Human Resource Managmnet System
Human Resource Managmnet System
Human Resource Managmnet System
May 17,2021
I approve that this industrial project report entitled “Human Resource Management System!”
Name Signature
Temesgen Liremo
Mihiret Bekele
Legese W/michael
is approved by me for submission. I certify further that, to the best of my knowledge, the
report represents work carried out by the students.
It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with the formatting rules laid down by
the university.
First of all, we would like to thank almighty God who helped us through preparation of this
proposal and documentation.
Next, we are grateful to our project advisor instructor Mr. Biniam B(MSc). For the guidance,
inspiration and constructiveness the team and idea generation which is helpful for the
preparation of this proposal and documentation. Then, we would also like to thank our friends
who helped us a lot in finishing this all phase of industrial project within the limited time.
1.1. Background of study 1
1.2. Statement Problem 1
1.3. Objective of the project 3
1.3.1. General Objective 3
1.3.2. Specific Objective 3
1.4. Scope of Study 4
1.5. Limitation of Study 4
1.6. Methodology 4
1.6.1. Data collection methodology 4
1.6.2. System analysis and design methodology 4
1.6.3. System implementation 5
1.6.4. Testing and deploying methodology 5
1.6.5. Development environment 5
1.6.6. System requirements 6
2.1. Introduction of existing system 7
2.2. Proposed system description 7
2.3. Strength of Existing system 8
2.4. weakness of existing system 8
3.1. Introduction 10
3.2. Functional Requirements 10
3.3. Non-Functional Requirements 12
3.4. Analysis Models 13
3.4.1. Use Case Diagrams 13
System response 22
3.4.2. Sequence Diagram 24
3.4.3. Activity Diagram 32
3.4.4. Class diagram 38
3.4.5.User Interface Design 40
4.1. Introduction 43
4.2. Purpose of the System Design Document 43
Figure 3-1 Use Case diagram for Human Resource management System 15
Figure 3--2 sequence diagram for login 24
Figure 3-3 Sequence diagram for employee register 25
Figure 3-4 Sequence diagram for Attendance 26
Figure 3-5 Sequence diagram for Delete employee 26
Figure 3-6 Sequence diagram for assign task to employee 27
Figure 3-7sequence diagram for Create department 27
Figure3-8 sequence diagram for Search employee information 28
Figure 3-9 sequence diagram for Generate report 28
Figure 3-10 sequence diagram for mark attendance 29
Figure 3-11sequence diagram for apply leave 30
Figure 3-12 sequence diagram for assign employee to department 30
Figure 3-13 Sequence diagram for assign leave 31
Figure 3-14 Activity diagram for Login 32
Figure 3-15 Activity diagram for human resource management system 33
Figure 3-16 Activity diagram for registration employee 34
Figure 3-17 Activity diagram for mark attendance 35
Figure 3-19 Activity diagram Leave accept and reject 37
Figure 3-20 Class diagram for HRMS 38
Figure 3-21 Class diagram of generalization for HRMS 39
Figure 3-22 Admin dashboard diagram 41
Figure 3-23 Manager dashboard diagram 41
Figure 3-24 Employee dashboard diagram 42
Figure 4-25 State chart diagram for Login 45
Figure 4-26 state chart diagrams for new employee register 45
Figure 4-27 Activity diagram for Login 46
Figure 4-28 Activity diagram for registration 47
Figure 4-29 Deployment diagram for HRMS 48
Figure 4-30 Entity Relationship diagram 50
ER--------------------------------------------entity relationship
The main objective of this project is to develop a website that enables the Human resource
management system control, place, search, update, and the other activities of employee’s
information in a simple and fast way. The implementation of our project, using PHP, MySQL,
and HTML is in such a way that a server, in our case XAMP respond for any request from
clients and then responds back to the user in faster and accurate way. The web site that we
want to develop for Human resource management system is with simple graphical user
interface, so that users can use and interact with the system in a simple way and user-friendly
manner. The group members initiated to do this project to implement what we have learned in
the past four years and to solve the problem dealing with the loss of information, security of
information, and so on.
Human resource management (HRM), also called personnel management consists of the
activities undertaken by an organization to ensure the effective utilization of employees
toward the attainment of individual, group, and organizational goals. An organization's HRM
function focuses on the people side of management
Have gone far beyond their original purposes of converting paper records into computerized
databases. The developed HRMS will help the organization to effectively store employee data
more securely and accurately. The system is deals with process of Registering employees,
recording their attendance, leave management, performance evaluation, training, work
position which can be used for performance appraisal. based on that transfer, leave,
promotion can be done.
Organizational Issues
This problem is simply a matter of work flow, as keeping files and documents in a central
location is not actualized
Financial Implication: - paper-based system is costly and insecure. paper-based systems
make it difficult to share documents. When an organization office is distributed nationally or
internationally, the ability to send and share documents quickly is key necessity. With HRMS,
this becomes much easier and faster.
Motivation of the Study: - Over the past decade, virtually every major industry invested
heavily in computerization and this have pushed organizations to change from manual to
digitized technique of information management.
❖ Department management
❖ Employee attendance
❖ Registering Employee
❖ Leave management
❖ work position (employee placement)
1.6. Methodology
1.6.1. Data collection methodology
Data collection methods are the most important part of our project to find the main requirements of
system and how to understand the system is does. To gather the information, we use data collection
methods that mentioned as following
Here for the analysis of our project we have selected system analysis and design method
specifically UML (Unified Modeling Language) model. We have selected this because of the
following advantages: - increased consistency among analysis, design and programming
activities. Improved communication among employee, analysis, design and programming. To
simplify the design and implementation of complex program.
Software Requirement:-
Hardware Requirement:-
The human resource administration falls short of control the employee’s activities in analyzing his/her
strength and weakness. The decision for appraisal of assigning next project to the employee or to train
him/her to enhance the skills Where lies with proper projection. He is not provided with the detail
project information done or to be assigned based on application or vertical
The existing human resource management system performs the following function with
manual system and this leads to less security issues. Because of the manual system recording
system is time consuming and boring. This is the result of lack of computerized system or
web based by using digital system we make efficient HRM system in real world.
Unreliable data sheet. Employee dissatisfaction. Less secure data
The proposed system is designed to eliminate all the drawbacks of the existing employee
management software. The system shall be responsible for maintaining information about
employees, thus their personal profile. The system shall incorporate leave management all the
way from application to acceptance/rejection of leave requests as well as all employee
projects with close monitoring of the projects from creation to completion and trainings to
assist in monitoring active and inactive employees.
A) Throughput
Modifying employee information: - since the documents of employee are written manually to
modify their information the documents must be changed and there is no any searching
method, so to find each document it needs more time.
Registering the employee’s: since the registration is done manually, registering the
employee specially when there are a lot of employees are difficult. Registering an Employee
also involves some redundant and bulk item information to be processed.
Generate Report: the task of report generating takes much time of the office, since it
requires summarizing bulk data.
B) Response Time: It is easy to predict the response time of each process based on the
detailed description of the major functions of the existing system such as generating
summarized report, updating the employee’s information and so on.
User role check- After logging in, the user role will be checked from the database and the
user interface will be displayed according to their role.
One of the important modules in this system. Each employee can view his/her attendance
information. When an employee needs to change his/her attendance information then he/she
has created a request in the system. Manager attendance information will only be update after
request from employee
Add new employee-HR Manager role type is able to add a new employee to the database. The new
employee will have all the required personal information related to him/her. The new created
employee will have an id. Add a new user- After a new employee has being created by HR Manager
role,. The unique id will be given by the system. Admin will assign a new work position such as
employee, Manager.
Admin can add leave to the system. The system will maintain all the leave in separate data
table. When an employee wants to leave, he/she can request for leave through the system.
When employee apply for leave, leave is confirmed with approval of the Admin can amend
or reject the leave. employee can see the status of the leave through employee interface.
When leave approve then employee can take the leave chit.
Admin can create department and assign manager can identify the performance of the with
help on attendance information. Admin will assign a new work position such as employee,
Display- User with defined roles can display the content of the database. Being more specific,
employee can only view his/her personal information. Manager (can not only see his/her
personal information but also employee’s information who are under his/her department..
Admin and Manager can display their personal information and all employees’ information.
Edit- A user with employee role can edit his/her specific personal information. Manager can
only edit employees’ personal information that is under his/her coverage except user role
type. Admin can edit all information related to all employees’ including their user role type.
Search- User with Manager role can search the content of database for the employees’ who
are under his/her coverage.
Manager and admin roles can search all the employees’ information in the database. Search
feature works on specific keywords showing employee’s characteristics, skills, features, and
etc. For example, Manager wants to find employees’ who are well trained in “Java
Programming Language”. He/she will write the specific keyword in the search bar and press
the available search button. Afterwards, he/she will find a list of all the employees’ who
know “Java Programming”.
Update authentication- This feature can be used only by admin role type. Admin can update
the role type of a specific user. For example, an employee got promotion and his role type
Usability Requirements
The system allows the users to access the system from internet using HTML or its derivative
technology. The system uses web browser as an interface, since all users are familiar with
general usage of browser. no special training is required
Availability Requirements
The system is available 100% for users and is used 24hrs and 365 days. The system operation
24hrs and 7 days
Efficiency Requirements
Mean time to repair-even if the system fails. The system will be recovered back up within
hours or less
Accuracy Requirements
The system should accurately provide real time information taking into consideration varies
concurrency issue. The system shall give or provide 100% access reliability.
Performance requirements
Performance is an important issue for the system because one of the drawbacks of the current
system is performance issue. So this system makes fast the activities by exchanging viable
information in real time.
Since the system is going to handle personal information which is confidential, it should be
protected from an unauthorized users and intruders. No one can log into the system without
a registered user name and corresponding password.
Reliability requirements
The system has to be 100% reliable due to importance of data the damage can be caused by
incorrect or incomplete data
The system will be easily maintained by the developer as well as another authorized trained person.
The system will also be modifiable at any time to enhance features based on the office needs. As
needs change from time to time the original system will be 34 made available to fill the gap between
the system and the newly emerging needs. The system could be enhanced by adding new
functionalities without necessarily changing the basics
Use case diagram is a representation of a user`s interaction with the system and depicting the
specification of a use case. A use case diagram is helpful in visualizing the context of a
system and the boundaries of the system’s behavior. Its main purposes are used to gather
requirements of system; to get an outside view of a system; to identify external and internal
factors influencing the system
In order to create relevant use cases for the system, the following actors for the system have
been identified:
✔ Register employee
✔ Update attendance
✔ Assign employee to department
✔ Assign leave
✔ Assign task to employee
✔ Generate report
✔ Search employee information
HR admin
Is the powerful users in this system? Can edit and update all the data except system
setting. Will have access to all the work that staff and other employee do.
✔ Create leave
Annual leave, sick leave and casual leave
✔ Delete employee
✔ Login
✔ Create department
✔ Search employee
✔ Assign work postion
✔ Approve leave
Figure 3-1 Use Case diagram for Human Resource management System
Identifier UC
Description Validates the user to enter to the system.
Actor Administrator and Manager and employee
Pre- condition: The user must have valid user name and password.
Basic courses of 1. The user wishes to enter to the system.
action 2. The system displays the login dialog box.
3. The user fills and submits the username and password.
4. The system checks the login information.
5. The system displays Main Form if login is valid.
6. Use case ends
Alternate action The entered username and/or password are not correct.
1. The system determines the invalidity of username and/or password
2. The system determines invalidity to enter into the system.
3. The system informs the user to reenter username and/or password
4. The use case resumes at step 3 of flow of events.
5. Use case ends.
Post condition: The users logs in to the system.
Table 2: Use Case table for Forgot Password
Identifier UC
Description Forgot password
Actor Manager and employee and Admin
Pre- condition: To allow employee to reset their password when they forgot password
Basic courses of 1. This use case begin when employee wishes to reset password
action 2. employee forgot password button press.
3. System shows input box for entering secret answer
4. Employee enter the secret answer.
5. System send password to mailbox.
6. The use case ends.
Alternate actions 1. If secret answer is wrong then the process stop.
Identifier UC
Description New department information is secret enter into the system.
Actor Admin
Basic courses of 1. This use case being when admin receive information about new
action department
2. Admin enter into new department name.
3.Unique department ID number is generated by the system.
Post condition:
Table 4: Use Case for create leave
Identifier UC
Description Create leave .
Actor Admin
Pre- condition: New leave information is correctly entered into the system
Basic courses of 1This use case begin when an Admin receives new leave information
action 2. Admin categories the leave type special or general.
3. Admin enter the new leave, name number of days.
4. A unique leave ID number is generated by system .
Alternate actions
Identifier UC
Description Registers new Employee.
Actor Manager
Pre- condition: The employee must fulfill the required quality and pass the
qualification test given by the HRM system office.
Basic courses of 1. Employee passes the criteria and wants to register.
action 2. The Manager enters to the system.
3. The manager selects new employee Registration form the menu.
4. The system registers the employee.
5. The officer assigns ID number.
6. The use case ends.
Alternate actions 2. Invalid data registration.
3. Return to step 4 of flow of events.
4. Use case ends.
Identifier UC
Description Generate a report specified.
Actor Manager
Pre- condition: Request general report
Basic courses of 1. From Main Form manager select report submenu.
action 2. The system displays general report.
3. Then selects report type: report
4. The system prepares report.
5. The system displays report.
6. End of use case.
Alternate actions 1. The entered username and/or password are not correct.
2. The system determines the invalidity of username and/or
3. The system determines invalidity to enter to the system.
4. The system informs the user to reenter username and/or
5. The use case resumes at step 3 of flow of events.
6. Use case ends.
Identifier UC
Description Search employee information.
Actor Administrator and manager and employee
Pre- condition: Request employee ID.
Basic courses of 1. From Main Form user select search form.
action 2. The system display search form.
3. Then user type employee ID.
4. The system prepares the search result.
5. The system displays employee Info.
6. End of use case.
Identifier UC
Description search and delete the employee detail Information
Actor Admin
Pre- condition: Request employee ID.
Basic courses of 1. From Main Form manager select delete form.
action 2. The system displays delete form.
3. Then user type employee ID.
4. Then click delete button.
5. System asks that the manager is sure about what he was
6. The system delete employee Info.
7. End of use case.
Identifier UC
Description Edit profile of employee
Actor Employee, manager and admin
Pre- condition:
Basic courses of 1. employee send request and required documents
action 2. request is seen by manager and admin
3. admin and manager check for validity and edit profile
4. profile is updated
Alternate actions If data is not valid admin or manager can reject the or send back for
Post condition:
Identifier UC
Description View the attendance
Actor Employee, manager and admin
Pre- condition: When employee wants to view attendance
Basic courses of 1. employee view attendance
Attendance viewed
System response
Alternate actions Manager and admin has authority to view all the attendance employee
Post condition:
Identifier UC
Description Apply for leave
Actor Employee
Pre- condition: To allow employee to request leave from HRMS
Actor action System response
1. This use case begin when 2. System for filling employee leave request form
employee open leave request 4. Verify employee leave balance
interface 6. The request saved into database
3. Employee provide leave type start
date, end date and reason for leave
5. Employee press leave button
The class diagram represents the static structure of the system. Class diagram show a
collection of static model elements such as class and their relationship, connected as graph to
each other and to their content, their internal structure and their relationship to other class. In
class diagram object in real world are represented by the actual object in the program
✔ Consistent. The website should have a similar look and feel on every page. Every
page should have the same header/logo, heading style, fonts, navigations etc.
✔ Efficient and easy to maintain. This refers to the fact that there is need to separate
content from layout, so that you can easily change your page design without editing
every page on the site.
✔ Layout. The layout of each page should have a good contrast between the text and
background area. This helps considerably with visibility as it will be difficult to read
the text if it is almost the same color as the background. Monitor size should also be
taken into consideration.
✔ Easy to navigate and use. Users should not have a hard time trying to navigate the
site. Navigation links should be consistent and clearly labeled. All navigation links
should also be working properly and should point to the intended page/site.
✔ Browser compatible. When designing the site consider different browser
environments. Extensive testing should be done on each page in all the major
browsers and the design changed appropriately to cater for all.
✔ Visually appealing. The use of color, text, fonts and graphics should be carefully
considered and used to ensure that the site is visually appealing to its visitors.
✔ Speed. The performance of a website is mostly rated by its up -time and downtime.
These terms refer to the amount of time it takes the site to respond to requests.
Graphics should be kept to a minimum to allow the site to load faster. The pages on
the site should load within an acceptable time under 10seconds
This system proposed the detailed system design for human recourse management system
created for organization or company. In this document, several standard notations are used to
illustrate the entire system in great depth.
Unified modeling language notation are primarily used since it is wide great standard among
object-oriented developer.
4.3. Scope
This system design focus on particularly in the followings of scope to design the database design: -
● Registration
● Apply leave
● Leave
● Department
● Employee attendance
The state chart diagram models the different states that a class can be in and how that class transitions
from state to state. Every class has a state (which is a situation during the life of an object, which
satisfies some condition, performs some activity or waits from some event), but that every class
shouldn't have a state chart diagram
State chart diagram is used for modeling the dynamic aspects of systems. It is similar to
activity diagram. Both activity and state chart diagrams are useful in modeling the lifetime of
an object. However, activity diagram shows flow of control from activity to activity; where
as state chart diagram shows flow of control from state to state. State chart modeling is a
dynamic modeling technique, one that focuses on identifying the behavior within our system,
behavior specified to the instances of a single class. It tries to show different state that an
object passes through its life span. However, it is not necessary to build state chart for every
class in the system; only state charts of complex objects are necessary to be modeled. State
chart diagram enables us to observe the state of complex that simplifies implementation.
Particularly helpful. When your system will have number simultaneous threads or process.
Activity Diagrams
are used to Document the process of a single operation /methods, a single use case, or the
flow of logic of a business operation. In many ways, Activity Diagrams are the object_
oriented Equivalent of flow charts and Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) from Structure.
The deployment diagram shows how a system will be physically deployed in the hardware
environment. Its purpose is to show where the different components of the system will physically run
and how they will communicate with each other
5.2. Recommendation
The system that we have developed involves web based human resource management system.
that means it’s a huge system so it is very difficult to include all functionality of the HRM
office so that we only concerned on the Department management, Employee attendance,
Employee Leave management, because of limited development capacity and time. Therefore,
we recommend the following features need to be included in any further revision and
extension attempt.
✔ Include Recruitment
✔ Include employee performance
✔ Include Payroll
Therefore, who are interested to develop a new system on human resource management
system they can get some initial idea about the system. By focusing on the limitation and
functional areas of the system they can also develop a better HRMS
3) J.Duncan System analysis and design 5th edition
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6) Kevin, C. & Fiona, B. (2009). Human resource management system. United States Patent
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