Geography River Coursework Methodology
Geography River Coursework Methodology
Geography River Coursework Methodology
Here are some common challenges students face when working on Geography River Coursework
Given the complexity of such coursework, some students may consider seeking external help to
ensure the quality and timely completion of their assignments. One option is to use online platforms
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and students should actively engage in the learning process to gain a better understanding of the
coursework's subject matter.
In conclusion, while Geography River Coursework Methodology can be challenging, students are
encouraged to tackle it with dedication and perseverance. Seeking assistance from reputable
platforms like ⇒ ⇔ may be an option for those who need additional support, but
it's crucial to use such services responsibly and ethically.
I would like to thank Mr Matthews, Mr Orme, and Mr Parker for coming with us on. Objectives: We
will be looking at a number of different factors that change throughout. My third hypothesis was that
gradient would decrease as you went from source to. Patient Review. Briefing a group. Conducting
training. Somerset’s population is over sixty-five and this shows that it is a popular retirement.
Velocity (in cm) - This was measured at the bottom and 5 centimetres below the water surface using
a hydroprop (with impellor) and a stopwatch. This is the equation to work out Spearman’s Rank
Correlation. It will also erode the banks by attrition because of the rocks that have been carried along
by the river, will smash into the sides of the banks and erode more of the earth away causing the
width to increase. We could have compared data with other groups taking part in this study to see if
we. The width of a river channel increases as it goes downstream because tributaries and. Therefore,
the conclusions I have drawn from my studies are not valid on all rivers, it is not possible to
automatically assume that the results for the tests will be the same on a much larger river, such as the
Nile or the Amazon. Reading 2 was the lowest measurment that was taken and was 0.0102m. This
may. See other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite
what you were looking for. Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation. Nina 8
years old. Nina 7 years old. Adjectives: YOUNG OLD CHEERFUL. At the first three sites there was
dense forest to both sides of the river, (which can be. My third hypothesis was that gradient would
decrease as you went from source to. Flow Rate (s) 2 100 43.06 58.46 18.62 10.4 23.35 100 61.49.
At site 5, the gradient was seen to increase and this could be an. As can be seen in the two pictures
above, some parts of the river, especially in the upper course, are very close to the road (within 10
meters at some points); this meant that the natural formation of the land surrounding the river had
been altered, which could have been a cause of the off-neutral pH of the river water. This resource
hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions.
Employment figures show that 15% of the people living in Somerset work in the hotel. To measure
the size of the bedload, callipers were used to measure the length, width and height of the pebbles.
At reading 1 the depth was 0.043m and was the lowest measurement because it was. The River
Holford’s source is at Lady's Fountain Spring, Frog Combe which is 250 m. Flow Speed- This was
measured using an orange, tape measure (stretched taut at 5m) and a stopwatch. This is due to the
fact that there will be less friction. See other similar resources ?4.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. The middle course is less steep when
compared to the upper course. My evaluation for measuring cross-section area is shown on page..
This shows all of the problems with my methods, and how they could have been fixed, and they all
are applicable here.
Quantock Hills. It is also home to Exmoor National park which is known for its. These all led me
into producing a good piece of coursework. At site 5 the cross sectional area was 0.18216 m2 which
was lower than the previous. At site 8 our readings showed us that this was overall the deepest part
of the river. The. Bradshaw’s model is generalised in the way that it tells you what is expected to.
First, 15 clasts were picked up from the river bed at random, with our eyes closed so. One limitation
was that a stratified sampling strategy had been used for the sites. The limitations of this are that if I
calculate the wrong cross sectional area I will then end up getting the wrong hydraulic radius which I
could also do wrong as it calls for me to as accurately as possible measure the wetted perimeter and
then divide the cross sectional area by the wetted perimeter and then times that by the discharge.
Once o have these two pieces of data for each site I can then get a long piece of thread and measure
the wetted perimeter (the part of the river that is in contact with the water) and then once I have all
these pieces of data I can work out the efficiency by dividing the cross sectional area by the wetted
perimeter and then multiplying that by the discharge and that will give me the hydraulic radius and
the higher the hydraulic radius the greater the efficiency. However, as a large quantity of pebbles
was measured, mistakes could have been made in the writing down of the number or the category
which the pebble falls into. Site 3 consists of London Clay which is hard and impermeable
consequently increasing the erosion rates of the river and water volume. One physical problem was
that there was debris in the river such as tree branches and. I could have actually measured the
wetted perimeter for example. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our
reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us
know if it violates our terms and conditions. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality
for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource
to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. There had been little rain in Somerset before we
went on our river study. This meant. Site 4 was near an urban area, (Holford), which meant that there
was concrete and. A systematic sampling method could have been used rather than a stratified one if
we. With this technique I get a rather accurate result and also I will have each discharge easy to see
on different cross sectional areas diagrams.I may get the cross sectional area wrong and it is not
completely accurate as it would be hand drawn so it isn’t in a complete degree of
accuracy.VelocityTo get the data needed for velocity I will firstly need to measure out a five.
Velocity (in cm) - This was measured at the bottom and 5 centimetres below the water surface using
a hydroprop (with impellor) and a stopwatch. Eric Blyth CQSW BA MA PhD Professor of Social
Work. Overview. A bit about myself Setting priorities Relationship between PhD and academic
publication What to get published and when. Then using a cork I will see how long it takes for the
cork to travel the whole course by timing it with a stopwatch and I will do this three times in total for
accuracy.This shows the rate that the water flows down the river this I am collecting this to complete
aim 2 because if the river has too greater velocity at a site then it is unsafe for children and animals as
it poses a drowning hazard.With this method I will get an accurate result also will get to have fun
gathering my data. Site 3 poses a new view to the data as both the LHS and the M have increased in
depth again compared to the other two sites, however the RHS has decreased again so this could be
an anomalous result. The width of the river starts to increase as we go from site1to site 4 by 2.95m.
At site. This is the Spearman’s Rank formula written in mathematical notation. It can be easily seen
from this scatter graph that the depth increases as you go further. Throughout much of this
investigation I will be comparing my results to commonly accepted theories and textbook
characteristics; - A commonly accepted theory that I will be using to check my results against is
shown in the picture below, the Schumm model: The middle course is called the 'flood plain zone'
because the surrounding valley has become wider and flatter, creating floodplains. This meant that
we could not sample in this area and. If it was taken facing downstream on a different occasion, the
flow would have been twisting it in a different direction which may have caused the results to be
less reliable. This meant that we expected the river to be shallow at these.
As you can see from the table above, this hypothesis was. My YR10's love to recieve your guides to
help them revise for end of unit tests. The orange was dropped in the water and the time taken for it
to reach the end of the tape measure was noted. This is a summary table showing if my hypotheses
were accepted visually, by looking. Spearman’s rank technique is a statistical test which will be used
for each hypothesis. The end of the tape measure was held down with a peg to prevent it from
becoming slack. At some sites we were very near to confluences and this could have affected our.
Hypothesis 1 was rejectedwhen it came to assessing the data using Spearman’s rank. The metre rule
was used by the same person, and therefore pushed down by the same force. Conclusions could be
wrong in that Loughton Brook is small, therefore changes in rivers features are less apparent, the
cause of slightly inaccurate results. Gradient 0.086 0.034 0.021 0.008 0.029 0.021 0.021 0.006. There
were many problems that we encountered on our river study. Grid reference. Scale. A model of an
A380 at 1:200 scale. Although I stated that we would do the measuring in a straight section of the
river, this was not always possible, because some sites made access to the river difficult. However, at
site 4, the width decreased by 1.38m from the previous site. It can be easily seen from this scatter
graph that the width increased as you went form. Somerset’s population is over sixty-five and this
shows that it is a popular retirement. Lesson 1: Importance of rivers Lesson 2: How does water flow
into rivers. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
At site 4 the cross sectional area was 0.33852 m2 which was an increase from the. Below is how we
found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation. This would have made my results and conclusions
more reliable. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?0.00 5.00 3
reviews Download Save for later ?0.00 5.00 3 reviews Download Save for later Last updated 14
February 2024 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share
through facebook Share through pinterest Mathew Aleshanu Ikwuoche 4.25 54 reviews Not the right
resource. River Lea is west of Epping Forest, while River Roding is east. Hard - Caled Rough -
Garw Warm - Cynnes Fluffy - Blewog Cuddly - M eddal Woolly - Gwlanog Coarse - Bras
Mouldable - Fowldio. Not a lot could have been done to improve the methods used to measure the
depth of the river. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave
some feedback. Sometimes a rock obstructed the path of the orange; it was questionable as to
whether moving it would cause bias so we let the orange move naturally. In the lower course of the
river there is lateral erosionwhich. An investigation into how physical channel characteristics.
Furthermore when traveling downstream by traction the rocks erode by attrition and form large
heaps of sediment. Also the river could be highly polluted and it could be an unacceptable risk for
me to get the samples so stopping the study. At some sites we were very near to confluences and this
could have affected our. Overall, visually, my hypothesis, that the depth will increase as you go from
source to. This meant that it was the group member’s opinion on whether the clast was rounder.
Overall, there is an increase in depth as you go along the river’s course. With this technique I get a
rather accurate result and also I will have each discharge easy to see on different cross sectional areas
diagrams.I may get the cross sectional area wrong and it is not completely accurate as it would be
hand drawn so it isn’t in a complete degree of accuracy.VelocityTo get the data needed for velocity I
will firstly need to measure out a five. The gradient of the river starts to decrease rapidly as you go
from site1 to site 2. Then. This meant that we expected the river to be shallow at these. In this
section I shall be describing the different sites at which we collectedour. We chose to sample eight
sites along the River Holford’s course because this would. River Lea is west of Epping Forest, while
River Roding is east. Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Depth (m) 1 0.015 0.045
0.037 0.105 0.105 0.055 0.043 0.092. A plastic tape measure was used to measure the width of the
river, it was done a few centimetres above the river, so drag was avoided. A measurement was taken
for the outside (thalweg) and inside bend. We could have compared data with other groups taking
part in this study to see if we. This would have ensured that the sites I had chosen typified that
stretch of river. Flow Rate (s) 2 100 43.06 58.46 18.62 10.4 23.35 100 61.49. We had to do this in the
middle of the river, the left hand side and the right hand side; also we did this for all 3 sites. This
would have highlighted any issues which would later occur. Weather information of Somerset was
looked up on the internet to see if there was. The readings at site 2 tell us that the river was increasing
in depth from an average of. At site 5 the five readings taken across the width of the channel were
quite varied. To measure the size of the bedload, callipers were used to measure the length, width and
height of the pebbles. Spearman’s Rank is a statistical technique which is used to see if there is a
correlation. The resource features high quality, academically rigorous tasks which students can either
complete independently or as a class. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel), we
expected the river to. My r2 value is -0.654 which is relatively close to -1, and therefore suggests to
us that. The width of the river starts to increase as we go from site1to site 4 by 2.95m. At site.