Daniel Quiz7
Daniel Quiz7
Daniel Quiz7
QUESTION 3 (Daniel 7:7, 24) The fourth beast, representing Rome, had ten horns.
What did the ten horns represent? "The ten horns are ten __________ that shall
Use the following chart to match the symbols of Daniel 7 (four beast and ten horns) with
the symbols of Daniel 2 (four metals and feet of iron and clay). Write the names of the
kingdoms in each panel.
Four Metals Four Beasts
it arises "from", or "out of" the fourth beast (Rome) (verse 23,24)
comes up "among" the ten horns (Europe) (verses 8,24)
comes up "after" the ten (verses 8,24)
is "different" from the other horns (verses 24)
is little but looks "greater" than the other ten (verses 8,20)
"plucks out", "subdues" three of the ten (verse 20,24)
This is what took place after the break-up of the Roman Empire. A “different” kingdom
did arise “among” and “after” the European divisions. It did “pluck out” three others and
did come become “greater” then the rest. The kingdom ruled with surprising power over
the kings and peoples of Europe and other lands. It grew up in the city of Rome during
the declining years of the emperors. Its rule was not only political but religious as well.