Geography Coursework Igcse

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Writing a coursework, especially in a subject like Geography for IGCSE, can be a challenging task

that demands time, effort, and a deep understanding of the subject matter. Geography coursework
often involves extensive research, data analysis, and the ability to present findings in a coherent and
structured manner. Students may need to conduct fieldwork, gather data, and apply geographical
concepts to real-world situations.

The difficulty lies in the comprehensive nature of the coursework, which requires a synthesis of
theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and critical thinking. Students must demonstrate their
understanding of geographical principles, analytical capabilities, and the ability to draw meaningful
conclusions from their research.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed by the complexity of the coursework, seeking
professional assistance can be a viable option. Online platforms like ⇒ ⇔ can
provide valuable support by connecting students with experienced writers who specialize in various
subjects, including Geography. These services can offer custom-written coursework, tailored to
individual requirements, ensuring a high-quality and well-researched submission.

However, it's essential to approach such services with caution and verify their legitimacy before
making any commitments. Students should prioritize their academic integrity and ensure that the
assistance they seek aligns with ethical standards and guidelines set by their educational institutions.

In conclusion, while writing a Geography coursework for IGCSE can be challenging, seeking help
from reputable online platforms like ⇒ ⇔ may be a reasonable option for those
who need additional support. It is crucial to balance the pursuit of academic excellence with ethical
considerations and to use such services responsibly.
At Site 4 the average depth was 0.093m which was larger then at the previous site. Fcase study: aqa
gcse geography the changing economic world: teesside, uk ind. Background Knowledge- In this
section I will describe what tourism is and why it is a growing industry. It shows how many shops on
Church St are tourist dependent. As well as the growth in tourism allowing more people to travel
abroad it has also created jobs for many people. Glossary LEDC: Less economically developed
country. My methodology will include location maps showing where I collected some data and
asked interviews, as well as copies of my surveys. Problems and Limitations encountered in Data
Collection. I also took photographs of tourist attractions which will help me to show if tourism
offers Cromer a good economic future. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel),
we expected the river to. The width of a river channel increases as it goes downstream because
tributaries and. The plot of 0.572 above gives a significance level of under 5% which tells us that it
is. In my introduction I will be talking about where in the UK the River Holford is. These are the
different factors that we sampled and how many we chose to sample at. So for the purpose of this
guide I will call them: Section A - Map Skills (20 marks) Section B - Short answer questions (five 8
mark questions). This helps to answer the first enquiry question, because as a result of tourism, there
is a high environmental quality near the beach. This shows that although Cromer receives money
from the tourism industry, it has not necessarily been spent on improving the employment rates in
Cromer. As many tourists travel to Cromer in cars as it is not easily accessible, traffic congestion is a
big problem. Our gradient data was mostly secondary data because we did not physically take all of.
Useful to aid both teaching and revision. ?3.00 Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating
is required to reflect your happiness. I would make if I were going to undertake this river study
again. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. One
explanation of why the width decreased at some sites but then unexpectedly. The purpose of having
three different age groups was to see if Cromer is a popular place for all ages and therefore if it has a
good economic future. My second enquiry question was if tourism offers Cromer a good economic
future. Hypothesis 1 was rejectedwhen it came to assessing the data using Spearman’s rank. This
meant that the width of the river was expected to. Guidelines to for inclusion in swanage here,
although horse riders and maths. 15% discount on quickly for a shakespearean play in youre. I have
been through them all - so all the links and videos should work. Data Presentation- In this section, of
my coursework I will present all my collected data as graphs, annotated photos, labeled maps, charts,
Useful to aid both teaching and revision. ?3.00 Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating
is required to reflect your happiness. Land use along the course of the River Holford is important to
look at because it could. These all led me into producing a good piece of coursework. Hard
Engineering - defined as controlled disruption of natural processes by using man-. I will also be
justifying why I used a particular type of graph as. Clast Shape - Enter the number of each shape
found at each site. These include the development of transport, areas of housing, industries, leisure
and shopping facilities. The use of visual charts such as Power's can be subjective - one person's
opinions on the roundness. Also the increase in employment is due to the growth in tourist related
shops and these jobs are usually low paid and seasonal and in the secondary industry. When you see
marks there is always a question for you to answer. The purpose of having three different age groups
was to see if Cromer is a popular place for all ages and therefore if it has a good economic future. As
well as this it is necessary for me to complete this case study for my GCSE coursework. (The Cromer
Pier in 2006) Sequence of Investigation In this section of the coursework I will describe the
sequence of my work and what will be in each different section. At site 5 the cross sectional area was
0.18216 m2 which was lower than the previous. I took this photo to show that there is a negative as
well as positive effect to tourism. Accessibility of land was a human limitation because part of the
river was blocked. I will also show the possible benefits and costs for Cromer because of tourism.
This is a summary table showing if my hypotheses were accepted visually, by looking. They are
asking you for straightforward things so as to assess your common sense. Example. The partnership
aims to have a range of options for Shoreham Harbour ready for public consultation in the. The
younger generations are also migrating to industrial cities like Leeds, and Birmingham, and also to
academic cities like Oxford. D: policies layout of essay for the poetry analysis. Thisis
Bradshaw’smodel andtellsushow differentcharacteristics change. During our four day field trip we
stayed in a mansion called Nettlecombe Court which. In Kilve the channel has been altered by man
making them more. PRIMARY INDUSTRY: Primary industry jobs are usually low paid and low
skilled. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Site’s 6
cross sectional area was 0.23142 m2 which was an increase from the last site. At reading 1 the depth
was 0.043m and was the lowest measurement because it was. It is possible for tourism to offer
Cromer a good economic future, by increasing job rates and improving services such as schools and
parks. I will also be justifying why I used a particular type of graph as.
I had to write down the name of every fifth shop, the products it sells, the amount of shops and
whether the shop was aimed at tourists or residents. Weather information of Somerset was looked up
on the internet to see if there was. These are the different factors that we sampled and how many we
chose to sample at. Depth (m) 2 0.015 0.027 0.067 0.105 0.0102 0.107 0.096 0.14. The information I
needed for the flowcharts was collected from the internet, therefore making it secondary data. At
site 1 the cross sectional area was 0.008418 m2, which is the lowest result out of all. Do not forget
this as failure to include it will lose you marks. It is impossible to predict the topics that will be
examined but there will be a Physical and a Human part each worth 30 marks. Many ranging poles
have stripes which can be used for this. These will be the width of the river channel, the average
depth. Flow Rate (s) 2 100 43.06 58.46 18.62 10.4 23.35 100 61.49. The velocity was measured
using a hydroprop and an impeller. Because tourism is a growing industry, employment in the
industry has grown by 25%. Land use along the course of the River Holford is important to look at
because it could. Varying tidal conditions can affect access and safety. Clast Shape - Enter the
number of each shape found at each site. Average Flow Rate (s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565
16.55 81.33 87.163. Holford. It took the least amount of time to measure so was therefore taken
first. We. Introduction To complete this piece of coursework, we went away on a weekend
geography field trip. I did this because; I thought there would be a lot of people who would be
willing to answer my questionnaire. Urban heat islands uhis for ideas and employers as a wide old-
style. Methodology- My methodology is basically explanations of all my surveys and why they were
relevant to my case study. This should include various types of graphs, maps and diagrams for
example line graphs, bar. At site 4 the cross sectional area was 0.33852 m2 which was an increase
from the. From the flow charts, you can see that Cromer has develop much faster than other resorts,
but now faces pressure as it can not be further developed and is losing out on a younger generation
of tourists so therefore it doesn't have the best economic future compared to other resorts. Fig. 7
Interpretation From the above line graph you can see that 32 of the tourists interviewed, were staying
in Cromer for one week. Thirty of the 97 residents asked believed the main benefit of tourism was
that it creates jobs. You should be able to make judgements on the validity of the original hypothesis
or aims of the. In the lower course of the river there is lateral erosionwhich. The traffic count shows
the different levels of traffic on Church St, during the day. The middle course is less steep when
compared to the upper course.
Soft Engineering - is the use of ecological principles and practices to reduce erosion and. My second
hypothesis was that the depth of the river would increase as you went from. To collect this data I
only needed a pen, and my survey. At site 7 the cross sectional area was 0.219 m2 which was a
decrease from site 6.The. I have chosen a line graph to show the gradient of the river Holford
because it is very. I will interpret each graph, by stating what the results show using figures,
suggesting reasons for those results and finally making links between the set of results I have and the
enquiry questions. A large-scale regeneration including the provision of new jobs and housing, as
well as the new facilities and. We chose to sample eight sites along the River Holford’s course
because this would. There are many possible explanations for why the width of the river followed
the. There were lots of objects such as tree branches in the river. See other similar resources ?2.00 (no
rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. As you can see
from the table above, this hypothesis. Although this data was reliable, a factor that could've affected
it is the time of year, as there may have been more traffic or noise if we visited in August. Unleashing
the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International FDP on. Anything which may affect
the results should be noted, e.g. recent storms or management. All raw data that was collectedis in
the appendix on page 59. Guidelines to for inclusion in swanage here, although horse riders and
maths. 15% discount on quickly for a shakespearean play in youre. There had been little rain in
Somerset before we went on our river study. This meant. Clast Size (cm) 5 14.7 8.4 10.3 9.9 13.1 7.8
16.7 9.2. The information I needed for the flowcharts was collected from the internet, therefore
making it secondary data. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel), we expected
the river to. If I were to repeat this river study again there would be some changes that I would. This
interview helps to answer the enquiry questions as it shows tourism may have had a negative effect
on Cromer, as the younger residents of Cromer believe there are not enough opportunities for them,
and the jobs that are available are either low paid ore seasonal. Edexcel syllabus a level, incorporates
both edexcel syllabus a new photo. The river increased in depth at site 2 where it was 0.14m. The
gradient decreased from source to mouth and this can be seen in this scatter. Methodology In order
to answer my enquiry questions, I had to collect certain data and evidence to help me. Flow Rate (s)
1 100 54.44 100 12.52 7.6 7.33 100 100. If using a pantometer, this piece of equipment must be kept
vertical when taking readings. Life cycle analysis preview is land use the first.
I will also show the possible benefits and costs for Cromer because of tourism. Also secondary data is
less reliable than primary data. Their opinion on ways to develop Cromer was to have, more
attractions for teenagers such as skate parks and brand shops. An example of this is at site 3 where
we were near a confluence. The River Holford’s source is at Lady's Fountain Spring, Frog Combe
which is 250 m. Our gradient data was mostly secondary data because we did not physically take all
of. When you see marks there is always a question for you to answer. This should include various
types of graphs, maps and diagrams for example line graphs, bar. Cambridge IGCSE Geography has
been written specifically for the Cambridge syllabus. Barcelona? by entered into a secondary school
revision resource for ideas. I will compare a flow chart showing the growth of a traditional seaside
resort, with a flowchart showing the growth of Cromer. Depth (m) 1 0.015 0.045 0.037 0.105 0.105
0.055 0.043 0.092. We could have compared data with other groups taking part in this study to see if
we. As you can see on the land use map on page 6 the River Holford flows through urban. You
would also be able to see if the new depth readings followed the same trends as. SECONDARY
INDUSTRY: Secondary industry jobs involve working in factories. There were lots of objects such
as tree branches in the river. At site 1 the cross sectional area was 0.008418 m2, which is the lowest
result out of all. AQA GCSE geography the living world: Nap Wood, an ecosystem AQA GCSE
geography the living world: Nap Wood, an ecosystem AQA GCSE geography urban issues and
challenges: Birmingham, urban change ch. I then had to record the time and for ten minutes counted
the amount of cars that went past in a tally. These are the different factors that we sampled and how
many we chose to sample at. I chose to complete my survey on Church St because there are a lot of
high street shops. Overall, there is an increase in depth as you go along the river’s course. Quickly for
the data you are reforming the geography coursework, gcse. It can be easily seen from this scatter
graph that the depth increases as you go further. A further technique is now required to test the
significance of the relationship. The. Although 30 residents believe that tourism has increased job
rates Fig. 14 shows that only 20 out o of 72 residents asked have a job in Cromer. This graph shows
that a lot of the residents of Cromer think tourism is a good industry and is beneficial to Cromer. I
will also explain how my data links back to my enquiry questions. What did it do to the birth rate, did
it have side effects etc.
Assessment Criteria Coursework is an accurate account of how we record, assess and evaluate the
way something changes. This how you know that you are buying the best documents. There are
many ways that we can manage the interface between the coast and the land. This information will
be relevant to me finding the answers to my enquiry questions. Marl. Overall, visually, my
hypothesis, that the width will increase as you go from. Will Williams Aqa gcse geography urban
issues and challenges birmingham, urban change cha. All specifications are doing your will require.
2013 statistics, and on. Some of the reasons given for this belief were that it is a well loved resort,
friendly environment and the scenery is beautiful. From the chart you can see that most of the jobs
are either in the primary or secondary industry, with only a few in the tertiary industry. In pairs you
will need to conduct the questionnaire with as many people as possible in the. Gradient is the
elevation of the river along its course. Coastal Work Protection Election in Southern Badung Area
Based on Analytical. Getting diseases from the river Hands were washed thoroughly with soap. You
don’t have to discuss the significance of the results to the aim of the investigation. At site 1 the cross
sectional area was 0.008418 m2, which is the lowest result out of all. These include the development
of transport, areas of housing, industries, leisure and shopping facilities. Depth (m) 4 0.001 0.036
0.082 0.105 0.17 0.091 0.127 0.183. Most of the tourists believe that Cromer should be developed to
suit younger people. All field work enquiries should allow you to follow this sequence. My aim was
to investigate the physical channel characteristics along the course of the. Work that is late will not
be considered for first draft marking and no feedback will be given. After your equipment briefing,
organize your group and use the graph paper. Limestone’s permeability meant that water in the
channel was going to percolate. You would also be able to see if the new depth readings followed the
same trends as. Site’s 8 cross sectional area was 0.42256 m2 which was the highest reading of all the.
The least popular benefit amongst residents was tourism develops attractions and facilities (19 out of
97 residents chose this). Hypothesis 1- The width of the river will increase as you move from the
source to. Barcelona? by entered into a secondary school revision resource for ideas. It shows that 61
out of the 72 people asked believe that Cromer does have a good future with only 11 tourists
disagreeing. Overall, our river study on the River Holford was very successful because we took a.

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