Tarea 1 Linguistica
Tarea 1 Linguistica
Tarea 1 Linguistica
Code: 518017
step 2
what´is language ''?
in human science it is the feature that most cleary distinguishes humanas from
other species it is essential for human beings we achieve incredible things by
sharing our actions through words
what concept is developed with the famous phrase Noam chomsky ' gives 1
Noam Chomsky´s theory on the origin of language is based on the homogeneity of
the human genome, which explains that the linguistic development of children only
gave expression to the language without any type of instrution.
he loves to share his things to the very selfish
whas´is the fact that a person speaks a foreing language whit a speaks a foreing
language whih a specific accent
The fact that a person speaks a specific foreing language is due to the fact that hey
have a thained hated of their mother tongue and even knowing another language
they maintain it
Questions and answers from Step 3 and Step 4
2 what is grammar ?
branch of linguistics that studies word structure and accidentals
The grammar of a language is the set of rules and principles that determine how the units
of that language are combined to form larger linguistic units.
3 what is language ?
R/ in human science it is the feature that most clearly distinguishes humans from other
species it is essential for human beings we achieve incredible things by sharing our
knowledge or coordinating our actions through words
Step 4
¿Cuál es el propósito del reglamento de la práctica pedagógica y educativa? •
practica pedagógica y educativa estrategia de formación que articula los saberes y las practicas del
que hacer docente con los contextos socioculturales y educativos desde la observación
participante, la inmersión y la investigación promueve la comprensión de la diversidad étnica y
cultural la libertada del pensamiento y el pluralismo
los cursos de la ruta formativa de practica pedagógica y educativa se deben matricular respetando
los prerrequisitos de plan de estudio y el orden estricto y establecido en la malla curricular de cada