Sri Guru Gita Chant Book PDF The Ashram MT Eliza 2021
Sri Guru Gita Chant Book PDF The Ashram MT Eliza 2021
Sri Guru Gita Chant Book PDF The Ashram MT Eliza 2021
Gajananam 13
Nityananda Arati and Jyota 14
Introductory Mantras 17
Sri Guru Paduka Pancakam 19
Sri Guru Gita Part 1 21
Sri Guru Gita Part 2 52
Chanting with Baba
The first thing that you noticed about Baba’s
Ganeshpuri ashram after the Shakti , the beauty
and the cleanliness of the place, was the amount of
chanting there was in the daily routine. Baba gave
great importance to the chanting of Sanskrit texts.
He called the practice swadhyaya, which means ‘self-
study’. He regarded those sessions as the heart of the
ashram discipline and a complete yoga in themselves.
You were supposed to chant in a loud, sweet voice
while sitting in a good yogic posture, not slumping
or slouching. The book was to be held in your hand
in front of you and not placed on the ground.
At one point Baba had the carpenter make him
what looked like a Scrabble rack with three tiles on
it. He kept them near his seat and if anyone nodded
off during the Guru Gita he would throw one of the
tiles at him. One day I saw Baba working assiduously
with a pen, writing something on each tile. I was
always curious about Baba’s doings, so I waited until
the program was over and he had left the hall (I was
the hall monitor) and went up and examined his
handiwork. He had written ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’ on the tiles.
He wanted to return the tiles to the same order after
he had chucked one at someone. It was classical Baba,
everything had to be disciplined. And he was being
very cute!
The pull of meditation was strong during the
chanting sessions as the vibrations of the Sanskrit
mantras filled the hall. But woe betide he or she who
let themselves pass into meditation during a chant.
Baba would yell, throw a Scrabble tile and call them a
Shakti thief who gets high on other people’s efforts.
He said that it is easy to meditate by means of the
Shakti generated by a chant but it is much harder to
remain focussed and be present to the chant.
In my earliest days in the ashram Baba invited
me to sit in the row of men just in front of him and
play the shruti box, which was a squeezebox, like
a harmonium with one note. It produced a droning
sound. I played it with my left hand and held the
book in my right hand. The Sanskrit mantras were
unfamiliar to me (even though transliterated) and I
struggled with them. Baba was just a few feet away
and his gaze bore into me. I imagined him having all
kinds of thoughts about me, none of them good. I
was thrown back to a visit at age 13 to a synagogue
for a friend’s bar mitzvah . During the service the
uncle of another friend keenly observed my Hebrew
pronunciation. In fact, I didn’t know any Hebrew and
I was just mumbling along. After that humiliating
experience I never went back to a synagogue.
Unlike that experience, I survived the one with
Baba. One day my tongue stumbled over a difficult
line and I glanced furtively at Baba. He was regarding
me with a look of total acceptance and affection. I
realised that my burning had been self-generated.
Swadhyaya is like that. It is a fire and a tapasya .
During the recitation of a text all kinds of thoughts
and emotions arise in the crucible of the inner space.
It is a great purification.
In Shiva Process Self-inquiry we call the highest
spiritual statement a G-Statement. G-Statements
like, ‘I am the Self’, ‘I am Shiva’, ‘God dwells in every
person’, ‘The Guru is within me’, connect us to the
deepest source within ourselves. Texts like the Guru
Gita and the Shiva Mahimna Stotram are composed
entirely of G-Statements. They issue from a divine
source in the divine language of Sanskrit and resonate
the highest centres within the aspirant. Every mantra
is a container of Shakti. Their effect is mysterious.
Dear friends, use these sessions of swadhyaya as
a means of transformation. Chant with love and
reverence and attention.
When I first got to the Ganeshpuri ashram in
1971, the morning chant, starting at about 5:30am,
was the Bhagavad Gita. In early 1972 Baba changed
the daily routine and established the Guru Gita as
the main text of the morning program. The morning
session lasted an hour and a half, concluding with
the chant of Shri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare. Baba
almost always attended these programs. If you looked
to the left out the door of the ashram you could see
the sun rise over the notched mountain ridge to the
east. As I sat there, day in and day out, I watched the
progress of the sun north along the ridge and then
south as the seasons unfolded. It felt like one long
day that was ever the same.
Towards evening, after our afternoon session
of ashram work, we would bathe, meditate and come
to the temple for the evening arati. The pujari waved
the lights to the statue of Bhagavan Nityananda and
we stood and chanted before it. After dinner we
returned for the final chanting session of the day, the
Shiva Mahimna Stotram. The Shiva Mahimna is a chant
of great lyrical beauty in which the Puranic stories of
Lord Shiva are told. This chant is sung in ashrams all
over India and every swami knows it by heart.
Here I should mention the form of chanting
called kirtan . Kirtan is the most accessible, easy
and delightful method of devotional ( bhakti )
yoga. In kirtan a mantra is sung to a melody to the
accompaniment of instruments like harmonium, drum
and cymbals. Baba always included kirtan in each
of the more complex and demanding programs of
long Sanskrit texts. During my time at the ashram
Baba’s driver, Potia, would walk into the hall after the
chanting of the Shiva Mahimna and sit at the drum
for a stirring Hare Rama Hare Krishna. The heavens
resounded and we retired to our dormitories with
sweet dreams.
It is not surprising that Baba called the Guru
Gita ‘the one indispensable text’ since it epitomised
Baba’s essential teachings about the Guru: the Guru
is the doorway to the divine, the Guru is the essential
ingredient of the process of spirituality, the Guru is
the means and also the goal.
Later, I found that there were versions of the
Guru Gita that were 350 verses long. Baba selected
182 verses for the morning program. In this book you
will find Baba’s version divided into two parts, which
seems more suitable for a practitioner who lives in the
modern world. A day that begins with the Guru Gita
is an auspicious day. It aligns the practitioner with the
highest. Remembering the divine and connecting to
the Shakti, one handles life’s vicissitudes with ease
and joy.
Most of us in the West were not born into a
Hindu culture, a culture of chanting, of priests who
are expert in Vedic mantras. I never experienced this
as a lack because I felt, mystically, that Baba, in his
daily program, gave us everything we needed for
perfect spirituality. I don’t mean a tepid, watered-
down imitation Hinduism, I mean perfect spirituality.
Baba’s swadhyaya, the texts that he gave us, are full
of divine Shakti. To use any part of them is to live in
the stream of grace of the Siddhas. As Baba would
say, ‘Do not neglect your swadhyaya’.
Chanting and Inquiry
With love,
Swami Shankarananda
Mount Eliza 2018
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
Om! Salutations to Parvati’s consort, the great Lord
O elephant-faced God, Ganesha, you are served by
the group of ghosts, and you eat sweet wood-apples
and blackberries. You are Uma’s son, the destroyer
of sorrows. I bow to the lotus feet of the remover
of obstacles.
The Guru is Brahma (creation), the Guru is Vishnu
(sustenance), the Guru is Shiva (dissolution). The Guru
is indeed Parabrahma (supreme Consciousness). To
that Guru I offer salutations.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
Nityananda Arati
and Jyota
Hail Hail! I wave lights to you, O Nityananda, you
are Lord Govinda in human form.
First you became Datta, the original Guru, secondly
you took the form of Shripad, thirdly you became
Narahari1; you show your play in Gangapur.
Nrsinha Saraswati, a famous Guru in the 16th century
A saint in Maharashtra, India
A saint in Maharashtra, in the 19th century
A famous saint who lived at the beginning of the 20th century
Sri Guru Gita
You take many forms, you reside in Ganeshpuri, you
fulfill the desires of devotees, children like you very
Light my lamp from your lamp. O Sadguru, light my
lamp from your lamp, and remove any darkness that
may cover my heart.
Sri Guru Gita
O imperishable Muktananda, bliss of liberation, let
our lives be dedicated to you.
Light my lamp from your lamp. O Sadguru, light my
lamp from your lamp, and remove any darkness that
may cover my heart.
Sri Guru Gita
Introductory Mantras
Salutations to Parvati’s spouse, the great Lord
Salutations to the infinite Lord, who has infinite
forms, infinite feet, eyes, heads, thighs and arms,
and infinite names. Salutations to the Eternal Being
who supports millions of cosmic ages.
Om. Salutations to the Guru, who is Shiva! His
form is Satchitananda (being, Consciousness and
bliss). He is transcendent, calm, independent and
Sri Guru Gita
Salutations to Muktananda, the Guru who rescues
his disciples from the cycle of birth and death, who
assumed a body to meet the needs of his devotees,
and whose nature is Consciousness and being.
Om. May we be protected together. May we enjoy
the fruits of our actions together. May we achieve
strength together. May our knowledge be full of
light. May we never have enmity for one another.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru
Om. Salutations to the Guru and the Guru’s sandals.
Salutations to the supreme Guru and to his sandals.
Salutations to the sandals of the spiritual teacher,
the Lord of Siddhas. Salutations again and again to
the Guru’s sandals.
Salutations again and again to Sri Guru’s sandals,
endowed with the mystery of (the seed mantras)
aim and hrim and with the glory of the profound
meaning of shrim, and which expound the secret
of Om.
Sri Guru Gita
Salutations again and again to Sri Guru’s sandals,
which serve as the Garuda, the mantra against
poison, to the multitude of negative emotions, which
bestow the power of discrimination and detachment,
which grant knowledge and give liberation.
Salutations again and again to Sri Guru’s sandals,
which are a boat to cross the endless ocean of the
world, which bestow steadfast devotion, and which
are a raging fire to dry the ocean of insensitivity.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
r Guru Gt
Sri Guru Gita
Lord Sadashiva is the seer of this hymn of mantras,
the Sri Guru Gita.
The verse-patterns are varied. The Supreme Self,
the Guru, is the deity.
The ‘I am’ is the seed, ‘That’ is its power (Shakti)
and ‘krom’ its nail. These mantras are repeated to
obtain the blessings of Sri Guru.
Now we meditate.
(The Guru) surrounded by the lotus petals ham and
sah, which are the cause of the world and reside in
all beings, manifested the world in his own way and
of his own free will.
Sri Guru Gita
The Guru reveals That, he is the expression of the
shambhava state, he illumines like the flame of a
lamp, he is eternal, all-pervasive and a visible form
of the imperishable. Meditate on him.
The four goals of life—righteousness, wealth, pleasure
and liberation—are my purpose for repeating this
(Guru Gita).
Suta said:
On the beautiful summit of Mount Kailas, the goddess
Parvati bowed to Shiva with reverence and asked:
Sri Guru Gita
The Goddess said:
O great Guru of the world, O Lord of Gods, O
benevolent One, O highest of the highest, initiate
me into the knowledge of the Guru.
O Lord, by which path can the embodied soul
become one with Brahman? Please bestow your
compassion on me, O Lord. I bow to your feet.
The Lord said:
O great Goddess, you are my very own Self. Out
of love for you I will answer your question, for it is
helpful to the world and has not been asked before.
Sri Guru Gita
This knowledge is difficult to obtain in all three
worlds. Listen, I will reveal it to you. The Guru is
Brahman. O beautiful one, this is true, this is true.
itihsdikni ca,
The Vedas (ancient scriptures), the Shastras (religious
books), the Puranas (texts of ancient legends),
historical accounts, and other (writings); the
science of mantra, yantra (mystical diagrams), and
so on; the Smritis (traditional code of laws), magic
incantations, and so on;
anyni vividhni ca,
Apabhraa karha
jvn bhrntacetasm.
The Shaiva and Shakta treatises and other various
texts bring about in this world the downfall of those
whose minds are deluded.
Sri Guru Gita
The Guru is not different from knowledge of the
Self. Without doubt this is true, this is true. The wise
should make an effort to attain That.
rguro pdasevant,
Deh brahma bhavedyasmt
tvatkprtha vadmi te.
Sri Guru Gita
To obtain knowledge and detachment, sip the water
of the Guru’s feet, which destroys ignorance and
ends karmas, (the cause of) rebirth.
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
It is said that the syllable gu means dark, and the
syllable ru means light. Indeed, there is no doubt
that the Guru is Brahma (supreme knowledge), who
consumes ignorance.
Sri Guru Gita
0 Kmi-ka-bhasma-vih
lema-rakta tvac msa
vacayenna varnane.
O Beautiful one, do not withhold (from the Guru this
body, which is full of) germs, worms, waste matter,
foul smelling urine and faeces, phlegm, blood, skin,
and flesh and (which is finally reduced) to ashes.
Sri Guru Gita
2 r
The Guru is Brahma (creation), the Guru is Vishnu
(sustenance), the Guru is Shiva (dissolution). The
Guru is indeed supreme Consciousness (Brahman).
To that Guru I offer salutations.
Salutations to the Guru, Shiva, the master of all
knowledge, the cause of the universe, the bridge
by which we cross the ocean of suffering.
Salutations to Sri Guru who opens the eyes of the
ignorant, blinded by darkness, with the collyrium
stick (eye salve) of knowledge.
Sri Guru Gita
Salutations to Sri Guru whose reality makes the
world real, whose light illumines the world and
whose joy gives all joy.
Salutations to Sri Guru whose existence makes the
world real, who shines in the form of the sun and
whose love makes those close to us dear.
Sri Guru Gita
Salutations to Sri Guru with whose knowledge no
divisions or differences are perceived in this world,
and whose only form is truth.
0 Yasymatatasyamata
matayasya na veda sa,
One who (thinks he) knows not, knows; one who
(thinks he) knows, knows not. Salutations to Sri
Guru, whose thinking has no other thoughts (but
those of the Absolute).
Salutations to Sri Guru who takes the form of the
cause (of this world) and who takes the form of
the world.
Sri Guru Gita
I honour Sri Guru whose lotus feet remove the
pain of duality and who always protects us from
With folded hands I make this offering to increase
the ocean of (the Guru’s) compassion, by whose
grace we are liberated from this variegated worldly
Sri Guru Gita
50 rntha-caraa-dvandva
yasy dii virjate,
Tasyai die namaskuryd
bhakty pratidina priye.
O beloved, every day you should bow with devotion
in whichever direction Sri Guru's two feet rest.
vande guror maalam.
I bow to the Guru's assemblage, which is composed
of the three preceding Guru's (whose titles) begin
with Srinatha, Ganapati, three seats (of Shakti),
(eight) Bhairavas, the group of (nine traditional)
Siddhas, three Batukas, two feet (representing
Shiva and Shakti), the sequence of (ten) Dutis,
(three) Mandalas, ten Viras, sixty-four (established
Siddhas), nine (Mudras), the line of five Viras (with
special functions), together with the revered Malini
(the letters of the alphabet), and the Mantraraja.
Sri Guru Gita
To contemplate the form of one’s Guru is to
contemplate the form of Lord Shiva. To repeat the
Guru’s name is to repeat the name of infinite Shiva.
5 Yatpda-reu-kaik
kpi sasra-vridhe,
Setubandhyate ntha
deika tamupsmahe
I worship the Lord Guru, even a few particles of dust
from whose feet form a bridge across the ocean of
the world.
7 -
Sri Guru Gita
One should contemplate the Guru who is seated
within the thousand-petalled lotus of the sahasrar,
within which ham and sah surround the triangle of
the three syllables, a, ka and tha.
Sri Guru Gita
This divine principle of the Guru is everywhere. It
moves and moves not. It is near and it is far. It is
within and without.
Sri Guru Gita
‘(I am) beyond birth, the everlasting, pure, self-
luminous, taintless, supreme akasha (space). (I am)
immovable, blissful and imperishable.’
Sri Guru Gita
Salutations to Sri Guru who reveals that state which
pervades the entire universe as a mandala (circle of
Consciousness), and is the essence of animate and
inanimate objects.
Salutations to Sri Guru whose lotus feet are adorned
by the crest jewels (the mahavakyas , the great
Upanishadic G-statements) of the Vedas and who
is the sun to the lotus of Vedanta.
Salutations to Sri Guru, by merely remembering
whom knowledge spontaneously arises within, and
who embodies all attainments.
Sri Guru Gita
Salutations to Sri Guru who is firmly established in
the power of knowledge; who is adorned with the
garland of letters and who grants bhukti (worldly
fulfilment) as well as mukti (liberation).
Salutations to Sri Guru who destroys all the karmas
acquired from countless lifetimes with the power
of Self-knowledge.
Sri Guru Gita
Salutations to Sri Guru. There is no tattva (principle)
higher than the Guru. There is no austerity higher
than (discipleship to) the Guru and no truth higher
than knowledge of the Guru.
Salutations to Sri Guru. My Guru is the Lord of the
whole universe. My Guru is the Guru of all three
worlds. My Self is the Self within all beings.
The root of meditation is the Guru’s form. The root
of worship is the Guru’s feet. The root of mantra is
the Guru’s word. The root of liberation is the Guru’s
78 Sapta-sgara-paryanta-
trtha-snndika phalam,
sahasre na durlabham.
The merit gained by bathing in all holy waters, up to
the seven seas, is not difficult to obtain by (sipping
even) one-thousandth part of a drop of the water
from the Guru's feet.
The Guru embodies the whole universe including
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. There is nothing higher
than the Guru, therefore one should honour the
Sri Guru Gita
By devotion to the Guru one becomes wise as well
as knowledgable. There is nothing higher than the
Guru. Those who follow the path of the Guru should
meditate on the Guru’s form.
84 Deva-kinnara-gandharv
pitaro yaka-cra,
Munayo'pi na jnanti
guruurae vidhim.
Sri Guru Gita
85 Mahhakra-garvea
ghaa-yantre yath gha.
Due to inflated ego and pride, (even) those
equipped with the power of austerity and learning
(continue to revolve) in the vortex of worldly life,
like pots on a water wheel.
O great Goddess, listen to the method of meditation
on the Guru which grants all joy, brings all happiness
and which grants bhukti (worldly enjoyment), as
well as mukti (liberation).
Sri Guru Gita
I remember Sri Guru who is Parabrahman (the
Supreme Absolute); I speak of Sri Guru, who is
Parabrahman. I bow to Sri Guru, who is Parabrahman.
I honour Sri Guru who is Parabrahman.
Sri Guru Gita
- -
Thus ends (this portion of) the Guru Gita, which
occurs in the dialogue between Shiva and Parvati
in the latter portion of Sri Skanda Purana. Let it be
offered at the feet of Sri Gurudeva.
Om. That is perfect. This is perfect. From the perfect
springs the perfect. If the perfect is taken from the
perfect, the perfect remains.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
Hail to the true Guru.
r Guru Gt
Sri Guru Gita
Lord Sadashiva is the seer of this hymn of mantras,
the Sri Guru Gita.
The verse-patterns are varied. The Supreme Self,
the Guru, is the deity.
The ‘I am’ is the seed, ‘That’ is its power (Shakti)
and ‘krom’ its nail. These mantras are repeated to
obtain the blessings of Sri Guru.
Now we meditate.
(The Guru) surrounded by the lotus petals ham and
sah, which are the cause of the world and reside in
all beings, manifested the world in his own way and
of his own free will.
Sri Guru Gita
The Guru reveals That, he is the expression of the
shambhava state, he illumines like the flame of a
lamp, he is eternal, all-pervasive and a visible form
of the imperishable. Meditate on him.
The four goals of life—righteousness, wealth, pleasure
and liberation—are my purpose for repeating this
(Guru Gita).
Suta said:
On the beautiful summit of Mount Kailas, the goddess
Parvati bowed to Shiva with reverence and asked:
Sri Guru Gita
The Goddess said:
O great Guru of the world, O Lord of Gods, O
benevolent One, O highest of the highest, initiate
me into the knowledge of the Guru.
O Lord, by which path can the embodied soul
become one with Brahman? Please bestow your
compassion on me, O Lord. I bow to your feet.
The Lord said:
O great Goddess, you are my very own Self. Out
of love for you I will answer your question, for it is
helpful to the world and has not been asked before.
Sri Guru Gita
This knowledge is difficult to obtain in all three
worlds. Listen, I will reveal it to you. The Guru is
Brahman. O beautiful one, this is true, this is true.
I bow to the Guru who is the eternal and pure
Consciousness of Brahman. He is beyond perception,
without form and without taint. He is eternal
knowledge, Consciousness and bliss.
Sri Guru Gita
94 -
I bow to him (the Guru) in whom the five acts of
Shiva—creation, sustenance, dissolution, withdrawal
and grace—reveal themselves constantly.
Sri Guru Gita
There is nothing greater than the Guru. There is
nothing greater than the Guru. There is nothing
greater than the Guru. There is nothing greater than
the Guru. This is the teaching of Shiva. This is the
teaching of Shiva. This is the teaching of Shiva. This
is the teaching of Shiva.
This indeed, is Shiva. Indeed, this too is Shiva.
Indeed, this too is Shiva. Indeed, this too is Shiva.
This is my teaching. This is my teaching. This is my
teaching. This is my teaching.
Sri Guru Gita
By meditating in this way on the Guru, knowledge
arises spontaneously. One should feel, ‘I am liberated
by the Guru’s grace’.
99 Gurudarita-mrgea
manauddhi tu krayet,
Anitya khaayet sarva
One should purify one’s mind by following the path
shown by the Guru. Whatever transient things are
ascribed to the Self should be discarded.
It is said that it is important to know the essential
nature of everything, especially the mind and
knowledge. Knowledge should be considered as
identical with the object of knowledge. There is no
other path to liberation.
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
Just as one lamp can be lit from another, so the
Guru can impart knowledge of Brahman, which is
imperceptible, eternal, the highest, without form
and without attributes, to the disciple.
One can perceive the joyous Self through the gift of
the Guru’s grace. By the path of the Guru, knowledge
of one’s own inner Self is revealed.
111. brahma-stamba-paryanta
Sthvara jagama caiva
prammi jaganmayam.
Sri Guru Gita
I always bow to the Guru, who is satchitananda
(truth, Consciousness and bliss), who transcends all
differences, who is eternal, perfect, without form,
and without attributes, and who is established in
his own Self.
The Guru, who is higher than the highest, who
bestows only bliss, and who is seated in the centre
of the space of the heart, as pure as a crystal, should
be meditated upon.
Sri Guru Gita
115. Aguha-mtra-purua
hyyata cinmaya hdi,
atra sphurati bhvo ya
ta kathaymyaham.
Listen, I shall speak to you of the feeling that arises
when one meditates on the thumb-sized being in
the heart, who is Consciousness.
O Parvati, know that the nature of Brahman is
beyond perception, beyond understanding, without
name and form, and is without sound (and other
attributes that are perceived by the senses).
Just as it is in the nature of flowers, camphor and
other things to have fragrance, and it is in the nature
of things to be cold and hot, so too is Brahman
eternal (by its very nature).
Sri Guru Gita
After having attained That (awareness of one’s
Brahman nature), one may live anywhere. Thus,
one’s meditation on the Guru is similar to that of
the worm on the bee.
r prvatyuvca:
120. Pia ki tu mahdeva
pada ki samudhtam,
Rptta ca rpa ki
etadkhyhi akara.
Sri Parvati said:
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
Upon having perceived it (the highest truth) by
Guru’s grace, one remains solitary, tranquil, without
desires and without any attachment.
The wise say that the all-knowing state is that
in which the embodied soul becomes one with
everything. Then being ever-blissful and tranquil,
one rejoices wherever one may be.
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
135. Klamtyu-bhayahara
It delivers one from the fear of time and death. It
puts an end to all misfortunes. It removes the fear
of spirits, demons, ghosts, thieves, and tigers.
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
146. yur-rogya-maivarya-
Akmata str vidhav
japn moka-mavpnuyt.
It increases longevity, health, affluence, (and grants)
children and grandchildren. If a widow repeats it
without desire, she obtains salvation.
148. Sarva-bdh-praamana
Ya ya cintayate kma
ta ta prpnoti nicitam.
It removes all hurdles and grants (the four goals of
life): righteousness, wealth, pleasure, and liberation.
One definitely obtains whatever desire one may
Sri Guru Gita
157. Sasra-mala-nrtha
Gurugtm-bhasi snna
tattvaja kurute sad.
One who knows the Truth always bathes in the
waters of the Guru Gita to wash away his worldly
impurities and to become free from the snares of
worldly existence.
Sri Guru Gita
Just like a drop of water (merges) with the ocean,
a drop of milk with milk, a drop of ghee with ghee,
and the space inside a pot with the space outside
when the pot is broken, the individual Self (merges)
in the Supreme Self.
Sri Guru Gita
In the very same way, the individual Self of a wise
being is merged in the highest Self. Day and night,
wherever he may be, the wise being delights in
A wise person who is fully liberated, always lives
in this manner. O Parvati, one who serves him
wholeheartedly and with deep devotion is relieved
of all doubts and is liberated. Both bhukti (worldly
enjoyment) and mukti (liberation) come to him.
Saraswati dwells on the tip of his tongue.
Sri Guru Gita
Sri Guru Gita
172. Vidy-tapo-balenaiva
manda-bhgyca ye nar,
Gurusev na kurvanti
satya satya varnane.
Those people who do not serve the Guru are
unfortunate, even with the power of their learning
and austerities. O beautiful one, this is the truth.
This is the truth.
Sri Guru Gita
173. Brahma-viu-maheca
anye'pi munayo jan.
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, divine seers, pitris, kinnaras,
Siddhas, charanas, yakshas, sages, and other people
(attained their respective powers only through
devotion to the Guru).
179. Svmi-mukhya-gaedi-
viv-dn ca prvati,
Manaspi na vaktavya
satya satya vadmyaham.
Do not impart this even mentally to Ganesha and
among others of whom Swami (Karttikeya, son of
Parvati) is the chief, nor to Vishnu or other (gods).
I speak the truth, the only truth.
Sri Guru Gita
180. Atva-pakva-cittya
raddh-bhakti-yutya ca,
Pravakta-vyamida devi
mamtm'si sad priye.
O Goddess, explain it only to one whose mind is
fully matured and who is endowed with faith and
devotion. O beloved, you are My very Self forever.
182. Sasra-sgara-
vande mahbhaya-hara
Sri Guru Gita
- -
Thus ends (this portion of) the Guru Gita, which
occurs in the dialogue between Shiva and Parvati
in the latter portion of Sri Skanda Purana. Let it be
offered at the feet of Sri Gurudeva.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
Hail to the true Guru.
Sri Guru Gita
Om. That is perfect. This is perfect. From the perfect
springs the perfect. If the perfect is taken from the
perfect, the perfect remains.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
Hail to the true Guru.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O elephant-faced god, Ganesha, you are served
by the assemblage of ghosts, and you eat sweet
wood-apples and blackberries. You are Uma’s son,
the destroyer of sorrows. I bow to the lotus feet of
the remover of obstacles.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
Sri Pushpadanta said:
If it is unseemly to praise You when ignorant of the
extent of Your greatness, then even the praises of
Brahma and others are inadequate. If no-one can
be blamed when they praise You according to their
intellectual powers, then my attempt to compose
this hymn cannot be reproached.
Your greatness is beyond the reach of mind and
speech. Who can properly praise that which even
the Vedas describe with trepidation, by means
of ‘not this, not this’? How many qualities do You
possess? By whom can You be perceived? Yet
whose mind and speech do not turn to the form
later taken by You (saguna)?
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Brahman! Do even Brihaspati’s praises cause
wonder to You, the author of the nectar-like sweet
Vedas? O destroyer of the three cities, the thought
that by praising Your glories I shall purify my speech
has prompted me to undertake this work.
O Giver of boons! Some stupid people produce
arguments—pleasing to the ignorant but in fact
hateful—to refute Your divinity, which creates,
preserves and destroys the world, which is
divided into three bodies (Brahma, Vishnu and
Shiva) according to the three gunas, and which is
described in the three Vedas.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
To fulfill what desire, assuming what form, with
what instruments, support and material does the
Creator create the three worlds? This kind of futile
argumentation about You, whose divine nature is
beyond the reach of intellect, makes the perverted
vociferous, and brings delusion to men.
O Lord of gods! Can the worlds be without origin,
though they have bodies? Is their creation possible
without a creator? Who else but God can initiate
the creation of the worlds? Because they are fools
they raise doubts about Your existence.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
Different paths (to realisation) are enjoined by the
three Vedas, by Samkhya, Yoga, Pashupata (Shaiva)
doctrine and Vaishnava Shastras. People follow
different paths, straight or crooked, according
to their temperament, depending on which they
consider best, or most appropriate—and reach You
alone just as rivers enter the ocean.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Destroyer of the demon Pura, some say that
the whole universe is eternal while others say that
all is transitory. Others still, hold that it is eternal
and non-eternal—having different characteristics.
Bewildered by all this, I do not feel ashamed to
praise You; indeed my loquacity is an indication of
my boldness.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Destroyer of Tripura, it was because of that great
devotion, which prompted him to offer his heads as
lotuses to Your feet, that the ten-headed Ravana
still had arms and was eager for fresh war after he
had effortlessly rid the three worlds of all traces of
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Giver of boons, since Bana was the worshipper
of Your feet is it to be wondered at that he had the
three worlds at his command and put to shame the
wealth of Indra? What prosperity does not come
from bowing down the head to You?
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Lord, the god of love, whose arrows never fail in
the world of gods and men, became nothing but
an object of memory because he looked on You
as an ordinary god (his body being burnt by Your
look of wrath). An insult to the self-controlled is not
conducive to good.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
The river which pervades the sky and whose foam
crests look all the more beautiful because of stars
and planets, seems no more than a drop of water
when on Your head. That same river has turned the
world into islands surrounded by waters. From this
can be judged the vastness of Your divine body.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Destroyer of the three cities, Hari rooted out His
own lotus-eye to make up the difference when one
flower was missing in His offering of 1,000 lotuses to
Your feet. For this great devotion You awarded the
discus (Sudarshan Chakra)—with which Hari protects
the three worlds.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Giver of refuge, You, who are habitually the giver
of fruits of sacrifices, destroyed that sacrifice where
Daksha, the Lord of creation and expert in sacrifices,
was the sacrificer, rishis were priests, and gods
participants. Surely sacrifices cause injury to the
sacrificers in the absence of faith and devotion.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Destroyer of the three cities, O Giver of boons,
Parvati saw the god of love, bow in hand, burnt like a
piece of straw in a minute by You. If she is still proud
of her beauty and believes that You are fascinated
by her, because she was allowed to occupy half Your
body because of her austerities, let her. Ah, surely
all women are under delusion. You have completely
conquered Your senses.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
You are indeed that inexpressible Truth which the
yogis realise within by concentrating their minds on
the Self and controlling the breath according to the
directions laid down in the scriptures, and realising
this Truth they experience rapturous thrills and shed
profuse tears of joy; swimming as it were in a pool
of nectar, they enjoy inner bliss.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
The wise hold this limiting view of You: You are the
sun, You are the moon, You are fire, You are air, You
are water, You are space, You are the earth and You
are the Self. But we do not know the things which
You are not.
O Giver of refuge, with the three letters A, U, M,
indicating the three Vedas, three states, three
worlds and the three gods, the word AUM (Om)
describes You separately. By its subtle sound the
word Om collectively denotes You—Your absolute
transcendental state which is free from change.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
O Lover of solitude, my salutations to You who
are the nearest and the farthest. O Destroyer of
the god of love, my salutations to You who are the
minutest and also the largest. O Three-eyed one,
my salutations to You who are the oldest and also
the youngest. My salutations to You again and again
who are all and also transcending all.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
The best of Gandharvas, Pushpadanta by name,
composed in great devotion this beautiful hymn
to the Lord, who is worshipped by demons, gods,
and the best of sages, whose praises have been
sung, who has the moon on His forehead, and who
is attributeless.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
Initiation into spiritual life, charities, austerities,
pilgrimages, practice of yoga, performance of
sacrificial rites—none of these give even a sixteenth
part of the merit that one gets by reciting the hymn
on the greatness of Shiva.
Thus ends this unparalleled sacred hymn composed
by Pushpadanta and describing the glory of God Shiva
in a most fascinating manner.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
The Lord of Gandharvas, Pushpadanta by name, is
the servant of the God of gods who has the crescent
moon on his forehead. Fallen from his glory due
to the wrath of the Lord, he composed this very
beautiful uplifting hymn on the greatness of Shiva
to regain His favour.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
If a person learns by heart and recites this hymn, which
flowed from the lotus mouth of Pushpadanta, which
destroys sins and is dear to Shiva and which equally
promotes the good of all, Shiva, the Lord of creation,
becomes very pleased.
This hymn worship is offered at the feet of Shiva. May
the ever beneficent Lord of gods be pleased with me
at this!
If any letter or word has been left out, or if any letter
has been mispronounced, please forgive me, O God,
and be gracious.
Shiva Mahimna Stotram
Om. That is perfect. This is perfect. From the perfect
springs the perfect. If the perfect is taken from the
perfect, the perfect remains.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
Hail to the true Guru.
Chant the Divine Name
adguru rat
Wave Lights to the True Guru
Let me perform arati for the true Guru. Let me
perform for the true Guru, for the beloved best
of Gurus. Let me perform for the best of
Hail divine Guru, pure, indestructible, dwelling
within us in the form of knowledge, illuminating
every step like the rays of the sun. Let me
perform for the best of Gurus.
When we first came to your refuge, we obtained
the sweet fruit of eternal life. Your shelter is like
the shade of the wish-fulfilling tree in heaven
that grants all one’s desires. Let me perform
for the best of Gurus.
He fully reveals the knowledge of the Godhead;
he is an expert exponent of the knowledge of
yoga. Hail the dust of the Guru’s lotus feet, which
has removed the pain from our hearts. Let me
perform for the best of Gurus.
Chant the Divine Name
He has led us out of darkness; he has shown us
the immortal flame. Listen, for so long we were
(fools) going around from door to door just
picking up dust. Let me perform for the
best of Gurus.
He has made us develop discrimination. He has
removed our doubts and brought us across
the sea of birth and death. Having lit the lamp
of eternal life, he has removed the night from
our bodies. Let me perform for the best
of Gurus.
He has revealed the undifferentiated in the
midst of differences. He has delivered us from
transmigration. We are fortunate to have obtained
the clear stream of knowledge of the Godhead. Let
me perform for the best of Gurus.
Give us your grace, true Guru, to help us cross over
the world. Show us the true path, dispel wrong
ideas. Hail the one who has revealed the eternal
light and whose existence is a divine play. Let me
perform for the best of Gurus.
Chant the Divine Name
O Muktananda, you are the true Guru, the giver,
the divine bestower of a. Having taken up
your abode at Ganeshpuri, you have delivered
people from the obstacle of (the cycle of) birth
and death. Let me perform for the best of
Om. The Guru is Consciousness, eternal,
peaceful, beyond space, stainless. He is beyond
a, bindu and a. I bow to that Guru.
Om. Peace, peace, peace.
Hail the true Guru!
TH E Mt Eliza
27 Tower Road Mount Eliza
3930 Victoria Australia