NUSC 3P50 Week 2
NUSC 3P50 Week 2
NUSC 3P50 Week 2
Sec 01
Amanda Hicks, RN, BScN, MPH
Nurses have skills, knowledge and opportunity (and are required) to provide patient/health education
The education process parallels the nursing process, and is dependent on both teaching and learning
There are several factors (personal, professional, legal, social, political, economic) that can present barriers or
facilitators to teaching and learning
Young woman, 34 weeks A 58 year old man with significant
pregnant, with a new diagnosis of A school has requested health visual impairment is being
gestational diabetes mellitus education provided to the discharged from hospital 24
presents to the diabetes kindergarten classes about hand hours after a knee replacement
education centre to learn about hygiene after an outbreak of surgery,
dietary changes that will help her influenza. requiring discharge teaching and
manage her condition. instruction.
Theories of motivation
Motor Learning
Behaviourist Learning Cognitive Learning Social Learning
Good assessments ensure the best possible learning can occur with
the least amount of stress and anxiety for the learner.
Assessing Learning Needs
1 2 3 4
Establish trust Collect Prioritize Set goals and
and safety with important learning needs objectives
learner information together with
about them. the client
Assessing Readiness to Learn
Readiness to learn is defined as the time when the learner demonstrates an
interest in learning the information necessary to maintain optimal health.
Four types of readiness to learn:
1. Physical readiness
Teachable moments are points in time
2. Emotional readiness when client's are most receptive to
3. Experiential readiness learning. Nurses must listen for
cues/hints of these teachable
4. Knowledge/cognitive readiness moments.
Learning Styles
(RNAO, 2012)
Learning in the Healthcare context
- Nurses are delivering care in an increasingly complex health care system
- Clients are faced with health information that is often unfamiliar, complicated and technical
- Clients and their families are navigating a complex system, and managing their health amidst:
o Earlier hospital discharge
o Complicated treatment plans
o Making informed decisions
o Maintaining a healthy lifestyle
o Communicating their perspective, needs, values
o Living within difficult soci-economic conditions
o Living with chronic conditions
o Accessing and interacing with health care professionals and community service providers
(RNAO, 2012)
(RNAO, 2012)
Key messages:
-Several theories explain how learning happens
-Nurses must assess learner's needs, readiness
to learn and preferred learning style
- L.E.A.R.N.S is a model to guide nurses
facilitating client centred learning