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Pesticides and public health in Brazil

Francisco J.R. Paumgartten

PII: S2468-2020(20)30005-X
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cotox.2020.01.003
Reference: COTOX 236

To appear in: Current Opinion in Toxicology

Received Date: 21 December 2019

Accepted Date: 7 January 2020

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Pesticides and public health in Brazil

Francisco J.R. Paumgartten


National School of Public Health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Laboratory of

Environmental Toxicology. Av. Brasil 4036, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 21040-361,




Brazil is one of the world’s top-four agricultural pesticide-consuming countries.

The extensive use of pesticides raises concerns about the consequences for

the human health. This review appraised the evidence provided by

epidemiological studies on the adverse health effects of pesticides conducted in

Brazil within the past 2 to 4 years. Available data come from ecological, cross-

sectional and case-control studies which are relatively easy, quick and

inexpensive to conduct, but of limited usefulness for inferring causation and to

identify hazards in pesticide risk assessment. Inaccurate exposure assessment

is another weakness common to these studies. No longitudinal cohort

investigation of pesticide adverse health effects and no analytical data-based

biomonitoring study were found in the literature. In conclusion, studies

conducted in Brazil failed to generate data relevant for risk assessment and

management of pesticides. Large prospective cohorts studies and good

analytical data on exposures are needed to bridge this public health research


Key words: Pesticides, cancer, mental disorders, acute poisoning, risk


1. Introduction

In the mid-20th century, the introduction of new, high-yielding varieties of

food crops, and the widespread adoption of mechanization, irrigation techniques

and other agricultural technologies resulted in dramatic gains in the production

of grains (wheat, maize, soybean and others), particularly in developing

countries. This unprecendented increase in cropland productivity (“Green

Revolution”) is thought to have changed dramatically the geography of hunger

averting millions of deaths from famine worldwide. Nonetheless, Green

Revolution’s reliance on a massive use of agrochemicals has also raised

concerns about the consequences of the extensive use of pesticides for the

environment and public health [1].

Brazil is the second largest producer of soybean in the world, and an

important producer and exporter of several other commodity crops as well.

Pesticide use considerably increased in tandem with marked rises in the

production of grains, and Brazil has become one of the world’s top-four

pesticide consumers (together with the US, EU and China) [2].

Recent surveys consistently confirmed that farmers seldom wear

appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when handling, mixing and

applying plant protection products [3-10], a finding that adds to current concerns

about the health consequences of country’s consumption of pesticides for

agricultural workers.

Agricultural commodities are one of the mainstays of Brazil’s economy

and pesticide benefits for crop protection must be properly balanced against

their potential risks for the environment and human health. Reliable scientific

data are necessary to put the estimated burden of diseases associated with

pesticide use on one of the dishes of the balance.

What is the morbidity and mortality associated with the extensive use of

agricultural pesticides in Brazil? Which active ingredients currently used in the

country’s agriculture are the most dangerous and should be phased out? What

public health interventions could lead to a consistent reduction in the burden of

diseases attributable to pesticides?

These questions have remained largely unanswered so far.

Epidemiological studies focusing on them are needed for evidence-based public

health interventions intended to reduce the burden of disease associated with

the current use of pesticides in Brazil.

This article appraised the evidence provided by recent studies which

addressed directly or indirectly these research gaps.

Epidemiology in health risk assessement of pesticides

Epidemiology is one of the cornerstones of Public Health providing data

on the distribution of disease in a population (descriptive epidemiology) and on

the relationships between exposures and health outcomes within specific

populations (analytic epidemiology). Analytic epidemiology approaches test

hypotheses on determinants of disease (risk factors) by interventional (clinical

trials) and observational investigations. Owing to ethical constraints, hipotheses

on the health harms caused by pesticides are generally investigated by

observational studies, including longitudinal (retrospective or prospective)

cohort studies, case-control comparisons and cross-sectional studies. Analytic

studies measure the strength of associations between exposure and diseases,

or other adverse health outcomes, in a population at a given time.

In pesticide risk assessment (RA), epidemiology contributes to the

identification of potential health hazards, assessment of dose-response

relationships, and exposure assessment [3,11]. As far as hazard identification is

concerned, epidemiological research has the advantage of circumventing

uncertainties involved in extrapolating findings from in vitro assays and animal

experiments to humans. Nonetheless, association (or correlation) does not

necessarily imply causation, and thus non-causal explanations for observed

associations should be excluded before concluding that they are likely to be

causal. In 1965, a seminal article by Bradford Hill [12] listed nine aspects that

should be considered before concluding that causation is a probable

explanation for the association. The strength of the association is at the top of

Hill’s list. According to Doll [13], when relative risks are small (of the order of

2:1 or less) the problems of eliminating bias and confounding are immense and

usually require massive data. Demonstration of a relationship between the

magnitude of exposure (dose) and the health outcome incidence or severity

(response) also contributes to prove causality.

Lack of accurate assessments of pesticide exposure is a pitfall of most

observational studies. In complex exposure scenarios as those of agriculture,

assessment of exposure is a challenging issue. It is particularly challenging,

however, if pesticide exposure is assessed when the health outcome of interest

has already occurred, as in case-control and retrospective cohort studies.

Studies on the health impact of pesticides

Acute pesticide poisonings and pesticide suicides

Pesticide poisonings, including self-poisonings (suicides), have been

considered a serious public health problem in rural communities of developing

countries [4,15-21]. The magnitude of the problem in Brazil, however, remains

unclear. Various descriptive studies reported data from surveys performed in

some particular regions, or data retrieved from nationwide databases (Notifiable

Diseases Information System–SINAN, and National System of Toxic-

Pharmacological Information–SINITOX). There are apparent inconsistencies

between reports based on different nationwide databases and one recent study

presented clear indications of a significant underreporting of fatal cases of

pesticide poisoning [20].

Pesticide exposure and health effect biomarkers

A number of cross-sectional studies compared biomarkers of genetic

damage (evaluated by comet and cytokinesis-block micronucleus assays, and

other tests in lymphocytes and buccal mucosal cells) and/or oxidative stress in

Brazilian agricultural workers and individuals not occupationally exposed to

pesticides [9,22-25]. These studies, as a rule, concluded that pesticide

exposures might result in genetic damage and/or enhanced oxidative stress. A

study also described clinical pathology findings in farmers exposed to pesticides


Two cross-sectional studies reported changes in blood levels of thyroid

hormone which were inconsistent across sexes and active ingredients [27,28].

The foregoing studies have limitations the most notorious of which were

non-random selection of subjects, small sample sizes, inaccurate assessments

of pesticide exposure, multiple comparison pitfalls, and lack of a clear and

plausible test hypothesis.

Pesticide exposure and long term conditions

Breast cancer. A case-control study [29] reported that living near of croplands

with pesticide application (mostly soybean and corn crops) was associated with

a nearly 2-fold increase in breast cancer risk (OR: 2.37; CI 95%: 1.78-3.16).

Case–control studies are inexpensive and quick to conduct, and an efficient

method for the investigation of rare outcomes. Nonetheless, they suffer from

serious limitations including their susceptibility to bias (e.g. recall and selection

biases) and reverse causality. In this particular study, the evidence for causality

is additionally weakened by an inaccurate assessment of pesticide exposure.

The proximity (residing within 500 m) of a pesticide application area was used

as a proxy for a quantitative measurement exposure. No data and no previous

study, however, were presented to corroborate the underlying hypothesis that

dwellers within 500 m of pesticide application areas would be in fact more

exposed to this or that pesticide, or to a mixture of active ingredients, than those

people who lived outside these arbitrary boundaries. Moreover, the exposure

status of case and control women was inferred from responses to

questionnaires, and analyzed as a dichotomous variable (exposed/not-

exposed), yet pesticide exposure (internal doses received by members of a

population) is likely to be a continuous variable. In the case of binary variables,

nondifferential misclassification might eventually favor the null hypothesis, i.e., it

may underestimate hypothetical associations of exposure with health outcomes.

Colon cancer (CC). An ecological study raised the hypothesis that pesticide

exposure could be a potential risk factor behind a steadily rising incidence of

CC in the Southern and Southeast regions of Brazil [30,31]. Ecological studies

are descriptive epidemiological approaches that take populations, or groups, as

the unit of observation. Being cheap, easy and quick to conduct, they may be

useful when individual-level data are either difficult or impossible to collect. A

notorious weakness of ecological approaches, however, is that aggregate data

are used to assess exposure. Extrapolating conclusions drawn from group

results (average in the population) to the individual level may result in

interpretation errors (ecological fallacy); i.e., associations observed between

group-level variables (e.g., pesticide consumption and CC) do not necessarily

exist for particular individuals of the group (i.e., people with CC may not be

those who were exposed to pesticides). Owing to its weaknesses, an ecological

study provides, at its best, hypothesis-generating information. Conclusions from

ecological studies are thus of limited value, if any, for hazard idenfication in RA.

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). An ecological study reported a correlation

between per capita consumption of pesticides and standardized mortality rate

by NHL [32]. An additional drawback of this study was that it estimated risks for

NHL as an aetiologically related group of malignancies. Nonetheless, NHL

encompasses distinct subtypes, and associations of pesticides with NHL seem

to be subtype- and compound-specific [33].

Skin melanoma. A pooled analysis of two case-control studies conducted in

Italy and Brazil found a higher risk of cutaneous melanoma in individuals

occupationnaly exposed to pesticides and sunlight [34]. A previous case-control

study in Southern Brazil detected associations between occupational (OR;

CI95%: 3.2; 1.2–6.8) and residential (indoors for >10 years; 1.9; 1.2–8.2)

exposure to pesticides and cutaneous melanoma [35]. In both studies pesticide

exposure was evaluated by a questionnaire.

Depressive disorders. A cross-sectional study found an association of

depressive symptoms (assessed by the Beck Depression Inventory-BDI-II) with

pesticide exposure in male farmers (220 coffee growers) from Southeast Brazil

[36]. Information about demographic data, life style habits (tobacco, alcohol)

and pesticide exposure (yes or no, for any type of pesticide) was assessed by a

structured questionnaire applied by trained students and university staff. The

multivariate analysis found that pesticide exposure (OR: 5.52; CI95%: 1.18,

25.88), tobacco use (2.81; 1.11, 7.11), poor self-perceived health (2.61;1.33,

5.11) and chronic disease (2.38;1.16, 4.87) were associated with depressive

symptoms. Lack of control for possible selection (sampling by convenience

instead of random sampling) and information biases seem to be major

drawbacks of this study.

Another cross-sectional investigation [37] in a rural region of Southern

Brazil found associations (OR; CI 50%) between self-reported “pesticide

poisoning” and “common mental disorders” (2.63; 1.62-4.25) and “pesticide

poisoining” and “depression” (2.62; 1.63-4.21). Shortcomings of this study

include multiple comparison pitfalls, inaccurate assessments of exposure and

health outcomes (self-reported), and lack of control of potential biases and


A limitation of cross-sectional approaches for this type of inference is

that, unless it can be safely assumed that pesticide exposure was stable over

time and was not influenced by the outcome, cross-sectional data are not

suitable for drawing conclusions about determinants of chronic conditions, such

as psychiatric disorders, cancer, cardiovascular illness, and others, that may

have started a long time before associations between exposure and health

outcomes were assessed.

Male fertility. A cross-sectional investigation in Southern Brazil [38], compared

reproductive hormone levels and sperm quality parameters in random samples

of young men from rural (n=99) and urban (n=36) areas. Exposure was

assessed by questionnaire application. Exposure (lifetime) to pesticides was

associated with abnormal sperm morphology and reduced LH and prolactin,

while prenatal exposure (reported maternal farming during pregnancy) was

associated with larger anogenital distance and testicular volume (measured in

adulthood) [38]. Small sample sizes, multiple comparisons and inaccurate

assessment of pesticide exposure are major limitations of this cross-sectional


Concluding remarks.

In summary, health effects of occupational exposure to pesticides in

Brazil were investigated by ecological, cross-sectional and case-control studies

with inaccurate assessments of exposure. Although being relatively easy, quick

and inexpensive to conduct, the methodological limitations inherent to these

studies hamper causal inferences. To the best of our knowledge, no longitudinal

retrospective or prospective cohort study was conducted in Brazil to investigate

the health effects of pesticides. Reliable biomonitoring studies and analytical

data on pesticide exposures are missing as well. Biomonitoring data are not

only an integral part of RA but also needed for a posteriori evaluations of the

effectiveness of public health interventions to reduce exposure and risks [39].

In conclusion, epidemiological studies conducted in Brazil – a world’s top

pesticide-consuming country – largely failed to generate data relevant for RA of

pesticides. The excess of morbidity and mortality attributable to pesticides

remains elusive and so does the burden of disease associated with their

extensive use in the country’s agriculture. Large prospective cohort

investigations are needed to brigde this public health research gap. Obviously,

enforcement of strict regulations on the use of PPE and improvement of

agricultural and rural extension programs are effective health risk reducing

interventions that do not rely on further epidemiological data.

Conflict of Interest.

The author declares no conflict of interest.


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This is a typical case control control with an inaccurate retrospective

assessment of pesticide exposure.

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This large study presents evidence suggestive that associations of pesticide

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Illustrate the use a cross-sectional survey to study risk factors of a long-term

disorder (depression).

37. Campos E, Dos Santos Pinto da Silva V, Sarpa Campos de Mello M,

Barros Otero U. Exposure to pesticides and mental disorders in a

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38. Cremonese C, Piccoli C, Pasqualotto F, Clapauch R, Koifman RJ,

Koifman S, Freire C. Occupational exposure to pesticides,

reproductive hormone levels and sperm quality in young Brazilian

men. Reprod Toxicol. 2017;67:174-185

39. ** Aylward LL. Integration of biomonitoring data into risk

assessment. Current Opinion in Toxicology.2018, 9:14-20.

Interesting analysis of the integration of biomonitoring data into risk assessment

and management. The example (figure) of changes in contine concentrations in

the US population in 2 time Windows (1988-1991 and 2013-2014) is particularly

illustrative of the use of biomonitoring data to assess the effectiveness of public

health interventions.


Figure. Analytic epidemiological approaches test hypotheses on the

determinants (risk factors) of adverse health outcomes or diseases. Owing to

methodological limitations inherent to the study design, it is generally difficult to

rule out noncausal explanations for associations dectected by cross-sectional (a

snapshot of characteristics of study subjects in a single point in time) and case-

control studies. Prospective cohort studies (groups based on exposure status

followed over time), on the other hand, provide the strongest evidence of

causality of observed associations.

Evidence hierarchy of epidemiological study designs for
hazard identification in pesticide risk assessment

Prospective cohort studies


Retrospective cohort studies

Case-control studies

Cross-sectional studies
(with comparison) Increasing weight
of evidence
Cross-sectional studies

(with no comparison)

Ecological studies

Case series

Case study / report

Conflict of Interest and Authorship Conformation Form

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o All authors have participated in (a) conception and design, or analysis and
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important intellectual content; and (c) approval of the final version.

o This manuscript has not been submitted to, nor is under review at, another
journal or other publishing venue.

o The authors have no affiliation with any organization with a direct or indirect
financial interest in the subject matter discussed in the manuscript

o The following authors have affiliations with organizations with direct or

indirect financial interest in the subject matter discussed in the manuscript:

Author’s name Affiliation

Francisco José Roma Paumgartten – National School of Public Health – Oswaldo Cruz

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