Assignment No1
Assignment No1
Assignment No1
Assignment no 1(solution)
1) Differentiate between monolithic and microkernel.
Basic In microkernel user services and kernel, In monolithic kernel, both user services and kernel
services are kept in separate address space. services are kept in the same address space.
Size Microkernel are smaller in size. Monolithic kernel is larger than microkernel.
Extendible The microkernel is easily extendible. The monolithic kernel is hard to extend.
Security If a service crashes, it does effect on If a service crashes, the whole system crashes in
Code To write a microkernel, more code is To write a monolithic kernel, less code is required.
Example QNX, Symbian, L4Linux, Singularity, K42, Linux, BSDs (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD),
Mac OS X, Integrity, PikeOS, HURD, Microsoft Windows (95,98,Me), Solaris, OS-9, AIX,
2.) Throughput
A measure of the work done by the CPU is the number of processes being executed and completed per
unit of time. This is called throughput.
3.) Turnaround Time
For a particular process, an important criterion is how long it takes to execute that process.Turn-around
time is the sum of times spent waiting to get into memory, waiting in the ready queue, executing in CPU,
and waiting for I/O. Given as
Turn Around Time = Completion Time - Arrival Time.
4.) Waiting Time
The time spent by a process waiting in the ready queue is called as waiting time and it is calculated as
Waiting Time = Turnaround Time - Burst Time.
5.) Response Time
the time taken from submission of the process of the request until the first response is produced. This
measure is called response time.
Response Time = CPU Allocation Time - Arrival Time
6.)Completion Time
The completion time is the time when the process stops executing,
6.) Priority
If the operating system assigns priorities to processes, the scheduling mechanism should favor the higher-
priority processes.
7.) Predictability
A given process always should run in about the same amount of time under a similar system load.