Intra Operative
Intra Operative
Intra Operative
Lecture Name
Assist.L : Muayad Abd Al-jabbar
Assist.L: Bahaa kareem
Ali Adel
Intraoperative Care
The intraoperative period begins when the patient is
admitted to the surgical suite and ends when the patient
is transferred to the postanesthesia care unit (PACU).
The purpose of intra-operative care is:
• To maintain patient safety and comfort during surgical procedures.
• Maintaining homeostasis during the procedure,
• Maintaining strict sterile techniques to decrease the chance of cross-infection,
• Ensuring that the patient is secure on the operating table,
a. Loss of sensation and consciousness.
b. Agent administered via IV or inhalation.
c. Used for major surgery.
Stage I: Beginning anesthesia, drowsiness,
dizziness, and depressed pain sensation.
Stage II: Excitement, spasmodic muscles,
irregular breathing, intact swallowing
reflexes, and possible vomiting.
Stage III: Regular, rhythmic breathing;
reflexes and vital functions; relaxed skeletal
muscles; constricted pupils; absent eyelid
reflexes; and patient readiness for surgery.
Stage IV: Complete respiratory depression;
rapid, thread pulse.
2- Regional anesthesia.
a. Causes loss of sensation in a specific area while
the patient remains conscious.
b. Given via a catheter.
Types regional anesthesia.
1- Spinal.
(a) Agent injected via a lumbar puncture
into the cerebrospinal fluid in the
subarachnoid space.
(b) Blocks movement and sensation below
the level of the injection. Uses: Surgical procedures
in the lower abdomen, pelvis, or extremities.
2- Epidural Agent injected via a catheter into the
epidural space the catheter can be left in place and
taped along the patient’s back and over the
shoulder for easy access. Uses: Pain, postoperative
analgesia, and cesarean and vaginal births.
3-Local . Agent injected into a specific area.
Uses: Minor procedures, such as suturing
a laceration and biopsy.
4- Nerve block. Injected into and around a nerve or
group of nerves (plexus).
Uses: Anesthetize the facial nerves, brachial plexus,
and perineum for repair of an episiotomy.