1. Introduction
1.4 References
1.5 Overview
2. Overall description
3. Specific requirements
3.1.1 UI
All the details the
3.1.2 H/W interfaces
developer should
3.1.3 S/W Interfaces know for designing
& developing the
3.1.4 Communication Interface
3.2 Functional requirements
product & its
3.3 Performance requirements requirements
3.4 Design constraints
3.5 Attributes
SRS Case
Problem statement: University conducts a 4-semester M.Tech(IT) program. The students are
offered 4 theory & 2 Lab papers during 1st,2nd, 3rd semester. The theory subjects are categorized
as core (do not have alternative subject) or elective (other 2 alternatives) Thus student studies any
subject out of 3 choices available for elective papers.
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In 1st, 2nd, 3rd semester - 2 core & 2 elective are offered to each student. They have to appear for
term paper / minor project in1st, 2nd & 3rd semester. In 4th semester, students have to give a
seminar & submit a dissertation on a topic/subject area of their interest.
Internal evaluation - marks out of 40 for each paper = minor exams are conducted for each
semester. Students have to submit assignments to respective faculty, also their lab records & their
External evaluation – at semester end – major exams are conducted for theory & practical.
( Marks out of 60 )
If in any subject, total marks >= 50, student passes( else fail) earns all credit points (else no credit
pts). All the latest info. can be obtained from university website.
You are required to develop a system to manage information of subject offered in various
semester, students enrolled in various semesters, elective(s) opted by various student in diff
semesters., marks & credit points obtained by students in different semester. System should
generate the printable mark sheet , semester wise detailed mark list , student performance reports.
1. Introduction : This document aims at defining the overall s/w requirement for ‘Student Result
Management System’.
The final product will be having features/functionalities mentioned in this document & assumptions for
any additional functionality/feature should not be made by any of the parties involved in developing
/testing /implementing/ using this product.
In case it is required to have some additional features, a formal change request will need to be raised and
subsequently a new release of this document and/or product will be produced.
This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the s/w Application
“Student Result Management System”.
It also states the various required constraints which the system will abide.
The intended audience for this document are the development team, testing team & end users of the
The product will be an MIS & reporting application that will be used for result preparation &
management of M.Tech Students.
The application will manage the information of various students enrolled in this course in different years,
the subjects offered during different semesters, the students choices for opting different subjects & marks
obtained .
Printable reports- registered student list, marks obtained, performance (rank wise, division wise, pass/fail,
%wise) will be generated.
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Printable mark sheet for every student will be generated.
The application will simplify the result preparation & management process
IT : Information Technology
1.4 References
1.5 Overview
2. Overall description
The students are offered 4 subjects (theory) 2 labs (practical) during 1st, 2nd, 3rd semester.
Each subject/lab/term paper /seminar /dissertation has credits associated with it.
When a student secures pass marks in paper he earns all credits assigned to that paper.
The system will have a capability to maintain info of student enrolled in the course, subjects
offered to them during different semesters, the students choices for opting different elective
subjects (from available) and marks are obtained in different subs in various semesters.
The s/w will also generate the summary reports reg. stud. Info. , semester wise mark sheet,
performance reports.
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Front end client
2) User ( with role data entry operator) will able to add/modify/delete information of different students
who are enrolled for the course in different years.
3) User ( with role data entry operator) will able to add/modify/delete information of different subjects
that are offered in a particular semester.
The semester-wise subjects with their credit points & type ( elective / core / lab / term paper/dissertation)
will also be displayed
4) User ( with role data entry operator) will able to add/modify/delete information of the elective
subjects opted by different students in different semesters.
5) User (with role marks entry clerk ) will be able to add/mod/del information register. The marks
obtained by different students in different semesters.
6) User ( with role marks entry clerk) will also be able to print mark-sheets of the student.
8) User ( with role Admin.) will be able to “Reset “ the system-leading to deletion of existing
information from the database.
9) User (with role admin.) will able to create/modify/del new/existing user accounts.
Experience : should be well versed about the info. and the course structure of M.Tech. program
of University.
Entry of marks /modification can be done only by user who is authorized for this job by the
result preparation committee of University.
The no. of subjects to be taken up by a student in each semester does not change
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The subject types ( i.e. elective, core, term paper, dissertation ) do not change
Since the DBMS being used is MS Access 2000, which is not very powerful DBMS, it will not be
able to store a very large no. of records.
Users at University will have to implement a security policy to safeguard the mark related
information from being modified by unauthorized users
3. Specific requirements
This section contains the s/w requirement to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to
design the system, & testers to test that system.
It will allow user to access diff. screens based upon the user’s role.
It will allow the user to enter the semester no. for which the user wants to access the subject
It will allow the user to add/mod./del info. @ existing/new subs for the semesters that was selected in
the “subject info. Parameter screen.”
The list of available subs for that semester, will also be displayed.
1) Subject code,
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2) Subject Name
Allow the user to enter the batch yr. for which the stud wants to access the student information.
1) Student Enrollment no
2) Student Name
3) Batch yr.
1)Screen resolution of atleast 800 X 600 required for proper & complete viewing of the screens .
Higher resolution would not be a problem
2) Support for printer ( any–dot matrix, laser, inkjet) appropriate drivers are installed & printer
connected properly. It is required for mark list & reports printing
3) Standalone system or network based – possible to run the application on any of these.
1) Any windows-based OS
The final application will be packaged as an independent setup program that will be delivered to the
client (University in this case)
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3.2 Functional requirements
Description : This module will maintain information of various sub being offered during different
semester of the course.
The system will allow creation /mod/del of subjects & also have the ability to list all subjects for
particular semester.
Validity checks
Only user with Data Entry Operator will be authorized to access this module.
2) 1st,2nd,3rd semester will have 2 core papers,2elective papers, 2 lab papers & 1 term/mini project
3) 1st,2nd & 3rd semester will have 3 choices (sub) each of type elective1 & elective 2.
5) No two semesters will have the same sub i.e. the sub will be offered only in a particular semester.
8) Credits cannot be blank and can have values from 0 to 209 Sub type , semester can not be blank
Information for a semester, will have to be entered in the system before any student/marks information
for that semester can be entered.
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be
prompted to the user for doing the needful.
The system will allow creation /mod/del of students & also have the ability to list all the students
semester wise
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3.2.6 User accounts Information Maintenance
1) Student List report : report for each year list of students enrolled in that batch.
University Name
M.Tech Programme
Page No.
Other Reports
Report format ( Ist, IInd & IIIrd sem) Report format for IVth sem
3.5 Attributes
3.5.1 Security:
The application will be password protected. Users will have to enter that correct username, password &
role in order to access the application.
3.5.2 Maintainability :
It will be easy to incorporate new requirement in the individual modules. (i.e subject
information., student information, student subject choices, marks information etc.)
The application will be easily portable on any windows-based system that has Ms Access2000 installed.
1) sub info.
2) stud. Info.
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3) stud. Sub. Choice info.
4) Marks info.
Case 2
The management of GETWELL hospital has decided to computerize their operations. The following
information is provided by the management.
There are many consulting doctors associated with the hospital, their name, contact number and
specialization are important information item to be recorded for the doctors. Their charges are levied as
per charge slips admitted by the doctors with respect to the patients.
Patients are admitted to the hospital and their particulars, main course of admission, history(medical) and
treatment are recorded. A patient is admitted into a room which has certain category and is with fixed
charge per day. If an accident case patient comes then FIR has to submitted to the hospital for getting
Prepare SRS for the above & also write the system specification.
1. Introduction : This document aims at defining the overall s/w requirement for ‘GETWELL
Hospital Management System’.
The final product will be having features/functionalities mentioned in this document & assumptions for
any additional functionality/feature should not be made by any of the parties involved in developing
/testing /implementing/ using this product.
In case it is required to have some additional features, a formal change request will need to be raised and
subsequently a new release of this document and/or product will be produced
This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the s/w application
‘GETWELL Hospital Management System’.
It also states the various required constraints which the system will abide.
The intended audience for this document are the development team, testing team & end users of the
The product will be an MIS system that computerize the operations of the hospital
The application will manage the information of various doctors serving the hospital.
The patients are charged for the treatments as per the charge slips admitted by the doctors.
The Patients record ( particulars, main course of admission, medical history, treatment given )
will be maintained (the case record)
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Room allocation to the patients is also done through the system
Printable reports- doctors list, discharge report(patient wise, day wise, monthly etc) , room
allocation report, patient record, accident case record , bills etc. will be generated
1.4 References
1.5 Overview
2. Overall description
Patients are charged according to the charge slips admitted by the doctors
Those patients admitted to the hospital can avail the rooms of the hospital
The system will have a capability to maintain the records of the patients
Treatment & prescription will be suggested based on the diagnosis & medical history of the
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(with data
entry/update /del./view
& reporting facility)
2.2 Product Functions
1)Login facility to enable only authorized user (clerks ) to access the system
2) User ( with role clerk) will able to add/modify/delete information of different doctors .
3) User ( with role clerk) will able to add/modify/delete information of different patients.
4) User ( with role clerk) will able to add/modify/delete information of different rooms
6) User ( with role Admin.) will be able to “Reset “ the system-leading to deletion of existing
information from the database.
7) User (with role admin.) will able to create/modify/del new/existing user accounts.
3. Specific requirements
This section contains the s/w requirement to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to
design the system, & testers to test that system.
1. Login screen
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2) Password : alphanumeric length up to 8 char.
1. Doctor’s Id
2. Doctor’s Name
3. Specialization
4. Doctor Type
5. Date of Birth
6. Age
7. Contact No
8. Address
9. Email Id
10. Experience
1) Specialization
2) Doctor’s name
3) Relative’s name
4) Past Disease
6) Reference Name
7) Type of admission
8) FIR No. (disabled field initially, will become active if admission type is accident)
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Screen will be accessible to the clerk
1. Patient ID
2. Patient name
3. Date of birth
4. Age
5. Sex
6. Address
7. Date of appointment
3. Doctor’s Id
4. Disease id
5. Bill Screen
1. Patient Name
2. Doctor Consulted
4. Room id
6. Treatment given
7. Other Charges
1. RoomAllocID
2. Room type
3. Patient ID
4. Avail Room
1. Room ID
2. Room Type
3. Category
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1)Screen resolution of at least 800 X 600 required for proper & complete viewing of the screens .
Higher resolution would not be a problem
2) Support for printer ( any–dot matrix, laser, inkjet) appropriate drivers are installed & printer
connected properly. It is required for mark list & reports printing
1) Any windows-based OS
The final application will be packaged as an independent setup program that will be delivered to the
3.2.1 DoctorModule
Doctor’s Id, Doctor’s Name, Specialization, Doctor Type, Age, Contact No, Address, Email Id,
The system will allow creation /mod/del of doctor & also have the ability to list all doctors according to
specialization, seniority etc.
Validity checks
Sequencing Information
Doctor’s Id, Doctor’s Name, Specialization, Doctor Type, Age, Contact No, Address, Email Id,
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be
prompted to the user for doing the needful.
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3.2.2 Patient Module
Patient ID, Patient name, Age, Sex, Address, Date of appointment, Doctor’s Id, Disease id
Specialization: --------------------
Other reports
3.5 Attributes
3.5.1 Security :
User (clerk) will have to enter that correct username & password in order to access the
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3.5.2 Maintainability :
3.5.3 The application will be easily portable on any windows-based system that has VB 6.0 installed.
1) Patient info.
2)Doctor Info.
3)Room info.
4) Bill info.
6) Disease info
Case 3
A company dealing with spare parts would like to change the existing sales system to a web based
application. The company has their products listed on the website through which they receive enquiries.
Then enquiries are processed online the Delivery Note & Invoice also sent by mail which is used for cross
verification by the clerk.
Prepare SRS for the above & also write the system specifiaction.
1. Introduction : This document aims at defining the overall s/w requirement for “ Online Sales
The final product will be having features/functionalities mentioned in this document & assumptions for
any additional functionality/feature should not be made by any of the parties involved in developing
/testing /implementing/ using this product.
In case it is required to have some additional features, a formal change request will need to be raised and
subsequently a new release of this document and/or product will be produced.
This specification document describes the capabilities that will be provided by the s/w application
“Online Sales System”
It also states the various required constraints which the system will abide.
The intended audience for this document are the development team, testing team & end users of the
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GRN : Goods Return Note
1.4 References
1.5 Overview
2. Overall description
The website will give information about various spare parts available.
The customer (registered) can through the website enquire for spare parts of his/ her choice
The Delivery Note & Invoice also sent by mail to the customer
From enquiries the demand for particular spare part can be identified
2) User ( with role clerk) will able to add/modify/delete information of different spare part items .
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3) Customer will be able to add/modify/delete information about him/her.
7) User ( with role Admin.) will be able to “Reset “ the system-leading to deletion of existing
information from the database.
8) User (with role admin.) will able to create/modify/del new/existing user accounts.
3. Specific requirements
This section contains the s/w requirement to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the
system, & testers to test that system.
1. Registration Screen : This screen is useful for new users to register to the site
2. Login screen :
It will allow user to access diff. screens based upon the user’s role.
It will allow the clerk to enter create/modify/ delete new spare part item
3. Enquiry Form
It will allow the customer to select spare part items for which he wants information.
1) Item Name
2) Rate
3) Quantity Required
4) Mode of Transport
4. Delivery Screen
1. Customer name
2. Delivery Date
3. Quantity
4.Invoice Screen
1. Customer Name
2. Quantity Ordered
3. Rate
5. Discount
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3.2 Reason for rejection
6. Sales Information
1. Item name
2. Customer Name
3. Date of Sale
4. Region
5. Quantity sold
6. Rate
7. Amount
1)Screen resolution of at least 800 X 600 required for proper & complete viewing of the screens . Higher
resolution would not be a problem
2) Support for printer (any–dot matrix, laser, inkjet) appropriate drivers are installed & printer connected
properly. It is required for mark list & reports printing
1) Any windows-based OS
The final application will be packaged as an independent setup program that will be delivered to the
Description: This module will maintain information of various spare items provided
The system will allow creation /mod/del of items & also have the ability to list all items according to
type, category etc
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Validity checks
Sequencing Information
If any of the above validations/sequencing flow does not hold true, appropriate error messages will be
prompted to the user for doing the needful.
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