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Ijcmsr 312 v1
Corresponding author: Sravan Kumar Marupaka, Plot NO 364, 3- 7- 62, South End Park, Mansoorabad, L B Nagar, Hydearbad
-500 068, India
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21276/ijcmsr.2019.4.3.54
How to cite this article: Sravan Kumar Marupaka, Shweta Kataria, Ravikanth Jakkani, Venkateshwarlu Jampala,
Shamsunder Chavva. Avulsion fractures around the knee and their importance. International Journal of
Contemporary Medicine Surgery and Radiology. 2019;4(3):C241-C247.
Introduction: Avulsion fracture involves pulling off of a bone fragment from the attachment site of a ligament, tendon or
joint capsule. Our study evaluated MRI findings associated with avulsion fractures around the knee.
Material and methods: This is a retrospective analytical study of avulsion fractures around the knee. This study has
clearance from institutional review board. Informed consent was not needed. There are 62 MRI studies including 51 male
and 11 female patients between 14 to 73 years of age. MRI studies of patients with avulsion fractures around the knee were
analyzed for associated bone and soft tissue injuries.
Results: PCL avulsions with 30 cases was the commonest avulsion around the knee in our study. ACL avulsion noted
in 18 cases. Two patients had both cruciates avulsed. There was no statistically significant difference in the medial
meniscal injuries between ACL and PCL avulsions with a P value of 0.49 (P < 0.05 is significant). Lateral meniscal injuries
occurred in significantly larger proportion of ACL avulsions compared to PCL avulsions with a P value of 0.007 (P < 0.05 is
Conclusion: Significantly larger number of cases of lateral meniscal injuries was seen in ACL avulsions compared to that of
PCL. Avulsion fractures are radiographically subtle but are associated with significant soft tissue and bone abnormalities.
Figure-1: Combined avulsion of medial collateral ligament Figure-3: Posterior cruciate ligament avulsion (PCL). (A)
(MCL) and ACL. Radiograph of knee AP (A) and lateral Radiograph of knee lateral view reveals bone fragment at the
(B) reveal bone fragment at the site of attachment of deep site of attachment of PCL to the posterior rim of tibia in
component of MCL (double arrow in A). Bone fragment can the midline. (B) PD FS FSE sagittal image reveals pulling
also be seen at the attachment site of ACL to the tibial spine off of bone fragment from the attachment of PCL with
(single arrow in both A and B). This combination along with marrow edema in the separated fragment and adjacent tibia.
meniscal tears forms the terrible triad. Thickening of PCL.
in case of ACL avulsion injury. One case of partial MCL tear was noted in 5cases i.e., 16% including 2 avulsions as noted
each was noted in ACL and PCL avulsions and there were 2 previously and one complete tear and 2 high grade partial
cases of partial lateral collateral ligament tears in 30 patients tears. Low grade partial tears were noted in 7cases.
with PCL avulsion. Four cases of MCL avulsion, 4 cases of Segond fracture and
Apart from 2 cases of combined ACL and PCL avulsions, 5 cases of arcuate fracture were noted. One case had inferior
there was no evidence of PCL tear in cases with ACL patellar avulsion and one had popliteus tendon avulsion.
avulsion. Two out of four MCL avuslions had only the deep portion
Out of 30cases for PCL avulsions, significant ACL injury avulsed. One of them had associated arcuate fracture. Three
MCL avulsion cases were associated with high grade or more
severe tear of ACL. Remaining one was an isolated case of
MCL avulsion.
One of them with deep meniscofemoral avulsion of MCL
was associated with ACL avulsion and medial meniscal tear
in the posterior horn. Both anterior and posterior horns Incidence of meniscal tears in ACL deficient knees varies
of lateral meniscus also are torn – the unhappy and deadly between different studies. It is reported to be 41- 82% in
quartet. The other two cases of combined ACL and MCL acute ACL tears and 58- 100% in chronic tears according to
injuries don’t have associated meniscal injuries. a meta-analysis by Bellabarba et al in 1997.9,10 It is quoted
There were four cases of Segond fracture. One of them was to be about 16- 82% in acute and upto 90% in chronicACL
an isolated Segond in the sense that it was not associated injuries in astudy by Al Saran et al in 2004.11 Hagino et
with any ligamentous or meniscal injuries, though there al found this to be 72% in acute and 85% in chronic ACL
were associated fractures of fibular head and medial femoral tears.12
condyle leading to posterolateral instability. In our study meniscal tear was found in all cases of ACL
Other three had complete tears of ACL. One of them had avulsion. Lateral meniscus was involved in two thirds and
complete MCL tear and only one case of Segond fracture had medial meniscus in one third. Both menisci were worn
meniscal injuries in the form of definite tear of the posterior in 3out of 18 cases ACL avulsion. In contrary to this, the
horn of both medial and lateral meniscus. Posterolateral incidence of medial and lateral meniscal involvement was
capsular avulsion of tibial plateau was seen in one case. not statistically significant in a previous study of 575 cases of
We had five cases of arcuate fractures with posterolateral meniscal tears associated with ACL deficiency by Smith and
corner injury of variable severity. There was associated Barrett in 2001.13 Posterior horn was involved in all our cases
complete ACL injury in three cases, one with avulsion. of medial meniscal tear and in 7 out of 12 cases (56%) of
There was one case of complete PCL and two cases of MCL lateral meniscal tear. Smith and Barrett also showed similar
tear. Meniscus was involved in only two cases and it is the results with involvement of posterior horn in 99% of medial
posterior horn of lateral meniscus in both cases. meniscal tears and 88% of lateral meniscal tears.13
There was a case of severe PLC injury in our series MCL avulsions and injuries are common after clip injury
associated with avulsion of popliteus tendon from its femoral due to valgus stress in flexion. It is a contact injury usually
attachment. It had complete tears of both cruciate ligaments occurring in American football players with contusion in
and that of lateral collateral ligament in addition to contusion the lateral femoral condyle due to direct blow.5 ACL injury
of biceps femoris. It has bone contusion of anteromedial should always be suspected in grade III MCL injuries
tibia corresponding to the commonest mechanism in PLC with valgus laxity in extension and an MRI examination is
injuries. indicated in such cases (Fig 1).14
There was no associated injury to the cruciate and collateral Excessive valgus stress and external femoral rotation which
ligaments in the only case of patellar sleeve avulsion in our occurs with flexion and internal rotation of tibia results in
series. Posterior horn of medial meniscus had definite tear. synergistic stress on MCL and ACL resulting in combined
Two cases had avulsion of posterolateral tibial plateau. One of injury along with meniscocapsular separation or peripheral
them had Segond fracture and the other had arcuate fracture. vertical tear of medial meniscus due to relative lack of
mobility of the medial meniscus and its attachment to the
DISCUSSION deep MCL.15 Lateral meniscus being relatively mobile is
ACL avulsions occur more commonly in children than in theoretically less prone to injury than the medial meniscus.16
adults because the apophysis is weaker than the ligament O’ Donoghue in 1950 popularised the unhappy triad of knee
itself. They are usually isolated injuries in children.2 Pivot injury consisting of injury of medial collateral ligament,
shift injury which involves valgus stress and internal rotation anterior cruciate ligament and the medial meniscus, first
in a flexed knee and hyperextension injury are common described by Campbell in 1939.17,18,19 Combined ACL and
mechanisms for ACL tears including avulsions in adults. MCL tears, on arthrotomy syudies were associated with
Unlike in children, adult ACL avulsions are usually associated medial meniscal tears in 30%, lateral meniscal tears in 20%
with bone contusions and other soft tissue injuries.2,5 and combined injuries in 3% cases.20 However arthroscopic
Contusions heal without any sequelae but when associated evaluation by others revealed that in combined ACL and
with linear hypointense fracture lines, are associated with MCL tears, a lateral meniscal tear can be seen in 80% cases
chondral injuries on follow up in as many as 50% of cases whereas medial meniscal tear was found in only 25% cases
with a potential for early degenerative arthritis. Occult that to never in isolation. Vertical tear with a horizontal
fracture is also an important risk factor for less than optimal component at and central to the popliteal hiatus was the
clinical outcome after ACL reconstruction surgery.6,7 Our commonest pattern of lateral meniscal injury in this triad
study however does not include analysis of bone contusion occurring in about 50% cases. Such a meniscal tear should
patterns in avulsion fractures. therefore alert the physician to the possibility of terrible triad
Meyers and Mc Keever classified ACL avulsions into four even in cases of remote injuries.21,22 Present study includes
types.8,2 ACL avulsions are more common at the tibial one such a case of unhappy or deadly quartet (Fig 2) with
insertion.1 avulsion of ACL and deep meniscofemoral component of
Other soft tissue injuries associated with ACL tears in MCL and both medial and lateral meniscal tears.
pivot shift injuries are posterolateral corner injuries, medial PCL avulsions are commonly seen after motor cycle
collateral ligament tears and tears of posterior horn of medial accidents or dashboard injuries and hyperextension injuries.
and lateral meniscus. In hyperextension injuries, there can be Tibial avulsions of PCL are due to motor vehicle accidents in
PCL tears in addition to posterolateral corner injuries and 68.4% of cases and out of these 59% are due to motor cycle
meniscal tears.5 accidents.23 They are more common in countries like India
and China than in the western world because use of motor suspected when complete tear of any two of the three static
cycles is more in these countries. Like ACL avulsions, PCL posterolateral stabilizers or any one associated with cruciate
avulsions are also more common in children than in adults. ligament injuries.33
However femoral side avulsions of PCL are more common Common peroneal nerve is susceptible to injury in arcuate
than tibial avulsions.4,24 fractures.34
PCL arises from the lateral aspect of medial femoral condyle In Segond fracture, a vertically oriented small bone fragment
and inserts 1.0 to 1.5cms below the posterior rim of tibial is seen adjacent to the lateral tibial condyle just below the
plateau.4 That is why PCL avulsions are not visualized on level of articular margin.35 Traditionally it is said to be due
lateral radiographs unless the displacement is more than to avulsion of lateral capsular ligament due to excessive
1.0cm (Fig 3).25 internal rotation and varus stress and was thought to be
Isolated PCL injuries are rare. Multiligamentous injuries pathognomonic for ACL tear (Fig 6). It is an extensively
involving ACL, posterolateral and posteromedial corners are studied avulsion fracture, described first by Paul Segond in
more common.26,27 1879.36 There were various descriptions of components of
Exact incidence of meniscal injuries is not known in PCL this lateral capsular ligament over the years.37,38,39 It is now
avulsions but are seen in about 30% cases of isolated PCL thought to be due to avulsion of anterolateral ligament (ALL)
tears. Anterior horn of lateral meniscus is involved more which is found to be a distinct structure due to thickening
often due to common mechanism of injury. In our study of anterolateral capsule behind the Gerdy tubercle similar
also, the anterior horn of lateral meniscus was injured in to glenohumeral ligaments of shoulder joint.40,41,42 ALL was
significantly more number of cases than the posterior horn. clearly demonstrated on 3.0T MRI and through step by step
However there was no significant difference between medial dissection method.43,44 According to Claes et al. origin of
and lateral meniscal involvement.26,27,24 ALL is from the lateral femoral epicondyle, just anterior to
Associated ACL injuries are seen in 47% cases of PCL the origin of lateral collateral ligament and passing caudally
injuries. In our study it is 16%. MCL injuries occurred in in close association with the body of the lateral meniscus to
30% and posterolateral corner injuries in 26%. Combined insert onto the proximal tibia between Gerdy tubercle and
injuries are more common with intrasubstance PCL injuries fibular head.45 It is an anterolateral stabilizer of the knee.
than with PCL avulsions. Isolated PCL avulsions are more Clinically, patients present with pain at the lateral joint line
common than isolated intrasubstance injuries.24 and with anterolateral rotational instability.46,47 Identification
Arcuate fractures are horizontally oriented avulsions of fibular of these fractures is crucial because of high incidence of
styloid process due to injury to the arcuate complex which associated anterior cruciate ligament tears (75%-100%),
includes popliteofibular, fabellofibular and arcuate ligaments meniscus tears (66%-75%) and posterolateral corner
(Fig 4).28,29 Arcuate complex along with lateral collateral injuries. It is no longer considered pathognomonic for ACL
ligament, popliteus tendon and muscle and biceps femoris tear.48,35,49,38 However thorough clinical and radiological
tendon are the stabilisers of posteroilateral corner which evaluation for ACL and posterolateral corner injuries is
prevent posterior translation, varus angulation and external required in all cases of Segond fracture (Fig 7).50
rotation of tibial plateau relative to femur. Popliteofibular In a study done by Campos et al of 17 cases of Segond
ligament or fibular head of popliteus muscle is considered fracture, ACL tears and knee joint effusions were present in
the most important static stabilizer of the posterolateral 94% of the patients, 30% had medial meniscal tears and 23%
corner according to a biomechanical study.30 had lateral meniscus tears. Bone contusions were present in
Most common mechanism of injury is anteromedially 82% of the cases, mostly in lateral tibial plateau and femoral
directed blow to the externally rotated tibia with knee in condyle. Injuries to the PLC structures were present in 35%
extension.31,29 cases and tears of medial collateral ligament in 35%.38 In
Arcuate sign indicates posterolateral corner injury (Fig 5) and our study there is an example of Segond fracture without
is strongly associated with PCL injury. Strong association is ACL tear. Same case has fracture of fibular head suggesting
due to the common mechanism of injury involving fibular associated posterolateral corner injury.
head fracture and PCL tear.28,29,31 Patellar sleeve avulsion fracture is an acute avulsion of
Juhng et al. reported 19 knees presenting with an arcuate cartilage along with bone fragment at the inferior pole of
sign on radiographs. Cruciate ligament injuries were seen patella.
in 16 cases (89%) out of which, 9 patients had combined
ACL and PCL injury. Isolated ACL injury was noted in 4 CONCLUSION
cases and three had isolated PCL injury. Bone contusion or Avulsion fractures are radiographically subtle but are
fracture was noted in the anteromedial femoral condyle or at associated with significant soft tissue and bone abnormalities.
the anteromedial tibia in all the cases. Medial meniscus was Significantly larger number of cases of lateral meniscal
torn in 28% and 22% had lateral meniscus tear. Tear of the injuries was seen in ACL avulsions compared to that of PCL.
posterolateral capsule was reported in 67% of the cases. All There was no statistically significant difference in the medial
patients had a joint effusion.32 meniscal injuries between ACL and PCL avulsions
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