Example Gcse Geography Coursework

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Writing coursework can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to subjects like Geography

where research, analysis, and presentation are crucial. From selecting a suitable topic to conducting
extensive research, compiling data, and crafting a coherent narrative, the process demands time,
effort, and expertise.

For GCSE Geography coursework, students often grapple with various challenges such as:

1. Research: Conducting thorough research to gather relevant data and information from
reliable sources can be time-consuming and requires critical thinking skills.
2. Data Analysis: Processing and analyzing collected data using appropriate statistical tools or
methodologies can be complex, particularly for students who are not well-versed in statistical
3. Presentation: Presenting findings effectively in a structured format with appropriate
citations and references requires strong writing and organizational skills.
4. Meeting Deadlines: Balancing coursework with other academic commitments and
extracurricular activities while adhering to strict deadlines adds pressure to students.

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Keeping their eyes levelled with the water will help them to stop being disillusioned into thinking
that he held the ruler straight when it was actually bending in a different angle. Some of the features
found here include interlocking spurs, V-shaped valley, meanders and step like waterfalls as the river
meanders down its course. After a site was given a score for each topic, the overall score was
worked out. I didn’t think we counted for long enough or accurately. The depth then increased until
plot 5, (where the water was at its deepest), and then. However, at site 4, the width decreased by
1.38m from the previous site. When all the data was collectedand put into graphs. The store is
beautiful and they truly make you feel so special. Flow Rate (s) 1 100 54.44 100 12.52 7.6 7.33 100
100. I have already learnt about the environmental and economic problems, package tourism in an
LEDC causes, and I am now studying the impacts tourism has on Cromer. The depth stayed the same
at readings 1 and 2 and was 0.105m. It then increased. The latter half of the 20th century has also
brought great changes in communication to Hitchin. Background Knowledge Tourism is the business
of providing tours and services for tourists. The depth increases until plot 3, until plot 4 where there
is a decrease. The width. Divided into story, compass and social care compulsory core. There were
some limitations when we were measuring our data and the methods we. The results from my
questionnaires were collected with the rest of the class and a large sample was made. Examples of
these graphs are located in the Data Presentation part of the coursework folder. By the middle of the
19th century the railway had arrived, and with it a new way of life for Hitchin. It was hard to get an
exact depth reading because the water was always moving. This. Get this resource as part of a
bundle and save up to 25% A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular
topic, or a series of lessons, in one place. Motorways have shortened the journey time and brought
Luton, a few miles away on the Ml, and the A1 (M) even closer. We wanted to know if the type of
shop affected where the shop is situated, and to see how popular bigger shops were in the frame
were and vice versa with the smaller shops. All of this information is important to me as it will help
to answer my main enquiry questions, on whether Cromer has a good economic future and what the
impact of tourism on Cromer is. Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation.
There is also the tube and a bus terminal where locals pass through to get to central London. At some
points, the impeller could not turn due to the fact that the river was too. The depth at site 6 generally
decreased from 0.099m at site 5 to 0.0812m which came. In Kilve the channel has been altered by
man making them more. Location: Church St Below is a scanned sheet which I used to collect the
data for my environmental mapping survey.
The gradient decreased from source to mouth and this can be seen in this scatter. At site 7 the cross
sectional area was 0.219 m2 which was a decrease from site 6.The. Easy-to-adapt resource for each
of the content. 2007 around aqa a geography. It makes a huge difference when the stylist knows
their inventory and can read people. Cromer also has a higher amount of elderly dependents
compared to Newham, this shows that Cromer is seen as a place for the elderly and therefore may
not have a good economic future as no other age ranges may visit. Summer 2013 key stage and
coursework makes up 15% of minutes. Introduction To complete this piece of coursework, we went
away on a weekend geography field trip. These attractions will mean that people will not want to
move away from the area and will stay in Pillow Mounds. This photo helps to answer one of the
enquiry questions, as it shows an environmental effect of tourism in Cromer. This could help us to
find out the boundaries between the core and frame, the larger shops would be in the frame and
smaller shops, restaurants etc would be in the frame. This stop also has its own micro climate
compared to the mountain top because it is in a valley. As you can see from the table above, this
hypothesis. At site 1 the cross sectional area was 0.008418 m2, which is the lowest result out of all.
The survey also helps to answer my second enquiry question as it shows that tourism does offer
Cromer a good future, as there is many business that are only open because of tourism. The average
depths then falls slightly to 9cm before returning to 10cm. This is a residential area, and the reason
for its high environmental quality, may be that it is not visited by tourists. I chose to investigate this
river study over our four day field trip to Somerset in order. The name derived from the south gate of
Enfield Chase which stood roughly where Chase Road now joins Winchmore Hill Road. At site 5 the
cross sectional area was 0.18216 m2 which was lower than the previous. I have chosen to represent
my data for width as a lateral bar chart because it is very. At site 8 our readings showed us that this
was overall the deepest part of the river. The. We chose to sample eight sites along the River
Holford’s course because this would. Traffic is at its lowest around lunchtime, this may be because a
lot of the tourists are on the beach or in restaurants. Nettlecombe Court for accommodating us and
helping us with our river study along. Overall, all the depth readings at this site were what was
expected to be seen at this. Additional Data collected- This section of my coursework will include
any additional information I will collect from secondary resources. From exam-style questions and
topic booklets to geography revision cards and knowledge organisers, we've got just the resources to
get you started. I will also explain how my data links back to my enquiry questions. Some examples
listed below are teaching resources from a. Also further out there are less services, less jobs and it is
more residential.
This is the Spearman’s Rank formula written in mathematical notation. We predicted that there would
be more people in the core than the frame as the core has more attractions within it. We new that this
complex would have an affect on the current C.B.D. We needed to know what Implications would
take place in order to maintain a core and frame model within Exeter. The high street was the only
exception when it came to noise, as this is where there was the most activity going on such as, cars
passing by and it is the main attraction to shoppers. Summer 2013 key stage and coursework makes
up 15% of minutes. Hitchin is larger and is more of an all day shopping area. Slightly to the south
another small settlement, known as South Street, grew up around Southgate Green. Getting diseases
from the river Hands were washed thoroughly with soap. As you can see on the land use map on
page 6 the River Holford flows through urban. Site’s 6 cross sectional area was 0.23142 m2 which
was an increase from the last site. There is such an extreme difference because having a
pedestrianised area is really important for environmental quality, this because it shows attractiveness,
very little congestion, although having a pedestrianised area could risk more litter and crowds,
however Hitchin’s pedestrianised areas have a large space. This can be linked back to Fig.16 which
is the business dependency survey results. This makes the area seem a bit like an eyesore which will
deter people from visiting it. Also, in R.H.G, there, seems to be patches of exposed topsoil whereas I
the picture of P.M, there doesn’t seem to be any. Had so much fun today Google rating score: 4.9 of
5, based on 702 reviews. Clast Size (cm) 5 14.7 8.4 10.3 9.9 13.1 7.8 16.7 9.2. These will be the
width of the river channel, the average depth. This is the equation to work out Spearman’s Rank
Correlation. Environmental Quality Survey To help me find out the environmental impact of tourism
on Cromer, I used an environmental quality survey. Cromer is about 180km away from London, and
accessibility to the resort is poor. This meant that we could not sample in this area and. Spearman’s
rank technique is a statistical test which will be used for each hypothesis. Objectives: We will be
looking at a number of different factors that change throughout. Problems and Limitations
encountered in Data Collection. Flow Rate (s) 1 100 54.44 100 12.52 7.6 7.33 100 100. You had to
look through the surveyor’s level at an E-. This was done to ensure that results were accurate
because if the width was measured at water level the current of the water will interrupt the
measurement, making it harder to have a firm grip which hence will lead to inaccuracy in the results.
He was born in 1886 and was born on the sixteenth of May in Tilbury, Ontario. Clast Size (cm) 2
12.5 11.2 10.7 5.4 11.2 8.4 8.2 8.1. Tourism in Cromer could be greatly improved if there was better
access to the roads. Hitchin has the biggest shopping area in relation to surrounding towns.
This is because this was a pedestrianised area, where there is no risk of being run over by any cars,
this also meant there is very little pollution as well. There were some limitations when we were
measuring our data and the methods we. Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank
equation. I have chosen to represent my data for width as a lateral bar chart because it is very. Also,
although the speech bubble on pg 28 shows that a substantial amount of tourists think Cromer needs
developing, this graph shows that the major believe Cromer will still have a good economic future
without this development. He was born in 1886 and was born on the sixteenth of May in Tilbury,
Ontario. Site’s 8 cross sectional area was 0.42256 m2 which was the highest reading of all the. It
then falls but rises again before falling to a measurement of 7.81. It then rises again before falling
again to an average pebble size for the long axis being 9.1. The short axis for the pebble size starts at
2.16 and then it rises significantly to 10.26 but then falls at Stop 3. If there was a lot of rain or no
rain at all, then this factor would. If we wanted to we could have gone inside the shop and asked the
owner. My second enquiry question was if tourism offers Cromer a good economic future. Somerset
is home to Exmoor National Park which is 693 km2 and is only one of. At site 7 the cross sectional
area was 0.219 m2 which was a decrease from site 6.The. Geography Coursework How Does
Farming Change Between Bredon Hill and Birli. This is full of the people who are earning lots of
money on an annual salary who have large houses, many garages and many cars. In my introduction
I will be talking about where in the UK the River Holford is. River Holford which were the width,
the depth and the gradient. Traffic is at its lowest around lunchtime, this may be because a lot of the
tourists are on the beach or in restaurants. Average Flow Rate (s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565
16.55 81.33 87.163. Glossary LEDC: Less economically developed country. The graph shows the
amount of litter in each area, the amount of people seen around both areas at the time that we visited,
and the amount of cars parked around the area at the time we visited as well. As well as there is only
residential areas further out of the CBD, this making it the only attraction in Southgate. Subjects and
student sections makes. 3: coursework requirements and past. A wide selection of smaller grocery
and late night opening shops are also present. Organic Geochemical Studies Of Cretaceous Source
Rocks Of. Also further out there are less services, less jobs and it is more residential. Hitchin has
many pedestrainised areas resulting in less pollution and congestion and of course Hitchin has a
parking area there a lot more people can walk rather than driving everywhere. This shows that the
economic impact hasn't been as impressive as it could be as there are hardly any jobs in Cromer that
don't rely on tourism. For example, in Robin Hood Green, there is no access for cars at all. We
wanted to know if the type of shop affected where the shop is situated, and to see how popular
bigger shops were in the frame were and vice versa with the smaller shops.
There is such an extreme difference because having a pedestrianised area is really important for
environmental quality, this because it shows attractiveness, very little congestion, although having a
pedestrianised area could risk more litter and crowds, however Hitchin’s pedestrianised areas have a
large space. Compare that to the photo of R.H.G, where there are no buildings and no cars. Also, in
R.H.G, there are signs of wildlife (rabbit holes), and there are large amounts of overgrown plants
which show that the area is not well managed by the people who own it. This Spearman’s rank
correlationgraph test tells us that 0.453 is under a significance. The stone’s b-axis will then be
measured using a cm ruler. Average Depth 0.0122 0.1246 0.0686 0.093 0.09904 0.0812 0.0876 0.152.
This involved my group going to twelve different sites in Cromer and giving a score of 0 to 3 on
whether the area had traffic noise, traffic danger, the pavement width, the litter level, whether it was
clean and attractive and restful. The map shows the environmental quality in various locations in
Cromer. Another development tourists think is necessary is better road access; this is a problem for
Cromer as it is hard to reach, compared to other resorts. The town utilises a varied shopping centre
served by the top high street retail and financial outlets plus a large Asda superstore. Wetted
Perimeter (m) 0.74 2.4 2.48 2.08 2 3.13 2.84 2.92. This was one of the few parts where we had to
trust each others’ initiatives to give accurate deductions. Comparing Flowcharts Cromer's growth is
similar yet different to other traditional resorts. It shows that 67 out of the 73 tourists asked believe
Cromer does have a good future with only 2 people thinking it doesn't. This graph can be linked with
Fig. 2 which states that residents think the most common problem of tourism is traffic congestion;
this thought is proved by this graph as it shows the high traffic levels. Interviews For me to find out
general opinions on Cromer, I carried out five interviews in quieter places such as New Street and the
beach. Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation. One of these changes is that I
would have taken ten depth readings at each site rather. This proved very subjective and it was hard
to come up with a decision which most of us agreed on since it was very ambiguous to differentiate
between, say, a Sub-angular and a Sub-rounded rock. This Spearman’s rank correlationgraph test tells
us that 0.453 is under a significance. Tech; languages boundaries for school and will require. After we
have finished measuring the bed-load size, the rocks were accumulated from the site which we were
at that time. I have chosen to represent my data for width as a lateral bar chart because it is very.
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later Not quite what you were looking for. The only result on the environmental survey which did not
support these results was surface erosion. My third hypothesis was that gradient would decrease as
you went from source to. This environmental survey was done in four different places. From the flow
charts, you can see that Cromer has develop much faster than other resorts, but now faces pressure as
it can not be further developed and is losing out on a younger generation of tourists so therefore it
doesn't have the best economic future compared to other resorts. Fig. 7 Interpretation From the
above line graph you can see that 32 of the tourists interviewed, were staying in Cromer for one
week. To improve this method I feel that we could have just worked out the volume of the. I would
make if I were going to undertake this river study again.
I will also explain how my data links back to my enquiry questions. In this section I shall be
describing the different sites at which we collectedour. We were undertaking this study in the
autumn and so there were many rotting leaves. The land surrounding the river is also flat and all the
hills are gone meaning there are no V-shaped valleys. In the higher profile of the river mainly vertical
erosiontakes place. The width of the river starts to increase as we go from site1to site 4 by 2.95m. At
site. This graph also helps to answer the first enquiry question, as it shows the high amount of cars
being driven therefore contributing to environmental pollution. Fig. 4 (The Cromer Beach)
Interpretation This photo shows some litter on the beach which could be an effect of tourism. There
is usually many busy transport systems containing busses and trains, buildings tend to be tall and
high density. The C.B.D is densely populated. Ten sites could have been looked rather than eight
along the river’s course. This. The trampling scale is used to show how trampled the ground is in the
area. Clast Size (cm) 5 14.7 8.4 10.3 9.9 13.1 7.8 16.7 9.2. Because I calculated a rank of -0.632 this
means that as the distance increases from the town centre the population density decreases. The two
settlements were eventually linked by ribbon development along what is now Southgate High Street.
Divided into story, compass and social care compulsory core. There was a population increase of
4411 people in just 10 years from 1901 - 1910. The depth stayed the same at readings 1 and 2 and
was 0.105m. It then increased. This could be because of the parking area was there, and there were
some out of town shoppers using their cars to get to and from Hitchin, going home. Danielle made
me feel extremely comfortable the entire time. There were many problems that we encountered on
our river study. Normally, the more wealthy people will tend to live in more modern housing unlike
the poor people who will generally to live in council flats or old run down houses the conclusion to
this theory is that the houses will get modernised as the distance from the C.B.D increases. In which
all of the factories and industrial estates will be constructed, and sometime include office and
residential areas that await renovation. This section will list some of the smaller independent shops,
many of which are owned by local families. These rocks slow down the river and the river uses most
of its energy to overcome these rocks. I found that the area with the highest trampling scale was
R.H.G (8). The lowest trampling scale was also in R.H.G but was equalled by Pillow Mounds (1).
Had so much fun today Google rating score: 4.9 of 5, based on 702 reviews. A x-y plot was chosen
to represent the cross sectionof the river because it is easy to. In the higher profile of the river mainly
vertical erosiontakes place. As time passed the railway developed and more stations were built and
by the 1860s, hundreds of railway stations were built producing paths to many different places. I
went in there thinking I knew what type of dress I wanted and it just didn't suit my shape. We
travelled from Beardwood High School, Blackburn, to near Garstang.
One human problem was that the angularity of the clasts had to be decided by eye. We counted the
amount of pedestrians that walked past a certain place for 2 minutes and then compared results and
estimated them to get a rounded figure. I then had to record the time and for ten minutes counted
the amount of cars that went past in a tally. This chart can be linked back to the enquiry questions, as
it is clear to see that a large majority believe traffic is an issue, and this means it has an effect on the
environment by causing pollution. Now a statistical test called Spearman’s Rank correlation must be
undertaken to see. Use maths coursework worth 40%; unit 2: coursework exemplar essays, this blog.
The information I needed for the flowcharts was collected from the internet, therefore making it
secondary data. He was educated at the University of Chicago in which he studied sociology (the
scientific study of society). GCSE Geography Coursework: Strand 4 - Interpertation of Data. Depth
(m) 2 0.015 0.027 0.067 0.105 0.0102 0.107 0.096 0.14. Source: image.slidesharecdn.com Starting a
geography essay is something most students typically struggle with. First, 15 clasts were picked up
from the river bed at random, with our eyes closed so. Aim: An investigation into the changing
physical characteristics form source to mouth. It can be easily seen from this scatter graph that the
width increased as you went form. This photo also supports the speech bubble on pg 28 in which 6
tourists believe Cromer could be improved by sorting out traffic congestion. The core is used by
these kind of stores because they are large companies competing for large profits.They want the
main part of the core as this is where all people go to shop and therefore where all their trade comes
from. Package tourism includes 'all inclusive' holidays which means all the necessities such as hotel,
food and transport are already booked for you before you leave. On the other hand, if we chose to
increase the spacing to 75cm, for example, it would be harder to keep and we will also degrade the
accuracy of our overall results, this is because measuring the depth will also help us to explain the
discharge’s hypothesis as the channel depth can be used to draw work out and draw a surface-area
graph, which is in the Discharge formula. Average Flow Rate (s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565
16.55 81.33 87.163. The River Holford’s source is at Lady's Fountain Spring, Frog Combe which is
250 m. This is a copy of my traffic count before it was completed. This could be because of the same
reasons cover in the scatter graph which were, high order goods sold there, more attractive and a
market place. The b-axis, because it’s a measurement of the horizontal, will help us determine the size
of the rock and how its attributes change from the upper to the lower course, a larger stone would
mean a bigger bed load size as larger stones take more space. The environmental impact means,
whether tourists affect the environment by causing more pollution, increasing litter levels and causing
the destruction of landscape. The interview on page 27 also shows that a resident thinks Cromer
needs to improve for there to be better opportunities. Average Depth 0.0122 0.1246 0.0686 0.093
0.09904 0.0812 0.0876 0.152. This is because Cromer has to abide by strict development laws.
People in rural areas live in,, on and in other isolated. In some areas CBDs have declined due to
competition with regional shopping centres. There is usually many busy transport systems containing
busses and trains, buildings tend to be tall and high density. The C.B.D is densely populated.

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