Week 1-Lp-Grade 7
Week 1-Lp-Grade 7
Week 1-Lp-Grade 7
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
Describe literary genres during the pre-colonial period;
Identify distinguishing features of literary genres during
the pre-colonial period; and
Discover literature as means of connecting to a significant
II.Subject Matter
Topic: Pre-colonial period
References: 1. Brave New World of Learning English 7 (pg.2, pg. 5, pg.
7, pg. 8)
- Mark Glen O. Cidro
- Coordinator: Alce M. Sentones
2. https://aloveofteaching.com/2023/01/close-reading-
3. https://pin.it/3tY0EOQ
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Divine Word High School of Dana-Ili, Inc
Materials: 1. PowerPoint Presentation
2. Printed handouts
3. Laptop and Tv
Values Integration: Love, Excellence and Collaboration
III. Procedure
Introductory: Prayer
Checking of attendance
Setting of classroom standards
Motivation: Think – Pair – Share
With your seatmate, study the precolonial picture flashed on the
television and discuss what thoughts come into your mind
whenever you see a picture or the word “precolonial.” Then,
share your thoughts with the class.
DIRECTIONS: Write your own proverbs in the table provided.
Be Creative! Then, ask someone to write his/her interpretations
below each proverb.
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Divine Word High School of Dana-Ili, Inc
3. Give examples of works of literature during the pre-
colonial period.
4. Why is it important to learn these pieces of literature?
Abstraction: Proverbs, legends, and myths are some types of literature
during the precolonial period.
The common features of these types of literature are they
are passed down from generation to generation. Thus, its
form sometimes changes a little, but the thought
The famous story of “Si Malakas at Maganda” is one of
the examples of a myth that depicts life during the pre-
colonial period.
Application: LET’S STEP UP!
DIRECTIONS: Select a short myth or legend from any of the
available sources in the library. Make sure you choose a
different story from your classmates. Then, discuss the story in
your group. Afterward, select a representative/s that will retell
the story of your choice. Your output will be graded according
to this rubric.
IV. Assessment Choose a myth or legend from any book in the library or
research one online. Then, retell it in two to three paragraphs.
Write your output on a clean sheet of bond paper. Your output
will be graded according to this rubric.
CRITERIA Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs
(9-10) (7-8) (5-6) Improvement
Organizatio Ideas are well Ideas Ideas are Little or no
n organized. explained. somewhat organization of
organized. ideas.
Coherency Extremely Coherent Somewhat Lacks
coherent writing. coherent. coherency.
Grammar Few errors. Some Many errors. Many errors
errors. hurt
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Divine Word High School of Dana-Ili, Inc
Monitoring and Reflection
No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners who
have caught up with the
No. of learners who
continue to require
Which of my learning
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
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Divine Word High School of Dana-Ili, Inc