Revol 2001
Revol 2001
Revol 2001
Rotary dryers for particulate solids commonly use flights along the length of the shell to lift solids and make them rain across the
dryer section. These flights are critical to dryer performance. Previous models for the prediction of the solids holdup in rotary drums have
assumed that the angle of the solids level in a flight is independent of the flight geometry. They have considered only the case of extended
circular flights and angular flights with two segments.
New equations were derived to predict the solids holdup in flights with three segments. Their predictions were compared to
measurements performed with a pilot plant rotary dryer. Theoretical equations provided estimates of the flight holdup that were accurate
enough to predict the power required to lift the solids. On the other hand, the model is not accurate enough to predict the variations in the
flux of solids over the drum cross-section. This shows that the angle of the solids level in a flight can be affected by the flight geometry.
q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
0032-5910r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 3 2 - 5 9 1 0 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 3 6 2 - X
D. ReÕol et al.r Powder Technology 121 (2001) 230–238 231
with as ordinate:
y 3 s a3 q b 3 x 3 Ž 15 .
The intersection of the solid level line with the drum wall
has the following abscissa:
xw sy
Bw " Bw2 y 4 A w C w
Ž 16 .
2 Aw
y W s x W tan Ž g . Ž 17 .
Four types of powder fills can occur:
Fig. 2. Calculation of the volume of powder in a flight.
v the powder reaches the wall. This will occur if:
v point C: yC
x C s x B q Lcos Ž aA q a B . Ž 7.
g ) A tan ž / xC
Ž 18 .
Ž 20 .
s R O cos Ž u . q x C cos Ž d . y yC sin Ž d . Ž 9. 2R
YC s YO q yC cos Ž d . q x C sin Ž d .
v the powder does not reach the wall but reaches the
s R O sin Ž u . q yC cos Ž d . q x C sin Ž d . Ž 10 .
third segment. This will occur if:
Substituting Eqs. Ž9. and Ž10. into Eq. Ž8. yields an
equation which can be solved for d , for any specified yC
angular position u .
g ) A tan ž / xC
and (Ž x y x
3 C
. q Ž y 3 y yC .
x3 s Ž 14 .
tan Ž g . y b 3 - LX and y2 ) 0 Ž 23 .
D. ReÕol et al.r Powder Technology 121 (2001) 230–238 233
3.3. Measurement of the dynamic coefficient of friction Fig. 3 shows the measured coefficient of friction for the
powder with 3 wt.% moisture. The dynamic coefficient of
The dynamic coefficient of friction of the powder was friction was independent of the angular position of the
measured with the method proposed by Kelly w8x. Four cylindrical container, as assumed by the theory. From the
cylindrical containers were half-filled with powder, closed 73 runs shown in Fig. 3, the 95% confidence interval for
to prevent any change in solids moisture and attached to the dynamic coefficient of friction is Ž0.562, 0.575., with
the rotary drum wall. The drum was rotated and pictures an average value of 0.568.
Fig. 5. Effect of solids moisture on the dynamic friction coefficient Ž4 rpm drum rotation speed.: 95% confidence intervals.
D. ReÕol et al.r Powder Technology 121 (2001) 230–238 235
Fig. 6. Variation of the flight solids holdup, expressed as m3 of bulk solids per m of flight linear length, with the angular position of the flight tip ŽFlights
a1 and 2, 4 rpm, 32 wt.% moisture..
Fig. 4 shows that the dynamic coefficient of friction particles became saturated and liquid water appeared on
remained nearly constant as the solids moisture was in- the outside of the particles, making them sticky.
creased from 0 to 0.35 kgrkg. The 740 values displayed
on Fig. 4 also indicate that there was a significant scatter 4.2. Flight holdup— comparison with model predictions
in the results since values ranged" 10% for each condi-
tion. The large number of measurements, however, greatly The flight holdup, expressed as the volume of bulk
reduced the random errors, as indicated by the small 95% solids in the flight per unit length of flight, decreased with
confidence intervals shown in Fig. 5. the flight angular position: solids steadily emptied out of
Fig. 5 confirms clearly that the dynamic coefficient of the rotating flight. This was confirmed by preliminary
friction remained nearly constant as the solids moisture experiments conducted with flight types a1 and a2 Fig. 6.
was increased from 0 to 0.35 kgrkg and started to rise Fig. 6 also shows that there is a reasonable agreement
quickly as the solids moisture was increased past 0.35 between the measured holdups and the holdups predicted
kgrkg. The porous structure of the solid particles means with the equations developed earlier. More thorough exper-
that, at low solids moisture, there was no liquid water on iments were thus conducted to test the model equations.
the outside of the particles. At moistures above 33%, the
Fig. 7. Variation of the flight solids holdup, expressed as m3 of bulk Fig. 8. Comparison of the measured and predicted flight solids holdups,
solids per m of flight linear length, with the angular position of the flight expressed as m3 of bulk solids per m of flight linear length ŽFlight a3, 4
tip ŽFlight a3, 4 rpm, 3 wt.% moisture.. rpm, 3 wt.% moisture..
236 D. ReÕol et al.r Powder Technology 121 (2001) 230–238
5. Conclusions
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