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1 s2.0 S016816051530194X Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In combination with other strategies, hyperosmolarity and desiccation are frequently used by the food processing
Received 19 August 2015 industry as a means to prevent bacterial proliferation, and particularly that of foodborne pathogens, in food
Received in revised form 22 December 2015 products. However, it is increasingly observed that bacteria, including human pathogens, encode mechanisms
Accepted 30 December 2015
to survive and withstand these stresses. This review provides an overview of the mechanisms employed by
Available online 2 January 2016
Salmonella spp., Shiga toxin producing E. coli, Cronobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter spp.
to tolerate osmotic and desiccation stresses and identifies gaps in knowledge which need to be addressed to
Osmotic stress ensure the safety of low water activity and desiccated food products.
Desiccation © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Salmonella (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Shiga toxin producing E. coli
Listeria monocytogenes
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2. Non-typhoidal Salmonella spp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3. Shiga toxin producing E. coli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4. Cronobacter spp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5. Listeria monocytogenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6. Campylobacter spp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7. Concluding comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1. Introduction
0168-1605/© 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
38 C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53
(RTE) meat, seafood, and fermented foods such as salami, cheese, baked sensitive cells upon drying is free-radical attack to phospholipids, DNA
goods, fruit and vegetables (Desmond, 2006). In addition, salt is often and proteins. Regulation of the antioxidant defence system is complex
considered an essential additive to enhance the flavour, texture and and its role in desiccation tolerance is not yet firmly established,
shelf life of meat products (Ruusunen and Puolanne, 2005). Salt although in cyanobacteria cells of Nostoc commune, adapted to intense
can cause damage to bacterial cells by disrupting the maintenance of solar irradiation, Fe-superoxide dismutase was demonstrated to be the
osmotic balance between the cytoplasmic and intracellular environ- third most abundant solute (Shirkey et al., 2000). In general, as recently
ments (Csonka, 1989). Hyperosmotic solutions of sugars have been confirmed by Nocker et al. (2012), Gram-negative species are greatly
used for the dehydration and reformulation of ready to eat fruits more susceptible to drying than the Gram-positive species. The reasons
(Torreggiani and Bertolo, 2004). Osmotic dehydration treatment has for the higher resistance of Gram-positive bacteria are thought to be
also been adopted as a partial dewatering process by immersion of related to their smoother surfaces, the thicker peptidoglycan layer and
fruit and vegetable tissues in hypertonic solutions (Rahman, 2008). the lack of lipopolysaccharides (Miyamoto-Shinohara et al., 2008).
Osmotic dehydration represents a mild process to improve the fresh- Disaccharides and extracellular polysaccharides show a clearly pro-
cut product stability and quality, along with other preservation technol- tective effect against desiccation. In particular trehalose and sucrose,
ogies (i.e. sanitation, refrigeration, modified atmosphere packaging form ‘supersaturated solid solutions’ (such as glasses) with high viscos-
(Torreggiani and Bertolo, 2004)). Besides the diffusion of water from ity, that form when the sugar solution becomes highly concentrated due
the vegetable tissue simultaneous solutes' counter-diffusion into the tis- to water loss (Koster, 1991). The benefits of such glasses for cells under-
sue is usually observed (Kowalska and Lenart, 2001) and the sucrose going desiccation include filling space to prevent cellular collapse and
concentration seems to cause a hindrance of microbial cell adhesion to continuance of hydrogen bonding at the interface between the glass
fruit surfaces (Gianotti et al., 2001). and the cells (Koster, 1991). Membrane lipids, protected by the forma-
Bacteria may encounter osmotic stress during a shift to a hyper- tion of hydrogen bonds between the sugar and the phospholipid head
osmotic solution or due to dehydration. Changes in osmolarity pose groups, contribute to the maintenance of normal lipid structure in the
significant stress on bacterial cells by causing either swelling in hypo- membranes (Welsh and Herbert, 1999). Similar effects apply to proteins
tonic environments or dehydration and shrinkage under hypertonic (Leslie et al., 1995).
environments (Csonka, 1989; Sleator and Hill, 2002). The term water It is well known that the presence of extracellular polysaccharides
potential represents the work involved in moving 1 mol of water from in biofilms protects cells from desiccation and other stresses. Potts
some point in a system (at constant pressure and temperature) to a (1994) described that the shrink–swell behaviour of extracellular
pool of pure water at atmospheric pressure and at the same tempera- polysaccharides under conditions of different water potentials affected
ture as the system under consideration, while matric water potential the pore sizes and passage of solutes. The authors hypothesised that
generally is applied to considerations of water interactions at surfaces the low permeability of extracellular polysaccharides results in a
and interfaces (Abee and Wouters, 1999; Potts, 1994). When water ‘hydraulic decoupling’ during rapid wetting or drying events and there-
molecules are associated with interfaces (including foods) such as the fore effectively shields extracellular polysaccharide-embedded cells
surfaces of colloidal particles (solid particles that range from −0.002 to from adverse effects of extreme fluctuations in hydrated conditions. Ad-
1 μm in diameter, e.g., proteins, ribosomes, some bacteria, and viruses) ditionally, Nocker et al. (2012) demonstrated that magnesium chloride
in an aqueous solution, they have less tendency to react chemically in concentrations ≥50 mM dramatically increase bacterial susceptibility to
bulk solution or to escape to the surrounding vapour phase. Interfaces desiccation in the case of Gram-negative bacteria, and to a lesser extent
thus lower the thermodynamic activity of the water, especially near also for Gram-positive bacteria.
the surface of the colloid (Potts, 1994). Interfaces together with solutes The ability to survive and/or proliferate under stresses such as
lower the water activity (aw), so that there is an additive effect in solu- osmotic and desiccation stress is well known to contribute to the persis-
tions containing solutes and colloids. tence of pathogens both in foods and food-processing environments,
Moreover, water efflux occurs when bacterial cells are exposed to a elevating the risk of transmission of pathogens through the food chain
gas phase with an aw that is lower than the cell compartment. If there to humans. However, a further aspect sometimes overlooked is the
is a considerable difference between the water activities of the two possibility that exposure to osmotic stress along the food chain may
compartments, exposure of the cells for a limited time may lead to lead to cross-protection against subsequent stresses faced in food
rapid shrinkage of the cytoplasm. However, if the aw of the gas phase production or during transit in the GI tract. For example, some mecha-
is sufficient to permit growth, albeit slow growth, the cells may achieve nisms known to contribute to osmotic stress resistance, such as compat-
a water balance through de novo synthesis of compatible solutes. ible solute transporters and cold shock proteins, can contribute to
The removal of a substantial fraction of the bulk water from cells L. monocytogenes' ability to grow at low temperature (Sleator et al.,
through a drying stress is termed desiccation, and such desiccation 2003). It has also been demonstrated by phenotypic data that growth
can be achieved through either rapid or slow drying. There is one funda- at low temperature provides cross-protection to subsequent salt stress
mental distinction between matric and osmotic systems: the immediate (Bergholz et al., 2012) and that at 37 °C, exposure of L. monocytogenes
environment of a cell under desiccation (matric stress) is the atmo- to osmotic stress increases its resistance to subsequent exposure
sphere; i.e., the surfaces of their cell walls are exposed to a gas phase, to bile salts (Begley et al., 2002). Another example is represented by
while cells under osmotic stress are bathed in an aqueous solution, the accumulation of compatible solutes such as glycine betaine and
albeit in one of diminished aw (Potts, 1994). carnitine, the mechanism used by bacterial cells to overcome osmotic
The question of desiccation also represents a challenge for food pres- stress, which mainly stabilises enzymes and proteins, thus ensuring
ervation, surface disinfection, pathogen transmission and, at the same their continuous function in adverse conditions. It was demonstrated
time, an opportunity for the production of probiotics and dried cultures by Jørgensen et al. (1995) that the heat resistance of L. monocytogenes
for the dairy, beer and wine industries. Regarding the former it is impor- increased with the time it had been exposed to salt in a rich medium.
tant to diminish microbial viability as efficiently as possible, while for Heating in 9% NaCl compared with a medium without added NaCl
the latter viability needs to be kept high (Nocker et al., 2012). Shrinkage resulted in an 8-fold increase in heat resistance, while growth for 48 h
of the cell's capsular layers, increase in intracellular salt concentrations and heating in the same menstruum gave a 22-fold increase. Further-
and macromolecules due to a decrease in cell volume are the main con- more, Listeria requires osmolyte uptake systems to maintain the full
sequences of desiccation (Potts, 1994). Other effects include changes bile tolerance in vitro and the presence of carnitine contributes signifi-
in biophysical properties (such as surface tension), reduced fluidity of cantly to bile tolerance (Watson et al., 2009).
membrane lipids, and damage to proteins and DNA. Moreover, one of It is clear that bacteria, including foodborne pathogens, have evolved
the molecular mechanisms of damage leading to death in desiccation- a number of complex interplaying systems to tolerate desiccation and
C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53 39
osmotic stress. This is of significant concern to the food industry which In ongoing hyperosmotic stress, trehalose synthesis is induced by
relies on the use of low aw and desiccation to ensure the safety and the products of the otsAB operon (Csonka and Epstein, 1996), and the
quality of their products. Therefore, it is vitally important that there is levels of K+/glutamate start to decline. Trehalose production is depen-
a clear understanding of how individual pathogens respond and adapt dent on the alternative sigma factor, RpoS for the induction of otsAB
to these environmental stresses, to enable the development of appropri- (Kempf and Bremer, 1998). RpoS expression is known to be induced
ate risk reduction measures. In this review, the quantitative response during osmotic shock (Rychlik and Barrow, 2005). If osmoprotectant
to osmotic/desiccation stresses and the molecular mechanisms underly- molecules, such as glycine-betaine, proline, or choline, are present
ing this response will be examined for five key foodborne pathogens, externally, they may be taken into the cell by specific transporters,
namely, Salmonella, verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli, Cronobacter, such as ProP (glycine-betaine, proline), ProU (glycine-betaine) and
L. monocytogenes and Campylobacter to osmotic and desiccation stress. OsmU (betaine; (Jovanovich et al., 1988)). DNA supercoiling has also
While the confirmed human cases of salmonellosis are steadily falling been suggested to be important in the induction of ProU (Higgins
in Europe, cases of campylobacteriosis are stationary and are increasing et al., 1988).
for listeriosis and VTEC infections (EFSA, 2015). After initiating the described mechanisms of osmoprotectants'
uptake or synthesis, cells which are placed in a hyperosmotic environ-
ment can start passive diffusion of osmoprotectants (Balaji et al.,
2. Non-typhoidal Salmonella spp. 2005). S. Typhimurium has two major porins which function as chan-
nels to facilitate the diffusion of small hydrophilic molecules: OmpF
Non-typhoidal Salmonella include more than 2500 serovars belong- and OmpC. High osmolarity causes a decrease of OmpF and an increase
ing to the species Salmonella enterica, with some of them common of OmpC levels (Feng et al., 2003). This is mainly due to the smaller size
foodborne pathogens, responsible for morbidity and mortality world- of the OmpC porin which blocks larger molecules, allowing only smaller
wide, as well as for significant economic losses to the food industry. ones to come through. The transcription of ompC is mediated by a two-
International and national outbreaks of salmonellosis linked to con- component regulatory system involving a membrane sensor protein,
sumption of contaminated food are frequently reported (Beuchat EnvZ, which activates the signal-transducing regulatory protein, OmpR,
et al., 2013). Salmonella may colonise the intestinal tracts of host ani- in response to periplasmic signals (Feng et al., 2003).
mals, and consequently, most outbreaks of salmonellosis result from Under desiccation, a portion of the Salmonella population may
consumption of contaminated foods of animal origin, such as meat, change into a physiologically dormant state described as viable
eggs and poultry. Nonetheless, the presence of Salmonella has been but nonculturable (VBNC) (Gruzdev et al., 2012b; Lesn et al., 2000;
reported in numerous low-moisture foods, such as whole egg powder, Podolak et al., 2010). Transcriptome analyses of S. Enteritidis in peanut
dried herbs, seed, spices, soy bean meal, tahini, minced dehydrated oil demonstrated that bacteria entered into a physiologically dormant
white onions, peanut butter, black pepper, dried mushrooms, oat state, with b 5% of its genome being transcribed, compared to 78% in a
cereals, low aw sausage, chocolate and flour. Indeed, multiple large nutrient-rich medium (Deng et al., 2012). This phenomenon may result
national and international outbreaks have been linked to consumption in an under-estimation of Salmonella contamination in low-moisture
of low aw foods (Table 1), suggesting that this pathogen can survive in foods and consequently poses a challenge to food safety testing.
low aw food items throughout their often long shelf-life until the point Mattick et al. (2000a) observed the formation of filaments when
of consumption. The high virulence of this pathogen, combined with Salmonella cells were placed in hyperosmotic solutions (aw = 0.92–
its high environmental persistence, make Salmonella a major challenge 0.96); however Eriksson de Rezende et al. (2001), found filamentation
for the food industry (Humphrey, 2004). at an aw of 0.95 but not at 0.92. Although the two studies were per-
Exposure of Salmonella to osmotic or desiccation stress results in formed with different settings and strains, it seems that filamentation
the loss of water that causes considerable shrinkage of the microbial is probably not a common mechanism for Salmonella persistence during
cell due to water loss (Csonka, 1989), with a consequent increase in dehydration and long-term storage (Gruzdev and Sela, unpublished
concentrations of all the intracellular metabolites. Sudden plasmolysis results).
may result in the inhibition of a variety of physiological processes, rang- Another response to low aw environments that has been reported in
ing from nutrient uptake to DNA replication (Csonka, 1989). S. Enteritidis cells, is the degradation of ribosomal RNA molecules (Deng
In order to maintain turgor pressure, the cells respond by the induc- et al., 2012), which might serve as a potential source of nutrients
tion of an array of adaptive physiological responses aimed at increasing required for the adaptation of the bacterium to the low aw environment.
the concentrations of compatible solutes and osmoprotectants. In This finding is in agreement with the need for increased biosynthesis of
Salmonella these include potassium ions (Measures, 1975), glutamate, osmoprotectants and an observed increase in fatty acid catabolism
glutamine, proline (Csonka, 1981; Csonka, 1982), glycine-betaine (Finn et al., 2013b; Li et al., 2012).
(Le Rudulier and Bouillard, 1983), or choline or trehalose (Giaever Additional changes in cell metabolism upon exposure to low aw en-
et al., 1988). There is a hierarchy of osmotic solutes in their utilisation vironments involve the cell membrane. An increase in the ratio of trans
and effectiveness; Salmonella prefer betaine over proline-betaine to cis unsaturated fatty acids has been observed in cells exposed to high
which, in turn, is preferred over proline (Csonka and Epstein, 1996). salt concentrations (Cronan, 2002), and the proportion of anionic phos-
The initial response of bacteria to hyperosmotic shock is an increase pholipid and/or glycolipids was also increased (Russell et al., 1995).
of K+ uptake. Two main transport systems are responsible for this Salmonella can survive for long durations on dry surfaces and in
function: Trk, a constitutive low-affinity system and the rapidly induced foods (Table 2). Margas et al. (2014) assessed the survival of 15 isolates
Kdp system, which has a high affinity to K+ (Spector and Kenyon, 2012). of Salmonella dried onto stainless steel surfaces over 30 days. For most of
The Trk system consists of three components: TrkA (peripheral mem- the strains, following an initial reduction in viability in the first hours
brane protein), TrkE (membrane associated), and TrkG (membrane- (b72 h), no further reduction was seen and a 2-population Weibull
spanning protein), and is expressed constitutively. The Kdp system model was fitted to model the survival kinetics. While there was a
has very high affinity for K+, its expression highly depends on the osmo- significant difference in the strains desiccation survival, for the most re-
larity of the medium (Csonka and Epstein, 1996) and it is also composed sistant strains, the model indicated that time was an insignificant resis-
of three parts: KdpA (membrane-spanning protein), KdpB (integral tance factor. With respect to survival factors, Hiramatsu et al. (2005)
membrane protein), and KdpC (peripheral membrane protein). In reported that the survival rates of Salmonella in dry foods and in a
order to maintain electroneutrality, the cell next increases the glutamate desiccation model system were significantly increased by the presence
pool by glutamate synthesis. This process is catalysed by two enzymes; of sucrose. Similarly, dehydration of Salmonella in the presence of
glutamate dehydrogenase and glutamate synthase (Csonka, 1989). the compatible solutes, such as trehalose and sucrose, facilitated both
40 C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53
Table 1
Examples of outbreaks of foodborne Salmonella infections associated with consumption of contaminated dry foods.
2013 Tahini Sesame Paste 16, USA Montevideo FDA inspection identified: failure to store raw material to avoid contamination, CDC (2013)
Mbandaka failure to protect food transported by conveyor from contamination, not adequate
plumbing and drainage
2012 Peanut butter 42, USA Bredeney FDA inspection identified: failure to manufacture foods under conditions and FDA (2013)
controls necessary to minimise potential growth and survival of microorganisms
(e.g. failure with cleaning and disinfection, lack of appropriate hygienic design of
the equipment and factory, water presence on surfaces, lack of appropriate
segregation). Positive samples from the environment were obtained.
2011 Turkish pine nuts 43, USA Enteritidis Bulk bags contaminated (no information available about the source) CDC (2011)
2010 Salami 272, USA Montevideo Black and red crashed pepper imported from Vietnam was a source of contamination; CDC (2010)
it was added after the lethality step.
2008 Cereal 28, USA Agona Presumably dust from the disruption of the previously intact wall (contaminated Russo et al. (2013)
with Salmonella from 1998 outbreak) during plant maintenance activities, in
combination with wet cleaning, may have reintroduced the desiccated outbreak
strain of Salmonella Agona into the cereal production area.
Peanut butter 684, USA, Canada Typhimurium Route of contamination not known CDC (2009)
Powdered infant 8, France Give Route of contamination not known Jourdan et al. (2008)
2007 Snack (rice-corn) 65, USA Wandsworth The seasoning mix used in Veggie Booty may be the source of the contamination, CDC (2007b)
2006 Peanut butter 715, USA Tennessee Salmonella was isolated from environmental samples from the manufacturing plant CDC (2007a), Sheth
and environmental contamination is likely source of the outbreak. It was suggested et al. (2011)
that the contamination was persistent for prolonged period of time.
Chocolate 37, UK Montevideo Leaking pipe has been implicated as a source of contamination. Waste water was Anon (2006)
dripping into the chocolate crumb.
2005 Almonds 15, Sweden Enteritidis Almonds were not treated Muller et al. (2007)
Cake mix 26, USA Typhimurium Route of contamination not known Zhang et al. (2007)
2004 Powdered infant 141, France The source of contamination in the manufacturing plant was not established, Cahill et al. (2008)
formula however a former and persistent environmental contamination was suspected.
2003 Almonds 29, USA, Canada Enteritidis Almonds were not treated. One environmental sample at the manufacturer CDC (2004)
PT9c premises and three samples from huller-shellers were positive for Salmonella
Tea (aniseed) 42, Germany Agona Batch of tea was contaminated with aniseed cultivated in Turkey that have been Koch et al. (2005)
fertilised with manure
2002 Tahini 68, Australia, Montevideo Exact contamination route not known. It is suspected that sesame seeds were Unicomb et al. (2005)
New Zeland contaminated during harvesting
2001 Chocolate 439, Denmark, AT, Oranienburg Contaminated chocolate was produced during one week. Source was never Werber et al. (2005)
DE, Belgium, Finland determined. Hygienic violations were not observed in the factory. Milled cocoa
beans received additional heat-steam treatment with 125-130C. It is not clear if
Salmonella survived heating process or contamination was introduced after.
Halva 70, AU, DE Norway, Typhimurium Contamination was associated with sesame seeds produced in Turkey de Jong et al. (2001)
Sweden, UK DT104
Peanuts 109, Australia, Stanley, Asian-style peanuts were implicated as a source, some of them were roasted some Kirk et al. (2004)
Canada, UK Newport of them just dried and flavoured.
2000 Almonds 168, USA, Canada Enteritidis Salmonella was isolated from raw almonds, factory equipment (6–7 months after Beuchat et al. (2013)
PT30 being used), warehouse, orchards and distribution. It was recovered for prolonged
period on frequent basis which suggest persistent contamination.
Powdered infant 30, Korea London It was not possible to determine whether the PIF was contaminated during Cahill et al. (2008)
formula manufacture or after opening of the package for consumption, because the
organism was only found in an opened package of formula.
1999 Coconut 18, UK Java PT Route of contamination not known Ward et al. (1999)
1988 Cereal 209, USA Agona Route of contamination not known CDC (1998)
1996 Infant dried milk 12, UK, France Anatum Salmonella was not found in environmental samples from the production plant. The Investigation
product samples which were positive for Salmonella were produced from the same internationale:
batch of raw ingredients Belgique (1997)
Peanut butter 54, Australia Mbandaka Route of contamination not known Beuchat et al. (2013)
Powdered infant N48, Spain Virchow Salmonella was isolated from the milk powder however there were no positive Usera et al. (1996)
formula samples from the factory environment. Exact route of contamination is not
1995 Infant food 5, UK Senftenberg Cleaning remains from milling machinery were implicated as a source. The Rushdy et al. (1998)
machinery was used to mill other products which may have not been heat treated.
1994 Snack (savoury) 2200, UK, USA, Israel Agona PT15 S Agona was not isolated from any of the swabs taken from the production line, Killalea et al. (1996),
ingredients, or stool samples from workers. S. Enteritidis was isolated from a Shohat et al. (1996)
reusable plastic bag in which the snack was stored for 48 h before packaging.
Contaminated batches were produced on at least 7 separate dates during four
1993 Potato chips 1000, Germany Saintpaul, Contaminated paprika powder from South America was the source. The powder Lehmacher et al.
Rubislaw, was applied to the roasted chips in the end of the production when the temperature (1995)
Javiana dropped to 60°C
Powdered infant 3, Canada, USA Tennessee FDA isolated S. Tennessee from production equipment in the plant were the CDC (1993)
formula formula was dried
1989 Snack (corn) 47, UK Manchester Three Salmonella serotypes (including S. Manchester) were isolated from site Beuchat et al. (2013)
producing yeast extract used for flavouring. These serotypes were also found in
stream water used for cooling processing water in the factory.
C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53 41
Table 1 (continued)
1987 Chocolate 361, Norway, Typhimurium S. Typhimurium was not isolated from 11 different raw products and dry Kapperud et al.
Finland ingredients and environmental dust and debris from the factory, however different (1990)
Salmonella serovars were isolated from environmental dust. Birds could access the
plant and introduce contamination. Inspection of the factory reviled several routes
of possible contamination of the product.
1985 Chocolate 33, USA, Canada Nima Route of contamination not known Hockin et al. (1989)
Infant dried milk 76, UK Ealing The source of infection was traced to the factory spray-drier, which had a hole in its Rowe et al. (1987)
product inner lining, allowing escape of powder and its return from contaminated
insulation material.
1982 Chocolate 245, UK Napoli Route of contamination not known Gill et al. (1983)
1981 Pepper (black) 126, Norway Oranienburg Contaminated pepper was shipped from Brazil and it was not treated Gustavsen and Breen
1973 Chocolate, 95, USA, Canada Eastbourne Cocoa beans were most likely the source of contamination. The Centre for Disease D'Aoust et al. (1975)
Control (U.S.A.) found S. Eastbourne in roasted cocoa beans, in rooms dedicated to
bean cleaning and roasting and on the Inside of a tempering tank. The inspection
revealed numerous opportunities for cross contamination in the plant and also
identified a number of deficiencies in the chocolate processing ‘operations.
Powdered milk 3000, Trinidad Derby Workers may have been vehicles of Salmonella Derby. Beuchat et al. (2013)
1972 Fishmeal 17, USA Agona Contamination spread from fishmeal to poultry and further to restaurant kitchen. Beuchat et al. (2013)
The same strain was isolated from shrimps.
1970 Cocoa 109, Sweden Durham Cocoa was contaminated and manufacturing process was not sufficient to kill Beuchat et al. (2013)
possible Salmonella contamination.
dehydration tolerance and subsequent persistence during cold-storage protective activity is related to stabilisation of DNA during dehydration
(Gruzdev et al., 2012b). Recent studies on air-dried Salmonella Tennes- and re-hydration as well as to protection against oxidative stress
see desiccated on sterile quartz demonstrated a massive accumulation (Amano, 2011; Tamura et al., 2009). Recently, both the DNA-binding
of trehalose following exposure to desiccation (Li et al., 2012). The activity and the ferroxidase activity, which neutralises and sequesters
roles of the extracellular polysaccharide matrix and O-antigen capsule potentially damaging chemical species, were demonstrated to contrib-
in long-term survival and persistence of Salmonella in dry conditions ute to protection of E. coli against different stresses, including oxidative
have been studied by a number of authors (Garmiri et al., 2008). stress (Karas et al., 2015).
White et al. (2006) found that the expression of thin aggregative The mechanisms of Salmonella survival in low aw environments
fimbriae (Tafi) and cellulose enhanced the resistance of Salmonella to are still not completely understood. However, several recent studies
desiccation on dry plastic surfaces in the absence of nutrients. In con- have started to bring new perspectives on the underlying adaptation
trast, Garmiri et al. (2008) observed no difference in Salmonella survival mechanisms (Deng et al., 2012; Finn et al., 2013a, 2013b; Gruzdev
in dried blood droplets in a knockout mutant of the cellulose synthetase et al., 2012a; Huang et al., 2007; Li et al., 2012). Transcriptomic profiles
gene. Recently, Finn et al. (2013b) demonstrated the importance of the of S. Tennessee, a desiccation tolerant strain, and S. Typhimurium LT2,
ABC transporter, ProP in desiccation tolerance of Salmonella on stainless a less tolerant strain, was compared following 2 h air-drying at 11%
steel. Another protein which was found to play a critical role in desicca- relative humidity. S. Typhimurium exhibited high expression levels
tion tolerance is the pathogenicity-related factor SEp22 (Tamura et al., of protein biosynthesis genes, while S. Tennessee demonstrated an
2009). As SEp22 was found to be identical to Dps, a ferritin-like DNA- increased expression of genes associated with stress response, envelope
binding protein that protects DNA during oxidative stress (Halsey modification, trehalose biosynthesis and biodegradation pathways
et al., 2004; Martinez and Kolter, 1997), it was suggested that SEp22 (Li et al., 2012). Up-regulation of ribosomal protein genes was also
Table 2
Survival of Salmonella spp. on low aw surfaces and in food products.
observed in air-dried S. Typhimurium SL1344 on polystyrene sur- 3. Shiga toxin producing E. coli
faces (Gruzdev et al., 2012a). In addition, Gruzdev et al. (2012a) re-
ported on the induction of genes involved in amino acid metabolism, Shiga toxin producing E. coli (STEC) are foodborne pathogens of zoo-
stress response, energy production and ion transport. Some similar notic origin which are responsible for a number of human gastrointesti-
transcriptomic profiles were also reported in a S. Typhimurium ST4/74 nal illnesses, ranging from watery or bloody diarrhoea to haemorrhagic
strain that was dehydrated on stainless steel (Finn et al., 2013b). colitis and haemolytic uremic syndrome. While most outbreaks have
The latter study demonstrated down-regulation of 187 genes and up- been attributed to E. coli O157, increasingly, outbreaks associated with
regulation of 79 genes involved in the transport of osmoprotectants, other serogroups including O26, O111, O103, O104 and O145 are
trehalose biosynthesis, formation of iron–sulphur (Fe–S) clusters, histi- being reported. In recent years confirmed cases of non-O157 STEC infec-
dine metabolism and oxidative stress response (Finn et al., 2013b). tion has equalled or surpassed O157 cases in the US and Europe
The involvement of several of the upregulated genes in desiccation (Bosilevac and Koohmaraie, 2011; EFSA, 2007). STEC have been isolated
tolerance has been studied by site-directed mutagenesis. These includ- from a number of different animals but ruminants, and bovines in
ed genes encoding isocitrate lyase, aceA, the lipid A biosynthesis particular, are considered the pathogen's primary reservoir (Duffy
palmitoleoyl acyltransferase, ddg, the modular Fe–S cluster scaffolding et al., 2014). Infection generally occurs as a result of consumption of
protein, nifU, the global regulator gene, fnr (Gruzdev et al., 2012a), the contaminated foods of bovine origin, including beef and milk products.
alternative sigma factor, rpoE (Finn et al., 2013b; Gruzdev et al., However, outbreaks have also been associated with consumption of
2012a), and several transporters, proP, proU, osmU (Finn et al., 2013b) contaminated fresh produce and water (Chekabab et al., 2013). Infec-
and kdpA (Gruzdev et al., 2012a). Although the transcriptomic studies tion can also occur as a result of animal to person transmission or person
have shed new light on the genes that take part in Salmonella's response to person transmission. Outbreaks of STEC infection have been linked
to low aw environments, the specific role of each gene in the bacterial with dried and low aw foods, including deer jerky (Keene et al., 1997),
stress response mechanism, remains to be further elucidated. dry fermented sausage (Conedera et al., 2007; Paton et al., 1996; Sekse
Development of cross‐tolerance to diverse environmental stresses, et al., 2009) and in shell hazelnuts (Miller et al., 2012). A key concern
following exposure to a single stress is common in bacteria (Abee and for the food industry is the low infectious dose of STEC, and its well re-
Wouters, 1999; Kültz, 2004; Vorob'eva, 2004). Similarly, cross tolerance ported acid stress response mechanisms. From a food safety perspective
has also been reported in Salmonella following exposure to osmotic- or it is important to gain a more in-depth understanding of other stresses
desiccation stress. It is now established that Salmonella present in high which may be encountered in the farm to fork chain, including its
osmolality or in low aw foods or media develop increased thermo- response to high osmolarity and desiccation stress.
tolerance (Breeuwer et al., 2003; Canovas et al., 2001; Kirby and Much of the research on E. coli response to osmolarity stress has
Davies, 1990). Kirby and Davies (1990) demonstrated that dehydration focused on laboratory strains and non-STEC isolates. Nonetheless,
on hydrophobic membranes for 48 h at 37 °C increased the heat toler- homologues for many of the reported genes can be identified in the
ance of S. Typhimurium LT2 to heat challenge (135 °C/30 min and genome of sequenced E. coli O157 strains (Hayashi et al., 2001; Perna
100 °C/1 h). Artificially contaminated peanut butter, a low aw product, et al., 2001). In STEC the focus of osmolarity studies has predominantly
exerted heat tolerance upon Salmonella with only 3.2-log reduction at been on E. coli O157. However, it has been reported that other STEC
temperatures as high as 90 °C (Shachar and Yaron, 2006). Similarly, Sal- serogroups of clinical concern are thought to respond in a similar man-
monella was able to survive at 76 °C for more than ten hours in dry milk ner to E. coli O157 when exposed to food processing stresses (Smith and
powder (McDonough and Hargrove, 1968). Correlation between low aw Fratamico, 2012). Nonetheless, Strain variation and source is an impor-
and thermo-tolerance has also been observed in wheat flour (Archer tant consideration when examining osmotic tolerance. In a study com-
et al., 1998), corn flour (VanCauwenberge et al., 1981), chocolate paring isolates temporally or geographically located to the 2006 E. coli
(Barrile and Cone, 1970; Goepfert and Biggie, 1968), cocoa and hazelnut O157 spinach outbreak the environmental isolates were observed to
shells (Izurieta and Komitopoulou, 2012), liquid media (Chiewchan be the most fit isolates, with spinach-derived isolates showing interme-
et al., 2007), egg products (Garibaldi et al., 1969) and dried milk diate survival and clinical isolates least capable of surviving osmotic
(McDonough and Hargrove, 1968). challenge (Parker et al., 2012).
Exposure of Salmonella cells to low aw environments increases toler- A common osmotic shock response mechanism is the accumulation
ance to other stresses including sodium hypochlorite (Hiramatsu et al., of selected solutes such as trehalose, proline, glycine betaine and inor-
2005; Kieboom et al., 2006), and ethanol (Kieboom et al., 2006). In a ganic ions such as potassium in the cytoplasm. When an osmotic upshift
recent study, the issue of cross-tolerance of dried S. Typhimurium occurs E. coli responds by uptaking potassium initially (Wood, 1999)
to multiple stresses was studied (Gruzdev et al., 2011). Dehydrated which is accompanied by the synthesis of glutamate (Dinnbier et al.,
Salmonella had developed increased tolerance to nine of ten tested 1988). Similar to Salmonella, E. coli encodes two potassium uptake sys-
stresses, including high NaCl concentrations, bile salts, UV irradiation, tems, Kdp and Trk. The Kdp-ATPase complex is composed of four sub-
dry heat, ethanol, sodium hypochlorite, didecyl dimethyl ammonium units and its expression is stimulated under potassium limitation and
chloride, and hydrogen peroxide. Surprisingly, the desiccated bacteria osmotic stress by the KdpD-KdpE two component system (Altendorf
were more susceptible to organic acids (acetic and citric acid), com- et al., 1994). The Trk system is composed of a translocating subunit, a
pared to control (wet) bacteria (Gruzdev et al., 2011). regulatory subunit and an ATP binding cassette (Corratge-Faillie et al.,
Non-typhoidal Salmonella comprise a large number of pathogenic 2010). YggT has been demonstrated to compensate for growth defects
serotypes which are frequently involved in outbreaks associated with lacking these potassium uptake systems and it has been suggested
the consumption of low aw foods. Physiologic-, genetic- and more that this occurs by altering metabolic pathways to produce osmolytes
recently transcriptomic studies have contributed to an initial under- (Ito et al., 2009).
standing of how this pathogen responds to hyperosmotic and/or dry Potassium is replaced by compatible solutes for longer term adapta-
environments. The role of compatible solutes in protecting cells against tion to osmotic stress. Three different transport systems located in the
hyperosmotic damage is well established. However, the specific roles cytoplasmic membrane contribute to this process. ProP is a compatible
of numerous other stress induced genes requires further research. In- solute-H+ symporter and is activated by an increase in osmolarity of
depth knowledge regarding the cellular stress-response that leads to the extracellular medium (Racher et al., 1999) through the activity of
bacterial persistence is vital in order to understand the risk of Salmonella two promoters which are also under the control of RpoS (Mellies
contamination in food of low moisture and in order to develop control et al., 1995). ProU is a binding protein dependent transport system
measures to limit the pathogen's survival in the food industry during which, like ProP, can transport substances such as glycine betaine with
the processing of low aw ingredients. high affinity, but also a range of other organic compounds (Lucht and
C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53 43
Bremer, 1994). The BetT transporter imports choline, enabling the because ingestion of even one cell could result in bacterial numbers
intracellular synthesis of glycine betaine and its expression is upregulat- that exceed the infectious dose, upon septation and division.
ed by osmotic stress and the presence of choline and oxygen (Eshoo, Transcriptomic and proteomic studies have provided a more broad
1988). The production of trehalose in E. coli is encoded by otsA and view of how E. coli O157 responds to osmotic stress. Genes associated
otsB whose expression is upregulated by osmotic stress or by RpoS with chemotaxis and motility have been shown to be downregulated
(Hengge-Aronis et al., 1991). Other membrane proteins also play a in E. coli O157 in response to hyperosmotic stress (Kocharunchitt
role in osmoregulation. OmpF and OmpC are porins which allow the et al., 2012). Another study showed that a sudden upshift in osmolarity
diffusion of small hydrophilic molecules and whose expression is differ- results in an increase in transporters for compatible solutes, as might be
entially controlled by the two component system EnvZ-OmpR (Cai and expected (Kocharunchitt et al., 2014). A study focused on genes in-
Inouye, 2002). The presence of certain compatible solutes in the growth volved in virulence, namely epsJ-tccP, reported there was a decrease in
media results in metabolic shifts when E. coli is grown in the presence of their expression in the presence of 0.3 M NaCl, which was not expected
increasing concentrations of NaCl. In the presence of proline, metabolic (Garmendia and Frankel, 2005). Using an RNA-Seq transcriptomic anal-
efficiency decreased with increasing NaCl concentration, but in the ysis approach Zhao et al. (2013) identified a hha homologue on the
presence of choline or glycine betaine, it increased between 2 and virulence plasmid pO157_Sal which was shown to play a role in NaCl
4.5% NaCl before declining at 5% NaCl. In the presence of glycine betaine, tolerance. With the continuing expansion of these types of studies, as
between 4.5 and 5% NaCl, E. coli metabolism switched from aerobic to well as the sequencing of non-O157 STEC strains there is great potential
fermentative pathways, similar to the response for oxidative stress to better understand the complex interplay between systems to enable
(Metris et al., 2014). this pathogen to survive osmotic stress.
The role of RpoS, a general stress response regulator, in E. coli O157's The ability of STEC to withstand desiccation also needs to be consid-
response to osmotic stress has been demonstrated and it regulates a ered in the context of food safety. Few, and not recent, studies have spe-
number of genes associated with osmotic tolerance. A RpoS mutant cifically focused on the role played by trehalose in the desiccation
was shown to survive significantly less than its parent strain in 12% tolerance of E. coli during both air and freeze drying (Leslie et al.,
NaCl at various temperatures (Stasic et al., 2012). Furthermore, an 1995; Welsh and Herbert, 1999). Furthermore, there is no consensus
E. coli study demonstrated that the osmotolerance conferred by RpoS in scientific literature about the protectant role of other compatible sol-
is solute dependant, the NaCl sensitive phenotype of a ΔrpoS mutant utes. An important contribution to understanding the survival of E. coli
can be addressed by the addition of glycine betaine and stationary in desiccation conditions comes from soil based studies, where E. coli
phase cells exhibit greater osmotolerance in comparison to cells in the resists environmental stresses, in particular the soil desiccation stress
exponential growth phase (Cebrian et al., 2015). An earlier study dem- caused by the natural cycles of soil wetting and drying. E. coli O157
onstrated increased activity of the rpoS promoter under osmotic stress, has been shown to survive in soil for periods ranging from 25 to
but only at 37 °C and room temperature, and not at 5 °C (Gawande and 231 days (reviewed by Duffy et al. (2014)). A study focused on non-
Griffiths, 2005). These authors also observed increased promoter activ- O157 STEC in a number of soil types observed D values ranging from
ity for other stress response genes, including uspA and grpE. A study 31.6 to 75.6 days (Bolton et al., 2011). Trehalose can play a role in
focused on the impact of in vivo passage of E. coli O157 resulted in a such environments; as reported by Zhang and Yan (2012) most of the
strain more sensitive to NaCl, with a corresponding decrease in rpoS E. coli strains considered in their experiments specifically and signifi-
expression (Asakura et al., 2005). Considering the involvement of rpoS cantly synthesised trehalose under desiccation conditions. Moreover,
in the osmotic stress response, it is perhaps not surprising that cross the soil adapted E. coli strains, in general, produced more trehalose
tolerance has been observed between osmotic stress and other stresses. than the non-soil reference strains.
One study demonstrated that acid adaption enabled one strain of E. coli Whether trehalose is added as an excipient prior to drying, or accu-
O157 to tolerate higher levels of NaCl, but this protective effect was not mulated as a compatible solute in response to osmotic stress, it has been
observed for another O157 strain. A non-O157 strain used as a control demonstrated to increase desiccation tolerance. According to Welsh and
was able to tolerate elevated levels of NaCl following both acid shock Herbert (1999) the protective effect of exogenously added trehalose
and acid adaptation (Garren et al., 1998). was concentration dependent, up to a threshold value of 350 mM. How-
A number of studies have shown the role of colanic acid, which can ever, trehalose alone cannot explain the intrinsically greater desiccation
play a role in biofilm formation, in protecting E. coli O157 from osmotic tolerance of stationary cells compared to exponential phase E. coli cells,
stress. One study showed that cells which were incapable of producing although their tolerance was also enhanced by exogenous or endoge-
colonic acid had a significantly lower survival in the presence of 1.5 M or nously accumulated trehalose.
2.5 M NaCl (Chen et al., 2004). In a study examining the transcriptomic More recently, Stasic et al. (2012) studied E. coli O157:H7 persis-
and proteomic response of E. coli O157 to low temperature and low aw tence in osmotically challenging environments, especially sterile faeces,
stress Kocharunchitt et al. (2012) demonstrated an increase in expres- for an extended time period and they concluded that it was tolerant to
sion of genes associated with the Rcs regulon involved in colonic acid desiccation and increased temperature during desiccation and osmotic
biosynthesis. Correspondingly, they observed the greatest levels of stress was detrimental to survival. These authors confirmed that rpoS
colanic acid synthesis at lower aw values, albeit noting that an inability regulated genes, involved in the regulation of acid, heat, salt tolerance
to produce colonic acid was not detrimental to the growth or survival and in the synthesis of trehalose, are necessary for persistence during
of E. coli O157 in the conditions tested. This increased expression was desiccation and osmotic stress conditions.
also observed following an upshift in osmolarity (Kocharunchitt et al., Inoculation studies of E. coli O157 onto walnut kernels demonstrated
2014). The role of cellulose, another exopolysaccharide, in providing os- that the pathogen could be detected for many months, even when inoc-
motic protection for STEC has also been investigated and it was reported ulated at low levels, indicating its tolerance to dry environments
that cellulose producing strains were protected in response to osmotic (Blessington et al., 2012). Another study which examined STEC toler-
stress in comparison to cellulose deficient strains, although some excep- ance to desiccation dried the cultures onto paper discs and then stored
tions were observed (Yoo and Chen, 2010). them at different temperatures (Hiramatsu et al., 2005). At 4 °C the
Similar to Salmonella, E. coli and STEC have been shown to form fila- majority of STEC strains (12/15) survived for 22 to 24 months, but at
ments under low aw conditions. Mattick et al. (2003) demonstrated that elevated storage temperatures of 25 °C and 35 °C survival was less
a panel of STEC and commensal E. coli formed filaments at an aw of 0.96, than 70 days and 35 days respectively. The presence of sucrose sub-
as well as under a variety of other conditions such as low and high tem- stantially increased survival. The authors also demonstrated that the
peratures and low and high pH. The authors point out that, for a low in- desiccated bacteria were able to survive high temperature exposure of
fectious dose organism such as STEC, this may be of particular concern 70 °C for 5 h and that STEC strains were more tolerant than non-
44 C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53
pathogenic E. coli. Another study which focused on the survival of STEC on the possible entry routes, the routes of transmission and the persis-
air-dried on surfaces at different relative humidities (RH) demonstrated tence of these pathogens in PIF processing facilities and/or final products
that at 70% RH and 12 °C, strains could be detected up to 19 days and provide evidence that contamination of the final products may take place
that survival decreased when the temperature was increased to 20 °C. at the drying or filling stages of production, via the addition of potentially
This study also observed that the STEC strains were more resistant to contaminated heat labile ingredients including starches, proteins, leci-
desiccation than non STEC strains and that glucose provided a protec- thin, gums and/or via the production environment (e.g. organisms
tive effect (Moretro et al., 2010). attached to dust particles) (Iversen et al., 2009; Mullane et al., 2007b;
While E. coli O157 and non-O157 STEC may not be associated with Mullane et al., 2008). The reported prevalence of Cronobacter spp. in sur-
outbreaks of illness associated with low aw and dried foods as frequently veys of commercially available PIF appears to be gradually decreasing
as Salmonella, it is clear that they encode many mechanisms to with- from estimates of 14% in 1988 (Muytjens et al., 1988) and 6.7% in 1997
stand osmotic and desiccation stress and can exhibit long term survival (Nazarowec-White and Farber, 1997), to 2.5% in 2001 (Heuvelink et al.,
in challenging environments right across the farm to fork chain. Of con- 2002). Recent estimates indicate that although small reductions may
cern also is the observation that desiccation may not lead to E. coli cell still be possible, the prevalence appears to be stabilising at 2–2.5%
death, but instead entry to a VBNC state (Scherber et al., 2009). For a (Iversen and Forsythe, 2004; Iversen et al., 2008; Mullane et al., 2007a).
pathogen with an extremely low infectious dose and the high severity Additionally, the prevalence of Cronobacter spp. infections in adults is
of the illness it can cause, it is important to be cognisant of its tolerance increased in the elderly who are immunocompromised, and may use
to low aw and desiccation and therefore its potential to survive preser- protein supplements as part of their diet (FAO/WHO, 2008). The reported
vation methods or survive long-term as a contaminant within the food levels of contamination, however, are low ranging from 0.36 to 66.0 CFU/
processing environment. 100 g, thereby never exceeding levels N 1 CFU/g (Muytjens et al., 1988;
Osaili and Forsythe, 2009; Simmons et al., 1989). It is generally consid-
4. Cronobacter spp. ered that multiplication prior to consumption is required to cause illness.
Current knowledge suggests that b 3 cfu/100 g in PIF, followed by multi-
Cronobacter species are Gram-negative, rod-shaped, non- spore- plication after reconstitution can lead to infection (FAO/WHO, 2004).
forming motile bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The genus A wide variety of Enterobacteriacae have been isolated from PIF, in-
Cronobacter – as proposed in 2008 – currently consists of seven species cluding Citrobacter koseri, S. enterica, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Klebsiella
according to the “List of prokaryotic names with standing in nomencla- oxytoca, Pantoea agglomerans, Enterobacter cloacae, and Escherichia
ture” (http://www.bacterio.net/allnamesac.html, viewed, October 20th vulneris (FAO/WHO, 2004; FAO/WHO, 2006). However, when com-
2015) and encompasses organisms that have previously been identified pared with other members of the Enterobacteriacae family, Cronobacter
as Enterobacter sakazakii (Iversen et al., 2008; Joseph et al., 2012). spp. are reported to be more adapted to dry stress. Lin and Beuchat
The extension of the genus Cronobacter by three non-pathogenic (2007) investigated the effects of water availability and temperature
Enterobacter species (E. pulveris, E. helveticus and E. turicensis), as pro- on Cronobacter spp. recovered from infant cereal over a 12-month
posed by Brady et al. (2013) was withdrawn as the genus membership period. These data showed that an initial inoculum of 2 CFU/g could sur-
was experimentally disproved in the study by Stephan et al. (2014). vive in infant cereals for up to 12 months over a 0.30–0.83 aw range. In a
These organisms are regarded as opportunistic pathogens linked with study by Barron and Forsythe (2007) the long-term persistence of 10
life-threatening infections, particularly in premature, low-birth weight Cronobacter strains and 17 strains of other Enterobacteriaceae in PIF up
(b2500 g) or immuno-compromised neonates and infants less than to 2.5 years was investigated. Enterobacteriaceae could be divided into
4 weeks of age (FAO/WHO, 2008). Clinical symptoms include necrotising four groups with respect to their long term survival in the desiccated
enterocolitis (NEC), bacteremia and meningitis, with case fatality rates state and only capsulated strains of C. sakazakii were recoverable after
ranging between 40 and 80% being reported (Bowen and Braden, this extended period of time.
2006; Friedemann, 2009). Since the first case was documented in 1958 Physiological analysis previously linked desiccation resistance of
there have been around 120 documented cases worldwide, and at least C. sakazakii with trehalose accumulation. Breeuwer et al. (2003)
27 deaths (to July 2008) (FAO/WHO, 2008). demonstrated that the trehalose concentration in dried stationary
Although these ubiquitous organisms have been isolated from a phase C. sakazakii cells increased more than fivefold. However, this
range of food and environmental sources, the bulk of research has con- observation has, up to now, not been further investigated. In a study
centrated on the presence of these organisms in dairy-based powdered by Feeney and Sleator (2011), a comparative genomic approach was
infant formulae (PIF), notably due to the fact that contaminated PIF has applied to investigate the distinctive ability of this pathogen to survive
been epidemiologically linked with infections and reported illness and persist in low aw conditions. Homologues of all principal compo-
(Bowen and Braden, 2006). In 50–80% of cases, PIF is both the vehicle nents of the relevant osmotic stress response mechanisms (i.e. accumu-
and source (direct or indirect) of illness (FAO/WHO, 2004). However, lation of K + and glutamate and uptake/biosynthesis of compatible
not all infants with infections have been exposed to PIF, suggesting solutes) described previously in E. coli and Salmonella were identified
another environmental source. in the C. sakazakii BAA-894 genome. However, one key difference was
Members of the genus Cronobacter are reported to exhibit greater the observation that C. sakazakii contains multiple copies of certain
osmotic and desiccation tolerance than bacteria such as E. coli and osmotolerance loci, including seven copies of the E. coli ProP homologue
Salmonella (Breeuwer et al., 2003). This section focuses on the current and two copies of OpuC, a multi-component carnitine uptake system
knowledge on the mechanisms used by Cronobacter in order to survive described in L. monocytogenes which has also been found to trans-
under low aw conditions and the resulting impact of this feature for the port compatible solutes such as glycine betaine, proline, ectoine
milk powder producing industry. and choline.
Unlike commercially available ready to eat liquid formula, dried A study by Riedel and Lehner (2007) used a comparative proteomic
infant formula milk powders are not sterile and are subject to stringent approach to identify differentially expressed proteins playing a key role
hygiene controls and microbiological criteria in their manufacture. in osmotic stress response in C. sakazakii during application of two types
Current international microbiological standards require Cronobacter spp. of osmotic stress (physical desiccation and growth in hyperosmotic 1 M
to be absent in 30 samples of 10 g (Codex Alimentarius Commission, NaCl media). The protein pattern of NaCl-grown cultures demonstrated
2008; FAO/WHO, 2006). There is general agreement that standard a general down-regulation of central metabolic pathways, whereas
pasteurisation practices are effective for the inactivation of Cronobacter adaptation of (non-growing) cells in a desiccated state represented
spp. and that contamination occurs post-pasteurisation (Breeuwer an accumulation of proteins that serve some structural or protective
et al., 2003; Edelson-Mammel and Buchanan, 2004). Studies that focused role. However, two common features – the shutdown of the motility
C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53 45
apparatus and the formation of filaments – were observed in response sakazakii isolate SP291 found to persist in a PIF production facility and
to both types of osmotic stresses applied. its genome was compared to the previously sequenced reference
In a recent study Alvarez-Ordonez et al. (2014) identified several C. sakazakii BAA894, which is also of PIF origin (Yan et al., 2013). An-
genes involved in the desiccation tolerance of Cronobacter. The Cpx sys- notation of the genome suggested that C. sakazakii SP291 contained a
tem, an envelope stress response regulator, and the sigma factors RpoN repertoire of genes that could function to aid survival under stressed
and RpoS seem to be the main signals regulating the bacterial response conditions. Besides the loci involved in osmotolerance already
to hyperosmotic conditions. Among the other identified genes, only assessed in the study by Feeney and Sleator (2011), several other
dnaK and dnaJ, encoding two molecular chaperones, were important genes linked to osmotic stress conditions were identified in the genome
for C. sakazakii survival under desiccation. Furthermore, all Cronobacter of C. sakazakii SP291. However, the role of one or several of these factors
contain genes for β-carotene production which is believed to protect in osmotolerance will have to be investigated further.
bacteria not just from harmful oxygen radicals but also in the tolerance The question of the features which contribute to the capability of
to physical desiccation (Johler et al., 2010; Joseph et al., 2012). Cronobacter spp. to out survive other major foodborne pathogens such
Filament formation has been described for several organisms in as Salmonella in PIF is of eminent importance for the dairy industry in
response to a number of stresses including E. coli and S. Enteritidis at particular. The mechanisms used by this pathogen to survive long-
low temperature (Phillips et al., 1998; Shaw, 1968) and under high term in low aw products and production environments are only begin-
osmotic stress conditions (Mattick et al., 2000b). Filament formation ning to be described. These survival strategies may include, but may
may occur due to the inhibition of cell division proteins as a result of not be exclusive to, the accumulation of osmoprotectant molecules,
osmotic stress. As a matter of fact a down regulation of the septum filamentation, capsule production, as well as biofilm formation, includ-
site-determining protein MinD was observed during both types of ing the production of various extracellular polysaccharides. Several
osmotic stresses applied to Cronobacter (Riedel and Lehner, 2007), and studies indicate that biofilm or surface dried-associated phenotypes
the presence of this phenotype was confirmed in hyper osmotically may contribute to the persistence of Cronobacter in the production envi-
grown cells. Thus, it should be emphasised that filament formation ronment. This finding clearly supports the need to continuously moni-
may also take place in low aw environments, such as PIF. The formation tor Cronobacter species in the production environment and also to
of filaments leads to an increase in the overall biomass, but without identify those isolates that persist. Further research will be necessary
any elevation in cell numbers. Following an increase in the aw of the in order to understand the molecular mechanisms associated with
PIF (e.g. rehydration), septation could resume and rapidly result in a such characteristics, which may be helpful as a means of controlling
large number of viable Cronobacter spp. cells, which could cause infec- them.
tion after consumption. Moreover, if bacterial filamentation occurs
within a food product it could lead to an underestimation of the poten- 5. Listeria monocytogenes
tial cell numbers present, as the filaments will not reflect the actual CFU
when using conventional microbiological enumeration techniques. L. monocytogenes is a Gram-positive, non-sporeforming foodborne
For Salmonella, it has been shown that formation of filaments prior to pathogen, which is cold tolerant, widespread in the environment, and
entrance into a dried state may lead to increased desiccation tolerance has the capability to grow under harsh conditions, including at elevated
in comparison to non-filamentous cells on a stainless steel surface salt levels (up to 14%). Listeria has been known to persist in the food
(Stackhouse et al., 2012). Thus, the transition into a filamentous stage production environment for prolonged periods, despite regular sanita-
may be an important survival strategy of the bacteria during milk pow- tion (Keto-Timonen et al., 2007). Although outbreaks are relatively
der processing. rare, the persistence, transfer and potential for later outgrowth in
Cronobacter has been known to produce various types of extracellu- foods (Hansen and Vogel, 2011; Keskinen et al., 2008) present a severe
lar components, such as cellulose (Grimm et al., 2008; Lehner et al., problem for the food industry due to the serious nature of listeriosis, and
2005; Zogaj et al., 2003), colanic acid (Scheepe-Leberkuhne and the vast economic consequence of product withdrawals and export
Wagner, 1986) and a fucose-containing, viscous, gum like polysaccha- problems. Many attempts have been made to identify specific charac-
ride which was originally intended to be used as a thickener in food teristics in strains defined as persistent. While there is no doubt that
industry (Harris and Oriel, 1989). Colanic acid and encapsulation may strains generally differ in many aspects related to, for example, viru-
contribute to adherence to some surfaces but may also contribute to lence (Van Stelten et al., 2010) or adhesion to surfaces (Borucki et al.,
resistance to dry stress. Scheepe-Leberkuhne and Wagner (1986) con- 2003; Szlavik et al., 2012), no clear picture has until now emerged
sidered that colanic acid may be a significant factor contributing to bio- regarding specific characteristics of putative persisting strains versus
film formation and increased resistance to environmental stresses such non-persisting strains. This has been discussed in recent reviews includ-
as desiccation, heat, and pH in Cronobacter spp. One study demonstrated ing Carpentier and Cerf (2011) and Ferreira et al. (2014). Once intro-
that an encapsulated strain of Cronobacter produced biofilms of a higher duced in a suitable growth niche, L. monocytogenes strains can be
cell density than those produced by a nonencapsulated strain (Iversen expected to colonise it.
et al., 2004). The finding that all Cronobacter strains that were recovered Most bacteria, including L. monocytogenes, have evolved to cope with
in the long term study by Barron and Forsythe (2007) were encapsulat- increased osmolarity by the intracellular accumulation of compatible
ed provides evidence that this feature plays an important role in the solutes and by adaptive cell envelope and proteome modifications
survival of these organisms in low aw environments. (Csonka, 1989; Sleator and Hill, 2002). In L. monocytogenes, a number
A phenomenon called ‘colony phase variation’ has been known for a of proteins have been shown to be involved in salt stress response
long time in Cronobacter spp. (Farmer et al., 1980). It describes the obser- (Sleator et al., 2003). This includes transporters for the uptake of com-
vation that isolates may exhibit two types of colony morphologies – dry/ patible solutes, proteins for cell wall modification, regulatory proteins,
rugose or smooth. It has been suggested that colonies expressing the as well as general stress proteins. Currently known and functionally
rugose phenotype contain cellulose as an extracellular polysaccharide characterised osmotic stress adaptation proteins and systems in
(Zogaj et al., 2003). Various studies using other enteric organisms includ- L. monocytogenes are listed in Table 3.
ing Salmonella have shown that strains expressing the rugose phenotype The main osmotic stress response mechanism in L. monocytogenes is
impart a resistance to desiccation and antimicrobial agents such as hypo- the accumulation of compatible solutes (Sleator and Hill, 2002; Sleator
chlorite; an increased ability to form biofilm and the reversible rugose to et al., 2003). The major osmoprotectants glycine betaine and carnitine
smooth colony phase variation capability (Anriany et al., 2006). cannot be synthesised de novo by L. monocytogenes and must therefore
Since 2010, when whole genome sequencing efforts of Cronobacter be taken up from the environment. Glycine betaine accumulation is
species commenced one of the projects focused on a Cronobacter mediated by BetL and Gbu (Angelidis and Smith, 2003; Gerhardt et al.,
46 C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53
mutants were pre-incubated with 3% salt and glycine betaine, they both described in optimal growth conditions for Campylobacter spp. Under
exhibited slight increases in survival. A significant protective effect of low osmolarities, the coccoid shape is correlated to an increase of
salt (5%) has also been reported by others (Hingston et al., 2013; VBNC cells (Reezal et al., 1998). Coccoid and VBNC cells are the signa-
Vogel et al., 2010), and in some cases indications of better survival ture of adaptation and protection of Campylobacter under stressed
after salt adaptation have been reported (Hansen and Vogel, 2011), conditions (Beumer et al., 1992; Hazeleger et al., 1994; Park, 2002). At
although the mechanism has not been elucidated. Enhanced survival refrigeration temperatures, C. jejuni cells can recover from medium os-
in the presence of different types of food contamination has been molarities, while osmolarities below 0.130 osmol./L are lethal for this
observed in several studies (Palumbo and Williams, 1990), and high pathogen. This finding was described using both osmolyte-controlled
amounts of lard have been shown to especially affect the initial drop media or complex rich media (Reezal et al., 1998).
in viability (Hingston et al., 2013). Listeria does not naturally accumulate At hyperosmostic concentrations, C. jejuni can maintain growth until
the potent osmoprotectant trehalose, but experiments employing a 0.171 osmol/L. In combination with temperature, the hyperosmotic
trehalose fed ΔTreA deletion mutant unable to metabolise trehalose fur- medium enhances the rate of C. jejuni death at 25 °C, although it is strain
ther, showed increased desiccation resistance (Ells and Truelstrup dependent. However, at refrigeration temperatures, C. jejuni can survive
Hansen, 2011). Higher temperature during dry storage results in higher and recover from higher osmotic concentrations (2.22 osmol/L) (Doyle
die-off, whether this is in low aw foods or on soiled surfaces at low rel- and Roman, 1982). Morphological changes under hyperosmotic stress
ative humidity (De Roin et al., 2003; Nissen and Holck, 1998; Palumbo in favour of septum defects leading to cell elongation have been ob-
and Williams, 1990). Using steel coupons Hingston et al. (2013) served (Cameron et al., 2012; Doyle and Roman, 1982). In addition,
showed, that desiccation kinetics were independent of the cell surface cross protection can occur, as suggested by Stintzi (2003), after a cold
densities upon surface inoculation. However, if allowed to form biofilm shock that enhances levels of proteins involved in oxidative stress
for 48 h, only the higher contamination levels formed mature biofilms, response and a metabolic activity rate in C. jejuni higher at 4 °C than at
resulting in a pronounced protective effect against desiccation. In sum- 20 °C.
mary, a number of extracellular factors have been identified enhancing In general, Campylobacter is described as sensitive to desiccation
the desiccation tolerance, although there is still very limited under- compared to other foodborne pathogens (Fernandez et al., 1985). The
standing of the role of physiological changes in desiccation survival in minimum aw for growing Campylobacter has been defined at 0.987
L. monocytogenes. with an optimum at 0.997. At the scale of chicken broilers, a litter aw
at 0.5, in humidity-controlled pens, reduced Campylobacter colonisation
6. Campylobacter spp. rates as compared to a litter aw at 0.795 and subsequently reduced the
contamination of chicks (Line, 2006).
As an obligate microaerophilic and capnophilic microrganism, the Two proteins involved in a non-amino acid specific ABC transporter,
human pathogen Campylobacter spp. is well adapted to the intestinal PaqP (pathogenesis-associated glutamine ABC transporter permease)
tract of warm blooded animals. With an optimal growth at 42 °C and PaqQ (pathogenesis-associated glutamine ATPase), were found to
under microaerobic atmospheres, its main reservoir is the bird gut. be involved in osmoregulation in C. jejuni 81-176, a highly pathogenic
Poultry, and to a lesser extent pork and cattle, represent the main strain (Korlath et al., 1985). Deletion of PaqP or PaqQ impaired the up-
risk of Campylobacter transmission to humans. Human infection by take of glutamine, and to a lesser extent glutamate, cysteine and aspar-
Campylobacter occurs most frequently through contaminated poul- tate. Concomitantly, the PaqP defective mutant tolerated hyperosmotic
try food products or foodstuff cross contaminated directly from poul- stress better than the parental strain and the PaqQ deficient mutant was
try products or indirectly throughout food transforming processes more sensitive (Lin et al., 2009). The uptake of amino acids, which is
(FAO/WHO, 2009; Guyard-Nicodeme et al., 2013). The two main the only carbon source in Campylobacter is therefore correlated to
pathogenic species include C. jejuni and C. coli, with a higher preva- osmoregulation. The balance of amino acid availability in the cells
lence of C. jejuni (Wassenaar and Newell, 2006). This asaccharolytic affects Campylobacter survival which could be compensated by an adap-
micro-organism is characterised by the absence of a functional gly- tive response requiring osmoregulation.
colysis system. Thus, the presence of a high level of amino acids in Amino acid uptake is also controlled by genes regulated by ppGpp
the gut constitutes a rich carbon source for Campylobacter growth (guanosine tetraphosphate) which is formed from GTP (guanosine
through gluconeogenesis. In addition, with the presence of a specific triphosphate) in cells (Paul et al., 2005). Overall, the C. jejuni genome,
genomic island, certain strains of C. jejuni can challenge other enteric as with many other bacteria, contains two conserved polyphosphate
bacteria by uptaking and utilising L-fucose, a carbohydrate metabolism kinases (PPK1 and PPK2) (Zhang et al., 2002). The PPK1 is involved in
which has not yet been described in the human gut microbiota (Stahl anabolism of polyP and PPK2 is more oriented to the generation of
et al., 2011). With a marked increase in incidence, Campylobacter has GTP. The survival of Δppk1 C. jejuni was lower in hyperosmotic stress
become the leading cause of bacterial foodborne diseases in Europe which correlated to a poly-P accumulation defect, confirming the bio-
(EFSA, 2010, 2012, 2013). To transfer from farm animals to humans logical role of PPK1 in polyP anabolism in this species (Candon et al.,
it has, therefore, to face the challenges of food environments and to 2007). A dramatic decrease of resistance to hyperosmotic stress was
survive conditions outside its main hosts. also observed in a PPK2 deleted C. jejuni mutant (Gangaiah et al.,
To multiply in its host niche and in the human gut, Campylobacter 2010). However, it was not concomitant with a variation of ppGpp
has to adapt to various osmotic concentrations. The osmolarity in level in this mutant. This could be explained by the presence of genes
the chicken duodenum and caeca at 42 °C is 0.7 and 0.9 osmol./L, respec- in C. jejuni that could alternatively ensure the ppGpp level, such as
tively, while it is around 0.3 osmol./L in the human intestine at 37 °C that of the putative nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK) and SpoT, a
(Cameron et al., 2012; Reezal et al., 1998). As a foodborne pathogen, it bifunctional ppGpp synthase/hydrolase (Gangaiah et al., 2010). In the
also has to adapt to osmotic concentrations in food products which C. jejuni Δppk2 mutant, poly-P-dependent GTP generation was defec-
can vary widely according to the food processes, the contaminated tive, confirming its function in GTP generation in this microorganism
food and the food conservation method. The osmotic concentration (Gangaiah et al., 2010). The inorganic phosphate poly P constitutes an
threshold for C. jejuni growth at 42 °C has been determined between energy reservoir in the cells. It is also related to virulence and stress re-
0.143 to 0.146 osmol./L under optimal growth conditions (microaerobic sponses in pathogenic bacteria (Kornberg et al., 1999). Consequently, in
atmosphere) (Reezal et al., 1998). C. jejuni, the role of PPK1 and PPK2 is important in poly P-accumulation
At hypo-osmotic concentrations, C. jeuni showed a lower ability to and in GTP generation, respectively, in response to hyperosmotic stress,
resist at refrigeration temperatures. In addition, low osmolarities favour but it is not mediated by ppGpp to maintain the inorganic poly P level in
coccoid shaped cells while the spiral or rodlike shape is commonly cells.
48 C.M. Burgess et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 221 (2016) 37–53
In many bacteria, conserved sigma factors promote the attachment studies have been undertaken using single, or very few, reference
of RNA polymerase to specific initiation sites. They are involved in strains which are not necessarily representative of a species in general.
many cell processes including stationary phase elicitation, virulence Greater consideration needs to be given to undertaking carefully de-
and stress defence. Interestingly, in C. jejuni genomes, only three signed experiments including a broad range of strains from relevant
sigma factors have been described (RpoD, FliA and RpoN) (Gundogdu ecological niches to ensure the results obtained are more representative
et al., 2007; Parkill et al., 2000). The σ38 factor (RpoS) which is a crucial of the species as a whole. This will enable more accurate risk assessment
regulator in osmotically regulated genes in most Gram-negative bacte- to be undertaken.
ria (Muffler et al., 1996) has not been identified in Campylobacter spp. Considering the tolerance of many pathogens to desiccation, and
However, the pathogenic strain 81-176 with a rpoN (σ54) mutation their ability to survive for extended time periods in food processing
exhibited significant impairment of growth capability under hyper- environments, the food industry must further consider the safe manu-
osmolarity (0.274 osmol./L) indicating the involvement of this sigma facture of low aw foods. The hygienic design of the manufacturing
factor in C. jejuni osmoregulation. The elongation cell feature is even en- infrastructure, and in particular the food processing equipment, are
hanced in the ΔRpoN mutant under hyper-osmotic stress (Okada et al., well established (EHEDG, 2007, 2010, 2014) but are fundamental in
2006). A major role of RpoN in foodborne pathogens' osmotolerance reducing pathogen harbourage sites and allowing access to cleaning
has also been described previously (Hwang et al., 2011), while σB is chemicals to facilitate surface decontamination. Cleaning and disinfec-
more commonly detected as the sigma factor in response to general tion programmes can be modified to focus more attention on the disin-
stresses in Gram-positive bacteria (Van Schaik and Abee, 2005). fection stage, as the majority of sanitation programmes for low aw foods
From these observations, C. jejuni is not the most osmo- and are predominantly about physical removal of soils via dry cleaning tech-
desiccation-tolerant among foodborne pathogens. Although no endoge- niques, particularly those such as ozone, hydrogen peroxide and UV
nous osmoprotectant molecule has been described up to now in light that would not introduce moisture. What would be most useful,
Campylobacter spp. and its genome lacks enzymes to generate trehalose, however, is how the food manufacturing environment could be manip-
glycine betaine or proline, alternative strategies are used by Campylo- ulated in terms of e.g. humidity, temperature, frequency and duration
bacter, likely a cross protection against stresses, particularly at refriger- of any wet cleaning activities, or perhaps pH extremes via acidic and
ation temperatures. It is important to point out that the osmo- or alkaline detergents, to disrupt the persistence of desiccation tolerant
desiccation-adaptation of C. jejuni to the food environment is different pathogens.
for non-growing cells and growing cells. As non-growing cells in
food products, Campylobacter can enhance its resistance power as dor-
mant cells. For instance, Campylobacter has the ability to better resist Acknowledgement
to hyperosmotic stresses at refrigeration temperatures (Doyle and
Roman, 1982). However, many experiments are conducted on growing The authors are members of the EU COST Action FA1202 (CGA-
cells, although Campylobacter is a survivor rather than a growing bacte- FA1202): A European Network for Mitigating Bacterial Colonisation
rium in food products. Its genome apparently possesses alternative and Persistence on Foods and Food Processing Environments (http://
strategies to limit the impact of osmotic shock for its survival through- www.bacfoodnet.org/) and acknowledge this action for facilitating the
out the farm to fork food chain. A second observation concerns the collaborative networking that assisted with this study.
high variability potential of the species, as 25 high variable regions
have been described in the genome of C. jejuni (Parkill et al., 2000),
especially within loci involved in the synthesis of surface components References
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