Early History of The Thermocouple
Early History of The Thermocouple
Early History of The Thermocouple
By L. B. Hunt, M.SC., Ph.D.
Johnson Matthey & Co Limited
At this distance from the events, and Among the small band of physicists who
looking back from our present understanding were active in this way was Thomas Johann
of the nature and applications of electricity, it Seebeck. Born at Reval in Estonia on April
is almost impossible to appreciate the excite- gth, 1770,the son of a wealthy merchant, he
ment and enthusiasm that prevailed in the left his native town at the age of 17 and took
little world of physics around the year 1820. up the study of medicine in Berlin. His strong
Until Volta announced the discovery of his inclination for natural science, together with
pile in 1800 physicists had had no means of his financial independence, caused him to
studying the effects of a steady current. This, change his plan, however, and he embarked on
and the voltaic cell which rapidly succeeded it, a career of private research, first in Bayreuth
provided for the first time a simple means of and later in Jena. Here he worked on optics
maintaining a continuous current, and led to a and on the nature of colour, but in 1810 he
burst of activity in the study of the chemical left Jena for Nuremberg, and it was here that
effects of electricity. Oersted spent some time as Seebeck‘s guest.
In 1818he accepted a position with the Berlin
Oersted and Ampbre Academy of Sciences, and moved to that city.
As this first wave of enthusiasm was perhaps
dying away, Oersted discovered that a current Seebeck’s Discovery
of electricity flowing in a wire lying parallel Here it was, of course, that he learned of
with, and close to, a magnetic needle had the Oersted’s discovery, and at once applied
power of deflecting the needle. This discovery himself to the study of electromagnetism; in
was announced in 1820, and it immediately December of the same year, 1820, he read a
set off a new wave of interest all over Europe, paper to the Academy dealing with the
this time in the mechanical effects of a current. magnetic influence of a current. Only a few
Arago, in the same year, produced the first months later, in August 1821, he announced
electromagnet, while Ampere, within a week to the Academy (I) his discovcry that two
of hearing of Oersted’s experiment, had different metals forming a closed circle, in the
shown that one electric current had a magnetic absence of moisture, showed magnetic pro-
influence upon another. No doubt was left perties when subjected to a difference of
that magnetism was essentially an electrical temperature at the point of contact. He had
phenomenon. experimented with a number of combinations
American Investigations
Sir William Roberts-Austen
Contemporary with Le Chatelier but quite
Chemist to the Royal Mint, Professor of Metallurgy
independently of him, Dr. Carl Barus (10) at the Royal School of Mines and Jirst investigator
was engaging himself actively in the measure- to the Alloys Research Committee of the Institution
ment of high temperatures. I n 1882 a new of Mechanical Engineers, Roberts-Austen was
quick to appreciate the usefulness of Le Chatelier’s
physical laboratory had been set up within the thermocouple pyrometer
Roberts-Austen’s Contribution
At this time the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers had established its Alloys Research
Committee, with the initial objective of study-
ing the effects of alloying elements on the
properties of metals, and had appointed W. C.
Roberts-Austen, who combined the posts of
Chemist to the Royal Mint and Professor of
Metallurgy at the Royal School of Mines, as
investigator. I n his first report (11) in 1890 to
the Institution, Professor (later Sir William)
Roberts-Austen said:
“In the present investigation it is necessary
to measure much higher temperatures; and
fortunately an accurate method is at hand. Edward Matthey
Early in 1889 I had occasion to employ the
pyrometer devised by M. H. Le Chatelier, and Investigated the homogeneity of rhodium-platinum
was satisfied as to its being extremely trust- alloys and conjirmed the $findings of Le ChateEier
worthy and convenient up to temperatures and Roberts-Austen as to their suitability for
over 10oo”C. or 18oo”Fahr. The instrument thermometric use
in fact enabled me to confirm the fundamental
observations of M. Osmond respecting the
critid points of iron and steel, and to dernon- “It is asserted that even long wires of the
strate the results in a lecture delivered before platinum-rhodium alloy are homogeneous,
the members of the British Association in and therefore do not give rise to subsidiary
September 1889.” currents which would disturb the effect of the
main current produccd by hcating the junction;
Since 1875 Roberts-Austen had interested but very careful experiments to determine
himself in the problems of liquation or whether this is the case have yet to be made.”
segregation of the constituents of alloys, and
This uncertainty aroused the interest of
had been most painstaking in his measurement
Edward Matthey, who carried out a lengthy
of temperatures using the laborious calori-
investigation (12) on the liquation of alloys of
metric methods then available. He therefore
the platinum metals. On the rhodium-
welcomed most readily the new type of
platinum alloys he had the following comment
instrument and proceeded to adapt it for the
to make:
production of autographic records of the
cooling and solidification of molten metals “Much attention has lately been drawn to an
and alloys. alloy of pure platinum, with 10 per cent of
rhodium, which has become important from
the excellent service it has rendered in the
Problems of Homogeneity determination of high temperatures. The alloy
of platinum with ID per cent of rhodium is
Some doubt still remained, however, con- used with pure platinum as a thermocouple,
cerning the absolute reliability of the rhodium- and it is, therefore, interesting to be able to
set at rest any doubt which might arise as to
platinum alloy, and Roberts-Austen referred
this alloy being uniform in composition when
to this: melted and drawn into wire.”
I T. J. Seebeck .. *. Abhandlurgen der physikalische Klasse dcr Komglichen Akudemie
d m Wissenschafrer ZU Berlin, 1822-23, pp. 265-373
2 A. C. Becquerel . . __ Ann. chim. phys., 1827, 31, pp. 371-392
3 c. s. A M . l’ouillet , . .. Compt. rend., 1836, 3, pp. 782-790
4 H. V. Regnault . . .. Relation des Experiences, Paris, 1847,I, p. 246
S E.Becquerel .. .. Compt. rend., 1862, 55, p. 826
6 Avenarius . . .. .. Pogg. Ann, 1863, 119,p. 406
1864, 122, p . 193
7 P. G. Tait . . .. .. Trans. Roy. SOC.Edin., 1872-73, 27, p. 125
8 1-1. Le Chatelier . . .. Compt. rend., 1886, 102, p. 819
J . de Phys., 1887, 6, p. 23
9 13. M. Howe .. .. ling. and Min. J., 189, 50, p. 426
I0 C. Barus . . .. .. 13~11.U.S. Geol. Surwey, 1889, h’o. 54
Phil. Mug., 1892, 34, p. 376
I1 W. C. Roberts-Austen .. 1st Rep. Alloys Hes. Comm., Inst. Mech. Big., 1891
I2 E. Matthey .. .. I’hiZ. Trans., 1892, 183, p. 629
I3 B. Matthey .. .. I’roc. Roy. Soc., 1893, 52, p. 467
14 Sir Robert Hadfield , . Trans. Fareday SOL.,1917-18, 13, p, 208
IS Anon .. .. .. Eyineeriqq, 1945, 159,iMay 11th and zgth, pp. 361 and 41