Utilities For EB calculations-DA
Utilities For EB calculations-DA
Utilities For EB calculations-DA
Q (kJ/hr)
name Tin (oC) Tout (oC) Utility
* Specify the temperatures of the utility (and the chain utility if needed) in the assumptions and con
* Clearly specify the steam grades conditions (Tsat and P)
* State the Fuel composition and its HHV value.
* Type of dowtherm used with justification.
* Assume efficiencies of the plant equipment.
* Calculate the total amounts needed from each utility.
* Calculate the net energy of the plant.
Direct utility Chain utility
m or Q or m or Q or
Tin (oC) Tout (oC) unit Chain utility Tin (oC) Tout (oC) unit
Power Power
250 250 5738.3555008 kg/h
130 130 508.63639189 kg/h
- - 164.985 kW
130 130 6525.2413485 kg/h
212 212 7371.5770359 kg/h
250 250 4726.9578797 kg/h
100 774.2 2455.1256382 kg/h
Fuel (NG)
250 250 24819.235991 kg/h
212 212 2972.4929515 kg/h
130 130 12383.949981 kg/h
LHV KJ/kg 45825.446113 47783.937023
eff 0.6
Fired heater 0.6
Boiler 1
HE 1
Boiling reactor 1
Reactor 2 1
Reactor 3 1
Condenser 1
Reboiler 1
Pump 1
Compressor 1
Brayton 0.4
Rankine 0.4
Efficiencies Tail gas
HE 1 P Tsat
Chilled water
SW 27 30
CW 40 45
Cooling oil 70 80
gas brayton
R-101 75219687 60 60 CW 30
HE-102 1070120 60 40 CW 30
R-201 78769896 225 225 MP-BFW 212
HE-202 3703349 225 140 LP-BFW 130
HE-203 24411990 140 90 DOWtherm 4000 75
HE-204 2945769 90 55 CW 30
HE-205 7827195 117 55 CW 30
C-301 (Condenser) 89253267 98 87 CW 30
C-302 (Condenser) 79393649 100 100 CW 30
HE-301 9182648 100 40 CW 30
HE-302 2165191 40 25 Chilled water 0
HE-401 42698854 550 260 HP-BFW 250
HE-402 5638704 260 222 MP-BFW 212
HE-403 26896597 222 140 LP-BFW 130
HE-404 16238601 140 90 DOWtherm 4000 75
HE-405 5606830 90 60 CW 30
HE-406 5833582.348 774.2 260 HP-BFW 250
HE-407 405349.7544 260 222 MP-BFW 212
HE-408 862509.0969 222 140 LP-BFW 130
C-501 (Condenser) 13835338 -17 -17 R-134a -25
C-502 (Condenser) 23175647 32 32 Chilled water 0
HE-502 4225993.686 146 90 DOWtherm 4000 75
HE-503 3487544.063 90 40 CW 30
Direct utility Chain utility
m or Q or m or Q or
Tout (oC) unit Chain utility Tin (oC) Tout (oC) unit
Power Power
33 - - Air coolant - - 23.215952807 MW
33 - - Sea water 22 25 92.651079316 MT/h
212 41682.486453 kg/h - - - - -
130 1711.7873959 kg/h - - - - -
80 - - Air coolant - - 7.5345647541 MW
33 - - Sea water 22 25 255.0449192 MT/h
33 - - Sea water 22 25 677.67925623 MT/h
33 - - Sea water 22 25 7727.5555973 MT/h
33 - - Sea water 22 25 6873.9090416 MT/h
33 - - Sea water 22 25 795.03450055 MT/h
3 - - Rankine 1.5036051378 MW
250 24919.522596 kg/h - - - - -
212 2983.8203449 kg/h - - - - -
130 12432.32841 kg/h - - - - -
80 - - Air coolant - - 5.011913861 MW
33 - - Sea water 22 25 485.43979217 MT/h
250 3404.5430315 kg/h - - - - -
212 214.49800738 kg/h - - - - -
130 398.67484051 kg/h - - - - -
-22 - - Rankine - - 9.6078734569 MW
3 - - Rankine - - 16.094199052 MW
80 Air coolant - - 1.3043190389 MW
33 - - Sea water 22 25 301.9518669 MT/h
Process stream Direct utility
Q (kJ/hr) m or Q or
name Tin (oC) Tout (oC) Utility Tin (oC) Tout (oC)
K-100 3950429 17.12 120.2 HPS 250 250 5763.784259
P-100 446964 25 26.7 Electricity - - 165.542
Chain utility
Chain m or Q or
unit Tin (oC) Tout (oC) unit
utility Power
kg/h - - - - -
kW - - - - -
Heating utilities
up to 240 C HPS
up to 202 C MPS
up to 120 C LPS
50 -400 C Oil/Dowtherm1
T<0C Refrigerant1
Steam grades
Grade/Property T,sat (C )
LPS 130
MPS 212
HPS 250
Cooling utilities
T < 10 C Refrigerant1
Air coolers
70 C < T < 90 C
Air coolers
Cooling oil1
Another SDP source mentioned that
air coolers and cooled water can be
used instead
Cooling oil1
Compressed water
(High Pressure water is used to
cool in 100-200 C range)
1 Circulated utilities are to by bought once and don’t require to calculate their mass flow rate.
2 Chilled water temperature should not be higher than 0C or 3C to be able to do the cooling in this ran
3 Sea water temperature should not be higher than 25C to be able to do the cooling in this range.
4 Cooling can reach to 40 if we assume we have CFW inlet at 30C
Small duty compressors <= 10^5
Medium duty compressors 10^5 < Q <= 10^7
large duty compressors > 10^7
Calculate for direct Chain utility
𝑄/(ɳ 𝐻𝐻𝑉)
Fuel flow rate (kg/hr) ---
Sea water
--- ---
Air coolers
Electricity (Power) Power (HYSYS) ---
𝑄/(𝐶𝑝 ∆𝑇)
Sea water mass flow
rate (kg/hr)
(maintain ΔT=3C)
Sea water
--- ---
Air coolers
Air coolers
--- ---
Circulated Fresh Water
BFW flow rate (kg/hr) 〖∆𝐻〗 _𝑣𝑎𝑝 ) Steam generated (kg/hr)
since they run within a cycle, then we need to use either the efficiency of Bryton
or Rankine in calculating the amount of fuel or HPS needed to run the
Calculate for chain
Sea water mass flow rate (kg/hr) Use one of those chain
utilities to recool the heated
CFW (choosing depends on
the inlet and outlet CFW
Electricity (Power) temperatures.)
Sea water mass flow rate (kg/hr) Use one of those chain
utilities to recool the heated
CFW (choosing depends on
the inlet and outlet CFW
Electricity (Power) temperatures.)
Electricity (Power)
Use one of those chain
utilities to recool the heated
oil (choosing depends on the
air cooler, sea water or steam/Fuel needed inlet and outlet oil
within Rankine/Bryton cycle temperatures)
Steam generated