Crossfit Competitors Program Part 1 Spreadsheet

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Dumbbell Pyramid Press:

10min to Press 5 reps with 5 Sets of 20 Steps Walking 5 Sets of Max Rep Stri
5lbs Dumbbells, increase by 5 Lunge with Dumbbells AHAP Ups
lbs until failure

AMRAP: 12 min
Death By Deadlift: 225
5 Rds for Time: Run 200m Min 1=
Row 15 Cal 12 Burpees
10 Cleans at 95/65 lbs 12 Push Press 135/95 lbs Min 2 = 2 Reps, etc

Bonus Work: Bonus Work: Bonus Work: 30 Bicep

30 Bar Dips, Sets and Reps 30 GHD's, Sets and Reps Your AHAP, Sets and Reps
Your Choice Choice Choice

Dumbbell Pyramid Press:

10min to Press 5 reps with
5lbs Dumbbells, increase by 5 5 Sets of 24 Steps Walking 6 Sets of Max Rep Stri
Lunge with Dumbbells AHAP Ups
lbs until failure, then back
down, same way

Every 3 Min on the Min for

50 Power Snatch 115/75lbs 15min 3 Rounds for Time
*everytime you break = 5 Run 400m AMREP Deadlift at 20 KB Swing 72/53
Burpees 275/185 lbs 20 Box Jump 24/20
*score is reps of deadlift
Every 3 Min on the Min for
50 Power Snatch 115/75lbs 15min 3 Rounds for Time
*everytime you break = 5 Run 400m AMREP Deadlift at 20 KB Swing 72/53
Burpees 275/185 lbs 20 Box Jump 24/20
*score is reps of deadlift

Bonus Work: Bonus Work: Bonus Work: 40 Bicep

40 Bar Dips, Sets and Reps 40 GHD's, Sets and Reps Your AHAP, Sets and Reps
Your Choice Choice Choice

Dumbbell Pyramid Press:

10min to Press 5 reps with
5lbs Dumbbells, increase by 5 5 Sets of 28 Steps Walking 7 Sets of Max Rep Stri
lbs until failure, then back Lunge with Dumbbells AHAP Ups
down, same way
* try new heaviest top set

30 Power Snatch for Time

EMOM for 12 min 4 Rounds for Time
135/95lbs * 9 Wall Ball 20/14 9 600m
any break over 3 sec = 5 Front
Squat at same weight Sit Ups Hang Power Clean 115

Bonus Work: Bonus Work: Bonus Work: 50 Bicep

50 Bar Dips, Sets and Reps 50 GHD's, Sets and Reps Your AHAP, Sets and Reps
Your Choice Choice Choice
Dumbbel Press: Work to a 5 x 12 Walking Lunge
3 Sets Max Reps Pul
heavy set of 5 Moderately heavy

20 min AMRAP AMRAP 12 min

15 Ring Rows 2 Rounds for Time: 30 Double Unders
Row 1k 30
15 Burpees Shoulder to O/H 95/65
Run 400m Push Ups Box Jumps 24/20

Bonus Work: Bonus Work: Bonus Work: 30 Bicep

30 Bar Dips, Sets and Reps 30 GHD's, Sets and Reps Your AHAP, Sets and Reps
Your Choice Choice Choice

Back Squat: Snatch: 1x8 Front Squat:

1x8 at 70% at 70% 1x5 1x8 at 70%
1x5 at 75% at 75% 1x3 1x5 at 75%
1x3 at 80% at 80% 1x2 1x3 at 80%
1x2 at 85% at 85% 1x1 1x2 at 85%
1x1 at 90% at 90% 1x1 at 90%

Strict Press: Pull Up: Dumbbell Press:

1x8 at 70% 1x8 at 70% 1x8 at 70%
1x5 at 75% 1x5 at 75% 1x5 at 75%
1x3 at 80% 1x3 at 80% 1x3 at 80%
1x2 at 85% 1x2 at 85% 1x2 at 85%
1x1 at 90% 1x1 at 90% 1x1 at 90%
1x8 at 70% 1x8 at 70% 1x8 at 70%
1x5 at 75% 1x5 at 75% 1x5 at 75%
1x3 at 80% 1x3 at 80% 1x3 at 80%
1x2 at 85% 1x2 at 85% 1x2 at 85%
1x1 at 90% 1x1 at 90% 1x1 at 90%

Tabata Each Moveme

AMRAP: 8min 3rds for Time Ring Row
15 Power Clean 115/75 lbs Run 800m 20 Push Up
12 Burpees Dumbbell Snatchs 55/35 lbs Sit Up
Air Squat

Back Squat: Snatch: 1x8 Front Squat:

1x8 at 72% at 72% 1x5 1x8 at 72%
1x5 at 77% at 77% 1x3 1x5 at 77%
1x3 at 82% at 82% 1x2 1x3 at 82%
1x2 at 87% at 87% 1x1 1x2 at 87%
1x1 at 92% at 92% 1x1 at 92%

Strict Press: Pull Up: Dumbbell Press:

1x8 at 72% 1x8 at 72% 1x8 at 72%
1x5 at 77% 1x5 at 77% 1x5 at 77%
1x3 at 82% 1x3 at 82% 1x3 at 82%
1x2 at 87% 1x2 at 87% 1x2 at 87%
1x1 at 92% 1x1 at 92% 1x1 at 92%

For Time: 20
Power Clean 155/105lbs 20 5 Rds for Time AMRAP 10 min
Burpee Box Jump Over 30 Double Under Run 200m
24/20in 10 Shoulder to OH 95/65 lbs 20 Wall Ball 30/20 lbs
20 Power Clean 155/105lbs

Back Squat: Snatch: 1x8 Front Squat:

1x8 at 73% at 73% 1x5 1x8 at 73%
1x5 at 78% at 78% 1x3 1x5 at 78%
1x3 at 83% at 83% 1x2 1x3 at 83%
1x2 at 89% at 89% 1x1 1x2 at 89%
Back Squat: Snatch: 1x8 Front Squat:
1x8 at 73% at 73% 1x5 1x8 at 73%
1x5 at 78% at 78% 1x3 1x5 at 78%
1x3 at 83% at 83% 1x2 1x3 at 83%
1x2 at 89% at 89% 1x1 1x2 at 89%
1x1 at 94% at 94% 1x1 at 94%

Strict Press: Pull Up: Dumbbell Press:

1x8 at 73% 1x8 at 73% 1x8 at 73%
1x5 at 78% 1x5 at 78% 1x5 at 78%
1x3 at 83% 1x3 at 83% 1x3 at 83%
1x2 at 89% 1x2 at 89% 1x2 at 89%
1x1 at 94% 1x1 at 94% 1x1 at 94%

4 Rounds for Time AMRAP 12 min

For Time:
12 Pull Ups Run 400m
50 Thruster 115/75lbs 12 Box Jump 24/20in 15 Push Ups
*a break equals 200m run
12 Sit Ups 15 Toe to Bar

Back Squat: Snatch: 5x3 Front Squat:

5x3 at 80% at 80% 5x3 at 80%

Strict Press: Pull Up: Dumbbell Press:

5x3 at 80% 5x3 at 80% 5x3 at 80%
AMRAP 14 min 6rds for Time Death by Power Clea
30 Wall Ball 30/20lbs 20 Run 200m Min 1: 1 Rep 185/125
Deadlifts 225/155lbs 40 10 Pull Ups Min 2 = 2, Min 3 = 3, e
Double Unders 15 Push Ups
Week 1

5 Sets of Max Rep Strict Pull

Ups 3x10 Back Squat AHAP Bench Press: 4x10 AHAP

eath By Deadlift: 225/155lbs For Time: 30

Min 1= 1 Rep, Karen: 150 Wall Balls for Time Shoulder to Overhead
Min 2 = 2 Reps, etc until 20/14lbs 155/105
failure *every break = Run 200m

Bonus Work: 30 Bicep Curls Bonus Work: 30

Bonus Work: 30 Toe to Bar,
AHAP, Sets and Reps Your Sets and Reps Your Choice Ring Rows, Sets and Reps
Choice Your Choice

Week 2

6 Sets of Max Rep Strict Pull 4x10 Back Squat AHAP Bench Press: 5x10 AHAP

2 Rounds for Time: 100 Death By Power Clean and

Rounds for Time
20 KB Swing 72/53 Double Unders 20 Jerk 135/95 lbs
HSPU 15 Min 1 = 1 Rep, Min 2 = 2 Reps
20 Box Jump 24/20in
Sit Ups etc, until failure
Rounds for Time 2 Rounds for Time: 100 Death By Power Clean and
Double Unders 20 Jerk 135/95 lbs
20 KB Swing 72/53
20 Box Jump 24/20in HSPU 15 Min 1 = 1 Rep, Min 2 = 2 Reps
Sit Ups etc, until failure

Bonus Work: 40 Bicep Curls Bonus Work: 40

Bonus Work: 40 Toe to Bar,
AHAP, Sets and Reps Your Sets and Reps Your Choice Ring Rows, Sets and Reps
Choice Your Choice

Week 3

7 Sets of Max Rep Strict Pull

5x10 Back Squat AHAP Bench Press: 6x10 AHAP

Run 800m Jackie:

Rounds for Time Row
600m 15 50 Sumo Deadlifts 225/155 Row, 1000 m
lbs 50 Thrusters, 45/35 lbs
Hang Power Clean 115/75lbs Run 800m 30 Pull-ups

Bonus Work: 50 Bicep Curls Bonus Work: 50 Toe to Bar, Bonus Work: 50
AHAP, Sets and Reps Your Ring Rows, Sets and Reps
Choice Sets and Reps Your Choice Your Choice

Week 4
3 Sets Max Reps Pull Ups 3x10 Back Squat @ 60% 3x10 Bench Press @ 60%

Increasing EMOM:
AMRAP 12 min Deadlift 225/155 lbs Tabata Each Movement:
0 Double Unders 20 Hand Stand Push Up Push Press 95/65 lbs
houlder to O/H 95/65 lbs 15 *start 1 rep and increase on Sit Ups
Box Jumps 24/20 in the min, both moves each Box Step Ups 24/20 in

Bonus Work: 30 Bicep Curls Bonus Work: 30

Bonus Work: 30 Toe to Bar,
AHAP, Sets and Reps Your Ring Rows, Sets and Reps
Choice Sets and Reps Your Choice Your Choice

Week 5
Front Squat: Clean and Jerk: Deadlift:
1x8 at 70% 1x8 at 70% 1x8 at 70%
1x5 at 75% 1x5 at 75% 1x5 at 75%
1x3 at 80% 1x3 at 80% 1x3 at 80%
1x2 at 85% 1x2 at 85% 1x2 at 85%
1x1 at 90% 1x1 at 90% 1x1 at 90%

Dumbbell Press: AMRAP 18 min Bench Press:

1x8 at 70% Row 20 Cal 1x8 at 70%
1x5 at 75% 20 Double Unders 1x5 at 75%
1x3 at 80% 20 Shoulder to OH 95/65lbs 1x3 at 80%
1x2 at 85% 15 Pull Ups 1x2 at 85%
1x1 at 90% 10 Box Jumps 24/20 in 1x1 at 90%
1x8 at 70% Row 20 Cal 1x8 at 70%
1x5 at 75% 20 Double Unders 1x5 at 75%
1x3 at 80% 20 Shoulder to OH 95/65lbs 1x3 at 80%
1x2 at 85% 15 Pull Ups 1x2 at 85%
1x1 at 90% 10 Box Jumps 24/20 in 1x1 at 90%

Tabata Each Movement Row

Ring Row Every 2 min on the min for 8
Push Up Bonus: Row 10 min easy min row 30 sec max effort
Sit Up *score is total distance during
Air Squat the 30 sec intervals

Week 6
Front Squat: Clean and Jerk: Deadlift:
1x8 at 72% 1x8 at 72% 1x8 at 72%
1x5 at 77% 1x5 at 77% 1x5 at 77%
1x3 at 82% 1x3 at 82% 1x3 at 82%
1x2 at 87% 1x2 at 87% 1x2 at 87%
1x1 at 92% 1x1 at 92% 1x1 at 92%

Dumbbell Press: Bench Press:

1x8 at 72% AMRAP 16 min 1x8 at 72%
1x5 at 77% 15 Power Snatch 155/105lbs 1x5 at 77%
1x3 at 82% 15 Dips 15 1x3 at 82%
1x2 at 87% Toe to Bar 1x2 at 87%
1x1 at 92% 1x1 at 92%

Every 2 min on the min for 10
AMRAP 10 min
Run 200m Bonus: Row 12 min easy min row 30 sec max effort
*score is total
20 Wall Ball 30/20 lbs
distance during the 30 sec

Week 7
Front Squat: Clean and Jerk: Deadlift:
1x8 at 73% 1x8 at 73% 1x8 at 73%
1x5 at 78% 1x5 at 78% 1x5 at 78%
1x3 at 83% 1x3 at 83% 1x3 at 83%
1x2 at 89% 1x2 at 89% 1x2 at 89%
Front Squat: Clean and Jerk: Deadlift:
1x8 at 73% 1x8 at 73% 1x8 at 73%
1x5 at 78% 1x5 at 78% 1x5 at 78%
1x3 at 83% 1x3 at 83% 1x3 at 83%
1x2 at 89% 1x2 at 89% 1x2 at 89%
1x1 at 94% 1x1 at 94% 1x1 at 94%

Dumbbell Press: Bench Press:

1x8 at 73% AMRAP 18 min 30 1x8 at 73%
1x5 at 78% Wall Ball 30/20lbs 15 1x5 at 78%
1x3 at 83% Power Clean 135/95lbs 30 1x3 at 83%
1x2 at 89% Double Unders 1x2 at 89%
1x1 at 94% 1x1 at 94%

AMRAP 12 min Every 2 min on the min for 12
Run 400m min row 30 sec max effort
15 Push Ups Bonus: Row 14 min easy *score is total
15 Toe to Bar distance during the 30 sec

Week 8 Deload

Front Squat: Clean and Jerk: Deadlift:

5x3 at 80% 5x3 at 80% 5x3 at 80%

Dumbbell Press: Thruster 95/65lbs Bench Press:
5x3 at 80% Dumbbell Snatch 55/35 lbs 5x3 at 80%
Death by Power Clean Every 3min on the Min for
Min 1: 1 Rep 185/125lbs Bonus: Row 16 min easy Run 400m
Min 2 = 2, Min 3 = 3, etc
Sumo Deadlift 185/105
*Score is Total DL Reps
ess: 4x10 AHAP

Partner WOD:
er to Overhead AMRAP 30 min
Row 1k
40 Box Jumps 24/20 in
eak = Run 200m
30 Snatches 135/95 lbs

k: 30
s, Sets and Reps
ur Choice

ess: 5x10 AHAP

Power Clean and Partner WOD:

5 Rds for Time
95 lbs Row 30 Cal
ep, Min 2 = 2 Reps
30 Wall Ball Throw 30/20lbs
until failure Run 400m
Partner WOD:
Power Clean and 5 Rds for Time
95 lbs
Row 30 Cal
ep, Min 2 = 2 Reps 30 Wall Ball Throw 30/20lbs
until failure
Run 400m

k: 40
s, Sets and Reps
ur Choice

ess: 6x10 AHAP

Partner WOD: 25 Min Cap

Jackie: Run 200m
w, 1000 m 3,6,9 Clean and Jerk
sters, 45/35 lbs 135/95 3,6,9 Box Jump
0 Pull-ups 24/20 in *after every
round increase reps by 3

k: 50
s, Sets and Reps
ur Choice
ch Press @ 60%

Partner WOD: 2 Rds for Time

h Movement: 100
s 95/65 lbs Double Unders 100
Cal Row 100
p Ups 24/20 in Sumo Deadlifts 185/125 lbs

k: 30
s, Sets and Reps
ur Choice

x1 at 90%

ess: Partner WOD:

% AMRAP 30 min
% Run 400m
% 20 Hang Snatch 135/95lbs
% 16 Burpee Box Jump Over
x1 at 90% 24/20 in
% AMRAP 30 min
% Run 400m
% 20 Hang Snatch 135/95lbs
% 16 Burpee Box Jump Over
x1 at 90% 24/20 in

n on the min for 8

sec max effort
tal distance during
sec intervals

x1 at 92%

Partner WOD:2rds For Time
% Run 800m
% 75 KB Swing 72/53lbs 45
Pull Ups Row
x1 at 92% 2k

n on the min for 10

sec max effort
*score is total
during the 30 sec

x1 at 94%

ess: Partner WOD for Time:

% 100 Hang Power Clean 115/75lbs
% 100 Cal Row
100 Dips
% * then complete 6
% x100m sprint 1 runner at a time
x1 at 94%

n on the min for 12

sec max effort
*score is total
during the 30 sec

x3 at 80%

Partner WOD:
30min AMRAP
Run 800m
x3 at 80% 50 STOH 135/95lbs
50 Burpee
Box Jump Overs 24/20in
n on the Min for

dlift 185/105
s Total DL Reps
Deload (5x3)
1RM Session Set Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
1x8 263 268 273
1x5 281 286 291
375 Squat 1x3 300 305 310 300
1x2 320 326 332
1x1 338 344 350

1RM Session Set Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1x8 186 189 192
1x5 199 203 207
265 Bench 1x3 212 216 220 212
1x2 225 229 233
1x1 239 243 247

1RM Session Set Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1x8 315 321 327
1x5 338 344 350
450 Deadlift 1x3 360 366 373 360
1x2 383 389 396
1x1 405 412 419

1RM Session Set Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1x8 126 128 130
1x5 135 137 139
180 Press 1x3 144 147 150 144
1x2 153 155 158
1x1 162 165 168

1RM Session Set Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1x8 144 147 150
1x5 154 157 160
205 Snatch 1x3 164 167 170 164
1x2 175 178 181
1x1 185 188 191
1RM Session Set Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
1x8 95 97 99
1x5 101 103 105
135 Pull up 1x3 108 110 112 108
1x2 115 117 119
1x1 122 124 126

1RM Session Set Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1x8 168 171 174
1x5 180 183 186
240 Power clean 1x3 192 195 199 192
1x2 205 209 213
1x1 216 220 224

1RM Session Set Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

1x8 241 245 249
1x5 259 264 269
345 Front Squat 1x3 276 281 286 276
1x2 293 298 303
1x1 311 317 323
Deload (5x3)
Week 5 Week 6 Week7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
278 283 288 293 298 303
296 301 306 312 318 324
316 322 328 308 334 340 346
338 344 350 356 362 369
356 362 369 376 383 390

Week 5 Week 6 Week7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11

195 199 203 207 211 215
211 215 219 223 227 231
224 228 232 217 236 240 244
237 241 245 249 253 258
251 256 261 266 271 276

Week 5 Week 6 Week7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11

333 339 345 351 357 363
356 362 369 376 383 390
380 387 394 369 401 408 415
403 410 417 425 433 441
427 435 443 451 459 467

Week 5 Week 6 Week7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11

132 134 136 138 140 143
142 145 148 151 154 157
153 156 159 148 162 165 168
161 164 167 170 173 176
171 174 177 180 183 186

Week 5 Week 6 Week7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11

153 156 159 162 165 168
163 166 169 172 175 178
173 176 179 168 182 185 188
184 187 190 193 196 200
194 197 201 205 209 213
Week 5 Week 6 Week7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11
101 103 105 107 109 111
107 109 111 113 115 117
114 116 118 111 120 122 124
121 123 125 127 129 131
128 130 132 134 136 138

Week 5 Week 6 Week7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11

177 180 183 186 189 192
189 192 195 199 203 207
203 207 211 197 215 219 223
217 221 225 229 233 237
228 232 236 240 244 248

Week 5 Week 6 Week7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11

253 258 263 268 273 278
274 279 284 289 294 299
291 296 301 283 306 312 318
308 314 320 326 332 338
329 335 341 347 353 359
Deload (5x3) Deload (5x3)
Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18
308 314 320 326 332
330 336 342 348 354
319 352 358 364 326 371 378
376 383 390 397 404
397 404 411 418 426

Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18

219 223 227 231 235
235 239 243 247 251
225 248 252 257 231 262 267
263 268 273 278 283
281 286 291 296 301

Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18

370 377 384 391 398
397 404 411 418 426
383 422 430 438 392 446 454
449 457 465 473 482
475 484 493 502 511

Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18

146 149 152 155 158
160 163 166 169 172
153 171 174 177 157 180 183
179 182 185 188 191
189 192 195 199 203

Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18

171 174 177 180 183
181 184 187 190 193
174 191 194 197 178 201 205
204 208 212 216 220
217 221 225 229 233
Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18
113 115 117 119 121
119 121 123 125 127
115 126 128 130 117 132 134
133 135 137 139 142
140 143 146 149 152

Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18

195 199 203 207 211
211 215 219 223 227
204 227 231 235 209 239 243
241 245 249 253 258
252 257 262 267 272

Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18

283 288 293 298 303
304 309 315 321 327
293 324 330 336 300 342 348
344 350 356 362 369
365 372 379 386 393
Deload (5x3)
Week 19 Week 20
385 330

Week 19 Week 20
272 233

Week 19 Week 20
462 396

Week 19 Week 20
186 158

Week 19 Week 20
209 180
Week 19 Week 20
136 119

Week 19 Week 20
247 211

Week 19 Week 20
354 304

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