Flexibility 110622094125 Phpapp01
Flexibility 110622094125 Phpapp01
Flexibility 110622094125 Phpapp01
•Factors of Flexibility
•Anatomical elements
•Types of Flexibility and Stretching
•Flexibility Training Programs
•Benefits of Stretching
•Mistakes made when you stretch
•How to stretch
•Static Stretching Exercises
•Dynamic Stretching Exercises
• Joints
• Ligaments
• Tendons
• Connective Tissue
• Muscular Tissue
• Stretch Receptors
Types of Flexibility and Stretching
• 1. Dynamic flexibility -- the ability to perform dynamic movements
within the full range of motion in the joint. Dynamic flexibility is
generally more sport-specific than other forms of mobility.
p.e.twisting from side to side or kicking an imaginary ball.
• 2. Static Active flexibility -- this refers to the ability to stretch an
antagonist muscle using only the tension in the agonist muscle.
p.e.holding one leg out in front of you as high as possible. The
hamstring (antagonist) is being stretched while the quadriceps and
hip flexors (agonists) are holding the leg up.
• 3. Static Passive flexibility -- the ability to hold a stretch using
body weight (with help of gravity) or some other external force.
p.e.holding your leg out in font of you and resting it on a chair. The
quadriceps are not required to hold the extended position.
Flexibility Training Programs
• 1. Dynamic stretching
• 2. Ballistic stretching
• 3. Static Active stretching
• 4. Static Passive stretching
• 5. Isometric stretching
• 6. PNF stretching
Benefits of Stretching
According to M. Alter, benefits of stretching include:
• enhanced physical fitness
• enhanced ability to learn and perform skilled movements
• increased mental and physical relaxation
• enhanced development of body awareness
• reduced risk of injury to joints, muscles, and tendons
• reduced muscular soreness
• reduced muscular tension
• increased suppleness due to stimulation of the production of
chemicals which lubricate connective tissues
• reduced severity of painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) in females
Mistakes made when stretching
• improper warm-up
• inadequate rest between
• overstretching
• performing the wrong
• performing exercises in the
wrong (or sub-optimal)
How to Stretch
• Do not overstretch or stretch to
the point of pain or discomfort.
• A low-resistance, sustained stretch
is preferred to high-resistance
stretch with quick, bouncing
• Stretch gradually. If you stretch the
muscle too quickly, it responds
with a strong contraction which
increases tension. If stretched
slowly, the contraction is avoided,
muscle tension falls and you can
then stretch the muscle further.
• Hold each stretch for 30 to 40
seconds. To gain the most benefit
from stretching, do a short warm-
up first, then stretch.
When to stretch
• Stretching is an important part
of warming-up before and
cooling-down after a workout.
• Stretch periodically throughout
the entire day.
• Stretch before exercise
Dynamic Stretching
• Nota: Este material foi elaborado por Víctor E. Rodríguez Rodríguez para a
Sección Bilingüe de Educación Física (inglés) do IES. A Guía de Vigo.
Utiliceí imáxenes de lugares web (http://www.flickr.com/ e http://
www.google.es/imghp?hl=es&tab=wi ) e en todas ellas engadín a súa
referencia. Neste traballo, tamén incluín porcións de texto de diferentes
páxinas web, reflectidas na bibliografía ao final do texto. Este material foi
elaborado con fins exclusivamente didácticos e sen uso comercial.