Vascular Rehabilitation
Vascular Rehabilitation
Vascular Rehabilitation
Superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) is defined as thrombosis and inflammation
of inner walls of the greater or lesser saphenous veins or their tributaries.
zz Trauma to the vessel wall—a drip needle or pressure externally due to tight
garments or position of a limb.
zz Circulating toxins from septic wounds.
zz In association with deep venous thrombosis (DVT).
zz It is associated with intravenous catheters and infusions.
zz Occurs with varicose veins.
zz Migrating SVT is often a marker for a carcinoma.
zz May also occur in patients with vasculitides, such as thromboangiitis
obliterans (TAO).
Irritation produced changes in the tunica intima causing a thrombus to form.
The thrombus becomes attached to the vein wall and rarely produces an
It can easily be distinguished from those of DVT. Patients complain of pain
localized to the site of the thrombus. Examination reveals a reddened, warm and
tender cord extending along a superficial vein. The surrounding area may be red
and edematous. As the condition resolves, the skin become pigmented (brown)
along the course of the vein.
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Phlebography is used to find out the thrombosis.
Treatment is primarily supportive:
zz Initially, patients can be placed at bedrest with leg elevation.
from the toes to beyond the upper limit of the affected area.
zz Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be provided to relieve
develops in the thigh and extends toward the saphenofemoral vein junction
and to prevent extension of the thrombus into the deep system and a possible
pulmonary embolism.
The presence of thrombus within a deep vein and the accompanying
inflammatory response in the vessel wall is termed as deep venous thrombosis
(DVT) or thrombophlebitis.
Deep vein thrombosis occurs less frequently in the upper extremity than in the
lower extremity, but the incidence is increasing, because of greater utilization of
indwelling central venous catheters.
The factors that predispose to venous thrombosis were initially described by
Virchow in 1856 and include stasis, vascular damage and hypercoagulability.
zz Recent surgery
zz Neoplasms
zz Trauma
zz Fractures
zz Immobilization
zz Acute myocardial infarction (MI), congestive heart failure (CHF), stroke
54 Vascular Rehabilitation
zz Postoperative convalescence
zz Pregnancy
zz Estrogen use (for replacement or contraception)
zz Hypercoagulable states
zz Previous DVT.
Damage to the intima causes platelets to be deposited on the vein wall. Venous
stasis increases the accumulation of platelets, which adds to the size of the
thrombus resulting in occlusion of the vessel lumen. Initially, the thrombus is
composed principally of platelets and fibrin. Red cells become interspersed
with fibrin and the thrombus tends to propagate in the direction of blood flow.
The inflammatory response in the vessel wall may be minimal or characterized
by granulocyte infiltration, loss of endothelium and edema. There is further
extension of the thrombus (propagated thrombus) along the vessel to the next
junction with a vein. A portion may break off giving rise to a pulmonary embolus
or the thrombus may become organized and firmly attached to the vessel wall.
Gradually, it is recanalized and circulation is re-established, but the valves are
often destroyed leaving chronic venous insufficiency (CVI).
zz Most common complaint is cramp-like pain in the calf.
zz Unilateral leg swelling (edema around the joint distal to the area).
zz Local warmth.
zz Erythema.
zz Palpable cord.
zz D-Dimer, a degradation product of cross-linked fibrin is often elevated in
patients with venous thrombosis.
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Deep vein thrombosis must be differentiated from a variety of disorders that
cause unilateral leg pain or swelling, including muscle rupture, trauma or
hemorrhage; a ruptured popliteal cyst and lymphedema. It may be difficult to
distinguish swelling caused by the postphlebitic syndrome from that due to
acute recurrent DVT. Leg pain may also result from nerve compression, arthritis,
tendinitis, fractures and arterial occlusive disorders.
zz Bedrest with a cradle and the end of the bed elevated (15–22 cm) until all the
local signs subside may be up to 7 days.
zz Anticoagulants prevent thrombus propagation and allow the endogenous lytic
system to operate:
—— This includes either unfractionated heparin or low-molecular–weight
heparin (LMWH).
—— A direct thrombin inhibitor, such as lepirudin or argatroban may be
Prophylaxis should be considered in clinical situations where the risk of DVT is
zz Low-dose unfractionated heparin (5,000 units 2 h prior to surgery and then
zz Pulmonary embolism
zz Chronic venous insufficiency.
Varicose veins are dilated, tortuous superficial veins that result from defective
structure and function of the valves of the saphenous veins.
zz The most common in 40–50 years
zz Females are more affected than males.
Varicose veins can be categorized as primary or secondary. Primary varicose
veins originate in the superficial system and occur two to three times as frequently
in women as in men. Approximately half of patients have a family history of
varicose veins. Secondary varicose veins result from deep venous insufficiency
and incompetent perforating veins or from deep venous occlusion causing
enlargement of superficial veins that are serving as collaterals.
zz Failure of development of valve in the vein
zz Damage to the valve due to thrombosis
zz From intrinsic weakness of the vein wall
zz From high intraluminal pressure
zz Rarely from arteriovenous fistulas.
zz Pregnancy:
—— Compression of pelvic vein due to enlarged womb (Fig. 6.3.1)
—— Estrogens relax the muscles in the veins and this also increases the
zz Patients with venous varicosities are often concerned about the cosmetic
appearance of their legs.
zz Patient may complain of a dull ache, pain or pressure sensation in the legs
zz The legs feel heavy and mild ankle edema develops occasionally.
zz The skin of the leg may become pigmented and indurated (Figs 6.3.3A and B).
zz Extensive venous varicosities may cause skin ulcerations near the ankle.
Visual inspection of the legs in the dependent position usually confirms the
presence of varicose veins.
zz Doppler ultrasound scan: It can easily identify reflux or back-flow of blood in
the veins.
zz Varicogram: A cuff will be placed around the lower calf and the dye injected
into the veins on the back of the foot. Usually, the site of connection of
the varicose vein to the deep venous system need to be identified and the
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Figs 6.3.3A and B (A) Varicose vein on female’s leg, black arrows: dilated vein;
white arrow: skin changes; (B) Varicose vein on female’s thigh, white arrow: spider vein
needle is then placed within the varicosity. If the test is done to look at
whether the valves in the leg are working, the needle may be placed either
in the foot or in the groin, and the table will be tilted to see if the dye passes
backwards through the valves (Fig. 6.3.4).
60 Vascular Rehabilitation
zz External compression stockings has to be worn which provide a counter
balance to the hydrostatic pressure in the veins.
zz Walking is encouraged.
zz Avoid prolonged standing.
zz Symptoms often decrease when the legs are elevated periodically.
zz Laser therapy: The laser pulse is of a very short duration and destroys the
veins, which are broken into very small particles. These are then removed
by the body’s immune system. There may be some reaction to the laser for
the first 24 hours, with redness at the site, but this resolves quite quickly.
This treatment is given on an out-patient basis and does not require any
anesthesia. The complications of this therapy include pigmentation at the
site and loss of pigment at the site. There is usually loss of hair growth in
the area if the laser treatment is repeated. Very occasionally, there may be
some crusting of the skin together with blistering. But these side-effects do
not last long.
zz Endovenous obliteration of the saphenous vein: A newer treatment for
varicose veins is to insert a long, thin catheter that emits energy (most
commonly heat, radiowaves or laser energy). The released energy collapses
and scleroses the vein. A variety of techniques and protocols are used.
Because it is easier to insert a catheter through a vein in the same direction
that the valves open, the catheter is most commonly inserted into a more
distal portion of the vein and threaded proximally. Energy is released from
the catheter tip. As the catheter is pulled out, the vein lumen collapses.
Bruising, tightness along the course of the treated vein, recanalization and
paresthesia are possible complications.
Surgical therapy may also be indicated for cosmetic reasons:
zz Sclerotherapy: It is a procedure in which a sclerosing solution is injected
greater and lesser saphenous veins and should be reserved for patients,
who are very symptomatic, suffer recurrent superficial vein thrombosis,
and/or develop skin ulceration.
zz Hemorrhage: Bleeding following rupture of a vein.
zz Ulceration: Venous ulcer due to devitalized skin.
zz Phlebitis: Superficial venous thrombosis.
zz Edema particularly of the foot and ankle.
zz Pigmentation.
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The term ‘pulmonary embolism’ implies clinically significant obstruction of a
part or the whole of the pulmonary arterial tree, usually by thrombus that
becomes detached from its site of formation outside the lung and is swept
downstream until arrested at points of intrapulmonary vascular narrowing.
zz Thrombotic pulmonary embolism
zz Nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism.