Gcse Geography River Coursework Example
Gcse Geography River Coursework Example
Gcse Geography River Coursework Example
It requires a
deep understanding of geographical concepts, strong research skills, and the ability to analyze data
effectively. The coursework typically involves fieldwork, data collection, and the presentation of
findings in a coherent and structured manner.
Students often find it difficult to balance their coursework with other academic commitments,
making it a time-consuming process. Additionally, the pressure to meet the specific requirements and
standards set by the examination boards can add to the stress.
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There were lots of objects such as tree branches in the river. Land use along the course of the River
Holford is important to look at because it could. In this section I will be seeing if my hypotheses
were correct overall using data from. In this section I will be analysing my results to see if my
hypothesis were correct and. I went during the summer, where the river would be smaller than
normal, as processes such as evaporation would have affected the volume of water in the river.
Average Clast Size (cm) 9.84 9.6 8.64 10.28 12.64 5.38 11.14 7.34. This is a summary table showing
if my hypotheses were accepted visually, by looking. If there was a lot of rain or no rain at all, then
this factor would. Overall, our river study on the River Holford was very successful because we took
a. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback.
Hypothesis 2 was rejectedwhen it came to analysing the data using Spearman’s rank. Overall this
study along the River Holford was highly successful in that we collected. This meant that the width
of the river was expected to. At some points, the impeller could not turn due to the fact that the river
was too. Somerset is a county in the South West of England and borders five other counties. Thisis
Bradshaw’smodel andtellsushow differentcharacteristics change. At some points, the impeller could
not turn due to the fact that the river was too. Aim: An investigation into the changing physical
characteristics form source to mouth. One physical problem was that there was debris in the river
such as tree branches and. There are many possible explanations for why the width of the river
followed the. The resource is also suitable for other exam boards like Edexcel and AQA as they are
essentially the same. Problems and Limitations encountered in Data Collection. As you can see from
the table above, this hypothesis was. One human problem was that the angularity of the clasts had to
be decided by eye. Some readings were defaulted at 100 seconds because at some sites, the water
was too. In my introduction I will be talking about where in the UK the River Holford is. One
limitation was that a stratified sampling strategy had been used for the sites. We could have
compared data with other groups taking part in this study to see if we. The depth at site 6 generally
decreased from 0.099m at site 5 to 0.0812m which came. After finding the results from the
Spearman’s rank, a significance test will be used to.
In this section I shall be presenting my data as graphs and describing the basic trends. At the first
three sites there was dense forest to both sides of the river, (which can be. At Site 4 the average
depth was 0.093m which was larger then at the previous site. There was a lack of rain before we
went on this field trip which meant that the river in. During our four day field trip we stayed in a
mansion called Nettlecombe Court which. Holford. It took the least amount of time to measure so
was therefore taken first. We. In my introduction I will be talking about where in the UK the River
Holford is. The River Holford is 7.4 km long and has three main types of geology throughout its. At
site 8 our readings showed us that this was overall the deepest part of the river. The. The middle
course is less steep when compared to the upper course. This meant that we could not sample in this
area and. The depth stayed the same at readings 1 and 2 and was 0.105m. It then increased. Depth
(m) 2 0.015 0.027 0.067 0.105 0.0102 0.107 0.096 0.14. It is interesting to note that the orange
almost always returned to the outside very quickly when dropped in the inside bend of the water. As
the River Holford flows along its course, tributaries. Weather information of Somerset was looked
up on the internet to see if there was. We chose to sample eight sites along the River Holford’s
course because this would. There are three types of sampling methods which could have been used
on this river. Then using a cork I will see how long it takes for the cork to travel the whole course by
timing it with a stopwatch and I will do this three times in total for accuracy.This shows the rate that
the water flows down the river this I am collecting this to complete aim 2 because if the river has too
greater velocity at a site then it is unsafe for children and animals as it poses a drowning hazard.With
this method I will get an accurate result also will get to have fun gathering my data. As you can see
from the table above, this hypothesis. One human problem was that the angularity of the clasts had to
be decided by eye. Perhaps I should have measured the river at another time in the year. To improve
this method I feel that we could have just worked out the volume of the. The depth of the river was
measured using a metre rule. This is the Spearman’s Rank formula written in mathematical notation.
A result of this was that Humic acid was formed and. An investigation into how physical channel
characteristics. I went during the summer, where the river would be smaller than normal, as processes
such as evaporation would have affected the volume of water in the river. Problems and Limitations
encountered in Data Collection.
Peg Methods Wet Width and Depth - For width, a tape measure was stretched taut across the
designated area from the ground above one edge of the water to the other. At site 4 the cross
sectional area was 0.33852 m2 which was an increase from the. This is entirely a human area, but
would still have affected my results the same as the other reasons outlined above. The last reading
that we had to take at each site was the Gradient. To measure the size of the bedload, callipers were
used to measure the length, width and height of the pebbles. The River Holford is 7.4 km long and
has three main types of geology throughout its. At reading 1 the depth was 0.043m and was the
lowest measurement because it was. At site 8 our readings showed us that this was overall the
deepest part of the river. The. Meterstick- a meter-long ruler. Stopwatch. Tape Measure. Orange. pH
indicator (electronic). At the first three sites there was dense forest to both sides of the river, (which
can be. My hypothesis would have been answered correctly, and may well have given me a different
outcome. Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s rank equation. There had been little rain
in Somerset before we went on our river study. This meant. A further technique is now required to
test the significance of the relationship. The. Average Depth 0.0122 0.1246 0.0686 0.093 0.09904
0.0812 0.0876 0.152. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
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violates our terms and conditions. EfficiencyTo get the efficiency of the river at each site I must
draw a cross sectional area that I will already of had to get water level and then find out the cross
sectional area of the stream and the wetted perimeter at each. Perhaps I should have measured the
river at another time in the year. The gradient of the river starts to decrease rapidly as you go from
site1 to site 2. Then. The River Holford’s source is at Lady's Fountain Spring, Frog Combe which is
250 m. On the whole I thought this was well done, as the precautions taken worked well. These all
led me into producing a good piece of coursework. Below is how we found r2 using the Spearman’s
rank equation. The middle course is less steep when compared to the upper course. This Spearman’s
rank correlationgraph test tells us that 0.453 is under a significance. A systematic sampling method
could have been used rather than a stratified one if we. The velocity was measured using a
hydroprop and an impeller. Firstly, the orange used was quite heavy, and when in the water, most of
it was submerged, therefore it moved more slowly. Ten sites could have been looked rather than
eight along the river’s course. This. Limestone is well jointed which means that the rock has vertical
and horizontal.
This could have lead me to conclude wrongly about the hypothesis. If it was taken facing
downstream on a different occasion, the flow would have been twisting it in a different direction
which may have caused the results to be less reliable. Depth (m) 5 0.016 0.51 0.083 0.04 0.07 0.089
0.053 0.15. Depth from source to mouth along the River Holford (m). Hypothesis 2- The depth of
the river will increase as you go from source to mouth. Any tributaries flowing into the River Bourne
would have a profound affect on our results, as the river does not carry much. Gradient is the
elevation of the river along its course. The velocity was measured using a hydroprop and an impeller.
Aim: An investigation into the changing physical characteristics form source to mouth. I was
measuring at the most convenient spot for myself, this may not actually have been the best place.
Clast Size (cm) 5 14.7 8.4 10.3 9.9 13.1 7.8 16.7 9.2. Hypothesis 1 was rejectedwhen it came to
assessing the data using Spearman’s rank. Any incorporation of material from this work or a
paraphrase of such material without acknowledgment will be treated as plagiarism on your behalf.
An example of this is at site 3 where we were near a confluence. To measure the size of the bedload,
callipers were used to measure the length, width and height of the pebbles. The depth stayed the same
at readings 1 and 2 and was 0.105m. It then increased. The gradient of the river starts to decrease
rapidly as you go from site1 to site 2. Then. Reading 2 was the lowest measurment that was taken
and was 0.0102m. This may. All raw data that was collectedis in the appendix on page 59. I have
chosen to represent my data for width as a lateral bar chart because it is very. As you can see from
the table above, this hypothesis was. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel), we
expected the river to. In this section I shall be presenting my data as graphs and describing the basic
trends. All raw data that was collectedis in the appendix on page 59. Site’s 6 cross sectional area was
0.23142 m2 which was an increase from the last site. In this section I shall be presenting my data as
graphs and describing the basic trends. Some readings were defaulted at 100 seconds because at
some sites, the water was too. There were some limitations when we were measuring our data and
the methods we. I think that is too small (at around 15 km in length), and is too urban (there is not
enough of the river in rural areas). All raw data that was collectedis in the appendix on page 59.
At site 5 the cross sectional area was 0.18216 m2 which was lower than the previous. It can be easily
seen from this scatter graph that the depth increases as you go further. This would be because
processes such as attrition would not have enough time to erode pebbles. Marl. Overall, visually, my
hypothesis, that the width will increase as you go from. The gradient decreased from source to
mouth and this can be seen in this scatter. Average Flow Rate (s) 100 47.733 58.507 15.68 13.565
16.55 81.33 87.163. Finally, not all of my hypotheses were actual measurements, some were
calculations. Near the mouth of the River Holford, (the Bristol Channel), we expected the river to. In
this section I shall be presenting my data as graphs and describing the basic trends. There were lots
of objects such as tree branches in the river. These are the different factors that we sampled and how
many we chose to sample at. This was measured by timing how long it took for an orange to travel
10 metres downstream. I will also be justifying why I used a particular type of graph as. At site 5,
the gradient was seen to increase and this could be an. This meant that the width of the river was
expected to. My r2 value is -0.654 which is relatively close to -1, and therefore suggests to us that. At
site 7 the cross sectional area was 0.219 m2 which was a decrease from site 6.The. This would have
highlighted any issues which would later occur. This meant that we could not sample in this area and.
During our four day field trip we stayed in a mansion called Nettlecombe Court which. I have
chosen a line graph to show the gradient of the river Holford because it is very. Limestone is well
jointed which means that the rock has vertical and horizontal. It was hard to get an exact depth
reading because the water was always moving. This. At the first 3 sites when we were measuring the
velocity, using a hydroprop and an. Graphs to show the depth of the river along all eight sites. In this
section I shall be describing the different sites at which we collectedour. River’s can only flow in a
downward gradient due to gravity and this is why we got. However, at site 4, the width decreased
by 1.38m from the previous site. The width of a river channel increases as it goes downstream
because tributaries and. Then using a cork I will see how long it takes for the cork to travel the whole
course by timing it with a stopwatch and I will do this three times in total for accuracy.This shows
the rate that the water flows down the river this I am collecting this to complete aim 2 because if the
river has too greater velocity at a site then it is unsafe for children and animals as it poses a drowning
hazard.With this method I will get an accurate result also will get to have fun gathering my data.
This is a summary table showing if my hypotheses were accepted visually, by looking. Organic
Geochemical Studies Of Cretaceous Source Rocks Of. More measurements could have been taken,
ensuring a greater accuracy. It can be easily seen from this scatter graph that the depth increases as
you go further. I was measuring at the most convenient spot for myself, this may not actually have
been the best place. The resource is also suitable for other exam boards like Edexcel and AQA as
they are essentially the same. Gradient is the elevation of the river along its course. The depth at site
6 generally decreased from 0.099m at site 5 to 0.0812m which came. At site 5 the cross sectional area
was 0.18216 m2 which was lower than the previous. At site 4 the cross sectional area was 0.33852
m2 which was an increase from the. Wetted Perimeter (m) 0.74 2.4 2.48 2.08 2 3.13 2.84 2.92. There
were many problems that we encountered on our river study. An example of this is at site 3 where
we were near a confluence. A plastic tape measure was used to measure the width of the river, it was
done a few centimetres above the river, so drag was avoided. The displacement water method is a
good way to measure the volume of the pebble. You had to look through the surveyor’s level at an E-
. Flow Rate (s) 3 100 45.7 17.06 15.9 22.69 18.97 43.99 100. As can be seen in the two pictures
above, some parts of the river, especially in the upper course, are very close to the road (within 10
meters at some points); this meant that the natural formation of the land surrounding the river had
been altered, which could have been a cause of the off-neutral pH of the river water. To improve this
method I feel that we could have just worked out the volume of the. River’s can only flow in a
downward gradient due to gravity and this is why we got. Our gradient data was mostly secondary
data because we did not physically take all of. Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 Site 4 Site 5 Site 6 Site 7 Site 8.
Overall, our river study on the River Holford was very successful because we took a. It can be easily
seen from this scatter graph that the width increased as you went form. This would have made my
results and conclusions more reliable. Reading 2 was the lowest measurment that was taken and was
0.0102m. This may. However there were inconsistencies at each site, and sometimes access to the
water was limited and this could not happen. Marl. Overall, visually, my hypothesis, that the width
will increase as you go from. A further technique is now required to test the significance of the
relationship. The. The river increased in depth at site 2 where it was 0.14m.