ego rather than a vertical eleva-
tion of the Self. The Italian Professor of Turcology, Anna Masala, who
has spent many years in association with Sufis, is quite unequivocal in
viewing the Law as a prerequisite of true spirituality. As she says of the
desire to study the more mystical aspects of Islam, “One must first learn
and understand Islam, and then make the transition to Sufism.”
In particular, the fact that the concept of original sin does not exist has
profound implications for Islam. (Even though Adam and Eve were re-
located from heaven to earth, thus initiating the great adventure of hu-
manity, this did not result in an irrevocable genetic pathology visited
upon their progeny for the rest of time.145) Because of this, there is no
need for a Savior, or the train of associated concepts that follows in its
wake: the sacrificial death of the Savior, salvation of the community
through this supreme act of sacrifice, sacraments such as the Eucharist, or
a priesthood with the authority to administer such sacraments. As one
study notes about Islam: “Those who lead prayers, preach sermons, and
interpret the law do so by virtue of their superior religious knowledge
and scholarship rather than because of any special powers or prerogatives
conferred by ordination.” 146
In a saying attributed to him, the Prophet of God declared: “Igno-
rance is the mother of all evils.” In the Islamic view, the fundamental
problem of the human condition is ignorance rather than sin. Human
“Contact”” B etw
Betw een H
etween uman and D
Human ivine
Although we live in a society that has neglected the spiritual dimen-
sion of knowledge, the inner, spiritual, side of human beings just will not
be repressed. The more we try to drive it out, the more insistently it
keeps coming back to us. This is not just because it is an integral part of
our existence, but rather because it is our fundamental reason for being in
this universe, on this planet. According to the Koran, God created us
only that we should worship Him, and a relative of the Prophet —as
well as Sufis ever since—interpreted this to mean that we should know
Him, since God has no need for our worship and worship only serves to
bring us closer to Him.
Take, for example, the case of Carl Sagan, the great astrophysicist who
passed away in 1996. Many of us were exposed to our first serious treat-
ment of the possibility of extraterrestrial life through a work he co-authored
with I. M. Shklovskii, Intelligent Life In The Universe (1966). Also a
peerless popularizer of science, Sagan could never bring himself to a faith
in God; he died an agnostic. Yet Contact (1985), his only novel, deals
with the perennial concerns and condition of humankind under the guise
of being a story about extraterrestrials.
The movie Contact (1997), filmed by Robert Zemeckis and dedicated
“for Carl,” is replete with bleed-throughs that make eminent sense when
viewed from a spiritual standpoint. The movie opens with the earth seen
from space. We are treated to an Ascension (Arabic miraj) that moves out
through the solar system, beyond the rings of Saturn, goes out to loci of
star formation shot by the Hubble Space Telescope, out to myriads of
galaxies revealed through the Hubble Deep Field study, and ends with
“Let there be Light.”
It then cuts to the childhood of Ellie Arroway, who is searching for
her dead mother over the airwaves of ham radio. Then her father dies of
a heart attack, and contacting outer space becomes an obsession for her.
She grows up to become a radio astronomer, an agnostic like Sagan him-
self, who will not believe anything unsupported by scientific evidence.
Angels (beings from inner space) are out; aliens (beings from outer space)
are in.
Dr. Arroway’s research is sponsored by Hadden, a reclusive magnate,
formerly an engineer, who does not live on earth (he resides either on a
private jet or, later on, in the space station Mir). Finally, she intercepts a
radio transmission from Vega, a star twenty-seven light-years from earth.
Once the code is deciphered, it turns out that the extraterrestrials are
sending the plans for a transporter.
To summarize the story, Arroway represents humanity. The transporter
is a contraption made of rotating rings, somewhat like the Bohr model
of the atom, and a spherical metal capsule housing Arroway is supposed
to fall into its center. Inside the capsule is only a seat. The metal hatch
seals on her, and she is isolated from the rest of the world. A vibration
begins building up; the bottom of the capsule becomes transparent at
times. Then she is hurled through a system of “Einstein-Rosen worm-
holes,” but when the armchair breaks off and hits the ceiling she is left in
pitch dark and the capsule becomes her tomb.
She then moves to the top, which becomes transparent and reveals a
galaxy in all its splendor. Through its reflection in her eyeball we move to
a scene where she is descending onto a planet, to a beautiful coast with
palm trees, exactly the scene she painted when she was a child. An appa-
rition of her father tells her that the extraterrestrials have selected this
mode of communicating with her to make her feel at home. She clocks
eighteen hours.
Then the capsule falls into the sea. It has fallen straight through the
contraption! As far as those outside are concerned, nothing at all extraor-
dinary has happened. In fact, the experiment might be considered a big
And now Arroway—in an instance of supreme irony (or is it divine
justice?)—who once did not believe in claims unsupported by evidence,
is herself unable to convince others of her experience. The only shred of
evidence that speaks in her favor is eighteen hours of recorded static on
the monitors.
All this is well and good, and as plausible a scenario of extraterrestrial
contact as could be expected. But we can also interpret this from the
time-honored (mystical) point of view. Hadden the magnate (hairless
and reminiscent of a Buddhist monk) is our heroine’s guru, who con-
tacts her from other planes of existence. Her entombment in the capsule
is a flashback to the initiation ceremonies of Hermeticism, a precursor of
Sufism.147 The mechanical vibration she experiences is possibly a side
effect of an Out-of-Body Experience (OBE). The wormholes are in-
stances of the “space bending (or folding)” (tayy al-makan) reported by
Sufis.148 She is left in utter darkness, experiences an “Unveiling,” and her
spirit (the “inner Arroway”) is transported to a place resembling Heaven.
Here she meets a being in the guise of her father—in religious traditions,
it is well-known that angels can assume human form, perhaps for pre-
cisely the same reason as do the hypothesized aliens. She returns to the
ordinary world, and is unable to convince anyone else of her experience.
Look at the spiritual traditions of the entire world, and everywhere,
for as far back as the mind’s eye can see, you will find similar experiences
reported in a similar way by human beings from totally different cultural
backgrounds. It is not for nothing that more than one critic has remarked
the religious overtones of Contact. The difference is that today, we trans-
pose the experience into the physical realm. This, however, does not de-
tract from its importance, for it is crying out loud to make us stand up
and take notice of it.No matter how much humans deny their spiritual
side, it will keep knocking at the door, whether one is an agnostic or an
atheist or a free-thinker. All we have to do is sit up and understand the
Dare we press the analogy a bit further? The message from outer space
is a message from “the Supreme Extraterrestrial;” the incomprehensible
alien cipher is the Koran. Once decoded properly, the Koran bears the
plans (God’s instructions to human beings) for a transporter that will
“beam us up” straight to Unity.
Some Contemporar
Contemporaryy Western Parallels
Both Contact and 2001: A Space Odyssey were produced from a
nontheistic, if not overtly atheistic, viewpoint, describing purely physical
events or a physical evolution; yet the concerns they give voice to are the
perennial concerns of religion, despite the fact that nothing could have
been further from the conscious intentions of their creators. What is
happening is that the latter are taking valid religious and transcendental
metaphors, projecting these onto the physical plane, then conceiving the
realization of these shadows. Now these flatland projections may them-
selves represent valid goals. But they are not the original goals, and they
cannot lead to the grander experience.
In the last two centuries, the highest aspirations of our Western cul-
ture have coincided with the highest aspirations of the Sufis. The differ-
ence is that, because it refuses to acknowledge God, our culture is trapped
in a dead end, whereas the Sufis are not—their recognition of God opens
up avenues of self-transformation that are otherwise denied.
This brings us, furthermore, to a crucial insight of Sufism: the love of
God and the love of others (indeed, of all creation, of which human
beings are the acme) are not inimical to each other, but must go hand in
hand. Not only that, but denying one leads, in the end, to the inevitable
negation of the other: “Love restricted is love denied.” This is what lies at
the root of our failure—we have tried to reach enlightenment without
God, or else we have denied the possibility of human perfection (due to
the doctrine of original sin). The first leads to the fate of Icarus: his wings
of wax are melted by the sun, and he plunges to his doom. As for the
second case, one cannot even rise off the ground.
In short, God is both Within and Without. If you do not believe in
God, you are not going to search for Him within. And while it’s not
guaranteed that you will find God if you seek Him, you are definitely
never going to find Him if you don’t search for Him. (As one famous
Sufi put it: “Not all who seek God find Him, but those who find Him
are only those who seek.”) And supposing you don’t seek Him—which
is quite natural, since this is not everyone’s calling—lack of faith in God
will cause you to be careless with His Prohibitions, about which God is
very particular, leaving you open to error and unprotected by Right Ac-
tion against negative recompense.
Law,, School, Gnosis, R
Gnosis, eality
The edifice of Sufism can be compared to a three-story building. The
ground floor, the entry level, is the Divine Law (sharia). The second
floor is the mystical schools and their practices (tariqa). The top floor is
Gnosis—i.e., learning about God or the knowledge of God (marifa), at
which point we climb onto the flat roof of the building. This is the
takeoff point for the Ascension (miraj), for the last lap of the spiritual
journey to Ultimate Reality. Hence, the roof and what lies beyond is
called “Reality” (haqiqa).
We can also conceive of these four levels as primary school, secondary
school, high school, and university. Just as there can be no higher educa-
tion without primary school, there can be no esoteric success without the
divine (and moral) law.
The Sufi view of God is that God is both Within and Without; He is
the Inward as well as the Outward. Note that there is room here both for
the human subject and the divine subject. The human “I” is not God,
but somewhere within, deep below the layers of the subconscious, the
divine subject exists. The human subject, the individual’s consciousness,
calling the “Base Self” all along), 2. the Incriminating Self (which blames
itself), 3. the Inspired Self (which has begun to receive partial inspira-
tions from the Divine), 4. the Peaceful Self (which has finally arrived at a
point where spiritual development is irreversibly secured), 5. the Pleased
Self (pleased with his or her Lord), 6. the Pleasing Self (which is pleasing
to God), and 7. the Purified or Perfected Self (which is the final stage).
Each stage is distinguished by its own characteristics, which an authen-
tic teacher can monitor in a disciple. (As mentioned earlier, such a jour-
ney should never even be contemplated, let alone attempted, without a
true teacher. It is said that “When the disciple is ready, the teacher will
appear.” Until you find one, stick to the normal Prohibitions, Permis-
sions, and practices—the Five Pillars—of Islam.)
If you wish, you can compare the elevation through these stages to
climbing a skyscraper.150 At the base level, you are in the ordinary, every-
day world. As you progress upwards, the restrictions on your view fall
away, and you can see a farther horizon at each stage of your ascent.
When, finally, you arrive at the top, you take in the magnificent beauty
of the entire landscape, and are engulfed in spellbound rapture.
Moderate IIntake
ntake of Food
In order to progress on the Path, one should apply the techniques
discussed elsewhere in this book—mainly, the Five Pillars of Islam, among
which Formal Prayer has the highest priority. However, these cannot be
complete without another ingredient of prime importance: hunger. It is
not just fasting we are talking about here, but light food intake (ditto for
drink) at normal times as well (not to mention short hours of sleep).
This does not mean an extreme diet that exhausts the body and causes
more harm than good, but eating and drinking sparingly.
Science supports this admonition to eat sparingly. In recent years, ex-
periments on rodents have shown not only that their life span is im-
proved by almost a third through low food ingestion, but that the risk of
cancer is also significantly reduced.155 These, however, are only the physi-
cal effects easiest to observe.
The discoveries of modern science have their correlates in the spiritual
realm and can be viewed as metaphors for spiritual events. This is the
true meaning of “hidden science” (ilm ladunni), and we here reach an
understanding where all knowledge or science—physical and spiritual—
is one. This is a higher form of knowledge that has manifestations or
shadows—projections—in both the physical and spiritual worlds.
Black holes, supernovae, the metamorphosis of insects, these and other
discoveries all have their precise correlates in the Knowledge of the Self.
One such example, relevant here, is the method that led to the recent
resounding success in cloning experiments.156
To recall that method briefly, cells were starved of nutrients until they
entered a latent, quiescent state. It is well-known that, although each cell
in an organism contains the entire genetic blueprint, i.e., all the DNA-
coded information to reconstruct any part—or even the whole—of the
organism, it loses the ability to do so once these cells are differentiated to
form a hand, a toe, or a liver. Only specific genes are now activated, and
all the others are switched off. The great discovery of the Scottish group
was to dedifferentiate the cells and render them capable of such universal
expression once more—a result previously considered impossible—and
this they achieved through undernourishment.
What is more, John Cairns, in his directed mutation experiments,
took bacteria lacking the genes to digest lactose, and starved them on no
food at all for several days. These then entered a transmutable state, and
when he placed them in a solution with lactose as the only nutrient, they
were able to develop genes that would digest lactose. We may surmise
that under nutritional stress, random behavior is suspended, ordinary
laws of probability cease to apply, and another level of determinism be-
gins to operate.157 Now this is the exact physical counterpart of a spiri-
tual phenomenon. For all the prophets, sages, and mystics, from time
immemorial, have used hyponutrition to corner, control, and overcome
the Base Self; to return to their origin, their essence. Not for nothing did
the Prophet remark: “Hunger is the food of God.”158 The human spiri-
tual entity, once it is brought to a state of quiescence through hunger,
becomes, like DNA, capable of universal expression. Then the cosmos can
flower in one’s heart, and then one can watch the galaxies as they unfold
through oneself. As Shakespeare so eloquently described this state, one
Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks,
Sermons in stones, and good in everything.159
Human Being. In this book, I have been trying to suggest that: 1) such a
state exists, and 2) that it is possible for a human being to achieve it. It
exists, not in some far-off ancient civilization or mystery school, but
today. Here. Now. For you. (Provided, of course, you’re interested.)
This is such a state that all imagination pales and falls to the ground in
the attempt to come to terms with it. Moreover, it is the only game there
is: the struggle for human self-realization to a degree surpassing the dreams
of Maslow and the rest of the psychologists. This, moreover, is not my
own personal invention, but a perennial wisdom attested to by all the
mystics, saints, and prophets of history—although perhaps their point
of view was not expressed in quite this way.
And the portal, the entrance, the doorway to this is faith in God, the
one and only, the Alpha and the Omega, and the Outward and the In-
ward. As the Chinese proverb has it, “The journey of a thousand miles
begins with one step.” Anyone who plays The Only Game There Is be-
comes eligible to progress and receive a reward, no matter how feeble his
or her efforts. As for those who think that the universe is devoid of
meaning, “a tale...full of sound and fury, signifying nothing,” leave them
to their idle play, for they will be—by their own choice they destine
themselves to be—the losers.
From Hermeticism to Sufism
being so, the world of the spirit has its own laws, which, while they
might be different from the laws of the physical world, are equally uni-
versal. But the fruits of true knowledge of the spiritual path are only
available to those who walk this path, who know the meaning of knowl-
edge and action.
Comparative-religion specialist Mircea Eliade and many others have
lamented the singularity of Western civilization in its almost total ne-
glect of spiritual matters. Of all the peoples the earth has seen, we are
alone in our ignorance—or even outright denial—of the transcendent.
For most of humankind, knowledge always meant spiritual as well as
material, esoteric as well as exoteric, knowledge, though again it has not
always been easy to maintain a healthy balance between the two. We can
trace this all the way back into the misty depths of time, to an age when
the ancient Egyptians also honored knowledge.
Hermes, fleet-footed messenger (conveyor of information or knowl-
edge) to the Greek gods, was likewise involved in the post-death journey
of the soul: he guided souls to Hades. With the conquests of Alexander
the Great, the Egyptian gods quickly became disseminated throughout
the Hellenistic world, and would soon be copied or combined with their
classical counterparts. In this process, Thoth became associated with
Hermes (although Daedalus might have been a better choice), under the
name “Thrice-Greatest Hermes” (Hermes Trismegistus). The celestial jour-
ney attributed to Hermes parallels, in some ways, the ancient Egyptian
journey of the soul. The Greek philosophical mind, savoring a divine
cosmic order, found great appeal in the combination of material and
spiritual knowledge that this philosopher king, Hermes-Thoth, repre-
According to the Hermetic Corpus, God is the source of all things
(3.1): “There is someone who is the Maker and the Lord of all these
things” (5.4).He is the author of all things, the One and Only (4.1, 8).
One, then, is God (11.11). God does not stand in need of anything.
Nothing is superior to Him (6.1). All things depend on Him (9.9). God
is Light (1.6), the father (Creator) of all. He is Mind and Light and Life
(1.12). He is the Eternal (8.2). God is All-powerful, holy, better than all
praise (1.31). God should be conceived, not as space, but as energy that
can contain all space (2.6). God is not Mind, or Spirit, or Light, but
their common Cause (2.14). The names: Good,178 and Father, belong to
Him and no one else (2.14, 6.1, 3). The Good is he who gives all things
and receives nothing. God, then, gives all things and receives nothing
(2.16). The other name of God is Father, because He is the That-which-
makes-all (i.e., the Creator) (2.17).
God, being unmanifest, is changeless. Becoming belongs to what is
manifest (5.1). (Yet at the same time,) nothing is more manifest than
He, for He has made all things in order that through them all, you may
see Him (11.22). Neither is He inactive, since all things would then lack
activity, for all are full of God (11.5). He ever is at work. For if He
separated Himself from His creation, all things would then collapse, and
all must die. God is the One Life, and He makes and supports them all
(11.14). He is “our Lord and Father, the One-and-Only One” (5.2). “He
is Himself, both things that are and things that are not” (5.9, 12.23). He
who makes all things, is in them all (Immanence) (11.6, 12.21). But
equally, all are in God, He contains them all (Transcendence) (11.18).
He surrounds all and permeates all (12.20). Nothing is like Him, That
which has no like, and is Alone and One (11.5). “No ear can hear Him,
nor can eye see Him, nor tongue speak of Him, but [only] mind and
heart” (7.2). “God’s essence is the Beautiful; the Beautiful is further also
Good” (6.4). If you seek God, you seek the Beautiful whose Beauty is
beyond compare. The Path that leads to the Beautiful is One—Devo-
tion joined with Gnosis (6.5). If you would contemplate God, behold
the ordering of the kosmos (Greek “order”), and see the orderly behavior
of its ordering (12.21).
Human Beings
What follows is a list of statements about human beings. The world
was made for man, man was made for God (1.26).179 God brought
forth man, whom He loved, and who, having the Image of his Father, is
beautiful (1.12). Man is mortal in body and immortal in essence (1.15).
The Soul is deathless (8.1). Body’s sleep (which may also mean death)
becomes soul’s awakening (1.30). Pious and merciful people, loving God
and invoking His name, win his love (1.22).The wicked are punished by
fire, their torment and darkness increases (1.23). People have given them-
selves to drunkenness, sleep, and ignorance of God (1.27). Some people
devote themselves to the pleasures of the body, but others know this is
not what they are here for (4.5). Passions and irrational desires are great
ills, And God has set up Mind (a function of Thoth) to play the part of
judge and executioner over these (12.4).
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Of the path, it is said: “The greatest bad there is, is not to know God’s
Good; but to be able to know [Good], and will, and hope, is a Straight
Way, the Good’s own [Path], both leading there and easy.” If you set foot
on this path, it will meet you everywhere (11.21). There is only one way
to worship God, and that is: not to be bad (i.e., to be good) (12.23).
What follows is a list of statements about Gnosis (“God-knowledge”).
Gnosis is possible for human beings (11.20). He who has faith can ascend
to God (4.4). There is something called the “Eye of the Heart” (7.1) (its
meaning is not explained). Rebirth is to pass into a body that can never
die, yet this can occur while still in the (physical) body (10.6, 13.3).
The part of father is to make. So it is the most pious thing in this
world to have a child,181 and the soul of a person who has no child is
condemned and pitiable (2.17). The natural body perceived by sense is
mortal, but death cannot touch the birth of the essence (13.14). The
soul, in its ascent through the seven heavenly spheres,182 leaves behind a
negative trait at every stage, finally achieving the eighth stage of those
who praise God ceaselessly (the company of the Blessed) (1.25-26). This
is the way of Birth in God (13.6). The way to achieve this is to withdraw
into yourself, to shut the doors of the senses, to rid yourself of twelve
tormentors (sins), and adorn yourself with ten virtues (13.7). This is the
manner of Rebirth, of Birth in God: driving out the twelve sins and
replacing them with the ten virtues. This is the way of purification. The
result is bliss (13.10). When the Gnosis of God arrives, ignorance is cast
out and joy comes (13.8).“Error flees, and truth is with us” (13.9). He
who knows himself, reaches Good and goes to God (1.19, 21). You
become a knower of thyself and our common Father (13.22).
only point to it by saying that if one were to experience this for only a
few minutes, it would be worth more than a blissful lifetime. This is
why the ascent to God is so valuable, and why mystics in general and
Sufis in particular place it above all else.
The Final R
Final ev
Rev elation
Because the exoteric aspect—the external practice—of Islam is in full
view, people are easily misled into believing that this is all there is to it
and that there is nothing more. My hope is that this chapter will leave
the reader better informed in this respect. Hence, what I now propose to
do is to compare the compression from the body of Hermetic writings
presented above with statements from the Koran, from the sayings of
the Prophet, and from the great sages who follow in his wake.
A word of caution is called for at this point. The parallels between the
Koran and the Corpus Hermeticum or any other text should not lead us
to suppose the earlier texts somehow “influenced” the composition of
the Koran. The similarity between religious texts throughout history
betrays the existence of a primordial wisdom tradition and a unity of
revelation from Adam onwards.184 According to Islam, all religions pre-
ceding it are also Islam—the Islam of their times, in having preached
“submission to God” (which is one of the meanings of “Islam”).
Suppose a person looks out a window and says: “I see the sun.” Then
s/he departs. After a while, another person comes in, looks out the win-
dow, and also says: “I see the sun, it is there.” This does not mean that the
second person was in any way influenced or instructed by the first, it
means that both gave testimony to the same reality independently of
each other. The observation of the second person corroborated the first.
This is independent observation and verification: what unites them is the
truth to which they both testify.
When, for example, St. Paul says: “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor
the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love
Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9), and when the Koran states: “No soul knows
what delights of the eye have been prepared for them secretly, as a reward
for what they used to do” (32:17), this does not mean that the Prophet,
who was in any case unlettered, somehow read the New Testament—or
heard it recited—and fell under its influence. Rather, it means that Gabriel
inspired Paul as the Holy Spirit in the first case and revealed the verse to
the Prophet in the second. In both cases, the source of the information is
the same: God and His “messenger.” (The Greek word aggelos, from
which “angel” is derived, means “messenger.”)
In the Islamic view, an evolution of religions has occurred throughout
history, culminating in the perfect and final religion. At each successive
stage, God revealed more information to human beings, which is equiva-
lent to saying that they discovered deeper and more profound secrets of
the spiritual realm. In the theory of evolution, higher life forms may
have evolved from lower organisms, but this does not mean that the
higher are reducible to the lower. The higher organisms are incredibly
more complex, and no study of the lower is going to inform you about
the higher. (Humans were created independently, as their creation was
analogous to the creation of the universe.) Evolution is, therefore, a
progress and not a regress, an ascent and not a descent. Rivers flow out to
the ocean, but no river can contain the ocean.
Moreover, this evolution is purposeful, goal-oriented. God could af-
ford to wait—a billion years is but a fleeting moment in Eternity. Be-
sides, He is equidistant to all points in the space-time continuum. God
guided the evolution of the universe, of the stars and planets, of life on
earth at every step of the way. Through eons of preparation, God always
had humans in mind. First came unicellular organisms, then plants and
animals. In all this, God was preparing the way for humans, decorating
the earth for them. God loved human beings so much that He gave them
this beautiful world, this wondrous universe, and then He went further
and gave even Himself.
Quantum physicist Werner Heisenberg once observed that the passage
of time may be attributable, not to the push of the past, but to the pull
of the future. Time was striving towards a goal. As with less evolved
organisms in the case of biology, the incomplete revelations were, in the
case of religion, inching toward completion. With the revelation of the
Koran to Mohammed, all previous religions, philosophies, and mystical
paths found their culmination and fulfillment.
Hence, we cannot suppose that the Koran could have been “derived”
from any of the earlier texts. According to the Islamic conception, they
represent earlier versions of Revelation, while the Koran represents its
pinnacle. Nevertheless, their thematic unity reveals the existence of a single,
primordial wisdom running like a golden thread through history. Given
this premise, every religion or religious philosophy may be regarded as a
proper subset.
Before discussing Hermes, it might be useful to examine a parallel
with Thoth. We have already seen how the soul of the deceased is judged
in the scene of psychostasis, or weighing of the soul. In Islamic eschatology,
too, the soul of the deceased is judged. His or her sins are put on one pan
of the scales, and merits on the other. If one’s merits outweigh one’s sins,
one wins Paradise; if vice versa, one has earned punishment. Although
the details are different, the basics do not diverge substantially from the
ancient Egyptian conception to the Islamic one.
Moreover, almost all traditions have agreed on the existence of post-
mortem justice, reward, and retribution in one form or another.
We shall now embark on a point-by-point comparison between the
Hermetic Corpus and esoteric Islam. First, however, let us examine a line
from the Secret Hymn of the Hermetists:
Let us all give praise to Him, sublime above the Heav-
ens, Lord of every nature. I give Thee thanks, O God
We next go to the Koran, and open the first line of the first chapter on
the first page, where we read:
Praise be to God, the Lord of the Worlds (1:1).
What follows is a list of statements about God. God is the Creator of
all things (2:29, 117, 6:73). He creates and sustains all (7:54, 11:6-7,
13:16). It is He who created all nature (25:61-62). “Your God is One
God; there is no God but He” (2:163). “God is One; He is the Samad”
(112:1-2). In Arabic, Samad means “That which is in need of nothing,
but which all things stand in need of.” In other words, the Hermetic
writings in this respect and the Unity Chapter of the Koran dovetail with
each other. The same holds for the so-called Light Verse: “God is the
Light of the heavens and the earth…Light upon Light” (24:35). He is
Life, the Living (2:255, 3:2, 40:65). He is the Eternal, the Everlasting
(2:255, 20:111). God is All-powerful (2:284, 6:17), the Holy, worthy
of all praise (31:26). All things in the heavens and the earth praise Him
(59:24). His abode is nonspace: “There is no space for Me. I am the
space of space.” 185 God is the Sustainer of all (51:58): He gives, and
receives nothing in return. The senses of “the Good” in Greek thought,
self-sufficient and self-caused, find their echo in the Koran: God is the
Self-sufficient (6:133), the Self-subsisting (3:2). All good is from God
(16:53). The sense of Father as That-which-makes-all is given by “the
Originator of the heavens and the earth” (6:101, 42:11). “You will not
find any change in the Way of God” (35:43). “Whichever way you turn,
there is the Face of God” (2:115). “Nothing covers the face of Truth/
Nothing is more manifest than Truth/But to the eyeless He is hidden.” 186
God is both the Manifest and the Hidden, the Outward and the Inward
(rendered in the Koran by Zahir and Batin). “Every instant He is upon
some task” (55:29). “There is no god but One God” (5:73).
God is both within everything and without. He (4:127) and His knowl-
edge (6:80, 20:98) encompass all things. God’s attributes are of two
kinds: those of Similarity with other things (tashbih: Association, akin
to Immanence), and attributes of Incomparability (tanzih: Dissociation,
akin to Transcendence). Both are needed, and only when both are present
can Unification (tawhid) be complete.187 “Nothing is like Him” (42:11).
“Eyes cannot attain to Him” (6:103).
“God is Beautiful, He loves beauty” (T). The path that leads to Him
is observance of His Law (sharia) joined with Gnosis (marifah). “With
the Law, God Almighty desires us to order our external world, and with
Knowledge, He wishes us to arrange our internal world. From the com-
bination of these two, Truth is born.” 188
The Koran constantly invites human beings to contemplate nature,
which is a place of beauty and wonder. God created all things, and or-
dered them in measured proportions (25:2). “We shall show them our
signs on the horizons (in the external world) and in their selves (man’s
inner world)” (41:53). God orders all things (6:95-99). The wisdom of
the Creator is apparent in the book of the universe, the secrets of which
are explained in the book of the Koran.
Human Beings
What follows is a list of statements about human beings. “The cos-
mos I created for man,and man I created for myself.”189 “We created man
in the most beautiful stature” (95:4). “God created man in His own
image” (T). “The Compassionate created man in His own image” (T).
“Every soul shall taste of death” (3:185, 29:57). Who dies once does
not die again: “After the first death, they never taste death again” (44:56).
“Human beings are asleep. When they die, they awake” (T). God accepts
their best deeds from the Good, and ignores their misdeeds (29:7, 46:16).
“Only by the invocation of God do hearts find solace” (13:28). Pious
men and adepts invoke (zikr) God’s names: “They love Him and He
loves them” (5:54). Many in the world will lead you astray from God’s
path, but God does not love evil-doers, and they will be chastised in the
afterlife. Whatever you do, you do to yourself: “If you do good, you do
it to yourself, and if you do bad, you do it to yourself ” (17:7). Because:
“Whoever does an atom’s-weight of good will see its recompense, and
whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see its recompense” (99:7-8).
The SStr
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Here, the path is described: “Guide us along Your Straight Path, the
path of those whom You favor” (1:5-6). “If my servant comes to me
walking, I will go to him running.” 190 God recognizes all good (4:147);
no good deed is wasted. So remain in the Straight Path (6:153, etc.) as
you have been commanded to (42:15).
do something with our lives. Illicit lusts and passions (sexual and pecuni-
ary) are the prime weapons of the Base Self, whose only intent is to lead
us astray from God’s path.191
Of Gnosis, it is said that the result of purification is spiritual Ascen-
sion. In the Koran, one of the titles of God is “Lord of the Ascensions”
(70:3). “Gnosis is attained by uncovering the dark veil of the Base Self
from the mirror of the heart, and by purifying the heart.” 192 This process
opens “the Eye of the Heart,” which is a psychospiritual organ of percep-
tion with the capacity for “visual” cognition: “The Heart (fouad) did not
deny what it saw” (53:11). This also implies that hearts can be blind
“To have a child” has two meanings: exoteric and esoteric. Exoteri-
cally, the Prophet said: “Get married, and multiply. I shall take pride in
the numbers of my community” (T). But there is also an esoteric mean-
ing. God will create you in new forms after death (56:60-61): “Towards
the end of the spiritual journey (a journey that is made while still in the
physical body), a different kind of spirit is formed. This spirit is subtler
than all other spirits, and is called ‘the Child of Meaning’ or ‘the Child of
the Heart.’” 193 This is Rebirth, and anyone who has achieved this is called
The Sufis have traditionally identified seven levels in the process of
the self’s purification, corresponding to the “seven heavens” (17:44). There
are seven cardinal sins, and eight paradises that one enters as these sins are
left behind. Passing through all by shedding one’s negative traits at every
stage, one joins the “Friends of God” (5:55) (the company of the Blessed).
For this, one must cleanse oneself from sins and adorn oneself with vir-
tues. Additionally, one must engage in “meditation” (tafakkur), which is
concentration on God alone, to the exclusion of everything-other-than-
God from the senses.
In order to attain Gnosis, one has to purify oneself, as shown by the
following quotations: “God loves those who purify themselves” (9:108);
“He desires to purify you” (5:6). Whoever purifies himself does it only
for his own good (35:18). “Those who struggle in Our cause, surely we
shall guide them in our ways” (29:69) to Truth. The reward of the
This comparison shows, I hope, the essential harmony between Her-
meticism and the Koran, and again demonstrates a prime assertion of
Islam: the transcendent unity of all religions. “Thirty spokes,” says Lao
Tzu in the Tao Te Ching, “are made one by a hub,” and although they
may differ at the perimeter of the wheel, the essence of all religions is
one. At this point we should need a metareligion—except that we hap-
pen to have one already: Islam.
It is not to be supposed that the Koran and the teachings deriving
from it are confined to what has been presented above. I have merely
extracted from Islamic Sufism its “Hermetic subset,” as it were.
It can readily be seen that the Koran suggests new terms for “Good”
and “Father,” due to the possibility of misinterpretation evoked by these
names. Similarly, a Sufic technical term, “the Eye of the Heart,” is also
found in Hermeticism, but it is left unexplained. This point, too, be-
comes much clearer in the light of Koranic teachings. The Hermetic
writings are relatively clear and simple, but any impression of directness
would be deceptive, because only in the summarized version given above
do certain points stand out.
But this is not all. Even the humblest Moslem has been blessed with
forms of worship no Hermetic adept was ever schooled in, such as the
Formal Prayer, the Alms-tax, and the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Even if s/he
fasted and performed something akin to Invocation, the Hermeticist
lacked the Formal Prayer, which is “the Ascension of the Faithful” (T).
Thus, what was earlier the privilege of the very few has become the birth-
right of the many. Perhaps we might call this “the democratization of
religion and of opportunities for spiritual growth.”
Hermetic Initiation
Very little has come down to us regarding the Mysteries, whether Greek
or Egyptian. Aspirants were sworn to strictest secrecy, and we can only
surmise that the secret was well kept. From time to time, an oblique
reference survives, but it is impossible for anyone who does not know
the whole picture to make much of it. Nevertheless, this has not pre-
vented people from trying to penetrate the darkness. Edouard Schuré, in
his classic study of The Great Initiates, tried to reassemble the various
pieces of the puzzle. In this he was more successful than he himself may
have realized. My teacher, Master Kayhan, made use of Schuré’s imagina-
tive account describing the initiation ceremonies of Hermeticism, be-
cause he saw in it many close parallels to the spiritual journey of the Sufi.
To summarize the highlights of these ceremonies, which are actually
“rites of passage,” a disciple or aspirant arriving at an Egyptian temple is
first subjected to an “entrance exam.” The test occurs on the grounds of
the temple and in its underground crypts. First, the disciple has to spend
a week performing menial chores. When the trials begin, he must pass
through a fearsome corridor lined with statues having the bodies of hu-
mans and the heads of animals, such as a hawk’s, a lion’s, or a jackal’s.
Then he is shut away into a dark tunnel, where the timid may easily be
discouraged or even die of fright. Having passed this test, he is instructed
in an arcane alphabet and its symbolic meanings. It begins to dawn on
him that there is more to existence than meets the eye.
Next, the disciple has to pass through what appears to be a red-hot
furnace. The hierophant (high priest or guide) soothes his fear, saying
that he himself once passed through the fire as if it had been a bed of
roses. Then he has to pass through water, experiencing the danger of
being drowned. Finally, he experiences the most difficult trial of all, the
trial by lust.
The following brief description of Hermeticism as pictured by Schuré
will provide an introduction to Sufism and asceticism. This is where the
seven levels of the Self were first elaborated, and for this reason it is of
great spiritual and historical significance.
As we have seen, the religion of Hermeticism has played a very impor-
tant role in the history of humankind. In no other religion have there
been such mysterious ceremonies accompanied by such painstaking
The two assistants pointed to a hole in the wall in front of the novice.
This was the entrance to a corridor so low that it was impossible to pass
through without crawling. One of the assistants said to the youth: “If
you want you may turn back from here, because the door is not yet
closed. You may return now. But if you continue, you cannot turn back.”
Once the youth replied: “I will continue,” he was handed a small torch,
and the door of the sanctuary was quickly shut behind him with a loud
God Almighty. Employed by the right will, they became the source of
all wisdom and power.
Every letter and number corresponded to a triadic law, having reper-
cussions in the divine world, the intellectual world, and the physical
world.For example the letter A, which corresponded to the number one,
represented, in the divine world: Absolute Being from which all beings
emanate; in the intellectual world: the unity, origin, and synthesis of
numbers; and in the physical world: humans, the leaders of all beings,
with their capacity to attain infinity. The arcanum of “A”, which sym-
bolized attainment of the Godhead, was represented by a magus dressed
in the attire of Osiris, with a scepter in his hand and wearing a white robe
and gold crown. The white robe stood for purity, the scepter for author-
ity, and the gold crown for enlightenment by the light of Heaven.
The guardian of the symbols led the novice along, explaining the arcana
one by one. Concerning the crown, he remarked: “Free will, which is
joined to God in order to manifest truth and effect justice, participates in
divine power even while in this world. This is an everlasting reward to
spirits.” The neophyte listened to these explanations with surprise, and
the first glimmers of understanding began to take shape in his mind.
Trials bbyy F ir
iree and Water
The magus now opened another door, leading to a long, narrow corridor,
at the end of which a red-hot furnace could be spied. The novice had to pass
through it. He trembled with fear, whereupon the priest said: “My son,
death frightens only weak minds. I myself once crossed this fire like a bed of
roses.” With that, the gate of the hall of secrets closed behind the newcomer.
Approaching the fire, he perceived that it was but a visual illusion created by
artifices, and quickly passed through a narrow path in the middle.
His third test was to go through a pool of stagnant black water, lit by
the flames of the fire already left behind. The ordeals had by this time
left him trembling and exhausted.
Next is the centerpiece of the trial period, and the prime reason be-
hind the Master’s endorsement of Schuré’s account, the whole point of
his introducing us to Hermeticism at all. This is the trial in which the
aspirant’s self-control is tested by a lovely woman. If he succumbs to her
charms, he loses his chance of any spiritual progress forever.
Now began long years of study and apprenticeship. He was assigned a
cell to live in, and was given instruction by teachers. He could stroll in
the halls and courtyards of the temple, as large as a city. He studied hiero-
glyphics inscribed on the columns, as well as the history of humankind,
minerology, botany, medicine, architecture, and sacred music.
The temple was, for all practical purposes, a university. Only the most
intelligent students were accepted, and given sophisticated training. Many
of the positive sciences saw daylight here: physics, chemistry, geometry,
and astronomy were quite advanced. The laws of natural phenomena
also were discovered in this environment.
Hermeticism was more a center for meditation than religion; the ex-
istence and Unity of God was known via this education. The young
people here were researchers as well as students. They were all meditators
and thinkers. To them, the advance of science was grounded in the birth
of truth in the human spirit, and thus the latter had to be creative. But
this was possible only after long and arduous effort. Their teachers did
not help them in anything, for one had to discover truth by one’s own
efforts. They were amazed at this, but in time learned the reasons.
Absolute obedience was required, but nothing was revealed beyond
certain limits. Their questions were met by the stolid reply, “Work and
wait.” Many students fell prey to suspicions; they regretted that they had
ever come, and regarded their teachers as impostors or magicians. But
with the passage of time, as their spiritual intuition flowered, they began
to understand the Unseen and the Mysteries. Only then would the dis-
ciple begin to fathom the meaning of the temple.
The initiate lay down in the sarcophagus, and the priests departed in
silence. A funeral chant could be heard, coming from afar. The coldness
of the tomb, the darkness, the silence, and the sadness of the chant all
acted upon him. He felt he was dying.
Of all the secret practices of the ancients, this is the best-attested one:
the one for which we have the most evidence. Albert Champdor, for
instance, elaborates:
Priests performed complex and secret initiatory rites in dark and
spare crypts, virtually tombs, beneath the temple floors.
They…removed all light from the vault. Locked in the black-
ness and isolated from all living things, the initiates to be came
close to the death that delivers, exalts, and purifies. Their long
vigil in the secret room of the sanctuary cracked slightly the for-
midable mystery of resurrection. The trial symbolically separated
the soul from the body.…Those who returned from the depths
of these spiritual and physical abysses in the pits of the mastaba
burial chambers, were initiates.196
The disciple felt the love of wisdom flood his heart. Falling into a
deep sleep, he found the hierophant and magi leaning over him when he
awoke. The high priest gave him a glass of sherbet, and said: “You are
resurrected. Come celebrate with us, and tell us about your journey in
the light of Osiris.”
After this, his instruction by the high priest continued at a more ad-
vanced level. Having dined together, the master took the new initiate to
the observatory of the temple, and instructed him in the mysteries of
Hermes. He related to him the Vision of Hermes, never written on any
papyrus but always orally transmitted. He told the initiate about the
Ascent of Hermes, how he saw the Seven Heavens, and even the Al-
mighty Himself. All these activities in the name of religion improved
human intelligence and provided the foundation of modern science. The
development of science and technology owes a great deal to these ecstatic
activities of Antiquity.
Sufic Interpretation
Such, in brief, is a synopsis of Hermetic initiation. But what has all
this got to do with Sufism? In what follows, I shall bring together and
summarize the various explanations the Master gave, except for a longer
digression (my own) on the sexual trial, because the importance the Master
attaches to this event calls for a more detailed treatment.
According to the Master, then, the phenomena described in the Her-
metic ceremony all arise and are manifested during the spiritual journey
(thuluq) of the Sufi, but not within the confines or crypts of a temple.
Instead, they are manifested in conditions of real life and during medita-
tion (tafakkur).
In the beginning, the Seeker is frightened while passing through the
corridor full of animal-headed, human-bodied statues. Although we have
become accustomed to viewing these as the “gods” of the Egyptians, they
are all “keepers of the gate” or “guardians of the way.” Their collective
message is: “You cannot pass!” All this inspires the fear of death, and is
intended to scare the disciple.
Such figures (called “demonic beings” in the West and “wrathful dei-
ties” in the East) all emerge during the initial stages of meditation. As one
is purified, they take on the countenance of beauty (and are replaced by
Let us now return to the exact parallels between the Hermetic cer-
emony and the Sufic journey. Seclusion and the drawing in of the senses
are an essential part of the spiritual death-rebirth process. Underground
vaults, rooms, or cellars have been traditionally used for this purpose.
Many Sufi sages, such as Hadji Bektash, Rumi, Yunus Emre, Hadji
Bayram, and Eshrefoghlu, have experienced Unveiling (kashf) under-
ground. In the poetic words of Rumi: “I was raw, I was cooked, I burned.”
Whilst we are preoccupied with the world and its treasures, we are denied
spiritual growth simply because our focus needs to become more re-
fined, more purified, less dominated by the outer and more by the inner.
To use another metaphor, we need to journey from the garden to the
house and then to the most secret rooms in that house.
The star that appears during the journey occurs also in Sufism, and has
been incorporated into the higher stages of Freemasonry, that is, the
Masons have accepted this star. The ripening mystic rose or blooming
flower are also experienced at this stage in Sufism. The pretty woman
who appears and says: “I am your soul” is your spirit. From here on, all
human beings are your brothers and sisters. Passions of illicit lust do not
arise in you. This woman has a double-edged aspect, for although she
represents a great achievement, she is at the same time a final “obstacle”
(hitan), because she still possesses form. In other words, one still hasn’t
broken loose from the world of forms and appearances—finitude—to
attain the Formless, the Infinite.
The sherbet offered to the disciple is actually given in the “imaginal
world” (alam al-mithal), and has an orange-lemon color. Once you drink
it, nothing is left of the Base Self (nafs al-ammara). There is also an
imaginal meal, where food is brought to the triumphant adept for him
to dine.
At that point, the third and final university begins. One becomes a
Perfect Human (Turkish/Perisan pronunciation insan-e kiamil). Although
one doesn’t see the Face of God, one does hear His voice and can—like
Moses—converse with Him.
We have come a long way from the knowledge society of Islamic
civilization, but we have not forgotten it. Knowledge of the physical
world, we possess in abundance already. What we lack is authentic spiri-
tual knowledge—both in theory and in practice. The day we recover the
vision of Thoth, of Hermes, will be a grand day for humanity. In that
vision, physical knowledge and moral/spiritual knowledge are united,
and—as Einstein always desired—complement each other.
Up to now, a superficial perspective that only focuses on the surface of
things has cramped our vision. And science too has become compart-
mentalized, too specialized, since it is only interested in the material realm.
So has religion. We have to withdraw to a distance from which the earth
can be seen, in astrophysicist Carl Sagan’s words, as a “pale blue dot.”
Then, all our quibblings over detail will fade from view, and we will be
left with the grandeur of the universe and with what the Sufis call a
“Unitary” vision, a recognition that all things are one.
The communication protocols on which the Internet, that globe-gir-
dling computer network, is based, took their cue from the Open Sys-
tems Interconnection model. In this model, there are seven layers: the
physical, data link, network, transport, session, presentation, and appli-
cation layers. We can think of this in terms of a seven-layered cake. The
physical layer deals with how data signals are transmitted: the production
and transmission of streams of electrons (or photons). It is oblivious to
even the kind of information that is transmitted. We rise from the physi-
cal level through various levels of abstraction, until we reach the applica-
tion layer, at which stage information transfer is occurring in its most
sophisticated form.
In a similar way, our adherence to a strictly materialistic reading of the
universe—the “what knocks you on the head is real” kind of materialism—
In this chapter, we have seen how the wisdom traditions of Hermeti-
cism and Islam are similar through a close textual comparison of their
writings and an analysis of other correspondences such as the initiation
ceremony. In the next chapter, we will survey the various Sufi techniques
of transmitting knowledge and how they categorize the stages experi-
enced in this journey.
The Spiritual Journey of the Sufi
Exotericc //Esoteric
As mentioned earlier in the chapter on Holy Law, every true religion has
two components: an outward (exoteric, zahiri) and an inward (esoteric,
batini) aspect. The exoteric aspect is more concerned with external be-
havior and forms of worship, with social and corporeal conduct. The
esoteric, on the other hand, deals with the inner world of humans, with
our spiritual, mystical, and psychological dimension.
Now it is important to realize that if religion is a coin, then its exoteric
and esoteric aspects are two sides of the same coin, comparable to the
body and spirit of a human being. One cannot survive without the other.
A religion reduced to exotericism is like a corpse—it has become pure,
rigid formalism. And a religion that relies on esotericism alone is a mere
wraith, a ghost that cannot animate its body. If a religion, on the other
hand, combines both the exoteric and the esoteric, then we can say that
we are truly in the presence of a living religion, a religion with the power
to invigorate, to bestow life and felicity.
In terms of this criterion, one can order religions within a spectrum
ranging from exoteric to esoteric. Most will be found to lie somewhere
between the two extremes. The two religious philosophies of China,
Confucianism and Taoism, are notable for the fact that they lie at the
ends of this spectrum: the former is almost entirely formal, while the
latter is almost wholly inward. (This, of course, does not diminish the
many great truths and values embodied by either.) The two thus comple-
ment each other.
Ideally, a religion should strike a balance between the inner and the
outer. It should be able to meet both the external requirements and the
internal needs of humankind. Moreover, form should match content. The
external laws, customs, methods, and so on of a religion should be in
conformity with its inner practices. For this, there are two requirements:
that the religion should be a revealed religion, and that it should have
weathered time in its pristine condition.
Only God, the Creator of human beings, knows best what is good for
them. No scientist or philosopher can know this, for the simple reason
that the sum total of the possibilities and potentials of humans remain
obscure to even the best minds. This is why a religion should be revealed
by God. Moreover, only God can make the proper coupling between
internal and external and maintain their perfect balance.
Further, it is also necessary that such a religion as practiced in our day
should be a faithful copy of its original: metaphorically speaking, its clear
stream should not have become polluted, corrupted, or shifted from its
course. This brings us back to the requirement that form should be
Spiritual Schools
For every kind of knowledge there is a school. Anyone wishing to
obtain higher education after primary and secondary school will go on to
college or university; to medical school, law school, or polytechnic insti-
tute in order to become a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.
The difficulty, however, is that state-based systems of education ev-
erywhere prepare people only for the material world, for worldly success.
They inculcate the basic knowledge necessary for surviving in this world,
and endow people with a profession. But they do not recognize or an-
swer the inner needs of human beings, nor do they assist their psychic/
spiritual/psychological development. Even religious instruction is ori-
ented more towards external conduct, regulations, and principles—all
exoteric matters. The inner life of human beings is neglected.
But we neglect that inner life at our peril. The inner lives and outer
lives of human beings are intimately connected—if the first is out of
order, the second can’t be healthy, either. If nothing else, the self-destruc-
tion of Europe in two world wars should give us pause to think and
reflect: we should recognize that negative subconscious contents and ac-
cretions can result in explosive discharges that are as totally unexpected as
they are universally destructive. The outer world shapes the inner world
of humans; but conversely, the inner world of the individual also has an
influence on the outer and social world. Without appropriate spiritual
training, pacifying the soul, and satisfying its inner cravings, that influ-
ence can only be negative.
In our day, the need for such moral/spiritual instruction has taken on
an added urgency. Humankind’s scientific and technological advance-
ment has far outstripped its moral progress. Somehow, man’s spiritual
maturity must be brought to the same level as our technical prowess—if
nothing else, in order to control the latter and channel it to constructive
ends—and the need for this is much more urgent in a scientifically ad-
vanced society than it was in ages and civilizations that led a more pastoral
existence.This is not only because of technology’s incredibly magnified
capacities for destruction, but because, having solved its economic prob-
lem and rid itself of material want, the way lies wide open for humanity’s
unfettered spiritual improvement. The Chinese symbol for crisis is com-
posed of two parts, one signifying danger and the other, opportunity.
The dangers inherent in our present civilization are great, yet the oppor-
tunities are equally great.
Since, therefore, human beings do not live in the external world alone—
since each one possesses an inner world in addition to the outer, which
they all share—and since training this inner world is not only possible,
but absolutely necessary, there have to be certain esoteric, or spiritual,
schools in order to provide this education. And so there are. If they did
not exist they would have to be invented, in order to meet this unsatis-
fied need of human beings.
These are the schools of the “Mohammedan University.” Each one
follows a different path, but they are all united in the end result. They
are, as it were, the educational units of an “Invisible College.” Whoever
attains moral, spiritual, and psychological growth advances in these
There is an important reason why these schools are not formal and
official, like other schools. In this case, institutionalization yields results
at odds with the intended goal. The official university is predominantly
a matter of rigid form and structure. What is intended here, however, is
exactly the opposite—the purpose is to pass from form to content, from
external appearance to inner meaning. Spiritual education and progress is
The Per
Per fect M
erfect aster for the Esoteric P
Master ath
Although there are no formal schools for learning Sufism, the master-
disciple relationship is a time-honored method of teaching. As Michael
Polanyi has pointed out,199 it holds no less true in science than it does in
mysticism. Indeed, it is the accepted form of instruction in all branches
of science and art.
Although mature spiritual masters have many distinguishing proper-
ties that set them apart from other people, the main ones are as follows:
1. They follow God’s Commandments and the Way of the Prophet
2. Your worries and anxieties are dissipated in their presence, giving way
to contentment and affection.
3. You do not wish to leave their presence. Your enthusiasm and affection
increases with every pearl of wisdom they utter.
4. All persons young and old, of high or lowly standing—even heads of
state—feel obliged to offer them their respects and receive their bless-
(Note that extrasensory powers or acumen are not counted among the
above. Such capabilities may or may not be manifest in a master, but
these cannot be taken as basis for proper instruction. A student who
approaches a true teacher with the sole purpose of mastering such powers
will be rejected, and rightly so, for these are merely possible and mostly
undesirable by-products, not the goal, of the journey.)
Walt Whitman was speaking for the perfect master when he said: “I
and mine do not convince by arguments; we convince by our presence.”
What the Koran says can be read in the master’s movements and face. All
the actions, behavior, and disposition of a person having these characteristics
student cannot receive instruction, the efforts of even the best teacher
will be foiled. In addition, appropriate preparation is as necessary here as
in the case of an ordinary journey.
The distinguishing characteristic of a gifted disciple is this: he or she is
constantly at war with his or her self. (What follows applies to male and
female alike—the third-person male gender is used only for brevity.) He
torments and tortures this enemy with hunger, thirst, and speechlessness.
He endures various difficulties and resists the inclinations of his self,
grasps it with a powerful grip, and succeeds in subduing it. The gifted
disciple is a self-surmounter; he is always striving to climb beyond his
present level of selfhood.
It goes without saying that at this time the disciple or seeker has al-
ready mastered the exoteric path—the Five Pillars (Words of Witnessing,
Formal Prayer, fasting, giving alms, and making the hajj to Mecca at
least once in a lifetime) and the various other requirements of the exo-
teric path. Each of these outward actions has a corresponding inner ac-
tion that leads the seeker eventually to the Flowering of the Perfect Human,
the ultimate goal (or Golden Fleece) of the Islamic-Sufic journey.
The sole desire of the talented disciple is to purge his self of all unde-
sirable and condemned characteristics. For he knows that his self is his
own greatest enemy and that it is the source of the most dangerous spiri-
tual illnesses. And for this reason, he strives his utmost to free himself
from the effects of his ego.
Why is this characteristic required in a disciple? Because if he is con-
tent and satisfied with the level of self he happens to be in, there will be
no motivation left for further progress to higher stages. Self-satisfaction
is the nemesis of self-transcendence, and freezes progress.
Bahauddin Naqshband, the founder of the school known by his name,
“I have two legacies for travelers on this path. The first is: no matter
what stage the travelertraveler attains, no matter how far he progresses,
he cannot achieve salvation and liberation unless he regards his self as a
hundred times worse than the self of Pharaoh.200 And the second is: no
matter what stage he reaches, the travelertraveler cannot be saved and will
be ruined unless he considers himself a novice, who has as yet taken only
the first step on the road.”
If someone hurts him, the talented disciple does not curse or swear in
return. Instead, he finds fault with his self, and says: “If my self were not
bad, God would not allow these servants of His to pester me like this.” If
someone complains of him to his master, he tells his master that not
they, but he, is to blame, and that the fault is his.
Such a travelertraveler, then, who can conquer the self, can hold it in
his palm, and who blames only his self for all errors, is gifted and worthy
to enter this path. If he exhibits certain errors and imperfections from
time to time, these may be excused, and do not constitute a permanent
obstacle to entering the True Path. For when he observes bad behavior in
himself, he criticizes his self. He does not exchange bad words with any-
one, nor does he swear at them. He blames his self for every mistake and
never sides with it. The true disciple does not allow himself feelings of
But if the travelertraveler is happy with his self; if he fails to struggle
against it; if self-love and pride overcome him; if he cannot vanquish it
by remaining hungry, thirsty, and sleepless when necessary; if he places
the blame on those who beat or swear at him; if he takes offense, be-
comes their enemy, and tries to exact revenge; if he sides with his self,
seeking its ease and comfort—this disciple does not have the talent to
embark on the journey, and cannot even sniff the aroma of the path of
the saints.
The basis of the road of those close to God is to be displeased with
one’s self and to be its enemy—to “Struggle” (mujahada) against the self
and thereby join the ranks of those who achieve “Observation”
(mushahada). If the travelertraveler does not build his spiritual career on
this foundation, he will be building on quicksand, and sooner or later it
will fall down like a house of cards. Because someone who does not
know his enemy cannot find his friend.
to all human beings; they correspond to the Base Self, and determine our
perception of what is called the “observable universe.” There is, however,
an “Invisible (ghayb) World” in addition to the visible world. As we know,
there are things that are invisible or unobservable to the unaided senses,
such as radio waves, even in the visible world. When we say Invisible
World, however, we mean primarily the Spiritual World, susceptible to
perception by the five inner (spiritual) senses, which are the counterparts
of the five external senses (inner sight, inner hearing, and so on). Natu-
rally, since these inner senses ordinarily lie dormant, people are not aware
of their existence. As one attains higher levels of the self, these senses are
awakened, and what is normally invisible becomes observable. This is
what is meant by Observation, which comprises various categories such
as Revelation (wahy), Unveiling (kashf), and Intuition or intuitive per-
ception (emergence into consciousness). The highest stage of Observa-
tion is the Vision of God, but this sight is possible only in the most
refined states of self-purification.
On this journey, three rules of conduct are essential for the traveler:
1. No matter what level of maturity the disciple attains by the grace of
God or the aid of his master, he must try to increase his humility, self-
effacement, and nothingness. If he is able to do so, he should consider
this, too, to be a grace of God and give thanks to Him. He should
never fall into self-assertion. The servant should remain firmly estab-
lished in poverty, weakness, and nothingness, which characterize the
station of servanthood. He should not reach out for power, majesty,
and self-sufficiency, which are the attributes of God, until God strips
that person of human attributes and grants him subsistence through
His Essence. Deviation from self-denial and self-renunciation on this
road is unbecoming in a disciple. Whoever desires to be freed of mor-
tality will abide by this.
2. When a state, behavior, or anything else that displeases the master
manifests itself in the disciple as an ordinary human failing, he should
not lose heart and cease to visit or serve that master in the belief that all
is lost, and that he is of no use anymore. Utmost attention should be
paid to this point.
General Rules
On the road to Truth, there are many things to be learned and many
methods to be applied. We shall only dwell on certain general rules here,
and shall select the Way of the Naqshbandi (Naqshi for short) as an
example. It has been said that “the end of all roads is the beginning of the
Naqshbandi road.” It is the shortest path of closeness to God.
One of the finer points inherent in this saying is that with the Naqshis,
the master shows the disciple the goal of the journey at the very outset,
so that the disciple can then concentrate his efforts with full conscious-
ness on the achievement of the goal. The Prophet taught the science of
wisdom and presence privately to Abu Bakr (the first Caliph), but did
not divulge it to the general public, not even to the other caliphs. There
are three principles on this path: eating sparingly, sleeping sparingly, and
talking sparingly.
Eating little leads to short sleep, short sleep leads to talking little, and
talking little is a great aid in invoking God within one’s heart at every
instant. Hence, the main thing is to eat sparingly.
Eating little also has a second benefit. Satiety leads to pride, and pride
leads to anger. Thus, eating little also holds these two in check.
Actually, it is enough for those entering this path to observe modera-
tion in food, drink, sleep, and speech. There are three conditions for this:
1. To put away all worldly thoughts, images, and memories from the
2. Never to forget God, always invoking (remembering) Him in one’s
3. Always to be in Vigil (wakeful watching) of, or Communion with,
God (muraqaba), to bear God in mind.
The spiritual prerequisite of this path is the love of God and longing
for Him. If this worry, this concern has entered a heart, this should be
regarded as the greatest gift, and one should ceaselessly strive to increase it
without losing it.
The Invocation (zikr: literally, “remembrance”) of God in one’s heart
is the shortest road that leads to God, and the key to the inconceivable
world of Unity, which also protects one against troubles and calamities.
The gain of those entering this path is always to be in God’s Presence.
When that Presence takes root in the heart, it is called Observation
(mushahada). When Presence becomes Stabilized (tamkin), i.e., when it
becomes permanent and free from Variation (talwin), the goal is achieved.
God is known at every moment, one is always with Him, and is never
heedless of Him at any instant.
What follows are three methods the Naqshis have to achieve this state:
The E lev
Elev en P
leven rinciples
We cannot, in a treatment such as this, leave the “Eleven Words” of the
Naqshbandis unmentioned. The first eight of these were established by
Master Abdulhaliq Gujduwani, and the last three were added by Sheikh
Naqshband. They are as follows:
1. Invocation (Yad Kard or zikr). Basically, this is to invoke the Word of
Unity while holding one’s breath (habs dam) for a suitable period of
time. Retaining the breath during a certain number of invocations
prevents the attention from wavering and the mind from wandering.
2. Knots (Baz Gasht). This refers to short prayers that punctuate Invoca-
tion (see above). When the number of invocations during breath re-
tention is finished and one is exhaling, one repeats a formula such as:
“My Lord, You are my goal and my desire is to please You.” This
prevents one’s thoughts from straying, and the invoker is delivered
from recollections and baseless thoughts that might flood his heart.
3. Wakefulness (Nigah Dasht). This refers to cognizance of, and combat
against, mental distractions. One must fight off various thoughts and
images that assail the mind, and the heart and attention should remain
centered on God. This is very difficult and requires great effort. Breath
control is the most important aid in achieving it.
4. Recollection (Yad Dasht). This means always to remain attentive of
God. Everything except God should be removed from the heart and
mind, and concentration should be centered on Him.
5. Watching one’s breath (Hosh Dar Dam). Every breath of the Seeker
should be inhaled and exhaled with wakefulness and awareness. Breath-
ing should be controlled, and one must be fully conscious of one’s
inhalations and exhalations. Master Shahabuddin Suhrawardi has clari-
fied the reason as follows: “He who does not control his breath cannot
control his self, and he who cannot control his self belongs to the
company of the ruined.”
6. Journey to the homeland (Safar Dar Watan).This is the spiritual jour-
ney back to God, from whence the traveler (and indeed, everything
else) came. The voyage from bad and disgusting behavior to salutary
7. Watching one’s step (Nazar Bar Qadam). The Seeker should always
keep his eyes on his feet. If the disciple looks around indiscriminately,
his attention will stray; what he sees will be impressed on his heart,
and confusion will result. Also, in a metaphorical sense, he should
always be aware of where he is going, and never lose sight of the
journey’s goal.
8. Solitude in company (Halwat Dar Anjuman). The Seeker must be in
the world, but not of the world; to be with people (or God’s creation)
externally, but to remain with Truth (God) internally. The aim is to
concentrate on preserving one’s spiritual state as if one were alone,
even in the presence of others.
9. Pause of time (Wuquf Zamani). The Seeker should pause from time to
time for self-examination and self-criticism. One should give thanks
for one’s good conduct and repent for what is bad in oneself.
10. Pause of numbers (Wuquf Adadi). Another aim is to take care that the
required number of invocations have been completed during breath
retention. One begins with a single invocation (say, of the Word of
Unity) and gradually raises this to twenty-one. For example, one in-
hales, repeats the formula three times, then exhales. If a certain result
has not been obtained even though twenty-one repetitions have been
reached, it may be necessary to repeat the cycle.
11. Pause of the heart (Wuquf qalbi). Here, the Seeker tries to imagine
that the true name of God is inscribed in his or her heart, and aims to
train the mind until this visualization becomes permanent.
As we have seen, these eleven rules are mostly concerned with the con-
centration of attention, and with breath retention and breath control.
Chartt of the SSpiritual
piritual JJourney
On the road to Truth, to Absolute Reality, the traveler is always in a
different state at each step of the way. It is useful to tabulate these in
order to gain an overall view. The contents of this chart, shown in Table
1, will be briefly described. The points that we need to bear in mind are:
1. The chart is not precise, but serves to give a general idea only.
2. Various sources give this table in different and sometimes conflicting
ways. The classification of Ibrahim Hakki of Erzurum, a great saint, is
followed here, but other sources have also been consulted.
3. The journey of each traveler diplays individual peculiarities. Perhaps
for this reason, masters do not indulge in detailed explanations about
the chart of spiritual progress. It should be remembered that the chart
is only a convenient device for comprehension, rather than a rigorous
exposition of details.
In the Sufic conception, the observable universe, the physical world of
coarse matter, is only the lowest of existential realms. Beyond it are do-
mains that do not lend themselves to physical measurement for the simple
reason that they are nonphysical (or prephysical, “pre-” being here used in
an ontological rather than necessarily temporal sense). The number of
worlds, including the physical, are basically four. And no one has ex-
pressed this fourfoldness with greater poetic beauty than William Blake:202
Now I a fourfold vision see,
And a fourfold vision is given to me;
’Tis fourfold in my supreme delight
And threefold in soft Beulah’s night
And twofold Always. May God us keep
From single vision and Newton’s sleep.
“Single vision” is the vision that sees only the world of gross matter,
that denies reality to any other level of existence, including God, who is
Absolute Reality. Thus, a relative, partial vision of reality negates total,
Absolute Reality on the basis of nothing except its own bias and incom-
pleteness, which is the very epitome of irrationality.
The Sufis, then, believe in the existence of the material world, but
allow also for the existence of other planes of reality (alam, plural awalim).
This is not a question of reducing the material world to the spiritual or
ideal (note that “spiritual” and “ideal” are not identical) world, or vice
versa; not a question of “either/or,” but of “both/and.”
These “other worlds”—or, if you wish, “parallel universes”—have each
been referred to by more than one name by the Sufis.As in Blake’s Four-
fold Vision, there are four realms in the simpler, basic classification:
Human, Angelic, Majestic, and Divine (respectively Nasut, Malakut,
Jabarut, and Lahut). These are to be conceived as hierarchical rather than
equal in rank.
The Human World is, quite simply, the world of human beings, the
world we witness and perceive with our five senses—the physical, mate-
rial, or observable universe. For this reason, it is also called the World of
Witnessing (i.e., the world that we witness), the Base (lowly) World, or
the World of: Elements (after the classical four elements), Births, Cre-
ation and Dissipation, the Visible, Fear, Heavens, Spheres, Stars and
Bodies. It is often called the Kingdom (mulk).
The Angelic World is the world of dominion, where God is the recog-
nized absolute ruler. For this reason, it is also called the World of Com-
mand. It is the Unseen (ghayb) world of angels and spirits.
In our chart, the Angelic World occupies two adjacent cells, the
Interworld and the World of Spirits:
a) The Interworld is the “isthmus” or intermediate world, the World of
Imagination, accessible in twilight states of consciousness (between
sleep and wakefulness). Its basis is the Imaginal World (alam al-mithal)
or World of Symbols (Archetypes), which is superior to it.
b) The World of Spirits is superior to the Interworld, and is also known as
the World of Meanings or the Dreamworld. It is the locus of awe.
The Majestic World is the World of Power. It is also known as the
World of Realities. This is also the stage where the Mohammedan Real-
ity manifests itself, and the disciple is filled with Mohammedan Light.
The Divine World is the World of Divinity, and is, like the Angelic and
Majestic Worlds, an Unseen, Unobservable, or Invisible world—in fact,
it is the Unseen of the Unseen of the Unseen, or U3. The divine principles
are framed at this level, the World of Loftiness. It is the World of the
(Infinite) Cloud (ama), to which the Prophet referred when he was asked:
“Where was God before He created the universe?” He answered: “My
Lord was in point of a cloud without top or bottom.” (That is, He was
present at every point of an infinite—homogeneous and isotropic—cloud
of white light.) In Sufism, it refers to the level of Absolute Unity and
Eternity. Although it appears in only one cell, it actually encompasses the
last three cells of our chart.
Sometimes, the Self or Identity of God is differentiated from this
Divine World and assigned a separate status. This is then called Hahut
(from huwiya: “He-ness,” Identity, or Divine Ipseity) and the five realms
that thus result are called the “Five Presences” (hazrat hamsah). In this
case, when one wishes to refer to the fourfold scheme, Lahut and Hahut
together are called the World of Glory (Izzah).
The Essence (zat) of God in relation to Himself is called Absolute
Unity (Ahadiyah), and corresponds to Hahut. (This is the unknowable
Hidden God, the deus absconditus, and it is forbidden to speculate about
the nature of God’s Self or Essence.) In relation to His Creation, it is
called Oneness (Wahidiyah), and corresponds to Lahut.The latter is asso-
ciated with the Most Sacred Body (wujud al-aqdas).
Return to Witnessing. Here, the return begins from the Unseen to the
Human (Witnessed) World. This, however, is not a return to an earlier
state, but a proceeding, a going forth.
Unity in Diversity, Diversity in Unity. The Divine World is experi-
enced in the states of Extinction (fana) and Subsistence (baqa). Unity in
Diversity is the final stage.
Throne Kursi
Nafs al-natiqa
Human Self
Spirit Heart
Ruh Qalb
Self Nafs
The seeker’s state at the beginning of the journey is characterized by an
inclination to lust and pleasure. He follows the lead of his selfish and
lustful desires. The master’s instruction and training, however, soon re-
sult in the emergence of affection and enthusiasm. This is not sexual af-
fection, but the pure and unsullied attraction to Truth. This affection
increases and is finally transformed into love.Nothing is possible without
love. Love is what delivers results. It gives rise to attainment and, when
perfect faith has crystallized in the heart, to fulfillment.
The seeker then loses himself utterly (fana: Extinction or Annihila-
tion). Only God is left, which is why this state is also called Extinction in
God (fana fi-Allah). After this point is reached, certain divine mysteries
are revealed to the seeker, who consequently is thrown into a state of
wonder. Finally comes the state of Survival, Continuation, or Subsis-
tence (baqa), whereby the traveler is given a renewed existence by and
through God (baqa bi-Allah).
In order to understand locations, we first have to learn about Subtleties
(lataif, sing. latifah) or psychic centers. We have already seen that human
beings possess a spirit. This spirit is coupled to the physical body in the
form of a spiritual body. Now this spiritual body possesses a psychic anatomy
or structure, just as the material body has a physical anatomy. When Sufis
speak of the Heart, for example, what they have in mind is not the physical
lump of flesh that pumps blood throughout the body. They refer, rather,
to the heart of the spiritual body, which is associated with the spiritual
body and animates the physical body as long as a human being is alive.
In the same way, there are other psychic centers within the spiritual
body akin to the Heart center, and it is to these that the term “Subtleties”
applies. These psychic centers are variously referred to as the Five
Subtleties, the Seven Subtleties, or the Ten Subtleties. All ten Subtleties
are shown in FIGURE 1.203
The five basic subtleties are located in the chest (Sadr). These are: the
Heart (Qalb), the Spirit (Ruh), the Secret (Sirr), the Hidden (Khafi), and
the Most Hidden (Akhfa or Ikhfa).
In order to obtain the seven subtleties, the Self (Nafs) is added to the
beginning of this list, and the Human Self (Nafs al-natiqa, or Speaking/
Reasoning Self ) is added to the end. Sometimes the Self (Nafs) is omit-
ted, and the Total (Kull) is added to give the seven subtleties.
An intermediate stage called the Secret of the Secret (Sirr al-Sirr, or
S ), and two further centers beyond the Human Self—the Throne (Kursi),
and the Highest Heaven or Empyrean (Arsh)—complete the list of ten
subtleties. Occasionally a further center, the Total (Kull) or the Universal
Intellect (Aql al-Kull), is inserted between the Human Self and the
Throne. (This may be considered a subcenter of the Throne.)
Further information concerning these subtleties is outlined below.
(Note that all measured distances are approximate, and that the colors
and locations of the centers are sometimes listed differently.)
The Self: This is the center of the animal (animating) self, and corre-
sponds to the Hara, or Life Center, of the Japanese. It is located within
the body an inch below the navel or belly button.
The Heart: Also called Fouad, this does not actually coincide with the
physical heart (which is more centrally placed), but is located an inch
below the left nipple. It is associated with the color red and the prophet
Adam, “whom God purified.”
The Spirit: Its location is an inch below the right nipple. Color: yel-
low. Prophet: Noah, “whom God saved.”
The Secret: Location: an inch above the left nipple. Color: white.
Prophet: Moses, “who talked with God.”
S2: Location: center of the chest (between Secret and Hidden). Color:
black. Prophet: Jesus, “the Mystery of God.”
The Hidden: Location: an inch above the right nipple. Color: green.
Prophet: Mohammed, “the Beloved of God.”
The Most Hidden: Location: top of sternum (just below the neck-
line). Colorless. In some charts this is called the Axis of the Secret
(Mustawa al-Sirr).
Now that we have formed some idea about the subtleties, how does
one utilize this “tree of life”? Basically, the procedure is to activate the
psychic centers in ascending order. One starts by concentrating on the
chest area (Sadr) as a whole. (Note that its color, blue, is also the color of
a healthy psychic aura.) One then concentrates on the Heart subtlety, and
so on in accordance with the direction of arrows in FIGURE 1. Each center
is awakened by concentrating the invocation appropriate to that stage in
that center. For instance, looking at Table 1, Allah is the invocation proper
to the Heart center. Once an invocation becomes fixed or permanent in
its center, and light of a color specific to that center (as well as certain
other signs) becomes manifest, the center is considered to be “conquered”
or “opened.” One then passes on to concentrating invocation in the next
higher center.
Warning: Note once again that one must not try to awaken any center
without the permission of a qualified master. This is very dangerous. Do
not try to “teach yourself,” and don’t experiment. Without proper guid-
ance, you’re liable to get lost in God knows what sector of inner space.
The entire comport of the seeker from the beginning right through to
the end should lie within the Divine Law, that is, the prescriptions and
restrictions of Islam. At no stage should adherence to the Sacred Law be
abandoned, for it is the basis, the foundation, of all.
Upon his works in accordance with the Holy Law, the aspirant next
builds the knowledge and practices of the spiritual schools. New restric-
tions are added upon those of the Divine Law. One passes from License,
where some things are allowed by Holy Law, to Restraint, or further
limitation (compression) of the self. This is followed by Knowledge,
which is the Knowledge of God, i.e., being informed about God. This
information and these practices lead the seeker to Truth. After this he can
attain Sainthood, or the Friendship of God. His next support is the Es-
sence of Divine Law. He does not remain ignorant of the reasons for the
Divine Law, and acts out its requirements in full knowledge and con-
sciousness of their reason for being. Finally, his support becomes the
Universal Essence.
Lights with colors distinguish one subtlety from another. This color is
blue in the beginning. The Heart center glows with a reddish light when
it is activated. The color of the Spirit center is yellow, and so on.
Names define the invocation to be performed by the seeker at a cer-
tain stage. A specific name of God is invoked at each stage, and the aspir-
ant passes from one to another as he progresses.
Per ceptions
Perceptions refer to various levels through which a wayfarer passes.
They are activated only at the last three stages of selfhood. We may dis-
tinguish here between perceptions of Unification (tawhid) and those of
Fusion (jam).
Unification of Deeds/V
eeds/Verbs—of ttributes/A
erbs—of A djectiv
ttributes/Adjectiv es—of E
djectives—of ssence
The universe has often been compared to a great book by the wise. “The
book of the universe,” said Galileo, “is written in the language of mathemat-
ics.” One of God’s ninety-nine Beautiful Names, the Counter (or Reckoner:
Muhsi), bears testimony to the fact that God indeed created in numerical
measure and proportion. Wherever we look in the observable universe, we
witness the mathematical beauty that the Great Artist (Sani) has built into it.
So Galileo was right—but his understanding was, nevertheless, in-
complete. Our modern science, which is quantitative through and through,
gives us only a one-dimensional picture of the universe that projected
upon the Real-Number Line. Numbers can tell us a lot, but they can’t
tell us everything. It is as if scientists had opened the book of the uni-
verse, encountered letters, words, and sentences on each page, then pro-
ceeded to measure the dimensions of characters, their groupings into
words, their frequency and regularity of occurence, and so on. This is a
very telling metaphor, for in physics and chemistry the “alphabet” of the
universe is composed of the ninety-two naturally-occuring elements, in
biology of twenty-two amino acids, and so forth.
But because of its exclusive preoccupation with quantity, modern sci-
ence has neglected to actually read the Grand Book of the Universe—to
read and to understand it. Our measurements performed on it are unsur-
passed, yet our understanding of it is still insufficient. The secrets it har-
bors remain as locked as ever, and it is these we need to decipher.
Now the Sufis, too, have viewed the universe as a book to be read. In
Arabic, fiil refers both to an action and, linguistically, to a verb; sifat
refers both to an attribute and to an adjective, ism both to a name and a
noun. Taking their cue from this, the Sufis have represented the Book of
the Universe as being composed of verbs, which are God’s actions; adjec-
tives, which are His attributes; and nouns, which are His names. In their
conception, the Essence of God gives rise to the Divine Names and
These next states are manifestations of Actions, Names/Attributes,
and Essence in the manifestation of Actions: An action amongst the Actions
Unification of Essence
The Presence of Fusion
Unification of Attributes
Unification of Actions
Ground State
F IGURE 2. SState
tate Transition Diagram of the SSpiritual
Diagram piritual
The manifestation of the Essence: To achieve this state is to be very
close to God. By dint of worship, the wayfarer has become adorned with
humility, spiritual poverty, and consciousness of his own weakness. He
knows God through his self and attributes, and knows this self through
the Attributes of God. Because the self of this Perfect Human has found
lowliness and nothingness, the mirror of servanthood stands face to face
with the Mirror of the Divine, and whatever is visible in one is reflected
in the other. On this basis the Lord has declared: “The heavens and the
earth cannot contain me, yet the heart of my faithful servant does.”
All these details and techniques, however, will be of no avail if the
aspirant does not pay attention to two crucial points: abstention from
illicit gain, and from illicit sex. For all the icy baths of the Brahmins, the
sleepless nights of the Buddhist and Christian ascetics, the self-inflicted
tortures of the Hindu fakirs, the seclusion of Sufi dervishes in mountain
caves or dungeon-like cellars—these all served only one end: the control
of the Self. And yet, self-control is actually predicated on these two criti-
cal points alone: Forbidden passion and pecuniary interest. Protect your-
self from these, and the way to sainthood will remain open. Otherwise,
not only will all your efforts come to naught, but the gates of fire will
welcome you. Here, it is necessary to watch one’s eyes, one’s ears, one’s
tongue, and one’s mind. If at any time you observe a tendency in these
toward Forbidden earnings or passions, then the Work—the Struggle—
has not been completed.
Provided the two points above are fulfilled, meditation (tafakkur) and
invocation connecting the heart with the mind—more precisely, the Heart
Center with the Center of the Human Self—will lead to progress on the
path, never neglecting the other requirements, beginning with Prayer.
Above and beyond all these details lies the progress of the seeker through
the levels of selfhood. The treatment of these levels is important enough
to merit a chapter in its own right.
STATION OF SELF (nafs)IMPELLING (Carnal or Base Self)
(ammara)(12:53)CRITICAL (Self-Reproaching) (lawwama) (75:2)
INSPIRED (mulhimma) (91:8) SERENE (Tranquil) (mutmainna)
(89:27) PLEASED (God-Satisfied) (radhiya) (89:28) PLEASING (God-
Satisfying) (mardhiya) (89:28)PERFECTED,PURIFIED or SANCTI-
FIED1 (kamila, zakiyaor safiya)
JOURNEY (thuluq)To God (il-Allah)Toward God (li-llah)Upon God
(al-Allah)With God (ma-Allah)In God (fi-llah)From God (ani-llah)By
God (bi-llah)
WORLD (Realm) (alam)Witnessing (shahada)HUMAN
(NASUT)Interworld (Isthmus) (barzah)ANGELICSpirits
Wit- nessing (shahada)(LAHUT)Unity in diver-sity, diversity in unity
STATE (hal)Tendency to Lust (shahwah)Affection (muhabbah)Love
(ashq)Attainment (wuslah)Extinction (fana)Wonder (hayrah)Subsistence
ABODE (Subtlety) (latifa)Chest (sadr)Heart (qalb, fouad)Spirit
(ruh)Secret (sirr)Secret of the Secret (sirr as-sirr)Hidden (khafi)Most Hid-
den (akhfa)
ARRIVAL (Support) (warid) Revealed Law (sharia)Path (Schools)
(tariqa)Gnosis (Knowledge) (marifa)Truth (haqiqa)Sainthood
(wilaya)Essence of Revealed Law (zat ash- sharia)Universal Essence (zat
NAME (Invocation) (ism)No god but God (la ilaha illAllah)God
(Allah)He (Hu)the Truth (Haqq)the Living (Hayy)the Everlasting
(Qayyum)the Overwhelming (Qahhar)
LEVEL (tabaqa)Aspirant (talib)Seeker (murid)Wayfarer (thaliq)Voyager
(sair)Flier (tair)Attainer (wasil)Pole (qutb)
STATION (maqam)Repentance (tawba)Avoiding prohi- bitions
(wara)Asceticism (zuhd)Poverty (faqr)Patience (sabr)Pleasure (ridha)Trust
in God (tawaqqul)
Sometimes counted separately to give a total of nine.
T ABLE 1. Char
Chartt of the SSpiritual
piritual JJourney
The Flowering of the Perfect Human
eliminaryy Notes on Terminology
The nature of man has traditionally been held to be tripartite. In addi-
tion to his outer being, the body (Greek soma), his inner existence has
been conceived as having an “I”, ego, self, or soul (Sanskrit Atman, Greek
Psyche ,Hebrew Nefesh, Arabic nafs) and a spirit (Latin Spiritus, Greek
Pneuma, Hebrew Ruach, Arabic ruh). The spirit is the difference be-
tween a living body and a dead one, i.e., that which animates the body,
and is considered to survive after bodily death; in other words, the phe-
nomenon of death is nothing but the decoupling or dégagement of the
spirit from the body. The self, I, or soul, on the other hand, is the seat of
(self-)consciousness; in a loose analogy, the spirit is to the soul as a fruit is
to its core or kernel—the two are inseparably connected.
Now the soul and the spirit were considered to be different and dis-
tinct entities in both early Hebraism and early Christianity. Yet with the
passage of time, the two became confused, so that today the soul, the
spirit, and the psyche are considered synonymous, and it is not always
clear in usage which of the two aspects one is referring to. This situation
derives from the fact that both the spirit and the soul survive after death,
as well as from the fact that they both mean “breath” in various languages
(see the equivalents given above). As we shall see below, however, the
distinction between them is a useful one to maintain. In what follows,
therefore, the “self ” has been consistently used for the “soul” to avoid
confusion, and this terminology is adhered to at least throughout this
chapter. Also, to avoid cumbersome language, the male third-person rep-
resents both the male and female genders, as before. Needless to say, Sufi
sainthood is open to women as well as men, of whom the archetypal
example was Rabia al-Adawiya.
In his famous mystical poem, The Conference of the Birds, the Sufi
poet Fariduddin Attar depicts the search of a company of birds for the
legendary arch-bird, the Simurgh. This name, meaning “thirty birds,”
simultaneously represents the number of birds in the flock, which is also
thirty. (Actually, the original name of the poem, Mantiq al-Tayr, can also
be translated as “The Reasoning of the Birds.” Like the Greek Logos,
which stands for both “Word” and “Reason,” the Arabic word mantiq
signifies both “speech” and “logic.”)
After traveling through seven valleys and experiencing many arduous
adventures, the birds finally come face to face with the incomparable
Simurgh. The climax of the story is also one of the most moving pieces
to be found in the poetry of mysticism. Here are a few sample lines, in
the unforgettable translation of Edward Fitzgerald:
All you have been, and seen, and done, and thought,
Not you but I, have seen and been and wrought…
I was the Tajidar204 who led the Track:
I was the little Briar that pull’d you back…
Now the search of the birds for the Simurgh is none other than the
human search for God, or Absolute Reality. And the seven valleys they
have to traverse are the seven stages, or “stations,” of the self.205 Only at
the final stage can the veils fall from one’s eyes, revealing a vision of the
incomparable splendor of divine majesty. This is an experience so amaz-
ing, so miraculous, so ineffable, that all those who have been graced with
it agree that compared to it, there is nothing else worth living for. In the
words of Misri, another Sufi poet, “If the ruler of the entire world heard
of this, he would give his life for just a drop of it.”
Our theme in this section, then, is the stages of the self as described in
Islamic and Sufic sources. Happy the ones who, traveling from stage to
stage, draw ever nearer to the source of all being and the sought-after goal
of becoming the Perfect Human. And pity the ones who, lacking the
drive and the diligence to work out their own salvation, remain stuck in
the basement—the dungeon!—of the Base Self.
The Lord Almighty in His wisdom has sent down the secrets of His
Essence from the invisible Heavens to the Earth, and has hidden those
secrets in the essence of each human being in order to reveal His own
Names and Attributes. But humans, sinking into the darkness of the
egotistical self, have forgotten the values and perfections they possessed
before coming into the physical world. When human beings leaned to-
ward the external world and the compulsions of the self, they donned
the attribute of ignorance and completely forgot their truth and home-
land. Whereupon God sent them prophets and holy books to wake them
from this heedless sleep, to guide them to the straight path, to purify and
order their inside and their outside, so that they might finally sweep
away the cobwebs of darkness and the veils of lust, discover the World of
Light, remember their origin, and return to it. Who approaches God
even an inch with this intent and desire, He will approach by a foot, and
He comes running to those who merely walk toward Him.
As with the ancient Egyptians (ba and ka) and Chinese (hun and p’o)
before them, Islamic scientists divided the human spirit into two parts.
The first of these they called the animal spirit, and the second, the hu-
man spirit. What they termed animal spirit was a subtle spiritual sub-
stance that comprised the life, sentience, motive force, and will of the
body, which man possessed in common with all animals. The self associ-
ated with this spirit is called—naturally enough—the animal self (nafs al-
1. SSelf
elf as Tyrant: The B ase SSelf
Base elf (I mpelling SSelf
(Impelling elf )
In the Arabian Nights, Sindbad the sailor, during one of his many
escapades, is shipwrecked and barely survives, dragging himself onto a
strange island where he is washed ashore, and falls asleep in exhaustion.
When he wakes up, he finds that an ugly pair of legs are entwined around
his neck, and that they belong to a drunkard. From that day on, Sindbad
becomes the slave of that debaucher, who never relaxes his stranglehold
and beats our poor hero on the head until his every whim is satisfied.
Sindbad eventually escapes, of course, but the rest of the story is not
our immediate concern. It has been remarked that the Arabian Nights
contains elements of Sufism, and there is no better example in support
of this than the drunkard’s deadlock described above; for it is one of the
best descriptions in world literature of the essential nature of the Base, or
evil, Self.
Nor, however, is this all. In mythology and fairy tale, in epic and
science fiction, we can trace the footprints of the lower self of humans:
from the seven-headed Hydra (note the number seven!) to the dragon of
St. George, from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to cyborgs, androids, and
killer robots—always, it is the despicable, impulsive, or compulsive self
who is the villain, the ogre, the monster. And as mythologist Joseph
Campbell aptly pointed out, he who conquers this Minotaur of a self is
the hero, as in his title The Hero with a Thousand Faces. Always it is the
same universal story that is retold, under a myriad of appearances and
guises. The stories do not usually explain who the villain symbolizes,
though this does not detract from their interest or enjoyment; but
Campbell has given away the whole show. The enemy is not outside, but
within: as the comics character Pogo once remarked, “We have met the
enemy, and he is us.”
But wait! Where there are dragons, there also are beautiful damsels
and buried treasure. Where there is the “dragon of a thousand coils,”
there also is the Golden Fleece. So what is to be gained by tackling this
adversary? Nothing less than something so valuable, so precious, that
people of all times and climes have compared it to the hand of a princess
or to priceless treasure hoards—not indeed because this was literally true,
but because their imagination fell miserably short in attempting to de-
scribe what is really involved and could only allude to reality by such
It is not simply in myth or sci-fi that we encounter the compulsive
self, but also in contemporary literature, theater, and cinema—the arts,
in short. We see it in Picasso’s Minotauromachy (“Struggle Against the
Minotaur”) and Guernica; Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf, which charac-
ter is part wolf and part human; Oscar Wilde’s Portrait of Dorian Gray,
which becomes uglier as Dorian’s misdeeds accumulate; Kafka’s portrayal
of a man’s Metamorphosis into an insect, gigantic and revolting; Eugene
Ionesco’s Rhinoceros, which begins with a solitary beast that proliferates
like Albert Camus’s Plague until it encompasses the whole populace,
charging to and fro—all are depictions of the domineering self. Modern
and postmodern writers and artists, the antennae of society, are drawing
attention to a psychic malaise which is so widespread that it is now also
social—for religion has never been disclaimed to the extent that it has
been in this century.
Perhaps psychology—psyche-ology, or “knowledge of the self”—should
properly be dealing with this subject, but a recognition in modern psy-
chology of the pharaonic aspects of the self are confined to the subcon-
scious or id, to which all our meaner impulses are relegated. This is, of
course, important: that the capricious self should have a subconscious
component, extending like the roots of a tree under the ground beyond
visibility and frustrating our attempts at conscious control, is certainly a
significant discovery. But beyond this, cognizance of the despotic self is
scarcely to be found. As for the higher levels of the self and the possibility
of evolving to such levels, these lie entirely beyond the imagination of
current psychology. Only very rarely in the West does one come across
attempts to conceptualize the stages of the self.
One reason for this is that we in the West have been taught that the
enemy, the arch-villain, is the flesh, or our instincts, or—in more recent
times—the subconscious. These mistaken diagnoses have veiled the true
source of strife from our eyes.
The motto of the carnal self is simplicity itself. From Rabelais’s Abbey
of Thelema to occultist Aleister Crowley’s, “Do what you will shall be
the whole of the law.” This, however, overlooks a very simple yet danger-
ous fact: the more the vagabond self is given free rein, the more it tends
to grow. The little squirming worm first becomes a king cobra, then a
colossal, fire-breathing dragon. Prometheus unbound becomes Franken-
stein unshackled. Looking at the male and female serial murderers of our
day, who abuse, torture, and dispose of dozens of people without batting
an eyelid, one can see the results of the dominating self run rampant, and
since things are going from bad to worse, one can only shudder for the
future. Newspapers report that cannibalism has revived—not in the dark
jungles of Africa, but in Russia. The Terminator and Alien have nothing
on them; as in the case of the armed person—to all appearances entirely
ordinary—who enters a random store or restaurant one day and opens
indiscriminate fire, the oppressive self dictates, first, the destruction of all
others within its purview, and finally the destruction of its own self.
Robots, mechanical men programmed to kill from whom all feelings of
compassion and mercy have been removed, are the end result of this
At the first, entry level, the human or speaking/reasoning self has been
subdued by the carnal self and is stuck at this level. It commands and
impels to evil, for which reason it is termed the commanding or impel-
ling self. Its characteristics are bad habits such as ignorance, miserliness,
greed, conceit, self-adulation, lust, jealousy, bad manners, useless activi-
ties, making fun of and hurting and scolding others.
The impelling self is a burden on a human being. It is like an alcoholic
son who does every iniquity and leaves his father to mop up behind him.
Now the self, or “I,” is a product of God’s infinite grace. But it has
become defiled by being attracted to the world and its intense interest in
its own desires. It has come under the influence of animal urges which
are pure lust, has become bound to lust and thus, to animality. It has
exchanged its own admirable qualities for the lowly traits of animals,
until its only remaining difference from them is outward form. Even
Satan gains strength from it. This ugly self is an enemy within us. It is
tyrannical and imperious, like a dictator. Furthermore, it emerges from
under whatever stone it is lurking at the least expected moment, when
we think we have vanquished it, and forces us to fulfill its despicable
demands. Only after everything is over do we realize what has happened.
As Ahmed Sirhindi, a saint of great renown, says:
“In its state of impulsiveness, the self always strives to be superior—to
be a leader, an authority, and greater than its peers. It desires that all
creatures should be dependent on it and that they should obey its com-
mands and prohibitions. It refuses to acknowledge its dependence on
and debt to others. This is nothing but a claim to divinity, and associa-
tion of itself with God. Indeed, the self with this quality of compulsion,
miserable and distant from happiness as it is, will not settle even for
partnership with God, but desires to subjugate even Him, to enslave all
that exists. It is for this reason that aiding and abetting this self, the
enemy of God, so that it may attain the leadership and authority it is
greedy for, is the greatest of follies and disasters.”
This gremlin can be tamed only by self-restraint. Give the impulsive
self its rights, but deny it its pleasures. “The rights of the self,” says
Abdulqader Gilani, one of the greatest saints, are as follows:
the needful amount of food, drink, clothing, and shelter. Its plea-
sures are the things it likes, and its lusts and caprices. Give it its
rights in accordance with the measure of the Holy Law. Always
feed it with what is Allowed or clean, never that which is Forbid-
den or tainted. Be content with little, as long as it is allowed.
Accustom your self to this.
If you desire liberation, oppose your self where obedience to your
Lord is concerned. If your self tends toward obeying Him, con-
cur with it. If it inclines toward sin, oppose and struggle against
Do not remove the stick of struggle from the back of your self.
Do not be fooled by its tricks. It will appear to sleep; do not be
taken in. Neither would you be off your guard in the presence of
a carnivorous beast that feigns sleep and drowsiness. For it is
seeking for a chance all the while that it seems lethargic and som-
nolent. It is in its predatory nature to do so.
Now the self is just like a predator. It acts as if it were sleepy and
drowsy, yet the moment it finds its opportunity, it strikes. This
self makes a show of external obedience, docility, and compli-
ance with what is good; yet it is hiding the exact opposite within.
So be very careful with it in matters where it appears submissive.
Try to heal your self. Say to it: “Whatever good you do is to your
own benefit, and what evil you commit is to your suffering.
Whatever you do, whether good or ill, will return to you.”
Struggle against your self. For God has said: “Whoever struggles
for Our sake, We shall surely guide to the straight path” (29:69),
and also: “If you aid God in His religion, He will aid you” (47:7).
Never give the self any room, never tolerate it. Do not obey its
demands. Only then will you find salvation and liberation. Never
condescend to smile at it. If it tells you a thousand things, answer
only one, until you are sure that its behavior is rectified and it is
quiescent. If it requests anything belonging to its pleasures and
capricious desires, always postpone it, saying: “Wait until Para-
dise.” Accustom it to the patience of want. Never accept a word
of what it says. For its propensity is always towards evil. What it
wants you to do is evil, without the shadow of a doubt. If you
must answer it, let your reply always be negative. Opposition to
the self is the road to its edification.
Patience on this path has an end. Patience is temporally finite, yet
its fruits are infinite.
The Devil
Enter the devil.
The devil is the principle of evil that exists in the external world. He is
not directly perceptible to the physical senses, but as with many other
things, we infer his existence through his effects. Rather than being an
abstract principle, however, he is personified, for the Koran and the pre-
vious sacred books tell us that he is a fallen angel who, out of spite for
humans, always tries to cheat them out of their rightful destiny, which is
to attain Paradise and the friendship of God. Unlike other religions,
though, the devil in Islam does not possess any great supernatural power,
and his abilities are restricted to deceiving those who heed his misadvice.
For this reason, he is termed “the Whisperer” in the Koran.
One of the cleverest ploys of the devil is to convince people that he
does not exist. In this way, he can work his ways on unsuspecting people,
and continue his task undisturbed. Further, since everything is known by
its opposite, denial of the existence of the devil, who is evil, leads to the
tacit denial of the existence of goodness, and of God. Once this point is
reached, one is thrown into a moral turmoil where good cannot be dis-
tinguished from evil, and hence the tendency to do evil is magnified
manifold, since one does not guard against it.
Within humans, the devil finds his natural ally in the animal self—the
self that “always impels to evil.” If one heeds the devil’s whisperings and
falls into his trap, the exterior principle of evil becomes interiorized. Ex-
ternal torment becomes internal torment.
When the traveler is at the stage of the impelling self, the devil ap-
proaches him and attempts to thwart him from the path, bombarding
him with the following suggestions:
“What business have you with this path? All those who have entered it
are dead. Only their words and their books remain. I know you want to
enter the Path of Truth. But who is there to guide you? Show me, where
are the people of lofty attainment, of great Struggle and Observation,
who are able to work miracles? That was in the past.Nowadays, you
cannot find even one of their kind. The best thing for you is to remain
with the Holy Law, be content with it, and seek help from the dead
Deception, untruth, is the essence of the devil, and here he is trying to
conceal a fact. Perfect Humans, mature masters and teachers, exist in
deeds to its credit, such as Prayer, fasting, and charity. Still, covert hypoc-
risy remains mixed in with them.
The possessor of this self wants his good works to be known by other
people. S/he does them both for God’s sake, and for show. S/he is re-
volted by this habit, however, and cannot find solace, but is also unable
to get rid of it.
Those in this station have, of their own choice, decided to die to their
selves and to exist with God, and have entered the path of dying by their
own volition before physical death overtakes them. The Prophet said:
“Die before you die,” that is, try to kill your selves. Moses said the same
thing to his people: “Slay your selves” (2:54). What is meant by “self ”
here is the ego—namely egotism, self-aggrandizement, and egocentrism.
Suicide is definitely not implied.
It is necessary to continue on one’s way without tarrying in this sta-
tion. For there is great danger and an eroding weariness at Stage 2. Those
who remain there cannot find comfort or salvation. The two dangers of
this stage are arrogance and anger. Of these, anger is composed of the
same fire that Satan was made of. Indeed, when his wife Aisha was angry,
the Prophet said: “This is the fire which has been called ‘the place of
Satan.’” This state of fury is an extremely dangerous and accursed enemy
for its owner. And the essence of this bad habit is arrogance. To eradicate
this conceit from one’s self is the best of all cures.
Anger and conceit have three antidotes:
1. When conceit is gone, it will be found that anger has vanished of itself.
As long as the cause of conceit remains, it cannot be expelled. The
cause of conceit is a full stomach. This strengthens conceit, and anger
reaches the zone of depravity. Hunger and sleeplessness should there-
fore be cultivated, and conceit should be uprooted with hunger.
2. The best antidote for the stimulus of anger is to think of one’s self as
weak, and thus to consider oneself unjustified in attacking another.
One must threaten one’s self with the bitter fruits of anger and the
retribution of God. Kindness, affection, and gentleness are necessary,
but overcoming anger is even more necessary.
3. Another antidote for anger is this: If you are standing when you get
angry, sit down; if you are sitting, stand up. If possible, take a Washup
(ablution), lie down face upwards, and recite the following prayer:
“My Lord, enrich me with knowledge, decorate me with gentleness,
grant me worship and fear of You, bestow well-being and health upon
me. Amen.”
Remember too that all beings envy the wayfarer, and try to prevent
him from the presence of God. In return, that person should not favor
anything or be afraid of anyone.
The devil makes one’s actions appear lovable to a person in this sta-
tion, and thus introduces feelings of self-love into his heart. Then he
appears to side with truth, and says: “You have now learned everything.
From now on, you have no need either to learn further knowledge, or to
join the discussion groups of the wise and knowledgeable or to listen to
the sermons of preachers. If only that man of knowledge or preacher
would advise his own self, and perform even a tenth of your deeds!” As a
result of this deceit, the person becomes so conceited that he does not
heed a single advice of the sage. He does his worship according to his
own mind, and is wasted away in the darkness of ignorance.
As can be seen, the tricks and deceptions of the devil are legion. He will
wreck the deeds of the traveler if he can; and if he cannot, he will then
instill a better deed in the seeker’s heart—so superior to his works that he
will be incapable of performing it. He praises this deed to the disciple and
forces him to attempt it, so that in his struggle to achieve this higher goal
the wayfarer forsakes even his lesser accomplishments.Thus, he loses both.
For example, the devil may suggest to the disciple that he perform the
Pilgrimage, in spite of the fact that he lacks the means to do so. The
disciple sets out on the road with little or no preparation, and becomes
destitute. His heart begins to darken, he postpones his Prayers, and starts
to gossip, swear, and engage in other ill deeds. Whereas he was a light-
hearted, good-natured person at home, who comported himself with
gentleness and regarded others as superior to himself, he now begins to
criticize people and regard them as inferior because of these travails. He
becomes ill-mannered, his heart becomes troubled, his self miserly, cov-
etous, and critical of others. The devil thus achieves his goal.
If God’s grace and salvation reaches out to this disciple and protects
him from such devil-inspired delusions, that person can be raised to the
third station by diligently practicing the etiquette of the Sacred Law and
the requirements of the mystical orders.
3. The IInspir
nspired SSelf
nspired elf
The self in the third station is called inspired because it receives inspi-
rations from the Lord without any intermediary. Although superior to
the reproachful self, this too is a dangerous station and needs the guid-
ance of an enlightened master to handle it. Otherwise, it is to be feared
that a relapse to the previous stage will occur.
The aspirant should confess all desires and errors to his guide when
they are alone, and should not hide anything from him. Whenever he
feels like denying or opposing his teacher, he should tell him this with-
out hesitation or holding anything back, and repent. For as long as one’s
faith in one’s teacher remains firm and strong, his heart will be protected
against delusions, and his ascent in the divine world will be assured. If
someone wholeheartedly attaches himself to a mature guide, tells him all
the good and bad thoughts that occur to him, if he accepts the remedies
this guide offers and practices them with diligence, if one is pleased in his
heart with this master—spiritual elevation is speeded and one reaches the
fourth station quickly.
The fact is that this station, while superior to the preceding two, is
still not secure against the inspirations of the devil and the ego. Because it
also receives inspirations from God, it confuses the one with the other.
The efforts of the ego and Satan at this stage are geared toward dis-
solving the ties between the student and his master. In the guise of a
divine inspiration, they try to make the master appear in a bad light in
the seeker’s eyes. But since the master is actually a mirror to people, the
ugly characteristics that the disciple projects upon him are none other
than his own. The lifesaver that the student must cling to on these stormy
seas is the Holy Law. In particular, the Prayer must be performed with
great care for its details. If this gives rise to arrogance and feelings of
superiority in the disciple, s/he cannot rise to the rank of those close to
God, and remains only in the rank of the good. But if the Seeker inten-
tionally discontinues Prayer, s/he will be reproved, and deprived of the
spiritual pleasures of Prayer. A condition of love is that the lover should
obey every wish of the Beloved.
The devil is still in hot pursuit of the traveler in the third station.
Appearing to side with truth, he says: “You have now seen, heard, and
understood everything. You have become a sage. Why should you need
to perform all these arduous deeds any longer? From now on, what be-
comes you is this: Leave all the worship and work that belong to outer
appearance to the externalists. Try to invest your time with internal wor-
ship, with concentration and contemplation (contemplate God and try
to see Him), which are more important and necessary than external wor-
If the disciple is taken in by these suggestions and abandons worship
and struggle, his heart begins to darken and the devil gains a foothold
there. Once he has achieved this, he again approaches the disciple and
“You are the truth of your Lord, and He is your truth. You have now
become a saint. All the observances and limitations incumbent upon
mortal servants have been lifted from you. Therefore, you can do what-
ever you please or desire. Everything is permitted for you. You will not
be held accountable.” This is one of the most insidious deceits of the
devil. For—to paraphrase Dostoyevsky—everything can be permitted
only if one denies God.
When this happens, the veils of darkness engulf the physical and spiri-
tual sight of the disciple to such a degree that he becomes completely
incapable of seeing the truth. He does not hesitate to commit any iniq-
uity, such as theft, treason, fornication, or drinking. The Seeker’s faith is
corrupted entirely, and s/he ceases to fear God, becoming such a play-
thing of the devil that s/he leaves God aside and takes the devil as a leader.
Such is the sorry end of anyone who heeds the words of the devil.
If God’s grace rescues this person, if s/he remains firm in worship and
struggle with love and diligence, the self rises to the fourth station.
4. The SSer
erene SSelf
erene elf
The human or rational (speaking/reasoning) self in the fourth station
is content, its heart is assured, and its sorrow dispelled by the speech of its
Lord. This is why it is called contented, tranquil, or serene.
The disciple does not show the slightest deviation from the Holy Law
in this station. He takes pleasure in practicing the moral conduct of the
Prophet, his heart is contented by following his example in actions and
behavior. Everything he says is in harmony with the Koran and the Tradi-
tions. Therefore, those who listen to this seeker never tire of listening,
for the truths and subtleties poured into his heart by the Lord come alive
in his words. This disciple enlightens those around him, and occupies
himself with worship and invocation most of the time. He has won
most of the approved qualities, and become invested with generosity,
trust in God, surrender, patience, hope, righteousness, kind-heartedness,
cheerfulness, thanksgiving, hiding others’ shames, forgiveness, and joy of
heart. He does not care for the paranormal feats that may manifest from
him, and binds himself to God who is the true source of such phenom-
ena. He knows that being partial toward these is shameful and leads one
astray. Perfect Humans do not know the psychic achievements exuding
from them, and if they do, they don’t attach importance to them; they
try to hide them, and don’t tell them to anyone.
For the perfect person truly in love with God, all thoughts that do not
accord with the Sacred Law are in error. For the Folk of the Inner have
found internal perceptions that violate the external world to be perverse.
Every external decree of the Holy Law has a secret—an internal—counter-
part.But one who does not abide by its clear, outer precepts can become
neither a saint nor perfect. The hidden treasures of the Divine Law re-
main locked to that person. S/he may even become faithless and perverse.
But the person who has attained the fourth stage has, after great struggle
and hardship, finally been able to overcome the devil. He abides by God’s
Commandments and the Prophet’s Way in every move and deed. These
two are the only lifesavers and branches to hold on to in tempestuous
seas. Hence the traveler reaching this station has definitely beaten the
devil, and the hazards of the earlier stages no longer exist at this level.
From now on, it is much easier to progress to subsequent stages. The
Koran has underlined this ease with the verses: “Contented Self, return to
your Lord, you Pleased with Him and Pleasing to Him” (89:27-28).
ego—into the light of the spirit. This love is only for the sake of God,
which is why it is valuable. The pleasing self combines the love of crea-
tures with the love of God.
The owner of this station is moderate in everything, neither exceeding
nor falling short. This temperate attitude is apparently easy, but very
difficult to achieve in reality. Everyone wants to possess this wonderful
asset but few ever do, because it is an extremely difficult state to main-
tain. It is a grace and boon belonging to those in this station alone.
To the mature person in the sixth stage, the first good signs of the
great viceregency begin to appear. At the end of this process he is dressed
in all the regalia of that rank. The servant knows all the subtle secrets of
things through the knowledge given him by the Lord. God has informed
His servants of these secrets with the proclamation: “I taught Adam the
names of all things.” There are secrets associated with this stage that can-
not be expressed in words. It is impossible for anyone not possessing this
state to comprehend these, for they do not have correlates in the external
world to which they might be compared.
7. The Per
Per fect, P
erfect, ur
Pur e, or Complete SSelf
ure, elf
The human self that has risen to the seventh station is called the perfect
self because it has reached the pinnacle of maturity, and the purified or
pure self because it has become completely purified.The seeker can rise to
the sixth stage by struggle, but the seventh can only be bestowed by the
grace of God.
The seventh station is the highest and most exalted of all the stations.
The Inner Kingdom (the Kingdom which, as Jesus said, “is within you”)
has reached perfection, and the struggle is finished. The Perfect Human,
the Islamic/Sufi Saint, is in full bloom. Such a person comprehends the
loftiest reaches of Sufi mysticism, not through theoretical knowledge
but through direct experience. Asceticism and self-compression are no
longer necessary. It is enough to observe medium conduct in all things.
The possessor of this stage has no desires left, for they have all been
granted. He still continues, however, to wish for the pleasure of his Lord.
The actions of the perfect human being in this stage are all goodness
and worship. His sweet breath is power and grace, his gentle speech is
knowledge and wisdom, sweetness and light. His blessed face radiates
peace and joy.
The person at this stage is never without worship, not even for a mo-
ment, worshiping with all the bodily organs, with tongue, hands, and
feet or solely with the heart, and is never heedless of the Lord.
Such a person repents frequently, is extremely humble, and the ten-
dency of people to God pleases him greatly. He is sad and offended if
others neglect God, loving those who desire and love God more than his
own child. Both his love and anger are not for his self, but for God
alone. Everything he does is right. He acts with justice in everything. His
every wish is in accord with God’s wishes.
from it. They can only see the printed lines of the book. The world of
nature is similar. But to read, to decipher, the Book of Nature is much
more difficult than reading this book. It is not for everyone to read, or
having read to comprehend, the vast Book of the Universe.
Time Trav el
Nor is this all. For tales are frequently recounted of Sufis that play
havoc with our ordinary conception of time. One of the best-known of
these concerns the famous sage, Shihabuddin Suhrawardi. He once in-
vited the Sultan of Egypt, so the story goes, to dip his head into a bowl
of water. Having done so, the Sultan found himself transported, all of a
sudden, to a faraway land and time. He lived there for years, got married,
had children; and then one day he jumped into the sea to take a swim—
and surfaced to find himself in his original palace in Cairo, to the accom-
paniment of the smiling presence of Suhrawardi.
No tale can underscore the total relativity of space and time better
than this. The Ascension of the Prophet, too, presumably occurred in a
contraction of time, for it is said that he caught on his return a pitcher
that had just begun to topple at his departure, so the water in it was not
Time travel is perhaps the most overworked topic of science fiction. It
was dismissed for a long time by serious physicists, up until 1991, when
the first scientifically respectable theory involving time travel emerged.
This is how recent scientific interest in time travel is.
Now it so happens that Sufis have a technical term referring to time
travel as well. They call it, however, by a different name: tayy al-zaman,
or “the folding of time,” similar to the folding of space. And indeed,
according to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, time is a dimension insepa-
rable from the ordinary three spatial dimensions; to paraphrase Hermann
Weyl, space in itself and time in itself have ceased to exist, and the two
have become welded together in a single spacetime continuum. Once
time is seamlessly attached to space in this way, it becomes possible to
think that it, too, may share the plasticity of space. And if “the folding of
time” is a fact, than Islamic Sufism is not just a science; it is a super
science. For in terms of modern science, such a possibility has only re-
cently become conceivable, let alone realized.
The F lo
lowwering of the Per
Per fect H
erfect uman
God has given humans everything—has exalted us above all else—but
He has not given us His Divinity, His Godhood. As the Prophet of God
said, the highest station is the station of being a servant of God. The
Koran counsels us to “call on Him humbly, with fear and longing” (7:55-
6). Obedience to God and humility are our best tools on this path.
The Perfect Human is not God—heaven forbid!—but rather, the
viceregent of God on earth. As such, although he is a human being, and
although there is little to distinguish him from other people in his out-
ward appearance, yet in his inner, spiritual life, he is invested with excep-
tional qualities that set him apart from ordinary human beings. These
superior qualities are in principle available to all ordinary mortals by vir-
tue of their being human (though some may be more gifted than oth-
ers). The Perfect Human differs from others only in that he has undergone
special training to enhance or develop these qualities, endured the hardships
of the Way, and emerged triumphantly on the far shore of Realization.
For example, the Koran states of the prophet Idris: “We raised him to
a lofty station” (19:57).206 The great Sufi sage, Ibn Arabi, has explained
in his Fusus that Idris and Noah were both raised to the sphere of the
sun. In classical astronomy, the nine principal spheres denoted a series of
nested, concentric transparent spheres surrounding the earth, on which
the orbit of each heavenly body resided. Before we dismiss these as fanta-
sies of the ancients, however, we might pause to consider the possibility
that these spheres can also be taken to mean something quite in accord
with modern astronomy—namely, the spheroid shapes of the heavenly
bodies themselves. “The sphere of the sun” can then be understood as
“the sun disk,” or simply “the sun.” Noah’s and Idris’s Ascension and
establishment in the sun must have a very profound meaning in terms of
the relationship between the human species and the cosmos, yet its exact
meaning escapes us, and in such a case silence is preferable to misleading
speculation. Still, we should strive to get out of the tiny walnut-shell of
our brains, and take spiritual wing to the Milky Way.
We have indeed looked into the depths of the universe, perhaps all the
way to its very borders, but we have not yet solved its riddle. Our sight is
confined to visible light, which occupies a narrow slit in the electromag-
netic spectrum. We cannot see energies that fall outside its range. We
cannot see things that are too near, too far, too big, or too small. We do
not see deeply enough. We do not see clearly enough. We do not yet see.
Every outward travel brings us back to ourselves. Perhaps, when we
look deeply enough into ourselves, we shall discover the treasure hidden
within. Then we shall know the answer. Perhaps we shall not know all
the answers. But we shall know the one answer that counts—the solu-
tion to the riddle. Beyond this point, words fail us.
In this chapter, we have reviewed the various methods employed by
Sufis as they carefully guide the adept through the various stages of the
self and the various worlds as the psychic centers open one by one and
new challenges arise. We have also reviewed how time and space are con-
ceptualized and traversed using Sufi techniques. The final stage is, of
course, the glorious state of becoming The Perfect Human, the ultimate
goal of the seeker.
Finding the Heart of Islam
If it were lawful for me to relate
Such truths to those who have not reached this state,
Those gone before us would have made some sign;
But no sign comes, and silence must be mine…
And I too cease: I have described the Way—
Now, you must act—there is no more to say.
Picking my way through the maze that is our world, I came upon some-
thing for which I was wholly unprepared. At the heart of a religion much
maligned for the antics of its sometimes demented followers, I found a
priceless jewel. Effendi, my Master, was fully illuminated by the jewel in
this heart. I would be shirking my debt to humanity if I were to pass over
in silence what I had found. Had I encountered that heart elsewhere, I
would not have hesitated to report its existence wherever else it might
have been found. But, unlikely as it may seem, I discovered it in Islam
and nowhere else.
That gift is still there. And it will always be there, for those who are
able to set aside their prejudices and take an earnest look.
To find the heart of Islam is, at the same time, to find the heart of all
religion. Because I arrived at the Master by a roundabout route, I was not
unaware of other religions and wisdom traditions. A long search had led
me to him—“Seek, and you shall find.” It is my awareness of all those
Religion properly deals both with the inward and the outward. Is-
lamic Sufism covers the esoteric and the exoteric, fusing them into a
single whole that is breathtaking in its implications. To this combina-
tion, the Master referred to it as “Islam” and I have sometimes referred to
it as “Sufism” in this book. The Master’s use is the more correct form,
because any religion should combine the spiritual and external aspects.
More than any of its predecessors, Islamic spirituality has charted the
deep ecology of the human odyssey, taking a rigorous—I would use the
Ah, Courtesy
(The following sayings regarding “courtesy,” or splendid moral
conduct, have been culled from the Traditions of the Prophet
and the aphorisms of the great saints. It was a sheet often distrib-
uted by the Master.)
“My Lord made me courteous, and endowed me with the best courtesy.”
“If a person has no trace of courtesy, s/he is not human.”
“The difference that sets humans apart from the animals is courtesy.”
“A mind unadorned with courtesy is a hero without a weapon.”
“Courtesy is the outer appearance of intelligence.”
“Courtesy is to be in control of one’s hand, one’s tongue, and one’s loins
“Who visits with courtesy will return laden with gifts.”
“The beginning of all courtesy is to speak little.”
“Courtesy is the guide and sign of the Friends of God. It is the cause of
communion with God.”
“Without courtesy, nobility is naught.”
“Courtesy is a weapon that kills the devil.”
“Courtesy is the greatest art. It is food for the road that leads to God.”
“Courtesy is the beginning of everything. The whole of Sufism is cour-
Our Prayers
(This is a combination of three prayers: what the Master called
the “Peace prayer,” a prayer by the Grand Saint Abdulqader
Gilani, and a prayer of the Prophet, in that order. These were
distributed either singly or in combination, as below, by the Master
for many years.)
Dear God, grant that we may sow peace wherever we go. Let us be
reconcilers and unifiers, not sowers of dissent. Allow us to disseminate
love where there is hate, forgiveness where there is injury, faith where
there is doubt, hope where there is despair, light where there is darkness,
and joy where there is sorrow.
Dear Lord, help us to be not of those who see the failings of others,
but of those who hide them; not of those who seek consolation, but
those who console; not of those who wish to be understood, but those
who understand; not of those who crave to be loved, but those who
Grant that we may become like the rain, which bestows life without
discrimination wherever it flows; like the sun, which enlightens all be-
ings everywhere without distinction; like the earth which, though every-
thing steps on it, withholds nothing and bestows its fruits on everyone; like
the night, which hides all shames from view and allows the world to rest.
Grant us the destiny to join the ranks of those who give rather than
receive, those who are forgiven because they forgive, those who are born
in Truth, live in Truth, die in Truth; and those who are born again in
eternal life. Amen.
My God, may your peace and blessings on Mohammed, his dynasty,
and his loved ones be numerous as your creatures, in proportion to your
pleasure, weighty as the Highest Heaven, and in the amount of the ink
spent on words.
My Lord, make me one of those whose hearts belong to you and who
place their trust in you. We are poor servants, enrich us; we are weak,
fortify us; we are sinners, forgive us. Maintain our constancy on the path
of the religion with which you are pleased.
My God, I wish in this world for the opportunity to worship and the
wisdom to avoid sins; and in the afterworld for your Paradise, the sight
of your countenance and safety from your chastisement.
O refuge of the derelict, true friend of the forlorn, you are my confi-
dant and beloved in both this world and the next. Reclaim my soul as a
Moslem at my death, rectify my self. You are the final arbiter in all wor-
ries and complaints. You are the ultimate purpose of all desires. Please
have mercy on the tears of this petitioner. To whom shall I turn for help,
when you are the sole possessor of all? In whom shall I take refuge, when
you are the sole benefactor, vast in generosity and grace?
My Lord, give us the ability to perform deeds with which you are
pleased. Grant us life through our worship of you.
My God, do not turn down my prayer. Do not leave me to my own
devices. Have mercy on my impotence, take pity on my weakness and
wretchedness. Do not mete out to us the treatment we deserve. Protect
our hands from reaching out to someone else just as you protect us
fromprostration to others.
My Lord, I take refuge from your chastisement in your forgiveness
and pleasure; from you, I take refuge again in you. I cannot exalt you as
you have exalted yourself.
My God, keep me as far from sins as you have distanced East from
My Lord, give me a faith and certainty that does not end in unbelief;
bestow on me a mercy that will earn me your honor in this world and
the next.
My God, grant us a fear that will serve as a barrier between us and our
sins, an obedience that will win for us your Paradise, and a faith that will
ease the burden of worldly ills.
My Lord, make my life an occasion for the increase of all that is good,
and my death the means for liberation from all that is evil.
My God, I take refuge in you from the fearless heart, the insatiable
ego, the knowledge that is useless and the prayer that remains unan-
My Lord, number us among those who are saved and who bring sal-
vation to others.
We take refuge in you from a wasted life, senility, miserliness, and
Help us in worshiping, remembering, and giving thanks to you.
My Lord, you are forgiving, you love to forgive; hence, forgive us too.
1. 4.
Bad things to good, God modifies He is the Compassionate Creator
Think not He does otherwise He is the Benevolent Provider
Always watched on by the wise— He is the Wise and Divine Author
What God will ordain, let us see What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He Whatever He does, well does He
2. 5.
In God you should put your trust The Final Judge in any claim:
Surrender yourself, find rest at last Direct your prayers toward Him
With everything He does, be pleased Let go of your personal whim
What God will ordain, let us see What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He Whatever He does, well does He
3. 6.
Put in your heart of His strength a Don’t crave after a thing or cause
dose Don’t be stubborn if one occurs
Recognize what He doth dispose It’s from God, do not refuse
Abandon what you propose What God will ordain, let us see
What God will ordain, let us see Whatever He does, well does He
Whatever He does, well does He
7. 12.
Since matters are in God’s hands, Look down on no one, nor slight
vain Don’t give offense, don’t break a
Is any confusion or pain heart
He unfolds Wisdom divine With your ego never side
What God will ordain, let us see What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He Whatever He does, well does He
8. 13.
All His deeds are superior A believer’s deed is never vice
And in tune with each other A wise man’s way is never strife
Everything He does is proper A sage’s speech won’t agonize
What God will ordain, let us see What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He Whatever He does, well does He
9. 14.
Keep sorrows distant from your His patience is a grace on me
heart His ruling, my security
Find comfort instead in your Lord The Lord God is my deputy
Just leave everything to God What God will ordain, let us see
What God will ordain, let us see Whatever He does, well does He
Whatever He does, well does He
10. His name resounds in every call
Don’t deem justice to be malice His remembrance in every soul
Surrender, don’t burn in the Blaze His rescue is for one and all
Don’t give up or give in—patience! What God will ordain, let us see
What God will ordain, let us see Whatever He does, well does He
Whatever He does, well does He
11. Just when your hopes are down to
Do not say: “Why is this so?” nil
It is good that it is so Suddenly He parts a veil
Look, see how the end will go He grants solace from every ill
What God will ordain, let us see What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He Whatever He does, well does He
17. 22.
In each moment to each servant Sparingly eat, sleep, and drink
Whether wrathful or beneficent Give up carnality, it is junk
He’s at a task each instant Settle in the rose garden of the
What God will ordain, let us see heart
Whatever He does, well does He What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He
Now Complier and now Preventer 23.
Now Harmer and now Benefiter Yourself with His creatures do not
Now Debaser and now Upraiser strain
What God will ordain, let us see Nor with your ego remain
Whatever He does, well does He You and your heart, keep close the
19. What God will ordain, let us see
Now He makes His servant a sage Whatever He does, well does He
Now malignant, now virtuous
Over every heart He rules
What God will ordain, let us see With what is past, fall not behind
Whatever He does, well does He What is yet to come, don’t mind
Even in the present, don’t reside
20. What God will ordain, let us see
Sometimes He makes your heart Whatever He does, well does He
Or fills your spirit with beauty
Or makes you His loving devotee Unceasingly His name recite
What God will ordain, let us see Cunning and shrewdness, cast
Whatever He does, well does He aside
Admire Truth, Truth articulate
21. What God will ordain, let us see
Simple one time, complex the next Whatever He does, well does He
Sometimes He makes your heart
Happy one moment, sad the next Isn’t it time you were amazed
What God will ordain, let us see Discover Him, yourself forsake
Whatever He does, well does He Cast away sleep, become awake
What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He
27. 30.
Every word contains advice sound The languages of things proclaim
Every object is much adorned “Truth, O Truth!” they all exclaim
Every action is a godsend Creation’s courtesy ascertain
What God will ordain, let us see What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He Whatever He does, well does He
28. 31.
A symbol and portent are all Yes, He has done very well
things Of course He has done very well
A sign of good news are all things Indeed He has done very well
A fountain of grace is everything What God will ordain, let us see
What God will ordain, let us see Whatever He does, well does He
Whatever He does, well does He
Lend ear to anyone who speaks
Understand Him who makes him
And with all your heart accept
What God will ordain, let us see
Whatever He does, well does He
The 1789 Declaration of Human Rights has been taken from the Ten
Commandments in the Old Testament, according to Jacob Kaplan.209
And this, in turn, brings to mind the following question: Could it pos-
sibly be the case that the basis for modern law, human rights, and such
concepts as freedom and equality, has been derived from religions?
As everyone knows, the Ten Commandments, revealed by the Lord to
Moses and his people, occur in the Torah (part of the Old Testament).
The “Twelve Commandments” revealed to Moslems, on the other hand,
are to be found in the Koran. Let us initiate this analysis with a compari-
son between the two.
3. You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God.
The Twelv
elvee Commandments
As outlined in the Chapter of the Night Journey (17:23-37) in the
Koran, the Twelve Commandments of Islam may be summarized as
1. Do not set up another god with God.
Upon inspection, it can be seen that both sets of commandments start
with the same injunction. For ease of reference, the Ten Commandments
will be referred to as “10C” in this section, and the Twelve Command-
ments as “12C.” In addition, note that 12C-1 covers 10C-2. 10C-5 is
repeated in 12C-2. The order not to kill in 10C-6 occurs a bit differently
in 12C-7 because the former makes no allowance for self-defense. 12C-
6 covers both 10C-7 and 10C-10. Similarly, 12C-9 is the more general
form of 10C-9. 12C-5 is included in 10C-6. 12C-10 is the more finely-
tuned version of 10C-8. Indeed, while 10C-8 prohibits theft, 12C-10
forbids even the slightest intentional mismeasure.
As can be seen, eight of the Ten Commandments are covered in some
way in the Twelve Commandments. There remain only articles 3 and 4,
of which the latter is specific to Jews and Christians.
Half of the Twelve Commandments, on the other hand, do not occur
in the Ten Commandments at all. Articles 12C-3, 4, 5, 8, 11, and 12 are
nowhere to be found in 10C, except, perhaps, for 12C-8, which with a
little effort might be included in 10C-8. The other articles are Islam’s
free gift to humanity.
and spiritual hellfire, the atom, will incinerate the whole world and re-
duce it to ashes—have issued this plea for peace as against nuclear war-
fare, to be delivered to the United Nations and all governments aspiring
to human rights. This is not to say that we ignore, or condone, the use of
other toxic weapons, the perils of the peaceful atom (such as the radioac-
tive emissions from Chernobyl), or indeed any toxic releases into the
environment of whatever amount or kind. The atom has already killed
people without any bomb being thrown: did human beings come into
this world to destroy each other?
This message is an admonition to and an onus on all human beings.
We leave the final decision to the United Nations, beginning with the
United States of America.
Fittingly, the message was prepared between July 16 and August 6,
1995, the anniversary of Hiroshima.
August 6, 1995
That date is the fiftieth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. It
is the semicentennial of the first use against human beings of the weap-
ons that are going to destroy mankind. It is the anniversary of the first
rehearsal of doomsday.
With the delivery of that bomb, a new age opened in human history.
In this age, human beings constantly live under the shadow of a disaster
that will strike suddenly and without warning. In spite of important
steps taken in recent years in the direction of peace, we are not yet free
from the shadow of that threat.
Ever since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet empire, we have
entered a relatively more peaceful and relaxed environment. It is also true
that some significant advances have been made in the direction of nuclear
disarmament. But in spite of this, we are still very far from where we
ought to be.
Forgetfulness is an affliction of human memory. How soon have we
forgotten that we had been living on the brink of “Mutual Assured De-
struction” (aptly shortened to MAD) until just yesterday? Have nuclear
weapons, perchance, all gone off to another planet? Or have we shown
the effort necessary for their eradication, and been successful therein?
The truth is that none of these have happened. What has happened is
that we have all become immersed in a deep complacency and heedless-
ness. Some among us have even prophesied “the End of History.” We all
seem to think that the danger of a Third World War is gone forever.
But we are deeply mistaken. Even in these carefree days, aren’t wars
being fought and genocide practiced in Bosnia, in Rwanda? Do we seri-
ously think that mankind, which has failed to make war in only three
hundred of the last fifty-six hundred years, has given up its penchant for
war forever? On the contrary, it is much more probable that we will
continue to spend ninety-five percent of the following years in warfare.
Global annual arms expenditures have passed the one-trillion-dollar
mark and are continuing to increase, in spite of the fact that the cold war
is over. How many children could not be fed with those one trillion
dollars, how many sick people could not be cured, how many countries
not developed?
No one can guarantee that two small countries will not confront each
other tomorrow. Nor can anyone guarantee that larger ones will not be
sucked into the conflict. When that day comes, the weapons of mass
destruction, now sleeping silently by the thousands in their silos and by
the tens of thousands in submarines, on airplanes, military vehicles, or in
their protective igloos, will be waiting for us—or our children—just
around the corner. By then, it will be too late for remorse over the fact
that we failed to get rid of them while we still had the chance.
Do not imagine that the horrifying nature of these weapons will pre-
vent them from being used forever. When he invented dynamite, Alfred
Nobel was elated because he thought that he had found a weapon ter-
rible enough to dissuade people from waging war. But people went right
on fighting, this time using dynamite. You probably know that the Nobel
Prizes stem from the disillusionment and guilt of the man who insti-
tuted them. As for the First World War, in which dynamite was used
more than ever before, its perpetrators called it “the war to end all wars.”
The exact opposite happened.
Yet, now is just the right time. A golden opportunity is at hand. While
a more or less peaceful atmosphere prevails, while time is plenty and
circumstances favorable, we must act quickly to do away with weapons
of mass destruction before they do away with us. Individuals, organizations,
The Beginning
Although Hiroshima was the first example of the use of atomic weap-
ons against human beings, it wasn’t the first atomic bomb to be ex-
ploded. The world’s first atomic bomb, with a destructive force of twenty
kilotons (equivalent to twenty thousand tons of TNT) and code named
“Trinity,” was detonated three weeks before, on July 16, 1945, at
Alamogordo in the United States of America. “Trinity” here does not
refer to the Christian Trinity, but rather to the triad of bombs comprised
by this bomb in addition to those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
There is deep symbolic significance in the fact that this first bomb was
exploded near the village of Oscuro (“dark”) at the vicinity called Jornada
del Muerto (“death journey”).
A distinguished group of visitors was present that day to witness the
explosion from a distance of sixteen kilometers. Their first impressions
are important to any understanding of the dimensions of the phenom-
Among the visitors were military and government officials, as well as
scientists who had worked on the manufacture of the bomb. These were
not religious people. In fact, most were devoid of any religious inclina-
tion whatsoever. And yet, it is striking that all, in relating their impres-
sions later on, felt the need to use expressions taken from the domain of
religion. One of the generals present, for example, said:
had died within five years. More than half the population of Hiroshima
perished, and two-thirds of the city was razed to the ground. Almost
nothing above knee-level was left.
Now consider the fact that the bombs thrown on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were mere firecrackers compared to those of our day. The hy-
drogen bomb, discovered in the succeeding years, is a hundred to a thou-
sand times more powerful than an atomic bomb. During the arms race
they entered in the years of the cold war, America and Russia produced
tens of thousands of these weapons. They now sleep silently in their
silos, several mounted on each missile, waiting for the day when they
will strike you, your children, or your grandchildren. That day those
missiles will fulfill the purpose for which they were designed, hurtle thou-
sands of miles in fifteen to twenty minutes, and rain universal death
The Effects of a N
Effects uclear Bomb
There is no end to the list of the destructive effects of nuclear (and
thermonuclear) weapons, which have no purpose of existence other than
to wipe out humanity and human civilization. Yet at first count, these
can be summarized under four major headings. They are: 1. the initial
nuclear radiation, 2. the heat pulse, 3. the blast wave, and 4. radioactive
fallout. Other more insidious effects, such as the electromagnetic pulse,
the destruction of the protective ozone layer of the earth, and the “nuclear
winter” effect, were only discovered decades afterwards.
Sober scientists have investigated these effects in great detail and have
amassed data that fill many volumes. Space does not permit us to sum-
marize all of these here. Still, we intend to describe the effects of a nuclear
explosion, if only in outline. A one-megaton device, equivalent to the
destructive force of one million tons of TNT, is a medium-size weapon
in today’s nuclear arsenals. We shall take this value—equal to eighty
Hiroshima bombs—as a yardstick.
At the instant of detonation, an incredibly hot, bright fireball is formed.
The temperature of this fireball is millions of degrees centigrade, and its
pressure is millions of times greater than ordinary atmospheric pressure.
All unprotected humans are killed and everything is destroyed within a
circle of fifteen square kilometers, with “Ground Zero,” the point di-
rectly below the explosion, as its center. This is the initial nuclear radiation.
The second effect is the heat pulse. This is a wave of searing light and
intense heat. If the fireball is close to the ground, and touches it, it in-
stantly vaporizes or incinerates everything within it. The heat pulse lasts
ten seconds and inflicts second-degree burns on persons at a distance of
fifteen kilometers. Its sphere of influence is greater than seven hundred
square kilometers.
As the fireball expands, it creates a blast wave expanding in all direc-
tions. This is the third effect of a nuclear bomb. This shock front is a
wall of compressed air which moves away from the center at supersonic
speeds, dragging winds that move at three hundred kilometers per hour
behind it. It flattens almost all buildings within a radius of seven kilome-
ters and an area of one hundred square kilometers, and severely damages
all buildings in an area of three hundred and twenty square kilometers
and a radius of thirteen kilometers. The blast wave lasts for a few seconds
and destroys buildings by surrounding them in all directions. Three kilo-
meters from Ground Zero, wind speeds reach six hundred and fifty kilo-
meters per hour and at six kilometers from Ground Zero, they reach
three hundred kilometers per hour.. At a distance of sixteen kilometers,
they hurl broken glass and sharp objects at lethal velocities.
As the fireball burns, it rockets skyward and reaches a height of ten
kilometers. For ten seconds it cooks the city beneath it. People at a dis-
tance of fifteen kilometers now receive third-degree burns and most prob-
ably die on the spot.Those closer catch fire and perish instantly. In a
circle of fifteen kilometers radius and seven hundred square kilometer
area, flammable materials such as paper and dry leaves are ignited, giving
rise to mass fires.
As the fireball rises, a mushroom cloud is produced due to the con-
densation of water vapor in the air. If the explosion has occurred near the
ground, a great crater is formed and the bomb throws tons of debris and
earth into the air. This mixture later rains down in the form of a fine ash.
This phenomenon, called radioactive fallout, is the fourth effect of a
nuclear bomb, and comprises about three hundred different kinds of
radioactive isotopes. This fallout lethally contaminates an area of twenty
cally defined, in the present context, as the amount necessary to kill
The P
Prresent SSituation
During the long winter years of the cold war, America and Russia held
the world on the brink of a precipice. There were only two good things
about this “Balance of Terror”: One, by the undeserved grace of God we
were spared a nuclear war, and two, the parties kept their nuclear weap-
ons and materials under stringent control.
In time, England, France, and China also became members of the
“Nuclear Club,” but they too were able to keep their materials under
But things didn’t end there. Israel developed nuclear weapons, too. So
did India. And because of India, so did Pakistan. Iraq, which tried to
develop the Bomb because Israel had it, was stopped for the time being.
Other, lesser nations began to stand in line.
It is obvious that there is no end to this process of proliferation. Any-
one who does not possess nuclear weapons feels insecure toward those
who do, and attempts to arm himself in the same way. The greatest
obstacle in the way of success lies not in the difficulty of building a
nuclear weapon, but in the difficulty of procuring uranium and pluto-
nium, the materials necessary to make a bomb. But in time, as nuclear
reactors are used, not with peaceful purposes for generating electricity,
but for plutonium production, this obstacle too will be bypassed.
With the demise of the Soviet Union, serious gaps appeared in Russia’s
control over its nuclear weapons. Even if it has not happened yet, the
possibility of nuclear material and bombs being smuggled in order to be
sold to countries that crave them is a subject for serious concern. Another
possibility is that these should fall into the hands of terrorist
organizations.As evidenced in the recent example of Japan, a sufficiently
fanatical terrorist group will not shrink from using weapons of mass
destruction against innocent human beings. Considering how widespread
terrorism is in today’s world, it is not difficult to realize what this means.
(When speaking of weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemi-
cal weapons are also included in addition to nuclear arms. Space does not
permit detailed analysis of these weapons, in spite of their equally disas-
trous effects, but the present treatment is intended to cover them as well.)
As if the two generations of nuclear weapons—atomic bombs and
hydrogen bombs—were not enough, the superpowers were trying to
spawn third and later generations of these weapons toward the end of the
cold war. Here, the purpose is to selectively enhance one or more of the
destructive effects of the atom. Indeed, the nuclear tests conducted by
the great powers have only one purpose: to build a more advanced, i.e.,
worse, nuclear weapon.
In fact, the progress in high-energy physics will only be put to the
misuse of building even more terrible weapons in the end, difficult as
this may be to conceive. With atomic fission and fusion, physicists had
unleashed the energy that powers the sun. Not content with this, they
now aim to achieve the energy levels present at the creation of the uni-
verse. When that happens, it will be possible to disintegrate not merely
the atom, but the fundamental particles of existence, and the way will be
open to the manufacture of weapons powerful enough to melt down the
entire landmass of the planet.
The superpowers recognized long ago that the destructive force accu-
mulated in their hands would be sufficient to destroy the world many
times over. It was then that they initiated the exploration of space. The
actual, though unstated, purpose behind this exploration was (and still
is) to ensure that the one or two persons who would propagate the hu-
man race after the world had been annihilated would be “one of our
boys.” This is the truth that lies behind all the space stations and the
attempts to colonize Mars. And thus we are faced with a phenomenon,
the likt of which has been encountered only twice before in the entire
history of mankind: the third Adam.
The Thir
Adam was the ancestor, the progenitor of the human race. When hu-
mankind was wiped out in a deluge of water, Noah became the second
Adam. And now, unless we take the necessary measures, humanity will
be destroyed this time by a deluge of fire, and the human race will start
anew with a third Adam.
During the days he gave the order to bomb Hiroshima, President
Truman wrote in his diary: “We have discovered the most terrible bomb
in the history of the world. It may be the fire destruction prophesied...after
Noah and his famous Ark.” This Biblical prophecy (2 Peter 3:10) is
An Appeal to E
Appeal Evv er
If you are religious, we say to you: the heart of all religions is love.
Hatred does not cease by hatred, hatred ceases by love. If you are not, we
leave the word to Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell, two of the most
eminent scientists and philosophers of our time: “Remember your hu-
manity, and forget the rest.” What true religion ever ordered the murder
of innocent human beings? And what loyalty, ideology, or hate is great
enough to justify the annihilation of all men, women, and children, of
all the winged and four-footed animals of the earth, of all its plants, its
fishes, its unicellular organisms? Have you no pity for even your own
children, your own grandchildren?
The time to act is here and now. If we do not do now what we have to
do, Behold: the final curtain of human history. See if you care to shoul-
der the responsibility.
The time is an unspecified date in the future. The place is a planet
called Earth. All except the smallest countries of the world possess nuclear
and other mass destruction weapons. Men have turned their backs on the
call of true religions and become progressively more ruthless. God has
removed from them the capacity for compassion.They are therefore able
to do even less than we are in a position to do today.
The end will begin near sunset. First, one nation will deliver a bomb
on another. Suppose, for example, that America bombs England. En-
gland will retaliate. Then America will bomb China. China will bomb
France. After these first four bombs, the whole international community
will go berserk, everybody bombing everybody else in a thermonuclear
We said earlier that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were fire-
crackers compared to the bombs of our day. In comparison with an all-
out attack of tens of thousands of bombs, the detonation of one nuclear
device will, in turn, seem like a firefly. Tens of thousands of suns, each
many times brighter than the sun itself, will light all the continents of
the earth. In the areas first targeted, the great majority of people will be
radiated, crushed, or burnt to death. Hundreds of millions will simply
be vaporized. Tens of thousands of blast waves will sweep away the physical
existence of the countries of the world like dust in the wind. Buildings,
habitations, factories, installations already on fire will be shattered, blasted,
or pulverized out of existence. Then, as the mushroom clouds bloom,
day will turn to night. All the forests of the world will be set on fire.
Because the whole world is burning, there will be nowhere to escape. As
bombs that have not yet been invented but soon will be enter the scene,
mountains will melt and be tossed like cotton. Both living and unliving
things will be burnt to ashes. The oceans, while evaporating on one hand,
will attack the melting landmass of the earth on the other. Everything
will be reduced to a uniform sludge. This sludge will redistribute under
the influence of the centrifugal forces of the planet, and, when it cools,
will solidify like lava into a surface almost, though not quite, as smooth
as glass. And then... And then, America, Russia, and Europe will all be as
flat as a table. Only the natural curvature of the earth will prevent an egg
stood on one end from being seen from afar (if an egg and a human
being to see it could have survived).
While all this is happening, anyone with access to a spaceship will head
for outer space. Some of their rockets will burst on the ground before
they can escape. Others able to make it will, deprived of the natural life
support systems and supplies of the earth, be able to survive in space for
at most only five more years.
By the grace of God, only a single man will survive. He is the one who
will be called “the third Adam.”
All this will happen, have no doubt. Unless we take preventive steps
now. Do not imagine that you, your children, or your grandchildren will
be exempt from this fate.
(This draws a pretty bleak picture, but here, too, the Master
offered a solution. “Of the nearly two hundred nations now ex-
tant,” he said, “one person who is wisest, most cultured, and
who loves his country and nation should be chosen from each.Those
chosen should love humanity and other nations as much as their
own.From among these, the most intelligent seven should again
be selected by examination, plus twenty or thirty members. These
should compose the United Nations. Next, all weapons and all
kinds of war should be prohibited. When war erupts anywhere,
the representatives of the parties concerned should first try to
resolve differences between themselves. If they prove unsuccess-
ful, the rest should intervene to stop it.
“Next, hunger. After war, hunger too should be abolished. What-
ever it takes should be done to achieve this. Without weapons
and hunger, humanity will be able to maintain peace for a while.
In time, smaller countries would join bigger nations [in regional
alliances, somewhat in the manner of the European Commu-
nity]. Small states would give way to large states, and in the
absence of weapons the latter would live in peace. This means
not just toxic weapons (nuclear etc.), but all weapons. This is the
only solution. There is no other way.”
This plan may be difficult to achieve. Yet it is elating to know
that a way out is possible—if it can only be realized.)
Please note that in the Turkish tradition, various terms of respect may
be appended to a name. “Effendi,” for example, is Turkish for “mas-
ter,” and it is placed after the first name, and throughout this book I
may refer to him variously as Effendi (pronounced F-N-D), Ahmet
Effendi, Master Kayhan and Master. I may also refer to him as
Grandpa, a term of affection many of his followers used.
Scholarly texts on Sufism are usually peppered with italicized Arabic
originals of special terms. This is because the original words possess
more depth than their English-language equivalents do. In a book
such as this one, however, intended as it is for a general readership, it
was considered superfluous to include Arabic words when perfectly
good counterparts for them could be found in English, by choosing
the closest sense in a given context. Hence, this translation contains a
minimum amount of Arabic words, and the ones present are gener-
ally Sufic technical terms for which the presentation of the Arabic
originals is a must. Diacritical marks have been omitted. Technical
terms without their originals are indicated by italicizing them or by
capitalizing their first letters, especially when they first occur in a
In Arabic names, the suffix “-i” indicates “from” or “of,” similar to
the von in German. For example, Gilani means “of (the town of)
Gilan,” Arabi means “of Arabia,” and Misri means “from Misir” (or
Egypt—hence “Egyptian”).
Since they occur frequently, those parts of Arabic names denoting
family relationships are summarized here for convenience: ibn or ben:
“son of,” bint: “daughter of,” abu or abou: “father of,” umm: “mother
Also, some material¾though not much¾from The Station of No Sta-
tion is reproduced in the present book.
Louis Pasteur (attributed), following Benjamin Constant and Francis
“Every scientist must invoke assumptions and rules of procedure, which
are not dictated by sensory experience. To deny the presence, indeed
the necessary presence, of metaphysical elements in any science is to
be blind to the obvious.” Professor Henry Margenau, The Nature of
Physical Reality (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959), pp. 12–13 (italics
in the original).
Attributed. Arabic habais is the plural of habis, which also has the
secondary meaning of “ugly, ugliness.”
“True Jihad,”, accessed 05/21/
Former deputy prime minister of Malaysia.
archive/2002_winter/ibrahim.html, accessed 08/20/2002.
A recent article ably traces the influence of twentieth-century totali-
tarianism on the genesis of Islamism. In brief: Hassan al-Banna bor-
rowed from fascism, Mawdudi from Marxism. Next, Sayyid Qutb
borrowed from both Banna and Mawdudi to obtain “Leninism in an
Islamist dress.” Khomeini was then inspired by both Mawdudi and
Qutb (that is, “Marxism-Leninism” or communism). See Ladan and
Roya Boroumand, “Terror, Islam and Democracy,” Journal of Democ-
racy, April 2002, pp. 5-20,
Boroumand.pdf. See also Francis Fukuyama and Nadav Samin, “Can
any good come of radical Islam?” Commentary, Sept. 2002, pp. 34-
38, available at
printThis.html?id=110002251. Also refer to footnotes 19 and 20.
See the last chapter of their Vision of Islam, London: I.B. Tauris, 1996;
p.334. Shariah or sharia is the Holy Law or Divine Law of Islam.
Using the Jacques Berque translation.
EspMarx/Islam/LP299BERQ.pdf, accessed 08/15/2002. Among
English translations, Arberry uses “oversee,” Yusuf Ali uses “manage
their affairs” and Muhammad Asad has (lit.) “no power over them.”
Each of these adds a different shade of meaning that deepens and
enriches our understanding of the verse.
Many people confuse Islam with Islamism. It is important to main-
tain the distinction between them.
W. Chittick and S. Murata, The Vision of Islam, p. 332.
Philip Ball., “Physics Bans Cloning,”
020520/020520-1.html, accessed 05/23/2002.
“He created you (all) from a single soul, then created from it, of like
nature, its mate” (4:1, 39:6). The rest of humanity then descended
from Adam and Eve.
Or: strangers.
Sunnis are the followers of the Prophet’s Way (sunna). Out of their
great love for Ali, the Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law (also the fourth
Caliph), Shiites have developed some different concepts and prac-
tices (shia means “party,” so they belong to the “party of Ali”).
Olivier Roy, “Search for a Perfect World of Islam,” Le Monde Diplo-
matique, May 2002. (Translations from the German and Italian (April)
editions have been used in the text.)
For the connections between the terrorists’ version of jihad, Marxism
and postmodernism, see also Waller R. Newell, “Postmodern Jihad:
What Osama bin Laden learned from the Left,” The Weekly Standard,
Vol. 7, No. 11 (11/26/2001),
ties/printer_preview.asp?idArticle=553&R=51A5AB2B. Also refer to
footnotes 9 and 20.
Malise Ruthven, “Cultural schizophrenia” (27 September 2001),
h t t p : / / w w w. o p e n d e m o c r a c y. n e t / f o r u m
document_details.asp?CatID=98&DocID=686&DebateID=150, ac-
cessed 07/20/2002. On this point, notably with reference to Iran,
see Daryush Shayegan, Cultural Schizophrenia: Islamic Societies Con-
fronting the West, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1997. See
also footnotes 9 and 19.
For excerpts, see, accessed 07/
Roy, “Search…”
In a 1993 Foreign Affairs article, Samuel Huntington claimed that
the clash of civilizations, especially between Islam and the West, would
dominate world politics.
Olivier Roy, “L’Islam de Ben Laden,” in “La Guerre des Dieux,” spe-
cial issue of Nouvel Observateur, January 2002, p. 20. Being based on
the denial of civilization, bin Laden’s “modernity” is actually anti-
modern at its core, because modernity is a recent phase in the march
of civilization.
From the German play Schlageter (1933) by Hanns Johst. The phrase
is sometimes also attributed to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propa-
ganda minister.
Christopher Hitchens, “Let’s not get too liberal,” Guardian, Septem-
ber 21, 2001.
Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart, “Islam & the West: Testing the
‘Clash of Civilizations’ Thesis,”
~.pnorris.shorenstein.ksg/ACROBAT/Clash.pdf, accessed 04/28/
Extracts from Al-Jihad leader Al-Zawahiri’s new book (regarded as
his “last will”), Knights Under the Prophet’s Banner, published by the
Arabic daily Asharq al-Awsat of London, 2-12 Dec. 2001. http://, accessed 03/03/2002.
29, accessed 03/03/
In the eyes of some Islamic youth, he has become a romantic guerilla
leader, an Islamic Che Guevara.
“Officials Reveal Bin Laden Plan,” Los Angeles Times, May 18, 2002.
Quoted in, accessed 07/
Some people claim that the caliphate is Koranically based. But this is
erroneous. The khalifa mentioned in the Koran is the viceregent of
God, i.e. Adam (and later the Perfect Human), not the political “suc-
cessor” of the Prophet. The former is the caliph of God, the latter is
the caliph of the Prophet in his function as leader (one of many such
functions). Abu Bakr, the first Caliph, pointed this out very clearly
when he said, “I’m not the caliph of God, I’m the caliph of His
Ideally, politics should be informed by morality, and hence religion.
This means that a political actor should act in accordance with eth-
ics. In reality, however, politics is all too often divorced from morality
and religion is misused as an instrument of politics. Religion, an end
in itself, becomes a means serving political ends. Under such circum-
stances, the best recourse is to decouple politics from religion en-
tirely, since the politician has already accomplished this unilaterally
to the detriment of religion.
Stephen Dedalus in James Joyce’s Ulysses.
J. Schacht, “Law and Justice,” Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Islam, vol.
II, pt. VIII/chpt. 4, pp. 539ff. Further details about the Holy Law
can be found in the chapter on “Islam and Democracy” below.
See e.g. Thomas L. Friedman’s series of columns in the New York
Times, June 16, 23, 26, and especially June 19, 2002.
Rosalind Gwynne, “Al-Qaida and al-Qur’an: The ‘Tafsir’ of Usamah
bin Ladin,”,
accessed 05/17/2002.
“Khatami’s view: The refreshing voice of moderate Islam,” The Econo-
mist, November 24, 2001.
Hassan Mneimneh and Kanan Makiya, “Manual for a ‘Raid,’” The
New York Review of Books, January 17, 2002.
Seyla Benhabib, “Unholy Politics,”
says/benhabib_text_only.htm, accessed 05/18/2002.
André Glucksmann, “Penser le 11 Septembre,” Le Nouvel Observateur,
No. 1940 (Jan. 10, 2002); Dostoïevski à Manhattan, Paris: Robert
Laffont, 2002.
Because of this, they are not conscious nihilists.
Spiderman (2002).
welcome_to_the_desert_of_the_real.html, accessed 05/18/ 2002. See for a
slightly different version. I have made use of both.
In Greek mythology, Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of thread so he
could find his way out of the Labyrinth.
Edward W. Said, “Impossible Histories,” Harper’s Magazine, July 2002,
p. 70.
Prince Charles, “Islam and the West,”
~ateipen/pr_charles_speech.html (27 Oct. 1993).
George Saliba, “Greek Astronomy and the Medieval Arabic Tradi-
tion,” American Scientist, Vol. 90, No. 4 (July-August 2002), pp.
Fritjof Schuon, Christianity/Islam, 1985, pp. 174-5, 177-8.
Edward Gibbon and Simon Ocklay, History of the Saracen Empire,
London, 1870, p. 54.
Mohammad and Mohammadanism, London, 1874, p. 92.
Histoire de la Turquie, Paris, 1854, Vol. 11, p. 277.
John Davenport, Muhammad and Teachings of [the] Quran, 1869,
pp. 61-2, 70-71.
Time magazine, July 15, 1974.
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, New
York, 1978, p. 33.
Karen Armstrong, “The curse of the infidel,” The Guardian, June 20,
For comparison, in Catholicism the ultimate authority is the Church;
in Protestantism it is the Bible. In Islam, it is the Koran plus the
example (the Way) of the Prophet.
Neither did it in Christianity, originally. Nothing in Jesus’teachings
contains anything about Original Sin; this concept was added by St.
Augustine in the 5th century AD.
In this book, wherever the word “evil” is used, it should be under-
stood in this sense, not in the Christian sense of the term.
“Synergy: Some Notes of Ruth Benedict,” American Anthropologist,
72 (1970) 320-333. Quotation from p. 325.
Ibid. 329.
Jeff Madrick, “The Power of the Super-Rich,” The New York Review of
Books, July 18, 2002.
Ignacio Ramonet, “Saving the Planet,”
08/01edito, accessed 08/15/2002.
In the later Sufi section of this book, “The Spiritual Journey of the
Sufi,” I will address the importance of the guide or master (murshid
or Enlightener).
I am indebted to Lewis Mumford and Paul Johnson for some of the
ideas discussed below.
Not Arabic but Rab-ic, where Rab stands for “Lord.”
A principle of Sufi masters based on the Koran: “There is no compul-
sion in religion” (2:256).
Or “transrational” (Ken Wilber).
A wealthy businessman who hated the Prophet.
An uncle of the Prophet who became his enemy.
Normally, justice demands retribution, which is sanctioned. But the
Koran teaches that if one can do it, forgiveness is higher. The conduct
of the Prophet in such cases is very difficult for others to emulate. As
Asghar Ali Engineer has observed, “Retaliation is human, to forgive is
The Kaaba was considered a holy sanctuary from time immemorial.
First built by Abraham and his son Ishmael, in Mohammed’s time it
was filled with the idols of the polytheists before the Prophet cleared
them out.
Chosroes was the ruler of Persia, Negus of Ethiopia.
Making other deities equal to Him, or even making Him chief God
in a pantheon among lesser gods. He is One and Only, with no asso-
ciates whatsoever. There is no god but God. That is the basic item of
the covenant.
In fact, mental health is their prerequisite. The mentally ill and chil-
dren who have not yet reached the age of puberty are under no obli-
gation to perform them.
Muslims.htm reproduces the postures, first published in Hayim
Halevy Donin, To Pray as a Jew: A Guide to the Prayer Book and the
Synagogue Service, New York : Basic Books, 1991 [1980].
According to classical Islam, animals, plants and even inanimate matter
possess spirit, which is ultimately derived from God’s spirit.
This is the true meaning of the superstition that one who breaks a
mirror will suffer seven years’ bad luck, for the heart is comparable to
a mirror¾it mirrors God’s light.
Haqq is one of God’s names, which can be translated as Truth, Real-
ity or the Real. This is why Truth is capitalized here.
Since Dirac, symmetry has continued to play an important role in
modern physics (such as supersymmetry, symmetry breaking, “dual-
ity,” etc.).
Scientific American, May 1993, p. 62, quoted from ibid., May 1963.
In preparing this chapter, I have relied heavily on articles concerning
“reform in Islam” in Ahmet Kayhan’s Turkish-language anthology, I
Found What I Was Seeking (1991).
If it be claimed that Moslems are engaged in some sort of “jihad,” the
reply is that nowhere in the world are Moslems currently engaged in
a war declared on others (although some misguided groups seek to
declare it). If you want to fight, officially declare war first. Neither,
however, should this be misread as an endorsement of atrocities per-
petrated against Moslems anywhere.
In the case of Iran, the causes are different but the end result is the
This may not be the initial impression of a reader. Further study and
meditation, however, will resolve any problems, which usually result
from mistranslation or insufficient commentary.
As mentioned earlier, war is justified in Islam only in self-defense or
when the Faith is under assault.
Not everyone has to marry (marriage is not compulsory), but the
Prophet encouraged marital life.
For women, the veil is not a Koranic attire. It is sufficient that they
dress modestly.
The transmission and interpretation of Revelation does not require a
church. Sacred scripture on the one hand and the Prophet’s example
on the other cannot be used to justify the existence of a church, when
Islam has been able to preserve both in the absence of a church for 14
centuries. In Islam, the “sacred deposit” (The Koran and the Prophet’s
Way) has been entrusted to the community as a whole, not to a
separate ecclesiastical organization. If an excommunicatory authority
had existed in Islam, this book—and many books like it—could never
have been written.
It might be argued that the example of Iran violates this statement.
But it is in fact an exception, spanning less than one-seventieth of
Islam’s history, and the Shiites constitute less than a tenth of the
present world population of Moslems. As I have said repeatedly be-
cause it is so important, where the role of the Prophet’s Way is di-
minished, other authorities rush in to fill the void. This is one of the
reasons for its importance, and many will agree that the results of its
absence leave much to be desired.
Some Western sources have recently begun to speak of the “separa-
tion of mosque and state,” as if the church and mosque were compa-
rable. But the mosque is not a religious institution. It is a building of
worship, a temple pure and simple.
Not to be confused with “Gnostic,” a member of one of several he-
retical Christian sects in the second century.
This short list begins with Turkey, and even here there are doubts.
Some would extend this to Bangladesh, others would¾with even
greater reservations¾add Iran.
Webster’s Bible. Or: causes an offense.
J. Schacht, “Law and Justice,” Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Islam,
vol. II, pt. VIII/chpt. 4, pp. 539ff. See the Prologue for more details.
Malise Ruthven, Islam in the World, Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991
[1984], pp. 157-8.
Ibid. p. 158.
Ibid. pp. 160-1.
Ibid. p. 179.
101, accessed 07/11/2002.
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, George Lawrence (tr.),
New York: Harper and Row, 1966 (single-volume edition), p. 444.
And absolutely not anti-Semite. As a matter of fact, both Arabs and
Jews are of Semitic stock¾they belong to the same race.
Bernard Lewis, The Political Language of Islam, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1988, p. 30.
Ibid. p. 31.
An unjust law is not a law. Hence, this cannot be misread as “Islam
upholds injustice.”
The Economist, “Survey: Islam and the West,” August 6, 1994, p. 10.
Tocqueville, p. 268.
Ibid. p.269.
Ibid. p. 271.
Ibid. p. 287.
Ibid. p. 409.
After “the self always impels to evil” (12:53).
In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche called the state “the coldest of
cold monsters,” which was perhaps the inspiration for Joseph
Campbell’s coinage, “the monster state.”
In one Tradition, “those in authority” is related to “scholars of fiqh,”
which would again underscore the law-abiding nature of Islam.
E.g. Keith Ward (Professor of Theology at Oxford University), in an
article published in August 1994 in Britain’s respected daily The
See also Appendix D.
Note that this is exactly the claim, full of pride and contempt, that
led to the downfall and expulsion of Satan: “I am better than he”
(7:12), which all human beings must do their utmost to avoid, not
just in racial terms but in every respect.
Robert A. Dahl, Democracy and Its Critics, New Haven: Yale Univer-
sity Press, 1989, pp. 85-6.
Tocqueville, p. 411.
G.K. Chesterton, What I Saw in America (1922), Chapter 19.
Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews, London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson,
Ibid. p. 40.
Ibid. p. 156.
Norman Mailer, the Sunday Times interview on 9/11 (8 September
2002), also available at http://www.
Lewis Mumford, The Condition of Man, New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovanovich, 1973 [1944], pp. 322-3 (italics added).
I have outlined some of this Sufic wisdom in my book, The Station of
No Station, and will elaborate on it in later chapters of this book.
Biological differences can lead to differences¾and thus different
needs¾in the other two areas. See e.g. a report on “Brain Differences
in Males and Females,” which states: “Contrasts in [brain] morphol-
ogy translate into behavioral and attitudinal differences in the two
genders.” Differences.doc,
accessed 07/24/2002. Some differences, such as better verbal skills in
women, do not seem related to brain anatomy.
“In general, men are taller and heavier than women. In sports, men
tend to outperform women in strength and speed. Women seem to
have greater endurance.” J. Bland, “About Gender: Differences,”
(1998) htm, accessed 07/
Karen Armstrong, Muhammad: A Western Attempt to Understand Is-
lam, London: Victor Gollancz, 1991, p. 240.
Ibid. p. 198.
Quoted in e.g., accessed
I bid.
That is, barring adultery or Illicit Lust. Otherwise, some women and
men must be practicing de facto polyandry.
A.J. Arberry, The Koran Interpreted, London: Oxford University Press,
1975 [1955].
Again, God is referred to as “He” in English, but this does not mean
that God is a man—for the Lord transcends both male and female.
Maitreya 4 (1973), pp. 12-13, quoted from Wynne-Tyson, The Phi-
losophy of Compassion London: Centaur Press, 1970, p. 271.
Armstrong, p. 239.
Quoted in Zaman, 1.12.1994, p. 15.
The term “folk Islam” also has a derogatory tone to it, especially when
implying such ignorant practices as “tomb worship.”
Reason does have its limits, though, beyond which lies the transrational
or surrational. As Pascal remarked, “The heart has its reasons that
reason knows nothing of.” See the chapter on “Moses, Jesus and
Mohammed,” subsection “Weakly Coupled Religions,” and also “The
Secret That is Love” chapter.
Quotations are from J.L. Borges, “The Aleph” (tr. Anthony Kerrigan),
in A Personal Anthology, London: Picador, 1972, p. 113-125.
In the Koran, “heavenly wine,” which is pure and not comparable to
earthly wine, is mentioned in 47:15, 76:21, and 83:25.
As I have suggested earlier in this book, the derivation and imple-
mentation of a legal code over society is distinct from this, and more
properly called fiqh.
Is this one reason why Lamarck’s “inheritance of acquired characteris-
tics” was opposed so vehemently, and Darwin’s “natural selection
through random mutation” championed?
“Tenets of Sunni Islam,” in Country Studies: Turkey, Washington, D.C.:
Library of Congress, 1987 (
See the chapter on Hermeticism below for a plausible, imaginative
account of Hermetic initiation.
See the section “Spacewarps, Timewarps” in the last chapter.
The undesired (and undesirable) disintegration of the self—leading
to loss of contact with reality, schizophrenia, and other forms of men-
tal disorder—is not what is intended here.
The Koranic verse: “He created the seven heavens” (65:12) may be
relevant in this context.
Peter D. Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous, New York: Harcourt,
Brace & World, 1949, pp. 44-49.
Ibid., p. 50; italics in the original.
Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam, Chapel Hill: Uni-
versity of North Carolina Press, 1975, p. 237.
See the chapter “The Spiritual Journey of the Sufi,” Method 3: Spiri-
tual Connection with the Master.
Reported by Philip Cohen in New Scientist, 8 November 1997.
Keith Campbell et al., Nature, 380 (1996) 64-66.
Discover, September 1994, pp. 27-8; Scientific American, September
1997, pp. 9-12. An alternative explanation, called “hypermutabil-
ity,” has been advanced based on randomness.
Shakespeare, As You Like It, II, 1.
The term that is given to this process, “Unification” (Tawhid), is of-
ten misunderstood as a kind of levelling process that somehow blends
all differences into some more bland admixture. The reality, however,
is that of One being reflected in the many. This also guards against
the danger of attributing Divinity to the things themselves. At all
times this higher vision—of unity in diversity in unity—must be
kept in mind, particularly if, to use the language of the mystics, we
are to assert the seamlessness of the One.
In Megatrends 2000 and in The Post-Capitalist Society (1993), respec-
tively. For a summary of Drucker’s observations concerning the knowl-
edge society, see P.F. Drucker, “The Age of Social Transformation,”
Atlantic Monthly, November 1994, pp. 53-80.
For more on the scientific achievements of Islamic civilization, see
Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s Islamic Science: An Illustrated Study (1976)
and Science and Civilization in Islam (1968).
Quoted in David Jay Brown and Rebecca McClen Novick, Mavericks
of the Mind, Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1993.
F. Rosenthal, Knowledge Triumphant, Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1970, 1-2.
Ibid., 240.
Ibid., 309-10.
Ibid., 311.
Ibid., 333.
Ibid., 334.
Ibid., 340.
Ibid., 30.
Ibid., 105.
V. Havel, “Faith in the World,” Civilization, May 1998. Havel is the
Czech president and former dissident playwright under the Com-
munist regime.
I prefer the term “archetype” to god here.
J. Godwin, “The Hermetic Tradition,” Lapis, 1, 1 (1995).
Albert Champdor, The Book of the Dead, New York: Helix Press, 1966,
p. 43.
I have made use of the on-line version¾the G.R.S. Mead
translation¾of the Corpus Hermeticum, available (as of June 1998) at through the good
offices of John Michael Greer. I have edited and simplified the lan-
guage, and used the numbering given therein for convenience.
Greer comments: “‘The Good,’ in Greek thought, is also the self-
caused and self-sufficient, and thus has little in common with later
conceptions of ‘goodness’” (Intro. to Chapter 6). Another such mean-
ing in Greek is that the good of any being is that being’s necessary
goal (Intro. To Ch. 2). These meanings bring Plato’s “Good” much
closer to God.
The on-line Corpus is incomplete, so I have supplemented this with
the Everard translation and indicated such use with bold numerals.
The printed copy I use is The Divine Pymander (ed. P.B. Randolph),
Rosicrucian Publishing Co., 1871, reprinted by the Yogi Publica-
tion Society, Des Plaines, IL (no date). Please note that the ordering
of chapters and the numbering differ from Greer’s.
One is reminded of William Blake’s remark: “If the doors of percep-
tion were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.”
This is meant both in the ordinary and the esoteric senses.
The ancients associated these with the planets, but this need not be
the case.
Harold Waldwin Percival, Masonry and Its Symbols in the Light of
‘Thinking and Destiny’.
Those who are still in doubt about this can consult Frithjof Schuon’s
The Transcendent Unity of Religions.
Inspiration to Sheikh Abdelqader Gilani, Treatise on Divine Aid (The
Holy Bestowal).
From a poem by Niyazi Misri. Truth: the Real, or Absolute Reality,
i.e. God.
See e.g. Ibn Arabi’s writings.
Gilani, The Mystery of Mysteries.
Gilani, Treatise on Divine Aid.
Holy Tradition (a saying of God uttered through the Prophet’s mouth
that is not included in the Koran).
From the teachings of Master Ahmet Kayhan.
Gilani, Mystery.
This point was reached only gradually in ancient Egypt. Until the
“grand synthesis,” practically every god was worshiped as the supreme
creator at one time or another—a process called “henotheism.”
Aspirants were mostly males.
Champdor, Book of the Dead, p. 25.
The Abjad (“ABCD”) calculations in Islam assign a value to each
letter in a word or sentence, and attempt to find deeper correspon-
dences on the basis of these numerical values. Although similar to
numerology in its popular and vulgar use (e.g., fortune-telling), the
more sophisticated applications seek deeper truth from numerical
equivalents. Adepts sometimes used it as a code that yielded pro-
found meaning when deciphered. The decorative tulips on porcelain
in mosques, for instance, are symbolic of God, because the numerical
values of “tulip” and “God” in Arabic are equal. The decorations there-
fore constitute a pictorial calligraphy.
Rory Howlett quoting from Nature, 391 (1998) 76 in New Scientist,
20 June 1998.
Noted for his books on the philosophy of science, such as Personal
Knowledge, Polanyi is a chemist by profession.
As in the Jewish and Christian traditions, Pharaoh is an archetype of
evil power in Islam.
Spiritual poverty (faqr) denotes that state in which one is emptied of
everything except God. This leads to extinction or annihilation (fana)
of the little local self (in God).
Although Blake’s Fourfold Vision does not refer to the four ontologi-
cal worlds of the Sufis, I believe it is a valid poetic description thereof.
The figure is intended to be representative rather than definitive.
Lit. “crowned.” In translations, the phoenix or hoopoe symbolizing
the Sufi master.
While the seven valleys the birds pass through do not correspond to
the stages of the self as described in this chapter, the sevenfold meta-
phor still holds.
Sometimes identified with Enoch, Idris is also confused with Hermes,
due to the similarity between the spectacular heavenly journeys ex-
perienced by the two.
Quoted from (Translation
by Afkham Darbandi and Dick Davis).
Francis Thompson, “The Hound of Heaven.” Dravest: Drove away.
In Revue des Sciences Morales et Politiques, No. 1 (1989).
A Benedict, Ruth
Abdulaziz, Omar Ibn Bennett, John G.
Abu Bakr (the first Caliph) Berhia, Asaph ben
Abu Hanifa Bible
adab (Courtesy) Blake, William
Adam Bohr, Niels
Adorno, T.W. Book of the Dead, Egyptian
Alexander Borges, Jorge Luis
Ali (the fourth Caliph) Boyle
Alms-tax, the Buddha
aql (reason)
Arabi, Ibn C
Arberry, Arthur J. Cairns, John
Armstrong, Karen Caliphate
Ascension (miraj) Campbell, Joseph
atheism Camus, Albert
Attar, Fariduddin Cantor, Georg
Carlyle, Thomas
B chaos
Baader-Meinhof Chittick, William
Badruddin, Osman Christianity
Baghdadi, Maulana Khalid church
baraka Clarke, Arthur C.
Barrow Clausewitz
Base Self clergy
batini (esoteric) Commoner, Barry
beauty Confucius
Being (wujud) conscience
convent (takka) G
Copernicus Gabriel
Corpus Hermeticum Gain, Forbidden
Cosmos Garaudy, Roger
courtesy (adab) Gaudefroy-Demombynes
Crowley, Aleister Gibb, Hamilton A.R.
Cup of Jem Gibbon, Edward
Giddens, Anthony
D Gilani, Abdulqader
Davenport, John Gilbert
Debold, Elizabeth Globalization
Dehlewi, Abdullah Glucksmann, André
Descartes Gnosis (marifah Allah, God-
Devil, the knowledge)
Dickens, Charles Godwin, Joscelyn
Dirac, Paul Goering, Hermann
Divine Law (Sharia(h), Holy Law) Goethe
Dostoyevsky Golden Chain
Durant, Will goodness
Guillaume, Alfred
E Gujduwani, Abdulhaliq
Einstein, Albert Gurdjieff, George I.
enosis H
epistemology hadith (Traditions, sayings)
esoteric (batini) Hafiz
Euhemerus hajj (Pilgrimage)
extinction (fana) Hanbal, Ibn
exoteric (zahiri) Hart, Michael H.
Heisenberg, Werner
F Heraclius
fana (extinction) Hermes
Fasting Hermeticism
Fatwa Hesse, Hermann
fiqh (Islamic Law) hiqmah (wisdom, irfan)
Fitzgerald, Edward Holy Law (Sharia(h), Divine Law)
Formal Prayer (salat, namaz) Huart, Clement
Frankenstein Huntington, Samuel
Fundamentalism Huxley, Aldous
I NDEX 357
I kosmos
Idris Kronecker, Leopold
ilm (knowledge, science)
Incriminating Self L
insan al-kamil (Perfect Human) Laden, Osama bin
Inspired Self Lamartine
Invocation (zikr) Lane-Poole, Stanley
Ionesco, Eugene lataif (Subtleties)
Islamism Law, Islamic (fiqh)
Islamists Leibniz
J Lewis, Bernard
Jeans, Sir James Locke
Jesus Love
Jihad Lust, Forbidden
Johnson, Paul
Judaism M
Jung, Carl Gustav Maat
madrasah (school, university)
K Malik
Kafka marifah (Gnosis, God-knowledge)
Kalima al-Shahada (Word of Wit- Marx
nessing) Marxism
Kalima at-Tawhid (Word of Unifi- Mary, Virgin
cation (or Unity)) Masala, Anna
Kaplan, Jacob Masons
kashf (Unveiling) Masserman, Jules
kasrah (Multiplicity) Master (murshid)
Kavadh Meaning of the Four Books, The
Kaya, Ahmet Medina Constitution
Kayhan, Ahmet metareligion
Keats Michelangelo
kenosis miraj (Ascension)
Kepel, Gilles Misri, Niyazi
Kepler Modernity
Khomeini, Ayatollah Mohammed
Kirilov monasticism
knowledge (ilm) Mongols
Koestler, Arthur Montesquieu
Koran, the Montet, Edouard