Crude Protein Determination of Potatoes by NIRS
Crude Protein Determination of Potatoes by NIRS
Crude Protein Determination of Potatoes by NIRS
Procedia Technology 8 (2013) 488 – 492
The determination of the composition of potatoes is essential in order to meet the current demand for quality products. The
traditional methods to measure potato components are both expensive and laborious; therefore, some authors have studied the
application of faster and cheaper techniques such as near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to determine those components. The
objective of the present work is to predict the crude protein (CP) content of lyophilized samples of potato by NIRS.135 samples
were used in this study. NIR spectral data were collected using an AOTF-NIR Analyser (Brimrose) in the reflectance mode. Each
sample was scanned twice in the 1100- 2300 nm spectral range. Partial least squares (PLS) regression was applied to the spectral
data through Unscramble software (version 8.0.5)to develop a calibration model capable of estimating the CPcontent of the
samples. As a result, correlation coefficients of 0.95, 0.86 and 0.88 were obtained for calibration, cross validation and external
validation respectively. Moreover, low standard errors were achieved. The standard error of calibration (SEC) was 0.52, the
standard error of cross validation (SECV) was 0.88 and finally, the standard error of prediction was 0.75.
© 2013
© 2013The
Authors. Published
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Elsevier Ltd.B.V.
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peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of HAICTA.
of The Hellenic Association for Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture
Food and Environment (HAICTA)
Keywords: Solanum tuberosum L; models; prediction; spectroscopy
2212-0173 © 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of The Hellenic Association for Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture
Food and Environment (HAICTA)
Ainara López et al. / Procedia Technology 8 (2013) 488 – 492 489
1. Introduction
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is considered one of the main food products worldwide being the fourth largest
food crop after rice, wheat and maize[1]. Moreover, it represents the staple crop in many of the developing countries
around the world nowadays [2]. These tubers are rich in protein, calcium, potassium, and vitamin C, and have an
especially good amino acid balance.
Despite that potato products are highly consumed globally; potato industry faces the current demand of quality
products by the consumers [3]. The traditional techniques to determine quality and composition of potatoes are
chemical methods that imply a considerable amount of handwork and time besides their destructive nature.
Therefore, food industry is relying on the adoption of non-destructive and environmentally friendly techniques to
determine quality of products [4].
Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is considered one of the most advanced technologies regarding nondestructive
quality assessment techniques [5]. Since its first application in the sixties NIRS technique has been successfully used
for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of many agricultural and food products [6]. Moreover, NIRS is
considered a green technology due to its nondestructive nature along with the fact that it does not generate any
emissions or waste [7]. In the last years, people have become more concerned about protecting the environment
driving chemists to look for alternative sample preparation techniques that could reduce the adverse environmental
impact of organic solvents. Since NIR is a methodology based on direct measurement of samples avoiding their
pretreatment, it is able to reduce the use of solvents and reagent and also the time of analyses [8].
NIRS applications in potato cover both quantitative analyses for the prediction of the different components of the
tubers and qualitative analyses to classify samples according to their origin, variety,etc. Since protein content of
potatoes is rather small (0.5-2%) comparing to other constituents such as starch and dry matter, it seems difficult its
prediction by NIRS. Some authors have investigated the capability of NIRS to estimate protein contact in whole
potatoes; however, the literature concerning lyophilized samples is scarce.
2. Objective
The objective of this study is to investigate the ability of NIRS to nondestructively predict the crude protein (CP)
content of lyophilized potato samples.
135 lyophilized samples were used in this study corresponding to 135 different varieties of the 2011 season.
Chemical analyses to determine CP content and the lyophilization of the samples were carried out at the Basque
Institute for Agricultural Research and Development (NEIKER Tecnalia).
For he lyophilized of the samples, tubers were cut lengthwise in order to obtain representative samples of the
different tissues. Pieces from 5 to 8 different tubers were then lyophilized in a freeze-dryer Alpha d1-4 (CHRIST,
Germany) until they reached 250gr of fresh weight. This process was carried out at -50 ºC and 0 atmospheres until
the samples lost their whole water content. After that, they were ground with liquid nitrogen up to fine dust and
stored at -20 ºC until their use.
For the PB determination, first the estimation of total nitrogen content of the samples by Kjeldahl method was
carried out.The Kjeldahl method is the standard method of nitrogen determination. It consists of three basic steps: 1)
digestion of the sample in sulphuric acid with a catalyst, which results in conversion of nitrogen to ammonia; 2)
distillation of the ammonia into a trapping solution; and 3) quantification of the ammonia by titration with a standard
solution. Once the percentage of the total nitrogen was calculated, the CP content was determined by the following
data were collected using a Luminar 5030 "Hand held" AOTF-NIR (Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter-Near Infrared)
Analyzer (Brimrose) in the reflectance mode. A spectral range of 1100-2300 nm with 601 points (2 nm steps) was
used to obtain the spectra at room temperature. Samples were scanned twice and the average spectrum was used for
the analysis. Each spectrum was an average of 50 scans.
Samples were split in two groups randomly, 90 samples for calibration and 45 for validation. Statistics for CP
content of the samples selected for the calibration and validation sample sets are shown in Table 1. The Unscrambler
software (ver. 8.0.5 Camo ASA, Norway) was used for partial least squares (PLS) regression.
In order to accelerate the process, no pre-treatment of the data was carried out. PLS regression was performed
based on CP content and original spectra (1100-2300nm) of the calibration and validation samples.
A full cross-validation was performed over the calibration set. In this procedure, one sample is removed from the
set and a calibration model is developed for the remaining subset. Then, the removed sample is used to calculate the
prediction residual. This process is repeated with each sample from the set until all of them have been left out once
and finally, the variance of all prediction residuals is estimated [9]
Also, a Principal Components Analysis (PCA) of the data was performed. This is a mathematical procedure that
uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of
values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components. The number of principal components is
usually less and it could be equal to the number of original variables.
Table 1. Range, mean and standard deviation (SD) of protein content of potatoes.
The analysis of the data was performed using the PLS regression statistical method. This statistical technique
finds a linear regression model by projecting the predicted variables and the observable variables to a new space. In
other words, it relates two data matrices, X and Y, by a linear multivariate model. In any case the first step we
followed was to analyse the spectra recorded.
1.5 same trend, showing a sharp peak between 1900 and 2000 nm.
According to Law and Tkachuk [10] proteins have three
1.0 prominent bands in the NH combination region at 1980, 2050
and 2180 nm. Also a noticeable curvature is observed around
1400 nm probably related to starch structures, the main
0 constituent of potatoes [11].
Wavelength (nm)
Fig. 1. Reflectance data of the lyophilized potato samples
Ainara López et al. / Procedia Technology 8 (2013) 488 – 492 491
Fig 3(a) shows the results obtained with the calibration and cross validation models. The coefficient of
correlation (r) obtained between spectral data and CP content of the samples was 0.95 and 0.86 for the calibration
and cross validation models respectively. The SEC obtained was 0.52 and the SECV 0.88, less than the Standard
Deviation of the samples in both cases. The Standard error of laboratory (SEL) was 0.64, lower than the SECV but
higher than the SEC.
Slope Offset Corr. Slope:0.844744
0.9037240.9774130.950644 Offset:1.535752
15 16
0.8486201.4629910.860124 Correlation:0.889041
14 RMSEP:0.750061
11 12
8 8
6 6
67 8 910111213 14 7 8 9 10 11 12131415
Crudeprotein(%) Crudeprotein(%)
Fig. 3. (a) Predicted CP content versus actual CP in lyophilized potato samples in the calibration data set, (b)
Predicted CP content in lyophilized potato samples in the validation data set
Fig 3(b) shows the results obtained with the validation set of samples. An r value of 0.88 was obtained in this
model with a SEP of 0.75.
High correlations for calibration and validation were obtained compared with other authors and the SEC and SEP
were relatively small.
Some authors have studied the determination of CP content in mashed and homogenized potatoes by NIRS
obtaining relatively low correlation coefficients ranging between 0.36 and 0.78 [12,13] . Authors attributed these
low values to the reduced range of this constituent in their samples and the high values of the reference method
errors [13].
5. Conclusion
Good models have been obtained in this study with high correlation coefficients ranging from 0.86 to 0.95 and
low standard errors (between 0.52 and 0.88) both for calibration and validation data sets. Therefore, these results
indicate that it is possible to accurately predict the crude protein content of lyophilized potato samples by NIRS.
Moreover, NIRS technology is considered a green technique capable of nondestructively predict the quality of many
food products.
492 Ainara López et al. / Procedia Technology 8 (2013) 488 – 492
The funding of this work has been covered by The Public University of Navarre through the concession of a
predoctoral research grantand Food Research and Technology(INIA) project: “Genetic improvement of Potato.
Characterization of the material by NIRS technology” RTA 2011-00018-C03-03.
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