Compre Sample Questions
Compre Sample Questions
Compre Sample Questions
1. Draw a paradigm (model) on the role of the school on the child's social, emotional, physical aspect.
2. Explain intelligently how can entrepreneurship apply social ethics and responsibility in the conduct of ethics.
Both customers and employees place more and more value on social responsibility and business ethics.
Businesses that uphold moral principles and engage in social responsibility enjoy a number of benefits over their
rivals, including increased customer bases.
Some of the ways businesses can incorporate important social responsibility and ethics are:
Methods of teaching
3. How does the teacher’s personality affect his or her disciplinary strategies?
Numerous factors, including interactions with students, teaching strategies, and learning experiences picked,
should be taken into consideration when evaluating a teacher's behavior.
The conclusion of some research is that a teacher’s personality competence has the contribution to a student’s
study motivation discipline. The good quality of a teacher's personality competence can therefore be used to improve
a student's study motivation and discipline. The instructor should make sure that his demeanor inspires the students to
learn by speaking positively to them. In addition to educational requirements and personality influences, employers
of such labor should consider a teacher's personality when hiring them.
4. Good questioning is both a methodology and an art. Discuss some of the dos and don’ts in asking questions.
Students who are motivated by questions are more likely to approach subjects with curiosity. Students who are
interested in a subject are not learning merely for a grade, and you as a teacher are more likely to foster a love of
learning when this occurs.
Some of the Do’s in asking questions:
ease school transitions and encourage increased attendance in after-school programs by offering
continuity of services throughout the day and year.
help students and teachers alike gain access to a variety of learning opportunities and developmental
supports, giving them the chance to try out novel teaching and learning strategies.
encourage information sharing about specific students to best support individualized learning.
Some of the benefits and impact of partnership in schools are:
add more services and activities to the academic curriculum, especially enrichment and artistic
pursuits that might not be offered during the school day.
reinforce academic concepts outside of the classroom, frequently exposing classroom teachers
working in the after-school program to new pedagogies.
Exhibitions and performances that "shine the light" on students whose talents may not be apparent in
the classroom can enhance school culture and community perception.
To support in-school learning and enhance the teaching and learning in the classroom itself, the
school can gain access to mentors, afterschool staff, and other resources.
Some of the benefits and impact of partnership in schools are:
Access to Information
Competitive Profit
Boosts the Reputation and Image of Your Business
Broadens your customer base
Prolonged Stability
A partnership can take many different forms, from business owners working together to invest in a project to
sharing technical information and concepts between businesses. It's crucial to find a partnership agreement that works
for both parties in any business or educational endeavor.
Strengths Weaknesses
What gives us a competitive edge? Where can we make changes?
What assets do we possess? Which products are performing poorly?
Which products are achieving success? Where do we need more resources?
Opportunities Threats
What new laws threaten business
What modern tools can we employ to
enhance our operations?
What are the strengths of the
Can we grow our core business?
What newest market sectors can we
Which societal trends are harmful to
9. Utilizing the SWOT analysis, discuss your organization’s external and internal environment then develop an
organization vision and mission statement that best describes the future of your organization. (20 points)
SWOT Analysis are intended to help you take a practical, fact-based, and data-driven look at the advantages and
disadvantages of a company, its initiatives, or its sector. These could be an example of my SWOT Analysis for my
future organization to build in the future:
Strengths Weaknesses
Citywide Same-Day Delivery Costly
Urban core delivery times are one hour. There are no options for scaled payments or
Superior ice cream monthly subscriptions.
Over 200 drivers unavailable to a larger consumer base
Reputable and extensive product sales SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that is not
exposure properly optimized (Search Engine Optimization)
Optimize current mobile app for can use a loss to oust rivals from the
responsiveness and built-in feedback market.
Attract a larger, wider target audience The effectiveness of expensive state laws
SEO focus can help drive a great amount of
governing grocery delivery and
traffic and improve online product sales
accountability might get examined.
Opportunities and Threats will make up my company's external environment. Opportunities in the external
environment give my company's element the chance to develop and put performance-improving strategies into
practice. The elements could jeopardize my company's profitability or even my competitive advantages in Threats.
The company's strengths and weaknesses will be the internal environment on the other side. The traits of my
business that give me an advantage over my rivals will be my company's strengths. While my company's weaknesses
are traits that could put it at a disadvantage in comparison to my competitors.
Based from the External and Internal environment of my company, I come up with this Mission and Vision.
Sueewety Ice Cream as a leading ice cream shop that serves irresistible ice cream from natural, fresh and
creamy ingredient. Also, Sueweety envisions itself as among the national ice cream stores in the Philippines.
To provide a rich and nutritious ice cream and other related products from natural, fresh and creamy
ingredient. Sueweety Ice Cream also aims to achieve success through a number of strategies. And also, to provide
customer a friendly and soothing atmosphere to enjoy their treats.
Wanted to use time at home for Had time to research healthier Had time to cook more and
positive change foods learn new recipes
Shop safety
5S was created in Japan, and the original “S” terms were in Japanese, so English translations for each of the
five steps may vary. The basic ideas and the connections between them are easy to understand, though.
The Steps of 5S
2. Set In
Seiton (orderliness) Organize and identify storage for efficient use
13. Schools of philosophy – at least 5
A philosophical school known as idealism places a strong emphasis on the idea that "ideas or concepts are the
essence of all that is worth knowing." This philosophical school promotes conscious mental reasoning and is based
on Plato's writings. Additionally, idealists seek out and prize unchanging or unquestionable principles and concepts.
Idealists think that since ideas are timeless, they should endure for all time.
Philosophers involved in idealism was Plato, Socrates and Immanuel Kant. Truth, according to Plato, is the
fundamental reality. Plato, on the other hand, thought that people "discovered" knowledge rather than creating it. The
Socratic Method of questioning involves students in the learning process, enhances understanding, and encourages
higher-order thinking. German philosopher Immanuel Kant held to the ideas of "freedom, the immortality of the soul,
and the existence of God."
An idealist educational philosophy places more emphasis on ideas than on students or particular subject areas in
the curriculum. Additionally, learning is intrinsically motivated. Idealism employs a variety of teaching techniques,
including lectures, group discussions, and Socratic dialogue. Asking questions that elicit responses and foster
connections is crucial to these teaching strategies.
The philosophy of realism has its roots in Aristotle's writings. According to this school of thought, "reality,
knowledge, and value exist independently of the human mind." Realists support the use of the senses and scientific
inquiry to find the truth. By using the scientific method, people can also divide things into various groups based on
their primary differences.
Philosophers involved in realism was Aristotle and John Locke. Aristotle was "the first to teach logic as a
discipline so that one could reason about physical events and aspects." The Scientific Method and realism are both
credited to Aristotle as their founding fathers. He investigated matter by taking a practical approach to
comprehending an object's form. John Locke, on the other hand, held the tabula rasa, or "blank tablet," perspective of
the mind. This theory contends that a child's mind is undeveloped at birth. The slate is filled up by all the sensory
impressions they make after birth.
A realist educational philosophy places a strong emphasis on scientific research and advancement in the
curriculum. As a result of this way of thinking, standardized tests, serialized textbooks, and specialized curricula have
all emerged in today's classrooms. Among the teaching techniques used in realism are:
Demonstration, Recitation, Critically Thinking, Observation and Experimentation.
Pragmatism is defined as "a process philosophy that emphasizes evolving and change rather than being." In
other words, pragmatists think that since reality is constantly changing, experience is the best teacher. Pragmatists
contend that the learner is always in dialogue with and changing the environment with which he or she is interacting.
There is "no absolute, immutable truth; rather, truth is that which serves"
Philosophers involved in pragmatism was Charles Sanders Peirce and John Dewey. One of the earliest
practitioners of pragmatism was Charles Sanders Peirce. He introduced the pragmatic approach, which gives students
a method for creating and refining meanings. Additionally, this system aids in facilitating student interaction. By
stating that "human beings are creatures who have to adapt to one another and to their environment," John Dewey
made the connection between pragmatism and evolution. As a result, students in the classroom must adjust to one
another and their learning environment.
A pragmatist educational philosophy advocates for teachers who can help students learn by encouraging
questioning and problem-solving during the natural course of the lesson. In addition, the curriculum is
interdisciplinary. Pragmatic teaching methods include: hands-on problem solving, experimentation, projects, and
cooperative learning.
Existentialism is a philosophical school that "places more emphasis on the significance of the individual than on
the importance of external standards." Existentialists contend that since our final realities are nothing more than the
sum of our past experiences, they are meaningful to each of us. As a result, aside from our human experience, the
physical world has no real meaning.
Philosophers involved in existentialism was Soren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche. Danish philosopher and
minister Soren Kierkegaard. Existentialism is credited to him as its founder. Friedrich Nietzsche emphasized the
value of each person's uniqueness. His writings gave people "a strategy to break free from the oppression of feeling
inferior inside of themselves, and a teaching of how not to judge what one is in relation to what one should be."
Given that the teacher treats each student as an individual, the subject matter in an existentialist classroom should
be up to the teacher. Additionally, in an existential classroom, the student has the answers rather than the teacher.
b. How can you utilize the philosophies into your classroom teaching?
Over the years, a wide range of educational philosophies have emerged. All of these educational philosophies
share the same objective, which is to give students the best education possible. Some of these philosophies are
teacher-centered, while others are student-centered.
Perennialism is a teacher-centered philosophy that emphasizes the principles of rationality. I'll define
knowledge as something that endures, seeks eternal truths, and sees the tenets of existence as constant or unchanging.
Progressivism is a student-centered philosophy that contends that learning happens when questions are
answered and that theories should be put to the test through experimentation. I will place a high value on the
scientific approach to education, which encourages my students to interact with one another and respects their right to
hold their own opinions.
Another philosophy with a focus on the student is reconstructionism. This philosophy will be used by me to
advance global social progress, focus on current events and contentious issues, and create a vision for a better future.
The philosophy of positivism, which is centered on teachers, disapproves of intuition, mental issues,
essences, and internal causes. I will impart knowledge based on the accepted laws of matter and motion and on
verifiable facts.
Discuss briefly the changes of education and its development in the different periods of the country. Cite also the best
Practices that influenced our present Educational System.
A. Pre-Filipino Philosophy
We must examine the history of Philippine education in order to fully comprehend it. By doing this, we would
get a glimpse of the past as well as what we could take away from it. The pre-Hispanic Filipinos' education was
appropriate for the demands of the time. There was no formal education system but Oral, practical, and hands-on
education was provided.
Education was still decentralized in the Pre-Spanish era. Children received more vocational training but less
academic training, which was overseen by their parents or by their tribal tutors. They employed a distinctive writing
system known as the baybayin. BAYBAYIN.
Here are some best practices that have influenced our educational system, in my opinion, since those times:
• to encourage adoration and respect for Bathala.
• to promote adherence to the rules, customs, and authorities, as exemplified by parents and elders.
The best impact of these pre-Filipino philosophical ideas was that they helped future teachers create and
implement more effective educational philosophies today.
B. Spanish Style Philosophy
During the Spanish colonization, education was insufficient, suppressed, and controlled. Spanish missionaries
took the place of the native teachers. The focus of education was on religion. In particular during the first few
decades of Spanish colonization, education was for the elite. The Educational Decree of 1863, which mandated the
establishment of a minimum of one primary school for boys and girls in each town under the control of the municipal
government, and the establishment of a normal school for male teachers under the direction of the Jesuits, later
liberalized Filipinos' access to education. Primary education was free, and Spanish instruction was required.
Since then, in my opinion, the following best practices have influenced our educational system:
establishment of Asia's first modern public education system as well as the oldest universities, colleges,
and vocational schools.
free access to modern public education by all Filipinos was made possible through the enactment of the
Education Decree of December 20, 1863.
the ilustrado's, or intellectual Filipinos, began to emerge at this time.
Other aspects of our lives, such as our culture, cuisine, surnames, language, religion, and even our government,
have been influenced by the Spaniards. I think some of them don't have a good influence on us, but researching the
history of our education might be able to give future teachers the chance to research other people's educational
programs and ideas in order to improve our own.
Jose Rizal criticized unequivocally the friars’ method of instruction in his two novels Noli Me Tangere
and El filibusterismo.
Improvement of higher centers of learning.
Improvement of educational system.
The greatest influence of the Revolutionary Republic on our education was learning to cherish our native tongue
and culture while also fighting for our rights as Filipinos in the Philippines.
Comenius thought that education should be geared toward a person's overall development rather than just
their immediate needs. My instruction will be inductive and case-based. I'll give examples to illustrate
my points while having the students draw conclusions.
Comenius advocated for universal education, not just for men. I'll base my lessons on the concept that
everyone deserves access to education.
Comenius asserted that there was no advantage to teaching a language to someone who did not
understand it. I'll start by teaching in my mother tongue until it is mastered.
He also thought that practicing a language was the best way to learn it. I teach the rules to my students
after they complete their activities. This enables my students to capitalize on their strengths.
On the basis of his contributions, I may also cover the following disciplines in my classes:
B. John Dewey
C. John Locke
provide opportunities for joint intellectual exploration that support and direct the child's interests.
encourage the growth of one's self-worth, creativity, intellect, independence, and self-efficacy.
encourage kids to understand their place in their community, their culture, and the natural world.
The Montessori method of child education links you to a global network of people who are generally
working to improve a failing educational system with a great deal of humility and respect. If applying your
enthusiasm to an educational strategy that encourages kids to reach their full potential in all spheres of life—
cognitive, social, emotional, and physical—excites you, you might want to think about as a Montessori education
Research (30%)
14. memorize yung chap 1-3
15. konting intro, legal basis, sop, hypo, variables (konti2 basta ma-identify) def of terms
16. may nakalagay na criteria kung sang topic